#buddie 5+1
the-likesofus · 23 days
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platonic co-parents don’t kiss like we do
9-1-1 on ABC | Buddie | 7k words | outsider pov, getting together, love confessions, 5 + 1, lots of kisses
5 times other people see Buck and Eddie kiss + 1 time they really mean it
Chimney wants it on public record that if he ever goes to therapy the bill is to be sent to Buck and Eddie, and that should he ever end up in an early grave for reasons related to his co-workers and their absolutely unhinged inability to act like normal people they will also be paying for all of the flowers at the funeral—and Chimney wants a lot of flowers.
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(mis)understanding the assignment
buck x eddie || rated: t || words: 12.5k
“Tía Pepa called me on my way home. She’s still trying to set me up,” Eddie groaned, scrubbing a hand across his jaw, missing the look that flashed across Buck’s face. “I don’t want to go on random dates.”
“Then don’t,” Buck muttered, trying to keep his tone as neutral as possible. He wasn’t sure that he succeeded. But god, even just the thought of Eddie going on dates was painful. Pining for your best friend wasn’t not something Buck would recommend to anyone.
“I have to,” Eddie sighed, oblivious to Buck’s inner turmoil.
“Do you really? I mean, I think it’s sweet of Pepa to try and set you up,” Buck said even though he did not, in fact, think it was sweet. “But if you don’t want to go, Eddie, then don’t go.”
Or, the one where Eddie continuously misunderstands the assignment. Five times Eddie goes on a date with someone Pepa sets him up with and one time he goes out the person he really wants.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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gunstellations · 4 months
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a little family
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bestagons · 19 days
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[checks wrist for year]
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argesta · 3 months
Gibson Girl, Rust Cohle (i)
🥃: HD link, (ii)
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loserdiaz · 1 year
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natalia in s7 when she finds out about The Will™
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babygirl-diaz · 25 days
Tattooed Golden Retriever
This is once again dedicated to @sarastars who gave me the idea for the fic.
Considering what's going on in the show right now, it kinda hurt writing this.
Summary: 5 Times Eddie scratches Buck's head and he falls asleep + 1 time he doesn't and Eddie kisses him.
i. Eddie was busy reading a spy novel on the couch when he felt something heavy on his lap. He looked down to see Buck smiling up at him.
"Uh... Hello?" Eddie chuckled, and his hand automatically moved into Buck's hair.
"Mmmm... Read to me," Buck mumbled and made himself comfortable, practically nuzzling Eddie's thigh like a cat, making him feel all sorts of things that he refused to acknowledge. "Also, give me head scratches."
"If I do that, you're gonna fall asleep, Buck, and Bobby will not be happy," Eddie told him but absentmindedly scratched his head.
"I don't care," Buck replied and made happy noises as Eddie continued to scratch his head. "Now read to meeeeee..." He whined and bumped his nose against Eddie's thigh.
Eddie sighed and started reading. "The rain slashed across the grimy windows of the safe house, mirroring the tension that thrummed through Anya Petrova's veins. She clutched the burner phone, its cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from the freshly brewed cup of tea in her other hand. The voice on the other end of the line crackled with static, but Anya recognized it instantly. It was her handler-" Eddied stopped when he heard snoring and looked down to see that Buck had fallen asleep.
"He's like a goddamn puppy," Chimney commented as he sat down on the armchair with his bowl of fruit.
"More like a tattooed golden retriever," Eddie said fondly and smiled at a sleeping Buck as he continued to gently run his fingers through his curls.
"Mmmhmm..." Chimney hummed
Eddie looked up to find his coworker and friend giving him a knowing look before going back to his fruit bowl.
ii. It was the end of a very long shift and Eddie was getting ready to go home when Buck sat down beside him on the locker room bench with a heavy sigh. He put his head on Eddie's shoulder and let out another sigh. "'m tired," Buck complained.
Eddie lifted his hand to scratch Buck's head, who made a delighted sound.
"Yeah, I'm tired too," Eddie replied, yawning. "We all are. It was a long-ass shift."
Eddie kept scratching Buck's head and soon heard soft snoring. "Buck?" He called out but got no response in return.
"No," Eddie mumbled. He knew he wouldn't be able to move until Buck woke up. Because Eddie would rather die than wake him up. So he instead kept scratching his head and put his own head down on top of Buck's, closing his eyes.
iii. The next time it happened, they were at a BBQ at Bobby and Athena's place. Eddie sat on the floor talking to Karen and Hen while eating his lunch when he felt someone sit beside him. He looked over to find Buck smiling at him like a goof. "What?" He asked.
"I need head scratches," Buck replied like a little child.
Eddie blushed a little and looked at Hen and Karen to find them giving him an amused look.
Buck removed the empty plate from Eddie's lap and put it on the coffee table before putting his head down instead. "Head scratches! " He demanded.
Eddie rolled his eyes and started scratching Buck's head, letting his blunt fingernails move through the curls in slow motion.
He went back to talking to Hen and Karen like this was the most normal thing in the world. They looked a little confused before continuing the conversation.
Soon Buck fell asleep on Eddie's lap and Eddie gave him a fond glance.
"What?" He asked when he found Hen and Karen giving him a knowing look, similar to the one Chimney had given him a couple weeks ago.
"Nothing," Karen replied with a shrug. "You two are so comfortable with each other."
"We've been friends for 8 years," Eddie replied. He couldn't believe his own ears as he said that.
"You ever thought of having something more with him?"
Eddie was taken aback by Karen's question and saw Hen bumping her shoulder against her wife's, and shaking her head.
Eddie blushed once again and shook his head. "We're just meant to be friends."
"Of course," Karen replied with a smirk.
iv. During one of their calls, the 118 ended up saving a puppy that was only a few months old. The golden retriever was adorable, and Eddie loved dogs, so he took charge of the dog while they waited for her family to come and take her. She followed Eddie around everywhere and Eddie fed her food that Bobby made for her and also sneakily fed her some from his plate. After dinner, Sheena, as her name tag had suggested her name was decided she wanted to play. Eddie found a ball in the lost-and-found box and threw it for her, which she went and caught and brought back to him. Then she started giving him kisses, making him laugh and roll around on the floor of the fire station loft.
"Sheena, stop!" Eddie laughed and grabbed her face, giving her kisses in return.
She put her chin down on Eddie's knee when she finished playing and Eddie immediately knew what she wanted. He chuckled and started scratching her head and behind her ear. As he kept doing that, Sheena soon fell asleep with her chin on Eddie's lap.
Eddie heard someone clear their throat and looked up from the floor to see Buck pouting at him. "What's wrong?" Eddie asked worriedly.
"She's taking my place," Buck huffed and sat down beside Eddie.
"She's a three-month-old puppy, Buck," Eddie reminded him.
"I don't care. The head scratches are mine," Buck said possessively and lay down on the floor, putting his head on Eddie's other thigh.
"Buck, what are you doing?" Eddie laughed. "Come on, get up."
"Give me head scratches!" Buck demanded, like he always did.
"Buck, everyone is looking," Eddie told him but moved his other hand into Buck's hair, anyway.
"I don't care. No one is taking my head scratches away from me," Buck adamantly told him.
Eddie sighed and ran his fingers through Buck's scalp, scratching it gently.
Just as always, Buck was soon asleep.
"Eddie, the Smith family are he-" Bobby stopped mid-sentence and raised his eyebrows.
"Do you mind taking Sheena? I can't get up," Eddie told him.
Bobby sighed and nodded, "Okay." He went to pick up Sheena, who woke up and started squirming.
Eddie gave her a sad look and let her give him kisses again. He gave her kisses too and then watched sadly as Bobby carried her away.
v. Buck, Eddie, and Christopher were playing video games at Buck's loft with Eddie sitting in between Buck and Christopher. Buck and Eddie were playing against each other and Christopher was cheering them on, taking Buck's side this time. Eddie ended up winning and high-fived himself while Buck and Christopher booed him. But then Buck put his head on Eddie's shoulder and yawned. "Head scratches," he demanded as always.
Eddie snorted and shook his head. "Such a child," he teased and started scratching Buck's head at an awkward angle.
He looked at Christopher to find him giving them a confused look.
"It's a new thing with him, where he wants head scratches and then falls asleep," Eddie explained.
Christopher grinned and put his head down on Eddie's other shoulder. "Head scratches," he demanded as well.
To say that Eddie was surprised would be an understatement. He never expected his 16-year-old son to demand head scratches from him but he'd be damned if he denied the request. Some part of his brain said, "Like father, like son," but he ignored it.
Smiling widely, he started running his fingers through Christopher's curls as well.
Soon both Buck and Christopher were fast asleep while Eddie stayed wide awake between them, happily giving them head scratches.
i. Eddie was trying to finish the novel on his bed while Buck and Christopher played games in the living room. It was summer vacation so Eddie let Christopher stay up late, but in the end, it looked like it was Buck who was exhausted. These days, he slept in Eddie's room when he stayed over because something had shifted in their relationship. Eddie wasn't sure what though. So when Buck came into the room, Eddie looked up from his book and smiled. "You good?" He asked.
Buck fell face-first into Eddie's lap. "I'm tired," he mumbled.
"And you want head scratches?" Eddie asked, chuckling.
Buck turned around and put his head on Eddie's lap before nodding, "Love how you know me so well."
Eddie ran his fingers through Buck's hair and Buck yawned but smiled goofily up at Eddie instead of sleeping like usual. He looked so beautiful, so peaceful, though.
"C-can I kiss you?" The words were out of Eddie's mouth before he could stop himself and he nervously bit down on his bottom lip.
"Thought you'd never ask," Buck replied, smirking.
Eddie leaned down and captured Buck's lips in a gentle, chaste kiss.
When he pulled away, Buck looked at him with a pout. "What was that? I expected more from you!"
Buck sat up on his knees and pulled Eddie close, kissing him hard. Eddie let out a choked sound in the kiss, which Buck swallowed. In his two years dating men, Eddie had never been kissed like this.
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queerdiazs · 6 months
coax the cold right out of me | 2.6k, teen
fill for @badthingshappenbingo—exposure
“You know,” Eddie begins, running his fingers through Buck’s damp, frizzy curls, “when I booked this cabin for the weekend, I had plans for us to fuck real nasty by the fire.”   Buck laughs—an ugly, congested noise that sounds like it hurts when it gets caught in his chest—and tips his head back to meet Eddie’s gaze in the low light of the blazing fire. His big blue eyes are puffy and his cheeks are red, hot by the fire and chapped by the wind; he looks like a kid, almost, sitting on the floor and wrapped tight in a large, black fleece blanket with nothing beneath except a pair of boxers and fuzzy socks.  “Well,” Buck croaks, “we’re still by the fire, at least.”  Eddie smiles. “Mhm.” He smooths his hand across Buck’s warm cheeks and taps his chin. “And yet there’s a startling lack of fucking going on.”  “I can’t help it.”  “You could’ve actually.” He sighs and sits down behind Buck, scooting forward until he has Buck between his legs and bracketed by his thighs. It’s just as much to help Buck warm up as it is to hold him close. “I told you not to step on that log. I said, ‘Hey, Buck, don’t step on that log. It’s rotten and you’ll go straight through and fall in the water.’” He pulls the corner of the blanket down and kisses the top of Buck’s bare shoulder. “And what did you do?”  “I stepped on it,” Buck says, quietly.  “What else?”  “And fell in.”  Eddie wraps his arms around Buck, squeezing him tight. “And?” he prompts, delighting in the smell of Buck’s warm skin, a mix of eucalyptus and vanilla and mint and, faintly, rose. It’s them, a swirled mixture that makes his tummy sparkly and warm. Even the cold, half-frozen river couldn’t wash it away.  Buck drops his head back to lay on Eddie’s shoulder. “And,” he starts, put-upon and a little sour, “you had to save me.” 
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"does this boycrush on Eddie mean you're finally ready to move on from Abby?"
In SEASON 2? Y'all have just been living like this? For 5 years???? 9-1-1 fans are powerful
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bamfbuddie · 1 month
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My version of Buddie.
I absolutely loved filling out this template made by @gibbarts
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 months
several sentences sunday
tagged by @tizniz @daffi-990 @wikiangela @devirnis @elvensorceress @thekristen999 @lemonzestywrites @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck
thank you lovelies! <3
another snippet from calls fic which i think is just gonna haunt me forever asdfghjkl
“You good?” Eddie asks when it’s been silent for too long, praying that the complexities swirling inside him aren’t present in his voice. If anyone could hear them, it would be Buck.
“What? Yeah, yeah, sorry, just–tired.”
Eddie is pretty sure tired isn’t what Buck was originally going to say.
Buck has the uncanny ability to steer people, including himself, away from what’s really going on inside his head, masterful at the craft of saying things that aren’t necessarily true but aren’t exactly lies either, euphemisms spilling from his mouth like sanctified honesty, so very hard not to believe.
And Eddie has learned how to navigate this for the most part, knows when he needs to push and when he needs to hold back, knows when Buck wants him to offer something he can take whether it’s advice or sympathy or an opinion and when Buck needs him to deflect, to amuse, to lighten their circumstances enough that Buck can breathe.
Admittedly, Eddie doesn’t always do what Buck wants or needs in these situations, because he is only human and stubborn and willful and at times dangerously affirmed of his own thoughts and occasionally frustrated easily enough that he will give no thought to how he should structure his sentences, often straddling the line between being careful with Buck but also not treating him like he’s fragile, but right now, well, right now Eddie has the feeling that a strong gust of wind could knock Buck over, so he treads delicately.
“I, uh–” Buck coughs and there’s some rustling in the background, a familiar enough sound that lets Eddie know Buck is currently sitting on his couch. “I just got home and realized I kinda forgot about our usual Thursday dinner.”
Eddie tuts as loud as he can into the phone, leaning back against the counter so it digs into the bottom of his back. “A truly unforgivable offense, Buckley. Not sure how Chris and I will recover.”
Banter is easiest. Banter he can do. It’s the thing they use most often with each other, because it’s fun, yes, but also because it’s the only thing they really know how to do properly. They can fully lean into it because there are no expectations or consequences, it’s just–them, being silly and teasing because it makes the other feel better and because anything else might be too soft or too harsh to bear.
tagging @spaceprincessem @bucktits @shitouttabuck @911onabc @try-set-me-on-fire @rewritetheending @sibylsleaves @messyhairdiaz @bvckandeddie @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @shyaudacity @buddierights @monsterrae1 @gayedmundodiaz @heartshapedvows @wh0re-behavi0r @thewolvesof1998 @sunshinediaz @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @exhuastedpigeon @butchdiaz @bucks118 and anyone else who wants to share!
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Happy Little Accidents
The last thing Eddie Diaz expects to come out of his trip to Buckley’s Plant Nursery & Landscaping with his son, is to develop an honest to god schoolgirl crush on the guy who owns the place (and not notice that that is what’s happening for an embarrassingly long time).  
The plan is simple. Get in, have Christopher pick out a couple of succulents or whatever he needs for his school project, and get out without infesting any of the gorgeous plants in the shop with his bad plant karma. 
But then, the first thing he’s greeted with is a hunk of a man, carrying two heavy packs of soil on his broad shoulders. Eddie swears he can see a drop of sweat running down the man’s face in slow motion. His t-shirt looks like it’s one strategic muscle flex away from bursting at the seams and Eddie—Eddie feels nervous all of the sudden. And he’s gaping like a fish. 
“Hey,” Hunk-man says as he hoists the soil on the counter next to him with a grunt, “What can I help you with?”
At least Eddie has enough self-awareness to close his mouth.
Or: the one where Buck owns a plant nursery and Eddie stumbles through his crush (and has no game during all of it)—oh and also, there are a lot of Bob Ross references.
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(With a banner by the wonderful @theladyyavilee thank you so so so much <3)
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salemsvlog · 2 months
It’s just so funny to me thinking about Oliver going on set to film 7x05 being all like “I’m so excited how are they going to handle Bucks coming out story” just to be told that they’re going to choked him.
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I broke
40 days
That's how many days left until season 7 premiere of 9-1-1. Just 40 days until my blorbos come back from war.
And I couldn't hold out
We're at least 2 years away from season 3 of Good Omens and probably 9 months away from season 3 of Heartstopper. Yes I am doing splendidly thanks for asking.
I couldn't take it anymore and started a new show, my brain need a new hyperfixation
Like an idiot, I chose Hawaii 5-0 because what could be better than a 10 season show ?
I'm 10 minutes into the first episode and already I'm putting clown makeup on 🤡. I swear I cannot get my brain to quit shoving dudes together. I seriously think I'm just lowkey delusional at this point
It's honestly so embarrassing of me but also they are gay. Gay
Sorry, nothing could get you to stay to run this operation ? Not even a task force to find the man who killed your father ? Not free reign over EVERYTHING ? PASS ?
But a hot hunk of man point a gun at you and suddenly you're interested ? Something (someone) changed your mind ? Gay
Oh what's that ? He's blond and buff and competent ? Oh he's witty ? Oh he's also bratty and you want to push him against a couple different surfaces ? Gay
Oh you feel like he can step to you and he's not interested in buttering you up or listening to you but obviously still respect you? Gay
Oh he had your back and saved your life ?
And as the petty ass man you are you "appointed" him your "partner" ?
Shameful Mr.Mcgarret
But also I woulda done the same
Now if I had a nickle for every show a hard, jaded brown hair brown eyes soldier was suddenly captivated by a blond bimbo (affectionate), I'd have two nickles (scratch that 4, forgot about GO and OFMD), which isn't a lot but it's strange that it's happened twice.
Anyway, imagine how unsurprised I was when I curiously looked on Tumblr to see if the two dudes from 5-0 was a hot item and saw this tag with thousands of people :)))
I guess this is my humble request for the McDanno fanbase to accept me as one of their own.
I promise to bring much delusion
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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burnthatbridge · 2 months
illicit affairs
buddie | E | chapter 1 of 8(ish) | 3k | just a boy helping his boy bestie figure out gay sex, with a side of infidelity This is how it starts: Buck goes on a date with Tommy. How it goes from there, Eddie can't even begin to explain.
Chapter 1: born from just one single glance
It’s in the aftermath, when Bobby and Athena are safe and being checked over and the 118 plus family and friends is piled in the waiting room as usual — they all have their preferred chairs with how often they’re here — that Eddie’s unfocused mild interest in this new guy who his friends trust, turns to sharp notice. 
Eddie has to step away to call Carla, to let her know they got Athena and Bobby, to assure her that he’s fine, Buck’s fine, they’re all fine. And then he spares an extra moment to text Marisol because he knows she’ll see the news soon, if she hasn’t already, and will worry.
After, when he returns to the waiting room, Tommy’s in his seat. Eddie doesn’t really have a specific one he favors so much as he always takes one next to Buck. So, it follows that, Tommy is now sitting beside Buck. 
When Eddie left, Buck’d been pale-faced, and shaky in a way he wasn’t when Bobby was missing and he had a goal to focus on. Eddie hadn’t wanted to leave him, but it was Buck who’d said didn’t he need to call Carla? Let Chris know they’re okay?
Eddie pauses across the room and regards the scene before him. Tommy is leaned in, chatting to Buck, making wide, expressive gestures with his hands as he does. Buck’s still more grey than pink in the cheeks and one hand is clutching the arm of his chair, but he’s stopped picking at the patch of peeling paint he’s about tripled in size over their past handful of waiting room residences and there’s a hint of a smile curling the side of his mouth, which had been a grim line before, waiting for the doctor to report back on Bobby and Athena, waiting to be allowed to see them. 
“He’s in good hands.”
Eddie starts at Hen’s words. She appears from behind him carrying two paper cups of what Eddie understands from experience is the worst coffee known to man. He used to force it down because caffeine is caffeine, but he can’t anymore. It reminds him too much of the three minutes and seventeen seconds that were some of the worst of his life.
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