waterlillypress · 4 months
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This story is the reason I wanted to start book-binding as a hobby, and after a few years of just wanting and not doing and another few months of binding several books, I had enough practise to start these chunks. The story in question is Stuck on the puzzle by @not-poignant . I followed it chapter by chapter as it was written and it's been in my heart these last eight years since it was finished.
Both parts are around 500 pages and by far the largest I have bound.
As always big thanks to @renegadepublishing for being endlessly helpful.
In process pics behind the cut.
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erikacousland · 10 months
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BioWare on Twitter: "Here’s to long days with good friends. #DayofFriendship #DragonAge https://t.co/xwrZxu7y9m" / X
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curlycullycullenswife · 5 months
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Happy Holidays to all of you!
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kesterite · 1 year
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krotiation · 2 years
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POV: you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of the entire inquisition
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 9 months
things i would change about dragon age romances:
make solas romancable by both male and female elves. don't limit your biggest romance to only one specific kind of inquisitor.
i'm here for the bi rep always and forever, but leliana being lesbian makes more sense to me.
let cullen be romanced by men as well as women. let a man sweep him off his feet and make him question everything. he deserves that kind of excitement.
make it so that iron bull and dorian will always get together as long as the inquisitor doesn't romance either of them. don't make me idle for five hours to trigger it.
let my warden be in a poly relationship with allistair and zevran. zev is definitely up for it so come on.
make varric a romance option. bioware, i beg you. if i can only have one good thing in my life, let it be that.
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alltears · 1 year
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. #ALLY EDITION
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artxssa · 2 months
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I´m in Dragon Age hell again, help-
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wesslesprout · 10 months
Absolutely losing it over how story board Cullen looks during the bulls romance
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hinterlost · 2 years
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textposts that I feel vibes with the companions/advisors
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divine-donna · 10 months
inquisition companions react to the inquisitor missing half their arm
because bioware didn’t wanna give it to us, i decided i’d just do it myself. (insert thanos meme) even though i am like years late to the hype.
the game is like 9 years old at this point, but spoilers ahead.
do keep in mind this is my own personal interpretation of each character. it may not be accurate to your own interpretations. (also i know leliana is technically not a companion in inquisition but i included her anyways)
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cassandra pentaghast
if cassandra could plunge a knife into the heart of solas, she would. she would not let him get away with betraying you and taking the anchor along with your arm. you had basically fallen into her arms when you emerged from the portal and she had to carry you back to halamshiral. for the days you were unconscious, cassandra was anxious and extra prickly. there were many times where cullen would have to talk her down from her anger. even varric did too.
dorian pavus
the first thing he did was crack a joke. the atmosphere was tense and it just slipped out. “i asked you to come back in one piece, not missing one.” safe to say, the other companions did not approve of his joke. dorian was set to return to tevinter after being notified of his new position as a magister, but he delayed the return to his homeland for you. he sat in your room as you lied unconscious, barely breathing, leg anxious bouncing up and down. when you awoke, you were immediately met with a large and tight hug from him. he knocked the air out of your lungs from that.
blackwall admires you. in fact, everyone would go so far as to say he adores you. he thinks of you as strong, capable, almost infallible. you closed rifts, you closed the big green tear in the sky, and you defeated corypheus! what couldn’t you do? all your feats proved to him that you were the strongest leader he could ever know. and yet, you were still mortal. you left the eluvians mortally wounded and exhausted beyond belief, your eyelids so heavy and ready to close so you may drift off into the black void of sleep. blackwall would not let you, not until you were taken away to be cared for. you found him sitting besides you, awake and on guard. your mortality was his reminder that you and him were the same, even if your lives appeared to be completely different. and he understood that the world would need a leader like you and that is dangerous.
iron bull
the bull could feel a stronger kinship with you that day. it appears that the both of you lost something. he betrayed the qun for the inquisition, thus losing a part of himself, his people. you lost a literal part of yourself, something you had to come to terms with after having the anchor for two years. to say iron bull was shaken up would be an understatement. he was getting cassandra to hit him with sticks for days on end while you lied unconscious. he wondered what would’ve happened if he was with you, if maybe...he could’ve stopped solas. but reminiscing never did anyone any good.
as much as he wanted to help you, cole couldn’t. he also understood that you wouldn’t accept his help, no matter how much he insisted. so instead, he did the best thing he could do: help tend to your injuries. what was curious was that he could feel very little of your pain. when he felt your pain two years ago after forming the inquisition, it was concentrated in your hand and forearm. with it gone, you felt at peace. the primary source of pain for you had been washed away. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, he thought.
sera’s immediate reaction is, like dorian, to crack a joke. everyone is used to her eccentricity. but it felt different this time around. while you laid unconscious, recovering from the long battle, she occupied herself. she had to busy her hands and her legs, keep moving, keep her mind busy. because if she sat too still for even a second, then her mind would think about the worst outcome. she would get images of you, dead, because solas had betrayed you, betrayed her, betrayed the inquisition. hell, he betrayed the world! that knob! thinking he knew what was best! sera’s all the more relieved when it’s revealed you survived. she bursts through the door to see you and hug you tightly, complaining about how much you scared her.
varric tethras
in all honesty, varric should’ve been more prepared to expect...well, the unexpected. he had expectations of you coming out unharmed, untouched. obviously, that was not what happened. and he wondered if he was responsible for this. he had been one of the many people to support you as the inquisitor two years ago, suggesting it. he wondered if he made the wrong decision. but also, part of varric was relieved. he lost someone close to him two years ago. he didn’t know if he could handle losing you too.
vivienne de fer
the court would devour tales of the eluvians and how you managed to survive. that was vivienne’s first thought. people would be talking about you for centuries to come, certainly. and yet, she knew in her soul that was not what you would want. she does her best to minimize what rumors spread when you first emerge from the eluvians and help give you privacy. behind closed doors, vivienne checks on your injuries. part of her is amazed that the anchor was removed so cleanly.
josephine montilyet
josephine has seen many things ranging from serious to just plain absurd. when she was alerted that you had returned with many serious injuries, including the loss of half your arm, she sent messages to get the best possible doctors in all of orlais to help attend to you. the woman was definitely stressed beyond belief. but when she wasn’t trying to get everyone from backing off from you or getting people to look at you, josephine was attending to you herself. you awoke to find her wiping some sweat off your face and when she noticed, she muttered about how great andraste was and embraced you tightly.
cullen rutherford
your knight-commander appeared to take the news very well, much to the disapproval of cassandra. but the moment cullen was alone, in private, he flipped a table, causing everything to crash. all he could feel running throughout his body was regret, guilt, and anger. regret and guilt for not having gone with you. he should’ve. because if he did, maybe you would have came back alright. anger directed towards solas because the apostate had betrayed you, the inquisition. and everything you and him had worked towards was going to crumble. all of his hard work, leliana’s, cassandra’s, josephine’s, it’d all be for naught. cullen ends up spending a lot of time alone while you’re unconscious. he prays to andraste and the maker to distract himself from any wandering thoughts going towards lyrium. certainly the new mabari hound he decided to adopt on a whim helps with distractions at least.
the woman has seen many things in her lifetime, having experienced the fifth blight itself and been part of that fight against the archdemon. still, things aren’t easy when you come back from the eluvians missing half of your arm. even if it goes against all her duties, leliana stays with you until you wake up to make sure you’re alright. you’re the inquisitor after all and it’s vital that you’re still alive.
he’s the one who took it. you think he cares?
in all seriousness, it gave him no pleasure to remove your arm for the anchor. even if his plan was...well, shoddy we should say, the anchor was going to kill you. he had no choice. carrying your hand and forearm around felt heavy. he could carry it just fine but what made it heavy was the burden that came with his plan to tear down the veil and bring doom upon the world in a desperate attempt to bring it back to what it once was. and also, the burden of having harmed you.
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partystoragechest · 10 months
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citrineghost · 11 months
I think this fandom may be one of the ones that takes the MOST artistic liberties with its characters, so let's see if we're all experiencing the inaccuracy the same way lmao
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razumairon · 2 years
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Found this meme I made months ago in my gallery and had to share
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 5 months
amber's dragon age inquisition tips for a good playthrough
(spoiler warning, obvs)
●do "power for a price" war table operation as soon as you can
●flirt with EVERYONE (except blackwall if you don't intend to romance him, as you can get soft locked in his romance very early on)
●fade kiss solas if you're playing as an female elf and want to gain his friendship - doesn't lock you in a romance with him but it boosts approval
●side with the mages - optional, but in hushed whispers is a much more interesting mission than champions of the just (and the templars suck)
●do varric's personal quests and gain high enough approval with him to get the wicked grace cutscene
●support either cassandra or leliana to be the next divine - i don't think the game mentions it but if you don't, vivienne becomes the divine instead
●if you're not romancing iron bull or dorian, spend a few hours idling with just the two of them and they'll get together instead
●if you're not romancing blackwall or josephine, bringing blackwall and varric/sera out together may trigger some dialogue which hints at blackwall having feelings for josephine
●don't drink from the well of sorrows - morrigan wants it more, it seems problematic later on, and you have to fight a dragon
●sacrifice the dreadnought and save the chargers - iron bull appreciates it way more later on
●if you plan on leaving hawke in the fade, don't bring varric with you (or bring him and cassandra if you like angst)
●as long and tedious as it is, go down josephine's line for her personal mission instead of leliana's
●recruit cole
●romance someone before going to the winter palace, it'll be worth it at the end (actually bring them to the winter palace for this to work)
●always tell dorian about the meeting with his father, you're a dick if you don't
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