#but ive been struggling with one of the daily challenges
rohirric-hunter · 1 year
Okay so there is one glitch that occasionally crops up in the unhinged lotr mobile game that interferes with gameplay: the Mordor Engineer/Rókma has an attack where he throws an explosive at an enemy, which damages that enemy and adjacent enemies. Now, normally this isn't an issue, since when facing off against him he's typically my absolute first priority to take down, specifically because this attack is so devastating.
However, it's also devastating in an unintended way; occasionally he will somehow miss with this attack, the projectile will fly off the screen, and then the battle will be locked. Everyone will just stand there. No more enemies will attack and the player will not have the option to take their turn. You can't even retreat. The only way to get out of this is to force quit the game and load it up again.
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Bill Bramhall
* * * *
Become a warrior for truth!
May 18, 2024
I have been reflecting on why Democrats feel so besieged by the news. One obvious explanation is the patent bias against Biden and the double standard employed by the major media. However, it is also that the news outlets that are supposedly more liberal in their editorial policies and news reporting are sliding into “both siderism” and false equivalencies.
In Michael Cohen’s testimony on Thursday, he said that he would call Maggie Haberman of the NYTimes and Katie Tur of MSNBC when he wanted to plant “pro-Trump” stories. (I don’t have the actual testimony; I would appreciate it if a reader can send to me or post the testimony in the Comments section. I will pin it to the top.)
Maggie Haberman is no surprise. She is a former Daily News political reporter who thrived at the Times by engaging in “access journalism.” Haberman was brutal in her reporting on Hillary Clinton’s non-scandal relating to emails, but passively supportive in her reporting on Trump, withholding some of the most damning details discovered during her interviews and investigations.   
Katie Tur was a surprise—but not really. Nancy Pelosi recently scolded Tur on-air for being an “apologist” for Trump. On another occasion, Tur mused whether it was “fair” for New York to charge Trump with business fraud. Katy Tur Asks Whether It's Fair to Charge Trump For Fraud (mediaite.com).
But it doesn’t stop there. Ari Melber frequently platforms pro-Trump surrogates or Republicans who oppose Trump but are happy to trash Joe Biden (like former Governor John Kasich). Alex Wagner hosted a Republican consultant on Friday evening and allowed the consultant to expound on Joe Biden’s alleged weaknesses as a candidate. Wagner either didn’t care to contradict his misstatements or was not equipped to do so. Either way, she platformed a Republican operative and failed to fact-check him.
So, yeah, it feels like the leading news organization on the side of democracy and decency is giving unchecked airtime to Trump surrogates, current Republicans, or former Republicans who will rejoin the GOP when Trump is gone. The MSNBC hosts rarely challenge the anti-Biden bias of those guests. (Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Lawrence O’Donnell are exceptions.)
What should we do? On the whole, outlets like MSNBC deserve our support. Without it, the leading source of criticism of Trump and MAGA extremism may disappear. But be prepared to send critical emails and turn off offending programs when they drift into placid acceptance of lies about Biden.
Also, support independent writers like Heather Cox Richardson, Simon Rosenberg, Joyce Vance, Jay Kuo, Jessica Craven, Dan Rather, Robert Reich, Judd Legum, Lucian K. Truscott IV, Dan Pfeiffer and others on Substack who are striving to bring balance to reporting on the news. Talking Points Memo and The Guardian are also high on my list of objective sources.
Most importantly, you must become a reliable news source for friends and colleagues. If you read a factual, well-written article, op-ed, or newsletter, do not hesitate to forward it to others. I know that thousands of you forward this newsletter to friends and family—and I encourage more of you to do so!
Millions of people are hungry for objectivity, balance, and hope in the face of a news industry that profits from cynicism and negativity. Do friends and family a favor by giving them something positive to hold onto during challenging news cycles.
We are engaged in a permanent information war. You must be a warrior for truth in that ongoing struggle. I wish it were otherwise, but here we are. If you become a source of truth and hope for others, you will feel less besieged by the misinformation and bias that washes over us daily. Instead, you will take charge of the narrative in your life, a narrative grounded in truth and accuracy. It doesn’t get any better than that!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
“World War III will be a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.”
~ Marshall McLuhan (some decades ago)
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oncominggstorm · 7 months
Im autistic & adhd. Also have undiagnosed physical health issues which been acting up lately. Really not doing well, need help. Currently in shutdown, include verbal shutdown. And struggling type, forgive grammar plz. Need help & support, but is none. Don’t know what do. Everything feel impossible. Long vent under cut.
Want run away, somewhere no one can find. Somewhere quiet & alone, with internet & tv so can watch comfort shows, play comfort games, etc. But will turn off phone, or get new number, or just block all family except younger sister on everything, or something, idk. Want comfy bed & comfy chairs & good temperature control & good food, and just quiet & solitude. Preferably somewhere out in nature. Let everyone figure out their own shit without me. Can’t do this anymore. ONLY things keeping me from doing are younger sister & lack of money. Mom & twin sister need figure shit out on own, can’t handle anymore. Can’t do.
Dont have a job or any money at all, literally only have $5 (and well over $20k in credit card debt, in collections). Am in autistic burnout & have been for nearly 3 years now. Had quit job in May cuz burnout so bad. But still expected take care of entire family.
Live with dad & twin sister (will call twin). Dad extremely NT & able bodied, dont understand me/twin at all. Knows nothing about autism/adhd & unwilling to learn. Pays bills & does chores so that is helpful, but not willing do any other support. Doesn’t believe in mental health.
Mom & younger sister (will call younger) live with grandma. Younger is 12 yrs younger, i basically raised. Feel almost more like parent than sister. Also is best friend & person i care most about in world, would die for her. Hate seeing her suffer. Twin & younger both also autistic & adhd, and neither have job. Grandma has moderate (bordering on advanced) dementia & need 24/7 supervision & support. Younger currently has busted knee, on crutches & really struggling & lot of pain. Mom refusing to believe is as bad as is, thinks younger is exaggerating, barely helping her. Ive been having drive over nearly daily to help. Mom had multiple strokes 2 years ago, still has both cognitive & physical challenges as result, & just lost job. Mom almost deffo undiagnosed autistic/adhd but refuses to believe. Doesnt believe younger is either (she still undiagnosed, me & twin formal diagnosed recently). Mom never great person, but got much worse after strokes, is mean & bordering on verbally abusive to us (and is DEFFO verbal abusive to grandma). Also has horrible memory & cognitive issues, doesnt understand things correctly, half of what she says doesn’t make sense, makes helping her hard.
Twin sick rn, lots of stomach issue & pain. Found out few months ago has enlarged spleen, but no answer yet, cant see specialist til Dec. Twin also has medical anxiety, so hard to know for sure what is real & what isnt. Every day twin ask me for MULTIPLE favors; get things for her, do things for her, etc. Also get MULTIPLE txts every day complaining about not feeling well, yet she refuse go doctors. Counted once a few days ago: in 11 hour period, asked for 7 favors & texted 13 times about pain.
Even when not sick tho, twin basically never help. Feels like she think I “less disabled” than her, not true. I doing horribly and still have take care everyone else while she sits on couch play video games & ask me to bring her things. No one ever bring ME things. Twin NEVER return favor no matter how bad I do/how well she do. One sided only.
Today twin ask for SO MANY THINGS, CONSTANTLY. Doesnt seem to care that I not doing well either & just CANNOT handle, keeps asking anyway. I tell her how bad am doing & immediately she ask for more favors. Won’t shut up about how sick she is (feeling very “wrong” w/stomach issues, has enlarged spleen but don’t know why yet & is worried that is cause), and says she is NOT OK, and that something is VERY wrong & she is worried she is dying, but also won’t get her ass to ER. Also expect /ME/ take her AND go in with, if decides go. Told her has to ask mom or dad first. Now just won’t go, and instead just keep complain to me about how bad doing & keep asking for help with stuff.
On top of that, am constant worried about all shit mom needs to do: get grandma house in her name so can keep (rn bank gets when grandma dies due to 2nd mortgage or something idk, which will make mom & younger homeless), get grandma car in her name (mom hasnt had own car in like 6+ yrs, just uses gma’s), figure out her unemployment (applied but no check yet cuz needs submit weekly proof of job applications & doesnt know how), get guardianship for grandma (mom never even got power of attorney, and is too late now cuz grandma cant understand to sign, so rn we just stuck cuz grandma not capable make decisions, but legally we cant make for her either), update her resume, get help for grandma, etc. Most of it fall to me. Mom kind of person who just WILL NOT do things, no matter how much help u give (ex: was trying get her accommodations for her job after strokes so wouldnt lose job. Explained process multiple times, both verbally & in writing. Figured out who she needed contact for help & wrote out email for her, ALL she had do was copy & paste & send email. Didnt do it. Now fired cuz couldnt keep up w/out accommodations). Mom also no longer even ask for help, just tells us we are doing. Ex: said to me “I’m going to come over tomorrow so you can help me do my job searches for unemployment.” Just tells me I’m doing it, not even ask. Sick of it. Grandma have dementia, at point where cannot even shower or wash hands, we have no support at all, doing everything ourselves. ADRC says only way to get grandma help is to put lien on her house & sell to pay off when she dies, but mom & younger live with grandma so that would make them homeless once she dies. Says we can’t even get occasional respite care unless give up house, let alone regular in home care.
Just can’t handle anymore. Feel like am being broke into thousand pieces, or crushed by thousand lb weights. Feel stuck. Feel like no choices, no good options, no way out. Want run away. Want take younger & her cat & find cabin in woods somewhere & just go run away from everything/everyone else. But can’t, no money. Feel so stuck. No help. No support. Don’t know what do.
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trentskis · 1 year
omg ive been meaning to get into yoga and be more consistent but ive not found a channel or website or whatnot that ive really bonded with/liked….was wondering if you use videos or do it on your own ☺️
omg i totally get u i struggle a lot w staying consistent with it too, i'm actually doing a 30 day challenge at the moment so it kind of gives me the incentive to do it daily. i used to do yoga every day during lockdown and i used an app called down dog! its great because its really customizable so it's really easy to pick a routine that suits u based on what area u want to focus on, what style of yoga u want to do etc. so i would def recommend downdog as one. it does have a subscription which offers a lot more than the basic one so that's a lil bit of a snag if you're looking for something more accessible.
and im currently doing yoga with bird myself!! shes just a youtube channel so obv all her videos are free to use. i just find her approach very nice, she focuses a lot on the wellness side of it and offers a lot of ways to modify poses so that you always feel as comfortable as possible, u feel absolutely no pressure to have to achieve a certain level and can just go at your own pace. she just has a very welcoming vibe to me and she has different videos that focus on different problem areas, issues etc. and that vary in length so theyre good for if u only have a lil bit of time or time to spare! a few ppl i know find yoga with adriene good as well but i havent done any of her videos myself but she could be worth checking out too!
hope u find something u like in these and best of luck on ya yoga journey!!
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asking-jude · 2 years
Dear Jude, I am a very independent person in general. However Ive been noticing that I might be too much emotionally attached to my mom. She has always been an imposing person and bc of the social problems Ive had through my life she maybe grew more important than she should be? Now I have become psicologically more stable and dont have that need anymore. However, I still notice how much her opinion matters to me and how it impacts my daily life. I really want to change that.
Ask A Question Here
Hi there,
I want you to know that you are so strong. I personally know how difficult and draining it can be to have a parent’s opinion matter strongly to you. It’s tough to go about your schoolwork, your job, your internship, and other daily activities without seeking that parent’s approval or recognition in some shape or form, and I know how awful the feeling is, especially after having a childhood where your mom was very imposing. I want you to know that you are not alone and that a lot of other people struggle with this. With that being said, here is some advice. First of all, I want you to remember that you are your own person . As you said, you have become very independent. Whenever you do a task or work, I want you to do it for yourself, not for your mom. If you find yourself stressing about what your mom is going to think about what you’re doing, I challenge you to shift that thought and ask yourself what you are going to think of it. Will you be proud? Will you be upset?
At the end of the day, you are growing into that amazing person more and more each and every day. In the long run, the only opinion that truly matters to you is your own because you are the one who knows yourself the best. Make yourself proud, even if it doesn’t necessarily make your mom proud. Here is an article that discusses cultivating your own interests as a piece of advice: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/family/survival-guide-for-dealing-with-an-overbearing-mother/. Cultivating your own hobbies and interests is so important in becoming your own person and is helpful in stepping away from your mom’s opinions. It is also important to set boundaries with your mom. Setting these boundaries will help the relationship  become healthier and more beneficial for the two of you. Setting healthy boundaries with your mother will help you to address your own, independent needs to her and will also help her to acknowledge that you have your own identity. Here is an article with steps that can help you to set healthy boundaries with your mother: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/setting-healthy-boundaries-with-parents Best of luck, and I hope this all helps! Rebecca
Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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umichenginabroad · 26 days
Week 7: An Irish St. Patty’s
Hello everyone!! Welcome back to this week’s Prague blog, I have to post it late but all the content was written the week of. This week was awesome, with the exception of a couple slip ups in our apartment. As usual, feel free to jump to sections that are interesting to you, hope you all enjoy! 
Architecture Tour
This week we had our architecture tour at Karlovo Náměstí (Charles Square), built to be the largest square in Europe, and held this title for nearly four centuries. This square, named after Charles IV, served as a public meeting place for Europeans. Charles IV was a visionary who tried to move the center of Europe to Bohemia, with Prague as the capital. In the Middle Ages, it held some of Prague’s most precious relics, like a piece of Christ’s cross and the bones of Mary Magdalene. In the 17th century, however, Prague lost its prominence. The Habsburgs moved their throne to Vienna, and Karlovo Náměstí was transformed into a cow market. Finally, during 19th century urbanism, the square was transformed into a park. Yet, it still bears the name of its founder, Charles, and of a square (Náměstí).
Within the square lies many significant religious and architectural sites that were built in transitional periods of architectural style. The New Town Hall Tower is a gothic tower built in the mid-1400s that served as a place for meetings of administrators in the Middle Ages. It was also the site of Prague’s first defenestration, where people were thrown out of a window, which actually happened a couple times in Prague’s history!
The Church of Saint Ignatius is a remarkable baroque church dedicated to Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits, who were an important part of the Catholic revival in Prague known for their spirituality and academic institutions. This church was built in the mid-1600s, at the beginning of the baroque period so it features both renaissance and baroque style. The building itself is a rectangular pyramid shape, a prominent characteristic of renaissance buildings, similar to that of many Ancient Greek and Roman temples. Its facade, however, is decorated in baroque features: highly colorful, rich ornamentation, and a balcony containing statues of Jesus and his disciples. On the interior there are tons of statues, figures, and frescoes that appear to be moving. This is typical of baroque to be characterized as dynamic, and this style was often used to celebrate the church community, or societas perfecta (“perfect society”).
Finally, we saw the Faustův dům, a baroque mansion also known as the “devils house” for its linkage with 16th-century alchemists, the legend of Dr. Faust, and black magic. It was built in the gothic period, but was profoundly redesigned in the transition period from renaissance to baroque, giving the building a new colorful, ornamental facade. 
Chat GP-Bust
In one of my classes, many students have been flagged for cheating on our weekly canvas quizzes. While I myself don’t use Chat GPT to write my FRQ responses, many people use it to brainstorm (which is fair in my opinion) and others to write the whole thing. Unfortunately, now we are going to have to take the quizzes in person, which sucks because they’re on ~20 pages of article content. Wish us luck..
Lékárna Visits
This past summer, I spent 6 weeks in South Africa and had the opportunity to experiment with natural supplements for my physical and mental health, recommended by locals. Whether it was a placebo effect or not, I believe a select few really helped my mental health and overall well being. I continued to take 3 of them throughout the semester, but didn’t bring any to Prague. Being in a completely new environment is challenging in itself, but I’ve been struggling more than normal to pick myself out of a slump. So, I went on the hunt for anything familiar to add to my daily routine. It took nearly four Lékárny, or Czech pharmacies, and a lot of google translate (shout out to the camera feature) until I found some magnesium (good for sleep and heart function) and ashwagandha (helps manage stress hormones). I’ve been taking them a couple days now and have noticed improvements in my sleep and mood, which I’m grateful for.
Jumpscares @ Slezská
We’ve reached the dreaded time where the shared space in our apartment got too gross to handle, a few too many times. I returned from this weekend to the sink being clogged and filled to the rim with dishes, food scraps, and murky water (I’m sparing you readers by not posting photos). It’s also worthy to mention that the trash overflowed and there were no clean utensils. Not wanting to put the blame on anyone in particular, I sent a text in the group chat reminding everyone to clean up after themselves and their guests. I’m pretty messy myself, but this was a whole new level of filthiness and it’s been happening often. 
Now, it gets worse. Because our 4x4ft shower smells like we're getting infused with cancer and sulfur inside of it, most of my roommates opt to use the bath shower instead. I prefer to shower twice a day, and because the bath shower is our main bathroom, most of the time I just use the gross one so I don’t hold people up from getting ready in the mornings/evenings. Well a couple days ago I was showering before Leadership and I saw a massive spider crawling at me. Helpless as one could be, I scream and do not take my eyes off of it until I’m out of the small space. I know what you’re thinking, why be scared of a spider if you’re bigger than it, it can’t harm you. I’m well aware arachnophobia is irrational, tell that to the fear receptors in my brain. I’m terrified of spiders. And just when I recovered, it happened again… the very next day… and it was a different spider. So that door remains closed now, which I guess is okay because the foul smell used to drift throughout the apartment. But, now all 6 of our roommates on very similar schedules have to all share the main bathroom. And we don’t even have a shower, just a bath. I’m not happy.
Wednesday Yoga
On a more positive note, every Wednesday a yoga instructor comes to our school and leads a 1hr vinyasa session. I’ve practiced yoga with my mom at home for years, and it’s one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. Yoga, supplemented with consistent strength training, has also helped me regain my balance, strength, and flexibility after tearing my ACL last year. At IFSA, it’s the same group of 8 students that attend each week so we’ve gotten to know the instructor pretty well; she’s always open to recommendations or any poses we want to practice that day. I’m thrilled because this week I finally learned how to properly do a headstand, something I’ve always been too intimidated to try in a class at home!
An Irish St. Patty’s
Obviously we had to go to Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day and it totally lived up to the hype! Dublin itself was just awesome, a huge urban city surrounded by a ton of greenery and water. Alisha, Mihika, and I booked our tickets back in November as soon as we got into the program, prior to even booking our flights to Prague. Because of this, we didn’t know our class schedule so we booked a late flight Friday evening which got delayed and we didn’t end up getting into Dublin until midnight. We booked a hotel near the city center, but one of our guy friend’s accommodations for the weekend fell through, so we snuck them into our room, squeezing 5 of us into a 2 person room. We found an extra set of pillows under the bed so it honestly could’ve been worse, we set the two guys up on the floor and shared the bed. We’re all super good friends now, that’s for sure! 
We woke up early Saturday and went to the Guinness Museum. I wasn’t expecting to like Guinness because I don’t like beer in general but it was one of the better ones I’ve tried, which apparently is an unpopular opinion. Maybe it’s because they taught us how to chug it there which masked most of the taste, but hey if it works, it works. See my G split below.
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Afterwards, we went to a pub to watch the big rugby game between Ireland and Wales, and ended up getting a super authentic experience of the local rugby culture. It was packed to the brim, but we befriended a group of Irish kids around our age who let us take their table. The energy was awesome and all eyes were on the tens of big screens streaming the game. At night, every bar had lines out the door which was expected the day before the holiday. Alisha studied here one summer, so she knew the good spots and we waited in an incredibly long line for Bad Ass bar but eventually got in. For those who don’t know, Dublin is known for its live music. It’s my favorite part of the city, hands down. And when I tell you the band did not miss once Saturday night, I mean it. We made friends with a group who left us their table right next to the stage, and I shamelessly scream sang along to every lyric. Bonus points for me leaving with the instagram of the lead singer… proud moment!
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If you’re reading this and you haven’t gone abroad yet, duly note that Dublin will be facey. We didn’t get tickets to Dicey’s (~$100) which is the bar most Michigan students went to, but we still managed to see a decent amount of Michigan people and kids from my hometown.
Now for some ins and outs.
Spicy gelato, anyone? One nightly excursion to Crème de la Crème, we found the workers waging bets on if anyone could finish a cup of their Chili Lime sorbet. Supposedly only one customer had been able to do it so far, so Brandon, Lydia, and I, bold as we are, asked to sample it. Full disclosure, I kinda liked the flavor, but I understood the hype because it burned tf out of my throat for sure. However, I would never advise anyone to bet against me finishing any sort of ice cream, and I’ll always bet on myself. So I took up the challenge, and let’s just say it was the easiest free scoop I’ve ever earned in my life. Jaws on the floor all around me, it was hilarious. They gave me a discounted cone afterwards as a reward. See if you can spot the flavor in the image below!
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Live music: Dublin’s live music scene was one of the greatest things I’ve ever experienced. Great energy, pure joy, incredible vibes all around. Extra shout out to the band at Bad Ass, you guys never missed and thanks for taking all our recs <3
Local public transport: It’s always a pain to figure out how each city’s local transportation works at first, but I stand by it paying off to buy a local transportation pass for the weekend. Especially when it’s rainy and you have places to be!
Citizen taxes: Most cities have what’s called a “citizen tax” where they charge you at your accommodation based on the number of people who are staying with you. We avoided this by sending Alisha to check into our room while hiding in the lobby, but in many other places when prompted for your passports at check-in, they’ll charge an extra fee per person.
Is Dublin in the EU or not? So we actually never found a concrete answer to this question… maybe we’re stupid. When we looked it up, we found that Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but not Dublin or the rest of Ireland. We had to fly out of the “international” terminal and go through customs, so we assumed it wasn’t in the EU. Comment below if you know what Dublin is a part of lol
Buses may depart early: I’ll never understand why buses or any form of public transportation would do this, but our bus departed like 10 minutes early from the stop we were supposed to get on at. These buses run every couple of hours so we had to buy a ticket for a different line to make it to the airport on time. How rude.
Thanks for reading, catch you next week!
Na schle,
Reese Liebman
Computer Science and Engineering
Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA) CS Tech Career Accelerator in Prague, Czechia
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sofiacarsonusa · 3 months
Rejuvenate Your Health: IV Nutrition Therapy for Long-Term COVID Effects
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has faced unprecedented challenges, both in terms of public health and individual well-being. While much attention has been focused on the acute symptoms and immediate effects of the virus, there is a growing recognition of the long-term impact it can have on health, even after recovery. Many individuals continue to experience lingering symptoms, commonly referred to as "long COVID," which can include fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, and more. As we navigate through this new medical landscape, exploring innovative treatments becomes crucial, and one promising avenue is IV nutrition therapy.
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Understanding Long-Term COVID Effects
Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), presents a complex array of symptoms that can persist for weeks or even months after the acute phase of the illness has passed. While the exact mechanisms behind these lingering symptoms are still under investigation, it is believed that a combination of factors, including immune dysregulation, inflammation, and tissue damage, may play a role.
Common symptoms of long COVID can vary widely among individuals but often include:
Persistent fatigue
Cognitive dysfunction (brain fog)
Shortness of breath
Muscle weakness and joint pain
Sleep disturbances
Anxiety and depression
These symptoms can significantly impact quality of life, making it challenging for individuals to resume their normal activities and function optimally in their daily lives.
The Role of IV Nutrition Therapy
IV nutrition therapy, also known as intravenous micronutrient therapy or vitamin IV therapy, involves the administration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous infusion. This delivery method allows for maximum absorption and bypasses the digestive system, ensuring that nutrients are readily available for cellular use.
For individuals struggling with the long-term effects of COVID-19, IV nutrition therapy offers several potential benefits:
Replenishing Nutrient Deficiencies: Illness, stress, and poor dietary habits can deplete the body's stores of essential nutrients, exacerbating symptoms and impairing recovery. IV nutrition therapy can help replenish these deficiencies more efficiently than oral supplements, providing a boost to overall health and well-being.
Supporting Immune Function: A robust immune system is essential for fighting off infections and promoting healing. IV therapy can deliver high doses of immune-boosting vitamins such as vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione, helping to strengthen the body's defenses against recurring illness and inflammation.
Reducing Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a hallmark feature of many long COVID symptoms and can contribute to tissue damage and persistent discomfort. Certain nutrients, such as vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate inflammation throughout the body.
Improving Energy Levels and Mental Clarity: Fatigue and cognitive dysfunction are common complaints among long COVID patients. IV therapy can provide a rapid infusion of energizing nutrients like B vitamins and magnesium, helping to boost energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and combat brain fog.
Promoting Tissue Repair and Recovery: The body requires an adequate supply of nutrients to repair damaged tissues and support the regeneration of cells. IV therapy can deliver essential building blocks such as amino acids, collagen, and vitamins A and E, facilitating the healing process and promoting faster recovery from illness.
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Integrating IV Nutrition Therapy into Long COVID Management
While IV nutrition therapy shows promise as a supportive treatment for long-term COVID effects, it is essential to approach its use as part of a comprehensive care plan tailored to the individual needs of each patient. This may include:
Comprehensive Medical Evaluation: Before initiating IV therapy, patients should undergo a thorough medical assessment to evaluate their overall health status, identify specific nutrient deficiencies, and determine the most appropriate treatment approach.
Collaborative Care Team: Long COVID management often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving various healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians, specialists, nutritionists, and integrative medicine practitioners. Working collaboratively, these experts can develop a personalized treatment strategy that addresses the unique needs of each patient.
Lifestyle Modifications: In addition to IV therapy, patients may benefit from making lifestyle modifications to support their recovery, such as adopting a nutritious diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress levels, and prioritizing adequate sleep.
Regular Monitoring and Follow-Up: Monitoring patients' progress and adjusting treatment as needed is essential for optimizing outcomes and ensuring safety. Regular follow-up appointments allow healthcare providers to track changes in symptoms, assess the effectiveness of therapy, and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
As we continue to grapple with the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring innovative approaches to treatment is paramount. IV nutrition therapy offers a promising avenue for addressing the persistent symptoms associated with long COVID, providing essential nutrients directly to the body's cells and supporting overall health and well-being. By integrating IV therapy into a comprehensive care plan tailored to each patient's needs, healthcare providers can help individuals reclaim their vitality and rejuvenate their health in the face of ongoing challenges.
At Patients Medical, we recognize the importance of holistic and personalized care in managing long-term COVID effects. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is committed to providing comprehensive support and innovative treatment options to help patients navigate their recovery journey with confidence and resilience.
If you or a loved one is struggling with the lingering symptoms of COVID-19, contact us today to learn more about how IV nutrition therapy and integrative medicine can support your path to healing and wellness.
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arifreiko · 7 months
In -depth study of Wave 4 feminism by Denny Ja: What should we know?
Introduction    Feminism is a social and political movement that aims to achieve gender equality. Along with the times, the feminism movement also underwent changes and evolution. One of the manifestations of this development is Wave 4. Feminism. In this article, we will study in depth about the 4th Wave Feminism proposed by Denny JA. This article will discuss various important aspects of Wave 4 feminism and invite readers to understand the importance of this movement in fighting for gender equality.    I. Introduction to Wave Feminism 4    Wave 4 feminism is a manifestation of the struggle of women in the modern era. In his book entitled “Wave 4 Feminism: Suing Patriarchy,” Denny JA revealed his ideas and views about Wave Feminism 4. According to him, Wave 4 feminism is a form of comprehensive women’s empowerment. This movement not only focuses on gender equality, but also fighting for individual freedom and against all forms of social injustice.    II. Main Issues in Wave Feminism 4    In an in -depth study of wave 4 feminism, there are several main issues that we need to know. First, gender equality is still an important issue. Although there has been a lot of progress in fighting for gender equality, there is still a lot of discrimination and injustice experienced by women. Wave 4 feminism seeks to overcome this problem by promoting the values of justice and equality between women and men.    In addition, Wave 4 feminism also highlights the importance of understanding women in various aspects of life. Denny JA stressed that women have many roles and potentials that have not been fully recognized and utilized. Therefore, this movement invites people to understand and respect women as valuable individuals and have important contributions in social development.    III. Impact and Challenges in Wave Feminism 4    Wave 4 feminism has great potential to bring significant changes in society. However, this movement was also faced with various challenges. One of them is resistance and rejection from those who still maintain the existing patriarchy structure. Wave 4 feminism is considered a threat to the interests of those who want to maintain gender injustice and inequality.    In addition, this movement is also faced with challenges in building awareness and solidarity among women themselves. Denny Ja stressed the importance of collaboration and support between women in fighting for their rights. Wave 4 feminism emphasizes the importance of strengthening the bond between women to create significant changes.    IV. Denny Ja’s contribution to Wave 4 feminism    Denny Ja is one of the important figures in the feminism movement of wave 4. Through his book, he invites the reader to understand the importance of women’s struggle in achieving gender equality. Denny Ja also highlighted the issues faced by women in daily life and invited to change paradigms and attitudes that harm women.    V. Conclusion    In an in -depth study of Wave 4 feminism by Denny Ja, we can see the importance of this movement in fighting for gender equality and social justice. Wave 4 feminism not only focuses on female issues, but also emphasizes the importance of understanding and support between women themselves. This movement has great potential to bring significant changes in society, but is also faced with various challenges. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to support this movement and contribute to building a more just and equal society.
Check in full: in -depth study of Wave 4 feminism by Denny JA: What should we know?
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panzerkatzee · 7 months
Good day ya'll!
Its 11:30 and I just completed a small research session on fillipino martial arts and taking extensive notes on how my characters might move in the upcoming combat scenes. Funny enough, I always thought my larp experience would help in writing combat realistically… but oh boy… I WAS SO WRONG… its embarassing.
I am still no real expert, but maybe I can find someone to help with those scenes in particular down the line. For now I did watch some videos and read some instructions online and feel confident to get into the fight scene, I've been hyped for yesterday… but first… warm up time!!
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by Electrum Photography
Then and again, he would get a flicker of red eyes, burning brightly with flashes of inert blood magic, his friend no doubt struggling to hold it back, hating crowds as it was. Dan… you are getting an ear full, for dragging her out here, he thought ruefully and picked up his pacing again. A few moments later, she stumbled free from the bodies swaying and squirming with the thrumming beats. "going to try smth new, winky face", had been the last text he received from her before getting on the tube and hot damn… she had. Only her hair was reminiscent of the timid mage, kept straight and falling down onto her shoulders, bangs freshly trimmed to end in a straight line above her brows. To cover her chest Lucille wore only a black pleather bra, the burning church tattooed across he abdomen, was on full display, showing its bell-tower ablaze, right between her breasts. She had paired it off with nothing more than a pair of latex gloves and a matching skirt, making Dan sweat just by looking at it. Clashing with the entire get up, the mad woman had forgone the use of shoes completely.
Not my best work… but after spending so much time on researching, I am a bit anxious to get writing. There is still some catching up with the long-term goal to do… soooo snaps fingers LET'S DO IT!
Okaaay… five hours later… didn't hit the word count… yet. But I am due for a food break, having ordered poké bowl from my fav restaurant.
I really underestimated how far fight scenes were out of my comfortzone… usually I am more for the whole emotional stuff… but as I am writing sci-fi about ppl doing sneaky shit and pissing off powerful other ppl, I don't think I will get away without it…
In the end… I went against the plan I had, and reshuffled my entire story a little bit.. soooo.. that just might turn into something interesting… who knows…
As of now I am at ~1400 words, so very close… aaaand the next scene coming up, will be snugly inside my comfort zone again, hence I am no tooo worried, I won't hit my mark for the day.This wraps up Chapter IV nice and neat~
I do a lot better at starting a chapter than ending it sooo...
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But.. to learn from this, I will probably alter the daily warm up challenge a bit… by changing it to stuff I am not quite good at yet..
Maybe a paragraph of a battle scene or dialogue each day? Something like this.
As it stands now, I will wait for my food and write a bit more afterwards…
For now, lets continue with the Playlist, shall we?
Today's song: Faunts - M4 Pt.2
Why is this on my playlist? Those among you with an excellent taste in Video Games, might already know this one. If not by name, then from the Mass Effect I credits, as it is from the Game's OST. To be honest, it doesn't align at all with what I usually listen to, but then that's mostly everything that leads to the release of dopamine in my brain… so I can't claim any consistency there. Being a huuuuge fan of the Mass Effect Trilogy… and my alien waifu Garrus, connecting a very peaceful time in my life with these games… an age of innocence so to speak.. I have feelings about the song as well…
The lyrics just resonate with me… and I kinda always come back to it, when I have a hard time. Its not cheerful or anything.. but it holds this deepfelt wish for someone to heal… and struggling with mental illness, I just need it.
As my novel draws a lot from my personal experiences and how I see the world, this fits the story's playlist quite well… and its Mass Effect related… sooo doubly perfect~
Sooooo I will go wait for food now and play some Mahjong or whatever :D Have a lovely day~
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aksarabumilangit · 7 months
Dismantling the Secret of Success of Denny Ja’s Chosen Work to 28 Stories that will inspire you
Denny Ja, a famous writer and also an Indonesian political figure, has created the chosen character who succeeded in inspiring many people. In this article, we will reveal the secret of success and explore the inspirational story behind its extraordinary success.
I. Introduction    Denny JA is a figure who is widely known in Indonesia. Besides being active in the political world, he is also a productive writer. Denny has written 28 selected works that not only received recognition from the community, but also succeeded in inspiring many people. In this article, we will explore the secret of Denny JA’s success in creating inspiring selected works.    II. Dismantling the secret of Denny JA’s success    A. Dedication and perseverance  Denny Ja is a person who is very dedicated to his work. He has extraordinary perseverance in writing and working on his projects. He never knew the word surrender and always tried to give the best in every work he created.    B. In -depth research  Before writing every work, Denny Ja always conducts deep research. He wants to ensure that every detail he conveys in his work is accurate and reliable. This intensive research helps Denny Ja in creating an inspiring and high quality.    C. Creativity and Innovation  Denny Ja always tries to bring creativity and innovation in every work he created. He is not afraid to think outside the box and try new things. This creativity and innovation provide a unique touch to every work of Denny Ja, and make it successful.    D. Quality Education  Denny Ja is a highly educated person, and this quality education is also one of the secrets of his success. He has deep knowledge in various fields, and this helps him to create high -quality and informative work.    III. The story that will inspire you    Denny Ja has many inspirational stories behind his success. One of the most inspiring stories is how he managed to overcome failure and obstacles in his career. Despite facing many challenges, such as the rejection of publishers and criticisms from the community, Denny Ja never gave up and continued to struggle to achieve success.    In addition, Denny Ja also has an inspirational story about how he succeeded in changing the lives of people through the work he created. Many people have been inspired and benefited from the work of Denny Ja, both in the political and daily life. This story not only inspires, but also proves that Denny Ja’s work has a real impact on society.    IV. Conclusion    Denny Ja is a real example of a successful and inspiring writer. With dedication, perseverance, in -depth research, creativity, innovation, and quality education, it has created chosen work that not only succeeded in inspiring many people, but also had a real impact on society. The inspirational story behind Denny Ja’s success will make anyone inspired to achieve success in their respective fields.
Check more: Dismantling the Secret of Success of Denny JA’s Selected Work: The story that will inspire you
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bryanos12 · 8 months
Admire the chosen work of Denny Ja 36: “The torch continues to turn on”
In the world of Indonesian literature, Denny Ja is one of the authors who has produced extraordinary work over the past few decades. His latest work, “Torch continues to turn on”, is a further proof of his genius in writing. In this article, we will see in depth about the chosen work of Denny JA 36, as well as why we should admire it.    I. Background    Denny JA is a writer who has inspired many people with his work. He has created a number of famous essay poems, such as “Love Story with God” and “When Love Glorifies”. His latest work, “Torch continues to turn on”, explore the theme of courage, resilience, and enthusiasm in facing life challenges.    II. Article contents    In the “torch continues to turn on”, Denny JA tells the struggle of a main character who faces various obstacles and challenges in his life. This story illustrates how important it is to keep the spirit of flares and fight all the ODDS that confront.    A. Courage and Resilience    In this essay poem, Denny Ja highlights how important it is to have courage and resilience in dealing with life. The main character in this story faces a variety of difficult problems, ranging from loss of loved ones to failure in achieving dreams. However, he never gave up and continued to struggle with a spirit that never went out.    B. A spirit that never goes out    One of the important messages that Denny Ja wants to convey through the “Torch Continue to turn on” is about how important it is to keep the spirit burning. In real life, we are often faced with difficult and challenging situations. Denny Ja teaches the reader that by maintaining a spirit that never goes out, we can overcome all the obstacles in front of us.    III. Why do we have to admire this work?    There are several reasons why we should admire Denny Ja’s elected work.    A. Skills in Writing    Denny Ja has been proven as a very skilled and creative writer. The writing style that is intelligent and attractive has succeeded in attracting the attention of readers from various circles. In the “Torch Continue to turn on”, Denny Ja is able to describe the character and emotions of the main characters very beautifully and deeply.    B. Inspirational Message    “Torch continues to turn on” convey inspirational messages that can motivate readers in dealing with daily life. Denny Ja cleverly combines strong literary elements with positive messages that can inspire and provide hope to the reader.    C. Relevance to Life    The story that is told in “Torch Continue Light” is very relevant to real life. Denny Ja is able to describe the challenges and obstacles that we often face in everyday life, and teach us to continue to fight and not give up.    IV. Conclusion    Admiring Denny Ja’s chosen work 36, “Torch continues to turn on”, is natural because of its writing expertise, inspirational messages conveyed, and relevance to real life. This work teaches us to have courage, resilience, and enthusiasm that never goes out in facing the challenges of life. Denny Ja has once again produced an extraordinary work that is appreciated by the Indonesian Literature community.
Check more: Admire the 36th selected work of Denny Ja: “The torch continues to turn on”
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eltezan · 8 months
Scientific Review of Denny Ja 22 Elected Work: Bloody Mawar
In this article, we will conduct a scientific review of Denny Ja 22’s selected work entitled “Bloody Mawar”. This work is one of the famous works of Indonesian famous writers, Denny JA. In this review, we will analyze the main aspects of this work, including plots, characters, themes, and social and cultural impacts produced.    I. Introduction  “Bleeding Mawar” is one of the essay poems written by Denny JA, a famous Indonesian writer. This essay poem was published in 2001 and has since been one of the most discussed works in Indonesia. In this work, Denny JA described the story of a woman’s journey who had to face various conflicts and challenges in her life. This essay poem also managed to get many awards and became one of Denny Ja’s best works.    II. Plot  First of all, let’s review the plot of “bloody roses”. This story follows the journey of a woman named Mawar, whose life is full of struggles and obstacles. Mawar grows in a poor family and must work hard to achieve the dreams he has. He faces various conflicts, including love, friendship, and work. This plot is well designed and flows smoothly, describing the journey of rose life well.    III. Character  One important aspect of this work is the characters described by Denny Ja. The main character, rose, is described as a strong woman, strong, and struggling for a better life. He is a strong protagonist and becomes a role model for many readers. In addition, there are also strong and varied supporting characters, which also make an important contribution in the storyline.    IV. Theme  In “bleeding roses”, there are several themes raised by Denny Ja. One of the main themes explored is the struggle for life. Mawar faces many obstacles in his life, but he never gives up and continues to struggle to achieve his dreams and goals. This theme gives a strong message about the importance of perseverance and determination in facing life challenges.    In addition, other themes raised are friendship and love. In this story, Mawar has loyal friends who support him on his journey. Love is also an important element in Mawar’s life, which brings it to a deep emotional experience.    V. Social and Cultural Impacts  “Bloody Mawar” has a significant impact on Indonesian society and culture. This work illustrates the daily life of an Indonesian woman, and raises various relevant social issues. This essay poem also inspires many readers with strong messages about perseverance, friendship, and love.    In addition, this work also introduced the work of Denny Ja to the broader Indonesian literary arena. Denny Ja’s works have become a conversation among Indonesian literary readers and fans, and have helped expand their influence as a famous writer.    VI. Conclusion  In this scientific review, we have reviewed the elected Denny Ja 22 work entitled “Bloody Mawar”. We have analyzed the plot, character, themes, and social and cultural impacts produced by this work. Overall, “bloody roses” is a strong and inspiring work, which succeeded in describing the life journey of an Indonesian woman. Denny Ja has succeeded in creating a charming work and giving an important message to the reader.
Check more: Scientific Review of Denny JA Selected Work: Bloody Mawar
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crabbunch · 8 months
secret life thoughts (long post underneath cut)
-there's a cherry forest !!!
-impulse? can we find pearl for the soup group?
-ok gem and the two scotts is very funny as well.
-love gem just. repeatedly fulfilling the challenge. just to make sure she's got it.
-maaaan the cherry biome is just so pretty though. man.
-"lets hold hands as we jump"- joel as he lets jimmy jump without him. incredible
-joel's name is not smallishbeans last time i checked. scar. you are ove-complicating this
-oh well he's cringefailed it up beyond belief !!
-wait i wish they had just let him fail.... why are people nice i want them to fight to death for my entertainment.
-d. desert duo
-scab??? scab???
-why are you trying to tell bad jokes to mumbo, chronic giggler. dont tell bad jokes to your friends. they'll be funny anyways
-intrigued by whatever bigb is doing. gaslight i guess.
-no wait actually what is bigb doing. my guy
-of course etho would be the one not to laugh at the jokes
-i was going to watch etho because he finally uploaded but actually i have to go find out what this guys secret was
-i understand nothing
-ok so is he. just like that?? just doing that?? i mean i. you know what. if i dont see about ten million billion people waxing poetic about the allure of a hole im going to blow this whole website up. this is the funniest thing ive ever seen and i want to write about bigb being. the absence of things now.
-"joel you already own my heart" awwwwwwwww
-the way he just lingers around bdubs
-cletho? cletho? cletho? cletho?
-the way he just. never mentions the merch. keep on doing what you do king <3
-the editing. when he's promoting the merch.
-he's dying so much faster than anyone else lmao
-heavy rock timelapse music as he struggles to place a fence
-oh he's going to be the first to red again isnt he. my guy.
-just resolving not to sleep for etho... boat bois crumbs 🥰🥰🥰
-impulse my man carrying the good word of the cherry wood to everyone. thank you good sir
-a lot of murderous music going on. and some very interesting pronunciations of fish. joe hills has had a profound influence on them
-unequal exchange <3 its ok he'll just owe her
-"it's ok it day one alliance!!! those statistically have no meaning!!!" wow that says a lot about traffic cleo. heuh.
-the shadowrot is real
-promotion of merch is an acceptable bribe <3
-just. steal moss off of the rock thing. yes good idea
-ideal roomate dynamic is throwing fish down through the hole that your roomate made as thanks??? this is so ethubs meat shower
-"dont talk about my shield hole like that"
-"we could be called the axis :D" "well maybe you shouldnt"
-the way. bdubs just knows that they're referring to etho. hello i know this has been clipped but its so bizarre to see lol
-AND pearl cleo secret alliance?? with dogs? man cleo's dynamics with everyone this season. they're all just so good
-heart foundation. ok. on love island.
-cherry blossoms!!!! wahoo best wood!!!
-bdubs acting all offended about killing a horse for leather vs his season 8 horse murder stats
-every season they get a little bit better at not immediately killing all the wildlife
-every season they also get a little big better at gay marriage. this time they've even got yuri!
-lizzie: "lets take this baby down the river.. and find some sugarcane!" cleo in the distance: "hey, i've got sugarcane!"
-jimmy comes running. from nothing. average jimmy behavior
-lesbian marridge AND lesbian divorce. fantastic
overall thoughts: i think that the povs im going to keep watching in the future barring Interesting Events will be etho (i am legally obligated) cleo (daily dose of sarcasm) bigb (hole guy) and joel (his bloodthirsty swag has charmed me once again)
i think that the mechanic is interesting but also if they do a lore thing with it i WILL start killing. sorry.
i like the groups that've been established so far but i sort of think that they're a little sparcer than usual??? gem and her two scotts is a VERY fun dynamic but unfortunately i hate the way all of them edit their videos :pensive: i love the mounders and their stupid houses from what ive seen of them from other people's videos and cletho???? cletho???!?!?!? love island is also very good.
anyways. very fun. much fun. im making an effort to tag spoilers this time if you want to filter this stuff its sl spoilers 👍
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kairalika · 8 months
Divorce of the brilliance of the Trilili Bird by Denny Ja 24
The Trilili Bird by Denny Ja 24 is one of the literary works that should be interrupted and appreciated. In this article, we will discuss the brilliance of the work in detail. In the process, various aspects will be described that make trililes so interesting and different. In terms of themes, writing styles, and messages to be conveyed, all these aspects will be explained thoroughly.    I. The theme of the Trilili bird  The main theme raised in this literary work is the daily life of the Indonesian people. In this story, Denny JA 24 succeeded in describing complex and diverse social life. Trilils tell the story of the struggle of a young child in dealing with various problems and challenges in his life. Through the journey of the main character, the reader can feel the emotions and experiences that are so deep.    II. Writing Style  In this literary work, Denny JA 24 shows his expertise in processing words and stringing sentences. The writing style that is beautiful and flowing makes the reader continue to be captivated and fixated on every word created. The use of straightforward and crowded language makes every scene and dialogue feel alive and real. Denny JA 24 is also able to play the rhythm and rhythm in his writing, gives the impression of melodies to this work.    III. Message delivered  Trilils convey a deep message about life and struggle. In this story, the reader is invited to reflect on the importance of fighting for dreams and overcoming every obstacle. Denny Ja 24 wants to inspire readers not to give up in the face of difficulties, and always maintain enthusiasm to achieve what is desired.    IV. The advantages of trilile birds  1. Character depth  The characters in this story are so complex and feel alive. Each character has a unique background and journey of life, making the reader really connected to them. Denny Ja 24 managed to create strong characters and arouse the emotions of the reader.    2. Realistic depiction  In the Trilili bird, Denny Ja 24 is able to describe the social life of Indonesian society realistically. He presents a situation and conflict that might occur in everyday life, making the reader feel connected to this story. This realistic depiction gives an authentic impression on this work.    3. Beauty of language  Denny Ja 24 style is so stunning. He is able to process words beautifully and make every sentence feel meaningful. The written dialogues also feel natural and flowing. The beauty of this language makes the trillion birds so interesting and difficult to forget.    V. Effect of Trilile Birds  Trilile has given a significant influence on the world of Indonesian literature. This work is one example of how a story can arouse emotions and influence the reader. Trilils also provide inspiration for young writers to be more exploratory in writing and describing daily life.    VI. Conclusion  In this article, it has been described about the brilliance of the literary work of the Trilili Bird by Denny Ja 24. From the aspect of the theme, the style of writing, to the message delivered, all these aspects make the trilile bird as one of the literary works that should be appreciated. This work not only entertains, but also provides a deep understanding of life and struggle. Trilils have had a significant influence on the world of Indonesian literature, and are a source of inspiration for young writers. Thus, the Trilili Bird by Denny Ja 24 is a work that deserves to be interrupted and enjoyed by literary lovers.
Check more: Diving Divorce of Denny JA Trilili Birds 24
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diaalagii · 9 months
Look closer: Denny Ja's selected work 16: Balada Wahab and Wahib
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In this article, we will review selected works from Denny Ja 16, entitled "Balada Wahab and Wahib." This work is one of the latest works from Indonesian famous writers, Denny JA, who has won many awards for his contribution in the world of literature. In this article, we will look closer about the content, theme, and message implied in this work. I. Introduction In this selected work of Denny JA 16, "Balada Wahab and Wahib," the author tells about the lives of two friends, Wahab and Wahib, who have different backgrounds but have the same dream. Both came from a remote village, with Wahab coming from a simple farming family, while Wahib came from a family of rich traders. Although different, Wahab and Wahib have the same vision to get out of a limited life and achieve their dreams. II. Fill In "Ballad Wahab and Wahib," Denny JA described the life journey of these two friends with evocative details. We will see how Wahab, with his determination and hard work, managed to get a scholarship to continue his education in a big city. On the other hand, Wahib must fight to maintain his family's business that is threatened with bankruptcy. In this story, Denny Ja shows how important the determination and struggle to achieve our dreams. Wahab is a real example of someone who does not give up in facing life challenges. Although he came from a family of farmers who were underprivileged, Wahab never stopped trying to achieve success. With the scholarship he managed to get, Wahab managed to continue his education and became a respectable scholar. On the other hand, Wahib faced a different struggle. Although coming from a family that is located, Wahib must fight to maintain his family's business that is threatened with bankruptcy. In this story, Denny Ja illustrates how difficult it is to maintain the success that has been achieved. Wahib must learn how to balance his personal and professional life, and face the pressure and challenges that come from various directions. III. Theme The main theme in "Balada Wahab and Wahib" is about determination, hard work, and resilience in dealing with all obstacles of life. Denny Ja tells this story in great detail and gives a clear picture of a clear picture of the life journey of these two friends. By describing their different lives but has the same goal, Denny Ja teaches us about the importance of respecting one's struggle and hard work in achieving their dreams. IV. Implied message In "Ballad Wahab and Wahib," Denny Ja also conveyed a hidden message about the importance of friendship and mutual support in facing life challenges. Wahab and Wahib are a real example of a strong friendship, even though they come from different backgrounds. They inspire each other and support each other in their life journey. This message teaches us about the importance of having true friends who are ready to support us in dealing with all obstacles and difficulties. V. Conclusion "Wahab and Wahib Balada" is an interesting and inspiring work of Denny Ja 16. Through the story of Wahab and Wahib's life, Denny Ja illustrates how important the determination, hard work, and friendship in achieving our dreams. The hidden messages in this work are very relevant to our daily lives. We can learn about the true meaning of the struggle and success through the story of these two friends. In this conclusion, let us take inspiration from the story of "Balarada Wahab and Wahib" and continue to struggle to achieve our dreams. We must have a strong determination, work hard, and support each other in dealing with all the obstacles of life. We also have to respect sincere friendship, because true friends are valuable assets that will always be in every step of our life journey. With determination and hard work, we can all achieve our dreams, such as Wahab and Wahib in this story. 
Check more: look closer: Denny JA's selected works: Ballad Wahab and Wahib
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blogmagnum · 9 months
Seeing the deep contents of Denny Ja's selected work 23: The Story of the Book of Instructions
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In the world of Indonesian literature, the name Denny Ja has become one of the important figures that cannot be ignored. With so many works he has produced, Denny JA has proven himself as a productive and influential writer. One of his selected works that deserves more deeply is the essay poem entitled "The Story of the Book of Guidelines". In this article, we will see the in -depth contents of this selected Denny JA work. I. Introduction As one of the leading writers in Indonesia, Denny JA has been able to build a strong reputation in the world of literature. His works often reflect daily life in Indonesia, with a critical touch and in-depth understanding of the social and political conditions of this country. One of his prominent works is the "Story of the Book of Guidance", an essay poem that describes the journey of a character in looking for instructions for his life. In this article, we will review more deeply about the contents of this essay poem. II. Deep contents In the "Story of the Book of Instructions", Denny Ja described the life journey of a main character who was looking for the meaning of his life. This essay poem tells the story full of twists and challenges faced by the main character, as well as his struggle to find true life instructions. Denny Ja uses this story to describe the complexity of modern life and reflect choices that often must be faced by individuals in living their lives. In this essay poem, Denny Ja also presents various supporting figures who play a role in the journey of the main character. They provide a different perspective in living life and contribute to the search for instructions for the main character's life. Through these characters, Denny Ja managed to explore various perspectives and dilemmas faced by individuals in finding the meaning of their lives. III. In -depth analysis "The Story of the Instructions" has several themes raised by Denny Ja. One of the dominant themes in this essay poem is an exploration of the meaning of life and the search for true life instructions. Denny Ja highlighted the importance of having a clear purpose in life and how the process of finding this life instructions can shape one's identity. In addition, Denny Ja also raised the theme of the complexity of modern life. This essay poem describes various challenges and dilemmas faced by the main characters in living his life, such as social pressure, personal ambitions, and confusion of identity. Denny Ja succeeded in describing the emotional journey of the main character very deeply, so that the reader can feel and live the feelings and conflicts experienced by the main character. IV. Conclusion In the "Story of the Book of Instructions", Denny Ja succeeded in describing the journey of life full of twists and the search for true life instructions. This essay poem presents a variety of characters that provide a different perspective in living their lives and looking for the meaning of their lives. Through this story, Denny Ja raised the theme of the importance of having a clear purpose in life and the complexity of modern life. With a professional writing style, Denny Ja is able to attract readers to explore the deep contents of the "Story of the Book of Guidelines". This essay poem becomes one example of an inspiring work and enriching our understanding of life and the search for the meaning of life. Denny Ja has succeeded in creating a work that arouses the mind and emotions of the reader, thus making this essay poetry worthy of being understood and enjoyed in depth. In the conclusion, "The Story of the Book of Guidelines" is a Denny Ja chosen work that has a high literary quality and enrich the world of Indonesian literature. Denny Ja has shown his ability to create a charming story and arouse the reader's thoughts. With a complex theme and strong character, this essay poem provides a deep and charming reading experience. Denny Ja should be appreciated as one of the best Indonesian writers who is able to present literary works that influence and inspire readers. 
Check more: Seeing the in -depth content of Denny JA's selected work 23: The Story of the Book of Guidance
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