#but after spending 2 hours on a single D6
miodiodavinci · 1 year
dice polishing . . . . . . . . hard
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theresattrpgforthat · 3 months
Two player world building games?
THEME: Two-Player Worldbuilders
Hello there! Almost everything I found for this request required a deck of cards of some kind, so I hope you like card games!
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Strata, by Vincenzo Ferriero.
A Mythopoeia Micro-RPG
Welcome fine archaeologist to your new digging ground! Strata is a tabletop role-playing game where you dig to uncover the history hidden under the many layers of rock that have formed over the millennia. Hope you brought along your Equipment!
A fairly simple one-page game, Strata mostly consists of rolling for random discoveries as you dig through each layer of rock. You’re also responsible for naming each age, usually after something you discover there. While this game looks like it could be played solo, with two people you’d be able to bounce ideas off of each-other as to what each discovery means about the age you’re digging through.
HOME, by Deep Dark Games.
HOME is a roleplaying and mapmaking game for 1 to 4 players. 
You are a Mech pilot who must protect their home from Kaiju. Explore and map an alien realm as you search for the source of the Kaiju. Prepare for battle by gearing up, building bases, and uniting the world against the terrifying monster. And when the moment of truth arrives, clash against increasingly dangerous Kaiju that will destroy your home if you fail.
Important relationships keep you going in your darkest hour, veteran pilots make sacrifices for the greater good, and you must decide whether to protect important military locations or cherished cities. 
This game is much more focused on action, moving your characters through a battlefield using d6’s to determine what boons and banes will help or hinder you in your battle across an alien space. While you’re going to be spending a considerable amount of time in battle, the game’s map is meant to be added to and elaborated upon as you play.
The link above is for the Kickstarter page, but the Quickstart is available now on Itch if you’re interested.
The Whimsy Collectors, by Stori_Lundi.
The Whimsy Collectors is a cooperative game for two people about exploring a fantastical universe together, finding unique items, and selling them to their special customers. You'll need a tarot deck, 2 tokens, and 2d6.
Using a tarot deck, this game uses the cards as locations where your characters can search for items and add them to their bag. You’ll also use the cards to represent customers and their wants; but be careful, your characters can only carry so much. As a result you’ll have to manage your resources carefully. You’ll tally up points according to how well your finds are suited to your customers.
The game comes with a chart to help you determine what members of the Major Arcana are like as customers, as well as a worksheet where you can record what you find where. The game also comes with two pre-generated characters with special abilities, which you can use to move strategically across the map. If you like a game that the two of you can huddle over while drawing cards, this might be your game.
This Old House, by CarrionComfort.
This Old House is a GMless game for 1 to 4 players that uses the act of building a House of Cards to tell the story of just that, a house. You will use a standard deck of playing cards, a 4-sided die, and prompts to tell the story of a home, the family and things that inhabit it, and the land it sits on.
These stories will be crafted by you, even with some friends, as a way for you to create land, give it life, and then tell the full history of a single home. From the first piece of lumber laid, through its first family celebrating new life, mourning death, and dealing with heartbreak. Then that story ends with the house being consumed by fire, lost in foreclosure, or just left vacant depending on whether the House of Cards tumbles or if a Joker is pulled.
This game looks like a good option for games that zoom in on the personal and intimate. You will focus on a house throughout its life, using playing cards as a construction material as well as a game oracle. If you want a game with an unexpected ending, this might be the game for you.
The Ground Itself, by Everest Pipkin.
The Ground Itself is a one-session storytelling game for 2-5 players, played with household materials (a coin, a six-sided die, and a deck of cards).
Focusing on place- one specific place, chosen by the group - The Ground Itself unfolds over radically disparate time periods that may range from 4 days to 18,000 years. By casting wildly into time, it considers how places both change and remember themselves. Fundamentally, The Ground Itself is about the echoes and traces we leave for others after we are gone.
This game is a reflection on a place that 2 or more people create together, using playing cards to generate questions about the location. Time may pass by as days, years, or even millennia. Players can choose when to zoom in onto what the game describes as a “focused situation”, allowing them to add an omen, a party, or some other narrative element to the story.
The game is meant to be played in a single session, so at the end you should find yourself with a location that bears the meaning of a number of events. The designer has also added a number of ways to change the game, such as using tarot cards instead of playing cards, playing places that have no inhabitants, or changing how much time passes in between each round of play.
A Traveller in the City, by Palleon Press.
A Traveller in the City is a collaborative map-drawing game in which you (& any friends you bring along) visit a CITY from your own imagination, drawing it out step-by-step! All you need is a deck of standard playing cards, a single six-sided die, & some stuff to draw with. 
Work together to guide the solitary TRAVELLER thru their stroll. Picture the sights they see, the people they meet. Gradually, sketch a map– not of the place itself, but of your own memory of it. For you are not its creator, nor any kind of expert. You are a visitor. How well will you know this place, when it’s already time to leave?
This is based on the Carta system, which involves using a series of cards to represent a map that your character will explore. In this game, both players will control the same traveller, and draw on a grid to represent what this traveller discovers while exploring the city.
The game itself is rather small, and can be printed as a pocket zine for easy of transport - great for just carrying in a pocket for a spur-of-the-moment game.
Aurora, by World Champ Game Co.
Aurora is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players. This game is deliberately designed to be played comfortably while practicing social distancing or together around a communal table when the necessity for distancing has ceased. Aurora uses 3 phases or modes of play, each of which can be used or removed from the entirety of the game, depending on how the group wants to play. In the first phase, players mail blank cards to another, which will be turned into a custom deck using the zip codes and other numbers. I can see using 5d10 as another way to generate random numbers to help create your custom cards.
In the second phase, city creation begins. Regardless of the setting you decide to create, the city is going to be torn between a Darkness and a Light. Your cards will help determine both of these, as well as the map of the city and the people who live there. If you don’t use the first phase, a deck of tarot cards might work as a good substitute for the oracle.
The final phase uses the map and the cards to generate a story inside the city that you’ve just created. Each player may be responsible for their own character, or they might take ownership of a faction or a number of characters - which might be a good option if there’s just two of you.
If what you want is a lot of room for creativity, this might be for you.
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wereplant · 1 year
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Verminous Dread-Mage
Begins with 1d6x10 tokens and d4 omens
HP: Toughness +d4
Arcane Deformity, d6:
1. Twisted, goat-like horns adorn your skull.
2. Your “tail” is a nonvenomous snake fused to your spine.
3. Like a living tumor, a parasitic twin dangles weakly from your warty flesh.
4. You have a grotesque, human-like face.
5. Squirming tendrils hang on your chin as if you had a slimy beard of worms.
6. Your torso and limbs are arranged like a rat-centaur.
Erudite, roll 3d6+2 for Presence.
Decrepit, roll 3d6-2 for Strength.
Ordinary starting equipment plus one random scroll (Ruin). Roll d4 on the weapon table and d2 on the armor table. You also begin with one of the following:
1. Sublime Revelation of Noxio Festra: An eyeball plucked from the socket of a recently slain sorcerer. You may gouge out one of your own eyes (d4 damage) and replace it with this slimy, putrescent orb. Doing so allows you to see through darkness, as well as camouflage or invisibility effects. After d4 hours, your own eye grows back and pushes the replacement out of your skull.
2. Withered Witness: The mummified corpse of an ancient cat. Though it appears dead, the cat will yowl loudly whenever a nearby creature tells a lie. The cat can be convinced to hold its tongue (Presence test DR 14), but it will always ask for something in return. Any creature that fails to uphold their part of the bargain suffers an Arcane Catastrophe.
3. Sewer Jack’s Lament. What once may have been some sort of plumbing implement has been crudely bound to a copper pipe and adorned with various baubles. Though not especially lethal in close combat (d3 damage), it grants +1 to defense tests when you wield it. In addition, you can spend a use of your Powers to unleash a crackling bolt of green lightning with a DR 10 Presence test (d8 damage).
4. Pelt of Elfenkind A shawl made from the soft, velvety skin of an arrogant (and unlucky) elf. When you don the pelt, you leave no tracks, or any other trace behind, when traveling and you are immune to sleep effects, magical or otherwise. Elves who see the shawl will attack anyone wearing it on sight and fight to the death.
5. Sadist’s Quill: This odd feather quill produces its own ink through unknown means. When pressed against the flesh of a humanoid, the quill can be used to write a new scroll, the effects of which the GM must agree to. Once written, the scroll must be harvested from the flesh with a sharp object (dealing 6 points of damage) within an hour or the ink vanishes. The scroll can only be used once per day.
6. Book of the Binding Chain: A weathered tome covered in sigils, written in an archaic language that’s indecipherable to mortal eyes…save for a single page. Once per day, you can perform a summoning ritual from the book with a DR 12 Presence test. If successful, the book produces a hideous imp (7 HP, Attack/defense DR 10, claw/bite d4) capable of performing menial tasks and even defending you, albeit begrudgingly. Should you fail the test, you take d4 damage and take -2 to your next roll as the book drains away part of your wretched soul.
A note on Imps: Be forewarned! Though imps are often low in the ranks of Hell, they may not always be and they remember those who have done them harm. Few creatures in this or any dimension are as vicious and vengeful as a slighted imp.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #154
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making one of our most requested builds to date and the final Hassan so far, the First Hassan. He’s uh... not exactly subtle, huh? To make this walking engine of death, take 2 parts Samurai Fighter for some sword skills and magic resistance, 1 part Soulknife Rogue for obscene amounts of damage and an unnoticeable blade, and sprinkle some Grave Cleric to taste, just enough for some supernatural abilities and even more damage.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Our first anniversary! How romantic!
Race and Background
The Old Man of the Mountain was Human a long time ago, but he reached his fame during his undeath, making him a Hollow One. He’s also the closest thing we’re going to get to a Revenant in FGO, as in normal human history he’d only pop up when a younger Hassan needs a lesson in humility. All this adds up to you getting +1 Strength, +1 Wisdom and +1 Constitution, as well as a Relentless Nature that means you gain 1 hit point at the start of your turn while bloodied, you come back to life 24 hours after dying, and you always know exactly where the hassan who fucked up is. The downside to this is your go back to the afterlife as soon as you finish your task here on earth. You are Ageless, which is exactly what it says on the tin. You Cling to Life, so rolling a 16 or higher on a death save is as good as rolling a 20, bringing you back to 1 HP instantly. Your Revenance means you show up as undead when it comes to magical effects that sense that sort of thing, and you can use your Unsettling Presence to give a creature disadvantage on its next save for a minute as an action. You can use that last one once per long rest.
Hoo boy that’s a lot of racial bonuses. Fortunately your background’s nice and simple- as an Acolyte, you get Religion and Insight proficiency.
Ability Scores
You like big swords and big armor, so get that Strength up as high as possible for big swings. After that is Wisdom. We need it for multiclassing and for actually finding the Hassans. Little buggers are sneaky. Third is Dexterity- you don’t really care about stealth, but you are a ghost. Plus we need it for multiclassing. You’re literally undead- that makes you hard to kill. Your Constitution’s not half bad. Your Charisma is okay, you’re good at intimidating people, but you’re not that personable aside from that. Finally, dump Intelligence. I would never call you stupid, you’ve just got more important things to deal with than Arcana and Medicine. I know religion is an intelligence check, we’ll take care of it in a bit.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: If we want that creepy skull armor we’ve got to start as a Fighter, which makes you proficient in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Intimidation and Perception. Like I said earlier, you’re very scary, and you’ve got to see your target to kill them, which is actually important when you hunt Hassans for an unliving.
You also get a Fighting Style. Your Superior Technique lets you make a Menacing Attack once per short rest. You add 1d6 to your attack’s damage, and if they fail a wisdom save (DC 8+str mod+proficiency) they’re frightened of you for the round.
You also gain a Second Wind which you can use to heal yourself as a bonus action. It’s like your normal healing factor, just a bit faster.
2. Rogue 1: Multiclassing into rogue gives you proficiency with Stealth. It’s not that you care about sneaking around that much, but you are a ghost.
You can also use your Sneak Attack to add extra damage to a blow once per turn. You have to be using a finesse weapon, and either have advantage on the attack or have another ally within 5′ of them. 
Finally, you get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus in Intimidation and Religion. 
You also learn Thieves’ Cant. It’s a language.
3. Rogue 2: Second level rogues can use their Cunning Action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action. You might not really be a ghost here, but you can certainly disappear like one.
4. Rogue 3: At your third level or roguery you become a Soulknife, earning you some serious Psionic Power. You get a number of d6 equal to twice your proficiency bonus, which you can use in a couple different ways. You regain all your psionic dice after long rests, and you can use a bonus action to get one back each short rest.
Currently, you can use psionic dice on your Psi-Bolstered Knack, adding the number you roll to an ability check you’re proficient in. If it succeeds, the die is expended.
You can also use it to activate Psychic Whispers. You can speak telepathically with a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, for a number of hours equal to what you rolled. You also have to be within 1 mile of each other. You can use it once per long rest for free, or by spending a die later.
More importantly, you gain Psychic Blades, melee weapons that deal psychic damage and have finesse. If it hits a creature, it doesn’t leave a mark.
Also your sneak attack is 2d6 now.
5. Rogue 4: We’re not investing too much into constitution, so use your first Ability Score Improvement to get the Tough Feat. This gives you an extra 10 hp now, and 2 more each time you level up from here on out.
6. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues get an Uncanny Dodge, letting you halve the damage on an incoming attack as a reaction. Hitting one of your vitals is a... tricky proposition, to say the least.
You also get a bigger sneak attack this round- 3d6.
7. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge once per short rest. It’ll add an extra action to your turn.
8. Fighter 3: Third level fighters get a martial adept, and the Samurai get their FIghting Spirit. Three times per long rest, you gain advantage on all your attacks for the turn, and gain some temporary HP as a bonus action. Free sneak attacks and more health! It’s a win for everyone!
9. Fighter 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for stronger attacks. Remember, finesse just means you canuse dexterity, not that you have to.
10. Cleric 1: Now it’s time to make things scary. First level Grave clerics can cast and prepare Spells using their Wisdom, like Bane and False Life to scare your enemies even more and make yourself even harder to kill. You also gain a Circle of Mortality, letting you heal creatures for the maximum possible if they’re at 0 HP. You also also learn the cantrip Spare the Dying, which for you has a longer range and shorter casting time.
You also gain Eyes of the Grave, letting you sense undead nearby Wisdom Modifier times per long rest.
For cantrips, you also learn Resistance to be a little bit better than everyone else, Toll the Dead for hopefully obvious reasons, and Thaumaturgy to scare the crap out of anyone who hasn’t run off once the bell sounds.
11. Cleric 2: The real fireworks start now. Second level clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in one of two ways. The classic Turn Undead is fine, but we’re here more for Path to the Grave. Invoking this as an action gives a target creature vulnerability to you or your ally’s next attack for this round.
12. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each attack action. Attack twice with one action, or four times with two.
13. Rogue 6: Sixth level rogues get another round of Expertise, doubling your proficiency with Stealth and Perception.
14. Rogue 7: Your last level of rogue grants you Evasion, making your failed dexterity saves act like successes, and successes ignore the damage entirely.
15. Fighter 6: Use this ASI to bump up your Strength one last time, maximizing it for the most damage and accuracy possible.
16. Fighter 7: Seventh level samurai become Elegant Courtier, adding their wisdom bonuses to persuasion checks. I’d suggest talking with your DM to change it to intimidation checks for obvious reasons, but that’s on you. This also gives you proficiency with Wisdom saves.
17. Fighter 8: Use this ASI to grab the Sentinel feat, dropping a creature’s movement to 0 when you hit it with an opportunity attack. You can also make opportunity attacks against creatures attacking others, and you can make them against creatures who have disengaged. The perfect weapon to fight against assassins.
18. Fighter 9: Ninth level fighters are Indomitable, letting them re-roll a failed save once per long rest. Protection of the Faithful is a hell of a drug.
19. Fighter 10: Tenth level Samurai have a Tireless Spirit, letting you regain a use of Fighting Spirit at the start of a fight if you’re all out. Your duty doesn’t end. Ever.
20. Fighter 11: Your capstone level gives you another Extra Attack each action, three per turn, or six with your action surge.
Having a weapon that leaves no trace is a serious upside for someone like you. Your expertise in stealth also means you have a pretty good shot at avoiding unnecessary fights, even with heavy armor.
You excel at both burst and consistent damage, specializing in hard to avoid psychic attacks. Path to the Grave combined with your Menacing Attack and Sneak Attack will let you deal (6d6+5)*2 damage in a single blow. It’s not as powerful as Sanson’s, but you can use your action surge to set it up a lot easier. That and your maxed out strength makes hitting creatures accurately a lot easier.
With proficiency in two of the three big saves and Evasion propping up your one weakness, you’re pretty solid against magical attacks, which will certainly make dealing with the Hassans a lot easier.
Using Path to the Grave for your own attacks is still kind of awkward, and you just have to hope you can get a solid hit in that round. Not much you can do to fix that.
I’m always going to knock a build a point if you have to bend the rules to make it work. Elegant Courtier just doesn’t work for the build rules as written, and technically you can’t use psychic blades for attacks of opportunity. I don’t feel those are massive power shifts, but it’s something you’d have to talk with your DM about, so it’s still a negative.
We don’t need Dexterity at all, except for multiclassing minimums. Starting with that 13 in another ability score would be very useful.
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Irelia, the Blade Dancer build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Jessica “OwleyCat” Oyhenart. Made for Riot Games.)
Irelia is my least favorite champion in League. She’s not my most banned (Shaco) nor is she the champion I complain the most about, but she is absolutely the champion that I look at and constantly think “this character actively ruins the game for me.” I’ll admit that Irelia’s role in the Sentinels of Light story was pretty interesting but you’re still not going to make me like Irelia, Riot!
I’m not going to bore everyone with a long-winded rant about my hatred for this character and how what I thought was going to be a nerf actually made her S tier (joy to the fucking world I now actually have to ban her) but I will say this: there are no champions who I won’t make a genuine build for if I take the time to make a proper blog post about them... Except Talon, but that’s because Talon has one of the most boring kits in the entirety of League of Legends.
Step. Two. Whirl. Lift! - What? Do you think that a champion with literally unlimited dashes is unfair?
Perfection of form - We’ll also need to weave our blades around us like a dress, slicing at foes and protecting yourself in one fluent motion.
Remember the Placidium! - When in doubt just use more blades.
Irelia’s a human... but making humans all the time is boring. Irelia has an innate magic and I’d consider being in-tune with Ionia’s spirit a connection to the Fey. So I decided to make her an elf for the sake of this build, more particularly an Aereni High Elf from Eberron for the innate Expertise.
A regular High Elf works too if your DM doesn’t allow Eberron races; the only thing that really changes with the Aereni High Elf is that you get Expertise in a skill. Valenar elves are also cool for the Double Scimitar.
You can also make Irelia a human but there aren’t many feats I want for her except maybe Mobile, but I felt like being an elf was more fun to grab other feats.
As an elf you have +2 to your Dexterity score, Keen Senses for proficiency in the Perception skill (gotta watch those wards!), and the Fey Ancestry of Ionia grants you advantage against charms and immunity to being put to sleep magically. Instead of sleeping you can spend time in a Trance meditating to regain strength. You only need 4 hours in a trance to rest, and are fully aware of your surroundings while doing so.
As an Aereni Elf you get Expertise in one skill of your choice: we’ll be taking Performance because... well you are a dancer. As a High Elf you learn one Cantrip from the Wizard list, and we’ll actually be taking Prestidigitation to aid in our performances. Oh and you’d normally be increasing your Intelligence by 1 but we’ll instead be increasing your Wisdom because... well it fits Irelia more. (No big loss if you increase Intelligence instead though.) And you can learn one language of your choice: pick whatever you think would inspire fear into the heart of Noxians!
15; CHARISMA - A dancer is meant to be beautiful first and foremost.
14; DEXTERITY - Of course dancing takes nimbleness. "When no one's around, I dance for myself."
13; WISDOM - This is where the +1 from our race is going! Keep in-tune with the natural world and Ionia’s spirit.
12; CONSTITUTION - You are still a top laner with just... way too much sustain. (Feel free to swap this with Wisdom for more HP but less roleplay.)
10; INTELLIGENCE - Nature is an intelligence skill and military tactics are good to learn, but we simply need everything else more.
8; STRENGTH - You swing your blades with the rhythm of the natural order. Which is to say Riot doesn’t like buff ladies.
A dancer is a type of Entertainer. You get proficiency in Acrobatics but since you already have expertise in Performance feel free to grab Nature to become more in-tune with the world around you. You also get proficiency with a Disguise Kit and an instrument of your choice: pick whatever you think suits you and make your own Ionian war hero!
You feature By Popular Demand makes you known as both a dancer and a war leader! You can perform in exchange for a place to rest for you and your allies, and people will remember your dance and treat you with respect.
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
What? Did you expect this to just be 20 levels of Swords Bard? Honestly Rogue serves as a better recreation of Irelia’s abilities, at least at early levels. That and I want proficiency in 4 skills, so take Insight, Persuasion, Intimidation, and Slight of Hand proficiency to lead and dance with grace. You also get Expertise in two of those skills: Acrobatics is a must but since we’ve already got proficiency in Performance you may as well grab Persuasion for good relations with Ionia’s people.
You also get Thieves’ Cant to speak in the way only other performers can understand, “performers” in this case being other Rogues. But of course the main skill you get is Sneak Attack, giving you an extra d6 of damage if you have advantage on your attack or an ally is near the enemy you’re attacking.
I always love when I get to recreate League of Legends dashes by just... letting you use the Dash action a lot. Second level Rogues can make Cunning Actions to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. Keep it simple stupid and weave around your foes on the battlefield.
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype, and to dance around the battlefield while slicing down foes the Swashbuckler is a great choice to keep your rhythm in check. Your Fancy Footwork will allow you to attack a foe before slipping away without provoking Opportunity Attacks while your Rakish Audacity will allow you to add your Charisma to your Initiative to always be the first on the front line.
Rakish Audacity also lets you Sneak Attack a foe who is alone on the battlefield as long as you don’t have disadvantage and they don’t have an ally within 5 feet, letting you hit them for an extra 2d6 with your blades.
Now may as well be a time to ask: Dual Wielding or single weapon? Since you’re not going to be getting a shield I’d say carrying two blades is worth it for the potential to deal more damage when needed. You can also use your Dual Wielding attack to activate Fancy Footwork more often to evade more enemies. Just be mindful of when Dashing or Dodging would be more useful.
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement and Dexterity controls most of what we do right now, so a +2 to DEX would be beneficial.
Normally I wouldn’t go out of my way to grab level 5 in Rogue just for the sake of Uncanny Dodge, but here’s the thing: it’s literally Irelia’s Defiant Dance! Take less damage from an attack you saw coming before striking back with your 3d6 Sneak Attack.
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(Artwork by Michelle Hoefener. Made for Riot Games.)
Now it’s time for those 20 15 levels in Swords Bard! Multiclassing into Bard gives you proficiency with one musical instrument (pick your fancy) and one skill of your choice: I opted for Arcana because... well you’re fighting with magical floating blades. (Or at least you will be in due time.)
As a Bard you can inspire your allies as a Bonus Action thanks to Bardic Inspiration, letting them add a d6 to their Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws. You have a maximum number of Inspiration die equal to your Charisma modifier, which come back after a Long Rest... for now.
But of course as a Bard you get Spellcasting! You learn two cantrips from the Bard list such as Message to communicate on the frontline, and Vicious Mockery which is sure what I fucking feel playing against an Irelia one-trick smurf account. You can also learn four leveled spells like Faerie Fire to mark your foes, Command to strike fear in the hearts of foes, Heroism to strike vigor in the hearts of allies, and Healing Word; because healing is always good to have.
Second level Bards have dabbled in a little bit of everything: healing, damage, healing, mobility, healing, crowd control, oh and I think Irelia does need some more healing. Regardless Jack of All Trades will let you add half your proficiency bonus to any skill checks you aren’t already proficient in. (This also includes Initiative which is important to mention!)
If you use Tasha’s rules you can also grab Magical Inspiration to make your allies’ spells either heal more or do more damage thanks to your Inspiration. Oh and speaking of spells you can also grab Longstrider for more speed on the battlefield.
Oh and you get Song of Rest, the ability I always mock for scaling poorly. But it will help your allies recover after a hard battle!
Irelia has many magical blades because she went to the College of Swords. Along with Bonus Proficiencies with Medium Armor and Scimitars (neither of which Rogues have for some reason) you can pick up a Fighting Style: I personally opted for Two-Weapon Fighting to get more attacks in but Dueling is also a perfectly fine.
Of course the main appeal of being a Blade Dancer is your Blade Flourish: When you attack on your turn you move 10 feet faster until the end of the turn, and if you hit you can use a Bardic Inspiration on a Blade Flourish:
Defensive Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to your damage and AC.
Slashing Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to your damage, and do that extra damage to any other creature of your choice (that you can see) within 5 feet of you.
Mobile Flourish lets you roll your Bardic Inspiration to add to (guess what) the damage. You can also push the target up to 5 feet away from you, plus a number of feet equal to the number you roll on that die. Immediately afterwards you can use your reaction to move up to your walking speed to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target. It’s not quite a Dash, but it’s certainly a Bladesurge!
You can only use one Blade Flourish per turn though. Additionally you get Expertise in two skills like Insight and Nature, to know the spirit of both people and the world around you. And finally you can learn a second level spell like Hold Person for a stun before you do your full combo.
4th level Bards can grab something a little better than Flash; the Fey Teleportation feat! Along with a +1 to your Charisma you learn Sylvan, but most importantly you can cast Misty Step once per Short or Long Rest to get out of a dangerous situation! It unfortunately doesn’t add the spell to your spell list (like Fey Touched from Tasha’s Cauldron) but being able to regain your mobility spell after a Short Rest is extremely useful!
Speaking of spells you learn one more Bard spell, and one more cantrip! For your cantrip take Mage Hand to grab blades from afar, and for your leveled spell take Calm Emotions. It perhaps isn’t the most practical and there are certainly better options, but it’s fitting.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
5th level Bards get a Font of Inspiration, letting their Bardic Inspiration charges come back after a Short Rest. That’s nice because your Bardic Inspiration (and Blade Flourish die) also increases to a d8.
You can also grab a third level spell like Hypnotic Pattern, to stun an entire army with your blades.
6th level Bards can finally turn their Vampiric Scepter into Blade of the Ruined King, giving them some Attack Speed for an Extra Attack. You can still only use one Blade Flourish per turn, but at least now you can attack twice with your action or up to three times if you make a Two-Weapon Fighting attack.
You can also grab another spell but there’s not much I want from third level, so instead I’ll talk about Countercharm, which is dumb and bad. You spend an action to give yourself and nearby allies advantage against Charms and Fears. Or you could fight through the fear and slay your foes... or cast Heroism or Calm Emotions.
7th level Bards can learn 4th level spells like Dimension Door to teleport into lane or back to base, and Freedom of Movement for some Tenacity.
8th level Bards get another Ability Score Improvement. We’ve been investing more in Bard so more Charisma would be nice for more Blade Flourishes and better spellcasting.
You can also learn another spell but again: don’t really want anything, so we’re going to wait for...
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(Artwork by Jana Schirmer. Made for Riot Games.)
9th level Bards get to pretend that Song of Rest is a useful ability that scales well, especially when multiclassing. I mean, at least it’s a d8 now!
You also get 5th level spells like Animate Objects. Hey: it only took us 14 levels to get your blades! You can also grab Rary's Telepathic Bond (ty Tasha’s) to keep to team chat with everyone.
LEVEL 15 - BARD 10
10th level Bards get Expertise in two more skills: take Arcana to further your connection to Ionia, and Slight of Hand for the specific hand movements to manipulate your blades. You also see your Bardic Inspiration increase to a d10, which also means your Blade Flourishes deal a d10 of damage!
Additionally you get Magical Secrets from any class so you can use your unique brand of blade magic. And by far the most blade-like spell you can grab (at this level) is Steel Wind Strike, to dash through multiple foes for a big burst of damage!
Additionally we will be grabbing Blade of the Ruined King (finally) with Spirit Shroud; yes it’s a bit of a low-level spell but it serves as a great damage boost to your melee attacks and also keeps enemies close for you to fight them. And finally you get one more cantrip: Mending will help you keep your outfit in check.
Also if you want you can replace Message with Prestidigitation now that you have Rary’s Telepathic Bond.
LEVEL 16 - BARD 11
11th level Bards get 6th level spells: you can lean into your lessons as a dancer and take Otto's Irresistible Dance to force your foes to keep up with the rhythm or die trying. "Okay, I'm warmed up."
LEVEL 17 - BARD 12
12th level Bards don’t get extra spells, but they do get another Ability Score Improvement: more Charisma means more Bardic Inspiration die (for more Blade Flourishes), better spells, and more initiative so capping that out would give you more bang for your buck overall.
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(Artwork by Art of Maki. Made for Riot Games.)
LEVEL 18 - BARD 13
Hey remember when I said Song of Rest is a useful ability? Well it’s a d10 now!
At least you can learn Forcecage to take Noxians as prisoners of war to be properly judged... As long as they don’t have a filth bucket in their cell.
LEVEL 19 - BARD 14
14th level Swords Bards as masters of their blades, and can perform a Master’s Flourish using a d6 instead of one of their Bardic Inspiration.
You also get two more Magical Secrets, and hey we can finally grab your ult! Take Blade Barrier to cut the armies off with your Vanguard’s Edge. Alternatively if you need to go back to base take Word of Recall to recall back to your fountain. Which is to say: I had no other good spells to give you.
LEVEL 20 - BARD 15
15th level Bards see their Bardic Inspiration die (and their Blade Flourish die) increase to its maximum size of a d12! And you can cap off the build with an 8th level spell, but in all honesty there isn’t many spells I want from 8th level. So use that slot to upcast and take Hold Monster instead to finally be able to stun Wukong.
Grace bends where strength breaks - You have a variety of ways to deal consistent damage between competency with swords, Blade Flourishes, and powerful spells.
I move to unsung melodies and unbeaten rhythms - +12 to initiative and the ability to move between enemies you attack freely means you’re guaranteed to be on the battlefield fast and able to put yourself in a position to fight with your allies.
Never stop learning; there's always a form you don't know - It was not my intention but turns out Bards and Rogues get a lot of skill proficiencies. +17 in Performance and Persuasion, +16 in Acrobatics and Slight of Hand, +14 in Insight, and +12 in Arcana and Nature. Not to mention Jack of All Trades helping you with all the skills you don’t have proficiency in.
Each form has a name known only to the wind - So your Dexterity isn’t maxed out, which means you’re a little lacking in both AC and hit chance. Honestly level 5 of Rogue isn’t that good, even if Uncanny Dodge works well as Defiant Dance. 4 / 16 would’ve been better for another ASI.
Stay ready, and there is no need to get ready - Most of your fun spells are accessed at a very high level, with your lower leveled spells dedicated more to utility. You’re a sword fighter first and foremost but seeing as your Charisma is maxed it would be good to use your high Charisma.
We are sharpest where we break! - Low DEX and no Shield (no Shield spell and two-weapon Fighting) means that your AC isn’t the most impressive. That along with 120 health means that a few bad hits can put you in the danger zone. Sure Uncanny Dodge gives you a reliable way to soak up damage but a good surprise hit will quickly put an end to you.
But you don’t need to worry about weaknesses when you’re probably smurfing anyways. Dash, dance, and decapitate foes in a graceful death of a thousand cuts. Keep your style and inspire the commonfolk to take up arms to protect their homeland. Just don’t get too out of line, or Riot might nerf your movement speed by 5.
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Immonhiel, Balm-Bringer
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Chaotic Good Angel Empyreal Lord of Herbs, Medicine, and Toads
Domains: Chaos, Good, Healing, Plant Subdomains Azata, Growth, Medicine, Restoration, Resurrection
Chronicles of the Righteous, pg. 14
Obedience: Fill your mouth with fresh, fragrant herbs. Recline in a tub or pool of cool water with a live toad on your breast and meditate on the teachings of Immonhiel for 1 hour, then let the toad go. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against disease.
Eat a nice breakfast of herbs and spices and then take a bath for an hour! With a friend! Remember how much I ragged on Charon and Gogunta for needing you to carry around a whole lot of water? The same thing applies here. At least your breath will smell fantastic!
While there’s no listed cost to literally any of these items, having to find or carry around a tub of water you can comfortably lean in every day can carry its own numerous inconveniences. Also, it’s not said what you’re supposed to do if the toad you’ve kidnapped decides to leave early, but if I were the DM, I’d either allow a nice Animal Handling check to keep your amphibious friend in place or say that Immonhiel’s influence keeps the toad calm.
Alternately, you or an ally can have a toad Familiar and just use that.
The logistical speedbump of carrying around enough water to recline in every day makes adventuring outside of Immonhiel’s native marshlands or seaside locales difficult, though at least you’re not punished as badly in urban settings where you can presumably just lounge in a tub. It’s one of those annoying bookkeeping Obediences that’s easy to not think about due to the lack of a monetary cost... until you suddenly have to think about how you’re going to shove a whole bunch of herbs in your mouth and lounge in a pool for an hour in the middle of a dungeon delve.
The benefit is decent. Diseases are common at all levels and can have a pretty nasty impact on your character for days to some; curing a disease doesn’t cure the effects it’s wreaked on you, after all! So having an extra bit of protection against it is good.
Boons are gained slowly, typically achieved once you reach 12, 16, and 20 Hit Dice. Followers of the Empyreal Lords, however, can enter the Mystery Cultist Prestige Class at level 8, which grants them their Boons much quicker! Entered as early as possible, you gain the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Mystery Cultists MUST take the Celestial Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience.
Empyreal Lords do not grant the typical Evangelist/Exalted/Sentinel spread (and cannot enter those classes), instead having only one set of Boons granted to their followers regardless of their class.
Boon 1: Grower of Herbs. Gain Cure Light Wounds 3/day, Barkskin 2/ day, or Lily Pad Stride 1/day.
Barkskin is just a great spell to have at every level, granting +2 to AC that scales higher with your level (to a max of +5), with a massive duration of 10 min/level which means it’ll last through multiple encounters! Cure Light Wounds 3/day is okay, but why waste actions healing someone when you can just make them harder to hurt in the first place?
Lily Pad Stride is... a weird spell. Not super useful, mind; it basically creates a lengthy pathway across a body of water sized exactly for you, so anyone of your size category or smaller can cross the path only by making Acrobatics checks. It’s a worse Water Walk in every way, except for the minor benefit of allowing an army to cross a lake, provided no one mucks up their Acrobatics checks and shreds the bridge.
Just stick with Barkskin or Cure Light Wounds.
Boon 2: Swamp Healer. You can cast Empowered Heal 1/day as a spell-like ability.
y’know it’s really easy to tell when a writer doesn’t know the materials sometimes. Pathfinder is a big game with lots of mechanics and feats, I understand that, but I’m a little... nah you know what? Just a 1/day Heal is good enough on its own. A nice, big, huge, scaling restoration that clears off a dozen different status ailments, with the benefit of also being a huge and lethal slap to an Undead. A good Heal can restore nearly all of a character’s HP in a single go, especially if used on someone with a d6 or d8 hit dice.
A good Boon, if an undecorated one.
(the salt is aimed at the fact that the Empower Spell feat does not work on Heal; it only works on spells that use dice rolls)
Boon 3: Vine Caller. Once per day you can summon a large mass of living plant matter. The plant matter has the statistics of a Viper Vine, but is Chaotic Good. The Viper Vine follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute per HD before vanishing back to Elysium.
A Viper Vine is a CR 13 monster with a glacially slow movespeed of 10ft/round, meaning that once the battle ends, the extra minutes it’ll spend lingering around will be wasted. The primary use of a Viper Vine lays in its Captivating Cloud, a blast of hypnotic pollen that hits everyone within 60ft and lingers for 5 full rounds, requiring a new save to be made each and every round to avoid being drawn to the Vine.
Anyone drawn to the Viper Vine by its pollen can be drawn into hazards and dangerous terrain without breaking the effect (they receive a new save; if they fail they blindly march forward) and can even be battered bloody by the Vine without their reverie being interrupted (again, they can make another save, but there’s still a chance they fail and remain hypnotized). With a 10ft space and a 20ft reach, the damaging bite of the Vine (2d8+8+2d6 Acid) or its quartet of constricting tendrils can make short work of everyone drawn in by the pollen.
... including your party, since there’s no way to exclude them from the explosion of pollen. If you’re especially unlucky, you may end up getting yourself and your party blasted while leaving your enemies unharmed, especially since it’s a mind-affecting effect and thus doesn’t work on Undead, Constructs, most Plants, and many other critters. The Vine also has basically no defensive abilities beyond those conveyed by its type, meaning a focused assault from multiple enemies will quickly wear it down.
Still, though, the Viper Vine has its uses, holding down a single point and keeping your foes at bay. Its huge space and flailing vines makes it a much bigger target than you, letting you and your allies hide behind it as it weathers the tide, dragging enemies in and crushing them in its constricting vines. If your party has some method of protecting themselves from the pollen and taking advantage of the fact the hypnotic effect isn’t instantly broken by danger or damage, you can have your enemies march single file to their doom!
You can read more about Immonhiel here.
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paperanddice · 4 years
Tears of the Crocodile God Part 9
Continuing with the hazards of the Weeping Labyrinth, and this update will be focused primarily on the snake section of the adventure. I think it’s the most hazard heavy section, with the Hag’s Lair and the Mold King’s Crown both having fairly involved and positioning dependent hazards to work around. At least in the 4e version. Since neither 5e nor 13th Age have the same degree of forced movement, hazardous terrain turns into off limit zones in 5e, while 13th Age doesn’t do that much environmental positioning at all. Depending on how important the hazard is to the idea of the encounter, this could be difficult.
Hag’s Lair
Fortunately, this encounter functions just fine if the hazard is a more passive thing. Deep pits of toxic mud fill the room, but none of the enemies have forced movement powers. The risk comes more from if the players rush, as the floor is slippery and thus anything more than slow movement risks losing your balance and sliding in. That’s not too bad.
5th Edition
Movement in this room imposes a choice. Either the character can choose to spend 1 extra foot of movement for every foot moved, or they can choose to move at their normal speed and make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, falling prone on a failure. If the character falls prone while adjacent to one of the muck pits, that character slides into the pit and is affected by that hazard.
The muck pits themselves are difficult terrain, and any creature that ends its turn in the pit must make a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check or sink 5 feet deeper into the mud, to a maximum depth of 20 feet. A creature that starts its turn submerged int he mud must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage, become poisoned for one hour, and contract cackle fever. Old Beshebra and her sons are immune to these effects.
13th Age
A character must choose to either spend two move actions to cover the same amount of ground as a single normal move action, or make a DC 20 Skill check to cover the distance with a single move action. Failing that skill check means the character loses that move action as they fall prone and have to scramble back up to their feet. Rolling a natural 1-5 on this check and failing results in the character sliding into a mud pit, where they become stuck (save ends). Failing the save results in the character becoming hampered as long as they are stuck. Failing another save results in the character also taking 10 ongoing poison damage as long as they are stuck and hindered. Failing the save yet again results in the character contracting cackle fever. After the battle, roll a d6 to determine the symptoms of it. If you’re playing these characters on past the end of this adventure, look on the 13th Age SRD under the Death-Plague Orc to determine how diseases function long term.
Cackle fever symptoms (d6) 1: High fever, occasional mild visual or audio hallucinations. 2-3: Occasional delusions. You take a -3 penalty to initiative checks as the combat doesn’t seem real to you for a few moments. 4+: Bouts of wild, cackling laughter that incapacitate you. Whenever you experience high stress (during combat, dangerous scenarios, experiencing a nightmare), you must make an easy saving throw (6+). On a failure, you are stunned for one round as you burst into wild laughter.
Old Beshebra and her sons are immune to all of these effects.
Mold King’s Crown
Here’s where things get to be more effort. The three separate traps and hazards in this room, plus a magic item, means that the whole thing is just a pain to convert. Especially with how positioning based one of the hazards is. The death mold is a pain for both editions, partly because the way it functions in 5e is a little confusing. There’s supposedly 2 death mold hazards in the room, but there’s technically at least 4 sources of death mold period. Each of the 4 statues is infested with the mold. Given that the death mold activates when something moves within 3 squares of it, how does that function with this conflict in the number of locations? And the death mold isn’t given a specific location on the map anyway, so is it just that the four sources of death mold activate a combined two times per round, off of whatever statues are appropriate? It’s just not very clear.
One thing that’s consistent for both systems is that the casket contains a special magic scroll that allows anyone who reads it to view an important image of the history of an object they touch. Only one use.
5th Edition
It requires a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the pressure plates under the water’s surface. Any attempt to check for them with gentle foot steps or poking with a pole has a 25% chance of automatically activating the trap, but otherwise identifies the pressure plate without triggering it. Once any pressure plate has been stepped on however, the sluices open and 4 river crocodiles enter the room each round, continuing until all 40 have arrived. There’s no way of stopping this process once it’s begun.
Death Mold
Death mold releases bursts of deadly spores when it senses living creatures nearby. The first time during a round that a living creature moves within 15 feet of the mold or starts its turn there, the mold unleashes a burst of spores in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in that area must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage and becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failure. If a Small or Medium living creature is reduced to 0 hp while poisoned this way, it immediately dies and transforms into a death mold zombie. The zombie rolls initiative and acts on its turn. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The mold recharges this burst on initiative count 20 each round (losing initiative ties). If the mold is dealt radiant damage, it immediately goes dormant. Its spore burst is immediately expended to no effect, and doesn’t recharge the next round on initiative 20. Any amount of fire damage completely destroys the death mold.
Mold King’s Casket Mechanical trap If this mithril casket is broken or opened incorrectly, a store of alchemical explosives within it immediately go off, detonating the chest. Each creature within 20 feet of the casket must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The chest has AC 15, 20 hp, immunity to poison and psychic damage. A DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools opens the chest, but failing the check by 5 or more or failing it twice in a row causes the chest to activate.
Mold King’s Crown Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) While wearing this crown, you gain resistance to poison damage and are immune to contracting any disease. If you are already infected with a disease, the effects of the disease are suppressed while you wear the crown. In addition, as long as you are attuned to this item, you do not age naturally. Curse. This crown is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, any creature that regains hit points while within 50 feet of you must immediately make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against disease or contract blistering fever. This disease functions exactly like filth fever, except for the following changes: • Symptoms manifest immediately • The save DC to reduce exhaustion levels is 15 instead of 11. • A creature infected with blistering fever that has 5 levels of exhaustion becomes highly infectious. Any living creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the infected creature must make a DC 15 Constitution save or become infected with blistering corruption.
13th Age
The pressure plates for the crocodile dropping pipes can be spotted with a DC 25 skill check. A character that approaches a statue carelessly steps on and activates the pressure plate, initiating the battle as 4 river crocodiles immediately enter the room. Otherwise, the pressure plates activate during the first round of combat as either a character or a death mold zombie steps on one. Either way, for the next 10 rounds 4 river crocodiles join the battle on their turn until a total of 40 crocodiles enter the battle. Even if there’s no crocodiles in the room, keep their turn in the initiative order and have 4 more show up when they’re supposed to.
Death Mold
This is the one that caused me the most difficulty. Positioning based hazards like this don’t really function in 13th Age very well. This is my best interpretation of it, going off of the idea that the 4 statues are spaced around the room in such a way that just about any living creature who enters the room should be nearby to at least one statue at all times. Prioritize the river crocodiles with the attacks, the concept of the encounter is regular crocodiles turning into additional death mold crocodiles, and nobody is supposed to enjoy that.
Death mold: DC 20 skill check to identify the death mold as a danger, or to move during combat without setting off the death mold; +10 vs. PD (1d3+1 nearby living creatures in a group) - 2d10 poison damage. Mooks are immediately reduced to 0 hp. A creature that is reduced to 0 hp by this damage immediately dies and becomes a death mold zombie. Multiple use, 1/turn, maximum 2/round.
The river crocodiles automatically activate the mold when they move, as they have no concept of how it is a threat or how to avoid it.
Mold King’s Casket: DC 30 skill check to pick the lock, trap only activates on a result of 25 or lower; +15 vs. PD (creature triggering trap plus 1d3 nearby creatures) - 3d10 fire damage. Single use. Also activates if the casket is destroyed by a DC 25 skill check or if it takes 20 damage.
Mold King’s Crown: While wearing this crown, you gain +2 MD, have resist poison damage 12+, and you cannot be infected by any disease. When a nearby creature regains hp, it must make an easy saving throw (6+) or be infected by blistering corruption. Roll a d6 for the diseases symptoms after the battle, or immediately if the creature is infected outside of battle. Quirk: Insists on being treated like royalty. Blistering Corruption Symptoms (d6) 1: A rash of blisters, swirling with corrupted ichor. 2-3: Painful boils. You take a -2 penalty to PD. 4+: Open sores weeping disgusting ichor. You regain half the normal amount of hp when you heal using recoveries. See the Death-Plague Orc in the 13th Age SRD to determine how the disease functions over time if the character is infected and this is part of a long running campaign.
All right then. That was a bit. Next time we’ll wrap up the traps and hazards for the adventure, and after that we can start putting it all together into the actual encounters.
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hellyeahheroes · 4 years
Building Rikki Barnes in D&D 5e
I will confess something. lately D&D has been a kind of comfort hobby for me, in wake of all this fucking madness around us that is this year. This includes these builds but also my campaign that I just wrapped up and before I kick off with a sequel I felt like doing some celebration with blog-related content. So I decided - let’s build a character I planned to build on Pride Month but didn’t manage to. One funky, gun-toting, shield-wielding, dimension-hopping immortal lesbian.
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As always, credit to Tulok the Barbarian from whom I lifted the teamplate for those builds and like him we will start with Goals for the build. First of all, we need to fight like someone who studied under not one, not two but dozens of Captain Americas across the worlds. Second, we need to have knowledge and skills like someone who lived all kinds of lives, picking up all she learned along the way. Finally, we need to be able to use both shield and a gun in accord.
For Ability Scores we will stick to Standard Points Array - 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 - but if you want to roll, use points buy or other form of generating abilitty scores, go ahead and treat these as guidelines. Keep your Charisma and either Strength or Desterity at at least 13 for multiclassing purposes.
Strength: 15, say it after me RIKKI. IS. BUFF!
Dexterity: 14, your armor varied from short-shorts to what would pass for a leather armor and you have no problem jumping from one rooftop to another to catch-up with your Spider-Girlfriend.
Constitution: 12, you’re not as tough as Toro, but you can still take a hit.
Intelligence: 10, wish it was higher but we cannot have everything
Wisdom: 8,remember that time you didn’t recognize main universe counterpart of your brother is into you and didn’t recognize guy replacing Steve as Cap is your own grandfather?
Charisma: 13, say what you want but Rikki knows how to pick up girls.
Race: Rikki is a human, we will stick with Varian Human because we need a feat but Revenant Human could work as well if you want to go into technicalities about her ressurections. Variant Humans get +1 to two Abilitty Scores, boost up Strength and Dexterity, a bonus Skill, pick History and a feat. Pick a Soldier for a background since this is closest we get to “trained by most American American to ever American and reborn across the multiverse to do it again”. It gives you proficiency in Athletics and Intimidation, land vehicles if you want to borrow grandpa’s bike and a gaming set. Military Rank feature let’s you be recognzied as a fellow veteran by other soldiers who may be more letient to your requests. You lead two superhero teams so that adds up.
Shield Master will be our feat of chocie and we need to talk about it because it gives you not one but three fun features: 
It let’s you add a bonus from your Shield to your Armor Class to any saving throws against spells and other harmful effects as long as they target only you. The way it is written means you could technically cover your eyes with shield when someone tries to hypnotize you, which is very much how I imagine members of Captain America Family (Cap Family?) dealing with mind-control.
If you take an attack action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet from you with your shield. Shoving is normally an action that forces the target, say Bob Agent of Hydra, to make Athletics or Acrobatics check against your Athletics. If Bob fails (and he will because it’s Bob), he is either pushed 5 feet away from you or knocked prone. Maybe that will make him realize he needs a better job than fucking nazis.
It also let’s you use your reaction to cover with your shield if you are subjected to an effect that demands you make a saving throw to take half damage or full damage if you don’t, like for example FUCKING FIREBALL. With your shield up if you do make that saving throw you’ll take no damage. This is a bit weaker version of Evasion, a feature Rogues and Monks get at 7th level. Meaning that you will spend that many levels making them horribly jealous.
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Speaking of Rogues, guess what we’re NOT picking for out Class. Instead we go with...
1st Level: Fighter! You gain proficiency with all Armors, shields, simple and martial weapons, Strength and Constitution saving throws, and two skills, I’d go with Acrobathics and Perception. You gain Second Wind, letting you recover as a bonus action 1d10+your fighter level of HP. Rikki is determined enough to chase the Maker across worlds and hit points can reflect will to fight. 
You also get fighting style - unarmed Fighting lets you deal 1d6+your Strength modifier on your Unarmed Attacks, 1d8 if you use both hands (or do a dropkick I pressume) and if you grapple a creature, you can deal 1d4 damage when you innitiate it succesfull and then on future hits while grappling.
2nd Level: Fighter gets Action Surge, letting you once per short or long rest take an extra action during your turn.
3rd Level: Fighter gets to chosoe a Martial Archetype: Battle Master gainst a proficiency with Artisan’s tool of your choice but moe importantly, gains Combat Superiority. You Gain 3 Maneuvers that are fueled by your Superiority Dice - which at this level are 4 d8s. When you use a Maneuver you spend Superiority Dice, you get them back after a short or long rest. If those effects ask for a saving throw, it must beat 8 Your Proficiency Bonus + either your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
Bait and Switch let’s you switch places with an ally within 5 feets of you without provoking Opportunitty Attacks and until the start of your next turn that ally adds result of your Superiority Dice roll to their Armor Class. Julie power can overextend herself easily, this will keep her safe.
Sweeping Attack let’s spend one Superiorirty die when you hit an opponnent in meele to try to also hit another one within 5 feet of it - if the original attack roll was high enough to beat its AC you deal it damage equal your roll on Superiority Dice. So when ypu kick Red Skull you can also carry your kick toreach Crossbones as well, breaking two jaws with your heel in one strike.
Brace let’s you spend your reaction to attack a target that moves within 5 feet of you and  add result to the damage if you hit. So if Sif tries to rush to help her father, you will deck her in the face without even having to look.
4th Level: Firghter gets an Abilitty Score Improvement or a Feat. We will pick Gunner from newest Unearthed Arcana for Feats. it let’s you add +1 to your Dexterity, gives you profficiency with firearms and let’s you ignore their loading quality, letting you shoot a gun for each of your attacks for a single turn and you don’t have disadvantage on an attack if you shoot a target within 5 feet of you..
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Alternatives: Not every DM allows firearms in their setting. If that is the case the Crossbow Expert will do roughly the same for you. If you don’t like idea of Rikki with guns at all, then Crusher from the same Unearthed Arcana will let you push any target you hit with your fist and make attacks against them have an advantage for a turn whenever you crit on an attack. Martial Adept meanwhile can let you learn two more maneuvers and gain an extra Superiority Dice.
5th Level: Fighter can now attack twice on each turn attack action. Meaning You can in one turn roundhouse kicks Red Skull, use sweeping attack to carry that kick over to Crossbones, shoot Anirm Zola, knock Bob to the ground and use another Superiority Dice to deck Sin in the face if she comes to help her daddy on her turn. And that’s without using Action Surge and last Superiority Dice.
6th Level: Fighter gains another Abilitty Score Improvement. And you know what? Boost up your Strength.
7th Level: We have combat skills but what about other Skills? We can grab an extra one, like Stealth, by picking up a level of Bard. 1st Level Bards gain Bardic Inspiration, a set of 3 d6 dices you can give to your allies as a bonus action, letting them add it to an attack roll or a saving throw.
You also learn Bardic spells. You know a small number of those and spend spell slots to cast them. If your spell makes an attack roll, it does so with a bonus equal your Profficiency Bonus + Your Charisma modifier. Add to that bonus 8 and you get a number that has to be beaten if your spell reqires a saving throw.
You start knowing 2 Cantrips that you can always cast and 4 1st level Spells and have 2 1st level Spell Slots
Light is a flashlight you can use to make an object shine bright light in 30 feet and dim light in next 30 feet. Useful since you cannot see in the dark 
Message is a communicator, letting you send a short message to another creature and be able to receive equally short reply
Comprehend Languages let’s you understand any language you hear for 1 hour. Rikki lived many lives, she likely picked a few.
Heroism you can cast on yourself to show how brave you are or on an ally, cherring them up. until the spell ends the target has an advantage on saving throwsagainst being frightened and gains an extra temporary hit point at the start of each of your turns.
Identify let’s you use your vast knowledge of other worlds to recognize legendary or jsut enchanted effects or what spells are affecting a creature or an object. After all, you have seen it all.
Cure Wounds is a first aid kit, healing 1d8+1 hit points on you or another target
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8th Level: 2nd Level Bards gain Jack of All Trades, letting you add half of your Proficiency modifier to all skills you are not profficient with. You also get Song of Rest, letting you let your commrades roll an extra 1d6 whenever tehy roll to regain hit points - as a soldier of many Battlefields makes sense you will be tending the wounds of your allies and rising their spirits between battles. You also get another spell known but we will exchange it for something else on next level.
9th Level: Bards of 3rd Level can pick bardic College. College of lore lets you gain 3 more Skills. Survival, Investigation and Insight feel msot in character. You also get Expertise, doubling your Proficiency Bonus, in two skills of your choice that you are profficient with, I’d go with Athletics to make sure you knock down all opponnents, and Stealth. Finally you learn cutting words - you can use your reaction and spend one of your Bardic Inspiration dices to say some bit of multiversal knowledge that distracts an enemy - you roll that dice and subtract the result from one attack roll or saving throw an enemy makes.
You also learn more spells, letting us to pick two 2nd level spells:
See Invisibility let’s you see invisible creatures and those on Etherial Plane like Ghosts or Phase Spiders. Play it as you being so experienced you learned to see such creatures coming.
Enchance Abilitty let’s you gain or grant someone else an advantage on all rolls related to choosen Abilitty. When you need an extra show of skill.
10th Level: 4th Level bards gain an Abilitty Score Improvement. Boost your Dexterity for more accurate guns and better AC. You also learn one more Spell and a new Cantrip:
Vicious Mockery forces a target to make a Wisdom saving throw or be dealt 2d4 psychic damage from your quip and have disadvantage on its next attack roll Knock let’s you open a single lock, be it on doors or containers.
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11th Level: back to Fighter. 7th Level Battlemaster gains an addition Superiority Dice, Two more Maneuvers and can Know Your Enemy - if you study a creature for at least a minute you will learn if it is your superior, inferior or equal in any of the two:  Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score, Armor Class, Current hit points,Total class levels, if any or Fighter class levels, if any. Use it if you run into a black-clad silent Bat0themed girl from another dimension and btw Marvel, Dc I would pay gold for this fight to happen.
Our new Maneuvers will be:
Disarming Attack let’s you add a superiority dice roll to damage roll of your attack and force target to make a Strength saving throw or drop whatever they’re holding at the moment. Works with ranged attacks meaning you can shoot Cosmic Cube out of Red Skull’s hands.
Ambush let’s you spend a Superiority Dice to add the roll of it to a Stealth or Initiative roll
12th Level: 8th Level Fighter gains an Abilitty Score Improvement, get your Strength to 20 for better hits and better showing down the enemies.
13th Level: 9th Level Fighter gains Indomintable, letting you once per long rest reroll a failed saving throw. Including Death Saving Throws.
14th Level: 10th Levle Battlemaster improves their superiority dice to 1d10 and gains two more Maneuvers.
Riposte let’s you make an attack when a creature misses you with a meele attack you can use your reaction to make one attack against them and add roll of Superiority Dice to the damage.
Meanicing Attack let’s you spend a superiority dice to add it’s roll to damage dealt to a target and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened of you until end of your next turn.
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15th Level; 11th Level Fighter can now make two extra attacks on each of attack actions. Meaning you can with Action Surge and your maneuvers shoot cosmic cube out of Red Skull’s hands, shoot Anirm Zola and Baron Zemo so hard the latter will not approach you out of fear, deliver roundhouse kick to Skull so hard you hit Crossbones too, knock down Bob and deck Sin in the jaw when she rushes to help her father.
16th Level: 12th Level Fighter gains an Ability Score Improvement, round up your Dexterity to 20 for better AC and more acurrate guns.
17th Level: 13th Level Fighter can use Indomintable twice per long rest. Meaning you are that much harder to kill and that more likely to survive fireballs from Onslaught.
18th Level: 14th Level Fighter gets another Abilitty Score Improvement. Boost up your Constitution for Better Concentration and mroe hit points (remember they add retroactively, giving you extra 18 HP at this level)
19th Level: 15th Level Battlemaster means two mroe maneuvers, one mroe Superiority Dice and now if you roll initiative on combat without any you regain one.
Rally lets you roll a Superiority Dice whenever you hit on an attack to give it’s result + your Charisma modifier as temporary hit points to another creature until end of your next turn.
Goading Attack also adds roll from Superiority Dice to damage dealt on attack and if Target fails a Wisdom saving throw, it has disadvantage on attacks against any other creature than you until end of your next turn. You know, i ncase Maker plans to blow you all up, make him punch you instead.
20th Level; We will finish with 16th Level of Fighter for one last Ability Score Improvement, investing either in Constitution for better hit points, or Charisma for better healing. Or picking a Tough feat to gain extra 40 hit points, which would be my preferred option.
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Overview: My take on Rikki barnes is Battlemaster Fighter 16, College of Lore Bard 4. Let’s see how good this build is:
Pros: You can make a lot of attacks, making you excellent agaisnt crowds of mooks like Goblins or Hydra Agents. You have an answer for a lot of things an opponnent may do and several ways to control the battlefield to your advantage. You can also double as a skill-monkey, being skilled in enough things to make Rogue jealous. In fact, you basically are a discount Rogue, able to fill in for a lot of things Rogue would normally do. And you can heal too.If you have focused on your Constintution at the end you will also have pretty strong HP, maybe even up to 160-180 and with Shield Master or Indomintable it will be hard to hurt you as well.
Cons: Sadly, a lot of your abilitties compete for Bonus Action or Reaction, meaning you need to carefully consider what you will use each turn. You do nbot deal magic damage so a lot of late game enemeis will be resistant or immune to your hits un;ess DM gives you a magic gun. Finally, there is a big possibility you will burn out of your Superiority Dice early on, leaving you without many options later.
But you are still a valuable part of any team. Protect your allies, give them opennings to strike. Knock Bob down. Break Red Skull’s jaw. Just remember you need to rely on your teammates to survive - unless you want to be reborn in a different campaign.
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creativerogues · 5 years
Making Cool Magic Items For A Barbarian...
After my last post about making some cool magic items, I started coming up with ideas for making magic items specific to each class.
Like when you see “Requires Attunement by a Cleric or Paladin” on a Magic Item...
Now these are just ideas, so interpret them as you may, but I’ve added my own little notes on the side to walk you through why I think the idea could be a cool thing for a magic item to have...
...Be it a random property for some legendary item or artifact, or just a new property or feature your Barbarian discovers through whatever story elements you put them through...
Anyways... ENJOY!
You can rage while in heavy armor.
Not entirely useful considering most Barbarians are going butt naked 99.999% of the time, but still useful if your Barbarian somehow has a low Armor Class.
1 Additional Use of Barbarian Rage per Rest
Great for low or even mid level barbarians...
Rage Damage increases by +1. 
For example, a Level 20 Barbarian would now have a Rage Damage Bonus of +5 instead of +4, it’s a very small bonus, but it makes a character feel so much more powerful...
Your Rage Feature now applies to weapon attacks that use Dexterity.
I see this so often, homebrew subclasses or feats or something just so a Barbarian can use a Bow. I mean when your Barbarian is level 20 and has killed dragons with their bare hands, you just try to give a good reason why they can’t angrily operate a crossbow...
Your Rage now lasts 10 minutes instead of 1 minute.
Again, not entirely useful for higher level barbarians, but definitely useful in those low to mid levels of play. And besides, it’s not like combat is going to last more than 10 minutes anyways, but reading “I CAN RAGE 10 TIMES LONGER THAN BEFORE!” makes the character seem more powerful without actually ever being more powerful...
As a Reaction when Initiative is rolled, you can enter a Rage.
Another thing I see so very often is the Barbarian using their first turn to go into a Rage and charge into combat. This neat little magical property lets the Barbarian actually use their bonus action on their first turn of combat for something other than flying into a bloodthirsty rage...
You have advantage on all constitution saving throws while raging.
Again, I like to make my Players think they’re more power than any normal person, and while advantage on Con Saves could be seen as overpowered, the amount of times Con Saves are used outside of making a save against a spell and maybe the odd Barbarian Class Feature isn’t much... 
If you are able to cast spells, you can now cast them while raging.
If you’re allowing your Barbarian to cast spells while Raging, I suggest something like “If you cast a spell that requires concentration while raging, you have disadvantage on any concentration checks related to that spell”. Just so that the Barbarian isn’t casting super powerful buffs on themselves...
Instead of your Rage only ending early if you are knocked unconscious, your Rage only ends early if you fail 2 Death Saving Throws.
Yes, while the concept of a raging unconscious body may seem hilarious to you, this is also a common thing I see in combat. The Barbarian takes a bunch of damage, goes unconscious, and their rage ends, but then they get all healed up and spend their next bonus action or even their entire next turn to rage again and get back up and close to the enemy. 
So maybe a raging unconscious barbarian may not sound great, but if you don’t like this idea, don’t use it, it’s fine with me, I won’t be offended... much...
When using your Reckless Attack Feature, doing so does not cause attack rolls against you to be rolled with advantage.
Now hold on there! Yes, this is an EXTREMELY powerful ability to give to a Barbarian and almost certainly guarantees that they’ll be attacking recklessly whenever they get the chance, but maybe you want to put a restriction on this feature, maybe only enemies within a certain range of the Barbarian no longer gain advantage, allowing the Barbarian to get the upper hand on melee attackers but struggle with ranged enemies.
Or maybe this only works for attacks made with weapons, leaving the Barbarian open to spellcasters. Or maybe only attacks made with non-magical weapons no longer gain advantage...
Whatever way you want to flavor this, just remember that this is a powerful property to give a Barbarian, so don’t be afraid to hide it away from them until they reach those higher levels of play...
Your Movement Speed increases by +10ft.
Again, Barbarians like to charge in, and when they kill that first Goblin, they’ll want to move onto the next one, then the next one, then the next one and so on. So giving them that teeny little boost to speed helps, even if its only an extra +5ft to movement instead of +10ft. (Yes I know about Fast Movement for the Barbarian but sometimes you just wanna run 100+ feet a round okay?!)
You gain 1 additional Brutal Critical Die.
So at level 20, you can roll not 3, but 4 additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack, because of course your Barbarian needs even more unnecessary damage to dish out...
When you use your Relentless Rage, you drop to 5 hit points instead of 1 when you succeed on your constitution saving throw.
This is another problem, the barbarian drops to 1 hit point, but it turns out the creature has multi-attack and then the 2nd hit still knocks the Barbarian unconscious. 
With this property (and assuming your Barbarian is raging, because why wouldn’t they be?), then that enemy has to deal at least 10 points of damage with a weapon attack...
Now a few of you may say that dropping to 5 HP instead of 1 is still not enough, in which case I’d say flavor it to your Player or Character, maybe it’s 10 HP, maybe its 1d6 + your Barbarian’s Constitution Modifier. Whatever suits you!
Path of the Ancestral Guardian
When the target of your Ancestral Protectors hits a creature other than you with an attack, you can use your reaction to grant that creature immunity (instead of resistance) to the damage dealt by the attack.
You don’t see immunities to damage come up very much in 5e, so the chance to say “Haha! NOPE!” to all that damage from something like a critical hit on the healer is a lot of fun to use... 
The Die of your Spirit Shield feature become d8′s instead of d6′s.
Not too much of a boost, but yet again, just enough to tip the Barbarian over the edge and make the Barbarian feel just a little bit more powerful.
When you use your Spirit Shield to reduce the damage of an attack, the attacker takes an amount of force damage equal to twice the damage that your Spirit Shield prevents.
Getting to double the damage of something isn’t uncommon when it comes to certain magic items, but when it comes to it in combat, those few extra points of damage can be crucial. Plus it’s a chance for the Barbarian to deal even more damage on their turn... so...
Path of the Battlerager
When you use Reckless Attack while raging, you also gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).
This is pretty much the only thing I could think of that could help a Battlerager, and I didn’t want to leave it out of the list, so here ya go battleragers, enjoy it!
Path of the Berserker
When you end a Frenzied Rage, you no longer gain a level of exhaustion.
As if I need to explain this one, I mean you could take this one property and turn it into a Legendary Item and no Berserker would ever complain...
You can't be charmed, frightened, grappled, poisoned or knocked prone while raging. If you are charmed, frightened or poisoned when you enter your rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of the rage. If you are grappled when you enter your rage, you can immediately attempt to break the grapple.
This effect could even expand into the ability to never be Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Stunned and more, feel free to change, edit or add to this to suit your Barbarian.
When using your Intimidating Presence Feature, if the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 8 hours instead of 24 hours.
Again, a Feature that makes a Barbarian feel powerful, but in terms of game mechanics there’s no real visible difference, unless you’re fighting the big bad again exactly 8 hours and 1 second after you last fought them...
When you critically hit a creature with an attack using your Retaliation feature, you regain the use of your Reaction at the end of your turn. 
ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY!!!!! But seriously though, this is another feature that basically just allows them to make a single melee attack against a creature for free, which in game terms isn’t a sizable difference in damage when the condition they have to meet in the first place is scoring a crit, but if you think this is still too powerful, just change it to suit your game!
Path of the Storm Herald
Your Storm Aura extends by +5ft, to 15 feet.
Your Storm Aura now extends to 30 feet from you in every direction.
Your Storm Aura now goes through total cover.
I’m just gonna wrap these three features into 1 little note. Storm Aura is the main thing a Storm Herald has, so increasing its range, even if it only increases from 10 feet to 15 feet, or increasing it all the way from 10 feet to 30 feet, still doesn’t really make it overpowered when you’re dealing (or healing) a very little number of points.
Also the idea of your storm aura not passing through total cover seemed really weird to me. Wind, Cold and Heat can all go around corners... right? And yes, an enemy may be hidden inside a house or behind a wall, but with these kind of powers, who would dare try to escape the storm’s wrath...?
You can change your environment choice for your storm aura whenever you finish a long rest.
Ok, I’m willing to admit something here, I kinda based this off the Blessing of Corellon from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (wow, I hope I’m spelling that right...)
But I’ve seen it so many now, a storm herald decides “you know what, now that I’ve leveled up, I’ll change my storm aura” and then they immediately regret changing it, but now they’re stuck with it until they level up again, which could be in just a few sessions or months...
This little property makes it easier for the storm herald to change and shift states, you know, like an actual storm...
If your aura's effects require a saving throw, the DC now equals 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
Hey look! It’s basically a +2 to a spell save DC! Wow!
Each creature of your choice gains immunity (instead of resistance) to the damage type you gained from the Storm Soul feature while the creature is in your Storm Aura.
Again, a storm herald’s bread and butter is their storm aura, if you want to make them feel more powerful, then upgrade their storm aura just a little bit.
Plus this property is great for a tundra storm barbarian or a desert storm barbarian, since tundra storm barbarians are very much about protecting their allies, and for the desert storm barbarian, who can do damage to all creatures in their aura, this stops them from accidentally damaging allies in their storm aura...
Your Storm Soul Feature now grants you immunity (instead of resistance) to the damage type described.
For example, at Level 6, a Desert Storm Herald gains Fire Resistance, but with this magical property on a magic item, they gain immunity to Fire Damage instead!
Path of the Totem Warrior
Once per day, you can cast Polymorph. You can target only yourself and transform into the beast you chose as your Totem Spirit.
For example, once per day a Bear Totem Barbarian can polymorph into a bear (which type of bear will probably be up to the DM). 
And yes, you can still rage while in this form, since you’ll still retain the benefit of any features from your class and can use them so long as your new form is physically capable of going into a rage.
Bear: While raging, once per seven days, you can choose to have immunity to all damage except psychic damage.  When the rage ends you gain one level of exhaustion.
Eagle: While raging, you gain a permanent flying speed of 10 feet, as spectral giant eagle wings carry your weight across the battlefield.
Wolf: While you're raging, your friends have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature within 10 feet of you that is hostile to you.
Elk: While raging, when you knock a creature prone, you can immediately use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against the prone creature.
Tiger: While raging, if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward a Huge or Smaller target right before making a melee weapon attack against it, you can use a bonus action to make an additional melee weapon attack against it.
As a note, if you don’t like these ideas, simply increase the size category for the target from size large or smaller to size huge or smaller. That way things like the Wolf Totem, Elk Totem and Tiger Totem feel just a little bit better than what they used to be... Plus body-slamming a giant is cool... 
Path of the Zealot
Divine Fury Upgrade: While raging, the first creature you hit on each of your turns with a weapon attack takes extra damage equal to 1d8 + your barbarian level, instead of 1d6 + half your barbarian level.
Fanatical Focus Upgrade: If you fail a saving throw while you're raging, you can reroll it, and you choose which of the results is used for the saving throw.
Think of it as a sorta okay Lucky Feat... Except with more anger and blood...
As a reaction to failing a saving throw against death, you can choose to automatically succeed the saving throw instead. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
This essentially lets the Zealot survive 4 death save fails before they finally die, which I think is a cool mechanic and is very reminiscent of the barbarian features of older editions of D&D where you would just... you know... never die... ever!
While unconscious, attack rolls against you do not have advantage unless the attacker is within 5 feet of you.
Again, mostly fluff for your Barbarian to make them sound cool, because we all know that as soon as that Barbarian drops to 0 HP, that horde of enemies is gonna close in fast!
If you are critically hit by a hostile creature’s weapon attack while unconscious, you fail only one saving throw against death, instead of two.
This one is simply to stop the Barbarian from immediately dying, because creatures within 5 feet already score a critical hit against you if you’re unconscious, which in normal terms means you immediately fail 2 death saves. 
And so if that creature is within 5 feet of your unconscious body and ALSO has extra attack or multi-attack, then you’re almost definitely saying goodbye to your little Barbarian friend. This magical property here, this stops that from happening...
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Hexi-Cola Drinker
Be magic. Have fun. Drink Hexi.
[ ][ | ][ | | ] Summon Hexi-Cola Machine – By drawing a hexagram on the floor and speaking an incantation, you can summon a Hexi-Cola brand vending machine atop the hexagram, which will dispense cans of Hexi-Cola, Diet Hexi-Cola, or Hexi-Cola Cherry when currency is inserted. Hexi-Cola has no special benefits, but the supernatural quantities of sugar (or sugar substitute) and caffeine are magically formulated so that the negative effects are mostly short term. For every can drank beyond the first in the space of one hour, take a -1 penalty to all rolls requiring focus or precision for a one hour period. At second level, summoned machines are also capable of dispensing Hexi-Cola Cursed, which counts as six Hexi-Colas when imbibed.  At third level, it is capable of dispensing Hexi-Cola Clear, which removes all traces of Hexi-Cola from the drinker's body when imbibed.
[ ][ ][ ] Kola Gland – Through alchemical processes and mystic rites, you have given yourself an organ allowing you to maximally process the ingredients found in Hexi-Cola. For each can you drink, you gain a +1 bonus to rolls that would benefit from hyperactivity for one hour. At second level, you also deal 1 bonus damage with all attacks per can you have drank in the past hour. At third level, for each six cans you drink, you gain 1 temporary XP to spend on any spell of your choice, which will fade after one hour. However, harnessing the energy of Hexi-Cola inside your body is dangerous. Whenever you drink a can, roll a d6 and add the amount of cans you have drank already this hour. If the result is more than 10, you take 1 arcane damage. If the result is more than 15, you take 2 arcane damage. More than 20, 3, and so on.
[ ] Chug Can – You are very efficient at getting liquid inside you, specifically from soda cans. You can open and drink a can in its entirety with a single action.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ | ][ | | ] Subtle Machine-Speaker's Touch – Whenever you deal damage to a vending machine or similar device, it will dispense d6 of whatever it contains. If the roll is above your level of Subtle Machine-Speaker's Touch, the machine then ceases to function.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Blind Taste Aegis – Frequent Hexi-Cola drinkers often find themselves numb to tamer beverages. Whenever you would take acid, poison, or heat damage from something you imbibe, reduce that damage by your level of Blind Taste Aegis, to a minimum of 0. You will find you do not prefer the taste to the taste of Hexi-Cola.
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ani-initiative-blog · 6 years
Playable Races
1D8 HP
+4 AC
Tail Strike: 1D6 + STR piercing
Tail Slash: 1D8 + DEX slashing
Kick: 1D6 + DEX slashing
Subdual Strike: STR
1D6 Skill + INT MOD
Proficiency to DEX + INT
40ft Base Speed/10ft Swimming
+2 INT, -2 CHA
Trained in: Gather Info, Technology, Knowledge
-Andalites can roll for Tech Usage untrained/alien without Disadvantage
-Andalites are at Disadvantage for social based rolls involving all races (except other Andalites)
-An Andalite may sacrifice all other actions in a round in order to use TAIL STRIKE twice rapid fire on the same target. They must be in their natural form and can do nothing else that round. This is altered when the Andalite regularly gets two attacks due to their level. It then becomes Advantage on attacks with 2D6 + STR piercing damage.
-Andalites are able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Andalites may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Charge, Exploit, Gentle Touch, Hamstring, Preferred Enemy (Yeerk, Taxxon, or Taxxon Controller), Running Attack
1D6 HP
+4 AC
Piercing Claw: 1D4 + STR Piercing
1D6 Skill + INT MOD
Proficiency to INT + WIS
20ft Base Speed/10ft Swimming/60ft Flying
+2 INT, -2 CON
Trained in: Perception, Gather Info, Medicine
-Arn may make a Medical roll on any race without Disadvantage.
-Arn are at Disadvantage with all vehicle operation.
-With their innate biological knowledge an Arn (in it’s natural form) may make called shots without Disadvantage. If the hit is successful it acts as a Critical Hit. They must declare a called shot before rolling to attack. They may do this once per long rest.
-Arn are able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Arn may take the following Feats as Natural form Feats: Called Shot, Deft Hands, Detect Purity, DiveBomb, Fly-By Attack, Threatened
1D12 HP
+4 AC & Resistant to all damage
Subdual Strike: 1D12 + STR Bludgeoning On a hit the Target must make a CON Save VS Stun for one round. DC Chee’s STR Score.
Bite: 1D6 + STR crushing
1D8 Skill + INT MOD
Proficiency to INT + STR
30ft Base Speed/30ft Swimming
+2 INT, -2 WIS
Trained in: Athletics, Craft, Knowledge
-Chee may make any STR based roll (except attack rolls) at Advantage.
-Chee must make a CON Save before and after any act of violence due to risk of Stupor—DC is based upon the act itself and as such there are no set rules. Stupor lasts 2 full rounds during which time the Chee cannot act. Once Stupor ends the Chee is at Disadvantage to all rolls intended to cause harm until they take a long rest.
-During combat if a Chee kills an opponent they may advance to the nearest enemy. They may do this multiple times in one round if they kill their targets with one hit. Each attack does risk Stupor.
-Chee are not able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Chee may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Absorb, Appeasement, Blind, Camoflage, Deafen, Feign Death, Gentle Touch, Hold Person, Taunt
1D6 HP
+2 AC
Unarmed Strike: 1D4 + STR
1D4 Skill + INT MOD
Proficiency to STR + CON
25ft Base speed/20ft Swimming
-2 DEX, +2 CON
Trained in: Athletics, Perception, Gather Info
-Gedd are able to make any CON roll (save attack rolls) without Disadvantage.
-Gedd are always at Disadvantage when trying to verbally communicate with anything other than another Gedd.
-Gedd are immune to all poisons, toxins, etc and do not take any damage from attacks that deal damage over time such as bleeds. This does mean they do not have to make rolls to resist these damages.
-Gedd are able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Gedd may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Absorb, Break, Rage, Reckless Attack, Taunt
1D10 HP
+4 AC
Blade Slash (arm or leg): 1D8 + STR Slashing
Tail Strike: 1D6 + STR Slashing. On a hit the target must make a DEX Save VS Prone for one round. DC Hork-Bajir’s STR score.
Bite: 1D4 + STR crushing or STR piercing
1D4 Skill + INT MOD
Proficiency with DEX + STR
25ft Base speed/15ft Swimming/35ft Climbing
+2 DEX, -2 INT
Trained in: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception
-Hork-Bajir get Advantage on all DEX based rolls (except attack rolls) when in trees.
-Hork-Bajir are always at Disadvantage with social rolls involving all other races.
-Hork-Bajir heal incredibly fast. If hit in a round of combat at the end of that round they may heal a number of HP equal to their CON MOD if in their natural form. This cannot exceed their maximum HP and extra HP are simply lost. It can stabilize but not revive them if they drop below 0. If they do drop below 0 they can only return to a maximum of their Bloodied state and no further healing of this type can occur until they take a long rest.
-Hork-Bajir are able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Hork-Bajir may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Absorb, Break, Favored Terrain, Menacing Presence, Reckless Attack, Rend, Taunt
1D12 HP
+4 AC Resistant to Fire/Sonic/Slashing/Piercing Damage
Claw Strike: 1D8 + STR Slashing
Howl: Must spend a round to charge. Must roll a D6 after usage and only a 6 recharges. 1D12 + CON sonic damage. Howler may chose to Deafen, Stun, or Fear and all hit targets must make a CON Save DC for all is Howler’s CON Score + MOD.
1D4 Skill + INT
Proficiency with DEX + STR
25ft Base speed/15ft Swim
+2 STR, -4 WIS
Trained in: Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception
-Howlers never have Disadvantage on STR or DEX rolls (except attack.)
-Howlers are always at Disadvantage with INT based rolls.
-Howlers may OUTRAGE as a free action. This grants them +2 damage and they do not suffer from the effects of Bloodied. They do not stop until they are dead. They may do this once per day and it lasts a number of rounds equal to their CON MOD. It cannot be removed and must run its course which means in the event all enemies are killed but time still remains the Howler may attack friends. They must make an INT save or they will attack anyone nearby—a successful save means they will simply take out their aggression on nearby inanimate objects.
-Howlers are constantly communicating with other Howlers. This will grant them applicable INT and WIS bonuses to situations if other Howlers have experience.
-Howlers are not able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Howlers may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Ambush Predator, Deafen, Disorient, Reckless Attack, Rend, Running Attack, Taunt, Tracking
1D8 HP
+4 AC
Unarmed: 1D4 + STR
1D8 Skill + INT
Proficiency with INT + CHA
25ft Base speed/15ft Swimming
+2 CHA, +2 INT
Trained in: Gather Info, Social, Technology
-Unless sleeping/unconscious or otherwise specifically prone, Humans cannot be surprised.
-Humans are at Disadvantage with all alien technology unless they specifically take time to study with someone trained.
-Humans go first (in initiative order) for the first round of combat, defaulting to full initiative order for the rest of combat.
-Humans can gain the Morphing Ability.
1D6 HP
+2 AC
Unarmed: 1D4 + STR
1D6 Skill + INT
Proficient with INT + CHA
20ft Base speed/10ft Swimming
+2 CHA, -2 CON
Trained in: Gather Info, Social, Technology
-Iskoort gain Advantage on all social rolls.
-Iskoort are at a Disadvantage on all CON based rolls.
-All Iskoort can CONFOUND a single target. Through one-on-one talk designed to confuse and disorient a target the Iskoort puts them at a Disadvantage trigger—meaning at any point if the Iskoort is within hearing range of the target they may start talking again and confuse the target so much that a Disadvantage will apply to whatever it is they are rolling. This completely negates all Racial effects. A WIS save DC the Iskoort’s CHA Score + MOD.
-Castes each Iskoort must be sorted into a Caste. They get additional bonuses for their Caste.
    -Warcaste: Unarmed strike damage increased to 1D6. Additional trained skills are athletics and perception. They may make one additional attack to any enemy within range if they kill a target. They may do this a number of times per day equal to their CON MOD.
    -Entertaincaste: 1s on performance rolls are re-rolled. Additional trained skills are craft and perform. They may attempt to distract a target for one round, causing them to lose all their actions that round. Target must make a WIS save DC Iskoort’s CHA Score + MOD.
    -Sellcaste: Can roll without Disadvantage to figure out how to use alien items (only applies to weapons and mundane items). Additional trained skills are decipher script and appraise. They may ‘attack’ a weapon to attempt to break it during combat at no disadvantage.
    -Sciencaste: Can attempt to perform medically on alien races without Disadvantage once spending at least an hour with them. Additional trained skills are tech and medicine. If the Iskoort’s Critical hit on an opponent does not kill them they may immediately make another regular attack.
-Once every three days the Iskoort must spend three hours under Kandrona Rays. They may not use this time to do anything other than soak up rays.
-Iskoort can not gain the Morphing Ability.
-Iskoort may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Appeasement, Break, Called Shot, Reflexes, Threatened, Tracking
1D8 HP
+2 AC Resistant to Psychic Damage
Unarmed Strike: 1D4 + STR
1D6 Skill + INT
Proficient with STR and WIS
20ft Base speed/60ft Swimming
+2 WIS, -2 DEX
Trained in: Perception, Athletics, Craft
-Leeran are able to read minds of all creatures within 10ft of themselves. If the target knows about this ability they may make a CON save VS the Leeran’s INT Score + MOD. On a fail the Leeran may essentially read one true, current thought from the target. Target’s who do not know about this ability get no save.
-Leeran are at a Disadvantage on all social based rolls dealing with any creature who knows about their psychic ability due to suspicion.
-Leeran can regenerate limbs. They may roll a percentile any time a limb is severed and have a 50% chance to regenerate immediately. If they fail the limb regenerates after a long rest.
-Leeran give allies in combat a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls.
-Leeran are able to gain the Morphing Ability.
-Leeran may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Danger Sense, Gentle Touch, Rapid Healing, Swimp Champ, Taunt, Threatened, Tracking
1D10 HP
+4 AC Resistant to Piercing/Slashing/Crushing Damage
Big Claw: 1D8 + STR
Little Pinch: 1D4 + STR
1D4 Skill + INT
Proficient with INT + WIS
20ft Base speed/20ft Swimming
+2 INT, -2 DEX
Trained in: Craft, Tech, Medicine
-Mercora do not roll at Disadvantage when healing other races.
-Mercora are always at Disadvantage with DEX rolls (except attack).
-During combat a Mercora can use their action to use one of two types of Forcefields. They can do this 5 times per long rest.
    -Shield: Effects one ally. The ally gets a bonus to their AC equal to the casting Mercora’s INT MOD. This lasts until the ally is hit.
    -Barrier: Effects up to six allies. This effect ends if an ally inside makes an attack. This barrier has HP equal to the casting Mercora’s INT score. Once that total has been reached the barrier dissolves. Allies can leave the protection of the barrier to attack but cannot re-enter.
-Mercora cannot gain the Morphing Ability.
-Mercora may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Absorb, Appeasement, Burrow, Gentle Touch, Hamstring, Hold Person, Taunt, Threatened
1D8 HP
+4 AC
Slap: 1D4 + STR Slashing
1D6 Skill + INT
Proficient with DEX + INT
20ft Base speed/30ft Swimming
+2 DEX, -2 CON
Trained in: Acrobatics, Perception, Tech
-Nartec can use any weapon after spending thirty minutes with it.
-Nartec rests are double regular length making short rests 8 hours and long rests 16 hours.
-Nartec may chose to use DEX or STR for any attack.
-Nartec can not gain the Morphing Ability.
-Nartec may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Break, Dasher & Dancer (in water only), Exploit, Night Rider, Reckless Attack, Swim Champ,
1D10 HP
+2 AC
Claw: 1D4 + STR Piercing
Bite: 1D8 + STR Crushing
1D4 Skill + INT
Proficient with CON + STR
20ft Base Speed/30ft Swimming
+2 CON, -2 WIS
Trained in: Perception, Tech, Vehicle
-Taxxon heal 1D4 each time they eat something, even in combat, however this uses their full round.
-Taxxon must make a CON save every time blood is spilled near them or they will be engulfed by hunger. DC is based upon scenario and should be difficult. If failed the Taxxon must spend every round until they make the save eating. A Taxxon only needs to make this save when an injury is made initially and do not need to make consecutive saves for the same injury unless they fail the initial save.
-Taxxons may at will/or upon a failed CON save as above if the DC is missed by half or more, enter a FEEDING FRENZY. They gain +4 to STR and may make one additional attack per turn provided it is a Bite attack. In this state they will attack whatever is closest to them including friends. Each FEEDING FRENZY lasts a number of rounds equal to the Taxxon’s CON MOD.
-Taxxon can gain the Morphing Ability.
-Taxxon may take the following Feats as Natural Form Feats: Absorb, Ambush Predator, Burrow, Charge, Claw Claw Bite, Exploit, Frenzy, Prey Drive, Reckless Attack, Rend, Tracking
1D4 HP
+8 AC Resistant to Bludgeoning/Crushing
No unarmed attack as they are essentially helpless
1D8 Skill + INT
Proficient with INT + CON
10ft Base speed/20ft Swimming
+2 INT, -4 STR
Trained in: Social, Tech, Vehicle
-In their natural state Yeerks get next-to-nothing. Their ability to take over other creatures is their sole ability. Once in control of another creature they have all that creature’s abilities available to them.
-Yeerks can gain the Morphing Ability.
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oldtumblhurgoyf · 6 years
Bachelor Party Games Review
My bachelor party was last weekend. My groomsmen rented a cabin and we loaded a ton of board games into a car, drove off into the middle of the woods, and spent the weekend drinking beer and playing games.
1. Sheriff of Nottingham
I first played this game over a year ago in Chicago. I looked by best friend (and now best man) in the eye as he promised to give me all the bread in his bag if I let it go through without inspecting it. I agreed. There was no bread in the bag. He won. I immediately purchased the game so I could exact my revenge.
The gist of this game is that you have various cards that represent legal goods like bread and apples and contraband like crossbows and rum. You put goods in a bag and then look the sheriff in the eyes and state one type of good and how many of them you put in your bag. You then can bribe the sheriff not to inspect your bag and see what you are actually trying to sneak through. Players take turns being the sheriff and the player who gets the most valuable goods to market when the game ends wins.
This is a fun beer and pretzels game. We ended up playing it three times over the weekend I believe. My friends and I cut our teeth on Diplomacy so it’s nice to have a chance to lie to each others’ faces in a fast-paced and less taxing game that puts more emphasis on being a lying bastard.
2. Photosynthesis
I know for sure I’ve written about this if you want to search the cabs or review tags on this blog. My friends were interested but ultimately didn’t seem to enjoy this one quite so much. I suppose it’s a bit more abstract in some respects and the mechanic where you pay to buy a seed or tree and then also pay to use it ripped them up. I wonder how different the game would be if things cost more but once you bought them you could just use them. I think that mechanic was a bigger barrier for them than it probably should have been. We only played this one once and while they assessed how they would do things differently if we played again, we never got around to a second game.
3. Catan
We played this once and it was a delightful classic experience. It always is and I’m glad I pushed aside my doubts of “we always play that and I have so many games we have never played I should take those instead” to bring it along. We always play it because it’s always a lot of fun. I had a commanding position despite placing last and when a 3 rolled my newly developed city coughed out 2 brick and those were massive bargaining chips on a board with no other sources of brick. I and another player battled over longest road but he was able to capture it and reveal a victory point development card to win the turn before I would have been able to.
4. Mystic Vale
Another friend of mine bought this just before the weekend and hadn’t played before so we learned together and played two games. Honestly “druids revitalizing the land” didn’t really catch me as a strong hook for a game but the game play was spectacular and I can’t wait to play again. This is a deck building game with two awesome mechanics to differentiate it from the rest; you can risk your entire turn trying to make a bigger play, and you build the deck by slotting clear cards into a limited number of sleeves to construct individual cards from three different parts. So every card has a top, middle, and bottom space and two of those spaces are see through.
I don’t remember the exact numbers now but essentially a deck has 20 cards and 9 of them are cursed lands. If you reveal... I think 4 cursed lands on your turn then you lose the turn. So you get really dramatic moments where you need additional mana so you reveal the next card, hoping it’s mana and not a cursed land. Other mechanics can mess with that by negating cursed lands so you can reveal more of them, but I love the drama this adds to the game and how it effects your card building strategy--Try to negate the curses? spread good stuff throughout for consistent moderate plays? load everything on as few cards as possible for a big play every so often?
It’s a shame we didn’t do more than a two player game of this.
5. Twilight Imperium
This is an epic space drama of absurd proportions, especially for one weekend spent drinking in a cabin. We spent about an hour and a half setting up (should have been an hour tops but, you know, drinking) then took an hour break to eat. We then played for three or four hours during which only one person bothered to get a single victory point (you need 10 to win) before we decided we didn’t have the resolve to continue.
Don’t get me wrong, those three hours were incredibly enjoyable and this game is really awesome. I think we mis-assessed the scope of our weekend trip and our ambitions. But this would have been better had we decided it was Twilight Imperium weekend, set it up as soon as we got there, and then paced ourselves over the course of that day and perhaps some of the next. Ultimately it’s probably a 6 to 8 hour game so it could be done in one day, but we were fatigued as we saved it for our last full day in the cabin.
6. Liar’s Dice
After 3 hours of TI we were all tired of sitting in the cabin so we went to sit on the porch and play a drinking game. It was very light and fun and mostly didn’t cause anyone to drink much more than they would normally, which I think is a good quality of a drinking game honestly. If you aren’t familiar with liar’s dice, google it and give it a try some time. All you need are some opaque cups and a bunch of D6. We played with 5 per player. We also messed around a bit with rules and the form I ultimately enjoyed the most was that you chose who you were raising specifically, instead of just going clockwise around the circle. It let us play up little grudges and kick someone when they were down which was a lot of fun for this sort of thing and my group of friends.
It was an absolute blast of a weekend (we did a few other things, mostly sit outside at night around a campfire) and could not have been a better bachelor party. I just wish we had more time and had played some Magic.
Edit: Oh yeah, we played cribbage and Tower the night before leaving as well. Both fun little games, and if you get a cribbage board, it’s set up so you can track individual games, matches, and series so you could honestly spend an entire game just playing cribbage. Tower is a much faster game and it was our first play through. I honestly don’t know what the best strategy is based on that experience but it was a mess of fun.
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
The Munchkin Nein - Falconet Fjord
Explaining this series
Wew real life is pretty time consuming, my week of travel has been kicking my arse in time management, barely had time to catch c2e23 on thursday. Nevertheless, here I am with today’s episode of the Munchkin Nein.
A falconet is a smaller falcon (and also has the same number of letters as falchion). It is also used to refer to a type of early cannon mounted on ships for combat. I was a bit indecisive over Frigatebird or Fregatidae but those sound a little too bland or esoteric, so I settle for falconets. 
Fjordy the Texblade is a level 5 warlock. One of the most surprising thing about him is that his patron is not, the Great Old One that the Cthulhian seeming entity that appears in his dreams, but instead a sword possessing spirit. Not entirely sure how this works out in the lore, but just like Fjord himself, there is a whole ton we don’t know yet.
What we do know is the ass-kicking our Texan accented warlock can dish out on a regular basis. First off, he wields the magical Wastehunter falchion (barnacles and creepy eye included). It does d8 slashing damage one handed, d10 for two. Fjord does hold a standard shield, giving him +2 AC. Not sure on how they play the rules with regards to 2 handing the sword in one turn and having the shield bonus in the same turn. Does Fjord have to spend his interaction stowing the shield to 2 hand the falchion? Or is the shield more like a buckler that can be brought to bear at anytime? I believe atm it is the latter case and Travis not exploiting the ruling to max out all the time, and instead using 2 hands whenever RP dictates.
As a Hexblade, Fjord adds his CHA mod of 4 rather than his puny STR mod of 0 to attack rolls and damage. Additionally, the Wastehunter adds d8 (i believe from ep22) damage against monstrosities and big creatures.
Finally, at level 5, Fjord chose the eldritch invocation Thirsting Blade, giving him an additional attack, bringing him nearly up to the melee capabilities of the other melee fighters of the Nein (molly, beau, yasha)
Crucially, this melee capability is equalled by the ranged power given by the cantrip Eldritch Blast. With a comfortable 120 feet of range, Fjord constitutes a vital part of the Nein’s reliable ranged output, doing d10 force damage. Being level 5, Fjord issues two such blasts every time he casts this cantrip. He has also augmented the output with the invocation Agonizing Blast, adding his CHA mod of 4 to the damage roll. He can even cast it while wielding his falchion and shield thanks to the War Caster feat (q.v) [google that i just learnt this notation today]. Can’t wait for the day Travis plays the double eldritch blast like a double quick draw with a pair of finger guns like them Texan cowboys do.
Now back to the crunch, the above are the regular things Fjord can always do, leaving him a dangerous threat even after prolonged combat. As a half-orc, his criticals are more dangerous, giving an additional dice roll (d10 or d8 for eldritch blast/2hand falchion or one hand falchion respectively). And he doesn’t go down easy. Once each day, if he is reduced to 0 HP, he instead stay at 1 HP allowing him to disengage if his turn comes up next, or Jester’s to heal him. I believe concentration on his spells is not automatically broken if he uses this racial ability. Also, I think its worth mentioning that half-orcs have advantage on Intimidation checks. Considering Fjord’s charisma is 18, its worth a go scaring enemies into submission, flight or just for the fun of it. But Fjord seems more into charm than fear tactics. For now. 
Now speaking about spells, warlocks have a more unusual economy in that they have far fewer slots, all at the highest level available, and are recovered on a short rest. At the moment, Fjord has 2 Level 3 spell slots. Just 2. Thus he has to be pretty tactical and careful with his spell choice, not hurl them willy nilly like Jester and Caleb can. 
Choice wise he has 6 to choose from, on top of his other cantrips of Minor Illusion and Booming Blade.
Minor Illusion allows Fjord to get creative in combat, though with his existing combat options he doesn’t really need to, to gain the edge. Booming Blade’s effectiveness can be in question. It costs an action and allows a single melee attack to be made. At level 5, a successful hit causes the target to suffer the usual d8/d10 + 4 slashing, as well as d8 thunder damage. In addition, if the target moves willingly after being struck, it suffers 2d8 thunder damage. The trade off between the cantrip and the two melee strikes is as follows:
Cantrip: 1 attack roll, d8/d10 +4 + d8 + 2d8 (conditional upon target moving willingly).  Min damage if hit: 6
Average if conditions met, attack hits (assuming one hand strike): 22
Average if conditions met, attack hits (assuming two hand strike):  23
Average if conditions unmet, attack hits (assuming one hand strike): 13
Average if conditions unmet, attack hits (assuming two hand strike) : 14
2 attacks: 2 attack rolls, 2 x (d8/d10 +4). Min damage if both hit: 10
Average if one attacks hits (assuming one hand strike): 8.5  
Average if both attacks hit (assuming one hand strike): 17
Average if one attacks hits (assuming two hand strike): 9.5  
Average if both attacks hit (assuming two hand strike): 19
Therefore, Booming Blade is best utilized if for some reason, Fjord can only make a single attack (slowed, opportunity attack etc). It would obviously be very helpful if the monster will obligingly shift its arse after being struck (intimidation maybe? does that count? idk) It will also depend on how easy the target is to hit. In summary I think one could say Booming Blade is higher risk, higher reward than two straight attacks. 
Someone has helpfully pointed out that the spell Blink works wonderfully in conjunction with this cantrip, since phasing out into the Ethereal plane generally forces the enemy to re-position in the material plane, triggering the bonus damage from the cantrip. If not for Thirsting Blade, Booming Blade would be the staple of Fjord’s melee routine. 
Onto the very important spells. I will discuss these spells at level 3, since at the moment (and up till level 7) all of Fjord’s spells will be cast at this level. 
Armor of Agathys  Gives 15 temporary hit points and does 15 cold damage to the attacker on being hit in melee. This makes Fjord a tank. A very spiky tank on the level of the venom troll faced in ep 21 and 23. In fact, that damage is nearly the maximum of what the troll puts out (though only triggered by melee attacks) The additional 15 HP can come in clutch. The only drawback is that the spell only lasts an hour, so Fjord can’t really prep it at the start of the day, rest up to regain the spell slot and wade in. It will take much more precise planning or signalling to read that flow of the story, almost to the point of metagaming. Or unless Fjord is raring for a fight. 
Hex One of Fjord’s bonus action possibilities, it gives additional d6 necrotic damage on Fjord’s successful hits. Also, one of the ability scores of the target is chosen. An ability check made with the chosen score is made at disadvantage for the duration of the spell. Which happens to be 8 hours. Though Fjord must maintain concentration for that duration. With a range of 90 feet, that could be a good way of initiating combat. Note, it is ability checks that are at disadvantage, not saves which are more often used in combat. However, checks do still occur such as STR checks for grapple contests, WIS for perception for the hiding Nott maybe? This could lend it to a more non-violent, yet hostile approach. Also, if the target is reduced to 0 HP, Fjord can use a bonus action to transfer it to another target.
Witch Bolt Not a very impressive spell in my personal opinion, save perhaps for the raw damage. 3d12 lightning damage on hit (avg 19.5). On following turns, if concentration is maintained, Fjord can use his action to automatically inflict 1d12 lightning damage. Not doing so ends the spell. Whose range is 30 feet and must be maintained. And the target must stay out of total cover. In terms of damage trade off it would win against Eldritch blast for the first round, then never again, unless the target is nigh impossible to hit and auto hits are valuable. Against the other spells that compete for the precious spell slots.....the medium run utility can be questionable. Unless its raw damage you’re looking for. 
Crown of Madness Pretty useless against a single target. Can be useful against enemies that attack in concert. A humanoid must make a WIS save, or suffer the charmed condition, using its action before moving to make a melee attack against another creature (excluding itself and Fjord). If it does not, it can act normally. At the end of its turns, it can make another WIS save, and Fjord has to spend his action maintaining control, on top of concentration. Thus only when the creature has adjacent enemies (of the Nein) to attack and can deal more damage than Fjord, will this spell be mechanically valuable. However, for most humanoids, having an ally turn against them can play a very strategic role in combat, sowing mistrust and scattering them. They could even egg on the infighting to gain a further advantage. 
Hunger of Hadar Thar’ be Cthulhu! Or Hadar as D&D calls it. Concentration, 150 feet range, 20 foot radius void of darkness and tentacles. Nasty voices audible within an extra 30 feet. Within this 20 foot void, creatures are blinded, insufficiently magically powerful light cannot illuminate it or dispel the darkness. Also, is difficult terrain. Starting the turn in it causes 2d6 cold damage. Ending the turn inside forces a DEX save (on DC 15) or else 2d6 acid damage. Range wise it is the longest option available to Fjord, and also acts a way of terrain control. The damage is....alright, not stellar but the tune of 14 damage a turn sounds decent if lumbering or CC’ed foes are kept penned in the area. Probably more useful in isolating targets than actually killing them. 
Blink  A very well RP’ed spell by Travis. When I first read the spell, I almost dismissed it as non-combat viable. But then someone on reddit pointed out the defensive value of disappearing between your turns, with 10 feet of teleportation to boot. The need to roll 11 and above makes it a little unreliable, but if the dice are hot like Fjord’s on his first use in ep22, it can really take the heat off. Therefore, it should not be used in conjunction with Armor of Agathys, since that rewards being hit. 
I left out Wrathful Smite as listed on critrole stats since Fjord could only have gained a second level 3 spell at level 5 by exchanging one of his previously known spells. Also, we have never seen Fjord use it, nor should he since it isn’t particularly effective. I may have to speculate on which spell he will trade off in his next level up, but I’ll leave it till then. 
Also, all the spells bar Blink and Armor of Agathys requires Fjord to maintain concentration. Which his War Caster feat greatly helps with, giving him advantage to CON saves to maintain it. With a CON mod of +2, he has held on in many crucial situations. The final part of the War Caster feat allows Fjord to cast a single hostile target spell in place of an opportunity of attack, enabling Booming Blade, Witch Bolt or Crown of Madness to be used as a reaction. 
If you think that’s all for Fjord, nope! His subclass grants him yet another feature. Hexblade’s Curse is a bonus action, 30 feet. 1 min duration. Not concentration, but ends if target dies or Fjord dies/incapacitated. This gives the bonus of proficiency (+3) in damage rolls against the target. Crits are 19s and 20s instead of just 20s (Fjord’s crits are also nastier than most). If the target dies, Fjord heals 9 HP. Once per short/long rest, so basically a specific extra spell slot that he can be relatively liberal in using. 
Finally, it should be mentioned that Fjord is a contender for the tank-iest of the Nein with 51 HP, AC 17 with a shield due to his cloak of protection. Armor of Agathys brings him up to an impressive 66 HP at level 5, while Hexblade’s Curse if activated by the death of an enemy turns them into a helpful health potion (9 HP of healing). (thanks to ehdubyah for reminding me HBC can’t be transferred on death, unlike Hex)
Mechanically, Fjord is a very well rounded character. Comfortable both at range and in the thick of it, he has the sustainability and versatility to engage with the many possible situations the Nein will run into during their adventures. This possibly leads to Fjord being a natural leader, as some have suggested, due to his adaptability and ability to do something in any given situation. Although, his WIS mod is -1, which makes him as wise as Yasha is charming (awkward aasimar that we all love). Also, I have to constantly remind myself he is STR 11, instead of Travis Willingham STR 20++.
Love yall, and we are on the Internet today cos Talks Machina with Matt and Sam! Interestingly July 3 and 5 they’d be off; with 4th of July they’ll be able to take a well deserved holiday. And if I’m not mistaken isn’t Laura and Travis’ baby coming in the first week of July? What a strange coincidence of timings. Still, super hyped for their new studio. 
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princess--cynthia · 7 years
MRobin 5e - Levels 1 Through 20
For @deintegro as part of my 200+ followers thing
This build aims for a mix of optimal and flavorful, leaning towards flavorful when appropriate. It also attempts to be playable under Adventurer’s League rules, so no Unearthed Arcana and minimal re-flavoring will be there.
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There were questions on how to approach Robin. Deintegro’s interpretation leans significantly more towards magic than swords, but he’s still very much a ‘gish’ in D&D terms (melee-and-magic user, not great at either but solid at both). For a while I tried to play around with some kind of Blade Pact Warlock / Ranger build, but eventually I decided that I’d just break the game over my knee. TO THE HALF-ELF RACE PAGE!
Therefor, he’s a Bard/Rogue, which honestly might be flat-out the most broken combination of classes in the game, even with using the worst Rogue subclass in Mastermind (but it has an ability literally called Master of Tactics I can’t not). Just reflavor all of the ‘song’ abilities as battle tactics and you’re good. 
Race: Half-Elf (I know he’s human, but this is the easiest way to break 5e) Background: Sage Class: Valor Bard 17 / Mastermind Rogue 3
Ultimately you end up wearing medium armor, being a good spellcaster who manages to have a single 9th level spell and, thankfully(?), no access to Wish meaning that GMs aren’t going to hate you (I’m honestly on the fence if you take Power Word Heal, Power Word Kill or True Polymorph as your 9th Level spell of choice). Rogue does let you add on 2d6 worth of sneak attack damage, and the Battle Magic Valor-bard feature lets you cast a spell and then immediately hit someone with your sword. 
The Master of Tactics ability lets you take the Help action even if not adjacent to an ally, and combined with the Bardic Inspiration feature and the ridiculous amount of skills you’re getting as a Half-Elf Bard (plus bonus Expertises from Rogue 1), it keeps a pretty good indication of the background of the tactician class in Awakening. 
Ultimately, you’re not flashy. You’re not going to one-round things, and you’re not dumping creatures into parallel dimensions that you made. But you are incredibly useful outside of combat, having every single knowledge skill marked as an Expertise, and in combat the Help action when combined with Bardic Inspiration die every turn is not to be sniffed at. If you really need to deal loads of damage near endgame, spend a 7th or higher spell slot for the mother of all Lightning Bolts
Quick rundown of levelling: Get to Valor Bard 6 so you have Extra Attack, keeping your damage output relevant, and then start taking your three Rogue levels. Then, resume taking Bard. The spells listed at the end are just recommendations - you can take what you want for those, mostly. 
To break this build further, go to Bard 19 / Rogue 1 (splashing for Rogue 1 at Level 2, as it’s less of an investment). This gives you access to Wish, and a final ASI to pick up another feat or just pump up your stats a bit - I honestly like this build better, but I just had to get Master of Tactics in there. As always, the full build is under the cut.  
Level One - Bard 1
Name: Robin Race: Half-Elf Background: Sage Class/Level: Bard 1
Proficiency Bonus: +2
STR 8 (-1) CON 8 (-1) DEX 16 (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 16 (+3)
AC 15 Initiative +3 Speed 30ft
Total HP 7 Hit Die 1d8
Proficient Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Proficient Skills: Arcana, History, Deception, Investigation, Insight, Perception, Religion
Attacks: Rapier (+5, 1d8+3 Piercing, Finesse) Bardic Inspiration: d6
Languages: Common, Elvish, three other languages of your choice Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords Tool Proficiency: Three musical instruments of choice
Features & Traits: Fey Ancestry (Advantage on saving throws against charm, and cannot be put to sleep by magic); Darkvision (60ft of dim light, and all darkness as dim light); Researcher (If you fail to recall a piece of lore, you know where to go to learn about it. This may not be easy.); Bardic Inspiration (As a bonus action on your turn, target a creature within 60 feet. They get a Bardic Inspiration die. Within the next 10 minutes, they can spend that die and add it to an ability check, attack roll or saving throw they made. A creature can only have one Bardic Inspiration die at a time; Use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining lost charges at a long rest).
Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague, a set of common clothes, money pouch. Leather armor, dagger, rapier, diplomat's pack, a musical instrument of your choice.
Spellcasting Attribute: Charisma Spell Save DC: 8+PRF+CHA Spell Attack Roll: PRF+CHA
Cantrips: 2 Known (Message and Mage Hand) 1st Level Spells: 2 Slots. [Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Thunderwave] __ Level Two - Bard 2
HP 7 -> 11 Hit Die: 2d8
+1 1st Level Spell Slot New Spell: Silent Image
New Features: Jack of All Trades (Add half your Proficiency bonus to a skill check when using a skill you are not proficient in); Song of Rest (During a short rest, you or any friendly allies heal an extra amount when they spend a hit die);
Song of Rest healing: d6 __ Level Three - Valor Bard 3
HP 11 to 15 Hit Die: 3d8
+1 1st Level Spell Slot +2 2nd Level Spell Slots
New Features: Expertise: Insight, Perception (Add twice your Proficiency bonus to checks made with these skills); Combat Inspiration (Creatures can add Bardic Inspiration dice to damage rolls as well, and use their Reaction to roll in the Bardic Inspiration die and add it to their AC in an attempt to make an attack miss)
New Proficiencies: Medium armor, shields, all martial weapons __ Level Four - Valor Bard 4
HP 15 to 19 Hit Die: 4d8
New Cantrip +1 2nd Level Spell Slot
Ability Score Increase: Spend on the Keen Mind feat.
New Feature: +2 Constitution __ Level Five - Valor Bard 5
HP 19 to 24 Hit Die: 5d8
Proficiency to +3
Bardic Inspiration to d8
New Feature: Font of Inspiration (Recover all uses of Bardic Inspiration after a Short or Long rest, not just a Long rest)
+2 3rd Level Spell Slots
Suggested Gear Changes: Switch out the Leather Armor for a Breastplate (AC 14+up to 2 points of Dexterity) or Half-Plate (AC 15+up to 2 points of dexterity). Find a magical Rapier, probably a +1 Rapier. Grab a shield, to help make sure you don't die. Otherwise, the build doesn't really have any 'key' magic items - go nuts.
Play Advice: Yeah, don't get hit. Still. Hang back, dash in to hit things with your rapier, and focus on being useful outside of combat - for now. Your damage output is a little better thanks to Extra Attack in just one level, though, so hang in there. __ Level Six - Valor Bard 6
HP to 29 Hit Die: 6d8
+1 3rd Level Spell Slot
New Features: Countercharm (As an actional, start a performance that lasts until the end of your next turn. Until then, you and other friendly creatures in 30ft have advantage on saves against being frightened or charmed); Extra Attack (You may attack twice instead of once when you take the Attack action) __ Level Seven - Valor Bard 6, Rogue 1
HP to 34 Hit Die: 7d8
New Skill Proficiency: Intimidation New Tool Proficiency: Thieves' Tools
New Features: Add History and Deception to the skills affected by Expertise. Sneak Attack (Add 1d6 damage to an attack made with a Finesse weapon if you had Advantage once per round); Thieves' Cant (Sign language) __ Level Eight - Valor Bard 6, Rogue 2
HP to 39 Hit Die: 8d8
New Feature: Cunning Action (You gain an additional bonus action that can only be used to Dash, Disengage or Hide during your turn) __ Level Nine - Valor Bard 6, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 44 Hit Die: 9d8
Proficiency bonus to +4
New Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, One gaming set of choice
New Features: Master of Intrigue (Mimic the speech patterns and accent of a creature that you hear speak for at least 1 minute); Master of Tactics (You can use the Help action as a bonus action; When you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear you) __ Level Ten - Valor Bard 7, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 49 Hit Die: 10d8
+1 4th Level Spell and spell slot
Suggested Magic Items: If you can get one, an Ioun Stone of either Leadership or Agility - or, hell, both, although that's some endgame stuff there. A good magic weapon, like a +2 or a Flametongue, will help top up your damage output. An excellent item to pick up around this point is the Cloak of Displacement, forcing opponents to have disavantage on all attacks against you until you take damage - at which point, the effect resets at the start of your next turn.
Play Advice: OKAY, NOW WE'RE HERE. Using your bonus action to Help and then your proper action to either cast support magic or hit something twice is a much better use of your time. You don't have much in the way of damage spells, but trust me - soon. __ Level Eleven - Valor Bard 8, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 54 Hit Die: 11d8
Ability Score Increase: Take the Keen Mind feat.
+1 4th Level slot and spell
New Feature: Keen Mind (+1 Intelligence. You always know which way is north, you always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset, and you can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard in the last month) __ Level Twelve - Valor Bard 9, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 59 Hit Die: 12d8
Song of Rest to d8
+1 4th Level Spell slot +1 5th Level slot & spell __ Level Thirteen - Valor Bard 10, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 64 Hit Die: 13d8
Bardic Inspiration to d10 Proficiency Bonus to +5
New Feature: Add Arcana and Investigation to the list of skills affected by Expertise. Magical Secrets (Gain two spells from any other class' spell list, that you can cast at this level)
+1 5th level spell slot +1 Cantrip __ Level Fourteen - Valor Bard 11, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 69 Hit Die: 14d8
+1 6th level spell slot and spell __ Level Fifteen - Valor Bard 12, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 74 Hit Die: 15d8
Ability Score Improvement: Take the Observant feat (+1 Intelligence. If you can see a creature's mouth while it's talking a language you know, you can read its lips. +5 bonus to passive Wisdom(Perception) and Intelligence(Investigation) Scores)
Suggested Gear: Look, I'm serious, this build is mostly campaign- and gm-dependent in terms of what they'll let you get away with. Two of your three attunement slots are probably taken up by the Agility and Leadership Ioun Stones if they let you take both, and the third should be occupied by a Cloak of Displacement or a similarly powerful defensive item. This means that your shield, weapon, and armor are going to have to be vanilla +1 or +2 weapons, and your other gear also has to avoid being Attuned.
Play Advice: You now have a good damaging magical attack in Lightning Bolt (thanks,  magical secrets) that can do some RIDICULOUS amounts of damage when paired with the Battle Magic feature at Level 17. Either way, keep being a bard - super useful outside of combat, super helpful in combat, if not necessarily flashy. __ Level Sixteen - Valor Bard 13, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 79 Hit Die: 16d8
Song of Rest to d10
+1 7th level spell and slot __ Level Seventeen - Valor Bard 14, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 84 Hit Die: 17d8
Proficiency Bonus to +6
New Features: Magical Secrets; Battle Magic (When you use your action to cast a Bard spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action) __ Level Eighteen - Valor Bard 15, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 89 Hit Die: 18d8
Bardic Inspiration to d12
+1 Eight level spell and slot __ Leven Nineteen - Valor Bard 16, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 94 Hit Die: 19d8
Ability Score Improvement: +2 Charisma __ Level Twenty - Valor Bard 17, Mastermind Rogue 3
HP to 99 Hit Die: 20d8
+1 9th level spell and slot
Song of Rest to d12
Suggested Gear: See above, but here's what I'd go with. +3 Rapier, +3 Half-Plate, +3 Shield, Mastery Ioun Stone [Attuned], Agility Ioun Stone [Attuned], Leadership Ioun Stone [Attuned], and having read at least one of the ''+2 to this stat'' manuals for either Dexterity or Charisma - we'll say Dexterity. Then, a whole smorgasboard of just random magical effect  and summoning items - Necklace of Fireballs, Circlet of Blasting, Beads of Force, Elemental Gems, Potions, Spell Scrolls...seriously, go nuts. You're a bard, you're meant to. They're basically Fantasy Batman.  
Super Ultimate Final Build:
Name: Robin Race: Half-Elf Background: Sage Class/Level: Valor Bard 17 / Mastermind Rogue 3
Proficiency Bonus: +6 / +7 with Ioun Stone
STR 8 (-1) CON 10 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) / 20 with Manual + Ioun Stone (+5) INT 18 (+4) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 18 (+4) / 20 with Ioun Stone (+5)
AC 25 Initiative +5 Speed 30ft
Total HP 99 Hit Die 20d8
Proficient Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Proficient Skills: Arcana*, History*, Deception*, Investigation*, Insight*, Perception*, Religion, Intimidation
Attacks: +3 Rapier (+12 to hit; 1d8+8 Piercing damage; Finesse) Bardic Inspiration: d12 Song of Rest: d12
Languages: Common, Elvish, three other languages of your choice Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons, Martial weapons, Medium armor, Shields, Light Armor Tool Proficiency: Three musical instruments of choice, Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, One gaming set of choice
Features & Traits: Fey Ancestry (Advantage on saving throws against charm, and cannot be put to sleep by magic); Darkvision (60ft of dim light, and all darkness as dim light); Researcher (If you fail to recall a piece of lore, you know where to go to learn about it. This may not be easy.); Bardic Inspiration (As a bonus action on your turn, target a creature within 60 feet. They get a Bardic Inspiration die. Within the next 10 minutes, they can spend that die and add it to an ability check, attack roll or saving throw they made. A creature can only have one Bardic Inspiration die at a time; Use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining lost charges at a long rest); Jack of All Trades (Add half your Proficiency bonus to a skill check when using a skill you are not proficient in); Song of Rest (During a short rest, you or any friendly allies heal an extra amount when they spend a hit die); Expertise: Insight, Perception, History, Deception, Arcana, Investigation (Add twice your Proficiency bonus to checks made with these skills); Combat Inspiration (Creatures can add Bardic Inspiration dice to damage rolls as well, and use their Reaction to roll in the Bardic Inspiration die and add it to their AC in an attempt to make an attack miss); Keen Mind (+1 Intelligence. You always know which way is north, you always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset, and you can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard in the last month); Font of Inspiration (Recover all uses of Bardic Inspiration after a Short or Long rest, not just a Long rest); Countercharm (As an actional, start a performance that lasts until the end of your next turn. Until then, you and other friendly creatures in 30ft have advantage on saves against being frightened or charmed); Extra Attack (You may attack twice instead of once when you take the Attack action); Cunning Action (You gain an additional bonus action that can only be used to Dash, Disengage or Hide during your turn);  Master of Intrigue (Mimic the speech patterns and accent of a creature that you hear speak for at least 1 minute); Master of Tactics (You can use the Help action as a bonus action; When you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear you); Observant (+1 Intelligence. If you can see a creature's mouth while it's talking a language you know, you can read its lips. +5 bonus to passive Wisdom(Perception) and Intelligence(Investigation) Scores); Battle Magic (When you use your action to cast a Bard spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action);
Equipment: See above, but here's what I'd go with. +3 Rapier, +3 Half-Plate, +3 Shield, Mastery Ioun Stone [Attuned], Agility Ioun Stone [Attuned], Leadership Ioun Stone [Attuned], and having read at least one of the ''+2 to this stat'' manuals for either Dexterity or Charisma - we'll say Dexterity. Then, a whole smorgasboard of just random magical effect  and summoning items - Necklace of Fireballs, Circlet of Blasting, Beads of Force, Elemental Gems, Potions, Spell Scrolls...seriously, go nuts. You're a bard, you're meant to. They're basically Fantasy Batman.  
Spellcasting Attribute: Charisma Spell Save DC: 8+PRF+CHA Spell Attack Roll: PRF+CHA
Cantrips: 3 Known (Light, Blade Ward, Message and Mage Hand) 1st Level Spells: 4 Slots. [Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Thunderwave, Silent Image] 2nd Level Spells: 3 Slots. [Detect Thoughts, Shatter] 3rd Level Spells: 3 Slots. [Sending, Dispel Magic] 4th Level Spells: 3 Slots. [Dimension Door, Hallucinatory Terrain] 5th Level Spells: 2 Slots. [Scrying] 6th Level Spells: 1 Slot. [True Seeing] 7th Level Spells: 1 Slot. [Teleport] 8th Level Spells: 1 Slot. [Power Word Stun] 9th Level Spells: 1 Slot. [Power Word Heal]
MAGICAL SECRETS: Lightning Bolt (Sorcerer Level 3); Conjure Elemental (Wizard Level 5); Simulacrum (wizard Level 7); Chain Lightning (Sorcerer Level 6);
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #175
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re entering the Dead Heat Summer Race! That’s right, we’re finally doing some Summer servants... in the Summer! We’re still a year off, but at least they’ve got the spirit!
As an added challenge, I’ll make sure all the teams get their own car! Fran & Maid Alter get a pass since they’re teamed up with people that already have cars (Babbage & Nero, respectively), but the others will all have their own vehicles to ride!
Anyways, today we’re building Nero Claudius... again. I promise this is... probably(?) the last time. She’s a Creation Bard to build up her golden theater on the sea as well as a sick car. She’s also a Draconic Soul Sorcerer to grab those giant guns she’s got on her back.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Team Electric Steam feat. Papa!
Race and Background
Nero is still a Human Noble. This gives her +1 to any two stats, and her Constitution and Charisma will need rounding up in a second, so go with those. She also gets proficiency with History, Persuasion, and Performance, plus the Lucky feat to re-roll her attacks, saves, and checks plus incoming attacks three times per long rest. You might be in a bikini, but you’re still the emperor. You get what you want, and what you want is just about everything.
Ability Scores
Surprising no one, your Charisma is your highest stat. The race was basically a popularity contest, and you won almost every leg of it. Second is Dexterity- you’re fighting in either a dress or a swimsuit, but in either case it’s definitely not armor. Your Constitution is next, races take a while and there’s no time to stop for snacks, so you’ll have to toughen up a bit. After that is Intelligence. You’re flighty, not dumb. Your Strength isn’t amazing, you don’t really need big muscles to look good, but we’re dumping Wisdom. It wouldn’t be high at the best of times, and the caster class suits you to a dangerous degree.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: Starting off as a sorcerer may get you less health and fewer proficiencies, but you still get Constitution and Charisma saves, as well as Arcana and Religion. You’re a caster now, it’s time to act like one.
The big reason we’re starting here right away is for the goody you get from being a Draconic Bloodline sorcerer, Draconic Resilience. Thanks to your great-great-great-great-great-grandparent Dragon Ancestor being a red dragon, you get an extra 1 hp for each level of this class, as well as a doubled proficiency bonus on charisma checks involving dragons.
You also get an unarmored defense of 13 + your dexterity modifier. Now you can wear a swimsuit anywhere you like without issues. I’d still recommend you don’t meet the king dressed like that, but you’re a noble, I’m sure he’s already expecting a bit of eccentricity.
You can also cast Spells using your Charisma, grab Light and Minor Illusion to put on a good show, Sword Burst so you can actually use a sword (we’ll get better options later), and Magic Missile and Create Bonfire for some quick shots from your cannons. You also get Absorb Elements, because this and Blade Ward are the easiest to get “weakness nullifying” spells, and this one’s actually good.
2. Bard 1: Bouncing over to bard real quick gives you another set of Spells that also use Charisma. You also get Bardic Inspiration, d6s you can hand out as a bonus action to allies. While they have one, they can add it to an attack, save, or check they have to make. You have Charisma Modifier inspiration dice to give out per long rest.
You do whatever you want, and while Prestidigitation isn’t quite that open-ended, it’s still pretty good for a single spell. You also get Friends, Command and Charm Person to be your usual charming self. Grab Cure Wounds for just a touch of healing, and Feather Fall. You’ve got giant metal wings, they should be good for something, right?
You get proficiency with Animal Handling as well.
3. Bard 2: Second level bards are Jacks of All Trades, adding half their proficiency bonus to all ability checks. You can also perform a Song of Rest on short rests, adding 1d6 to healing done. Your dulcet tones inspire everyone around you! (Usually to put as much distance between themselves and you as possible, but hush)
Your inspiration also turns into Magical Inspiration- creatures can use your inspiration to add to their spell’s damage or healing potential.
Finally, you get the spell Unearthly Chorus, which doesn’t have any damage or healing potential! It just makes you even better at charisma checks. It’s also very flavorful for someone about to open a theater.
4. Bard 3: Third level bards graduate from their college, and the College of Creation will one day allow you to afford a car! For now, you only have a Note of Potential, adding extra effects to your inspiration depending on how they’re used. Adding one to an ability check gives the user advantage on the die roll. Adding it to an attack roll deals thunder damage to the target and each creature next to it that fails a constitution save. Adding it to a saving throw adds temporary hp to the user equal to the roll plus your charisma modifier.
You know how I just said you only have the note? We lied. You can also make a Performance of Creation once per long rest or by spending a second level spell slot. You can create any nonmagical item, as long as it is worth less than 20 times your bard level in GP, and medium or smaller. Neither of those restrictions will help you make a car, but they’ll improve as you level up.
Finally, you get Expertise in Animal Handling and Arcana, doubling your proficiency bonus in both skills.
For your spell, Enhance Ability makes it easier to do whatever you set your mind to, giving advantage on one kind of ability check for the duration.
5. Bard 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells and more inspiration.
You also learn the Dancing Lights cantrip so you can put on even better shows, and Pyrotechnics for pretty much the same reason. You need an existing source of fire to set it off, but you can always combo it with Create Bonfire in a pinch.
6. Bard 5: Fifth level bards are a Font of Inspiration, recharging your inspiration on short rests instead of long ones. Also, your inspiration grows to d8s.
You can also make a Motivational Speech with a third level spell slot, giving your party temporary HP, advantage on wisdom saves, and advantage on its next attack if it gets hit by an attack.
7. Bard 6: Countercharm is okay, spend an action to give advantage to your party on charm and frightening saves, but we’re really here for your subclass specialties. Your Performance of Creation can make Large objects now, and you can spend an action to make an Animating Performance, turning a large or smaller (gee, that worked out nicely) object into a Dancing Item for up to an hour. It’ll only dodge on its turn unless you use your bonus action to command the thing, but you can inspire people and command it in the same action. You can make a dancing item once per long rest, or by using third level spell slots. Also, you can only have one at a time. I’m pretty sure a functional car in a medieval setting is worth more than 120 gold though, so we’ll work on it some more later.
For your spell, I’d suggest Suggestion, it’s very useful for making the world revolve around you.
8. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers become a Font of Magic (you are just becoming a font for all sorts of crap, huh?), giving you sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level. You can turn spell slots into points, or points into slots, or even cooler stuff next level!
For now, the big new thing is you can cast Shield. Those giant metal wings make it harder to hit you than you’d think.
9. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers get that cooler thing I was just talking about, Metamagic! When you get it now, you get two metamagic options that can alter how your spells work; Heightened spells force disadvantage against their save on one creature they effect, and Twinned spells target two creatures instead of only one (Note: twinned spells only work on spells that target a single creature.)
You also get Scorching Ray, giving you a macross missile massacre of fire out of those organcannons you’re hauling around with you.
10. Bard 7: We’re stopping back in bard real quick to grab your fourth level spell, Hallucinatory Terrain. Somehow you always bring the waterfront with you when you use your NP, and now you really can do that!
11. Sorcerer 4: Use this ASI to max out your Charisma for the best spells possible. Speaking of the best spells possible, you can cast True Strike now for advantage on an attack next turn! You can also cast Shadow Blade so you have a sword you can attack with. A cool, spooky sword that deals psychic damage and has advantage against targets in the dark. Yes, it took us half the build to get a sword, that’s what happens when you’re a cavalry class.
12. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers are even better at skill checks now thanks to their Magical Guidance, using your sorcery points to reroll failed checks for, essentially, permanent advantage on whatever you do.
You can also cast Water Walk. Eventually your NP will involve actual water, so you’ll want to be prepared for that. Forcing your whole party to do the doggy paddle every time you want to cut loose isn’t a great look, be a team player here.
13. Sorcerer 6: Our last stop on the sorcerer train is sixth level, giving you an Elemental Affinity for fire. All your fire damage spells get your charisma added to their damage, and you can spend a sorcery point after casting one of them to gain resistance to fire damage for an hour. Always remember to apply sunscreen throughout the day. Now more than ever, that shit gets hot.
To take advantage of this new affinity, you can cast Melf’s Minute Meteors, launching chunks of those cannons off and firing a couple per turn at your enemies, dealing fire damage in a small area around their destination. Creatures have to make a dexterity save, and if they succeed they take half damage. Like scorching ray, these are multiple instances of fire damage, so add your charisma to each one.
14. Bard 8: Back in bard for good now! Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity so you can start being good with a sword. Just in case that’s still not enough, you can cast Charm Monster now too. You have enough gravitas to bend the authors to your will, I’m sure you can handle a manticore or two.
15. Bard 9: Your Song of Rest grows to 1d8 now, but more importantly you get fifth level spells! Animate Objects is another way to build your car (we’re still 5 levels away from performance of creation building it) or to get your cannon bits into position.
16. Bard 10: Tenth level bards get another cantrip! Honestly, we probably should’ve gotten Mending earlier. Adventuring in an outfit where a single snapped string can completely remove your top isn’t a great idea. You also get Magical Secrets, giving you two spells from any spell list. Flame Blade gives you a more thematically appropriate weapon, and Fireball is a big boom you can fire off.
On top of that, you get another round of Expertise, doubling your proficiency in Performance and Persuasion.
You also get a bigger inspiration, letting you hand out d10s.
17. Bard 11: Eleventh level bards get sixth level spells, like Mass Suggestion. It’s like Suggestion, but for the masses.
18. Bard 12: Use this last ASI to bump up your Dexterity again for a higher AC and better swordplay.
19. Bard 13: Your song of rest increases to a d10 as well, and you get the seventh level spell of champions, Mirage Arcane! If you make an illusion you can really feel, is it still an illusion? Anyways, you can make your golden theater now and the ocean surrounding it, and it all lasts for 10 days!
20. Bard 14: Your capstone level of bard lets you hit a Creative Crescendo, creating up to five items at once when you use your Performance of Creation. One of those objects can be Huge, the rest all have to be Small or smaller. You also don’t have to worry about cost when making objects, so that car is finally within reach! 
You also get Magical Secrets again for two more spells. Prismatic Spray gives your golden theater some big ass cannons, creating a 60′ cone of light that deals different kinds of damage and effects. You also get Tenser’s Transformation, turning you from a full caster class into a proper fighter once more. You get temporary HP, permanent advantage on weapon attacks, you deal extra force damage, gain proficiency with all weapons as well as strength and constitution saves, and you can attack twice per action. The downsides are you can’t cast spells and after it ends you have to make a constitution save afterwards to prevent exhaustion, but I think it’s appropriate that we finally gave Nero those migraines she’s always complaining about.
As usual, nero’s build is pretty adaptable, with a little bit of everything to help out any dedicated role in the party. She has healing, dps spells, utility, social graces, pretty much all skill checks, and also literally the ability to make whatever item she might need in a given situation.
Tenser’s Transformation is meant to turn wizards into melee fighters, and you’re (more or less) a bard. With almost 200 HP thanks to this spell and the ability to make your own armory, you can turn yourself into a terrifying war god practically at will.
Elemental Affinity can be really scary if you game the system right. Max out a casting of scorching ray to deal 20d6+50 damage to a single target. That’s better than a 9th level fireball. It also gives resistance to one of the most common damage types!
Fire is one of the most common damage types, so it’s also one of the most common resistances. You have other stuff to fall back on, but it’ll put a crimp in your style if you go up against fire elementals. Or water elementals. Or fiends. Or- you get the picture.
We don’t improve on physical stats until level 14, which means you’ll be stuck with an AC of 15 for a majority of the game, and your sword skills won’t be that useful until very late in the campaign.
The big moment where the build really comes together as Nero is around level 19-20, meaning most players will never actually reach that point. Sorry guys, Nero is a luxury few can afford.
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ravenclawlitza · 7 years
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❛  mei “gothel” qiao, herbalist alchemist wizard monk
                   original character for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS fifth edition
      STR  12 / +1 / +6   •   DEX  16 / +3 / +7   •   CON  14 / +2 / +2       INT  20 / +5 / +5   •   WIS  18 / +4 / +4   •   CHA  14 / +2 / +2
      HP:  108   •   AC:  16   •   LEVEL:  15  (5 monk, 10 wizard)   •   HIT DICE:  15d8       SPEED:  40ft   •   MARTIAL ARTS DIE:  1d6   •   ARMOR:  unarmored defense       PROFICIENCY:  +5  •   LANGUAGES:  common, elvish, gnomish
STR:  +1 athletics
DEX:  +3 acrobatics  •  +3 sleight of hand  •  +3 stealth
INT:  +5 arcana  •  +10 history  •  +5 investigation  •  +5 nature  •  +10 religion
WIS:  +4 animal handling  •  +9 insight  •  +9 medicine  •  +9 perception  •  +4 survival
CHA:  +2 deception  •  +2 intimidation  •  +2 performance  •  +7 persuasion
ALCHEMIST:  increase your intelligence score by one.  you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies and can double your proficiency if you are already proficient with them.  as an action, you can identify one potion within 5 feet of you that you can see as if you had tasted it.  over the course of a short rest, you can temporarily improve the potency of one potion of healing of any rarity.  to use this benefit, you must have alchemist's supplies with you and the potion must be within reach.  if the potion is drunk no more than one hour after the short rest ends, the creature drinking the potion can forgo the roll and regain the maximum number of hit points the potion can restore.  due to her old age, gothel must consume one improved potion a day or suffer three levels of exhaustion, gaining disadvantage on ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls, and having her speed reduced by half.
monk abilities:
UNARMORED DEFENSE:  while you are not wearing armor and not using a shield, your ac is equal to ten plus your dexterity and wisdom modifiers.
MARTIAL ARTS:  you can use dexterity instead of strength for your attacks and damage rolls with your monk weapons and unarmed attacks.  you can use a d6 in place of your unarmed strike or monk weapon die.  when you attack with an unarmed strike or monk weapon on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make an unarmed strike.
KI:  you have 5 ki points that you regain after at least 30 minutes of meditation.
FLURRY OF BLOWS:  immediately after you take the attack action on your turn, you can spend one ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
PATIENT DEFENSE:  you can spend one ki point to take the dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
STEP OF THE WIND:  you can spend one ki point to take the disengage or dash action as a bonus action on your turn and double your jump distance for the turn.
UNARMORED MOVEMENT:  your speed increases by ten feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield.
DEFLECT MISSILES:  you can use your reaction to deflect or catch a missile when you are hit with a ranged weapon attack, reducing the damage by 1d10+8.  if you reduce the damage to zero, you can catch it if it is small enough to hold in one hand, and can spend one ki point to make a ranged attack with it as a part of the same reaction, range 20/60.
SLOW FALL:  you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce the falling damage you take by 25.
EXTRA ATTACK:  you can attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action on your turn.
STUNNING STRIKE:  you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent’s body when you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, spending one ki point to attempt a stunning strike.  the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw vs 17 or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
PATH OF THE KENSEI:  you gain proficiency with the katana and it becomes a monk weapon for you.
PUMMELING STRIKE:  when you take the attack action on your turn and hit a target with a kensei weapon, you can use a bonus action to deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
DEFENSE:  if you make an unarmed attack as part of the attack action on your turn and are holding a kensei weapon, you can use that weapon defensively, gaining a +2 bonus to ac until the start of your next turn.
artificer abilities:
MAGIC ITEM ANALYSIS:  your understanding of magic items allows you to analyze and understand their secrets.  you know detect magic and identify as artificer spells, and you can cast them as rituals.  you don’t need to provide material components when casting identify with this class feature.
TOOL EXPERTISE:  your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses tinker’s tools.
WONDROUS INVENTIONS:  goggles of night (nightvision 60ft), driftglobe, heward’s handy haversack (two 20lb pouches, one 80lb pouch, always weighs 5lb, the item you need is always magically on top, functions like a bag of holding).
INFUSE MAGIC:  you can channel your artificer spells into objects for later use. when you cast an artificer spell with a casting time of 1 action, you can increase its casting time to 1 minute.  if you do so and hold a nonmagical item throughout the casting, you expend a spell slot, but none of the spell’s effects occur.  instead, the spell transfers into that item for later use if the item doesn’t already contain a spell from this feature.  any creature holding the item thereafter can use an action to activate the spell if the creature has an intelligence score of at least 6.  the spell is cast using your spellcasting ability and must be used within 8 hours.  you can only infuse 4 spells at a time.
SUPERIOR ATTUNEMENT:  your superior understanding of magic items allows you to master their use, attuning up to four magic items at a time.
MECHANICAL SERVANT:  you create a mechanical construct with the statistics of a large of smaller beast with a challenge rating of 2 or less.  it does not require air, food, drink, or sleep, it can’t be charmed, it is immune to poison, it has darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and it understands the languages you can speak when you create it and obeys your commands without hesitation.  if you are the target of a melee attack and the servant is within 5 feet of the attacker, you can use your reaction to command the servant to respond, using its reaction to make a melee attack against the attacker.  if the servant is killed, it can be returned to life via normal mean, and over the course of a long rest, you can repair a slain servant if you have access to its body, returning it to functionality with 1 hit point at the end of the rest.  if the servant is beyond recovery, you can build a new one with one week of work and 1000 gp of raw materials.
WHEEL BEAST:  large construct.  ac 12, hp 44, speed 50ft, blindsight 60ft, perception +3, stealth +6.  str 17, dex 15, con 13, int 3, wis 12, cha 8.  the wheel beast has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t incapacitated.  as an action, the wheel beast can make a 5 foot reach bludgeoning +5 1d8+3 attack with its front wheel hub.  if it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target right before hitting it with a +5 1d6+3 bludgeoning attack, the target must succeed on a strength saving throw vs 13 or be knocked prone.  if the target is prone, the wheel beast can take a bonus action to make one +5 1d6+3 bludgeoning attack against a creature directly behind the first target if it is within five feet.  as part of its movement and after a 10 foot running start, the wheel beast can long jump up to 25 feet.
alchemist abilities:
ALCHEMIST’S SATCHEL:  you craft a satchel that contains reagents you use to create a variety of concoctions.  the bag and its contents are magical, and you can pull out exactly the right materials you need for your formulas.  you must be able to reach your alchemist’s sack to use your formulas.
ALCHEMICAL ACID:  as one action, you hurl a vial of acid up to 30 feet.  anyone in the 5 foot radius where it shatters must make a dexterity saving throw vs 18 or take 5d6 acid damage.  an object that is automatically hit takes the maximum 30 damage.
HEALING DRAUGHT:  as an action, you can pull a potion from your satchel, and as an action a creature can drink it to regain 5d8 hit points.  a creature can only benefit from this potion once per long rest, and it lasts for one hour outside of the satchel. 
SWIFT STEP DRAUGHT:  as a bonus action, you can pull this potion from your satchel, as as an action a creature can drink it to increase their speed by 20 feet for one minute.  after drinking this potion, a creature can’t benefit from it again for one minute.
TANGLEFOOT BAG:  as an action, you pull out a bag of tar and hurl it at a point on the ground within 30 feet of you.  it covers a 5 foot radius with sticky goo which becomes difficult terrain.  any creature that starts its turn there has its speed halved.  you can only produce this potion once per minute.
THUNDERSTONE:  as an action, you pull a crystalline shard from your bag and hurl it at a point within 30 feet of you.  it shatters on impact with a blast of concussive energy, and each creature within 10 feet must make a constitution saving throw vs 18 or be knocked prone and pushed 10 feet away.
SPELLS:  you know 7 artificer spells and have 4 first level and 3 second level spell slots.
MENDING:  one minute, verbal / somatic / two lodestones, touch, instantaneous.  you repair a single break or tear in an object no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, leaving no trace of the former damage.  the spell cannot restore magic to a magic item or construct.
first level spells:
CURE WOUNDS:   one action, verbal / somatic, touch, instantaneous.  a creature you touch regains 1d8+5 hit points using a first level spell slot, and 2d8+5 using a second level spell slot.
FALSE LIFE:  one action, verbal / somatic / a small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits, self, one hour duration.  you gain 1d4+4 temporary hit points using a first level spell slot, and 1d4+9 temporary hit points using a second level spell slot.
second level spells:
INVISIBILITY:   one action, verbal / somatic / an eyelash encased in gum arabic, touch, up to one hour with concentration.  a creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends.  anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person.
LESSER RESTORATION:  one action, verbal / somatic, touch, instantaneous.  you touch a creature and end one disease or condition afflicting it, blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
PROTECTION FROM POISON:  one action, verbal / somatic, touch, one hour duration.  you touch a creature and neutralize one poison you know is present or one at random if it is poisoned.  for the duration, the target has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and has resistance to poison damage.
SPIDER CLIMB:  one action, verbal / somatic / a drop of bitumen and a spider, touch, up to one hour with concentration.  until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving its hands free, and gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.
KATANA:  +8 to attack, 1d8+3 slashing, finesse, 1d10 versatile, extra 1d4 using bonus action
UNARMED STRIKE:  +8 to attack, 1d6+3 bludgeoning
CLOTHING:  fine clothes in the style of the shou, goggles.
POSSESSIONS:  haversack, dungeoneer’s pack, herbalism kit, tinker’s tools, alchemist’s tools, alchemist’s satchel, component pouch, driftglobe, a scroll case filled with parchment and personal notes, two sable blankets, a silk feather stuffed bedroll, a finely crafted katana in a beautiful sheath.
RESIDENCE:  possessing her own separate apartment beside leon, benny, and margaret, she prefers her solitude and does not appreciate even those three coming over unannounced, much less their wards.  her rooms are simple yet refined, beautifully styled in the traditional decor of her native land, with bamboo window blinds and white paper lanterns.  her basement cellar is filled with planter basins of mushrooms and bundles of drying herbs and flowers, the ground floor containing a spacious living room, kitchen, and door to a fenced in outdoor garden, with her private quarters and alchemy lab located on the upper floor.  one of the windows of her bedroom faces margaret’s across a narrow alleyway, her kitchen containing a sidedoor that leads across the alleyway directly into margaret’s garage, where gothel’s wheel beast is also stored.
HERMIT:  after fleeing her homeland to escape a forced marriage, she retreated to a monastery and dedicated herself to the martial and arcane arts, desiring to come powerful enough that no one would ever have any hope of controlling her again.
DISCOVERY:  over her many years of study and experimentation with herbology, healing potions, and alchemy, she has discovered a way to stave off the effects of old age on her person, though they have proved incredibly harmful to anyone else.
PERSONALITY:  regal and no-nonsense, she prefers to keep her own company the majority of the time, and expects others to respect her space and her property.
IDEAL:  she believes that solitude and contemplation are paths toward power, that emotions must not get in the way of logical thinking, and that meddling in the affairs of others is nothing but trouble.
BOND:  she has a certain weakness for intelligent, inquisitive girls, and enjoys imparting her wisdom and knowledge on those she deems worthy.
FLAW:  dogmatic in her thoughts and philosophy, she considers the vast majority of people beneath her and maintains a deep prejudice against men.
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