#boss fight database
headofhelios · 1 year
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fanart of helios godofwar dying in a gluetrap
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perilegs · 6 months
i could take them
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hyliareborn · 2 years
not my gameplay but i had to find a video of this quick time bc his FACE AT THE END KILLED MEEE
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if goro majima complimented me and looked at me like that i fear there’s no telling what i would do
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acey-wacey · 21 days
True Love's Kiss
Feat. Idia, Azul, Vil
Synopsis: You've fallen under a mysterious sleeping spell. Who can wake you up but your true love?
🎮 Idia Shroud 🎮
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Idia's shriek resounded through the infirmary before he was hushed by one of the nurses. He shrunk back in his embarrassment and turned back to the cheeky cat that was standing on the infirmary bed next to your sleeping form.
"Yes, you, shut-in. What have you got brimstone on your ears?" Grim scowled at the blue-haired boy who's hair was becoming quite pink with embarrassment. "Who else would kiss my henchman awake?"
"Literally anyone else, maybe?" Idia argued, hiding his face behind the collar of his jacket. "It's always Prince Charming in the stories. I'm about the farthest thing you could find."
"I think you're plenty charming, Idia!" Ortho chimed in with what would have been a smile if he didn't have his mask on. "Who's to say you won't break the spell?"
"I say," Idia groaned, his voice muffled by his jacket. "Aren't there any other cures? I thought Professor Crewel was working on an antidote."
Before Grim could open his mouth, Ortho interrupted.
"Nope! No other cure!" Ortho beamed with glee uncharacteristic for delivering grave news. "I already scanned and if my databases say there's no other cure than there's no other cure and you have to kiss them!"
Idia whined in mortification and buried himself further in his jacket, now almost entirely engulfed by the fabric, except for the tufts of flaming hair sticking out the top.
Grim tapped his paw impatiently, quite fed up with Idia's reservations. Every second you were asleep was a second that your poor, poor kitty boss went without tuna (he couldn't reach the cabinet where you put the cans).
"I could always go get Leona. He's a prince, so it's close enough, yeah?"
"No!" Idia shot up, his hair flared up in red, startling Grim so bad, Ortho had to catch him before he fell off the bed. Idia took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair until it returned to its regular electric blue.
"Don't even joke about that," Idia muttered through gritted teeth. "Makes my skin crawl to think of that grubby jock getting his slimy lips anywhere near Y/N."
"Fine, if you don't want anyone else to do it, then what's the issue?" Grim put his paws on his hips and shot Idia an impatient look. "You like them, they like you, they probably want to kiss you anyway so just hop to it! I'm starving over here!"
Idia snapped up in shock at Grim's words.
"Y/N... likes me?"
Grim scoffed in ridicule and rolled his eyes.
"Duh! What, have you been living under a rock? Oh, wait, you have, haven't you?"
Ortho immediately began protesting Grim's insult. Idia himself might've been offended if he wasn't preoccupied with his overheating brain.
Why in Wonderland would you like him? I mean that was just a ridiculous claim even though both Grim and Ortho seemed to believe it. Not many people even liked being around him much... but then again, you weren't other people.
You were the one who messaged him to go to sleep at midnight after gaming for too long. You brought him snacks and sat in comfortable silence in his dorm while he played video games. You never expected more from him and without realizing it, he has gotten used to having you next to him. It even happened sometimes that he would turn to say something to you while he was gaming, only to find you weren't there. It baffled him how you made your way into his daily routine almost without notice.
"Do they really?" Idia asked softly, catching the attention of both Grim and Ortho who had been exchanging some heated words of childlike manner. "Like me, I mean."
Ortho giggled at his brother's bashfulness.
"Of course they do! They never shut up about you!" Grim huffed, recalling the countless times he'd heard you practically gushing about the vitamin D deficient geek. "No clue why though. Guess Y/N likes 'em pale and sickly."
"I'm not- whatever," Idia didn't really have the fight in him to argue with Grim's impression of him. He took a deep breath and looked at Ortho. "Do you really think it would work?"
"Only one way to find out!" the little robot responded cheerily.
"What if..." Idia gulped. "What if it doesn't work and I just kiss them for nothing? What if..."
"Shut up and pucker up, dracula! I'm wasting away without my henchman!"
That earned Grim a pair of yellow-eyed glares.
Idia collected himself with a deep breath and leaned towards you.
"Nope, nope, nope, this is a bad idea, I can't do this," he panicked, standing up and waving his hands around in anxiety. Grim rolled his eyes and jumped onto Idia's shoulders, pushing him onto you with all the momentum the little creature could muster.
It was effective. Idia toppled forward onto the infirmary bed, catching himself just in time to not crush you, but not before his lips brushed yours.
Idia jumped back, crashing to the floor quite devoid of grace. He, Ortho, and Grim all held their breath, waiting for something to happen.
"Aw, man, our first kiss, and I wasn't even awake for it!"
Idia brightened at the sound of your voice. He jumped back to his feet to see your drowsy eyes locked on him.
"Hi, Charming," you lazily smiled at the blue-haired boy. "Thanks for rescuing me."
Idia's face went slack with shock and his face turned so red you were afraid he might explode.
"Perfect! Now that you're awake, get me tuna, human!"
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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"This is such a bad idea."
Deuce echoed for the nth time since Ace had come up with his little scheme.
"I know but just think," Ace smirked at your sleeping body, which the two were carrying through the Octavinelle dorm, Ace supporting your arms, Deuce carrying your legs, like they were carrying a dead body. "Imagine the look on the prefect's face when they wake up and see Azul They'll probably think they're dreaming."
"Yeah, I think they've had that dream before," Grim scowled from where he rode atop your belly. "Wouldn't be surprised with how down-bad they are for that slimy little junior mafia boss."
"It'll be fine, I'm sure," Ace dismissed, ignoring Deuce's concerned look. "And if anything bad happens, it'll probably be the prefect ending up with a contract, not us."
"That's kind of a terrible thing to say about a cursed person," Deuce pointed out matter-of-factly.
"Pssh, where'd your moral compass come from, huh?"
"From my mom," Deuce spat defensively. Ace was about to respond when they were both startled by a looming figure standing menacingly behind Deuce.
"Well, well, well, what have we here?"
Both first years gulped in fear at the sound of the eel's unison voices.
"Is our poor prefect injured?" Jade frowned though his eyes held a devious sparkle.
"Sort of..." Grim started but jumped back when Floyd grinned at him menacingly.
"We can't have Shrimpy being hurt, now can we?" he flashed his sharp teeth at the sleeping prefect. "We'll take 'em off your hands, fix 'em up real nice."
"Will we get them back?" Ace asked, fearing the answer. Jade responded with a squinty smile.
"That remains to be seen."
"Hey, wait a minute-!" Deuce tried to protest but was cut off when Floyd lifted your limp body with two hands and flung you over his shoulder.
"Careful, Floyd," Jade warned. "We can't have damaged goods."
The unfortunate trio was left to watch as you were hefted into the Mostro Lounge, wondering if they would ever see you again.
Meanwhile, in the Mostro Lounge, Azul was peacefully tallying profits in his office when his door was kicked down.
"What the-" he shrieked. Azul stared in horror as Floyd barged into the room with a body flung over his shoulder. "Did you... Did you actually kill someone this time?"
"Not this time," Floyd responded cheerfully. Azul managed to stand up from his chair right before Jade swept everything off of the polished mahogany desk in front of him.
"What are you doing?!" Azul yelled but was quickly silenced when Floyd set your limp body down on the now-empty desk. "Is that Y/N?"
"Yup!" Floyd said, popping the "p" with a sly smile.
"Are they...?" Azul asked hesitantly.
"Just sleeping, fortunately," Jade responded with a similar grin. "But I'm afraid it's the work of magic. They won't wake until..."
At this point Azul was very concerned. His crush was unconscious on his desk and his business associates were far too smug to have good intentions.
"Until what? Seven's sake, just tell me why you brought them here!"
"Very well," Jade bowed his head in respect that felt more mocking than anything. "The prefect will remain asleep until they are woken up by true love's kiss. It is the belief of myself as well as Y/N own friends that you may be able to fulfill this requirement."
It must have been at least a full minute before Azul spoke again.
Jade waited patiently with a smile as Azul stared in shock and confusion, the gears behind his eyes obviously turning at superhuman speeds.
Azul finally snapped back into his regular businessman persona.
"Well, of course, I am obviously the most qualified candidate to undertake his task," Azul said nonchalantly, though both eels could easily tell it was a front.
"We'll leave you two alone then!" Floyd winked suggestively at Azul, the octopus' calm facade cracking ever so slightly.
Jade and Floyd shut the door to Azul's office and he could hear their laughter through the wood.
Azul took a deep breath and looked at your sleeping form. You looked so peaceful, your forehead free from worried wrinkles and lips devoid of any kind of scowl. Azul was used to being on the receiving end of some of these scowls/ incredulous looks. He couldn't deny he might have deserved some of the scrutiny you gave him, given that he did attempt to trick your friends into contracts so you would have to come visit him to save them. Perhaps if you wanted him to stop, you should stop wearing that adorable pout when you confront him!
You took a breath and Azul stood up so fast it scared him.
"Sevens," Azul muttered, running a hand through his hair. "When did I get this jumpy?"
He looked at you once more, taking in every still detail about you.
"Might as well stare, since you'll never be this calm around me again," he whispered as if he was afraid you would hear him through your enchantment. He sighed contentedly as he stared at your sleeping face.
After only a few seconds, he snapped himself back out of it.
"Stop it, Azul, that's creepy," he scolded himself, taking to pacing around his room. "Though to be fair, kissing someone who is under an enchanted sleep is far more creepy than just looking at them."
He peered at you again. Though it was easy to admire your serene expression, it was uncanny to see your face motionless, without a laugh or groan or yell behind it. Azul took a deep breath and steeled his nerves.
"Even if they hate me forever, it's worth a shot," he quietly hyped himself up. "But isn't it just true love's kiss? There's no way I'm their true love, that would be impossible. They dislike me far too much. But I would never forgive myself if I could have saved them..."
Azul grappled with his inner thoughts for who knows how long, before landing on the conclusion that he should just go for it and kiss you.
"If they do wake up, I'll apologize profusely until they forgive me for kissing them and then possibly draft a marriage contract...?" Azul hit himself in the head to snap himself out of it. "Stop it. Now's not the time to be thinking about that."
Azul took a sharp inhale and turned back to you.
"Oh, screw it!"
He exclaimed and rushed back to his desk, pressing his lips to yours before he could rethink it. It was the slightest kiss, barely even a kiss. Azul wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he had truly taken advantage of you.
He turned away faster than even the brief kiss. He held his breath, trying to notice tiny details about his walls to distract himself from the tension.
"What is... Where am I?"
Azul spun around, eyes wide with genuine shock. Upon seeing you groggily looking around, he straightened and cleared his throat.
When you turned toward the noise, you saw Azul, the absolute picture of perfection he always was. You would never have known he was feeling anything akin to anxiety if it weren't for the nervous tapping of his custom-tailored leather shoes.
"Azul?" You narrowed your eyes, taking in your environment. You were laying on a table, alone in a small room with Azul. "What is this? Don't tell me you finally got the tweels to drug me."
Azul opened his mouth to protest, a bit concerned that you were so used to stuff like that that you just sounded tired instead of worried, but he remembered his gentlemanly guise and rethought his next words.
"Honestly, Y/N, do you really think me so cruel?" Azul smirked, praying to the Seven for an excuse you would buy so he wouldn't have to explain the real situation. "I was not the one who brought you here. You were merely... dumped on my doorstep, shall we say."
"I just remember Ace and Grim screwing around in alchemy and they dropped some dumb potion..." You put together vague pieces of your memory before it clicked. "Ooooh, sleeping potion. I was knocked out, wasn't I? Bit stupid of those idiots to bring me here, but isn't that how they always are."
You jumped off the table as if you hadn't just been passed out. Azul was honestly surprised by your chipperness. You sighed and turned to him.
"So what did you do? What do I owe you?" You looked at Azul expectantly. He blinked a couple times before he felt embarrassing heat rise on his neck.
"I didn't- well I- that is to say-" Azul stared, scrambling for words. Nobody but you could make him this inarticulate. He took a deep breath and collected himself. "You don't owe me. If anything, I should be paying you for recompense."
You furrowed your eyebrows, very skeptical of any supposed kindness coming from NRC's resident schemer.
"What do you mean recompense? What happened?"
"I may have-" Azul coughed, trying to brush off what was so clearly bothering him. "This particular enchantment required-" Another cough. "I believe the particular wording was a true love's kiss. I provided a kiss of such manner. Because of the impropriety of this particular cure, I feel a certain responsibility to compensate you for such lack of consent."
You stared for a long time. Azul imagined that must have been what he looked like when Jade first told him about your condition.
"True love's kiss..." You trailed off, subconsciously bringing your fingers to your lips.
"Yes and I will be happy to provide compensation for emotional or physical damages or- or other."
You looked at Azul incredulously.
"You just told me you're my true love and you think I want money?!"
Azul was quite confused now.
"Do you not want money?"
"Well, I could always use it but at the particular moment, what I really want is for this dumb octopus to come and give me a real kiss."
🪞 Vil Schoenheit 🪞
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It had been a few hours since you had been unceremoniously dumped on Pomefiore's doorstep. Apparently, some alchemical accident had happened, leaving you magically asleep with no known cure. Crowley had dropped your limp body at Pomefiore and offered extra credit to anyone who could fix you. It only made sense. After all, the Fairest Queen was quite proficient at potions, and so Vil prided himself on the same.
No one else had dared touch you once he spotted your body and glared at them. He had Rook carry you to the makeshift potions lab next to Vil's room. Rook, ever the drama queen, took every step to ensure your comfort while in your enchanted sleep. He set you up on a table with plush pillows and a lacy blanket. Vil thought the flowers Rook had arranged in your hands were a bit excessive but he was more preoccupied with finding a cure.
Vil told himself he was doing it for the extra credit, but really, anyone who knew him knew he didn't need it. Some part of him didn't like seeing you cursed.
For the past two hours, Vil had been rifling through every potion book he had, trying multiple recipes and feeling a little more disheartened every time it didn't work. One of the elixirs he whipped up burned right through his potted fern. He elected not to test that one on you.
Eventually, Vil came upon a book about curse-breaking.
"Can't believe I didn't see this before," he muttered to himself, flipping open the table of contents.
There was only one page on sleep spells. Vil ran his finger over the passage as he read it.
"The only way a sleep spells can be reversed is thought true love's..." Vil interrupted himself with a scoff. "That's ridiculous, that can't be the only way."
He looked over at your sleeping form, clutching your bouquet of flowers. The color was drained from your face and even the shade of your clothes looked grayer. Vil felt a pang of emotion, like a hand squeezing his heart at the sight of you so lifeless.
You were usually so full of life, bringing joy to those close to you. You stayed just out of the limelight, content to support your friends in their shenanigans but having your own fun outside of the public eye. Oftentimes, you took Vil along with you, giving him a taste of what it's like to be treated like a normal person.
It disturbed him so see you devoid of a smile or eye-roll or any sort of emotion that you wore on your sleeve.
No matter what it took, he would find a cure.
"You've already found a cure," Vil imagined you saying to him. "You're just too scared to use it."
"What do you know?" Vil grumbled quietly. Had he really fallen so far he was talking to himself? He wished you were really talking to him, really showing signs of life, even if it was to scold him. "There must be another cure somewhere. I don't care how long it takes me to find it."
"You know true love's kiss is the most powerful thing in the world," Vil's imaginary you said. "There isn't another way. And besides, would you rather me be awake now instead of in the 6 months it takes you to find something else?"
Vil huffed, more annoyed by the fact that he really didn't want to wait than what you were saying.
"Then why don't you tell me how to find your true love, hm? That'll take me longer than 6 months."
His imaginary you just stared at him, blinking pointedly. He stared back, trying to decipher what his psyche was trying to tell him.
"You don't think..." His face fell when he realized what that look meant. "It's not me, believe me."
"Well, some part of you obviously thinks it could be, because I think it could be you and I'm just in your head," you shrugged.
"I refuse," he immediately declared, turning away from where your real self laid. "If you were real, you would not agree. And by the way, who am I to kiss you while you're asleep?"
Vil looked over at your peaceful face and he swore he could see incredulity in your motionless expression.
"Stop looking at me like that, potato. I refuse to kiss you without proper consent."
Imaginary you stared at Vil again, unsettling him more.
"Come now, I don't need this from both of you," he picked up a potion book, pretending to read it.
"You could save me," imaginary you offered, your voice solemn in a way he couldn't imagine perfectly. He'd never heard you that serious. Guilt suddenly hit him in the chest, drawing his attention back to you.
Vil stared at you longingly for much longer than he would have allowed himself if you were conscious. He groaned and walked towards you.
"I want to save you, Y/N," Vil declared wistfully as he stood over you. "I do know if I can be your true love, but Seven, I'm out of ideas."
Vil leaned closer to you and brushed a hair out of your face.
"Maybe I'll be able to do this right one day."
Vil brought his lips to yours gently, barely touching them before he pulled away. He watched your face for any signs of movement. When you stayed stationary, he turned away, trying to shut out his disappointment.
"Honestly, when did I get so delusional?" Vil scoffed, desperately trying to push down his feelings. "In what sort of foolish fantasy do I count as Y/N's true love?"
"Mine, probably."
Vil whirled around, his usual grace abandoned in his shock at hearing your voice in his ears in lieu of his head.
You groaned as you sat up, a bit confused as you examined the flowers you were holding.
"Sorry, that was probably a dumb thing to say," you laughed, shocking Vil with how easily you adjusted to your surroundings. "Though I guess you really are my true love. You can't try to deny it, I've got the receipts."
Vil's lip quirked up at your instant snap back to teasing.
"My word against yours, potato."
Buy me a Kofi! ☕
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orteil42 · 7 months
Between the recent custom buttons post with the pipe bomb and the gamification post with the post -deleting boss fight I'm starting to get absolutely feral over the idea of you making a social media platform.
The companies that run the current options are cowards.
i would honestly love to give it a crack and were i younger and sillier i think i probably would. unfortunately by now i've become a bit too aware that creating a social media website is one of those nightmare projects that is guaranteed to be 500 times more work and trouble than you initially expect, and if i get into that i'd never have time for anything else. i'd also have to deal with hiring an actual team and be an actual company instead of just some guy who codes in his bedroom. and then let's say maybe the website takes off and we get a few thousands of active users. after a while our uptime becomes terrible; people can't log in, posts won't load. tech sites are starting to make fun of us. we have to grow, get bigger servers, hire more people. eventually i'd have to confront the fact that despite my cute take on monetization our social media isn't recouping the growing server expenses and our seed money is drying up and people at the office are starting to bang at my door to get paid. do i pull the plug and throw away everything we've built so far? likely not, even my own ego aside there's too many people's livelihoods on the line. other folks on the team are motivated to make this work, and a feedback loop forms where we start to ever-so-slightly readjust our values if it means we get to survive another quarter. i get more cynical; our ad slots are more and more intrusive, our monetization strategy gets shiftier and more aggressive. we accept funding from less and less savory entities. we start collecting user data beyond simple telemetry. if we've gotten big enough by that point, we may choose to restructure and begin taking on shareholders. this is a deal with the devil, and we now have a fiduciary duty to play nasty and treat our userbase like livestock in order to secure short-term profit. we can't just stop accepting new users; continued growth demands that we throw away what's left of our ethics to accommodate the gargantuan swaths of money that hundreds of thousands of database calls per second require. those of us who disagree with the new direction are gradually nudged away from positions of power. me, i've either been kicked out of my own project a while back or i've adapted to become someone i would've despised a few years prior. this is all assuming the website didn't crash and burn a few months after launch from either my technical shortcomings or my inexperience with management, or maybe just because our site ended up being too niche to really snowball. it is fun to think about tho!
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komorezuki · 22 days
Time for crack theories. Has anyone already supposed that Metatron can be really the God themselves?
Disclaimer: no one hecked my English spelling today so there must be many mistakes. I 'd appreciate it if you point out my mistakes in dm. ( ̄▽ ̄人)
Where are your arguments Kmrzk, you can ask. Well, first, I thought about his nature and I think he is not an archon, he is something other. Let's look at his nature again: he was never a human, he is above all angels and is still missing in the employee database. He is the Voice of God. "To speak to me is to speak to God. I am the voice of the Almighty."
Ok it's curious but not enough. What if I can give some assumptions about his actions? What if it was Almighty's actions?
Final fiftheen
I don't believe he is evil. Can we assume that his conversation with Azicrow was a testing of them all? Almighty definitely knows all they both did, because this is, you know, ALMIGHTY. What does She like to do? TESTING. She is testing Her children, and She has the ineffable plan blablablabla. She gives free will to people to see what they will choose. The same is about Azicrow. She is just looking at what they will choose.
The trial
Metatron's conversation during the trial. Seems he is the boss there (he really is). I always thought why Gabriel cant decide, and I think he can and he knows it. I am the only First Order archangel,  I'm the only one in this department who has a degree in ass-kicking, I went to Ass-Kicking University and something something. Angels are testing him trying to frighten by the Fall, and he is like ok drop me and what's next? i am still saying nah. Even the threat of memory erasing can't make him change his mind. Testing is passed, I guess. Gabriel is free, and he will not be pursued.
PROBABLY Almighty/Metatron (i will say "A/M" about they both in the future) also tests Michael and Uriel. At least their hunger of power. They fight for being in charge. And Michael treats Azi. Then A/M arrives and says "fuck you michael an fuck you uriel too you can't even do anything".
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Of course, as an angel, Uriel worries about doing Good and Right Things. And A/M is like "we will see. Fuck off you all and by the way I am going to make this soft principality your boss, so deal with it. Let's look at what you will do". Archangel's testing goes on, and I am wondered if they will pass it.
They are really an open-minded angel. All that you need is giving them knowledge. And that's what A/M does.
My opinion: M is either God's incarnation or an executor of God's will. He is associated with Sunday from the book "The Man Who Was Thursday" (@kayleefansposts thank you for this). Anyway, Almighty and M are on the same side, and M knows what he does. I think that the final goal of A/M's testing is pushing to the realization of the free will and making their own plans and decisions. That's what Gab did, that's what Azi has to do. That's what other angels can (or can't) do.
But where are demons here???
As you see, I didn't include demons in A/M's to-do list, and that's for the reason. Demons have already made their own decision and fall for that. They passed this test by default, and A/M literally says this about Crowley. Also notice that Saraqael isn't tested. Another argument in favor of my demon!Saraqael theory.
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M ingested things in his time, but he wasn't a human. What if we consider M as God's avatar? That happened at once, you know, there was a guy who said like "love each other" and so on. By the way, he promised to come back. And that's what M is preparing. The Second Coming is started by Jesus 2.0. Do what you want with it.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
hello jfkgldghsd
uh hi I'd like to inform you of the absolute brainrot you've instilled into me with your mind swap au. i wrote . a 400 something word bit of how i'd like to think it went down with bruce and billy and yeah !
thought i'd send it over :))
Being in the Captain's body was interesting if Bruce had to put a word on it. One moment he was punching a drone, the next everything felt off. He was bulky and in a color way too bright to be Batman. Captain Marvel also looked disoriented, though the look was obscured by Bruce's own cowl.
"That's. You're. I'm in your body." He sounded panicked (so strange coming out of Bruce's mouth in Bruce's voice) as he looked wildly around.
The fighting had mostly subsided around him. He motioned to Captain Marvel to follow him over to a dark-ish alleyway. They needed to figure out the situation in private.
Captain Marvel glanced around hurriedly, ensuring they were alone before ripping off the cowl. His movements were almost childlike in the way he was so frantic about everything. Bruce took a calming breath.
"What's your name?" (He knew, of course, but he needed to ground the Captain).
"Billy." Captain Marvel said sheepishly.
"Well, Billy. We're going to be stuck like this for a while. I suggest you give me your boss's phone number so you can call in sick to work."
"I don't. Work. Sorry." Billy looked down and caught sight of his face in a nearby puddle. "I'm. You're. Bruce Wayne."
"Indeed." Bruce's mind was working furiously. He didn't know much about the Captain's identity, simply that it existed somewhere in the world. "Your face doesn't turn up in many databases, you know."
Billy winced. "About that. I, uh, was gonna tell you but it didn't seem right." 
“What do you mean it didn’t seem right?” Bruce was curious now. His mind was grasping at anything he knew about the Captain, settling on one particular phrase he always seemed to say when he was truly desperate. 
It called down a bolt of lightning, after all. 
Billy stammered something while Bruce took a step back. His voice was barely a whisper, yet it seemed to echo through the alleyway. 
Lighting came down from the heavens, engulfing Bruce. The first thing that came to mind was how much it hurt. His body wanted to fold inwards, forcing itself to deal with the electricity taking every which way through his body. He seemed to be getting smaller as well, shrinking as the muscular body of the Captain gave way to a small boy, no older than 10.  
So so sorry that I couldn't respond sooner but know that I read this ask the moment I got it and have been brain rotting ever since with so much love!!! <3
Your little fic has fed me and given me life, mwah mwah I thank you!!
I'm literally over the moon with happiness over the knowledge that I gave someone brain rot and now they can give me brain rot in return. Sharing truly is caring *sob*
You wrote this with only 400+ words and yet you captured Bruce and Billy perfectly with their reactions and how they would respond to this situation. And that last description of the lightning hitting Bruce and the horrific realization of the transformation lightning actually being painful, omg. I'm a huge fan of the idea that for Billy, the lightning actually hurts and gives him lichtenberg scars every time/a large one down his spine as a reminder. That despite the whimsical nature of the hero, he goes through unbearable pain every day for the sake of everyone else. I like it! Picasso!
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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New to the story? Start here! -> PART 1
Chapter 4 - “Dynadick” and the case of the heartbroken Chargebolt.
Warnings: Swear words, Bakugou being an asshole as always.
Summary: Bakugou does not appreciate flirting. Bakugou is also not fond of listening to the heartbroken Denki’s nonsense.
Special thank you to @sozainturpal for the lovely message, it made me so happy I “accidentally” wrote a full chapter after reading it 💜
This absolute shithead.
Screaming nonsense in the middle of the morning, ruining your precious coffee time.
And did he just call you a… dingbat? Who the actual fuck uses that word anyway?
What is a dingbat?! Is it a bat that… dings?
What is “dinging”?
Can a bat ding?
Holly shit, you definitely haven’t had enough coffee for this conversation. You are also a foreigner. You have no idea how offended you should be right now.
To be fair, we are talking about Dynamight here. This word sounds like a praise from his filthy mouth.
“So, this is the updated database.” You sigh into the silence and sit down by your laptop. Your place is in the far corner of Bakugou’s office, almost opposite his own fancy-pants desk.
As you concentrate on signing in, you can feel Bakugo’s breath on your neck. Can he not bring his bloody chair over and sit down next to you?!
“While in different circumstances I would be more than happy to have you so close to my face, I find your closeness quite unpleasant and slightly inappropriate right now, boss.”
Well… you shouldn’t have said that.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Says the now tomato red faced explosive hero, clearly not having as much fun as you are right now. Fuck the coffee, making Bakugou uncomfortable is your new favorite part of your morning routine. “Do you have a crush on me or something?!”
“I mean, you actually look quite handsome when you like, shut up. But as that never happens, the answer is no, I do not have a crush on you, I’m afraid.”
For your surprise, he does not lash out on you. Instead, he rolls his eyes and squats next to you to give you some personal space. What have you done? Is Bakugo broken again? Will he play the fake dead card and hide from his embarrassment as he did the last time? Is this how he copes with things?
Where did you leave your coffee?!
“Yeah, I heard that line before.” He sighs and waits for you to start your demonstration, but fuck that, you are really curious right now.
Is he… self conscious about this? Is Bakugo actually capable of human feelings? Did you just tear open a barely mended wound from the past?
You might be the second biggest asshole after Katsuki, but even you can feel ashamed of your own words sometimes.
“Who… said that to you?”
And now you are stuttering. Great.
“Someone in High School. I haven’t shut up ever since.” Grins the blonde and you can’t help but roll your eyes. He was faking it. Of course he was. You were about to say sorry yet here he is, grinning like a wild animal, all calm and collected, like he wasn’t about to die of embarrassment 30 seconds ago. He won this fight and he got you good.
“You are such a dick.”
“Yep, that’s me. Get used to it.”
Haha. Dynadick.
Jesus, where is your coffee again?
“Haha. Dynadick.”
Loud laughter fills the room as Mr. Katsuki rolls on floor, hyperventilating.
The menace might be a pain in the ass, but her red face when she realized she said this out loud was worth waking up for.
“I didn’t mean to say this out loud, goddamit.” The menace squeaks and oh boy, Mr. Katsuki is having the time of his life.
The loud commotion made Kirishima appear in the door as well, and Katsuki can’t get over the pure dread on the Menace’s face so he decides to push it until there’s nothing left but pure mortification.
“She called me Dynadick, Eiji. Dynadick.” Whines the hero on the floor with tears in his eyes. Kirishima is puzzled, he clearly has no idea if he should laugh with his best friend or try his best to save his poor new colleague from her misery; she clearly spoke out loud again, just how she did on her interview.
Is there a way to do both? He kinda wants to laugh.
“I can’t be close to her face because it’s inappropriate but she can call me, her boss, Dynadick. She’s such a hypocrite.”
“IT WAS A FUCKING ACCIDENT, GODDAMMIT!”Stands up the Menace (what was her real name again? Mr. Katsuki has no idea and he definitely does not care enough to ask) and slams her tiny arms on the top of the desk. As the desk slowly shakes and breaks in half, she points at the laptop in the middle of the rumble on the floor. Well, at least the laptop will not need replacing. That can’t be said about the poor table. Rest in peace, brother. What a way to go. “GO AND CHECK THE DATABASE ALONE YOU MISERABLE FUCK, I’M GOING TO A PUB!”
“It’s 7:30, darling. AM.”
Oh, poor Kirishima.
“No shit, Sherlock!” Barks back the Menace and leaves the building, leaving poor Kirishima with a mentally unstable Bakugou who’s still laughing on the floor like a maniac.
“Can you guys at least try to not break something every day? Our budget might be big, but we will eventually run out of money.”
“It was so fucking worth it.” Cries the blonde, with no remorse in his trembling voice.
This will be a long day. Kirishima hopes Y/N will be back by the afternoon so he can make sure she’s fine and not resigning on her second day.
Bakugo has the same hopes, but for different reasons; he’s already plotting his next mischief, and a drunk Menace sounds like the perfect target to get his daily entertainment.
Later that day…
The whole office jumps in unison when the main door slams shut after you. You definitely owe Kirishima an apology and you certainly hope you still have a job and you won’t be asked to leave - you did run away without a warning and you did go to a pub; in broad daylight, in the middle of your shift. On a positive note tho, you already sobered up.
“Y/N! Are you okay? Do you want to talk?”
Of course he is all over you the moment you walk in. Of course HE feels bad while the main culprit is happily sitting in his office, probably drinking YOUR chai tea latte. Nevermind.
“I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry, boss. I just needed a breather. I’m fine. I’m back. I won’t cause any more trouble… well… today.” You blush and look away to the other direction. You might have hundreds of quirks under your sleeve, but somehow, non of them could cure your inability to lie.
Kirishima only snickers on your response and gives you a tiny hug. He’s so precious, goddamit!
“I appreciate your honestly and please, don’t worry about it. It will get easier as the time goes. I’m just happy you are still here and willing to take the responsibility for your actions.” With a tap on your shoulders he lets you make your way to your office.
You can hear chatter coming from the other side of the door. Is someone… crying? Well, it’s definitely not Dynamight as you can hear him grumbling aggressively in the background, clearly not happy about the sudden outburst of this man. Who’s stupid enough to go to Dynamight with his problems? This guy definitely has a death wish or he is an absolute idiot.
As you open the door to take a little look, you see a blondish-yellow haired guy in a leather jacket.
He is indeed an absolute idiot, but in a really nice way.
You heard all about him from your bestie.
“Are you listening, BakuBro?! She dumped me! Again! How many times do I need to have my heart broken? What have I done to deserve this?” Cries the man, ignoring your now obvious presence in the room.
“First of all, I would dump you 100 times too if I would be forced to live with your annoying ass. Second of all, why the fuck do I need to listen to your nonsense? Don’t you have friends?!” Shouts the blonde, making the other blonde cry even more.
“You are my friend…”
Okay, you can’t listen to this shit anymore.
“Well, I’m sorry for eavesdropping on you two, but… Mr. Dynamight, you are an absolute asshole. This man is clearly depressed and heartbroken, can you at least listen to him?! He might be here because he has no one else to go to, did you think about that?! Don’t kick someone who’s already on the floor!” There is an almost silent “oh fuck off” coming Bakugou but you respectfully ignore it and you sit down next to the crying man on the sofa. “My name is Y/N darling, I’m the asshole’s new assistant. Please, don’t listen to him. You are always welcome in this office in the time of need. I can listen to you. What happened?” This is clearly a cry for help, bless his little broken heart. This poor yellow haired man just makes you want to protect him and talk to him about the magical powers of a silver shampoo.
Because this guy needs it.
So much.
Soooo so much.
Okay, that’s not important now.
“Hi, I’m Kaminari Denki.” Sniffles the guy. “I got dumped by my girlfriend Jirou for the twentieth time. I did nothing. Is my existence such a bother to everyone?”
“Yes, it is, now leave.” Comments the asshole of the century, and nope, you can’t do this anymore.
“If you say a single fucking word while I talk to this man, I’ll hang your virgin balls on the nearest lamp post and I’ll blow them up so well, not even the best cleaning brigade in Japan can get rid of them.” You give Bakugou a threatening look and start focusing on the now shaking man on the sofa.
“You are a lovely human being. You might be a bit louder than most, you might annoy some people, but you have all the rights to exist. You just need to find the right people to be with. Also, sometimes people don’t appreciate what they have until they loose it, so what I would do if I were you, I would go home, tell my girl that I’m okay with her decision and I would leave for a few days or weeks to give her some space. Trust me, if she loves you, she will come back to you. If not, there will be someone better who will appreciate you as you are. Don’t underestimate yourself, just because you are different. If Dynamight can exist, so can you.”
Needless to say, you managed to break this man with your words, but that’s fine. Sometimes, you need to completely fall apart to be able to put yourself together in the right way.
As this man you just met smears all his saliva and other disgusting bodily fluids all over your shirt, you sigh into the void. Your life is an absolute joke but if this little conversation did something to help another person, then you don’t mind it that much. At least you made a new friend today, a quite useful one at that. He might come in handy when your phone is out of fuel.
“That last part was unnecessary.” Scoffs your boss, but he can’t deny that even he was a bit moved by your kind words.
“I had to prove my point somehow.” You smile cheekily and stroke Kaminari’s hair to entertain yourself for the time being. “Well, this is definitely enough drama for one day, let’s bury the hatchet for today, Mr. Bakugou. I also told Kirishima I won’t cause any more problems today.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, weirdo.” Bakugou rolls his eyes but he indeed stays quiet for the rest of the day.
You might just be a bit sensitive after all this love drama, but you swear you can feel the change in the air around you two.
Will it stay this way? Probably not; but you can’t help but think back on your words from the morning; Bakugou is indeed quite handsome when he shuts the hell up.
-> Next Chapter!
Anyone remembers who said that line to Bakugo in high school? :P
Wow, this chapter is a bit different than usual, but I really wanted to give the story a bit of a push. And don’t worry; you guys still hate each other, we are really far from the end game! :D
Also, no pigeons in this chapter. I’m heartbroken.
Have a lovely weekend, guys 💜
(feel free to ask me to add you if you like this story btw 💜)
@ibkg @chuugarettes @lilmaimai @nonomesupposedto @sozainturpal
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supernatural-rp · 2 years
Jay Halstead X Reader
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, kidnapping, blood, violence
Near Death Experience
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It was mid December in Chicago. Jay and Y/N been together almost 3 years now. They met at a bar when Jay stepped in to save her from a drunk who was putting his hands on her when she told the man to stop multiple times.
Jay kissed his sleeping girlfriend on her forehead before he headed to work. The Intelligence unit was working a case involving human trafficking and drug deals gone wrong. They had just received another call about another drug induced homicide.
When Y/N work up, she stretched a little before heading off to take a shower and then get dressed before she had to clock in. After she was done, she grabbed her things and headed to her truck which was near an alleyway. She called Jay’s phone hoping he wasn’t busy.
Jay saw Y/N calling and picked up. “Hey, baby, heading to work?” Jay grinned as he waited for Antonio and Voight.
“Yeah, I just got to my truck. Heading to work now. I just wanted to call you and-“ But Y/N was cut off when someone came up behind her covering her mouth. She screamed. Her screams were muffled.
Jay heard the muffled screams. “Y/N?’ Hello?! Y/N” Jay called again. Then the line went dead.
As Voight and Antonio were coming out, Jay got a text from Y/N phone.
“If you ever want to see her again, stop working the case. And stop trying to play hero, Detective.” -Kidnapper
Jay swore under his breath. “Son of a bitch!!!”
Voight came up. “Jay, hey, what’s going on?” He looked at his partner.
Jay held his phone up. “They got her.” Was all Jay could manage to get out.
Sometime later,
Voight got everyone together. “Jay and I will go check out the apartment and truck. See if we can find anything. Antonio, you and Erin go talk to neighbors. See if they saw or heard anything. Also be on the look out for security cameras.” Voight told everyone.
Jay was quiet as Voight drove. He looked over at Jay. “We will find her, Jay.” He reassured Jay.
Jay sighed. “If I hadn’t left her alone, this wouldn’t have happened.” Jay blamed himself.
When they arrived on scene, Jay started looking around the truck. The door to the driver’s side was open, and he found Y/N’s phone on the ground. Smashed to pieces. He clenched his teeth. There was blood spatters on the ground.
“She must have put up a fight.” Voight studies the blood splatters.
With Y/N,
Y/N woke up on the ground. Her mouth taped shut, her hands and feet bound by tape. She opened her eyes blinking. Blood dripped down the side of her head where she had been hit upside the head near her truck before she was kidnapped. She tried to sit up, but the pain was too much for her to bare. She saw a man open the door, and walked in, locking it behind him. He kneeled down to her, lifting up her chin. “You’ll make the perfect trade.” He smirked, eyeing her up and down. “Once we get you cleaned up of course. Boss man doesn’t want to see you like this.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the guy. She mumbled through the tape.
Back at the Unit,
“Traffic cams manage to pick this up. A man came up behind her while she was talking to Jay. She opened her door up, and that’s when he attacked her.” Erin showed everyone the traffic cam footage. “And, we got a clear shot of his face. Ran it through the database, and we got a match.” She handed the files over to Jay and Voight.
Jay looked over the files. Anger washing over him. “I know him. He’s known for kidnapping women and selling them to sex traffickers. He’s also wanted in three states for capital murder, two drug induced homicides, drugs, assault, and attempted kidnapping.” Jay said.
“And we got a location on the vehicle he transported her in.” Antonio came into the room a few minutes later.
“Alright, gear up.” Voight said, as Antonio texted everyone the address.
“Let me go!” Y/N screamed and pleaded as she was dragged by her hair into the warehouse. “Shut the fuck up.” The man snarled, throwing her into a container. She screamed as she left in total darkness, her wrists and feet bound by tape. She cries softly, burying her face into her knees. She had black and blue bruises all over her arms and legs. Her eye was swollen, her lip busted. The side of her head was bloody.
Chicago PD surrounded the warehouse. “Chicago PD!” Jay yelled.
The men started firing at the PD. So, they fired back at the men. “Where is she?!”
Jay tackled the felon to the ground. “Where is she?!” He started the beating the shit out of the guy.
Voight motioned to Lindsay and Adam. They searched the warehouse. Adam threw open the container.
Y/N screamed when she saw the door to the container open. She scooted away, burying her face.
“I found her.” Adam called over his shoulder. “It’s okay, Y/N, it’s me, Adam.” He reassured her.
Jay stopped beating the guy. Voight handcuffed him as Jay took off to the shipment container. “Y/N?!”
She heard Jay’s voice and looked up. “J-Jay?!” Tears streamed her cheeks, as he freed her feet and wrists. She threw her arms around him. “It’s okay, it’s okay, I got you.” He cupped her bruised her cheeks. “You’re safe now.” He kissed her head, lifting her up, as he carried her out.
Chicago Fire was on scene. Severide and Casey helped her into the ambulance so they could assess her injuries. “Can Jay come? Please?” She looked up at Severide and then back at Jay.
“Yeah, he can ride.” Severide smiled reassuringly.
Jay hopped into the back, holding her hand in his. “It’s okay.” He kissed her hand.
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acradaunt · 3 months
Acra's EO Guild Card Megapost
Guild Cards are a neat thing in the most of the Etrian Odyssey games. Sometimes, they're pretty pointless, but in some, they actually do some neat stuff. I… have a tendency to do multiple playthroughs, to try different team compositions (as seeing how different a game can feel based on your builds is one of my favourite things ever, and I also like abandon them before the big fights, on the hypothetical urge I want to re-fight a boss at an appropriate level an infinite number of times), so I've amassed a fair few of my own.
Why am I uploading these now? Apparently the Nexus database got borked a couple days ago, so this is the perfect time for me to get a few feet in the door. I also swear this is the last time I'll ever post about these, seriously.
EO Nexus -A total of 100 Guild Cards are needed to unlock the Vampire pseudo-class. Obviously, 100 is a lot, so they obviously expected the community, paltry it may be, to come together to make a database. And they did. And then they locked it the second they got 108. And then it died. So now I finally get a second chance to contribute.
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-My first (main) playthrough. I actually uploaded a card weekly to help out, but I think only the first one made it on in time. It's not Heroic because it's like a NG+++++ file. This is the final card, but for the weekly set of them, um, here:
Week 0 || Week 1 || Week 2 || Week 3 || Week 4 || Week 5 || Week 6 || Week 7
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-Filled with all my C-listers that couldn't fit into Galeforce. I ran them as two separate teams; the Boss Killers (shown here), who fought the FOEs/Bosses, and Team Midriff, who did all the exploration.
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-A Guild consisting of classes I mostly avoid using, and portraits I hadn't (as of its conception) used before. As always, there's like another three members that get used that aren't here, including a Survivalist, Nightseeker, and an Arcanist.
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-An attempt at a Nuzlocke-esque run, and also an 'evil' party. Characters stopped being used if they died, but only until the end of the stratum, to not make it overbearing. Being an evil party lacking in support and healing, this was an absolute slog that I considered a total failure by the Jungle.
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-An idea for a mage-guild that kinda went askew. Starting as a Sovereign, three Zodiacs, and a Farmer, I ultimately turned this into three single-element teams; Each consisting of a unique Sovereign, a unique Zodiac, two other characters that get earlygame elemental skills (Survivalist's Flame Arrow, Landsknecht, etc.), but the same Farmer (Hazel) across all three. Didn't take it all that far, but worked kinda well!
EOV -Definitely where Guild Cards are seen the most. About 2-4 times every floor, there'll be an event that'll use you GC database to have another guild interact with you in the labyrinth. If you have none, you'll be introduced to memelord Conrad of the Freeblade Guild about 110 times in your course of a playthrough. In stark contrast, Nexus only has GC events maybe a dozen times across the whole game.
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-Main guild. Not a lot to say. It's a Chain-oriented party, because I love Fencers/Landsknechts.
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-Cake pun. See, bundt is a type of cake, and the guild is filled with Brouni. As in Brownies, the fairy/pixie/sprite, but I'm punning off the--- ANYWAY. Horrific offense, but don't die easily. Kinda miserable against a few specific enemies like the coffin jerks on 15F, but otherwise worked astonishingly better than you'd expect. Which is; not GOOD, but totally serviceable.
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-My original 'evil' guild, featuring two Necromancers, and edge as far as the eye can see. Two Necros work pretty well together; typically Velvet summoned them and Rue made them explode. The fact Necros heal and have evil vibes let them succeed where Maelstrom would totally fail. I also didn't bench anyone for dying, so that probably helped too.
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-This playthrough is only saved at Amalgolem and took like a single weekend to get there, so I didn't remember squat about it. Amalgolem is like my single fave boss in the whole series, so I just had to leave a file there. It's heavily skewed towards non-humans, and the bottom deck of the guild is just full of nigh-on unusable cross-classed horrors, like a Celestrian Pugilist and Therian Warlock.
EO2U -Probably where Guild Cards are the most functionally useful. Lets you get the Grimoire Stones the attached character has on hand as many times as you can afford. Pretty nifty, as Grimoires are semi-random in spawning.
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-So I didn't actually buy EO2U when it came out for a variety of factors, not least being unaware how different it was from the original EOII, my first EO game. So I've only started this and Untold I fairly recently.
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-Holy Gift gives you extra experience, but each level costs twice as much to trade as the previous. That is, you need two level 3 Grimoires to get a level 4. Or 128 level 3s for a single level 10. So having a Guild Card with lowish level Holy Gift is actually pretty dang useful to have.
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-Story Guild. Haven't… uh, haven't exactly been Motivated to do Story mode in Untold 2. On paper, I really dislike the team composition. In practice, hasn't been so bad, but still not enough to make me play them more than necessary.
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-Now legally required Evil Guild. Probably won't ever get past Chimaera.
EOU -Unlike the sequel, Guild Cards don't let you choose what to get from the friend's Guild Card. You just get given a random Grimoire Stone once per playthrough per Guild Card. Kinda lame.
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Untold -Unlike later games, only one save file here, and the game nigh-on requires you to play through the Story Mode before doing Classic in NG+, so, that's where we sit.
EOIV -First game to use QR codes. III had Guild Cards, but I don't know how you'd trade them. They do serve a purpose here; each Card gets given a random treasure, and having a Card lets you find that treasure in the overworld. Most are crap, but some are circumstantially useful, and some are permanent stat-boosts, IIRC. I don't think mine was very good…?
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-Uh, EOIV had a glitch where your Ventured Days would go up dramatically every time you paused. I think it comes into affect if you ever do NG+. So I haven't actually played for 48 in-game years. Truth be told, now knowing of a way to back up save files, I am admittedly tempted to make a new EOIV playthrough, since it's been like a decade, but for my own sanity, I really probably shouldn't.
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classicdatabase · 7 months
CD Entry #009
While far from a series staple, Guts Man in specific has had a notable amount of solo reappearances (ones that do not include some or all of the first game’s lineup alongside him) in the mainline Classic series, especially considering all have some sort of direct relation to Dr. Wily.
In Mega Man (1987) Guts Man is debuted as a character, but he already receives special treatment compared to the other bosses; namely, the final stage of the game, where several identical Guts Man copies(?) hooked up to wiring are placed as decoration within the tileset. This could be due to Guts Man’s rematch being the last boss fight before the Wily Machine, but none of the other bosses rematched in this stage have such treatment.
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Mega Man 2 is when this became explicitly deliberate and not just a possible reuse of assets with the Guts Tank/Guts-Dozer, the boss of the third Dr. Wily stage. This otherwise unrelated tank boss that spawns Metalls and spits bullets at the player is directly based on and heavily resembles Guts Man, despite the original character not appearing in the game. This is even directly addressed in the officially licensed Archie Comics series (though taking place in a separate canon), with Guts Man proclaiming: “He ripped off my design again?! To make that?!”
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Finally, Mega Man 7 features the Robot Museum mini-stage appearing after the first 4 bosses are defeated. Many robots from previous entries can be seen on display in this area’s background, however the only one Dr. Wily steals, at least on-screen, is once again Guts Man, who is modified to use treads (similar to the Guts Tank), a claw arm, and is used as the first boss of the game’s Wily Fortress stages.
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Honorable mentions of this phenomenon include Mega Man & Bass referencing him in Stone Man’s CD Database entry claiming them to be friends, Concrete Man being seemingly based on him, Clown Man’s stage having toys based on Guts Man G, and his appearance as a playable racer in Mega Man Battle & Chase, though Ice Man also appears in the same role.
The reasoning for this pattern, to my understanding, is unknown.
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searsage · 5 months
Artificial intelligence therapist Au Al-an/ Robin
Okay hear me out.
Robin is an intergalactic therapist/ researcher who studies Ais and rehabiltates them so they can be safely resold back into the ai ship market to pair with ships of many kinds for many uses.
She has the repretation as being damn good at what she does, but also as a anti-social bitch with an ego to boot.
So it comes as no surprise when she pisses off Xenoworks and her superiors feel she needs to get a bit humbled..
She gets landed with a case a particularly volitile AI recovered from an enigmatic vessel set for imenant neutralization.
But Instead of cowering from the challenge doomed to fail, Robin decides to rub salt in the aching egos of her bosses by willingly accepting the case.
Little does Robin know the downword spiral her action would result in..
Immediately she's paired off with her new patient a bitter and apathetic Ai refering to itself as Al-an, his file pointing to a dangerous habits of viweing humans as an inferior, chaotic, destructive species and even statistically warned them eventually man's artificial intelligence would someday turn on them.
Instantly Robin sees a challenge and sets to work, but after a few weeks of Al-an being utterly counter productive and unresponsive to her attempts to socialize with the cryptic AI, in short much prying and Al-an fighting her every step of the way in terms of her bonding attempts.
But when Al-an finally cracks spiraling into a traumatic and chaotic breakdown.
Robin realizes she's not just dealing with a normal case, the Ai is not only a volatile asshole but also a mourning alien consciousness preserved by artificial intelligence, an actual entity hiding opposed to artificial intelligence, once stationed within the remains of a downed alien space vessel previously seized and supposedly discovered by Alterra corp and salvaged in hopes of producing a new advanced Artificial intelligence prototype.
Unfortunately Alterra either wants their perfected prototype or they want the out of control AI distroyed…
Things get sticky from here, as Robin still kinda wants that sweet success.. Neh.. And she does want to rub her success in her superior's faces.
And Al-an? This AI has other plans..
Deeming his new therepist/ not friend ( he's a tsundere let him live damn it!)'s high tech futuristic home prime artificial realestate, the AI has fled out of her containment PDA and infected her home's virtual database, replacing the once outdated systems with his own presence, having found solace in fact that he not only can actively control mechanisms throught her home, feed her Trivalve and lock door, but also access visual feeds and see a world he was stripped of millinias ago.
Unfortunately this spells trouble for Xeno works as things quickly escalate as the now possesive AI announces he has imprinted on the home and its occupants and stubbornly declares he will stay there just as Alterra begins to demand their prototype back and send agents to retrieve the missing asset.
Mostly a comedy but also a wholesome drama, romance because Robin learns that being an assholish loner all the time gets lonely and maybe her bosses are not actually her enemy. And Al-an learns not the over feed Robin's pets or turn the water cold while she is in the shower…or blow up unfamiliar vehicles entering her driveway.
And we'd get cheesy wholesome feels because Frankly everyone kinda just needs a hug even if Al-an acts like he doesn't ; w;
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anime-whump-guide · 1 year
Nakahara Chuuya (Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs)
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Character Whump details under the cut
Personality: Strong, confidant (overconfidant), easily angered by the right triggers (his ex-partner Dazai), loyal to a fault, can be surprised or manipulated. Defiant whumpee
Whump? Kidnapped as a young child to be a government experiment. Implanted with a highly destructive Ability, and lost all memories prior to around 8. Found and used by a gang as their protector, until the Mafia manipulated the gang (his found family) into betraying him. Stabbed by his best friend, he was given the ultimatum to join the Mafia or watch his gang die. He joined the Mafia, convinced himself it was of his own free will, and now places his trust in the Boss who says precisely what Chuuya wants to hear in order to gain his loyalty. Chuuya's true form of his Ability, Corruption, is an extremely powerful berserker-style rage, manipulating gravity and black holes. It also eats his body apart from the inside, destroying his organs. Once started, Chuuya loses control and cannot stop until he dies. The only solution is the very person who engineered his entry into the Mafia - his new partner, Dazai, who can nullify Abilities. After Chuuya's Ability is stopped, he collapses, unable to move. Foreign agents have tried to come after Chuuya for his Ability twice - one attempted to kill him at 15, the other murdered almost everyone close to him at 16 in an effort to get Chuuya to abandon join him. At 17, another rogue Ability user violently killed all of Chuuya's new friends, and at 18, Dazai defected from the Mafia, leaving Chuuya without a way to use his destructive power - half of what he is capable of, a defunct weapon. Lots of physical whump, angst. Dazai shows he still cares for Chuuya by letting Chuuya rest on his lap after Corruption, and even taking care of his prized hat.
A word from a voucher: Favorite whump moment: age 15 arc when Chuuya and Dazai are fighting off a foreign agent attempting to kill Chuuya to steal his Ability. Chuuya's attacks are initially ineffective, and the agent reaches up and breaks or dislocated Chuuya's leg. His scream is just ❤️❤️❤️. Unfortunately the hurt doesn't last long.
Character submitted by: @forthetaintedsorrow-whump
Help add to our database of characters!
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cafe--tables · 2 months
some time line additions.
Before Ghetsis died parts of team plasma disappeared. Leaving and making sure no one, absolutely no one would find them. The interactional police are looking for is Zinzolin, other sages, and Colress. Zinzolin was the first to disappear, 1 year and a half before Ghetsis’s death. Some of the sages left with him after a few months. Colress left 3 weeks before shit hit the fan.
The police were able to find this information in the database. It seems that most of the member���s true identities remain Hidden. The police are looking and have man hunts across the regions for these people
The will was found but the items were already taken without any trace. During Ghetsis’s last fight, his pokemon all went missing. However his Hydreigon was found on sight, in a non hostile state before disappearing into the city.
the subway station was close down during this man hunt until it was shut down completely by emmet and they had a small good bye party at the station. Everyone left that day leaving Jackie to be the last. If they even left. After all Jackie has been there for the beginning so no wonder it would take them a while to leave
elesa took over the duty of a subway boss out of responsibility. All the depot agents came back to help, Skyla to also assist her partner.
for the majority I’m using @pigdemonart 's take on the Depot Agents since they’re all so precious and lovely to look at but I’m mostly going to use personality I’ll probably make designs of my own for them:)
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trashgoblincreature · 3 months
a LOT of side order spoilers below the cut.
so. i beat a run in side order for the first time??? honestly i fucking LOVE this. certain story implications, pearlina confirmed, and actual. yknow, difficulty
however. while it has its charm. i feel like the repetitiveness actually harms it more than it helps it.
its SO difficult to get enough prlz to get to the point where you can actually beat the tower. and letting you die at the VERY end and that not even giving you enough prlz to upgrade your damage enough to make a difference? kinda ass ngl.
also, i wish there were more bosses. we have the octowhirl 2.0, the funnel, and if enemy octolings were less octo shaped and dipped in liquid metal. outside of the first and final bosses, those are the only bosses we have. and they STILL randomize which one you get each time. and make an upgrade to reveal which is which. said upgrade, thanks to how difficult it is to get enough prlz for other upgrades, is NOT worth it btw
lastly. part of me really wishes tartar and/or 4 wouldve made an actual appearance. 4 is underappreciated in the franchise, and i feel like they could've made a good boss fight [not counting the fake 4 because that is. straight up just the same as an enemy octoling]
and tartar. they couldve had him appear as a mini boss. it wouldnt have made NO sense, order WAS created from code in kamabo co's database. it likely KNOWS about tartar. it likely knows about the whole kamabo situation, it more than likely has some of tartar's code in it. and it makes me irritated that that specific possibility is never even hinted at. like??? come ON man i want him BACK. at least MENTION him???? especially if theyre gonna make order SO SIMILAR TO TARTAR
it reminds me of beta tartar. yknow, the horrifying meat grinder-blender combo monster with teeth and eyes in the blender cup from the art book. and the way its voice sounds??? i really thought, going into this, there was gonna be a twist at the end with nintendo just being like "oh this is what remains of tartar btw" but nope
again, i LOVE side order. i really am enjoying it so far. but. i just sorta wish there was a little more to the story and a little less repetitiveness to beat a run for the first time
tbh, might 'rewrite' it a little bit. just thanks to the tartar situation i mentioned. i feel like involving him in order's whole backstory could make things FAR more interesting tbh
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depressedhouseplant · 5 months
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🔞 Cops & Robbers (Bbangju) 🔞
Chapter 5
Tags: Depictions of Torture
A/N: And we welcome a few more friends to the party
Younghoon jerked his head up when he felt a sharp kick to his shin. There were two men in masks standing in front of him.
“Morning sunshine,” one of them said. It was the same voice he’d heard earlier.
“Fuck off,” Younghoon snarled. He went to stand up only to realize he was handcuffed to chains that were bolted to the floor.
“Maybe later,” the other one said. “Right now, you’re gonna tell us what you know about the names Lee Juyeon gave you.”
“I only know the names. I didn’t find anything,” Younghoon replied.
“You didn’t find anything? Nothing?” the first one asked.
“I don’t even remember the damn names,” Younghoon was crouched on the floor.
“Would this help jog your memory?” one gestured and the door opened. A body landed hard on the floor. It was Chanhee.
“Chanhee,” Younghoon lunged forward to grab him. He fell on his back when he reached the end of the chains.
“You’re too late,” he kicked Chanhee’s body over onto his side. Blood was caked in his bangs. Then he saw the bullet wounds.
“I told you he didn’t know anything! You didn’t have to kill him!” Younghoon wrestled against the cuffs.
“Did we?”
Younghoon needed to focus. He needed to find something identifiable about them. They were still wearing ski masks, but their hands were uncovered. One had a star tattooed on his right ring finger. They both had brown eyes, but the one without the tattoo had eyes that were closer together than the other’s. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
“Who are you?” Younghoon demanded.
“You mean you didn’t figure that out already?” Star Tattoo smirked.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I only had names? Clearly none of you were important enough to make it in the database,” It was the wrong thing to say. Pinched Eyes backhanded him. It stung, but didn’t do any real damage.
“That’s it?” Younghoon looked up at him.
“For now,” Star Tattoo said.
“Why? You need permission from your boss? Can’t do anything without Daddy’s approval?” Taunting them was asking for trouble, but Younghoon was pissed. There was no reason to kill Chanhee, but they’d done it anyway. He was going to fight them until he couldn’t anymore. Star Tattoo stepped forward and punched him in the jaw.
“I took harder hits in my hand to hand combat class. Your follow through needs some work,” he stretched his jaw. Star Tattoo pulled back his hand to swing again, but Younghoon hit the ground. “Your reflexes need a tune up too.”
“You little shit,” Pinched Eyes pulled him up by the back of his shirt.
“That’s enough!” The voice from the doorway made them all stop. Pinched Eyes dropped him back onto the floor. The two stood at attention. A smaller blonde about the same size as Chanhee walked in. The lower part of his face was covered by a mask, but his eyes and forehead were exposed. He had blue eyes, but Younghoon suspected they were colored contacts.
“You’re the boss?” Younghoon asked.
“I am,” he replied. His voice was shockingly deep for his size. Another trait Younghoon filed away for later.
“I already told your two idiots with shitty aim that I don’t know anything,” he said.
“Disrespectfully, cops lie all the time. You knew enough to start looking for us,” the boss replied.
“Disrespectfully, criminals are generally cocky dumbasses,” Younghoon sat on the floor to ease the strain in his back.
“Would you call Lee Juyeon a cocky dumbass?” The boss asked, kneeling down in front of Younghoon.
“Cocky, yes. A dumbass, no,” Younghoon met the smaller man’s gaze. “If you bothered to do your research, you’d know that he’s been the bane of my existence for the past five years.”
“We did enough,” he said. They stared at each other for a painfully long moment before the boss punched him in the gut. He was strong for someone his size. “You can sit in here with your friend and think about what you’ve done. I’ll be back later.”
“Putting me in timeout? Creative,” Younghoon sniped. The boss stood up and waved the other two off.
“My creativity is better than you think it is. See you soon,” he smiled and left Younghoon alone. He wanted to scream, but he decided not to say anything. It was best to assume he was being watched and they were waiting for him to react. He refused to give them that satisfaction. Chanhee’s body was just out of his reach. So Younghoon sat on the floor holding back every scream, curse, and tears. It was his fault his best friend was dead. He had to be strong for him even if he was gone.
Younghoon had dozed off when he heard the door open. Star Tattoo and Pinched Eyes walked back in followed by the boss.
“Time to get up,” Star Tattoo said. They unhooked him from the chains and forced his arms above his head. He was tall enough that he was still standing on the floor in spite of his arms being chained over his head.
“Now that you’ve had some time to think perhaps you’ll be more willing to tell me what you know,” the boss walked over to him. He was half a head shorter than Younghoon. They were all shorter than he was. Another piece of information.
“How many times am I going to have to tell you that I don’t know anything? I don’t know your name, I don’t know their names, I don’t know any names. Why commit anything to memory when I can look them up when I need to?” Younghoon huffed. The boss sighed then ripped Younghoon’s shirt open.
“You know if you wanted to fuck me you could’ve just asked,” he looked down at him.
“You wish,” he snorted. He nodded Star Tattoo over. “Let’s test your lung capacity.”
The other man, the shortest of the three, stepped forward. He had a small bat in his hand. Younghoon knew exactly where this was going. The first blow almost knocked the wind out of him. The second blow on his other side made him gasp. With each successive hit, it got harder to breathe. Younghoon focused his gaze on the floor in front of him.
“You’re more stubborn than I thought,” the boss observed.
“You have no idea,” Younghoon grunted.
“I suppose I’ll have to get more creative then,” he pulled a small knife out of his pocket.
“What’s this?” He asked as he pushed Younghoon’s shirt back. It was the scar on his ribs.
“Juyeon tried to kill me the first time we met,” Younghoon replied.
“Is that so?” He dragged the knife over Younghoon’s skin, but not hard enough to draw blood.
“I’ve been telling you the truth so far. Why lie now?” Younghoon watched the boss intently. He had to have a tell. Everyone did.
“I told you. Cops always lie,” he replied. Younghoon felt the pressure change on his skin. The boss flicked his wrist and Younghoon twisted out of the way. A searing pain shot through his chest as his body rebounded. He gasped to try and catch his breath. It took a few seconds to realize the knife had broken the skin.
“Well, that saved me a lot of work,” the boss mused.
“Fuck. Off,” Younghoon gasped.
“Cut him loose,” the boss nodded at the other two. They moved him back to the chains on the floor. Younghoon’s ribs felt like they were on fire. His whole torso was aching from being hit.
“See you soon,” he gave a cheeky wave as he left. Younghoon collapsed on the floor, struggling to breathe.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered to Chanhee. His eyes closed against his will. “I’m so sorry.”
Wake up
Younghoon looked around. He didn’t see where the voice was coming from.
Wake up
He heard it again.
Please wake up
Younghoon blinked. As his eyes adjusted, he saw Juyeon leaning over him looking terrified.
“Oh thank god,” he grabbed Younghoon into a tight hug. Pain shot through his entire torso. He gasped.
“Shit, sorry, you just had me so worried,” Juyeon released his grip but kept a grip on Younghoon’s hands.
“What happened?” he asked.
“You were making these whimpering sounds, but you wouldn’t wake up. Your breathing got really shallow too. I thought you were…” Juyeon didn’t finish.
“I’m not gonna die that easily,” Younghoon assured him. Juyeon simply nodded. “What time is it?”
“About 4am,” Juyeon replied. Younghoon pulled Juyeon down with him and rested his head on the other man’s shoulder.
“Have you slept?” He asked.
“Of course I haven’t,” Juyeon chuckled.
“You need to sleep. You’ll literally go insane if you don’t,” Younghoon told him.
“Not worth the risk,” Juyeon replied.
“Baby, Kevin said I’m healing fine. If I keep up with the pain meds, it’s easier to breathe. I know it’s only been four days, but this is about the best this could go,” Younghoon sighed.
“Speaking of which, it’s time for your next round of pain meds,” Juyeon got up. “I’ll be quick.”
“Of course you will,” Younghoon smiled a little. Part of him wanted to shake Juyeon and tell him to stop worrying too much. A bigger part of him knew that would do absolutely no good. Bori jumped on the bed and snuggled next to Younghoon. “See? I have a very capable companion.”
“Right,” Juyeon nodded.
Juyeon was about to walk back up the stairs when Hyunjae, Changmin, and Sunwoo came flying up the basement stairs.
“We’ve got something!” Changmin announced.
“What?” Juyeon felt the need to hold his hands out so they wouldn’t crash into him.
“We found a body. Well, we found a report of a body found in an alley near the club,” Sunwoo explained.
“Is it Chanhee?” Juyeon asked.
“Description doesn’t match, but it sounded a lot like one of the guys who kidnapped them. We’re about to go check for ourselves,” Hyunjae added.
“You’re going to break into the morgue?” Juyeon stared at them.
“Would you rather we rob a grave?” Changmin asked.
“Well?” Sunwoo prompted.
“Fine. Sunwoo, stay here and see if there are any other reports related to the body,” Juyeon said. He turned his attention to Hyunjae and Changmin. “Just don’t get caught.”
“We won’t,” Hyunjae smirked. Juyeon sighed as his two seconds left.
“I still haven’t had any luck finding Chanhee’s body. I’ve narrowed down where it isn’t, but for all I know they dumped him in a river and we have to wait until he decomposes enough to float to the top,” Sunwoo told him.
“I really didn’t need that mental image,” Juyeon replied.
“Well we’re running short on not watery grave options,” Sunwoo said.
“I’ll see if I can call in a favor or two to get the river dragged,” Juyeon said, more to himself than Sunwoo. “In the meantime, keep an eye on anything that might have to do with this body.”
“You got it,” Sunwoo nodded. He looked down at the syringe in Juyeon’s hand.
“Keep your opinion to yourself,” Juyeon glared.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything you haven’t already heard,” the other man said. He turned and walked back toward the stairs. Juyeon went his own way, unsure if he should tell Younghoon what they’d found or leave it be for the moment.
Rock meet hard place.
“You know the next time we decide to break into the morgue I’d like to have my coffee first,” Changmin complained as Hyunjae picked the lock on the service door.
“Ideally we won’t have to break into the morgue again,” Hyunjae huffed as the lock clicked open.
“I still can’t believe we’re doing all this to help a cop,” Changmin said as he started the timer on his watch. They had twenty minutes before the first staff member arrived.
“At this point I don’t think the fact he’s a cop matters. He’s Juyeon’s future husband and that’s what matters,” Hyunjae replied.
“It’s gross,” Changmin made a face.
“Would it help if I framed it as we’re getting rid of the competition and Younghoon happens to be party to that?” Hyunjae asked as they walked into the main storage area.
“Not particularly. He’s too busy babying him to be a leader,” Changmin replied as he started looking for the right compartment.
“What’s gotten into you? You’ve never been this critical of him before,” Hyunjae looked at his partner.
“I’m not being critical,” Changmin protested.
“On a scale of table salt to Dead Sea you’re Dead Sea level salty,” Hyunjae said. “Bingo.”
He pulled the drawer out to reveal the body they were looking for.
“Looks like the right one,” Changmin said as he put on gloves. The body was a male in his late 20s. The most notable thing was his eyes appeared almost too close together.
“Did the report have a COD?” Hyunjae asked.
“No, but I think I know what it is. Help me roll him,” Changmin replied. They rolled the body onto its side and Changmin probed the base of the skull. “Yup. Bullet wound.”
“They were certainly efficient,” Hyunjae said as they repositioned the body.
“Doesn’t look like he was tortured,” Changmin observed, checking for any other marks.
“Then why kill him?” Hyunjae carefully cleaned off the corpse’s finger after taking a fingerprint.
“Why’d they kill Chanhee? Nothing about this gang makes any sense,” Changmin replied as he closed the compartment again. Hyunjae sealed the fingerprint in a bag and shoved it in his pocket. Changmin’s watch vibrated.
“Two minutes. Let’s go,” he said.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” the other man agreed. They made it back out and locked the door right as they heard a car pull into the parking lot. “Let’s get this back to Sunwoo.”
The two men drove back to the house in silence. Whatever came out of Sunwoo’s search would be the start of a war.
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