#brb or whatever
sleepychaika · 2 years
why is it. that every time i hope for my mental health recovery to go... not even go well honestly, just to Go, just for the recovery process to begin and be there--my dear mother rewinds all this progress with her psychic fucking powers (of child abuse of course)
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the-acid-pear · 9 months
Oh man I'm so tired it's so boring better go jerk off so I have even less energy 🥺
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doctorsiren · 29 days
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testing some brushes on CSP
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
of ten’s companions, if the doctor couldn’t handle losing them and crossed his own timeline to trick them into traveling with future!him instead of past!him so that he’d have a little more time with them:
rose would do it. first because bless her but she has the situational awareness of a rock, and legitimately would not realize this isn’t her doctor until his facade starts to break down and he starts bleeding grief-laced love for her at every turn. but once she does realize it, she’s both deeply sympathetic and a little scared that she could make him into this. it’s a lot to be confronted with having that much power over someone, to break them so thoroughly. rose would try to get back to her doctor, but while she’s with the future version, she tries to do what she can to ease his pain. (she also tries to figure out a way to subvert her fate. she fails.)
i think martha would be harder to trick. she can smell desperation on the doctor like a bloodhound. she is so tapped into the fact that this man wants to off himself so bad and that she’s 90% of his self-restraint, so present her with a doctor who is lacking that and she’s onto him immediately. however, assuming he gets her to come with him, explains why he’s doing this, there’s like. a minute where she’s kind of. not flattered exactly, but surprised, giddy with the realization that he’d come back for a little more time with her, especially if this is early season 3 martha. which would all come crashing down around the time that he reveals that he wasn’t pushed to this by losing her to some tragedy or her death or anything- but that she chose to leave. that is the point at which martha goes ‘oh i need to get the fuck off of this tardis right now’ and ghosts the past!doctor that she was also traveling with because holy shit, man.
donna, like rose, is easily bamboozled into following the wrong doctor home, provided that he shuffles her along into his tardis too fast for her to argue. but she catches on far quicker than rose does. like, three minutes tops of watching the doctor move through the tardis in a way that’s definitely not enthusiastic piloting and looks more like guilty panic. and then she yells at him for lying to her. and she yells at him for kidnapping her. and then she stops yelling because he’s gone sort of still and quiet and his eyes are just broken. and he doesn’t explain himself, he confesses. donna is going to try to stay with him after this btw. because how do you go back to looking your best friend in the eyes when you know he’d take everything you’ve become away from you, even to save your life? and this is still the doctor, he still did that to her, but he regrets it. regrets it so much that he can’t live with it, he’s breaking time and space just to hear her say his name again. and donna doesn’t want to lose him anymore than he wanted to lose her.
#i am so enthralled by this concept you have no idea#also like. i mentioned in rose’s section how this is a genuinely scary situation for her.#but to be clear. it is for all three of them the moment they realize that this Is Not Their Doctor#because theyre suddenly on a ship going through time ans space with. almost a stranger. and one who has proven that he’s break laws#fundamental to his worldview rather than let them go#doctor who#rose tyler#martha jones#martha girl get the fuck out of there oh my god#the doctor comes out looking the worst in her section rip to him for not handling her leaving him in a normal and healthy way very well#i think it would be very funny if the doctor said goodbye to her and then immediately went. ‘oh! right! martha is the only thing keeping me#from jumping off a cliff! brb i need to get martha back at whatever cost!’ sir go to therapy#donna noble#also also to be clear im not trying to insult rose in her section thats just how she is#remember that time her boyfriend turned into plastic in front of her and she. didnt notice. or that time the doctor was being strangled in#the other room and she. didnt notice.#rose tyler girl that you are. you never know what the fuck is going on around you and i love you for that. how are you still alive.#REMEMBER THAT TIME SHE GOT BACK FROM AN ALTERNATE DIMENSION AND DIDNT EVEN NOTICE THE DALEK ABOUT TO SHOOT THE DOCTOR IN THE FACE#ROSE TYLER. GIRL. LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT BEFORE CROSSING A STREET AT LEAST#donna’s here is the most fucked up i think because even if this situation is ‘resolved’ and she goes back to her doctor like. how does she#keep going with that fact in the back of her mind at all times. that he can and will do this to her. that he’ll take himself and everything#else away from her while she begs him not to.#angst <3
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russilton · 1 year
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Merc have put up a progress + intersex pride flag outside their HQ in Brackley for Pride
(source: John Noonan-personal coach to Mercedes junior Frederik Vesti)
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eepyracc · 2 months
Lnds fandom.. how are we feeling 🧍‍♀️
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Because I for one, am absolutely losing it
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dilutedconfusion · 3 months
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Soooo…I made some selfship art. Like that may not be what ya’ll cuties signed up for when you followed me but I drew Kid a couple days ago and COULDN”T RESIST THE URGE. Judge me and I’m squirting you in the face with a water gun 🔫 Oh and more than ever proshippers THIS AIN’T FOR YOU. Let me be silly and have fun without being bundled in with some weirdos.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I went months thinking that one of my favorite st theorists on here must have deactivated bc I hadn't seen posts from them in a while... Just now finding out they have me blocked —
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hippolotamus · 1 year
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You are cordially invited to the final chapter of Whatever may come (your heart I will choose)
Chapter 30/30 Epilogue: Standing there is my whole life
“You sure we can’t just, I don’t know, elope or go to City Hall?” Eddie drags a hand through his hair while he paces the kitchen and skims the most recent article Sophia texted. He’s not convinced he won’t go cross-eyed from the endless well-intentioned checklists of To Dos for flowers, place cards, favors, centerpieces, and any number of other wedding “necessities”. 
Buck catches him mid-stride, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s waist from behind in an attempt to slow him down. It’s a welcome distraction he easily gives into, breathing out and letting his eyelids fall closed while he tips his head back to rest on Buck’s shoulder. Suddenly, nothing seems more worthy of Eddie’s attention than the softness of Buck’s hoodie bunched under his neck, contrasting with the scruffy stubble rubbing against his cheek. Or the faint scent of lavender fabric softener mixing with citrusy clean skin and vanilla chapstick. 
“Which one did she send this time?” Buck murmurs, his lips curling up in a playful smirk, pressing soft kisses against Eddie’s jaw. “10 Common Wedding Photography Mistakes or The 17 Best Wedding Welcome Signs?” 
Eddie lets out an amused huff, raising his eyebrows, but still keeping his eyes closed. “The not-at-all intimidating Complete Guide to Planning a Wedding.” He pauses to breathe Buck in again, to settle his mind. “I thought the point of doing it this way was to keep it simple.”
Read from the beginning on AO3
Credit to @this-is-bwr for the incredible invitation she created. Isn't it amazing??? 🥰🥰🥰
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n0brainjustvibes · 4 months
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v.... vorkosigan saga???? randomly???? on an unrelated post?? on my dash??????????????
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Random headcanon/au thing brought to you directly from my brain:
Swan hybrid Jack Rose
Like mans just straight up has wings (swan wings ofc, they're red with pink tips because i Do Not Care about realism but instead about color schemes and vibes). Little down feathers in his hair. Talons as nails. Perhaps even tail feathers? And definitely feathered ears
Like,,,, imagine the fluff potential y'all.
Or better yet... Imagine the angst potential
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batwynn · 1 year
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cha1cedony · 2 months
Trying to set up a filterable RSS-to-Tumblr AO3 feed is hellish 🥲 I want to automate tagging for Archive warnings… I’ve seen a couple blogs around who have done it sooo maybe I’ll DM them idk? I think it involves Javascript (scary). Also apparently IFTTT doesn’t allow direct links anymore, so I was trying Make.com, but there’s no templates and I can’t test it bc it runs on a timer 😭
DnDads is such a small fandom so idk if anyone would even care about an ao3feed blog for it, but I can set up a quick one rn if anyone is interested :3 !!!! I was mostly just looking into it for myself, though… thought it would be nice to have automated (and just kinda fun to mess around with lol)
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boygirlctommy · 8 months
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drew a bunch of bedrock bros era ctommys today :3
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
re: your tags on the tim cosplay post, i know nothing about arkham knights so learning that tim and babs is a canon (?) ship surprised me, i won’t lie, but after thinking about it, i actually think it would work so i’m going to be Sitting with that for a while
arkham knight tim/babs is so funny. they heard robin gets paired with batgirl and decided they were gonna interpret that in the least popular way they could. tim in the arkham games is probably the most out there version and no one seems to like him (fair honestly. his voice is deeper than batmans, among other things) but he grew on me, as did that timeline's version of tim/babs bc they both seem like they'd have gotten shoved in a locker in highschool. dweeb4dweeb geek4geek etc etc. spent part of that game taking out enemy bases while thinking about how annoyingly well those 2 work together. that series has absolutely no implication of dick/babs which i think makes it funnier. dick and babs dont interact once in that series, they might as well not know the other exists.
anyways yeah those nerds should kiss thank u for hearing me out
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bioshocked-astroghost · 6 months
Just realized how good my pfp and background pic on here look together and line up so well I’m going fucking insane
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