#but i didn't like the white background and i wanted to show what i've learned over the last year
wigglebox · 2 years
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Grump [x]
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grasshoppergeography · 6 months
Hey All,
I've been away for some time, as we've been working really hard on something quite exciting:
let me present to you the world's first ever global ocean drainage basin map that shows all permanent and temporary water flows on the planet.
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This is quite big news, as far as I know this has never been done before. There are hundreds of hours of work in it (with the data + manual work as well) and it's quite a relief that they are all finished now.
But what is an ocean drainage basin map, I hear most of you asking? A couple of years ago I tried to find a map that shows which ocean does each of the world's rivers end up in. I was a bit surprised to see there is no map like that, so I just decided I'll make it myself - as usual :) Well, after realizing all the technical difficulties, I wasn't so surprised any more that it didn't exist. So yeah, it was quite a challenge but I am very happy with the result.
In addition to the global map I've created a set of 43 maps for different countries, states and continents, four versions for each: maps with white and black background, and a version for both with coloured oceans (aka polygons). Here's the global map with polygons:
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I know from experience that maps can be great conversation starters, and I aim to make maps that are visually striking and can effectively deliver a message. With these ocean drainage basin maps the most important part was to make them easily understandable, so after you have seen one, the others all become effortless to interpret as well. Let me know how I did, I really appreciate any and all kinds of feedback.
Here are a few more from the set, I hope you too learn something new from them. I certainly did, and I am a geographer.
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The greatest surprise with Europe is that its biggest river is all grey, as the Volga flows into the Caspian sea, therefore its basin counts as endorheic.
An endorheic basin is one which never reaches the ocean, mostly because it dries out in desert areas or ends up in lakes with no outflow. The biggest endorheic basin is the Caspian’s, but the area of the Great Basin in the US is also a good example of endorheic basins.
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I love how the green of the Atlantic Ocean tangles together in the middle.
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No, the dividing line is not at Cape Town, unfortunately.
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I know these two colours weren’t the best choice for colourblind people and I sincerely apologize for that. I’ve been planning to make colourblind-friendly versions of my maps for ages now – still not sure when I get there, but I want you to know that it’s just moved up on my todo-list. A lot further up.
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Minnesota is quite crazy with all that blue, right? Some other US states that are equally mind-blowing: North Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming. You can check them all out here.
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Yes, most of the Peruvian waters drain into the Atlantic Ocean. Here are the maps of Peru, if you want to take a closer look.
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Asia is amazingly colourful with lots of endorheic basins in the middle areas: deserts, the Himalayas and the Caspian sea are to blame. Also note how the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra are divided.
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I mentioned earlier that I also made white versions of all maps. Here’s Australia with its vast deserts. If you're wondering about the weird lines in the middle: that’s the Simpson desert with its famous parallel sand dunes.
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North America with white background and colourful oceans looks pretty neat, I think.
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Finally, I made the drainage basin maps of the individual oceans: The Atlantic, the Arctic, the Indian and the Pacific. The Arctic is my favourite one.
I really hope you like my new maps, and that they will become as popular as my river basin maps. Those have already helped dozens of environmental NGOs to illustrate their important messages all around the world. It would be nice if these maps too could find their purpose.
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fluffshisuga · 5 months
Gift Wrapping (G.S)
the random urge to write jjk fanfiction on Christmas Eve as i horribly wrap Christmas presents (i have never been good at it) and in turn thought about Gojo. (Its been so long since I've written anything so if I'm rusty I am sorry </3 but maybe more soon?)
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Gojo had never really tried when it came to wrapping Christmas gifts, it would just be ripped up anyway, right? Where Geto was gentle when it came to unwrapping gifts in hopes to not damage what was hidden under it, Gojo would watch in fear as Shoko would tear into the paper, debris flying everywhere with no care in the world. Gojo was the same way, of course, with no care for the paper around it., but he would never admit that.
But when you came into the picture, Gojo felt the need to make all the gifts he got you perfect, including the wrapping. He started by trying to wrap a regular box, hoping to keep the paper smooth and without any weird lumps. Geto watched in amusement, as Gojo got agitated when the corner didn't fold properly, or he was too rough with the tape and ripped the paper.
"Perhaps you should be... gentler?" Geto chuckled, crossing his arms as he leaned back on the sofa. Gojo huffed in response, narrowing his eyes as he glanced over at Geto. "I'm trying here. But this paper is just too... flimsy." This earns a small chuckle from Geto as he shakes his head. There was discarded paper everywhere; past attempts at the perfect wrapping laying around the room, tiny Christmas trees adorning red and white backgrounds.
"Would you like me to show you an example, then?" Geto offered. His gift wrapping was rather exceptional, compared to his other peers, neat edges and clear tape, you could hardly tell that someone even wrapped a gift. This brought out another huff from Gojo, who hung his head as he lightly nodded. "Please." Geto dropped from the sofa and moved to sit next to Gojo, taking the box he was trying to wrap and crumbling up the now-ripped paper, tossing it behind him. "The key is keeping your paper even, from the length to the cut." He stated, pulling over the roll of paper and laying it flat onto the box. Gojo watched intently as he made sure each side of the box would be covered in just the right amount of paper, smirking as he lays his hand out for scissors.
"Why do you feel the need to learn how to wrap gifts now of all times?" Geto questioned, feeling the scissors dropped into his hand. A grumble sounded next to him as Gojo mumbled quietly under his breath. "Sorry?" More grumbles. "Satoru, I can't understand you when you mumble." Gojo lets out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I want to make the wrapping look nice this time. Like I know what I'm doing." Geto raised a brow as he cut through the paper, his lip twitching slightly to fight a smile. "Why not just use a gift bag? Unless you've chosen some pretty big gifts." This earned a scoff from Gojo, who frowned as he continued to watch. "Because that's lazy! That's for little gifts like candy and jewelry, and those bags hold like five gifts max." He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes for a moment. "I want it to look perfect, because y/n deserves it."
This causes a small chuckle to leave Geto as he drops the scissors next to him, pushing the roll of paper to the side. "Is that what this is all about? And here I thought you were trying to make my gifts look nice, for once." Gojo groaned, a small "shut up" leaving him as he shakes his head in embarrassment. Geto continues to show Gojo his wrapping technique, folding the paper neatly at the corners before securing them with small pieces of tape. "You want to make a good impression, then?" He asks, biting his lip as he tries to coax the paper to fold without ripping. Gojo nods his head, a small smile on his lips now. "Yeah, I've already got the best gifts picked out, but my wrapping skills are.... horrible." "Oh, we know." This earns a small smack on the arm from Gojo, who crossed his arms again.
"There, see? Just like that." Geto smiles, looking down at the neatly wrapped box. Gojo bites his lip as he looks at it, nodding to himself as he goes through what Geto had shown him. "Yeah, I think I got it." Geto smiles as he rises from his spot on the ground, stretching slightly as he looks around the room. "That reminds me, I have gifts to wrap as well. I'll see you later then, Satoru." He nods in Gojo's direction, waving as he closes the door behind him. Gojo looks down at the box again, biting his lip as he looks over to the corner of the room, where a neat pile of gifts sat. "My turn..."
Tongue poking past his lips, as well as a small string of curses leave Gojo as he tries to wrap the gifts himself. When it came to the boxed gifts, he was able to replicate what Geto had shown him to a degree, with a small Gojo flair to it, the odd crumbled corner or a weirdly placed piece of tape. But when it came to different shapes, he was stuck trying to make them as neat as possible. "How am I even supposed to...?" He mumbled to himself, looking down at a little plush that sat before him, its empty eyes practically taunting him to try and wrap it. He groans, opting to wrap the paper around it like a little bag, looking over at a reference photo on his phone. He wrapped the tape around the paper's edges, furrowing his brows as he began to rethink this choice of wrapping. Was the wrapping paper even good enough for you? Is it too much? What if you think he's stuck up if he gives you neatly wrapped gifts?
He shakes his head; it was too late to change the wrapping paper now. There were only two gifts left to wrap, a box full of different porcelain figures; cats, rabbits, a fish or two, he thought they were cute, and each time he passed them in the store he thought of you. He carefully wrapped them, being even more careful with them to not break them. "Should I put a fragile sign on them?" He muttered, tapping his chin. He shook his head a moment later, the belief that you would be gentle when he handed it to you on his mind. He sighed as he looked over at the last item, a little black box. Inside laid a silver chain, adorned with crystal-like lilies on small charms. He thought it was beautiful, and would look great against your skin, the thought of you wearing it every day making his heart flutter.
Such a small box didn't need as much wrapping paper, which was great for Gojo as he was running low. He carefully wrapped the small box, keeping the edges neat and making sure the tape didn't touch the box in any way. He smiled happily as he stretched his arms, a small yawn leaving his lips as he looked out the window for a moment. The stars outside were bright, even against the lights of the city. They were beautiful, just like you. They shined like your eyes did; how he hoped your eyes would shine when you opened the gifts he gave you. You would probably chuckle nervously as he walked over to you, his arms full as he smiled at you. You would probably even shake your head with a smile as he told you there was more in his car, as your eyes follow him as he sprints to grab the rest of them.
He finds himself smiling softly, looking back down to the pile of now-wrapped gifts. A small chuckle leaves him as he looks at his work, proud at his progress at wrapping. Perhaps you will compliment him on it when he sees you. What did you get him for Christmas? Did you even get any gifts for him? Perhaps not. Either way, seeing your smile and hearing your voice would be enough, and a small blush hits his cheeks when he thinks about how you might give him a tight hug as thanks, maybe even a kiss on the cheek.
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
To new followers--
Hey so like, over the past month or so, I've been hit by about 500 new followers, which is a very sudden, massive spike, and while I'm sure most of them are bots, I really can't be sure which are and which aren't.
To this end, if you see this and you have a mostly empty blog, PLEASE, I'm begging you, please make your blog not empty somehow so I can tell if you're a real person, otherwise you do run the very real risk of me blocking and reporting you for being a bot, because I really really don't want bots taking advantage of this blog.
Anywhere here's a short list of things you can do to make yourself not look like a bot:
Change your icon. It can literally be anything. Modify the default icon somehow, use a screenshot from whatever show you like, take a picture of your carpet and use that, use some art. Anything. (Although I'd advise against anything that might make you look like the other kind of bot blog.)
PLEASE change your title. I have now learned what "Untitled" looks like in many other languages. A change in title and maybe even description will go a very long way !!!!!
Change the color of your in dashboard blog from the basic white background. (In edit appearance.) Set a blog header image. (If you really don't have any images in mind, this blog is full of images. Pick anything.)
Turn on custom theme in the blog settings!! This didn't even used to be an option and was enabled by default and now it isn't.
Hide your likes and follows. Most bot blogs don't hide these. Unfortunately most newcomers don't hide them either.
Reblog or post a few things. It can literally be "im a lurker sorry please dont block me". A good thing to keep in mind is to try to reblog things that aren't related or are specifically fandom related. Bots don't do that, but I have seen bots that will reblog three (3) related posts or like three (3) related posts (from people they don't even follow) and that's that. If you do ONLY this, that's enough.
You don't have to do all of these. Literally even a few is enough. Just show some sign of life. PLEASE.
Since I've seen other people have success with this in the past, here's some free icons and headers you can use:
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These are all my images and my editing so you needn't worry about credit or whatever.
There are a virtually infinite number of icon makers at Picrew and a ton at Meiker.io
Old Windows icon images.
People make free icons on here all the time.
And if you want to be a little silly with it, I spent an entire month of my life making this default icon dress up game. (Yes, really, an entire month.)
I'll give you all like a week or so, and I WILL be re-reblogging this intermittently as a reminder, because after that I WILL start to block and report anyone who hasn't sufficiently proven themselves not to be a bot. This may not be a personal blog, but it IS my baby and these bots exist specifically to exploit the blogs that they follow, so don't help them out be letting them hide amongst you.
Because I don't want this post to be an annoyance, I will post a new palette each time I do reblog it, and I will delete old instances after sufficient time has passed. Please bear with me.
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cherrypikkins · 7 months
Here is my contribution to the final prompt from @fe-oc-week! Oct 15 - Endings
With some fake game ending cgs for Kitt :3
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No extra lore write-up today! Instead, I've included some sample battle dialogue below the cut. Do enjoy :3
Background generously provided by @damnilovefaerghus
vs transformed Miklan (Conand Tower, White Clouds):
Kitt: "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this… But that's why I'm here."
Kitt: "Listen, Professor. If you can crack its armor, I'll make quick work of it."
Kitt: "But if you want to give your students an impromptu lesson on how to fell a Demonic Beast… I won't object."
If ordered to attack transformed Miklan: Kitt: "Fine, then. Allow me to show you how it's done."
vs Edelgard:
(Battle of Garreg Mach, pre-time skip)
Edelgard: "You and I are not so different, Kitt. I know you wish to be free of the Church's machinations. We might have walked this path together, had you trusted me."
Kitt: "This is rich, coming from the Flame Emperor herself. Your entire reign is built on lies and secrets. I can't trust you any more than I can trust the Church."
Kitt: "And as they say, better the devil you know…"
(Battle at Enbarr, Silver Snow/Verdant Wind)
Kitt: "Edelgard. Let Rhea go. I don't know what you have planned for her, but she and I have a score to settle."
Edelgard: "I am not concerned with vendettas of the ancient past, nor will they have a place in Fodlan's new dawn."
Edelgard: "You of all people should understand what it's like to be powerless, to have all control over your own fate wrested away by the likes of Rhea and her ilk."
Edelgard: "Knowing that, how can you truly wish for her to walk free?"
Kitt: "Because no one deserves to be buried underground, sealed away from the rest of the world and forgotten, left to the mercy of their jailers."
Kitt: "Believe me, I do understand."
(Battle at Enbarr, Azure Moon)
Kitt: "That's quite the transformation, Edelgard. Well done. You've already mastered what I've had to practice in secret for years."
Kitt: "But surely you must know what happens to monsters like you and me. I'll cut you down, same as all the rest.
Hegemon Edelgard: "You are welcome to try."
vs Seteth:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Seteth: "Of all people, I thought you would have learned not to repeat the mistakes of the past."
Seteth: "Stand down, lest I be forced to repeat some mistakes of my own."
Kitt: "Seteth. Didn't you promise long ago that the people of Annwen would suffer no harm under your protection?"
Kitt: "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. But for now, it looks like we'll have to fight each other instead."
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Kitt: "Hello, Seteth. You've quite the nerve to show your face around here."
Seteth: "You took the words out of my mouth."
Seteth: "To think, after everything we've tried to do for you, you would once again betray our trust and bear teeth against your own family."
Kitt: "Ha. You're one to talk about trust or family. Even that kid you called 'sister' was getting tired of your never-ending charade."
Seteth: "You will not drag Flayn into this! No matter who you are, know that I will destroy you to safeguard her if I must!"
Kitt: "Then you should have thought about that before bringing her here."
(If Kitt defeats Seteth)
Kitt: "Take Flayn and leave Garreg Mach - now - before I end your life. This is the only chance I'm giving you. I suggest you take it."
Seteth: "I… I understand. We will not meet again."
Seteth: "Regardless of everything else… I am grateful for your mercy. It is certainly more than we have shown you, and more than either of us deserve."
Kitt: "Don't come back."
vs Flayn:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Flayn: "Kitt, what are you doing? You cannot truly mean to fight us! We're your family!"
Kitt: "You and I seem to have wildly different ideas about how this 'family' is supposed to work."
Kitt: "For example, if you get to call Seteth 'brother'… where does that leave me?"
Flayn: "I… That's not…"
Kitt: "Not what? Not fair?"
Kitt: "I'll tell you what else isn't fair - being treated like some lost broken toy you can fix and heal until I'm good as new. Better than new. Until there's nothing left of the old me."
Kitt: "Why couldn't you just let me stay asleep forever?"
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Flayn: "Why are you doing this, Kitt?"
Kitt: "Not one step closer, Flayn."
Flayn: "Tell me, I beg of you! I wish only to understand! In what way have I done you wrong? What must I do to make amends?"
Kitt: "Enough! I know you only have the best wishes at heart, but I won't serve as a vessel for your good intentions."
Kitt: "And unlike you, I refuse to spend the rest of my life hiding behind a web of lies and secrets."
Flayn: "Kitt… I know not what to say. To think that it should come to this…"
(If Kitt defeats Flayn)
Kitt: "Find your father and go. Leave this place and never come back."
Flayn: "I… Yes. I will do as you say."
Flayn: "I wish you nothing but happiness for the rest of your days. Good-bye, Kitt."
Kitt: "…Good-bye, Flayn."
vs Rhea:
(Final Battle, Silver Snow)
Kitt: "This is just like what happened at Annwen… and the day I was struck down."
Kitt: "Rhea. This disaster is of your own making. But to suffer like this is too much for anyone to bear - even you."
Kitt: "Like all the beasts I've felled before, I'll put an end to your pain."
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre-time skip, Crimson Flower)
Rhea: "I see you are determined stand against me here once more, after all the mercy I've shown you, after every second chance I've given. You truly are the capricious one, aren't you?"
Kitt: "I discarded that name long ago. It's just Kitt now."
(Battle at Tailtean, Crimson Flower)
Seiros: "You. I know what you are. I've seen your true face, for it has haunted me since that day I struck you down."
Seiros: "I did everything in my power to make amends, to restore you to full glory, just like she bade me. And yet once more, I must destroy you where you stand."
Kitt: "You still haven't figured it out, have you? She set you up with an impossible task. It was never in your power to reverse the deeds of the past."
Kitt: "No matter how hard you try, some things can never be fixed, nor healed, nor restored to what they once were. She was trying to teach you a lesson."
Kitt: "But it's fine. I've moved on from that. And so can you."
Seiros: "You know I cannot. I was never as quick to change as you are. Nor will I stop trying to bring her back, even if you are determined to betray her memory time and time again."
(Battle of Fhirdiad, Crimson Flower)
The Immaculate One: "You! Miserable, conniving serpent who dares hide itself among the flock!"
The Immaculate One: "You are not worthy of her blessing! Not worthy of her blood! I should have sealed you in your own grave while I had the chance!"
Kitt: "Yes, you should have. But don't be sad. The moment you're gone from this world, I won't be far behind."
As enemy, if not recruited:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post-time skip, Crimson Flower, if Kitt not recruited)
Kitt: "It's a shame we can't catch up, for old time's sake. Too bad I must ask you to move."
Kitt: "…Or by all means, keep on testing me. You're not going to like what happens next, and neither am I."
If defeated:
Kitt: "Into the dark, once more. Maybe this time…forever."
vs Byleth:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post-time skip, Crimson Flower, if Kitt not recruited)
Kitt: "Professor. Did I ever tell you? How much you remind me of someone I once knew?"
Kitt: "Long ago, she told me that the moment I've decided who my people are, I must fight to protect them with everything I have. Even if it means defying the Goddess herself."
Kitt: "…I suppose you don't know or remember, do you? Yet here you are, following in her example, just as I am doing now."
TWISTD Members:
vs Solon
(Remire Village)
Kitt: "I should have known it was you. You're the one who started all this. First my village, and now…Remire."
Solon: "So now you know who I am, Ghost of Annwen. But if you think I'm but simple prey for you to hunt down, you are gravely mistaken!"
(Sealed Forest)
Solon: "Take not one step closer, Demon of Annwen! Lest your weakness for these beasts prove your undoing!"
Kitt: "What's the matter, Tomas? I thought you always dreamed of finding out how the story ends."
vs Kronya
Kronya: "You don't scare me. You're nothing but a stupid ghost story! I'll send you back to the filthy grave you crawled up from, you little freak!"
Kitt: "So you've heard of me from your darling bedtime stories. I guess I won't have to explain what happens to you next."
vs Cornelia
Cornelia: "Well now. This really won't do. I'll have to put an end to you quickly."
Kitt: "And I'll be sure to end you slowly."
vs Thales
Thales: "You insatiable wretch! That you would choose to menace me now, here, of all places!"
Kitt: "Don't look so shocked. I did promise I'd be back for the rest of you, didn't I?"
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raspberrydraws · 2 months
(I can't figure out how to send asks from my sideblog but this ask is from ShallowOak!) Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your pony designs! Can you talk us through your thought process on some of them? Like I've never seen anyone pick white fur for Luffy and it is just SO cute and I love it and aaaaa, your work makes me smile!
Hello! I'm glad you like them!!! people liking my horsies fills me with joy♥♥♥ Since you mentioned Luffy's fur I guess you want some kind of explanation about how I pick colors (because if we're talking about design and pony types that's a whole different thing that I will be delighted to explain hehe)
I made this thing, I hope it helps my explanation, but practically when I do the color part, I just keep trying until I feel like it looks good lol
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Here are some thoughts I had while trying tones for Luffy
I try to start with the basic colors of the characters and see what tones are lacking in the palette, so if it's a very warm color palette I try to find a cold color for the coat.
Sometimes that doesn't work and I try with a lighter version of one of the detail's colors (like, I put a light blue in one of Nami's possible coat tones bc I was thinking about her swimsuit)
I also keep in mind the other ponies coats and do my best so they don't repeat since they're a group and will appear together sometimes and that might be confusing if they're drawn without their accesories :)
I feel like my pony designs are quite basic (to the point where I'm scared they will look plain) because my style is stuck in early MLP OC designs who used to be more similar to the show (the point back then was to make a pony that would go unnoticed as a background pony from the show).
Actually many new OC designs have markings, accessories, clothes, and other stuff. I added clothes to the OP designs because I like to try to adapt them to pony bodies haha but I didn't want to add color variations and stuff just bc I'm not used to it and I don't like overly complicated designs.
Hope that helped, the first answer is ✨vibes✨
the second one is "My color theory teacher scared me a lot and I learned driven by fear so everything's engraved in my brain forever even if I can't explain it with difficult words"
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silvermoon424 · 9 months
Hi! I wanted to know, how do you do typesetting for manga? What sort of tools do you use? I recently discovered a series that has text only translations, and wanted to learn how to typeset so I could combine them with the raw scans.
Hello! It's great to hear that someone else is getting into typesetting! I'm entirely self-taught (didn't even look at guides or anything, I just felt it out and it shows in my earlier work lol) but the nice thing about typesetting is that it's pretty easy to get a feel for. Honestly, Photoshop does most of the technical work; I would say a lot of typesetting has to do with art and visual aesthetics. It's your job to make things look right, and you can get really fancy with it (especially with sound effects).
I'm very slowly working on a very long PMMM doujinshi, here's a sample page of my work and what I mean about making things look "right" (in regards to text placement, cleaning bubbles, etc). My personal preference is to break up words as seldom as possible, which is a philosophy even a lot of official typesetters don't share lol (probably because a lot of typesetters value speed over little touches like that).
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Anyway, Photoshop will be your best friend! I'll be honest, it's been a hot minute since I pirated my copy and I don't even think the method is valid anymore. From what I understand GenP (Windows) and AdobeZii (Mac) are the new methods of cracking Photoshop. Here are the GenP and AdobeZii subreddits for guidance. Also, if you have a Mac apparently downloading directly from Cmacked is the way to get Photoshop.
Anyway, I really can't get into all the tricks and intricacies I've learned over the years about typesetting. However, I found this AMAZING, comprehensive guide that I would strongly suggest using as a reference. They cover all of the fundamentals as well as a lot of the extras. There's even a few things in here that I wasn't aware of and will definitely be brushing up on!
I've also uploaded my font reference file to Google Docs. All the fonts show up as arial, but I've included screencaps of what they look like. These are all free fonts and can be found/downloaded if you just Google the name. Generally, Wild Words is considered the standard font in manga/doujinshi scanlations (although of course there are variants). It's what I use in all my standard text. All the rest are for sound effects, aside text, emotional text that is meant to be elevated, etc.
I would also suggest at least downloading custom heart and star shapes (or brushes) for Photoshop; there are a bunch of free ones available and those shapes tend to come up in manga speech bubbles a lot.
Oh, and make sure you make a credits page for your releases. Mine are super bare-bones (just white text on a black background for the most part) but you deserve to be credited for your labor! So does whoever translated the manga. Once you get the series up and rolling I would suggest starting to upload to Mangadex (the hub of scanlation where tens of thousands of people can see what you've made). If you need help figuring out how to do that, hit me up again when you get to that point. You'll have to create a group but it's super easy.
Am I forgetting anything else? This is such a near and dear hobby of mine and I feel like there's just so much to cover, lol. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
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seriouslycromulent · 11 months
Ok. So I know I'm late to the conversation, but let's just say that I'm disappointed, although not surprised to read casually racist comments on YouTube posts about Billy Spencer and the revelation that Eliot Spencer's dad is black.
I say not surprised because I wasn't born yesterday, and I've learned from years of being a Star Trek fan that even if a show centers around uniting across cultures, features a multicultural cast, and spreads a message of fighting bad guys in every form, bigots will still gravitate toward that fandom and lose their shit if a person of color is centered in a space that the bigot assumes a white person "should have" been centered.
Because the fandom world is just a microcosm of all the bitchassness that exists in the world overall. The global society we live in is brimming with racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and a myriad of other forms of bigotry. And that reality will always be reflected in fandom because bigots are often oblivious and carry their prejudice with them wherever they go ... including into the fandom world.
Now I don't know the age of the person who claimed that hiring Keith David to play Eliot's dad was a sign of "everything having to be politically correct these days," but if I didn't know any better, I would've thought I had been transported back to the 1990s and was engaging with Al Bundy on Married with Children.
Seriously? People are still using the phrase "politically correct" without a hint of irony? I thought bigots had moved on to calling everything that doesn't center straight, white, cis, able-bodied people as "woke." I guess this person just likes the classics.
Nevermind that we rarely, if ever, see transracial adoption depicted on American television when the child is white. Nevermind that the series has always had a theme around found family from different backgrounds working together to bring a little more justice into an unjust and unfair world. Nevermind that we waited 6.5 seasons to learn more about Eliot's background, and all we learned was that he was adopted, his parents are black, and why he and his dad fell out and hadn't spoken in over 2 decades.
No. Bigots are mad because a white person has black parents on a fictional series because it didn't fit their preferred narrative.
Leverage is not a show without flaws, but it has always been a show that challenged the status quo, behind the scenes and in the stories they tell. Your discomfort after learning that Eliot was raised by black parents is a reflection of your bias and skanky race issues regarding BIPOC folks, and you should examine that further. Not search for facile excuses to hide your bigotry behind other "reasons" to dislike the episode. You're fooling no one.
And the adoption story of Eliot Spencer was not "forced." It was simply not telegraphed with clues at every opportunity because Eliot plays everything close to the vest, especially his past. It's completely on brand for him, and if you cared about this character, you wouldn't have a problem with it and would acknowledge the consistency of him never referencing it.
As for the people who think that the writers just dumped his entire backstory on us in one episode, what show are you watching? There's plenty more to Eliot's background than who his dad is and why they fell out. And I bet if his dad was white, these so-called fans would've raced to their keyboards to write countless fanfic backstories to Eliot's life growing up in a small town, how he navigated high school especially with being adopted, and his life, in general, prior to joining the military. All the while taking the information from the episode to craft a layered history of his life.
There's a ton of stories out there to tell about Eliot Spencer, but a lot of the bigots fans are now deflated because that means they have to write a story with black parents and they don't want to do that. But I bet every single one of them will swear they're not racist or bigots or anti-black in any way.
Racism in fandom is not new, but I honestly expected more from the Leverage fandom. Granted, I know it's not everyone in the fandom. And you can argue it's not even the majority, but I've seen very little pushback from the fans who don't have a problem with Billy Spencer being black against the fans who do have a problem with Billy Spencer being black. And that too is very telling.
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laserdog10 · 8 months
You know I had high hopes for Blacksun.
Since Volume 1, we saw Sun's character. He saw through Blake's disguise he waited for two days, not saying anything until she was ready to talk. He helped her out with the White Fang. He introduced her to his friends, that she knows that Neptune is afraid of the water. He told Neptune what he likes about her.
He helped her when she needed it (even if she didn't ask for it) he found out more about her background then her whole team did. Inspired her to change her tactics on how to approach her past, at she got enough confidence to face someone she feared by herself.
A key moment for them is that when she told Sun to be careful, he said, "No Promises." In my mind, it shows that unlike everyone else, she's made a promise to. He doesn't want to make her feel obligated to him because he values her independence above all. Even in the end, when they sperated, he decided to give her space to work things out because that what she needed despite how he feels about her. Which shows Sun's growth as a person. Looking at all of that, these two have had a personal and deeper connection than anyone they've had in the series, and being a Faunus had nothing to do with it.
When it comes to Yang, she helped Blake go to a dance. Blake leaves knowing about Yang's abandonment issues. And when she comes back she tries to fix the strained relationship. And when she tries to help from the lesson she learned and Yang responds with be passive aggressive and learns the lesson with no scene. Uses a threat when someone suggests they work with other people (if one of them was a male, you'd think that was a toxic move to use). And after they destroyed a content ND relocated people and lost a friend they tried desperately to save. All they could think about is their relationship in a place that basically forced them to confess. And when Yang is given the chance to explain why she likes her, it is probably the most shallow and out of nowhere confession I've ever heard. That the only reason Blake accepts it is because she's wearing rose colored glasses, love is deaf, or she feels obligated to be there for her.
Even if tooth ofvthem are Faunus, Sun took an interest in what Blake is fighting for and is willing to help her not just to get points with her, but because it's the right thing to do. While I'm pretty sure Yang has never once mentioned or talked about Blake's interest. Sun has even made a bigger impact in Blake's life than Yang ever has or will. For Sun, he supports Blake while Yang has been holding her back just for her. And haven't you noticed that Blake can repremend Sun for his action, but Blake can't do the same for Yang?
In a sense of long term Sun and Blake have a goal. For Balke and Yang they want two completely different things. And personally I think Sun can carry Blake's burdens while Yang either ignores it or just tosses it aside.
Sun UNDERSTANDS Blake and takes the fucking time to talk to her about her issues and gives her solutions to confront them, Yang hasn't done shit and is literally just Adam 2.0 when it comes to being a "love interest" for her.
Actually no, Yang doesn't even fucking deserve that, she's a dogshit choice for Blake.
Black Sun will always reign superior to Bumblebullshit and the Wasps can cope.
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thecorporateweeb · 4 months
January 8, 2024
Its a new year and I'm feeling all excited and cliche about the year ahead. I am determined to get it together and become more like the woman I always wanted to be. I have decided that this will be the year of action and accountability. Yes, all the A's! Ambitious, annoying. I will see to it that my thoughts and ideas take a physical form. So, I tried to journal last night. I guess I have been feeling sort of lost lately, like I am forgetting myself a little bit. Usually journaling helps me remember, little by little. Day after day. I've been doing it most of my life now. With shelves full of used books, diaries grew into journals.
With a little guidance (a lot of guidance) from a book called, The Artist's Way, I would challenge myself to write every morning and would actually show up to the page 6 out of 7 days. I'm the type of person who will try just about anything, no matter how silly it might seem, if it will help me in some way. And when I find something that works, I integrate it into my life for good. Lately, I am finding that I am lucky to get a sentence or two out every few days. Something isn't right with me. And undeniably, I am stubborn. Once I realized this shift I knew I would have to force myself into the habit again. I had taken my hot shower and washed the day away. I got my journal and my favorite pen and tried to find a movie to put on for some background noise. I figured, something light and feel good. I saw that I was about 30 minutes into Eat Pray Love from a few weeks ago when I had went on a Julia Roberts movie marathon and decided that would work.
Before I knew it I had gotten completely lost in the movie. I looked down at my page only to see a "hello" and the date. Isn't it amazing how you could see a movie a million times but one day it feels brand new? I was right on the scene where Julia Roberts was telling her friend her big plan to go away for a year. Her friend called her crazy, understandably. But her friend had said something like, "a lot of women feel this way, they get married young, do the white picket fence thing and play the part well into their thirties and realize maybe this isn't for me anymore". Also I'm heavily paraphrasing and also its probably rude as hell to keep referring to Viola Davis as "Julia Roberts' Friend" but you get the point.
How embarrassing! How stupefied I was, and still am! I thought about the fact that this sad description unfortunately fits me. It is a humbling and mortifying experience to accept that the road you chose didn't go where you thought it would go and never felt the way you were so certain it would feel. How painful, the loss of a dream you fought for years to come true. Like trying to empty the ocean with a bucket, I did nothing but pass time. How painful it is, to experience the death of a dream.
Somewhere along the way, the ambitious, adventurous, wacky girl within me had fallen asleep. And in her sleep, she could only dream of who she once was and who she always wanted to be. I spent years missing that girl. Triumphantly enough, through years of running in the mountains, disturbingly repeated songs, and frequent therapy sessions I finally woke her up. Oh god did it feel good to remember how to live awake.
And now here I am, after another borderline comical series of unfortunate events, the kind that you just have to laugh at, I ended up in the same place I had learned to sleep.
I guess I didn't end up having my quiet meditative writing session I hoped for, but I remembered just a little more through inspiration and that is good enough for me.
Later in the movie when Julia Roberts is in Rome with her new friends, they talk about how places all have a "word". They asked her what her word was, to which she answered "I used to be daughter, then wife...eh, not so good. Then girlfriend...eh, not so good. I guess my word is writer." They told her writing is what she does, not who she is, "Who are you?". After a blank look, her friend chimed in with "maybe you are a woman in search of a word". I wondered, do I have a word? Immediately the word "lovely" came to mind. Am I allowed to choose lovely? For some reason my eyes started to water. I would like to be lovely in my life. I would like to love and be loving. May I be bold? Brave? Am I bold enough to exist exactly as I am? Am I brave enough to be vulnerable out loud? I guess I'll go to sleep and find out tomorrow. But tomorrow is a new day and I am choosing to be lovely.
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starsong13 · 8 months
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Oc recycling centres #1 customer ✨
[I'm so fucking lazy]
I just wanted to waffle about these fuckers don’t mind me
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1 [Star Song]
I tried to faithfully recreate how the colors looked on paper digitally (because 95% of my art was on paper at the time)
I can't remember what the black spots or red streaks were about
I know I put ties & bow ties on many characters during my times of gender confusion
The style of hair is a result of the times of the show, many background characters would often have rainbow dash looking hair, and while most of it is based off of the mare style, the back part is specifically the stallion
The wings are a result of the fandom at the time, with many people adding color to wings because of Cadence
2 [Star Song]
This one isn't exactly a TV head it's technically called a droid, this character was created very quickly in an ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ for the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ fandom
In their quick creation I basically reused most of the colors from the pony because I didn't have time to be creative
Many of their design aspects between both results you see here are because of challenge posted on the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛
Even the character being a fusion is because of these posts - however because of one person saying oh like "Garnet from Steven universe?" I've always explained the character in reference to Garnet (a character I didn't know, from the show I didn't watch)
3 [Star Song]
At this point the character being a fusion had been long established on the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ and I had added more colour to the hair to make them full rainbow when combined and half rainbows when split. This is supported by the heart on the chest and the heterochromia
Sometime between the first design and this design, one half of the fusion became male (gender confusion strikes again)
4 [Star & Musica]
These characters were again rapidly created as a result of fleeing the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ - ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ now you can see how they split, hot & cold
While one of them was always more prone to anger, and lashing out when the other one was much quieter, and kept to themselves - polar opposites in the most boring way possible
Things like this where it's painful how lazily these were created, literally the only thing I changed about the designs was what they were, they were no longer a droid they were now humans, I didn't change their eyes didn't change their hair didn't even change their names
5 [Maya & Sam]
Wow I Actually Leared How To Colour A Character Without Making Your Eyes BLEED, It's A MIRACLE
I also stopped being a fucking coward and gave Sam his shaven sides that I had wanted to forever
And I made him trans in a way that made sense
Sam is his own person now with his own skills and abilities
He’s a gymnast and artist who practices astrology and studies chemistry
(although he's still neglected in comparison because I haven't been able to flesh him out as much as Maya, he's still much more of a character than before)
Despite the history of her original creation (and past gens) Maya has become my most fleshed out character out of any fandom (even earning multiple timelines, ex. the purple)
The scars on her lips were transformed into “joker” like scars on her mouth and they aren’t random (ex. the ones on her cheeks before)
Her grey teeth, rather than the off-white yellow that Sam has, is not a mistake either - the real ones were shattered in a fight
Same with the robotic arms being extra arms and not replacement ones, as well as the beep head not being permanent - she wants to remain has human as possible while still experiencing her work
I also changed their hot and cold, dynamic to Ying and Yang one and actually fleshed it out is that they have similarities and differences like real siblings
6 [Star Song]
Again I learned how to digitally color properly
Now with later seasons having more detailed background characters I felt more confident making a more unique design
Darkening the coat, throwing away the green and yellow, getting rid of those weird marks and tie
The hair now being just three shades/hues of blue that fit well over the cooler purple
They are no longer just a full pony
The wings being princess size rather than a normal Pegasus (+being unable to fly properly) and being a taller body type make them more unique
The heart on the hoof is a call back to gen 3 dolls
The feathers on the ears and legs are from hippogriffs
Coloured horseshoes/wings and the design of the feathered legs are from Gen 5 (the last being concept art only)
Anyways that’s all I wanted to waffle about for now, this whole page was about looking how far I’ve come with these characters and seeing how much I’ve learned over the years.
Looking back through my old art and looking at these old designs as I went... I can really see how some of my special interests in certain cartoons influenced the way I drew. One day I might go back and analyze all of it and write it all out for my own sake of self study... But not now
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zushimart · 7 months
I think him not deleting himself is a better way for the story when it comes to meeting the people he's affected, I just think that the way he deleted himself was better way for the story for himself. I think they handled his attempted suicide and attempt to fix things really well, because not only does it show that you can't actually change the past or future of teyvat unless you're an alien variable, but also that he was willing to take his life for a person he spent hundreds of years "hating" just because he learned they didn't betray him. It just fits really well with how he still hadn't moved on from the death of the first people who let him exist as himself.
I'm explaining this kinda messy because I'm hungry rn :/ but what I mean is I think what they did with the story was the best for both teyvat lore in general and also his own self, but if he's to meet the inazuma squad in an event or something I think it's gonna be kinda messy to write it well. Like maybe they'll just include a line that's like "oh yeah the traveller told me about you etc etc" and I don't really want that, but I also don't want one of those black background white text "wanderer explains what he did in the past" so even though I really like the way it's written I'm kinda worried for the conclusion of his own arc (kaedehara buddhist enlightenment) because I can't think of a way to show it well without it being either very long or anticlimactic
YESSSS i agree with you onn that. i think ive talked about how i do like (from a storytelling perspective, not.. you know.. LOL) the severity and SWIFTNESS of his decision to erase (kill) himself. it was very stomach-dropping in the moment if you were someone that already cared about him. i actually remember putting the game down and walking over to my roommate to just sit in silence for a little bit LMFAOOO. it exemplifies how impulsive & swayed by emotion he is and just how deeply his self hatred motivates his actions as well as his EXTREME DESIRE to love and trust others (and how he felt like he couldnt for so so so long). but i also think it effectively shook any mistaken preconceptions other players might have had if they werent as invested in his character (people who thought he was irredeemably evil or inherently malicious in character, it's pretty hard to believe that about someone who can regret their actions so much and so quickly and immediately try to correct what he's done at his own expense). i'll try and go find & reblog my initial thoughts ab the quest tbh i wanna go reread what i wrote.
from like an authorial perspective, erasing himself from irminsul feels very much like one of those "i want to write this so bad because i think it is a fascinating development for this character, but it does not fit in with what i want to do with this character in the future and therefore might be more trouble than its worth as it undermines other plot points i would like to achieve with this character" which when i encounter that i usually write the scene to get the inspiration OUT but treat it as a separate timeline or a "what if."
this is legit completely personal opinion so it doesnt rly fucking matter at all but i honest to god don't find "no matter what you do, the past cannot be changed" something to be particularly interesting. so i guess thats why i have so many qualms with this direction. maybe its bc like. duh. to me. and maybe bc im not particularly invested in the overall story, so i didn't catch anything it might move along in the traveler's development. So i guess thats why im a believer in 'this could have been done differently and better. some Other way for him to find out about niwa.' especially because i've already had a myriad of qualms with the storytelling regarding scara before this point. so my perspective is a bit warped by opinions .
i think i just HATTTE the clunkiness that i expect to follow in regards to his character relationships. like there is something so uncomfortable about it to me like, i just.. u word it very well. it's gonna be Messy. and im always stressed about "messy," especially because i already felt like the storytelling behind his resolution was Already messy. the quest itself re-iterated his past .. so many times... i remember getting Annoyed... (through a) already accessible lore, b) that stupid academic paper, c) irminsul scene d) the "storybook", ANDDD e) re-living his memories... it felt very repetitive, almost overkill to me). so im just dreading what's to come especially if has to re-hash things to characters in-game that have already been explained to the player literally four sometimes five times over. i just want to get to new developments, NEW plot-points, NEW storylines and i want them to be COMPELLING and i want him to develop COMPLEX and MOVING and STRONG character relationships.
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Chicāhuac - Strong (N. Nahuat)
When I was younger, I heard comments about how we should stay out of the sun so our skin didn't get dark. Ser "blanquita" meant you were beautiful. Not India. I didn't understand but I walked around with a little parasol when I went to church.
I never understood why my tia Mila talked about how loved she felt even though she was so "prieta."
The older I got, the more I understood that colonization resulted in everyone associating anything/anyone not white as less than. Colorism and racism are inherently ingrained in our families because that's what was needed to survive. The dissociation with our ancestors was a means to fit in, which resulted in the loss of so much of our culture. I wanted to know more.
Last year I visited El Salvador after 18 years. I went back with an open heart and mind, knowing that points of views had not changed and that I'd be welcomed with open arms because I was married to a white guy (see the story of my family's sense of pride for marrying a gringo). I made it a point to take a trip to Nahuizalco where there is history about the Pipil people and our Nahuat language. I learned so much from the locals, read a lot, and realized that our people had not been spared and felt anger - so much anger.
The visit to the Nahuizalco left a huge impact. Visiting the pre-school where kids were being taught our native language was inspiring and I've been learning everything I can since then. Recently I finally decided to take a DNA test to get a more accurate understanding of my background. The results showed something I wasn't sure of - how much Nahua/Otomi there is in me - and I finally feel like I can truly make my people proud.
For so long I felt lost - this idea to assimilate to make it, to be less Salvadoreña, to speak and look a certain way ruled over my life for far too long. I know it's never too late to dig deeper to find your identity and feel at peace with who you are. So today, as a homage to mi cultura I tattooed a Flor De Izote and the Nahuat word for strong on my arm.
Strong - like my people.
Oh, and the best part - G got a matching tattoo with me.
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rockn-rule · 10 months
This is a measurement baby it is hollow under all that internet is not about you it doesn't like it doesn't care what you want it doesn't care what you don't want it doesn't care if you'd like something or like something or dislike something it's called arilyn and did not care so you hold no shemp shut irrelevant Papa Irrelevant puff hot air
I didn't ask for peanut gallery or a basket case to be sent anywhere in behind me the background black ample s*** third part of it was a hot air and bless you mate that hole in the clothes keep your hole clothes at alarms when you show the watching the penny on stands and initial what you know when you will continue to stand and now I'm going to drift on as you proceeds overturned to government rules yours mine is down on here yours is there's just a fun closure hall so I can't be only giving it you can't be elected hosts you can't be your blocking posts you can't be posted posts you cannot be reposed about any definitely cannot be made in an absurd decurrent holder you also surely still cannot be following me or spending all that you're supposed to say Siri pretty much all editable said sir reprientary so hot air or blasphemy on in the content you didn't mean mine seized in which dreamingly
I didn't ask for peanut gallery or a basket case to be sent anywhere in behind me the background black ample s*** third part of it was a hot air and bless you mate that hole in the clothes keep your hole clothes at alarms when you show the watching the penny on stands and initial what you know when you will continue to stand and now I'm going to drift on as you proceeds overturned to government rules yours mine is down on here yours is there's just a fun closure hall so I can't be only giving it you can't be elected hosts you can't be your blocking posts you can't be posted posts you cannot be reposed about any definitely cannot be made in an absurd decurrent holder you also surely still cannot be following me or spending all that you're supposed to say Siri pretty much are eligible said theory predatory so hot air or a blessed meal on new contact to determine mine seized it immediately
You wanted to hear doing what you're doing and you're going to have to self adhere yourself to some self term saying Conditions I've to be about to buy him and following in a limbs no She says Yes but your progress and it reads About U are All In a world out or Nothing like a white there is no Shade to create Here no Wish Russian is nobody's bothered to Feel like a one Woman and not being bothered if like in the next moment she's aside as to whether it's the lesson of all of an absurd alternative policy with Teenagers like to be Quiet and learn it good Common learn to accommodate that Common others by Karma what comes around goes around You Know like goes right and comes around therefore I eagerly Wait reply
Wtf are you saying boo
I literally cannot read half of what you’ve written and I have no clue why you’ve written besides me saying in a comment section that my dyslexia does not like you which it doesn’t obviously
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sokumotanaka · 2 years
MHA 370 spoilers
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Look man, like what you want but I've seen way too many people devil's advocating this particular page here.
Having a fictional people tell a black person he'd never get discrimination or prejudice when they could of used anybody else ( another hero) is wild to me man.
Cause black people are currently facing one of the biggest racial declines in years, they get arrested for nothing, shot at or even worst! All these negative stigmas, I can't walk down the street without some white woman clutching her purse and walking faster. Or seeing me and walking across the street no matter how busy it is.
And people on Twitter and elsewhere will say some wild out of pocket crap about black people just minding their own business.
They get censored out of Marvel/DC and star wars movies in japan, there's also places in japan that say no black people allowed! So you get why this panel is wild. It's undermining that black people will get prejudice way more than a fictional people who will get a perfect ending!
Rock lock showed up once almost died in his first appearance then vanished only to come back to get told he don't get it, my guy has less screentime than the background characters in class 1-A. MHA has done a terrible job at talking about its mutant discrimination; we're learning about the brunt of it and characters backstories in the recent chapters towards the end!
Froppy, shoji, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Mina etc all never spoke about how they struggled or how the world treats mutants. And none of thr non mutant heroes have sny opinions on it sans the ine interaction! Minorities and discriminated people tend to tslk about it more than once! And the viewer wouldn't know either with how the world is shown! (It comes across as they wanted enough prejudice talk to meet the quota but not enough to make your manga bros uncomfy)
The number 2 hero is a guy with wings beloved by all!
The num 5 hero is also beloved powerful and simped for in and out of universe and num 10 is a whale man who faces the most physical problems with discrimination we never see.
The chief of police has a dog head.
This ain't like X-men where it's actually nuanced from the start and it didn't happen at the tail end of the series. (Cause it's actually good and they have dark skinned poc, more than one! And they talk about the prejudices.)
I really do wish MHA was better, I really do.
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But stuff like this? Is insulting; you can't tell a black guy a REAL RACE! He doesn't get it. And the fans pretending this is okay and genius is...tiring...
You can't tell me Rock lock the only black MHA HERO EVER, that he doesn't have it worst than fucking SPINNER! Especially when he's you know, the only black person to appear in the series with a name and voice!!
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tishinada · 11 months
5 for the pride ask. All the ffxiv girls AND my girl Ucevi. 😉
Ah, thank you! Hmm, let's see...
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Mostly, THEY told ME.
Zas (FFXIV) - Everything about Zas was unplanned, starting with the fact I created her as a throw-away OC when I first started.* Then fell in love with her and now she's as close to a "main" as I've ever had in a game. As for her identity, I hadn't given her any background until she started informing me herself, lol. By the time she attended Merl's remembrance speech, she was completely captivated. She's never really given any of the men in game a second look, lol.
Kass - I'm not sure there's a type she isn't attracted to, lol. Not that she really does anything about it; she has places to be and things to do. Besides, everyone she's shown a strong preference for...has died.
New Leaf - It took me a while to realize that she just...isn't that interested in anyone. Or maybe occasional mild interest at most. That said, to my surprise, I think Kan-e (as she appears in post-Stormblood onward) is winning this one, lol.
Astrelie (Aster) - Where her cousin Zas is an introvert with low self-esteem, Aster is an extrovert who would cheerfully proposition anyone she was really interested in, and that's all genders and races. And you can be sure that she was the one who made Zas blush by speculating about Hraevelgr and Shiva (carefully out of earshot of anyone who might actually be offended, of course.) Still not sure who she'll end up with.
Silent Wind (roe white mage/summoner) - It took me a while to work out that she's also attracted to all genders and races because she has to know a person before it really shows up. Still not sure who she'll end up with either. But I've realized she's probably also non-binary, though she doesn't think of it in those terms.
Ucevi (SWtOR) is an exception. When I began writing Dance, I wanted someone very specific, and she was created from bits and pieces of other Sith-blooded SWs and my HCs about the Sithblooded's cultures. I had written quite a lot of the worldbuilding for her before I ever created her in-game. In that worldbuilding, the Sithblooded have far more flexible ideas about gender and sexuality, especially given their potentially 3 - 400 year life spans. For the moment, she's a woman and very pansexual/panspecies. Her hard rules on not getting involved with someone are solely based around consent and cultural incompatible ideas about monogamy (Cathar for instance.)
Thanks! Not sure if that's exactly what you expected or not, but it's what I have lol. Except for Ucevi, I've let them decide.
*i.e. a character I use to learn how a new game works, then delete and start another without all the big mistakes. I didn't expect to like playing either an elezen/elf or an archer/bard. Except in this game, I do, lol. But ffxiv has blue collar/working class elves and class divisions and religious extremism, which make them much more intriguing and relatable. And Zas developed a really well-defined personality way faster than most of my OCs do. Which turned out to fit the WoL's canon traits surprisingly well as I got further into the game.
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