#but if you also listen to a few others you'll get the concept
cantsayidont · 7 months
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May 1941. Eight decades on, the deification of CITIZEN KANE as "the greatest movie of all time" is doing it no great favors, at least in terms of persuading people to actually watch it. The title suggests a ponderous art film that will feel like homework, which some of its fans try to counter by claiming that its moody deep-focus cinematography and Bernard Hermann score make it some kind of early film noir. Neither of those things is true: CITIZEN KANE is essentially an impish pastiche of the rise-and-fall-of-the-great-man variety of Hollywood biopics, dressed up with (and held together by) a series of shameless narrative contrivances, some memorably witty dialogue, and as many inventive cinematic gimmicks as Welles could squeeze into the two-hour running time. It is, like the radio shows Welles and his Mercury Theatre company had been doing for about two and a half years beforehand, aggressively middlebrow: As Welles himself later admitted, the story really isn't that deep, but it gives the impression of depth, just as some of the clever framing devices create the illusion of a bigger cast and larger budget.
If you take it seriously, KANE, like a lot of later Welles films, is fun for a while and becomes rather dour toward the end, but taking it seriously is a mistake, and the dourness is itself a contrivance. This is a story about an old man's tragic regrets … as imagined by a 25-year-old in a bald cap and padded suit who'd made his name on the legitimate stage, where no death scene is too final to prevent a star from taking his bows after the curtain falls. It's a game, like a cat losing its mind chasing down and vanquishing a new catnip mouse, and the finale, where the plot's central contrivance comes full circle, has that same tail-in-the-air sense of triumph.
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mcflymemes · 21 days
ANYONE BUT YOU (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you still live at 28 fuckboy lane?
there's a reason why you're alone. no one can trust you.
i still think about the night we spent together.
these last few days really made me realize how much i miss you.
that night at your place, no matter how it ended, it was still pretty amazing.
so... you gonna kiss me now?
you'll always be my rock bottom.
okay, nuzzle my neck. get in there.
we are not together. we were faking it the whole time.
we have to kick it up a notch. make it feel like we're in the ga-ga stage.
you know, i feel really bad about that.
did you catch him measuring his dick with a ruler app?
you scared the shit out of me.
we're getting pretty good at faking it.
it doesn't matter how we found out.
permission to put my left hand on your right buttock?
okay, not in circles. it's not a magic lamp.
are you not wearing underwear?
we do not inherit the earth. we just borrow it from our creatures.
i have a better idea. you just let me do everything.
thanks for being so cool about all of this.
you want a coffee? it's the best n the world.
there's only one bed, but we hung a shower curtain in the middle.
hi. where's your bathroom?
i could have done it myself, but whatever. thanks.
thanks for not stealing my coat.
is that really a two person job?
you would let me die?
they think i'm throwing my life away.
no, that was rude. i apologize to anyone that was listening.
i don't know. i'm not good at this, sorry.
i'm from a different generation.
i'm not talking about love. i'm talking about dick.
all that matters is that we're together.
that's not me anymore. i'm free now. i'm deprogrammed.
no way, that man does not have a heart.
well, that didn't take long.
if i never ask you for anything ever again, can you please just lay off of me this weekend?
let's just have a moment to calm ourselves.
no one cares. no one can see us.
we were on a break, asshole.
either way, someone's lying to someone.
i must have really gotten under your skin.
you used none of those terms properly.
i cannot believe i just said that out loud.
i'm sorry. my life is a disaster right now.
look at this place. it looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary.
no matter how broken something is, there's always a way to fix it.
this whole thing is so new to me.
i don't really like labels, but i like you a whole bunch.
so are you going to ask me out now?
so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders, you would not be able to protect us?
you two know each other?
i'm going to go grab a drink. door's that way if you're looking to sneak out. i know that's your thing.
i'm going to get a drink and toast to never seeing you again.
how crazy is it that we're on the same plane?
why do so many of us feel stuck?
you don't even play tennis.
we're fine if he just stays away from me.
you're such a romantic.
i was hoping you'd come. i wanted to message you, but i didn't know how you'd feel about hearing from me.
they're also a little worried how you're gonna react to all this.
you have a little something in your teeth.
we need to come up with a game plan.
you are so terrible at this.
it's harder than you think.
they know i would never go out with a guy like you.
we just suck face in front of everybody.
you're calling me a fuckboy like it's an insult? i own that shit.
let's just be affectionate. i know it's a foreign concept for you.
you were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate.
i think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone.
i definitely didn't hate you.
last night was the first thing i haven't regretted in a long time.
i love the weird way you stick your hand down my pants.
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spacexseven · 1 year
tuna I have a mini yan concept that has been ITCHING my brain and I need to tell u now now now
yanderes who poison their darlings. not enough to kill, not even enough to notice: just enough to make you sick. they love you so much, they're so OBSESSED with you... but they also hate you. you're so independent, so stoic, so resistant when they try to get you to love them; to rely on them and submit to them. so, they decide to make you *weak.* they just wanna see you all pathetic and needy soooo bad, begging for them to take care of you </3 which of course, they will delight in.
just a few drops of this in your food and you'll be out of commission for the next week, and they'll have you all to themself <3
ggahshsghaaa just... having a yan that's soo obsessed with taking care of you <3 that wants to take a strong, independent darling and make them pathetic <3
I feel like this is a major dazai and fyodor thing. maybe jouno too.
- 🩹
cw: poisoning, yandere characters
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it works perfectly when a yandere likes you for your stubbornness, for the bite in your words—it's who you are. but sometimes, it gets too much.
dazai for instance, as someone so desperate for you to reciprocate his affection and love, would hate how standoffish you can be. it was cute the first few weeks, but now, he just wants a moment where you're compliant and unable to stop him from coddling you and spending every waking moment by your side. it's not all that unusual to you, either, dazai has always been excited and happy to nurse you when you're sick, and this is just another one of those situations. sure, there's no real cause for your sudden bouts of weakness, but you're too tired to think about it too much, and dazai keeps you pretty occupied.
fyodor generally doesn't want you to be so rude and curt with him. he's doing you a favor, by protecting you from the ugly world, and now, he's helping you stay home and not risk your life outside with all those ability users running around. this also helps him hide his doa-related crimes from you if he wants since you're constantly bedridden and unable to do anything else. it is a funny thought to see fyodor caring for someone when he's already so sickly, but he comes in to check on you every few hours and he may even tell you that your weak state is a result of mingling too much with ability users (apart from him, since he's only using his to carry out god's will). you don't have to believe it, and you probably won't believe it now, but when it comes to the point that you're constantly ill and exhausted of how sick you are, you're willing to do anything to stop it. of course you know it's fyodor; you'd be a fool not to know, but if pretending that you agree with him stops him from poisoning you so often, you'll take it.
jouno resorts to this as a worst-case scenario. he doesn't want to hurt you, but you just don't listen! regardless of whether it's a civilian/villain/hunting dog darling, he only uses this if you really refuse to heed his warnings. jouno knows all about the dangers you're exposing yourself to on a daily by leaving his side, and since you won't take care of yourself, you leave him no choice. i think the poisoning thing is also a way for him to keep a handle on you. since all the hunting dogs are tied to the military by the monthly checkups that kill them otherwise, jouno decides to use a similar tactic on you. unlike the other yanderes here, jouno would make it clear he poisoned you. he even tells you that only he has the antidote, and if you want it, well...you'll just have to convince him that you deserve it, no? i can see him upping the dose for when you're particularly getting on his nerves, and so on ^-^
it makes things easier because you can't blame them for keeping you in either, since they're not stopping you themselves, right? even if you're convinced it's the yandere who's at fault, causing you harm, you have no evidence. they're exceptionally good at hiding it, (especially since we're talking about dazai/fyodor/jouno).
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wing-ed-thing · 7 months
Jean Kirstein Relationship Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns
𓆃 All around a fairly well-rounded partner who will treat you right in a simple, low-drama but loving relationship.
𓆃 Jean is the kind of guy who thinks he already knows it all, especially if it's his first relationship. Most of this has to do with his mom, who raised him "to be a gentleman."
𓆃 Buying chocolates, flowers, holding the door open, walking closest to the road on the sidewalk, and paying the bill to name a few, Jean has a strict list of behaviors that he's already designated as his to perform in a relationship.
𓆃 It'll surely throw him for a loop if you don't want him to do any of them, especially if your relationship leans on the more non-traditional side.
𓆃 But no matter the dynamic or how you present in a relationship, Jean continues to function with his own idea of "chivalry."
𓆃 Throwing your card or cash out to pay the bill on one of your first few dates will surely throw a wrench in your night.
𓆃 And it's not that Jean thinks that "you think he's weak" or is insecure that you might "have a higher income," but it comes more from the fact that he had a specific idea of how things were going to go and Jean isn't great at readjusting.
𓆃 He's upset and semi-moody the rest of the night because Mama Kirstein taught him that he's supposed to get the bill, but how the hell is he going to bring that up? He can't.
𓆃 Not to mention if his finances are a lot lower than he anticipated. He wants to pay, but who else isn't embarrassed by their card declining?
𓆃 He's not attached to an unhealthy extent to the concept of being a man (or masculinity in general), but it is very important to him and a part of who he is.
𓆃 While this correlated to physical strength and status to him in his youth, as he grows older, this will manifest as healthy self-grooming, confidence in his communication skills, and emotional sharing, using language that doesn't denigrate others, and strong and inclusive leadership skills.
𓆃 And it's important to note that Jean's idea of being a man also strongly correlates to taking care of and caring for you.
𓆃 He's especially skilled at baking, and prides himself on making meals for you. Whether it's baked goods for special occasions or little treats like breakfast in bed, Jean enjoys using his skill in the kitchen to surprise you.
𓆃 Even if his surprises are impractical. You might have to tell him that while some of his gestures are thoughtful, they aren't practical.
𓆃 Breakfast in bed means you have to change the sheets because crumbs got everywhere. His running you a nice bath with flower petals was thoughtful, but you had just seen the largest insect you had ever seen in your entire life and you think it ran to hide in the towels.
𓆃 He gets a bit down on himself the same way you paying for your date would. Where he almost sees it as a personal failure. That he wants to do nice things for you and it's embarrassing when he doesn't hit the mark.
𓆃 Jean has a bad habit of inadvertently taking this out on you by becoming quiet and pouting, making you regret saying anything. That's a conversation to have.
𓆃 And sometimes he's misguided about what he thinks is best: for you, for himself, and for both of you.
𓆃 Sometimes, he'll fixate on something "chivalrous" to an annoying extent.
𓆃 Perhaps he notices you're walking on the street side of the sidewalk, he might grab you by the shoulders and physically move you to the other side saying, "Nope, wrong side."
𓆃 That might be annoying to you, and you'll have to remind him multiple times to stop.
𓆃 That's one thing that might be concerning to you, is when he locks into something, he needs to be told multiple times before he actually listens to you.
𓆃 He also has a hard time setting boundaries with his mother, so hope you have a good relationship with Mama Kirstein.
𓆃 Overall, Jean clearly cares about you very much. He's just a little slow when it comes to change and admitting when one thing isn't the answer to everything.
𓆃 It might take you both some time to adjust to and communicate how you want your relationship to operate, but once Jean understands what you need, you'll never want for anything.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
HI- I know I'm super late- But I hoping I could get this in- I was hoping for Y!Kugo Sakamata from MHA, romantic Hc's and if it's too late please go head and ignore this
It's been a bit since I've seen MHA and I don't recall Gang Orca having a big role plot-wise. Despite this, I'll try my best to write him using the personality I found on the wiki. I hope you like the HCs I came up with regardless, even if they aren't intense.
Yandere! Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Animalistic behavior, Animal-like courting, Violence, Stalking, Brief blood mention, Dubious relationship
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According to what I've read, Kugo is a calm and focused Pro Hero.
He's friendly and good towards his fellow Pro Heroes.
Although when he was pretending to be a villain, he can put on a cruel and ruthless persona to fit the role.
He likes to see students improve in UA and learn from their own mistakes.
He takes teaching seriously.
Under the intimidating appearance, Kugo is actually quite soft.
He would be this way with his beloved, too.
I like to think due to his quirk he displays orca-like courting with his obsession, even if he doesn't mean it.
I'm talking like... he makes small vocalizations towards you when he holds you and stuff like that.
Kugo may be possessive with you, too.
I actually imagine most heroes who have animal quirks act like that animal at times.
In terms of how you could've met Kugo, maybe you're a new Pro-Hero or are working alongside him in some way.
His obsession starts as just him wanting to watch over you and protect you as a fellow ally.
It's then his feelings would develop once he realizes he isn't staying professional.
For example, when around you he makes small clicking sounds when talking to you.
Or when you're talking with someone else, especially someone you may have an interest in, he seems oddly moody or aggressive.
Others are a bit concerned about it but Kugo does his best to brush it off.
While he has the ability to paralyze his enemies, I don't imagine he'll use such an ability on you.
That or if he did, it would be nearly unheard of.
He cares too much for his partner to harm them.
Kugo is durable, strong, and fast.
If I remember correctly, he also uses sidekicks to his advantage.
If he was worried about you, he'd probably send you a few to watch over you.
That would also be his only way of stalking you since I imagine he can be busy.
I like the idea that he's soft with you despite his intimidating nature since he is fond of being a teacher for kids.
He'd never mean to scare you on purpose.
In fact, due to being a Pro Hero, I doubt he'd fatally harm anyone unless he had to for your safety.
Even then he'll reassure you that you're safe and tell you he had to in order to protect you.
If you were already in a relationship, Kugo keeps you in his home.
He likes you safe and often uses that as an excuse.
In reality he may just like you away from prying eyes.
Talking more about orca characteristics, when he holds you close and you're alone he definitely makes noises.
If he's flirting with you or showing affection, he'd make vocalizations towards and love it if you touch around his eyes or mouth.
Not going to lie, a possessive and protective yandere fits for him.
If you say you want to go outside and continue your work, he turns it down.
If you wanted to teach young heroes he may relent though.
He'd adore you if you were good with kids.
If you ever got hurt, Kugo would go ballistic.
He may not even care who else gets hurt as long as it means he can protect you.
At the peak of his obsession, you may be isolated and under watch by your "partner".
Doesn't matter if you were dating prior to this or not, you'll be in his home where you belong.
He tells you not to worry... that he'll protect you no matter what... you should only rely on him as your partner...
Just listen to him and nothing will hurt you in this cruel world, he'll guarantee that even if it means there's blood on his hands.
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avatarl0v3r · 1 year
Chapter 1| The Sully Family
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Warnings/notes: Like i said basic avatar shit, italics = Na'vi and jakes monologue, also i’m currently writing both this and the first movie, have fun reading lovely’s
side note about y/n: she has white hair, and has a close connection the the creatures and life (including her kids) around her and she can feel their emotions and pain
Taglist 🏷️: @ladylovegood-69 @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @minkyungseokie
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"The forest of Pandora hold many dangers, But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much."
You take your aim at the viper wolf a few feet away from you as you pull the string back it gets caught on your stomach causing you to have to readjust your form letting the arrow fly through the air with a grunt.
you walk back to the village with your pray slung over your shoulder upon entering neytiri runs up to you "where have you been?" she then notices the viper wolf slung over your shoulder "you were hunting?! what about the baby? is the baby alright?" she says trying to turn you and check for any wounds or signs that you got hurt.
you hissed and slapped her hand away "im not a baby, im an adult, and i may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean im growing weak im strong enough to take care of myself and my baby," you say angry with the way she was treating you since you became pregnant shes been treating you like a baby "i think of my child all the time its the first thing i think of in the morning, if i want to hunt ill hunt, now if you'll kindly move out of my way" you say walking past her.
your mother came from behind neytiri "you've made her angry" neytiri let out a irritated sigh "she was out hunting without thinking of the baby" your mother smiled at her daughter "y/n is perfectly fine, if she wants to hunt let her, she doesnt want to feel like a burden to anyone just because shes pregnant, she has a strong spirit and strong willed, she'll do what she wants and no one will be able to stop her" she said smiling at neytiri.
"even while pregnant y/n wouldnt listen to anyone at all, not even me something about that made me love her even more."
"Lie si oe Neteyamur, Nawma Sa'nokur mìfa oeyä, Atanti ngal molunge Mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (I experiment Neteyam, To the great mother inside me, You brought me light, New life, new goal, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
you sang holding a woven line with beads in your hand slowly moving your fingers across every bead, singing a different story which each one your fingers touched.
"We sing the songcords to remember, each bead, a story in our life, a bead for the birth of our son" the whole clan in the forest standing in a circle, the same way they did when jake become on of the people jake was in the middle holding your son in the air, your arm on jake while your other hand was being held by your mothers.
you watched as neteyam was lifted in the air being welcomed as one of the people you smiled at the sight "Neteyam" and the rest of the Na'vi repeated.
"Zola'u nìprrte', ma Kiri, Ngati oel munge soaiane, Lie si oe atanur, Pähem parul, ti'ongokx ahuta, Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (Welcome, Kiri, I experiment the light, A miracle arrives, a born comes to me, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri" you and jake stood on one side, while norm stood on the other side of the glass tank that held graces avatar watching her stomach grow throughout the months "born of graces avatar, a daughter whos conception was a total mystery."
"A bead for the first communion with Eywa" you, jake and the rest of the clan were at the soul tree everyone's singing voice filling the air around "The people say we live in Eywa, and Eywa lives in us," your mother connects neteyams queue the the tree as you look over and smile "the great mother holds all her children in her heart."
"Ma Eywa, ma Eywa" you finish singing as you stood up to put the songcord back in its safe place, jake looks at you lovingly as you stop singing.
your sitting down with kiri and lo'ak as jake holds neteyam as if he was toruk flying above pandora "Happiness is simple," you flap your arms as if you were toruk flying around your kids "but who would've thought a jarhead like me would crack the code" jake watched as kiri and loak followed you.
your whole family is laying together you telling the story of how you first met their family the kids smile and watch you talk with interest in their eyes "when i first met your father i was trying to kill him, he was to loud, and he acted like a baby not knowing what to do" you tell them.
they let out little laughs, not believing that their mother would've tried to kill their father "it was love at first sight." as you all sunggled close to go to bed, while you laid there awake wondering about these dreams Eywa has been plaguing you with, there was fire and destruction, the sky was dark full of smoke and ashes, you felt the emotions of the creatures around you, pain and sorrow is all you felt from them.
but you didnt let those dreams bother you, but it was always there replaying in the back of your head, if the sky people did return and there was another war you would fight to protect your people and the people you loved, but this time your kids would be involved and that thought scared you,
only Eywa knew about what was to come and she was warning you of what dangers were lurking around the corner.
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
if you had to defuse a bomb and the way to defuse it was to find something sexualise...able? about every type of warlock patron how would you do it
easies bomb I've ever defused. I'd argue that the power dynamic between a warlock and their patron is inherently sexy. it's a Boss x employee romance but for fantasy dorks and monster fuckers. Anyway something sexy and specific about each patron type (I think I got the main types from 5e at least)
Archfey- oh so the ruler of the Fey wants me as their pawn? say less. I wanna show the king how nasty the common human folk can get
Celestial- ALWAYS sexy fight me about it. Imagine a little angel being shown the pleasures of the mortal world by their devoted warlock
Fathomless- literally your first level spell as a fathomless warlock is called Tentacle of the Deep. need I say more.
Fiend- Again always sexy. I want to grab those horns while I ride
Genie- genies almost always have those wrist cuffs or other elements of bondage in their design. hot.
Great Old One- hello more tentacles in this eldritch horror, also a lot of their spells involve reading thoughts, so the Patron can listen in on all the dirty things I'm thinking
Hexblade- ugh this one is so romantic, bound to the blade that's bound to you, having to guard your sword the thing that's supposed to protect you??? insane concept. I'm kissing the sword. Also edge play go brrr obviously.
Undead/Undying- I'm combining these two YES I KNOW THEY'RE DIFFERENT but they're both sexy because Vampire lords can be in these categories. if you don't know how badly I want to fuck vampires idk what to tell you, look at my blog for a few more seconds and you'll piece it together.
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taffycandyqt · 5 months
Hi!! :) :) Can I get general dating headcaoans for 87 and 03 Casey! If it’s possible can you use he/him pronouns for the reader if that’s not possible gender neutral is also cool! 💖
I see you are a person of fine taste as well, respect👌
Dating 87' and 03' Casey Jones
Fluff, crack
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87' Casey:
Okay listen, I love this man, you love this man, but this man, is a crackhead. Respectfully.
He has a very strong sense of justice and how people should behave and that very much translates to your relationship.
Dude WILL open doors for you, he WILL pay for you, and he WILL call you his ✨lady✨(or gentlemen, or lovely) highkey forgot about the pronoun preference in the request, my bad.
You even breath his name and he's like "what do you need"👁️👁️
On the other hand, it's also really hard to go out with him for two reasons
One: because he never takes off his mask. Most people don't pay it much mind because it's New York and people has seen weirder stuff.
However there are more than a few situations, especially on dinner dates, when he will not be allowed in the establishment with his mask on.
You'll try and use your ✨partner privileges✨tm to convince him to take it off but bro will really be like
but what if something happens and he needs to protect you. He needs to protect his face so that it's easier to keep you safe
Reason two: because if something happens he will immediately run off to stop the "evil doer"
And seeing as you live in the absolute psychedelic fever dream that is New York City, something is always happening.
So you normally opt for stay in dates.
And, believe it or not, he actually prefers them. He always feels like the world is falling apart so being able to lose himself in your presence and whatever activity you guys are up to really helps ground him.
Another thing about dating Casey is he actually doesn't prefer kissing over other acts of physical affection.
kissing always feels sloppy and insincere to him.
His love language is acts of service but if you really want physical touch he prefers to hug you or cuddle you.
He likes being able to feel like he's protecting you and you feel so small in his arms like that.
It also makes him feel like you trust him. Not many people do, so the fact you are letting your guard down around him makes him feel like he really did do something right.
Overall, he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he really loves you and always tries.
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03' Casey:
This man has a bit more of a concept of reality than 87' Casey does. Not much smarter, just a bit more grounded.
That being said, he still has the same sweet heart.
He will take you where ever you want to go and do what ever you want to do.
He's not a huge fan of indoor dates though, they make him antsy. He always feels the need to be moving.
That being said he plans the best activities. He will take note of things you like and are good at and make will make sure to incorporate it into the date in some way.
Like 87' Casey, 03's love language is acts of service. He likes knowing how he can help you and enjoys seeing you relaxed.
Unlike him though, 03' Casey lives for your kisses.
Cheek kisses, amazing
Forehead kisses, love
Knuckle kisses, he's sent
Lip kisses, he's deceased
You literally make him melt. Your the sweetest person he's met and he would break the world just to be with you.
He loves hugging you just because having you in his arms helps remind him that this is real.
He's dated a couple girls in the past casually but there was no future with any of them, and they ended pretty quickly. He never really saw himself getting married.
You were different. You loved him and he loved you. He wouldn't trade what you two have for world.
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lovely-showtimes · 6 months
HIHI, could I request a reader who’s a vocaloid producer (like deco*27/Mitchie M) with Ichika, Kanade, Minori and/or Akito???
Hope its not too much TY <3
producer. ♡
characters - ichika, minori, akito, kanade.
type - hcs.
a/n - wow sorry i took so long to get to this !! i thought this req was such a neat concept when i first received it and i'm honestly shocked it's taken this long to get around to it honestly ... also, im fairly sure a couple of these charas have been in events related to learning how to tune vocaloids, so if anything in here contradicts those events please forgive me i have not read them </3 enjoy
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Obviously, Ichika has always admired Vocaloid songs
She's wanted to try it for herself for as long as she can remember, but seeing how expensive the software is, she can't
Until she met you, of course
Learning you were a Vocaloid producer and that you shared her passion for music probably made her love you more than she already did
She will gladly listen attentively as you explain how it works to her, even if she's heard it before from certain videos
She wants to hear you explain it, after all
Seeing the process of making these kinds of songs that she's loved for years is so exciting for Ichika
When you temporarily leave the room to grab something, you come back to see her tentatively making Miku sing a few notes
"...Ah! I-I'm so sorry for touching your things without your permission!" "No no, it's alright. I'd like to see what you make." "If it's really alright, then..."
You two will eventually make a song together, and it will sound amazing, trust me <3
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Minori enjoys quietly watching you work away at the laptop
It's a bit of a toss-up, sometimes she'll be utterly silent and sometimes she'll ask you a billion questions at once
Every single time after you finish making a song, Minori's already crafted choreography for it in her mind and eagerly performs it for you
So if you're the type of producer to use animation/dancing in your mvs, you have a wonderful choreographer to help you plan it out!
Minori always tries to get the rest of MMJ! to cover your songs with her after you release them
Even if they don't want to, she'll probably post solo covers anyway
You'll also catch her humming your songs when she's distracted by something
If you tell her about it, she proudly tells you it's just because your songs are so amazing, they always get stuck in her head!
Minori loves her talented partner so much, after all!
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Akito didn't know much about Vocaloid songs before he met you, really
Yeah, he's listened to a few songs once or twice. Yeah, he covers them constantly. Yeah, he knows Hatsune Miku personally, but that doesn't mean anything
Suffice to say, he learns a lot from you
He's asked if he can watch you make music before, which you didn't really mind
You thought it was boring to him, though - all you really do is sit there quietly as you work, occasionally humming or singing the melody you're trying to create
Until one day, Akito suddenly comments on the creation process as if he's used the software multiple times before
It definitely shocked you, but you're happy to know he does pay attention
If the music you make is his style, he'll probably cover it himself or with VBS too
Although, when they find out he only wants to cover your songs because they're your songs, he gets relentlessly teased about it...
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Kanade is already used to making songs digitally, plus she's used the Vocaloid software before
The two of you end up making songs together a lot
You've probably collaborated with 25ji multiple times, plus Kanade and you often like making songs on your own
Aside from that, you two can often give each other help or criticism when you work
"Hey, Kanade. What do you think of this song so far?" "It flows very well, and your tuning of Rin sounds very unique and refreshing. However, maybe you could tweak this part..."
Although, while Kanade knows how to use Vocaloid, she usually focuses on melodies more than the voice software
So she's learned a lot by being with you
And likewise, you've learned a lot about composing from her
You're each other's biggest fans, really
Your songs are very comforting to Kanade. She'll find herself humming them on instinct when she's stressing herself out from composing
If your songs are on the gentler side, she'll probably put them on when she's trying to sleep
(Usually she doesn't try to sleep though, she just ends up falling asleep on accident...)
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shuamorollss · 1 year
THE WORST Secret Santa! — StucoPres!yjw x gn!reader
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you never knew that a peculiar game of switched class secret santa would draw you and jungwon together
fluff, comedy, featuring various of idols, jungwon is clumsy if u squint warnings— not proofread, errors ahead, unsuree but there might be scenes where reader gets identified as she/her, 8.4k wc (i got carried away omfg) + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
taglist— @jangwonie @jungwonize @luhvlyuna @w3bqrl @ineedaherosavemeenow
note— I know i said i'd post this on valentines (it's feb 17 now..) BUT i rlly didn't hv time to open tumblr bc of the packing homeworks school is alr giving us TT but here it is!!! I'm sorry if it looks rushed in a way.. And i wanted to give out like a serendipity feel to it anyway that's it and I'm sorry for delaying this fic <//3 Was also thinking of making a part two for this one cause I haven't done justice on their love story Omg
you along with your classmates didn't know what drew your adviser to host a game of secret santa, but with other classes.
Although at the same time you think it's a cute way to get to know the people from the other class, the thing is.. what do they even want as a present? you possibly can't just approach them and ask them what present they want to receive.
yeah, this game will definitely suck.
"I can't believeee the principal approved of this switched class secret santa or whatchamacallit." Your deskmate, Hanni Pham, whined, slouching forward, irritatingly slamming her cheeks on your shared desk. "Hey, It sounds kinda fun. I mean, the concept is pretty unique." Sim Jayoon replied who was sitting on the desk in front, turned her gaze to the both of you.
In all honesty, you were pretty neutral about the idea. Moreso on Yoon's side; she was right, it does sound a bit exciting, with such a different concept for secret santa and being a school transferee, you'll finally get to know other students in your school this way.
Yoon and Hanni’s gazes transferred to you, wanting to hear your perspective of the said exchange gift event for your annual christmas party. You started with a half shrug, “I sort of agree with Yoon, things like these do sound exciting.“ you let out a short and nervous laugh.
“See? Two versus one Hanni.” Yoon lets out a smug face as if it was a competition to feel triumphant on. Hanni only groaned as she glared at the girl with bangs, then moving her head to the other side.
“But how will this whole secret santa work? Like which class are we all gonna get paired to?” Hanni grumbled, still protesting for this concept of secret santa to move forward (even though choices were already made by school authority).
Before you and Yoon could answer her question, Naoi Rei came into the picture. cheerfully letting out a “ Hey guys! “ as she sits beside her seatmate, Yoon. You all greeted her back with the same yet idle “hey!”
Hanni finally raises her head up to check the girl in front of her. The curve on Rei’s lips never seemed to fade, figuring that she might have some things to say that would pique you and the girl's interest.
“I overheard Mrs. Jeon and Mrs. Yoon earlier talking about the secret santa thing…” Rei started, all of your ears perked up as if it was activated, ready to listen to everything that will come out next. Stories that involve advisers (especially your class’s adviser, Mrs. Jeon) are already intriguing to hear and you all thank Rei for being a part of your friend group and for having such a good source of gossip.
Rei slightly leaned forwards in which you three mirrored her move, waiting a few seconds for your friend to process her words.
“So.. okay. I heard our class, and their class are gonna be paired for the secret santa.” Yoon gasped at Rei’s statement while Hanni’s eyes only widened, and you? utterly confused.
How is this news? You thought to yourself, what is so shocking about these two classes colliding for the secret santa?
Yoon was repeatedly slapping your desk in excitement while Hanni was just frozen in place “I’m gonna see our class so desperate to get his name.” she lets out; and Rei was just giggling… but why? and who's he?
The three eventually noticed your clueless state, realizing you probably do not know anything about Mrs. Yoon’s class. Rei gave you a question regarding that class, shaking your head as a response.
“Girl.. Yang Jungwon is in that class.” Yoon replied, gently holding your arm as it rests on your desk.
“Yang Jung- who?” you raised a brow.
“Mister student council president.” Hanni lets out a short chuckle, glancing at Rei. You can only breathe out a long oh in response, even so, still unfamiliar with the boy mentioned.
Since your friends have talked about it like they were fangirls, he must be extremely popular… being the student council president after all.
Before your conversation escalates, you four immediately shifted your attention to the font noticing a sudden thud on the front door, knowing that your Teacher had already entered your classroom.
All of you stood up to welcome and greet your adviser, officially starting the homeroom hour for the day.
Much to you and your friends surprise, the news Rei announced about the classes to be paired with from secret santa were correct, hearing the mention of Mrs. Yoon's class later on. You were startled when some of your girl classmates gasped about the news, you swore that their excitement could almost be heard even outside your classroom, reaching the long corridors,
You didn’t know why you had only found out about his popularity today, even if you were friends with the student council secretary (Hanni Pham), you seem to not hear her, or any of your friends for that matter, mentioning the name Yang Jungwon until now.
You turn your head to your seatmate only to see her rolling her eyes and groaning at the fangirling session your class has started after the mention of Jungwon's name.
Your old school has popular students too, similar to this Jungwon person, although they had never made this kind of impact on a class before… This was completely new to you especially how can some normal students still get a whole hoard of students swooning over them?
“This school is weird.” You muttered at the thought. Hanni unknowingly catches your whispers, replying “Right.” which quickly caught you off guard.
You all were instructed to write your names on a small piece of paper and a wishlist on what you want to receive as a present. Your adviser gave you a good 5 minutes to write everything out and you were baffled to find the part where you write your wishlist to be difficult. You tap your pen at the surface of your desk, forming a rhythm as you intently gather your thoughts about things you want to receive as a present, although not one thing comes to mind.
You want to buy the things you desire with your own money, you wish to write something that isn’t too much of a hassle for the other to buy… and still none pops up in your mind.
You take small peaks at Hanni’s paper, she was writing something alright, and pretty focused too. You envy your seatmate for already knowing what she desires to get in 2 weeks, while you’re still stuck on a piece of paper that only has your name written on it.
You were too drowned in your thoughts only to see that the time had run up. It was time to fold your papers and place it on a tupperware box in order to finally switch with the other class.
You swiftly scribbled on your paper before your teacher passed by your desk; and to your relief you made it. Folding the paper and dropping it in the box at the same time as Hanni.
As your adviser leaves the class to pass the box, you, Hanni, and the two other girls seated in front of you let out their own sigh of relief. Yoon and Rei turn around to ask what you two wrote in your own wishlists.
“I just wanted a new set of highlighters and a computer mouse, what about you Y/n?”
“Surprise me,” Jungwon read out loud, “and nothing else.” He added, earning a perplexed face from Wonyoung. As if she hadn't heard the male right.
“There’s no way that person wrote that in their wishlist.” Wonyoung snatched the paper out of Jungwon's grip, squinting her eyes as if she’s gonna find anything else written in the paper.
“Yeah, good luck with that.” She intensely placed the paper back on the man’s desk, Jungwon only rolling his eyes at the girl sitting in front of him.
Wonyoung gasped at the attitude her friend just showed, “Look won, no one would want to trade secret santa’s with you with that wishlist.”
“I'm not willing to trade it anyway. I don't mind it to be honest.”
“Why not? Won’t it be hard for you?” she raised a brow.
“Might be difficult when I start to look for a present, although I don’t think I’m the only one who’s gonna find difficulties in finding me a present.”
Wonyoung only stared at the other, forehead creasing, “What do you mean— Won, what did you write on your wishlist?”
“Wow Y/n you got Jungwon?!” Hanni exclaimed, you immediately grip on her shoulders in an attempt to shut her up (it was reflex). Thankfully the two girls in front of you were the only ones who heard Hanni’s loud mouth and not your other classmates who were gushing about how desperately they would want to pick Jungwon's paper up. quickly turning their heads to you with a scheming grin on their faces.
“Jungwon?! Oh my god!” Yoon whisper shouted, placing her palm in front of you, quietly asking you to hand her the paper you had picked up from the box. You then absentmindedly placed the paper on her palm as your other hand was still tightly gripping your seatmate's shoulder. Yoon reading the paper in an instant, plastering a wide O expression being that it indeed has Jungwon’s name written.
Rei leaned her head beside her seatmate to take a look at the paper in Yoon’s grasp, both of them dropping an ambiguous reaction just for a small piece of paper with only the man's name written on it.
“Is there nothing else on here?” Rei quickly snatched the small paper from Yoon, eyeing the paper closer as if anything would pop up.
“Dumbass, of course there’s nothing. Do you see anything else besides his name?” Yoon retorts, flicking her forehead in an attempt for Rei's grip to loosen on the paper, immediately taking it back.
“That’s surprising… kind of,” Hanni joins in when you finally calmed down, letting go of your grasp on her shoulder. She idly placed her hands to her cheeks with her elbows resting on the desk. “Jungwon is known as someone who actually knows what he wants… Kinda shocking to see his paper being empty but his name though, I seem to give no care about it, good luck though.”
“Thanks… I mean, He’s probably not the only one who left his wishlist empty too.” You commented.
“What do you mean? You didn’t put anything in your wishlist either?” Rei tilted her head to the side, interested to hear your answer. “Technically I did, but it was just a simple surprise me.” you anxiously curl up the edges of your lips, a slight chuckle escaping beneath your breath. Hanni shrugged it off, it was expected for you to be unsure of what you want, especially having to think about it in a really short amount of time only to end up with absolutely nothing.
“Whoever got you to be their secret santa is in one hell of a ride…” Yoon uttered thrillingly.
“I think the same for myself too.” you remarked. You were internally inquisitively desperate in knowing who might have picked up the paper that has your name written on it, and also wonder what gift you’ll be receiving for the party that is now set in two weeks.
First week has already passed, meaning Jungwon is already preparing for a gift as your secret santa.
He underestimated it, assuming this would be easy; however, the thought of your reaction to anything Jungwon decides to give you started to bother him.
He is completely unfamiliar with you, he doesn't know you nor have seen you physically, having the verge of dying from impatiently waiting a week from now.
Jungwon remained alone in the student council office, since there were no requirements to submit, everyone stayed with their group of friends within the school.
He liked the fresh lone air of the office, he cherishes it so he never complains being alone.
Also, this is the best time to whine about anything and everything, especially what gift to give you for the upcoming party without anyone's judgment. Wonyoung is too dubious about the whole 'surprise me' Y/n paper and probably wouldn't help him settle for a decent gift.
This idea of secret santa sure is downright ass.
Jungwon continued to groan and complain, frustratingly pondering on whatever gifts to buy as he attentively notes all of his ideas on a spare page of his notebook.
Unbeknownst to him a Hanni Pham remains in her stand right beside the door as she watches the student council president fumingly write on a notebook with a fuming face.
"Uhh… president?" The soft voice coming from the girl startled Jungwon, gazing up to her figure in a heartbeat. He felt like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to, even though he was just writing.
Jungwon escaped a relieving sigh, halting himself from what he was doing. Hanni felt the sudden awkward air and wished she would've entered any time that isn't now. Oh how she wished to turn back time and be able to change her mind from opening this very door and backing him out of his trance.
"Yes, Hanni?" He calmly voiced out, acting as if he wasn't panicking 2 seconds ago.
"Can I hang out here?"
"Oh, sure. You didn't have to ask that."
Hanni slowly walled and took a seat a distance beside Jungwon, then idly slouched on the uncluttered table.
"What made you come here? You don't normally hang here in the student council office." Jungwon strikes up a conversation, attempting to tone down the fiddly atmosphere that was built a few minutes ago.
Hanni shrugged, "Eh, Yoon didn't show up to class, Rei and Y/n are cramming for homework that's due later so I decided to leave for them to focus on that… Basically I'm bored and friendless at the moment. I'm striving for interactions, Jungwon." From lightheadedness to being desperate in a matter of a few words shook Jungwon. He knew Hanni wasn't a huge extrovert, though she likes to chit chat especially with prople she's close with, so why is she approaching him?
"Why don't you just talk to your classmates then?"
"Because! I don't like any of my classmates except for Yoon, Rei, and Y/n! If I ever talk to any one of them they're just gonna start asking me about you, I mean— we're not even close?!"
Jungwon could only laugh in response, fond of the other's carefree and extremely straightforward personality.
"Not close? that's true and all but why did it kinda hurt." Jungwon jokes, placing his palm on his chest acting like his heart has pounded too hard to break at Hanni's rant.
"Oh you know I don't always hang around here except when it's important," Hanni crosses both of her fingers up "Bros always comes first."
The name Y/n had only just hit hard inside Jungwon's spindling brain, subtly reaching out for air as he internally debates with himself if asking you what to give Y/n was the best Idea. Jungwon really wanted you to cherish whatever he's gonna give, and he'll make sure of that.
"Anyway, enough about me. What're you doing? You seemed tense earlier when I walked in." Hanni leaned at the side, attempting to peek at the male's notebook she had caught him writing so focused on.
Jungwon felt a sweat dropping from his forehead, even though he looked completely flawless and unbothered in the other's view. Slowly moving his notebook out of Hanni's vision, causing her to let out a short groan.
"Come on, what is that?"
"Just… secret Santa stuff."
"Oh! You started picking gifts already? Who did you get? Wait, don't say it's me!"
"It's not you."
"Oh phew… I didn't get you either so you can say it to me."
That swift confession made Jungwon lose his thick walls, wanting to open up to Hanni about who he had picked for the event. Considering they're close friends, and also the person who's in the class who got paired with in his class. Maybe she would know what to buy for you that'll have you smiling for the rest of the night.
"So Hanni… don't tell anyone, okay?"
"Of course, My lips are sealed shut!"
Jungwon took a few seconds to process his choices, finalizing with the decision of seeking Hanni's help.
He held a deep breath, "I picked up Y/n's."
"Y/n… there's only 2 more days before the party and you still haven't thought about what gift to buy Jungwon?" Rei's eyebrows rose, Watching you stress out along with your two other friends.
"I keep telling her to finally start buying one but she always say It's too early." Hanni mocks your tone of voice, causing you to shoot a glare in her way.
"Look, after school we'll help you pick something for him so that you won't stress yourself sick anymore, sounds good?" Yoon offered. "No!—" you declined almost immediately after Yoon spoke, earning a few wide eyes from your three friends.
"I'm sorry— guys, I just prefer making my own decisions for this one." you reasoned, lowering your head as you huff out to ease your stressful state a bit.
"Wow Y/n, didn’t know you’d be taking this too seriously." Rei responds.
“Rei please, I think we all took it equally seriously, we don’t even know those people in the other class except for Jungwon.” Yoon boasted to her seatmate.
You huffed exasperatingly, "Of course I am Rei! I'm buying someone who I have completely no idea about; a gift!?" you lowered your head against your desk, escaping a whiny groan, feeling the heat of your breath fanning from the polished wooden surface of your desk.
"That’s fair. If you don't want our help, good luck then!" Hanni rooted, raising her fists above showing her support. “Oh and by the way, Jungwon likes jackets so do what you want to do with that information.” Hanni added, her hands gently transferring to patting your back.
You let out a “Thanks.” to at least show gratitude for their encouragement, a part inside you is dubious to be able to buy a gift before 2 days, you never even planned about what to give him.
After school would be a great challenge between you and your indecisiveness.
Jungwon finds himself wandering various stores in the mall while he indecisively asks vendors questions about a price of a certain product he won’t even end up purchasing.
He wasn’t seeking a present to give you, he had already bought you a week ago after gaining Hanni’s assistance with gift ideas. So why now, does he feel the need to add more to what he’s originally going to hand you in two days? Surely you might want more than a new year’s planner, right?
Truth be told, you did feel sort of regretted your bitterness denial after you have told them to back down with the help. Finding yourself internally panicking while roaming around the mall, a few minutes have passed after tentatively buying a hoodie. (taking note of what Hanni said, considering they knew each other.) The hoodie didn't feel as complete, not feeling the slightest satisfaction of giving it to him alone, and ought to give him more than that… and you will give more than that.
You searched around the entire mall and only ended up with more things than you expected, and much to your surprise, you haven’t spent a lot of your money.
Knowing that he is in the student council, you reckon he might want things more essential, similar to a set of colored pens, highlighters, new notebooks, the hoodie, and a few jewelry. It felt like it was too much albeit the budget wasted on; these purchases didn’t leave you satisfied, only having the man’s reaction to bother you for mornings and evenings up until the exact day of the party
“Jungwon! Our ride’s here!” Wonyoung yelled downstairs, Jungwon flabbergasted, inhaling the fact her voice can still be heard even at a far set of stairs. He quickly prepared himself before returning downstairs to take off with his friend, seeing Wonyoung already standing impatiently by their front door.
“Let’s go.” Jungwon breathed out, nodding intensely at the girl in front of him.
“Whatever, I would’ve left without you.” The girl scoffs, idly exiting Jungwon’s home walking to their ride which was the car of Jungwon’s sweet sister.
Wonyoung turned around to the male, “Oh and your sister said to lock the door.”
“I don’t have any keys with me— oh.” His eyes widened with his fast reflex when Wonyoung threw the keys at him out of nowhere. “Nice.” Wonyoung remarked, then turned back to board their ride that was parked in front of his house.
“Thanks for helping me out with preparing the room Y/n!” Yoon cheerfully thanked with a wide smile plastered on her face, her eyes smiling in the process. You mirrored her jolly expression as you handed her another wide lace of garland, which Yoon took in an instant and carefully placed it at the front ceiling.
“No problem, class treasurer.” You teased, a smirk ghosting your lips. Yoon only laughed in response as you then handed her a large ribbon. “Rei and Hanni are taking a while to come by, no?” You asked, genuine cluelessness in your tone.
“Oh please, they’re probably having an outfit crisis.”
“Just for a class party? Well, that doesn’t seem so surprising now.” You both let out a soft giggle, silence taking over the both of you to focus on the decorating.
A few minutes passed by, you, Yoon, and a few of your classmates had already finished decorating the room, and the time left before the actual party started was farther than you expected. Satisfied with the finished result of the newly festive decorated classroom, you then took a seat on a random desk at the side to check on your gift that you hid under the compartment, thankfully it remained there.
It wasn’t a huge bag, it was averagely small, having the jacket folded neatly and all the other gifts fitted in that paper bag. You could feel your anxiousness crawling up to your system, giving you dazed thoughts. Now’s the day you get to give him your gift, you don’t know what he’s like, you never asked Hanni about his everyday demeanor since that never gathered in your thoughts for the last two weeks, and most importantly you don’t know what he wants as a present. (excluding the hoodie.)
You spent a few minutes trapped in your thoughts, unaware that some of your classmates had already arrived.
“Y/n!” Rei gleefully greeted, sitting beside you and completely backing you out of your trance. You only hummed absentmindedly as you process the current state of your class.
Everyone is already here.
“What’s that? Wait let me guess… Jungwon’s?”
“Yeah, Jungwon’s.” you let out, Rei noticed the discomposure lingering in your voice while you fiddle the handle of the paper bag you were holding, causing a state of worry to enter her.
“Hey, I’m sure he’s gonna love whatever it is in there,” Rei pouted, shifting her hand around your shoulder in order for you to lessen your build up tension.
“I don’t think he’d show a nasty reaction to it, I bet he has a kind heart.”
You were sincerely grateful for Rei’s words, her intention of calming your heartbeat actually worked. Though another thought had hit you, about why Rei and the others didn’t feel the same nervousness you were feeling right at this moment.
"Thanks Rei, but that's not the only thing I'm worried about…"
Rei tilted her head for a better view of your state, "Okay yeah, our classmates may get jealous but don't worry about them."
"Okay sorry. What is it that's also bothering you?"
"I know nothing about him."
"Oh pfft— we all don't know who the person we got. You're not the only one bothered by that thought." Rei laughed, transferring her hand on top of you, patting your head. "Don't let that anxiousness take a toll on this fun day, you don't want to go home with just this gift thing overtaking your head, right?" Rei added, slowly taking the paper bag then placing it on the compartment under the desk you both were sitting on.
You raise your chin to see Yoon and Hanni preparing to MC the party, meeting gazes with Yoon, the girl at a distance beaming endearingly waving the both of you to walk towards them.
Your eyes softened by the quick gentle hit of realization; all thanks to your best friend slash classmate Naoi Rei.
"You're right," You jumped out of your seat, causing Rei to do the same. "Let's go!" You sang, jogging your way to Yoon and Hanni.
Rei was right, why would you be extremely stressed about a secret santa gift? Is it because Jungwon is basically a high demand in your school? Maybe. But he's a human being, you can worry about his reaction later. What matters right now is to have fun for yourself.
"Come on guys! 7 members in 2 groups, who dares to participate!" Wonyoung cheerfully asked through the mic, almost all of your classmates raising their hands, making her eyes widened in surprise. Jungwon only laughed in response, discussing shortly with her co-MC that he'll pick the members for the second group while hers is the 1st group.
Their Christmas party was going smoothly and actually started to be more enjoyable. Jungwon had a nice relationship with all of his classmates, causing all of them to get along so well, feeling as if everyone were close friends. Maybe this is what made it cherishing, the chemistry of the class, the relationship to one another. Jungwon's eyes sparkled as Wonyoung, now leading and hosting the first game for today's party, without the need of Jungwon’s hosting, he proceeded to sit by the side watching chaos unfold at the center of the classroom.
"Hey Jungwon, is this yours?" his classmate, Kim Sheon asked while holding a large paper bag with a cute valentines teddy bear printed on it.
"Oh yeah that's mine," Jungwon continuously nodded as the girl handed him the paper bag. "thank you Sheon!"
"You should watch where you put things next time, president." the girl advised before taking a few steps away towards the other end of the room, returning to her group of friends.
He stares at her with delight, his mind completely going back to reality knowing that the paper bag she had handed him was your christmas present. His mind suddenly hazed to a frenzy as he quickly searched the inside of the paper bag and much to his relief, everything were still there.
His thoughts then switched about the gift giving later on. It's a shame that he has to shout your name out loud in order to find you by the time your classes collide to give each other gifts. He has done it a lot before (shouting at delinquents) but doing it to someone who's technically a total stranger to him and probably harmless felt hilariously strange.
He gets to brush this thought later on, reckon that he might just be thinking anything to make him more anxious than he was a few hours ago before leaving his home. Besides, you are considered best friends with Hanni (her words), and he didn't want to underestimate that. With Hanni's adorably bubbly approach would make him assume you might just be the same as her.
Then again, everything's only an assumption.
People were already feasting on the homemade goodies your classmates had prepared or bought for everyone to eat. You ate with Rei, Sullyoon and Ni-ki since the other two were too busy organizing the event and the class exchange gift collision soon. The merry festive set of the classroom had made you giddy and so was interacting with your classmates, all of them feeling much the same.
You were chatting with Rei, Sullyoon and Ni-ki until you felt a grumble on your stomach that made you want to excuse yourself for a while.
Thankfully your friends didn't mind, so you stormed off hoping that this isn't an internal attack you expect it to be.
After a few minutes in the comfort room, you walked out, clashing a rough figure bumping into you, flinching at the hard feeling of meeting his body.
"Oh I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He instantaneously apologized, you subtly move your head up and down, eyes glued on the man swiftly bowing at you.
You waved your hands frantically, showing a nervous expression, telling him that it was okay.
"No, it's not your fault. You wouldn't see me coming at all!" He stammered, you could see from his expression that he felt sort of resentment.
"Well, you didn't see me coming out of the bathroom either, so don't feel so bad now…"
You didn't even have any injuries from that, so it was quite adorable to see him continuously apologizing as if what he did was downright unlawful.
"Anyway, I should probably go back to my party now, I'm sorry again!" You waved at him once more, tracing the smile on your eyes as you walked away towards your classroom, your destination wasn't a far distance so the man could still see your figure entering the said room.
The moment your figure disappeared, was when Jungwon suddenly wondered why he was out walking in the first place. Completely forgetting his task by the time he bumped into you.
You, Sullyoon, and Ni-ki were having a common interest conversation while Rei excused herself after getting called by your other classmates.
You turn your head to check the whole classroom and how everyone is getting along so well, including with people you unexpectedly enjoyed interacting with such as the people you're talking to right now.
You see Yoon and Hanni talking to your class president, Kim Siyoon, at the very side of the classroom, just beside the door, Your president who might be asking them to announce something, since it's been minutes since everyone had already finished consuming the party goods
By the time your gaze goes back to Ni-ki and Sullyoon, a "Hello everyone!" from Yoon.
Everyone went quiet as their attention transferred to the three people beside the door asking if everyone already finished their meals.
Everyone shouted a loud YES!! (including you) and you felt your heart melt as you saw Yoon's gummy smile plastered on her face by the energetic response.
"So that officially concludes the party… but before that! Let's all get our Christmas presents and it's time to exchange gifts!! After you get your presents, you can all freely enter Mrs. Yoon's classroom, two classrooms down the hall on the right, at room 2-1."
Everyone rapidly made their way to pick up their respective gifts and immediately walked out of the classroom, alongside Sullyoon and Ni-ki who you're sure were just beside you moments before.
Yoon's figure walks near your seat. "You really can't tell if they wanted to see Jungwon or the people they got for secret santa." The woman in front of you chuckled, placing her hand under the desk compartment you were sitting on in order to find the gift she had hid there.
"Aha!" Yoon lets out, grasping a cute, medium-sized, yellow wrapped box.
"Come on Y/n, let's go," Your brows narrowed, questioningly staring at the girl due to her invitation.
"Hanni and Rei already made their way there, so come on."
tilting your head to the side seeing only nothing but an empty space, excluding you and Yoon.
You took off your seat hoisting up the rope handle of the paper bag filled with gifts.
Yoon nodded at you, silently asking if you were ready to go; and before you could respond to her a sudden pst came from Siyoon who opened the door.
"Good thing you guys are still here, can one of you help me bring something to the faculty?" Siyoon asked timidly, her worried expression impulsively pulled you to volunteer on assisting your class president. Telling Yoon to go on without her which she obliged, leaving the room the same as you do, heading in the opposite direction on the hall.
Jungwon’s eyes set to their crowded classroom, everyone mingling and interacting all so joyfully, however everyone was already occupied giving gifts to the people they have gotten. It was chaos yet everyone seemed to get along considering this is the first time these two classes collided like this. Jungwon's eyes sparkled as he saw the classroom more alive than ever, an ecstatic Wonyoung jumping beside him backed him out of his mesmerized eyes.
"Look what my secret Santa got me," Shimmying as she wore a fur blaser, holding a leopard print purse, "It's so cute dont'cha think?" She squealed, darting off, not even bothered to wait for her best friend to answer her question. Jungwon only stared into a void, dumbfounded by what had just happened.
Jungwon didn't bother to shout your name since people were already leaving the classroom to go home or hang out outside school grounds, which was reasonable though what concerned Jungwon was your absence. He decided to wait a bit in the classroom in hopes of someone showing up with a clueless face similar to him, though a few minutes felt like hours when Jungwon slowly witnessed half of the students that bustled their classroom slowly leaving one-by-one.
He had an urge to ask your friend, Hanni, who was talking to two other girls(Yoon and Rei) in a circle. Though Jungwon slid the idea off and kept waiting, although unaware, Hanni already was giving secret glances at his lonely figure whilst his point finger held a paper bag for what she assumed to be his christmas present. Hanni excused herself for a moment to approach him, leaning backwards on the desk he was sitting on.
"Is Y/n not here yet? Yoon said she helped Siyoon— our class president by the way, in the faculty, she might still be there." The girl explained, causing a tedious reaction on the boy.
Realizing that he was stuck in a trance, Hanni didn't hesitate on gripping his shoulders, shaking him back to reality, which worked.
"Huh?— what?!— huh?!" Jungwon lifted his head, eyes widening when greeted by the girl who had just returned to his state of mind in the real world.
"Three words: Y/n. Faculty. Go." Were Hanni's last words before returning back to her circle of friends, eventually exiting the classroom.
Jungwon took a few seconds to process Hanni's words before storming out, heading to the very room the girl had mentioned to him directly a few minutes back.
Sensing his impatience was unlikely, he reckons himself to be very patient yet he felt irritated having to wait that long. Though he couldn't possibly blame you, you only wanted to help your class president, so then again, he slides these feelings off.
"Thanks girls, have a nice Christmas vacation!" One of the faculty members sweetly reminded the both of you, after that you two bid your farewells and as the door closes from the faculty, the both of you sprinted to Mrs. Yoon's classroom like the tomorrow is about to br erased. In a race to finally hand out their presents.
When both of you arrived at the classroom, there were only two people waiting, and none of them was waiting for you.
One of them being Siyoon's secret santa and one of them being the ones to have her as their secret santa.
You quietly watched them exchange their gifts, eyes furrowed at the three people who were only left at Mrs Yoon's classroom and no one else.
You only assumed that one of them is this Jungwon person, it really bums you for being the only person who's unfamiliarized with the person you're handing out your present to.
"Hey guys can I ask where Yang Jungwon is?" You reluctantly took a few steps towards the three, though much to your dismay, they had no idea where Jungwon went, confirming for you that one of them is not jungwon.
You only breathed out an "Oh okay." in response, nodding vigorously before setting yourself to get some fresh air as you lean backwards on a desk that was placed to the side of the room. You grasp your phone, unfortunately having 5% battery, you only dared to check your messages to see anything new, and seeing a notification pop up on your group chat with the four girls saying that they all were just at a 7/11 across the street and will be waiting for you there and replied with a like emoji, turning it off after doing so.
A few minutes had passed, the three students (Siyoon included) had already left the classroom, which now leaves you the only person inside, waiting to hand out your present.
Your paper bag felt heavy, you were dying to give this to him already and get out, you don't even care about receiving yours anymore, you just wanted to get this present out of your grasp.
A few minutes and for what it felt like hours of waiting, you couldn't stop yourself from dozing, having no more control on keeping your heavy eyelids up anymore, you wanted to keep awake, though you couldn't.
A part of you already accepted the fact that Jungwon might not be showing up, you originally wanted to just get this over with yet right now you just want to meet your friends outside already.
And so that is what you did.
Indolently making steps towards the door, reluctantly gripping on the cold metal handle, pulling the door then swiftly taking a huge step beyond the door only for someone to suddenly clash onto you to the point you fell down hard to the ground, groaning by the bruised feeling that stinged your bottom.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry— " The man stopped, blinking as he continued to examine your figure. You only looked up at him, having the inability to get yourself up.
"again. I am so sorry again." He guiltily uttered, crouching down, his arms tightly holding your wrist in order to assist you to stand.
Your eyes still glued to his face as he helps you up, attempting to remember his familiar features and a few seconds is what finally hits you.
He was the person who previously bumped onto you… What are the odds for the same thing to happen again?
"It's alright.." It wasn't. It was honestly, excruciatingly painful, knowing that he bumped onto you whilst he was sprinting rapidly towards you and having to heavily meet your frame at the exact same coordinate at the exact same time.
"I should really start being careful whenever I exit a room." You joked, wanting to end the awkward air about to build up between you and the man you had just bumped into.
"Yeah, sorry again… I was just searching for this person so that I can finally give my present to them, her friend told me they were in the faculty but when I got there Mrs. Yoon already said they were gone, and now I'm back here." the man stated, your eyes suddenly feeling awake at the other's words.
"Oh, I was just at the faculty… Who did you get?"
"Uhm… Y/n."
You escape a long sigh, in a relief to have finally found your secret santa. You would've figured it out the second you have bumped onto, "I'm Y/n!"
Jungwon's eyes sparkled, exhaling the same air though slightly tired from the running earlier, considering the faculty was 3 more floors more up, an exceptionally understandable state.
"Oh thank god finally… here you go." He handed out a cute printed paper bag, in which you slowly transferred to your grasp, dubious if you were going to open it now or open it when you leave.
You examined his tired figure head to chest, uncertain of what to do next.
"Can we go inside for you to open your present?"
"Oh, you want me to open my present in front of you..?"
"Yeah, since you didn't add a wish list and all. I wanted to see if you're surprised," He grinned,
"Also I need to sit down, I feel like passing out anytime soon." He added, you could still see his chest pounding from the tiring run.
It would be out of place to open gifts here in the hallway anyway, so you happily obliged, taking a few steps back returning to their classroom.
you and the other seated at a desk beside the window, having the sunlight ray refract through the transparent window of the 3rd floor classroom. The conspicuous sight of the buildings and the school field alluring a smile to creep up on Jungwon's face.
He admires the view behind him as you gently rummage through the paper bag. "Wow." You remarked, shocked about the amount of things he had bought you.
Your grip was on a cotton fabric cloth folded inside, pulling out of the bag and expanding it widely to reveal a funky white and blue jacket with a few sticker designs. It was adorable and it fits your taste. Jungwon's attention darted to you when he heard a breathy gasp coming from you, witnessing your eyes sparkling as you gaze at the jacket for too long.
"So… Do you like it?" Jungwon's brows knit as he sees your baffled state, you couldn't speak your happiness out just yet so you silently nod as you examine the jacket more.
"Yang Jungwon, you have such a nice taste in terms of designs. This is amazing!" You praised, earning a bashful laugh from the man.
When you were done admiring the jacket, you then folded it and gently put it on your side to check more things inside the paper bag.
"Wow, you bought me a lot— Oh my god! " You joyfully yell in surprise as your eyes lay on a planner journal. "I was planning on buying this after new years?!"
"I didn't feel content with giving you just the planner so I bought you… some school supplies, a jacket, and that planner."
You felt your heart giddy up from the man's statement, noticing the curve on your lips that wouldn't fade anytime soon. You couldn't tell if you find his visage absolutely adorable or the fact that he's shy about his gifts.
"Are you saying that you never originally planned on getting me that freakishly cute jacket?!"
The said gifts were simple, yes. Though very essential to your everyday school life; 2 sets of colored pens, 3 notebook journals with amazing paper quality, and a jacket that is an absolute eye candy.
"Still don't know what I got though." The other sighed, shifting your view on his somewhat upsetting state. Your eyes softed alongside the curve on your lips that were slowly dropping. You suddenly remembered your Christmas present that hasn't been handed out yet, already reaching to the assumption that the man beside you has you as his secret santa.
It has almost been for what you felt like an hour since you waited in a classroom that wasn't even yours, meaning everyone must have already sent and received their respective gifts including your three friends that are currently (and hopefully patiently) waiting for you outside school territory.
After thanking the man merrily, you then handed your paper bag. Jungwon only darted his gaze cluelessly to you and back to the bag.
"I'm assuming you're Yang Jungwon?" you raised a brow, forming a grin having a confident gut feeling deep inside that you might actually be his secret Santa.
Jungwon almost jumped from the desk you two were sitting on, almost grumbling you out of it.
Well, he is indeed, Yang Jungwon.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" His eyes twinkled when he made contact with the paper surface of the bag. His heart was pounding due to the rush of excitement overtaking his system.
"I didn't know who you were so I just kinda… kept it, until now of course." You bashfully stated, Jungwon felt a sudden shock when he heard it right that You were never familiarized with him. Considering the amount of admirers he has from your class, this was something he was sort of surprised about.
Jungwon glanced at you before darting to his goodies. Feeling the same cloth inside the bag, he pulled it out, expanded to see an oversized mocha hoodie that absolutely fit to his taste.
"So pretty.." He lets out subconsciously, his eyes drowning in absolute awe as the hoodie lays before him, causing your cheeks to heat up by the indirect compliment.
Putting the hoodie beside him, he rummages deeply in the bag knowing there was more than just the hoodie.
"Same as your gift idea, I bought something for comfort and school supplies. But those are sets of highlighters and cute notebooks I found at a stationary store… It's not much but it's what fitted in my budget so—"
"I love all of these," You raise your head, your eyes meeting the beaming Yang Jungwon. There was a sudden pang! that penetrated your chest, his smile was indescribable… way more above the word adorable.
"Thank you."
Your eyes locked onto each other, the smile forming on his eyes kept you from viewing more of the galaxy that illuminated his hues.
The same would be said in Jungwon's view. He was starstruck. Apprehended by how the sunlight could perfectly catch the best part of your face.
You were probably the last best view Jungwon had to witness before the end of this year.
"Thank you too… At Least I got something that I can use." You chuckled, placing back all of your received gifts in the paper bag, Jungwon copying your actions.
After neating yourselves, you wanted more to talk with the man, considering you two were the only ones left in the classroom, probably no more company waiting outside, and you magically got attached to him, having to understand why he's so famous amongst the entirety of the school.
As you were about to open your mouth to speak, a girl suddenly barges in the door. "Y/n!— Oh, hey Jungwon…" Hanni's tone pitched down as she saw you beside the male, completely changing her demeanor. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, though Y/n really needs to go like, now."
"Oh yeah uhm!— we just finished actually… opening up our gifts," Jungwon nervously blurted, "And I needed to go now too anyway… Too bad we didn't talk that much."
"Then maybe we should!" You ecstatically advised, earning a surprised beam from the male.
"Then we will… So let's hang out once classes start again." He whispered, not reaching your friend's medium.
"Would love to." You muttered, sucking your lip in an attempt to conceal a wide smile.
Jungwon only nodded in response, taking a few steps towards the door, meeting Hanni's figure. He waved her goodbye, Hanni then obligingly moved aside for Jungwon to have a space to walk out on. You only watched him disappear, slightly upset that your interaction with him didn't last long. Though he did say you two would talk again, so hopefully he sticks to his words since it has already sticked yours like glue.
As Jungwon walked past their room, Hanni then turned to look at you with a wide smile on her face, and you have completely read her mind.
"Don't ask anything." You started, sluggishly walking towards her with a visible grin plastered on your face. It was evident that your mind was filled with Jungwon, even if you were denying it.
Hanni is definitely expecting something to happen between you and Jungwon, though that's something you both should figure out yourselves.
You exit school grounds with Hanni, proceeding to meet up with the rest of your friends to spend the rest of the day with each other before Christmas break starts.
Student Council Office, 2:32 PM
Treasurer, Sim Jaeyun, Secretary, Pham Hanni, Vice President, Jeon Somi, and President, Yang Jungwon all gathered in the student council office for an unexpected paperwork. It wasn't much of a hassle to do since it was only a few papers each member had to examine and sign although it still left the president clueless on why it was required to have everyone here when 2 people can still nail the job with no problem.
Besides that now, while doing their busy tasks, Hanni, who was sitting beside the president, catched her eye on the same hoodie Jungwon is wearing, noticing how he has it on almost everyday.
"Jungwon." Hanni sternly called out, Jungwon hummed in response, eyes glued to the papers though his attention paid on Hanni.
"Is that the hoodie Y/n got you a month ago before christmas break?"
"You mean Christmas party?"
"Then yeah, it is."
Hanni's forehead creased, eyes squinting at the man a distance beside as he continued with his tasks. Her mind trailed off as to why he's so attached to it so much, might be because of how she overheard your warm conversation with the man while you two hung out and gushed about your presents inside Mrs. Yoon's classroom after the Christmas party.
Hanni thought it was adorable that you two got along, although… By the time classes resumed you and Jungwon had been majorly closer than before.
Eating lunch together more frequently, you had to straightforwardly excuse yourself to Yoon, Rei, and her saying you planned on eating lunch with Jungwon for like 4 executive days.
The girls didn't have a problem with the beginning of your love story arc, they think it's cute that you finally step out of your shell and hang out with someone more trustworthy as Yang Jungwon.
Though it does get pretty tiring always having no time to hang out with you anymore…
Hoisting herself back to the cluttered office, everyone quietly working and the aroma of coffee fills the whole room. Her eyes lay on the busy president once again.
"You've been wearing that for a week." Hanni recalled. Yes. He has been wearing that ever since classes resumed, having a nasty assumption about the supposedly 'neat' Yang Jungwon.
"Yes..?" Jungwon's gaze darted to the secretary, forehead creasing irritatingly due to the eerie behavior the other was giving out.
"Of course if you're wearing Y/n's gift, Y/n is wearing yours too at the same time. Literally."
Jungwon could sense the side eyes coming from their seniors in the room, glancing at their Vice president, Somi who was smirking as she signed her papers.
"We both just like the jacket, It doesn't have to mean anything—"
A phone suddenly rang aloud. Jungwon hitting the realization that it was his phone that had just made an extremely loud noise, he hoisted it in his grasp in a heartbeat, checking if his hunch of a notification was correct.
The noticeable transition of his expression from dull to a grinning mess as he saw the message caught Hanni's attention, more especially when Jungwon excused himself for a minute to fetch something in which the girl did not buy.
"Where are you going?"
"To… Y/n— Look— I just need to give them something, they're waiting outside right now so I better get going. I'll get back soon I promise!"
That is when everyone in that damn room knew that you both are definitely at the first stage of falling in love.
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© seungiepup 2023. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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mixelation · 1 year
more rotating on this post: kakashi dating a civilian OC who has no idea he's a ninja
original proposed concept is they "meet" via icha icha fanzine. i bothered @tozettastone and they suggested that OC be a cosplayer. what does icha icha cosplay even look like? you ever seen IRL naruto coplay that's like "naruko but she wears a miniskirt and fishnets and a lot of makeup." or like fanart of kakashi where he's wearing a bellyshirt for no reason other than to show off his abs. like that, plus some very over-the-top traditional clothing for undercover work and civilian characters. everyone has off the shoulder kimono that show off cleavage and magically stay up, etc
anyway, i can't really see young!kakashi (like 18-19-20?) actively participating in fandom. but maybe he finds a zine somewhere and starts collecting them, like a pre-internet lurker. it's his coping mechanism, okay. he likes fanart. he likes bad fics. and then our lovely OC who's also 19 and fresh to being allowed in the porn section is like: I MADE THE BEETLE WING HAORI HERE'S A PHOTO. there's a note about her sorting through thousands of beetle wings to get the right colors, and also what a nightmare they are to sew, and also what should she try next, mail me here??? and Kakashi is like: oh wow, this person is insane. i have just the challenge. <3
(OC's additional notes on the haori: no one should ever do this again. just don't. you'll regret it)
kakashi is not the only person to write her suggestions, but he IS the only one to suggest something that's actually technically difficult to make, which is what she wanted. so they start swapping letters where she sends him progress updates on this insane thing she is making. he finds this mildly amusing until about a month out from the next con when her letters abruptly turn insane. she WILL premier this cosplay there even if it kills her-- listen if her wig guy isn't up to snuff she'll just LEARN HERSELF--
and listen kakashi isn't going to FALL IN LOVE but this level of commitment is something he can appreciate.
OC sends him a letter about the con (her very first one!!) and going to a con is not something he has any interest in, but like. he is curious to know what they're like, and it's nice to like? have? a friend??
they trade letters for years without actually talking about their personal life much. kakashi is not creative (no writing fic, no fanart, no cosplay, etc) but he IS really good at analysis. you need every detail on naoki's civilian outfit in paradise? he's got you. you don't understand wtf the text is talking about when it describes a weapon? he'll draw you a diagram (and not mention he knows what jiraiya is talking about because it's based on a real thing that was popular for like a month during the third war).
this goes on for years. oc lives in a small town in a little border country with no ninja, and her family runs a clothes shop, and she's deeply bored of making and altering shirts. she has a frustrating life in a very mundane way-- she dates a few guys and doesn't marry any of them and her family gives her grief. she moves to a slightly bigger city and can't get a job doing what she wants (making high-end luxury clothes and/or just insane fashion) and ends up working at a general store and doing minor alterations as a side gig to fund her hobby. she doesn't get to travel around and do cool things as much as she dreamed as a kid. she skips some cons because she doesn't always have the money and also there's a weird guy who'd been low-key stalking her. she tries selling little pre-made costume pieces at a con and doesn't even break even. only a handful of these details make it into her very serious discussion with kakashi about how the many details the icha icha miniseries got wrong
kakashi is.... being kakashi. obviously he doesn't write to her about all the assassinations he's been doing or whatever. but he doesn't mind when OC hints at her own boring problems. it's kind of nice, actually, to know there's people out there having boring problems? anyway one day she complains her landlord won't let her get a dog and he mails her a polaroid of a random dog he met in a park.
i'm thinking around the time of just before canon starts is about when kakashi is at a place where he's like..... okay with sharing some personal details? like he doesn't say a LOT but he realizes it actually feels really nice to write to someone that he's annoyed the store stopped selling his favorite pre-rolled sushi. the letters get sent more frequently and the conversation escalates at a slow, tedious pace. kakashi sends more dog pics. he tells her that he was so exhausted after work that he considered eating dog treats instead of cooking, and this feels like a very big deal to him
her: PLEASE tell me it was at least the fancy kind that look like cookies
him: obviously i would only buy the highest quality treats for my dogs
her: dogS?
kakashi: (ignores this question in the next letter)
kakashi checks his mail everyday now and he's like. oh no my feelings. but also she's in a whole other country and only exists to him in letters and that feels.... safe, somehow.
they met via a club for porn books so they don't "get together" so much as one of their very academic discussions of kink in icha icha violence suddenly turns into deeply sexual letters that have nothing to do with icha icha. there's still their normal conversation but then it's also like "if you were here now, this is what i would do to you--"
OC has been pretty good at not prying into Kakashi's life and she's very understanding of team seven making kakashi's life insane (she's under the impression her got an apprentice for whatever his job is) but she starts bugging him for a photo. kakashi is very against this at first, but then sasuke leaves and naruto leaves and sakura runs off with tsunade and suddenly he has a lot of free time and a big gaping hole in his social life. and like. he DOES really like her. they MIGHT be dating? definitely they have a thing going. so instead he asks if she wants to meet in person
OC agrees but she goes into it VERY nervous. she figures he didn't want to give a photo because he's embarrassed about his appearance, and she doesn't care what he looks like, but what if he lied about other things? what if she walks a whole day to this resort town and he's a weirdo or gross or stood her up?? but she puts on her big girl pants and also her push-up bra and goes
she wasn't actually going to sleep with him for their first meeting but it turns out he is like. hot. and talks just like his letters. and also it's way cheaper to just share one hotel room-- kakashi are you SURE you won't couple cosplay--
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konigsblog · 4 months
how do you keep your motivation for writing? i’ve been struggling with it a lot lately and i hate everything i write :(
currently, i have a schedule pretty much: i upload multiple times a day, but i don't push myself to if i'm not feeling up to it. you shouldn't push yourself to upload every day if you're not feeling like it.
i think it's mainly encouragement that keeps me motivated. although, i usually look at twitter, maybe pinterest, looking at videos and pictures for inspiration. if you have an idea but don't feel up to it, save it to your notes for whenever you're feeling motivated. :3
don't listen to hate anons, i understand sometimes it may leave you unmotivated, but that's what they want, so don't listen !! i'd also recommend slowly posting more if you're feeling up to it, because i'm in a routine of consistently uploading, it's the norm for me. for others, it may be slow, but eventually you'll begin to get more motivation when posting :)
you don't even have to write your ideas, just posting a small blurb may attract some traction, and others can add onto your concept/idea through your askbox. you don't have to write paragraphs upon paragraphs, you can write a few sentences too, adding onto the idea more and more. 💗
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autisticsupervillain · 10 months
Five Nights at the Archives
(A FNAF Fangame concept for The Magnus Archives)
You naturally play as Jonathan Sims. Not while he's working in the Archives mind you, but while he's asleep and trapped inside his own mind. Each of the Fourteen Fears is trying to make him their Avatar and the game play depicts you fighting them off. The game takes place in a facsimile of Jon's office at the Institute, with the monsters out to get you being representations of what Jon would look like as an Avatar of each of the individual Fears. There are four main gameplay areas. The front of your desk, behind your desk, under your desk, and the cameras. The cameras have two maps, the building itself and the vents.
The front of your desk is where you'll find Eye!Jon. The more you look at any of the Fears, the more he manifests into your office until he kills you. In order to drive him off, you have to push a button to close your eyes while, waiting for audio ques to signify that he's de-manifested a step. When he's about to kill you, you'll hear the noise of the tape recorder on your desk turning on and playing m, indicating that you need to deal with him now. This is the only Jon who is active on all the nights, so you'll always have to be checking the front of your desk periodically to know if you need to drive him back a step.
Dark!Jon is the other Jon who appears at the front of your office and he works the exact opposite way. The less you look at him, the darker your office gets and the more he manifests until he jumpscares you. Closing your eyes to drive back the Eye makes him speed up and he de-manifests the more you look at him. If you've been neglecting to deal with Dark and Eye too often, then you'll put yourself in an unwinnable situation where driving back one lets the other kill you. Your cues for when he's getting dangerously close to jumpscaring you are flickering lights.
Behind your desk is where you'll find Web!Jon and Corruption!Jon. On nights where they're active, they appear at first as cobwebs and beehives in the corner of your office, slowly spreading as they manifest in more and more. You drive them back by burning them with Jon's web lighter, but doing that feeds Desolation!Jon, as signified by the candle on the floor burning down. Desolation!Jon de-manifests the less you use the lighter, but the Web and Corruption come back faster the more you burn them. The trick is to try waiting for the last possible moment to burn away the Web and Corruption so as to not trap yourself in an unwinnable situation between them and the Desolation.
Hiding under your desk lets you avoid a select few Fears. On nights where Lonely!Jon is active, your office will gradually fill up with fog. To drive the Fog back, you hide under your desk and listen to a tape recording of Martin's poetry. The longer you listen, the further back the Lonely is driven, but obviously you can't be down there all night with the other Avatars after you. You also hide under the desk to avoid Stranger!Jon when you hear circus music outside your door. Stranger!Jon does appear on the cameras, but you likely won't use those to track him, as unlike the others, he has an audio tell for when he's near.
Hunt and Slaughter are the ones you'll likely track while on the cameras. If you can't find either of them on the cameras, that means they're outside your door, so you'll have to click on it at the front of your office to hold the door shut until they stop banging on it and reset their path. Slaughter has an audio cue for moving one camera closer to your office (an army trumpet jingle), while Hunt moves completely silently. And hiding in the desk doesn't work on either of them, they'll just stab you through it.
Flesh and Vast are what you need to check the vents for. You can seal off whatever vent they're in to either stunt Flesh's progress to your office or drive Vast back from manifesting inside your office. (As indicated by the subtle sound of rushing wind and thunderstorms getting ever louder.) However, doing so too often makes the Buried faster and more active as Jon struggles to breathe, even on nights when Buried isn't supposed to be active.
The Buried, when active, starts to fill your office with mud and dirt, forcing you to find its coffin on your cameras or in your office and close it to make the mud go away. If the vents are closed, Buried!Jon does this more frequently and fills your office much faster, getting faster and more frequent the longer its closed.
And Spiral and End are the ones that make you dread checking the cameras. Spiral and End will randomly appear on one of your cameras, forcing you to quickly exit that camera before they jumpscare you. If Spiral gets you, than your controls are completely randomized to make you look at different cameras or parts of your office. You need to quickly find the Distortion's door in either your office or cameras to deactivate the effect before he kills you. If End gets you, you get sent back one in-game hour, with everyone resetting back to where they were at that specific hour. If you survive back to the hour you first saw End, he appears in your office and you must quickly hide under your desk to avoid him. If you get under the desk too late, then, unlike Stranger who just kills you, End stares at you until you either leave the desk to get killed by him or die to something you couldn't prevent because you were stuck under the desk.
Some of these Jons can only be active on nights where the others are active and some can be active whenever. Desolation, Corruption, and Web will all be active on the same nights because their mechanic is so interconnected, for example, while Hunt or Dark can be active whenever. The game will inform you before the night begins which fears will be active and let you click on them to tutorialize their mechanics.
Extinction!Jon is the night six boss fight. He slowly approaches your office on the cameras and you have to find symbols of all the other Fears on the cameras and in your office so they can drive him back before he reaches you, with you occasionally having to close vents or block doors to keep him out after certain sound cues. Then, for the next in game hour, it's a normal night where all the Fears are active, with Extinction coming back every other hour and switching between the gameplay modes.
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bettsfic · 10 months
Hi betts! Hope you're doing good! Do you have any advice on how to distance yourself from social media? I saw that you've done so with success and the older I get the more I feel a bit trapped by the internet.
social media certainly has benefits: keeping people connected, giving a voice to those who otherwise wouldn't have a platform, and it allows you to meet new people in the context of interest rather than location.
at least, these are the things social media set out to be, and over time those benefits, to me anyway, haven't been able to outweigh the drawbacks: compulsively checking apps, doomscrolling, content appearing by algorithm to attempt to cater to my interests, and just generally a lot of wasted time.
i don't necessarily believe that if you stop using social media, suddenly you'll be able to devote every minute of your day to a higher pursuit. the brain doesn't work like that. it always needs downtime. before phones, we had television. before television, we had radio. lacking glowing screens and people telling us things from far away, i think we'd all spend a lot of time looking at the things humans are built to look at: fire, water, mountains, sky. we'll listen to stories or read them or watch them.
during your mind's downtime, i don't think anything you decide to do is fundamentally better or worse than any other thing. but i do think social media is designed to manipulate our attention toward it during that downtime (and honestly, all other times) and that pisses me off. it also pisses me off that even though we impose cause-and-effect sequences to our interaction with social media, it doesn't often provide us with a narrative the way reading, watching tv, or listening to a podcast would. stories are a psychological necessity; without the mind's ability to perceive sequences of events and connect them, we wouldn't have memories. we would have no concept of time, of thinking into the past or casting our thoughts into the future. social media, in its drive to keep us scrolling, looking at posts with no narrative connection to one another, deprives us of the stories our minds seek during our downtime.
this got super long so i'm putting it under a cut. tl;dr you need to remove social media as a positive stimulus and build immediate positive stimuli into other aspects of your life. in other words, social media feels good immediately but neutral or bad over time; most other things like reading feel bad or neutral initially but good over time. so you have to find ways to make the latter feel good with the immediacy of the former.
i don't mean to be "old man shakes fist at cloud" about this. i'm a millennial. from facebook's widespread release through the beginning of the pandemic, i raced to every new social media platform. i was an early myspace adopter. my high school graduating class was the very first year people outside of college could use facebook, and so we're the first cohort to have all befriended each other before graduation and never lost touch, completely removing the appeal of a reunion. i joined twitter in 2008 but never used it, and i joined tumblr in 2012 and never stopped using it.
i remember the day i got a smartphone. i was a few years behind everyone else. it was 2010 and i'd just gotten my first office job and i was desperate to be able to look at social media, scroll through stuff or read something, when i was bored. it was an iPhone 4. and as soon as i got it out of the box, i sat and played on it for 10 straight hours.
for those of you who are too young to remember a time before smartphones, i can't emphasize enough how much they changed things. in my life, i went from waking up and eating breakfast and reading for a little bit, to waking up and eating breakfast and getting on my computer to look at facebook and read my daily webcomics, to waking up and reaching over to my nightstand and looking at my phone.
and i don't know, i just decided i didn't want that anymore. last fall i was at this artist residency with no cell service and barely any wifi. and one day the wifi went out. i had a visceral negative reaction to that, which made me step back and go, oh wow, i am way too tethered to the internet. that day, wandering around the property with nothing to do, i got this intense urge to read an old paperback novel. you know, the mass market paperbacks with the pulpy yellow paper and the misaligned typeface. and so i found a very old copy of fellowship of the ring, cracked it open, and read it all day.
the thing about getting away from social media is that it's slow. i don't think you can really go cold turkey. when i got home from the residency, i went on a long hiatus and had all these strict rules for myself about when i was allowed to look at my phone and when i wasn't, but that didn't really work for me. but i did delete all the social media apps from my phone, and on my computer i logged out of all of them and deleted my saved passwords, so if i wanted to check them, i had to go to that extra step of logging in and even typing in my password. and that doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're checking social media out of habit, muscle memory, something to attend to that might give you a brief blip of dopamine, having to type your password is just one step too far. the brief pleasure i would get from checking my notifications was less than the hassle of logging in.
and that's what it all comes down to: feeling good. in the moment, it feels good to check a social media app, to see that somebody has interacted with your content or maybe with you directly. it's that tiny subconscious exclamation point, the feeling we get when somebody politely smiles or waves at us, when a dog comes up to us wagging his tail, when a well-meaning stranger compliments your outfit. that's the social part of social media. but that's also the part that keeps us cycling through our apps out of habit and boredom.
so you have to take away that stimulus from yourself, and you have to create positive stimuli elsewhere. to take away the positive stimulus of social media, you have to stop posting content on it. content is the mind killer. when you tweet something, your impulse might be to check that someone has interacted with it. but if you step away from the great conversation of social media, nobody speaks back to you, and you develop more patience for the longer-term good feelings of reading a book.
of course, that's complicated. i guess the first step that i did a long time ago was losing interest in traffic and developing the internal validation skills that make interaction on social media a bonus, not a need. before that, though, i had a drive to be seen and listened to. i think i just grew out of that. regardless of the existence of the internet, all people throughout history have spent their lives developing their relationship with themselves, learning who they are and coming to accept it. i'm not sure there's a way to rush that inner journey along.
creating positive stimuli is a matter of adopting a kind of little-treat attitude toward things. you have to really pay attention to yourself. the day i picked up the fellowship of the ring, i remembered that paper is important to me. vitally important. i like to write on it. i like to read from it. and it's kind of weird to say "paper is my special interest," but it is. all tools of writing interest me. so acknowledging that, accepting it and choosing to accommodate it, was my first small goal of building immediate positive stimuli.
some of the connection we have to social media (and phones in general) is the physical habit that develops from it. when smokers quit smoking, their hands feel empty. they're used to having something between their fingers, and so they replace that with something like a pen or a straw.
for me, i replaced the physical habit of phone-checking with paper-holding, either in the form of a book, or a notebook and pen. i set about finding my perfect notebook: the one that feels best to hold, the one i'm eager to fill, the one whose paper is quality enough that i love to write on it. the one i found and that kind of changed my life was a Rhodia A4 spiral bound. i take it everywhere with me. in fact i went to the doctor earlier this week and because i was holding my notebook, it didn't even occur to me to look at my phone while i was waiting for the doctor to see me, even though it was in my pocket (and i did download tumblr again, and instagram to support my sister, who is kind of a local influencer). the positive stimulus of looking at it had become less than the positive stimulus of holding my notebook. the potential to easily write something or doodle felt better than the distraction of social media.
did my doctor probably think it was weird that i was taking notes? maybe. did i look weird sitting in the theater before seeing oppenheimer, brainstorming barbie fic ideas? definitely. but i just don't care anymore. sometimes making healthy choices for yourself in a world built to manipulate your attention makes you look weird.
my advice is to spend a week without social media apps on your phone, logged out of them on your computer, and pay very close attention to the things that make you happiest. find ways to interact with those things continuously, and see what happens.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Arven, please? He is one of my favorite characters in the game.
I love him too, Anon. Here you go :) Sorry it took months, it's been awhile since I've played Scarlet and Violet so I apologize if something is off.
Yandere! Platonic! Arven Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Social isolation, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Dubious companionship, Guilt tripping.
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Arven would make a good yandere, in fact in canon he is shown to be jealous.
I say this because I think he shows he's jealous of the player having other friends than him in Area Zero within the game.
Arven would be an incredibly caring yandere despite his jealousy and clingy behavior.
He can already somewhat be seen as a platonic yandere.
Arven wants to be the only friend of his darling, or at the very least the most important.
His background gives him the potential of being a clingy yandere.
Think about it, he's mostly grown up alone all his life as his only parent was more focused on research.
His only friend has been Mabostiff and he nearly lost him, too.
Until you came alone and helped him out.
I feel in this concept at least his darling would most likely be the player character.
He's traveled alongside you in the past to tackle many Pokemon challenges and battles.
He isn't as obsessive about Pokemon battling as Nemona but he doesn't mind a few battles with your team.
As a platonic yandere I can see Arven being jealous over Nemona and Penny, your two other friends.
In fact when he first met them he felt jealousy burn within him.
Arven fears you'll pay other people more attention instead of him.
He'd probably never harm anyone physically but he does get moody.
I can see Arven being one to hurt the emotions of others, often causing verbal fights to keep you away from others.
Arven cares for you as your best friend but isn't above ruining your other relationships to keep that connection.
I can imagine him being volatile towards Nemona for dragging you off for battles or Penny for simply hanging out.
Your other friends are also targeted.
Arven feels he should scare any competition away so you only come to him for help.
Arven goes to great lengths for those he cherishes and loves.
Over time he'd probably isolate you in order to keep you to himself.
He's clingy, too.
Arven likes to hold you, affectionately calling you his "Buddy" before sighing in bliss.
He may struggle with physical contact at first but it soon becomes his favorite thing with his darling.
Asking for space from Arven is upsetting to him.
Why would you want space?
Best friends stick together, don't they?
... are you going to see Nemona or Penny behind his back?
Arven would be one to guilt trip.
He would play with your emotions to get you to stick around.
Would you really betray him by leaving?
Are you going to just abandon him?
But you're his little buddy....
There's a good chance with a quiver of the lip and some manipulation he'll drag you back to his side.
Especially if his darling is vulnerable to emotions, like someone who has a ton of empathy.
Arven does a lot for his buddy, which he can use against them if they try to leave.
He gives you gifts and makes you food... he's always there when you need him, even when you don't need him too.
Arven comes off as the perfect friend for you.
He listens to you vent, he rubs your back when you're worried, he's so caring.
He's your perfect friend... one who has been with you through thick and thin...
You wouldn't just turn your back on him for the attention of others, would you?
"Buddy... don't just ignore me! I'm your best friend... aren't I?"
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
too many holes to choose from • hhu
Pairing: hip hop unit x afab!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), fivesome w/ hhu, CRACK/HUMOR ABSOLUTE CLOWNERY don't take me or this seriously at all
Warnings: unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to take four dicks in the most impossible way = best crack content out there ❤️ kinda gross and weird if taken too seriously (don't be like mingyu)
WC: bulleted list 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/N: this is what happens when hhu are being whores onstage + @duhnova (credit to their silly sexci brain) and I are up way past our bed times... Might be expanded on seriously in the future 😅
CONCEPT: You've got four dicks for the taking and offer up your seven holes to accommodate them 🫡🫦
"There's... more?"
Poor baby is baffled when you ask which of your seven holes he would prefer
Only really learned about the main three just a few weeks ago
He's so confused and unsure about what other four you're referring to
Eyes blown wide, mouth hanging open when you attempt to explain
But you decide he's a lil too dumb (affectionate) to follow
WILL take you too seriously
He's also too big for your other tiny, special holes
He can use and choose from the regular ones however he likes
Oh and he does
Proving what he learned about the three main holes very well in the end
Does his little eyebrow wiggle and pouty lips — you know what I'm talking about — when you say you'll take him up your nose
"You'll what?" Are... you sure?"
You're going to snort this man
You're going to make it happen
Because that's just how things should be
And he's like how and why
Will be very doubtful, concerned, amused, and somehow turned on by your absolute weirdness and tenacity
Of course, that doesn't work out but there is a hole somewhere close enough that you can accommodate him in
So your nose is somewhere involved in there but not in the dick-taking way and that's a win for all of you really
"I've got two ear holes," you inform him.
"So do I, sweetie. You're not special."
“No, you don’t get it, sweetie, 'cause you’re not hearing me obviously... I want you to stick your dick in them.”
That shuts him up real quick
He obviously doesn't think this will work
But he can't help but be curious wtf happens if he sticks his dick in one ear does it come out the other???
Listen, brain worms but like dick worms
Anyways, y'all gonna end up having a deep conversation about how this could all work while he's balls-deep inside of you so it's a win-win
Love a man with a sexci, thought-provoking brain (derogatory)
The only normal one
And by normal I mean he isn't having any of your shit
Not in his Christian Minecraft server
*pushes his glasses up anime-style*
He's going to fix y'all make you worse
WILL educate everyone on the proper holes to fill
Various positions, many times...
Takes education very seriously
Might even find some online pdf / article for mingyu to study and you to write an essay on later
He will consider asking cheol to demonstrate along with him because he trusts the older just enough despite the morbid brain conversation
Simply pretends he does not have two ear holes to hear
Honestly though by the time he's done with you you're going to be wishing you had those four extra holes because he's a beast *sweats*
Anyways y'all have normal fivesome fun sexci time and it's even more enjoyable after having some good humored clownery beforehand 🙏🏻
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