#breach 3.5
too-much-tma-stuff · 24 days
I Want Better For You (part 3.5)
part 1 | Masterpost | Part 3
Tim sat on the edge of his bed in Titan’s Tower, his mind going like a hamster on a wheel, a mile a minute and getting nowhere. In his hands he held the note left for him by Red Hood! It was a serious security breach that he had gotten in here at all. Obviously Tim knew he was smart, he had been Robin before Tim after all, you couldn’t do that job without being smart as hell and strong as heck. But he had upgraded the security himself when he joined the team, no one should have been able to get into the tower, let alone into his room to leave the note.
At least it wasn’t a bad note? In fact it was… nice, it was a kind offer. They had to know that if he did this he would spy, he wouldn’t even be able to help it because he’d always had a detective's mind, yet still they offered. 
Of course there was always a possibility that it was a trap of some type but Tim really didn’t think it was. Jason had proved he could get into the Tower, if he wanted Tim dead or kidnapped he could have just done it.
He should talk to his team about this, he should talk to Bruce about this, but for the moment he just held the note. Robin had always been his hero, sure it was Dick he’d first recognized because of the Flying Grayson connection, but Jason had been His Robin. Tim had idolized Jason, and been completely devastated when he died. Ya he had become Robin to help Bruce, but it was to memorialize Jason as well.
He knew that Jason wasn’t the same as he’d been before his death, but… while he was dead Tim had gotten used to thinking of him like a brother. A part of him desperately wanted to take this note at face value, to forget all about the violence, and the crimes, and just take the olive branch and bond with his childhood hero. But he was going to be smart about this.
He was going to go, of course he was, but he needed to put safety measures in place and some sort of plan. Though he probably still wasn’t going to tell B about it, he was overprotective and would grill Tim for any bit of information he managed to gleen, and if he wanted any real info he would have to do a long con. Best he could do right now would be to have Superboy listen in, set up a code word, and have Impulse ready for an extraction if needed then… well he’d tell Batman when he needed to.
It took about a week to talk Superboy into letting him go but it wasn’t exactly hard to set up as minimal of plans as he had, including wearing a hidden wire to record whatever happened. As long as it worked, Tim had heard tech had a habit of messing up around Hyena if he didn’t want them working. 
He didn’t bother thinking of an excuse, he didn’t think he needed one. Wanting to get to know them would be enough, especially if he was going to rely on them for anything in the future. 
So, feeling tense and keeping to the shadows he entered Crime Alley on a slow night with his friends behind him, figuratively speaking. He moved a bit deeper in, grappling up to the roof of a building, feeling a little lost and listless. He did know vaguely where to find these two, but Crime Alley wasn’t a small place, and now that he was in their territory he didn’t know where to go, it’s not like they knew where Hood and Hyena lived, or their base of operations. 
It seemed like he didn’t need to though, because while he was standing on the roof thinking he saw someone coming, leaping from one building to the other with reckless abandon. They weren’t even using a grapple as they free ran and made jumps Tim was pretty sure should have been impossible. Tim knew who it was before they were close enough to see detail because Hood still used a grapple, the only one who acted like that was Hyena.
Sure enough Hood’s lover skidded to a halt across the roof in front of Tim, grinning to the point he could see it a little past the muzzle he wore. He didn’t have any weapons out, not that that meant anything, half the time Hyena forgot to use the clawed brass knuckles he carried and fought with bare hands. Tim was tense, ready to fight or flee but Hyena was not, he seemed relaxed and didn’t approach, keeping his hands visible. 
“Hey there little birdy, what can I do for ya?” Hyena asked, he didn’t have a Gotham accent but it was a little hard to tell where exactly it was from.
“I got Red Hood’s note. I just wanted to talk, introduce myself properly and meet you before I decide to take you up on any of the offers.” Tim said honestly.
“Of course!” Hyena agreed, pulling his phone out of a hidden pocket on the inside of his cropped jacket. “I’ll text Hood, ask him to pick up some food for us and we can have a little rooftop picnic and chat for a bit. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good,” Tim said, not sure why he was surprised by the offer.
“Any requests? The lifestyle sure builds up an appetite huh? And I certainly hope you’re still growing,” Hyena teased, cackling at Tim’s expression of indignation. Hyena wasn’t that much taller than him!
“Coffee,” He requested, finally relaxing a little.
“Hmm,” Hyena sounded judgmental as he tapped at his phone. “Fine, it’s your bone density that’s at stake not mine.” He pressed send, waited a moment and his phone dinged with a reply. “Great, he’ll be on his way soon, with picking up food he’ll probably be about a half hour,” Hyena said, pocketing his phone again and flopping down, as if the rooftop was a soft bed. “I know it’s probably Hood you really came to see but is there anything I can tell you in the meantime? Let’s stick to small talk though huh? I know how you bats and birds are, but I also know you’re wearing a wire, and I’m not interested in spilling my guts.” 
“Alright, ya that’s fair. Hood mentioned in the note that you know a lot about astronomy?” Tim mentioned, finally sitting down with his legs crossed as well.
“Oh ya, I was totally obsessed with it for most of my life, I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid and learned everything I could about space and engineering,” Hyena confirmed casually.
“This is a long way from being an astronaut,” Tim pointed out.
“Ya, well, things don’t always go the way you plan you know? Sometimes you get kidnapped by mad scientists and experimented on to the point you go a little around the bend,” Hyena snickered. Tim wasn’t sure if he was being serious, or self referential, or not.
“Riiight, well, what are your favourite space facts then?” Tim asked, just to pass the time really. Hyena brightened immediately and was happy to start sharing a bunch of random facts. 
It ended up in a back and forth of fun facts, aerospace vs chemistry and both of them could go shot for shot when it came to engineering. Tim realized, a bit belatedly, that Hyena is way smarter than Tim had given him credit for. That was disconcerting but… if they ended up getting alone Tim thought he could have a lot of fun tinkering with him.
“Incoming,” Hood broke into their conversation, warning them before he landed on the roof so he wouldn’t startle them. “Hey there Timmy,” He said as he walked over to crouch next to Danny, handing him a few bags of batburger and a tray of drinks before taking off his helmet. He was wearing a domino underneath it but it wasn’t like Tim didn’t already know his identity. “Got your coffee, I bet if you took off that domino your eye bags would be nearly as dark as the mask. Never enough time to sleep between school, social life, and nightlife.” Jason said, taking the tray of drinks back from Hyena, who promptly started digging through the bag with his now free hands, and handed the coffee cup to Tim.
“If you drop out of school to play hero I will personally kick your ass,” Jason said pointing at Tim warningly. 
“Uhhh,” Tim sounded, shifting a little awkwardly because he couldn’t deny he had already thought about dropping out. He looked down and took a sip of the coffee, which wasn’t great, but hey. “Why do you care?”
“Neither Hyena or I got to finish school because we died before graduation,” Hood said simply, which was a punch in the gut, and new information about Hyena. “I want better for you.” 
Tim didn’t know how to respond to that.
Hyena finished rummaging through the bag with a little yip of delight and started distributing the food, handing Hood a bag and taking a box of chicken wings, a burger, and some fries for himself before handing off the rest to Tim. “Looks like Hood didn’t know what you wanted and bought half the store, whatever you don’t eat I’ll finish,” Hyena joked as Tim took the bag. “Shit I forgot my sauces,” Hyena grumbled, staring at his nuggets with a little pinch between his brows. 
“What sauce are you looking for?” Tim asked, looking through the bag.
“Sweet and sour,” Hyena said brightly and Tim found the sauce and tossed it to Hyena, who hummed happily and took off his mask to eat. He was completely barefaced now and Tim couldn’t help but stare a little just because of how casual he was being about this. “What?” Hyena asked, catching Tim staring. 
“Hey I know he’s cute but he’s taken,” Hood joked, slinging an arm around Hyena’s shoulders who cackled and leaned back against Jason.
“No!” Tim said, cursing his fair skin for showing his blush, not because Hood was right of course, he was just embarrassed! “I mean, that’s not what I was thinking, I’m just surprised you took off your mask,” He told Hyena.
“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before I’m sure. I’m sure you and the bats have already figured out my ‘civilian identity’ or whatever. It’s not like I have anything to protect really, I only have the mask and the outfit because I like the aesthetic.” Hyena said, gesturing down at himself. 
“Fair enough I guess…” Tim said before looking back at Hood. “How did you get into Titan’s Tower?”
“Trade secrets Timmy, I’d rather talk about you. How’s school? You got a girlfriend or boyfriend?” Jason asked with a shit eating grin as Tim sputtered indignantly and then took a big bite of his burger to avoid having to answer such an invasive question! Especially with Superboy definitely listening in.
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deebris · 2 months
Seems like destiny
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader
Synopsis: After spending years in the bone marrow donation system, encouraged by the army, Simon was finally notified that they had found a match. He just didn't expect to find out that he would be donating it to his own son, who he had with his teenage love and never knew.
Warnings: Family problems, panic attacks, teenage pregnancy, swearing, mention of diseases such as leukemia, murder, archaic ideas, anguish.
Word count: 3.5 k
Any questions or errors, please let me know.
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Simon always remembers how the army encouraged soldiers to be blood donors. There was a great concern within about it, as it was one of the ways the government found to help hospitals and people who depend on transfusions to survive.
Then campaigns for bone marrow donation began, but it was so rare to find someone compatible that after 6 years on the waiting list, Simon thought he would never find someone who would need him. But that changed two months ago when he received a call from the institute informing him that he should go there immediately.
He underwent more medical exams than he had ever done, and although he was a tough guy, he couldn't deny the pain he felt in the weeks following the procedure. Among so many people dying in beds waiting to find a donor, someone could finally heal because of him. It made Simon feel good about himself, as good as he hadn't felt in a long time. That had been one of the reasons why he joined the army: to help people.
Now he could only hope that whoever he donated to would improve. He found himself during the day thinking about it, wondering if in a few years it would affect him as much as it does now. It's not very fresh in his memory, but Simon is able to superficially remember the day he registered on the bone marrow donor list. He had been in the army for a short time, still a soldier, and "Ghost" didn't even exist yet.
He thought this would be put aside. He didn't understand if he would need to donate more often, not really knowing the process deeply. That's why when he received another call from the same institute, he thought there had been some mistake, or that they would need more, but the reason for the contact surprised him.
The recipient's caregiver wanted to meet him and was willing to break the standard anonymity by revealing their identity. Accepting the offer would mean that he would also need to disclose his personal information, which is why he hesitated so much. But as he constantly replayed the woman's words in his head, he grew restless.
"The caregiver wants to meet you," that's what she said. Could the recipient be a child? Or perhaps an elderly person? Or maybe someone who was already so ill that they could barely decide for themselves. He shouldn't have any information about this person, even something as empty as what that lady had let slip.
"You should accept. Everyone would like to have the opportunity to personally thank the person who saved their life," were the words of his Captain, John "Price." And it had been the push that Simon needed to agree to the idea.
Now, standing in front of the hospital room door, Ghost debated with himself whether he should open it. Just a few meters away was the little boy who had been haunting his mind for the past few days. And how did he know it was a boy? He had been directed to the children's oncology ward when he arrived at the reception minutes ago, as soon as he was cleared by the unit director, who already knew about the situation and the breach of anonymity.
Furthermore, the clipboard with the patient's information on the door also made it clear that it was a boy. The name "Lucas" was printed on the paper, accompanied by a surname that was familiar to him. There weren't many people in the UK with that name, which caught his attention.
All that separated him from the family was that door, dividing the cold hospital corridor from the room he could only hope would be less disheartening and empty. He didn't know if he would find a smile on the other side, or if he would be met with the sad gaze of the child's mother.
This woman had contacted him through a letter. On that day, he hadn't yet notified the institute that he was willing to speak with her, so the letter came anonymously since nothing had been filed. He read what she had to say, revealing some things, such as the fact that she was a single mother and was extremely grateful to God for sending him to save her son. Some paragraphs were difficult to read, where she recounted how she had lost hope before.
The little comfort he found in that text was when she talked about the boy. In those passages, her handwriting was less shaky, and he was sure she was happier when she wrote those parts of the letter. He knew that this had been her attempt to persuade him to come meet her, but without her knowing, he had already decided. Simon kept the piece of paper with him and reread it in his spare moments.
That stirred his emotions. He thought he had managed to harden his heart after everything he had been through, but he was wrong. Deep down in his soul, he was more emotional than he let on to others. He hoped that "Soap" would never find out, or he would be eternally tormented.
"Damn," he muttered softly, snapping back to reality. Simon began to bitterly regret agreeing to this. He should have declined and moved on. He could leave, but he was already here, so he mustered up the courage to knock on the wood.
He considered himself presentable in the civilian clothes he wore, accustomed to the heavy military equipment he carried all day at the base, and also missing the mask covering his face. Simon adjusted the collar of his dress shirt, as a way to occupy his sweaty hands, more nervous about the approaching footsteps he heard than his appearance.
Before the door opened, he had already told himself he would remain silent and wait for the boy's mother to start the conversation. If she asked who he was, he would state his name and explain why was there. But as the woman inside was revealed to him, he fell silent not because he had decided to, but because he was speechless. Suddenly, those seconds he spent admiring the child's surname on the door seemed like a scene from a comedy movie to him. How ironic it is considering he was just thinking about you moments ago and, like magic, you appeared?
It seemed like you took a few extra seconds to recognize him, and he doesn't judge you for that. Although you have changed and are now an adult woman, with a more mature face and body, he had changed much more since he was a teenager. Back when you two were in school, he was shorter and thinner, and he didn't have any of the scars on his face.
But it wasn't just that which changed in him. You stared in complete shock at how different the demeanor of the guy you were in love with was. He was more serious, more intimidating, very different from his brother, Thomas, whom you had seen years ago, just a few days before he was brutally murdered along with his wife and child.
Your legs went weak, and your eyes burned with tears threatening to overflow. You wanted so desperately to say something, but nothing could come out of your mouth. Was this real, after all? You withdrew your hand from the doorknob, not realizing you had been gripping it tightly until now, and sat in the nearest chair to avoid collapsing to the ground.
Your blood pressure had surely dropped, as you were sweating cold and seeing black spots. What were the chances, after so many years and after everything you had been through, of finally finding him just when you weren't even trying anymore?
Your memories since you found out you were pregnant began to flood back. You vividly remember your father's reaction when he found out you were having a baby; what he said when found out that the neighbor's son, Simon, was the father of the child; how you struggled to escape him after he took you away to another state, to cover up the shame of having a "prostitute" as a daughter.
You never managed to tell Simon, and when you returned to that town, the town where you two met, he was no longer there. You didn't have a penny in your pocket and only survived that week because of Tommy's help. He gave you a bed to sleep in, food, and clothes, both for you and his nephew. You remembered the perplexed expression he had when analyzed Lucas's appearance, it was impossible to deny that he was a Riley.
It was because of him that you found out Simon was in the army and that he hadn't come home in months.
You never managed to thank him properly. Just two days after showing up there, Tommy handed you half of the money he had in a bank deposit. He told you that a good part of that money belonged to Simon, and therefore, it belonged to your son too. You rented a hotel room so as not to continue bothering his wife, especially since she now had to cook and clean for five people.
You left for the hotel with the promise to reward him someday and continued making visits while anxiously tried to contact his brother on his phone, but Simon never answered. You didn't have a cell phone and couldn't spend the money Tommy gave you so lightly, deciding to prioritize your son's needs.
Several voicemails were recorded, but there was never a response. You felt angry at Simon. You screamed into your pillow, frustrated for not being answered and repeating to yourself how stupid he was. But the possibility that maybe he was dead haunted you. Tommy had told you how complex his work in the army was, that it was more dangerous than usual.
You always feared what you would find when you saw him again. He could have a wife, a beautiful house, and everything you ever wanted to have with him one day but couldn't. He could have children, children who had the opportunity to grow up with him, unlike Lucas. And then when you found out that no, none of that had happened, a kind of happiness flooded your chest, even though nothing in the world guaranteed that he would want anything with you again. The last time you had anything, you two were barely adults, until one day you left without saying anything. You thought he hated you.
That lasted until one time, when you went to Tommy's house, there was nothing there but blood. You still remember how scared you were when you found the broken door and called the police, who surrounded the scene of the violent crime that had just happened. You waited so long, but so long for Simon to show up. What kind of person doesn't attend their own brother's funeral? That's when you decided to forget him and threw away the phone number you had written down.
Some more time later, when Lucas had just turned 7 years old, your life was turning upside down again. It all started with symptoms of a common virus. He had fevers, weakness, and got tired very easily. Then he started losing weight and getting pale. Many pediatricians said it could be anemia or hepatitis, but more symptoms kept emerging. Joint pains came, as did swellings, and after a year of medical investigation, the diagnosis came: leukemia.
You entered a state of denial. Was there something wrong with his diet? Or his lifestyle? It could be genetic, but there were no cases of cancer in your family. Maybe the Rileys had some?
Since that day, your life has never been the same. With each passing month, your son only got worse. You would give all your savings, live on the streets, or even rob a bank if it meant seeing your baby well again. Fortunately, the government offered treatment for free, but some medicines needed to be acquired more urgently than the hospital could provide, and medicines for such treatment were not cheap at all.
The only thing that could cure your boy was the marrow from a compatible donor. You prayed so much that you could save him, but when the tests were done, it was impossible. If no one in the family could donate, it was almost a death sentence. Your last hope was your father. You hoped to never have to see him again, let alone tell him where you had run away to, but now you were no longer the same foolish young girl who depended on his money.
Despite everything, you knew he loved his grandson, and a single phone call was enough to make him come running. In recent years, he had been worried about the two of you, not knowing where you had gone. He never had the courage to admit he was wrong, and apologizing was never his strong point, but he regrets every day what he did. That day he didn't know how to react. He wanted to kill Simon, the brat who got his only daughter pregnant, just as he was afraid you would become a joke in neighborhood for having such a young son. He only managed to think about leaving to avoid a disaster, never asking what you wanted or how you felt.
For the first time, when he saw you so tired and alone, he held his tongue to not say anything that could ruin everything. Instead, he hugged you tightly, and you were so craving someone's company that you curled up in his arms just like when you were a little girl. He was a grumpy and archaic man, someone who made many mistakes, who still makes them, but he still has humanity within him.
Unfortunately, he was not a match either.
You stopped daydreaming, and you didn't realize how bad you were until you saw an adult Simon crouched in front of you, shouting in the hallway for a doctor, but you tried to silence him by grabbing the nails on his rolled-up shirt sleeve, catching his attention. The last thing you want is for the doctors responsible for your son's health to be alarmed, thinking he's worsened. These professionals worked as hard for him as you did. Simon seemed to understand and went to close the door to prevent curious eyes from appearing.
Simon looked at you with sadness, and it crushed your heart. He was afraid you wouldn't be able to breathe properly again; he knew you were desperately begging for air, but couldn't draw it in. He hesitated to touch you, but gave in to the desire and placed both hands on your cheeks. He was incredulous. It was really you, the girl he loved most in his entire life, more than he thought he was capable of loving another woman. Simon had imagined so many times meeting you again, and he had so many doubts.
"Calm down," he repeated in a whisper, locking his eyes onto yours. He knew panic attacks; he had experienced them himself several times. "I know. I know, dear. It's a lot to process."
"You…" your voice tried to come out amidst desperate breaths, while also trying to swallow the lump in your throat. Your hands grabbed both of his wrists, and your thumb smoothed over the skin, feeling his heartbeat. "It's you who…?"
"Yes. Yes, it's me, the donor," he quickly confirmed, even before you could finish the question. "Don't speak. Breathe."
You were managing to calm down and think more rationally. Understanding hit you like a bucket of cold water, and your embrace made the big burly man he had become freeze. The feeling was so strange. Of course, among so many people, the only one who could save your little son would be his own father. The person with whom he shared half of his genes.
"He's yours, Si," your voice sounded like a spell in his ear, the old nickname sending shivers down his spine. Your tone was so gentle that he barely understood the meaning of the phrase. But soon he felt his lips quivering, recounting the events of the past few months and how unbelievable this would sound if he told this story to someone. "I swear he's yours," you repeated as if that made it easier to assimilate.
The content of that letter invaded his mind again and again. He felt horrible.
Simon pulled you closer to him, your bodies almost merging. You were still beautiful, even in your disheveled state, betraying exhaustion. And even after so much time, it was as if nothing had changed between the two of you. He knew there was a small body behind him, sleeping peacefully in the bed, but he didn't dare to look. He could hear the sound of the machines, and then it all came crashing down on his shoulders at once: he had a son with you. By his calculations, the boy should be 9 years old. Wow! He hadn't seen you in over a decade.
"I have so many questions," he confessed with a choked voice, and you don't remember ever seeing him cry before when you were younger.
"I searched for you so much. I called so many times," the last thing you wanted was to make him feel guilty, but hearing that, he felt like he should have kept searching for you too. As soon as you left, he went asking where your father had gone. He worried and tried to find out something, until enlisted in the army, and then all he did from then on was just think about you; never seeking; never trying in any way to find you again because it seemed easier to accept that you had left forever.
You tried to distance yourself, even though you hated it, to look at his face one more time. Simon allowed you to run your fingers over his features until your eyes landed on your son behind him. He knew where your gaze had gone, but he didn't follow it. And of course, you would understand what was happening.
"Look at him," you pleaded with tenderness, but he shook his head while rubbing his eyes, as if they hurt. "You're hurting me doing this, Simon."
The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was rejecting the boy, so he stood up, fighting the weakness in his legs and slowly approaching the bed. The child's face was turned exactly in his direction, as if anticipating he would be there, but his eyes were closed, and his breathing was peaceful. It was only then that Simon realized how he was hyperventilating until he felt your hand gently pushing him closer.
His heart hammered in his chest, overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, as he watched his pale and still son. Each step was a journey through an ocean of uncertainty, each breath an effort to maintain composure in the face of the storm raging within him.
As he leaned over the fragile and inert body of the boy, a wave of emotions engulfed him. His broken heart cried out to stop the affliction that plagued his son, that beloved being he barely knew.
Tears blurred his vision as he stroked Lucas's hand, so small and vulnerable compared to his, so similar to yours. Each touch was a silent promise to stand by him in every moment, even in the darkest and most painful.
He found himself whispering words of comfort, as if each sentence could ignite a spark of life in his son's dormant soul. He pleaded to the heavens, to the stars, to any higher power that could hear, for a miracle, for a chance to see those childish eyes shine for the first time in his life. He was an identical copy of Simon at that age, and it made him wonder if the color of their irises was also the same, the same shade of brown. A sudden curiosity arose: what was his voice like? Would it sound like yours, so gentle and reassuring, or could it somehow sound like his?
There, in that moment, time seemed to freeze, the whole world disappearing. It was as if he were dreaming. There was no way all of this could be true, someone must be playing a prank on him. He wanted to look at your face again, to smell you while he ran his hands through your hair to make sure it was really you, flesh and blood. "He's going to be okay," he poured out the words, even though he knew the danger in promising that, and you dove into them, knowing you didn't have to face everything alone anymore.
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hailuchiha · 2 months
!! 18 + NSFW CONTENT!!
!! ALL characters involved are ADULTS ; NO minor characters!!
Summary: In a public confrontation with his little sister, sparked by his fiance Izumi, Itachi slaps his little sister. Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, she gets upset and leaves, refusing to talk to him. When Itachi goes to apologize, things don't go as planned, as neither sibling is on the same page, and each wants to be heard. Egged on by his sister's harsh words and acts of retaliation, Itachi gives in to his rage and attacks her once more, crossing a line that there's no going back from.
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incest; slight domestic/physical abuse; spit; slapping; non con; cnc; betrayal; anger; frustration; sibling incest; family drama; power imbalance; some verbal abuse; forced bj; choking;
Well... this certainly got out of hand. Again. I should really work on keeping my content concise T_T
Word count: 3.5+k
Familial Rift
He slapped her.
She could still hear the sound- like a whip cracking. Her face still stung, and if she touched it, she could feel heat radiating off of what she knew was his handprint on her face.
The young woman sat straight-backed on her bed, feet still firmly planted on the floor, staring blankly at the wall, refusing to cry.
Well, she was crying, since tears streamed continuously down her face, but the young Uchiha was determined to not make a sound.
There was a quiet knock on her door.
"Sweetie. Are you alright?"
The Uchiha wanted to scoff. She knew her mother meant well, but she was angry at the older woman too.
Their mother hadn't done anything when Itachi had backhanded her across the face. She'd just stood ass till as the other bystanders, not moving a muscle till her daughter had calmly walked out of the hall.
Of course, the party didn't continue. Sasuke had followed her shortly, walking behind her silently until she started to veer too far off. Then, her younger brother, who'd grown a whole head taller than her now and wasn't so little anymore, had taken her hand none-too-gently and led her towards their parked car.
Upon reaching the car, they were quickly bundled in since Mikoto and Itachi were waiting for them.
"We're going home. As the host, your father will see to whatever needs to be done and come home," was all Mikoto said before climbing into the passenger seat.
Nobody spoke on the drive back home, and it made the young woman feel a tad bit better to see her baby brother glaring daggers at Itachi from his spot beside her in the backseat.
She shook her head of the ugly, fresh memories.
"Go away, mother," she responded, only raising her voice loud enough to be heard through the door.
She ignored whatever else her mother said. From what she could see from the movement under the door, the young woman knew her mother remained outside her door for a few more minutes before eventually leaving.
It felt like days later, but what couldn't have been more than an hour or so, when she was startled awake by knocking at her door. In the haze of sleep, she moved on auto pilot, crawling out of bed to open the door.
Only, the moment the door opened and she met her brother's dark gaze, all the memories of the night came rushing back. And with them, the anger, the rage, the betrayal. Gritting her teeth, she didn't let Itachi so much as get a word out before she slammed her door shut again.
Or, she tried.
He'd been quick to react, his reflexes much sharper since he clearly hadn't fallen asleep like her. His foot was wedged in her doorway, refusing to allow her to shut him out again.
"Fuck off!" she yelled, voice wobbly with rising irritation and a panic she couldn't place.
"Just listen to me," he said, voice low in contrast to her high pitch.
Even as she shook her head violently, he pushed his way in, shoving her back enough to breach her sanctuary before closing the door shut behind him.
The lock clicking into place had the young woman backing away slowly, eyes warily watching him close the distance between them.
He had the audacity to look hurt and confused at her reaction.
"Why are you being like this?" he said, his voice quiet.
No response.
She didn't even want to look at him.
"For fuck's sake," he sighed, as if he were dealing with a disobedient child. "It was an accident, alright? I didn't mean to."
The young woman didn't even deign to scoff in response. She kept her gaze fixed on the wall behind him, just past his shoulder.
"Will you say something?" he finally demanded, his tone no longer passive.
"You wanna hear something?" she finally snapped, chest heaving from the strain of keeping a lid on her emotions. She didn't want to expose herself that way to him- to let him know he could have that effect on her. "You are nothing but a goddamn brute, and I want nothing to do with you," her voice was strained, venom dripping from her words. She knew it must hurt him- good! She wanted it to hurt.
Despite her fake bravado, she took another step back when Itachi stepped towards her, a dangerous look in his eyes.
"W-What? You're gonna hit me again? Because you're so powerful and untouchable?" she said, standing her ground despite the tremours wracking her body.
Itachi didn't say anything. She flinched when he raised a hand, her eyes clenching shut, bracing for the pain.
But it never came. Nothing happened.
Her eyes snapped open when her face was gently cradled.
She winced when a calloused thumb stroked her bruised cheek.
"It must have hurt so much," he said eventually, eyebrows twisted in concern. "Forgive me, little sister. I really got out of hand."
Pathetically, she wanted to give in right there. She wanted to let go of the rage she was holding on to, and to throw her arms around him and week into her older brother's chest like she used to.
But she could not do that. She was no longer a little girl; and he was no longer her protector. In fact, he'd laid hands on her in front of the whole clan- humiliated her without a second thought.
Taking in a shaky breath, she shoved his hand away, giving him a look of disgust.
"That's gotta be the understatement of the fucking year. And a shitty apology to boot," her voice was flat with considerable efforts to keep her emotions in check.
He opened his mouth to respond, barely uttering a syllable of her name when she held up her hand, glaring at him coldly.
"No, Itachi! I've had enough. You... You humiliated me, abused me, in front of everyone, for that brainless whore without even bothering to talk to me," she saw his eye twitch when she addressed Izumi as such, but she couldn't care less. This was the first time she had used such vile and harsh words for her brother's fiance, whom she had always treated with respect and tried to be friendly with. Well, no more of that, she thought bitterly to herself, now that Izumi had shown her true colours. "Since you so happily humiliated me in public, I'll only accept your apology if you make just as big of a gesture in public."
She didn't see Itachi's balled fists as he shook with barely concealed rage. What she said may have very well been true, but he was not listening past the abusive language she'd used against his fiance. He may or may not love the woman, but she was to be his wife, and the future co-leader of the clan. He could not have his sister getting used to talking about her that way.
In the blink of an eye, his hand was wrapped around her slender throat, grip vicelike as he choked her into silence, the only sound being her laboured gasps as she attempted to breathe past his hold. Her hands gripped his wrist, trying to pull it off her throat, but Itachi was bigger in stature and muscle and remained quite unaffected by her attempts.
"It seems I came too soon to apologize, little sister," he leaned in, tilting his head to breathe against her ear. "In fact, perhaps even apologizing was a mistake. A whore like you shouldn't be put on a pedestal."
He took no pleasure as he saw her eyes widen in shock at his words, tears immediately springing to her pretty doe eyes. His grip tightened reflexively when she swallowed, his gaze drawn to her heaving breasts as they brushed against his forearm.
After a moment of intense eye lock, he unhanded her none too gently, her head snapping back from the motion. With herculean effort, he turned his back and walked stiffly to the door, not wanting to stay and do something irreversible.
It was a small thing that broke his last holds on his sanity.
A shoe.
Thrown at him in hurtful retaliation. Colliding solidly between his shoulder blades.
It didn't even hurt, really. But it was the principle of things.
It hurt his pride, stoking the poisonous flames.
Within a moment, he was upon her, invading her space. A loud slap rung out through her bedroom, too sudden for her to even react with a gasp. Her wide eyes stared up at him, mouth agape as his palm-print started blooming on her other cheek already.
Idly, Itachi thought the look suited her. That he should keep her marked with his handprints.
"What the-" was all she managed to get out as he forced her to kneel with a painful grip on her beautiful, dark tresses.
One hand clenched in her hair keeping her in place, Itachi quickly freed his cock, which had come to attention sometime during his visit to her room, and shoved his angry, fat cock into her mouth just as she opened it in protest.
His gaze was cold as he looked down at her choking on his cock as he held her in place, his grip in her hair not allowing her to pull off.
Her hands clawed desperately at his hips, tapping, hitting, whatever she could think of to get him to let up.
But Itachi had a lesson to teach his beloved sister.
"Mhm," he protested, almost mildly in comparison to his initial rage, and used his vicious grip to shake her head in warning. "Since you like using this dirty little mouth so much, you'd better learn to put it to good use. Whether you like it or not, you have a lesson to learn, and I have all night to teach you."
The shock from his words made her mouth go slack, only the tiniest bit, and Itachi hummed in approval, pulling out minimally before sliding his cock back in, pushing in deeper. He knew he was girthy, but right now, he was in no mood to baby his sister.
The subtle, wet sounds coming from her throat were going straight to his groin. The fact that she was clearly inexperienced didn't deter him. Her throat kept constricting, trying to evade the penetration that he had no plans on taking away; more and more spit collected in her throat and mouth, making his passage more pleasurable for him, and the sounds that much more palpable.
Itachi wasn't in any hurry. Once he knew he had her in place, Itachi rewarded her by patting her head gently, only to then use his grip to pull her up and down on his cock. He bit back a groan at the sight of her puffy lips stretched painfully wide around his sex as tears streaked down her face from the repeated breach of her oesophagus.
"I'm surprised this is the best you've got, baby sister... Are you sure you're not holding out on me?" he couldn't help but mock, groaning in pleasure at the resulting reverberations along his fat cock when she made unintelligible protests.
"Alright, alright," he huffed patronizingly, fucking into her sweet little mouth a couple more times before yanking her face against his pelvis just as he slammed in.
He could feel her throat spasm in panic, her nails digging into the meat of his calves where she gripped him in desperation. But Itachi didn't want to let go. Not yet. He liked seeing her gorgeous face pressed into his pubes, her teary, panicked eyes looking up at him in a silent plea for mercy.
And mercy he did take, his heart always having been soft for his sweet sister.
He pulled out just as suddenly as he'd invaded her mouth, his big, fat dick now glistening and dripping with her saliva.
With a satisfied hum, he yanked her up. She swayed slightly, still struggling to catch her breath, lips swollen and slick with spit.
"How pretty," Itachi hummed, using his thumb to wipe some of the drool from the corner of her mouth. "This look suits you."
While she didn't respond, this time, Itachi knew it was more because of physically being unable to rather than doing it as a sign of disrespect.
Still, he wasn't done with his sweet girl.
She was still in the pretty peach dress she'd worn to the party- the only Uchiha to opt for such light colours. She'd been so happy to get dressed for today too, only for things to go south...
His hand went behind her to pull her flush against him using the grip her tiny waist. She collided with him with a muffled huff, and Itachi stroked small circles into her back.
"Got nothing to say?" he said softly against the top of her head, before placing a little kiss there. "We're not done here, you know."
An amused smile pulled at his lips when she stiffened in his arms.
His sweet, silly little sister. Did she really think he was done with her?
With one hand, he held the bottom of her lovely dress up and our of the way as he pushed her back, arranging her on her back on the plush mattress.
"I-Itachi please," she said, her voice only a whisper now.
"Shhh. Let big brother make it up to you," he said none too gently, leaving no room for argument.
While he was glad she wasn't loud anyway, Itachi suddenly found a newfound appreciation for the location of his and her rooms being at this end of the mansion, away from Sasuke and their parent's rooms.
Uncaring of her halfhearted plea, Itachi ripped off her sheer leggings, tossing them away, before moving on to her panties. His eyes widened when he pulled them off, eyes zoning in on the thick, creamy wetness pooling in her dark panties, thin liquidy strands stretching to connect back to the pretty petals of her cunt.
"Fuck," Itachi hissed, shoving her thighs wide open to watch her cunt being spread before his eyes. "Fuck... You little whore, you really did like me using your mouth like that."
"A-Aniki don't call me that," her voice was small and muffled from behind her hands.
Itachi gave in and pressed his lips to her wet cunt, licking into it with the hunger of a man starved. Her thighs clenched around his head, her long mewl like music to his ears. But he was having none of that.
With one hand, he bunched up her dress, making sure it stayed up her waist, he shoved her thighs open with his other hand, slapping the soft flesh for good measure.
"Don't close them," he commanded, voice low from strain.
Then, he was dipping his head again, practically moaning against her velvety lips, his longue laving into her slick, warm cavern as he tasted her, trying to bury deeper and deeper. He pulled back after getting her properly wet and the slick slurping sounds filled the room.
With a heated gaze, he watched her flushed cheeks, where her hand muffled her needy sounds while the other was clenched in her hair.
Fuck, he thought, the sight making his cock throb as he idly palmed her pussy. Did he ruin her enough that she needed her hair pulled now?
Almost thoughtlessly, he raised his hand, before bringing it down with a resounding wet slap against her pussy. The impact made her yelp, her hips raising from the mattress, and Itachi hummed in appreciation.
Unable to wait more, he lined up his cock against her sopping entrance before pushing the fat, angry head in. Their groans mingled as his sheer girth stretched her tight walls almost painfully despite the sopping wetness easing the way.
He smirked as her legs dropped open wider, her hips raised almost needily, and she still refused to meet her gaze.
Using a few shallow thrusts to gauge the amount of force needed, Itachi finally slammed in, groaning as his heavy balls slapped against her ass on impact. His hand gripped the flesh of her thigh painfully at the sight of her mouth falling open in a silent scream as her voice caught in her throat.
"Not feeling so bitchy now, are you, sweet sister," he huffed, hands twitching against her skin. But she probably was too far gone to hear the need in his voice.
Adjusting their position so he was kneeling between her legs, his knees propping her thigs wide open, Itachi draped himself over her, caging her body under his by placing his hands on either sides of her head.
He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers as he started thrusting, setting a hard pace from the get go, watching her face scrunch up, her lip bitten raw as she tried to muffle her mewls.
This won't do.
Ever the caring brother, he slapped her across the face, lightly, only to swoop in and capture her sweet lips the moment she released her bottom lip. He licked into her mouth, moaning at the taste, his movements getting harder as she overwhelmed his senses.
He pulled back, breaking the kiss with a wet sound, and smirked down at her blown out pupils and slack mouth.
Mine, his brain ordained, and Itachi didn't even want to fight it.
With a gentle grip, he tilted her face just so, before spitting into her mouth.
There was a flash of something in her eyes- recognition, or awareness- but she met his gaze, blinking once, before swallowing. As if that wasn't enough to drive all his blood south, his sweet little sister then opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out for more.
And fuck if he wasn't a goner.
"Fucking filthy," he muttered breathlessly, fucking into her at a harsh pace.
Who was he to say no? He spit on her face, watching the clear, sticky glob slide down her cheek before finally spitting into her waiting mouth.
His pulse picked up at her happy little moan as she swallowed his spit again before licking her lips.
Something about the whole scene awakened something primal in him, and he descended upon her, licking into her mouth hungrily, their kisses becoming sloppy. He yanked the neck of her dress down, groaning at the sight of her large, naked breasts bouncing so prettily as he ravaged her on his cock.
When he gripped both breasts in his hands, the fat flesh oozed out between his fingers, her ample breasts practically spilling out of his palms. He squished them together, watching her squirm, before slapping them till they were a pretty pink, and her nipples swollen and erect.
His thrusts almost slowed down to gentle rocking while he played with her breasts, licking and sucking at her nipples, groaning in pleasure as she arched her back at the feeling, only further squishing her lovely breasts into his face. The young Uchiha was practically putty in his hands, moaning and mewling so prettily for him, her hand cupping the back of his head to her chest, clearly not wanting him to stop.
"You should see yourself right now, little sister," he muttered into her plush skin as he bit into an engorged nipple, earning him a pained shudder.
"D-Don't stop, aniki," was her only response, her legs wrapping around his waist, effectively driving her point home.
"Then again... It's my fault you're such a spoiled little princess," he chuckled breathlessly into her skin before pulling her ass onto his lap and angling them so he fucked down into her each time he slammed in.
Her moans grew louder as he drilled into her, reaching deeper with this new angle, his fat cock pounding her silken walls and rearranging her organs with each thrust.
As he slotted his mouth over hers, swallowing her pretty screams, he planted his feet firmly, continuing to pound her relentlessly. What his princess wanted, she would get, especially after the very harsh lesson he'd given her today.
Her nails dug into his scalp where her hand was still buried in his thick locks, while her other hand clawed at his back, her legs tightening around him as he kept fucking her to completion. Itachi groaned into her mouth when her pussy started clenching around him, set on sucking him dry on each pump. He kept thrusting as her walls clenched around him and she came on his cock.
With one last thrust, he shoved in, burying himself in her walls to the hilt and emptied his thick, copious load into her fertile womb.
When he broke away from her, their mouths remained connected by strings of saliva, and she pulled him back into an open-mouthed kiss.
"Still mad at me?" he asked, a smile in his voice as he pulled out of her.
She gasped at the sudden emptiness, her pussy clenching a few times around nothing, and the sight made him want to bury back home.
"M-Maybe," she said with a pout, idly rubbing their mixed cum back into her walls as it slowly dribbled out of her.
Itachi chuckled, retrieving a bunch of tissues from her dresser to wipe her dripping cunt.
"Still want the public apology?"
"... Something like that," she said, voice getting quieter as her eyelids grew heavier.
"Alright. Consider it done," he leaned down to place a kiss at her temple. "Now go to sleep, princess."
A/N: so... there's a mention of cars... i don't normally write modern AUs but this time, it just fit into the plot. also, i see it became kinda sweet at the end... i guess i just can't imagine itachi as being completely unhinged or for his gentle side to not come out at the end when it concerns his sibs?? anyway, hope you liked it anon!
prompt filled for this anon request
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cypherdecypher · 10 months
Animal of the Day!
Giant Devil Ray (Mobula mobular)
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(Photo by Patrik Neckman)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Indo-Pacific Ocean; Eastern Atlantic Ocean; Mediterranean Sea
Size (Weight/Length)- 3.5 m width
Diet- Krill; Plankton; Small fish
Cool Facts- The giant devil ray is the third largest mobula species. These are the only mobulidae found in the Mediterranean Sea. The rays live in small groups and only have offspring once every few years. Capable of gaining a high amount of speed, giant devil rays can breach multiple meters from the water. The reason why they breach from the water is unknown but it could be done for communication or just for fun. Due to their slow growth mixing with pollution and bycatch, the giant devil ray population has declined greatly in the last few decades. These rays are highly sensitive to any change in their environment and are heavily impacted by longlines, trawl nets, and tuna traps. Luckily, multiple European countries such as Italy and Croatia are working together to protect this magnificent species.
Rating- 13/10 (No longer called a manta.)
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quohotos · 1 month
Working at the library today. Someone here is very loudly listening to snippets of music, like at most a second at a time. Not sure if they're picking them out for something or simply scrolling through Tiktoks. Can't find who's responsible, they're too my right but there are several shelves in the way and I'd feel weird tracking them down. I can feel the whole library getting louder, conversations and discussions too. It's like a knock on effect, one breach of the magic circle and many more follow. Off to the side a man stands up, he has short hair and a gruff voice.
"Hey, just so everyone knows they have free headphones at the front desk. You can just ask for them, seems like some of you don't know."
After he says his peace he sits back down and gets back to his work, I can't see quite what it is over his shoulder and really shouldn't snoop
Every computer here has a pair of headphones... but they're old 3.5 mm headphone jacks. Call me conspiratorial, but I think the removal of headphone jacks in phones really lead to this kind of behavior. Obviously not 100%, being inconsiderate was always possible beforehand, but its never so clear. It's just little nudges. The more inconvenient it is to be considerate the more people on the border of apathy will fall on the wrong side.
It seems like the man's words worked. No more music. The conversation is dying down. I continue to write GD scripts as I run out of easy things to implement in this game
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lbodraws · 1 month
Splatoon Mech AU Infodump
AU Overview:
The use of Zapfish quickly modernized Inkfish society prior to the Great Turf War. Inklings quickly caught up with the Octarians tentacle and Zapfish infused machines, although still lacked technological finesse. The rising sea levels and struggle for land led to the two societies clashing. Mech battles raged across the scarce land that was left. Desperate to win, the Inklings poured everything they had into one Mech: Zeus. Powered by the Great Zapfish and manned by Captain Cuttlefish; the Mech overwhelmed the opposing Octarians, and eventually King Octavio, but at a price; the power surging through Zeus caused permanent damage to both Cuttlefish and Octavio, leaving them unable to transform from humanoid and swim form freely.
As a result of the war, Mechs were outlawed. Anyone caught owning, builing or engineering one were arrested. This hasn't stopped the youth from pursuing Mech races and battles in the underground Octarian domes and hangars, however... The allure and excitement has attracted every walk of life, including former Driver Captain Cuttlefish, who seems to be looking for a young Driver for a special mission...
Mech Mechanics:
Modern mechs use motion sense technology to pilot the mechs. Inkfish attach motion sensor rings to their wrists and ankles to control the movement of their mech. A rotating arm holds the Driver in place by supporting them around their waist so they can freely move their arms and legs.
Old Tech mechs use manual inputs from levers and buttons. Usually cramped sitting conditions with lots of buttons and levers surrounding the Driver. Some have pedals in the foot bay.
Mechs and Drivers:
Persephone: Agent 1/Callie
Close range tank type mech
Transforms into a motorcycle with rollers for wheels in pursuit mode
Special Attack: Bomb Rush
Athena: Agent 2/Marie
Long range support type mech
Cable snake body to help stay in position on stake outs
Special attack: Eagle Eye
Artemis: Agents 3 and 3.5
Two seated Driver mech (three if you count Lil Buddy)
Focuses on teamwork and long range attacks
Four armed mech that wields a bow
Special attack: Gemini Burst
Icarus: Agent 4
Multi-weapon type mech
Long range, medium range and close range capabilities
Special attack: Solar Flare
Hermes: Agent 8
Support type mech
Cargo bay + additional passenger seats
Long range weapon capabilities
Focus on medical assistance and heavy lifting
Special attack: Astral Cannon
Zeus: Captain
Inherited from Craig Cuttlefish
Power and attack focused mech type
Uses Old Tech from TGTW era but still powerful
Great Zapfish makes it unstable and unpredictable
Capable of using the Great Zapfish
Risk of injury: High
Special attack: Divine Punishment
Hades: DJ Octavio
Heavy tank type mech
Long and short range weapon capabilities
Capable of using the Great Zapfish
Special Attack: Killer Wail
Domes and Hangars
Drivers will find all the action underground in the Octarian domes and hangars. These serve as the main arena for mech races and battles. These relics from the Great Turf War serve as a potent reminder of the tensions that ran between Inklings and Octarians. Thankfully relations have improved between the two factions. Occasionally, things get out of hand and end up breaching to the surface where opponents have to out manoeuvre their opposition and the law.
Mech Race
Opponents race the track around the dome/hangar
Winner receives a Zapfish
Things can get heated and end up turning into a Mech Battle or breaching to the surface
Mech Battle
First to disable their opponents mech wins
Splatting is strictly prohibited and penalized
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agentgrange · 1 year
In no uncertain terms the situation with Wizards is as bad as it can possibly get. Every time you think you've hit rock bottom and that this is the worst case scenario something else comes out about the current changes to their monetization and OGL that shocks and offense. I don't even think I can summarize how bad this is and all the knock on information that came out in the wake of this announcement or the implications it will have on the entire industry-- Things like Hasbro bullying the executives of Kickstarter to officially pair with them so they get 20% (they wanted more but Kickstarter begged them to lower it knowing that if they refused outright they would just DMCA their platform) of any "derivative works" FUNDING before a product is even produced. Or their intent to have Pathfinder bullied into a licensing agreement as a "derivative work" of 3.5, or fight them in court as breach of intellectual property due to the change to their OGL. Or the fact that any work produced every is now the property of Wizards IN ITS ENTIRETY and that creators MUST manually submit all work OLD AND NEW over the last FOUR DECADES to reach a licensing agreement. There's so so much more.
Make no mistake, this is Wizards thinking that celebrity podcasts and cameos like Stranger Things has propelled them to such levels of success they can survive this universally hated change by leaning on their immense piles of money they made since 5E. They simultaneously cut their own projects (including those of many people I've worked with) deciding that "we don't need to produce our own quality content, that costs money. Instead we can make YOU make the product for us!" This is nothing short of an attempt to bully the entire industry and fan community from the very bottom to the very top so they can make passive profits like the parasites they are, and it's ontologically evil.
I cannot feel safe making ANY D20 Fantasy content now, even at my immensely small level much less anyone with an actual following. It certainly seems that anyone who resists and intends to honor the original OGL concept like Pathfinder, Wizards will attempt to bully into compliance or have destroyed through legal action. (It's no coincidence by the way that Pathfinder, as a unionized studio, is being singled out as "subsidized competition that Wizards never intended to support" that they want to make an example of.) I can only pray that now that Wizards has acted the role of the bad guy that the rest of the industry doesn't follow the new "industry trend" letting Wizards take the blame as the industry leader. Needless to say any group or title that does, I will never touch again in my life and am incredibly thankful that H.P. Lovecraft making the mythos public domain means that the Delta Green community is able to keep a finger on the ejection seat the moment we see any sort of predatory changes so we can leave to easily produce our own work.
I'm making the choice to remove my professional time at Wizards of the Chaos from my resume. It will take time but I hope Wizards gets the Spirit Halloween treatment and gets fully dismantled for allowing Hasbro to do this once their bullying results in nothing but lost lawsuits and legal fees. I hope the property that their building sits on that I have such good memories of working in is torn down and the earth is salted forevermore. They want to make DnD a brand now and not a product? Well brands thrive on association, and the name DnD will forever be mud now. No one with a soul, myself included, should want that shit to stick to them.
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victoriadallonfan · 11 months
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- Pitch 5.3
This sequence does a lot to really put things in perspective for Victoria in the early phase of Ward
1. It shows how eager she is to grasp to anything reminding her of the “good old days” where she had some measure of innocence and the belief that she had a bright future, trying to preserve them with care and affection as much as possible, even though they aren’t 1:1 the same. Because if she can preserve SOME good in her life, she can remain “whole”.
2. It shows how directly opposite this makes her in comparison to Carol, who removes any reminder of the better days in favor of… nothing. It had just become an empty room that was just THERE now, her hopes and dreams for the future of her children gone. However, rather tellingly, she doesn’t send any of these items to Victoria within the Asylum, despite her daughter clearly wanting them.
3. It expands on New Wave’s station in Brockton Bay, financially. Manpower is mentioned as spoiling Victoria with gifts, juxtaposed with Victoria being excited about earning 2k dollars around the time she was 17 (for reference, had I not paid for EMT/College courses, I would have made nearly 4k when I was 18, in a year or so working at a movie theatre).
What makes this so interesting that the last we hear about Manpower, he has no job, in fact it’s implied that the reason New Wave struggled so much financially (see: Arc 2) was because Carol was the one whom supported both families with her job + donations made by the city to their team.
3.5. When this is juxtaposed to Taylor earning that same amount of money in one meeting with the Undersiders, it really puts into perspective that there does seem to be a huge wealth disparity between indie heroes and supervillains, or at the very least, between the donations New Wave accrued compared to the protection racket the Undersiders enforced + all the other payments made to them by Coil, and how that might further explain the growth of villainy in Earth Bet pre-GM.
4. Victoria planning on leaving the city to live with Dean (or as she put it, follow him), is interesting because there’s never really another character in the entire series that makes Victoria decide to alter her entire life around in order stay by their side. And yes, she’s 17, she’s in love, a lot of people can chalk it up to her simply not knowing better. Maybe.
But I think this is actually more of the peak of Victoria’s flaw in Ward, where she puts people onto pedestals and - in a sense - worships them. Vista, Yamada, Sveta, and Miss Militia are all characters that she highlights as the ideal heroes whom she aspires to be like, and each one fails in her eyes over the story to different degrees (and different degrees of fairness): Sveta is willing to kill people while under the Goddess influence (something that not even Vic was willing to do), Yamada broke her trust and detached from her nearly entirely, Miss Militia didn’t really give a shit when Victoria saved her Wardens from being murdered and stopped WW3, and Vista has murdered and allowed awful people to go free ala Defiant (it’s very telling that Sveta and Vista were ones that Victoria was willing to overlook, because they are tied into #1 point above, whereas Yamada’s breach of trust could not be salvaged).
Dean was all of them, but ramped up to 10. He was her soulmate. He was everything she wanted in a hero.
He died. And all she has are remnants and pieces that can never really live up to the hype in her mind. Not even Dean himself.
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gamergirljournalist · 7 months
Review: Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) - I actually enjoyed it
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RATING: 3.5 out of 5
Warning: this review contains spoilers for the 2023 Five Nights at Freddy's film
For those who have been living under a rock, Five Nights at Freddy's is a 2014 indie horror video game that went through development hell after a film adaptation was announced. After years of waiting, plus it being passed down from Warner Bros to Blumhouse, the movie is now showing in theatres and Peacock.
As of writing, the 2023 film adaptation of Five Nights At Freddy's has an average critic score of 26 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Regardless of what those film snobs say, I actually enjoyed this horror flick. Sure it has its flaws, but for a film adaptation, I think it did a pretty good job.
Warning, I will be spoiling the film and the games, so if you want to watch it blind, steer clear for now.
The film has a proper plot
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This movie has a plot, like a real working plot. And no, it's not convoluted compared to the mess that's the franchise's lore. It's about a night security guard who's at risk of losing his sister. To prove that he could still have custody of her, he took on the job as the night guard for an abandoned Pizzaria from the 80's. Little did he know that this was no ordinary night shift gig.
What Blumhouse and Scott Cawthon have done to present this game in movie form was great. It took parts of the first two games, as well as sprinkling in aspects from later titles and the books, to create a cohesive story. The best way to watch this movie is to view it as its own thing. Because if you're going to watch this and find ways to connect the movie to the game's story, many things really don't make sense.
The cast
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Five Nights at Freddy's has a tremendous cast. While most of the people featured were smaller actors who appeared in one minor role in TV shows or unknown films, Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson did a tremendous job performing the franchise's iconic characters, William Afton and Mike Schmidt.
Mike has a personality, rather than just a boring character we play as in the first game. Meanwhile, we see William as this cunning character, who managed to fool so many people, to the point he had a different alias.
The children also did an amazing job, even if we rarely see them. They act all scary and not so innocent. Even Mike's sister, Abby (played by Piper Rubio) was shrouded in mystery. She's no ordinary kid, even if she does look like it. Why is she not like the other kids? What's with the drawings? So many questions that my first theory was that she was psychic.
Speaking of theories... MATPAT WAS IN IT!!!! That guy lied to everyone on the internet, only for it to be revealed that he had a minor cameo and said the line. And it's not just him. A few YouTubers were featured and Markiplier could have been in it if it wasn't for scheduling issues.
If there was one character I didn't like, it was Vanessa. Played by Elizabeth Lail, her job was to warn Mike about the dangers of the Pizzaria but wouldn't explain why due to "reasons" explained in the film's climax. The moment that happened, I was like "Okay, that checks out." Blumhouse's decision to implement a character that was introduced in Security Breach was an odd choice. I can somewhat see why it was made, however, its execution made it feel corny at most. 
My thoughts on the film
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In all honesty, Five Nights At Freddy's isn't like other great video game adaptations, like HBO's The Last of Us or Illuminations' The Super Mario Bros. However, it's pretty clear that so much love and attention was given to this project. And to be fair, that's to be expected since it's a Blumhouse production.
While it is branded as a horror movie, it felt like I was watching M3GAN all over again. Lots of comedy and the push of the importance of family. Some paranormal stuff here and there, easter eggs from the original games, while also coming up with something original. And I think that's the problem with this film.
Unlike Super Mario Bros, which barely had any lore, Five Nights At Freddy's has a story that spans many of its titles, including children's activity books. If viewed as a standalone story, it's fine. But let's be real, those who will be watching this movie on opening weekend are Five Nights At Freddy's fans. The film did reference stuff from the original story, but many changes were made which had many, including me, reacting with "that wasn't in the games at all." I watched this picture with my boyfriend and he was like "Can you explain x" and I had to tell him "Sorry dude, that's an original thing. Didn't see it in the games."
Regardless, I did enjoy the final product and how it gave some tribute to the content creators that boosted the franchise's popularity. It's still a good film, just expect some head scratches and camp. I bet Matpat is working on something to connect the movie to the overall lore.
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etakeh · 1 year
Hey Oregon id card holders - apparently this happened earlier this month, but this is the first I've heard of it.
The breach compromised about 90% of the state’s license and ID cards, and DMV officials say all state residents should assume they were victims.
Driver licenses and ID cards contain many identifying details, including date of birth, home address, and an individual’s height, weight and eye color.
It says no photos and only the last four of SS# were stolen.
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eaglesnick · 2 months
“There is an increasing sense of what can be called legal pollution."   Thomas Ehrlich
Just a few weeks ago the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs issued a government paper claiming:
“Government cracks down on bonuses for water company bosse. Water bosses are set to be banned from receiving bonuses if a company has committed serious criminal breaches, the Environment Secretary has announced today.” (GOV.UK: 11/02/24)
Figures out today (27/03/24) confirm that 2023 was the worse year for sewage spills on record.
“Figures from the Environment Agency show that there were 477,972 discharges from England’s 14,000 storm overflows in 2023, a 59 per cent increase from the year prior. In total, over 3.5 million hours of sewage spills occurred in 2023, more than double the 1.7 million hours recorded in 2022.”  ( CITYA.M: 27/03/24)
It will be interesting to see how many, if any, water company bosses are actually denied their bonuses this year. I suspect that this DOUBLING of sewage discharges into our waterways and onto our beaches will be explained away as unavoidable and therefore perfectly legal.
As such we, the public, will be made to pay for the much needed investment to improve our sewage disposal systems.
“Water companies will invest a record 14.4 billion – the highest ever in a single year – to help ensure the security of our water supply in the future and significantly reduce the amount of sewage in rivers and seas...the funds raised by increased water bills are guaranteed only to fund improvements in our water and sewage systems." (Water UK: 02/02/24)
To add insult to injury, it will be we the consumer who will be charged extra to fix the problems caused by years of under-investment by the water companies.
Last year alone £1.4bn was paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends.
And since 1991:
“England's privatised water firms paid £57bn in dividends…nearly half the sum they spent on maintaining and improving the countries pipes and treatment plants.” (Guardian: 01/07/20)
In other words, if the greedy water companies had paid a little less in  dividends and a little more on upgrading the system we would have been spared the 3.5 million hours of raw sewage spillage last year and the  massive rise in water bills that is come.
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meggannn · 1 year
I didn't read a lot of books, or write a lot of fic, or even watch a lot of TV, but I did play a lot of video games!
my real life is a bit of a controlled mess right now, this year I had a medical procedure and a minor breakdown and moved suddenly because covid malfeasance in the city terrified me and I think I need to be with family right now after we've had several family deaths over the years. one day I'd like to move back there but only when I can afford to live alone, which is definitely not in the cards any time soon with how the rental market is looking.
I am proud that I started posting and finished Tides, Receding this year. because I started writing it... three years ago? oh god I just looked it up and it was Feb 2020 that I made the post that ended up spawning the fic. and I told myself 2022 was the year I'd get it done, it's been sitting in my lap too long, and I did it. (party horn noise)
anyway my 2022 game list is under the cut, check it out for recs or whatever. this does not include the games i replayed, which included HZD, DAI, and FE3H, but lbr I'm always replaying those games in my heart
Puzzle games:
The Last Campfire (4/5): Play as a little... thing...? lost from its companions trying to find its way home. Some of the puzzles were a little too simple but this was a short and sweet game.
TOEM (5/5): Play as a tourist taking photos around various places and cities. perfect little photography game with cute side objectives and diverse landscapes.
Inscryption: I ended up abandoning this one during Part 2 because it just didn't hook me and I was hanging on by a thread with the creepiness as it was, but Part 1 was a lot of fun and I'd recommend it for anyone who's a fan of card games, escape rooms, horror, or Yugioh.
Unpacking (4.5/5): Unpack the protagonist's life across various moves. I loved this, my only criticism is that it was too short; I'd love more levels.
Into the Breach (4.5/5): Play as groups of time travelers trying to stop aliens from taking over several war-torn archipelagos in a turn-based combat system. the actual game (till the end credits) is great, the combat system is clear and intuitive. the story is pretty short, but progress carries over at the end cause time-travel. I could've gotten more mileage out of this one, but ultimately burned out cause I wanted to do more than just play the same levels all over again with different units.
FRAMED collection (3.5/5): I guess? for a cool concept—adjust comic panels and strips to help the characters progress through levels—it was a bit forgettable. still, nice for a few hours and probably cool for big comic fans.
Please Touch the Artwork (3/5): An abstract game that combines puzzles with modern art. Oof. I had to give some stars for effort cause I felt like the concept was cool, but I just couldn't get into this one. someone who enjoys both might like it?
Elli (3.5/5): Play as a guardian in a 3D platformer, search for gems and coins, try not to get swallowed by the time rifts. I remember really enjoying this this fall, but now that I'm writing this wrap-up, I barely remember playing it. I liked the puzzles a lot but I think it went on a little long.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (4.5/5): You're a turnip. You rip up taxes in a sentient veggie world. need I say more.
Later Alligator (3.5/5): Play as an Alligator in Alligator New York City and do puzzles and solve crimes. it's adorable, it is, but I wish it was a little more forgiving; if you fuck up a puzzle, you lose so much time in an already limited day cycle.
Rain on Your Parade (4/5): Play as a cloud. Rain on people's parades, wedding days, office parties, whatever. Snow, thunder, acidic goo, you name it. go goblin mode. probably ideal for kids.
Moncage (3.5/5): solve environmental puzzles within a six-sided cube matching elements up across different sides of the cube to affect the scene. very similar to Goragoa, for the three other people who've played that game. short, beautiful, zen game, but man was it hard sometimes or I’m just an idiot. thank goodness for the hint system
Narrative games:
Heaven's Vault (3.5/5): You play as a young woman charged with tracking down a missing archaeologist across the galaxy with a robot companion. Really cool mechanic in this one where you decipher an ancient language as the main gameplay. RPG style choices set across make me want to rate it higher than I have, but some clunkiness (like not being able to revisit sites once you've left) knock it down. Someone once called this made by people who "want to bring archaeology to games but don't known how to make a game" which I agree with.
Tacoma (5/5): You explore an abandoned corporate space station trying to figure out what happened. Honestly, no notes. Interesting narrative, easy mechanics, great writing, doesn't overstep or overstay its bounds.
When the Past Was Around (3.5/5): got stuck on a couple dumb things that the game wouldn't let me interact with, and some other things were really not that intuitive, but other than that I thought this was short and serviceable, good for an afternoon with a sad story.
Wytchwood (4/5): Play as a witch who's charged with collecting twelve souls to deliver to a talking goat in a fairy-tale world. not really a narrative game but it's not puzzle or an RPG, so here it goes. anyway I had a lot of fun with this game. some of the backtracking was annoying and I wish the resource management was a little easier to, well, manage, but overall I enjoyed it.
Forgotten Fields (3/5): Play as a young author traveling home as his family decides whether to sell their home. Honestly a bit let down by this, there were some clunky mechanics I couldn't get over but it had interesting topics about moving on and finding artistic inspiration.
Adios (4/5): A pig farmer decides to quit his job disposing bodies for the mafia. Great voice work in this one, I enjoyed it; even though you know how it's going to end, they still managed to make it suspenseful.
Horizon Forbidden West (3.5/5): I think I've already expressed my thoughts on this one this year but overall: great open-world game, mechanically and visually impressive; just OK story, unless you were a big fan of the first game, in which case the story was a big letdown.
Sable (4.5/5): Play as a young girl on her rite of passage as she travels a harsh world called Midden. hard for me to rate any open-world game as perfect because eventually some parts of it somewhere feel like padding, but despite some technical hiccups, Sable is the peak for me. non-combat, vibes-only, beautiful graphics, incredible soundtrack, easy recommend.
Control (3.5/5): Play as Jesse Faden, who arrives at the Federal Bureau of Control looking for her brother after his disappearance several years ago. this never wow'd me the way it was clearly trying to but I did enjoy it, whenever I could get over my fear of anything that moved. gameplay itself was great and i loved the oldest house as a setting. probably fans of the supernatural/horror genre could appreciate it better.
Citizen Sleeper (4/5): play as a cyborg who arrives on a space station and tries to make their way in the corporate underworld. a bit like Disco Elysium meets Murderbot Diaries. there's no combat, so I'd recommend this to fans of the RPG genre.
Paradise Killer (4.5/5): Play as Lady Love Dies in an island out of time, full of gods and demons and human sacrifices tired of being human sacrifices. Someone has been murdered in Paradise and you have to find out who did it. I had SO much fun with this one and the soundtrack is admittedly a huge reason why. (I'm serious listen to Ego 24-7 and tell me it doesn't get you pumped.)
Persona 5 Royal (4.5/5): the Phantom Thieves steal the hearts of corrupt people throughout Tokyo with their inner Pokemon-like demons and man this concept is cool, the soundtrack is killer, the only thing that fucking sucks is the unapologetic sexism that is unavoidable and irritating AF. (am I a little bitter I paid full price for this only a week before it went on sale for half off, yes. but I got a lot of mileage out of this that week during which when I was preparing for a medical procedure, so.)
God of War (4.5/5): Kratos and Boy travel to the highest peak in the realms to spread his wife's ashes. honestly? it's best enjoyed as a guy who enjoys puzzling going on a long walk with his son. as an action game it's meh.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered (5/5): I am PETER PARKER and I can throw MANHOLE COVERS at people while insulting their OUTFITS it is hard to top that
still playing:
Phoenotopia Awakening: A young woman named Gale sets on a journey to rescue the adults in her village after they are all mysteriously kidnapped. I haven't finished this one yet cause I hit a wall but ugh I just want to recommend it somewhere. there is so much love in the little details in this game, so many characters and puzzles and enemy types and history, you can tell so much heart went into this that I'm disappointed it won't get a sequel. my biggest criticism for it is that it is HARD, unnecessarily so at times, and there are no difficulty settings which sucks. but it might be good for Zelda fans or people who are good at 2D platforming, which I am not.
Eastward: Sam and John live in an underground town where travel to the surface is forbidden, until a mysterious event triggers Sam's magical powers and the mayor banishes them... eastward. I want to like this more than I am, the post-apocalyptic concept is very in-line with what I like, but jesus this writing feels like it never saw an editor. it just drags. I don't know how many times I can button-mash past Sam saying "Come on, John!" the game is beautiful, the designers and animators really earned their paychecks, but IDK the jury's still out.
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frozenemus · 1 year
Trying to clear the realizations of the last two (Religion and Philosophy) floors has allowed me to come to a couple conclusions: 1. I’m really bad at this game 2. You can redirect who dies (and subsequently becomes apostles) during the White Night phase 3. FUCK. JUDGEMENT. BIRD. WHY DID THEY PUT YOU (SECOND TO) LAST 3.5. No but seriously, I’ve found that Apocalypse Bird goes a lot smoother when, you know, you have all you’re fucking nuggets available.   4. The primary way to breach through White Night’s protection seems to be using Blockma™ as I’m pretty sure block clashing against block eats up the whole die (which can help considering that angela uses heavy amounts of counter dice during that portion of the fight) 5. The beef-fried rice I was eating through the endeavors was 3:2 beef-to-rice ratio and that makes me sad 6. Bringing along key pages such as Nikolai’s, Yan’s, and the Hana Associations (with their tiagrams) can help massively with the resource-management challenge mentioned above. 7. Binah is hilariously fucking short compared to her assistant librarians when you look at the UI 7.5. PM has never been straightforward disclosing Binah’s height so fuck it we stan a short warcrime woman now I guess
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darrowsrising · 2 years
🔥 Pierce brown's writing in the first book?
Might not be a popular opinion, but it was good writing. It has many beautiful, quotable passages and interestings bits. And frankly, Darrow's teen rage and deep emotions that makes even Pierce Brown admit that he has sociopathic tendencies, is everything I wanted to read about, at least at the time.
However, you can tell that the entire book is a debut. Reading/watching a few interviews about how he came to be a published author, you understand better why Red Rising is like a 3.5 read and then the rest jump to 4.5/5.
Simply put, Red Rising was Pierce Brown spilling out his soul, everything he would like to read, in over 2-3 months. He has written a few very rejected, very large novels by then in his attempt to breach. This was about him and it was so special for him that he refused any puvlishing house that tried to over edit it (they wanted him to start with the Institute and have Darrow remember through flashbacks how he came to be there).
So, while Red Rising has issues like pacing, only one main female character and so on, I understand why it ended up like that. I am sure that currently, Pierce Brown could re-write Red Rising to perfection. But he wouldn't even try to think about it, because Red Rising had its purpose and brought him into authorhood with the added bonus of a sort of fanbase and a contract for 2 other books.
One other issue that I had was the Titus au Ladros arc. I understand that Darrow needed to realize that the Sons of Ares are divided under thr same cause, that Reds, his own people, are very capable of monstrous things, that Golds have the 'Pink can't be r*ped' attitude. So I under stand Darrow and why he was conflicted and affected and why his actions wrre like they were. I also appreciated that it was more of a mention, than an actual description. But I just didn't like it, it threw the pace off and it wasn't written well.
The topic wasn't...badly-handled per se, but it just felt like Darrow could have learnt those things and make those mistakes in a better written context. Frankly, what I am trying to say is that while it made sense for Darrow and it was needed for his character to have that villain, there was something wrong wity the execution BECAUSE it was a way too obvious plot device.
Hope it makes sense. To be honest, my favourite parts are the begining up to Darrow getting his slingBlade and monicker, then from his fight with Cassius to the end. So I can confidently claim that it is a good book and the writing is good, issues included. At least for me.
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aeroteaka · 2 years
Because no one has asked. Here's a complete list of games I've got settings and plans to run. At this point it's just a complete bucket list of things I'd love to run and hopefully some day will. Stars help me I know there will just be more over time. If anyone is ever curious I can typically answer questions about them to.
1. DnD 5e: Brawl of The Gods
2. Lasers and Liches 5e: Demon King Live
3. Genefunk 2090 5e: What is a Soul
4. Wendy's RPG/DnD 5e: Dungeons, Dragons, Drive in, and Dives
5. Star Wars 5e/3.5: Catch me if you can
6. Legend of the Five Rings: Isekai Online
7. StarsWithoutNumbers: StarLight Brigade
8. NewEdo: Long Night with Neon Lights
9. Cyberpunk Red: Rock And Roll And Logistics
10. Astir Amour: Pugna Magna Machina
11. Avatar: Kora Edition
12. Avatar: Kihoshi Edition
13. One Ring 2nd: Balrog Hunting
14. Vampire 5th: The party after
15. Lo-Fi Bards: Tale of Two Schools
16. SCP: New Facility
17. BESM 3rd: Mechandrots
18. Wrath and Glory: High with cards
19. Through the Breach: Asylum
20. Demon The Descent: Paradiso
21. Jinkies: Broken Down in Paradise
22. EverQuest: Supernaturals in Maurader Town
23. Suburb and Snazzles: Not stuck at home
24. City of Mists: Stories from a Steam Powered Giraffe
25. Exalted: The DragonBloodeds Wish
26. Tales From the Loop: Time and Time again.
27. Fellowship: Bizarre Adventure without JoJo
28. Invisible Sun: Here for a short time not a fun time.
29. Champions: Heroes of Kyoto (My Hero Academia)
30. Lancer: Mecha Bug Brawl
31. Hunters 5th: How is this not the apocalypse?!
32. Blue Rose: Court of The Roses
33. Thirsty Sword Lesbians: Battle for the Brothel
34. Bunkers And Badasses: Lords and Ladies of Badass Duchy!!! Eat it Suckkaa!!!
35. Pathfinder 2e: The Demon Lord can Do That?
36. Exalted: Schools Days
37. Changeling: It doesn't have to be a Dream
38. Dresden Files: This shit is still local
39. Ryuutama: Winter Harvest
40. Mouse Guard: Nights in the Hedges
41. Ars Magica: Eternal City Forgotten to Time, spanning the ages, across the stars. Only those of the highest orders may hope to hold a candle to the might of this world -The title goes on several more paragraphs-
42. Dragon Age: Deep Pockets for the Lord's of Fortune
43. Etherscope: Punch some Nazi's
44. Dungeon the Dragoning: Outlaw Star
45. Fate of the Norns: Hard Nights in Valhalla
46. Mage The Awakening: -The GM Regrets this Already-
47. Bubble Gum Crisis: Neo Tokyo's Finest
48. 13th Age: Melian Dream Mansion
49. Pokemon 5e Homebrew: Scottish Circuit
50. Iron Kingdom Unleashed: Welcome to the Bayou
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