#but anyway. ppl have been telling me I'm good at art but I don't really have anything to show for it :)
skullytotheark · 26 days
Hi Hi!
I don't usually share my art here BUT lately i've been growing more comfortable w/ ppl seeing my art [as u can tell w/ latest creepyhornets entry]
So I wanted to share My some drawings i did for my fanfic series!
Click more for Art!
[i have alot of readmores on my post so i can navigate my account easier LOL]
Tobias Rogers / "The Colorado Axeman"
Age: 19 [current/present age in fanfic]
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As you may remember from the last time i shared his design, His jacket is heavily inspired by the reboot buttt I did eventually change it to better fit his 'colour pallet' [or colours i associate toby with heavily]. Now having a slight 'foresty' colour pallet associated with him in this canon
At this stage Toby is struggling alot w/ his own thoughts on Slender to the point he regrets Becoming a proxy in the first place. After returning to his old burnt down house Toby finds a old metal box that contained his sister's jacket. To this day Toby wears the jacket as asort of comfort and kinda like a pass me down jacket as memories of once were begin to haunt him, Along with 'unsuspected guests"
Age 16 / year one proxy: [Past Toby]
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For a very good while i've been struggling w/ a 'year one' toby design but within time the og hoodie grew on me, So i gave him the og hoodie but I removed the blue hood. As you may know, Toby was much younger when he became a proxy in my au. Spending most of his time homeschooled within a tense household
At this stage Toby had just killed his father and narrowly escaped, Unknowing hypnotized Toby believes that he owes Slender his LIFE to the point he's willing to serve Slender with every order.
Chernabog / 'Eyeless Jack'
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Ever since Chernabog joined Slender as a proxy or servants of sorts. Chernabog or better known as eyeless jack dawns a somewhat iconic / original inspired design. A black jumpsuit along with a balaclava underneath his iconic mask [also i'm still VERY new to drawing plus size characters [im also kinda proud how it came out] and kinda hc him to be slighty plus size. Mostly cuz i wanted him to have a unique silhouette comapired to other characters. That and I also think it'd add to intimidation if you just see this 6'7 silhouette in the darkness watching you]
Some time after agreeing to work for the Operator / Slenderman, Chernabog better known as Eyeless Jack. Roams inbetween towns collecting fresh meat not only for the Operator but for himself with his new boss's permission.
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I know you've probably seen this but I really like how this came out for being a slightly rushed doodle, Featuring The Operator and my Oc Grimace! Grimace has his own little entry into my fanfic series and will have entries featuring him every now and then!
The Idea for The Operator's design in my au is kinda to be more tree like! In this image the tentacles Slender is known for comes from the roots at the base of his feet [at his feet?? I mean idk if he has feet or not at this current point. I mean he might] he also appears somewhat statue and organic like, As if a human was kinda made from bark, roots and what not. I also just really love drawing Slender like this it's funny
That's all I think i can share for Creepyhornets so far But i've been really happy with how some of these drawings are coming out. I dont say it much but i'm extremely proud of the process i've made with this year even though i only just started spending time on practicing how to draw. If I showed u before & after of my art you'd def see alot of progress
Anyway that's all for this post! I'll try to draw some more creepyhornets related stuff eventually! Hopefully draw more of these two since I'm happy with how they came out with my latest drawings
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Well about the perception of Volo vs Kamado thing, and why more people don’t hate Volo, I have my own reflections (pretty privilege is absolutely a factor tho let’s be real 😂)
Everyone growing up has at least one story of an adult being super unfair to you, even though you were doing everything right. Their own biases and experiences could be understood later once you were older and calmer reflecting back on the incident, like a teacher who snapped at you maybe had a super long day of wrangling hundreds of children. But we never forget how it feels in that moment to have those who should be guiding us be unfair and seemingly unreasonable. So naturally that’s gonna hurt when you get kamado being paranoid.
Volo on the other hand is just absolutely delightful I’m sorry maybe if Kamado put on a silly outfit and hair for his boss battle instead of plate mail he’d have more art. Like you said Volos betrayal is one and done really, he acts like a theater kid and then dips. You have to keep seeing kamado being in charge in the game after his blunders for a while which can rub people the wrong way. (Also this is maybe just me but I never trusted Volo just like I never trusted Cynthia as a kid, and finding out he was evil was a great moment of vindication I CANT be the only one who experienced this)
TLDR we see unfairness way more than we see someone betray us while making their hair like a god horse
well, you heard them, kamado. time to go get the jester outfit. cmon chop chop it's to redeem your image
yeah, the point abt getting burned by adults in authority is also very fair. most of us were not scarred for life by theater kid antics lol. the other thing abt it is that often those same adults never really face any consequences. you were always just expected to move on, suck it up etc. cause that's life as a kid right. sometimes ppl will use their power over you just to flex their limited authority, or to vent whatever's going on in their home life, and this doesn't really stop when you grow up it's just that when you're a kid basically every adult has that authority position. so it's just expected that there's nothing you can do. i mean unless you decide to be the karmic force of justice in your own life by being the most stubborn bitch of a child to walk the earth. not that i would know anything about that cough
uh anyway. the thing is the thing btwn you and kamado isn't about about child vs adult. you're more or less considered an adult yourself by jubilife, albeit a rather young and more importantly low ranking one. like we've said (a million times already lol) kamado's not doing it just to grasp at a sense of control, he's reacting to what he perceives as a very real threat to his village (and also because the writers clocked him in the face with the idiot ball for plot advancement reasons lbr).
and the thing is kamado DOES, kind of, face consequences and own up to his mistakes by the end of the game. also after the red sky event he's like, REALLY nice to you lol. not just briefly either! imo you can tell that he sincerely respects you and regrets his actions in the red sky. go look at his late game quotes-
"Perhaps you are a divine being yourself, sent to bring us gifts from above... "I know I've no right to say this... But we are truly fortunate to have been able to count you among the Survey Corps' ranks. If you had not joined us, we would have fallen on Mount Coronet. We would have lost our home. We would have lost our future." "I'm grateful to you for showing me what a heartening presence Pokémon can be. We must spar again sometime!" "<player>, forgive me for taking so much of your time [telling you about the Galaxy name.] Please accept this as a sort of apology."
like he's trying to make up for the way they were treated earlier and give them the proper treatment they're owed for all their help.
idk i don't have a good way to conclude this i guess. i just think he's a cool character
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iraprince · 1 year
Sorry if you've already said but can I ask what age you started drawing? I'm in my twenties wondering what sort of skill level I can acquire if I haven't been applying myself very much before this point
i have been drawing for as long as i can remember. i started wanting to actively improve my technical skills when i was a teenager; i think i started learning how to actually actively improve my technical skills (on purpose instead of by accident, lol!) in my 20s.
(also -- as wordy as it may be, you'll notice i'm really particular about saying "technical skill" over and over! this is because it is only one factor of what drawing is, but a lot of times when ppl talk about being "good at" drawing, tech skill is what they really mean. when i say technical skill, i'm usually referring to draftsmanship, the ability to draw things not just accurately/realistically, but as they appear in your head; your hand doing what your mind tells you to, your ability to meet your own intentions/expectations for a piece, however it makes sense to conceptualize it. it is NOT the most important part of drawing, not by a long shot, but realistically it's often the sticking point for people who are learning + it can be one of the big struggles in keeping morale up.)
these may seem like finicky distinctions to make, but to me they make sense! bc the benefit we may have starting as adults is a better grasp of how to CONSCIOUSLY study and improve on specific areas of a skill, vs the passive improvement that will generally happen from pure directionless repetition. i feel that i've had jumps in my technical skill level over the course of a year or two as an adult that are bigger than my improvement through all of middle + high school, for example -- and i bring this up bc if what ur concerned about is technical skill, that is not purely 100% about time invested, and starting later than some does not mean you're at some kind of massive insurmountable disadvantage.
in that specific example, the difference as an adult was going into it with intentional curiosity and a drive to specifically improve, vs middle + high school was six years of me happily drawing the same 4-5 characters floating from the waist up in perpetuity. were those years wasted bc i wasn't drilling myself and doing studies? fuck no! but my progress was different, bc i was focused on other, equally important parts of learning to draw. (like discovering + honing my own tastes, consuming a lot of media that inspired me, and having fun!!!!)
SO, anyway, my personal perspective on the skill level u can attain if u start now: the same as anyone else!! and i don't think i'm being like, sunny or unreasonably optimistic in saying so. i think keeping ur chin up and being patient w urself as u learn to draw is generally way harder than actually drawing, for literally everyone. u have to make a lot of dogshit drawings to eventually make good ones, and that is the part that's actually really really hard. but u can make decisions about how and where to apply the time u invest that may show u visible progress in ways you'll find surprising! (pls balance that time with shit that's just fun, too.)
in case it's helpful, i'll leave u with a different very wordy multi-para response where i talk about where to start if you'd like to learn to draw with no/little prior experience: here! it's def not comprehensive and is totally colored by my own opinions/perspective on art, and specifically on illustration/comics, but i hope it might be a starting point :)
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blushedfemme · 3 months
Hi, fresh new anon here.
I just want to say I like a lot (most of) your posts and I enjoy reading everyone's asks too.
I nervous/embarrassed to even say so so I don't know why I am, but I'm in the 30's and I feel like I need urban dictionary open over half the time to understand all the different terminology and types of butches.
I thought it was just butch. Turns out it's like Pokémon and there's a dozen types 😅.
When I was figuring myself out (and I don't even think I have tbh), living where I do and with the information available to me, there was just butch and femme. If you were femme it was lipstick and that was all the terms I knew.
I've been in the community for half my life but there's so many terms I don't know or where I fit. Just makes me feel a little dumb I guess. I sort of put myself in the butch box but I never really felt quite there. Certainly not femme. Just not, I don't know, not strong enough or handy enough or whatever it is that "butch" was supposed to be when I was exposed. I'm like, butch lite? Like, I can hang up a picture on the wall for you and put together IKEA furniture but I can't go build you a whole new dresser with all my tools in the garage or whatever. Like I never unlocked the full subscription or something 🤣. And I don't know if there's terms for that or if girls like that. I'm just only 'sort of good' at all the things I think a butch should be really good at in my head. Jack of all trades master on none deal.
I don't have muscles like all these pictures I keep seeing and I'm a little bit rounder than I'd like. Got the chivalry part down though cuz that just feels like basic human decency.
I don't know. I like seeing all the positivity and love here. Maybe you've got some advice or some useful links or info or something to help a not-quite-butch out?
(The main point, besides, is I still enjoy it here and you are pretty awesome. (And also just pretty😳))
Sorry for the book 😅
okay i’ve been sitting on this ask a moment bc i want to give you the answer you deserve 🥺💞💓
firstly, i am so honored that you enjoy my blog and find it a positive and loving space!! i have SO much love for millennial butches, i mean i’m on the cusp of millennial and gen-Z myself but anyway. butches who are in their 30s and early 40s, i feel a special kinship and appreciation for you. social media queer spaces are super different from irl queer spaces, and the landscape shifts so fast i have a hard time keeping up, too. it’s absolutely okay to feel overwhelmed by the sudden proliferation of identity terms and to not be sure where you fit! even younger ppl who are less online feel the same way.
as for the other part of your ask… i could sit here and recycle the rote platitudes you see in positivity posts, that butches don’t have to be muscular, butches don’t have to be thin, butches don’t have to be able-bodied and capable of building a fucking house or whatever with their bare hands, in order to be butch. all very true! but you’ve probably heard them before and to me they fall a little flat.
so here’s what i’ll tell you instead: when i think of butches, i think of softness. 99% the butches i’ve met irl are not thin and muscular and hyper-masc. the fact that these images STILL dominate art and imagination around butches confounds me. when i daydream up a butch in my head and rotate them in the mind (as i often do) they’ve got a soft round middle, and a soft face, and soft, warm hands. they’re not chopping up wood or building me a table, they’re bringing me a cup of tea and checking in on me, they’re telling me about their latest LEGO build, they’re reading out loud to me from their favorite book. they’re chivalrous and goofy and kind. they wear button-downs with silly patterns and logo tees and hoodies and sweats. i’ve seen people call themselves a “soft butch” and if that resonates then that’s wonderful, call yourself what makes you happy, but to me butchness is soft. it may have a hard shell sometimes, out of necessity and out of pride, but underneath butch is always so beautifully, achingly soft. and it’s not about being super ‘handy’ or whatever, though that’s nice and all, that’s not what defines butch to me. i think if you feel butch, then you are, and if you love femmes and other butches, and you know in your heart that the butch role suits you, then that’s all you need in order to be butch. ❤️
i wish i had some links off the top of my head for some good genuine inclusive butch positivity, i know it’s out there. if you’d like to, please send another ask with a few specifics of what you’re looking for (essays? articles? books? videos?) and i will gather what i can!
thank you for sending this ask 🥰 my biggest goal with this blog (besides being horny) is to make butches feel welcome and safe and seen, and i’m so glad you’re here 💖💗💕
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66sharkteeth · 7 months
Hey, hello! I just wanna say j really love your story and maybe to shine a light or perspective I guess. I remeber taking not of Rex's scion changing I a few panels, Jericho holding a book that was defiantly where he got the name from etc. But I usually just keep those comments to myself and don't voice them out. I prefer to write plot related comments most of the time.
Also I don't think you should be so hard on yourself. I the story is going good and yes I know bunkers and quotas have to be met so you need to okay it sade as possible to appease as most people as you can. But when you start doing that you kind of loose the essence that made the the art and story so interesting and intriguing. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know it's stressful, the risk of loosing your stability but you shouldn't be too harsh on yourself! Your art and story is very amazing and the few quips ppl have are just a few bumps in the road.
Anyway, I still love the comic and I love the story so far. I dint think things have been rushed and things are progressing nicely. Lobe the latest episode too. A lot of effort went into it and it shows
getting back to responding to these now that im finally a bit more settled down in my new place.
though i'm kind of in a better spot atm, because i just haven't been as focused on CoB with all the moving happening, not to mention it going on a hiatus as of this week.
but i did wanna still say, i know i've been incredibly negative as of late, and i'm sorry it's become noticeable. it's just been a long time since i had any sort of win regarding CoB and it's starting to ware on me. i do still get nice comments of course, but they're literally half of what each episode used to get. the likes are plummeting, fast pass is down just as i move to a more expensive apartment, and comments dropped from around 500 on average to less than 200. it's hard to feel like i'm not doing something wrong. and like your ask says, yeah, i wish i didn't care about numbers but..... -motions to the new, more expensive apartment i just moved into-
i'd like to still be able to afford this place a year from now and i don't think i will if things stay on the downward pattern they're on right now. not to mention, i'm going to have to ask WT for one more contract soon to finish CoB how I want, and i am VERY afraid of them telling me i've had enough episodes for how much it's making and to just wrap it up with the currently contracted number of episodes.
so yeah like... sorry. i should probably keep it more to myself, but it's really, really hard to not be sad and worried about numbers when they dictate your livelihood AND possibly even telling the story i wanna tell. :')
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enchantedanimal · 3 days
first off: i saw your mothman coaster art and it's very cool :D
second off: you mentioned it was for a class you're taking? is that part of like a larger major for attraction design? i have a family member who has always been interested in that kind of thing and i didn't know there was something like that out there!
In short: Yes, it's what I'm studying! People's reactions when I tell them are so funny bc no one has heard of it
As for a better explanation, I'll try my best to keep it from being horribly lengthy but its kinda complicated rn so bear with me (I also do not mind answering more questions about it if I know the answer)
So, my major is technically called Computer Graphics Technology/CGT, which is a digital design based major that has multiple things you can choose to concentrate in, kinda like a major within a major! I chose to concentrate in Themed Attraction Design (sometimes I just say that I'm majoring in that bc CGT tends to go over people's heads more), which is unique from the other concentrations in that it has a minor and a certificate if you don't want to take the whole CGT major. You also don't have to be into illustration/concept art- that's the role I've fallen into, but just in my group for this project we also have modelers, story writers, engineers, graphic designers, etc! They'll push you but let you work to your strengths.
I chose IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) bc it's one of the very few colleges that offer it! However like I said things are weird rn bc IUPUI is splitting itself into the two separate colleges after this semester (we're literally going through an academic divorce ✌️😞) so I'm on a teach-out plan of study which is likely different than students starting fall 24' since it'll be under Purdue Polytechnic and yada yada all that fun and confusing stuff. With the many changes, Purdue should still be keeping TAD as an option.
BUT ANYWAYS from my experience so far it's really interesting! You get a good amount of exposure to the themed attraction industry, such as yearly trips down to Florida for the IAAPA convention, WDW (we took some Imagination campus classes), and Universal in November (I went last year, it was really fun), as well as getting to listen and talk to industry professionals such as imagineers and ppl at universal creative (as well as museums, zoos, etc). It's definitely unique and going to theme parks with the excuse that it's for education is a bonus lol
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bondsmagii · 1 year
Having an existential crisis right now and I shall come to your inbox like a sinner comes to a priest.
So I'm 25, college dropout, barely held a job (like did it for 2 months) and am completely supported by my parents. I'm in every aspect the definition of failure, right? Objectively. Some part was due to mental illness, but mostly me being a lazy and stupid asshole who didn't know what to do with their lives. And then I realized I wanted to be an artist, right? Like one does. And I'm pretty good at it also, think I might have a chance, had some interest in my little art. Very happy. But, but, sadly, to me and all the nation, my parents are rich white awful conservatives who have a very heavy foot on local politics. So, you know, giving the culture of accountability, which I do support, I would've been canceled if I ever attempted to be an artist, which is understandable. Like I've had enormous privileges that were born out of shitty shitty ways. And while I can justify it as a minor, I don't think that being like "well I was a little sad and a little lost and did bad choices" is an excuse when you're a grown ass adult. I directly benefited from money earned by bad ways and just being supported by hateful hateful harmful people. It's like they calling out Benedict cumbebatch for their family being slave owners, you know? You might not have directly done the harm but you did benefit from it. I did benefit from it - everything I ever had and eaten and done was paid for with my dad being an asshole politician. Anyway, I know I can't pursue art, you know? Like I know it. I understand it. I know it's my fault for not leaving early and not getting my shit together and if I ever had a fighting chance of not being an asshole and associated with my family of assholes that chance was turning 18 and leaving - which I didn't do. And it's not like I don't plan on leaving, I absolutely do. Want to get my shit together and cut this people off as soon as possible. But it makes me so sad that I cannot pursue art bc of this. I try to imagine my dream life, like everyone does, and even then when I dream of being an accomplished writer, i can only imagine me being canceled and publicly shamed for coming out of this shitty ass rich family and everything I ever did stained in an irreparable way. In my dreams I'm jk rowling and my past is like her tweeting. A whole life of work and creation destroyed and ruined. People feeling ashamed of even having liked your art to begin with. Like Man, i could even be acused of nepotism, although it truly never played any part on anything. My parents give two shots about art and have no contact with the art world whatsoever. But still, you know, son of a politician. Plus its not only bc of them but bc of my past actions, I am the stereotypical entitled asshole who doesn't work and dropped out of college and fucked up in general. I didn't mean to be one, it just happened I guess. It infuriates me, I wish I could go back to 18 year old me and drag my ass out of the bed and just like beat the shit out of me. Wish I could do it to last year me too, to be honest. Turning 25 really does change a men's perspective. Not that I didn't know I was a failure, but I was quite prone to outsourcing the guilt, you know.
Well, anyways, I know I don't deserve pity or anything like that I mean cmon, but by God did I manage to fuck myself over thoroughly by just doing nothing. Literally doing nothing. It's very frustrating, feeling your past eat your future alive. Undescriblale grief, truly. Anyway, probably gonna become a history teacher now. Go back to college.
But it feels like I will never be able to erase my parents fingerprints of my life tho and everything I ever do will be derivative of the privilege they gave me growing up, which wouldn't be a bad thing, if I didn't fucking hate them and they weren't awful ppl.
Inescapable hell, I tell you. Deserved, I know. It's like that tiktok song "I know I fucked up but jesus".
Yeah anyway
Thank you for hearing my confession bc like father have I sinned.
I say all of this in the absolute kindest way, anon, and with the disclaimer that I firmly believe that nobody is undeserving of redemption and everybody deserves the chance to be happy: this is absolutely delusional, and I'm sorry that you've come to think this way. I am so sorry that you feel you need to live a half-life you're completely lacking passion for, based on these ridiculous arbitrary ideas on who is "allowed" to produce art. I'm sorry that you've been led to believe that the mistakes and choices we make as young people define the rest of our lives and we're not allowed to move on from them. and I'm sorry that you've been made to feel like you will never escape the shadow of your parents. all of this is absolutely false, and I sincerely hope you rethink. I'm going to go through a few things that stood out to be here, because Christ, anon, this is not the way.
So, you know, giving the culture of accountability, which I do support, I would've been canceled if I ever attempted to be an artist, which is understandable.
no, it's not. the current culture of accountability, like many things, came from a place of genuine desire to hold the people doing society the most harm to account. it was designed to call out billionaires and millionaires, and corrupt police forces, and parasitic business practises, and organisations like Hollywood and colleges that covered up constant sexual assault and harrasment, and other things of a similarly insidious calibre. it was never designed for small fry like your parents, who, while perhaps terrible, have likely not done anywhere near this level of damage. even if they have, it was never designed for the children of these people. unless the child grows up, learns better, and still choses to be ignorant and go into the family business, the blame does not rest with them. this level of accountability -- that the child is accountable for the sins of the parent -- is more in line with Soviet Russia or North Korea. it is deranged.
you know better now. take steps to get away and become self-sufficient. you do not deserve to be "held accountable" for being a minor child, and then being a dumb idiot in your early 20s. you are 25 years old. that's an impressively young age to screw your head on right. I know people twice your age (literally!) who still can't admit they've been assholes in the past. you have the rest of your life to learn and do the right thing. denying yourself the life you want in order to beat yourself up over these made-up "crimes" is akin to white guilt in the way that it helps absolutely nobody and "makes up" for nothing. not to mention coming off as self-centred and conceited, putting yourself at the centre of something that harmed others, which is obviously not what you're going for. you do not need to do penance for the rest of your life because you were born to assholes.
And while I can justify it as a minor, I don't think that being like "well I was a little sad and a little lost and did bad choices" is an excuse when you're a grown ass adult.
you are only 25. this idea that all these young people on TikTok or Twitter or whatever have absolutely spotless political credentials is a lie. you made bad choices. you recognised they were bad. now you want to avoid repeating those choices. you have made a mistake and learned from it, and become a better person. that's how it's supposed to work. you don't fuck up and then have to retire from life forever. I will sooner trust somebody who openly admits to being privileged and ignorant in the past than someone who claims they never had a problem with it, and I do not subscribe to the idea that the more oppressed you are, the better you are morally. the best among us are those who fuck up and learn and admit and accept their capacity to cause harm. the worst among us are those who think they're immune to learning, always right, and incapable of doing wrong.
Anyway, I know I can't pursue art, you know? Like I know it.
you are wrong. all art is worth something. every human on the planet has the right to create art and be appreciated for it. it is not something you "earn" the right to do by being adequately oppressed. everyone has something worth saying, and the problem is with industries that amplify certain art over others, not the artists and their backgrounds. it is also fully possible to use your privilege and contacts to shine light on issues and artists that deserve more attention. the idea that if you're too privileged you're not "allowed" to make art, or you have nothing worth saying, is absolutely fucking insane and is not an attitude you come across among normal, intelligent people.
Like Man, i could even be acused of nepotism, although it truly never played any part on anything.
the wonderful thing about callout culture is that you could be accused of anything some random, bitter, uncharitable user decides. I have been accused of being a genocide supporter, a neo-Nazi, a transphobe, and a paedophile. you'll learn quickly as a writer that people who do this are stupid as shit and nobody with a braincell listens to them. I strongly recommend spending more time offline to recalibrate yourself to how normal people think.
Plus its not only bc of them but bc of my past actions, I am the stereotypical entitled asshole who doesn't work and dropped out of college and fucked up in general. I didn't mean to be one, it just happened I guess. It infuriates me, I wish I could go back to 18 year old me and drag my ass out of the bed and just like beat the shit out of me. Wish I could do it to last year me too, to be honest.
we all wish this. I was a cunt at 18. I was a cunt at 21. I was a cunt probably up until I was 26, so congrats, you're a year ahead of me. you know better now. you fully deserve to learn from your mistakes and be allowed the opportunity to be a better person. nobody on the planet is immune from being an asshole, especially at this age. you are right on track, at the age where most people mature and grow out of their assholishness. this is not some irredeemable flaw that you possess because of your parents' privilege. this is called growing up. it is good and it is normal.
Well, anyways, I know I don't deserve pity
I don't like to give out pity anway, as I find it condescending, but you do have my sympathy. you should feel guilt for any people you have actually hurt, yourself, through bad behaviour in the past. but you have my sympathy for the way that you've been made to believe that these mistakes, which you regret and wish to change and never repeat, should doom you to a life of misery, that you do not particularly want, and that apparently mean you're not "allowed" to follow your passions. that is desperately sad. I am sorry this has happened to you. you deserve a chance to prove yourself a better, wiser person, and you deserve the rewards that should come from changing. forgive yourself.
But it feels like I will never be able to erase my parents fingerprints of my life
not quite the same situation as you, but I once thought this exactly. my parents fucked me up big time, and I thought that I would never escape them. now nothing I have has anything to do with them. it's possible and you will get to this point too. think about the life that you want -- that is not theirs. but living miserably in penance for your parents' sins? that will ensure that you will never, ever escape them. the choice is yours.
Inescapable hell, I tell you. Deserved, I know.
never deserved. if you want to do better you deserve the chance. it is never too late to start doing better, it's never too late to change yourself, and if you're sincere and you succeed, you deserve to be happy.
finally, to reiterate something I said earlier: spend less time online. this kind of thought process is only found in people who spend excruciating amounts of time online. people do not think like this in the real world. grown adults with critical thinking skills and basic empathy do not think you should suffer forever because your parents were assholes and you made some stupid choices in your teens and early twenties. being exposed to the kinds of "politics" you get online -- which is less about politics and more about power and self-righteousness and putting others down in order to disguise one's own flaws -- is quite literally making you insane. sign off and work on yourself. the average human life span is around 80 years. don't live in misery because some people online think the first 25 of those years define you.
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binart · 2 years
Hi Bina I love your art so much! You would always drop really good art/life wisdom during streams so I was wondering if you have any tips for ppl like me who don't feel very confident about their art? Sometimes I'll draw something and be like "ah yes my masterpiece oh la la" but then I'll post it and immediately feel a little bit like I'm not good enough to be doing this in the first place. Just shy art gurl tingz 👉👈 Any tips? Anyway I'm so invested in DTOK, can't wait to see what happens next! 💙❤
<333 THANK U!!! yes i have three excellent tips for this
ok so we're not going to pretend that internet validation isn't like.. THE BEST. because it is. yes sure validation from yourself internally should be the only thing we need to rely upon BUT WHO CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT??? not me if strangers don't tell me they like my gay little pictures SAID GAY LITTLE PICTURES DECREASE IN VALUE TO ME.
if you have any friends who you know will reliably gas you up, SHOW THEM YOUR PICTURES FIRST!!! i am a loser shut in with literally only one friend who i regularly show my stuff to, AND THEIR APPROVAL IS LIKE 8X THE SEROTONIN BOOST OF A STRANGER.
nextly, you must learn that People Love Fanart. you don't gotta make Da Vinci level stuff for people to love your fanart either ok. I AM AN EXAMPLE OF THIS. and if you can make a fair amount of it?? HOO BOY YOU'RE IN. YOU'RE GONNA GET THAT VALIDATION AFTER A WHILE. & tag your stuff so people can find it of course B^) so if u have a Piece of Media that you enjoy enough to make art of, DO THAT SHIT!!!
so that's two things you can do. the other thing, though very boring, is to put in the work to increase your technical skill. if you're able to motivate yourself to do this, confidence will come naturally as your skillset increases and you're able to more easily tackle illustrations that would have been much more difficult like a year ago. THIS IS HARD THO. i suggest finding things to get obsessed with so you feel naturally compelled to mAKE ART OF IT, since usually making a bunch of art helps you get better at.. making art. LOL
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oivsyo · 2 years
Do you like NejiHina more than NejiTen and NaruHina? NGL I hate those two ships sooooooo much I literally throw my computer across the room whenever the fan art pops up.
Good day!
First of all I need to apologize for it took me so long to reply.
Anyway I‘ve been waiting for a question like this, ahaha.
The short answer is yes, i do like NejiHina more than both NejiTen and NaruHina.
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No, it doesn’t mean that I hate NaruHina and NejiTen. Hatred is too strong an emotion, and there are not many things in my life that I really hate and fictional ships are definitely not on the list. Various ships exist and it doesn't trigger or offend me as far as I prefer to concentrate on things/ships that I like.
However I do not “like” them either, because I’m not a multishipper and these ships don't give me the emotions, inspiration I want to receive from the shipping experience. (Compared with NejiHina that  gives me everything I need).
I prefer to think I’m neutral about NejiTen and NaruHina.
The ships themselves are not bad and don't deserve to be hated. I see many talented artists who create for these ships and I think it is great that the ships inspire other ppl as much as NejiHina inspires me. It’s a good thing that there is a diversity of content for everyone.
If you want to know my more extended opinion about these ships - keep reading.
But ofc I need to warn you that I wrote my honest opinion about the ships and you may not like it if you are a NaruHina or NejiTen shipper. I’m not interested in ship wars as well, so stop reading here if you are not sure you can control yourself.
Dislaimer: when I write that I ”don’t like” something about a ship, it means that either I like these moments more in NejiHina or that I just don’t like some exact things. Don’t like =/= Hate.
There is something about NaruHina and NejiTen that irritates me and makes me uncomfortable. The fans.
It surprised me that NaruHina fans, who have tons of official content, manga, anime, movies, novels, Boruto above everything, are so hostile towards fanships. Like, chill, dudes, your couple IS canon. This fact doesn't make everyone like it and it is natural, but everyone knows it is canon, there is no need to prove it to anyone everywhere. What is even more strange to me is that it seems there are many NaruHina fans who feel threatened? offended? by any other fanships with these characters (other ships with Hinata mostly). Such fans write offensive comments to fanships content creators and 'prohibit' creating it. This attitude is beyond my understanding.
The situation with NejiTen fans is quite the contrary but the result is the same. NejiTen is not canon, characters don't even have any canonical base for shipping except being members of the same team. But the fans keep insisting it is canon, mentioning it as a common knowledge under every post with Neji (I'm exaggerating, but I see such comments quite often). 
Maybe I don't understand something in this life, but fans act like the 'canon' tag automatically makes the ship better. I thought that the ship is good enough if it makes you happy, if it inspires you to create, gives you the emotional experience that you need.
Being canon doesn't make everyone like the ship. Not being a canon doesn't make the ship bad. Isn't it like this? Can everyone just chill and enjoy things that make them happy and share this happiness with those who have the same preferences?
I'm creating for NejiHina that is part of the Naruto fandom long enough to make my own opinion. If I get the hate/anti comment for my NejiHina arts telling how gross this ship is in 98% the one who wrote it is a NaruHina or a NejiTen shipper :) or they ship Neji in Male x Male ships. Or they hate Hinata. Yes, I'm curious enough to take a look at accs that write such comments and it is not difficult to figure out which ship they like. In most cases righteous hate is only ship war mimicking the high morality :)
There are two points that NaruHina and NejiTen have in common that make both ships not appealing for me.
First is how both ships deal with the Hyūga clan. There are two variants. In the first one the problem of the Hyūga clan wouldn't be solved bc both characters that are supposed to deal with it, who have authority to change their clan for better, just flee the clan shifting the responsibility to Hanabi alone. But then what was the point of Neji's high-flown speeches during the chunin exams? Why did Hinata express her sympathy and understanding for him if in the end they both just give up on it?
Besides, I highly doubt that Hanabi can deal with it alone. I don’t believe that the clan’s problem can be solved that easily and that Hanabi will be enough for it. I mean, if the conflict can be solved with Hanabi saying ‘hmmm, let’s just ban the seal and the clan will live happily!” and the clan’s council will be like “oh, ok, thanks for suggesting this idea!” then it is a shitty conflict that is based on that the clan’s leaders as well as Konoha leaders are stupid or purposevly evil. I like to think that things are more complicated and that there is no easy way to solve it. That’s why all statements that it was 12 year old Naruto and his passionate speeches that changed the clan and made them solve their many centuries conflict overnight just make me smile sympathetically.
The other variant of this plot implies the end of the Hyūga clan. I know that there are many ppl in the fandom who hate the Hyūga clan, but I'm not one of those ppl and I see a huge potential for a story with Hyūgas. So I find it quite sad and pointless, because Hyūgas together with Uchihas contributed to making Konoha and the country of Fire the most powerful country. Not to mention that the clan wasn't developed enough. Their obvious setup as imba medic nins was completely ignored. Their combat abilities were downgraded as well for plot’s purposes. Is it a sly plan to get rid of ancient clans? Only that the Uchiha clan was massacred and the Hyūga clan will just go extinct , losing their doujutsu. This is actually a cool plot twist that may result in the political conflict between the clan and Konoha, tho in this plot I prefer Hyūgas standing as one and living on as a powerful clan we were told they are.
I started to simp for the Hyūga clan only more than a year ago, when I deepened into all canon and filler moments with them, after I filled the plot holes with headcanons and background story and invented Hyūga original characters to make the clan more 'alive'. However I always wanted to see Hinata together with Neji (or with Hanabi if Neji is dead) changing and reforming the clan for better. I was rooting for the full-scale arc about it. And I never got it in the canon, so for me the Hyūga clan conflict was not solved. I also want to see Hinata as a Hyūga head and matriarch. This would be a great final point for her.
The second weak spot of both ships for me is that both Neji and Hinata are of noble origin and they have a family - a clan that implies traditions, heritage and many other things that both Naruto and TenTen, orphans and low-borns, are not familiar with. And I see here some differences in life values and views that are difficult to overcome.
Oh, I above everything don’t find these ships aesthetically appealing either. NaruHina is too colorful, I prefer calmer and more exquisite color combinations. While NejiTen is the opposite, they are both too ordinary and neutral and their couple is visually nondescript.
I respect NaruHina being canon, I do not reject the fact Kishimoto made them a couple. I even think that with a proper development they would be a nice and attractive canon couple.
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Personally for me the way the ship was built up is forced and clamsy. Like, seriously, there were 500+chapters of manga, Hinata nearly committing scide 2 times, one ignored confession, Neji dead, a movie where Hanabi was kidnapped, her eyes torn out, the whole world on the brink of destruction, a bunch of “out-of-nowhere” flashbacks and a genjutsu to make Naruto realize that Hinata likes him and he likes her. It doesn't sound like a well-written and reasonable lovestory for me, I can’t believe in it.
I do not like how the ship develops Hinata as a character and where the ship leads her (I won’t mention the Hyūga clan that was wasted one more time). I see a greater potential in her than being a MC girlfriend whose only function in the plot is to remind how important MC is. Their relationship is based on Hinata blindly fangirling Naruto, not seeing other ppl around her who support her (like Shino, Kiba, Neji, Hanabi, Kurenai) and only waiting for him to notice her. And she is ready to waste her life for it, literally. This is not what I consider an equal romantic partnership and I don't like the whole idea.
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One more thing that I don't like in NaruHina is that I don't feel that Hinata is a special person for Naruto. Naruto is a man who cares about everyone, it is his basic character trait. And Hinata will never be the number one for Naruto. It will always be Sasuke, Sakura, Konoha, maybe his children (I’m not sure bc I haven’t watched Boruto), Gaara, Kakashi, Iruka, Konohamaru… whoever but never Hinata. It seems to me that Hinata differs from, for example, Shikamaru only with the fact they are married and she gave birth to his children.
Hinata was deprived of a loving full family, her mother died, her father was not the best warm-hearted and sympathetic father and he put the clan’s matters above his daughters, she was forced to rival Hanabi. And as an adult, as a wife Hinata gets the same. She can find her happiness in children, but is it enough? It's a difficult topic to discuss, and I see that there may be different opinions as usual. I’m just saying that I personally don’t like what NaruHina gives to Hinata.
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Probably Naruto and Hinata had some chances if they were developed as a couple and had moments with each other like in s1, but it never happened. In my opinion the chūnin arc did more for NaruHina development than the rest of the story up till today. In Shippuden and later Hinata was stopped in her development and I don’t see her as a person, but only as a functional element that says and does what is needed for the plot. I don’t blame Hinata for this (she is a fictional character after all), it's bad writing to blame. And I don't even blame Kishi only for this, it seems to me he was forced to change the tone of narration starting from Shippuden.
This one is a more interesting case, bc ..... it was actually my first ship =)
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This moment is the only one in the canon and in the fillers that shows interaction between Neji and TenTen that can be interpreted as slightly romantic and exactly this moment was the reason why I started to ship them (But then I grew old, rewatched Naruto and movies and realised that Neji is just a gentleman with all female characters. Except Ino, lol.)
Anyway, first things first.
I was 13-14 years old, I watched Naruto s1 and the beginning of Shippuden (Gaara rescue arc, the moment on the screnshot above) and I got access to the Internet. There I learned about 'shipping' and discovered 'fanfiction'. Guess what happened next. Neji was my fav character in Naruto so I was full of intention to find the best couple for him. I didn't like Male x Male ships back then, and even today such ships for Neji are not my cup of tea, so I needed a girl for him. There were two girls around him in the canon - TenTen and Hinata. I did not think much and chose TenTen first because of the moment above. She seemed to be such an obvious variant. They are teammates and there should be a couple in every team, right? So I started googling and reading fanfiction. But it didn't last long. I got bored with excessive OOC and standard romantic plots that could be written about any ship. There was nothing personal and unique about these stories.
And I came across a NejiTen fic where NejiHina was the secondary ship and I loved this secondary ship more than the main. It was so much more reasonable, sensual and tender. I tried more NejiHina fics and it was absolutely different level of storytelling. It is not that I had any prejudices towards NejiHina before, but it were amazing arts and fanfiction that made me take a closer look at them and showed the full potential of this ship. So, from that moment on, NejiHina turned out to be the love of life and here we are :)
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Fun fact, but when I returned to Naruto 1,5 year ago and rewatched it, I saw more chemistry between TenTen and Lee. Rock Lee SD is full of cute moments with them, showing how they care about each other. I don’t ship LeeTen, I think there are better candidates for both of them, but I can’t deny that they make a better romantic couple then Neji and TenTen. Well I got carried away again.
There are several moments that make NejiTen not appealing for me.
First one is excessive OOC and canon divergence needed for this ship to happen, bc in canon they don't give a romantic fck about each other, they are just teammates. They don't have any personal moments with one another, there are no conflicts between them or a background story.
Personally I don't consider them to be even close friends, tbh, I think they are colleagues, but this actually doesn't matter.
There are two versions of NejiTen - either Neji is in love with TenTen, but I personally can't imagine it without making him OOC bc there were not even hints that he has any feelings or at least shows some interest for TenTen (and this is totally fine if you, the one who reads this, can imagine it. This is how the shipping works).
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The second version is TenTen in love with Neji. But I don't see it being in her character as well. Moreover it makes her just like Sakura and Hinata and I don't like this. TenTen is awesome and unique right because she doesn't have any crushes. She is stubborn and she works hard to become strong just because she enjoys it and not to be noticed by her crush. I like that she is free from all this romantic bullshit about boys. A crush on Neji ruins her badassness and uniqueness for me :(
I like TenTen actually, she is kind, supportive, easy-going and cheerfull person. She also has a good sense of humor. And I like that she is independent  and self-confident enough even tho she lacks abilities to be more than avarage-tier shinobi.
I can guess why this ship has so many fans.
First of all, Neji has only two het ship options that are reasonable, they are NejiTen and NejiHina, and NejiTen is not branded as problematic here and there. That’s it.
 Above this, TenTen doesn't have an army of haters, unlike Hinata.
Second, it is so easy to assosiate yourself with TenTen because she is just an ordinary girl without any superpowers, any background story. She is perfect to kin yourself with. And I must admit that I myself have a lot in common with TenTen in comparison with other female characters in Naruto. I can understand that most girls will prefer Neji over Lee, because, well, you know, it’s Neji. He is handsome, noble, talented and has many other attractive traits. While Lee is not attractive, some may think he is ugly, he is too emotional that some ppl think is not manly, he doesn't have any superpowers and even tho he is hardworking, he will never be on level of chakra users. He is kind and caring, but just an ordinary boy. The one who is usually friendzoned speaking irl terms. Such boys are usually remembered closer to the age of 30, when there are already several unsuccessful relationships behind, maybe a divorce and children, and at that moment comes the realization that maybe it was worth giving this caring but not attractive boy a chance? He would carry you in his arms and would put the whole world at your feet. But you chose a cold handsome and now it’s too late.
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One more point why I don't like NejiTen is that this relationship gives nothing to both characters. I don't see how they can complement each other. They are too different in things that could have connected them, and are too similar in things the couple is supposed to complement each other. The saying “opposites attract” doesn't work for them.
It seems to me that TenTen may wither with Neji, because he is Hyūga, by nature he is a much more closed and reserved person, and he, in turn, may get tired of her excessive emotionality, playfullness, her too emotional reactions, which are a part of her personality. It will be difficult for TenTen to understand why he cannot cut ties with the clan (and Neji the way I see him will never cut ties with the clan by his own will, only if he is exiled from it for some reason), while there will be no place for her in the clan and Neji would have to choose. And I don't feel that TenTen could be a special person for Neji (as much as Hinata for Naruto), someone for whom he could abbandon the clan, his legacy, one for whom he could sacrifice his life. Both are self-sufficient and independent, and if these traits make them efficient team, that can understand eachother with half words, the same traits make them an incompatible couple.
So, I can't imagine Neji and TenTen in a romantic relationship, being insanely in love with each other, dating, getting married and having children. BUT. I can imagine them as the first sexual partners. I think they would be the best candidates for each other and I support this idea with both my hands. I can see them starting this sort of relationship out of curiosity when they were teenagers to get some experience. They could probably try to date with each other in a romantic way but they didn't succeed so they decided to stay as friends with benefits for some prolonged period of time. Both of them are mentally mature and independent enough for this. And when they meet the one they fell in love with they would just stop it without any drama and remain good teammates as they were before.
Not all relationships, especially the first relationships, should end with love till the grave, with a marriage and children. NejiTen is a perfect ship to show that ppl can remain in good terms after having a sexual relationship. Some ppl are just better as friends and colleagues than a romantic couple.
NejiTen actually takes place in my headcanon and I'm ok with it.
To sum up, I’d love to say that we all perceive characters and stories through the lens of personal experience, emotional response, background knowledge and imagination. It is natural that there are different ships and interpretations. But   “different” doesn't mean “bad” or “wrong”.
I’m not trying to convince anyone that ship A is bad and ship B is good, I just share my own story and opinion about the ships. So, pls, keep in mind that my opinion doesn't threaten what you like. You are free to ship whatever you want as long it makes your shipper heart bit faster 💜
I would love to see more ppl talking about things they like, sharing ideas, creating content and supporting those who create it and not spreading hate. This will help a lot to make our fandom a better place than it is right now. And we can do it together ✌️ 
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b1gwings · 5 months
15 Questions for 15* people
haiii i got tagged by @babacontainsmultitudes & @oakay :3 thx for tagging me this is fun !1!!
1. are you named after anyone? I named myself after Clay from the Wings of Fire book series :) I started going by Clay a little over three years ago, I think? When I was thinking about changing my name, I knew I wanted it to be after a character that was really important to me, and Clay checked all the boxes. I think he was the first character I ever looked at for real and went "wow he is so me" LMAO. he's also where my username comes from, too...
2. when was the last time you cried? i want to say it was listening to dndads or taz but i think the real answer is in the middle of finals week after an INCREDIBLY cathartic phone call with my mom
3. do you have kids? no and I don't think I ever want to LMAO
4. what sports do you/have you played? i don't play any sports right now. i played soccer when i was, like, five years old but i HATED it
5. do you use sarcasm? yes but in an autistic way. where allistic people think im being serious and other autistic people know im joking and then they respond to build on the bit and then i can't tell if they're still doing the bit or not. you know
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? IDK AUGHHGH. i think how someone's hair looks?? if they're wearing any cool jewelry??? im so bad at being aware when im meeting people LMAO
7. what’s your eye color? green-ish grey :]
8. scary movies or happy endings? i don't think these things are opposites but I think happy endings for sure. those little dudes have already gone through so much :( let them ride off into the sunset and live the rest of their lives in peace :(
9. any talents? idk lol ? i consider "talents" to be stuff that you're naturally good at, versus "skills" being things you actually put time into improving or whatever. i'm naturally good at sliding my joints around (sarcasm) and i can do funny voices sometimes (real)
10. where were you born? the swamp (florida, usa)
11. what are your hobbies? drawing, writing, and d&d i think are the main ones right now :] i've been drawing a lot more recently and not feeling super exhausted about it, which has been lovely!!
12. do you have any pets? YES!!! A WONDERFUL LITTLE DOG... her name is Buffy & she's a rescue so we don' tknow what kind of dog she is but she LOOKS like she could be some kind of rat terrier mix ? i love her with my whole entire heart. she's my best friend. lmk if u want me to send u pics of her :3
13. how tall are you? i don't even know. 5'6" i think? im taller than my mom who is 5'4" and shorter than my friend who is 5'8" so we'll go with that
14. favorite subject in school? in high school, art class was my favorite. I adored my teacher; he was the best ever. but i was MISERABLE when i took an art class in my first semester of college. im a creative writing major now, so probably that idk. history & social studies n that kind of stuff has always been super interesting to me, too
15. what is your dream job? i would LOVE to eventually be in some kind of writers' room one day. playing & running D&D games has opened my eyes to just how much I adore storytelling with collaborative aspects. being able to just...make something with other writers...building off of each others' ideas...getting excited about it together... it feels so magical to me.
*anyway i think i have to tag 15 ppl now but idk if i know 15 ppl so im just going to tag as many as i can think of (literally no pressure if u don't wanna do this lol)
@itsbrucey @maxwellamus @flowercrowns-n-punks @kronoose @meteortrails @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @simonsnow-irl @lemonofthevalley @iersei @raemeh @phillycheesesteakcore @officialgleamstar
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loudestcloud · 5 months
The thought doesn't count if you don't fucking care!
So basically, A TikToker was doing an angel tree gift kid and ordered online and I was, in a nicer way, like thank fuck someone used the internet to get all the kid wanted instead of just going 'I couldn't find it so they don't get that item that they specifically needed like a coat' and she replied with basically 'Oh at least they tried, we should just be encouraging ppl to care, its the thought that counts blah blah' NOT ITS NOT, Its fucking not! and I can tell you cos I know! I hated pink as a kid but because I was a girl, I always got the girls stockings when I needed them (I'm from the UK/we never got enough help to get onto custom lists like that) and it was all pink glittery shit and skin care stuff. The year I got a box from my school, ppl that knew me? Still pink girly shit and products I can't use, It ruined my Christmas each fucking year because I hated all that shit and thought about the other girls who didn't get one but would have loved it! Making me more sad and I'd just have to donate almost all my stocking fillers to a different place. We eventually stopped using services like that because we decided it wasn't working at all for us so just went to the food places when we needed help. I just wanted the cheap plastic cars and maybe some glue sticks and my teachers and classmates knew that, even a pink car would have been nice! My favourite child toys were a purple Barbie car and a pink thunderbirds car, you can combo girly with my interests as a kid but no one ever did, I was more excited about having the canned foods and trying new brands I'd never seen before. Also I never got a jumper in a single one? All these American kids getting coats, It was only last year that i had a stocking with a hat and gloves like damm. Anyway-
It's like when ppl said we as a society need to stop getting art kids the cheap shitty art sets that will dry out and snap in a week, that's not a thought that counts, they're gonna have ONE good day then have a break down over how they think they did something wrong to the kit when actually it was just a shitty gift. Like yes, if this is a 4 year old maybe get them that horrible thing to test the waters so you can find out what they like but art kids still get them into their 20s! If your kid is older than 4, they will have a preference in art medium. Get the kid that paints some nice paints, better if you know what type they like but even paint they don't like is still better than that shit. Get the drawing kid, wait for it, pencils! Whoa! So new! Care about your fucking kid. They can always tell.
It is not. The thought. That counts.
Edit: Actually, I'm not done. Angel trees this year have been pissing me off because, okay so this one TikToker picked a little boy asked for Bluey stuff and she got him really cool bluey stuff because it was very clear that he'd like that because the note said that. Her girl? They girl card she picked up? Just said anime. Just fuckin anime! No show, no genre, no manga NOTHING! Just anime! Imagine if Bluey boy just said Dogs or cartoons. Someone could get a fuckin Monster high doll for him, that's what it'd be like for these anime kids! This girl liked unicorns and make up so I'd assume maybe she's into magical girls but i understand why the TikToker chose this nice BNHA book because BNHA is popular and, ngl it was probably the only thing available in store but again thats why online is a thing. No shade to this lady tho, she didn't a good job. But another person got another girl who just said anime and FNAF. So y'all can write FNAF, but not a single anime name? Because she had FNAF, they got her a demon slayer color book, they did check the pages for age appropriate stuff before tho. But like we are just assuming these kids are into the popular, boy fighting stuff when they might not be and it sucks cos imagine getting a gift of an anime you actually hate, like I hate Demon slayer but love FNAF, it is a safe choice and a good one like sge replied to be about and i was like 100% the best guess... But why are we having to guess on these personalized fuckin hand made lists! Bluey kid didn't have that! The gamer kids don't get that! fuck these poor girls I guess, girls never need shit apparently! Take what you get you piss poor kids and be grateful it's something 🤪 fuck off
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papas-milferia · 9 months
So like, no need to post this if you don't wanna lol, it's been a bit since you talked about it but I only saw now
But Bea is so funny to me cuz. Yeah she's the Roy Mpreg comic person which like, honestly just that by itself wouldn't even be that bad, like maybe I wouldn't have her blocked if that's what she was
Hell I ended up doing stuff of similar caliber (except I didn't post it in a place where people can find it against their will <<33)
But. The fact that she ignores the teen status of so many characters is so infuriating and creepy
And as I heard about the way she harassed people and just like, making people uncomfortable in general and like
Idk, maybe if she wanted to have a better status in the fandom, she should stop liking softcore porn of papa louie minors on twitter and like, if she has that little social awareness or social capabilities, then like. Idk, check in w people if they're feeling comfortable w what she's saying, instead of like... Whatever she was doing, like- it's SO easy checking in w people and not liking softcore minor stuff on twitter, I am doing it so well!! So does many damn people in this forsaken fandom are able to do it
At least it doesn't feel like a loss to me in a way cuz I always thought her art looked kinda gross and also just like. The moment I saw her confession thingy of Roy where she basically headcanons him to be sexually harassed by old men, or just men in general, Idk, my memory isn't the best
Tho I do wanna add I don't like her art style because of the absolute non diversity of it, like she draws like 3 different shapes, bimbo boobs, femboy and slightly less femboy w abs and that's kinda boring as hell honestly, and the body types she draws like, they don't even look that good to me, each time I remember how she draws Peggy it makes me so sad and just like, damn, she deserves better
Sorry for the essay, just wanted to express my thoughts to someone cool who like, handles this stuff similarly to me
i'm glad you think i'm cool in handling this lol. tbh i just take shots at bea unprompted bc she makes it so easy (she's a fujoshi, the jokes write themselves), and she harassed me, my friends and my ex in the past so i feel i kinda deserve it.
anyway yeah she's just. weird. i actually had a long discussion about this with someone in dms recently, but everything she says leads into another question or topic SHE wants to talk about and she doesnt seem to really have the social awareness to understand when ppl are uncomfortable or want to talk about something else. her art is bad, which isnt a crime. it's just funny. the colours make my eyes bleed and everyone has an hourglass figure and massive bulges. she made a drawing tutorial on how to draw roy Her Way, which again is fine, it's just hilarious to me because she just keeps saying ''draw roy as a skinny twink with thick thighs and make him an uwu dork!!!''. i wont post the tutorial bc that feels mean and she can draw any character any way she wants.
i rag on her a lot for being the roy mpreg person but here's the kicker right. i LIKE mpreg. i will admit it, i have looked at mpreg art myself because i enjoy that typa stuff from time to time. but it's bad mpreg. idk who her audience is, but it isn't freaks like me i'll tell ya that.
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mercityart · 2 years
All art and writing is mine, do not steal. View my art on other socials too. To understand the characters backstories pls view my character design/info charts. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
Tw: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
Please read some of the bios in regards to my version of the slenderverse characters to understand a bit more.
-------------------HOW YOU MET---------------------
Toby- Toby had been out for a midnight stroll when he found you. There you were, just this fragile little thing curled up against a tree absolutely drained with tear stains on your cheeks. Typically he'd walk away, ignoring other people; but for some weird reason he just couldn't walk away from you, couldn't resist taking a glance back at you.
You were breathtaking. With a sigh, he decided he'd wait for you to wake, to be certain you were alrighg. He had nothing better to do anyways. Sitting nearby, he placed his hoodie delicately over you to stay warm, it was nearing winter after all, and he didn't really mind the cold, he always seemed to be overheated anyways. While waiting he simply watched you, kinda creepy yes but, he didn't mean to stare. He was just too lost in thought, desperately racking his brain as to why he felt so drawn to you. You are a stranger, as far as he could tell you were relatively normal, untouched by the metaphysical world that surrounded the forest. Speaking of which, why were you here? Why were you crying in the middle of nowhere within a dense, dangerous forest? Who are you? Only once you had begun to stir did he realize how much time had passed; and how many missed calls he had from Tim and Brian... Whoops. That could wait later, you were waking up. He very carefully approaches a oblivious, groggy you, only noticing Toby when his tics had acted out due to being anxious of your concious presence. "Hey hey hey, it's ok. I'm not a threat." He took a few steps back and sits down to your level, hands up in the air; treating you like a scared hurt animal. "Who... Are you...?" Toby chuckled at such a question, giving a lopsided smile. "Toby. I live in these here woods, now my question is, who are you?" He watched as you nervously contemplated giving him, a stranger, information on you, but eventually you seem to relax upon realizing he had been nice enough to provide you protection from the cold. "(Y/N)... (Y/N)(Y/L/N)..." Toby stands up and looks at his phone then the setting sun. "Well, (Y/N)," gently he grasps your hand, helping you up. "It's getting dark so here's your options. You can call someone to pick you up so I know you get home safe, oooor," turning away he walked over to a nearby path, "you can accompany me back to my place and gets some hot cocoa or coffee or even tea in you and we can figure out what to do from there." He smiled warmly at you, his tall, lanky yet muscular figure standing patiently for you to make a decision. Noticing how dark it was getting you quickly move closer to the man, silently deciding to follow him to his place, a place of warmth and sustinance. "Good choice. Hey, we also got pumpkin spiiice~" he chuckled and talks almost in a singing tone.
Tim- Tim loves to go to the café in town. It was a little chilly out but not too hot so he simply wore a jacket and a red flannel with his signature blue jeans and boots. When he entered the café he noticed it was pretty busy that afternoon and, oh, well that's new? There you were, bustling around getting people's orders with a sweet smile on your face, although you seemed exhausted you kept the same hearnest kind-hearted personality for every person. Tim simply couldn't help but smile as he watched you, taking his seat in the corner of the café. Watching the birds on the telephone poles Timothy had lost focus for a moment, but came back to his senses upon you oh so gently brushing his shoulder with your fingertips, so softly done he could have mistaken it for a light draft. "Good afternoon, my name is (y/n), it's lovely to meet you. May I have the pleasure of taking your order?" Oh dear lords, your voice was so- oh how he could simply melt from the sugary sweetness of your words right there and then. Shaking his head lightly he smiles at you, wow, your eyes are gorgeou- no, bad Tim, focus. "Ehem, erm, yeah, sorry. May I please have a coffee?" You giggled at his awkward behavior, him rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Of course, would you like anything in or on that? We have cinnamon, cream, milk, caramel and more." Calming down, Tim decided to take a bit of a risky move on his end but you were just to darling to not at least try. "Could I have something that's as sweet as you darlin?" Tim purposely dragged out his words, allowing his southern drawl to smother his words with that delicious growl of his. Watching you he noticed the apples of your cheeks change his as his words seemed to get stuck right in your heart, causing your words to fail on you before you carefully and slowly, trying to recollect yourself spoke, trying your darndest to not fall for the brown eyed beauty before you. "Ah so you take your coffee black? I commend your taste." Woah. Tim did not see that coming, but he wasn't about to back down now, not after seeing that you have some attitude in you. "Would you like anything with your drink?" Bingo. "Yes actually, could I get a pink frosted donut with sprinkles on top, a banana muffins, oh, and extra number" He instantly gave a sly grin upon seeing the confusion on your face and waits for you to say the line, and you do, you fall for it. "What's your number???" "Well aren't you bold" instantly your face turned as bright as the sun and you covered your face with your little notepad, so extremely embarrassed upon realizing what you just said. You soon hurry away. Sighing, Tim waits for his order patiently, watching as your co-workers lightly harassed you and took glances at him. Yet again he found himself staring out that window, coming back to reality when he notices you carefully place the donut down along with a drink that was definitely not black coffee but a sugary sweet heart attack inducing beverage with just about every sweet thing that could be placed upon it. He smiles up at you, clearly pleased with himself as you walked away. Only after you left did he notice the writing on the drinks receipt. There it was, your number along with the words "pretty slick for a guy with his tag sticking out" he couldn't help but laugh at that, boy does he hope you answer his texts later.
Brian- (takes place during MH) Brian was out really late at night strolling around, trying to watch out for Alex however, in his paranoid state of mind due to going too long without medication he had bumped into someone. Said individual and him had fallen and rolled down a small slope. Groaning he quickly sits up, backing away from the other individual as quick as possible. "Ow... Uh, are you ok?" Brian froze in his spot and stared at this stranger, this wasn't supposed to happen, he's literally in the middle of fucking nowhere, why the fuck is some weirdo walking around at this time of night here??? "Oi. Yo. Earth to stranger in a mask. You good?" His attention snaps back to reality and he simply stares at this person. Huh. That's strange. Why aren't you off put by him? Did you literally just wave your hand in front of his face?? "Fine. Don't speak, that's cool I guess. Geez dude, or dudette, whatever and whoever the fuck you are, you should be more careful. Look, your arms all scratched up now. Here, lemme help." What are you talking about? He's fine. You shouldn't be so nice to him. Why are you helping? You had pushed Brian backwards so his ass hit the ground and turned to grab a first aid kit from your bag. "You know, it'd be great to know the name of the jerk who basically tackled me." You sigh and scooch towards him, taking his wrist in your hand and inspecting the damage the fall created. Brian simply sat there in silence as stiff as a board, unused to human contact like this anymore. He'd been so detached from society these past couple years it's a wonder how he hasn't completely lost it, nevermind survive. "(y/n)" now this got his attention, he tilts his head slightly in question. "That's my name, I'm (y/n)." You both sit in awkward silence whilst you bandaged his wounds, and strangely, Brian wasn't as tense anymore, in fact, he was pretty comfortable. Why is that? "Brian...." You immediately look up at him in surprise, your eyes making contact with where his would be behind the mask. Oh. No. Stop that. Don't look at him like that. That isn't fair. He couldn't look away, your gaze was just so hypnotizing. Brian watched in embarrassed adoration as you smiled at him, a genuine, real, smile. "Well, Brian, care to walk with me?"
Jeff- Welp, this is awkward. You had actually met Jeff outside of a therapist office. Jeff was standing there, anxiously tapping his fingers against his crossed arms. It hates this. He just wanted the damn place to close so xe could get what he needed and get out. He's still under the radar considering people still remember that night. He had no choice but to get therapy. Luckily it had gotten in contact with one willing to try and help him, try and get him back to society, a life of normalcy and justify what happened that night, though unlikely to succeed considering the government stood against xem and play a role in what happened. That stories for a different time however, right then he was waiting. He was extremely jittery but was trying his best to stay as inconspicuous as possible, and then xe saw them. There you were, walking towards the therapist offices doors, you seemed tired. Not just the tired from a lack of sleep however, but tired of life. Jeff felt a pang of sympathy for you, which was not normal for xem. Normally it wouldn't feel a thing in regards to other individuals as he struggles with borderline personality disorder in which causes xem to commonly have little regard for anyone's well being. You apparently had caught him staring, snapping him from thought you two had a sort of stare down, Jeff grew more antsy as the eye contact continued, wishing he'd be called to come in for his appointment. As though reading his thoughts, it's therapist had stepped out the door and towards him. "ah! (Y/n), your appointment isn't until tomorrow, is everything alright?" (Y/n)..? This person's name?? You simply shrugged your shoulders weakly and stared down at the floor, something was clearly not right. You were acting strange and the therapist could tell. "(Y/n)...? What's wr-" suddenly you had collapsed, passed out cold, your skin paler than what it should be. That's when the therapist called for an ambulance, Jeff being Jeff, xe got closer to you. What happened? Jeffery carefully checked your vitals, searching for the cause of such a reaction. Then he realized what was wrong. He knew exactly what to do now that he recognized the issue. Jeffery quickly went to work, trying his hardest to force the medication out of your system. It was taking too long, he thought for certain that you wouldn't make it when finally you had rid of the pills that coated your stomach, shakily gasping for breath in between heaves. It simply rubbed your back in gentle circles, being sure you were ok. 
Liu- Liu has had a pretty uneventful day, he did a few peircings, and a small tattoo fix. He mainly organized his supplies, that is until he heard the door ring, alerting him to a potential client. He peaks around the corner, only seeing one of his co-workers talking to someone but unable to see the other person in front of them. "Alright, I'll tell her you're here for your appointment! Be riiight back". His co-worker turns around and so he himself simply ducks back into his room going back to what he was doing. That is of course until he here's screaming. He, being irritated by the racket goes to investigate of course, only to find another co-worker of his screaming at what seems to be the only client that had came. "Are you fucking kidding me?!!! Seriously?!!! YOU were the one who wanted the Medusa tattoo with the semicolon incorporated??!! I thought I'd get some client who actually struggled with that shit, look at you!! You look like a slut!! You were either asking for it or it didn't fucking happen! I mean, look in the mirror, who'd want to touch your fugly looking ass?!!!" Liu immediately froze and became pissed beyond belief, he could here Sully absolutely begging to take control and choke the bitch but no, Liu wanted to handle this. He silently came up behind his co-worker who was still screaming at the poor client who was about ready to either kill her or have a mental breakdown. Looming over her he grasped her shoulders roughly, "WHAT, did you just say...?" His voice was a deep and gutteral but so silent it could be a whisper, it holding a threat for her to start shit. Equal rights equal fights mother fucker. She froze up and looked up at him nervously, shaking in fear at the absolutely massive man behind her sho was covered in peircings and scars from head to toe. "I uh... I just was..." "Need I remind you that the victim is never to blame....?" She immediately shakes her head. Liu leans down close to her ear and growls, "Good. Now get the fuck out of my shop." Shoving her slightly towards the door she stumbles before immediately taking off as fast as possible. Liu turns to his now ex co-workers station, picking up the intricate stencil of the tattoo she was supposed to do. "This is gorgeous... You still want to get it done toda-" Liu had been turning back around when he finally got a good look at the client, you. You stood there seeming so... Soft-spoken, small, anxious, etc. You seemed so sweet and shy. This was quite a large thigh peice, he was surprised that you were getting it as you really didn't seem to have any other tattoos as far as he could see, and if you did they probably weren't this big and intricate. It would look gorgeous on you though, you already were gorgeous, it was almost silly to put art on someone so beautiful/handsome; in his mind, it's like putting a fake gem on a crystal chandelier. You look up at him and his breath catches in his throat. Your eyes are perfect. "Yes... I... I had planned this tattoo out for over a year. It took me forever to design..." This makes his jaw drop. "You DREW this..?!" "Yeah... I know it's not good or anything but it's special to me." "Nonsense! This is some of the best work I've seen! Tell you what, I'm the shop owner, would you please give me the honor of inking you?" This seems to make you laugh, gods your laugh is so nice. "It would be an honor, I'm (Y/N.)" He shakes your hand, practically engulfing yours with his massive fingers. "Liu.
"Sully- Sully had been doing pretty well these past few years at behaving well, so he, of course decided to hit the club scene for once. He's been good, he deserves it! Upon entering the club he's instantly hit with heavy metal music and bright colorful lights everywhere. People were hitting the dance floor, most of them drunk or high as hell. He wasn't looking to get hammered though, oh no, he was looking to simply have a few drinks, maybe smoke a little and relax. He takes a seat in a side booth that's somewhat secluded, not wanting to get bombarded by drunken dumbasses. It isn't long before someone comes over to ask what he'd like to drink, but it's who comes over that surprises him. It's the person Liu had tattooed the other day. Huh. Never took them for the club scene. "Fancy seeing you here, (y/n) right?" They look up at him and smile. "Oh! Well what a little coincidence! Good to see you." "Kinda." This confuses the darling (y/n). "Eeeh, think of it kinda like DID mixed with conjoined twins in a way, a one of a kind type o thing. A two in one package deal perhaps." He waits for you to question him and/or get freaked out but your reaction surprised him. "I see, well, does this mysterious individual have their own name and pronouns?" Holy shit. Ok. He's interested now. "Sully. And my pronouns are he/him but if you want to use others that doesn't bother me, just no it/it's. You?" "Oh! Thank you for asking I use (y/pronouns)!" Ok, he could work with this. "Well darlin, could I get a screwdriver?" "Ah! Right. Work. Drinks. Sorry about that. Yep, one screwdriver coming right up!" Sully chuckles to himself as he fondly watches you dash to behind the bar to make him his drink. 
Otis- Otis had been out on a nature trail sketching and taking photos in the middle of the afternoon, trying to study the leaves and the bark of the trees, trying to perfect the way the sun bounces off of her surroundings. They love to observe how perspective and light can change a peice completely. Currently he was crouched down sketching by a small stream. Everything was so peaceful and quiet, he felt relaxed. Unbeknownst to him you were on the other side of the stream observing her, so hyperfocused on his art they couldn't notice the change around him, mindlessly drawing, not even realizing they had just drawn the person before her. That is of course until he took a second to look at the almost finished work to do the finishing details. They froze up and glanced up at you. "Ah! I'm sorry to bother you. I just.. I saw you drawing and you were so relaxed I didn't want to interrupt..!" Wait a minute- oh gosh, ok, um, this is different, what's this weird fuzzy feeling in her chest? Why isn't she wanting to be cold towards you? Taking a closer look at you he noticed you were carrying a sketchbook of your own, and it was open on your lap, a mechanical pencil delicately tucked behind your ear and your clothes and hands were stained with different types of art mediums. We're you sketching just now? Otis decides to take a bit of a brave step, especially for them and stands up, walking over to your side of the stream and sat beside you. "It's alright... Thank you for allowing me to work.." He glances towards you, only to come extremely close, face to face. Your eyes... He wanted to draw them. "My name's (y/n). Erm... Sorry if this is a bit of an odd question but... Could I draw you?" You held up your sketchbook to him slightly to emphasize your desire, to which she was actually flattered. No one has ever offered to draw them, regardless of the individuals artistic talents. "Only if I get to see the results..?" "Deal!" And just like that, you had spent the next hour or two, maybe three actually, drawing Otis in all her beauty, he was just too pretty to resist capturing in art. You two exchanged words, telling one another bits of yourselves, you found their name was Otis and he was a professional artist and photographer, he found you were an aspiring artist however were much too shy in regards to your abilities to share your breathtaking work with the world.
Jack(EJ)- well now, this isn't nearly as wholesome as anyone would have hoped for, far from it unfortunately. Jack was going for his nightly rounds, trying his darndest to get some type of organs to eat. He was starving, so much in fact his more demonic, cryptic form was beginning to show through without him willing it. His more animalistic urges coming through, beginning to take control of him as he was just far too hungry. He hadn't been able to eat in over a month. He NEEDED food. And so he went to the closest, and fullest place he could find. The local college dorms. Growling lowly he proceeded to wreak havoc on the students in silence. Normally he'd only take one organ and take his time stitching them up properly however in his state if starvation he took as much as he could and half hazardly stitched them shut, not truly caring if they lived or not, simply feasting upon their organs to his demonic hearts content. As he ate he started to gain control back thankfully and began to take more care in his victims well-being, stitching them carefully shut and storing what he didn't eat for later just in case. Upon the twelfth dorm he was finally feeling more so his normal self thankfully, well, thankfully for him anyways. It was after storing his last victims kidney did he hear the sounds of sirens, and lots of them. Before his victim awoke he dashed into the room a few doors down which held a singular student it seamed. Said student immediately jolting awake upon their door being forced open so hard their locks broke and the hinges bent. Jack lunged forward, his bloody hand engulfing their face before they could scream and held up a finger to his mask, signaling for them to keep shut. He proceeded to smash the window with a rock and back up toward the closet, again signaling for them to be quiet, but this time he added the movement of his scalpel running acrossed his neck, telling them that if they tell anyone he was there he'd kill them before closing the closet door. It was quite snug in the closet, hell, it was a wonder he even fit to begin with, even with contorting his body uncomfortably. Listening carefully Jack could hear the screams of horrified students and staff, paramedics trying to keep his early victims stable and simply taking his later victims to the hospital to be certain they were patched properly and provided pain medication. After
a while he heard loud knocks on the dorms broken door followed by the pigs, oh, excuse me, police barging in, unsympathetic of the trembling student that resides in the room. They instantly began questioning them, though it seemed that the student couldn't talk. There was now another pair of footsteps, a teacher? "(Y/n)... tell the officers. Where did you see him go..?" Jack peered between the crack in the door, observing the student named (y/n) hesitate a bit before pointing towards the shattered window. Everyone was immediately evacuated from the school, a report of a serial killer being put out and the students were placed in the old abandoned dorms that were left behind after the school expanded and renovated. Jack somehow snuck by the officers later on and found his way to said dorms, slowly but surely finding the room he was looking for. There they were. The student who had lied for him. Silently he approached them, inspecting them closely, taking in every little detail. Jack extended a hand towards them, caressing their cheek with his index finger, being extremely careful of his razor sharp talons. Jack left the dorms, back to his home in the forest, though not before leaving a small not with a peice of obsidian atop it for the poor little human to wake up to. He could already tell they'd meet again.For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privetly as an ask or message.
To support my content and view the characters design and info chart pls click the link to see my other socials. You can find art and writing most easily ln either insta, Tumblr or Twitter. https://linktr.ee/Mercitycreeps
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angelsdean · 1 year
I kind of get your point but also all art and creativity should be open to criticism. As an artists you have to have a thick skin. You can't go around expecting people to only have positive opinions. Negative and Positive deserve to be shared and as an artist you decide what you ignore. If I read a bad fic and choose to share why I dislike it the author can choose to ignore me, realize what the target audience is or isn't, or take the criticism to improve something.
People sharing negative criticism also helps audiences choose what they consume and that has value. It's like restaurant reviews you need to see the good and the bad where people say "lacked salt for my taste" to help make a decision.
full stop if you need other ppl's opinions to make your own decision on whether you should be reading something then you need to develop better skills. someone else's opinion shouldn't hold that much weight. just look at the thing yourself and decide.
i'm not going to get into a debate over this. but there is a time and place for criticism and there's a difference between offering someone constructive criticism to improve and leaving unnecessary mean comments or publicly dragging someone's work for the "bit" or to seem funny-ironic-whatever on tumblr dot com. reblogging someone's art or writing just to dunk on it is not okay. people in fandom are not making these things as a job, it's a fun hobby! i've been in professional and academic writing and art critique workshops. there is always a basic level of respect given when critiquing people's work. that etiquette is not often found online where people will tear apart someone's work under the guise of "constructive criticism." fandom artists and writers did not sign up for a workshop, they're not sharing their work for unsolicited criticism. they're doing it for fun as an act of sharing something they made with others who have similar interests !!!
if you can't appreciate they act of creation as a form of connection, joy, and love between people and can only think of how to tear others down because your need to "critique" something is so great then idk what to tell you. (also. what to "consume"? what has "value'? art and writing and really any creative work is not for consumption. things made of joy and creative expression and that are not actively harming anyone inherently have value)
anyways, treat people with basic respect and kindness. it's really not that hard. and, age old wisdom, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. if something is not "your taste" that's fine! no one is saying you're not allowed to have preferences. but you can just, quietly close out of a tab or scroll past an art post you don't like instead of feeling the need to comment your opinion on everything.
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