#but I really want to live my teddy bear skate dreams
bigothteddies · 2 months
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Request: Could I get a scenario with yuri pliset in which the reader comes home after they got in a fight
(You don’t have to write out the fight if you don’t wanna)
Thanks lovely and have a wonderful day
Title: Miscommunication
Genre: v e r y angsty, some v slight comedy near the end, and a tiny bit of fluff along with it
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x GN!Reader
Notes: So, this has officially marked a realization - it seems that Yuri Plisetsky is a particular favorite of all the characters that I write for. If that sounded a bit cocky (I seriously don’t know), I apologize. 
Anyway, I was absolutely blanking on what to write in regards to angst for Plisetsky (or really any character - I may hate reading angst, but boy is it fun to write). I must say, thank you, anon, for helping my block disappear! 
I hope you enjoy the scenario! 
Below the cut! 
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The room was silent as I sat on my bed, sheets a mess and my clothing strewn all over the floor. I sniffled into my sweatshirt sleeves and wiped my face of the dried tears. Everything felt dry, dull even. 
It didn’t feel right. 
Normally, this room wouldn’t feel like this. It would feel lively, fresh - sweet, even! Even the little teddy bear sitting on my desk wouldn’t normally look this mean, rather happy with eyes that would sparkle. Eyes the same color as those of the guy that knows me. 
Maybe he knows me a little too well. 
I mean, just a half hour earlier, we got into a fight. Not just a normal fight, nothing like before - this one was a little closer to home. 
The both of us are nearing a point, personally and with each other, that things are just starting to come together. That also means that things are starting to change between us. 
I want to go forward - tackle my own dreams and hopes while still going along with him. I’m an advanced student at school, I have a great future in front of me, and him and I have worked through this much. I already have my college of choice in mind, and I have a scholarship on lock. It would be a huge opportunity missed if I decide to let this chance fly to the wind. 
He wants to stay here - avoid the change, and stay together without anything else holding us back. Otherwise, there’s the unspoken ultimatum that was brought up, purely at the glance towards a picture framed on the TV stand in my family’s living area. 
It was one of us, him and I, when we had just met. I have always been a fan of his skating, even as a kid, but was never truly able to do it due to injuries that wouldn’t leave. I had always been instructed to be careful, so I resorted to watching competitions instead. 
I had gotten the chance to watch him compete as a gift for my 14th birthday, and after his scores had been finalized (and he won gold, of course), I was able to catch him before he left and got a picture. Sure, he was a little brash, but I didn’t want much. 
“Hi, I’m (Y/n)! I know you’re probably really stressed or about to do something, but if you wouldn’t mind, could I get a picture?”
He refused at first, leaving me a little bit dejected, but someone else under the same coach (Victor Nikiforov, I remember) had gotten him to do it. He was grumbling, dropping a couple complaints even, but agreed to the picture nonetheless. 
It wasn’t too long after that when I happened to get a job at the same rink that they practiced at. I worked almost everyday after school was done that if I wasn’t there after general hours, something was wrong. ‘
I ran into him there, and it was after that point, it was all uphill. 
We shared conversations and information about our lives, transitioned into exchanging phone numbers, and eventually getting to a point where we began dating. 
Things were tough at first, with him being everywhere on any day and not being able to talk often, but it was always after he returned that we managed. Frankly, it was great either way! 
But lately, stress is piling up on both of us. 
We’ve both got a future to consider, and while I want to go to school, I can tell that he doesn’t want me to leave. I don’t know if he realized that I don’t plan on leaving - I remember explaining it thoroughly before we got into it, but maybe he didn’t get it. 
“I’m not leaving, Yuri! I managed something with the-”
“But you are leaving! I don’t want to take you away from your dreams-”
“It doesn’t sound like it! I already discussed what I wanted, and I tried to make it work with us!”
“Did you? Did you really?”
“Yes, Yuri! Yes!”
“I’m not so sure that you did.”
“I’m leaving.”
I sighed, fighting back tears at the images of the time we first met, the times we hung out, and the fight....
It was always intense, even being friends with him, but this was already hard and we worked around it. I really just want to work around it now, but I’m not sure what caused this. 
A knock on the door shook me from my thoughts. I sniffled - seems like it was the umpteenth time in the past fifteen minutes alone - before gathering my bearings and walking towards the door. 
The modern appearance made me feel sick as I peeked through the peephole.
It was him. That blonde hair and shining blue-green eyes were unmistakable. 
“What is it, Yuri?” 
He cleared his throat, turning away from the door and mumbling his words just loud enough for me to hear after cracking the door. “Could I come in?”
I was hesitant to let him in, but ultimately decided to do so since there was no use dwelling - despite how much I wanted to forbid him from entering and cry myself to sleep tonight before discussing what went down. 
“I’m- damn...I’m- sorry. I’m sorry for what I did earlier,” he drawled under his breath, keeping his normally headstrong and willful glance to the floor. “I realize what you meant, maybe a little too late, but I can’t tell you what to do or where to go about your life.” 
I bit my lip, starting to chew it while he spoke. It took a few seconds for me to consider what to say. “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve explained it more, or even chose a better time.” 
He shook his head. “(Y/n), no, I-”
“Yuri, we’re both sorry. It happened, and now it’s settled. Or, we can at least consider it as such.”
Silence fell upon us as we tried to find the words to say. Eventually, we settled on watching a movie on the sofa together to ease the tension. At this point, it didn’t matter what movie was chosen since anything would be able to break the tension. 
A comedy was the decision, and after a few scenes passed, a character was introduced. “Hey, doesn’t that guy kinda act like you?” I teased, looking up at Yuri as we eyed the screen. 
The guy’s cold eyes narrowed on the screen, and he cracked a stupid one-liner before the protagonist’s pet pounced on him and started to attack him. He taunted the cat, he had it coming. 
With a playful glare, Yuri glanced at me through his almost-transparent bangs. “Potya would never.” 
“Doubt it.”
“I know that cat better than-”
“Then prove it.” Taunts and teasing ensued afterwards, eventually ending with the both of us laughing and willing to test his cat to see if she really will try to tear us apart for a joke. 
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beauvibaby · 4 years
7 summers – j.oleksiak
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a/n: this is very very loosely based on the song 7 summers by Morgan wallen, I heard the song and it gave me big inspo and a huge shoutout to abby for hyping me up so much about this fic 🥺💖
word count: 4.7k
warnings: I was too lazy to really proofread this and I wrote it in one day so
A sigh fell from your lips as you fell down on the bed beside him, trying to ignore the debate in your mind, Jamie instantly laced his fingers with yours. “I’ll be back next summer.” He reminded you, sensing the pain you were feeling. He brought your hand up to his lips. “Forever, yeah?” He reminded you, but his face fell when you didn’t repeat it. “Y/N, don’t do this.” He spoke, voice wavering, you sat up, feeling the tightness in your chest as you pulled your hand from his grip. “Baby, please.” He followed your movements, “Jamie, I can’t keep doing this.” You whispered, a tear falling from your eye, followed by another and another–until they were streams running down your cheeks. “We can figure it out, I can fly you out on long weekends, and–“ “Jamie! Just stop. Please. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” You cut him off, standing to your feet, shaking your head when he went to reach for you. “Y/N, I love you.” He whispered, you squeezed your eyes shut, if you listened close enough, you would hear your heart shattering. You rushed over to him, cupping his jaw in your hands and kissing him deeply, “I love you too, and that’s why I have to let you go.” Your voice broke as you pulled away from him, he didn’t try to stop you, not anymore, because he knew you were right.
“Mommy!” You shot up at the shrieks of terror coming from your son's room, “Asher.” You whispered, springing out of the bed, “Asher!” You shouted, running down the hall towards him as he continued to scream. “Asher, honey, what’s wrong?” You stormed in there, eyes darting around, you didn’t see anything. “Mommy!” He cried, looking frozen in his spot, eyes glued to his bedroom window, looking over the front yard. “I saw someone outside!” He shouted, you looked at him oddly. You knew it was probably his little four year old mind playing tricks on him, but for both his and your sanity, you walked over to the window, peeking out the blinds. “I told you not to look out the window at night because it scares you…” you scolded him lightly, trailing off when you saw some stupid teenagers out by the road. “Stay here.” You sighed, your son nodding, arms clenched around the blue teddy bear his father had gifted him before seemingly walking out of your lives forever. You unlocked the front door and flicked the porch lights on, “you’ve got two minutes to get your asses off my property before I call the cops!” You shouted, hearing the teenagers rushing around before they sped off on their bikes. “Freaking kids.” You grumbled, shutting the door and walking back down the hall to your son who was still sniffling. “Come on, baby. You can sleep with me tonight.” You opened your arms for Asher and he bolted into them, smiling when you scooped him up like a baby.
“Mommy, I’m too old to be carried like this!” He giggled, wiggling in your arms, “Mhm, what about like this?” You teased, letting him dangle upside down, his legs hooked around you and your hands holding his to keep him from falling. “No, stop.” He managed to squeak out between laughter, his eyes already growing heavy again, the time reading midnight. “What do you say?” You tsked, “please.” He whined, sighing in relief when you pulled him back up, his arms wrapping around your neck. “Mommy?” He whispered, you bummed softly, laying him down on the normally empty side of your bed, “is daddy ever going to see the new house?” He questioned, already unable to keep his eyes open as you pulled the blanket over him, adjusting the bear in his arms, you looked at him–the constant reminder of your ex, he was a spitting image of him, brown hair, green eyes, a wide toothy smile whenever he got excited. “No, sweetie, he won’t.” You whispered, lips ghosting over his forehead, thankfully he was already asleep. You slid in beside him, letting a few tears fall as you thought of how hard this transition for him would be. You went from being in a crappy condo with his father, to you somehow finding a house available to rent just outside the city, it wasn’t easy, by any means.
If anything, it was the hardest thing you ever did. You were working as a teacher, which was a huge upside to being a single mom, you were able to have the weekends home with Asher, and when he was at school, so were you. Your parents begged and pleaded with you to move back to Canada, but you had built a life here, friends, a good enough job, and it was all Asher knew. And he loved it, every bit of Dallas was in him.
You’d gone to Florida on a trip, you were young and impressionable, just one short year after breaking up with Jamie, when you met him. Lucas–Asher’s father. He was from Texas, but vacationing in Florida at the same time as you, the two of you falling head over heels in love, quickly, and before you knew it, you were packing your bags and moving to Texas with him. You got married in the courthouse, more so you could stay legally in the states with him. Eventually you got pregnant, and that’s when things changed, you broke up, you even got divorced once Asher was born, and then back together. At the time you thought it was the right thing to do, you thought it would be better for Asher this way, but clearly, as you laid in bed next to your son, his father long gone for the past four months, it hadn’t been the right choice.
Eventually, you fell asleep like your son, dreaming of all the things you wanted to provide him with.
Over the next few months you fell into an easy routine, the summer flying by, and before you knew it, you were approaching Halloween already. “Mommy! Mommy!” Asher chanted running over to you, his friend Tommy in tow. “Hi boys.” You grinned, squatting down to their level, the two of them giving you hugs. You often brought Tommy home with you when his parents were working late, they’d pick him up just before dinner. “How was your day?” You asked them, standing to your full height, they each grabbed one of your hands, happily walking towards the car with you. “Good!” They answered insync, smiling up at you, Tommy was only a couple of months older than Asher, but the difference was remarkable. “Miss Y/N?” He asked, looking up at you, blue eyes shining with burning curiosity. “Yes?” You answered glancing down at him, “Asher wanted me to ask if you’ll let him start hockey with me.” He spoke bluntly, Asher gasping from beside you. “Tommy!” Your son complained, giving his friend the meanest look he could muster, but after the word hockey your mind went blank. Hockey, hockey, hockey, that’s all that went through your mind–Jamie, he plays for the stars, how could you not think of that. You inhaled sharply when Asher yanked on your hand, “can I mommy?” He asked with a pout, you knew he’d ask this eventually, he’d grown up watching the games with you on tv, and you also knew that Tommy’s family was interested in it, it was only a matter of time. “We’ll talk about it at home, Asher.” You mustered up a smile, faltering when his face fell, normally that answer meant no. But for him, you’d really consider it.
The boys played out in the backyard, while you sat at the kitchen table with Mary, Tommy’s mom, “so Tommy is going to play hockey?” You asked, she smiled. “Yes! He’s so excited, you should consider signing Asher up! I’m sure he’d love it.” She gushed, before seeing the apprehension on your face. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep.” She apologized hurriedly, “no! No you didn’t.” You assured her, glancing down at your phone on the table, you were both young moms, the only difference is she was still with her son's father. “You know that guy I told you about? The one from the summer before I met Lucas?” You mumbled, sighing when she cocked her head to the side, urging you on. “He played hockey,” you paused, and her smile fell, “oh, I see.” She whispered, “there’s more.” You groaned, covering your face. “He plays professionally.” You rushed, her eyes going wide as saucers, “a professional hockey player?!” Mary gasped, hands laying out on the table. “Oh my god, who is it?” She asked, glancing out the window at the boys who were still happily playing in the yard. You bit your lip, rubbing a hand over your face, “Jamie Oleksiak.” You whispered, and she definitely heard you. “Jamie? Oleksiak? Like, from the Dallas Stars?” She spoke slowly, reeling in this information. “Yeah, that’s the one.” You sighed, the back door opening, the boys walking in with pouts, “we’re hungry!”
It was Asher’s first day of hockey and you were happily sitting with the other parents, Mary and Josh included, eager to see your boys out on the ice. “So, how cool is it that they have some pros coming in today?” Josh grinned, Mary went wide eyed, shooting him a look. “What? I thought she knew.” He pouted at his girlfriend, you looked at Mary skeptically. “I was going to tell you, I swear, but then I found out who was coming and I didn’t want you to back out.” She rushed, realizing what she was saying, your face fell. “Mary, he’s not–“ you got cut off as the kids coach started speaking. “Alright, kids. Today we’ve got Jamie Oleksiak and Tyler Seguin joining us from the Dallas Stars, everyone say hello!” He clapped, and you could feel your stomach clench on itself. Jamie and Tyler skating out and over to the kids, bright smiles on their faces. You looked over Jamie, feeling the burning in the back of your eyes, he still had that boyish charm emitting from him. They both waved to the parents, thankfully in the crowd, you didn’t really have to worry about him spotting you. If he’d even remember you after all these years.
“I have to use the bathroom.” You excused yourself, seeing Jamie speaking with Asher, sending your mind into a spiral. “Y/N.” Mary tried to stop you, “Mary, please, I just need a minute, keep an eye on Asher.” You pleaded with her, she gave in, releasing your hand, Josh trying to figure out what was happening. “I’ll tell you later.” Mary sighed to her boyfriend, glancing back at you as you started speed walking to the bathroom. You locked the door behind you, letting out a strangled breath, you didn’t think it would hurt so much to see him again, you thought you moved on. But clearly, you hadn’t, not as much as you thought you had. “Y/N, Asher is asking for you!” Mary called, knocking softly. You snapped out of your daze, eyes instantly drying up, a smile plastered onto your face. “Where is he?” You asked as soon as you opened the door, “Josh is with him, he fell, it just scared the wits out of him.” She pouted, watching as you rushed out of the hallway. You rounded the corner and saw him sitting on the bench with Josh kneeling in front of him, “Asher.” You smiled, and he instantly looked over at you, the helmet on his head shaking as he moved suddenly. “Mommy.” He sniffled, Josh stood and went to join Mary as you took over in front of your son. “Why aren’t you on the ice learning with everyone else?” You questioned him, adjusting the helmet on his head. “I fell.” He explained shortly, and you raised an eyebrow, “that’s it?” You teased him, a smile coming on his face. “It hurt.” He mumbled sheepishly, “but it doesn’t hurt anymore does it? Sometimes when you fall you just have to get back up!” You reminded him with a comforting smile, he looked behind you. “Mr. Jamie, I’m ready to come back.” You froze at his words, you couldn’t bring yourself to turn and look at him, finally though, Asher moved to get off the bench, forcing you to move. “Want a hand?” Jamie asked, offering you some help off the ground, somehow you took his hand without him seeing your face. “Thanks.” You mumbled, finally having to take a glance up at him. He went blank, staring at you, his lips parted as it finally hit him, he inhaled sharply, releasing your hand, “Y/N?” He whispered. He looked over you, in shock that the first girl he ever loved was standing in front of him–the fact that you had a child hadn’t even hit him yet.
“Jamie.” You sighed, Asher looking between the two of you, “mommy, can I go now?” He whined, neither you or Jamie looking down at him, “yeah, honey go ahead.” You mumbled, waving him off. He trotted out to the ice, Tyler helping him as he eyed his teammate suspiciously. “You–wow, you have a son?” Jamie finally spoke, eyes following Asher on the ice. “Yeah, I do, he’s my whole world.” You smiled softly, looking over at the ice. “You should get back out there.” You added, he cleared his throat, “yeah, uh, would you ever want to grab a coffee and catch up?” He questioned, you froze, sputtering out a yes. “Great, I’ll get your number after?” He stepped on to the ice, “yeah, of course, yeah.” You stumbled over your words, heart beating fast in your chest, he probably thought you had a boyfriend, it wouldn’t be like that. You should just get out of your head. “What just happened?” Mary gasped whacking your arm, Josh looking quizzically between you two. “Uh, we’re going to get coffee and catch up sometime.” You mumbled, eyes fixed on the tall guy skating around with the kids, “that’s good, isn’t it?” She tilted her head at you, “it still hurts.” You finally turned to her, the closest friend you had here. “Oh sweetie.” She sighed, pulling you in for a hug, “if it’s any consolation, he keeps looking over here.” She whispered, you let out a dry laugh, “probably because he can’t believe how I’ve changed.” You groaned, your body was never the same after you had Asher, fuller than you had been all those years ago. “Oh don’t even go there.” Mary chastised you, pulling out of your hug, “you’re going to go? Aren’t you? Please.” She pouted, giving you a knowing look. “Wait, you know Jamie?” Josh finally spoke up, the kids cheering as practice ended, “she used to date him.” Mary told her boyfriend, he went wide eyed, “holy-“ “language!” You both scolded him as the kids started approaching, “sorry.” He mumbled, looking down at the ground.
“Hey, bud, did you have fun?” You grinned at Asher as he pulled his helmet off, “yes!” He shrieked, Tommy doing the same to his parents, all of you chuckling at their excitement. “So you want to keep doing it then?” You asked him as you sat him on the bench, beginning to undo his skates. “Can I?” He asked, breaking your heart, that he even thought you wouldn’t let him continue. “Of course you can, Asher.” You cupped his little jaw in your hand, he smiled widely, happily bouncing in his seat. “He did great.” The familiar voice nearly caused you to jump out of your skin, Asher giggled at your reaction. Jamie sitting beside him and undoing his own skates. You noticed his friend Tyler a few benches down, talking with some other kids. “A lot better than you used to do.” Jamie commented, your blush darkening, “you know my mommy?” Asher gasped. Jamie nodded with a gentle smile, “from a long time ago.” He smiled at your son, ruffling his brown hair up. “Woah.” Your son looked over at you, wide eyed, causing you to giggle. Jamie smiled at the sight, your eyes narrowing as the smile took over your face, just like he used to make you do. “Miss Y/N?” Tommy tugged on your shirt, “yeah?” You looked at him, seeing Mary and Josh smirking at you. “Can Asher come play with me at my house?” He asked sweetly, Asher looking at you expectantly, Jamie hoping you would say yes too. “Uh, sure, that’s fine.” You mumbled, shooting Mary a playful glare to which she winked, “come on, Asher!” She called, you slipped his sneakers on just in time, “bye mommy.” He gave you a quick kiss before running off with them, leaving you here with his pile of equipment. You shook your head with a small laugh, “coffee?” Jamie asked with a tilt of his head, “mhm, I guess my schedule just cleared up.” You joked, Jamie grinning at you, rushing to get his skates off. “Calm down, I’m not going to disappear.” You quipped, standing to your full height, Tyler approached, “you ready to go man?” He asked, shooting you a smile as you gathered Asher’s things. “Um, actually, I’m going to get a coffee with Y/N.” Jamie spoke, trying to signal something with his eyes to Tyler, and clearly he didn’t get the message as his head whipped over to you, “Y/N? Why does that–WAIT! Y/N, like the Y/N?” Tyler rambled, Jamie glaring at him the whole time, you looked between them with wide eyes. “You talk about me?” You whispered, eyes locked on Jamie now. He nodded sheepishly, “yeah, of course I do.” He muttered, Tyler took the chance to run off, “sorry!” He called, knowing he was in for it with Jamie now.
“Why did he say ‘The Y/N’?” You questioned, crossing your arms over your chest awkwardly, not knowing what else to do with them. Jamie shrugged, his mouth moving but he spoke so faintly you couldn’t even hear him. “What?” You egged him on, stepping closer, “because you’re the one that got away.” He mumbled, slipping his sneakers on, “oh.” You breathed out, unsure of if you should be happy or nervous that he thinks of you as that. “Can we still get coffee? I mean, there’s so much to catch up on.” He asked sheepishly, standing up, and even with the heeled boots you had on, he towered over you, it reminded you of the summers you spent together. “Yeah, we can still go.” You smiled up at him, “lead the way.” You stepped aside, blushing when he took Asher’s hockey bag from you. “Ladies first.” He gently directed you in front of him, smirking at the pink tint covering your cheeks.
“Wait, so you were married?!” Jamie nearly choked on his coffee as you told him about Lucas, he’s the one who asked, and you didn’t miss the smile when you said you were single. “Yeah, not for too long though.” You sighed, stirring the sugar in your cup once again, “we got divorced when Asher was a month old, then we got back together, just dating.” You paused, “then he left right before Asher turned four, in January.” You concluded your story, leaving out some details, like how you were terrified every man would leave you both again, how you and Lucas had gotten into a huge argument and you told him to leave, not expecting he would actually do it. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” Jamie sighed, reaching for your hand, “that’s fucked up, he doesn’t deserve either of you.” He assured you, rubbing his thumb across the top of your hand. You nodded, taking in a sniffled breath, “yeah, what about you?” You steered the conversation away from you and your past, Jamie easily agreed and told you some stories about his brief time in Pittsburgh, “but I’m really glad I came back to Dallas.” He mumbled, you lifted your eyes to meet his, hearing the change in his voice, he was already looking at you, the same way he used to. “Jamie–“ “Y/N, don’t do this again, don’t push me away without giving me a chance.” He cut you off, “if you’re genuinely not interested, that’s fine, but please don’t block me out of your life again, I don’t think I could handle that.” He pleaded with you, shattering your heart, you had to make a decision, to be vulnerable with the man that you truly never stopped loving, or to be reasonable and protect not only yourself, but your son.
You shook your head, “it’s not just about me, anymore, Jamie. Asher is the most important thing in my life.” You whispered, voice shaky, “I know, and that’s fine by me, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.” Jamie pointed out, subtly sliding his hand closer to yours. “Not intentionally.” You slipped up, Jamie’s gaze faltering, “one date, Asher won’t even know, he won’t get hurt, and if you can wholeheartedly tell me that you don’t feel anything for me anymore–then I’ll drop it. I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want.” He bargained with you, and you couldn’t deny the excitement bubbling in your chest, the effort he was already putting in. “One date, Jamie.” You agreed, releasing some of the tension between you two, “one date.” He grinned.
“I love you, baby, have fun with Tommy tonight, ok?” You gave Asher a big hug and an obnoxious kiss on his cheek, “I will, mommy.” He giggled, pushing off of you, “thank you, both, again.” You thanked Mary and Josh, “it’s no problem, they’ve been wanting to have a sleepover anyways.” Mary brushed you off, “now, go get ready for your date.” She teased, pushing you towards the door, “maybe you’ll be having a sleepover of your own.” She added. “Mary!” You gasped, “I wouldn’t.” You blushed, “the look on your face says otherwise.” She smirked, “have fun!” And with that, she shut the door in your face, forcing you to leave and go get ready for this date.
You spent an ungodly amount of time getting ready, nitpicking everything you did, straightening your hair but then deciding you should curl it, which of course it didn’t hold after being straightened, so now you had this in between style going on. Then your makeup, you kept going back and forth between what to do, how much to do. Finally settling on simple eyes and a dark red lipstick to go with your dress.
The doorbell rang as you were slipping your boots on, you took a deep breath before standing up and walking towards the door. You turned the handle, slowly pulling it open to reveal Jamie, your breath hitching in your throat, the black pants and light blue printed button down hugging him just right. You had the same affect on him though, the red velvet dress falling perfectly over your body, the v neck showing just enough to be classy but still sexy, the dress stopping just before your knees. You dressed it down slightly with your heeled black combat boots, the two going better together than you would think. Jamie swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, “you look incredible.” He finally spoke, neither of you realizing how much time had passed, “thank you, so do you.” You replied honestly. “Thanks.” He chuckled, eyeing you once more, “ready to go?” He asked, clearing his throat, you nodded, grabbing your small purse, “ready.” You smiled, stepping out the door with him. “Should I be worried about you kidnapping me?” You joked as he opened his car door for you, “I should be asking you the same thing.” He retorted, the two of you falling into easy banter during the date, conversation flowing, neither of you drinking more than one glass of wine, so you knew it was genuine. You couldn’t stop the fluttering in your heart as he walked you up to your front door, his hand low on your back.
You turned to each other after you unlocked the door, “I had a great time tonight, Jamie.” You whispered, biting your red stained lips, his eyes flickered down to them. “Me too.” He murmured, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “We should do it again sometime.” You leaned into his hand, he rested it on your cheek, the other coming to rest on your hip. “Really?” He asked softly, shuffling a little closer to you, his head tipped down, “yeah.” You let your eyes flutter shut, his breath fanning over your face. “Can I?” He whispered, the patience he was practicing was only making you want this even more. “Yes.” You whimpered, his lips on yours not even a second later, you turned to putty in his hands, your hands sliding up his chest before interlocking behind his neck. His lips moved against yours perfectly, you whined against his mouth when he slid his hand into your hair. Finally you had to pull away to breathe, “Jamie.” You sighed, smiling up at him, a peaceful look on your face. “Did you want to come inside?” You asked, twirling your fingers in the hair on the back of his head, “are you sure?” He questioned, the hand that was on your hip now delicately running up and down your side. “I’m sure.” You leaned into him more, “you’re so beautiful.” He groaned, kissing you again before pushing the front door open, letting you guide him through your house. His eyes never once leaving your body as you held his hand, pulling him along.
“We don’t have to do anything.” He whispered, not moving his hands from your waist as you ran a hand along his jaw. You nodded, contemplating your decision, you wanted this, you wanted him. You trusted him, even after all these years, he was still the sincere Jamie you knew when you were a teenager. Your mind quickly flickered to Asher, how this would affect him, if it would affect him. “Jamie, I know it was only one date.” You paused, glancing away for a moment, his hand came up to your chin, gently turning you back to face him. “I don’t want to scare you off, but if we do this, it has to be all or nothing. I don’t want to be hurt again, and I can’t let Asher get attached if you’re not committed to us.” You explained, expecting him to step away, to at least take a moment to contemplate this. “I won’t hurt you.” His voice was so gentle, hands moving to cup your face. “If I do, you have permission to kick my ass.” He joked, sighing in relief when you laughed. “Ok.” You grinned, attaching your lips to his, falling into a gentle rhythm with him. His hands grazed over the tie on the side of your dress and you tensed, he pulled back to look at you. “We don’t–“ “I want to, I really want to.” You cut him off, closing your eyes for a moment, “it’s stupid, really, but I’ve changed a lot, my body has changed a lot.” You trailed off, understanding coming across his face. “Ok.” He shrugged, you raised an eyebrow at him, “I still think you’re gorgeous.” He added, shocked that you would even think otherwise.
You blushed and moved his hand to the tie on your dress, nodding for him to undo it when he looked at you hesitantly. He tugged on the strings, watching them come apart, but the dress still clung to itself, he brushed his hand under it, watching as the fabric fell open, his eyes ran over your body. The small stretch marks left on your stomach from when you had Asher, to the way your thighs stuck together, you went to cover yourself back up when he didn’t move, but then in a flash he had you laid back on the bed, smiling down at you, “gorgeous.” He whispered, going on to show you just how gorgeous he thought you were…
That one date led to many more, to Asher loving him, to moving in together, to a marriage and two more kids.
That one date led to the rest of your lives.
taglist; @vinceduhn​ @jackiesquinn​ @kiedhara​ @kempe​ @vincecdunn​ @literarycharleton​
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chelsfic · 4 years
Leftovers - Part Two - Nandor the Relentless x Reader - WWDITS Fanfic
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Summary: Nandor decides you keep you around...for feeding purposes. You bond a little with Nadja. Guillermo is kind of freaking you out.
Warnings: Female, short, roller derby playing reader, Vampiric blood drinking!, pet humans?, power dynamic, vampire/human relationship
A/N: Thank you sooo much to those who have commented on this fic! It really brightens my day!
“Awake, mortal!” Nandor stands by the open coffin waving a shopping bag in one hand. “I’ve brought you Lunch-bulls.”
“No, I do not usually keep humans around for feeding purposes but…” Nandor strolls down a grocery aisle with the camera crew trailing behind. He stops in front of a refrigerated display of Lunchables, “this one is quite tasty. And I’ve learned a thing or two about caring for mortals thanks to Guillermo. For example, I now understand that you have to feed them.”
You wake to find Nandor standing over you with a wide grin on his stupid, handsome face. It takes a long moment for your brain to catch up with your surroundings. And when you do you’re too exhausted and sick to worry about the fact that you’re in a vampire’s lair and you’ve just spent the night sleeping inside a coffin. You try to sit up and the room immediately starts spinning. 
“Oh, fucking--,” Nandor curses as you collapse back into the coffin. He looks up and eyes the camera, “I may have been a little over-enthusiastic with the feedings. In my defense I was planning on killing her, so…”
He puts his arm behind your back and helps you sit up against the edge of the coffin. You watch as he rummages inside the reusable shopping tote. What, exactly, does he plan on doing to you? After coming to terms with the fact that you’ve been abducted by an actual vampire you kind of expected to be dead by now. Not that you’re complaining, but…
“Ah-ha! Here, mortal. This colorful sports beverage will replenish your...electrolytes,” Nandor says, reading off the label as he hands you a bottle of Gatorade.
You grab it, frantically twisting the cap with trembling hands, but you feel like every ounce of strength has been sapped from your body. You growl in frustration, tapping the bottle on the rim of the coffin and trying again. 
Finally, you sigh and give it back to the vampire, “Can you open it for me?”
Nandor glances to the camera with an arched brow and easily pops the cap off before handing it back to you. You down the entire bottle and eat two Lunchables while Nandor watches with a nauseated expression.
“Better?” he asks when you’ve finished. He reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ear and you flinch away from the touch. His eyes are focused on the crook of your neck and the bite mark that still throbs with pain.
“Uh, yeah...thanks,” you murmur, cautiously sitting back a bit to put more space between you. “What are you--um--what’re you planning to do with me, Nandor?”
He looks thoughtful for a moment but before he can answer there’s a sudden bellowing from downstairs.
“House meeting! House meeting, I say! In the library!”
Nandor’s brows draw together in consternation and he hisses, “What the fuck! He can’t call a house meeting. I call the house meetings!”
“Now, I’ve called you all here tonight to gloat,” Laszlo explains, standing between the two couches and addressing the room. “As some of us are aware, Mr. Hygiene himself has taken to storing half-drunk virgins in his crypt. It’s totally unacceptable and furthermore, Nandor, hurtful that you wouldn’t invite us to partake.”
You’re seated beside Nandor, holding yourself perfectly still as you eye the unfamiliar vampires in the room. Guillermo stands silently by the door. The woman, Nadja, is staring at you with her mouth open in a leer, practically salivating.
“Yes, Nandor, let me try a bite of your scrumptious mortal,” she says, reaching out to you with her hands clawed in longing.
You scoot closer to Nandor, shrinking into his side and clinging to the fabric of his cape. The devil you know… He gives you a pat on the head and smiles reassuringly. 
“Don’t worry, human. No one but me will be drinking your blood,” he raises his voice for the others, “Is that clear? This is my human. You’re to leave her alone. Including you, Colin Robinson.”
The Dilbert-looking guy speaks up, “Keeping humans as familiars is a time-honored tradition. But this situation seems to be without precedent. Sure, in the medieval period there was the practice of keeping human thralls but is that really--”
“SHUT UP!” the other vampires shout at him.
Guillermo steps forward with a half bow and his voice is thready as he asks, “Master? Are you unhappy with my service? I can do better, I can--”
“No, Guillermo. You’re a perfect--” Nandor curls his lip and tilts his head from side to side as he considers his wording, “--ly adequate familiar. I’m keeping this human for food. She has a distinct flavor and I don’t want to eat her all up right away…”
You draw away from Nandor with a horrified look on your face. The events of the last two days come crashing down on you all at once, wrenching a sob from your throat and mortifying tears from your eyes. 
“Now, look what you’ve done, all of you!” Nandor scolds, putting his arm around your shoulders in an approximation of comfort. “You’ve made my human sad!”
“I’m not food!” you cry, squirming away with an accusing glare.
Laszlo points his manicured finger in Nandor’s face, “You see, I could have warned you about this, Nandor. They get very weepy when you keep them around too long.”
“There, there,” Nandor says, haltingly. He frowns in discomfort and looks around the room for support.
Nadja steps in, taking a seat on your other side and patting your knee.
“Don’t cry, little human. You may be food but you’re very good food. Nandor doesn’t want to kill you,” she looks up to find Nandor looking at her with his brows raised in a “well, maybe…” expression. Nadja rolls her eyes. “He just wants to keep you for a nice little snack every now and then. It’s not all bad, little one. You’ll get to live here with us. Vampires can be very useful benefactors. Just ask Gizmo…”
“The rent is $1,200 a month,” Guillermo pipes in sullenly. 
“Pssk,” Nandor shushes his Familiar and turns back to you. “You won’t have to pay rent, my human. And you can still play your rollerskate battles…”
“Battles?” Nadja perks up. “Is she a warrior like my poor Gregor?”
“Hey!” Laszlo bursts out. “I’ve heard enough about that damn--”
“I play roller derby...it’s a sport,” you explain, perking up for the first time since you found yourself in this strange situation. “I’m in an all-girl intramural league. It’s just for fun…”
Nandor, sensing the change in your mood, jumps in, “Do not be so modest, mortal. I saw you brawling on your roller skates during your practice. You are a fearsome thing to behold! Why else would I choose you?”
Guillermo is quietly fuming in the corner as his master showers praise on the newcomer, but you don’t know what to think. Why are you even considering this? Maybe it’s because deep down you know there’s really no choice. Why not make the best of things?
“Well...fine. But you have to promise you’re not going to end up killing me!” you insist, catching Nandor’s eyes with an intense look of your own. “And you can’t keep feeding off me every day. I won’t have enough strength to live let alone play roller derby. Once a week, tops.”
Laszlo chuckles, “She’s got spirit! I’ll give her that.”
Nandor’s lips twitch and you’re not altogether sure you can trust him but he agrees, “Very well, my tasty mortal. Once per week. Killing is...off the table. For now. We’ll see--don’t pull your luck!”
“Push your luck,” Guillermo mutters darkly and the narrow-eyed look he’s casting your way is actually the most alarming thing in this room full of apex predators.
The meeting wraps up as dawn approaches. Nadja draws your hand into the crook of her elbow and walks you out of the library.
“Tell me more about these roller battles,” she says. “What manner of weaponry do you use?”
Not knowing what else to do with yourself you follow Guillermo and Nandor into the crypt. The Familiar helps his master into the coffin and goes about the room, snuffing candles and checking that the curtains are secure against the approaching sun.
“Come, my mortal,” Nandor says, opening his arms and beckoning you into the coffin. From across the room you hear Guillermo’s squeak of outrage. 
“You...want me to sleep in the coffin? With you?” you ask somewhat stupidly. But how are you supposed to respond? 
“Unless you would prefer the cell…” Nandor remarks sarcastically. “We have just the one bed that Guillermo uses…”
You glance apologetically at Guillermo but he turns away with a huff. What does he possibly get from this arrangement, you wonder?
“Fine,” you sigh. “But...I’ll need a bedroom of my own, Nandor.”
“Yes, yes, very well. Now come. I’m tired.”
You climb awkwardly up into the coffin, stepping carefully around the vampire’s long legs and settling down beside him. It is surprisingly roomy. Custom-made, you assume.
Nandor wraps an arm around you, tucking you firmly into his side. You feel yourself heat with embarrassment at the casual intimacy. Snuggling with a vampire inside his coffin. Nandor sniffs and...purrs? He leans forward to bury his nose into your hair.
“Delightful human,” he murmurs. “I’m very glad I decided not to kill you right away. What a waste that would have been.”
“Goodnight, master,” Guillermo’s soft voice interrupts and you look up to see him standing--menacingly?--over the coffin with a hand on the lid. “Sweet dreams.”
“Yes, night-night, Guillermo,” Nandor replies and the lid drops closed.
Thank god you’re not claustrophobic. You’re nervous enough as it is. In a dark, enclosed space with a murderous creature of the night. Nandor shifts beside you and hugs you closer, almost like a teddy bear.
“Goodnight my delicious mortal,” he whispers and you feel cool, soft lips press a kiss onto your forehead. A shiver runs through you at the touch and your stomach stirs with the faintest of butterflies. You bury your face into his chest and breathe. How can a dead man smell so nice?
“Night, Nandor,” you yawn and somehow, unfathomably, you fall into a soft, gentle sleep in the arms of a killer.
A/N: What is my brain?
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Hi, I’m taking a liberty here but let me know if you don’t actually want to be tagged: @glitterportrait​ @imaginethesons​
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najatheangel · 3 years
hi, love !! i requested a selca ship from you once and i absolutely loved it !! may i request a written ship this time, please? groups would be nct 127, nct dream, and got7 <333
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i’m an extroverted introvert. i’m naturally pretty outgoing and social but i also love being by myself and need alone time to recharge. i’m often mistaken as an extrovert in real life because i’m usually the one approaching people first and initiating or planning hang-outs for my friend groups. i’m pretty cheerful, light-hearted, easy-going, and non-judgemental. i strive for balance in life and i generally dislike conflict although i don’t hesitate to deal with it if necessary. i prefer focusing on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or trying to forecast the future. for this reason, i can easily detach myself from certain people and situations (for better or for worse lmao). i’m a natural caretaker and i prefer to nurture people in more practical ways like being helpful or giving advice, but i don’t mind just being there for other people although a part of me always wishes i could do more. i may be more of a caretaker with my friends but being the youngest in my family, i do lowkey want to be doted on in private. i romanticize being organized and all but i’m really not :’) i TRY though. i’m also dangerously clumsy; i try and want to become more graceful but my coordination says no :)) i do feel things very deeply but i rarely show that. i prefer to deal with my emotions internally and by myself and then express them later in a more measured, rational, and calm way. i’m very independent and freedom of expression is very important to me and i believe everyone should have a right to that. i adore and appreciate all forms of art, especially written words; i love reading and writing. i just love literature. i also really enjoy aesthetically-pleasing things; i love taking aesthetic photos of nature or even people. self-care is also very important to me; i workout regularly, try to eat healthy, and meditate. i also have an immense love for learning and while a lot of topics interest me, i especially love history. i just find it so fascinating and i love it so much that it makes my heart skip a beat sometimes like i get too excited lmao. my mbti is isfp but i’ve also gotten i/enfp and esfp before (years ago lmao 😂)
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i think that’s it !! thank you so much <333 i hope you’re well. have a wonderful day/night hehe
Hii faye, I’m happy I got to read more about you you seem like your life is full of joy and balance. The long wait is finally over, here goes your ship☺️🧚‍♂️
From NCT 127, I ship you with...Doyoung
Positive Side: Very beautiful love story from start to finish. During resonance promotions he remembered seeing you in the virtual fansign and even though your conversation was only 2 min, he was in lovestruck mode. He wanted to know more about you as a person and he was willing to try anything and do anything to find you. He found you with your group of friends at his favorite coffee shop and noticed how happy you were helping your friends study for their exams and stood out amongst the group yet at the same time wanted some quiet time alone. It took him a lot of courage, but he bumped into you in line and took his chance to confess and ask you out on the spot. It didn’t take long for you to say yes and the rest was history. Your both very natural when it comes to taking care of people around you which is a very good trait to have, because your both capable of providing to each other’s needs. Those simple acts of love such as feeding each other, helping each other through a problem and supporting each other’s achievements are what you both cherish the most. This man is your main model of study when it comes to taking photos so he won’t mind posing for you or even taking pictures together and changing it as his Home Screen on his phone. No worries about slipping on trying to eat healthy because this man is Gordan Ramsey 2.0 and he will help you keep your workout and diet plan together while you help him with your amazing literature skills how to compose better songs for the group.
Negative Side: Not every relationship is perfectly balanced. You both handle conflict in the same way. You obviously express your moods through your expressions if something is not sitting right with you, but then later would prefer to have a private conversation about the problem with that person. In the beginning when you first started dating, Doyoung wanted to have your back in almost any tough situation you were facing, but thre were times that you didn’t want him to fight your battles all the time to save the trouble. For example, if someone based horribly on your writing, Doyoung would defend you and have your back 100% in the most calm and family friendly way possible. It’s not that you don’t want his support in every situation, it’s just you’d prefer him to let you manage on your own and not add more stress into his life by barging in to your problems.
But...: Doyoung knows that he has to take it down a notch and let you face those haters on your own and barge in if needed. He love when you have his back on things, even with silly debates and fights against the members over who didn’t clean the laundry. Whenever he starts seeing you becoming vulnerable with him, he feels very special and is not afraid to help you heal through your experience. Even though sometimes it’ll seem like your both babying each other and snooping up in each other’s business, it’s better to release your emotions better than hiding it.
faye, get your man plsss...😳😳
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From NCT Dream, I ship you with...Jaemin
Positive Side: The ultimate k-drama couple. First of all, your both ambiverts in all your friend groups meaning some days you want to stay behind the scenes other days you both tend to become the star of the show. Very fast you two would develop a friendship and from that point, he already made his mind of making you his one and only. He’s like the mom of Nct Dream taking care of his family, so when he notices how cheerful and light hearted you can be around your family and friends he just melts into a puddle gushing over how adorable you can be. The killer for him is how clumsy you can be. Dropping pans of cookies you just baked or falling in the ice rink when your skating together it just makes him want to protect you and keep you by his side more and more. Jaemin also appreciates your creativity and wants to brag about it to the whole world how talented you are. He’ll always ask you if he can be the first one to read your stories which makes him feel like you hold a special place in heart. He’s also a photographer himself and would be your camera man for when you need photos of yourself or pretty nature images for your Pinterest board. Of course most of the time he would want like 100+ pictures of you and him saved in his phone. Overall your the angel that he’s been waiting for all his life and would do anything to make you stay.
Negative Side: Knowing how charming this beautiful man can be, sometimes his flirting can get out of control. I know it’s just for fan service for the fans to eat up from, but sometimes it can sting a little. Once he was doing a collab stage with a rookie girl group member and they seemed to be pretty playful on stage. It didn’t bother you at first because you understand that this is Jaemin’s job, but it was all until she started to flirt with him and slide her arm on him which started to tick you off. You were pouting from the outside, but on the inside you wanted to go off so you kept your cool until you got home. Of course he tried to cuddle with you and kiss you, but you weren’t having it. He tried to even talk to you in his cute baby tone, but you ended up slamming the door on him and went straight to bed. “It was just a performance princess, nothing more nothing less.” “Try telling that to dispatch when they see you holding hands with that girl.”
But...: Jaemin is aware now that you have feelings to and don’t want to cause all these misunderstandings or else it’ll affect his relationship with you. He knocks softly on your door and carries you out of bed with the sweetest apology proposal with homemade breakfast, balloons with your name in big letters with a heart next to it and a big teddy bear that says I love you. The gesture almost put you to tears and decided that arguing with him over a performance with another woman is pointless to break up over. You give him the biggest smile and give him the tightest hug. “So does that mean you forgive me?” Puckers his lips out cutely begging for a kiss. “Hmmm, sure. Your punishment for now is no kisses for today.” You stuff his mouth with bacon and run off to the living room teasing him. “Ahh I guess I did deserve that huh. At least let me cuddle with you, I didn’t get to do that last night.” Opens his arms running after you in the dorms.
I wanted to ship you with Jeno too, but Jaemin just fit the picture.
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From Got7, I ship you with...Jinyoung
Positive Side: The iconic couple in the music industry. You were Jinyoung’s secret girlfriend that no one knew about of course except for the got7 brothers. Your both very flirty yet friendly towards each other which makes everyone wish they had your kind of relationship. Not to mention your visuals together are insane. You both share you knowledge of literature and read on topics that are beneficial amongst yourselfs. Just like you, he’s willing to research on the latest news that’s going on in the world and later have a intellectual discussion on the topic. I can imagine him reaching out for your help on practicing his lines for his movies/dramas and would even try to reenact kiss scenes with you. With him being the gentleman he is, he naturally wants to save you from your clumsy moments. When your tripping on the carpets, forgetting your umbrella on a rainy day or even have hair in front of your face, he’ll become your fixer upper and provide your needs. He doesn’t mind lending you his umbrella, sliding your hair behind your ears and catching you from falling he’s happy to be your anpaman. He’s so understanding of how much you cherish your privacy because he’s not a clingy person himself, but every once in a while he would love to hold hands with you, pat the top of your head and let you know through words how much he adored you.
Negative Side: In the beginning, it was a challenge to have Jinyoung fall in love with you because as I mentioned earlier, he doesn’t seem like a person who would fall in love easily. He first thought of you as his innocent sister that he wants to protect from all harm and would scare away guys that would try to date you. He’s also very savage when it comes to expressing his love to you so it might come out cold, but that’s not his intentions. For example, if you blow his a kiss, he would act like he’s disgusted and flick it away. He actually loves you blowing kisses at him and would want you to keep doing it. He express his love in a different way even though it might not be the best through his actions.
But...: This man is a living poet and very talented in the arts. Once he realized how much he loved you and wanted to make you his girlfriend, he returned your feelings through a song he written, produced and sung along with his members. He even made a music video about it sharing all the pictures you took of you two together with your permission of course and expressed through his song how happy he was to have you apart of his crazy life and that your the only girl on his life that only made him feel this way. It was your favorite gift from him ever since you made it official.
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...Doyoung
@starrdustville I know this was super long, but I hope this somewhat made your day/night. Thanks so much for your patience love yaa.✨💗
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flsedirection · 4 years
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                                                                                                  IN THE CLOUD - 
uploading data … ⟳  
    jack of all trades master of none - max caulfield. never moved to seattle, max got to stay and grow up with her friends her parents got divorced and she doesnt see her dad much anymore it must have been a weird domino effect of not moving on. growing up in the cloud max attended CONSTANCE BILLIARD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in high school max was the girl that befriended her teachers at parties people thought it was a spectacle when she ate an edible and got too honest about people as jokes. the quirky art student that you saw taking pictures at pep rallies and sporting events - living life through the lens of her camera the art in her journal you wouldnt catch her speaking up often in groups of people when she was young. she had flings for girls and guys but shyed away from that most of the time except at parties and occasional dates... sleepovers. she always a step back from life willingly sidelining herself if people didnt drag her into things, she was almost a bit of a welcome mat. gullible and a bit naive with an indecisive nature it was easy for her to just let people take advantage of her because there was the part of her that was nosy and just wanted to get closer. 
now that shes older and attending BLACKWELL UNIVERSITY max has an ache for adventure she loves to go out at night and cause trouble, or for a walk in the woods by herself shes even dabbled in grafitti and bne. you would not call her a trouble maker by any means but there is that underlying want there to document she doesnt let people walk over her the same way they did in the past. shes still not sure in her art in her photography the girl is wishy washy about everything but shes learning to be stronger. shes still corny shes makes jokes like the moths in my head dont let me think, shes pretentious about her polaroid camera and black coffee and better than you indie music, she still the curious girl who swallowed her teddy bears eye just to see if she could. shes better at finding her voice shes trying to live a real life instead of just copying all the personality traits of those around her to fit social norms and breaking down in bathrooms over small things that overwhelm her. you can still find her in the back of classes with her headphones in, inner monologuing, but you can also find her painting in the woods or trying to start a fail tshirt business with her art on it because shes still self conscious, taking pictures of your friends wedding or your five year old sisters birthday party in her free time. 
       THE MEMORIES... ⟳  
she has vivid day dreams of nose bleeds and death following her, the guilt she feels she still feels it all the danger she felt like she was in. it affects her because it seems so damn real it feels like something that happened to her, a girl she loves and cares about dying because of her - everyone she knows and loves dying because of her. the guilt eats away at her... but its not real right? shes not that indecisive right? this isnt her fault, she just cant shake it. it follows her and its so heavy that some days she doesnt even get out of bed. 
       THE CONNECTS... ⟳  
ex gfs - max is mostly into girls though in hs this was probaly more aha i really really like you but i dont know how to actually be your gf so this is the closest thing we will ever get. they probably went out on dates and max did corny things like set up a movie projector in the backyard for them. 
crushes - max while more outspoken now probably wasnt that much in the past so this could be one sided or max never realized the crush and your muse was like?? are you dense in the head or current crushes
fwb/set up dates - max probably is very new to fwb she likes men and women physically and is trying to live life now rather than just being a teachers pet and behind a camera. so hookups would be very random whatever works. 
did u need a photographer - literally any reason literally any just throw it out there she needs money for her black coffee and fucking vinyl records annoying ass. 
roommate - definitely 1 or 2 roommates would be cool she is a messy housemate cups on the bedside table polaroids lefts on the random surfaces shes organized chaos. 
goes out together - for dinner instead of doing homework goes to parties together maybe they broke into a building or like took pictures on the traintracks in the middle of the night. roadtripped or anything. 
like siblings - max has never had a sibling she was raised on only child ( god that explains why she is the way she is ) so i would love someone who is like a sibling to her. 
tried to start something - max has tried to be in a band tried to start a buisness where she like did ink prints of teeth and put them on shirts and tried to sell them. knitting club. book club. roller skating. she tries so many things and gives them up. 
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3x3racha · 6 years
Dating Kim Seungmin would include:
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A/N: The original post got deleted and I didn’t save the finished product so I tried my best to modify my last draft of it. I apologize for any spelling and/or grammar errors. I hope it’s still as good as the first one.
The OG A/N: You’re actually the first person to request this sadly. He needs more love ugh but I was already working on this on the side bc boy needs more content and I love him so much. Anyways thanks for requesting! I hope you like it!
~Admin Yeong ☾
Crush Phase:
He wants to talk to you he thinks you're absolutely stunning 
But he’s scared he might mess upHe would try to hide his fear and nervousness as best as he could
You start to notice he slowly keeps standing closer and closer to you until one day he’s shoulder to shoulder with youTries to sit by you often The boys tease him a lot for it 
He’s shy about starting a conversation but once he does he can’t stop smiling and the conversation becomes super easy
This makes it easy for you guys to become closer friends
He starts becoming the friend you can rely on and he’s always there for you when you need him
He’s had a crush on you since the start but now you’re close friends and he doesn't want to ruin that so he pushes his feelings for you aside not willing to take the risk since he doubts that someone like could ever fall for him poor baby
Confession you ask him for relationship advice or about a crush and he puts himself in the guy’s shoes describing to you how he would treat you Then he accidentally lets it slip that he’s in love with you
He realizes that he totally outed himself and he just sits there silently, not moving an inch, his eyes wide looking everywhere but at you.
He starts rambling and apologizing out of his nervousness 
“Oh god. Y/n I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Well I mean it I just didn’t want you to know. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I’m so sorry. I know you don’t feel the same so we can just pretend that it didn’t happen. I’m really sorry-”
“No-no-no. Seungmin, I like you too. I just thought you didn’t feel the same.” 
“Oh. Wait, really?”
“Yea, I’ve liked you for awhile now.”
“Then uh, do you maybe want to go on date with me tomorrow.”
“I’d like that.”
Then he nods and quickly kisses your cheek and blushes. 
He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but somehow he does everything right and you can’t tell that he’s freaking out on the inside 
Shy baby at first but becomes less shy as the relationship progresses
He’s honestly such a hopeless romantic
Cafe dates 
Dates where you can do fun things together like roller skating or ice skating 
Picnic dates
Ice cream dates 
Cute bookstore dates 
Just starting out in your relationship he’s nervous to do close affectionate things out of respect for you
You fell asleep while watching a movie in the dorms and he carries you to sleep in his bed and he sleeps on the floor 
Kisses all over your face
Long sweet kisses
Holding hands but him being shy about it in front of others
So you discreetly hold pinkies
He’d trace your fingers
and compare his hand size to yours while cuddling
Nose kisses and lots of them
Cups your face when he kisses you 
Loves it when he rests his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair and vice versa
Cuddles you like a teddy bear
Buries his head in the crook of your neck
Strokes your face admiring your features when you fall asleep in his arms
When you hug he’d gently lift up and sometimes spin you around causing you both to giggle
Calls you angel or baby or princess/prince
You guys always falling asleep on the couch in a tangled mess
Him setting up a blanket fort in his small bedroom so you two can cuddle and feel alone in this whole world.
Stealing kisses randomly
Like you’ll be in the middle of working on something and he’d just come up and kisses you then walks away blushing
Making you flustered by backing you up and puts his hands on the wall and presses his forehead against yours (kind of like what he does with Jeongin) but then he gets super flustered too  
His face lights up when he talks about you
It’s so cute
Having such a close connection with each other like
Automatically knowing when something was off with the other people
Sleepy pillowtalk 
Sleepy ‘I loves you’s
It’s like 3am and you wake up to seungmin explaining all the reasons why he loves you 
Constantly reminds you how much he loves you
Loves to get you flowers
Gets you obnoxiously large plushies 
Getting you random gifts bc 
“It reminded me of you.”
Adores you with all his being
Staring into each other’s eyes completely in love
Acts starstruck over you like he looks constantly shocked that he’s actually with someone like you he’s so in love
If you’re ever cold he’d offer himself like full on ‘let me cuddle you then you’ll be warm’
A parents’ dream future son-in-law
He’s so sweet, caring, and respectful towards you
who wouldn’t want a boy like that for their child
Being so encouraging and inspiring towards you
The boys teasing him calling him ‘lover boy’
He always looks at you like you’re the only person in the world
Wants to know everything about you 
Being so comfortable with another to be vulnerable to one another 
Matching lockscreens
Likes to get you random meaningful gifts
hiding small notes into your backpack so you can smile if you’re having a long day at school.
Plans the future
Wants to get a pet with you
Like any animal, he’s down as long as you raise them together
Planning trips together 
Wanting to travel the world together
Lowkey pictures your guys' wedding in his mind all the time
Then y’all get into some serious conversations about how you guys will spend the rest of your lives together
Secretly has your contact info with his family name 
You being close to Jeongin and Hyunjin
And they thrive on teasing you two
 Binge watching tv shows
Binge watching crime tv show which leads to in-depth conversations on who’s the perpetrator 
Watching romantic films together
Is one hundred percent down for an 80s’ movie marathon 
He’d probably steal cute date and romantic ideas from them too
Like it’s your birthday and he recreates the final scene from Sixteen Candles where Sam and Jake are sitting across from each other with the birthday cake inbetween them 
“Happy birthday, Y/n. Make a wish.”
“It already came true.”
Then you kiss
I love 80′s movies so much you don’t even know
Takes photos of you when you’re sleepy bc he thinks it’s adorable
One day he just random grabs one of his large hoodies and shoves it over your head 
He takes cute photos of you when you’re not paying attention And posts them everywhere
Being everyone’s relationship goals
You’re like a trending instagram couple 
Y’all are cute and aesthetically pleasing together 
Him feeling comfortable with you to be loud with and it’s something to cherish Sometimes he will act super animated it’s cute
Him serenading you randomly
Like if you come home and you feel like garbage cuddle up with this boy and he’ll sing to you 
You say that you love a certain song
And later he’d start singing you that same song
Remembers everything about you
Asking you random questions
Like when watching a movie
“Who’s your favorite character?” 
Or “if you were in their position what would you do?” 
Or just hang out and he randomly asks what you have and haven’t done 
He’d love to learn what you love to do 
He’d make an attempt to try it
He’d also love it if you wanted to try singing or dancing he’d be so excited to teach you even if it’s a trainwreck
He gives you the puppy eyes whenever you’re mad at him
Trying to make one another flustered but while doing so you make yourself flustered too
Hums you to sleep
Him being insecure and you are constantly reassuring him how amazingly talented and beautiful he is Stan him seriously!
May not look like it but he’s a strong protector when it comes to you
Gives you everything he has
So dedicated 
Remembers your food orders
Notices the smallest things about you that no one else, not even you would notice them, until he brings it up 
Y’all being overly happy together
Occasionally chasing each other around
Playful like a puppy
Values your opinion 
Jeongin singing “Seungmin and Y/n sitting in a tree” 
Which then causes the other boys to join in
Seungmin is so sweet to you 
Highkey moms you a lot 
Takes care of you 
If you're sick he’d cancel everything to come take care of you 
Even if it was just a headache
Constantly make sure that you’re eating and taking care of yourself 
He’s such a sweetheart who’s head over heels for you
Honestly husband material af
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Send your requests here!
~Admin Yeong ☾
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huffletiika · 6 years
About late studying sessions and presumably haunted corridors.
Ok, peeps, I have decided to take part of this year’s Lutteo ficweek… even if I have no time, or whatsoever. I might skip some days, tho, as there are some prompts that didn’t inspired me #tja. Anyway, I hope you like this one.
Anyway, just some info before you start reading: this OS is at the same universe as my Gastina multi-chapter “Hello, stranger.” So, if anyone is interested on reading it before (or after) getting into this, I will leave you the link RIGHT HERE. But, don’t worry, there’s no need to read it to understand the OS, as this is a prequel that takes place way before the events of my multi-chapter. However, there might be a little wink for those who read it.  
Words count: 2.4K.
DAY 1 – “it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost”.
Finals are going to be the death of her.
Seriously, it’s like no matter how much she tries to keep her studying schedule going, she will just not gonna make it, not even with the very well done graphics an diagrams her best friend made for her. Days doesn’t have enough hours for her to have enough time to learn all she has for her exams, and at the same time training for the skating competition, and going to all those social events her grandfather told her she must go in order to keep the Benson’s inversions safe and sound.
She can’t wait for summer vacations.
The next day (correction, that day, as it’s already three in the morning) she has one of the most important exams for her career, and she really need a high grade on this one in order to pass.
She tried studying in her dormitory, she really did, but she gave up at 10pm as the girls from the dormitory next to hers and Nina’s had decided to throw a party for the end of the semester, and the music was so loud she thought the walls would break at any moment. So, she had to walk all her way to the library in order to find a quiet place, internally grateful for living in a dorm inside the campus. Her parents would kill her if they find out about her having to walk down the street in the middle of the night.
Since the finals started, the library has remained 24hrs open as an incentive for students to use it to prepare for their exams instead of the many outdoor places on campus, as the benches outside the buildings, or the dark gardens. It might sound crazy, but just a week ago they found a student sleeping in a picnic mat outside the engineering faculty, hugging his advanced calculus book, mumbling something about going late for his exam while on his sleep. There were memes with his picture all over the campus app, it got viral.
The library has become the second home for many.
Surprisingly, that day the library doesn’t seem to be as popular. Well, there were many students when she arrived but, as midnight arrived, she noticed she was the only one at that specific section, and that the rest of them were practically empty. That’s just so great. She tried to focus on the words from her text book, on solving the problems, on getting all that info into her head, but as it started getting later her eyes started to burn, and the words became blurry, so she finally realized that what she didn’t learn in the whole semester, she wouldn’t learn in those five hours she had left before having to go comply her death sentence. Come what may, her father is always telling her, and she believes him.
She is so gonna fail.
When she stands to leave the study cubicle she notices it’s darker than she expected. There are some light spots, of course, but many of these seem to have gotten damaged. She walks toward the shelves to put the books back at the place they belong, and as she gets deeper at those dark aisles, she starts to have the feeling that she is not alone.
She looks around, but there’s nothing either on her left or her right, and she tells herself that it’s just her head playing games. She has never believed in ghosts, even after her biological parents appeared in her dreams, and she wouldn’t start doing so now.
She leaves the last book at the right shelf, having to get on her tiptoes for that hard mission, and then sighs looking at the time on her phone’s screen. If she leaves now she will be at home at 3:40, and so she would have a couple of hours to sleep. A sound coming from her left calls her attention, putting her on alert. But there’s nothing. There’s no such thing as ghosts, she reminds herself, you are just tired from studying, and it’s all in your head.  But there were stories, many indeed, of a student that died in the library years ago, crushed by a shelf that fell on her as she tried to reach a book that was on the top, and other who took his life on the 90s after losing all his finals.
Those are just stories, she reminds herself as she tries to breathe in and breathe out to calm herself, and get her backpack from the floor, but as soon as she gets up she finds someone standing right in front of her.
She screams.
Someone from the distance shushes.
Throwing her backpack at the mysterious figure she tries to run away, but it grabs her wrist, and she is not able to get away from its grip no matter how hard she tries.  
Her heart is racing inside her chest, she is scared, much more than after waking up from one of those terrible nightmares about the fire where her biological parents died. Her mind isn’t thinking in other thing than running away, than getting into her room and hiding under her blankets, maybe hugging the very cute teddy bear her grandpa gave her when they found out she was the granddaughter he thought he had lost years ago.
“Calm down, Chica Delivery. It’s me,” a male voice she knows pretty well gets into her ears, calming her down, throwing all fear away from her body. She looks back at him, stopping her intends to scape, and as soon as their eyes meet, she manages to let go of his grip with a swipe.
“Are you crazy, Matteo?! You scared me to death!” she claims, wishing to have something to throw at his stupid face when she sees him grinning. He’s just- Ugh! She can’t stand him, or his stupid smile, or his perfect eyes, or that hair of him where she wants to dig her hands in, and…
“Ouch, I didn’t know I was that ugly,” he teases, and then bends down to pick up the backpack, and then offers it back to her. “Let’s make it a tie. I mean, you almost killed me with this,” he adds, as she gets her belongings back.
“I didn’t meant to… it was your fault for scaring me,” she fires back.
“Oh right, keep blaming me,” he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. Oh shit, she thinks, he’s wearing one of those stupid vests that look way too good on him. Her sanity decides to submit her resignation, there’s no way she could handle him. “What are you doing here at these hours, anyway?” he asks. “I thought your roommate was the kind of person who would be okay with you studying in your room no matter what time.” She has to look away when he carelessly supports his side on the shelf.
How does he always looks so good?
“She is,” she defends her, frowning at him. Nina is one of the few people she has met in Buenos Aires that she can confidently call a true friend. “But our neighbors finished their finals today, and threw a party to celebrate,” she explains, with a shrug.
He puts a grimace.
“Whoa, that sucks,” he says, and for once he agrees with him.
“Tell me about it!” she replies, and another shush comes from an undetermined place in the library. She lowers her voice. “And you? What are you doing here at this hour? I thought you had a fancy flat with enough space to study, even if you have the loudest roommate, which you don’t,” she asks, and his stupidly attractive grin gets wider.
“Can I ask how you know that?” he rises his eyebrows, and she swears under her breath. She can’t tell him that her roommate has a crush on his roommate, that’s practically breaking all the rules of friendship.
She goes for a better excuse.
“You seem to forget that your ex-girlfriend is my cousin.”
“And it seems like you have paid too much attention to what she says about me,” he fires back with a cocky smile. His fresa attitude drives her insane. “But, don’t worry, it’s normal to want to know more about me, you are not the only girl who does that at the campus.” She rolls her eyes.
“Whoa, Chico Fresa, I thought your ego couldn’t grow bigger,” she replies, sarcastically. Then reminds him:  “You still haven’t answered my question.” He shrugs.
“This is just a really nice puns-free environment to study,” he briefly answers, looking away as if something has ashamed him. How come? She frowns, and he changes his attitude in a click. “Anyway, are you going back at your dorm now? I can give you a ride.” She’s about to reject his offer, but he interrupts her. “I know you live inside the campus, but it’s still dangerous to walk there alone at this hour, so please let me take you there.” How could she refuse his offer after those words? She ends up accepting.
His car seat is the most comfortable thing she has ever sit on, she thinks, as she closes her eyes and lets the sound of the engine, and the delicious smell of his cologne (the one that seems to dominate the place) lull her, to the point of even falling asleep for a few seconds.
She hears him chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” she asks, her eyes still closed.
“Nothing,” his response comes quickly, but then it seems like he gives up. “It’s just… you almost look inoffensive right now.” She sticks her tongue out at him, and he giggles.
Then they stay silent for a couple of minutes, in whose she nervously drums with her fingers.
“So, I went to the Jam & Roller last night and saw the Roller Band playing,” he casually says, as if taking those words out of his mouth wouldn’t have cost all of his courage. “Your boyfriend and his bandmates are really good,” he adds, as he parks in front of her building.
“Yeah, they ar… wait, boyfriend?” She looks at him, confused.
“Yes, the guitarist is your boyfriend. Isn’t him?” he frowns.
He saw them being very affectionate with each other some weeks ago, at the skating rink, and that restrained his attempts to get closer to her, to let her know how much he likes her. Gastón wouldn’t leave him alone since then, of course, bugging him about how an idiot he was for letting those assumptions stop him from getting the girl, as if he wasn’t MATTEO BALSANO, the king of the rink, the one who always gets everything he wants, and throwing bad puns and references about Luna at any given opportunity.
“No, we are not,” she replies. “He’s my best friend, I know him since I lived in Cancun, why would you think we are dating?” She asks, and he glances away, looking kind of ashamed.
“I just supposed it as you seem to be so close,” he answers, with a shrug. Internally, he is dancing la Macarena, and opening a bottle of tequila. He might indeed do that as soon as he gets to his flat.
Luna and Simon aren’t a couple.
He has a chance.
He needs to make a plan, and fast, step up his game and get a date before she leaves the car. He isn’t going to miss any more time, not after the disaster the past month has been.
“But I guess I was wrong,” he adds, turning off the engine of the car. She makes an overacted face of surprise, and takes her hand to his forehead, as she’s testing if he has fever.
“Are you ok, Chico Fresa?” she asks, her really bad acting making him smile. “You just admitted you were wrong about something, so this is either you dying from some sickness or a miracle,” she teases, and he cackles.
“Ha-ha, Very funny, Chica Delivery,” he takes her hand out of his forehead, even if he would have wanted it to stay there for a little longer. He casually forgets to release it, tho. “Then, if he is not your boyfriend, I guess there wouldn’t be a problem if I invite you out for a milkshake one of these days… like, for example, tonight?” he suggests, knowing he’s risking a lot with this proposal. He slowly releases her hand. After her response he will have either a date with the girl he fancies since they met, or the biggest rejection of his whole life. The only one that would have mattered. “I mean, I owe you that for scaring you today.” Yes, he thought, make it sound as casual as possible.
She frowns.
“I thought we were even after I almost killed you with my backpack,” she replies, and he’s almost sure she will say no, he could feel it in his bones, or maybe those were just his insecurities kicking in. Since he met her, he knows how it feels to be afraid of not being enough for someone, of being rejected. She takes what seems like an eternity to consider his offer. “But, who am I to refuse such an invitation?” He felt his own smile growing on his face, as the cloud of doubt fades away. “Tonight is perfect, I will need lots of sweet after failing my exam,” she confesses.
“You won’t fail it, Chica Delivery. Stop being so negative,” he tries to cheer her up, bopping on her nose, making her wrinkle it. “I’ll pick you up around seven, is it okay for you?” he asks, and she nods with a bright smile.
“It’s a dat…” she interrupts herself, getting as red as a tomato. “I mean, it’s a… a deal,” she stutters and then bites her lower lip. He laughs and nods, but in his mind he is the one doing it.
“It’s a deal,” he agrees, and then both of them say goodbye. He might have intentionally missed her cheek while kissing her goodbye, touching the corner of her lips instead.
“Hey,” she tells him, putting half of her body through the window after closing the door, as her height wouldn’t help her much. “Send me a message when you get home, ok?” she asks him, and he couldn’t help but smile back at her and nod. If he wasn’t before, now he is sure that he is deeply in love with her.
 You (sent 3:40am)
I’m home, Chica Delivery.
ChicaDelivery (sent 9:31am)
I’m so sorry, I fell asleep.
And I’m running late for my final!
Thanks for not forgetting about the message.
See you tonight?
You (sent 9:38am)
It’s ok. I hope you get there on time.
And I’m glad you didn’t forget about our deal.
See you tonight, Chica Delivery ;)!
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smartgirlreporting · 6 years
The rest of the number asks?
1 Whats your (full) name?
Katherine Lillian [blocked]
4 What star sign does that make it?
6 Whats your lucky number?
8 Where are you from?
I myself am from Staten Island, but my father lived in Florida until he moved to Manhattan to be with my mom.
9 How tall are you?
10 What shoe size are you?
7-7 ½ depending on the brand
12 What would you do if you won the lottery?
Probably donate it all?
14 Which form of public transport do you prefer?
15 What talents do you have?
Writing, I guess? Being able to set a kitchen fire with next to no effort?
16 Can you juggle?
18 Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear?
Used to.
20 Are you a good actor?
Not at all.
21 Are you a good writer?
Well, as a reporter, I’d certainly hope so.
22 Have you ever been bungee jumping?
24 What types of holidays do you prefer?
Ones where everyone gets together.
25 Whats the furthest you’ve ever been on vacation?
26 What was your favorite vacation?
Every time I go to Florida is my favorite because I get to see my grandmother, go to the beach, and go to Disney!
27 Where would your dream vacation be?
Probably a small town just to see what it’s like.
28 Can you tap dance?
A little! I took mother/daughter tap classes with my mom in elementary school.
30 Whats your favorite sport?
32 Whats your favorite pizza topping?
Used to be extra cheese and ham, but now it’s whatever Romeo put on the pizza he brought me yesterday is my new favorite.
33 Whats your favorite movie?
Anastasia, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or Legally Blonde
34 Whats your favorite song?
Make It Last by Nicole Henry
35 Do you want children?
36 Do you want a church wedding?
I want a nice wedding. Doesn’t have to be in a church.
38 Do you like reality TV programs?
When I need mindless tv, sure
39 Do you like TV talent shows?
Not really
40 If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?
Letting my father become bitter.
42 Are you any good at pool?
I’m actually pretty good at it!
44 Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
No. And hopefully never will be. I hate that place.
45 Have you ever had any brushes with the law?
I was arrested once because of my father, but otherwise, no.
46 Have you ever been on TV?
48 Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair?
I actually do all three? I towel dry while I get dressed, then blow dry it most of the way, then let the rest air dry.
49 What color socks are you wearing?
Do tights count as socks?
50 If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
Somewhere not as fancy.
51 Would you like to be a big celebrity?
52 How big is your TV?
I don’t actually know, it came with the apartment
54 Have you ever been skinny dipping?
55 How many Pillows do you sleep with?
56 What position do you often sleep in?
On my side
57 What do you wear to bed?
58 Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
60 Do you like scary movies?
They’re not my favorite but they aren’t bad.
62 Have you ever been in a newspaper?
For articles, yeah.
63 Have you ever fired a gun?
64 Have you ever tried archery?
Yeah! It’s a lot of fun, I wish there was somewhere here I could do it more.
65 What’s your favorite condiment?
Honey mustard
66 What’s your favorite clean word?
68 What’s your least favorite word?
Actually, when it’s being spoken in a condescending tone
69 What was the last movie you saw?
Ocean’s 8!
70 What football team do you support?
I don’t watch football?
72 What’s the tallest building you’ve ever been up?
The 88th floor of 432 Park Ave
74 When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A model for my great grandmother, actually.
75 If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
Probably my last name? Just so I wasn’t living under my family legacy.
76 What’s the longest you’ve ever grown your hair?
I don’t know. I know I’ve had it down to the middle of my back?
77 Are you scared of flying?
A little. I do it often, but I still end up anxious the whole time.
78 Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes?
A few times!
80 Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If I have, I haven’t known about it.
81 If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
Do I end up happy?
82 Do you hold grudges?
84 Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?
I decorate inside, the only outside I have is my door.
85 Can you solve Sudoku puzzles?
Yep! I do them when I can’t sleep.
86 Whats the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
This morning with Bill, over if cats could spit like llamas.
87 Are you much of a daredevil?
Oh no.
88 Are you a good liar?
Not at all.
90 What has been your worst haircut/style?
When I was 7.
91 Can you ice skate?
Not very well.
92 Can you do a somersault?
93 Whats your favorite joke?
A bear walks into a bar and says “One whiskey and… coke.” The bartender asks, “why the big pause?” He replies, “I don’t know, I was born with them.”
94 Have you ever sleepwalked?
Not that I know of.
95 Whats your favorite TV commercial?
The most recent Vegas one from the Tony’s!
96 What traditionally adorns the top of your Christmas tree?
A star
98 Can you impersonate anyone famous?
Not really
99 Can you do any accents other than your own?
100 Do you have a strong local accent?
I don’t know? If I do, I’ve never noticed it.
102 When was the last time you had to dress fancy?
Last time I HAD to was Sunday for a brunch.
104 How do you have your eggs?
Usually scrambled.
105 Whats your favorite saying?
“Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
106 Can you stand on your hands unassisted?
108 Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door?
Bill and Darcy so we could watch Brooklyn 99!
110 What is your dream?
I have too many.
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gilrlikegirl · 7 years
Buckle up y'all this is gonna be a lonnggg one.
I know that I truly love her because she hurt me on a whole another level and I still love her. I have a right to be mad at her, but I’m not. I “should be” speaking poorly of her, but I’m not, I only speak positively about her. I could have flipped out on her, but I didn’t, I don’t want to, I see no need to. I could be the most bitter thing towards her, but I’m not, I don’t want to be, I let her go knowing that I love her and I always will, she will always have someone to turn to. I could have left her before she got the chance to leave me, but I didn’t, I gave her the decision, because if it was up to me we would be in each other’s lives forever. I want her to be free, I want her to be happy, I want her to know that she matters, I want her to know she is so dearly loved, I want her to know she is so incredibly unique and special, I want her to know I will always love her, I want her to know that my arms will always be wide open for her, I want her to know that I have yet to find anything that compares to her, I want her to know that she is so valued, I want her to know that there will always be a spark of love in my heart for her, I want her to know that I love all of her, even though I don’t know every single detail of her life, I see who she is because of it, she is strong and beautiful and so gentile and she has been hurt, I can see those parts of her and I love her. I don’t only love her because she is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, I loved her because she was raw, she had such spark about certain things, she understood, she listened, she was patient, she had a way with words, she could make me melt in a single sentence, she worked so hard, she made me feel like I mattered to someone, to at least her and that is all I needed in life, she gave purpose to life, she saw the beauty of things and the sad side of things, her mind took a while to learn, but once I got a drift of how it worked I fell in love, she has so much genuine love for her pets, she was true, she was the definition of cuteness, she was such a goofball, she had sass, she changed me, she made me happy, she made me smile, she made me cry, she made me sad. She was the only person I let my walls down for. I gave her my heart and forever I think she will have it, maybe one day it won’t be all of it, but she will always have the majority of it. I wanted to know all of her. I wanted to know her full story of life. I wanted to know why she is the person she is, I wanted to understand her in a way that no one had before, I wanted to be the one for her, I wanted to know all major events of her life, all the little ones too, I wanted to know the little things that she loved, the tiny facts that no one pays attention to, I wanted to truly know her, I wanted to feel her pain and joy, I wanted to know her favorite memories and her least favorite, I wanted to know her favorite thing about herself, I wanted to know her least favorite thing about herself. I wanted her to know I would love her no matter what. I wanted to spoil her, I wanted to take her on dates, I wanted to love her in her best and worst moments, I wanted to take her places, I wanted to finish that game of 20 questions, I wanted to love her through every mood and phase, I wanted to take her to the movies and leave not even knowing what the movie was about, I wanted to hold her hand, I wanted to give her my jacket when she got cold, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to kiss her forehead just because I could, I wanted to stare into her beautiful eyes and just think “wow”, I wanted to take her out to dinner, I wanted to stargaze with her by my side, I wanted to give her a massage after a long day at work, I wanted to dance in the rain with her, I wanted to hold her at night when she got frightened because of a nightmare, I wanted to fall asleep next to her, I wanted to wake up next to her, I wanted to see her do something she loved and watch how she would light up, I wanted to go on deep conversation walks, I wanted to be with her, I just wanted to be in her presence, I wanted to do that cute little run hug thing and then fall on our butts because it’s not a movie, I wanted to show her everything, I wanted to take her to New York City and Paris, I wanted to love her forever, I wanted to wake up every day just feeling so happy because I got to be with my love, I wanted to take her to that place she dreamed about, where we could love each other endlessly, where we could be ourselves without worries, where we would shiver from closeness, where nothing would stand in our way, where it would be every thing that she dreamed of and so much more, I want to take her there and be with her. I wanted to fall asleep listening to her voice, I wanted to show up at her work and order breakfast, only paying in change, because I know it annoys the crap out of her, I wanted to look at her, I mean just look at her, take in her beauty, I wanted to know every scar on her body and where it came from, I wanted to give her some of my own clothes, so that she would think of me every time she wore them, I wanted to buy her everything that her little heart desired, I wanted to give my little girl a kiss whenever she was down, I wanted to be a brat whenever she would try to kiss me and turn my head so that she would end up kissing my cheek, then she would get upset and she would make me kiss her, I wanted to tell her all of my useless knowledge, I wanted to tell her all of my stupid thoughts and ideas, I wanted to horribly sing love songs to her, I wanted her to meet my puppy, I wanted to meet her little bunny, I wanted to do all stupid cheesy sappy stuff with her, I wanted to teach her how to play soccer, I wanted to watch the sunset with her, I wanted to wake up early and see the sunrise with her, I wanted to enjoy her favorite month (October) together, I wanted to tackle her into a pile of leaves and then run away from her chasing me trying to tackle me, I wanted to carve a pumpkin with her, I wanted to just sit with her watching the leaves fall, enjoying the silence that we rarely ever have, I wanted to wake up extra early to make her breakfast, I wanted to get all bundled up with her go to the beach and watch the way the waves crash onto the shore, and see how the fall waves differ from the summer time waves, I wanted to catch lightning bugs with her and then let them go because we want them to be free, I wanted to take her to Starbucks and get the cliche seasonal drinks, I wanted to go through a flipping corn maze holding her hand, and I wanted to get lost doing so because we were being such morons, I wanted to watch her kick ass on the court, I wanted to kiss her in the moonlight on a night time fall walk, because I can’t resist kissing my little cutie, I wanted to be with her while the seasons changed and we had to deal with the terrible winters that we get up here, I wanted to play in the snow with her, because we truly are children at heart, I wanted to tackle her into pile of snow and again have to run away from her chasing me, I wanted to catch snow flakes on our tongues, I wanted to have snowball fights with her, I wanted to go ice skating for my first time with her, and you know of course fall on my ass and have her laugh at me, I wanted to go around looking at Christmas lights with her, and a cup of hot chocolate of course, then I wanted to kiss her when the ball drops and we start a New Year, after that I wanted to give her the absolute best birthday and birthday present ever, whatever that would have been, I would have made it happen. I wanted her to be my cheesy valentine I wanted to buy her a teddy bear and all of that stuff, I wanted to take her out on a ton of dates, whether that be dinner, a movie, stargazing, napping, breakfast, watching the sunset, dancing at 4 in the morning, watching the sun rise, cuddling, going to a carnival, or anything really. I wanted to get to know her in a way that I have never known anyone else before, I wanted to know all about her, I wanted to know all of her thoughts, I wanted to know all of her ideas, I wanted to bring her flowers, I wanted to give her everything, I wanted to be there when she gets sick so that I could give her soup and medicine and make sure that she rests and gets better, I wanted to be there when she gets a tummy ache and just needs to relax, I wanted to do all of this and soooooo much more. She will always be my 11:11 wish, my birthday wish, and my wish upon a star. I truly do think that I love her, I can’t say for sure because love never really was my forte. I believe that I am, because if I’m not in love with her, then what the hell does actually falling in love feel like?!?! Like that must be some crazy shit! I mean this is some crazy shit that I’m feeling to begin with soo….
Thank you for reading my “rant”. If anyone is hurting, I’ve heard that it gets better eventually. I feel your pain, we are all hurting together. Try listening to some Halsey she understands pain. Huge thank you to you guys too! Thank you for letting me air out my thoughts, feelings, and pain, it has helped me so much!
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turntechhex · 7 years
Answer All The "Go on, ask!" Questions
god dammit ill put it all under the cut because its long
Whats your (full) name?dave koume striderHow old are you?twentyWhats your Birthday?december thirdWhat star sign does that make it?libraWhats your favorite color?pastel redWhats your lucky number?shrugging noisesDo you have any pets?a burrowing owl her name is albinaHow tall are you?5'5" dirk is taller than me by an inchWhat shoe size are you?6What was your last dream about?fighting a porcupineWhat would you do if you won the lottery?use the money so me and my twin can run away and live a happy life far away from where we are nowWould you like to build/design your own house?sureWhich form of public transport do you prefer?the subwayCan you juggle?noCan you solve a rubix cube?noDo you have a cherished childhood teddy bear?nahAre you psychic in any way?nopeAre you a good actor?im decent Are you a good writer?not reallyHave you ever been bungee jumping?god noHave you ever been canoeing/kayaking?yeah a while agoWhat types of holidays do you prefer?ones with lots of foodWhats the furthest you’ve ever been on vacation?we went to prince edward island once its pretty thereWhat was your favorite vacation?the one i just talked aboutWhere would your dream vacation be?going somewhere shady and quiet and rainy with dirk for a weekCan you tap dance?pfft noWhats your favorite animal?any kind of birdWhats your favorite sport?softballWhats your favorite food?oyster burgers Whats your favorite pizza topping?banana peppersWhats your favorite movie?the sixth senseWhats your favorite song?ground control by all time lowDo you want children?i dont knowmaybe somedayif i could find a good person to raise them withwhen im a bit olderDo you want a church wedding?noAre you religious?noDo you like reality TV programs?not really Do you like TV talent shows?yesIf you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?i would screw over the witch huntersHow many hats do you own?like threeAre you any good at pool?god noWhats the highest you’ve ever jumped into the water from?ive been cliff jumping beforeHave you ever been admitted to hospital?many timesHave you ever had any brushes with the law?the government is actively searching me out so yeahHave you ever been on TV?noDo you prefer baths or showers?showers Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair?towel drying so it stays nice and fluffyWhat color socks are you wearing?grayIf you could live anywhere, where would that be?idk somewhere safe and secluded by a forest or in a forestWould you like to be a big celebrity?no i like my privacyHow big is your TV?uh decent i thinkWhat type of music do you like?indie music mostlyHave you ever been skinny dipping?no but maybe somedayHow many Pillows do you sleep with?like sixWhat position do you often sleep in?curled up in a ballpreferably next to someoneWhat do you wear to bed?pajama pants or nothingDo you prefer sunrises or sunsets?sunsetsWhat do you typically have for breakfast?egg on toastDo you like scary movies?no i panic easilyWhats your favorite ice cream flavor?easily Have you ever been in a newspaper?not to my knowledge Have you ever fired a gun?yeahHave you ever tried archery?noWhat’s your favorite condiment?relishWhat’s your favorite clean word?auraWhat’s your favorite swear word?shitWhat’s your least favorite word?flap it sounds weirdWhat was the last movie you saw?emperors new groove What football team do you support?uh none?What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?79 hours aboutWhat’s the tallest building you’ve ever been up?im not sure Do you have any scars?i have manyWhen you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?i legit wanted to be a great horned owlIf you could change anything about yourself what would it be?change myself so im not so open about everythingWhat’s the longest you’ve ever grown your hair?shoulder length Are you scared of flying?noHave you ever tie-dyed your own clothes?when i was seven or somethingAre you reliable?yesHave you ever had a secret admirer?how would i knowIf you could ask your future self one question what would it be?did you keep them safeDo you hold grudges?dependsIf you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create?owl and a sharkDo you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?not really Can you solve Sudoku puzzles?noAre you much of a daredevil?yeahAre you a good liar?hell yesHow long could you go without talking?about an hour i guessWhat has been your worst haircut/style?once i thought that a zig zag cut would be coolCan you ice skate?not without slippingCan you do a somersault?yesWhats your favorite joke?sounds like thats a life hexHave you ever sleepwalked?haha yeahWhats your favorite TV commercial?that one where the kid is dressed as Garth vaderWhat traditionally adorns the top of your Christmas tree?a starWhat would be your dream sandwich?a hot thanksgiving sandwichCan you impersonate anyone famous?noCan you do any accents other than your own?not reallyDo you have a strong local accent?strong like my twin not in writing thoughDo you prefer blue or black inked pens?blackWhen was the last time you had to dress fancy?high school graduationDo you prefer green or red grapes?greenHow do you have your eggs?poachedWhats your favorite saying?theres no need to worry so muchCan you stand on your hands unassisted?yesWhat do you have on your fridge door?notes and stuffWho was the last person to knock/ring at your door?corvusWhat is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self?hold onto him and never let go and dont you dateWhat is your dream?to find someone who loves me unconditionally cheesy i know
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okrogers · 6 years
All of the asks
Whats your (full) name? Jenn How old are you? 15 Whats your Birthday? July 13 What star sign does that make it? CancerWhats your favorite color? Blue Whats your lucky number? 14 Do you have any pets? Puppy and cat Where are you from? United States How tall are you? 5'3What shoe size are you? 8What was your last dream about? Oh my god my dog was talking to me it was fucking weird What would you do if you won the lottery? Donate, save and give some to my family Would you like to build/design your own house? Sure why not Which form of public transport do you prefer? Yikes What talents do you have? None Can you juggle? YesCan you solve a rubix cube? YesDo you have a cherished childhood teddy bear? No I have a blanket tho Are you psychic in any way? Lmao no Are you a good actor? Eh Are you a good writer? No Have you ever been bungee jumping? NoHave you ever been canoeing/kayaking? Nope What types of holidays do you prefer? Whats the furthest you’ve ever been on vacation? Texas What was your favorite vacation? OofWhere would your dream vacation be? Iceland to see the northern lights Can you tap dance? Yes!!Whats your favorite animal? DogWhats your favorite sport? Volleyball Whats your favorite food? Lobster Whats your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni Whats your favorite movie? I have a t o n Whats your favorite song? I have so,,, many Do you want children? YesDo you want a church wedding? No Are you religious? NoDo you like reality TV programs? Sometimes Do you like TV talent shows? Y e s If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? OOF How many hats do you own? 0Are you any good at pool? YesWhats the highest you’ve ever jumped into the water from? ??? IdkHave you ever been admitted to hospital? NoHave you ever had any brushes with the law? Nope Have you ever been on TV? YesDo you prefer baths or showers? Showers Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair? Natural drying What color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing socks my dude If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Where i am right now Would you like to be a big celebrity? Eh How big is your TV? 47’ i think What type of music do you like? All Have you ever been skinny dipping? NopeHow many Pillows do you sleep with? 3 What position do you often sleep in? On my side or stomach What do you wear to bed? Shorts and T-shirt Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? B o t h What do you typically have for breakfast? I don’t Do you like scary movies? No Whats your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip or soft serve Have you ever been in a newspaper? YesHave you ever fired a gun? Yes Have you ever tried archery? Nope What’s your favorite condiment? N o n e What’s your favorite clean word? Fuck man idk???What’s your favorite swear word? Fuck What’s your least favorite word? I don’t really have one What was the last movie you saw? Star Wars What football team do you support? PATS What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? 2 Days What’s the tallest building you’ve ever been up? Oh Do you have any scars? YesWhen you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Doctor or lawyer If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? God everything What’s the longest you’ve ever grown your hair?down to my assAre you scared of flying? Kinda Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? Yes Are you reliable? I like to think so Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? Oof Do you hold grudges? No If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create? OH Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? No Can you solve Sudoku puzzles? Absolutely not Whats the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? KINKS Are you much of a daredevil? n o Are you a good liar? Yes How long could you go without talking? Like 10 minutes What has been your worst haircut/style? MY HAIRDRESSER CUT MY HAIR TO THE BOTTOM OF MY FUCKING EARS Can you ice skate? not rly Can you do a somersault? Yes Whats your favorite joke? Have you ever sleepwalked? All the time Whats your favorite TV commercial? I have a ton What traditionally adorns the top of your Christmas tree? Star What would be your dream sandwich? NoCan you impersonate anyone famous? Nope Can you do any accents other than your own? YesDo you have a strong local accent? Kinda but when i get mad it gets really bad Do you prefer blue or black inked pens? Either When was the last time you had to dress fancy? For my friends sweet 16 Do you prefer green or red grapes? R E D How do you have your eggs? I don’t Whats your favorite saying? Can you stand on your hands unassisted? I used to What do you have on your fridge door? Condiments Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? My neighbor What is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self? Life sucks get over it What is your dream? it’s cheesy so
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
What is the title of the strangest book you own?
i would have to look, and most of my books were taken to storage, so i have no clue.
How often do you actually wake up in a good mood?
pretty often thanks to wy.
What can we usually find you doing on a Friday night?
staying home with wyatt or out with jacob, wyatt, jon, and jade.
What would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?
i honestly don’t know anymore. i guess sweets sometimes.
Tell me all about your special lady/gentleman.
he can be such an asshole, but he’s been so supportive of me and he’s currently working two jobs to help support us (he got the second job because he’ll be off a couple weeks soon).
What is the highest outdoor temperature you’ve ever had to endure?
i don’t know. maybe a little over 100 degrees when we visited florida.
And the lowest?
negative degree weather.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you?
oh gosh. i don’t even know. some of the things lilli and rose come up with kill me though.
Do you let your pets on your furniture?
when we didn’t live with my mom, yes. but she’s doesn’t like them being on her couches..
Can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?
not really. i’m bad at that kinds of stuff.
Do you know what things your pet(s) prefers to eat?
yeah... i’ve had her long enough, so i should know.
What would you plant in your dream garden?
vegetables we could eat.
Do you believe in fairies, gnomes, or elves?
lol, as much as i would love for them to be real like in the books i read, no, i don’t.
What does your wallet look like?
black and white zebra stripes.
What is your favorite thing to cook for someone else?
i like using the crockpot. it is so much easier with a baby and things to do. i miss cooking and my crock pot.
Tell me about the last book you read.
it’s young adult fantasy, and i’ve only been able to find in on the kindle store, which bums me out. it’s the first one in a series i’ve read a few times, or at least, i’ve read the first three books a few times. there are several more now. it’s relentless by karen lynch. a girl finds out she’s not quite as human as she thought she was and she gets in all sorts of trouble/adventures, and it’s a good read
Who was the last person to leave you flustered?
jacob i guess.
What’s the last thing you ate that was made with phyllo dough?
i don’t know. i don’t think i’ve eaten anything made with it but i could be wrong.
Have you ever bought underwear simply because it made your underwear drawer look nice?
no i buy underwear i will wear..
Describe the outfit that makes you look and feel your best.
i don’t know. i prefer just jeans and a hoodie.
What can you see from where you’re sitting?
lots of things. i’m sitting on the couch in the living room.
When you have a chance at happiness, do you allow yourself to take it?
What are some bands others would be surprised to find in your music library?
i don’t know, to be honest. i don’t think i have anything that would surprise people...
How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?
i don’t really like them much.
Tell me something about yourself that you’re most proud of.
i was the first in my family to go to and graduate college.
What do you like to dunk in your coffee, if anything?
nothing. i rarely drink coffee though.
What was the subject of the last documentary you watched?
i don’t recall.
What sort of things do you do when you have the entire evening to relax?
cuddle wyatt. read. this. watch tv. whatever.
Are there any books I should check out next time I’m at the library?
depends what you’re into.
Opinions on cold pizza?
i can’t do it anymore.
Do you have a favorite brand of tea?
i don’t drink tea. it hurts my stomach.
What’s the last stupid question you were asked? (Besides these.)
i don’t know. i can’t think of it right off hand.
What’s been on your mind lately?
i just want to run away. just jacob, wyatt, and me.
Tell me about the best thing you created with your own two hands.
he’s not a thing, and i didn’t make him with my hands, and not by myself... but wyatt. haha. hmm. uhm. i guess my papers i wrote for school, if those can count? i do really well with writing essays and things. otherwise, i don’t think i make much..
How strong do you like your coffee?
i don’t know. i don’t care as long as i can add enough creamer so it’s not an overpowering bitter coffee flavor.
Do you feel like you need to get something off your chest?
i guess not.
Describe your morning routine.
get woken up by my alarms, so i wake jacob up for work. i feed wyatt. i go back to sleep for a couple hours. then i wake up and feed wyatt again. i go back to sleep. i get woken up by wyatt hitting my face, arms, stomach, or chest. we play a little. then i get up, get dressed, take wyatt out to the living room and change his diaper.
What strange food combinations do you thoroughly enjoy?
i don’t think i eat any strange food combinations. some people in my family think it’s strange when i eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but i mostly did that when i was pregnant.
What’s your favorite Elvis song?
teddy bear. my dad used to sing it on karaoke and i loved when he did. he doesn’t really sing anymore even though he should.
Are there any songs you wish your favorite band would cover?
none come to mind.
Do you enjoy talking on the phone?
no. i hate it with a passion. i would rather someone just text me.
Are you currently waiting for something to come in the mail?
yes. i swear to god if hot topic cancels my order again because they end up not having what i ordered in stock, even though it doesn’t say it’s out of stock, i will be pissed. it has ashley’s now super late birthday present, and the main parts of erin and ashley’s christmas gifts, which they likely won’t get until the day after christmas, assuming it doesn’t get cancelled on me AGAIN.
Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed?
nicely dressed, to be honest.
What makes your best friend the best?
she puts up with me and even if we don’t talk for days, when we do start back up, it’s like we haven’t stopped.
When was the last time you felt incredibly stupid or embarrassed?
probably last weekend when i went ice skating for the first time. but i got it pretty quickly and had fun.
How do you go about cheering someone up?
depends on the person i’m trying to cheer up. different things for different people.
How would you react if someone told you they had feelings for you?
that’s always weird.
Serenade me with some lyrics from the song currently stuck in your head.
i don’t have a song stuck in my head.
What is the last thing you wrote down?
little note i put in jake’s lunch box. just thanking him for being awesome.
Tell me something great about the day/night you’re having.
wyatt is silly and adorable, and he didn’t poop up his back even though it was really close.
Would you ever participate in a suspension?
?? no..
What was the last thing to annoy you?
rose kept giving wyatt her spoon she was using to eat breakfast and then she’d freak out because wyatt had her spoon.
Name five things that begin with the letter C.
camel, coconut, cow, chef, and crayons.
What’s the title of the last book you bought?
i bought two books.. one as part of ashley’s christmas gift, and one as part of my grandma’s christmas gift. i don’t remember the titles. but i do remember the one i got ashley was by lisa jackson.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas?
i would love to go there actually. check out jensen ackles brewery.
Where do you go when you need to escape?
bedroom or i get in the car and leave with wy.
How big is your town’s library?
i think it’s pretty decent size. i’m sure there are ones a lot bigger, and i’m sure there are ones that are smaller.
Which bands would play in your dream concert?
ed sheeran, lee brice, a.f.i., and maybe mcr.
Do you know of any home remedies that work surprisingly well?
uhhh. spoon full of sugar gets rid of hiccups. it tastes gross though.
If you could make a movie, what would it be about?
i’d want to make a movie about the relentless series i enjoy reading. it’d make a good movie.
Tell someone something they need to know.
you’re part of the reason i can’t wait to get out of here. you’re toxic and i’ll be glad when you won’t be around my child so much (not my family - but jacob’s).
What’s something you’ve never been able to live down?
when i was driving as a teenager. my whole family was in the van, and the entire wheel flew off and went across the street.
What’s something that’s been on your to-do list for awhile?
move out of indiana. it will happen though . we’re actually getting money saved.
How do you take your mind off things?
i don’t. lol.
Tell me a joke.
all the jokes i know are lame, so i’ll spare you.
Do you own a battle jacket?
no. i don’t even know what that is..
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