#buggy please add more to this !
neolympus · 1 month
could i get a mwf for a hephaestus chosen?
willow allen, blu hunt, lame cobain, lovie simone, jaz sinclair, london thor, khadija red thunder, havana liu rose, jessie mei li, chase sui wonders, and ayo edebri !
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
You Give Them a Massage 💆‍♂️
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk.
Buy me a KO-FI
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Luffy while not exactly needing massages enjoys the physical affection.
You will focus on his spine as you gently knead his muscles into relaxation. Which usually turns into you kneading a soft rubbery feeling since he will relax so much it's like he turns into a toy.
"Are you stretching out?"
You question as you realize you've kneaded him into puddy. As well as praising the nice clean lemon scented lotions you used.
He will giggle at the feeling and eventually fall asleep at your touch.
"Your hands are sooo nice (Y/N)!'
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A massage for Sanji usually starts out as physical therapy for his legs since the muscles are so tight and locked up it causes him pain. Stretching him out leads to him usually Biting a Pillow and groaning in discomfort.
*Please watch for your viewing pleasure ;3
Once done with that you massages away. Focusing on his legs and thighs in order to get him relaxed. Using nice peach scented lotion to help him relax.
"Your hands are heavenly my dear~"
He will flirt with you while on the table but eventually just develope into groans of bliss.
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Zoro will be stubborn and not want a message at first. However fall into it when his shoulders are sore.
You have to use baby oil for him since his skin is very rough. You have to use a lot of strength to work out the knots in his shoulders, having felt stones that were softer.
"This is ridiculous, I don't see... ohh"
Once you hit that point that has been hurting him he will fall under your spell. Humming in gentle delight as you work out the sorness and tension from his shoulders.
He will fall asleep, snoring rathed loudly as you smooth out his shoulders.
"That was.. very very nice"
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Usopp will be down for a massage, especially since all his maintenance om the ship make his arms sore.
At first talking your ear off about fake stories as you worked, using different mango lotions on his hands to make them soft.
"You know, I traveled to this island once that had beautiful mermaids, they were all over.. over oh that feels nice"
Will eventually fall into a dreamy like state as he will mumble gentle praise as you work up and down his arms.
"That was so nice (Y/N) thank you"
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Oh poor Nami- Her lower back is always a problem for her! So when you offer a massage she jumps at the opportunity.
You work at the very strong tension on her lower back and help ease the ache. Using nice orange scented lotion for her to add a bit of aroma therapy to the room.
"Gods that's so nice... ugh having boobs suck-"
She will grumble earning some nice chuckles out of both of you. Casual conversation will take place between the two of you as you work, but at the end silence will win over as she's too relaxes to speak.
"Thank you (Y/N) you're a life saver~"
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Buggy never talks about how sometimes his joints ache after using his devil fruit. Mainly his neck if he detaches his head for long periods of time.
Will throw a mini temper tantrum as you tell him to get on the table, which he does even if he makes a fuss.
Once you start this man is all moans and whimpers. Feeling you work the muscles in his neck into relaxation.
"Fucckkkk" He will moan and pretty much fall apart under your skilled hands. The nice strawberry lotion filling the room which makes him even more complient and relaxed. Defiently the type to get 'excited' during a massage as well.
"Well.. maybe we can do this again?"
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Shanks will be open to a massage, however it takes him a while to actually relax.
You focus on his shoulders and side of his body. Especially the one with his missing arm, He does get phantom pains and were the muscles are suppose to connect on his missing arm sometimes clench at the pack of stimulation. So you have to carefully work those muscles with your fingers and travel up to his shoulders and side of his body.
"...Thank you (Y/N)"
He will sigh out, feeling the ache in his arm fade from your fingers as the cucumber lotion helps him relax. Will try and crack a few jokes with you here and there but will eventually relax enough to allow silence.
"It's been a while since I've felt this nice, Thank you again"
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When Mihawk finally allows you to give him a massage after pestering him for a while you see why- It's like his entire back is made of cobblestone- You question how he gets any sleep with this much tension!
It takes a good hour just to work out the knots before you can even begin to give him a proper massage. He will grunt only at the nice feeling of you working his muscles into submission, the Eucalyptus lotion helping his mind fade into tranquil bliss as you work.
Mihawk is dead silent the while time you work, enjoying the peaceful silence as you get him to relax and ease the pain in his entire back.
Once finishes you are close to exhaustion.
"Thank you deeply (Y/N)"
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withlove-angel · 8 months
How would they confess to you ?
(Luffy, sanji, zoro, Buggy, law)
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I think Luffy would be very straightforward with his confession, he wouldn't want to beat around the bush or cause any confusion. He would be very clear about his feelings for you and how much you mean to him. He might not be the most romantic person in the world but he would try his best to show you how much he cares about you and how important you are to him.
He might start by saying something like, "You know, I've been really enjoying our time together, and I have to say...I'm starting to fall for you!" Then, he might add, "Oh, who am I kidding, I've completely fallen for you! You're the only person who can make me smile like this and I never want that to go away." He might even end his confession with, "So, wanna be my treasure?"
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Well, Sanji might not confess right away, but he might start with subtle hints. He might drop little compliments or flirt a lot more. He would also make an extra-special meal to impress you. Eventually, he might get up the courage to tell you how he feels, and he would say something like "You're so beautiful and kind, it's hard not to have a crush on you"
That's true! Sanji does like to flirt, but he's also very respectful of women and their boundaries. He wouldn't push if you said no, but he might be a bit... persistent... if you said maybe, or said you wanted to get to know him better before making a decision. He might ask you more questions about yourself and your interests, or try to impress you with his cooking or fighting skills. But he wouldn't force you into anything, even if he does really like you
"I love your smile, and your laugh. Your eyes sparkle like jewels and your hair is like the sun on a sunny day. You're strong and brave, and you don't let anything stop you. I want to be the person who makes you smile the most in the whole world. My heart is yours; will you please accept it?"
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The way I envision it, he'd confess during a time of quiet, peace, and contemplation. He'd be hesitant, nervous, probably even a little awkward in his own way, but he'd do it without hesitation because it's what he's feeling. He'd want it to be genuine and sincere, and maybe it'd even be a spur-of-the-moment decision. If it's a more emotional moment, his swords might even be discarded to the side, as a symbolic gesture
*deep breath*" Oi. You know it's me, right? There's something I wanna get off my chest. It's not easy for me to put it into words. I don't know if I'm making sense... But here goes. I kinda like you- like like you. A lot. I think I've felt this way for a while now, but I haven't been able to say it. I know it's a lot to just say out loud, and it feels a bit... reckless. But I gotta just get it out. I like you."
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Buggy likes to present himself as powerful and intimidating. But deep down he's just an insecure guy who worries about what others think of him. In a private setting with someone he trusts, I think Buggy would be a lot more honest and open about his feelings. But he would still do it his own way, maybe in a roundabout way without actually saying the words "I love you".
I think Buggy would be very loyal and protective in a relationship, and he'd make sure that his partner knows that he values their connection deeply.
He would be careful not to say anything overly cheesy or melodramatic. He might try to lighten the mood with a joke, or compliment you in a way that makes you feel special and important to him. He would probably try to impress you with his strength and courage, and show off his abilities as a fighter and leader.
He would probably also be quite thoughtful and sweet, and show that he really cares about your well-being and happiness. But he wouldn't want to be too vulnerable or emotional, so he would likely try to keep things light and playful.
"So.. I.. err.. *cough* you're the most beautiful and amazing person I've ever met. (Turns all red) *cough* I mean... err... you're not too bad I guess. (Tries to smile) Wanna.. err.. be my partner.. I mean... umm... *cough* wanna be my romantic partner? Yeah, that's it. *cough* That was a joke, right? Right?"
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Law is the type to give subtle hints that he likes someone while keeping his feelings under wraps. If you like him too, you'd probably have to make a move first. He's the type to deny his feelings until the moment they're expressed. He has a hard time displaying his emotions, although he's quite a warm person internally.
If you confess he would probably be stunned at first. He wouldn't expect this to happen. However, once he processes what's occurred, he would probably say something along the lines of "Oh... hmm. Is that so?" His expression would definitely display his surprised and potentially pleased state. Though, he'll probably keep his answer brief and ambiguous. But the slightly blush and smirk on his face dont lie...
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merbear25 · 3 months
What positions they prefer
Entangled in this twisted balance of love and lust, you find yourself captivated by their allure. With neither of you being able to resist temptation, they pull you into their favored acts.
CW: NSFW!! MDNI!! gn!reader (but some positions may be more suitable for f x m partners), headcanons
Sanji, Corazon, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Caesar
Sanji: The spur of the moment overtakes him most of the time, leading the both of you in, sometimes, the least convenient places. He'd enjoy holding your body close to his, the spontinaety of it all, and secretly the risk of getting caught.
You would find yourselves in the ballet dancer after you teased him a bit too much. Holding you against the wall in the hallway off to the side, he'd have a firm handle on your backside. Aiding your support with your leg hung over his arm, he'd do his best not to get too rough—keeping it sensual, so as not to make too much noise.
He'd love whenever you were in the kitchen with him, watching him cook and/or learning to cook from him. This, however, usually resulted in you spread across the nearest table or counter top: your emotions and insides being whipped into a finishing cream. The act of performing such a vulgarity in a communal area would only add to the thrill.
Wanting to take full advantage of intimacy, placing you in a classic sixty-nine would the most preferable way to indulge: no worrying about who may catch you, just focusing on pleasing you and listening to your struggling breaths. With you on top, he'd be able to lose himself in your lustful mewls. Though he'd do his best not to gag you, sometimes his body would move in rhythm to your irresistible motions.
Corazon: Wanting to feel as close to you as possible, he'd prefer positions that involve holding, are ideal for kissing, and give opportunities for a lot of eyecontact. He'd be rather talkative, mostly providing soft moans and loving encouragement.
When having you in the face off position, he'd help support you by gripping your hips and guiding you up and down. Seeing your face flush from the electrofying friction, he'd pull you into a hug―lightly kissing the side of your face and whispering words of encouragement and praise, "You're doing so well. You always know just how to make me melt."
Holding you in the spork, he'd caress your thigh and run his hand up it, gripping at the fat on your hips. He'd find it hard to keep himself from having you in a lip lock the whole time; watching you pant from his length sending shock waves of ecstasy throughout your body was too inticing for him not to give in to the long kiss.
Gently easing your leg up against his chest while in the pretzel dip, he'd do his best not to overstimulate you too quickly. However, this never goes as he'd hoped: instead feeling up every inch of you, rubbing your most personal and sensitive areas. He may get carried away seeing you lose yourself to the pleasure he was giving you―being rougher than he'd intended.
Mihawk: Opting for positions that give you the most pleasure, your constant moaning, spasming, and sight of your ass getting shafted by him would highten his experience—guiding you both through an earth shattering climax.
Making sure you'd be able to get the most enjoyment possible, placing you in the leap frog would have your vision blurring within moments. Since he'd have easy access to your g-spot, anything less than having you in a stammering mess would be disappointing for him. Even after your first wave, he'd know you'd have more in you—pushing you to the point you felt like you were being punished.
Wanting to feel the full weight of you bouncing up and down on him, the upstanding citizen would be a go-to. You'd fall apart from the sheer intensity being forced in you, which would give him the luxury of witnessing your eyes gloss over. If you were to claw at his back and/or shoulders, he'd only understand this as a job well-done and refuse to hold back.
Noticing how sensitive you are in the pretzel dip, he'd love putting you in it for overstimulation. Whenever you desperately gripped at the sheets in hopes of catching yourself from going over the edge too quickly, he'd see it as a challenge; you'd then be put through a series of overwhelming sin until he was satisfied with the mess you'd inevitably become.
Crocodile: He'd generally love when you were helpless under him, while allowing him to have full view of your body. He'd be courteous enough to prepare you properly before any of this―he'd want you to be good and ready for him after all.
When he got you in a jack hammer, wedged between the floor and his body, a sadistic smile would creep onto his face. He couldn't help himself; you looked so pathetic in this position. Since he'd gotten you warmed up prior to this, he'd expect for you to be ready for the main course―holding back wouldn't be something he'd plan on.
When he felt like being closer and more personal during sex, he'd quite like the seashell; it'd still give him full dominance, but he'd be in a better position to kiss you if he felt like it. Plus, seeing you in such a helpless state would only add to his enjoyment. If he was feeling particularly cruel, he'd play with your most sensitive parts, knowing you'd have no choice but to take it.
On days he was feeling lazy or tired, he'd want to have you in a reverse cowgirl. Watching your ass bounce up and down on him would tempt him into spanking it and grabbing at it tightly. Leaning his head back, he'd indulge in the vulgar sounds of skin slapping. If you started to get tired, he may feel gracious and give some thrusts to keep the momentum going.
Buggy: Closeness is something he'd crave during sex—heightening the overall intimacy for him. Being able to face you, hold you, and feel like he can let go of his troubles: all things he'd be craving whenever wanting to be with you. He'd enjoy receiving some light praises, though he'd be embarrassed to admit it.
The desire to hold you close and wrap his arms around you in the missionary position would be a go-to whenever he was struggling with his own issues. This position would help him feel more secure and comforted. It'd also allow him to see your face throughout all of it if he was seeking out validation: the bliss written on your face would be more than telling enough.
There are times he'd feel a bit lazier. Having a rather slow and sensual experience in the spork, he'd still be able to pepper you with kisses. If you were being needy, he'd quicken the pace. Being able to see each change in your expression would be mesmerizing, inticing him to caress your hip and nibble on your neck.
Despite the bed's edge/butterfly ommiting the opportunity for him to hug you, the view of you spread open for him would be a lovely trade-off. He'd have easy access to your other sensitive parts, making it hard to ignore the rising temptation to overstimulate you. Bringing you to euphoria multiple times, he'd refrain from letting up: he'd love knowing how good he was making you feel.
Caesar: He'd mostly enjoy watching your reactions. He wouldn't be that vocal but would love if you were. It'd inflate his ego and only encourage him to keep going, pushing to see how much you'd be able to take―meaning you'd be subject to impromptu testing.
He'd like easing himself in and out when cradling you. Focus would be kept on how your face changed from the initial adjustment to him, to pleasure, then ultimately to climax. You looked so sweet, despite the shameful act you were taking part in. If you were to look up at him in this position, it'd make it incredibly difficult for him to hold back from releasing right there and then.
He'd like when you took control in the rhombus position: watching you bounce up and down, pressing your chest against his if you needed. Seeing you unravel at your own pace was undoubtedly erotic. Grabbing your hips, he'd want to see just how much of him you could handle. Still letting you think you were in full control, he'd be guiding you further down, watching you for any signs of pain.
Putting you into the sphinx position granted him full control over you―practically leaving you powerless. Starting off slowly, feeling your walls spasm at his girth, he'd observe your breathing patterns. If it was proving to be too much for you, he'd massage your hips, while gingerly helping you adjust to him. Upon hearing your mewls becoming more frantic, he'd push your limits―positioning a leg to your side for more leverage. When you clenched at the sheets, he'd see that as a sign to quicken his pace.
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sunnyship · 8 months
I am absolutely fascinated by whatever the hell is going on between Shanks and Buggy. Are they best friends? Are they mortal enemies? Estranged brothers? Divorced lovers?
I honestly don't know because I don't think they know. The fact the two of them have wildly different ideas of what their relationship is does not help. It also doesn't help that the more we learn about them, the more everything we know about them shifts.
When we're first introduced to them, it's separately and with the definite impression that Shanks is the good guy and Buggy is a bad guy who hates Shanks due to a 'betrayal'. Then we're shown the 'betrayal' is something simple and stupid and is as much, if not more so, Buggy's fault than Shanks.
Then we find out Buggy lied about what the betrayal actually was followed soon after by the revelation that Shanks ADORES Buggy. In fact, he's so friendly with Buggy that it literally changes how the rest of the world interacts with Buggy. All because one of the Pirate Emperors is treating this pathetic, wet mop of a clown as a beloved equal.
Add in the fact that, by the current point of the story, we are well aware that 'good' and 'evil' are very much relative and... well. For all Buggy's still a villain, we've seen Buggy pull off more relatively 'good' things than we've seen Shanks do. In fact, some of Shanks' more recent actions are extremely questionable. Honestly, the further into the story we get, the more people like the clown and the more people start wondering what the hell, exactly, is Shanks up to?
And then we finally discover what the 'betrayal' actually is. And, wow, does it hurt. Because it's "I love you enough to give up everything for you, including my dreams" only to have the rug pulled out from under you. It's cutting yourself down until you don't know who you even are anymore in order to fit in the box you feel you have to fit in for the relationship to work at all. It's being so codependent you can't imagine not doing everything you can, including hurting yourself, to make sure it works. It's jealousy and anger at being forced to do that and not being able to express it because it's aimed at someone you love and you know the truth would devastate them. And it's leaving because staying would be worse.
It's also "I love you! I need you! Please stay!" and not understanding why love isn't enough. It's loving someone enough to let them go and waiting for them to come back (please come back). It's saying, "I love you," to someone and getting, "I wish I didn't," in reply. It's knowing something is wrong but not what so you can never fix it, no matter how hard you try. It's loving someone so much it's hurting them and not knowing that until they suddenly hurt you back.
It's devastating. And so much of it could be solved with communication.
And therapy. These two need so much therapy.
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thatoneoldguy · 6 months
How I Think Characters Would Be Like In Bed ig
An: I don't write often, but I hope I can do some of your favs justice💀 (mostly One Piece)
CW: kinda smut, Headcanons
Degrades the shit out of you because it makes you feel good:
"Ah fuck take it baby"
"Take it like the good little whore you are"
Trafalgar Law, Satoru Gojo, Geto Suguru, Roranoa Zoro, SABO, Nami, Nanami Kento, Aki Hayakawa, Tengen uzui, Portgas D Ace, Smoker, Shanks, Mihawk, BUGGY, Franky, Katakuri, Marco The Phoenix, Silvers Rayleigh, Yamato, Bell-mere, Koby (he would probably be too embarrassed unless he's feeling extra confident)
Degrades the shit out of you because it makes THEM feel good:
"Yeah? You fucking like that whore?"
"Fucking slut, take it all"
Donquixote Doflamingo, Douma, Sukana, Geto Suguru, Muzon, Crocodile, Ceaser Clown, Eustass Kid, Monet,
Mostly Grunts and Breathes Heavily:
Mihawk, Katakuri, Marco the Phoenix
Gentle Praises/whines Here and there:
"Yeah, just like that baby"
"You feel too damn good"
"you're so sexy"
Nico Robin, Sabo, Nanami Kento, Kyojuro Rengoku, Donquixote Rosinante, Shanks, Garp, Smoker, Buggy, Mihawk, Vivi Nefertari, Franky, God Usopp, Katakuri, Silvers Rayleigh, Yamato, Bartolomeo, Viola, Tashigi, Bell-mere, Koby
Absolutely over the top with moans and praises:
"God you're so fucking sexy"
"Oh fuck I love you so much"
"Please baby I need more of you~"
SANJI, ACE, Satoru Gojo, Buggy, Bartolomeo, KOBY
(These are all just my personal opinions on the characters) Thank you for your time 🙏
I'll probably add to this later, but for now I'm going to sleep <3
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xosdr · 3 months
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Road to Wealth
If you've any questions or find any problems or spelling mistakes. Please let me know in my Discord
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More Info about Road to Wealth
The road to Wealth mod adds a Net Worth system to your game. Depending on your Sims net worth (property value + cash) they will automatically receive a trait and the trait will also be automatically updated when your Sim goes into another class. The five traits are: poor, lower class, middle class, upper class, and wealthy.
The new traits have also been added to preferences, so your Sim can like or dislike a certain net worth class. If they are in a net worth class they don't like they will receive negative buffs and if they are in a net worth class they do like they will receive positive buffs. Also, it is harder to make friends with Sims who are in a net worth class your Sim dislikes and easier with Sims who are in a net worth class your Sim does like.
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Not only does this mod add a net worth system it also adds more ways for your Sims to spend or earn money:
They can now go on activities, by themselves or with friends and family.
They'll have to pay an entrance fee on certain lots that have the new lot challenge activated: Entrance Fee.
They can purchase memberships, so they don't have to pay the entrance fee anymore. These memberships will last 7 or 14 days.
They might receive scam calls where they either loose or win a lot of money.
They can take out a loan. Paying back the loan works the same as the Discovery University loan system, but the system has been made Base Game Compatible and has become less buggy.
Poor and lower class Sims can now search for money on certain furniture items.
Instead of selling all your inventory items directly in the inventory your Sims can now sell their items at the new stores. The interaction can be found in the shopping tab on their phone or computer. Not only can your Sims sell their items at these store they can also purchase item from these stores.
And there is also a new aspiration available: Road to Wealth.
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Then this mod also comes with a few optional files. All these optional files are optional and the reason they are optional is because they are either overrides or they require DLC.
Lot Prices: changes the price of each lot in game. You can choose to have them all as §0 or the original price x 5 or x 10.
Starting Funds: changes the amount of money a new household starts with. Your Sim will have to pay back this money. It's a loan! 
Adoption & Animals: changes the prices of all adoptions and animals (except for goats, sheep, cows, llamas, and chickens). Also, animal food has become more expensive.
Diaper & Bottle: adds pricing to each diaper change and each bottle feed. Cloth diapers and breastfeeding is free.
Reward Store: adds 50% of the original price to any rewards store item. For example if it costs 2000 it will now cost 3000.
Science Baby: makes having a science baby a lot more expensive!
Services: all services have now become more expensive. This includes massages, manicures, and pedicures.
University: All university classes have become more expensive.
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Russian by Pumpkin
Chinese by ImmoralSSS 
Spanish by RoshySims
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infactmrmeowz · 6 months
Hello. Can you tell us, in your opinion, what physical preferences Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy and Smoker from One Piece would have in a woman ? Thank you very much and sorry if this has already been asked. ^^
One Piece Men + Headcanons!
OF COURSE I CAN POOKIE!! Also MB for like disappearing for months on end!! Btw!! I can’t see my messages idk why so so sorry! If ya want somethin do inbox!
warning!: suggestive only a bit, cursing! Obviously female reader, grammar bad mb, tad bit off topic!
crocodile - I see him being an ass guy, I don’t think it matters what size but if you have an ass then yk 😜. - leadership! Because he is SUCH a busy man he wants you too atleast have SOME leadership on yourself and others for his work, and you to take care of yourself! It’ll be more stressful for him if he constantly has to worry about you.. which he doesn’t!! (He does). - I don’t think he really cares what size you are, you just have to be strong, atleast learn how to fight or protect yourself! - women in suits 😵‍💫 - if he sees you in a suit he might just go bonkers. - this is going back to leadership role, but being smart! You don’t have to be Einstein smart but smart in one way or another, he finds that hot.. especially when you geek out about thing, can be a special interest or something nerdy, he might act like he is not listening but he is! - hip dips! Oo that man loves iittttt he’ll hug you from behind, and rest his hands on them, while nuzzling his head in your neck !! Mihawk- boob guy, no one can tell me otherwise! - again doesn’t matter what size you are, he loves to see you in the color red! (With cleavage showing 🫨). - he likes it when you drink the wine and a little wine mustache comes up! He finds it’s ADORABLLEEEE. - when you sit down and your thighs expand, especially in a dress!!! AAAAAA. - I think he wants someone who is shorter than him, but also strong in some way or another .. bonus points if you know how to use a weapon! Especially a sword! - someone with long hair! Doesn’t care if it’s real or not, he loves to see you do your hair in the morning, (this includes if you have braids or dreads!) Buggy- thigh guy! - he LOVES to see you put on flashy colors for your outfits, or hair styles/hair colors! Of course you can’t be more flashy than him.. BUT he thinks you look HOT and CUTEEE wearing flashy clothes! Especially his colors! Or even matching with him in some way or form! - I think he would like to see someone with unique features, that can be anything on your body! Freckles, eye color, hair, skin, body, anything! The more unique the better! - he doesn’t like when you change your features to be some one or something or to be “ prettier “ he thinks that if your born with a unique feature(s) you keep it! Make it shine! - makeup! Of course you don’t need it!! But he wants you to match with him! (Please paint your nose blue like his). - someone who is strong! Very strong! Or strong/stronger with weapons of any kind! He finds it actually so hot when you fight. -funny! Or goofy! He loves people when they are funny and goofy! You can be the jester and him the clown! Smoker- another ass guy, - he definitely wants a strong woman, like with crocodile it’s too stressful! - someone who is mature, I don’t think he can handle someone who is immature.. and if you are he’ll deal with it but don’t be surprise when he gets mad at you! - when you dress formal! He finds it hot! Also shows your maturity! - unlike buggy.. he wants someone with shorter hair! (Including people with braids or dreads etc..) he doesn’t know why, but I think he likes it because it matches with every outfit you wear..
AAA that’s it! Cya later alligators! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 9
You guys, my heart. There were so many things I wanted to say and do in this chapter and the words came out completely differently than I was expecting.
Your comments literally mean the world to me, so please interact if you like this chapter - or check out some of my other stuff in my Masterlist if you like my writing style.
Word Count: 4,653
(Edit to add: Trigger Warning! Reader accidentally gets a big ouch and descriptives of self-induced unintentional self-ouch is described)
Chapter 8 back here.
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“There once was a girl with Tangerine hair, who stole my map and left me stranded somewhere,” a gruff singing voice reverberated throughout the wooden deck, “truly a crooked and crafty young lass, but you can’t deny she had a spectacular- OW-!” the voice was thrust, muffling an exclamation of pain as the source of the noise was thrust into the darkness of a barrel the hands of the green-haired swordsman.
“Listen,” Usopp addressed Zoro as Zoro turned to face him, “why don’t we just let her have him? Honestly-,”
“No,” Zoro said firmly. You could hear the growl from his fury at the mere suggestion of allowing you near the clown.
“I don’t get it-,” Usopp sighed.
“You don’t have to get it,” Zoro again growled at him, “I said no.”
“Come on, bounty hunter,” Buggy whined, “I’ll behave. Honest!”
Zoro growled and reopened the barrel containing Buggy’s head and lifted him, scrunching his hair beneath his red and white bandana within his fist.
“Listen, clown,” Zoro’s voice darkened with a low and threatening tone. He brought Buggy’s face closer to his; continuing his threat with narrowing his eyes. Buggy winced at the pain he was once again experiencing at the hands of the swordsman.
“Give us clear directions,” he uttered, pausing briefly before adding, “and we’ll see about you just being able to look at her.”
“I’ll be good, I’ll be good!” Buggy panted, flinching with his eyes tightly shut at how tightly the swordsman was gripping his hand, “I just- ow this really hurts- I just want to see her.”
Zoro snarled at the clown before firmly placing him down with a loud thud atop the barrel lid once more.
“Clear,” Zoro growled, still holding firmly onto his head before releasing his grip, uttering, “directions.”
“Okay, okay, sheesh,” Buggy relented with an unamused grimace, “two degrees to port, and if you feel the wind change; move with it hard starboard.”
Buggy jumped around atop the barrel to make eye contact with Zoro.
“Now then, sword boy,” Buggy bore his teeth in a wide smile, “let me see my girl.”
You remained in your quarters, after being commanded by the First Mate of the Going Merry to not be within a certain foot radius of the pirate clown. You creased your brows and allowed a snarl to pull at your lips slightly as you continued vigorously polishing several tools in desperate need of attention.
You scoffed to yourself and put additional effort into polishing your tool with a semi-excessive force while the corners of your mouth pulled down.
“She’s not allowed on clown-head duty,” you wiggled your head from side to side as you openly mocked the voice of Zoro under your breath. You rolled your eyes, “jokes on you, swordsman. I don’t want to be on clown-head duty.”
You rolled your eyes and grit your teeth as you made your way to sharpen the pointed tip of your leather-pairing scalpel with your smooth whetstone. You absent-mindedly began shifting your conflicting and intrusive thoughts throughout your mind.
“What do I say to him? ‘Sorry for kissing you, it was a fight-flight-freeze or fuck response to your threats of violence’?” the thoughts wove through your brain as you brought your eyes down harder to focus on the silver object.
“I can’t be left alone with him,” your thoughts confirmed, you nodding your head along as you hastened your sharpening, “he’s likely to hurl insults at me for being such a shit kisser.”
“But I’m not a shit kisser,” your mind continued to whirl in thought, “I’m actually a really good kisser.”
You snarled your lips up slightly as you continued to hyper-fixate on the insult the clown never gave you.
“I’ll show that prick exactly how much of a good kisser I can be,” you growled under your breath.
As your thoughts continued to whizz throughout the recesses of your brain, your concentration lapsed as the course stone you were using to sharpen your scalpel slipped from your rough grip. The blade slashed a nasty, deep cut along your right palm as the stone slid away.
A loud shriek and a string of expletives left your lips unceremoniously as you dropped the scalpel and rose to your feet, cradling the back of your right hand in your left and raising the injury above your head. You growled at the impact your own stupidity brought towards you.
You used your foot to pull down the leaver of your door handle and swung it open with your toe, spinning around gracefully as your eyes winced in pain from your injury. Scurrying up the stairs and around the corridor, you found the kitchen with no one in sight. You gasped out a slight air of relief as you let a small sob escape from your lips as you searched for the first-aid kit Chef Zeff provided for “the next time the sword-kid does something stupid,” if your memory serves you correctly.
You brought the kit to the counter directly beside the sink and plopped it down, your injured hand hovering beside your head as you felt warm liquid pour down your forearm. You took your bottom lip between your teeth as you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes at the pain.
“Oh, get a hold of yourself, woman,” you yelled at yourself, blissfully unaware at the entrance of Zoro equipped with the severed head of the clown as they both froze at the sight that lay before them.
“What happened?” you heard Zoro call to you, plonking Buggy’s head on the hanging felt-lined table before weaving his way around the kitchen island benchtop and hastily scurrying to your side and cradled your right wrist within his hands.
You jumped at the sudden interruption and faced Zoro as he assessed your injury, ignorant of the current location of Buggy’s head as the clown’s eyes were wide and full of concern.
“I-,” you started, darting your eyes between Zoro’s and your hand, words catching in your throat. He continued examining your hand and brought it up to his face.
Zoro pressed on your hand slightly as you hissed a wince through your teeth. Zoro rolled his eyes at you before holding your hand under the running tap.
“What was it?” Zoro monotonously asked you quietly.
“Leather-working scalpel,” you confessed through your still clenched teeth.
“You’re an idiot,” he said, turning off the tap.
“So are you,” you spat at him before looking to your wound before darting your eyes towards the ceiling and holding it there.
“Has it stopped bleeding?” you asked him, prompting him to lean forward to check.
“Nope,” he said nonchalantly with a shrug.
You continued to hold your gaze on the ceiling as Zoro raised your hand from the sink and began to dab at it with a gauze rag from the first aid kit gently. You bit your lip and continued to hold your sights on the ceiling to avoid making eye contact with both your wound and Zoro’s disapproving glare.
“Look,” Zoro said, while still dabbing at the wound, “I cause the injuries, not manage them. Not really sure what I’m doing here-,”
“Put some pressure on it,” you heard a gruff voice utter almost inaudibly, prompting you to turn your head to seek out its source.
It was there again where you met the blue-green irises of the infamous clown captain you had come to unrequitedly adore. You scolded yourself for the happenstance of your secondary meeting with him aboard the Going Merry, as you continued to hold his gaze.
“You say something, clown?” Zoro growled slightly at Buggy. After a brief pause, Buggy again uttered to the two of you.
“Put some pressure on it and come here,” he said, his tone serious and almost caring. You knit your eyebrows in concern before looking to Zoro for permission to follow the commands of a foreign captain.
He reluctantly released your hand from his ministrations and held his hands up defensively before ushering you to place yourself before the clown. You grabbed the piece of gauze Zoro was holding and pressed it on your hand while avoiding looking at the wound. Sitting atop the blue and white canvas fabric of the dining room lounge, you brought your injured hand upon the teal felt of the table where Buggy’s head was currently residing.
“Hold it, firmly,” Buggy ordered in a voice above a whisper before angling his head towards Zoro.
“And you,” he taunted, “bring us a bandage, some more gauze and a bottle of rum before you kindly fuck off.”
Zoro had a growl rumble in his chest at the taunt of the genius jester before he turned to lock eyes with yours. You pleaded with your eyes to do as the captain commanded, an apology also laced within your expression. Zoro, having mastered the skill of reading your looks, sighed before handing you a coiled bandage. He placed his hand on your right shoulder and squeezed it slightly before wordlessly exiting the kitchen, his right wrist hanging limply above his remaining white sword attached to his side.
Once Zoro left the kitchen, you turned to fix your sights on the clown captain’s animated head.
“Look-,” you began, before Buggy interrupted you.
“After you stop the bleeding, splash a bit of rum on the wound to sterilize it,” he clearly directed in a soft tone, “then place the fresh gauze on it and hold it there.”
You nodded your head in understanding before following his directions. You released a light groan from within your lips in reaction to the sting of the spiced alcohol on the cut before placing the gauze atop it.
“Now what?” you asked him.
“Now,” he directed you, “get the bandage and place the starting tab over the gash. Wind it over the top a couple of times and then circle it around your wrist.”
You nodded again, following his instructions before his voice again spoke.
“Not too tight!” he said, a little more loudly this time, “we don’t want you to lose your pretty hand now, do we?”
Your eyes widened at the comment as you held your sights on the dressing of your wound. You released some of the tension you were providing on the material as you followed his direction and followed the interweaving pattern all the way to the end of the material.
“There’s a good girl,” he praised you, his voice purring slightly.
The blood rushed to your cheeks immediately at his comment, heat flushing your face with a fire-like intensity. Buggy laughed in glee at your reaction before again directing you.
“Now tuck the tab in at the base of your wrist and tie a knot within itself,” he snickered at you, prompting you to do as you were told, before then adding, “and then pour us a drink, will you?”
You fastened a tight knot securing the material in place before rising to your feet and making your way to the teal cabinet. You located two shot-glasses and promptly swung the cabinet door closed and secured it with a slight click. Turning back and briskly making your way back to the clown, you placed the empty drinking vessels down in front of the two of you; you reached your freshly bandaged hand and uncorked the rum and poured two generous shots of rum into them.
You furrowed your brows while contemplating your next actions.
“What is it, Sunshine?” Buggy asked, beaming a playful grin on his face; his teeth bearing at you as his eyes twinkled with playfulness.
“May I ask,” you began, placing your elbows on the felt surface of the table and bringing your hands to lay flat on the surface. You quirked your head slightly to the side as you rose one of your eyebrows up. Buggy was seemingly enchanted by your face, focussing on nothing else within the space.
“How comfortable do you currently feel with me?” you asked him, a smile playing at your mouth as you coyly looked down at the surface of the table.
“In what capacity?” He asked you, eyebrows raising slightly at the question but smile never fleeing from his face.
“Well,” you raised one of the glasses, while looking at the base of it, “you don’t have any arms, love.”
You placed the glass against your lips and promptly knocked the liquid back down your throat with a slight hiss as it burned its way down. He watched you as you placed the empty glass on the counter.
“And I,” you said, raising the other glass up and examining it, “happen to have no such hindrances.”
You proceeded to wave the glass slightly in front of his eyes, his mouth watering as it pictured the flavour within. You giggled a little at his hyper-focussed attention before you rose the second glass to your lips and consumed the liquid with one quick gulp. You exhaled a breath of delight as the clown began to berate you with a string of insults.
“Oh, you little tease!” he yelled at you, “after all I did for you with your bandage and your wound and you weasel me out of a free drink like a diminutive minx!”
You giggled and placed the empty glasses back on top of the table in response.
“Big words from a small clown,” you taunted him, pouring another two tall shots of rum into the glass vessels.
“I have a lot of big words I can use,” he spat before angrily adding, “and who’re you calling small? I’m the biggest you’ve ever had, baby!”
You laughed at that comment, recorking the bottle of rum as you rose a glass up in front of the two of you.
“Now that I’ve got you alone,” he had a slight tone of suggestion woven in his words as he continued, “let’s talk.”
“Let’s first be sure who got who alone,” you taunted him in return, bringing the small glass once more to your lips as you darted your tongue out to lick the rim to collect any residual rum that may have spilt from the last shot before consuming another. You held your eyes locked on his through the entire exchange, watching his every action as he your own.
He watched your ministrations with an intensity a puppy may exhibit as a tender portion of meat be swaying in front of their face, and you relished in every moment.
“Do you really think me so ignorant of wound care I would not know how to dress one myself?” you quirked your brow up with a small smirk after gulping the burning rum into your throat. A moment of realisation crossed the clown’s face.
“The swordsman,” he gasped slightly.
“What a smart boy you are,” you cooed, teasing him with your words of affirmation.
It was his turn to have a rosy flush creep upon his features.
“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” you asked him, raising the second full shot glass within your bandaged hand.
“You-,” he began in a slightly elevated tone before shallowing out his breath with a brief pause.
“I-?” you asked him with a small twinkle in your eye.
“Are just-,” he chuckled with a slightly gruff elevation to his voice before trailing off once more. It was if his mouth was withholding the information his eyes were screaming to express.
“Oh?” you asked him leaning further in towards him and leaning on your elbow while dancing the contents of the shot glass in front of him, “allow me to loosen that thought from you.”
You giggled as you placed the glass rim of the small cylindrical drinking vessel up to his lips and attempted to feed the rum into his mouth. He hungrily clasped his lips around the shot glass as some of the rum spilt through both corners of his mouth at his eagerness.
“Oh, you poor thirsty boy,” you pouted your lips as you cooed at him. His eyes snapped back to yours as his former fluster grew larger.
“You think just because I’m merely a head that I don’t have something to hold over you?” he spat while shaking slightly in rage.
“Please,” you pulled the cork from the rum bottle and once more poured two more shots into the small glasses, “enlighten me.”
“I have eyes and ears,” his ear jumped from its place attached to the side of his head and wiggled, causing you to shriek slightly in surprise. He chuckled, before adding; “everywhere.”
You watched as the little ear jumped on the table and made its way towards you as if it had two little feet below it; walking its way before you.
You knit your brows together in confusion, not quite understanding his actions.
“You’re not picking up what I’m putting down, are you, Sunshine?” he taunted you before adding, “allow me to enlighten you.”
Your eyes widened as the next words escaped his lips, prompting the former fire to make its way to dominate your features with the familiar red hue.
“I didn’t even enjoy it that much,” he mocked in a tone emulating your own, “I think I’m in love with Buggy the Clown.”
He relished in your humiliation as he relayed your own words to you. He bounced his head towards you and reattached his ear to his face.
“Although my favourite was from yesterday,” he taunted before continuing, “how did you phrase it again? I will actively do everything I can to seek him out, bring him into this room and desecrate your resting place with sounds so absolutely illicit, you would need to-.“
You cut him off, shrugging your embarrassment away and leaning towards him; “-seek exorcism to rid your soul from the memories and images conjured to you every time you close your eyes- At least that’s what I can recall if my memory serves me correctly.”
He was slightly taken aback by your indifference to his attempt to humiliate you further.
“Now,” you added, bringing up his shot glass and pouting slightly as you taunted him, “are you doing to be able to drink this like a big boy or are you going to spill it down your chin again?”
His eyes remained so wide he possibly had the ability to gaze into multiple dimensions. None of those dimensions, however, provided him with an appropriate response to your jab. He remained silent as his eyes fluttered between your own; your knowing smirk playing at your mouth as his gaze drew down towards it.
“I’d rather not waste good rum if it’s the latter,” you added before downing the spiced liquid and savouring in the warmth it brought to your chest. You watched his lip slightly quiver at your comment but chose not to acknowledge it.
“Y-You’re not even the slightest bit embarrassed at your words?” he managed to release from his lips as his eyes searched yours once more.
“Why would I be embarrassed? I’m the one who said them,” you shrugged in response, raising the second shot glass up; “say: ah,” you commanded him.
He opened his mouth ever so slightly for you to place the lip of the shot glass into it and poured slowly the contents into his mouth; another small trickle escaping the corner of his lip.
“At this stage, I have no choice but to either have you swig directly from the bottle,” you used your thumb to swipe the drop of liquid at the corner of his lips, “or simply spoon-feed you.”
You popped your thumb into your mouth and twirled your tongue around it to collect the rum from the tip, tasting the small amount of red paint you collected from his lips alongside it in the process.
“You drive me crazy, woman,” he gasped out in a breathy whisper, eyes never leaving you for a moment.
You giggled at his confession, tilting your head to the side slightly as to make yourself look as innocent as you could.
“Where were you, by the way?” you asked him, gesturing your finger to his ear, “I’m assuming you were with us since Orange-Town?”
“H-Hat,” he gulped slightly before chastising himself with a frown at the small break in his vocals, “I was in Luffy’s hat.”
“Are you sure?” you asked him, pouring more liquid into once glass this time, “I don’t remember taking that with me when I bathed.”
“I was in your skirt pocket,” he almost whimpered, gazing hungrily at you as he watched you slowly raise the top of the bottle up after filling the contents of one shot glass and recorking it, “Or I was lying beside you as you slept.”
This comment caught you off guard. From your prior apprehension of bringing yourself before the clown-captain, you had no idea your conversation would go in this way. He was so willing to depart any information to you at just a small question; not like any negotiations you had prior in dealing in trade for fine wares.
“You slept with me?” you arched your brow at him.
“I didn’t sleep,” he uttered quietly. You watched his expression go from hungry desire to an almost pleading look, “I-, I just-, I just wanted to know you.”
It was the second time you were caught off guard at the information he was so willingly spilling to you. You rose your eyebrows up to him and nodded to him to explain further his hidden intentions to you. He instead continued to search your eyes for any apprehension or slight air of disgust at his confession, and upon finding none; he continued.
“I wanted to know you,” he admitted again, confirming his words to both you and himself. No malice, no jokes, no hidden agenda was found on his face as he asserted his honest declaration.
“Why?” you chuckled slightly.
“You kissed me,” his bottom lip extended a slight jesting cringe before he smiled at the thought.
“You don’t get many of those?” you quirked with a light smirk.
“Not that I don’t pay for these days, no,” he admitted a gain, nodding his head before looking at the glass, “you going to give me that, or am I going to watch you drink it again?”
“I haven’t quite made up my mind,” you confessed to him, leaning back on your seat and arching your back to remove a kink it had developed while hunched over your desk earlier.
“You ok?” he asked you slightly, extending his chin slightly to acknowledge your movements.
“Are you concerned, sweet boy?” you asked him with a small smirk.
“I’m all man, baby,” he pouted slightly at your comment, prompting you to laugh in response.
You looked down into the glass before looking at Buggy again. You tucked a hair behind your ear as you shyly asked him.
“You know how I feel for you,” you said, nodding and looking again to the glass in your hands, “was it just the kiss you were hyper fixated on or-?” you teetered off that thought.
“You,” he said, emphasising it firmly, before adding, “at first I was just curious about why the ever living fuck you would do something so bold and so incredibly stupid as to kiss me.”
You laughed at that, nodding slightly.
“But as I listened, I learned more,” he said, slowly blinking as he gazed up at you, “and it’s safe to say I’m a little obsessed at this stage.”
You leant in a little and placed the shot glass against his lips as his eyes widened in surprise at its sudden approach. He gulped the liquid, again spilling some over his lips.
“We’re not quite getting the hang of this, are we?” you giggled, eyes drawn to the transparent amber tinted liquid as it turned a cloudy red while it mixed with his face paint. You watched a smirk pull at his lips before he teased you.
“You want to kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid,” he uttered in a voice just above a whisper, mocking you as he focussed his gaze to your lips. You laughed at his comment as you inched your face closer to his and leaving a very small distance, halting the meeting of your lips with his own. You both closed your eyes as you shared the same air as one another, relishing in the proximity you held between one another.
“The same could be said for you. However,” you pulled your face away from his as you looked at him with both fondness and absolute empathy, “I don’t think I can kiss right now.”
An unadulterated rage flew over Buggy’s face as he yelled; “Why not?! I’ve been waiting so long!”
He opened his eyes to meet with yours as you brought your bandage-wrapped right hand up to cradle his stubble-adorned cheek.
“Oh, my darling,” you said to him, tracing small circles around his cheek with your thumb, “you look awful. You look like you haven’t slept for days, your face paint is all smudged and dishevelled, and you’re not in complete control of all of yourself.”
“What does that matter?” he again growled in frustration, voice more elevated than before, “you won’t kiss me because you don’t think I’m pretty in this lighting?”
“No, no, no, you misunderstand – or I’ve phrased my words poorly,” you waved your left hand dismissively, “I just-,”
“It was all a lie, wasn’t it?” Buggy asked you, his rage increasing, “everything. The kiss, the words – you knew I was there, didn’t you?!”
“Buggy,” you warned him in a harsh tone, “let me speak.”
“Why, so to spread more of your lies?” Buggy spat at you. This prompted you to reach over and cradle his face in both of your hands.
“You are beautiful,” you emphasised, holding his gaze against your own, “all of you is beautiful, Buggy.”
He winced at your words; “please, don’t. I don’t want any more of your lies.”
“The first kiss I bestowed to you was entirely against your will,” you reiterated, lifting his chin slightly in an attempt to pry his eyes to rest on yours, “and although I am an assertive woman and I know what I want,” Buggy’s eyes finally met with yours, “I wouldn’t want to relinquish any more control from you than I assume both my crew and Arlong’s have done over the past few days.”
Buggy gasped at your confession.
“Alongside what I had done in Orange-Town,” you added with a sad smile. He followed your eyes with his own and searched them, finding only honesty spooling from your lips.
“Right now, you’re just a head,” you shrugged your shoulders slightly at that, “and I have no idea what your body is currently enduring on Fish-Man Island.”
You released his cheeks from your hands as you reclined back into the white and blue material of the couch.
“I want to kiss you,” you confessed with absolute rectitude, “but I want you in control this time. No tricks, no hidden agendas-,”
“-No knife-stealing, no interrogations,” Buggy added with a small smirk. You laughed at his comment before nodding.
“Yes, exactly. No performing the means to an end in an act of self-preservation - which I feel I should inevitably apologise for, I might add,” you nodded your head. He chuckled slightly at your request for forgiveness.
“So what about the sleep deprivation and the face paint?” he asked again with a small air of distaste.
“I want you looking exactly the way you want, and I want you to feel well rested and fully in control of your actions,” you shrugged again, “and you probably haven’t eaten anything for the past few days. I want all of those things for you first.”
“Baby, you and I have different priorities,” he laughed wholeheartedly, before halting his laughter and looking at you with appreciation and sincerity, “and that is why I fell in love with you.”
Chapter 10
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cozage · 1 year
What would it take to make Buggy and/or Law flustered to the point of voice cracks or stuttering? (Let's say from their crushes)
Love your writing!
A/N: I love you!!! I hope you enjoy :) I was going to add a few more characters, but honestly this was a really cute and fulfilling request. Thank you! (if you were looking for a different format please please please let me know I won’t be offended)
Characters: gn reader x Buggy, Law
Cw: slight suggestive content, but mostly cute fluff :)
Total word count: 400
Buggy Oh this is so easy. Buggy gets flustered over the littlest of things. You don’t even have to be trying to make his voice crack, especially in public. Unexpected kisses, pokes in his side (spoiler alert: he’s SO ticklish), dirty words whispered in his ear, even little knowing glances to him can get his voice breaking. Buggy can tell when you’ve got that glimmer in your eye, and sometimes even just seeing it as you pass by is enough to make him nervous, especially around other people. You always keep him on his toes. Speaking of, sometimes when he's not paying enough attention to you and you’re feeling extra bratty, you’ll just cut his feet off and carry him away, forcing the rest of him to come with you. He’ll scream and fight the whole way until you kiss his lips to shut him up, and then he melts into you.
If you are a hurricane, he is a small ship. He embraces your wild nature and clings on for dear life, hoping to survive the storm.
Law For Law, you really have to be careful about his mood. There a fine line between your advances making him flustered and making him irritated. The first few times you failed miserably and ended up with your feelings hurt and a lot of apologies on both ends. Whenever he’s a captain (making decisions, leading, high stake situations, etc), trying to get him flustered is off the table. The best days to get him worked up are sea day, when everyone is lounging, having fun, and enjoying life. PDA is such a foreign concept to this man that just about any form of affection can get him flustered. Sitting on his lap, taking food from his plate during dinner, or giving him long, passionate kisses in the hallway are all easy ways to get him so flustered his voice will crack. When he’s alone, it takes a lot more effort. One of the few things you can get him with are new outfits. Ones that are hug your body tight or show too much skin. Just walking in and showing it off can get his voice cracking if you’re lucky. But he’s come to expect you to be unpredictable, and he loves it when it’s just the two of you. In fact, your voice probably cracks more when you’re alone than his does.
You are the light to his darkness, the cool breeze on a summer day. Something he never knew he needed, and now he cannot bear to live without.
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yujo-nishimura · 6 months
Some more Cross Guild head canons...
Okay, I wrote a bit more, just because I find the thought of taking care of Buggy so tempting...
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"Thank you, Y/n...!" Buggy's voice trembles with caution, deliberately avoiding your gaze. You can feel his hesitation, likely stemming from his shame at being subjected to such treatment by Mihawk and Crocodile who were supposed to be under his command.
"It's alright, Captain. There's no need to explain anything," you reassure him, offering a gentle smile to convey your understanding. You want him to know that you would never think any less of him, regardless of the circumstances he finds himself in.
Earlier, you had observed how Crocodile and Mihawk exchanged glances upon discovering that Buggy had placed himself at the forefront of the distributed flyer. Their disapproval was evident as they decided to confront the Clown pirate separately, ensuring he understood the consequences of his inflated ego. You had overheard their conversation and decided to check on your captain - to find him beaten and humiliated like this. Overwhelmed, Buggy's voice cracks as he cries out, "What am I supposed to do now?" He rises to his feet momentarily, only to slump back onto the sofa, exhausted and weary, his body aching from the beating.
You rise cautiously, taking a step towards him while maintaining a respectful distance, mindful of his position as your captain. "First and foremost, Captain, I would strongly advise seeking medical attention," you suggest carefully looking at his bruises and the dried blood on his lips. 
His gaze shifts towards you, as if a sudden realization dawns upon him that you are still in the room with him. His eyes reflect gratitude mixed with a tinge of shame. You can sense his desire for you to leave, as he had already exposed enough vulnerability.
"Please get the doctor for me, Y/n, and then resume your duties," he requests. "I appreciate your care, but I will handle the situation with Crocodile and Mihawk on my own.”
You nod and are about to turn around to leave the room as your captain adds one more thing: 
“And, Y/n… this stays between you and me. No one else in the crew is allowed to know about what has happened here today.” 
“Aye, sir!” 
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aimbutmiss · 26 days
"Finally, we have some alone time." Shanks sighed as he settled into the comfort of the expensive armchair, away from the intimidating presence of Crocodile and the judgemental eyes of Hawk Eye. It was a random decision, dropping by Cross Guild's headquarters. Of course he knew that two emperors meeting would draw the government's attention, but he couldn't bring himself to regret the spontaneous act as he stared at the lovely clown in front of him.
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you."
Buggy rolled his eyes at the red head's easily swayed attention. "I wouldn't be so sure that we are alone."
"... You think they're listening?" Shanks turned to the closed tent door in worry.
"No, I made them promise not to and they wouldn't break my trust like that. However... Croccy's really good at finding loopholes. I'm certain Daz is listening to us as we speak." He cleared his throat and raised his voice. "Daz? If you're there can you please knock twice on the door?"
"Ugh, come on. If your boss can use loopholes so can I. Did he specifically say you had to be discreet?"
After a short moment, two small knocks were heard.
"Thank you!" Buggy turned back to Shanks, lowering his voice to fit the casual conversation they were having. "See?"
Shanks scoffed in disdain. "I can't believe he trusts you so little."
"He trusts me just fine. It's you he doesn't trust. Rightfully so, may I add."
Shanks' shoulders sagged at the formal speech. It's like there was a thick, invisible wall between them, and it hurt too much to bear.
"Buggy... Come to the Red Force with me. We can at least have some privacy there."
Buggy shook his head. "Absolutely not. As much as I would love to see Benn and Lucky Roux, it's not worth it."
Shanks could have made a joke about him not including Yasopp but he was too confused by the rest of the statement to do so. "What do you mean it's 'not worth it'? Too lazy to walk to the shore now?" He asked jokingly but the worry was evident in his voice nonetheless.
"Of course it's not that, idiot. I just don't want to be alone with you in your own turf."
The room was dead silent but Shanks could swear he could hear his heart shattering. "You trust me that little?"
The clown sighed, already tired from where the conversation was heading. "Shanks, this isn't about trust. It's about letting go of the past."
"So you do not miss me?"
Buggy lips tightened to a thin line.
"Because I miss you."
"Wrong thing to say with someone listening in..." Buggy mumbled under his breath. "Croccy will throw you off the island at this rate and even Mihawk won't be able to stop him."
Shanks' brow twitched at hearing the stupid nickname again, dropping from the bluette's lips so casually. "He respects you two that little?"
"No, he respects us that much. He cares, in his own, weird way. He's a good man."
Shanks smirked at the ridiculous answer. "A good man? You truly believe that? I can see your lips curling you know."
Buggy rolled his eyes. "He's a good man to the people that matter. He's good to me, Shanks. And neither of us are saints you know."
"Even so-"
"I have fame, money and power... But more importantly I have people who care about me to share it with." Buggy cut him off before he could get another word in. "People who protect me and help me when I need it but never push me. People who treat me like their equals. And for once in my life, I'm truly happy. And you're upset that you're not a part of that happiness. To that I say; move on, Shanks. I have, so should you."
"It's better for the both of us really."
Shanks bounced his leg up and down restlessly as his thoughts became cloudy. If anyone would have told him 25 years ago that him and Buggy would be where they are, so close yet so far from each other, Shanks would have never believed them.
He thought of a million things to say, questions to ask, to beg, but he could only bring himself to say one thing. "If that's your wish."
Shanks got up and turned around to leave, but Buggy spoke up last minute. "I do care for you, you know. I always have."
It wasn't a love confession, not really, but it was the closest thing to it that Shanks would ever get. "I know."
He didn't quite care how rude or embarrassing it was to avoid Mihawk's eyes as he boarded the Red Force to leave Karai Bari, he just did it because he knew the man would instantly know from one look what had just transpired between him and Buggy. And he didn't want to give him and Crocodile the privilege of knowing they won. They would still know, of course, but at least Shanks kept his pride (in his heart, at least).
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
You take care of their hair
You x One Peice Characters
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Luffy, Buggy, Mihawk, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp
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Buggy hair is long and truthfully very beautiful. He takes pride in it secretly even if he doesn't let anyone know- When you get there and start taking care of his hair it flourishes.
"You have such pretty hair!" Yoj gush as you moisturize the long blue locks
He is like a l'oreal model at this point and will step out to do shows with his hair down sometimes. Loves it when you wash his hair too and will make cute noises when you scratch his scalp. Enjoys the nice scents you add to his hair as well.
"Oi- I like the Candy Apple scent more-"
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Oh Sanji is a sap for this, Taking your willingness to care for his hair as a show of love- however that's for you to decide if it is.
"If this is how we say we love each other I gladly accept~"
His hair can be a bit tricky, It's a lot thicker then most would assume and can hold scents of whatever he was cooking. Paired with the fact his hair will be lighter on top compared to the bottom due to the sun bleaching it. However he does love it and finds cleanliness important.
"Vanilla please my love~"
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He is a struggle- Getty Luffy lanky ass in the bath is a pain in the ass and washing his hair is even more troubling. His wide curls like just act as a magnet for everything it seems and you have to go picking through it.
"Is this a damn cookie?!"
Once you get his hair to be a untangled it's really pretty. Dark shiny curls that reflect the sunlight like a halo. While he still fussed he's more willing as time goes. Will randomly talk about whatever comes to mind, or eat snacks as you comb through his hair.
"I like the Ocean Breeze soap more (Y/N)"
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Oh Zoro- He tries to dodge you every chance he gets. It takes you catching him when he was hiding in the storage closet and ended up falling asleep.
"You smell like a barn- Move you ass..." You will threaten. Making him grumbled but comply non the less.
He's just as bad as Luffy but will just sit and pout as you wash his hair. Luckily it's short but it can get very oily- especially with how much he trains. You will also help him trim his hair, keeping it as even as possible. While he doesn't say it, he does appreciate the care. Will fall asleep as you do his hair.
"Mint- Mint is fine..."
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While you do wash his locs for him most of your time is spent separating and retwisting them. Buying good oils for his hair and spending a least and few solid hours retwisting the new growth on his hair.
"How does your hair grow so fast?!"
You question as you sort through the locs one by one and every two weeks washing them and reapply products to them. Usopp appreciates the help truthfully, since it takes away something he has to do for himself. He will tell stories as you do his hair, talking about made up adventures and tell jokes.
"Hmm I am tied between the Coconut scent or the Passionfruit both remind me of this amazing adventure I had once-"
He picks both.
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Mihawk is used to doing his own hair, smoothing it back to fit under his had with ease. However when your jolly ass appears it seems you must take control of the situation.
He doesn't mind however, enjoying the pampering. Enjoys the sensation of you running your fingers through his hair. His Hair needs some serious moisture so you add a small bit of oil to it, Especially since his hair is surprisingly thick, dense and likes to frizz. It's not surprising to find some fuzzies from his hat in his hair as well.
"Your hair spikes up so much- Like a chicken ass-"
Will grumble in disagreement of the comparison however continues to let you handle his hair, will also take care of his beard and adds nice beard balms as well as line it up for him- If he feels like letting you. Will read while you do it and sip his favorite wine.
"The bergamot scent is very nice-
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stinkysam · 8 months
Buggy the Clown - Pretty please ?
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "It's a quiet day on the Big Top and they are in Buggy's room. The reader is just running through Buggy's hair, what would Buggy do?" - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You walked around aimlessly, letting the wind and shake of the ship dictate your path, ignoring the few snickers from your friends who watched you walk around like a leaf. They were bored, and you seemed to be their only source of entertainment at the moment.
You were bored out of your mind too when a thought came to you, stopping you in your tracks. Your captain could be your source of entertainment !
With a smile, you skipped to his quarters, entering without knocking as if you owned the ship.
"Hello, captain ~"
"Get out." He said as he was sitting on his desk, scribbling something you didn't particularly care about.
"I'm bored." You simply replied as you walked toward his bed. It was undone so you decided to do it, throwing the sheets over the pillows so it looked neater as you sat on it, getting rid of your shoes to lay down. Buggy ignored you and you waited a moment, wiggling your feet.
"What do you want, [Name] ?" He finally said, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he turned to face you.
"Can I please play with your hair ?" You asked, trying to make the best puppy eyes you could. He sighed, staring at you, debating whether to throw you out or not.
"I'll do the braids that tickle." You add with a big bright smile, trying to look as convincing as possible. "C'mon, it'll be fun. Just five minutes !" You pleaded.
You took his hesitating positively, spreading your legs open for him to sit between them as you patted the empty space.
"Fine. But five minutes only. I've got things to do."
You nodded as he sat between your legs, removing his hat and his bandana, discarding them to the side while his long hair fell down.
"Ahh." You almost heaved at the sight, your fingers already twitching. He smiled at your reaction, crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
He relaxed a bit when he felt your hands by the end of his hair, slowly going up, a few strands gliding in your palms.
You played with his hair, brushing them with your fingers carefully, slowly detangling them as you noticed a braid that remained from last time.
You smiled, taking it in your hand, your thumb feeling the texture as you moved it from top to bottom.
As promised you began to do small braids, as small as you could, the thin strands of hair tickling his head lightly when you pulled on them. He squirmed from time to time, shifting in place as he felt the tickles across his body.
You did a few more of them before undoing them and redoing them, playing with his hair for longer than just five minutes.
"It's been five minutes, Buggy." You say quietly, taking a handful of hair in your hands as if to make a ponytail, letting his hair glide against your skin.
He ignored you, staying in place, unmoving from his spot. You moved away jokingly, letting his hair fall from your hands but he scooted closer, quickly trapping you between his back and the wall behind you.
"You're not very subtle." You said with a small chuckle, your hands moving back to tend his hair. Buggy grimaced at your words, a light blush creeping on his cheeks. If this didn't feel so good he would've left. But he can't tell you that.
"Didn't you have things to do ?" You continue teasing him, caressing his scalp, your fingers digging in his hair to rub circles against his skin.
His grimace only grew, his face contorting. You would've laughed loudly if you could see it. This is supposed to be relaxing for him, why are you doing this ?
"Shouldn't you go back and scribble whatever on that paper ?"
"Will you ever shut up ?" He finally snapped, side-eyeing you nastily making you smile even brighter and laugh. Maybe it would've been more threatening if his cheeks weren't so rosy with your fingers deep in his hair.
"I'm just thinking that you and I have very different visions of what five minutes is."
That's it. You've done it this time. He's had enough. With an annoyed grumble Buggy stood up, both red from anger and embarrassment as you grabbed him by his coat.
"I was joking, I was joking !" You giggled. "Please stay !"
"No. I don't want to." He said, crossing his arms and you laughed, pulling on his coat to bring him back toward you.
"I'm sorryyy. Please…"
"You can leave." He ignored you, refusing to look at you or else he knew he would give in.
"C'mon, I was joking. Pretty please ?" You said, smiling as big and brightly as possible, still pulling on his coat to make him look at you. But he turned his head further, still trying to walk away. "Noooo…"
Since he was pulling, you'd pull to. And that's what you did, pulling as hard as you could so Buggy would stumble and fall backwards, right into your arms, closing them around his waist.
"What the-"
"Don't ignore meee…" You said, hugging him closer but he detached himself, leaving his torso with you, head, legs and arms flying away. "No ! This is unfair !"
He almost laughed until he saw you hug his back, rolling on the bed with it.
"Fine, I'll take a nap with it then."
"Alright, alright, alright !" He stomped before quickly sending his limbs reattach themselves to his torso.
He grumbled as he was now laying next to you in your arms, his gloved hands resting on yours.
How did it always end like this ?
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ay0nha · 9 months
I am on my knees begging for CRUMBS
you disappear and come back with vengeance
please give me crumbs
drafts, WIP, old stuff, anything
I need crumbs
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SUMMARY: There were reasons habits quickly morphed into vices, something immoral and wicked. Yet, you were lethal, the definition of torment. Your silhouette alone was enough to send Buggy spiraling.  
PAIRING: OPLA!Buggy x f!reader (smuggler)
WARNINGS: hurt Buggy subconsciously seeking out reader for help, canon-typical things, mentions of blood/injury, smoking, sarcasm, two idiots in love, mutual pining that's ignored, slow burn, etc.
A/N: LMAOOO this made me SNORT. Any writer knows apart of the process is disappearing for a chunk and coming back thinking your WIPs write themselves lol. So you don't starve lol, below the cut I'll add what I'm currently working on! Be gentle, she's still forming up plot wise but based of a request for Buggy (OPLA)
There were reasons habits quickly morphed into vices, something immoral and wicked. Yet, you were lethal, the definition of torment. Your silhouette alone was enough to send Buggy spiraling. 
Each step toward you felt unreliable and fuzzy, making Buggy question if he reattached his limbs correctly. His gut felt twisted with a foreign feeling that he wanted to trap away. He wondered if he buried the feeling deep enough if it would turn to treasure or become forgotten rot. 
“Buggy.” Your voice even irritated him. Yet, he found relief in finding you alone. “Third time this month. Careful…I’m starting to get a big head.”
“That sounds like a medical problem…” He mumbled with little enthusiasm and a half-hearted smirk, “...should probably get seen for that.”
“Admitting you care, eh?” You teased. You were preoccupied, cigarette dangling from your lip and bobbing with every word. “What can I help you with?”
The receipts tended to be formidable, but you couldn't help but feel your concentration falter when you were met with uncharacteristic silence.  Typically, you were shy of whiplash from an unwarranted insult or backhanded compliment. However, once your eyes landed on Buggy, you only saw deep anger veiling desperation. 
 “How serious is it?” Your pen was settled beside the book, whatever records you were once concerned with dismissed.  Buggy looked awful—his posture gave away his exhaustion and discomfort.
“What? Can’t we skip the part where I say ‘the other guy looks worse’?” His busted lip ticked with dry humor. There were rumors he was in trouble, but that paled compared to the truth you knew about Buggy. 
“Depends.” You frowned. “That other guy isn’t stopping by, is he?” If it were true, you’d have to lay low, something you never had time for. “This is why I don’t like your kind.”
“My kind?” Buggy continued unamused. You weren’t more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing to him. You were a smuggler. Plain and simple. It was impossible for something to stay hidden from you for long.  “You’re not far off, sweetheart.”
His terms of endearment never held affection, but he seemed to soften this time for some reason—almost pleading between the lines. You held a trained expression, taking a moment of consideration. 
Your typical jobs with him were small. Typically, they consisted of information that he could coax out of you for trinkets. He brought the world to you. Other times, you moved things through the shadows to an even darker location. 
This was different, you decided. 
Stalking toward the clown, you saw how the pain mapped on his body.  “You look awful.” 
The jester’s bow was fueled by pained sarcasm. Although his abilities helped, Buggy's flesh was still pliable. His jaw was a deep-set purple, contrasting the faded red of his cracked lips. It was hard to distinguish what was paint and what was blood. His eyes were bloodshot with broken blood vessels, and there were gashes littering every place imaginable. 
You were surprised he was still standing. You noted how his breath became labored, as if holding onto what he could before he collapsed entirely. But looking between his eyes, you saw the struggle he had deciding what was worth his final breath: business or pleasure. 
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons
Content warning: Fluffy!!
Characters included: Luffy, Sanji, Ussop
Characters you can expect in other parts: Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Buggy
I feel like Luffy wouldn't know how to express his attraction and love for you properly. Like he loves you so much he can't physically express it the way he wants to.
He's definitely asking you if he can take your food instead of outright taking it. I can also see him offering you a LITTLE bit of his food.
Definitely gives amazing hugs
A very affectionate partner
Very blunt; doesn't matter whose around he will tell and possibly yell about how gorgeous/handsome/attractive you are.
I can see him doing this goofy little thing where he'll act like he's dying very poorly for your affection like:
"Oh noooooooo!" luffy shouts, clutching his chest; falling to the ground all in dramatic fashion. You snicker at the scene while the other straw hats continued on with what they were already doing. "I think..." he throws his hands to his forehead, palms facing the crystal clear sky. "...I think it dying!! If only...." The goofball coughs a few times too many. "[Name]!" He snaps his head to you when he says that, eyes wide, tounge hanging out. "You can save me! With a kiss! A couple of kisses and I'll be better instantly!!" Who are you to deny saving the life of your captain!? You trot right on over to him, lie on top of him and pecker his face with kisses.
Over the top boyfriend!!
He loves you, he craves you, he adores you, he'll love you even more if you're a tad bit obsessive!!
Will love if you offer to help him cook, he loves instructing you!! Will make an amazing teacher if you want to learn to cook!
Showers you in gifts and words of affirmation, anything you do is amazing.
Hype man!!
He's a bit protective, but he trusts you entirely!!
Now when I say obsessive I don't mean it in the "I'll kill anyone for you" type of fashion. Sanji may be down bad but he isn't insane. This is what I mean:
Moments like these are what the both you crave; the ocean was calm and you guys were currently smooth sailing. You and Sanji laid together completely tangled on his bed in the male dorms. Smothering eachother in kisses and praise you cup his face. "I wish I could buy an island; kidnap you, and we could live together happily forever!" You beam and his face goes red. The fact that you basically admitted that you want to have a life with him warms his soul. AND HES THE REASON FOR YOUR HAPPINESS?!?! he'll eat that shit THE FUCK UP!!!!
Very flustered boyfriend
He knows exactly how he wants to show undying love to you but gets embarrassed or flustered and it never goes the way he plans. It adds to his dorky charm!!
I think he'd be constantly jealous, idunno my Usopp senses are tingling on that one
He loves to tell you stories!! Whether they're true or not.
Will tell you stories to sleep!!
Gets very defensive and will actually shoot at sanji whenever he makes a move on you
"[Name] SWAAAAAA~" The blond shouted from across the ship, running towards you with horrifying speed. It was hot as hell today, so you opted for a tank top and a pair of usopps shorts. "Hello to you too." You chuckle at his behavior, there were hearts bulgding from his eyes; literally drooling over you. "Sanji please...you know they're with Usopp, you KNOW Usopp doesn't like when you do this!!" Chopper shouts, medkit in hand; knowing how the situation was going to play out. "Sorry prince, I'm happily with Usopp; you can stop drooling over me now," You lazily smile. The blonde now on his knees banging on the ships floor dramatically shouts "What does that long nosed bastard have that I don't!! How did he manage to win your heart when I'M RIGHT HERE!!! This is-ACKK!" Sanji howls in pain as you notice rocks being shot at him. Not small rocks either, simular to an snowball. Ussop fires back to back everytime Sanji opens his mouth; only stopping when he's outta rocks. Ussop walks up to you, planting a big fat kiss on your left cheek, smiling. "I have [name], Sanji, you don't!" He retorts as Chopper quickly runs towards the1 bruised cook tensing to his injuries.
My writing is actually so bad I need to improve LMAO
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