#anyway back to aylinluna
confoodles · 20 days
Does anyone else feel like Aylinluna was horribly out of character this episode?? I've heard that apparently some things were cut, so that might be the reason but it still felt weird. Like ur telling me Luna, who has literally been so respectful of Aylin's boundaries literally even last episode, is suddenly forcing her to go out of her comfort zone?? Okay, fine, I understand the concept of wanting ur gf to get along with ur friends, but ur telling me Luna wouldn't stand up for Aylin when someone is clearly getting in her face and making her uncomfortable?? That she would call her an ALIEN??!!!
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invisiblegarters · 1 month
23.5 Episode 7
Looks like Sun and Ongsa are entering the mutual awkwardness stage of their relationship. We love to see it. Now it's not just Ongsa being an epic dork and I love that for the both of them.
Okay but I also love Sun flirting and knowing just how cute Ongsa finds her. Both are good.
Pffft oh Charoen. She wants to look at Sun. In that way I guess it's bad feng shui.
Okay Tin lbr here. Ongsa as a cheerleader? I love her and she's way prettier than she thinks, but she also has the coordination of a newborn fawn.
I swear to god if she becomes a cheerleader and thus loses the glasses to do it I will scream. Let the girl keep her glasses!
Sun the flirt is hilarious I love her.
HA oh please Aylin don't play. You know you like it when Luna is around.
Sun is really working herself up towards the top of my list right now she's hilarious. Honestly I love all these girls, they're just great.
They're taking it slow dammit! Which hopefully means that they'll be making out before the ep is over.
Thank you Alpha. Ongsa needed that smack.
Ooh a wild Sun appears. And she's jealous, isn't she? That is adorable. I bet the only two who don't know and didn't expect this are Ton and Ongsa, lol.
Annoying mosquito! DYING.
Then again maybe he does. But I don't think so. Although I think he might be clueing in the longer we go on. Poor little himbo discovering gay people are everywhere.
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I'm just loving this theme of liking people for wo they are and not for who they could or should be. And I think that Ongsa especially tends to forget that Sun fell for her over Insta. That said, I'm glad no one but Ongsa is pretending she isn't gorgeous.
OH don't you fucking fake me out with this show I will fight you.
DAMMIT SHOW we're fighting now. We are in a fight.
Let the lesbians kiss come on it's episode 7 there'd be at least one in a BL by now. I know we're going for cutesy here but they can still kiss dammit.
Ongsa: looks pretty much the same as always
Everyone: You're so pretty today!!
Okay show. Well at least she seems to be keeping her glasses.
Lol Sun is gonna murder Ton.
They are gonna set up a TonGharoen thing aren't they? Sigh. Boo I was hoping she'd hook up with Alpha. Gay all the way down baby.
"I don't think Sun likes my new look."
Ongsa. Girl.
You know what I will take my AylinLuna crumbs. I hope to see more of them next ep.
And there go the glasses. I really hope they don't stay gone though I will cry. Real tears.
She does look absolutely lovely though. Not that she isn't gorgeous anyway but you know what I mean. The outfit suits her.
Jealous!Sun is great. More, I say.
I love how everyone is just enjoying the hell out of poor Sun's misery.
Oh ha. Okay Ton is definitely in on this. He totally just got shooed over to interrupt. I would take back the jokes about how dumb he is, but I don't wanna.
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Well okay, then. I'm not thinking Ongsa will mind in the least.
Okay damn Sun is on a roll here. Go girl! Get your girlfriend and get her now.
Does this mean I'm gonna get my kiss?
Aw Sun's poor friends. Last to know.
"My plan" he says. His plan my entire ass. We all know that was all Alpha and Luna. But this is why I think that I can't dislike the dude even though the self-obsessed character type usually puts me off a bit. He doesn't have a mean bone in his giant body.
OOOOH next week we're getting more AylinLuna and some crumbs for the teachers too???
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chalkrevelations · 1 month
This is fine, it's fine. Just a little Tin/Ton/Charoen polycule playing out in the back of my head while I'm watching Ongsa moon over Sun. No distraction at all.
Anyway, I'm not very far into 23.5, at this point, but it feels like they're playing it safe with this one. Which may be one of the reasons that minute-plus of Aylin interacting with Ongsa at the end of Ep 1 was the only thing that really made me feel excited to keep watching. I feel like your entry into the GL pool is a little late for you to be creeping into the kiddie end, GMMTV. I'm not saying you have to dive into the deep end on your first outing, but somewhere in the middle, where I feel like I could paddle around some, might be good.
Also, the slow blink thing they keep having Love try to pull off is distracting and not working for me. (Sorry, Love, we've all seen Kim Seong Hyuk embody a cat at this point, the bar for slow blinks has become astronomically high.)
The other bit I found most interesting in Ep 1 was the sexual/physical harassment scene when Ongsa ends up getting clocked in the face. On a meta level, it makes me want to sit down and follow the thread of how GMMTV has presented bullying, just from what I've seen moving from Bad Buddy (execrable job, down the memory hole it went, in favor of pushing forward the romance) to Dangerous Romance (one of the things I thought the show did a decent job with, by and large, certainly compared to BB), to 23.5. This one may be different, though, given I don't know how much we're supposed to end up emotionally investing in the bullies, or if they're going to end up being bit-player plot devices.
ANYWAY, on a narrative level what that scene with Ongsa really did for me goes right back to Aylin again, because it made me wonder how much of that she's had to endure, and how much of her complete withdrawal from her peers is a defense mechanism to protect herself from what happened to Ongsa.
Also, that scene led to a scene where Luna had to be physically restrained from clocking the guys who bullied her BFF's younger sister, and now June Wanwimol is my new fave.
I can already tell this is going to be the AylinLuna show for me, and I'm wondering if it's going to be because the second couple and side characters are going to be allowed to carry the weight of personality quirks instead of having to be Likeable! versions of the Hapless Lesbian and Charming Popular Girl tropes.
(I also. Hm. Kind of wonder how much it's because the side couple was initially written for two guys, outside the expected girl-behavior box, and how much they might retain echoes of that despite rewrites for female actors.)
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