#but bloody seward
tsilvy · 2 years
Just for your consideration, Quincey Morris is still the only person around Lucy - including Van "I'll-keep-my-secrets" Helsing - who is looking for an external cause for Lucy's unexplainable loss of blood
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[A needle is set down on a record, and a phonograph crackles to life.] Is mild-mannered attorney Jonathan Harker, as Bulgarian officials claim, truly a murderer? Or is there some truth to his journal—especially after his victim purportedly "crumbled to dust"—that Jonathan... is a vampire hunter? I'm Dr. Seward, and this... is Re: Dracula.
(a revision of my 2022 post in homage to @re-dracula)
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yallemagne · 8 months
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oh my god it's HIM IT'S HIM!!!
Before starting this, the only characters from Murray Mysteries I really thought of designing were Jonathan, Drac, and "R". Because they were the only characters I cared to illustrate jiopegre. And lemme tell you, R was always going to be a long white-haired anime boy---
I can't... I can't think of him without getting angry at Jane. Part of the delay in finishing this was me stopping every few seconds to rant about how she deserved to have her medical license taken away big time.
But on the subject of R specifically, his voice (provided by the same man who voices Drac, which I didn't realize until today) is soft and has that... tortured anime boy vibe. And he's still supposed to be in his late 50s!! How does he do it!! All that angsty hair is a feat!!
His clothes are kind of pajama-ish with no pockets to hold things in. And for footwear I just... put him in socks. He probably wears slip-ons. He gets to wear a cardigan because he's cold.
Oh oh oh! Also. Love how he pronounces Jane's last name: C-word.
EDIT: i want to use this design for something else now. dunno what. it could be a modern Dracula AU or something just Dracula-inspired. just not MM anymore.
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picklepie888 · 7 months
Re: Dracula finale in two days 😭
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bluecatwriter · 7 months
So like, last year I think there were posts going around talking about how to make the “reincarnated lovers” thing from Coppola’s “adaptation” gagging work and I’ve been sitting on my two bits since then bc my mom knows my Tumblr, but after reading some of those I had a dream about the funniest option: Jack Seward
The guy barely believes in vampires, there’s no bloody way Dracula is convincing him he’s the reincarnation of his dead wife
(I just wanted to tell someone about this chaos and you seemed like you were the best option, apologies for the cursed mental image)
LOL, that's amazing! Although the problem is that I could see Jack totally falling for Dracula anyway. "Oh, interesting, this super hot distinguished old gentleman appears to be under some sort of delusion! I should invite him over for dinner to ogle him try to diagnose his condition!"
If Quincey or Arthur doesn't knock some sense into him in time, he's a goner. XD
Thanks for sharing the cursed mental image, this makes me giggle.
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luanna801 · 2 years
I feel like a thing we don’t talk about enough in the context that Jack LIVES in the asylum is: If Lucy had accepted his proposal, was he going to bring her back to live there with him???
Like, I grant you it’s fully possible he was planning to buy a perfectly normal house with a proverbial white picket fence, but this is Jack “brought a lancet to propose” Seward, and I think it’s just as likely that he either hadn’t thought this through, or else thinks it’s Perfectly Normal Behavior to bring your brand new wife, a sheltered society girl, back to your asylum to share your Brooding Goth Asylum Lifestyle.
Would their kids have been raised there?? Not just in any asylum, but the asylum with security fiascos second only to Arkham? The asylum where one of his patients successfully ran into his study with a knife and stabbed him???
Obsessed with the idea of Renfield escaping for the 159603th time and Jack having a mild heart attack when he finds him in the kid’s room, but Renfield is just holding Baby Seward very gently and singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” (or as it was known back then, I kid you not, “The Blooming Bloody Spider”) while the two of them play with an actual spider.
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 2 years
There's something darkly funny about Seward standing at the gate experiencing his first positive emotion for months, and then Renfield screams bloody murder and reminds him that he has to get back to his job.
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anony-geist · 1 year
But really, Mina can be very assertive
Mina: Dr Van Helsing you are coming to breakfast with us tomorrow. Do not bother replying to this, you are coming :)
Van Helsing: Okay damn
Mina: Dr Seward tell me exactly everything you've ever said including everything you've been cagey about and also the details between you and Lucy :)
Seward: Okay damn
Jonathan: I am NOT going with the guys after what happened to you
Mina: You are going with the guys :)
Jonathan: Okay damn
Jonathan: I can't preemptively agree to promise just like that
Mina: Sure you can :) And it's a vow of silence
Jonathan: Okay damn
Mina: Read me my funeral rites
Jonathan: Do I have to?
Mina: Yes because I want to
Jonathan: It's rotten work. Especially if it's you. I'll bloody do it but Christ alive.
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re-dracula · 1 year
May 25: Mingle Our Weeps
This episode contains medical ableism regarding mental illness. Transcript here.
This episode featured: Jonathan Sims as Jack Seward; and Giancarlo Herrerra as Quincey P. Morris. Directed by Hannah Wright. Dialogue editing by Stephen Indrisano. Sound design by Tal Minear. Featuring music by Travis Reaves. Produced by Ella Watts and Pacific S. Obadiah, with executive producers Stephen Indrisano, Tal Minear, and Hannah Wright. A Bloody FM Production.
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demonrubberduck · 8 months
So, my instinct on Van Helsing’s lack of understanding of British swears is to blame Jack.
Young British med student studying abroad in Amsterdam accidentally lets out a curse in front of his super prestigious professor and then tries, with typical Seward-level smoothness, to cover his ass.
VH- “What does this mean, Pet-Student John?”
JS- “Umm, right, that is, uhh, I dropped my scalpel and I *could have* cut myself and gotten bloody. *Wait, that’s actually true* I MEAN OF COURSE IT’S TRUE THAT IS WHY I SAID IT. ANYWAAAAAYS, tell us more about science pls”
And there are two possibilities.
1. Van Helsing believed him because why would precious Pet-Student John lie?
2 (The correct answer) Van Helsing now pretends he doesn’t know how swears work to troll the living hell out of Jack.
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see-arcane · 2 years
May I respectfully suggest that Count Dracula wearing Mr Harker's clothes while being ridiculously taller than the man himself is amusing, but that Jonathan Harker being only a little shorter than the Count (i.e. 'Christopher Lee' tall) could be potentially hilarious - especially if this means Victorian Law Hobbit is visibly taller than the resident hunks/action men those Suitors Three.
Picturing the Action Hero roster like
Quincey, Art, Seward (normal-sized, fairly sane-looking despite the circumstances): Let's get us that vampire, gang!
Jonathan (looming a head above them, carrying a bloody shovel and enough supernatural PTSD to concuss ten gothic heroines): Yes, friends. I too would like to do great violence to the Count.
Quincey, Art, Seward: ...
Jonathan (unaware that he's breathing on the tops of their heads as he mentally flips through two months of horror): Many violences.
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thegoatsongs · 1 year
I'd like to hear your thoughts on how Seward and Dracula respond to their respective attacks! My first thought is that they respond in almost exactly the same way - apply just enough force to get it to stop and then just go back to whatever they were already doing
Yes! They both paralyze their attackers without using a tool/weapon, in retaliation to the bloody strike. Dracula's basilik eyes make Jonathan lose focus, though he still gets struck (but Dracula is likely that he couldn't do more than this during this time of day, as he doesn't even speak. Jonathan found a good hour to escape. Helps that Dracula got what he wanted from him). Seward paralizes Renfield with a powerful punch. They both are really restless and excited from it, but ultimately they rest.
However they have a key difference (like how Seward expresses regret). Seward records what happened but while he's shocked, he's more interested in his own health, and the curiosity of that behavior. He leaves his attendants to handle the rest without showing anger at Renfield. It doesn't match Renfield's bloodlust. For Dracula it's personal. That once "gathering wrath" in his eyes, when he loved him, is now out full blown in them, burning like hellfire. It matches the once-meek Jonathan's "terrible desire" to kill, whose past fascination and fear has turned into rage. We can tell that if they meet again it's not going to be pretty.
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So I just looked at the fucking plot of Dracula the Un-dead, and can I say that I screamed in unadulterated agony at the mention that fucking JONATHAN "I WILL KILL GOD FOR MY WIFE" HARKER is drowning himself in sorrows and prostitutes because Mina has a remaining taint of Dracula which has caused her to retain her youth. I can excuse Jack Seward being a morphine addict, and I can begrudgingly accept Arthur being in a loveless marriage, I cannot accept Jonathan Harker being any less than absolutely smitten with his wife when in the Book my dude was fully prepared to JOIN Mina in being undead and effectively turn his back against god. That I cannot accept.
This book was written because apparently the Strokers wanted control over Dracula again. What they did instead was piss on Bram's grave and try to make it seem like the original story was all wrong. What the bloody fuck.
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I don't even know what to post about today. I'm just going to process my thoughts and feelings here
The head of a giant wolf burst through Lucy's bedroom window
It killed her mother. She made a gurgling sound and took Lucy's garlic flowers, her only protection (!), as a last power move to doom her daughter
Jack was attacked with a knife
All the dogs in the whole neighborhood were howling
What was that ringing bell?
The maids were all asleep because somebody spiked the wine with laudanum? Why??
They screamed as they flocked out of the room and mere minutes (seconds?) later, they were knocked out. I picture them on the floor and comically sprawled out over the chairs and the table. I wonder if lucy heard flops and booms of them toppling over.
Renfield was licking up the blood
Jack was still weakened from the blood transfusion, and now even more. The poor lad can't catch a break
Oh god how will he react to Lucy's memorandum 😳
“I did wish that Dr. Seward was in the next room— as Dr. Van Helsing said he would be — so that I might have called him.” 😭 i wish that too lucy, and jack too
The telegram arrived too late whyyyy that is so
That is so
The vibe change omygod, to mina. I sooo wanted to hear from mina but not like this!! I wanted to be happy about her and now i almost feel resentful that she didn't "run op to town" even though she's completely innocent here.
Mina asking Lucy what she'll wear on the wedding 😭 Lucy hasn't spared a thought on the wedding in weeks, mina, and neither have we
Jfc the way lucy described the past days/weeks, it sounds so bloody terrifying. "Darkness in which there was not even the pain of hope to make present distress more poignant."
She was alone in a house full of sleeping maids, with her dead mother in her bed, with a broken window where a giant wolf just jumped through. That is... That is...
Severely traumatising.
I fear for Jack. How can he be attacked like that in his own office? They need better security
Jonathan "sometimes starts out of his sleep in a sudden way and awakes all trembling" 😭 i feel so bad for him
I really fear the doctors will be too late this time. Lucy never opened Mina's letter
She never read Mina's letter
It felt like Dracula was everywhere. He was the bat, the wolf, the howling dogs, he was in the very air
Mina's letter (unopened by lucy) 😭 why didn't you open it lucy
Lucy wake uuup, i don't like thiiis
Jack punched renfield!! Sprawling him on the floor! Get him boii!!
"Happily Van Helsing has not summoned me" :) – Telegram Van Helsing: "do not fail to be there" omg, the immediate juxtaposition
Mina's letter was such
It was such
We wanted that letter so badly
But not like this
"I am getting so strong again that I hardly know myself. It is as if I had passed through some long nightmare, and had just awakened to see the beautiful sunshine and feel the fresh air of the morning around me." <- such a mood. I felt like that after going home from the hospital once, all fixed up after months of sickness. One of the weirdest feelings ever
Aby baby, why, why didn't you put the county on the telegram? British mail why didn't you deliver it anyway? :(
Why couldn't Dracula pick another victim?? Someone with a death wish or something. Why can't he just stop eating all together, he won't die anyway will he.
Fuck Dracula, for real!! he has lost all of his charm to me!! So what that he cooks and cleans and likes trains and is so polite when he welcomes you in, i do not like him anymore, he's pathetic! Intrusive and pushy and insatiable. Napping angrily and flapping against poor dear Lucy's window like that. Fuck off
The fact that Lucy's mother was instantly scared of the flapping. Lucy suffered weeks of that fright.
Lucy knew. She been known. Something in her knew the flapping was related to her condition. I think that's very interesting. How does her mind work?
Van Helsing is going to come back to this
Jack will be devestated
Arthur :(
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minas-diary · 1 year
Dracula (novel) cast & queerness my personal reading...
Prompted by an open question posed by @re-dracula. It’s public domain, interpret however you want these are just mine. By extension my portrayals. Contains spoilers for all of Dracula. ​
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Mina: bi, genderqueer, formerly romantic with Lucy Westenra, now with Jonathan. brown/south asian.
Jonathan: bi, genderqueer, down bad for Mina. Also brown/south asian.
Quincey Harker: south asian through both parents, and adopted nephew of ethnic jew Van Helsing. Bi (female lean) and a wife man taking after his father the gentleman lawyer Jonathan Harker. Also vampire hunter of all time!
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Art by a friend of mine!
Lucy: pansexual (sapphic leaning) polyam, with Mina and Arthur & Quincey. I would love to see a black Lucy someday and a good one following the ingenue in the novel!
Seward: Pansexual (closeted).
Van Helsing: elder gay and ethnically Jewish. 
Arthur: bi (female lean). Dandy, rich, blonde and pretty.
Quincey Morris: bi (no lean). Mixed Latino and black.
Renfield: gay and codependent on Dracula.
Dracula: Pansexual (male lean). Wallachian.
The brides/roommates: bi (sapphic leaning). Also Eastern European and Dracula’s past victims ala @saintmachina’s Dowry of Blood. 👀: see here. 
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Tagging: @count-v-dracula, @wcstenra, @the-brat-prince-1760, @zoophagist, @grimgrinningghosts456, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @carpathianprince , @monstershearts , @see-arcane, @marghen, @re-dracula, @covenofthearticulate @elisaintime, @victoriantheorist14 & @monstersinthecosmos - happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🦇
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Seward: Must we make an autopsy?
Van Helsing: Well, I have good reason now for all I want to do--
Seward, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him so hard that his head bobs around like a rag doll: Just bloody tell me already!
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