#but I just hope sooner than later
coming soon(...ish) to an ao3 account near you: the idiot's guide to blindfold chess
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in the meantime, the full piece of this ^^ is on patreon!
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so. if the rooms only appear as the sinners' base egos when they're having a particularly bad time. it seems that heathcliff is just. always having a particularly bad time.
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rolandapostatize · 4 months
it's not surprising ig but it /is/ strange how much people hate arajin. he is a very inoffensive protagonist by the standards of either genre being parodied here, and even considered divorced from that he is still pretty inoffensive (like sexism wise. he is so normal compared to like every single bland audience insert in cishet male wish fulfillment anime. and he even has a personality! which is the point). he is an annoying immature teenage boy and his annoying immature teenage boy antics are literally the foundation of most of the comedy in this comedy anime? even if the comedy doesn't hit for someone, the protagonist is functioning in a way that serves the story (imo. so far. it's still on thin ice to me no matter how much i like it). as for his 'mistreatment' of matakara, avoiding interacting with somebody is literally the mildest thing that you could do to somebody you haven't seen in ages and whom you have complicated feelings about. also i feel like matakara is being kinda idealized in fandom. i like him a lot myself, but continuing to chase after arajin after being rebuffed like a thousand times is literally his own choice, and one that seems to be born out of some deep loneliness or insecurity - which is very interesting to me, it seems like his brother is his only (other) deep emotional connection in the world.
and also i find arajin endearing lmao.
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shoreline-system · 10 months
Plurals that dissociate to deal with chronic pain, I see u and I hope you're doing well + that your symptoms are as manageable as possible in the coming days. Take care
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
okay so. skirk thoughts
first of all: as much as her design is still just kind of an ehhh compared to what couldve been, i do think it looks so much better in the actual game. the sfx in her arms and legs in particular helps a Lot imo. still not a massive fan but given i already loved the hair+eyes as well as the general color scheme, im warming up to it. still unfortunate we didnt get something more ambitious but i can live with this lmao
personality wise i actually really love how they went about her? its a little unexpected but skirk really has that abyss autism rizz to her JSJSIDISGFK love it. like this really isnt someone used to any manner of regular human interactions and it shows. i really like how blunt and utterly unfazed she is even when dropping some insane lore bombs bc theyre just peanuts to her. shes just completely unlike any character from any faction weve encountered before and i rly love the energy they gave her
i also found her little ramble about the value of life and death pretty interesting. it almost makes it sound like she considers herself dead in some way? with how she talks about there being no point in holding onto the bonds and remains of dead things and how this personal philosophy of hers is why she never comes to the surface anymore. like huh. whats up with that.
it also really reminds me of how an underappreciated aspect of childes characterization imo is how like. Incredibly insistent he is on staying alive being the most valuable thing? like this comes up Repeatedly in his voicelines. and now we have skirk literally talking about how to live is in itself a blessing. like i am Not buying this being coincidental at all. so unless they physically disprove me in this somehow down the line im taking this as 100% proof that childes high regard for life is Directly imparted to him through skirks teachings. and thats really interesting to think about.
and like. overall im quite happy with this glimpse of her character we have? i have bigger issues with the overall handling of the childe+narwhal+skirk segment of the AQ but those are narrative problems. skirk really stands out as a character and shes just. really fascinating AND funny as fuck in her nonchalance like. what an icon.
the only real unfortunate thing w her appearence specifically i think just has to do with the way her manner of speech and position as a narrator of dubious reliability to an extent is already leading to some. Quite unfortunate misreadings and/or taking the implications of her statements too far at face value. and i just know fandom will latch onto those forever 😭
(& jic i dont mean dubious reliability in the traditional unreliable narrator or like. lying or sth sense. just that her worldview is so alien and foreign to us that it should be taken into careful account before just blindly running off with any particular thing she claims)
like. firstly. the narwhal. ppl really dont seem to be catching onto how skirks perception of it as just a scuffed pet thats a hassle to manage isnt like. actually reflective of what a massive deal of an entity it is (read the boss fight quest item drop lore i am begging. or just wait for me to start narwhalposting JAJSKDK its coming 100%) 💀💀 what it DOES reflect more than anything is what an absolute maniac surtalogi (+ skirk by extension) has to be in order to claim a creature of this magnitude as a PET of all things. its also good to note that skirk herself readily admits both her highly unconventional view on most things AND that her master wont necessarily share any and all information with her - more so what he thinks is pertinent for her to know. her assessment of the narwhal as a nuisance of a task for a disciple isnt really reflective of the ultimate big picture HSJDKDKSK though it is very funny i have to admit.
im just preemptively annoyed and frustrated by it already bc its highkey giving azhdaha all over again where 99% of fandom just dismissed his deeper lore bc they took the storytellers claims of zhongli creating him at complete face value. like to the point hoyo had to literally add a whole segment at the end of the chasm interlude where zhongli more or less directly wink wink nod nods that a career entertainer isnt giving you the most accurate lore on this stuff 😭😭 like please. ive had the tears from among the stars lore fucking HAUNTING me ever since i first read it. its not just a silly pet whale im hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and secondly. people really jumping the gun on "haha skirk thinks childe weak" when she was... quite literally speaking in past tense JSJSKDKSISKDK thats ajax 14 not the current state of things. while i do agree skirks power level is still way above his to the point i absolutely do think she considers him weak from her standpoint & ways off from his true potential, id also just.... like to point out that she pretty much confirms that her view of his competence has very much changed too? like please yall
skirk, who in all the years post ajax' 3 day abyss trip made NO effort to contact or keep up with him whatsoever and stated that her disciple wasnt worth even speaking to in the past has now LITERALLY voiced the intent to assign him the task of being a messenger between herself (possibly even surtalogi) and neuvillette. and she has made it VERY clear that she views the communication between herself and neuvillette (and traveler too) as one between equals?
this isnt her assigning childe some irrelevant side quest to keep him busy but actually utilizing him for a task she takes at least relatively seriously. like wdym she still considers him the exact same as before 😭😭😭😭 like obviously childes far off from being regarded as anywhere near an equal by skirk bc SHES just that insanely powerful but seriously. to me this is as clear an acknowledgement of his growth on her part as we will get JSJSKDKFKSKDKJ
but alas. everyone loves a "ha ha childe so weak XDDDD" like they just never wanna let that one go. Man
anyway still rly like skirk!!! all im Really hoping for in the future Especially w how i feel the 4.2 narrative while overall brilliant really sidelined and mishandled the potential and gravity of the narwhal side of things is that like. PLEASE let the interlude be the continuation to this 3rd descender n skirk n childe abyss situation i am so fucking tired of khaenri'ah and the abyss order im sorry lmao
also itll be like 4 years before we ever see her in Real action as a combatant but i am already So hype to see that. especially since her powers are so abyssal and alien in nature like thats going to be So gourmet i just know it.
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tai-janai · 11 days
after this week there will be so much content you have no idea
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the-blind-geisha · 27 days
No Shipping Drama, Please
Going to put this here, as I had to deal with this on IG:
I'm going to be a mom for a second tell everyone getting into shipping discourse/ drama is not worth it.
People are allowed to enjoy the same character as you but ship them with other characters (self-insert/ OC/ canon/ etc).
If you don't like what they do, then I can gladly say the block button is your friend, but do NOT spread misinformation about them to others, please!
Saying someone is awful just because you feel threatened by their ship is not the way to behave. ♥
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charm-eb · 1 year
please dont go after me for this
this toook 3 hours of my life and my god
the start is pretty long sorry
its 10pm (actually 11 now) and my way to say i am obsessed over something is make fanmade content of it.
anyways heres the song and the au
(one part of this is a reference to a short comic of mine too and in the part where timmy is talking to someone uhh i cant think of anything so i made it his dad and you can see my motivation going down too lmfao and the part hes "fading away" is just him growing up and his memories fading away i thought it would be a cool detail. and i also almost gave up in the 2 hour mark there was supposed to be a part where timmy is looking at jimmy cofused spongebob and danny was supposed to be in the background and i was going to make it colored fully but i was too lazy. thank you for reading this bullshit im going to go to sleep bye night night! i wish to make the full song one day but it prolly wouldnt fit with the story itself)
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
got the main thing done that I wanted to do today (built a desk/table/shelf thing for the living room), so while it wasn't a great day overall it was alright. I hope I won't be as tired and exhausted tomorrow (I probably will be though because I did more than I should have again today 🙃 and I will keep doing that until everything is done and then I will not get up off the couch for a month.)
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 months
*mild Wingfeather tv show spoilers for season 2*
I'm sad to say that episodes 2 and 3 have absolutely no Peet in them. Which is to be expected, but it doesn't mean that I'm not disappointed. Desperately hoping they pop him in at the beginning/end of the next episode.
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feline-evil · 3 months
I can't think of anything that could kill a generative ai system faster than letting it pull from blogs on here, its going to be fed so many erroneous callouts and pointless discourse posts that its gonna generate a way to speedrun offing itself
#jay talkin#im making jokes but fucking hell the internet sucks nowadays#i love witnessing the rot in real time (<--said extremely mentally healthily haha u can trust)#im listening to monkey wrench on repeat. feeling normal#i mean hey yr shits already been jacked by ai if it was gonna be. sorry. it woulda happened like last year at its peak#sites being more open abt it now and adding opt out toggles dont mean its just suddenly gonna start happening#believe me they were all already trawled by little ai fucknuts already. sucks but its the truth#ai bros notably do not care abt legality they have already trawled every site. all u can do is fight back best u can#damage has been done. dont fall into despair via scaremongering and doom posting#do what u can to protect yrself and yr shit snd spread info on how to do that#glaze yr art if yr an artist. opt out of shit when u can. its fucking rough out here#ai is p solely focused on ripping off whatever is most marketable or 'realistic' bc it is a capitalist leach#and nobody involved in it has a soul enough to recognise art if it spat in their face#it fucking sucks that we're still dealing w it but i promise u this capitalist mass-market tendency#is gonna end up w it poisoning itself w its own shite imagery to the point of death so#it WILL fuck off eventually. hold on w the hope of that ok. n protect yr shit. alright#oh and dont share any info u wldnt want stolen but u shldnt be doing that anyway for internet safety reasons#love u all my artists in arms i hope ai dies sooner rather than later and i hope u get to piss on its corpse#love the lawsuit speedruns this place is pulling lately. yall hadnt had yr fill last week huh
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
Dear Crystal,
I come to you in this moment of crisis and joy, hoping my words won't bother you or make you feel pressured, but I really hope all this new (endearing, loving, heartfelt) new content inspires in you some words of that (precious, gorgeous, funny) man in fic form.
It's beyond my understanding why all of the sudden I'm writing to you like I'm a victorian lady in distress (perhaps because I am, and I have been on the verge of tears since he posted earlier today), but alas.
With love,
Dearest Ana,
I am ever grateful for your correspondence and I hear your plea. I pray it brings you joy to know that I could never deny any blessings the artful muses choose to bestow upon me should they grace me with their presence. I appreciate your steadfast encouragement despite my recently regretful absence as a litterateur. It is my hope better, more fruitful days are ahead in regards to this matter.
Until we meet again (likely at the next summoning of our most favored yet fiendish gentleman bard),
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sunlightfeeling · 14 days
girl help im so close to outright quitting this job
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spookyboywhump · 1 month
Generally I find it hard to feel disappointed or let down by people who I never expected anything better from but at this point it’s not even disappointment it’s just. Plain confusion I guess. It’s hard to comprehend the fact that there are people offering the last dollar they have if it will help someone they’ve never met, people finding ways in between shitty work schedules and general life bullshit to raise awareness within their community, people with little time, little resources, little energy doing whatever little things they can to hopefully add up to some change, and all the while there are these people who could easily make a massive difference, even just in raising awareness or a show of solidarity, at very little cost to themselves, and they just simply choose not to. And it shouldn’t be confusing because I know why, they don’t care because they don’t have to care, it doesn’t benefit them or their goals, it doesn’t effect them so they choose to ignore it. But even though I know that’s the reason I still find it hard to understand how they can just be okay with that while others far less privileged than them are doing the absolute most they can with what they have and still worrying that it’s not enough.
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seventh-district · 3 days
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent post#vent#cw vent post#cw vent#cw health#cw medical#cw medication#cw death#death mention#after nearly 2 weeks of unexplained pain and Symptoms and working myself up into the worst panic attack of my life#i finally caved and went to urgent care :)#it’s not lost on me that the same thing happened a little over a year ago. not bc of the same symptoms but it’s the same fear of dying#smthn smthn if i had a nickel smthn smthn weird that it happened twice. i rlly hope this doesn’t become a pattern#i can picture it now. every spring i walk in and they’re like ‘ugh it’s the neurotic hypochondriac with 4 anxiety disorders again 🙄#wonder what they think they’re dying of this time!’#sigh. anyways i’m fine. probably.#the consensus was ‘no you’re Probably not gonna have a stroke and die. you’re just Very stressed and in a lot of pain.’#got diagnosed with Stressed Guy Syndrome so now i take ✨painkillers✨ and ✨muscle relaxers✨ 🙃#they wanted me to take a steroid shot too but that felt like overkill. it’s also a big step for me to be willing to take anything at all#not bc i’m scared of getting a shot in the neck i’m just. scared of medication in general. the side effects. the potential for dependency.#it’s only for a week but i’m still uncomfy with it. but it Is nice to be in less pain. tho i have my doubts that it’ll help long term#time will tell. but i still can’t shake the fear of the tiny chance that it Could be more serious. but it’s not big enough for them to test#for it so. just gotta live with the fear. which in turn is making it hard to relax. which is what i’m supposed to be doing. so.#anyways. i Hope the meds work and i don’t end up back there next week spending More money and seeking more treatment#sighhhh i just can’t catch a break these days. it’s Always Something#at least the electricity and internet are back on after the tornado last week. and at least i’m not in much pain for now. silver linings.#sorry to everyone i’ve unintentionally ghosted but it’s been hard to think through the pain and now the meds are making me eepy#hopefully i’ll recover and recharge my social battery sooner than later. bc i do feel v bad abt it#and it’s So nice to sleep without much pain so i’m. taking advantage of that this week. Seven Try To Relax Challenge 2024
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allylikethecat · 3 days
“Your last emergency call was you crying over not having any more sweets at your place, so excuse me for being distrustful.” This reminds me of the eye fic when George had to come over in the middle of the night haha. Could still be cute for something else tho
OK SO I know I have an absolute bajillion prompts that are much older than this one in my inbox. This prompt is actually from today. However kind anon, this was my favorite prompt from the Late Night Call Prompts list and I got way too excited about it because you're right, it also reminds ME of the eye infection fic and then it got me thinking... what if Fictional!Matty really was calling for a dumb reason this time lol Anyway I have decided that I'm going to try and keep my prompt fills to around 500 words moving forward so that hopefully I'll actually be able to fill some of these. And because I got excited I filled this one first. Anyway, here it is, it's silly but I enjoyed working on it and I hope you like it too! Thank you so much for the continued support and sending me this prompt request! I hope you had a lovely Tuesday and that you have a great rest of your week!
“Your last emergency call was you crying over not having any more sweets at your place, so excuse me for being distrustful.”
“Yes Matthew?” George answered on the fourth ring, barely catching the call before it went to voicemail. His voice was thick with sleep and Matty felt a pang of guilt for waking him up but quickly pushed it away. 
“What do you mean, yes Matthew?” Matty asked, crossing his arms over his chest even though he knew that George couldn’t see him. George was thousands of miles away in LA, where it was very much the middle of the night. Meanwhile Matty was stuck in London with a sinus infection, his doctor advising him it was best to sit this one out. He had only been going to LA with George as moral support and to sit on the beach anyway, while he worked on Charli’s new record. “What if it was some kind of emergency? What if I was in the hospital? What if I was dying, George?” 
“I would hope you’d call Ross or Adam then because I am nearly six thousand miles away and thus unable to help you if  you were in the hospital,” said George with a yawn, his voice sounding far away and tinny through Matty’s speaker phone. It made his heart ache, he didn’t want George to be so far away, especially when he was still feeling poorly despite the antibiotics. 
“Well what if it was some other kind of emergency then?” Matty asked, George would be home in a few days, but it still felt like a few days too long. 
“Matthew,” said George, the exasperation obvious in his voice. “Your last emergency call was you crying over not having any more sweets at your place, so excuse me for being distrustful.” 
“Okay first off,” said Matty, “I was extremely stoned and I couldn’t remember how my legs worked to go to the store and get more, so it really was an emergency, if I didn’t have something with chocolate as soon as possible I might have actually died.”
George yawned again, “can we stop talking about you dying?” George asked, “I know you’re a dramatic little fuck but I don’t like the idea of that.” 
Matty huffed, not appreciating being called dramatic or little but also somehow warmed that George didn’t like him joking about his death. 
“Fine,” said Matty, picking at a loose thread on his sweatpants. “How is LA?” 
“Hot and sunny,” said George, “and the middle of the night.” He yawned again. 
“If you don’t want to talk to me that’s fine,” said Matty and George sighed. 
“I do want to talk to you, I always want to talk to you,” said George, wishing Matty would just get to the point, he had clearly called for a reason and was dancing around the topic. “It’s just the middle of the night and I’m tired, so if you could get to the point that would be great.” 
“It’s fine,” said Matty, running his fingers through his hair, suddenly feeling silly, “it’s not that big of a deal, you’re right it’s not an emergency or anything it can wait.” 
“Matthew,” said George, he just wanted to go back to sleep. “You already have me on the line, and it was obviously important to you to call me this late. What’s up?” 
Matty swallowed hard, bracing himself for George’s reaction. “Em, what’s the Netflix password again?” 
Matty sighed as he was met with the dial tone. George had hung up on him. 
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