#boba oneshot
acatalystrising · 2 years
Yes, it’s November, but the oneshots stop for no one! I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head for a bit so I finally got a chance to write it!
This oneshot is a veterinarian!(f)reader x TBOBF Boba, no warnings, just lotssss of fluff (and a cute rancor) enjoy!
Here’s a link to part two and three!
Alsooo this one may or may not have been inspired by this…
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Oneshot: Moth to a Flame
He was back again.
You heard the now familiar tisk tisk of beskar spurs striking the wooden planks of your walkway, announcing his arrival long before he opened your door. You crossed your waiting room and slipped behind your desk, already rummaging for his package.
You’d never forget the first time Boba Fett stepped into your clinic.
Broad, stern, wearing green beskar that spoke of years of violence and a bounty hunting career soaked in blood. He looked the part too: built like a tank, black clothing that could far too easily hide bloodstains, boots and gloves made of functional leather, helmet with a T-visor that slowly turned, scanning everything and missing nothing.
And yet Boba Fett, the bounty hunter turned Daimyo of Tatooine, hadn’t threatened your life that day. He’d come for medicine…for his rancor. His voice had been rough, like mountain stone, yet carrying a warmth that reminded you of the way spotchka settled in the back of your throat after a long day.
You’d been afraid, intimidated - but advised him calmly, as professionals should, you’d wagered, your concern for the animal overriding your fear for your life. And it had worked - he’d thanked you, paid you handsomely, and left without another word.
And yet, for some reason, he kept coming back. It was usually for more medicine, but recently it had been for something as small as a treat, or advice…and despite your reservations, you’d nearly grown accustomed to his presence. He never threatened you, and always ensured you were paid more than the goods were worth - but still. He was a killer, you knew, and killers couldn’t be trusted.
Perhaps it was for the best, you thought, even as his shadow fell over your doorstep, made larger than life by the binary suns - for the best that you had a working relationship with the new Daimyo. If relations were good, you’d be able to stay in business - then the animals you cared for would be safe. Even if you were entertaining something much more dangerous than a rancor to keep it that way.
He stepped inside - armor slightly dusted by the sandy terrain, silent as always. You dipped your head in a greeting and lifted the brown bag of medicine onto the counter.
“Hello,” you looked at the expressionless helmet, nerves twisting in your gut, and dared to give him a small smile as you gestured at the small paper bag. “Here for the usual?”
He nodded slowly in acknowledgement, helmet dipping nearly gracefully as he approached, gloved hands resting on the edge of your desk as he took the bag. Your gaze dropped to his thick fingers, absently wondering how many people he’d killed with those hands, when his voice crackled over the vocorder.
“The medicine is appreciated, but,” his helmet titled slightly to the side, as if pondering his words. “I’m here for another matter.”
Alarm spiked your chest, and you could have sworn your heart dropped to your stomach. You tried your best to remain calm, collected - but you clenched a shaking hand underneath the counter to ground yourself.
“Is something wrong?” You frowned, unable to fully eradicate the quiver from your tone. “With the medicine, I mean?”
He was silent for a moment, long enough to make you wonder if he was plotting how to kill you. What could you have possibly done? You couldn’t die now - you had two sick banthas, three loth cats, and a nexu cub you’d managed to wrangle from a merchant all depending on you to survive.
“If I have, I promise I can make it up to you,” you knew you were babbling, fear slowly overriding logic. “I never meant to-“
He held up a hand, helmet gently shaking side to side.
“You’ve done nothing wrong, mesh’la.” His tone was still carrying that gravely rasp, yet had somehow imperceptibly softened.
And there he was again, saying that word you didn’t understand…what the kriff did it mean? Was he insulting you? But the way he said it nearly made you feel weak kneed. Damn, he was dangerous.
“The medicine’s helped, but I’m told he’s depressed.” He crossed his arms, weapons on full display, and you waited with bated breath for him to continue. “I need someone to look him over, ensure he has what he needs. Would you be willing?”
Wait, he was asking you to inspect a rancor? The biggest animal you’d worked with was a bantha, and your experience with predators was lackluster at best…
And besides, this wasn’t just any rancor…it was his. At the palace. Jabba’s former palace. In that gods damned pit where so many had met their untimely demise. That place…didn’t have good memories.
“You’ll be safe, I give my word,” Boba’s voice broke you from your thoughts, but he didn’t sound impatient…in fact, he seemed entirely understanding. “You’re the only one I’d trust around him.”
You raised a brow, but nodded. You always knew when a pet’s owner was sincere - there was a weighted concern in every voice, every expression. And even though you couldn’t see the Daimyo’s face, you knew he was being genuine. And so, even though you knew you were probably signing your life away, you felt yourself nodding.
“Okay, I’ll help. When do you want me to stop by?” You nearly wanted to roll your eyes at yourself.
Here you were potentially facing death, and yet you were conversing as if you were going on a regular afternoon picnic with the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy - what a funny notion.
“The sooner the better, I wager.” He shifted, fingers tapping lightly on his gauntlet, either in boredom or agitation, you couldn’t figure. “Do you have any appointments for the rest of the day?”
Oh karking hell. You were so going to die.
“Umm,” you nervously scanned your daily schedule that you already knew was unfortunately blank. “No, all clear. It’s…a quiet season.”
His helmet shifted to scan the room before looking back down at you with a nod. “You’re welcome to accompany me back, then.”
You nodded, trying your best to still your quivering hands as you made your way around the facade of safety your desk had created. Boba Fett looked down at you, silent and immovable, as you stopped before him.
I, you thought to yourself, am so dead.
You’d seen the confused and frightened looks cast your way as you’d walked through the streets of Mos Espa with none other than the Daimyo himself.
You hoped that someone would be charitable enough to care for the animals after your death. But the chances were always slim. At least the rumors would spread, you wagered, thoughts swirling in the tangible silence between you and your armored companion as he led you through the darkened underbelly of the palace.
I’m dead, dead, dead. Sentenced to be rancor food for Maker knows what.
You kept your gaze locked ahead, hoping you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in your final moments. But you could also be wrong. He’d only ever been true to his word, and he hadn’t once hurt you or threatened to do so. Your thoughts were still a swirling mess when he stopped at a door, glancing down at you.
“Stay with me, but don’t be alarmed. You’re safe.” Boba’s voice was nearly calming to your nerves as he opened the door, the barricade sliding out of the way, as you both stepped into the cavern beyond.
It was a massive cave, littered with stalactites and stalagmites bared like teeth, but that wasn’t what held your attention. Your gaze was locked on the giant, impossibly massive, deadly creature laying at its center. A rancor, in the flesh.
It rumbled a low growl, huge fanged maw parting, and slowly shifted to its feet. Boba, you noticed with wide eyes, approached the beast completely unafraid. You watched, blinking in shock, as he removed his helmet and tucked it under an arm, reaching up to pat the creature’s neck as if it were as tame as a bantha. He turned to face you, still scratching the rancor’s neck.
“He won’t hurt you,” he spoke calmly, deep voice nearly melodic without the vocorder, and gestured at you with a flick of his gloved fingers. “But he does want to say hello.”
Oh stars, you weren’t expecting Boba Fett to be attractive. Nor did you ever think you’d see the Daimyo smile. But he was - so genuinely enamored by this giant beast that his small grin was infectious.
And so you stepped forward, daring to approach the beast. It watched you with glittering eyes, those massive teeth still parted, but Boba walked around to its head and stood beside you.
“See? A friend.” Boba placed a hand on the small of your back, keeping his eyes trained on the rancor, which shook its head and let out a huff. “She’s gonna make sure you’re okay.”
Friend? You glanced at him, striking features focused on the rancor, and you felt a warmth settle in your chest when his gaze shifted to ensnare yours, something altogether soft in those dark brown eyes.
You noticed his hand was still at your back, touch surprisingly gentle. He spoke softly, as if to comfort both you and his gargantuan pet, and you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d misjudged him. Perhaps there was more to Boba Fett then met the eye.
“Can I…” you regarded the rancor with a tilted head, a small smile slowly creeping to your lips. You couldn’t help it, being in such close proximity with something so magnificent. Well, two magnificent things. “Will he let me pet him?”
“Yes, I’ll show you how,” he turned to face you, so dizzying close, and held out a gloved hand. “Do you trust me?”
Part of you still wanted to say no, knowing all too well that he could still kill you. But you saw nothing but kindness in that stern, scarred face, the corner of his plush lip curved in a small, beckoning smile. You nodded and dared to slip your hand in his.
You noted, even as he raised your hand with his toward the rancor’s nose, that his touch was warm and gentle - not at all what you’d expected from one of his reputation. And when you felt your fingertips brush against the rancor’s tough hide, it rumbled, pressing its head into your hand with a soft sound you almost interpreted as a purr.
“Oh my gods, this is amazing! He’s so sweet, look at those pretty eyes,” you couldn’t help but gush, your love of animals kicking into overdrive, and you gave the scales a gentle scratch. “Let’s make sure you’re okay, all right?”
You glanced at Boba, and found he was watching you with such a tender warmth you nearly felt your knees go weak.
“Knew this was a good idea,” he smiled fully now, rumbling voice rolling through you and settling in your chest. “You like him?”
Kriff, kriff, kriff. He was attractive, dangerously so - his skin a rich tan that flickered bronze in the torchlight. You didn’t want to stare, but you couldn’t help it, feeling drawn to him in a way you couldn’t fully grasp. You found yourself wishing the Daimyo was asking about himself.
“I do, he’s amazing. I never thought I’d ever be able to see one in person, definitely not this close,” you looked back at the rancor, hoping to hide your blush. “Will he let me examine him?”
“Yes, he will,” Boba chuckled, the sound rumbling through your chest to your toes this time, and you distinctly felt a warmth settle in your core. Ohhh kriff, you were in trouble, but not in the kind that you’d been expecting.
He finally let go of you, and you found yourself missing his touch, forcing yourself to focus on the matter at hand.
“Hey sweetie,” you brushed your hand over the rancor’s face, checking his eyes and ear cavities. “All clear, no discoloration. That’s good. Let’s see those teeth.”
You fearlessly dropped to a crouch beside its face, and it rumbled again as you brushed a hand underneath its jaw. You kept a respectful distance from those massive fangs, but noted that this rancor was already earning a clean bill of health. You felt Boba’s gaze on you as you worked, and your cheeks flared. You couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about - and why he’d chosen you of all people to entrust with this opportunity.
“Well, he’s in perfect health,” you stood and scratched the rancor’s neck, earning another pleased rumble. “Oh, you like that huh? What a good boy.”
You finally pulled away, knowing you’d done what he’d brought you here for, and found that he was still watching you. Surprisingly, you didn’t feel uncomfortable under his gaze, and you turned to fully face him with a small, shy smile.
“Thanks, for this,” you reluctantly lifted your hand from the rancor and it butted its head into you, making you chuckle despite your nerves. “He’s healthy, just needs interaction. If you ever…you know, need someone to work with him, just let me know.”
“You’d want to come back?” His brows flew upward in surprise, and if he was entirely shocked by this development. “I don’t want to scare you.”
You nearly grinned, a giddiness settling in your bones despite the fact that you knew you should be afraid. At least wary, of the man in front of you. But he’d been talking about himself, not the rancor, hadn’t he?
“You don’t scare me, neither of you do,” you crossed your arms and dared to regard him with a small smirk. “That is, if you wouldn’t get tired of me.”
“I could never get tired of you, little one,” he closed the distance between you, hands held loosely at his sides, and you absently wished he’d touch you again. “I’m glad that you like him.”
“His owner’s not half bad either,” you felt the words slip from your lips before you could stop yourself, and you dropped your gaze to your boots to hide your furious blush.
But Boba Fett merely chuckled, and you felt the soft leather of his gloves bush against your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his.
“You don’t have to hide that pretty face,” he lifted a brow, lips curved in a welcoming smile as his thumb gently caressed your jawline. “You’re welcome here anytime, mesh’la.”
Oh stars, if you didn’t get a hold of yourself, you were going to melt. You took a breath, realizing too late that you were leaning into his touch.
“What…does that mean?” You met his gaze, molten eyes so warm and inviting, you felt you wanted to dive in despite the potential danger.
He held your gaze, face mere inches away, and you resisted the urge to recklessly learn forward to capture those damn lips in yours.
“It means beautiful.” His gaze flicked between your eyes and lips, and you held your breath, the tension palpable as he leaned slowly forward…
The rancor suddenly released a playful rumble, head-butting you both. You tumbled gracelessly into his arms, and Boba held you gently against his armored chest, a deep, warm laugh rumbling from his throat and sending tingles down your spine.
“Someone doesn’t like being left out,” he patted the rancor’s neck, arm still wrapped around you. “I want to ride him, you know.”
You did your very, very best to not let your thoughts take an improper turn at that comment, given that there was something else you’d be fine with riding - and you smothered a smirk as he met your gaze with a raised brow.
“Perhaps, if your schedule isn’t too busy, would you like to have dinner here tomorrow?” He spoke so smoothly, so gently, you nearly didn’t notice that he was gently caressing your back. “That is, if you’re interested…”
You nodded vigorously, earning another chuckle, and hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’d like that very much,” you met his gaze with a smile of your own. “If you’re interested.”
“Ad’ika,” he leaned forward, warm breath washing over your skin, and gave your cheek a soft peck. “I’d be honored.”
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sgt-morgan · 11 months
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* this barbie is lying*
I swear I’m writing, it’s just been impossible over the past couple months to do much. I miss y’all though! With that in mind, to get me back in the spirit, if y’all wanna hear about any of the characters in my master list, send me some asks! I’m hoping by having a goal in mind I’ll be able to kick the dust off my brain.
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missjadesfics · 3 months
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Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Obi Wan Kenobi
Cassian Andor
Luke Skywalker
Cobb Vanth
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Coming soon
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Wildest Dreams - Anakin Skywalker x Reader | coming soon Stole my Heart - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader | coming soon The Jedi and the Mandalorian - Din Djarin x Reader | coming soon
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d-a-n-n-y-y · 11 months
Y'know that i post a headcannon where reader's art of luke seeing it? This how pretty much how reader's drawing style like this (but dw it can be any style of art what you wanna imagined)
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(And yes its from miles morales art sketchbook and his style is cool after all? He draws other people like..)
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I could imagine reader drawing little doodles and drawing others like leia,han, and other crew c-3po,rd2 and grogu even some other people like the mandalorian(din djarin),boba fett whatever you just like drawing cool people
Art by damian Fernandez gomez (dfg.art on Insta)
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ashclouds366 · 3 months
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a little thing
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padmestrilogy · 11 months
White All Over | Rating: G | Word Count: 1.8k
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Jango Fett looks at Jango Fett.
Correction: Jango Fett looks at his clone.
They’re going to give them names. Eventually. When there’s too many, and saying First Clone and Second Clone and Third Clone and so forth becomes inconvenient. This ‘when’ has a due date: a year from now. His son will be born by then. He will have something to hold then. Right now, his hands are empty, and Jango—the clone, the clone does not need holding, eyes closed and locked inside a capsule monitoring its every breath.
They’re going to wake them. Eventually.
“It will be difficult,” the Kaminoans said. In slithers they told him that every being he’d shared a face with before had been a relative, kin. These would be the first that were strangers. Forever strangers. “To make the sensation…easier,” they murmured. “We have removed the neural pathway which associates a doppelganger with fear.” A quick operation. Painless. No complications. Jango knows it worked. He knew it when he woke up with a scar on his forehead, and he knows it as he studies the capsule’s control panel. Stable. The clone is stable. There is no self-recognition through the other, just self, and self, and self, and self.
...Continue Reading
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anime-to-the-t · 1 year
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Loth-cat eyes- Boba & Jango
Return to File
Recovery date: July 2nd, 2022
Description: Boba wants a pet
Notes: An entry from my 2022 research project into the universe of Star Wars. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 185
Back to directory
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“No,” Jango said, standing on the ramp of the ship.
“Boba, put it back.”
Boba stood firm, giving his father the best puppy eyes he could. 
Jango was smiling behind his helmet, far too weak to his son, trying not to let it come through in his voice.
He’d brought Boba on a bounty for a royal’s pet massif. It was a quick mission, the massif that had been taken by animal smugglers was now sitting in a crate on the ship waiting to leave. But Boba had lagged behind and now Jango knew why.
His son stood in front of him holding a small Loth-Cat, no doubt taken from one of the cages in the smuggler’s base.
“But it looked so sad,” he whined.
“It’ll be returned to its owner soon ad’ika, so you have to leave it here,” he sighed, kneeling down in front of him. “Besides, where are we going to keep it? It wouldn’t like Tipoca city.”
“Hm, fine.”
“Come on.”
Jango gently pushed Boba back towards the base.
“Can we get an iguana?”
“I’ll think about it.”
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sugarsfics · 1 year
I have the next two days off sooooo
Virgin!Eddie headcannons:@sugarsblurbs
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coruscant culture | the mandalorian
pairing: the mandalorian x f!reader
synopsis: the mandalorian has to drop off a bounty at a bar in Coruscant, and takes Grogu’s mother with him. little to his knowledge, she knows a thing or two about how to deal with the scumbags of the Coruscant streets.
wc: 2.1k
an: currently in my star wars era, but trust me this won’t be a regular thing. i’ll be back writing for hangman tomorrow! i just wanted to write a lil star wars thing for my fav tin can and character of the franchise.
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The hefty Mandalorian grunted a string of curses under his breath as he dragged the knocked out bounty into the Razor Crest. He knew the heavy bounty could wake up soon, so it was imperative that he was frozen in carbonite as soon as possible. Mando knew that if he woke up it would be easy to subdue him again, but he didn’t want you to have to see that. 
The bounty melted easily into the carbonite and Mando sighed as he closed the doors to the freezing chamber, and his thoughts turned over to you instantly. What had you been doing without him? Were you able to entertain yourself? Was the kid sad when he was gone? The Mandalorian knew the kid was far from sad when he was gone, because you somehow managed to keep him happy almost always. Mando was not excited to make the journey into the downtown district of Coruscant with you on his arm, but he knew it was more risky to leave you unattended in the ship at night here. Fortunately, he would rather you be eye candy for street rats than turn up dead in a burglary. Quite a romantic, he is. He made his way into the kitchen of the ship, finding a note saying you had gone to the market with the Child. Mando tried to shake his feelings of anxiousness away, knowing you were plenty capable of keeping your own self and the kid safe. While he waited for your return, he chose to take a quick shower in the fresher and attempt to clear his cloudy head.
It was odd to come to a planet like this for a bounty hut, but where money was Mando came. He personally was a big fan of the planet and the flashing lights were a nice change to the usual deserted feel of his hunts. He had read a multitude of stories about the days when Coruscant housed the senate and the Jedi Temple, and a piece of him wished he could have been present during that era. A big piece. The culture of Coruscant had changed rapidly when the Jedi Order fell and the wrath of Darth Vader clouded the sun of the galaxy. Nonetheless, the beauty of the planet was unchanging, but the people within it were the pollution.
It had been a simple hunt, someone who ‘forgot’ to pay their debt. The poor soul would be coming in warm, but Mando was still awaiting your arrival before he could officially begin the turn in process Usually, he would never take you to the drop offs, but he also wasn’t a fool. You were safer with him. He crumpled your note up in his gloved hands, tossing it in the waste bin with a harshness. The Coruscant market during the day was filled with watchful guards, so he was trying to be optimistic. Mando knew you wouldn’t have ventured out unless it was completely necessary, but he still couldn’t help but feel angry. You knew how nervous it made him when you went out on your own.
He sat and stewed in his anger until you got home. When you arrived, he was getting all his affairs in order for tonight’s drop off. “Hi, Mando!” Your soft voice greeted him, an instant contrast to the tin can’s glum body language. You dropped your market bag on the table, and Mando’s face softened when he saw you. He could never stay mad at you. Grogu was perched on your hip, decked in his own dark brown robe you had personally made him for cold winters. His ears poked through the holes you had made in the hood, and the Child extended his hands towards his father. The Mandalorian melted on the spot, instantly taking the green fellow into his cool hands.
“Are you sure you would like me to go tonight?” You asked Mando, a certain edge in your voice. The man recognized it as fear, but yet he didn’t know why you were scared. He would keep you safe. He would always keep you safe. He put the last of his negotiation papers on the stack and met your gaze. Your hair was pulled into a simple side braid, little hairs unintentionally falling out onto your face. You wore a light tan robe with the hood pulled down, and Mando tried not to get caught staring. His face heated up when you snapped your fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance. He stuttered before reassuring you that, of course, he wanted you there.
“I’m going to make the baby dinner before we leave, and if need be he can eat on the way.” You told Mando before trotting off into the kitchen to begin preparing the kid’s meal. The Mandalorian watched in awe as you cooked all of them dinner, and tried not to let his oglign be too obvious. You and the Child had an instant connection when you met the pair, and even Ahsoka had confirmed the strong bond. It was an odd thing to find, but ever since then you had taken on the kid’s motherly role. Ahsoka had informed the Mandalorian that it was probably due to your strong presence with the Force she had sensed.
“Is that a rare thing?” Mando asked, trying to sound disinterested. In reality, he was bubbling with the fact that the kid was going to have a hot mom. Ahsoka pondered for a moment, walking with Mando along the pond. She turned back and locked her gaze on you, watching as you fed the Child soup and told him about all the things in nature. Grogu managed to pick up a rock with the Force during Ahsoka’s thinking, and you squealed in pure delight. “Mando!” You cried with pure joy on your face as you pointed at the kid. “Look at your baby!”
Mando began to laugh, the sound filling Ahsoka’s ears. It was a sound she never thought she would hear. The bounty hunter was always cold and precise with his words and actions, never breaking his facade. She considered making a comment on your relationship, but eventually decided to let it be. A smile overtook her own face as she watched you encourage Grogu to keep trying after the rock flopped onto the soil. “If she was older, she would have been a Jedi. I sense it,” Ahsoka said while taking a deep breath. “Grogu needs her. He needs to have someone to connect to the Force with him until you find Luke.” Mando winced at the thought of giving his kid up, but let the Jedi continue.
“Perhaps,” Ahsoka began before stopping herself. She cast a glance at the tin man, who was still watching the green furball and its parent. She began her thought over. “Perhaps Luke would want her to stay.” Mando instantly wheeled on Ahsoka, a flare of uncontrollable jealousy appearing in his chest. “It would make the most sense,” she continued, not even attempting to be defensive. The cunning woman completely ignored the glareful stare Mando was shooting, and began walking back towards you. “Maybe he could train her as well.” The Mandalorian did not respond, instead falling into step. His heart constricted at the idea of having to give you and the kid up to some hotshot Jedi.
“Alas,” Ahsoka started after a moment of silence, a cheeky grin on her face. “I can sense you aren’t keen on the idea of losing your lover, no?” Mando stopped in his tracks, and Ahsoka could sense the eyeroll he was doing under the helmet. She kept walking, not even daring to look back at her friend. “Just an observation,” she smirked before pulling the hood on her robe back as she approached you. The kid had since fallen asleep in your warm arms, and you were packing his things up. “Don’t let the kid make you cut your conversation short,” you told the pair, more addressing Ahsoka than Mando. “This little guy just gets tired after the Force takes hold of him.” You lifted the kid into your arms as you stood onto your feet, wiping the dirt from your knees. It was quiet between the three of you, but the sounds of birds chirping in the distance filled the void.
“Well,” the Togruta smiled while clasping her hands together. “I think you know what you need to do, Mandalorian. I wish you the best.” She turned her attention to the Child’s caretaker fully and grinned, “And, may the force be with you.” You swallowed at the intensity of the comment, knowing she probably sensed your presence with the force. You nodded your head and began walking back towards the Crest without waiting for your Mandalorian. He soon fell into step with you, but if he noticed a change in you he didn’t inquire.
The Child snacked on some to-go food you had prepared while you made your way through the streets of Coruscant. It had gone downhill since you had last been here, and you could tell even Mando was beginning to regret his choice on bringing you and the Child. He had stayed strikingly close to you the whole journey, even placing a hand on the small of your back when he deemed you strayed too far. Mando stopped in front of a large neon-lit bar and nodded his head. “This is it,” he said, trying to sound as confident as he could. He noticed your expression change at the location, and you were suddenly turning pale. “Are you ok, mesh’la?” He asked, concern filling his voice. You ignored his question, instead choosing to begin walking into the bar.
The entrance of the infamous Mandalorian made heads turn. Mando walked with a bold sense of cockiness, instilling fear on those who even glanced at him for a second longer than he deemed necessary. And the people who dared to even stare at you for more than a moment’s notice? They would cower when he glared at them from the helmet. He kept his hand on his blaster holster, the other limp by his side. The sound of his heavy boots clunked through the bar, which didn’t help in being discreet. You walked silently beside him, taking notice of the familiarity of the bar. Grogu twitched in your arms, before mewling and settling into your shoulder. Mando pulled back the curtain of one of the back rooms and a group of mismatched species sat in the booth. Women were draped over each of the four men, except for the Rodian sitting in the center.
“My Mandalorian has arrived,” The Rodian announced to the table with a gleaming sense of arrogance in his voice. Mando didn’t speak, instead pulling up a hologram image of the bounty being placed at the group’s warehouse. “My payment?” He inquired after the Rodian silently hummed at the image before him. You could sense the fear in the man, even though he was heavily attempting to cover it with arrogance. He was doing a good job. He waved his hand around in the air, almost dismissing the idea of Mando getting his payment. You cringed at the action, knowing that was more than enough to get the Mandalorian riled up. You were correct, as his dominant hand instantly began to reach for his spear.
The Rodian's eyes widened and he quickly shouted, “No!” It was a meek sound, and you could tell his fear had caught the rest of the group off guard. He then melted back into his facade and made a longshot to try and restore his arrogance and dignity. “How much for the woman?” He asked charmingly, a group of snickers arising from the comment. Your face ran hot as the Rodians shot you a wave, flipping an Imperial credit up into the air. “Come on, Mando,” he faked exasperation, “Let me take her off your hands. I don’t need the kid.” You could feel Mando’s anger from here, but the last thing you wanted was for him to start a fight in this bar with you here. You ran a hand up his arm in an attempt to comfort him, and smiled when he relaxed under your touch.
“Ah, I see,” the Rodian sneered as he watched the contact between the two of you. “You want to keep the whore for yourself, eh?” The comment was a low blow and even you knew the wretched man was doing it just to see how far he could push the Mandalorian before he broke. You didn’t want Mando to break, because it would expose his weakness. The kid and you. In a swift motion, the long and threatening beskar spear was pulled from its position on his back. It was lodged against the Rodian's throat before you could even blink, and you watched as the rest of the group cowered in horror. You glanced down at the child, and when seeing the fear in his eyes, you reached out to Mando. “Your child is here,” you remind him calmly as he pushed the spear farther against the throat of the man. Mando softened at your words and pulled the spear back, not daring to glance at you and Grogu.
“All of you give me all the credits you have, now!” Mando barked at the group, the spear still sitting menacingly in his large hands. They all scrambled to empty their pockets, and the Rodian made a show of pouring them out messily. He glared at you as he did it, the action not going unnoticed by your Mandalorian. “Leave my lady alone,” he snapped, and grabbed the Rodian's wrist. He snapped it and a cry of pain left the group’s leader. “Mando!” You chastised instantly, knowing he forgot the presence of the child. Deciding that you didn’t want to take anymore unnecessary shit from the creepy Rodian, you made a show of using the force to drag one of the circular credits into your hands. You smirked as you handed it to the child to play with before pulling your hood back. “I believe we are done here,” you told the Mandalorian, knowing his expression was flabbergasted under the beskar. You began to walk out of the back room, not waiting for your Mandalorian. You knew he would follow wherever you came.
“So, you know a thing or two about Coruscant culture apparently?” he asked, a teasing tone to his voice as you guys made your way back to the Crest.
“Something like that,” you responded, shifting Grogu in your arms adoringly.
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acatalystrising · 2 years
I have been so, so touched that so many people have enjoyed my Boba Fett x f!Veterinarian story! I love their dynamic a lot, and simply had to write more. This may be a three part, (or more, depending on how much it takes over my life), but for now, here is chapter two of Moth to a Flame!
(Also, c’mon, he’s such an animal lover and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside - he’d totally bond with someone who loves them too!)
You can read chapter one here and chapter three here!
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Oneshot: Moth to a Flame Chapter Two
You nervously smoothed the wrinkles in your dress with shaky hands as you stood before the palace gate.
Boba Fett’s palace.
You’d agreed to have dinner with him, but you already felt vastly out of your league. Your income wasn’t the worst, but most of it went to the animals - leaving you with carefully budgeted credits. In fact, it was only because of Boba’s generous overpayments that you’d been able to afford the dress you were wearing. It was simple, really, a deep olive green that you couldn’t help but notice would nicely match his beskar.
But now you were overthinking that, too.
Would he think you were stupid, for matching his colors? Or would he be offended, even? Perhaps he would take it the wrong way, even though you weren’t sure what wrong way that would be? You nervously nibbled at one of your nails, thoughts swirling, as the gate began to open with a mechanical grating that resembled a scream.
It opened to reveal Boba’s right hand, Fenenc - the master assassin eyeing you with a small smirk. You’d never seen her this close - always at a distance, at Boba’s side. Your gaze dropped to the massive blaster rifle in her gasp, but she merely beckoned you inside with her free hand.
“He’s waiting for you,” her voice was dry, but not entirely unkind - she seemed to note your color choice with a slight tilt of her head, eyebrow quirking with another smirk, before turning and walking away. “Follow me.”
You nodded, heartbeat pounding in your ears, as you followed the woman through the maze that was the palace’s interior.
This was the second time you’d been inside, and you found yourself absentmindedly wondering how the rancor was doing. That…and what you were getting into. Dinner sounded safe enough, but you weren’t sure what to expect - nor did you fully understand Boba’s interest in you. But you supposed there was only one way to find out.
“Wait a moment,” Fennec stopped before a flight of stairs that descended into another room, standing in front of you as a stranger pounded up the stairs with a string of curses.
You flinched as he passed, recognizing his garb as that of a merchant, and frowned at Fennec in confusion once the man stormed out of earshot.
“Must not have liked Boba’s terms,” the assassin shrugged with a roll of her eyes. “Should be clear now.”
She descended the stairs and you followed, heart pounding in your throat as you stepped into the massive room. Your gaze immediately fell upon the throne, large and imposing - and the figure who sat upon it: Boba Fett.
He looked like a king - armored frame larger than life, seated confidently, muscled thighs spread…you swallowed, your nervousness hitting in waves as you stopped before him.
Boba had removed his helmet and was pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes closed. You knew very little about the inner workings of life as a daimyo, but it was clear that it was…complicated.
“Your date’s here, boss,” Fennec shot another wry look at you, and Boba looked up before you could hide your nervous blush at her choice of wording.
The moment his dark eyes met yours, his lips curved in a fond smile, a light dancing in his irises despite his apparent exhaustion. Stars, what exactly did you mean to him?
“Hello, little one,” he stood, helmet tucked securely under his left arm, eyes never leaving you as he descended. “I’m honored you wanted to return.”
“Of course,” you dipped your head in a gesture of respect, heartbeat still hammering away when he stopped before you. “Thank you for your hospitality, Mr Fett.”
“Please, call me Boba,” his voice was so warm it prompted you to meet his gaze, only finding a warm fondness in those dark amber eyes. “You look beautiful.”
“I - thank you, Boba,” you felt another blush flaring your cheeks despite your best efforts to keep your wits about you, and he offered an arm with a gentle smile.
“I hope you’re hungry, the chef went a little…overboard,” he nearly smirked, that light dancing in his eyes despite the danger you knew they held.
You placed your arm on his, once again noting how warm and solid he was - yet another reminder that this was real, and not a dream. He dipped his head at Fennec and led you down the hall to a dining room - a massive spread of food stretching across the long table. Your eyes widened at the sight, and Boba chuckled, the sound rumbling through your chest.
“You weren’t kidding,” you couldn’t help but smirk as he led you to the table, pulling out a chair for you. “This is…so nice, I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“You aren’t,” he sat beside you, at the head of the table with a soft shake of his head, pointedly meeting your gaze with a hunger that spoke of more then the dinner you were about to partake of. “I’m…glad you wanted to come back.”
You sensed a certain degree of surprise in his tone, and you nearly frowned, wondering if he thought you wouldn’t. Maybe it was because he was aware of his reputation. Or perhaps his status? Did he think you weren’t interested? You weren’t sure, but he’d proven so far that he could be kind despite his blood soaked past, and you couldn’t help but feel drawn to him in a way you’d never felt with anyone before.
“Of course I wanted to, I-“ you were interrupted when your comlink beeped in the pocket of your satchel, and you blinked, wondering who the kriff would be trying to contact you. “Sorry about that, anyway-“
It beeped again, this time in rapid succession, and you met Boba’s inquisitive gaze with a shrug. Great, just great. Of all the times to be interrupted - the ONE time you actually were on a date - (if that’s what this was?) someone had to interrupt you.
“It’s okay, you should take it,” he watched you with an understanding nod, seeming genuinely concerned, so you nodded, fishing it out of your purse with a slight frown.
When you answered, you immediately recognized your friend, Kali, who had been willing to watch the animals for the night.
“Hey - I’m so sorry to interrupt, but one of the banthas is sick.” Her voice was frantic, crackling over the line, and you frowned, concern twisting in your gut. “I think she’s dying.”
“What? The female? She was doing so much better. What symptoms?” You leaned forward in your chair, heart pounding, a cold chill rushing down your spine. No, not now…
“She won’t get up, seems to have a fever. Won’t drink any water either,” Kali’s voice grew soft, scared. “She was like this when I got here, I don’t know what happened…”
Oh kriff, you couldn’t loose her. You’d worked so hard to nurse her back to health…
“It’s okay, I’m sure you did your best,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose with a shudder. “Keep an eye on her, okay? I’ll be there soon.”
You dropped to comlink in your satchel with a sigh, dropping your face to your hands, elbows propped on the table in an assuredly unladylike fashion - weariness settling in your shoulders. How embarrassing. This wasn’t good. But how were you…
“Need a lift?” Boba’s voice interrupted your chaotic spiral of thoughts, and you looked up to find him watching you with no small degree of concern. “I can get you back to the clinic.”
“Oh stars, I don’t want to inconvenience you, I’m so sorry,” you gestured at the spread of food with a heavy sigh. “You’ve done so much, I don’t want to waste it.”
I don’t want to leave, you wanted to say.
But Boba seemed to understand. He stood, keeping his eyes on you as he extended an arm to help you from your chair.
“A sick animal takes priority. Besides,” his warm hand enveloped yours as you stood, and he wrapped an arm around your back, face so close to yours that you could have kissed him. “Any time spent in your company is worthwhile. And I happen to know a thing or two about banthas.”
Boba’s speeder slowed to a stop in front of your clinic, but you didn’t want to let go of him yet.
You sat behind him, arms wrapped around his chest, and had dared to tuck your chin against his shoulder to ward off the cool desert night air. You couldn’t help it - he was so warm, strong, and grounding…
His deep, rumbling chuckle roused you from your thoughts and you finally broke away, cheeks burning with embarrassment as he helped you off the bike.
“Sorry…” you tried to mask your muddled thoughts with a smile as you headed to the door, Boba ever present at your side.
“No apology needed,” he quirked a brow at you as you unlocked your door, a small smirk on his lips. “You can hold on to me as long as you’d like later, if you want.”
Your cheeks burned with a furious blush as you entered the clinic, Boba stepping in behind you. It was minimally lit, and you turned toward your stairs with a sigh.
“I’ll be right back. Can’t help a bantha in this,” you gestured at your dress with a sigh. “Though I can wear it next time I come to the palace…that is, if I haven’t worn out my welcome.”
Boba’s eyes burned in the dark, but he nodded, ever the gentleman.
“You never could, little one,” he kept his helmet tucked at his side, head dipping in a small nod. “I’ll be waiting.”
You felt impossibly weak-kneed at his low, husky voice - the endearing term making your heart beat even faster. Stars, the things this man did to you…he’d barely touched you, and yet you were nearly putty, trying your best to walk up the stairs without betraying the tremor in your step.
If it had been any other man with you, alone here after hours, you would have felt afraid. But not with Boba. He stood silently by the door, keeping a respectful distance, but you felt his gaze locked on you like a gentle caress as you ascended to your rooms.
Boba Fett was in trouble.
He’d been in many rough scrapes in the past: deals gone wrong, bounties doing anything and everything to try to escape, other bounty hunters double-crossing him, the sarlacc…
But this was an entirely different, and new, sort of trouble - and it came in the form of the lovely woman currently inspecting a very, very sick bantha.
You’d changed into a simple shirt and pants, but he found you just as alluring, if not more so, a tough creature of Tatooine…and yet, somehow still a beautiful flower. He watched you, keeping these thoughts to himself for the time being, as he ran a gentle hand through the creature’s thick fur.
“She has a fever, but this medicine should help,” you injected a needle’s contents, brows furrowed in concentration. “She was just fine earlier…”
“That’s not your fault,” he regarded you with a small smile, keeping his tone gentle for both you and the beast. “She’s strong. You both are.”
You smiled, and stars, it was bright like the suns themselves - it nearly took his breath away. He fell silent, thoughts twisting down a darker path, one he hadn’t wanted to face. He knew anyone connected to him would always be at risk…balancing on a knife’s edge between life and death. He’d managed, for so long, to avoid any attachments beyond what were necessary. But that had changed after the sarlacc - his tribe had helped him see the truth: that he didn’t need to be alone. And try as he might to avoid a path that could only lead to sorrow, he took them in as if it were second nature…Fennec, the mods, Krrsantan…
And now you.
You, who took his breath away the moment he’d first met you. Had captivated him in a way no one ever had. Who unknowingly held his heart in your hands despite his best attempts to fight it. You could destroy him, he knew. You could be the chink in his armor, a weakness that could get both of you killed…
But damn, he was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. There were worst ways to go, he supposed. But still…he didn’t want to pull you into something that you didn’t want, nor did he want to see you hurt…
“There. All done.” Your voice broke through the storm in his mind, and he looked up, meeting your inquisitive gaze. “You okay? I’m sorry if this bored you…”
Bored? He regarded you with a small smile, pushing his worries back down for now.
“I could never be bored with you, mesh’la.” He stood, helping you to your feet once you’d gathered your supplies. “Will she make it?”
You nodded, another blush creeping on your cheeks, only causing his smile to deepen.
“She will, thank you for your help, Boba,” you met his gaze earnestly, lips curved in a tired smile. “Hope this didn’t ruin our date too much…that is, if that’s what this is.”
“Only the first of many, I hope,” he gently took your arm and kissed your knuckles, never breaking eye contact. “You certainly did not.”
“Good.” You dipped your head shyly, hesitating for a moment, before broaching the space between you to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you. For everything. Also…I’m free again tomorrow evening, did we want to try dinner again?”
Maker, you made him feel like a man years younger…he couldn’t help but be swept along for wherever this took you both.
“Anything for you, princess.”
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pretz3l-log1c · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Boba Fett/Cal Kestis Characters: Cal Kestis, Boba Fett, The Mantis Crew (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Present Tense, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Pre-Relationship, Boba has more issues than a comic book shop, Cal has trauma but he's dealing, He also has a concussion, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Well maybe it is, no beta we die like meh, Mistaken Identity, kind of? sort of?, Cal needs a higher relationship level with Boba to unlock his backstory Series: Part 1 of No Small Acts Summary:
The Empire has issued a bounty on Cal Kestis and Boba Fett intends to collect. At least that was the plan until a third party decides to get in over their heads.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Posting these here to keep myself accountable, and to add it to my masterlist for safekeeping, but also to show you guys what fresh hell I have created for myself and how many ideas occupy my mind at any given time. Will update as progress is made, or as I unfortunately come up with new ideas. Plus, I love keeping things neat and tidy.
P.S.: I may take a break from most oneshots / requests for a minute here to focus on my own stories. I have A LOT I want to write, as you can see. You can still send things to my inbox, it just might take awhile for me to get to it, and it has to be something I'm interested in.
Trigger Happy (Cad Bane masturbates aboard his ship. )
Cad Bane x M! Reader [one shot]
Beauty and the Bounty Hunter Chapter 4, 5
Stars Above! Chapter 14, 15
Bossk x Reader - Skin and Scales
Hondo x Reader[ rich heiress ]- “Happenstance”
The boys catch reader masturbating: Shriv ✅ Hondo ✅ Bane ❌
Poe Dameron x Reader
Hondo Ohnaka and Tech - Friends in Low Places Chapter 1, 2, 3
Works In Progress:
Stars Above - Cad Bane x OC [Chapter 16–?]
Beauty and the Bounty Hunter - Cad Bane x Fem! Reader/OC [Chapter 6–?]
Friends in Low Places - Hondo Ohnaka and Tech [Chapter 4–?]
All the wrong places - Trevor Philips x OC [Chapter 95-?]
Better than Candy -  Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader [Chapter 2-?]
To err on the side of caution, or “Look! I’m taking another enormous risk!” / Shriv’s Early History - Shriv Suurgav x OC [Indefinite hiatus]
Handcuff marks and Stubble burn - Trevor Philips x M! Reader [conclusion]
I’m so glad you’re not dead - Cad Bane x Ashoka Tano [Chapter 3-?]
Cad Bane x Reader [You have seen the Duros only once in your whole life — that was enough for him to occupy your thoughts for every waking moment— until the time comes that you once more get to lay your eyes on him. Will it be in passing?]
Cad Bane's life on Duro [Bane as a teenager. Peek at family life / work life / etc. Gang rivalries. Thieving. Resolve.]
Hondo Ohnaka Escapes Porla the Hutt [ How Hondo escapes slavery and starts his pirate gang on Florrum.]
Hondo tells a story [The time he encountered a siren and escaped with his life.]
Hondo x Grey Jedi [A Jedi needs information. Inappropriate use of the force. Smut.]
Hondo x Bazine Netal [Bazine returns after finding out the truth of the Falcon and Hondo's double-cross. Pissed as hell, she is ready to take his life until he asks her to make a bet as she seems "stressed."]
Tech and Cad Bane [Tech refuses to sell out his brothers and Omega.]
Jango Fett x Hondo Ohnaka x Aurra Sing [Jango Fett is freed from slavery by pirates (Ohnaka's gang in the early days) - smut - humor - drama]
Cad Bane x Jango Fett [Story of mentorship - includes smut - humor - angst - hurt - comfort - whump- multichapter]
Cad Bane x Jango Fett [Bane meets Boba. They work a few jobs together - angst - hurt]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka (oneshot) [Casino Heist + smut. Jealousy, mutual pining, possessive behavior.]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka [Hondo is jealous of Jango, and Bane is jealous of Aurra. They constantly fight over this, but the makeup sex is incredible.]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka [Bane goes looking for Boba Fett/Aurra Sing after Jango's death - hurt - comfort - smut - alcohol - regret]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka [Bane returns to Hondo after the duel with little Boba Fett - angst - hurt - comfort - confessions - smut - romance ??]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka [ Cad goes with Hondo to visit his mother who is ill. He learns about his past and his personal history with her as she lies on her deathbed - angst - hurt - comfort - feels - fluff]
Cad Bane x Hondo Ohnaka [Cad must free Hondo from a rival pirate gang who is holding him captive.]
Cad Bane x Fem Jedi OC [Post-Order 66 - cat and mouse - inquisitorius- smut - angst -hurt - comfort- whump - multichapter]
Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader/OC [Clumsy/impulsive cadet - smut - humor - angst - caretaking - hurt- comfort - multichapter]
Tech x Fem! Reader/OC [Injured reader is "rescued" before being stranded with Tech during a battle of the Clone Wars away from his squad after the Marauder crashes during a firefight with Separatist droids.]
Tech x M! Reader [The Batch goes to Cid's to inquire about a job when a male patron shows an interest in Tech's company - smut - competency kink - sapiosexuality]
Tech x Pirate OC [Tech is lured over the comms late at night by a heavenly voice who sings for him. After many "comm sessions," Tech flies the Batch to a previously unknown location to find who is on the other end.]
Imperial!Tech x Fem! Reader AU [Oneshot most likely, or a short reader insert series where you become infatuated with your boss.]
Cad Bane x M! Reader [You are an old clone- smut - angst - regret - alcohol]
Shriv and Lando Calrissian [Origin story of how they met]
Shriv Suurgav x Lando Calrissian [Tension after Sullust when Lando says he could kiss Shriv. Leads to smut / awkwardness / Lando being butter smooth. - "See you tomorrow."]
Cad Bane and Todo 360 [Cad does something nice for Todo]
Cad Bane x Reader [Bane goes to a sex worker towards the end of his life - hurt - angst - comfort - existentialism - touch starvation]
Cad Bane x Fem! Reader ["Predator/prey" and menstrual cycle/"aftercare" - smut]
Shriv Suurgav x Reader [Shriv finds your collection of cheesy holoromances on your datapad]
Shriv and Norath Kev [Shriv is a mentor to Norath Kev and they go on a mission. He also gives him advice on girls. >D]
Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader [Shriv is aware of reader's ovulation and menstrual cycle/ fighting natural instincts - smut]
Hondo and Little Princess Leia [The two encounter each other somehow. Shenanigans - sass - family fluff - feels ]
Hondo x G/N or Shy Fem! Reader [You are a stowaway. You join the Ohnaka gang. You fall in love with Hondo, though he barely notices you exist... You disguise yourself as a male, train yourself to be a medic, and end up in his service.]
Hondo Ohnaka x Fem! Reader/OC [Rich heiress is kidnapped/held for ransom and whisked away for a grand adventure / Sugar momma dynamic / Hondo is a Rebel and Jedi Sympathizer - smut - humor - drama - multichapter - continuation of Happenstance?]
Cad Bane x G/N Tiny reader [Vore and Lilliputian situation]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader [Two Duros and a Duros ho walk into a Cantina - smut - humor - dom/sub undertones]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav [First meeting/Rebels vs Bounty Hunters/"Manhunt" - Action - Adventure - First part of a series- multichapter - will bridge with "Better than Candy"]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav [Forced cooperation/joint mission - smut - humor - angst - slowburn - third part of a series - multichapter - follows "Better than Candy"]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav [Smut collection/Oneshots of their continued relationship]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav [Something goes awry - hurt - comfort - caretaking - regret - angst - smut - fourth part of a series - multichapter]
Cad Bane x Shriv Suurgav [Shriv hunts the bounty hunter - hurt - comfort - angst - smut - fifth part of a series /finale(?) - multichapter]
Shriv and Zay Versio [A series of adventures of them working together for the Resistance and under the orders of Leia after Iden's death in BF2 - Fluff - Family feels - adventure - rated teen ] As a bonus ... Kaz / Norath / others from Resistance?
Hera Syndulla x Ahsoka Tano [Sexual Force Healing after death of Kanan - smut - hurt - comfort - angst]
Shriv Suurgav x Poe Dameron [Shriv doesn't get what women see in Dameron and how he's so successful with the ladies. Poe takes this as a challenge, and seduces Shriv to bed by the end of the night.]
Darth Maul x Reader [Maul returns to Mandalore infuriated over a recent encounter. He takes his anger out on reader ... sexually. >D ]
Aurra Sing x Ventress [They’re both hot, bald bounty hunters - why not? - smut - enemies / rivals to friends to lovers]
Cad Bane x Padme Amidala [Padme hires Bane after "hostage crisis" for a secretive job, for the... right price. :)]
Two Tubes x Fem! Reader [You are a POW]
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
Boba Fett x f!reader
TW mentions of SA
1k words
You had been accompanying the bounty hunter for a while now.  About a year ago Boba Fett was making his was to Tatooine to catch a small bounty in one of the towns.  By the time he got there the suns had almost gone down and few people were left in the shops.  He made his way into a small supply shop where his bounty was said to be.  He glanced passed the shelves not seeing much but eventually spotted a girl looking at some supplies near the back of the store.
‘There you are’ he thought to himself.  Slowly he made his was over to the girl ready to get his payment.  Right before he could grab you you bolted.  “Dammit!” He sprinted after you but you were fast, running as fast as you could you sprinted through the town but soon realized how small this town was.  In less than thirty seconds you were at the edge of the town with no where to hide.  before you could even think of what your next move would be you felt someone grab your shoulder and push you to the nearest building.  You began to panic, ‘This cant be it, not again’ You thought to yourself as you began to tear up.  You had been wanted for a long time, not for any good reason either.
Boba saw how startled you were, sure people get upset when caught but this?  This isn't normal.  “..please.”  He looked to see tears streaming down your face.  “Please don't take me back there.”  Who were frozen in place staring at the ground to scared to look up.  Boba knew of the man who hired him and had some idea of why you were so shaken about being taken back.  
“Ill make you a deal.”  You looked up to see his hands folded across his chest.  “Your bounty isn't worth much, its isn't even worth the effort at this point.”  He shifted and took a step forward “You can work for me to compensate for what it took traveling here and in return I wont turn you in.”  You were shocked, you had never been offered something like this before, was this a trick?  You looked up as he raised his hand and with that the deal was made.  
ever since that day you worked for Boba Fett and assisted him on the job, anything from finding a bounty to taking him in.  Over this period of time you two became quite fond of each other, never leaving for a bounty without the other and always keeping the other in mind.  After a while Boba even let you live in his small apartment with him in the underside of Coruscant.  It wasn't much but its better that what you could have guessed.  You got to stay on the couch and have access to most of the space excluding a few areas, mostly his personal areas like his bedroom and storage areas.  
This became your norm, doing the few tasks that Boba set up for you and eventually crashing on his couch to go get a bounty the next morning.  One night however you couldn't get you mind to quiet.  You had always had problems with anxiety and paranoia but it usually never got this bad.  After a few hours of trying to calm yourself you managed to fall asleep but it was no comfort.  As soon as you closed your eyes all that came was nightmares.
You were back on your home planet a few years ago when your father appeared Infront of you.  He had never liked you, you were his only child and where you come from to not have a son is bad luck so your father resented you.  You looked up at him and glanced to see his clothes.  You remembered this day.  He grabbed your arms and threw you into one of his old ships and took you to one of the richer towns on your planet.  You were screaming and crying trying to reason with him but the minute he opened the door he grabbed you and threw you inside a large house in front of a man.  You recognized him, he worked with your father.  You always avoided him, he gave you a bad feeling and always made you uncomfortable and the rumors of him made your suspicions even worse.
You father pulled you up by your hair and presented you to the man.  “Your payment” he said.  Payment?  Your father had always been one gamble and you were his only thing left to give as payment.  The man gave a sickening smile and grabbed you from your fathers arms and began to drag you away.  You were screaming, kicking, anything to try and get out of his grasp but to no avail.  Still screaming you woke up to someone shaking you and calling your name.  Even through the tears you could see it was Boba.
“Are you alright?”  Still crying you tried to hid your face but he had seen everything.  “What happened?”  He asked hands still on your shoulders.  Slowly but surly you began to explain the dream you had and why you reacted the way you did when he came to return you to that man.  After you explained yourself you had managed to stop crying and glanced to look at Boba's face.   He gave a sympathetic smile trying to comfort you. 
“Its going to be okay”  He said as he began to stand to go back to his own room.  He stopped when he felt you grab his hand.  “Please don't leave”  You were surprised when you felt him gently pick you up.  He carried you into his room and placed you down on his bed.  You looked up at him but he said nothing just gave a simple smile and got onto his side of the bed.  
“As long as I’m here nothing will happen to you.”  He leaned over and kissed the top of your head giving you that same look.  That night you managed to fall asleep with something you haven't felt in years; safety. 
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bobateaboo · 1 year
silly little monologue i wrote after watching a few Watcher videos, from the perspective of a ghost hunter who's boutta lose their shit. it's also here on ao3 if you prefer it there!!
Y'know, there's a DEEPLY skewed perception of what I do for a living.
People tell me about it ALL the time, “oh, a ghost hunter! You’re so fearless to go into the dark like that!”
Let me get this straight. I am not a brave man. If an axe murderer came after me in one of these dark rooms, I’d shit my pants on the spot. If I thought any of this was real, I would’ve sped off so fast and resigned myself to being a convenience store janitor for the rest of my life.
But I don’t, because why the fuck would I?
And let me tell you, there is no one who wants ghosts to be real more than me! If they aren’t, it means I’ve wasted my entire career! As a ghost hunter! I have spent hours at a time of my life, wandering around moldy ass buildings chasing shadows!
Oh and sure, it’s a privilege to get to see these historical sights. And one I cherish, a lot! But gods, did I have to pick a job as a goddamn ghost hunter for my excuse to visit these things? I went to college! I got a goddamn writing degree! I could be here, journaling about the past or better, have gotten a degree in archeology but guess where I am! Ghost hunting!
Biggest bullshit of modern life that I spent 12 years of school and 4 extra years of college to end up here. In some dark old building with a jacked up radio.
Absolute Bullshit.
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thinemoonshine · 2 months
⋆ ˚。𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝒶𝒷𝒾𝓉𝓈 ୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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enhypen 8th fem!member x hyung line genre: fluff type: oneshot word count: 723
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ synopsis: in which (y/n), enhypen's 8th member, has certain tendencies that give their boyish dorm teeny touches of femininity... or just plain messes. and eventually, these habits lead to the boys developing their own as well ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
bringing her scrunchies everywhere (l.hs & p.js)
"Use this," Jay says upon noticing (y/n)'s struggle and helps tie her long hair up into a loose ponytail as she eats her breakfast.
(y/n)'s brows raise and she emits a closed-lip gasp of surprise, occupied with chewing her rice before smiling gratefully at him when he takes the seat in front of her. "Thanks! Where'd you find it?"
"On the couch," the older replies with his lips pulled into that casual, charming half smile of his.
"I think I saw one on the coffee table too," Heeseung chimes in and (y/n) makes a mental note to check on it. Later on, she does in fact find her scrunchie— and not just one of them but two.
After leaving her scrunchies and hairties practically everywhere, Heeseung and Jay tend to be the ones picking them up or the ones to find them— leading them to unintentionally be her very own scrunchie lockers.
Award shows? Heeseung will probably have a pink hairtie around his wrist, hiding under his sleeve. Jay will probably have some stuffed into the pocket of his pants.
En-O' Clock? Jay has some new scrunchies he randomly bought for her still in his bag while Heeseung picked her hairtie up from the makeup room when she got dolled up.
Basically anytime in the dorm? Oh, the scrunchies are layered on their arms like warmers. They might even be using one for their own hair— just walking around the dorm with a palm-tree on their crown held together by soft, fluffy rubber ties.
using flowery coasters (s.jy)
"Look at these new ones I made! Aren't they cute?" (y/n) asks excitedly while showcasing Jake her freshly made pieces of crochet coasters on their coffee table.
He gasps dramatically with a hand flying to his mouth, eyes widening and brows raising to express surprise before he grins brightly at the girl. "Wow~~ These are beautiful, (y/n)! I still can't believe how fast you made these! They're perfect!"
"Thank youuuuu!!" She elongates her word, emphasizing her gratitude towards him for complimenting her works before she looks up at him curiously. "Which one do you like most?"
Jake gazes down affectionately into her expectant eyes, chuckling at how purely ebullient she is and hums thoughtfully with narrowed eyes shifted towards the choices of handiwork. "I like that one."
He points to one in beige with dark green-stemmed yellow tulips adorning its circular shape and (y/n) gives him the piece before choosing another with the same design but different coloured tulips to match with his.
"We have matching ones!" She chirps, holding hers next to his before she goes to find the other members to gift the remaining coasters.
Jake smiles warmly at her furthering back before at the soft material in his hand. Ever since then, he's left the coaster on the table and uses it whenever he has a beverage. A hot drink, cold drink, bottled, canned or boba— uses it for every type.
If he finds another member using it, he won't hesitate to just snatch it before putting it under his drink aka. 'its rightful place,' as Jake calls it. As the collection grows, so does his greed. He is not sharing.
giving his arm/hand (p.sh)
(y/n) crochets, paints, does diamond art, basically all that artsy d.i.y stuff. And sometimes, she needs extra hands to keep things steady— and somehow, Sunghoon's always there.
"Can you hold this for me?" She asks Sunghoon to hold her crochet hook while she tries to untangle the knot in her thread. He holds it, and very stably too.
She's doing some diamond painting and accidentally knocks her small tray of colourful jewels— Sunghoon already has his hand out, palm facing upright and (y/n) naturally puts her sticky canvas on it like it's a dish, not wanting to accidentally knock it away while picking up a few fallen beads.
They're having a photoshoot and (y/n)'s called onto the set but has a mini fan in her hold— Sunghoon magically appears to take it from her then proceeding to stand obediently at his post, watching her and waiting patiently until she finishes to give her back her stuff.
She's out shopping for clothes and groceries— Sunghoon's there with a shopping basket hanging on one arm and her clothes on the other.
Some even say that Sunghoon's her personal assistant.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི₊ ⊹ masterlist ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
𝜗𝜚 hi, it’s romi here!! thank you so much for reading to the end!! if you enjoyed it, don’t forget to leave a heart and reblog—they give me some motivation, ya know? but please, do not spam like!! X♡X♡, romi ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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