#but 1) cost and 2) salt content
queen-mabs-revenge · 4 months
on the one hand it's a relief that my little furfreak refusing to eat isn't a loss of appetite, but on the other hand the fact that she just ate an entire can of tuna but refuses to eat anything else is just apex asshole behavior what point are you starving yourself to prove, babe???
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netherworldpost · 10 months
With the various rumors and releases of Tumblr possibly changing how they do things... (gestures to the vague rumor mill)...
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I really think we as Folks Who Make Things and Folks Who Like Art Writing Poetry Music Comics Other Things need to explore zines. And I mean ZINES. Nothing glossy. Nothing fancy.
Very. Cheap. Zines.
I've been threatening mentioning I was going to create a guide on how I'm going to approach this -- and I'm going to -- but I am also realizing in the writing I Do Things Highfalutin because I am who I am + had a career in graphic design.
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Let's talk about how you can make a zine very cheaply and very pretty.
Very bright paper. I like "Astrobrights" because they are absurdly bright. Here is a link in a store I like. I buy a lot of paper and envelopes from them. You can generally find Astrobrights in big box office stores. It prints on laser printers and ink jet and photocopiers.
Very bright envelopes. What's that? Astrobrights has envelopes?! AM I SOLVING PROBLEMS let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Letter paper is 8.5" x 11" and is the most common size in the united states (overseas folk will have to use this advice with a grain o'sea salt and search yer own waters).
A9 envelopes are a letter sheet folded in half.
A2 envelopes are a letter sheet folded in half, then folded in half.
#10 envelopes are your common long envelopes, letter paper folded in thirds.
Pick the size you like.
If you want to get big and fancy, Tabloid is 17" x 11" -- so double a letter sheet. This gets tricky to work with but is neat in sizing.
Do you know how to use InDesign or similar program? Use that.
No? Use Google Docs or Word or whatever other program and ramble.
Want something special? Write out some or part with a sharpee or pen.
Mix and match both.
If you are feeling fancy, design it like a booklet -- mock up a sheet of blank paper as if it were a brochure. If not, just design it straight up and down like a letter. There are no zine laws.
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Print at home on your home printer.
Don't have a printer at home? Print it at work (don't get fired)
Can't? Your local library may be able to help.
You need 1 copy on white paper.
FedEx Office has photocopiers. Your local library may too. Or your job.
Print 1 copy of your zine on white paper and then photocopy the rest onto colorful paper (or white paper, it be yer zine seadog).
Or print everything on the color paper if you have access to free printing, that's fine too.
The photocopy setup is purely "printing tends to cost more than photocopying."
If you want to slash prices, print 2 per sheet and have FedEx office cut them for you, this will cost $1 - $5 depending on how many sheets you are dealing with. This is for when you're doing a LOT of zines at once.
Or use their manual paper cutter yourself for free.
"Long reach stapler" is what I recommend. There are a few varieties. They tend to be $20 - $30.
Or just use 1 sheet!
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A single first class stamp for 1-2 pages. If you get up to 3+, go to the post office and ask them to weigh a comp you have assembled.
This is a guideline.
It's a really good idea to check at least once how much your zine weighs just in general. Post offices have scales. And are pretty. And have stamps.
This is actually the most difficult part. Label printers exist with various costs -- if you're starting out? Go with printable labels.
Your office supply shop will have them and they'll have templates you can drop in the customer addresses.
Save yourself time by using this label as the thing that seals the envelope -- don't lick envelopes.
A key tenet to staying in business is constantly reviewing physical (and mental) labor and stressors and reducing them as much as possible.
Return address labels are intensely cheap in literally every online printer, google "return address labels." Make sure you have this because at least a few of your shipments will come back to you.
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Okay here is where we get uncomfortable because we're talkin' coins.
Prices are based on above links. You can get whatever paper you want, so this is guidelines. All numbers rounded up.
Payment processing ($0.30) + $0.05 sheet + $0.15 envelope + $0.66 first class postage = $1.16 base cost
$1.16 + 2.9% of $1.16 payment processing = $1.20
Plus taxes. I'm not getting into tax figures YOU DO THAT (just say 30% for easy math, this is not saying "your taxes are 30% or that mine are" I am saying "I am going to factor 30% for this equation to complete this guide".)
I did not include the mailing label (it will be $0.01 - $0.05 depending on how fancy and how many you buy) because you have the option to just write things and also it fits into the rounding of the above.
If you use Patreon, include your fees. Probably replace the above processing fees with your patreon processing... fees? I don't use patreon I don't know how it works.
Retail option 01: $1.50 - 1.20 = $0.80 gross - 30% = $0.09 / net / zine.
Retail option 02: $2 - 1.20 = $0.80 gross - 30% = $0.56 / net / zine.
Retail option 03: $3 - 1.20 = $1.80 gross - 30% = $1.26 / net / zine.
Should it be $1.50? Should it be $3.00? MORE? LESS?! That is for you to decide. Base it on what your zine contains, how long it takes you to write/draw/etc. it and how you want your flow to be.
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When my shop launches, it'll have a zine once a month. We are going to offer a subscription option + a "I just want 1" option.
You can do a zine monthly, or every few months, or whatever.
Keep in mind that the purpose of doing this is to break the dependency on social media marketing.
If you have a lot of energy and an audience that comes to your shop a lot? Consider doing a zine monthly.
If you do not have a lot of energy and/or your audience is tapped for cash frequently? Considering doing 1 zine per season.
Consider 2 zines a year if that works better for you!
Not sure? Experiment! Be upfront! "This is new. I'm figuring this out. Billionaires are tinkering with these things and we gotta figure something else out."
so hi I'm atty and I'm your loud long rambler today
Netherworld Post Office used to be @evilsupplyco and now we are rebranding in prep of relaunching. Same person behind the rambles and comics, new name with a more focus (mail instead of mail + seemingly everything else in experiment)
if you enjoyed this ramble and/or like ghosts, monsters, witches, mermaids, and fun stories and projects focused on cozy Halloween, you may like us when we finish the rebranding and relaunching in autumn 2023.
email sign up (the zine will come when we are open)
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I really, really, really hope you consider doing a regular, or irregular, zine. Something outside of email, something outside of social media, something that connects I MADE A WEIRD THING and the people who say I LOVE THIS WEIRD THING YOU MADE.
The walls are closing in on free social media as a platform for people who make weird things to build audiences for free or very cheap.
And with that...
netherworldpost.com as one final hat pass
good luck folks
thanks for listenin' to the ol' ghost
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badsalmonella · 5 months
Media I tolerated for the 2023 cast of Camelot
I'm documenting these reviews for SCIENCE.
Ground rules: 1. I had to have watched this SPECIFICALLY for no reason other than a Camelot actor. Meaning no Phillipa's many great works aren't here. I just watched Hamilton because it was well made not specifically for her. (but like she WAS THERE and she ate it up so BONUS!) 2. I'm doing the bad ones for comedic purposes so I won't talk about Spain but like just know. I don't tolerate Spain. I. LOVE. SPAIN. Spain would blow all these entries out of the water. Don't just seek out Spain for the Danny Wolohan+ Andrew Burnap of it all frfr like it's just gOOD.😭
Under the Banner of Heaven
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Verdict: ??/10
Definitely the most ""refined and pristine"" of the bunch I am about to talk about, I acknowledge this. But it turns out I didn't care about mormons when I saw Book of Mormon back in the day and went "eh." and I STILL DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM NOW. I unfortunately was not strong enough to finish this show. The first two episodes barely had Andrew Burnap and it was hard to continue knowing that there was some unsavvvvourrryyyy content waiting ahead of me. I'm always torn when talking about shows like this like what do you do when you know it's technically more competent but alsooo....it's more boring to you?
My whore levels: -ˏ͛⑅❒⌧⌧??/10
Someone (you know who you are) sent me this UNHINGED review for the show
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and I went 'haha that's insane. that won't be me'. bad news folks.....it maybe might have been me. BUT ALSOOO all that progress would IMMEDIATELY undo because then the camera would zoom out and I'd be like 'ohhh.... oh no he does fit right in with these unsettling caucasians.... :/ Yeahh.............but then I'd see him in that blouuuuseeeee with that funky lil perrmmmm. 👀👀👀👀 all this to say. I am conflicted. I am confused. I am unwell. I want...a perm and a blouse?????
Broken Hearts Gallery
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Verdict: 5/10
It's fine. It was alright. I'm not really a romantic comedy movie person so like I'm not the target audience but I mean this movie is doing what it says on the tin. Ya know? It's fine. Didn't offend me. Did what it had to do. Made me wish I was living an art life in New York City and Bernadette Peters was my boss.
My Whore Levels: 9/10
Honestly I love the glasses on Phillipa Soo, they got her in some fun outfits. I love the quirked up weirdo lesbian vibes. I love how she collects girlfriends like accessories. I would watch a movie about this character. Can I have a sequel??? There's a scene where she is mercilessly chopping a cucumber with a very sharp knife, it turns out my type is Phillipa Soo threatening murder I refuse to unpack that :)
One True Loves
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Verdict: 0.5/10
Actually AWFUL. Like in a it barely feels like a movie kind of way. It's like it was made by someone they plucked off the street. Like the qualifications were 'have you seen a movie before???? okay cool then you can make one'. The worst editing I have seen in a movie in a long time. Holy shit. This movie costs 2$ LOOK AT THAT MOVIE POSTER!!!! If this were some random amazon prime movie with a bunch of nobodies I would understand BUT PHILLIPA SOO WAS IN THIS. THIS IS WHAT SIMU LIU ASKED TO BE IN AFTER DOING THE MCU. (not a joke)THE AUTHOR OF THE 7 HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO WROTE THE SCRIPT???? PHILLIPA PRODUCED THIS FILMMMMM. GIRLIE NOOOOOO💀💀💀 Also MASSIVE tonal problem. This movie is still sticking with me. Like I am GOOPED this was made. THIS APPARENTLY HAD A THEATRICAL RUN? and I know I said this before but HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE BUZZFEED MAKES MOVIESSSSSS
My Whore levels: 2/10
They did my girl so dirty. This whole movie has the aesthetic of a high schooler's first photoshop project being a mood board inspired by a Taylor Swift song but all they use is the first 5 images you find on google search when you type in 'fall' and 'latte'. This movie told me "salt is spicy :(((" This is like if you could turn a cursive live, laugh, love sign into a look of a whole movie. They are dressing Phillipa Soo up like the most interesting thing she has to put on her dating profile is "I like reading :)". Two points though because for exactly one brief scene she was shoulder out, hair swooped dramatically and I whispered "slay".
Charmed (2018)
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Verdict: 3/10
My worstie. My bestie. The beginning of the end. The moment that cemented that my bar was low. Honestly this would have been far and away the worst thing I watched for a Camelot cast member but One True Loves swooped in last minute and took home the gold(?) for being even more incompetent and even cheaper. I honestly have way too much to say about it though, which is proof that I somehow got emotionally invested. I'm convinced they had some sort of business deal struck with the Zara brand because everyone dresses like a business casual 35 year old woman on her way to the office (NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PERSONALITY IS THEY ALL DRESS LIKE THIS.) They must be getting awful direction or something because nooobody is doing a good job in the acting department (I'm typing this through tears. I'm choking and sobbing as I confess this to you all). There's DEFINITELYYYY a colourism problem. The show does NOT know how to utilize it's fun setting seriously for a show with witches you'd be SHOCKED how little magic is used in this show. THERE'S SO LITTLE WHIMSY!! and yet............I found myself bewitched (I'm sorry) by the show. I have given episodes rewatches. I have literally fallen to the floor, on all fours, WHEEZING, watching the bad credit card product placement in one of the episodes. My friend and I got to the episode where they say 'The curse is lifted! :) But the struggle continues' (the struggle....IS RACISM!!!) and our jaws DROPPED. A character projectile vomited on a man and he EXPLODED and all that were left were his boots in a smoking pile. It sucks but in a way I can't look away from. I wish there were ungodly amounts of seasons of this show. I wish Jordan Donica was trapped in a 13 season cycle of being this show's damsel in distress (no actually no I don't)
My Whore levels: I cannot share this number publicly💀/10
I'm not proud of the person I become when Jordan Donica is on screen in this show. YES they mostly dress him boring grey hoodies and jeans. YES He spends a whole season with his hair in the sad in between mid length stage that nobody likes being in (I stand in solidarity as a person who also likes keeping her hair short when it gets too long it's not great but it's part of the human experience) but damn dude that ain't stopping him from SERVING NORMIE CORE CUNT!!!!! Also because this relationship with me and Charmed is toxic every once in a while they would throw me the most delicious bone. Various suits in funky colours and long hair, ohhhh a bowler hat!!! The episode where he puts on a Shien punk leather outfit!! It's the small things, ya know? :) <333
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spooniechef · 11 months
Smoky Sausage, Red Onion, and Sweet Potato Tray Bake (1 spoon)
Another one from “The Roasting Tin: Simple One Dish Dinners” by Rukmini Iyer. While this is a great book, largely because it gives you the appropriate times and temperatures for baking a whole bunch of things (meat, vegetables, fruit, etc) separate from recipes ... there are a couple of issues with it. The main one is that it tilts towards the ... exotic and occasionally costly, I guess is the best way to say it. Some of the recipes call for aniseed stars, or creme fraiche (though according to the Googling I’ve done, you can replace it with Philadelphia cream cheese depending on the recipe) or, like, figs. Not only are a lot of those things expensive anywhere you find them, in this country? It’s hard to find that kind of thing at all, what with various shortages. I mean, it depends on where you shop, but a lot of them aren’t the kind of thing where you can just pick up the last few bits at a smaller grocery store on the way home from work.
Currently I’m trying to focus on the recipes that you can make without breaking the budget or searching higher-end grocery stores for ingredients. Which brings me to today’s experiment - “smoky sausage, red onion, and sweet potato tray bake”. Now, I’d never actually cooked a sweet potato before, but I did know I liked them, so I figured I’d give it a shot and it worked out great. There’s very little that can make this easier to make, but I do have some flavour-related notes.
Here’s what you’ll need:
8-12 pork sausages (I used nine)
2-3 sweet potatoes (depending on size), cut into thick wedges
2 red onions, quartered
2-4 garlic cloves, grated or finely diced
4 teaspoons smoked paprika
Generous splash of olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Pretty simple, and was tasty enough with just this, but I probably would have added a little bit of crushed fresh thyme and oregano, just to kick it up another notch, and maybe a pinch of celery salt. But it’s a pretty versatile recipe, so I imagine you can season everything as you like.
Here’s what you do:
Preheat oven to 200C / 180C fan assist / gas mark 6 (390F / 355F fan assist)
Toss the sausages, sweet potato, onion, garlic, garlic, paprika and oil together in a baking dish or roasting pan, then spread along the bottom (it helps to have the veg in one layer and the sausages on top
Add salt and pepper to taste
Bake for 45-50 minutes or until sweet potatoes are cooked through
Serve immediately
It came out pretty well, even if I want to adjust the spices for my next attempt at it. Also, having a look through the book for other vegetables that take about the same time to cook as sweet potato, you could theoretically add cauliflower to add to the veg content a bit. For myself, I just threw together a salad and a vinaigrette.
I am going to get a lot of use out of this book, and I do highly recommend it. I just intend to work through it with a few to tweaking it for budgets of all kinds - most of them cost little in the spoons department, but cost heaps in the financial sense. This one, at least, is pretty budget-friendly ... though if you have gluten intolerance issues, be careful about your sausage. A lot of times they’ll fill out sausages with bread crumbs, so only get the ones that state point blank that they’re gluten free. They will be more expensive because they contain more actual meat, but better that than getting sick.
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'Is anyone in the ASOIAF fandom outside of the 100 people on tumblr connected to reality?' You hit the nail on the head. They are not lmao. So much time has passed with no book content that these people are pathologically married to their 'metas' aka headcanons and think they know what GRRM will do better than himself. Also, it absolutely sends me how everyone outside of Sansa/J0nsa fans ignores the show because they didn't get their headcanons catered on a silver platter and all their theories got blown the fuck out of the water. I once saw someone say that ASOIAF discoursers will not stop aggressively ignoring the show and treating their theories as more canon that the actual tv adaptation based on years worth of conversations and notes between the author himself and the showrunners. People really believe those main character endgames came out of thin air as if a multi-billion dollar corporation like HBO wouldn't have clauses in place in the event GRRM shat the bed and didn't finish the books (which he did lmao) for him to give the writers his notes/outlines as to the ending.
It's sunken cost fallacy at this point and fans being extremely embarrassed they completely misinterpreted the kind of story they were reading. The fact that Sansa fans of all sections of the fandom got a vast majority of the themes and endgames correct is even more salt on the wound for these people lol.
Dear nonny, the thing that slips over the heads of fandom majority (pretty obvious thing) that both ASoIaF and GOT are very complicated and complex works with a lot of different circumstances around them that require at least a little bit analysis to understand.
It's very easy thing to say that that GoT was bullshit and not mention it ever again. It doesn't require this thing called thinking. And it seems that most people in this fandom took the easy way out of the reality. Because as we wait Winds of Winter it's just so easy to skip, for example, I don't know, Sansa's chapters and then go discuss with 10 000 anti sansa fans that she's so unimportant and stupid.
I really think we should see the fine line between giving show too much credit and not trusting it at all.
You know, back in the days, I remember seeing somewhere that D&D were given just a paper (or even a half of it) of those outlines. For this massive story with a dozen focal characters and 50 more characters that are also very important, just important and kinda important. With those peculiar connections through sometimes littlest events. And who knows which of those points they were given made it to the show end and which did not. I'm not saying they blatantly ignored the commandments by GRRM, there are a variety of reasons they couldn't just make it happen.
For example, what if the seemingly unimportant character D&D killed or wiped off earlier suddenly made it to the end - we know a bunch of them. Robb's wife, Doran Martell, princess Arianne, Young Griff - those are just the politically very important figures and those are just from top of my head.
Second reason not to trust the show in some instances is the pressure of the fandom that GoT was under at that point. Like yeah they couldn't change the fact that Dany that was previously established in the show as this big feminist progressive icon is suddenly big bad evil guy of the series. But I also can absolutely imagine them not being able to kill someone like Tyrion because killing both fan favourite #1 and fan favourite #2 was too much - although I don't think he's gonna end up dead, it's just an example.
That is also why I think it was impossible to end show with Jonsa. (1) for some reason fan favourite chemistryless Jonaerys (2) lack of any establishment that cousins can marry in Westeros and it is not viewed as incest and (3) therefore big bad backlash from fans they couldn't handle. Also it would have contradicted the badass feminist course they were taking with Sansa.
But at the same time - season 6 is the last decent season of the show. There are reasons to believe that big events happening there are gonna happen in the books - Battle of Bastards, doom of the Great Sept etc. Jon meeting Sansa too, btw. There is background for it, there were premises in the books.
So regarding the show - to see which show events are to expect and which are not a fan has to a) remember the circumstances around said event both from book and from show, b) remember the themes of the story and tools the author uses to show those themes, and c) understand and interpret them correctly.
Sounds like a lot of mental work, right?
So no wonder people just can't handle it.
Except for Sansa and Jonsa stans - because for us it is a way to exist in this toxic fandom.
You know the funny thing - as I was reading the books, I treated Sansa as a regular character. I liked her but not much more than the rest of the bunch. It was when close friend of mine said to me "Urgh, I hate Sansa" and I started the whole discussion "But why?" with them that made me feel defensive about her. And then I saw that the part of the fandom that likes Sansa have to do absolutely the same on the regular basis. And all of them are very nice people that have to do "you see that theme, and that happened because of that, and it correlated with that theme of this character, and the logic of Sansa's arc and etc" - regularly. I mean the database for every Sansa and Jonsa theory is huge, including every possible evidence - book quotes, themes, background, show clues, another characters arcs, interviews with actors and GRRM himself - everything. And all they usually get as a response are misunderstood events and misinterpreted themes - the nicest of them see Sansa as a cautionary tale (and don't they get the point? It was Robb who had the cautionary tale arc, and he didn't get the POV).
I'm sorry, the anwer happens to be so much longer than I intended. It's just that I have seen a lot of Sansa and Jonsa shit around here, I'm sure you have too. And I'm so sick of it, really. It's so unfair to the nicest people in this fandom.
And the sad thing, it won't be over after WoW and DoS are released (if ever). They won't be able to just shut up and admit their ignorance - even if the themes are catered to them by author himself in actual books.
Because guess what - there are GRRM interviews when he said that Sansa is important and discussed her themes. There are characters in the books that said that Sansa is important. And there are still takes that I see here "nah, Sansa's gonna stay in vale till the end, that's all she's good for"
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10piecechickennuggy · 5 months
Magic and Secrets, Ch. 8 - Sanji x Witch!OC
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WARNING: Mature content ahead!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece or the art featured above. This is a fan-created work featuring an original character.
Read Chapter 7 Here
Read Chapter 6 Here
Read Chapter 5 Here
Read Chapter 4 Here
Read Chapter 3 Here
Read Chapter 2 Here
Read Chapter 1 Here
“Shhh.” Sora’s delicate hands rubbed gentle circles on her son’s back. Her cheek rested against his crown of blonde hair as salty tears soaked into the blue cotton of her shirt. “Hush, darling. You’re safe now.”
Sanji sniffled, his tears continuing to fall as blurry eyes rose to meet his mother’s. “Why does father hate me?” His lip quivered as the question escaped unfiltered. 
Her kind smile morphed into an uncertain frown. Her brows furrowed in frustration as she considered how to respond. “I’m sorry, Sanji.” She held him tight, burying his face into her shoulder. She couldn’t let him see her own tears which threatened to spill.
“Mom?” Sanji tried to push himself back, but found himself held in place by a firm hand on the back of his head.
“I’m sorry. So, so sorry.” Her voice had taken on a softer tone, barely audible as she began to pet her son’s hair. Golden lashes glistened with her guilt and sorrow. Every unspoken truth hung in the air, threatening to flow off her tongue.
Sora willed the waterworks away, releasing her strangling grip on the boy. When Sanji’s eyes met her matching crystal blue orbs, they had crinkled in a loving smile. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve brought today? That basket smells wonderful.”
Excited joy overtook the young boy, who scurried away to fetch the basket in question. Once returned to his mother’s lap, Sanji produced an array of treats. Muffins, scones, and cookies wafted their respective scents for Sora to take in. 
Despite the cookies being soggy, the muffins having too much salt, and the scones being rock hard, Sora praised each of her son’s creations. The unbridled happiness which shone from his bright smile was worth every unpleasant bite.
When the boy had finally left for the evening, Sora found herself gazing out the window. Though her only view was the turrets of the adjoining snail, her mind was far into the future. 
Would Sanji be alright without her? She could barely aid him in her current state, as evident by the boy’s constant abuse at the hands of her other sons and husband. 
Curse that drug.
She scowled at her reflection in the glass. If only she hadn’t been so extreme in her rebellion against Judge. Had she not taken that accursed medication, she wouldn’t be bedridden and dying. If she’d only been smart enough to not - 
No. Sora knew the dangers of her actions that day. She knew that taking the drug would cost her life. But without it - without its powerful effects, Sanji would be the same as his brothers. Sure, the boy would have been spared years of torment. But the retribution would have been his humanity. 
Trembling hands muffled open sobs as the woman finally allowed her tears to fall.
“Wow, . . .” The word escapes Vera, less an exclamation and more a thought given unintended form. 
“It is quite the sight.” Sanji speaks from her side, his smile broad. “Though, not nearly as stunning as you.”
Before the pair lay the festival grounds, countless lights glittering in the dark. Stalls advertising games and food littered the streets, illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns proclaiming good fortune. At the center of it all lay an effigy to the island’s guardian deity, a crowd dancing about the statue to live music.
Vera’s grip on Sanji’s hand tightened as she took in the scene. Though her expression held excitement, her stance betrayed uncertainty. She took a step closer to Sanji, her free hand raising to his elbow. 
Sensing her unease, Sanji rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. “It’s a lot to take in.” He spoke with a softened smile, his voice gentle as though any increased volume would frighten her away. “Why don’t we just walk around the festival first? We can see what all there is and then decide which stalls to return to.”
Vera nodded, the brim of her witch’s hat obscuring her eyes. She allowed her companion to lead the way, silently observing the sights and smells as they moved through the streets.
This was all so new to her. Festivals and celebrations were held frequently on Mariejois, but she’d never been allowed to attend. She was a slave, after all. Her inexperience kept her on edge. 
How was one meant to behave in this situation? Would Sanji think her inept? Could one or two missteps ruin the prince’s perception of her? Was this date her only chance to win over her prince?
Wait. Date? Was this a date? Or was this simply two friends on an outing? Was he just being kind when he offered to accompany her? Sanji was holding her hand, but surely he had picked up on her nervousness. He was a gentleman - a kind, handsome, wonderful gentleman. 
Knock it off, Vera!
A group of young children ran past the pair, laughter erupting from their small forms. One child, a boy around six, tripped in pursuit of his companions. He crashed straight into Vera, falling onto his behind in the aftermath. 
Vera, who managed to stay upright thanks to Sanji’s quick reaction and firm grip, immediately turned to the boy in concern. “Oh my! Are you alright?” She leaned down, examining the boy for any injuries.
Tears welled in the child’s eyes as his mind processed what had just happened. Sensing his imminent meltdown, Vera quickly uttered a spell. “Here.” A colorful lollipop appeared in her hand, which she offered to the boy. “Candy always makes things better.” 
She smiled down at the boy, who stared at the lollipop in surprise. When his chubby fingers stretched out to grip the stick, one of the other children rushed over. 
“Don’t!” The other child pulled his friend upright, standing between Vera and the boy. This child appeared older, a scowl painted on his features. “She’s a witch. She’ll curse you!” The older boy’s eyes betrayed fear through his brave performance.
The younger child’s eyes grew in unison with Vera’s. How could she have forgotten? Prejudice against witches wasn’t contained to a single island. Had sailing with the Strawhats really made her guard drop so much?
“Go away, witch!” The other children had gathered now, one throwing a rock that landed at Vera’s feet.
“Hey!” Sanji stepped in, his voice an authoritative bark. “You little brats better watch it!” 
The cook raised his right leg, which instantly became engulfed in flames. It was clearly a hollow threat, but the children cowered all the same. “You should be ashamed of yourselves, treating a beautiful woman like that. After she tried to help you too.”
The group scattered, shrieks of fear mingling with the boisterous noise of joyous festivities. Vera brought herself upright, dusting off the sheer tulle of her skirt. When Sanji turned to her with an expression of panicked worriment, she giggled.
“I take it you’re alright, then?” When she nodded, he released a sigh of relief. “I hope those kids didn’t ruin the evening for you.”
Vera shook her head, her chocolate curls dancing as she did. “Don’t worry. If I let every discriminatory child get to me, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy anything.” She offered him a reassuring smile as her hand reached for his. “And I intend to fully enjoy our time together.”
It was Sanji’s turn to blush. As their hands rejoined, he found himself at a loss for words. 
Her resilience and kind heart were endearing. He’d been intending to monopolize her time at the festival simply to fuel his own interests. She was a gorgeous woman and he was a gentleman, so it was only natural he’d want to escort Vera to her first festival. 
But was there more to his motives than he realized? Were his flirtatious nature and chivalrous duty the only reasoning for their current situation? Sanji wouldn’t deny he was attracted to Vera - he wanted to get to know her more. To know what her mysterious comments meant and perhaps peruse her romantically. But was there more to it than vague allure?
When Vera’s eyes lit up and she excitedly pointed to a food stall, the cook felt his heart thud just a little faster. 
After their encounter with the group of children, the witch had miraculously opened up. It was as though the incident distracted the girl from her worries, allowing her to fully immerse herself in experiencing the festivities.
Sanji explained different foods and games, happily purchasing anything she wished to try. Childlike wonder had overtaken her as she bounced from stall to stall. Sweet and savory dishes were sampled, sugary were drinks guzzled, and many contests of skill were attempted. Sanji had even won her a prize at one such stall.
“Just drop a coin into the water.” The festival worker explained, gesturing to a large fish tank. There were bowls and cups of various sizes placed sporadically about the aquarium, each at differing depths. “If the coin lands in one of the containers, you get a prize.”
Vera eyed the possible prizes that could be won. Each dish had a corresponding color, which matched to different “levels” of awards. 
“Something caught your eye?” Sanji had noticed her gazing at one of the prize walls, curious which difficulty he’d need to attempt.
Vera raised her hand timidly, pointing with a single finger towards one of the medium prize levels. “The hair comb with red gardenias.” 
Three berries. That’s all the money it took for Sanji to win the comb. When his coin had landed in that purple wine glass, Vera had cheered openly. 
She bounced with excitement as the comb was taken down and handed to him. She could hardly stand still long enough to allow Sanji to tuck the intricately carved piece of wood into the brim of her hat.
Her repeated thanks was like music to his ears as the pair continued through the maze of stalls.
The pair sat near a fountain, taking a much needed break while Vera happily munched on some fried dough. “This is delicious!” She spoke after swallowing a rather large bite of the crunchy treat. “How have I never had this before?”
Sanji chuckled, removing the cigarette he’d been smoking from his lips. “Who knew you’d like funnel cakes so much? I’d be happy to make you some for dessert one night.”
Vera had taken another bite, nodding enthusiastically at the prospect. 
As she continued eating, Sanji finished his smoke. After stamping the remnants out with his heel, the blonde turned to his companion in amusement. “How have you never been to a festival before? Not even as a child?”
Vera finished her plate, wiping powdered sugar from her lips. She shrugged. “I wasn’t really allowed outside the mansion. And after I ran away, I was always too busy with my maid duties to ever do anything fun like this.”
Sanji halted his movements. His brows furrowed. “Apologies if this is overstepping, but you weren’t born into slavery, were you?”
Her spine straightened immediately, eyes like dinner plates as she mentally berated herself. 
“Umm, n-no.” She instinctively moved her right hand to cover the slave mark which lay hidden beneath her sleeve. She looked away, mentally searching for a way out of the conversation. She was panicking. “Th-this was later. Ijust meant, youknow how parentscanbe. Alwayssooverbearing andcontrolling. Especiallywhentheyhateyourgutsfrombirth.”
As she babbled on, her words grew more quiet and jumbled. Her speech increased in speed until Sanji could barely tell she was even speaking the same language as him. The cook took her hand, the action mirroring their first encounter.
“Deep breaths.” He instructed, for both Vera and himself. “You don’t have to share any more than you’re comfortable with.”
Her thoughts were spiraling, scenes of abuse throughout key points of her life replaying in her mind’s eye. Beatings at her stepfather’s hand, Laura begging for mercy on her behalf, her own mother holding her down so she could be branded. Being sold into an arranged marriage, forced into slavery in her own home, and then made to be King Judge Vinsmoke’s personal harlot. 
All the emotions of these events came crashing over her as though she were reliving them in real time. The fear, pain, and betrayal she felt as a child ripped through her very being. Her eyes appeared to look at nothing as a myriad of tears began to spill without her realizing.
The question wasn’t directed at anyone in particular. Herself, maybe. Her parents, more likely. But those answers would never come. She knew that, and still her soul longed for an explanation. 
Why was she subjected to a life of misery? Her mother was the one who’d had an affair, resulting in her conception. Why was she the one to be punished? She hadn’t asked to be born - not to a cheating woman and not into a cruel household.
Why was she subjected to such barbarism? Why did her mother condone and participate in her mistreatment?
Why? Why? Why?
“Why what?” Sanji had gripped both her shoulders, searching her eyes for any sign she was still with him. His words felt like a far off whisper, meant to be heard by another set of ears than her own.
“Why was I born a Celestial Dragon?”
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hournites · 2 years
L*nce is going around taunting hournite shippers in his Facebook group by telling them that wanting Rick and Beth to become a couple because it’s comic canon means that they want Beth to also die because that’s comic canon. 
Not only is that logic SO grotesquely faulty (like ?????????), the way he is targeting and putting words in peoples mouths is manipulative, as though to want Rick and Beth together would be somewhat racist…? And if you genuinely BELIEVE that Hournite canon will cause Beth’s death because of villain who has already canonically turned to TOAST maybe you need to check yourself… there’s clearly other issues you’ve got at hand about why you don’t want them together if you’re going to grasp at straws that bad to victimize Beth over it.
It’s deliberately gross to tell fans of any character, but ESPECIALLY a POC, and ESPECIALLY MORE a WOC that their romantic happiness with a white love interest should cost them their life. I’ve heard this so many times for other interracial couples, not just Hournite with this right now, and it’s always by people who start bringing up the POC’s character death out of pocket. This is blatant racism. It is so disgusting and I’m truly sick of it. 
This man has an audience of over 12k people and that’s the message he wants to spread? And yet he wonders why Anjelika refuses to join his group or fall for his online harassment and agree to be interviewed by him. This man is a delusional attention-seeker, egotistic pathological liar, and an online harasser to the point actual crew and writers of various shows have tweeted outright that he makes their life difficult and do not want to talk to him or about him. 
1. Everything this man says and does is for clout. Every day it is a new lie (today it is pretending that he owned a $225,000 USD action figure that was never sold) and a new way to get more people to fall all over him and his “insider content” which he gets by sending other people to do stuff for him and then taking the credit for. He enabled the leak of the trailer, and then he leaked the “official episode titles” by exploiting the trust that other members in his brought to his attention and has absolutely no authority to have done so. 
2. Every time anyone so much as questions his judgement or logic they get the boot. So. Just keep in mind when you see his content to take it with a grain of salt, even if what he says is true, the way he is sourcing his info is unethical, unprofessional, and obnoxious. He truly does not deserve this much engagement. I think he has at least 7-10 of these facebook groups, if not more and comments on virtually every post with nonsense to stay relevant. I have never seen someone so madly desperately in need of attention. It’s about time he got blasted. 
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Making stock today! And I am currently crying laughing at the size difference between my hot plate and my 20 QT stock pot. The giant pot is necessary to make anything in bulk instead of the old system I did with multiple smaller pots that took much much longer, but it certainly looks pretty silly!
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Luckily stock doesn't take much effort and I can just leave it simmering in the background while I get other work done today. (And wait for my lunch in the tiny pot next to it to be done.)
Stocks are one of the simplest items you can make at home-- the main cost is time to wait for it to cook and cool. Stocks and broths are very similar, but the main difference between them is whether or not they're seasoned, with primary "seasoning" being salt. Once you add salt, you've got a broth on your hands.
But stock? Baby, that's free food. Save any bones, shells, or other scraps from meats, or various peels, ends, and bits from vegetables, and soon enough you'll have a pile of odds and ends that you can turn into gallons of free flavor booster. If you've got rinds from hard cheeses like parmesan, you can even throw those in (though personally I save them for pan sauces)!
I learned how to fabricate meat years ago, and it's been one of the most useful skills I've gotten when it comes to helping me save money at the grocery store. I can buy a whole chicken for the price of a couple pounds of plain boneless/skinless breast, and get not just more variety of cuts out of it, but bones, fat, and skin that can be used for other goodies. But even if you're just buying a precooked rotisserie chicken for $6 at Walmart, saving the bones can get you a lot of extra value.
A basic stock is just bones (and/or vegetable scraps) and water, brough to a boil and then down to a simmer for a couple hours. It requires very little effort, and honestly, my main concern when making broth these days is having enough freezer space and containers to 1) cool it effectively and safely and 2) store it effectively and safely. Last time I made stock I was a fool and overfilled some of my jars, leading to broken glass and lost broth in the freezer. :( So that's something to be careful with!
Vegetable stocks are even easier! Because I'm typically only cooking for one person and don't produce a lot of scraps at once, I keep a bag in my freezer with the ends of carrots, squash, herb stems, onion tops, pieces of past-use peppers, edamame shells, woody asparagus stems, and so on. When I need more stock, all I have to do is put those scraps in a pot, cover them with water, and boil em for a bit to get all that good flavor out! The soaked vegetable scraps can even be incorporated into compost for extra value!
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Please keep in mind that safely cooling stocks is a whole other equation. Typically you don't want to put boiling hot broth directly into the freezer. The rapid temperature changes can break storage containers, but more importantly you'll also just effectively bring the entire freezer into the Temperature Danger Zone (41-135F) because your standard home freezer is not equipped to cool hot liquid efficiently enough to keep it out of that range. This can put the entire contents of the freezer at risk for spoilage. Typically I allow my stock to cool for about an hour at room temperature, strain off solids, and then make a homemade "cooling paddle" out of plastic containers filled with frozen water (if I think ahead) or ice, which I then submerge in the cooling pot. No glass, just plastic containers or plastic sealable bags. That will cool it without diluting the stock and will keep it in safe handling conditions!
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airisvapes · 1 day
How long does a 15000–20000 puff disposable vape last?
The acceptance of disposable vapes has not always been mainstream in the industry. However, disposable vapes have made considerable progress in the past few years. These improvements include increased e-liquid capacity, better build quality, rechargeable batteries and mesh coils, and a larger visual interaction screen for better flavor.
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How long do disposable vapes last?
Generally speaking, most disposable vapes have a lifespan of 3 to 5 days. Throwing away disposable items multiple times a week has a significant environmental impact, and disposable device with larger capacities will last longer. However, it’s worth noting how long disposable vapes last, depending on how often you smoke. Every vape is unique, and it may take personal smoking habits and multiple tries to know how quickly you can use up your disposable vape. ​
How much do disposable vapes cost?
When discussing disposable vape longevity, we’ll also look at some typical price points for disposable vapes, which often depend on puff volume and the quality of the device itself. The average price of a single disposable vape is $7 to $30, and while this is lower than traditional disposable vapes, the cost of continually repurchasing and throwing away disposable vapes is higher in the long run.
How many puffs does a disposable vape have?
The puff volume of disposable vapes varies considerably. On the lower end are disposable devices rated for 5,000 puffs. Disposable vapes with the highest puff count can hold more than 20,000 puffs. Of course, there are options in between. ​
Which disposable vape has the most puffs?
We recommend the AirisAlpha20000 disposable vape for long-lasting disposable vapes. Three different power suction modes can provide different puff counts from 10,000–20,000. Different powers bring different experiences, whether you are a novice or an experienced player.
How long can a disposable vape with 15,000–20,000 puffs last?
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How to get more smoke from a disposable vape?
If you want to get more out of your disposable vape, the immediate answer is to have a lighter, more shallow mouth-to-lung exposure. Additionally, allowing more time between puffs allows the disposable vape core to absorb more e-liquid and helps extend the life of the device. If you don’t understand the composition of large puff disposable vapes, you can visit AirisAlpha to see more
How many puffs should I take on a disposable vape?
This is a difficult question to answer because all vapers are different. You should do what you feel comfortable with. If you hit beyond a certain amount causes a sore or dry throat, it’s wise to slow down and rehydrate more frequently. If you feel like vaping more and you feel it’s acceptable, that’s a good sign that you’re vaping the right amount.
1.What makes a disposable vape similar to smoking a cigarette?
Disposable vapes that closely mimic the experience of smoking a cigarette by using nicotine salt formulations and tobacco-flavored e-liquids. These features provide a throat hit and flavor profile similar to traditional cigarettes.
2.Are all disposable vapes equally close to smoking a cigarette?
No, the similarity to smoking a cigarette can vary among different disposable vape brands and models. Some may closely resemble the sensation and flavor of smoking, while others may differ in nicotine delivery and taste.
3.Do disposable vapes with higher nicotine content feel more like smoking?
Disposable vapes with higher nicotine content, especially those using nicotine salts, tend to provide a stronger throat hit and faster nicotine delivery, which can make them feel more similar to smoking a cigarette for some users.
4.What role do draw activation and disposable nature play in replicating the smoking experience?
Draw activation, where the device is activated by inhaling, mimics the action of smoking a cigarette. Additionally, the disposable nature of these vapes eliminates the need for refilling or recharging, offering a convenient and familiar experience similar to smoking.
5.Can disposable vapes help smokers transition to vaping?
Yes, disposable vapes designed to replicate the smoking experience can be helpful for smokers looking to transition to vaping. These devices provide a familiar sensation and flavor, making the switch easier for some individuals.
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hairstyleforteen · 7 days
Keratin Treatment to Loosen Curls – Popular Methods are Here!
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Regardless of your reason, keratin treatment will either make your tresses totally straight out or just give you a frizz-free, manageable mane. For curlies and wavies, this hair enhancement procedure boosts up the appearance of the curls. Well, you heard it right! There is a keratin treatment to loosen curls that can make your coily locks manageable and lusciously looking tresses. In this blog post, we will reveal the 3 popular methods of keratin treatment that act on loosening up the curls. Their advantages and disadvantages are also stated here for you to come up with a better choice. But, before that, let us try to have a quick overview of what is keratin treatment all about. Revealing the Truth behind Keratin Treatment Keratin treatment is one of those hair enhancement procedures that aim to achieve straight and frizz-free locks. However, there are some truths that are waiting to be revealed behind this hair treatment that you may need to know before digging in. In keratin treatment, the hair strands are basically drenched with a keratin formula. Afterward, it is dried out using a blow dryer using high heat. Straightening the blow-dried tresses is the next step to do here. That way will generally lock in the keratin formula inside the hair strands. During this kind of hair treatment, the hair strands are incorporated with keratin in a natural way. Yet, this process aims to restore the keratin content of the tresses into a phase where it appears to be frizz-free and looks shiny. Things to Consider when Opting for Keratin Treatment Below are some of the things that you must have to take into account once you decide to have keratin treatment to loosen curls: 1-Get what you pay Researching on your own is highly crucial here especially when it comes to selecting the salon, your hairstylist, and the kind of keratin treatment to loosen curls that you will have to get. This is because you will be dealing with a hair treatment that highly utilizes chemicals that might infuse harm into your tresses. Well, opting for the right keratin treatment to loosen curls for an extra cost of dollars might land you on keeping away from the risk of hair damage due to the cheaper versions of the treatment. Always remember that every individual has different hair needs to deal with. That’s why it is very important to go for a professional hairstylist who has an idea about the kind of treatment best for your hair. 2-Better option compared to the daily hair straightening One of the major causes of hair damage is everyday hair straightening. So, if you are those who tend to straighten out the tresses on a daily basis, shifting to a keratin hair treatment would be a more healthy option. 3-Check the ingredients of your other hair products after having the keratin treatment
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Sodium chloride is the worse ingredient inside a hair product that you should have to keep out. Remember, this substance has the ability to wash out the keratin treatment infused into your locks. Basically, you need to be very keen on checking for the contents of your shampoo and conditioner. Also, don’t forget the other hair care products that you are using as part of your hair care regimen. By doing that, you will ensure that the keratin treatment into your hair will stay there for a longer time period. Moreover, using the appropriate hair products, you will highly be sure that the treatment will able to last for about 2 months or so. Well, the length of stay of the keratin treatment into the hair generally depends on the type of your hair. Unfortunately, since you are keeping out of sodium chloride or salt, this means that you need to avoid dipping into a chlorine-filled pool. Unless you do not want to care for your hair after your keratin treatment. The Functions of Keratin Treatment to Loosen Curls If you opt to have keratin treatment to loosen curls, here is what you must have to get out of it: - Smoothen out the curls - Deals with porosity issues - Enhances the texture of the curl - Glides the brush in a tangle-free motion - Have more defined curls - Doesn’t really turns the hair straight Moreover, for a more enhanced effect, you may also consider incorporating a smoothing keratin treatment instead of the straightening solution. Yet, the keratin straightening treatment may work best if you are already bored of those curls and want to loosen them. Different Methods of Keratin Treatment to Loosen Curls Well, because it may turn your frizzy curl locks into gorgeously manageable waves, it is not surprising that keratin treatment to loosen curls tends to be popular day after day. More and more women are also lining up to the salon every day just to have this hair enhancement procedure. However, keep in mind that this is not a hair treatment that provides a sleek finish, fixing the curls permanently is not a thing for it. Yet, once you decide on the best way of hair enhancement, keratin treatment to loosen curls is a great pick. Here are the various methods of keratin treatment that enhance the curls. Check which one suits you the most. 1-Brazilian Blowout The most common treatment for curly or wavy hair, Brazilian blowout is highly popular for keeping the hair volume while reducing frizz and smoothening out the hair strands. The process is so simple in it only requires an hour to blow dry and seal the locks with a flat iron. Although the process is just a quick one, the result will amazingly last for about 3 to 6 months. Having a Brazilian blowout allows you to choose if you aim for a straight look or just only loosen the curls or frizz. Another good thing about this is that you can already able to wash your hair as soon as you get out of the salon. You don’t need to worry as it will not have an effect on this keratin treatment. So, for around 3 to 6 months' effect, you will only have at least 2 to 3 appointments at the salon per year. That is a great way to save money and, at the same time, makes you look incredibly gorgeous. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Brazilian blowout is highly suitable for those girls with curly hair and those whose hairs are prone to humidity. To start with the application of this keratin treatment to loosen curls, the hairstylist will have to apply the treatment to your tresses. Afterward, the hair will be blow-dried using a metal brush. That step will generally help in the absorption of the treatment into the hair strands. Moreover, your natural locks will eventually be subjected to sealing in the keratin treatment into the hair cuticles. There are some essential oils incorporated inside the treatment. With the addition of some protein sheaths, your tresses will be protected from harmful elements of the weather. With that, the Brazilian blowout really worth it. 2-Japanese Hair Treatment The Japanese Hair Treatment is another keratin treatment to loosen curls which guarantees that the hair stays strong despite being straightened out. For an excellent hair result, this treatment usually makes use of a Brazilian blowout plus a Japanese straightening procedure. It generally requires about 3 to 4 hours to complete the entire process. The end result will generally make a big difference in your tresses.      Initially, introduce a Brazilian blowout to the hair for about an hour and eventually put on the Japanese treatment into the tresses to coat the cuticles. Generally, the method of Japanese straightening breaks the bonds within the hair strands. That way, the tresses straighten out, and with a flat iron; the cuticles will also be straightened as well.  Meanwhile, the Brazilian blowout treatment turns the hair to become soft. So, combining it with a Japanese treatment will give you smooth, lustrous, and sleek locks. The hair will remain gorgeous for about months until such time that the hair grows out that needs a touch-up. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Basically, the hairstylist will apply the Brazilian blowout keratin treatment to loosen curls. After that, the Japanese treatment will have to follow to be applied to the tresses. That way, you will be sealing the hair cuticles and totally locking the frizz. This hair treatment does not require any heat styling device. Just air dries the hair and it will do the wonders of having an elegant-looking mane. Compared to the Brazilian blowout, this treatment generally lasts for additional five months longer. The hair will also become more volumized than that of the straight perm treatment. It should be left on the tresses for about one hour prior to washing it off and blow-drying it. 3-Keratin Express  In case your goal is just to remove the frizz and some of the curls, keratin express is the ideal one for you. It only takes you about 45 minutes to finish the hair treatment process and then you’re ready to go out there even in the humid environment. Generally, the treatment will only last for about 6 weeks. METHOD OF APPLICATION: To get this keratin treatment started, a serum is applied to the tresses. That serum will be sealed within the hair cuticles by the use of a blow dryer and flat iron. 4-Cezanne
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Among the other keratin treatment to loosen curls, Cezanne is the most subtle type to be applied on the tresses. It is generally free from formaldehyde and aims to reduce frizz while nurturing the damaged hair cuticles. METHOD OF APPLICATION: It only needs around half an hour to apply the treatment to the hair. Afterward, you can generally wash your hair out. However, just make sure that the shampoo you are using for your keratin-treated hair is keratin-based. That will allow for the lasting effect of the procedure. Basic Steps to Apply Keratin Treatment for Waves and Curls Here’s a step-by-step guide on the proper application of keratin treatment to loosen curls. Just follow these steps so that you will have beautiful, gorgeous tresses. Step 1: APPLY DEEP CLEANSING SHAMPOO Basically, deep cleansing is basically needed in order to make sure that the tresses do not have any product buildup or residues. They can generally hinder the keratin treatment from properly penetrating into your hair. In order to do that you must have to buy a clarifying shampoo. However, here’s a simple way of preparing your hair for deep cleansing: - Gently wash and shampoo the hair with a deep cleansing shampoo. - Massage the tresses for 5 minutes. - Rinse and afterward repeat the process if needed. - Blow-dry around 80% of your hair if the curl is just on average. But, if the hair is kinky, blow it dry for about 100%. Step 2: PUT ON THE SMOOTHING TREATMENT
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In order to apply keratin smoothing treatment, check the following steps: - Mix the hair treatment product very well. - Divide the hair into 4 separate sections. - Put the treatment in small sections in a downward direction from the scalp to the ends. - Basically, leave a space within the scalp area from the nape of the neck which is about 1/2 inch. - Let the keratin treatment stays there for around 10 minutes. - Blow-dry 100% of the hair. Step 3: FLAT IRON THE HAIR IN SMALL PORTIONS Finally, here is the last step in applying the keratin treatment to curls and waves. - Partition the hair into 4 different sections. - Flat iron it about 3 to 5 times in thin portions. - Rinse the hair thoroughly and work the tresses in your preferred style. Frequently Asked Questions: HOW DO YOU PERMANENTLY LOOSEN TIGHT CURLS?Basically, the steps in loosening tight curls go by running down the curling iron to the hair ends. Make sure that the hair is wrapped around the barrel and hold it that way for about 30 to 45 seconds. Aside from loosening the curls, it will also produce uniform and relaxed curls. DOES HAIR CURL BACK AFTER KERATIN TREATMENT?Well, it is highly possible for the natural curls to return back after a keratin treatment. The process generally requires some bit of working out and effort plus a bit of patience to make the effect of the treatment last. Moreover, it will also depend on the hair’s texture and condition and the treatment may probably last for around 8 to 20 weeks. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN KERATIN TREATMENT WEARS OFF?About 1/3 to 2 inches, you will generally notice an obvious growth in your hair. And by that time, the keratin treatment will begin to wear off. However, the keratin treatments are able for reapplication on a once-a-month basis. It is highly important to maintain the consistency of the hair texture from the roots down to the tips. DOES KERATIN CAUSE HAIR LOSS?Primarily, because of the contents of the keratin treatment and the high heat requirement of the entire process, it may actually cause hair damage. With this, keratin treatment and hair loss may go with each other in conjunction. Moreover, this hair treatment may also be a factor for shedding and hair thinning. Final Words Obviously, there are various keratin treatments to loosen curls. And depending on how many waves and curls you want them to straighten up, you will surely get the appropriate treatment for you. Moreover, don’t forget to use the appropriate hair styling device as it will be of great help in minimizing the breakage. Having keratin treatments will definitely give you frizz-free tresses for a period of 6 months or so. Read the full article
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kirloskarcorrocoat · 16 days
Combating Marine Corrosion
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Combating Marine Corrosion
A distinguishing feature of the marine environment is the universally present high salt content in the air and seawater which acts as a catalyst for the corrosion of offshore structures, such as offshore oil rigs, Intake Pump Houses in Thermal Power Plants Handling Sea Water. Corrosion damage in these environments is also influenced by the presence of other chemicals and various pollutants in the seawater, air and ports and many other areas. The corrosive forces inherent in marine environments pose significant threats to the integrity and longevity of metal structures. In this technical blog, we explore the complexities of corrosion, its detrimental effects, and the imperative role of corrosion protection strategies using Kirloskar Corrocoat in safeguarding marine assets.
Understanding Corrosion:
corrosion refers to the natural process of deterioration that occurs when metallic structures, components, or equipment are exposed to the harsh conditions prevalent in marine environments. This deterioration is primarily driven by electrochemical reactions between the metal and its surroundings, which typically consist of high levels of salt, moisture, and other corrosive agents present in seawater and marine atmospheres.
The Significance of Corrosion Protection in the Marine Industry:
The harsh conditions prevalent in marine environments make ships and metallic infrastructure susceptible to corrosion. Left unchecked, corrosion can compromise the structural integrity of vessels and structures, posing safety hazards and necessitating costly repairs. Mild steel, commonly used in marine construction for its affordability and strength, is particularly prone to corrosion, making corrosion protection imperative for the longevity of marine assets.
Protective Measures:
Manufacturers and operators within the industry take various precautions to protect their assets such as vessels and offshore structures from corroding. We will explore some of the standard methods utilised to protect metallic structures in the marine environment.
1) Design
Ship and infrastructure designers and operators make an effort to reduce corrosion and keep them secure, which aids in extending the lifespan of the structure or vessel. A few design features can assist in reducing the rate of corrosion and in turn reducing the required maintenance costs, including:
The placement of drains aids in the draining of water from decks, wells and low-lying areas. This eliminates a direct cause of corrosive activity.
In an effort to reduce galvanic corrosion, insulation is set up in areas where different metals are placed close to one another. Impressed current systems that monitor corrosive cell activity and apply currents to protective anodes can be installed to detect and manage corrosion.
Insulation is required in locations where temperature shifts, stopping thermal fatigue.
However, Design changes alone are often unreliable in fully protecting marine equipment from corrosion. While they may address specific vulnerabilities, they may not comprehensively account for the dynamic and multifaceted nature of marine environments. Maintenance challenges, cost considerations, and long-term effectiveness further contribute to their limitations. A holistic approach, combining design improvements with other corrosion mitigation strategies such as Glass flake Coatings and rigorous Maintenance, is essential for effective corrosion management in the marine industry.
2) Glass flake Coatings
Glass flake coating is widely regarded as the optimal solution for corrosion prevention in the marine industry due to its following outstanding properties.
Exceptional Barrier Protection:
Glass flake coatings are highly regarded for their ability to create a dense barrier, effectively shielding metal surfaces from corrosive elements such as saltwater and moisture.
Mechanical Strength:
These coatings exhibit exceptional mechanical strength, providing robust protection against abrasion, impact, and wear in the harsh marine environment.
Chemical Resistance:
Glass flake coatings demonstrate high resistance to a wide range of chemicals commonly found in marine environments, ensuring long-term durability. They effectively cover a wide pH range, from 1 to 14, making them suitable for various applications.
Strong Adhesion Properties:
With strong adhesion to metal substrates, glass flake coatings ensure the longevity and integrity of the coating system, even in challenging conditions.
Cost-effective Solution:
Glass flake coatings offer long-lasting corrosion protection with minimal maintenance requirements, providing a cost-effective solution for preserving marine assets.
Flexibility and Versatility:
Their flexibility allows for seamless coverage of complex marine equipment and structures, making them suitable for various applications.
A specially designed non-toxic, anti-fouling coating, called “Corrocoat Biofoul” forms a durable barrier that inhibits the attachment and growth of algae, barnacles, and other fouling organisms. By minimizing biofouling, this innovative coating helps maintain the efficiency and performance of marine equipment and structures, extending the service life of assets. 
Kirloskar Corrocoat and Corrosion Management:
Kirloskar Corrocoat has developed product lines that ensure they offer superior corrosion resistance for equipment and infrastructure surfaces exposed to harsh marine environments. With the right protective coating, seawater is not aggressive – our coatings withstand long-term exposure to high levels of salt for extended periods.
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creamfilledchurros · 1 month
The Best White Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe
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Indulge in the luxurious sweetness of our White Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe! This versatile sauce offers two delightful flavor variations – classic almond or a sophisticated Chambord-infused raspberry twist – perfect for dipping your favorite churros.
White Chocolate Dipping Sauce
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This smooth and decadent white chocolate sauce is perfect for dipping churros and offers two flavor options - a touch of almond extract for a classic sweetness or a splash of Chambord for a delightful raspberry twist. - Small saucepan or heatproof bowl - Whisk - 6 Oz White chocolate, finely chopped - 1/4 Cup Heavy cream - 1 Tbsp Unsalted butter - 1/2 Tsp Almond extract (for Almond Variation) - 1-2 Tbsp Chambord liqueur (for Chambord Variation) - optional - Pinch of salt (optional) - Melt Chocolate:Stovetop: Place chopped white chocolate, heavy cream, and butter in a small saucepan over very low heat. Stir constantly until melted and smooth.Microwave: Combine chopped white chocolate, heavy cream, and butter in a heatproof bowl. Microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until melted and smooth. - Choose Your Flavor:Almond Variation: Remove from heat and whisk in almond extract. Add a pinch of salt, if desired.Chambord Variation: Remove from heat and whisk in 1 tablespoon of Chambord. Taste and add another tablespoon if you prefer a stronger raspberry flavor. Note: Alcohol burns off slightly during cooking, but avoid excessive use for young children. - Serve Warm: Serve warm alongside your churros for a delightful dipping experience. Serving Suggestions: Pair with classic churros, citrus-infused churros, or even fruit slices for an elegant dessert platter. Storage Guidance: Leftover sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Rewarm gently before serving. Recipe Notes: Chocolate Quality: Using good quality white chocolate will enhance the flavor of the sauce. Almond Extract: Adjust the amount of almond extract to your desired level of flavor intensity. Chambord: For a more pronounced raspberry flavor, add another tablespoon of Chambord. Be mindful of using excessive amounts for young children due to the alcohol content. Salt: A pinch of salt can help balance the sweetness of the sauce (optional). Please Note: Ingredient costs and calorie counts can fluctuate. These are intended as general guides. DessertAmerican, Mexican, SpanishChocolate Dipping Sauce, Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe, Churro, Churro Dipping Sauce, White Chocolate, White Chocolate Dipping Sauce, White Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe This White Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe provides a smooth and luscious base with the flexibility to customize its flavor profile. The classic almond variation offers a touch of nostalgic sweetness, while the optional Chambord infusion adds a hint of fruity elegance. Pair this sauce with a variety of churro flavors for a truly personalized dessert experience. Enjoy dipping classic cinnamon-sugar churros, citrus-infused variations, or even fresh strawberries and raspberries alongside the sauce for a beautiful spread. Create unique combinations and explore the endless possibilities of flavors for a truly indulgent treat. Ready to elevate your churro experience further? Discover a world of delicious dipping sauces, creative topping ideas, and expert tips within our comprehensive guide. And don't forget to check out our selection of fun churro-themed merchandise for the ultimate enthusiast! Read the full article
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safethaw · 2 months
8 Innovative Ice Melt Solutions Safer Than Traditional Salts
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In the face of icy winters, the choice of ice melt can significantly impact both safety and environmental health. Traditional salts have long been used for de-icing, but their negative effects are becoming increasingly apparent. Let's explore the drawbacks of traditional ice melt solutions and compare them with safer alternatives. 1. Cryomelt Treated Salt - Sodium Chloride CryoMelt Treated Salt, which primarily consists of sodium chloride, is effective in melting ice but poses several problems. Sodium chloride can damage concrete surfaces, corrode metal, harm plant life, and negatively impact pets' health. Its environmental impact is also significant, as it can contaminate groundwater and soil. 2. Ice Away Rock Salt Ice Melter - Sodium Chloride Similar to CryoMelt, IceAway Rock Salt Ice Melter's main component is sodium chloride. This traditional ice melt can cause surface damage, particularly to concrete and metal structures. Its runoff can be harmful to local flora and fauna, contributing to ecosystem imbalance. 3. Safe Step - Magnesium Chloride While magnesium chloride, the key ingredient in Safe Step, is less corrosive than sodium chloride, it still presents risks. It can cause skin irritation in pets and humans and may lead to respiratory issues if inhaled in large quantities. Environmental concerns include potential soil and water contamination. 4. Pro Slicer Ice Melt - Sodium Chloride Pro Slicer Ice Melt, containing sodium chloride, is known for its high corrosiveness, which can lead to substantial infrastructure damage over time. It also poses a risk to the local wildlife and aquatic life due to runoff that alters water quality. 5. Ice Patrol Ice Melt - Sodium Chloride Ice Patrol Ice Melt, another sodium chloride-based product, shares the same drawbacks as other traditional salts. Its environmental impact includes the potential for soil salinization and water pollution, along with posing a threat to the well-being of pets and local wildlife. 6. Diamond Crystal Winter Melt Ice Melt - Sodium Chloride Diamond Crystal Winter Melt Ice Melt, with its sodium chloride composition, is particularly harmful to vegetation and can lead to the 'burning' of grass and plants. It also contributes to the degradation of concrete surfaces and metal infrastructures. 7. Midwest Salt Bulk Rock Salt - Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride Midwest Salt Bulk Rock Salt combines sodium and magnesium chloride, doubling the potential for corrosion and environmental harm. This combination can accelerate damage to concrete and metals and increase the risk of soil and water contamination. 8. Green Gobbler Pet-Safe Ice Melt - Calcium Chloride & Magnesium Chloride Despite being marketed as pet-safe, Green Gobbler Ice Melt's calcium and magnesium chloride content can still be harmful. These components can cause skin and paw irritation in pets and may lead to gastrointestinal issues if ingested. Additionally, their environmental impact, particularly on water systems, is a cause for concern. Safe Thaw: A Superior Alternative In contrast to these traditional salts, Safe Thaw presents a safer, more sustainable solution. As a chloride-free and toxin-free ice melter, Safe Thaw eliminates the risks associated with corrosiveness and environmental toxicity. Its patented formula of a modified crystalline amide core infused with glycol admixture and traction agents ensures effective ice melting without the negative side effects on property, machinery, or the environment. Its concentrated formula guarantees long-term effectiveness, making it a cost-effective and responsible choice for both industrial and residential use. Conclusion The comparison of traditional salts with innovative solutions like Safe Thaw clearly shows the advantages of opting for safer, more environmentally friendly ice melt products. While traditional salts like sodium and magnesium chloride can effectively melt ice, their negative impacts on infrastructure, the environment, and living beings cannot be overlooked. Switching to advanced, chloride-free ice melters like Safe Thaw offers a responsible, efficient, and sustainable approach to managing winter hazards. Read the full article
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hzfilterpress · 2 months
Application of stacked screw sludge dehydrator in water treatment
In recent years, the stacked screw sludge dehydrator has been greatly developed and promoted in our country. Compared with traditional sludge dewatering equipment, the stacked screw sludge dehydrator has the characteristics of no clogging, low energy and water consumption, and fully automatic operation. and other characteristics, it has been widely used in many fields such as municipal administration, petrochemical industry, medicine, textile, metallurgy, food and beverage, agriculture and animal husbandry.
hzfilter Filtration Equipment Company uses three stacked screw sludge dehydrators and dosing devices and other supporting equipment. The sludge and chemicals are flocculated in the flocculation mixing tank and then enter the dehydration body. After being processed by the screw stacker, the moisture content of the sludge can reach 80 %the following.
The use of the screw stacking machine has been well received by customers. The main advantages are as follows:
1. Fully automatic operation without manual supervision. The 
 can be started and stopped remotely with one click, making the operation worry-free and labor-saving. 2. Energy saving and extremely low operating costs. The spiral shaft speed is only 2~4r/min, the power of a single device is <5kW, and its average energy consumption is about 1/8 of the belt machine and 1/20 of the centrifuge. 3. The spiral shaft is surfacing with a super wear-resistant carbide layer. The surfacing thickness is 100 to 150 times that of the ordinary spraying process, which greatly extends the service life of the equipment. 4. The CFRP ring plate has excellent wear resistance, the ring plate replacement rate is less than 5% in 2 years, and the service life is more than twice that of traditional stainless steel 304, saving maintenance costs. 5. In addition, CFRP ring plates do not react with acid, alkali and salts, and have excellent corrosion resistance when handling corrosive materials. Compared with 316 or even dual-phase steel ring plates, the use of CFRP ring plates not only improves product performance, At the same time, investment costs can be reduced.
Strong product strength is the cornerstone of a company's long-term development. Over the years, hzfilter screw sludge has insisted on taking products as the core and quality as the foundation. It has made intensive research and development in equipment technology innovation, new material technology innovation, dual carbon technology innovation and intelligent IoT technology innovation, and has gone hand in hand to create a product that is easy to use, practical and highly reliable. We provide innovative products and solutions to create greater economic and social benefits for users and solve environmental problems.
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shubhplus · 2 months
What is the value of TDS in water?
Understanding the Significance of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in Water
Water is a vital resource that sustains life, and its quality is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the environment. One essential parameter used to assess water quality is Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). TDS measures the concentration of dissolved substances in water, providing valuable insights into its purity and suitability for various purposes.
Definition of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Total Dissolved Solids refers to the total amount of inorganic and organic substances present in water in a dissolved form. These substances can include minerals, salts, metals, ions, and other chemical compounds. TDS is usually measured in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/L).
Sources of TDS in Water:
TDS in water can originate from various sources, both natural and anthropogenic. Natural sources include the dissolution of minerals and rocks, while human activities such as industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and urban runoff contribute to elevated TDS levels. Additionally, water treatment processes can also influence TDS levels.
Importance of Monitoring TDS in Water:
1. Drinking Water Quality:
   TDS levels in drinking water are a crucial factor in determining its potability. While some minerals are essential for health, elevated TDS levels can impart a noticeable taste and affect the water's aesthetic quality. Excessive TDS may also indicate the presence of contaminants that can pose health risks.
2. Agricultural Practices:
   Water used for irrigation significantly impacts soil quality and crop growth. High TDS levels can lead to soil salinity, affecting plant health and reducing agricultural productivity. Monitoring TDS in irrigation water is vital for sustainable agricultural practices.
3.Industrial Processes:
   Various industries rely on water for manufacturing processes. Elevated TDS can cause scaling and corrosion in equipment, leading to operational inefficiencies and increased maintenance costs. Maintaining optimal TDS levels is crucial for industrial processes.
4. Aquatic Ecosystems:
   TDS levels influence the health of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in TDS can affect the osmoregulation of aquatic organisms, impacting their growth and survival. It also plays a role in the overall ecological balance of water bodies.
TDS Measurement and Standards:
TDS measurement is commonly performed using a conductivity meter or by gravimetric analysis. Regulatory bodies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States, set guidelines and standards for TDS levels in different types of water, including drinking water, surface water, and groundwater. Adhering to these standards is essential for ensuring water safety and quality.
A Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) value of 32 in Shubhplus Water suggests that the water contains a very low concentration of dissolved solids. TDS is a measure of the combined inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water, including minerals, salts, and other substances.
A TDS value of 32 indicates exceptionally pure water, likely with minimal mineral content. While some minerals are beneficial for health, excessively high TDS levels can indicate contamination or undesirable substances in the water. However, with such a low TDS value, Shubhplus Water is likely to be clean and of high quality.
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blog-atechies · 4 months
Limescale Treatment Systems in Ireland
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In the scenic landscapes of Ireland, the pervasive issue of limescale in water systems has long been a concern for homeowners and businesses alike. The detrimental effects of limescale, such as reduced water flow, damaged appliances, and increased energy consumption, have driven the demand for innovative water treatment solutions. Enter Euro Water Solution, a leading brand committed to revolutionizing limescale treatment systems in Ireland.
Understanding Limescale
Limescale, primarily composed of calcium carbonate, is a common byproduct of hard water. The unique geological characteristics of Ireland result in water with elevated mineral content, making limescale a prevalent issue. As water passes through plumbing systems and appliances, calcium carbonate accumulates, forming stubborn deposits that can lead to a myriad of problems.
The Impact of Limescale
1. Reduced Water Flow: Accumulated limescale deposits can narrow pipelines, reducing the flow of water. This not only affects water pressure but also increases the strain on plumbing systems.
2. Appliance Damage: Home appliances such as water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines are particularly susceptible to limescale buildup. Over time, this can lead to decreased efficiency, increased energy consumption, and ultimately, premature appliance failure.
3. Energy Inefficiency: Limescale acts as an insulating layer, reducing the efficiency of heating elements in water-related appliances. 
The Innovative Approach
Euro Water Solution has emerged as a beacon of hope for those grappling with limescale-related issues in Ireland. With a commitment to delivering cutting-edge water treatment systems, the brand has developed a range of products designed to address the root causes of limescale formation.
1. Electronic Water Descalers
Euro Water  utilize advanced technology to alter the structure of mineral crystals in hard water. By preventing the formation of stubborn limescale deposits, these devices effectively mitigate the adverse effects on plumbing systems and appliances.
2. Eco-Friendly Solutions
Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, Euro Water Solution places a strong emphasis on eco-friendly limescale treatment. The electronic water descalers require no chemicals, salt, or regular maintenance, making them a green alternative to traditional water softeners.
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3. Customized Solutions for Ireland
It understands the unique water quality challenges faced by residents of Ireland. The brand has tailored its products to address the specific mineral content of Irish water, ensuring optimal performance in the local context.
4. Cost-Effective Water Treatment
Investing in water filter system's limescale treatment systems proves to be a cost-effective solution in the long run. By preventing limescale buildup, users can extend the lifespan of their appliances, reduce energy consumption, and minimize the need for costly repairs.
Customer Testimonials
The success of limescale treatment systems is reflected in the testimonials of satisfied customers. Homeowners and businesses alike have reported significant improvements in water quality, appliance efficiency, and overall cost savings after implementing  drinking water filter 'products.
In the quest for effective limescale treatment systems in Ireland, Euro Water Solution stands out as a reliable and innovative brand. Through its electronic water descalers and commitment to eco-friendly solutions, the brand has positioned itself as a leader in the fight against limescale-related challenges. As more households and businesses in Ireland embrace water treatment ireland  technology, the future looks promising for a cleaner, more efficient water infrastructure.
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