#but he's always like that. and god leona doesnt get this surprised often
cerealmonster15 · 22 days
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i cant stop thinking about how funny this scene is from halloween 2 event 😭😭😭 it's so underrated I literally forgot about it til i was rereading part of it the other day dkljfjskdlf i love how genuinely shocked and appalled leona is about the situation, with ace so bluntly coming for his fucking life + floyd and epel being like "lol yeah bro". absolutely destroyed. world turned upside down. somehow completely unaware of his own vibe
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kio-may · 2 years
Can i request this(supreme ideity headcanon) but with Pomefiore and Leona
Hello nonnie!! Sure thing, thank you for requesting, hope you enoy :)
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In any case, he's taking a step back to think about how to approach it
From the looks of it you clearly don't seem to want anyone to fear you, as far as he's seen at least
So doesnt really evidently think about it too often except kind of distance himself like Riddle
He decides eventually to ask you yourself on how you would like to be treated; do you want to be shown more respect? Or do you want him to go on normally as he did before you told him? And the like
Mostly he'll treat you normally, like he always has, but his respect still is higher for you than anyone depending on your actions,especially if you've had to work in some way to achieve that kind of power
He's still a bit unsettled at times from the seemingly limitless abilities you hold.
Overall he's pretty chill
Except the time he messed up his lipstick when you told him about it
Also one thing to note, if someone else tells him about it, he won't believe them. Not one bit. He probably won't even approach you about it, considering how improper some NRC students can be, he doesn't believe any of them. Only may slightly be convinced if it's Rook telling him.
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Chances are he's already noticed 😭
If you're his s/o, he spends a while observing you and during that time he may be able to actually figure it out
But in the case you're only a friend, it may take a while, and lots of visits, for him to notice
^also depends on how well you hide it. This man is superhuman almost
He's gleefully delighted in a way when you tell him
He becomes much more interested in you as a whole, and suddenly spends much more time observing you to study you
If you tell him to cut it out he may as well still do it but more secretly until he can't anymore 😭👍
Keeps a whole book of your observations, pictures of your ability in use, patterns he may have noticed
Overall he's highly interested and intrigued by it. He wonders quite often if there is actually anything in this world that stops you from going back home
^he may even approach you about it depending on how close you both are
But yeah LANSKSJSJ that's all really
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He won't believe it until you actually show him (i mean all of them except rook but you get what i mean right)
So fucking amazed
Asks you immediately if you can alter his appearance
His respect and admiration for you also goes up through the roof
He often approaches you for tips and tricks on getting stronger
Thinks you're super rad
Hes just very intense about it too
If you ask him not to tell anyone he'll obey, but he'll make it so horribly obvious that there's something about you
Often starts to ask you if you can help him escape vil's beauty routines
Asks if you have different forms, asks about your family, what made you like that, how you feel about it, stuff like that
He starts to stick around by you more often, to try and observe anything that might give him any clues to make him stronger (again)
If he hears this from someone else, he'll just mock them and laugh at them, and won't believe them.
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Like wig snatched
But can't express it (His face is stuck in the lazy expression KAJAKA)
Asks you about it
Amused laugh
His respect goes up higher for you though
It looks like he doesn't care but really, he's all the more curious about you for a period of time
Asks if you've ever used them to get revenge, hurt someone or whatever
Actually gets lowkey interested if you tell him stories, whether it be about your origins or the battles you've fought, he's pleasantly surprised
Depending on how close you are, he may ask you what's stopping you from leaving, or if he's the reason you're still staying (yes KQJSKQ)
If you're his s/o, he's smug as hell. Farena's wife isn't a god, is she now?
If you're his friend, he's still a bit smug, and teases you about it.
Ok cmon this mf doesn't fear Malleus, so he's definitely teasing you and asking you bs questions from time to time just to mess with you (ofc he'll stop if you ask him to)
If it's someone else who's telling him, he'll click his tongue at them, turn around and sleep (like always)
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