#but i can't say it yet!!
potatoobsessed999 · 2 years
Thinking about Lucy’s rescue on the 11th and Renfield’s capture today and having emotions about the parallels and contrasts - like! Look at this!
Seward: [at the end of the entry] “I was too excited to sleep, but this diary has quieted me...” / Mina: [at the beginning of the entry] “Diary again. No sleep now, so I may as well write.”
Seward: “...the night-watchman came to me, sent up from the ward, to say that Renfield had escaped. I threw on my clothes and ran down at once...” / Mina: “I... threw on some clothes and got ready to look for her."
Seward: “He was only in his night-gear, and cannot be far off.” / Mina: “‘Thank God,’ I said to myself, ‘she cannot be far, as she is only in her nightdress.’“
Seward: “...I saw a white figure scale the high wall...” / Mina: “...the silver light of the moon struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white.”
Seward: “I could see Renfield’s figure just disappearing behind the angle of the house, so I ran after him.” / Mina: “As I entered, the church was between me and the seat, and for a minute or so I lost sight of her.”
The similarities are almost eerie - the imagery of the white figure against the dark of the night especially stands out to me.
But then look at these (CW for Seward’s ableism):
Seward: “I ran back at once, told the watchman to get three or four men immediately and follow me... in case our friend might be dangerous.” / Mina: “The town seemed as dead, for not a soul did I see; I rejoiced that it was so, for I wanted no witness of poor Lucy’s condition.”
Seward: “He was talking, apparently to some one, but I was afraid to go near enough to hear what he was saying, lest I might frighten him, and he should run off.” / Mina: “There was undoubtedly something, long and black, bending over the half-reclining white figure. I called in fright, ‘Lucy! Lucy!’ and something raised a head...”
Seward: “When we closed in on him he fought like a tiger.” / Mina: “When I had her carefully wrapped up I put my shoes on her feet and then began very gently to wake her.”
Seward: “I never saw a lunatic in such a paroxysm of rage before; and I hope I shall not again.” / Mina: “...when I told her to come at once with me home she rose without a word, with the obedience of a child.”
Seward: “Jack Sheppard himself couldn’t get free from the strait-waistcoat that keeps him restrained, and he’s chained to the wall in the padded room.” / Mina: “When we got in, and had washed our feet, and had said a prayer of thankfulness together, I tucked her into bed.”
Seward: “...he’s chained to the wall in the padded room. His cries are at times awful...” / Mina: “I have locked the door, and the key is tied to my wrist, so perhaps I shall not be again disturbed. Lucy is sleeping soundly...”
I have a lot of thoughts about all this but they’re all jumbled up! These are fundamentally the same situation - Dracula’s psychic influence interacts with someone’s preexisting medical condition and causes them to abscond in the middle of the night - and yet they are so diametrically opposed! Mina (correctly) assumes Lucy is in danger; Seward assumes Renfield is the danger. Lucy is confined for her own protection, Renfield for the supposed protection of others. Seward binds Renfield with chains, Mina binds herself to the key.
One thing that’s really giving me emotions is this idea of who is worth protecting. Seward and co. are indisputably doing Renfield physical, emotional, and reputational harm, but - well, to repurpose Renfield’s own words, they think he doesn’t count. (What price the fall of a sparrow now, Doctor? Or how is it going lately with your spiders?)
And the fact that Renfield’s parallel here is Lucy, whom Seward reveres, whom he references in this same entry as a sort of unattainable dream -
Well. It drives things home a bit.
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theaviculus · 1 month
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sphincters & such
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ryllen · 3 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 days
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Good morning, Sleepyhead.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#'WWX was asleep for 4 days' is an incorrect factoid.#The average WWX sleeps for 8 hours. The PD-MDZS WWX who was asleep for 40 comics and 4 months is an outlier.#We are back to present day! I have missed drawing them!#Ah...the contrast between how the flashback ended (cold and distrustful) to how wwx wakes up (warm and watched over)...#The gap between the past and present is very important. Not just in this story but in our lives too.#The past can still hurt and it doesn't just go away with time as some say. It is the power of realizing that things have changed.#We can't get the good back. The bad memories have concluded. Those live somewhere else now.#It is hard to realize that you have to live for today and tomorrow. The past is so loud.#For WWX it is realizing that despite the mistrust in the past - He really does have faith that LWJ will be there for him.#It is the reflection of knowing that you changed and will keep changing and that change is good and kind sometimes.#But more importantly...and this I really do mean with all my heart:#It will all end up okay in the end. Even after the worst day. The most painful losses. You will get through it.#What feels like a breaking point is truthfully just another step you have to take. You'll get through it even though it feels like the end.#There are wonderful things you have yet to see. Friends you have yet to meet.#Even if it hurts so badly...one day it just aches. Someday you'll go a few weeks not remembering that it ever hurt.#Oh and because my izutsumi comic revealed many people were in need of hearing this:#You are loved. Right now. You are so loved right now. We just forget to tell each other that.#Go tell the people you love that they matter to you. I'm assigning you homework!!! You are graded on completion.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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tennant-davids · 6 months
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DOCTOR WHO Journey's End / Wild Blue Yonder
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anotherfandomtrash · 7 months
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I finished watching dual destinies and I...just noticed some pattern
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countess-of-edessa · 2 months
the world is so fucked up and i can't help but think the damage is irreparable when i see people talking about how unusual and prudish it is to wait six to ten dates before having sex with someone. ten dates??? roughly like twenty five hours of interaction????? ten old timer burgers and mango iced teas from chilis equals sex?????? the possibility of pregnancy, STDs, emotional devastation, lifelong consequences, not to mention just straight up the possibility of getting murdered, with a STRANGER you have hung out with for maybe like two months???? and that's a LONG TIME???? and if you feel weird about that and don't want to do that that makes you NOT HETEROSEXUAL????? THATS AN ORIENTATION???? BECAUSE ITS SO OUTSIDE OF THE NORM OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR ????? i hate all of you i hate you i hate you i hate you every day i hate and I hate and I hate you
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chiropteracupola · 29 days
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c. 1540 CE: a young man from Chalco, and his dragon.
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sysig · 5 months
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Recently had a silly Handplates dream where Papyrus was trying to snoop around Gaster and Alphys’ lab, but didn’t know who Alphys was and so was trying to pass it off as his own lab lol (Patreon)
#Doodles#Dream log#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Gaster#Sans#Alphys#And also he was Big Brother Papyrus to a babybones Sans lol#I doodled them as close to the dream as possible so if it's silly or doesn't make sense take it up with my subconscious lol#I remember Gaster had a reputation for being very charming and charismatic which ?? Sure okay lol#He was also quite smiley - personally I read that as him putting on a face to the public but even that seems out of character for him lol#Everyone else was pretty much as usual - Alphys small and nervous and Papyrus loud and bombastic#I don't remember what exactly he was looking for - doubly weird 'cause I hadn't reread him and Sans exploring yet! :0#Just of them moving into their house - though I did read a bunch just before sleeping so safe to say I can attribute that lol#This was the only really clear part of the dream - the rest was just scrolling scrolling scrolling pages and pages of comic panels#Can't imagine why lol#Also intercut with some of the poses I ended up doodling before - surprise! They were dream doodles lol#Also in case it's not clear - Alphys was Very Much Present while Papyrus was trying to pass himself off as the name on the door lol#Oh yeah I'm pretty sure he was also speaking in WingDings thus why Alphys didn't immediately call him out lol#The room was quite cute actually - not at all the sterile grey of the True Lab#Warm and wooden with high windows nearly covered in clutter and paperwork with a desk in the middle lit by yellow light#Cozy#Barely evil-looking at all
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agrebel18 · 11 months
Nimona 🤝 Gwen Stacy: being Very Transgender/Not Cis to the point where you can’t separate it because it’s literally woven into their character arcs and even having trans flags surrounding them in some scenes yet some people only call it “coding” and “theories” purely because neither of them said “oh btw I’m transgender” on screen
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viktasha · 6 months
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beebfreeb · 16 days
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Incoherence detected! Degraded visual profile.
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deerest-deer · 13 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆hannibal nbc as littlest pet shops⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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ofswordsandpens · 6 months
"the Gabe and Sally dynamic in the show is abusive" and "the way they've portrayed Gabe in the show is distinctly different from his book counterpart and fans can criticize that" are two discussions that can coexist
#I understand that this is hard topic to navigate#but me saying that /they've changed Gabe and that's consequently altered the dynamic he has with Sally in way I don't like/#is NOT me saying I don't think what they've portrayed onscreen is non-abusive#or that I WANT to see him abuse her???#its just the guy in the show while clearly controlling and abusive (emotionally and financially so far)#...I don't believe he's the guy who's presence was so horrid and disgusting MONSTERS avoided him#I wouldn't call him /Smelly/#in the book his abuse (all forms) is much more overt#(and just to be painstakingly clear: abuse doesn't have to be overt to be abuse)#but the guy in the show does not have the same presence as the guy in the book#book Gabe is menacing#he growls and he threatens and both Sally and Percy have developed very specific responses to deal with it#I've seen one take saying that people can't recognize the abuse in the show because its not physical (yet?)#but even disregarding the physical abuse entirely#if you compare the book scene and TV show scene of Percy arriving home and he and Sally readying for Montauk#there is a pretty stark difference in tone#and in how both Sally and Percy interact with Gabe#in the book Sally goes out of her way to avoid /provoking/ Gabe and asks Percy to do the same until they can leave for Montauk#and Gabe is just itching for any excuse to keep them home#and imo if Book Sally had said the things that show Sally did to Gabe#Gabe wouldn't have let them gone!#and again im not saying that the show's depiction is nonabusive#or unrealistic#im saying its simply /different/ than the book#and im upset that it doesn't feel like dynamic depicted the book#and no book sally is no simpering wilting flower#but she's also not what they depicted in the show either#pjo adaptation#sally jackson#pjo
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puppetmaster13u · 22 days
Thinkin of @radiance1's Prompt & the Threads that @hdgnj joined in on. And got inspired by them alongside *insert a drumroll please*
It is Mermay after all lol. But anyway!
Danny? Can't remember why he reincarnated, or quite how old he was when he died a second... third... fourth... however many times. He thinks he was an adult- or adult adjacent? But now he's not.
In fact? He's tiny, with pudgy little hands that press against glass and it's weird how he's somehow breathing in the liquid which is freezing. Which is what honestly drives him to hit it- and it shatters.
Which brings him to realize? He has no legs. None. Nadda. He's like, like some sort of seal-person, if they had stripes and spines and a too-long tail. And some medical equipment still attached that he practically rips away with a jolt of terror, even if he isn't sure why.
He's in a hall or room, with lots of other tubes, some empty but most... not. Most have things in them, things that look sort of like him but also not... He tears his gaze away from them, already knowing they're dead even before reading the terminated in front of them.
Oh. He has... information? Information in his head, downloaded into it almost like burning a CD. He's a clone. No, not a clone, it's something more like... a test tube baby? Three donors, though he isn't aware of what their names mean.
If it is names and not like, codenames or code words.
His movement is so very slow, it's obvious that while he's able to go on land he's very much not designed to do so. But eventually he makes it somewhere, not an exit but something he's so very happy to have not missed.
There's another alive person, labeled 1 instead of 9 and bigger than him but missing the spines he has. A sibling. A brother. And he's going to get the both of them out of here- there's water tunnels, he knows that, it's part of the information in his head.
.... Okay it's not fair that he has a scruff he can be grabbed by. Like that's so not fair. Look, they have to go that way if you want out, c'mon.
Extra Info? -Technically the merfolk of the world are more akin to selkies, able to take on a human form via shedding their skin -Danny & Match aren't aware of this, hence why they don't just start walking -Around 2/3 of the entire world is merpeople or other similar fantasy creatures -Yes, this is after the not-sidekicks break Superboy (#13) out & before the episode where he learns about Match
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