#mha 370
traffys · 2 years
The fact that so many of people, including leakers, called this chapter boring and said “nothing happened” is so telling to me. The story isn’t about seeing your faves every week. The narrative has always been about criticizing the societal norm.
Hori (and the “villains”) from the start have been trying to show the world—and by extension, us, the audience—that what we accept as good vs. bad is not so black and white. It’s directly criticized the glorification of heroes and the system which protects and uplifts them. And, within this chapter ESPECIALLY, it has loudly criticized and brought to light quirk discrimination. The most accepted and beloved are the ones that are seen as useful, flashy and “beautiful”, even. Take Hawks versus Spinner, for example. Hawks’ quirk and appearance is deemed as attractive, whereas Spinner’s is deemed unsightly. The ugly truth: those with quirks that make them appear less human are discriminated against, harassed and in rare cases, even killed for the way they look.
Anti-heteromorphic prejudice is only one aspect of the society that the “villains” are challenging. But, that prejudice is aggravated by all the established societal problems they are actively working to dismantle. To finally flesh this out and bring it more attention is not “boring” and I think it speaks a lot more to YOU as an individual if, like the majority of MHA’s society, you view this as less interesting or necessary.
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linkspooky · 2 years
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My Hero Academia, Chapter 370 Thoughts. 
 Admittedly, I was very confused by Shoji’s response to the PLF members legitimate complaints about the discriminations that heteromorphs have suffered with a question that is off topic and tone deaf at the best, and deliberately undermining the legitimate suffering that heteromorphs have endured at the worst. 
But let’s give Shoji the benefit of the doubt as we discuss his argument and point of view underneath the cut. 
However, Shoji’s response reminded me of one of my favorite posts observations made by another tumblr user. @yugiohz on this panel featuring Shigaraki and Deku from the war arc. 
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“I love this paneling because it shows the contrast of the character’s world view, deku thinks this conflict only happens on a personal level when shigarki is aware that it’s a systemic one.” 
Shoji’s arguments seem arguably tone deaf and oblivious to both the bigger picture that the PLF commander is getting at. The existence of entities like the creature rejection clan, and the atrocities committed against heteromorphs which is apparently, still so prevelant an issue that fifteen thousand people showed up to the riots. So this issue is not only still relevant, but wide affecting. 
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So to respond to all of those legitimate questions with the question of why didn’t thiey think of evacuating the hospital first like the heroes did, and the implication that if they didn’t, they are just as bad as the people they are protesting against is just a little bit ignorant. Or maybe a lot of bit. 
In all fairness, of course even in a war it’s considered a crime a target full of innocent people uninvolved with the conflict as a part of your battle strategy. From Shoji’s perspective, these people are attacking a hospital full of sick people unable to defend themselves which are unrelated to their grievances against society at large. Even in war times it’s considered taboo to attack people who didn’t sign up for the conflict and are also unable to defend themselves, civilians, sick people, the wounded, children.
t’s fair to point out that it’s wrong to target people who aren’t combatants who signed up for the fight, but at the same time if you point that out it’s also fair to point out it’s the heroes who decided to shelter Kurogiri in the first place. The mob isn’t attacking the hospital of a whim, they’re trying to seize an objective to win a battle against the society they think wronged them, and the heroes are the one who decided in the first place  to hide Kurogiri in a hospital full of innocent civliians. It’s the heroes who knew that this hospital would be attacked hence why they posted guards there, but apparently didn’t evaucate the hospital. So, if we’re splitting hairs here, the split hairs still don’t come out in favor of the heroes. 
However, as tone deaf as Shoji’s question comes across, it also resembles a lot of responses his fellow hero students have had whenever they’re face to face with the villains trying to explain how they’ve suffered against hero society. 
When Toga tries to explain herself to Uraraka she’s immediately shut down with this argument. That if she chooses to live as she pleases and threatens with people, then there’s also consequences to that. 
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As referenced above, when Deku says that he won’t ever forgive Shigaraki, Shigaraki replies with I won’t forgive any of you people. When Dabi tells Shoto about how he tried to come home, but in the end was shown that his family just moved on without him and that he had no replace to return to Shoto responded with this. 
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It’s three flavors of the same response. It frames Toya, Toga, Shigaraki, and Spinner + the Mob’s Choices as a whole like they woke up and one day decided to be a villain. 
LIke, do Toga and the rest have agency and responsibility to their actions? Yes. THey chose to become violent. They chose to fight. They are still people making choices no matter how driven by their own trauma and they are responsible for those choices. However, there’s a difference between an influenced choice, and a choice made entirely of their own free will. 
Here, let me demonstrate. Absoluetly nothing forced Enji to abuse his own family. Enji decided on his own to place his career as a hero above everything else, he decided to arrange a marriage with Rei for the entire purpose of giving birth to a child with a hybrid ice and fire quirk and also ignore his children who didn’t suit that need.
However, Toya had no agency in this choice. He was born into these circumstances. Through no choice of his own, he was born to a father who ignored him the moment his quirk started failing, and a mother who blamed him for the discord of his household for not simply giving up on his quirk training and his attempts to earn his fathers love because she was too afraid to conront her husband. Toya was a helpless child when this happened to him, he’s a fully grown adult now, but when the inciting incident of his trauma happened to him he was as those innocent as those imaginary innocent people that heroes keep parading about as a reason tto not sympathize with the villains. 
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Rei had no choice but to marry Enji because her parents pressured her into it, she became a victim of his abuse, but you know who was even more of a victim? The twelve year old helpless child who was born into these circumstances, who was also completely defenseless at the time. Who’s father ignored him, and mother wasn’t strong enough to protect him, whatever Rei suffered, Toya suffered more and at a much younger age. 
Basically every argument the villains make is dismissed with “cool motive, still murder”, which is a completely ignorant argument to make when these villains only started choosing violence as an absolute last resort in the first place. Toga did her absolute best to fit despite her parent’s abuse. Toya tried over and over again to please his father, only to be told to shut up by his family. Tenko wanted to be a hero originally, and was beaten by his father, for having the same dream as Deku. Tenko spent days wandering the streets waiting for just one hero to help him after he lost his family. Spinner locked himself up in his room and just wanted to believe he could become someone important like Stain and make a positive change in the world rather than wasting his life. 
These arguments are in bad faith, because they’re taking a false equivalence. The villains arguments about how hero society is wrong, because they too, are hurting people in their attempts to change hero society. The thing is twice already completely dismantled the argument that the heroes use to shut down the villains. 
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The heroes only care about saving the kind of completely innocent victim who cowers in the face of danger and waits to be saved, if they think of fighting back against their circumstances, or *gasp* lash out in pain like some kind of imperfect victim then the heroes give up on trying to save them. It’s important that Jin brings up Toga’s kindness to him, because Toga is one of the people that Hawks wrote off as someone who can’t be saved, while at the same time trying to save Twice because he considered him “A good person.” 
The thing is the moment you start dividing people into categories of who is worthy of being saved, and who isn’t, people are already going to be lost. If the function of heroes are to save people, and they’re not saving a goood chunk of people then they’re not doing their job. Rather than addressing this fact and striving to say more, they just create arguments that are these false equivolencies. Well, this person chose to become violent, so obviously they’re just as bad as their abusers. Well, Dabi chose to kill people in his attempt to discredit Endeavor and expose him as an abuser, so obviously he’s just as bad or even worse. 
There’s a difference betweeen saying “I understand your argument but I believe there are better more peaceful ways of solving this issue” and just shutting down the argument, which is what the hero kids are doing over and over again. And this is a common theme in MHA. THat the light of heroes, and the flawless image of heroes is being used over and over again to hide the corruption in society. Nagant brings it up, Shigaraki brings it up, that over and over again the public only sees the good side of heroes while the corruption of society is ignored. 
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Yes, it’s bad to hurt innocent people even if you’re trying to use your violence for a good cause to make a better world. People who have nothing to do with it don’t deserve to get dragged into a conflict. However, there’s also this continued pattern of heroes just dismissing the legitimate criticisms of villains outright, because of the faceless imaginary people that are also being caught up in their rebellion against society. 
This is why Hawks killed Twice. Hawks had to kill Twice, because of the imaginary body count of innocent people who might have been hurt with his quirk. The heroes continually have to put down the heroes in favor of there imaginary innocent people that they might be hurting, Uraraka even says that she has to look at the destruction wrought by the league of villains to stop herself from sympathizing with Toga. 
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But once again, this innocent / guilty dichotomy is a made up false dichotomy. When exactly does a person stop being innocent? What actions do they have to perform where they are no longer worthy of sympathy? Quantify it. What is the point of no return? At what exact moment do they stop being a victim and become a villain instead?
Think of the people who joined Spinner’s mob in support of Heteromorph discrimmination? They were innocent victims of what is a thinly veiled allegory for racism. They did absolutely nothing to earn the ire of the people around them. Are they now guilty because they decided to fight back against it? Is their action to riot against the issue, to try to draw attention to their suffering what makes them now guilty? Is the only way to remain innocent to just shut up and endure it, and never fight back no matter what happens to you? 
To return to the argument made at the start, it really does seem like that kids are equating what is a personal conflict with what is happening on a societal wide scale. The perspective of the hero kids is almost like, even in the middle of what is called the first and second war arc, where they are fighting a battle over the way society should be run, that somehow this is just standard hero vs. villain in the conflict. That the good guys are infallible and the bad guys are always violent and they are because they decide to be. However, the villains are fighting back against a society that has wronged them. It’s a difference in perspective that damns any attempts for heroes and villains to understand each other. 
The kids aren’t facing the injustice of society, the kids aren’t fighting for survival, for them this is another hero vs. villain battle. They defeat the bad guys, and the good guys win. 
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It’s a conflict fought between two sides who are occupying completely differnt positions of power and privileges'. It’s a personal conflict for the kids, they are fighting against villains who have personally hurt them and all of their friends, SHigaraki is someone who maimed Grant Torino in front of Deku, and led attacks on his friends several times. However, at the same time Shigaraki was wronged by hero society several times, an argument that Deku pretty conveniently ignores because he’s never lived that experience or been subjected to it. He’s allowed to keep it a personal conflict, because he’s not subject to societal rejection the way Shigaraki is. 
Even if the kids think that human life is so sacred that no matter what you can’t take a life, even if you have a legitimate cause like fighting for a better society, the kids refuse to apply their rules fairly. Shoji yells at the crowd for attacking a hospital full of innocents, but what about the death of Twice? If villains are bad and beyond redemption because they have killed, then why is Hawks still allowed to be a hero? If the villains have to think about the people they hurt as a part of their conflict, then why hasn’t a single hero kid even mentioned twice?
This is what I mean by injustice. It’s okay to be disgusted by murder, human life is sacred and should always be protected, murder is a serious crime, but these rules aren’t being applied fairly. Hawks can commit the same murder and compeltely get away with it, because he’s considered one of the good guys. 
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The kids aren’t so digusted by any murder that they can’t tolerate any injustice, they’re just repeated the same values that they’ve always been taught, heroes good and villains bad. They are drawing the same line on who is worthy of saving  and who is not worthy.
Which is why this chapter is so sad, it illsutrates that Shoji and Spinner have suffered the same way as being prejdugiced against by hero society, and forced to hide because they are heteromorphs. So, why are they fighting in the first place? If they are both vicrtimized why does one of them have to be the good cictim and the bad victim? If they are both suffering similarily can’t they come to some understanding and work together, rather than fighting against each other? Isn’t it tremednously sad that Shoji had to fight against several heteromorphs who have suffered the same as he as, and defend the society that has outcast him and fored him to wear a mask his entire. Shouldn’t there be a better way then just Shoji putting down the rebellion of fellow heteormoprhs and then society continuing on the same way as it always has? Couldn’t they work together? 
I don’t really have an ending to this post, so I’m going to close out with a quote from Frankenstein which I believe is relevant to this topic at large. 
“You, who call Frankenstein your friend, seem to have a knowledge of my crimes and his misfortunes. But in the detail which he gave you of them he could not sum up the hours and months of misery which I endured wasting in impotent passions. For while I destroyed his hopes, I did not satisfy my own desires. They were for ever ardent and craving; still I desired love and fellowship, and I was still spurned. Was there no injustice in this? Am I to be thought the only criminal, when all humankind sinned against me? Why do you not hate Felix, who drove his friend from his door with contumely? Why do you not execrate the rustic who sought to destroy the saviour of his child? Nay, these are virtuous and immaculate beings! I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on. Even now my blood boils at the recollection of this injustice.” 
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
BnHA Ch. 370 leak reactions:
Koda protecting Present Mic, yeeeeaaaah! After torturing Mic with bugs in the final exam, it’s good to see Koda use his animal powers to help the indoorsy DJ hero!
Mic is thinking about Shirakumo’s popularity, ehhh? (Is it confirmed that Kurogiri is in Central Hospital? Will need to wait for officials for this!)
Holy shit, the PLF is referring to “Incident 66” and “the Great Purge of Jeda”!!! Horikoshi really is referencing the Star Wars genocide where Palpatine secretly implanted code into the clone soldiers to force them to obey his will and kill their Jedi masters, while politically positioning the Jedi as criminals for failing to end the clone wars. That in turn enabled Darth Vader (Palpatine’s apprentice) to mass slaughter Jedi at their temple and go on to hunt down (almost) every surviving Jedi.
Spinner finally has power — both physical kaiju power and political power in the form of followers — but the trade off seems to be his mental capacity, which is tragic. Maybe he can be rewound??? Ooohh, or TomurAFO can remove whatever quirk AFO gave Spinner (if Erasure ever lets up or he can use the AFO quirk despite Erasure).
Shoji showing some real willpower of his own! I really want the official translation on this because Shoji saying the PLF’s actions have consequences sounds very similar to what Ochako told Toga.
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Shoji finally takes off his mask and…I guess he’s “supposed” to have a shocking appearance, but I think he’s just as cute as the rest of the 1-A kids! So what if he has lots of teeth? Ectoplasm and Honenuki in 1-B also have exposed teeth, and IMO they look scarier than Shoji.
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littleholmes · 2 years
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Action Mic in the manga after we got Action Mic in the anime this week, Mic fans put your hands up we’re being fed well this week
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
mha 370, but no spoilers really
I’m sorry that people hate complex stories outside their favorite character, but this is actually such an interesting part of the story and have been a present theme from the start and I, for one, is very happy to see it explored.
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the-moons-ace-card · 2 years
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 years
Hero society is pure garbage
What's is going on first the civilians and there dehumanizition of the heores treating them like protection robots and ignoring those that do need help( tenko) and all might himself was pushed to his limit
The childhood soldier stuff including the situation with hawks lady nagant
The lack of mental health services for those who loose there parents due to hero work e.g endeavor Kota and kotaro infact the whole situation with the todoroki family could have been avoided if enji was taken to see actual therapist the way he talked about himself in mha 356 and Mha 357 is not the way anyone should speak about themselves ever
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And all might himself has degraded himself so much he broke himself to help people I can't imagine his mental health at this point
That and every student that fight sin this war and sore all that death and lost teachers and the whole situation with toga as well
Now today hero society did not start mutant discrimination that stated way before then and this new chapter ellarbating on that there genocides death threats and genuine discormatiion and then they said something about how some mutants wished they be better of without a quirk and I'm like no you wouldn't deku and aoyama where bullied and treated awfully due to there lack of quirk
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It's the main reason aoyama parents went to all for one two stop there son being shunned by everbody everbody else
Hero society is awful for everybody involved honestly
And the villains and mutants your not making things better by committing mass murder and attacking a hospital and attacking other mutant s who are kids by the baby Koda and shoji
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 370 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 死ねバケモノ‼︎ しねバケモノ‼︎ shine BAKEMONO!! "Die, monster!!"
tagline 1 降りかかる心ない言葉… ふりかかるこころないことば… furi kakaru kokoro nai kotoba... Heartless words falling down [upon him]...
tagline 2 No.370 HIStory  堀越耕平 ナンバー370 ヒストリー  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 370 HISUTORII   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 370 HIStory   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 イギョーは家から出てくるな! イギョーはいえからでてくるな! IGYOU wa ie kara dete kuruna! "As for the grotesque, don't come out of your houses!"
3 まさか忌み血だったとは… まさかいみちだったとは… masaka imi chi datta to wa... "Unthinkable that you have abominable blood..."
4 おまえ達には騙された おまえたちにはだまされた omae-tachi ni wa damasareta "You all deceived us."
5 土地が穢れる とちがけがれる tochi ga kegareru "The land is being defiled."
6 出ていけ でていけ dete ike "Get out of here."
7 時代がどう進もうと じだいがどうすすもうと jidai ga dou susumou to "No matter how much time progresses,"
8 我々はその血を受け入れることはない われわれはそのちをうけいれることはない wareware wa sono chi wo uke ireru koto wa nai "we will never accept that blood [of yours]."
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1 少し遡る すこしさかのぼる sukoshi sakanoboru Going back a little,
2 荼毘確保の報が戦場を駆け巡った後 だびかくほのしらせがせんじょうをかけめぐったあと Dabi kakuho no shirase ga senjou wo kake megutta ato after the news that Dabi had been secured had circulated the battlefield,
3 セントラル病院前 セントラルびょういんまえ SENTORARU byouin mae in front of Central Hospital
4 鹵獲された黒義を奪還シロ‼︎ ろかくされたくろぎりをだっかんシロ‼︎ rokaku sareta Kurogiri wo dakkan SHIRO!! Rescue the captured Kurogiri!!
5 "改人脳無シリーズ"マスターピースに最も近づいたハイエンド黒義 "かいじんのうむシリーズ"マスターピースにもっともちかづいたハイエンドくろぎり “kaijin noumu SHIRIIZU” MASTAAPIISU ni motto mo chikadzuita HAIENDO Kurogiri Kurogiri, the High-End closest to a masterpiece of the "Bioengineered Noumu Series"
6 ソレが病院にある事をつき止めたAFOは ソレがここにあることをつきとめたオール・フォー・ワンは SORE ga koko (kanji: byouin) ni aru koto wo tsuki tometa OORU FOO WAN wa AFO found out that is here (read as: hospital)
7 超常解放戦線幹部スピナー率いる ちょうじょうかいほうせんせんかんぶスピナーひきいる choujou kaihou sensen kanbu SUPINAA hikiiru Officer Spinner is leading the Paranormal Liberation Front
8 残党 レムナンツ REMUNANTSU (kanji: zantou) The remnants
9 及び および oyobi as well as
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1-2 残党に「賛同」する"一般市民" かれらに「さんどう」する"いっぱんしみん" karera (kanji: zantou) ni 「sandou」 suru “ippan shimin” the "ordinary citizens" who 'agree' with them (read as: the remnants)
3 計 けい kei In total
4 およそ一万五千の勢力を向かわせていた およそいちまんごせんのせいりょくをむかわせていた oyoso ichi man go sen no seiryoku wo mukawasete ita a force of approximately 15,000 were sent in.
5 どけぇ‼︎ dokee!! "Move!!"
6 行け いけ ike "Go"
7 通せ とおせ taose "Let us through
8 囲め囲め かこめかこめ kakome kakome "Surround them, surround them"
9 ラインを下げるな! ラインをさげるな! RAIN wo sageruna! "Don't break the line!"
10 道開けろ みちあけろ michi akero "Open a path"
11 迎え撃つは残存ヒーロー・残存警官隊 むかえうつはざんぞんヒーロー・ざんぞんけいかんたい mukae utsu wa zanzon HIIROO・zanzon keikantai The counterattacking force of remaining heroes and remaining police
12 およそ二百…! およそにひゃく…! oyoso ni hyaku...! were about 200...!
13 ���気になったもんだな"白雲"…‼︎ にんきになったもんだな"しらくも"…‼︎ ninki ni natta mon da na “Shirakumo”...!! "You've become popular, Shirakumo...!"
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1-2 ラウドアウトシャウト‼︎ RAUDO AUTO SHAUTO!! Loud Out Shout!!
3 肉壁だとぉ!!? にくかべだとぉ!!? niku kabe da too!!? A wall of flesh!!? (Note: Basically a meat shield.)
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1 先生 大丈夫⁉︎ せんせい だいじょうぶ⁉︎ sensei daijoubu!? "Teacher, you all right!?"
2 サンキュアニマ SANKYUU ANIMA "Thank you, Anima"
3 テンタコルは⁉︎ TENTAKORU wa!? "Where's Tentacole!?"
4 戦ってる内にはぐれちゃった…! たたかってるうちにはぐれちゃった…! tatakatteru uchi ni hagure chatta...! "I lost him while we were fighting...!"
5 課長!数が多すぎます増援をーー! かちょう!かずがおおすぎますぞうえんをーー! kachou! kazu ga oo sugimasu zouen wo--! "Boss! Their numbers are too many, we need reinforcements--!"
6 いねンだよンなもん! ineNda yoNna mon! "We don't have any!"
7 テイザーシールドで押し返せ テイザーシールドでおしかえせ! TEIZAA SHIIRUDO de oshi kaese! "Push them back with your taser shields!"
8 くそっ!ただでさえ足りねェ人員を分断・孤立させるよう動いてやがる! くそっ!ただでさえたりねェじんいんをぶんだん・こりつさせるよううごいてやがる! kuso! tada de sae tarineE jin’in wo bundan・koritsu saseru you ugoite yagaru! "Damn it! They're moving to divide and isolate our already-insufficient personnel!"
9 寄せ集めの暴徒だろ よせあつめのぼうとだろ yose atsume no houto daro "Isn't this a ragtag mob?"
10 何でこんな統率力が…! なんでこんなとうそつりょくが…! nande konna tousotsuryoku ga...! "What's with this leadership...!"
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1 黙れうるさい‼︎ だまれうるさい‼︎ damare urusai!! "Shut up, you're noisy!!"
2 縛れ しばれ shibare "Tie them up"
3 もういい! mou ii! "Enough already!"
4 暴徒じゃねぇ ぼうとじゃねぇ bouto ja nee "We're not a mob"
5 手だ手 てだて te da te "The hands, the hands!"
6 おまえらいつもそれだ omaera itsumo sore da "You people are always like that."
7 人間の顔した奴には にんげんのかおしたやつには ningen no kao shita yatsu ni wa "Those who have human faces"
8 わかんねぇべ‼︎ wakannee be!! "don't understand!!"
9 ぶっ倒せ ぶったおせ buttaose "Crush them"
10 どけぇ dokee "Move"
11 道を開け みちをあけ michi wo ake "Open a path"
12 通せ‼︎ とおせ‼︎ toose!! "Let us through!!"
13 どけ! doke! "Move!"
14 邪魔すンな! じゃますンな! jama suNna! "Don't get in the way!"
15 どいてな! doite na! "Get out of the way!"
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1 やめっ… yame... "Sto...."
2 なんっ…!何でこんな事っやめましょう⁉︎ なんっ…!なんでこんなことっやめましょう⁉︎ nan...! nande konna koto yamemashou!? "Why...! Why would you do something like this, can't we stop!?"
3 都会育ちか? とかいそだちか? tokai sodachi ka? "Did you grow up in the city?"
4 こんっ… kon... "You..."
5 裏切り者が! うらぎりもんが! uragiri mon ga! "you damn traitor!
 6 いけ! ike! "Go!"
7 道つくれ みちつくれ michi tsukure "Make a path"
8 開けろォ あけろォ akeroO "Open [the way]"
9 通すんだ とおすんだ toosunda "Let us through"
10 代弁者を だいべんしゃを daibensha wo "Our representative"
11 通せ とおせ toose "Get through"
12 俺たちの方が強い おれたちのほうがつよい ore-tachi no hou ga tsuyoi "We are stronger"
13 解放だべ! かいほうだべ! kaihou da be! "Free him!"
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1 怒れ人民‼︎ おこれじんみん‼︎ okore jinmen!! "Get angry, people!!"
2 今日が解放日だ! きょうがかいほうびだ! kyou ga kaihou bi da! "Today is Liberation Day!"
3 "個性"カウンセリング!"個性"教育! "こせい"カウンセリング!"こせい"きょういく! “kosei” KAUNSERINGU! “kosei” kyoiku! "Quirk counseling! Quirk education!"
4 これが贋である事を! これがまやかしであることを! kore ga mayakashi (kanji: nise) de aru koto wo! "These things are deceptions!"
5 我々は"形"を持って知っている! われわれは"かたち"をもってしっている! wareware wa “katachi” wo motte shitte iru! "We're well aware we have these 'forms'!"
6 どいてろ doitero "Out of the way"
7 道つくれ みちつくれ michi tsukure "Make a path"
8 通せ! とおせ! toose! "Let us through!"
9 どけぇ dokee "Move"
10 代弁者が通るぞ だいべんしゃがとおるぞ daibensha ga tooru zo "Our representative is coming through"
11 倒せ たおせ taose "Defeat them"
12 「六・六事件」 「ろく・ろくじけん」 「roku・roku jiken」 "Incident 66"
13 「ジェダの大粛清」 「ジェダのだいじゅくせい」 「JEDA no daijukusei」 "The Great Purge of Jeda"
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1 「超常」とは 「ちょうじょう」とは 「choujou」 to wa "'Paranormal' refers to"
2 "異なる形"迫害の歴史だ! "ことなるかたち"はくがいのれきしだ! “kotonaru katachi” hakugai no rekishi da! "the history of persecution of those with 'different forms'!"
3 虐殺に加担した男はその理由を「気味が悪かった」の一言で片付けた! ぎゃくさつにかたんしたおとこはそのワケを「きみがわるかった」のひとことでかたづけた! gyakusatsu ni katan shita otoko wa sono WAKE (kanji: riyuu) wo 「kimi ga warukatta」 no hitokoto de katadzuketa! "The men who took part in that massacre gave their reasoning in a nutshell as 'Because they creep us out.'"
4 そして現在世界は反省したーー そしていませかいははんせいしたーー soshite ima sekai wa hansei shita--- "And then the current word reflected [on that]---"
5 ーーフリをしている‼︎ ---FURI wo shite iru!! "--[or rather] it's just pretending to!!"
6 人口蜜集!多様の坩堝に育った者は じんこうみつしゅう!たようのるつぼにそだったものは jinkou mitsushuu! tayou no rutsubo ni sodatta mono wa "Gather a large crowd! Those who grew up in the crucible of diversity"
7 ああ!教育の賜物!分け隔てる事などないのだろう! ああ!きょういくのたまもの!わけへだてることなどないのだろう! aa! kyouiku no tamamono! wake hedateru koto nado nai no darou! "Yes! The gift of education! There shall be nothing like discrimination, right?!"
8 だが街を出てみろ!そこにあるのはーーー だがまちをでてみろ!そこにあるのはーーー daga machi wo dete miro! soko ni aru no wa--- "But try leaving the cities! What [you'll find] there is---"
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1-2 「気味が悪かった」だ 「きみがわるかった」だ 「kimi ga warukatta」 da "'You creep us out.'"
3 どれ程強い光もそれ一つで全ては照らせない‼︎ どれほどつよいひかりもそれひとつですべてはてらせない‼︎ dore hodo tsuyoi hikari mo sore hitotsu de subete wa terasenai!! "No matter how strong a light is, it can't illuminate everything by itself!"
4 ここに集ったのは照らされなかった者たちだ‼︎ ここにとどったのはてらされなかったものたちだ‼︎ koko ni todotta no wa terasarenakatta mono-tachi da!! "Gathered here are those people who were not illuminated!!"
5 我々は自分自身で己を照らす! われわれはじぶんじしんでおのれをてらす! wareware wa jibun jishin de onore wo terasu! "We will use ourselves to illuminate you!"
6 通せえ とおせえ toosee "Let us through"
7 俺たちには必要ない おれたちにはひつようない ore-tachi ni wa hitsuyou nai "We don't need you"
8 おまえらじゃない omaera ja nai "It's not [about] you"
9 どけぇ‼︎ dokee!! "Move!!"
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1 「この"個性"じゃなければ」‼︎一度でも思った事はあるか⁉︎ 「この"こせい"じゃなければ」‼︎いちどでもおもったことはあるか⁉︎ 「kono "kosei" ja nakereba」!! ichido demo omotta koto wa aru ka!? "'If not for this quirk!!' Have you thought that even once!?"
2 道を開けろ みちをあけろ michi wo akero "Open a path"
3 通せ とおせ toose "Let us through"
4 彼を かれを kare wo "Him"
5 彼を通すんだ‼︎ かれをとおすんだ‼︎ kare wo toosunda!! "Let him through!!"
flag スピナーは代弁者である スピナーはだいべんしゃである SUPINAA wa daibensha de aru Spinner is [our] representative
6 我々のヒーローはおまえ達じゃない! われわれのヒーローはおまえたちじゃない! warewareno HIIROO wa omae-tachi ja nai! "You people aren't our heroes!"
7 彼こそが かれこそが kare koso ga "Only he can..."
8 勝つぞ かつぞ katsu zo "We'll win"
9 勝てばいいんだ‼︎ かてばいいんだ‼︎ kateba iinda!! "If we win, that'll be enough!!"
10 代弁者の道を開けろ! だいべんしゃのみちをあけろ! daibensha no michi wo akero! "Make a path for [our] representative!"
11 我々を社会の中心に導く!!! われわれをしゃかいのちゅうしんにみちびく!!! wareware wo shakai no chuushin ni michibiku!!! "...lead us to the center of society!!!"
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1 何 言ッテル ノか ワカン ネ ええ なに いッテル ノか ワカン ネ ええ nani iTTERU NO ka WAKAN NE ee What ARE you saYING, I dON'T UNDERSTAaand
2 AFO!  力 貰っテカラ 頭ガ ドンドン 白クーーー… オール・フォー・ワン!  ちから もらっテカラ あたまガ ドンドン しろクーーー… OORU FOO WAN! chikara moratTE KARA atama GA DONDON shiroKU---... All For One! BECAUSE HE GAve me power, my head IS GOING blANK---... (Note: Literally he's saying his head is gettinng "whiter.")
3 おい代弁者 おいだいべんしゃ oi daibensha "Hey, Representative!"
4 マあ MAa WEll
5 イや Iya WAIt no
6 俺は おれは ore wa I'm
7 黒義ヲ くろぎりヲ Kurogiri WO "GeT Kurogiri"
8 言われた 通りニ いわれた とおりニ iwareta toori NI [doing] just aS hE said
9 奪還シロぉ!!! だっかんシロぉ!!! dakkan SHIROo!!! "Rescue HImm!!"
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2 ブロー‼︎ BUROO!! BLOW!!
3 代弁者‼︎ スピナー‼︎ SUPINAA (kanji: daibensha)!! "Spinner (read as: Representative)!!"
4 こぉの野郎がてめっ‼︎ こぉのやろうがてめっ‼︎ koono yarou ga teme!! "This damn bastard!!"
5 裏切者だ殺せっ‼︎ うらぎりものだころせっ‼︎ uragirimono da korose!! "He's a traitor, kill him!!"
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1 死ねバケモノ! しねバケモノ! shine BAKEMONO! Die, monster!
2 それが sore ga "[What does] that"
3 今 病院を襲う事とどう関係ある…? いま びょういんをおそうこととどうかんけいある…? ima byouin wo osou koto to dou kankei aru...!? "have to do with attacking a hospital right now...!?"
4 蛇腔でヒーローはまずっ じゃくうでヒーローはまずっ Jakuu de HIIROO wa mazu "At Jakuu, [it seems] the heroes first"
5 入院患者や関係者の……安全確保に動いたそうだがっ にゅういんかんじゃやかんけいしゃの……あんぜんかくほにうごいたそうだがっ nyuuinkanja ya kankeisha no......anzen kakuho ni ugoita sou da ga "moved to ensure the safety of...those like the inpatients and others involved."
6 どうなんだ…⁉︎おまえたちは…っ dou nanda...!? omae-tachi wa... "So what about you...!? You people..."
7 考えはあるのか⁉︎ かんがえはあるのか⁉︎ kangae wa aru no ka!? "did [that] thought occur to you!?"
8 時代がどう進もうと じだいがどうすすもうと jidai ga dou susumou to "No matter how much time progresses,"
9 我々はその血を受け入れることはない われわれはそのちをうけいれることはない wareware wa sono chi wo uke ireru koto wa nai "we will never accept that blood [of yours]."
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1 あると言え…‼︎ あるといえ…‼︎ aru to ie...! “If it did, then speak...!”
2 じゃなきゃ ja nakya “If not,”
3 俺はおまえたちを許さない! おれはおまえたちをゆるさない! ore wa omae-tachi wo yurusanai! “I won’t forgive you all!”
tagline 闇 吹き荒び、少年は叫ぶ。 やみ ふきすさび、しょうねんはさけぶ。 yami fukisusabi, shounen wa sakebu. The darkness blows in, the young man shouts.
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Is Bakugou alive yet?
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garbagefireboy · 7 months
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this dude telling the singular black character that he doesn’t understand the discrimination that he faces is fucking CRAZY lmao.
i read this panel and i had to take a fucking break because ARE YOU FOR REAL. of every single character you’re gonna say that to ROCK LOCK? bro. i’m screaming. he is black and living in japan, man i promise you are yelling at the wrong person.
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72crowe89 · 2 years
MHA 363 in two weeks: Let’s see what Spinner’s been up to
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Yeah, honestly, if you found that 370 is a boring chapter (EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT THE WHOLE CHAPTER, IT'S JUST LEAKS, HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE, DAMN) because the whole quirk discrimination is some "plot device" or "so random", I have a question.
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
How it started:
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How it’s going:
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littleholmes · 2 years
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There’s so many things about this society with quirks and while so far in the manga we’ve slightly touched on the perceptions of good quirks and bad quirks, quirk marriages, the darkness of the HPSC, disability and quirk loss, hero worshiping and the negative impacts that have come from the heroes vs villains dichotomy/wanting to be a hero/wanting to be the top hero, heroes in it for money and fame vs wanting to actually do good, and more…we haven’t really gotten into how this society treats people with quirks that alter their appearance and how those quirks are perceived in smaller/larger prefectures and municipalities and the bigotry that comes from having a quirk that impacts your appearance and other people’s perceptions of your humanity.
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We started to get an idea of what’s happened to those with non-human features with Spinner’s backstory and commentary a while back but now we’re getting more information and this is yet another larger issue in this quirk society. The difference in people’s quirk presentation such a significant issue that it’s led to awful events (6.6 incident and the Great Jeda Purge, which !!! yikes that there’s notable incidents). And now Koda and Shoji are considered traitors to their kind for not being on the side of Spinner and everyone else who grew up in this society without human-typical faces thanks to their quirks and encountered discrimination because of it
idk I’m rambling but this is something I briefly wondered about since we first met Tokoyami and other characters whose quirks impact their appearance and, the social commentary in bnha always interests me, and while Spinner’s story offered a tip of of this iceberg, this chapter gave even more history and showed the whole mass of ice under the water’s surface and just…whew.
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biglines · 2 years
Hey, I drew this :
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Good idea isn't it?
Well it's not mine, its from the twitter user @jorgy1001, thanks!
He got me to make an Izuocha version of this :
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misplacedgamer · 2 years
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More Star Wars references this week I see! Never change Hori xD
In case anyone is curious, Order 66 was one of the first moves the Emperor made in order to secure control of the galaxy by murdering most of the Jedi (I’m leaving out a bunch of details please don’t come for me SW fans).
Also, I think Jeda is just a play on Jedi, but there IS actually a planet called Jedha in Rogue One! There was a holy Jedi temple there, but after the Jedi purge it got mined out for kyber crystals (the stuff that powers lightsabers) and then the main city got nuked by the first test of the Death Star’s weaponry.
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