#brought to you by my fever
samglyph · 8 months
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But a promise is a promise
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aboyisagunasterisk · 1 month
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did someone already do this
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estrellami-1 · 7 months
Lay With Me (Sleep It Off)
Apparently one of the symptoms of covid is fevers… guess who just spent the last 5 or so days with a low-grade fever 🙄 it started with me waking up at 3am to use the bathroom, thinking I was fine until I got out of my (warm) bed and started shivering uncontrollably.
Also my eyes started hurting about halfway through so uh. If you see any typos. No you don’t ✌️
Steve wakes up to Eddie’s hand drifting over his skin.
It’s something that happens more often than not, nowadays, to the point where he rolls over and presses his hips to Eddie’s automatically.
Eddie’s hand stutters. “Baby?” He asks, and Steve frowns, because neither of them had expected him to be soft.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, still sleep-drunk. “Dunno.”
“You want it?” Eddie asks, then presses a kiss to his forehead and freezes again. “Oh, shit, baby, you’re hot.”
“Mmm,” Steve says. “Thanks.”
Eddie chuckles. “Though you are hot, that’s not the kind I’m talking about, babydoll. I think you have a fever.”
Steve frowns. “No, ‘m fine. Got work.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think fevers care about our work schedules.”
“Rude,” Steve murmurs. “They should.” He sighs and tucks himself closer to Eddie, because he’s warm and Steve is a little bit cold. “Time’s it?”
“Almost eight.” He runs a hand down Steve’s back. “You’ve got a little over an hour.”
Steve smiles against Eddie’s throat. “You were gonna make me late.”
“Was not,” Eddie retorts, even though they both know that’s a lie.
Steve hums and wiggles further into Eddie’s warmth. “Gotta get up,” he says, doing absolutely nothing to do so.
Eddie keeps petting Steve’s back, which furthers his resolve to do nothing. “I think you should stay home, baby. If you’re sick…”
“Not,” Steve argues nonsensically. “Don’t have time.”
Eddie sighs, pressing a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Okay, baby. If you’re not sick, then you need to get up and get ready to take a shower, right?”
“Mhm,” Steve mumbles. “Come with?”
“Of course I will, baby. Following your lead here. You gonna get up?”
Steve groans, strangely feels like crying as he detaches himself from Eddie and shuffles across the bed to sit on the edge.
He stands after a second and walks to the closet, realizing as he’s reaching for a shirt that he’s trembling, shivering. He’s suddenly, viscerally aware of how cold he is, and he can’t stop his teeth from chattering as he looks to Eddie with a furrowed brow.
“Baby,” Eddie murmurs, pulling him into a hug and taking some of his weight. “You’re sick. You should be in bed.”
“No,” Steve murmurs, ashamed at the tears pricking at his lids. “Can’t- need to work-”
“I’ll call Robin,” Eddie soothes. “She’ll figure it out, ‘kay? But you know as well as I do that she’d tell you to stay home, too.”
Steve sniffles. “Don’t wanna be sick,” he mutters petulantly.
Eddie runs a hand through Steve’s hair. “I know, baby, it’s not fun, is it? Let’s get back in bed, I’ll make you a hot tea and call Robin, and then I’ll be right back and we can cuddle, alright?”
Steve nods slowly. “Tell Robin sorry.”
“I will, baby. You just focus on getting back into bed now, there you go. And I’ll be right back, m’kay?”
“‘Kay,” Steve agrees, letting his eyes slip shut again as chills continue to wrack his body.
Soon enough Eddie’s back with a tray of dry toast, hot tea, water, and some painkillers. Steve startles awake even though he’d only been half-asleep, and Eddie apologizes, rushing to place the tray down so he can assist Steve’s shaky arms in lifting his body to a seated position.
Steve is handed the water and meds first, then considers the tea and toast and shakes his head, trying to apologize. “It’s okay, baby,” Eddie murmurs. “They’ll keep, you need to eat something today, I’ll just heat them up later. I just wanna do what you need, m’kay? Right now your bodu is saying it needs more rest, and that’s just fine. C’mon, come lay down with me, go back to sleep, okay? Let’s try and sleep this off. I bet when you wake up, you’ll feel a hundred times better.”
“M’kay,” Steve murmurs, tucking his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck. “Thank you. Love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” Eddie whispers, sealing his vow with a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
And with that, he drifts off to sleep.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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partyp0sion · 27 days
Was doing this quiz thing today and one of the questions was Brandon urine is the lead singer for which band I’ve never been so confident in an answer before
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kagoutiss · 5 months
Much love in my heart for him, Ganondorf would be the absolute WORST to take care of while he's sick. Honestly I cannot think of anyone who would make this job harder
yeah i think this would be a huge massive nightmare situation because (well for 2 reasons) he would make a gigantic deal out of extremely minor afflictions because he wants attention soso bad and is not at all above guilt tripping or manipulating people for it. but also god forbid he ever ends up getting sick with something that is actually genuinely very serious/debilitating/life threatening because then i think it would become the total inverse of that and he would actually refuse to rest or let anyone bring him anything or even acknowledge that there is anything wrong with him at all. because at that point he would risk displaying Genuine Vulnerability by accepting help that he actually Needs, and that’s. obviously not an option and would make him want to barf just thinking about it
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swimming-karyss · 5 months
I've been rereading some OP chapters lately, and it seems like Iva fully intended to catch up with Dragon and chat for a bit about recent events
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and it makes me wonder, at what point in their conversation did Dragon drop on them Sabo's coma. lol, as if Iva already didn't have enough concerns for their last couple of days.
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and speaking of Sabo, did he attend this meeting? in Dressrosa, even after two years, he got too choked up to talk about Ace, and I doubt he was any better during that time. They probably just let him sit this one out on a sick leave lol
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
our health is important! and precarious! let’s keep masking in public and not going out to spread germs when we’re sick! please!!!!!
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softandwildx · 15 days
Before I got covid last year, I hadn't been majorly sick for many many years, or even a little sick for at least a few. It took me months to recover after being down for the whole summer, and not even fully because I still have some residual breathing issues and chronic fatigue.
And now I get sick anytime someone even sneezes in the same room as me. I've been sick more than I haven't this year. Thankfully not covid that I'm aware of, but still all but bedridden ill.
I can't stress how abnormal that is for me. I can't express how frustrating it is to know your body is not performing at full capacity no matter how "good" you feel or motivated you are to get things done.
And I just really wish that we, as a society of people who have had covid, of employers who employ former covid patients, of healthcare workers who treat and advocate for covid patients, could recognize that our physical expectations and limitations simply are not the same anymore. I know too many people who had irreparable damage done to their bodies from having it, but we still treat long covid symptoms and the aftermath as business as usual, something to just get over and stop whining about.
And for us to still be this deep in the pandemic, with new data coming out every day about variants and how we get infected and what it's doing to our bodies, and still NOT have accessible healthcare for all? Asinine.
I know there are more pressing matters in the world right now, but I'm just very tired of being sick and tired. And of people still demanding that the thing that caused this is "just a flu."
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nixotinix · 7 months
OK UHHHH so I might've decided in a fever dream state that I wanted to draw (most) Gen 1 Ghouls in their signature outfits. I wrote down them all and there's. So many. This is TECHNICALLY part 3??? Since I drew Batsy for that one post, and then Nef, Luna, and Gooliope for a diff one. I've been picking them at random in batches of 3 so UH part 3 of drawing (almost) every Monster High Generation One Ghoulie!!
For this post, I've done Jane Boolittle, Catty Noir, and Scarah Screams!! (I sincerely apologize for inconsistent lighting my lamp is WACK)
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And some close-ups for each!
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I'm p happy with how these came out ngl :3 I've already started work on the next batch, I think you guys will like it! For now tho, sorry about the radio silence, and enjoy the art!
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bleachbleachbleach · 7 months
Yesterday someone was showing me the archive and artifact rooms for their museum, and while fascinating in their own right, I was just like... b l o r b o s ... because of course. We were looking at contemporary artifacts--objects from a historic building that had burned down, objects from when they put the People Mover in (the slowest least popular train known to man me). And we were talking about funding and human capital and the fact that so much of this stuff is either not being collected at all (they're trying to reach an agreement with the city that all new building must require an archaeological survey first) or isn't catalogued or organized in a way that anyone can realistically access or use--like, it'll be organized by date input, or by provenance (Mr. Archive's Boxes O' Stuff that he donated), but not by topic, like here's all the stuff about this fort, or that hospital.
It makes me think about the differences in shinigami perception vs. human (my perennial happy place). Their lifespans are longer than a human's, which might suggest they have better memories for history, having been there. In some ways this is probably true--easier access to this or that part of stuff that happened 1000 years ago by default--but I also wonder if, in remembrance and analysis of history, their lifespans also work to their detriment. Because it's still something they lived, are living, through. It's not "history" enough, or it's still part of some active story, of the sort that are difficult to parse and understand holistically. Having been there gives you one important form of understanding/remembering, and a view from a distance another. But aside from that, what of the archive? Like, in the sense that it's like, oh, this is just some drywall from 1987, it's not really important, not like that piece of leatherwork from the Roman Empire they just found. Except so much of Soul Society's (or even just the Seireitei's) history would still be that drywall from 1987, mentally. No one REALLY knows it but it also doesn't seem ancient enough to be worth knowing. And there's data being lost even though it'd be easier to trace and record now because the perception is that it's not yet important enough to know.
idk man I'm just really tickled by the idea that rather than longevity-> less knowledge turnover across generations, the shinigami lifespan might instead hold history in abeyance.
I mean, my personal headcanon is that so much of Soul Society's work is tied to humans (and by extension their timescales) shinigami have unconsciously trained their brains into... expecting? working with that timescale, so beyond a human's natural capacity for memory it's counterintuitively somewhat difficult for shinigami to remember any of that shit, either. This hc was developed mostly in response to TBTP, which was only 100 years ago and inasmuch as it was all happening in a shroud of real secrecy/lack of knowledge, and also willful forgetting on the Gotei's part, I still feel like it's probably actively difficult their little shinigami brains or reishi constellations or whatever to meaningfully remember things 100+ years old, minus the general sense of it or particular flashbulb memories, the ghosts that persist.
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iphijaania · 2 years
i’ve been doing a lot of thinking (too much thinking, in fact) about hypothetical midam baby and i just think that, once you put aside the issues of biology and physics w.r.t. how baby would come to existence, the biggest hassle would be naming?
like, when michael stops preening at the attention adam has to give him now, and eventually stops cooing at baby on an extradimensional level every time they’re mentioned (so at like. the 8th month of gestation) he goes ‘well if you REALLY don’t like the holy name of z̷̲̈́̈̀̔̂̕e̸͈̞̞͕͈̙̒̍̈́i̴̧͈̙͇̣̜͂̅͗̈́ṙ̷̟͙̑ͅâ̸̼͈̻̬͊̐͐̕͝c̷̢̹̍͊͋̽̅̎ḩ̸̰͕̟͇̟̆i̷͉̖̼̫͛̆͒̃e̶͕͇͋l̴̡͈̳̈́’ (‘i just think it’d be hard to write on the birth certificate’) and starts recommending names like. margaret. jeanne. katherine. barbara. which are like normal names you know so adam can’t really put his finger on why he feels so… weird about them? like he doesn’t like them. the vibe’s off. he thinks maybe it’s because they’re a bit old-fashioned?
so adam goes. ‘well how about. idk? something less grandmothery?’ and michael cries for a week about how adam’s disrespecting his new-and-shiny free will so they go with ‘jeanne’ because it seems… slightly less old fashioned? even though the name Really Bothers adam for some reason and he just can’t put his finger on it (and he ruled out the fact that it sounds like ‘john’ ages ago) but whatever, it’s just a name, right?
it isn’t until baby’s actively being born that adam snaps his head up like ‘hang on. ‘margaret’, ‘katherine’, ‘barbara’, ‘jeanne’, they’re all saint names. they’re all the names of saints that you talked to. these are all saints who you, at some point, guided. because—‘
‘because i had a mission—‘
‘—because you liked them. and now when you’re supposed to like me best (you’re quite literally having a child with me) you’re STILL remembering the names of your exes?? is that how it is?’
‘they’re NOBLE names of HONOURABLE people who are perfectly worthy of being our child’s namesakes—!’
adam refuses to name baby ‘jeanne’ after that which is very inconvenient because he had actually grown to semi-like that name and didn’t have any ideas of his own besides, like, ‘kiddo’. and now baby’s here and there’s not a single name idea that they have that don’t fill adam with an insane amount of rage and jealousy and/or make michael whine about how ‘basic’ the name is (whoever taught him that word is a mystery)
anyway baby stays nameless for a month and that only because TFW stages an intervention
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avocado-frog · 7 months
Going to the grocery store by myself is SO WEIRD like. ok i want some strawberries. not a single person is here to stop me from buying my strawberries. i don't even have to ask my mom. i can just grab it. i can buy whatever i want with my money. maybe i'll even get a toy.
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letsplayballet · 2 months
oh hell yeah bitch it's
nyquil time
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embervoices · 6 days
Absolutely nobody whatsoever: ...
Me: "Feed a cold, starve a fever" scans to "Save a horse, ride a cowboy"
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dilfcherricola · 4 months
sometimes I just remember that some people hate autistic people so much that they let their kids get measles
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queerenteen · 2 years
Super self indulgent but to me there are four classes of favourite characters:
Kin: Relatable, can and will superimpose your goals, fears, ideals and experiences on them because they're just so damn similar to you
Simp: Self explanatory. God they're so hot they could step on you and you would thank them (related note: kin and simp ships just hit different)
Smol: They're your babies. You love them and they're precious. Can do no wrong in your eyes even if they're occasionally so stupid.
Beloved: These are like your best friends. You adore them to bits but why are they such idiots?
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