#but I've got something down for each of them so we'll see when we get there
Thoughts on The Outsiders Album
Okay, as I said yesterday, I have a LOT of thoughts on the album and I decided to revive this page so I stop bothering everyone IRL with my thoughts about it 😂 I figure there must be a good amount of people on tumblr who are down to listen to my rants about the album, so here goes.
I'll put it under a cut so there aren't any spoilers for anyone who hasn't listened yet, and I know there's one or two things which I've heard about the prouction via other posts and such. But I will stress that I haven't actually seen it, I've only listened to the album and obsessed over it 😂
It's also below the cut because it's fucking LOOOOONG
Please reply to this or send in your own thoughts - I have so much I want to talk about to do with this album and I'm like... shaking with the need to talk about it with people who actually want to listen 😂
(sad times living in the UK 🥲)
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I'm gonna go through the album sequentially, like track by track, because that feels like the thing to do, even though I will say right off that I definitely have more thoughts about some tracks than others. And I will also give my favourite line from each song. But for a just, like, general overview to begin with - I love the album so much?
I will fully admit that I was kinda preparing myself for it to be bad - it's a book that I love and I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie adaptation for a few key reasons, but I was so pleasantly surprised by the musical soundtrack.
I'm in love with the style of music, I love the entire cast (all of them have such different singing voices and styles and I think that they merge together so beautifully), and it has most of the things that I love in a musical - for me, it's got the right balance of the talking sections included with the singing, as well, which I know some people aren't huge fans of, but I might be biased because Soda is and always has been my favourite character and most of the talking is by him 😂 (I love Jason Schmidt, but we'll talk about that later), and as well as that the style of music and singing like gives me a good picture of what the actual choreography might look like, which I'm obsessed with, since I probably won't get to see it unless it somehow gets to the West End (🤞🏻)
Tulsa '67
Okay so this song is just like ✨exposition ✨ but it's done in a fun way, and I've decided it's worth it just for the finale reprise
I was also like stupidly emotional the first time I heard it and it opened with the opening line of the book
I was wary because of the immediate characterisation of Sodapop as being the brother "with a broken heart" (side note - does this mean Sandy broke his heart before the show rather than after it? I've goes QUESTIONS) - I'll go into it again when we get into Grease Got a Hold for obvious reasons, but I was worried that Soda was gonna be reduced into just being a womaniser again, which is something that bothered me about the movie adaptation
Favourite line: "all the girls are pretty there, and all the guys are mean"
Grease Got a Hold
right so it has no right to be as much of a bop as it is, it's been stuck in my head for the past week since it came out and I can't even be mad about it 😂
It's essentially just a typical "gang" song to introduce and characterise all the different members
Dally always saying "Little brother" got me so emotional like immediately
And I know I just said that I was upset with Soda's characterisation as a womaniser, but considering later songs, I will say I do find it really funny that he basically just goes "yeah I'm a greaser bc I love women 😊"
I LOVE TWO-BIT MATTHEWS - I would die for Daryl Tofa, just something soooooo good about the line he gives after Soda's verse
I have to admit, I was a little worried that they were gonna be pushing some anti-Darry propaganda, but I had no cause to worry, as he's an actual angel. Also it's so funny how fucking Done he is the moment he starts speaking
Something really funny about Steve not getting a verse, but something really sad about Johnny not getting one, but I don't have fully fleshed out thoughts yet so I'm gonna leave that there
But also there's just something about all of them trying to act tough, but all of them just have the voices of angels
Favourite line: "I'm a latch-key kid but they keep changing the locks" and also "you wanna be a fighter? then know just what you're fighting for"
Runs in the Family
I'm upset because this song has been such an ear-worm for me, but it's actually just so sad? There are a couple of these, but this is one of the main ones for me
It immediately makes Darry just such a sympathetic character - it's well documented that Ponyboy doesn't feel like he's enough of a greaser, but I don't think we talk enough about Darry is a reluctant greaser
Side note: but I'm really glad that they included Darry having dropped out of school to look after Soda and Pony, because that was kinda glossed over in the movie, which I felt did Darry a disservice
I just want to hug Brent Comer and tell Darry that he's doing a good job and everything will be okay 🥲
Favourite line: "I don't know what them boys would ever do without me - and what would I do on my own?"
Great Expectations
honestly this song deserves a post all of it's own, and maybe one day I'll do a full analysis of it
but in the meantime, it's fucking GORGEOUS, like Brody Grant has NO RIGHT to sound like this I'm so mad
One of the things I've loved about the soundtrack in general is how Pony in particular draws parallels and comparrisons between Johnny and the other greasers - here it's between Darry and Johnny, and I love it because Pony references in the book that he feels like he and Johnny are the outsiders in the greasers, he feels like neither of them really belong there, and they convey that so well in the musical with these constant comparisons in the songs and music
The continual return back to this idea of a self-fulfilling prophechy - trying to prove that they're not all the same just because they're greasers (like with the different verses in Grease Got a Hold), and this striving for individuality despite the overarching label they've been given
Favourite line: "It's hard to write this story, when this story's writing me"
Friday at the Drive-in
they all just sound so young - that's my main take-away from this song
I love songs in musicals like this where you're forced to be reminded how young the characters are and you have to humanise them a bit more - a bit like with "Drink with Me" in Les Mis
Also anytime that a soundtrack includes the dance-break it makes me so happy 🥲
Favourite Line: "Got no more stress, nothing to worry me - no more teacher's pet or trigonometry"
I Could Talk to You All Night
I need to say that I love this song, but the opening from Cherry is so fucking savage - like fucking hell there's no need to do that to Pony 😂
Again obsessed with Pony not feeling like enough of a Greaser
I'm a sucker for two people who feel lost in their own worlds finding each other and bonding because they can be themselves in a way that they can never be around their other friends
It's just such a pretty duet, and I want more of Brody Grant and Emma Pittman singing - we could have a million songs of the two of them and it wouldn't be enough
Favourite line: "I'd rather read then fight a rumble, but Greasers have to go along"
Runs in the Family (Reprise)
Dude it's such a serious song, and I'm obsessed that despite that there's just Soda being a little shit in the background
"I'll fold your laundry - I'LL FOLD ALL OF IT"
I love that even in this song it's like you can tell he's just so worried about Pony but it's coming out so angry and frustrated
So full of grief for the life he almost had
He's just so angry at Pony for still being able to dream, and it's like he feels like he needs to prepare Pony for real life, because he feels like he can't dream or wish for things anymore
And then just the screeching violin at the end of the song followed by DEAD FUCKING SILENCE, and then it switches to the next song where Pony starts singing acapella it's just herugighadlsiughukdhjsak, y'know?
Favourite line: "Whats the use in dreaming, about a life I'll never know? That ship sailed long ago"
Far Away from Tulsa
okay so I've already said that I'm obsessed with it beginning with Brody Grant acapella, and I know that the songs probably don't flow straight from one to the other in the actual production, but for the sake of the cast recording the effect is incredible
But also, there was absolutely no need to make this song so gay 😂 - Ponyboy, the bisexual icon we all need
It's very reminiscent of Santa Fe, with just kids dreaming for a life that they could have outside of their big city. Especially with the line "this place is real, it's not just in my head", which is VERY similar to "just be real is all I'm asking, not some painting in my head", but I'm okay with it because Brody Grant is incredible
But that line, as well as the one "'Ponyboy you're just a dreamer', that's what both my brothers say" are also really great links back to the previous song with the references of him being a dreamer, and that being what sets him apart from the other Greasers
I also just wanna say that I think it's criminal that there weren't more Pony/Johnny duets. Sky Lakota-Lynch and Brody Grant own my soul
Also catch me being emotional over Johnny's dream being wanting a family - he doesn't realise that he's already got one in the gang 🥺 (I could write an essay about this and Dally's continued use of 'little brother')
"Torn between what is and what could be. It's hard to write this story when this story's writing me"
"It's all becoming clear, there's no way we're gonna find that here"
Favourite line: "I'm tired of blindly watching as we're inching towards the ground"
Run Run Brother
There's so much to say about this song, but I literally can't formulate the words, so it's probably gonna be one that I come back to and properly analyse later. so in the meantime, here are my key take-aways
right from the beginning, it gives just an "oh-shit" feeling, just so much urgency and desperation
All three of them have such different singing voices and styles and the combination of the three just makes me so happy and I don't even know how to like express what I'm feeling
Back to the thing about Dally always calling Johnny (and Pony, but we're emotional about Johnny here) "brother"
the music is just so fitting - I feel like I need to be up and moving every time I hear it, like if I ran ever this would be on the playlist 😂
And I'm going insane over the echoes of what has been previously been said - the "grease isn't given it's something you earn", and "let's leave this behind, let's just get up and go" like you're FORCED to face that they are being given what they want but in a really terrible way
Favourite line: "I hate to make you go, but there ain't no other way"
Justice for Tulsa
okay so I know that this is a really important song and everything, but I will admit this is the one I tend to skip most
I will say I think this song would hit harder if they kept with the themes of police brutality that there are in the novel and movie with regards to Dally's death (going off what I've heard about the script changes from people who have seen it, I can't verify myself)
The song feels very claustrophobic, with everyone just trying to blame everyone else, which I think is really well done. Especially with the multiple voices coming in with "you know just what you did"
And it does show the bias of the world trying to blame the Greasers just by reputation alone, which is thematically nice
and also just the kinda mob mentality of the whole thing, especially at the end, with a declaration of war
Favourite line: "or we could send them back a message, take an eye for an eye"
Death's at My Door
I think I've seen somewhere that this is the opening song for the second act and I just - fucking hell, what an opener 😂 they really just wanna destroy all of us, huh?
EDIT: I've been corrected, and it's Justice for Tulsa that starts act 2 - my bad guys, I don't know where I saw otherwise. JfT starting act 2 makes soo much more sense 😂
I wanted to like reach through my headphones somehow and hug Brody Grant, like holy shit
The first time I heard it all I could think about was how much he's going to blame himself when Johnny (and Dally) do die - especially with Johnny having comforted Pony about it
And I'm just emotional about the exploration of Pony thinking of himself as a burden on everyone he loves, especially going back to what Darry says to him in Runs in the Family reprise, just confirming everything that Pony already worries about himself
Favourite line: "I don't believe in the death that you're bringing - the reason I'm living is you"
Throwing in the Towel
I just love brothers okay? This song made me want to like message all my siblings and tell them I love them
I loved that we see Pony's inner thoughts and fears about being a burden on his brothers, immediately followed by seeing Darry's own thoughts and feelings - the two of them being so similar in how they blame themselves for everything
All three of the Curtis brothers being terrified of losing anyone else
AND THIS IS THE SODA CHARACTER REDEPTION I NEEDED - he becomes more than just the womaniser, you can see him having like actual thought and feelings, and the amount of emotion in Jason Schmidt's voice as he's trying to reassure Darry, like this song and Soda's letter gets across everything that makes Soda my favourite character
And there's something to be said about how they're finally like communicating their emotions 😂
Favourite line: "I know your head is full of doubt, but brother that's what love is all about"
Soda's Letter
Musical letters my beloved ❤️
I love songs like these - they're always just so vulnerable
It links to Tulsa '67 Reprise with the reference to how Soda kinda keeps the family all together. This song you can like see the strain that it has on him, trying to keep the brothers who he loves so much together, by trying to tell Pony that Darry does love him even though he shows it in a very different way
also anyone who has seen it and made it this far in the post can you tell me whether they keep in the bit about Pony reading this really heartfelt letter only to go "Soda's so dumb he can't fucking spell" because it's all I could think about when I listened to it for the first time
Favourite line: "Your brother needs you just as much as you need him, and brother we ain't doing to good alone"
Hoods Turned Heroes
The triumphant return of my beloved Two-Bit, and he's doing some king shit
I love him, okay?
This is another song where I know it's really important, but I actually don't have much to say about it, other than I do really enjoy it
Favourite line: "It's time to celebrate Greasers, take pride in the Greaser name"
Hopeless War
I love that it's just Cherry begging Pony not to change, and hoping that he's still an outsider of the Greasers like she is for the Socs, a hope that the two of them are still kindred spirits even after everything that happened
She knows that the rumble is gonna be where Pony loses that last bit of dreamer in him because he's holding just so much anger at the world - I dunno, there's something there I'm sure 😂
it's such a smooth transition into "Trouble" and I wanna SCREAM it's so good
Favourite line: "even if you win, it doesn't change a thing"
It feels like a war chant or something
The music is just so agitated
It's like Run Run Brother where I feel the need to be up and moving
Favourite line: "Do it for Johnny, even the scores, time to rally the crew"
Little Brother
I get chills every time I listen to it
Something about Joshua Boone's voice guys, I don't even know like how someone goes about beginning to talk about it, but whoever takes over as Dally has got some big shoes to fill
It's a lament to Johnny, and I feel like I listen to it and I feel the same anger and indignation that Dally feels
It's a song where I listen to it and I know, even without having seen the production, how I'd stage it and that always makes me excited
The longer the song goes on, the more uneasy you feel listening to it
It links him and Darry together again, with how he blames himself for everything that happened to his little brother, he feels like he should have been able to protect Johnny, the way that Darry always tries to protect Ponyboy
The final tempo increase and the discordant violin at the end, and it feels like even just listening to it you're watching him fall into a grief-led madness, and his certainty that there's only one way that his story can end
Favourite line: "They can't take anymore from me - if I ain't got you, then I ain't got nothing else"
Stay Gold
It feels somehow criminal to put these songs next to each other, but I mean obviously they have to be - that's how they want you to feel, but it doesn't mean that I'm not mad about it
I've listened to it like a million times and it still brings me to tears every now and then
There's something about having the hopelessness of "Little Brother", with Dally bring so apologetic at having failed Johny, followed by Johnny asking Pony to tell him that there's still good in the world
Just how much everyone in this story needs each other and they don't realise that the others need them too, yknow?
Johnny being Dally's "gold" - a lot to say about that but yknow, this is already long as fuck
The simplicity of the music itself (same as with Soda's letter - makes them thematically the same blah blah blah with them both being letters and all that), but it makes the song much more vulnerable than some of the others - nothing for Sky Lakota-Lynch to hide behind
Also that line: "I have looked into a thankful father's eyes, telling me I've saved his daughters life", and how that links to what Johnny says in the book about the little girl's life being worth more than his - I dunno, it just got me emotional, okay?
Favourite line: "I hold on to the good 'cause I've made my peace with all the bad" and also "It's easy to forget when you're trying just to make it through"
Tulsa '67 Reprise
WE MADE IT BOYS (seriously though, for real, if you made it this far, thanks for reading through my descent into madness 😂 and please send your own thoughts and such, bc I'm desperate to hear other people's thoughts)
I said it at the beginning, but I think the reprise of this song makes the exposition at the beginning worth it
At the beginning we hear Ponyboy as a dreamer, and at the end he still has that, but rather than idolising and making everything spectacular, he sees beauty in the mundane - he sees it in his brothers, his friends, all of that
The call backs to the original song as well, which allow us to go back to the theme of looking at individuality - the Greasers wanting to be seen as more than just characatures, and by the end they are like fully-fleshed out people rather than just the basic stock figures we initially get them introduced as in Grease Got a Hold
The clearest examples are, of course, Darry and Soda
Darry goes from being "could have been a football star, people say he had a ticket out" to instead being "the toughest guy I've ever known"
Soda goes from "suffers from a broken heart" to "this family's life and soul"
and then it goes from "got no parents, we fend for ourselves" to "can you imagine how proud mum and dad would be"
just something so beautiful about that, I dunno
There's more I could say about the themes of brotherhood and individuality ("grease as their disguise", for example), but I'll spare it for now
Favourite line: "Just too damn good for growing old, and in his memory I stay gold"
(finally - if you've stuck around to the end, I've also recently set up an instagram account, just for me, so please also check that out if you wanna hear more about my thoughts about random musicals and stuff!)
Freddie 🐸 (Instagram)
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mewkwota · 2 years
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Leon Belmont - “The Lost”
It's been literal years, but I wanted to make new full-body reference shots of the Belmonts because the old ones are aaagghhh. So we’re starting with Leon again! Now that I got a hold of Leon's hair, look how much prettier (and sad-looking) he is.
This time around I’m also trying to show what makes each Belmont unique. I didn’t add any effects, but this pose focuses on Leon’s gauntlet (and his sad face) with which he can utilize various abilities.
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eitaababe · 1 year
PLS write me a headcannon of lo'ak and neteyam reacting to another person trying to court their girl !!
a/n — u always have the best ideas istg / also i didnt proof read this i got lazy 😭
- he was pretty confident, if he were to say so himself
- you liked him and he liked you, it was simple really.
- it had been that way for years, and you guys thought your relationship with each other was pretty public, everyone knowing about you two
- clearly, you both were wrong.
- because you had caught the eye of another na'vi, unknowingly
- yorutro, was his name, and at first you truly believed he was just being friendly
- until he started gifting you shells, bracelets, tops, you name it.
- you accepted them, feeling bad, but would never wear them
- and you hadn't told neteyam yet, because you wanted to be sure your suspicions of him were correct
- and of course, the day you decided you were right, neteyam saw yorutro come up to you
- he hid at first, but the moment he saw the way the other male looked at you, he didn't waste time to break the meeting up.
"Hey!" Neteyam shouted, stomping his way over to you two. He tried his best to keep his temper hidden, flashing a flat smile. "What're you two doing here?"
Your eyes widened in shock, yet you were relieved. You glanced back and forth between the boys, giving Neteyam a subtle shrug when he raised an eye at the sight of you two together.
"Oh- um-" Yorutro stammered, alarmed at the sudden intrusion. "Just chatting." He finished, sending an all too nice smile Neteyam's way.
Noticing the boys nervous nature, Neteyam smirked, wrapping his arms around your figure. "Hey man, no worries. I was just looking for my girl."
You internally facepalmed, trying your best not to laugh at how Yorutro practically jumped at the words, scrambling to get out of your guys way. "Oh! That's fine! You can have her! I um- I had something I forgot about anyways. See you guys!"
Eyes following him, Neteyam waited until he was out of earshot to speak. "What a skxawng," he pressed a loving kiss to the top of your head. "Thinking he could steal my girl."
Leaning your head back you smiled up at him, shaking your head. "You know I'm yours, my love."
"And I am yours."
- in everyone's defense, you and lo'ak were pretty much just a couple of best friends
- i mean, minus the kissing and cuddling and all that
- but you had more of a teasing relationship, neither of you were really that lovey dovey with each other out in public
- PDA just wasn't really your guys thing
- so who could blame the other na'vi trying to shoot his shot?
- enlo was a nice guy, really (at least you thought, lo'ak felt otherwise)
- but he definitely wasn't subtle about his intentions with you
- as much as you tried to give hints you didn't feel that way, he kept trying
- you told lo'ak, and while he requested to just tell him straight up to screw off, you felt that was mean, and wanted to let him down easily
- it took some convincing, but lo'ak agreed and you were on your way to meet enlo, lo'ak coming and watching from a close distance (just in case)
"y/n!" enlo called, striding over towards you.
'oh, eywa' you thought to yourself, flashing him a smile. "hi, enlo," you started, glancing around for lo'ak. when you met his eyes he gave you a reassuring smile, encouraging you to go on. "we need to talk."
"yes we do!" he agreed, cutting you off. "i actually had something really important to ask you."
uh oh.
"oh? what is it?" you played along, tail nervously flicking behind you.
"we'll, i've been thinking recently. i really enjoy your company. you're beautiful, and smart, and-"
"enlo," you cut him off, trying to save him from making this worse. "i'm flattered, really, i am. and i think you're a nice guy. but i'm with someone."
his expression hardened, looking down at you. "you're seeing who?"
"she's seeing me, dickhead." lo'ak called out, immediately standing by your side.
enlo looked between the two of you, almost offended. "seriously, you're choosing this five fingered freak over me?"
"hey!" you snapped, about to step up to him when lo'ak put an arm in front of you to stop you.
"don't worry y/n, i got this," he stated with a smug look, walking up to enlo. lo'ak definitely wasn't as tall as him, but he didn't show anything that suggested that bothered him. "so, enlo."
"y'know, having five fingers really has it's perks. you can hold more things, you have a better grip. oh! and you even have an extra finger for this." he smiled, flipping the taller boy off.
you facepalmed, trying not to laugh at your boyfriend's antics.
clearly, enlo didn't find it amusing, and shoved lo'ak harshly out of the way, beginning to walk off. "whatever, man. you can have the bitch."
"oh sorry, i forgot one thing about my hands! i can curl them up into this ball and-" lo'ak didn't even bother to finish his sentence before he landed a punch square to enlo's jaw, then another to his nose.
enlo, taken by surprise, didn't even have time to react while lo'ak took it to his advantage, still throwing punches at him and knocking him off his feet. and while you weren't fond of the words spoken of you, you didn't want lo'ak getting too carried away and getting into more trouble with his dad.
"lo'ak! that's enough." you called, and of course, he listened. he got off of the other male, sending a glare to him while he walked over to you.
enlo got up (barely), and held his nose, groaning in pain. "yeah, run back to y/n! can't even finish a fight." he pathetically spat at lo'ak, making him turn around to finish the fight until you stopped him.
"i got this one," you muttered, making your way back over to enlo. "clearly, he was trying to be nice, but since you're such a dickhead, i'll finish it for him." so you punched him right in the nose, making the boy stumble back in pain, both hands covering his bloody nose.
as you walked back over to lo'ak, he looked at you proudly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"that's my girl."
a/n — lo'ak's was longer than intended whoops
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Sharks III
Meadema x Child!Reader
Summary: You and Mama come back from the aquarium
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"I have news!" Mummy says as you and Mama come through the door.
"So do I!" Mama replies.
You waddle in after her, holding all of your new presents.
"Sarina called me up!"
"Liefje called me Mama!"
"I've got a new shark!" You exclaim just so you can be included.
"You got called up?" Mama asks.
"She called you Mama?" Mummy asks back.
Suddenly, you're crushed between them both, kisses raining down upon your head. You soak in the affection and go limp when Mummy twirls you around.
"Mummy and Mama!" Mummy declares.
"And me!"
"And you!"
Mummy buys takeout for dinner to celebrate. You don't understand why you're celebrating (Mummy going back to England Camp and Mama being Mama isn't special) but you're happy to eat food you normally don't get to.
At the end of dinner, you end up sitting on the floor with your toy chest. Mama got you a bunch of new ones at the aquarium so you have to introduce them to your old toys.
"Viv," Beth says fondly with an eye roll," You didn't need to get her that much. You're spoiling her."
"She deserves to be spoiled," Viv says in reply," She's a very impressive little girl."
"She told you all her shark facts, didn't she? Every time I think she's run out, she comes out with more."
"It's impressive," Viv insists as they both watch you introduce your stuffies to the shark action figure you've just got," She's very smart."
"She's sensitive," Beth confesses," I think she likes sharks better than people."
Viv pulls Beth into her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to keep her close. "There's nothing wrong with that. As long as she's got friends."
"Keira and Lucy's peanut," Beth replies," Is probably her only proper friend. They get on really well. It's strange though, they're so different but they balance each other out."
"That's good. I think you worry too much, Beth. She's a great kid. You've done so well."
Beth's face goes a bit red at the praise and she interlinks their hands. "We're going to do a great job with her."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
You turn your head when you're done playing with your toys. "Mummy," You say," Me and Mama saw a cookie cutter shark today! It was so cool!"
"Oh, really?" Mummy reaches down to pull you up onto her lap," Do you like cookie cutters?"
"They're my second favourite!" You declare," My most favourite is goblin sharks!"
Beth has to suppress the shiver at the mention of the goblin shark. The toy Viv got you practically lives on your bed and it was terrifying to see every night when she tucked you in. It was her least favourite of your toys but she didn't have the heart to throw it out and pretend the washing machine ate it.
"Oh, wow," She says instead," Well, have you got a cookie cutter at home?"
You shake your head and pout. "No."
"Should we get you one?"
"It can live on my bed!" You say," With my goblin!"
Viv laughs a little, like she knows something that Beth doesn't. "We'll get you a cookie cutter shark, liefje."
Beth whips out her phone to buy a cookie cutter plushie and immediately wishes that she hadn't offered. It's nearly as ugly as a goblin shark and it makes her a little sick to the stomach to see it, first in plush form and then the actual creature.
But, the big happy smile on your face and the way you press a kiss to her cheek and then Viv's, means that Beth can forget all about her horror as she sets a day for it to be sent to the house.
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The Finish Line.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - in honour of the london marathon being held today, and my dad running, enjoy this little blurb.
word count - 1.3k
in which, harrys wife is running the london marathon, having been signed up by her sister in law gemma as a joke and now as she is nearing the finish line, harry is determined to be there to greet her.
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As you sit in your cozy living room on your birthday, your husband Harry by your side and your one-year-old son peacefully asleep on the cushion next to him, you feel content. Gemma, your sister-in-law, suddenly interrupts the tranquil moment with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Happy birthday, sis! I've got another present for you," Gemma announces, holding out an envelope with excitement.
You accept it, exchanging puzzled glances with Harry. "Oh, Gem, you didn't have to get me anything else. You've already spoiled me enough."
Gemma shakes her head, insisting, "Trust me, you're going to love this one. Open it!"
With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, you tear open the envelope. Your heart skips a beat as you pull out a letter. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you read the words:
"Congratulations! You've been signed up for the 2024 London Marathon."
Your jaw drops, and you stare at Gemma in shock. "What?! Are you serious?!"
Gemma's grin widens. "Absolutely! I know you've been talking about wanting to challenge yourself, and what better way than running a marathon, right?"
You can feel the panic rising within you. "But Gem, I've never even run a half-marathon before! This is insane!"
Harry chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, looks like you've got some training to do, m’love."
You shake your head, still in denial. "No, no way. I can't do this. I'm not ready for something like that.”
And now, just under halfway through,just seconds away from reaching mile ten,doubts start creeping in, and your legs feel heavier with each step.
The cheering crowds blend into a blur of noise around you.
Just when you're on the verge of giving up, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos, calling your name.
You glance up and spot Harry and your son standing behind the barricades, their faces lit up with pride and encouragement.
With a surge of determination, you veer towards them, pushing through the throngs of runners, apologising when you get in the way.
When you reach them, you're breathless and exhausted, but seeing their smiling faces fills you with a renewed sense of hope.
"H-Harry," you pant, trying to catch your breath. "I don't think I can do this. It hurts."
Harry wraps his arms around you, offering comfort and support. "Hey, hey, you've got this. You've trained so hard f’this moment. Y’stronger than you think."
Tears well up in your eyes as you lean into his embrace. "But what if I can't finish? What if I let everyone down?"
Harry gently tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. "Listen to me, m’love. You've never been a quitter, and you're not about to start now. Remember why you're doing this – for yourself, for our family, We believe in you, and we'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
You glance down at your sleeping son, his innocent face a poignant reminder of the love and support surrounding you.
With a determined nod, you straighten up, wiping away your tears. "Okay, I'll keep going. For us."
Harry flashes you a proud smile, planting a kiss on your forehead. "S’my girl. Now go show 'em what you're made of. We'll be waiting for you at the finish line."
It takes you around another two hours to near the finish line, every step feels like an uphill battle.
Your ankle throbs with each stride, threatening to give out beneath you, and a wave of nausea washes over you. The cheers of the crowd blend into a distant hum as you focus all your energy on putting one foot in front of the other.
Your vision blurs with tears of pain and exhaustion, but you can see the finish line looming ahead like a beacon of hope. With every ounce of determination left in you, you push forward, the crowd's encouragement spurring you on.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you limp across the finish line. Tears stream down your face as you collapse onto the ground, the rush of emotions overwhelming you. The volunteer at the finish line rushes over, their concern evident as they kneel beside you.
"Hey there, are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" the volunteer asks, their voice filled with genuine concern.
You manage to nod weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think so. Just... just give me a moment."
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a bottle of water and helping you sit up. "Take your time. You did an amazing job out there. You should be really proud of yourself."
As you cling to the poor volunteer, you turn to the her with a hopeful expression. "Um, excuse me, could you... could you help me over to my husband, please?"
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a supportive arm. "Of course, let's get you over there."
With the volunteer's assistance, you limp over to Harry, each step feeling like a small victory. As you draw closer, Harry's eyes light up with relief and love, his arms open wide to welcome you.
"Thank you so much," you murmur to the volunteer, tears still streaming down your face.
She smiles warmly. "It's my pleasure. Congratulations on finishing the marathon. You're an inspiration."
You nod, touched by her words, before turning your attention back to Harry. His eyes are filled with love and pride as he opens his arms to you, and you melt into his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of his love surrounding you.
"Oh, Harry," you whisper, tears of exhaustion and joy streaming down your cheeks. "I did it."
He holds you close, his embrace a comforting anchor in the midst of your overwhelming emotions.
"Yes, you did," he murmurs, his voice soft and full of admiration. "I'm so proud of you, m’love. You're incredible."
You bury your face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent and reveling in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. "I couldn't have done it without you," you admit, your voice muffled against his shirt.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his touch tender and reassuring. "Y’stronger than you know, darling. And I'll always be here to support you, every step of the way."
Your heart swells with love for him, overwhelmed by the depth of his devotion.
"I love you, Harry," you whisper, your words a vow of gratitude and affection.
"I love you too, my darling," he replies, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Now let's get you some rest. You've earned it."
Your son looks up from the stroller, his face breaking into a wide grin as he reaches out for you.
"Mama!" he exclaims, his little arms outstretched.
"Hey there, my little champion," you coo, scooping him up into your arms. His giggles fill the air as you pepper his chubby cheeks with kisses, each one a testament to the overwhelming love you feel for him.
Harry watches with a tender smile, his eyes shining with pride and adoration.
"Look at you two," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "My heart could burst with how much I love you both."
You laugh through your tears, the exhaustion and elation of the moment blending together in a whirlwind of emotion.
"I love you too, Harry," you say, your voice choked with emotion. "So much."
With trembling hands, you reach for the medal hanging around your neck, the weight of it a physical reminder of the journey you've just completed. Carefully, you drape it around your son's neck, the metal cool against his warm skin.
"There you go, my little marathoner," you say, your voice catching in your throat. "You deserve this just as much as I do."
Harry wraps his arms around you both, holding you close as you bask in the glow of this precious moment.
"I couldn't be prouder of you, love," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.
"You're my hero."
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jouxlskaard · 1 month
Strap in, fuckers. This is a long one.
I've seen a lot of discourse and discussion recently about why TMAGP isn't resonating with listeners as much as TMA did, with a lot of people pointing towards the infrequent structure of each episode and the lack of subtlety that TMA had once excelled in. And while both of these are true, I think the main culprit that has caused these problems for listeners is one thing: the pacing.
TMAGP is only going to be 60 (Edit: 90) episodes long, compared with TMA's absolute behemoth of 200. When I'd found out about this, I'd assumed that it meant TMAGP would have a much smaller story - not having to establish as much information as TMA did, and allowing the story to have lower stakes as a result. This certainly wasn't a bad thing, as many sequels that have tried to one-up their predecessors have gone disastrously wrong, but I knew that the structure would be different to TMA as a result.
However, from the 12 episodes that we've seen so far, it appears that TMAGP is going to have similar levels of stakes to TMA - not the same stakes, of course, but they'll likely be on close to equal footing. This means that TMAGP has to establish the same amount of information to listeners with significantly less time to do it in, and the pacing has to speed up to adhere to that. In the first 12 episodes of TMA, we had established one possible recurring statement character (Gerry), a disturbing worm woman (Prentiss), and the fact that Jon doesn't like his assistant and refuses to believe any of the statements. In the first 12 episodes of TMAGP, we've established every important protagonist and what they sound like, two recurring statement characters (Bonzo and Ink5oul) with one that has already physically appeared, much of Sam's backstory and his ties to the Magnus Institute and the fact that something is deeply wrong with their workplace. That is a big difference.
This difference in pacing is what I believe is turning listeners away from what they'd originally enjoyed about TMA, because there's no longer that warm, comforting atmosphere when you listen to it. Its sound isn't designed to come from a tape recorder and a tape recorder only anymore; it's no longer a sit-down and listen to the Archivist tell you spooky stories for 20 minutes anymore; and, like I mentioned earlier, the structure is no longer the same throughout each episode. The horror anthology aspect, whilst still being there, has now taken a back-burner to the metanarrative because so much has to be established in so little time. To many, that's a bad thing. They listened to the original because they liked the statements, and the little things connecting them hinted to a much larger story at play. When this story was revealed, we got to see Jonny Sims and his brilliant prose at its best, because there was no longer anything to hide and the statements were in their purest forms - no longer having to establish information to the audience, and simply basking in the fear.
I'm sure we'll get to see the same thing in TMAGP once the narrative reaches that point, but the current pacing has uprooted a lot of listeners' expectations for the show. I'm going to listen to the entire thing, personally; yeah, it's different, and it doesn't deliver the same vibes and comfort as TMA did, and I probably won't be able to fall asleep whilst relistening to the more obscure episodes like I could before, but in a frankly disturbing way, I'm still fascinated with what Jonny, Alex and the other writers have created. This type of horror is the only kind that I genuinely enjoy, and I'm excited to see what direction Protocol goes in.
Edit: I feel like I should clarify that I don't see this comparison as something that takes away from TMAGP. Alex has said that it's going to be different from the get-go, and I do think that comparing it to TMA is an exercise in futility to an extent. I just wanted to talk about the shows together because I feel like they complement one another, and the narrative beats that I've talked about are less to do with TMA on its own and more to do with general narrative structure. We have buildup, payoff and pacing no matter what show it is, because that's what makes a story. I think TMAGP could be taken a little bit like Deltarune in terms of its relation to the original source material: separate entities with some overlap in character and themes. At the end of the day, it's still early days for the show and this entire spiel could just end up gathering dust - I just think it's a cool thing to think about, and it gives me an excuse to infodump about how pacing can affect a narrative and the audience's response to it.
I wrote this while my cat was laying on me. Have a picture as a reward for reading this whole thing.
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Crumbling Down
carlos sainz x Piquet!wife oc & secret family
this is meant with no real negativity to cs55's girlfriend rebecca, and only discusses her in a slight poor light due to plot reasons.
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verity.sainz a perfect break with my whole world before flying is restricted once more by baby #4 🤍
carlossainz55 mi corazon ❤️
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f1wags and we're back to race week with the first public appearance of Carlos Sainz's new girlfriend!
"Carlo," I can't help the crack in my voice when I say his name, "You said you would say no to them. You said you wouldn't abuse our desire to keep our private life private like this."
"Mi amor," The pet name hurts, something that used to make my body buzz with joy making me want to cry harder as I wrap my arm around my rounded stomach. "They were insistent, I've never had a woman come to the paddock outside my family and they say I needed to change that."
"You haven't gone with a woman because we decided to remain private! We didn't want to pressures of the world! So we got married, and then we had Carlos and Junie and then they were each too young to go, and just as we were about to announce the family, I got pregnant with Flora and now with Tilly-"
"Tilly? As in Matilda?" He asks, interrupting my emotional rate with a tone that is too close to joy. "You found out the baby's gender?"
We had picked out names. This wasn't how he was supposed to find out.
"Yes, she's a little girl," I admit, "The kids and I had a whole plan how to announce it once you got home."
"I can't wait to see what you have planned," Is his answer, the sounds of the garage around him getting slowly quieter as I can only assume he moves towards his drivers room.
The idea of him coming home after kissing her to kiss me, to kiss our children's foreheads, makes me want to be sick.
"At the moment Carlos, I can't promise the kids and I will be here when you get home," I whisper, the truth slipping out like razorblades. "I think we're going to go see my parents."
"Vera, you're not meant to be flying. We were cutting it close with out trip as it is," He answers, voice strong and commanding.
"That's what's upsetting you? The fact that I will be traveling and not that I've just told you that your wife and children won't be home to greet you when you return because you're parading around another woman? Because when Carlos and Junie put on the race to see their father they'll see her name with yours underneath?"
"Verity, you know that's not what I want-"
"Then why did you agree? Why did you agree after I cried to you about how the idea of you with another woman made me ill?"
"It was for a good reason," His answer is hesitant, and you can tell he doesn't mean it.
"I hope the reason was enough for you, Carlos, because I can't keep letting you love us in the dark. We'll be with a friend since you're so concerned about me traveling." He did have a good point on that matter, but I can't help but say it before hanging up, not giving him a moment to respond as I waddle my way to the living room, dropping myself on the couch.
"Mamá?" Carlos III's voice calls, his head of hair like his fathers sticking out from behind the hallway wall, "Que occure? (What happened?)"
"Oh my baby, nothing happened," I try to assure, attempting to get all the tears off my cheeks before he can really notice.
"Mamá," He prompts this time, sounding entirely fed up with my response as he moves into the room, such a serious look for a seven year old. "I heard you on the phone with Papá. What has he done?"
"Something that you do not need to worry yourself about mi mundo (my world)," I assure, pulling him into my side as he gets close. He curls into my side, hand resting on my stomach as he's done with his other sisters.
"Hola Tilly," He greets her, placing a quick kiss to where he feels her kick before looking up to me, his father's spitting image. "We're going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa?"
"No, you're father made the point that I can't travel anymore, so we're going to go see if tia Kelly and prima Penelope are up for some visitors, yeah?"
"I'll go get my suitcase and start packing," He agrees, giving me a small smile as he moves to get up. I know I'll have to repack his suitcase later, but as he runs off, all I can be is grateful for this little angel who blessed us when we were young and unprepared, much to my fathers chagrin. But my kids are who keep me together as I dial my sister's number, tears coming to my eyes when I hear her voice.
"Vera? Honey are you crying?"
"Kel, can the kids and I come visit?"
"Always. P will prep her toys and I will prep the guest rooms."
"What the fuck were you thinking," The angered Red Bull driver shouts across the paddock, storming towards the Ferrari drivers who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Max, what's-"
"This doesn't involve you, Charlie," The Dutchman silences, eyes blazes of fire as they move to the Spaniard who's practically his brother-in-law. "You brought your girlfriend to a race and expected that to go well with your wife? The mother of your four children?"
"Tell me you did not," Charles chimes in, unable to keep the words from slipping out of his mouth at news. He had seen Carlos with a woman earlier, but had only assumed her to be a new member of his media team.
"It is none of your concern, Verstappen. What happens between my wife and I is just that."
"And I'll respect that when your actions aren't broadcasted to the entire world and having Vera call Kelly sobbing saying she's packing up the kids and leaving," Max fumes, Carlos's expression dropping at the knowledge. He had known that she was upset, that she had threatened to leave, but he thought it was just that, a threat. Not that she would actually leave the home they had designed together in Nice.
"After this race you better fix your fucking mess, because I will enforce whatever Verity wants, whether that is keeping you away from her and the kids or not."
And the Dutchman storms off, not waiting for a response.
"Kelly, I am only here to see my family."
"Carlos, you've been in our family for nine years, by law seven, but I can promise you that if Vera doesn't want you here, you will not be entering this apartment," The elder Piquet daughter warns, eyes angered by the mans simple presence.
"Kel, can I come in?" Max questions, not wanting to answer her more but also hoping to embrace her and Penelope, any week without them feeling too long.
She smiles at him, having missed him as well but her expression quickly steels. "Not if you are bringing him in with you."
"Kelly," I finally interrupt, having enough of seeing her scold my husband through the door as I breastfeed Flora. "You can just let them in, but please warn Max that I'm feeding Flora," I request, hating the idea of making the man uncomfortable in his home.
"You're okay, Ver," Max offers, his eyes immediately meeting my own and not leaving as Kelly opens the door, him and Carlos entering. "Kelly and I are actually going to go say hi to the kids, I've missed P and all of them," he says, kissing my sisters lips in a quick peck.
"Is Flora done? We could take her with us?" And it's like Flor could understand her aunt's question, because she's unlatching on cue, allowing me to pull up the piece of my top to cover myself and nod to Kel.
"Would you please? She just needs to be-"
"Burped," Max finished, taking my current youngest into his arms, kissing her head as he moves her to his shoulder. "Between P and my nephews, we've got this covered. Just let us know when you're done," He offers, kissing the side of my head.
"Thank you."
"Anything for family," He just smiles, the expression falling when he turns to Carlos who has been frozen in place. "Say the wrong things and your ass will be on the street before you can say forza ferrari."
"Sí- I mean, yes, of course," His eyes meeting mine before his next words leave his mouth. "I just want to talk apologize my wife."
"Right then, let's go say his to the kids," Kelly prompts, the two walking out with Flora in hand, the cheers of the kids upon seeing their uncle and P seeing her father figure making my heart warm.
"Mi amor, you have no idea how sorry I am for agree to the teams request for even a moment," Carlo apologizes, his body moving towards mine, taking the spot beside me and my hands into his own. "I went back to the team, they've posted an announcement saying that Rebecca and I are not together, and I gave them a photo of us from our wedding."
My heart beat fastens, his eyes meeting mine as his fingers start to fiddle with my wedding band. "Why would you do that?"
"I am having it announced that before my start in formula one I have been madly in love with you. That over those years we have married and created a family in private that I love," He explains, a hand coming to cup my cheek, running his calloused thumb to wipe away the tears that have begun slowly running from my eyes. "I no longer want to hide you. We can keep the kids to ourselves until they're older, but now everyone knows I am taken by the love of my life."
"Carlo," I can't help but whimper, flinging myself at him in a hug. "Te amaré hasta que ya no respire (i will love you until i am no longer breathing)."
"And I, you, mi amor," He assures, kissing the top of my head. "I am more sorry than I could ever put into words."
"You've fixed the situation, Carlo, we can work from this," I smile, little giggles alerting us to our observers.
And wrapped around the corner, piled on top of each other, our children's heads and niece's head are stacked, Junie's under her brothers and Penelope's in between. It's only a moment later thought that Flora appears to be floating on top of Carlos III, Max and Kelly's heads slowly appearing as well.
"Estan bien mamá y papá? (Are you okay mama and papa?)" Juniper questions us, Carlos III placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Sí," Carlos Jr answers, pulling us into a sitting position. "Ven aquí nuestros amores (Come here our loves)." Their little feet carry them strong and fast towards us, gently climbing on top of us, minding my stomach as Kelly approaches us, now holding Flora and resting her gently against my chest with a smile. "We are okay, Papa made a mistake but he has started fixing it and I will be working to so for a time."
"As you should," Carlos III digs, making me smile slightly.
"We love you all," I remind, kissing eaches head, including Penelope. "And we love each other. No matter what, things will work out and we will love you all," my little girl giggling brightly.
"Nosotros tambien te amamos mama (we love you too mama)."
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rogueddie · 4 months
Now and Forever M | non-sexual d/s | 913 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is letting someone take care of you
Steve has never had any problems with the kids before. It's always been easy for him to keep up with them and, though he'd never admit it, he likes how they tend to keep him on his toes.
He never knows, when they come calling for a ride, if it's a day where they'll try to drag him into their nerd games or if they'll be seperating so much that he has to literally run after them, just to drag them back to the others.
He loves the kids. He knows the kids love him too.
It only makes it harder to say no to them.
"But you have to take us!" Dustin whines. "Nancys got some important college thing that she's doing with Jonathan and Eddie isn't answering his phone!"
"Uh," Steve winces, glancing to the side, where Eddie is lounging on his sofa.
He's already watching Steve and, when their eyes lock, he frowns. He starts to get up
"Sorry kid, but I can't," Steve insists, turning away to focus on the call. "Not today."
"We won't run away! We'll be on our best behavior! We promise- right guys?"
The others agreements are muffled, but loud enough that Steve is sure that Dustin is holding the phone up at them.
"Dustin, I can't. Really, I wish I could, but-"
"Here," Eddie mumbles, gently taking the phone from him. "Go lay back down, ok? I got this."
"You don't have to do that, I can-"
"I know you can," Eddie cuts through him, brushing his fingers across his cheek, smiling softly. "I've got it though. Lay down, drink your tea. Dustin will survive without you for one day."
Steve reluctantly goes back to the sofa, flopping down on it. He snorts at how Eddies soft and sweet tone immediately drops as soon as he starts talking to Dustin.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll call," Eddie finally says, after a lot of back and forth. "Goodbye!"
"They finally listen?"
"Not really, but they won't call again today."
Eddie walks to the end of the sofa, raising an eyebrow at how Steve tilts his head back so he can see him.
"How long has it been since we were last able to just... play?" Eddie asks, gently taking Steves face in both of his hands.
"Oh- you mean like-" Steve perks up, trying to sit up.
Eddie chuckles, gently pushing him back down with a hand on his chest. "Not like that, not today. Or, not exactly."
"It's not that bad," Steve lies. "Really, I'm ok. We can-"
Steve pouts, crossing his arms.
It only makes Eddie laugh at him. "Come on, ease up on the theatrics, that's my job. I just mean... I still want to take care of you, but as a- a friend."
"I can take care of myself."
"I know. But you don't have to do it all by yourself. I want to take care of you."
"Well, it's- I mean, we're... friends," Eddie stutters, flushing. "And friends take care of each other. Robin cares about you, right? That- I care about you too. As friends, or- or, uh..."
"Or?" Steve teases, smirking.
"As something more," Eddie huffs, rolling his eyes despite how much he's blushing. "And, yeah, I know, laugh it up."
"Laugh it up?"
"You know you're easy to love, Steve, come on."
"And... you love me?"
"Well, yeah, of course."
"You can take care of me or... whatever else. As something more."
"Yeah?" Eddie breathes, lightly scratches at his scalp, grinning at the way it makes Steve melt. "Good. How's your pain now? Still sharp?"
"A little, yeah. Tea helped."
"How do you wanna do this? Laying or on your knees?"
Eddie stands, grabbing the blanket Steve keeps under the coffee table. Once he's sat, he puts a pillow on his lap and pats on it encouragingly.
Steve lays on his front, head turned to the side, wiggling until he's comfortable.
He flinches when Eddie throws the blanket over his head and upper back. He rubs Steve's arm for a moment, mumbling quiet reassurances.
"Hands, Stevie," Eddie reminds him, whispering.
He moves his hands so they're behind his back. Eddie takes hold of his wrists in one hand, his grip gentle at first, giving him a reassuring little squeeze before shifting his grip.
He tries to tug his hands free on instinct, though he doesn't try too hard. He doesn't really want to escape and they already know that Eddie wouldn't be able to hold him if he did.
"Shhh, you're ok," Eddie whispers.
It takes less than a moment for him to settle, to relax.
It's always been easy with Eddie, to let himself slip away into that peaceful place where he can finally and truly relax. He's always trusted Eddie to take care of him, even when he's fought him on it.
He thinks, distantly, that it probably should feel different. They've said the quiet part out loud.
But it's the same as it always is. Only that, this time, he doesn't shy away from how loving it feels- to be cared for, to let Eddie care for him.
With his head floating far above his body, it's easy to say the words he was scared to say just a few moments ago.
"I love you too, Eds."
He can only hope that his voice isn't slurring so heavy that Eddie misunderstands him, with how relaxed and spaced out he is.
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randomperson3736 · 1 year
Gone to0 far
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Paring(s): Lo'ak sully x twin! Reader, Neteyam sully x younger sister! Reader, kiri sully x sister! Reader, Tuk sully x sister! Reader, Jake sully x daughter! Reader, Neytiri x daughter! Reader, sully family x reader
Genre: kinda angst
Warning(s): none
Word bank: Y/N- your name
Notes: soooo, I came across a sound on tiktok and it's the one from the movie Mowgli? If Ur ever heard of it. But it's the sound where he's saying "we're not special" and it just got me thinking about Lo'ak and how he thinks he's an outcast. Anyway, hope u enjoy.
Part 2
"Hey, Lo'ak-!" Y/N yelled at her twin, but was cut short because she tripped over an seashell near the water. Lo'ak stared blankly at her, waiting a few minutes till a loud laugh bursts from his lips as he watched his twin faceplant into the sand. Her ears twitched as she heard her twins laughter her favourite sound of them all. It had been a while since she last hear it. She just figured he was homesick just like everyone else but oh, how she was wrong.
After dusting herself off from all the sand, she took a seat next to Lo'ak, a bright smile on her face just like always. "So, you gonna tell me why my twin brother hasn't been so happy lately?" Lo'ak felt a lump forming in his throat as he watched Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk playing in water, splashing each other. He wished he could tell her why he's been so down but he can't. It's almost like all the hate and sadness has piled up into nothing but rage.
"Hello, Lo'ak? You gonna answer me? Cause you know dad says it rude to ignore someone when their talking to you" Y/N waved her hand infront of his face trying to snap the boy out of his thought. Once he did though, the lump in his throat grew bigger, his knuckles going white as he clenched them tighter. "Why do you always want to be around me? Why not hang out with Neteyam or Kiri and Tuk?" Lo'ak said coldly. Y/N's eyes travelled down to her hands, staring at how one hand has 4 fingers and the other has 4 fingers and 1 tumb. "Cause your my twin, Lo'ak..." she said quietly, almost a whisper.
Anger soon took over Lo'ak as he got up from his sitting position and stormed off to who knows where. Y/N acted quickly, as she followed after her twin concern written all over face. When she finally caught up with him, she grabbed his arm making him face her. "Lo'ak! What's wrong? Please talk to me" L'oak could see the concren, and hurt in her eyes. "Fine! You wanna know why I've been like this??" Lo'ak's out burst made the poor girl jump but she still nodded her head Yes, wanted to get to the bottom to this. "I feel like an outcast! A disappointment! A thing no one wants to deal with!" Tears started to form in Lo'ak's eyes as his emotions started to get the better of him.
"You know... I understand what it's like. For nobody to want you, to feel like a freak... I mean your not the only one who has weird looking hands. See?" She showed both her hands to Lo'ak trying to make him understand that he's not alone. "But... we have each other, ok? And we're kinda the same, you and me" Lo'ak stared at his twin's hands for a few minutes before speaking. "We're not the same" It sounds more harsh then He attempted it to be. Y/N looked down at her hands again but looking up. "Of course we're the same, Lo'ak. Beacuse your special and I'm special"
"We're not special!" Lo'ak yelled, letting all the anger and rage out. "Don't you get it?! We'll never be one of them! We're freaks!" All the yelling that was coming from the young boy, caught the attention of a few Metkayina near by and the attention of their slibings. Neteyam told kiri and Tuk to go find Jake and Neytiri before running off to the two sully twins. "You're not special, Y/N! It's just something mom and dad tell you to make you feel better about yourself! Beacuse you came out wrong!"
"Lo'ak! Stop it!" Neteyam yelled when he got closer to them. His expression softened when he saw his sister, trembling as tears started to roll down her checks. Neteyam placed his hand gently on Y/N's shoulder, to try and comfort her but she just backed away from him. "I-I'm sorry..." the young girl whispered before running off. Neteyam tried calling out for her but she was too far way to hear him.
Lo'ak watched as her figure soon disappeared, regret instantly over coming him as he realized what he just did. He hurt her. The one person he said he'd never hurt. It felt like his heart had shattered into a million pieces. He could hear his parent's heavy footsteps as they grew closer to their oldest and youngest sons. "What the hell happened here?!" Jake's voice roared at his sons. "I-I..." Lo'ak couldn't get the right words to form as he played helplessly with his fingers. He could see how his mother and brother took off to find Y/N, his twin. Lo'ak knew he messed up big time, but he couldn't help the worry that filled the pit of his stomach. He could barely hear the yelling of his father as he yelled about how disappointed he was in him, how he shouldn't have done that. But he already knew that. He already knew that he had gone too far.
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heartsfourdazai · 4 months
Can I request a scenario where dazai and fem reader are hanging out together and suddenly some guy that went out with her once on a bad date sees them and assumes they’re together and is really sad about it and asking for another chance. Like lowkey embarrassing. And dazai is a bit jealous because “why didn’t she tell me she’s been going on dates?”
I just want a little funny Chaos with crushing!dazai.
when dazai has a crush on you - dazai x fem reader
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synopsis: on which the osamu dazai had a massive crush on you; however he has no idea how to go about it and suddenly has an awkward interaction with your ex, who begs for you to get back with him.
a/n: when life gives you motivation, you use it all in one one-shot and never return!!
"what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" he asked you as the two of you were walking down the streets of yokohama. winter was finally here and snow covered what used to be green grass and the clouds were in the shades of grey and white.
"dazai, it's freezing!"
"ah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a special treat!" he grinned, quirking an eyebrow as he waited for a response out of you.
you rolled your eyes with a smile; "if you just have to know!!" you said dramatically, a hand to your chest, "it's pistachio..."
"you basic-"
"HUSH!" you clamped his mouth with your hand, laughing to yourself as he looked at you with a "GIRL WTF-"
"i don't care if calls me a basic bitch, THERE GOOD!!" he held his arms up in defense, "your words not mine!"
you slapped his arm once more as you both kept walking.
"are you going to pay?"
"didn't i tell you? i lost my wallet in the river, it belongs to the frogs now."
"osamu- that was 2 YEARS AGO!!"
"and those frogs MUST have a mansion by now!"
"oh my go-"
"but you, my sweet y/n, you must have some spare change to by your best friend in the whole wide world to get some ice cream for us??????"
he blinked at you with his fingers interlocked with each other and you sighed, shoving his face away from his own.
"i literally hate you..."
"you looooooove me~"
what he said may have been true; we'll, he hoped?
"have you ever wondered if atsushi purrs?"
you looked up at dazai; raising an eyebrow as you took a bite of your ice cream. "where does your mind go after work hours?" you shook your head as you chuckled; "wait, I'm serious. like if you scratch behind his ear, does he meow?"
as dazai went on and on about god knows what; you saw a familiar boy stand next to the store of the small ice cream shop...he seemed to be with other boys, around your age, and he was just kinda glancing over at you.
where do you recognize him from?
"are you okay?" dazais voice caused you to look at him quickly, "hm?"
dazai grinned, "something on your mind? is it my, witty charms? my gorgeous vocal cords, or perhaps-"
you shake your head chuckling at just how stupid your best friend is, "no- no, sorry. i just zoned out!"
he nods, not wanting to push further and once again started to talk about random things that popped into his mind.
after a bit, you notice the boy was gone however his friends were still there; you even recognized some of those boys as well. why does it look a little bit like-
"what was that?"
"i said "shoeless!"
the sudden scream of your name from another man's voice besides dazais caused you both to jump.
you looked to your right, as dazai followed your stare...a boy who rushed over to you with blonde locks and baby blue eyes. he seemed to be in some sort of distress as he got on his knees.
"cody, what are you-"
"i'm so sorry i left you, baby, i was a fool to think i could find someone better!"
dazai was beyond confused as he said nothing but just watch. you glared at the boy who was on his knees; "cody, you cheated on me, and suddenly on your knees begging for me back?"
he nods, grabbing your hands as he looked you in the eye; "you were my everything, and i was stupid to believe i never needed you. I've been a mess without, i've let my hair grow up, i haven't shaved in 8 months, and i'm all alone!!"
both you and your ex boyfriend looked at dazai who cleared his throat.
"y/n, what ...what is going on?"
before you could respond, cody shouts out; "YOU MOVED ON WITH HIM? what does he have that i don't? oh, OH, your into bandages?"
dazai gave him a "bitch what the fuck" look as he continued; "i can be better then anything he can be to you! i bet he doesn't even know what your favorite ice cream flavor is and got you one you didn't like!!"
"cody, i'm not dating anyone!!!" you blushed furiously, pulling your hand away.
both cody and dazai'a cheeks flushed, however dazai couldn't stop looking at you. 'you can date me' he thought to himself, but was knocked out of his trance as you dragged him away by the arm and said one final goodbye to cody, "your pathetic, cody! leaving me for a bastard who cheated on your ass as well because your a sad, cheating man who has nothing to live for besides eat and sleep all day long! at dazai has a job. you know, your right, he'll be a better boyfriend then you anyday!!"
and with that tou left the weeping man alone with his friends awkwardly standing there, giggling at the incounter that has happened.
as you and dazai got further away, you stopped and sighed. "i'm sorry dazai, that was so awkward! i never thought i'd see him again!" you rubbed your face and looked at the floor, but dazai chuckled and made you look at him.
"it's quite alright, y/n, but...when did you two break up? not that it's any of my buisness, but i had no idea you were even dating!?"
"you seem surprise, you believe a women like me can't pull a lover?"
he froze, "oh-n-no! not at all, i just- you know i just- well you never told-"
you rolled your eyes and punched his arm; "dude i'm kidding!!"
he chuckled, a couple minutes later the two of you decided to walk back home, however he offered to walk you home.
as the lights in yokohama lit up, the moon as set and the streets were quiet.
there was a calm silence as you both walked, the sound of dazais clicking heels caused you to always side eye him and smile. he's never walked you home like this before, he was always so talkative and have something to say.
"did you mean what you said, earlier today?"
there it was.
"you mean.."
you smiled to yourself, looking at the floor as you stopped in front of your apartment. "of course i did, i'm sure you would try your hardest to be with the person you love, better then cody!!" you smiled, giving him a hug and waving goodbye.
"bye, dazai! see you at work tomorrow, I better not have to call you again so you won't be late!!" you waved, walking into your apartment.
"goodbye, y/n!" he waved, watching as you entered your apartment and your figure left.
"i love you..."
@justcallmesakira @atsquie @atlasnessie @riiwrites @ruanais @silverbladexyz @pinklacydovey @iisowks @haithamvoid-deactivated20240128
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People talk a lot about how Fit didn't want a kid when the Egg event happened, but I'm watching his Egg Event Day stream for the first time and picking up a few interesting things that both confirm and contradict what a lot of people say about Fit's perspective of the Egg event, So here are some notes from his VOD:
Fit immediately went over to Ramon when he saw him and cooed at his cute little mustache.
Fit repeatedly said to himself "I'm not a dad I'm not a dad I'm not a dad" while the informational videos were playing. HOWEVER--
When Ramon flashes the "Egg" sign repeatedly to them, Fit says he has eggs at his base and tells Ramon to wait with Spreen. Ramon chases after him, and Fit insists that he stays with Spreen, saying: "I will be right back, Ramon. Don't worry, I will return. I promise." ~ 1h 17m
Moments later when he's on his own, Fit says "Spreen better keep that Egg alive. I'm not emotionally attached to the Egg with the mustache, ok? I'm not emotionally attached." (Mirroring the things he often says these days about not having separation anxiety. Which is a lie). ~1h 18m
Fit says even though Ramon has a mustache, he doesn't know if Ramon is a boy, girl, or enby. (This isn't really relevant lore-wise, but I thought that was sweet). ~1h 20m
Foolish and Vegetta introduce Leonarda to Ramon, and Vegetta says "Look look, it's a friend, it's a friend! 😊" and then two seconds later says "Now fight to the death! 😊" ~1h 25m
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(The QSMP admins also make a whoopsies here and call Fit "Feet" in chat LMAO)
Despite joking that he's going to build Ramon a dog house near his place, when Spreen asks if they should build a simple house or something nicer for Ramon, Fit says, "Well he is our kid, so he deserves only the best, right? Maybe we should make a big mansion." ~1h 31m
Ramon makes a beeline to Fit's starter house (which the admins poked fun at) and excitedly jumps on the bed
Spreen accidentally hits Ramon (again) and Ramon runs off, and Spreen apologizes while he and Fit chase him down. Fit says "He didn't mean to do that, he loves you very much!" ~1h 36m
Fit gifts Ramon a seashell. ~1h 42m
Fit jokes that there's no doubt he's the father because Ramon looks just like him -- bald as an egg
They put Ramon to bed, but Spreen and Fit introduce Roier, Jaiden, and Bobby to Ramon while he's asleep. ~2h 10m
Spreen says he left food for Ramon in case he gets hungry at night. They get worried about Ramon because he's been sleeping for a long time and check to make sure he's still breathing. ~ 2h 14m
Spreen says they'll be a really good team, and Fit says, "We will be very good parents together, I can feel it." (oof) ~ 2h 15m
Fit and Spreen say goodbye to each other, and Fit says "Being a father is not easy, that's why I've put off fatherhood for so long, I don't know if I'm ready." He says it doesn't seem so bad, but Ramon's sleeping a lot and he's kinda lazy, so he doesn't know how he feels about this child, but "We'll make it work." Right after he says this, he suddenly finds Ramon climbing up the hill towards him, and they go fishing together. ~2h 16m
Fit calls Ramon "Mi huevito." ~2h 19m
"I dunno how I got roped into this fatherhood thing" he says while waiting for Ramon to finish using the bathroom. Then he teaches Ramon how to cook the fish they caught (classic Dad behavior) ~2h 21m
Spreen tells Fit he's going out and to take care of Ramon. Fit teases him and says it's a shared responsibility, and Spreen says he has to go to work. ~2h 26m
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The subtitles don't show it, but Spreen is saying "Don't worry, Ramon. You'll see me tomorrow." Fit says he'll teach Ramon how to grow crops, and Spreen says, "That's right Ramon, I want to hear all about how to grow crops when I get back."
Fit tells Ramon "You are my huevito" and sings him a lullaby. 2h 30m
"Spreen going out for cigarettes my ass! I'm not gonna see him for months now. See - someone's gotta step up and be a parent, and be there, and take the responsibility! That's me. That's me. It's weird though, I mean, I'm not used to this whole "fatherhood" thing, keeping a living thing alive. It's weird." ~ 2h 31m
Fit says he thinks he and Spreen will be a good parenting pair if Spreen comes back. But he's glad the child is doing well right now. ~ 2h 36m
Not related to Fit and Ramon, but these are some other funny moments:
Fit gets kicked for "flying" (he was jumping off a tall tower, but manages to clutch it) ~ 2h 43m
Fit meets JuanaFlippa! ~3h 12m
Slimecicle gives JuanaFlippa a landmine. ~ 3h 21m
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
I'll crawl home to you
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Next chapter
a/n okay this sat in my notes for so long. I wanted to delete first, then I thought hmm... let's indulge, right? Also, please be gentle, I've never written for Javi.
summary: having a fight with someone you care about right before the mission might be the worst idea ever especially when you don't know if you'll make it out alive.
warnings: fighting, guns, past trauma, injuries, blood, mentions of death...I think that's all.
"Is Carillo in?", both males lifted their heads from their never-ending piles of documents right as you approached. Each step was laced with nothing but confidence. Only fools would stand in your way. You were nothing like the women Javi was used to. He had never seen you striding across the office in a skirt or a skimpy shirt that most secretarial women preferred here. But then you weren't a secretory ether.
"Yeah, he should be", Steve said, beating Javi to an answer and eyeing the files in your hand. Neatly put as always, followed by the colorful tabs that no one else used, and even if Javi had made fun of them in the past, it was something that constantly reminded him of you. "What's that?", Steve tried to reach for the reports, but you only slapped his hand away playfully. As if he was nothing but a curious kid, shoving his nose into something that wasn't for him. "You'll see. Meeting in five, watch", you stated before walking through Carillo's door, closing it with daring eyes and a wink.
Carillo was the one to command emergency meetings, so you calling the shots looked nothing but childish to an unknowing ear, but then, not even two minutes later, Carillo emerged from the door, "Meeting in five", his voice boomed through the office, and with the corner of his eyes, Javi could see you leaning against the table smiling to yourself.
You fascinated him. There was no other way to go around it. Back when you just joined the team, Javi did doubt you. Toxic masculinity and all that shit got him humbled real quickly alongside all the other sorry fucks who didn't know how to keep their mouths shut. There were not many females among the leading troops, but you were unbeatable. Many men were pissed beyond any mark when Carillo made you his second in command. Even Javi was pissed. Because most of the fuckers here had been here for years, some ten and counting, and it took you less than two to climb almost to the top. But then, no one was better fitted for that role, and with time passing, one thing got even clearer. The thing that pissed Pena off the most was that your position got you and Carillo way too close for Javi's liking. Not that you were his. Not that there was an us.
But you were like an illness clinging to him. Javi couldn't think clearly. Most of his brain was occupied with you. He fucked so many whores when he felt his heart starting to want to lean just to you. He had fucked them all by that time, he was sure that he liked you, but that only made him feel worse. Common Bogota whore. That's what he was. Equally as much, he sold himself both for information and because he needed someone to cling to him, even if it was for the money.
"Why an orphanage?", Steve was leaning against the table, looking down at the papers you had forbidden him to touch five minutes ago. "Would you look there?", you sassed back, making Steve shrug his shoulders in agreement as he continued to flip through all the other documents. "We don't need a full-blown mission. It would just be a check. If we find something to hold onto, we'll send more men", you continued, glancing to Carillo, needing his nods as validation now that the room was dead silent.
"Pena", Carillo called out, getting the agent's eyes to shoot up at him, "You haven't said anything". And it was true he hadn't. One thing that Javi loved was disagreeing. You two were the best at that. But he was never this silent. Regardless of whether he liked the idea or not, he would still share his thoughts, but now you got absolutely nothing.
"Send an armed force; do the thing. I don't understand why we are even discussing this", Javi carelessly threw the case with documents onto the table before crossing his arms over his chest. Your mouth thinned into a straight line. "No armed forces are walking into an orphanage. Those kids have enough trauma to last them a lifetime".
Javi scoffed, running his hand over his beard. "What do you suggest we roll up for a walk there with no guns, no nothing?", he said in an almost mocking manner as his lips curled upward. The room stayed silent. Your eyes met his, and you swallowed thickly. Something in Javi's face twisted. "You can't be serious…", he trailed off. "I'll just go and look; we only need access to the basement parts; hygiene security paper will do the job", you said firmly. The plan seemed simple enough. "You're not going to a potential hideout without a gun", Javi leaned closer to you over the table, fists starting to clench as he glared at you.
"It'll look suspicious", Carillo added, seeming so unphased by all of this and all the things that could go wrong that Javi had to pull the last string of self-control to not pinch him in the face. "Suspicious, my ass, she can be walking into a trap", Javi raised his voice as he shot daggers at the head of the national police unit.
"Since when do you care?", those words took a moment to sink in. And when Javi turned back to you, there was no resemblance to the man you saw a couple of minutes ago. They were dead empty, and there was only anger there. "Good luck dying there since you seem so eager", Javi spat out, not turning away from you because he wanted to see the way your face fell.
"Javi…", Steve muttered. Out of everyone in the office, he was the only one who truly knew just how much you cared for one another. Your eyes started to sting, but you didn't drop the stabbing gaze that Javi was hurling your way, "Don't worry, agent, no one will send you an invite to the funeral". With those words, you turn away from him. Snatching the papers from the table as you turn towards Carillo as if Javi was no longer around.
Did Javi regret his words instantly? No, but he regretted them the moment he watched you unbutton the dress you were going to wear so none other than Carillo would strap communication devices onto your body. He hated that his hands were on your body. Fingers tracing the soft, warm skin. Does Carillo know that Javi's fingers were there too? Does he know that Javi would give up everything, even his career, for the chance to feel that soft skin again on his body every morning? With a frown on his face, Javi put his cigarette out before snatching his jacket off the chair and heading out.
This seemed silly, but you had never gone on a mission with Javi upset with you, and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. Yes, you argued often. Agreeing on something with that man was a challenge, but you made it work most of the time. You would blow each other's brains out by shouting at the office, and then one would always join the other outside for a smoke or just a breath of fresh air.
You would bump Javi's shoulder, making the frown even worse, until your fingers would sneak to pull the cigarette away from his lips so you could take a drag yourself. You would rarely talk. Both stubborn and aware that it would most definitely lead to more fighting. So silence it was. You would lean on Javi's shoulder, and he would never miss an opportunity to bring you closer to him.
The embraces at times felt so intimate that fighting back tears was a challenge. But the smell of Javi's aftershave and the smoke lingering there brought you unimaginable levels of comfort. The same comfort that you felt laying in his bed, tangled in his sheets. It had only happened a couple of times, but those couple of times were enough to make you addicted. Because the Javi at the office was nothing like the Javi you got to see behind closed doors. And it wasn't because he fucked good. No, that anyone could tell. It was because his touch did linger, and behind the wall that he had built for protection was the man who was so capable of love - he had just forgotten it.
"How could I help you, ma'am?", a voice asked, bringing you out of the trance and causing you to flinch slightly. You needed to put your head in check. This. You couldn't allow yourself to think about this while doing your job. "Hygiene check", you said, unfolding the paper and showing it to the elderly lady. She looked you up and down. "Since when are they no longer sending creepy old men?", she asked you sarcastically, and you couldn't help but chuckle. "Since I told them that it's inappropriate, especially around the kids". The woman nodded her head, dropping the paper on the front desk before reaching for the keys. "I'll walk you through the upper floors; the basement is easy to navigate on your own", she stated, moving to walk in front of you.
"Ask her about the size of the lower levels", Carillo's voice rang in your ear, and you flinched again. God, what was going on today? How can you forget that you had a communication set on, with microphones and all? They could hear your surroundings just as much. Focus, you told yourself once more. "A small basement for such a place—surely that's an issue?", you asked her, bringing the fake criteria papers to your chest and reaching for the pen so you could pretend to mark stuff.
"We don't need it. Things like fresh food and other products come in almost daily", she stated. "You have a company you work with?", you asked, looking at the pictures that covered all of the hallways. "Yes, I can give you the information, and the truck that delivered today's packages is still downstairs", she said, yet her voice slowly died down as your eyes fell on the kids playing in the colorfully painted rooms. The big windows allowed you to take a full look at them.
"Why is he alone?", the lady twisted to look back, stopping mid-sentence about the new vegetable stock, catching and following your gaze, now focused on the boy, seated in the furthest corner of the room. Knees up to his chest as he scarcely looked at the other kids. The lady sighed, "He got here not long ago. Hard to adapt. Both of his parents died, as did his sister. He's alone", bile rose in your throat as you swallowed thickly. Suddenly, you wish you had somewhere to lean on.
Javi's muscles tensed as those words rang through the car they all sat in. Carillo was about to speak into the headset, but Javi snatched it out of his hands. He doubted that Carillo knew. Maybe. He would like to believe that no one else did it besides him. That you had only trusted Javi with the story from your past that night. That you had cried because you hadn't told anyone else beforehand, and reliving it was too painful. Javi waited some more, pointing a warning finger at Carillo, who was cursing Javi in Spanish. Javi wanted to give you a moment to try and pull yourself out on your own. You were a big girl, and he knew that you could handle yourself. But everyone had their demons who possessed them at times; this just happened to be yours. Yet another reason why Javi didn't approve of this in the first place.
"You're in Bogota, not back in D.C., carino", Javi's voice filled your ears, and you had to blink a couple of times, feeling the shiver run down your back. Shiver that was followed by a wave of warmth, because if you could hear him, it meant that he came along after all. "Is he looked after?", the question seemed stupid, but you just had to know, even if it had nothing to do with why you were here, "All kids are looked after here, ma'am".
Javi cursed under his breath. You were slipping, and he could feel it. This was just too convenient. Too out of the blue. This had to be set up. To throw you off the hook so they could take you out. Javi could just feel it, and the worry only grew stronger. "Y/N, if you don't feel well, back down", Javi said again. His voice was firm. It was an order, and you knew that it was the correct one as well, but… "I'll look through the basement today", you said softly as you turned to the old lady. "Of course", she said with a nod, rushing to give you the keys.
"Y/n", Javi spoke again as a warning, but you didn't say anything. You closed your eyes for a moment to collect yourself, right as the lady showed you to the back door. Javi moved to get up instead once the line fell silent, but Carillo stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder, "You don't have the order to interfere". That made Javi's blood boil, "You, out of all people, should feel that she's not in the right mindset to be there", Carillo said nothing, only locking the car doors, his eyes now fully fixed on Javi.
The hour you spent inside there was a nightmare. You took a couple of pictures. Sneaked in some papers that seemed off. Now all you needed to do was walk out of the building, and then it would all be over. A breath that Javi didn't know he was holding slipped past his lips as he watched you walk out of the building, turning back to wave to the elderly lady before you moved closer to the street that separated you from the rest of the team. Even from back there, Javi could tell that your eyes looked hazy. A new worry sparked. What if you misread the speed of the car? What if you get hit? Javi reached for the door handle, his eyes not leaving you for a moment.
You looked around a couple more times before stepping forward; your eyes met Javi's desperate ones. And even if he knew that you were beyond pissed at him, you still shot him a slight smile. A little something that would keep his nerves at bay for now. Until you crossed the street and Javi could once again sense your perfume lingering in the car.
And then a blink of an eye changes everything. A bullet suddenly pierces your shoulder, sending you staggering back onto the street. It feels like the world had stopped as Javi watched the red stain get bigger and bigger. "Get down", Carillo shouted at the top of his lungs, making a handful of men drop to their knees, but Javi didn't move. He pushed off the car and rushed forward, "Pena, that's an order", but he was done with following orders for today. Another shot rang out. This time it sounded a lot stronger, and you suddenly gripped your lower stomach. That made Javi lose all sense; he took off running, and suddenly the distance seemed way too long. Pushing panicked people to the side as he scratches his way to you.
You didn't register the first bullet; it was like your mind blanked, and only the feeling of something wet dripping down your shoulder made you frown at the situation. It's the second bullet that pierced your left side that made you let out a scream. One that kept ringing in your ears. You could see people moving, but no one was stopping to look at you. Your mind was running so fast yet so slowly at the same time. Blinking started to get harder, your breaths were painful and shallow now.
"Carino", you heard before you could even see the face, and for a second, it felt like you were imagining it all. "Keep your eyes open", said Javi, who was now leaning over you, palm cradling your cheek as he pats it a couple of times to keep you conscious for as long as possible. Another shot rang out, and Javi turned around to fire his gun before his attention was back on you. "Not safe", you mutter, your weak fingers now wrapped around Javi's wrist. "I'll be fine", he stated blankly, drawing his gaze up for just one moment, catching a glimpse of Steve tackling a male to the ground before he's looking down at your paling face, "Can you press your palms to your shoulder, baby?"
When you don't move, Javi is the one moving his palm over the second wound, pressing as hard as he possibly can. "Let me", you mutter, and God or whatever that people believe in knows Javi was glad you don't finish that sentence because he can't and won't think of that outcome. "Don't you dare? You're walking out of here, you hear me?", Javi said letting go of your shoulder. He patted your cheek again as your eyes rolled to the back of your head for a moment. Anger only rushed faster as Javi shouted once again for an ambulance or a medic.
"He had Michael's eyes", you muttered, breathing now even, though Javi knew what that meant - your body was crashing. "Did he, carino?", he knows this is not a conversation he should be having with you, but he's desperate to keep you awake for as long as possible. Javi's hands were soaked with your blood by now, and so was your flowery dress. You nodded your head weakly and said, "I saw Mikey". Javi clenched his jaw, trying to keep his emotions at bay. "I hope you said hi from me as well", but your head lulled to the side. Javi's blood went ice cold because, for a split second, he thought that was it—you were dead. You bled out in his arms. Letting go of your wounds, Javi pulled you closer to his chest, your limp body looking nothing like a rag doll in his arms. The sirens rang somewhere in the air, but now all Javi could think of was how he would never be the same if you never opened your eyes again.
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jovial-thunder · 24 days
Pre-alpha Lancer Tactics changelog
(cross-posting the full gif changelog here because folks seemed to like it last time I did)
We're aiming for getting the first public alpha for backers by the end of this month! Carpenter and I scoped out mechanics that can wait until after the alpha (e.g. grappling, hiding) in favor of tying up the hundred loose threads that are needed for something that approaches a playable game. So this is mostly a big ol changelog of an update from doing that.
But I also gave a talent talk at a local Portland Indie Game Squad event about engine architecture! It'll sound familiar if you've been reading these updates; I laid out the basic idea for this talk almost a year ago, back in the June 2023 update.
We've also signed contracts & had a kickoff meeting with our writers to start on the campaigns. While I've enjoyed like a year of engine-work, it'll be so so nice to start getting to tell stories. Data structures don't mean anything beyond how they affect humans & other life.
New Content
Implemented flying as a status; unit counts as +3 spaces above the current ground level and ignores terrain and elevation extra movement costs. Added hover + takeoff/land animations.
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Gave deployables the ability to have 3D meshes instead of 2D sprites; we'll probably use this mostly when the deployable in question is climbable.
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Related, I fixed a bug where after terrain destruction, all units recheck the ground height under them so they'll move down if the ground is shot out from under them. When the Jerichos do that, they say "oh heck, the ground is taller! I better move up to stand on it!" — not realizing that the taller ground they're seeing came from themselves.
Fixed by locking some units' rendering to the ground level; this means no stacking climbable things, which is a call I'm comfortable making. We ain't making minecraft here (I whisper to myself, gazing at the bottom of my tea mug). 
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Block sizes are currently 1x1x0.5 — half as tall as they are wide. Since that was a size I pulled out of nowhere for convenience, we did some art tests for different block heights and camera angles. TLDR that size works great and we're leaving it.
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Added Cone AOE pattern, courtesy of an algorithm NMcCoy sent me that guarantees the correct number of tiles are picked at the correct distance from the origin.
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pick your aim angle
for each distance step N of your cone, make a list ("ring") of all the cells at that distance from your origin
sort those cells by angular distance from your aim angle, and include the N closest cells in that ring in the cone's area
Here's a gif they made of it in Bitsy:
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Units face where you're planning on moving/targeting them.
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Got Walking Armory's Shock option working. Added subtle (too subtle, now that I look at it) electricity effect.
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Other things we've added but I don't have gifs for or failed to upload. You'll have to trust me. :)
disengage action
overcharge action
Improved Armament core bonus
basic mine explosion fx
explosion fx on character dying
Increase map elevation cap to 10. It's nice but definitely is risky with increasing the voxel space, gonna have to keep an eye on performance.
Added Structured + Stress event and the associated popups. Also added meltdown status (and hidden countdown), but there's not animation for this yet so your guy just abruptly disappears and leaves huge crater.
UI Improvements
Rearranged the portrait maker. Auto-expand the color picker so you don't have to keep clicking into a submenu.
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Added topdown camera mode by pressing R for handling getting mechs out of tight spaces.
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The action tooltips have been bothering me for a while; they extend up and cover prime play-area real estate in the center of the screen. So I redesigned them to be shorter and have a max height by putting long descriptions in a scrollable box. This sounds simple, but the redesign, pulling in all the correct data for the tags, and wiring up the tooltips took like seven hours. Game dev is hard, yo.
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Put the unit inspect popups in lockable tooltips + added a bunch of tooltips to them.
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Implemented the rest of Carpenter's cool hex-y action and end turn readout. I'm a big fan of whenever we can make the game look more like a game and less like a website (though he balances out my impulse for that for the sake of legibility).
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Added a JANKY talent/frame picker. I swear we have designs for a better one, but sometimes you gotta just get it working. Also seen briefly here are basic level up/down and HASE buttons.
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Other no-picture things:
Negated the map-scaling effect that happens when the window resizes to prevent bad pixel scaling of mechs at different resolutions; making the window bigger now just lets you see more play area instead of making things bigger.
WIP Objectives Bullets panel to give the current sitrep info
Wired up a buncha tooltips throughout the character sheet.
Under the Hood
Serialization: can save/load games! This is the payoff for sticking with that engine architecture I've been going on about. I had to add a serialization function to everything in the center layer which took a while, but it was fairly straightforward work with few curveballs.
Finished replacement of the kit/unit/reinforcement group/sitrep pickers with a new standardized system that can pull from stock data and user-saved data.
Updated to Godot 4.2.2; the game (and editor) has been crashing on exit for a LONG time and for the life of me I couldn't track down why, but this minor update in Godot completely fixed the bug. I still have no idea what was happening, but it's so cool to be working in an engine that's this active bugfixing-wise! 
Other Bugfixes
Pulled straight from the internal changelog, no edits for public parseability:
calculate cover for fliers correctly
no overwatch when outside of vertical threat
fixed skirmisher triggering for each attack in an AOE
fixed jumpjets boost-available detection
fixed mines not triggering when you step right on top of them // at a different elevation but still adjacent
weapon mods not a valid target for destruction
made camera pan less jumpy and adjust to the terrain height
better Buff name/desc localization
Fixed compcon planner letting you both boost and attack with one quick action.
Fix displayed movement points not updating
Prevent wrecks from going prone
fix berserkers not moving if they were exactly one tile away
hex mine uses deployer's save target instead of 0
restrict weapon mod selection if you don't have the SP to pay
fix deployable previews not going away
fix impaired not showing up in the unit inspector (its status code is 0 so there was a check that was like "looks like there's no status here")
fix skirmisher letting you move to a tile that should cost two movement if it's only one space away
fix hit percent calculation
fix rangefinder grid shader corner issues (this was like a full day to rewrite the shader to be better)
Teleporting costs the max(spaces traveled, elevation change) instead of always 1
So um, yeah, that's my talk, any questions? (I had a professor once tell us to never end a talk like this, so now of course it's the phrase that first comes to mind whenever I end a talk)
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mellowwillowy · 10 months
Love, Longing and Lust
Not proofread, contains slight nsfw (noncon)
"Princess, where are you heading to?"
The crown prince just wouldn't stop tailing you. It was a mistake to reunite with him. It was a mistake to reunite with both of them.
"... Princess?"
Both, of them.
You accidentally tripped yourself and was caught mid way by the second. His grip tightened a bit before he steadied you.
"Princess, what are you doing running around? It does not paint a... great portrait of you..."
While the second one was more 'calm', he was no exception to the unhingeness of this castle. This whole nation, you should have brought it down to fire.
"Tell him to stop tailing me around then perhaps I can finally act in modesty!"
You spat, while leaving them both, grumbling.
"What did you do?"
"Not much, just following her here and there!"
"... be mindful of your actions. She will soon be a part of our lineage"
".... .... I don't like that."
The first one was not pleased about it. To see you be wedded to another children of that bastard? He was the crown prince, so why couldn't he choose who to marry?
Simple. Because you were lower than the woman he was arranged with.
"We'll do something about that, I've asked someone to handle your fiancee personally"
"Hmm, then how are we going to share... in the end, only I get to marry her~ while you are nothing but a pristine man"
The first snickered at the second.
"Silence, for I am no longer tempted with earthly desires"
"What?! Why is it suddenly rearangged?!"
"Why does it even matter?! Look! We got someone who is even better than that cow!"
Both of them handled it well. The supposed fiancee? Only history knows what happened.
"But I don't want to! He is nothing but a creep! Urghh, just thinking about him made me feel, urph-"
The dispute between you and your father never found its own ending. In the end, you were wedded to the crown prince. While it was questionable, your family paid no mind of it. If their daughter could be wedded and mentioned into the lineage, who wouldn't accept?
The whole wedding was opulent, the lights illuminated in the whole building painted everyone in awe. But not for you.
"Do you think you can vow your love for eternity?"
"We'll consummate tonight though"
"With a witness, that is"
"!! Huh?"
You should have questioned him further but you didn't. His hands just wouldn't stop pestering you enough. One squeezing your hip while the other one just traveled wherever it wanted to be.
"I think you should really mind your manner"
"Why? We are both spouses to each other now"
"Let's stop bothering her, alright?"
If your internal organs could scream, they'd be screaming happily to see your spouse sulking. Of course it didn't last long when the night fell.
Your first night.
".... what? Come again?"
"I said~ we need a witness for what we are about to do?"
"Witness?! Are you nuts?! Let go of me!"
Why must he told you that when you guys are mid way of playing around now? And who exactly was this witness? Just when you were about to get yourself off the bed, he held you back by the ankle and,
"He's going to watch us and swear to god that we have done it well~"
You looked toward the door. It's the second. Obviously you stated throwing tantrums, telling him to leave.
"Darling...", his grip tightened, almost painful.
"You get to choose. Either I prepare you really well for our first time or..."
He grabbed your chin and made you face the second.
"I penetrate you dry and plainfully bloody"
"Now then, I'd be pleased if you beg yourself for the first!"
Humiliaton. Endless humiliation. Not only did you have to beg for the first one, you also had to bear the shame of someone else watching your bare body and expressions changing.
"Please... huk-"
Your tears wouldn't stop rolling. But no one cared. No one cared.
No one.
(I just wanna get to the Second's turn)
"... do you think God really exist somewhere?"
Your question caught him off guard while he was praying. God?
"If so... I wonder how much indecencies he wanted me to bear"
Right, the Second did not stop what he had to do every time they did it. 'Witnessing the love they were bearing' was nothing but a joke.
"... I believe this is no question you should pose in the holy-"
"Do you even conside yourself holy?"
"... of course not, excuse me", you scoffed at him before leaving.
He started to think. Think. Think. And think. He was thinking hard enough to stop you by the wrist and,
"... I think, you are not holy enough.."
The holy water, you are literally inside it now, drenched from top to toes!
"What the hell do you think you are do-"
A kiss to seal your lip from bickering, a really deep kiss. It's way too scandalous! You tried to free yourself from his grip but he just wouldn't let go!
"I said, I don't think you are holy enough"
His hands started to undress you.
"That's why, I'll do my best,"
Another kiss.
"To make you, the holiest."
You tried to get off from the water itself until you felt someone pushed your head down into the water.
"Great~ great~! Now then, let's proceed!"
You brought your head back to the surface.
"You-! What are you doing?! Can't you see what he's doing to your wife?!"
"But he's done nothing wrong right?"
"Kekeke, we already promised each other that if we, or one of us, decided to make you bear our love... the other one will make sure to watch everything. To ensure that the whole thing was proceeded well and safe!"
Your heart dropped. No, no, no. Don't.
The second grabbed you by your jaw and made you faced him.
"God wanted you to bear our love and I shall carry it out, please, accept the blessing from the child of God"
"Hmmm~ whose child is it, I wonder!!"
".... one thing for sure is that it is undoubtedly, the new child of God"
"Or perhaps children?! I can't wait to see them!"
You were not excited to see them.
But if God wanted otherwise,
Who were you to complain.
- ??? ; Love, Longing and Lust ; ???
First : Childe , Kaeya , Ayato , ?? , Kaveh
Second : Zhongli , Diluc , Thoma , ?? , Alhaitham
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
After the events of Las Almas and everything involving Shepherd gets fixed, Task Force 141 and Shadow Company are forced to spend 8 weeks together (minimum) to repair trust and regain their alliance.
These are some Incorrect Quotes from during the 141's stay. (Moose belongs to @cod-dump )
Graves: All right, Shadows! Welcome to Ceremony Day for Shadow Olympics. Unfortunately, this year we have... guests. The military and government, in their infinite wisdom, have decided we need to repair our alliance with some of Britain's forces. In other words, it's a government ordered get-along-shirt with *long pause* Task Force 141. *loud booing from the Shadows* Graves: Yes, Flash? Flash: I am new here, so why do we hate them? *everyone is now suddenly very awkward* *Woody leans over and whispers the answer to Flash* Flash: Nevermind, sir! *sits back down* Graves: This is gonna be awful
*Ghost is watching something with interest on their third day at Shadow Base* Soap: Watcha lookin' at, Lt? Ghost: *wordlessly points* Soap: You're watchin' one of the Shadows... run laps?? Ghost: Yes. For the last twenty minutes. Soap: Oh god... Ghost: I don't think he plans on stopping anytime soon, either. *Flash runs by and waves dramatically before speeding up* Soap and Ghost: What the fuck?
*Soap has found himself in the motor pool* Soap: Damn, this truck is nice! Truck, appearing behind him: It is, but you aren't, so get the fuck out of my shop. Soap: But I've never seen an American HEMTT before!! Truck, skeptical: You know what kind of truck this is? Soap: Hell yeah! *an hour later* Graves: It seems like everyone's getting along okay, so far. Price, scowling: Sure, we'll go with that. It's not at all like your Shadows are terrorizing my men. Graves: That's a bold accusation- What the fuck? *they both look over to see Truck telling Soap all about the HEMTT and Soap is loving every second* Price: Is that an issue? Graves: Truck doesn't like anyone in his shop... Soap, notices them: PRICE LOOK AT THIS FUCKING TRUCK!! IT GOT COMPLETELY DESTROYED AND TRUCK HERE COMPLETELY REDID IT FROM SCRATCH!! ISN'T THAT SO COOL?! CAN WE GET A TRUCK LIKE THIS?? Price: Absolutely not! Graves, doubled over: The world is ending...
*Another day of Ghost watching Flash run cause he's afraid of the power this kid has* Woody, walking with Moose: I don't think Ghost has any ill intentions here, okay? Moose: You don't know that! Woody: Give me one reason to believe Ghost isn't a good guy. Moose, shaking and pointing: He watches Flash run and I don't know why. *Ghost is standing there with his arms crossed and blatantly watching Flash* Woody: Oh, yeah he does. That's... normal, right? I mean we all watched Flash run like this when he was brand new. Moose: But- *can't form words to convey his concern for Flash's safety* Woody: Tell ya what, I'll get Graves to talk to their captain about getting Ghost to stop. In the meantime, just hang out here and keep an eye on the kid if you're so worried. Moose: Uh, okay... Sure, I'll stay here by myself with The Ghost and be the only thing keeping Flash safe. *Woody shakes his head with a laugh and leaves* *Ghost gets the uncomfortable feeling he's being watched* *looks over to see Moose glaring daggers at him* Ghost, thinking: God that guy really hates me, doesn't he? Maybe I should show I'm actually concerned this kid's gonna drop halfway through his laps... yeah, that'll work, right? Shadows are loyal to each other. Moose, thinking: I'm so fucking scared right now, but if he makes one move towards Flash I'll- I'll kill him! Ghost, calling out to Flash: You need a water break! Flash: Oh shit, you right! *runs over to where Ghost is standing to get his water* Moose, terrified so it comes out harsh: Flash sets a timer on his watch for water breaks. Ghost: Oh, right. Just wanted to make sure he's not overworking himself. Flash, oblivious: 'S okay, Moose! My timer was about to go off anyways! Moose: *grunts* Ghost, thinking again as Moose all but glares at him: Well that backfired... Moose, also thinking: He's gonna fucking kill me, oh god, oh shit, Flash run! Flash, sipping his water and looking between them thinking: What am I witnessing? Is this power play? What even is that?
*Gaz and Soap talking while outside during the sunset* Soap: Have you had a conversation with that kid they call Flash, yet? Gaz: YES! Oh my god, I thought you talked. He's really nice but holy shit can he talk. *they look over upon hearing something in the water* *It's Ness crawling out of the pool in his full wetsuit* *Soap and Gaz scream cause they don't recognize him as a person* Ness: What?! Gaz: You're fucking terrifying! Soap: I wanna go home...
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mwolf0epsilon · 6 months
Shadowing Assessments
Cody, sitting down at midmeal with Rex to check up on current affairs: Hey Rex, how are you holding-- Rex, glancing at Cody looking all kinds of disheveled and tired to the bone: Hey Codes... Cody, shocked by his little brother's state: Stars, what the heck happened to you?! Rex, sighing: You know how the Jedi Council decided to temporarily divide the 105th into squads and send them off to shadow other battalions? Cody: Yes? It's to assess their capability to work with other Jedi, since we couldn't be sure they would trust the generals after what Krell put them through. Rex: And you know how the 501st took on their veteran troopers as a squad, because we thought we might have a better chance at connecting with them? Cody: Yes, I remember you being very adamant about it when we were getting squads assigned... Are they not adapting to the new arrangements? Rex, hiding his face in his hands and groaning loudly: That's... One way of putting it... -glancing over to the other corner of the mess hall- Cody, looks as well and gawks at what appears to be a full on brawl between 3 members of the 105th and 3 others of the 501st: What is going on over there?! Rex: So, it turns out that the Jedi were right to suspect Krell's men aren't overly cooperative. They just didn't realize to what extent and, stupidly, neither did we... Cody: Meaning? Rex: Cody, they don't trust anyone. Not even vode. And those who do usually stick to tiny groups. Which means, anything and everything is seen as either a threat or a challenge for dominance. Cody, visibly confused and concerned: D-Dominance? Rex: Krell had a twisted system of some sort. If I got it right then I think you had to earn amenities under him by gaining favor. This means food, sleep, medical treatment and equipment weren't readily given to them unless they pleased Krell in some way. Which means the 105th had to compete with each other at literally everything to earn what little a clone should have available to them... Cody, repulsed by what he's hearing: That's disgusting. And barbaric. How did no one notice this?! Rex: I know, trust me I know and I honestly wish I could get my hands on whatever natborn officers let this slip. The worst part is, no matter how hard I've tried, I haven't managed to get them to see General Skywalker and Commander Tano won't deny them things, or punish them for something as minor as breathing too loudly. Nor will they reward them for bashing each other's faces in over a place in the mess hall line... Cody, looking back at the brawl: Is that why they're fighting over there? For a place in line? Rex, looking at the group: ... Hm, no I think James just felt like antagonizing Jesse. And Fives tried to mediate but he got shoved back and collided with Lobo, who didn't take kindly and attacked him. Which is when Tup and Caprichoso got involved. Cody: ... Should we do something? Rex: I tried but... -points behind him- Cody, looks: Carno, sitting in the next table over staring at Rex while breathing heavily which his helmet vocoder transmits rather threateningly: Cody, blinking slowly: Carno, shakes his still helmeted head slowly in warning: Cody: .... I think we need a new approach to this problem. Rex: No kidding. If they can't work with other clones they won't have much of a future as troopers... And I'd rather not sign off on that kind of flimsywork. Cody: I'm sure we'll find a solution. We just need to figure out what works for them...
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