#but acting like she was in the Right is also silly to me
justcallmesakira · 2 days
"𝑰𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌?"
summary: just my favourite characters taking care of reader when shes sick
genre: hurt to comfort, full fluff
warnings: reader has a personality similar to me!, fem reader, nothing else, double suicide joke on dazai, silly pedo joke on fyodor
a/n: guys please I am so sick right now I feel sohdghdgdhd if only there was someone who could send me some sakilai selfship stuff/j
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"nikolaiiiii" you whine from your bed eyes too teary to reach out wherever he is.
"Ah, my dove, I am coming right now" he shouts from outside of your room running in with a packed box of soup.
Unfortunately because of nikolais amazing cooking skills he failed to make a simple cup of soup. So he decided to order from takeout.And that soup is the food you need to eat right now.
"feed me please..." you state when he placed the bowl of soup and sat down next to you."Dove i think you can feed yous-" you only sniffed and looked at him with teary eyes which instantly made a certain feeling of guilt rise up in his stomach.
"fine then. Guess I will have to take care of my lovely crybaby girlfriend!" nikolai jokes before using taking off his gloves using his teeth and putting them aside, which you always considered a very handsome and hot thing for him to do.
His bare hands pick up the spoon full of soup and vegetables and gently slides it into you mouth, as fragile like a glass doll.
"Also I am not a crybaby! It was an act for you to feed me" you puff to which gogol gasps a bit too dramatically "you pesky silly! Come here daddy's going to punish you kittem" he jokingly says putting the bowl of soup on the bed side.
"HELP nikolai that is not funny! Stop THAT IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL. I am sick!!" you cry out getting out of his way which fails as he lunges towards you and holds you in his grasp
"I was joking! Calm down (name) I just want to hug your germs away." "Those germs will hug you back but okay!"
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You sneakily crept up to the fridge before opening it, looking for a tub of icecream before finding it instantly. You reach out to grab it but before your hand can get any closer a hand slams the door shut.
You don't turn around to the figure behind you and swallow a spit, scared of the man's creepy and menacing smile from behind you.
"Now now, isn't my dear supposed to be in bed resting? So I wonder who this woman here is" his sarcastic voice rings in your ears as you slowly turn around.
"Fedya hahaha what are you doing here ahaha aren't you supposed to work?" you nervosuly laugh before you start coughing again, more ferocious this time.
His cruel and irritated shade hovering his eyes become more soft and tendor as he picked you up over his shoulders like a pack of potatoes and carried you to the bedroom.
"Fyodor? Since when did you become s-augh augh strong-?" you asked clearly shocked at his sudden romantic move.
"Say that again I am giving medieval style treatment." "WH- wait how do you know medieval tre--"
Before you could finish your sentence, he throws you on the bed in the gentlest way before sitting down next to you and grabbing a medicine.
"please tell me it's not those swallow pills. I hate them like you everyone in Yokohama hates you" you pout but he only glares at you for a second.
"I mean- I love you hahaha, you know" you laugh it off and look at his nail bitten fingers elegantly take the spoon of the liquid and holds it up to you lips.
"ew that looks like pink vomit" you get away from the spoon infront of you. "(name) I didn't ditch my work for this, it feels like I am taking care of a child rather then my significant other."
"you do know you will counted as a pedophile if i am a child right" you teas him, grinning trying to make him forget about the medicine.
"(name)" his voice is colder than your cold and you only look at him with puppy glistening eyes. "can.. can you feed me with you mouth? a sickly kiss?" you ask innocently.
"you are already sick fedya, please?" he only sighs at your statement, knowing it's stupid and silly to argue with you.
He takes the medicine in his mouth and pulls you closer to push it in. It tastes bitter, but his lips make it sweet. It only lasts a moment but cures the starving feeling in your heart.
He pulls away as you swallow the liquid before tucking your self under the covers and giggling like a school girl.
"sigh,,,please don't eat anything cold, your sickness will only worsen. Take your pills daily and I will send some chocolates later, okay? Don't be too much of a hassle"
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"Bellllaaaaaa, i got you your favourite food!" his voice soothes out like a lullaby to your ears as you rise up from your bed and rush towards him.
"zai-zai!" But before you could say anything your head starts spinning and everything seems dizzy.
He keeps the bag of food on the table before rushing to catch you. "WOAH bella, can't have you spinning to death now can we! You told me if you had to die you wanted to die with me! Together"
He says picking you up bridal style and laughing at the swirls in your eyes. "i am here feeling like I just hot down from some Rollercoaster and your here joking? I swear to god dazai this is why you can't pull hoes"
"why would you say that bella? You pull germs" he pouts like a child but was probably smirking inside at his cheeky remark.
"You little manwh-" "shhh lets eat soem chocolate cheesecake shall we?" he places you on the side of your bed and brings the packets of cakes and slowly lays it down infront of you.
You sick and tired looking eyes glow up. "I want the cheesecake!" you announce to him as dazai laughs before opening the packet and taking a spoonful of the desert before motioning you to open your mouth.
He feeds you it whole slowly, which you only giggle "i didnt new yuo weer so living, dezai" you mumble chewing on the contents.
"finish your food first bella, then you can compliment your amazing BOYFRIEND HAHAHA" he laughs before getting up to clear up the packets.
While he does that you snuggle up to your bed before coughing for a while. "come join me, love" you motion him which your boyfriend does as he lays himself next to you
"Oh my bella, I hope you get well soon I can't wait to kiss you and hug you and maybe even fall off the bridge with you!"
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You moved away from the camera turning on the record button and started dancing to the choreography of 'detention' by melanie martinez which by the way you should actually check out.
However as you were swifting your movements according to the dance you heard a Click and ran to you bed, but you only had a second to choose a sleep position before yosano can come.
"(name) I am not that stupid." she opens the door to enter the room as she looks at your pretend sleeping position.
"You can just dance hystericaly while you have a bad cold and have iron cells lesser than than the literacy rate in japan" your girlfriends scolding hits you hard so you decided to get up, what's the point.
"As much as i wish i could see more of you dancing" she continues, "You need to get better for it, I dont want you fainting once again like yesterday.
"who knew you could joke" you whine out. Yosano takes a chair and takes a place beside you. "I am not that serious, love. Now let me check your fever."
She takes off her gloves and presses her hand on your forehead. "Hmm, you have long way to fully recover" her voice is much softer than when she was scolding you.
"huhhh, that's not fair...i dont want to be bedridden for soooo long :(" your eyes start looking teary again, nose red from the heavy coughing from when she was taking care of you last night.
she sighs, "awhh my baby, there there. This is why I told you to take the medicines. But you didn't listen did you" you look up to her eyes glossy like a child who needs to be cared.
She kisses your forehead before getting up.
"I wish I could kiss your cold away however it won't work like that instead I will cook you your favourite chicken soup for you okay?"
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a/n: man i hate my hoarse throat aughhhh I want fedya to take care of me rn *cough cough*
Divider crds: @anitalenia go check her blog NOW
Tags: @little-miss-chaoss @terururuko @inojuuy @biscuits-tragic-diner
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mire1li · 3 days
Surprise Stars!
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Robin had been preparing for her concert when, just 10 minutes beforehand, for some unknown reason, she fell unconscious. Luckily though, her manager had caught her and placed her on the couch in her dressing room.
When you, March and Dan Heng heard of the news from Aventurine, who got the information from god knows where, you and March essentially dragged Dan Heng to Robin’s dressing room, her manager pacing around when you three entered.
The manager watched you, confused and worried as she stopped moving, studying the three of you.
“Who…? Oh! You’re Robin’s friends…”
“Ah, yeah, we heard Robin fainted, is she alright?!?!” March immediately stepped forward, frantically, though took a moment to look around in adoration of the large room, seemingly forgetting of the current predicament, before snapping out of her thoughts and jogging over to the couch where Robin lay unconscious.
Robin’s manager shooed March away from Robin, claiming that ‘she shouldn’t be seen at such a vulnerable time’, albeit understandable, it also seemed rather unreasonable, though none of you questioned it.
“So… why are we here again?” Dan Heng chimed in, looking between both you and March for a reply.
“Uhh… well obviously we’re here to help!”
“We are?” You asked “How?”
“Ah! You’re insufferable!” March sighed dramatically, turning away from the two of you.
“Okay… um… well, I don’t really see how you three could possibly be of help in this situation…”
The manager glanced towards the clock nervously, placing her hands over her face for a moment before looking back towards Robin, who looked as though she was taking a casual nap.
“Oh… yeah, uh… I didn’t really think this through… haha…” March chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.
Soon enough, too much time had passed and the crowds were getting restless, causing the manager to panic and return to pacing the room, constantly looking back and forth between Robin and the ground.
"Ok… It's fine!" She exclaimed.
"I could… I could reschedule the show for tomorrow… uh… oh for- ok… I can't do that…" she rambled on and on, when you decided to propose a rather ludicrous idea.
"Ah… excuse me, what if we just… went on stage for Robin and called it an opening act?"
The manager had stopped her pacing, glaring at you, as though you'd just suggested blowing up the entire place (though that wouldn't be too out of character for you). She sighed pinching her nose bridge.
"How ridiculous would that be? Absolutely no one would like that at all!"
"Hey! I'm only trying to help. Besides, you don't know that!" You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring right back at the unnecessarily hostile woman, though you assumed her stress was bringing about her attitude.
"Uh… I… didn't sign up for this..-"
"The trailblazer is always filled with such silly ideas haha! But I think it would be fun… and it could buy you time to wake up Robin!"
March added on, cutting off Dan Heng, clearly trying to rope him into this… impulsive idea, soon-to-be reality.
The manager groaned in irritation, falling back on the arm chair in the room.
"Fine. Fine. Do what you want, however, I'm not involved in this."
And so, there were the three of you, on the stage, dressed in fancy-ish dresses borrowed from Robin's wardrobe, wearing wigs, earrings, and other accessories to really sell the performance.
You tapped the microphone, testing it, causing the audience to go silent, before March stole the microphone from you.
She cleared her throat and confidently spoke into it.
"Hello! Uh… unfortunately, due to uh… technical difficulties Miss Robin's performance is scheduled for a bit later, but don't panic please! We'll be performing first until that time!"
Though, the crowd booed, unhappy with the sudden change, most of them went silent when she began speaking again.
"I'm… ah…" March glanced at you, before being hit by an epiphany.
"Oh! I'm April 1st!" she continued, striking a confident pose, leaving you and Dan Heng feeling… well, not pleased, but you guessed it was better than nothing.
March passed off the microphone to Dang Heng, who also cleared his throat before speaking, though when he did, you and March nearly died laughing on stage as he attempted to mimic a female voice, somehow sounding convincing enough to fool the crowd.
"I'm Cold Dragon Young.." He, or rather, 'she', introduced 'herself' as, trying to sound as gleeful as possible before immediately passing the microphone to you with a glare.
'Nobody forced you' you mouthed to him before introducing yourself as (your chosen name).
Then came the music, specifically "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking". The three of you were aware it'd be best with just one singer but… three is always better than one, so if you mess up, at least you have the comfort of knowing you aren't alone!
You began singing the first verse of the song, doing the dance Robin would do at the beginning, though adding some of your own spark to it.
The chorus was sung by the three of you, though it was clear Dang Heng was beginning to struggle a bit, so you decided to give verse 2 to March.
Upon the arrival of the second chorus, you and March decided simultaneously to stay quiet and let Dan Heng take the spotlight, causing him to falter slightly and look at you two in an irritated manner, though continuing to sing.
Whilst you were all performing, Robin slowly began to gain consciousness, causing her manager to gasp and rush over to her.
"Robin! You're awake! Very good, alright, we have to get you ready, you go on in like a minute!"
The manager rushed Robin, though first letting the poor girl gain her footing whilst explaining everything that's happened thus far, though only about half of it registering in Robin's brain.
"Wait, hold on… what time is it…?" Robin asked, still disoriented and slightly shaky.
"Uh… well, the show started 3 minutes ago" Her manager repeated, handing her a glass of cold water, which Robin drank almost immediately, causing her to feel a bit better than before.
"What do you mean 3 minutes ago?! I should be out there!" She panicked, standing up and jogging out of her dressing room and going to stand by the backstage curtain, from where she could see three figures singing and dancing.
Though they were a bit… sub-par compared to her, it was still entertaining to watch. Robin sighed in relief.
"Yes, Robin, I was telling you that your friends decided to help out and… well" The manager motioned to the stage, 'April 1st' slightly stumbling, though now the crowd cheering, enjoying the slightly chaotic performance.
Once the song ended, Robin went on stage, waving to her fans, and standing by the three of you.
"Hello! I apologise for the delay!" She began, looking back at her manager.
"As compensation… I would like to perform a song with my friends here!"
Thee three of you were already rather tired from performing the previous song and were now being dragged into performing another… you could only wonder what tragedy this would end in (though, ultimately, you three accepted anyway).
Most people's attention was turned to Robin now that she was up on stage, therefore less people noticed any minor mistakes and instead enjoyed the collaboration, hopefully to it's fullest.
Eventually, when the song ended, you left Robin alone on stage, allowing her to finish the rest of the concert as it should've been since the start.
Upon returning backstage, you were greeted with the sight of Robin's manager holding a conversation with Sunday, who then turned to look at you and waved you over.
By this point, March and Dan Heng had left, probably to change out of their costumes. You took off your own wig, placing it to the side and walked over to the manager and Sunday.
"I will presume you're both already acquainted. Now to the topic at hand… we were discussing your idiocy, most crowds at a concert don't appreciate such surprises."
Sunday chuckled "Whilst that may be rather harsh, I do agree. You got quite lucky with this crowd, Trailblazer."
"Yes, so you see, I just have too much rizz!" You exclaimed proudly, placing your hands on your hips.
The manager sighed, crossing her arms, momentarily looking behind you, at the stage where Robin was currently performing.
"Sure… well, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful you did that since it allowed Robin to regain her consciousness. I just hope we won't have a repeat of today."
"Hm… well, even if this happens again, I'm sure March and Dan Heng wouldn't mind doing this again~"
"Absolutely not."
"But you must admit, they certainly put on something of a show… enough to entertain the crowds, at least. I'm sure my sister is grateful though."
The three of you continued to talk for a while before you received a text message from Himeko saying that everyone should return to the Express.
You quickly finished up the conversation before bidding the two Halovians adieu and leaving. At least you'd have an interesting story to share with everyone now!
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seramilla · 3 days
A fun spin on the whole Vaggie and Emily as exes thing I've seen you discuss on this blog: Vaggie and Emily dating, but when Vaggie was left behind in Hell Emily chose to leave Heaven to find her and ended up staying with her and Charlie.
Emily waits with St. Peter at the pearly gates for the Exterminators to return. She always waits for the Exterminators to return every year. She knows it's probably silly, but she can't help but worry anyway. When Lute appears, followed by the rest of Adam's army, Vaggie isn't with them. For the first time in her existence, Emily panics.
"Where is she? Where is Vaggie?" Emily shouts, at first stunned by the lack of a response from Lute, then grabbing the lieutenant by her shirt, demanding again to know where Vaggie is.
"That traitor deserted us," Lute replied. She's lying. Emily knows she's lying. She can't get any further information out of Lute. Adam's second in command refuses to say more, and shuts her mouth up tight.
Emily has never left Heaven before. Never even dreamed of it, but after Lute's dismissal of Vaggie's whereabouts, Emily opens a portal, and enters into the belly of the beast, as it were, searching desperately for her partner.
She searches Hell for what seems like forever, but is probably only the better part of a day. When she finds the trail of golden blood, followed by the halo and blood-smeared clothing stuffed haphazardly in a dumpster, she knows she's close. With this lead, she can better pinpoint Vaggie's location.
She finds her several blocks away, where Emily can feel her presence inside...a hotel? The building is run down. It looks completely deserted. Even so, this is the only lead she has. She knows Vaggie is nearby. She knocks on the door, and is greeted by none other than...the princess of hell?? Can this day get any weirder?
Vaggie is inside. Emily rushes to her, hugging her and crying, and apologizing when Vaggie winces at Emily putting pressure on her back. Emily's hands come away with...blood. Golden blood. Then she notices...where are Vaggie's wings? Her eye? They're missing? Where have they gone?
Vaggie tells her the story. The entire story, from the moment she tried to help save a child, to the wretched act of violence Lute enacted on her as punishment. Emily listens, and cries, and hugs Vaggie more. Her partner is so traumatized.
Charlie Morningstar, the princess -- the one who'd found Vaggie, rescued her, and bandaged her up -- is also taking all of this in. Vaggie had hidden the fact that she's an angel from her...Charlie says she understands. She can't believe Heaven would do something like this. She rushes off to call her father...he needs to know what Heaven's done.
"We need to get you back to Heaven," Emily says, holding Vaggie's hand in hers, and stroking her cheek lightly.
"I can't go back," Vaggie says, wincing around the pain in her back and face. She looks so tired. "I can't. They'll kill me. But you should go. You don't need to be here."
"I'm not leaving without you!" Emily says. "I'm staying!"
"No! I've made up my mind! I'm not leaving you!"
So Emily stays. If she can't take Vaggie with her, then she decides right then and there, Heaven will just have to do without her. She doesn't want to exist in a realm that doesn't have Vaggie in it. Charlie tells them both they can stay as long as they want. They decide to take the princess up on her offer, and vow to pay her back any way they can.
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Two original posts in one day, looks at how I spoil y'all (the three people who follow me)! Anyway
Due to the events of episode 2, "Heartbeat," I have been lead to hold the headcanon that Disassembly Drones do in fact have a heartbeat.
(New watchers, maybe hold off on reading this one-)
Hear me out - the solver core that came out of J's chest started pulsating almost immediately. I know that shortly after this it "activated" and unleashed "eldrich J" as we know her, but listen here - there's NOTHING THAT SAYS OTHERWISE. There is no logistical reason that I cannot hold the belief that the DD's core acts as a "heart" of sorts - ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY FUCKING BREATHE.
Now, that brings me to my next point. You may be saying to yourself, "Myrah, what about Uzi?"
A) She's a Solver drone which, due to Doll (and Nori), we know she DOES also possess a core, and
B) Tbh?? I'm lead to believe that workers have a heart-like mechanism in their chests as well.
Why? I'll tell ya, but it'll cost ya...
...The mental energy of reading the rest of this fucking post hear me OUT, hear me out, other drones breathe too (thank you Sam, episode 4; RIP in peace). And again, if they breathe, there's gotta be a reason. He also put his hand over the spot where there Would be a heart, if he were human. Now is this a silly gag that Liam did because haha funny? Maybe, but I choose to believe that there IS actually some sort of heart-like mechanism in there. Why? Well I can take this from episode 4 as well. When that one guy's head got shot off, the oil continuously spewed from his head, up and over. Gushing out, if you will.
Anyway. All this to say I need to see Nuzi content where one is lulled to rest by the other's mechanical heartbeat I need it and now hopefully you do to. Okay goodniiiiight ✨️✨️
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mothswitheyes · 1 month
I am kind of confused about posts that agree with Kipperlily, especially ones that talk about her being an NPC and it being inescapable.
Even if we cut off the bad kids slowly as being Built for being PCs during the start of their freshman years, Fabian with his dad, Kristen being the chosen of helio, Fig being related to gorthalax, and then further down with Riz learning his dad was killed, and Adaine being the elven oracle, but we're still left with,,, Gorgug.
Gorgug who the most interesting thing in his backstory is being adopted, which if that is TOO FAR to be fair, must count more then half of the fucking school in her idea of 'fairness'.
For all intents and purposes, Gorgug SHOULD be an NPC, but since he ran with everyone else when somebody screamed in the cafeteria, and showed up to the get togethers with the other bad kids, and also chased this mystery, he's a PC.
All the achievements Gorgug has gotten, "greatest wizard of this age", CREATING the Barbificer subclass, has been through his own hard work and effort, most of it within the laws of the school! With it working against him! If he doesn't count, if he's too far, then Kipperlily's idea of fairness must be so NICHELY specific to put her over others with perfectly normal lives that chased anything but the easiest smartest option.
Which is fine! It's so interesting and accurate to highschoolers that she has such a childish worldview, and I absolutely love Kipperlily as a character, it is just so confusing to see people argue that she is right to be jealous about a kid's dad dying when he was NINE because it'd make him have to work 10x as hard? When she could go out and find her own adventure with her friends like the seven did?
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confoodles · 1 month
Does anyone else feel like Aylinluna was horribly out of character this episode?? I've heard that apparently some things were cut, so that might be the reason but it still felt weird. Like ur telling me Luna, who has literally been so respectful of Aylin's boundaries literally even last episode, is suddenly forcing her to go out of her comfort zone?? Okay, fine, I understand the concept of wanting ur gf to get along with ur friends, but ur telling me Luna wouldn't stand up for Aylin when someone is clearly getting in her face and making her uncomfortable?? That she would call her an ALIEN??!!!
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payasita · 6 months
I just want to say you were my first introduction to slay the princess so I partially blame you for my current hyperfixation/j thank you I am deranged over eldritch horror princess and Just Some Guy eldritch horror bird (they are everything to me)
OH I will ask: who is your favourite princess/voice and why? Mine is voice of the contrarian bc he just like me fr, and thorn bc 🫶🫶
WOO glad you're into it! Definitely up there with my favorite games of all time
god I'm gonna have to give you a list. this was a much much longer answer because I have several paragraphs to say for Many Of My Favorites but I'll spare this blog the vomit for now until I can structure parts of it better
fave princesses: Witch and all its routes, Specter and all its routes, Nightmare and all its routes
Fave voices: Stubborn, Skeptic, Smitten. special shout-out to Opportunist for consistently having the best dialogue in the game tho, he sucks and I love him so much
Favorite routes: Razor, Thorn, Damsel
LEGITIMATELY it's so hard to pick but for the sake of giving Some explanation, the razor has to be my favorite for how it exists as the purest subversion of both the story the game is telling (which is itself a subversion of classic monsterslaying fairy tales) and it sort of has to get kind of meta, but it leans into it SO joyously. you as the protagonist being constantly split because the story plot twisted itself so fucking hard that it just. Broke Everything
and the result is absurd and horrifying and slips away from any kind of growth or cogency until both protagonists are stripped completely bare, and it's weird and it's hilarious and no one is having a good time except for the very AGENT of shifting perspectives, no longer constrained by any world or singular force that matters!
and also. How could I not pick the route that gave us The Look™.
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saaltskies · 5 months
i went to bed right after finishing the epilogue but i am now awake and can put my silly little rant here
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elizabethrobertajones · 10 months
Absolutely nailing a Lae'zel befriending run and then forgot I had her selected and she turned around and swung and sliced Gale in half when I misclicked and I had to reload a bunch of progress :')
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01tsubomi · 2 years
in the japanese production of bmc they took the references to weed out of michael in the bathroom but they kept the scene of him ripping a fat bong and then hiding it from jeremy’s dad so conflicting opinions on the stoner thing there
#a while ago my friend asked me ‘so what’s the japanese perception of a stoner like?’ and i didn’t have an answer#i think weed is just so illegal there that not enough people smoke it especially not visibly for there to be a stereotype#if anything maybe like just a thug#but i was thinking abt it bc the one line was ‘i’ll just blame it on weed’ so yeah they’d change that nobody knows what weed makes you feel#overstatement but yeah that’s actually a pretty tiny thing#it was interesting the ways it changed moving it to a different culture#it was still very ‘this happens in an american high school’ - the costumes were exactly the same#but there were definitely little changes#christine was like more of a flighty super cute teen girl#less oddball more sorta idol-y (also if I read the scene right she gets super wasted at the Halloween party)#jeremy himself was sorta slimy it was interesting#like the conception of ‘high school popular mean boy’ is sorta more jeery I guess so that’s how he acted in the second act#overall i really liked it!! but i only got to see the second act 😢😢#it was sorta like seeing a showcase or preview instead of feeling like ‘i just saw bmc’#but i mostly wanted to gauge the vibe anyway so it’s fine#personal#my favorite part btw was the girls they were like super fun and vibrant and silly#it was like a party for girls#oh also!! the audience clapped along!! during all the high energy musical numbers everyone clapped#i didn’t know that could happen at a musical especially not in japan
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i love watched 2010~ telugu movies when i feel shit about how i look bc the heroines look like me and everyone's drooling over them and crying and fighting and im like damn! for little old me!
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nkogneatho · 6 days
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—characters: gojo, toji, geto, sukuna, nanami, choso
—cw: lactation ofc, fem!reader, nicknames, aphrodisiac (the milk), intoxication, masturbation, semi-public, dry humping.
—a/n: i have officially surprised myself with how insane i can really be. ya gurl so thirsty she created her own universe where men gib milkies 🧍🏽‍♀️
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introduction to the universe:
Evolution took place a little differently in this universe. A mutation caused hormonal presence that triggers monthly lactation in men for 3 to 5 days, and it usually starts in their early 20s. It is studied that it does not serve any purpose of feeding like female lactation, but might be an indicator to arousal, and even a mating call due to accurate findings of natural aphrodisiacs in the milk produced by the thin gland located in a breast. It also pains a lot and causes swelling of nipples. While scientific advancements have yet to develop a pill that might solve this problem, the most effective natural method to be proven is letting another person suck it.
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It had been quite a long day at work. You knew you were the last to arrive home when you found his boots messed on the floor.
“Toru?” You called out his name, failed to receive a response. “Toru, baby, ' m home.” The wooden door of the shoe cabinet creaked as you closed it after placing the footwear in their place.
The house smelled…sweeter, felt warmer than usual. Making your way to the bedroom, you found clothes scattered on the floor near the entrance. The door was ajar which means your eyes had quick access to what was happening.
“Fuck! Ah! Ah! Mhmm.” You watched in surprise as your boyfriend kept fisting his cock, but wait. Something was different. You moved closer and found his hands squeezing his tits, milk oozing and drenching his naked body. But his heat doesn't arrive until next week. You thought. It was not uncommon for heats to arrive irregularly. It only meant that his hormone level had increased due to sexual frustration. Your eyes scanned his position, his movements. A hand reaching down to rub the wetness forming between your legs. You couldn't take it anymore.
“Need a hand?” You asked, announcing yourself in the room to let the man know he wasn't alone.
“Oh fuck! I thought I locked the door,” he panicked, yet he didn't remove his from his cock, just another arm covering his chest.
“And deprive me of this treat? I don't think so, baby.” You walked closer until you were hovering over him, kissing softly. Heat always has Satoru acting needy and you knew it.
“Touch me, doll. Please.” You smiled at his eagerness.
“I will do more than just touch.” Slapping his wrist away that were blocking the view of his lovely tits, you pushed him until he was laying flat. Your clothed pussy grinding in his naked cock as you leaned and took one of his nipples in your mouth.
“F-fuck.” he stuttered. “Don't. I am early this month. The flow is too much—ngh—you'll get high.” As if that was going to stop you? You started sucking more aggressively. He was right. The flow really was too much because you found yourself gulping a mouthful of his sweet milk, as your other hand reached down jerked his cock.
“Baby…ah! Keep doing that. I am close.” He is so silly to think he can relieve himself on his own when it never works. “Holy fhhuuck! Gonna c—aahhh!” You watched as he arched his back, white spurts covering your hands and other white liquid wetting your jaw. You sat up, removing your top as you already felt dizzy.
“We're not done, Toru. Wan'you to fuck me nasty while I suck your milk.” And he was hard again at your words.
You loved spring. It was your favorite season to go out. Not too cold. Not too hot. Just the perfect amount of wind and sun. Apparently, it is also a perfect season for outdoor dates. You and Toji preferred to stay in most of the time but the cherry blossoms were too precious to be enjoyed from your windows or TV screen.
“Toji, you ready?” you asked your husband, packing things in your cute pink purse.
“Uhm, princess? Think we might need to cancel the date.” His muffled voice emerged through the bedroom.
“What?” You yelled as you stomped to the bedroom. “What do you mean we might need to c—oh…" Your legs stopped, body taken aback as you stared at his shirtless body, tone muscles and triceps flexing as he squeezed his tits, squirting the milk out.
“I am over-lactating.”
“What happened to the breast cups?”
“Look at me princess. 'm leaking too much. They ain't gon' hold it. Agh fuck!” He spat angrily as you watched the milk travel down his abs, covering it in sweetness.
“Fuck the date. I have a better plan.” You winked at him.
“Shit. Calm down, ma—ugh. Y'er gonna bruise my tits." You were riding his rock, rocking your body back and forth on his crotch while sucking his swollen dark peachy nipples. Your hands struggled to hold his chest because they were bigger than it, causing your nails to dig into the skin.
“Mmh lvove yvour mwilk shwo mwuch.” Your dirty muffled comments vibrating on his skin.
“Y'er drunk, ma. Ya like to get drunk on daddy's milk, hmm?” He cooed, planting a spank on your ass.
“Lwove it.”
“Hm mhh,” he chuckled. “Nasty fucking girl. Move—ahh! Move faster. Need to cum.” You followed his orders, not looking up once to meet his eyes but busy soaking in the drug and flavor of his milk.
“Ngh—twoji, too much. Wan' a break.” You complained, but he was not going to let you stop. This was your plan after all.
“Nuh uh! Don't pull that now.” He grabbed your ass and started bouncing them up and down. You felt so insides bursting with pleasure, cheeks burning up, eyes rolling back. “Gonna cum, ma. Make sure this pussy drinks all my cum as you stuff your mouth with my milk—gahh! fhuck fhuck! fuuuuck!” He was talking as if you had a choice when one of his hand forced you down on his cock as he painted your hole in his cum, while the other hand pushed your face further against his tits. He watched as milk overflowed from the side of your lips. “Such a good girl f'me. You wan' more?”
Sukuna tend to get a bit crazier when he was in heat. He fucked you with more strength, came a lot more than usual. It was hard to keep his mood balanced. You tried to suggest him some diet during those days of the month, but he refused to eat greens. A big man like him fancies flesh. Furthermore, why does he need a diet when he has the most proven effective method?
“K-kuna…agh! Too biiig." You cried. Sukuna had you on top of him, his big body splayed on the king-size bed—that surprisingly was almost the same size as him—your thighs trembling, kneecaps digging the mattress as you struggled to keep hi dick inside. Your head was telling you to get off it. Yet, your tight little cunt craved more of him.
“Hmm,” he chuckled. “Your pussy has a habit of biting more than she can swallow.” His teases were humiliating. Your hands rested on his chest, tongue reminiscing the sweet taste of his milk. Even though you were not completely dominant in this relationship—it is hard to be one when you are dating a man like sukuna—there were times when you initiated the things he would usually pester you about. Your lustful eyes gave him a look he hadn't seen before. Soon, he felt your hands tightening around his tits. Now he knew what you were up to.
“Want a taste, my woman?” All you could do was give a light nod because most of your strength was busy rolling your waist on his cock. “Go ahead. Suck my milk out.”
Without a second thought, you found your lips kissing his puffy pink nipples. You could feel the veins throbbing as you were suckling his juice out. Sukuna's milk was sweet with a hint of tanginess. Nevertheless, you loved it.
“Shhit! Calm down woman. I am not going anywhere.” His words were just background noise to you because all you could hear is squelching of your pussy and your slurps on his tiddie.
“Mmghh! Don't tell me you're planning on getting drunk.” His shoulders adjusted themselves to get a better position. “If you are—fuck. Then don't expect me to go easy tonight.” You unlatched your mouth from him for what seemed like after fifteen minutes to finally speak.
“Want you to ruin my pussy, kuna. Mmh,” you jerked your hips forward. “Want you to fill my mouth with milk as you do it.”
“Get off.” His tone shifted from somewhat sweet to serious. You followed his orders anyway. You both exchanged positions so now he was on top of you.
“My dirty human. Better stick to your words, darling. I am not planning on stopping until you're drenched in my cum and my milk”
You always knew Suguru's heat cycle. As the days approached closer, he used to become more and more whiny and clingy, arguing with you over petty things. His behavior did a 180° on these days.
Earlier today, you had a discourse over chores. He nagged at how you should keep things in place, or you won't find them when you need it. You understood where he was coming from, but the work had taken quite a toll on you that you barely had energy tonight. He just wouldn't let it go, and you grew more frustrated. You yanked him by his wrist, dragging his giant, muscular body to the shower. And here you were, stroking him off as you nibbled, and suckled on his tits. The continuous pour of warm water stimulating both of you.
“This is what you wanted, right, sugu?” you looked up, chin nuzzling in his cleavage. “Nagging me the whole day. You just wanted your tits sucked.” His brows scrunched together. A large hand approached your face, cupping your cheeks. He had his fingers digging the muscle on your face until they squished together.
“Behave,” his voice stern. “Just 'cause 'm in heat doesn't mean you hold the upper hand, baby.”
“Oh, but I do, Sugu—*spank* Ah! What was that for?”
“For teasing me. I know you love drinking my milk, princess. Get to it 'cause I can't take it nomo.” He pressed your face against one of his boobs, your nose pressured a little above the nipple, forcing the spurts of milk out.
“You gon' let it fall down the drain?” Your immediate action was to cup his tiddy with both of your hands—his chest was too big to use one—massaging all of the juice out. You opened your mouth and let it aim at your tongue.
“Fucking hell! This is why—mmghh easy, princess. 'Tis all sore.”
“I gotchu, sugu.” You eased out the movement of your hands, gently kneading them.
“Fhuuck, yes. Just like that.” Other hand travelled back down, grabbing his throbbing boner, squeezing the base as you squeezed his nipples. Geto planted a kiss on top of your head. “Holy shit. Still can't believe you're mine.” Your lips morphed into a smile, teeth still grasping his nipple. “Look at'cha. My milk's getting your high already.” He picked you up bridal style, your tongue still licking his puffed chest, as he kicked the bathroom door open that lead to your bedroom. “You got your treat. Time f'me to get mine, princess.”
Working 9to5, staring all day at a computer screen is what your life had been all about. You switched companies to think you might get something new to do, but to no one's surprise, it was the same. Except, this one man you were crushing on since day one.
Nanami Kento was a gentleman they described in those fairytales. Always so respectful, kind and damn he was a big feminist. Although, with him being the perfect husband material, you were still never going to cross the line because you were co-workers. That didn't mean you weren't allowed to crush.
“And then Mr. Sasaki from HR department knocked the beer over,” your TL chattered. Nanami wasn't the one to gossip, but Sakurako-san was your team leader and older than everyone. She wasn't a bad person but oh boy did she love tea. You fake gasped to give her the reaction she wanted, as you side-eyed Kento who looked a bit uncomfortable.
“Then he had the audacity to—”
“Excuse me,” Nanami withdrew halfway from the conversation he wasn't even participating in much, walking away abruptly.
After a few minutes, you decided to look for him to make sure he was alright. Of course, as a co-worker, you should. Nothing related to the heart eyes you give him, right?
You stomped towards the corridor almost making a left until you heard loud coughs reverberating through the walls of the men's washroom. You swore it was him. Furthermore, you shouldn't have gone in. What were you thinking? It was a men's washroom, for fuck's sake. But what if something happened to him? Sure.
Pushing the door in a hurry, you entered, almost tripping. “Nanami-san—” You did not whether you should be embarrassed, shocked or horrified. Maybe all three.
“Are you okay?”
“You shouldn't be here, l/n-san.” True. But seeing him squeeze his tits, and milking himself down the drain was the sight you were blessed to see. You locked the door behind, the clicking of the latch making Nanami hold his breath, “What are you doing?”
“You're going to let all that milk go to waste, Kento?” His dick twitched. You never called him by his first name, and now you were asking inappropriate questions along with calling him Kento.
“L/N-san, this isn't right—”
“Shhh. Just wanna help you. We're colleagues, aren't we?” He nodded.
Without breaking any eye contact you hopped on the counter, hands reaching for his nipples glistening with milk under the off-white light. You pressed your palm against his chest, feeling the liquid staining it, only starting to cramming the swell more. Kento lost his composure, hands falling flat on the counter, head on your shoulders. Couple of shaky breaths, fading soft moans leaving his lips. Pushing him back for a second to only latch your tongue on the dark pink bud, you were sure you're way past the appropriate relationship of just work buddies.
“L/n—ah! Can I?” He darted his eyes down where the tent peeked out his gray formal pants. You smiled. Knowing he needed friction, you adjusted your pencil skirt, and wrapped your legs around him, boner pressed against wet patch on your panties. Nanami felt like he was in heaven. He started humping against your clothed pussy, being rough contradictory to his gentle innocent touches to you before. But it was only reasonable given the fact that he was in heat.
He never knew the feeling of being milked from both ends, but now when he came, he ruined his whole expensive suit. The edges of the mustard yellow shirt becoming translucent with his milk, with a dark spot on his pants between his legs. He let out a shaky breath, apologizing as he slowly came back to his senses.
“What are you apologizing for? I started it,” you said as you hopped off the countertop. “Let me know if you ever need more help, Nanami-san.” A wink from is what caused his cheeks to turn red. “I'll bring you spare clothes from your desk.”
Most lactation in men started in their early twenties. Although, it wasn't unusual for some to start late. There was nothing medically wrong with them. But you've heard things about. How much more it hurts, and how more they leak on their first heat if they do get late.
You've been dating your boyfriend Choso for almost a year now. He hadn't start lactating yet, which is why you researched enough on this topic just in case. Personally, you've never been physical with men when they're in heat. Not because it is not your thing, but your relationships were too short to actually be comfortable in experiencing it. Of course, you would never do anything with Choso at his displeasure just because you wanna try it. You love him too much. But the thought would never leave your mind. What would he act like in his heat? Well, it was your lucky day. Because you came home to a whining lactating man.
“Cho…baby, are you okay?” You rushed to him in concern. Choso was on the bed, hair down with tears in his eyes as he pressed his chest together.
“Babyyy, It hurts. I don't know what is happening.” His hold on your wrist a little too tight. “Fuck. It hurts so bad. Make it stop. Leaking too much and my cock hurts too.” You could hear—feel the desperation in his voice. His cock was on full display as his boxers dangled near his ankles. The swollen tip shining with pre-cum seducing your mouth. But your mouth was needed more elsewhere. You remembered your first sex education class, how men in heat can be relieved if you milk and suck their tits. You discarded your clothes, getting bare and settling on his lap. Your hole rubbing against the body of his shaft as you pressed your tits against his, kissing his forehead.
“Cho shhh. Baby you're fine. You're just in heat. 's gonna be alright. 'm here, okay?” He sniffled as you pampered him. “Gonna take good care of my boyfie.” You left a trail of lipstick stains as you kissed his body, slowly trailing towards the puffy nipples. You looked up at him for consent, only to continue when he whispered a “please”. With your tongue darting out, you soaked in the view before licking a stripe.
“Shit,” Choso cursed. You do it a few more times until you're finally sucking on it like a popsicle. “Fuck. Ah!” It was indeed too much because with only fifteen seconds in, your mouth was already full of his milk, leaking from the corner of your lips. It wasn't a normal amount. But given the fact that it was his first, that too at this age, you brushed it off, focusing back to sucking. You gulped the milk, each sip making you dizzy. It made you grind harder against his cock, moaning along with him. His whimpers making you wet, and his dick enjoying your slippery pussy.
“Wanna cum. Please. Wanna cum, baby.” He begged and you started fastening your pace. The sheets were wet, along with your neck and tits as he shot spurts of sweet milk in your mouth that dripped down your body. Some of it sneaking its way down between his dick and your cunt. You held on to his shoulder, giving his chest a few slaps, making him rut harder against you that the bed started creaking.
“Cumming. Fuck, I am cumming. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ngh—holy fuuuuck!” Your own orgasming cunt could feel his dick twitch as it shot a load out. His hardened nipples turning soft. He immediately cupped your cheeks, pulling you up. “I love you so much, fuck. Thank you.” He said before he kissed you, his tongue lapping against yours, tasting himself on you.
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@kiffenisstupid @pastelle-rabbit @lxnarphase @teddybeartoji @rizzmin @yuta-nation @evxelisy @hellkaiserinphoenix @ffsg0jo @princessoflalaland @baekinola @chuuyasboots @cathybarn @togamest @katsukichu @blkkizzat
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sttoru · 7 months
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‘satoru hates arguments. even more so when your conflicts cause your baby daughter to be upset as well.’
☀︎|tags. (girl) dad!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff, angst, comfort. mention of arguments between parents. comfort & happy ending, though!
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satoru hates having arguments with you. he hates it whenever an argument turns into the silent treatment. he apologises and apologises — yet nothing helps to change your mood sometimes.
ever since you got married and had your daughter, you were a bit more sensitive to the smallest of things than usual. it wasn’t like satoru despised you for it; in fact, he understands that motherhood was and is stressful. that man was nothing but supportive to you.
though, your little arguments were indirectly having an impact on the mental state of your baby. you didn’t even know an one year old could sense the tension between her parents.
“mama, mama!” your daughter appears out of nowhere, waddling over to you standing in the kitchen. she had barely just learnt how to walk. her tiny hand reaches for yours and she points at the doorway with her other, “go, mama, go.”
you curiously let your little girl lead you towards where she was pointing at, only to arrive at the living room. satoru was sitting on the couch, idly staring at the ceiling, other hand fiddling with one of your daughter’s toys. he seemed deep in thought. even exhausted and clearly not his playful self.
“mama, go! mama go papa.”
satoru’s head turns to the side at the cute sound of his favourite little girl. he smiles brightly at her return to the living room, only for his smile to fade just for a second at the sight of you next to her. he isn’t mad at you—more like sad that you still seemed upset with him.
your daughter tugs at your index finger. she apparently wants you to go to her dad—wants you to interact or talk with him. her big eyes were staring up at you with a pleading look in them.
you were in a dilemma. of course, you wanted to put your daughter’s mind at ease. you could just fake interact with satoru—or actually just make it up—but there was still a small part of you that needed time alone. you weren’t yet mentally ready for another confrontation. you needed time to think it out.
however, part of you also knows that your earlier argument was kind of silly. you don’t even fully remember what it was about, that’s how irrelevant it was to your brain.
“c’mon, pumpkin. ‘tis not nice for you to bother mama while she’s cooking.” satoru’s soft voice startles you back to reality. he had already gotten up and crouched down to pick your daughter up in his arms, kissing her chubby cheeks to distract her; “mama’s busy, ‘kay? let’s go play with papa.”
even satoru knew that your argument had caused your little girl to feel some kind of stress. she didn’t fully comprehend the situation, though she was clearly uncomfortable by the fact that her parents were not acting nice and lovey dovey like they usually would.
“no, papa. mama!” the baby whines and points at you and then at satoru, her little legs kicking. it absolutely broke satoru’s heart — shattered it into pieces. oh, how he wishes to never fight with you again. the sight of his little bundle of joy trying to mend things between you two with all she could was simply too much.
satoru looks down at you and notices the way you look at your one year old as well. the same way he did; with guilt and sadness. he sighs softly and without further thought, wraps his free arm around your shoulders and brings you close to his body.
“c’mere,” satoru murmurs as he holds both your daughter and you to his chest, “let me hold my two girls, yeah? may i, sweetheart? please.”
your husband asks for your consent. if you were okay with this—even when he needs it desperately, to hold you again in his arms and to make it right to you—your comfort comes first. if you weren’t ready yet to make up, he’d let you go. even if it’d hurt him immensely.
you don’t answer with your words and instead let your actions do the talking. you wrap one arm around satoru’s torso, the other cradling your daughter closer to both you and him.
it was like nothing mattered anymore in that moment, except for your little family. your worries, stress and anxiety about everything and anything had vanished into thin air as you felt the embrace of the two people you held dear.
your daughter finally giggles—a sound satoru and you had greatly missed. you close your eyes and just rest against your husband’s body.
“mama papa, wuv!” the little girl squeals in happiness as she excitedly babbles on, causing both satoru and you to laugh as well. the white-haired sorcerer leaves a big peck on the baby’s forehead before doing the same to you.
“mhm, papa loves mama veeery much.” satoru hums and kisses your forehead again, solely because he missed being affectionate to you, “papa loves his sweet little angel too.”
you can’t help but chuckle along with your one year old—who seemed to be extremely content in her parents’ loving embrace again. this is how it always should be.
“mama also loves papa very much.” you reply, causing your husband to regain his usual big grin. he finally got what he longed for; to have you look and talk to him with love. your silence may have lasted only a few hours, but it felt like it had been a couple cruel months to the sorcerer.
your eyes meet his again and all was well. you smile at him and he smiles back before leaning in to kiss you gently on the lips. satoru’s arm that was draped over your shoulder moves down to curl around your lower back, pulling you as close to him as your bodies would allow.
he pulls back after a few seconds and just lovingly stares at your face again—eyes holding an affection only you had ever been able to witness. your eyes told the same story; nothing could separate you two. ever.
“waaaaah! mama papa, me, me!”
the romantic air between you two suddenly gets interrupted by your daughter’s excited demands. she was demanding kisses as well, puffing her cheeks up as she got ready for it.
“ohh? seems like our angel wants some kisses too.” satoru laughs and nods his head at the baby in his other arm whilst looking at you, “shall we?”
you giggle and nod back—not able to refuse your little girl any longer.
it was not long before the living room fills with the sounds of your child’s laughter, which was caused by the continuous kisses and tickles she was receiving from both satoru and you.
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auggieblogs · 17 days
freckle kisses ֶָ֢ | MV1
Max Verstappen x fem! reader
Author's note: Hello, lovelies!!! I hope everyone is doing good. This fic has been in my drafts for a while now and I finally had the motivation to edit it today. The Max brainrot is very real, I cannot stop thinking about his little freckle. He is so beautiful🥹. Anyways, I hope you all like this piece. Happy reading<3
ALSO fun fact, I have a freckle that's right below my lower lip jshshdjdhs I don't know I think it's a sign!!! (im delusional)
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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Max was used to the routine. Before the haze of sleep fully left him every morning, he would feel the soft, warm press of her lips against the tiny freckle on his upper lip. It was her unique ritual, a habit she had never skipped, and he had come to adore.
As the sun streamed through the blinds of their bedroom, she stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open. Without missing a beat, she leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on his freckle. Max smiled, his heart swelling with love.
"Morning, love," he murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep.
"Morning, Maxie," she replied, her voice light and cheerful.
Every day followed this pattern. Whether Max was leaving for a race, taking a break between practice sessions, or they were about to make love, her lips always found that freckle. It was her little act of love, and Max never questioned it. He cherished it
One lazy Sunday afternoon, they were lounging in their living room, a movie playing in the background. She lay on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. Max absentmindedly played with her hair, occasionally pressing soft kisses to her forehead. She sighed contentedly, snuggling closer.
Max felt her shift slightly, and there it was again. Her lips met his freckle in a gentle kiss before trailing a line of kisses up to his lips. "I love you," she mumbled softly against his skin.
"I love you too," Max replied, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
He paused momentarily, a curious look crossing his face, "Why do you always kiss my freckle?"
She looked up at him with a shy smile, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "It's silly," she said.
Max tilted her chin up gently, his eyes searching hers. "It’s not stupid if it’s something you do," he said softly. "Tell me, please."
She took a deep breath before explaining, "Well, my mom used to tell me that freckles or moles are spots where lovers used to kiss you in past lives. She said they’re like beauty marks, little reminders of love."
Max's expression softened, a tender smile spreading across his face. "That's beautiful," he said, his voice filled with genuine emotion.
She laughed softly, the sound like music to his ears. "I told you it was silly."
"It's not silly," Max replied, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles gently, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. And I love you for it."
Her heart swelled with love as she looked at him, feeling incredibly lucky to have someone like Max in her life. "I love you too," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other’s warmth, the movie long forgotten.
Max chuckled softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "So, every time you kiss that freckle, it’s like you’re saying hello to my past lovers?" he teased.
She laughed, playfully swatting his chest. "Or maybe it’s just my way of marking my territory," she quipped back.
Max laughed, the sound rich and joyful. "Well, consider it marked," he said, leaning down to capture her lips in a loving kiss.
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
i couldn’t resist the pull of a new indie animated cartoon, life is hard and i am but a weak soul
✨Ramshackle✨ by Zeddyzi -> why it’s amazing and why you should watch it :D
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she’s a mood fr
No.1: Vinnie is usually the first to panic
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while none of trio are 'in charge' -nor should they be- Vinnie does take the lead more often than Skipp or Stone do {these two also tend to look at her before taking action, which is actually adorable} so it's pretty cool to see she's not oblivious to dangerous situations like her archetype tends to lean into -> also Stone's totally contemplating breaking the window to get away from the pageant zombies
No.2: Stone is super protective, despite acting like he's not
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but he does it in a way that doesn’t come across as thinking the other two are incapable, it’s more like: you totally could’ve dealt with that, but im right here so you don’t have to
No.3: Skipp isn’t helpless, nor is he treated as such
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this is really awesome bc trios typically have that one character that’s really bright and bubbly but that’s also often infantilised by both their peers and the fandom -> Vinnie and Stone are totally confident in his feral capabilities though, and apart from briefly scolding him when it was necessary- they don’t treat Skipp like a child {which is an extremely refreshing change of pace}
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you got the black cat, doberman, and orange cat all in one with these silly guys! + stone's small smile when they fist bump, my heart!
No.5: The black cat is a softie
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surprising absolutely no one, Stone has a hard time saying no to his family. that's not to say he can't express a boundary, like how he feels about physical touch, but he does let Vinnie and Skipp cling to him for brief intervals -> he also is already accepting that Maggot's going to be a fixture from as soon as the other two are leaving the alley way
all in all, this pilot does a mind-blowing job of portraying archetypes in a new and refreshing way that doesn't feel forced -> the animation style is beautiful, the characters are multifaceted and complex and it walks the line between silly and badass perfectly
definitely go watch the pilot on youtube!
and if you enjoyed this, let me know if there are other things you want me to analyze or give my thoughts on :D
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
This romance is so wholesome and adorable!
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