#black web mystery box
herrscherofinsanity · 3 months
Web of Hearts
Spider!Jimin being as subtle as a neon sign.
Yu Jimin (Karina x fem!reader)
Word count: 5.6k
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In the bustling city of Seoul, where towering skyscrapers touched the sky and the pulse of urban life echoed through every street, a new kind of hero emerged. Clad in a sleek red and black suit, Spiderwoman swung from building to building, keeping a watchful eye on the city she vowed to protect.
Yu Jimin, a seemingly ordinary woman by day, carried the weight of a secret identity. By night, she embraced her extraordinary abilities and became the guardian of Seoul. As Spiderwoman, she effortlessly swung through the cityscape, her agility and strength unmatched.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jimin perched atop a high-rise building, scanning the city for any signs of trouble. Her enhanced senses picked up on a distant commotion, and with a graceful leap, she swung into action.
Down on the streets, chaos ensued as a group of villains wreaked havoc, terrorizing innocent civilians. Without hesitation, Spiderwoman descended upon the scene, her presence casting a shadow over the criminals.
"Looks like the party's over, gentlemen," she quipped, her voice laced with a confident edge.
The villains, startled by the sudden appearance of the city's masked guardian, prepared to face off against the formidable Spiderwoman. The confrontation unfolded in a series of acrobatic moves and swift strikes, showcasing Jimin's mastery of her newfound abilities.
As the last villain was apprehended, Spiderwoman turned to the gathered crowd, her mask concealing the determined glint in her eyes. "Fear not, citizens of Seoul. Spiderwoman is here to ensure your safety."
Word of the mysterious heroine spread across the city, capturing the imagination of its inhabitants. While Jimin navigated her daily life as an unassuming individual, she couldn't deny the thrill that came with her nightly escapades as Spiderwoman.
In a city where shadows concealed both villains and heroes, Jimin grappled with the responsibility that came with her extraordinary abilities. The balance between protecting the city and preserving her personal life became a delicate dance, and as the night sky witnessed her silent struggles, Seoul remained oblivious to the identity of its mysterious guardian, Spiderwoman.
It was move-in day at the college dorms, and the hallways buzzed with excitement and nervous energy. yn, lugging a heavy suitcase behind her, scanned the room numbers until she found hers: Room 302. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The room was small but cozy, furnished with two twin beds, desks cluttered with textbooks, and a large window overlooking the campus grounds. yn's eyes landed on her new roommate, who was unpacking a box of books with an infectious smile on her face.
Jimin looked up and flashed a warm grin at yn. "Hey there! You must be my new roommate. I'm Yu Jimin. It's nice to meet you!"
yn returned the smile, instantly feeling at ease in Jimin's presence. "Hi, Jimin. I'm yn. Nice to meet you too."
And with that simple introduction, the bond between Jimin and yn began to form, setting the stage for the adventures that lay ahead. What yn didn’t know was that her quirky and endearing roommate held a secret that would change both of their lives forever.
After their initial meeting, Jimin and yn quickly settled into their roles as roommates. Jimin's bubbly personality and penchant for nerdy jokes brought a lightness to their shared space, while yn's calm and grounded demeanor provided a sense of stability.
As days turned into weeks, yn couldn't help but notice a peculiar pattern. Jimin seemed to have an uncanny knack for getting injured. Whether it was tripping over her own feet or accidentally bumping into furniture, Jimin always seemed to have a new bruise or scrape to show for it.
At first, yn brushed it off as Jimin just being incredibly clumsy. She would tease Jimin gently, offering band-aids and ice packs whenever Jimin came back from another misadventure.
But as time went on, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Jimin's frequent injuries. She noticed the way Jimin would tense up whenever yn asked about how she got hurt, quickly deflecting the conversation with a laugh or a joke.
yn's curiosity grew, and she began to pay closer attention to Jimin's behavior. She noticed how Jimin would sometimes slip out of their dorm room in the middle of the night, only to return hours later looking exhausted and worn out.
Despite her suspicions, yn didn't confront Jimin about her weird midnight escapades. Instead, she quietly observed, but the more she observed Jimin, the more confused she felt.
What on earth could her dorky roommate be up to?
Amidst the bustling city streets, chaos reigned as a gang of masked criminals wreaked havoc, their nefarious intentions casting a shadow of fear over the unsuspecting civilians. Amidst the chaos, a lone figure swung gracefully through the air, her lithe form a blur of crimson and black against the night sky.
Spiderwoman, as she was known to the citizens of the city, moved with fluid precision, her keen senses alert to the danger that lurked around every corner. With effortless grace, she leaped from building to building, her web-slinging abilities propelling her forward with astonishing speed.
As she closed in on the scene of the crime, Spiderwoman's senses tingled with anticipation, her heart pounding with adrenaline-fueled excitement. With a deft flick of her wrist, she shot a web line towards a nearby lamppost, swinging around it with practiced ease before landing gracefully on the ground below.
With a swift and decisive movement, Spiderwoman sprang into action, her movements a blur of acrobatic prowess as she dispatched her foes with precision and finesse. Her spider-like agility and lightning-fast reflexes left the criminals reeling, their futile attempts to strike back thwarted at every turn.
As the last of the criminals lay defeated at her feet, Spiderwoman allowed herself a brief moment of satisfaction before turning her attention back to her true objective. With a confident smirk, she shot a web line towards the nearest rooftop, launching herself into the air with a graceful leap.
Minutes later, Spiderwoman landed silently on the rooftop of the college dormitory she shared with yn, her heart racing with exhilaration from the night's events. With practiced stealth, she slipped through the window and into the darkness of her room, her secret identity safe for another day.
One evening, as yn was studying in the shared dorm room, she heard a loud crash coming from the living area. Startled, she rushed out to find Jimin sprawled on the floor, clutching her ankle in pain.
"Jimin, are you okay?"
Jimin winced as she attempted to sit up, her face contorted in pain. "I think I twisted my ankle. It hurts like crazy."
yn hurried to Jimin's side, helping her to sit up and inspecting the injury. Sure enough, Jimin's ankle was swollen and bruised, a clear sign of a sprain.
yn tried to be as gentle as possible with her injured roommate, "let's get some ice on that ankle. I'll grab a cold pack from the freezer."
As yn tended to Jimin's injury, she couldn't help but notice how frequently her roommate seemed to get hurt. It was as if Jimin was a magnet for accidents, always finding herself in precarious situations that resulted in bumps, bruises, and sprains.
Despite her curiosity, yn didn't press Jimin for details about how she got hurt. Instead, she focused on providing comfort and support, knowing that her roommate needed her in moments like these.
As Jimin winced in pain, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin's injuries than met the eye. But for now, she pushed aside her suspicions and focused on helping her friend heal.
One afternoon, as yn returned to their dorm room after class, she absentmindedly pushed open the door without bothering to knock. To her surprise, she found Jimin standing shirtless in the middle of the room, a towel draped over her shoulders.
yn's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight of Jimin's bare torso, but her attention was quickly drawn to the large cut spanning across Jimin's back.
"Jimin, what the hell happened!? You're bleeding!" the younger girl shrieked.
Jimin jumped in surprise, hastily grabbing the towel to cover herself as she turned to face yn.
Jimin stammered, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. "Oh, uh, it's nothing. Just a little mishap while I was... uh, working out." Nailed it.
yn could see the discomfort in Jimin's expression as she hesitated to explain the true cause of her injury. Without another word, yn grabbed the first aid kit from their shared bathroom and motioned for Jimin to sit down on the bed.
"Let me take care of that for you. It looks pretty deep." Jimin felt herself freezing up at the soft look yn sent her way, she obediently walked towards her roommate.
As yn carefully cleaned and bandaged Jimin's wound, she couldn't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from her roommate. It was clear to yn that Jimin was hiding something, but she didn't press for answers, respecting Jimin's privacy.
As they sat in silence, the air thick with unspoken words, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin than met the eye. For now, she focused on helping her friend heal, unaware of the deeper feelings brewing beneath the surface.
As she finished wrapping up Jimin’s wound, yn couldn’t help but break the silence that enveloped them.
“You know…” yn began “you don’t have to tell me what actually happened, but I hate it when you get hurt. Please try to be more careful from now on, I can’t bare to see you in pain”. With those words yn got up to put away the first aid kit.
Jimin didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t deny that yn’s words had affected her in a way she couldn’t really describe. She couldn’t keep ignoring the butterflies she felt every time she locked eyes with yn.
Despite her best efforts to be subtle, Jimin's attempts at dropping hints about her developing feelings for yn were about as inconspicuous as a flashing neon sign. Whether it was lingering glances, awkward attempts at flirting, or fumbling over her words whenever yn was around, Jimin's attempts to express her affection were anything but discreet.
yn, however, wasn't oblivious to Jimin's antics. In fact, she found them rather endearing. She couldn't help but smile to herself whenever Jimin stumbled over her words or blushed furiously whenever their eyes met. yn appreciated Jimin's efforts, even if they weren't exactly subtle.
Despite her awareness of Jimin's feelings, yn decided to play along, enjoying the playful banter and the budding friendship between them. She didn't comment on Jimin's less-than-subtle approach, opting instead to let her roommate express herself in her own quirky way.
As they navigated the delicate dance of friendship and budding romance, yn couldn't help but feel a warmth blossom in her chest whenever she thought of Jimin. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more than friendship brewing between them, and yn was eager to see where their journey would take them.
("What do you think of superheroes?"
"Um, they're pretty cool, I guess. Why?"
"Oh, no reason. Just curious."
"Okay... Anyway, what's on your mind?"
"Oh, nothing important. Just, you know, hanging out with my favorite person."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best."
"Uh huh. Well, keep practicing."
"Ouch, right in the ego."
"Hey, you're the one who asked for honesty."
"True. Thanks for keeping me grounded, yn."
"Anytime, Jimin. Anytime.")
On a random afternoon as the two girls lounged on the couch, idly flipping through channels, they stumbled upon a news report about Spiderwoman. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as she watched, her secret identity suddenly thrust into the spotlight.
"Wow, Spiderwoman is so cool," yn commented, her eyes fixed on the screen. "She's pretty hot too..." she muttered more-so to herself, Jimin still heard her comment though.
Jimin tried to suppress the surge of excitement that bubbled up inside her at yn's words. She felt a blush creeping up her cheeks, her heart racing as she struggled to maintain her composure.
"Yeah, she's... uh, pretty cool," Jimin managed to mumble, her voice betraying her nerves.
As the report continued, Jimin couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen, her mind racing with a million thoughts. She stole a glance at yn out of the corner of her eye, her heart swelling with affection for the oblivious girl sitting beside her.
In that moment, Jimin realized just how much she cared about yn, and how badly she wished she could share her true identity with her. But the fear of rejection still held her back, casting a shadow over her burgeoning feelings.
As the news segment came to an end and the TV screen flickered to black, Jimin was left grappling with the turmoil of her emotions, uncertain of what the future held for her and yn.
("Are you made of copper and tellurium?"
"Uh, no? Why?"
"Because you're Cu-Te!"
"Oh, Jimin, that's... something."
"Yeah, I thought it was kind of nerdy but cute. Like me."
"Definitely cute. And modest too."
"Thanks. I'll take that as a win.")
“Hey Jimin? Do you think you can help me out with this subject?”
The question was innocent enough, nothing was supposed to happen between Jimin and yn, right?
Jimin and yn sat together in their cozy dorm room, the soft glow of the lamp casting warm shadows across the room. They had been studying for hours, their textbooks forgotten as their conversation drifted to more personal topics.
As the evening wore on, their proximity seemed to amplify the crackling tension between them. Jimin's heart raced as she stole glances at yn, her features illuminated by the gentle light. yn's laughter rang out, filling the room with its melodic cadence, and Jimin found herself captivated by the way yn's eyes sparkled with amusement.
With each passing moment, the air between them seemed to thicken with unspoken desire. Jimin's gaze lingered on yn's lips, the urge to lean in almost overwhelming. She could feel the heat of yn's breath against her skin, a tangible reminder of their closeness.
yn's fingers brushed against Jimin's hand, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of longing and yearning passing between them. In that fleeting moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had fallen away, leaving only the two of them suspended in time.
As Jimin and yn found themselves drawn closer together, the tension between them palpable, it seemed as if the world around them faded into the background. Their gazes locked, inches apart, their lips mere moments away from touching in a long-awaited kiss.
But just as they leaned in, on the precipice of that anticipated connection, Jimin's heightened senses kicked in. A familiar tingle crept up her spine, a warning sign that duty called. A new crime awaited Spiderwoman's intervention, pulling her away from the brink of intimacy with yn.
With a heavy heart, Jimin reluctantly pulled back, the disappointment evident in both their eyes. Yn's expression mirrored Jimin's own sense of longing, the momentary promise of closeness snatched away by the demands of Jimin's secret life as Spiderwoman.
Their interrupted moment hung in the air, charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. Though duty called Jimin away, the memory of their almost-kiss lingered, a tantalizing glimpse of what could have been, leaving both girls yearning for the day they could pick up where they left off.
Somehow the almost kiss made Jimin even more awkward than she already was. Jimin didn’t know how to behave around yn. Should she keep her distance? Should she seize the day and kiss the girl? One thing was for sure, she wanted her roommate badly.
Jimin's heart skipped a beat as yn emerged from the bathroom, clad only in a towel. She tried to focus on her textbook, but her eyes kept drifting back to her roommate's figure. yn seemed oblivious to Jimin's internal struggle as she nonchalantly rummaged through her wardrobe for something to wear.
Jimin cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Uh, yn, do you need help finding something?"
yn turned to her, a playful grin on her lips. "No, I'm good, thanks. Just trying to decide what to wear for tonight." yn knew perfectly what kind of effect she had on Jimin and she planned to use it to her advantage.
Jimin nodded, unable to tear her gaze away. "Right, yeah, you look... um, nice."
yn giggled, seemingly unfazed by Jimin's flustered state. " In nothing but a towel? Wow. Thanks, Jimin. You're sweet."
As yn finally settled on an outfit and disappeared into her room, Jimin let out a shaky breath, grateful for the temporary reprieve. Being roommates with yn was both a blessing and a curse, especially when moments like this left her feeling more than a little flustered.
("Are you a magician, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best. So, do I get a round of applause for that one?"
"You definitely get points for creativity."
"Well, I'm glad you appreciate my efforts."
"I appreciate the entertainment, that's for sure."
"I'll take what I can get. Maybe next time I'll pull a rabbit out of a hat or something."
"Looking forward to it.")
As the night enveloped the city in its dark embrace, yn found herself walking alone, lost in her own thoughts. Unbeknownst to her, danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike. Suddenly, a group of masked assailants emerged from the darkness, their intentions menacing and clear.
yn's heart pounded in her chest as fear gripped her, her instincts urging her to flee, but before she could react, a figure swooped down from above, a blur of red and black, swiftly dispatching yn's would-be attackers with a flurry of punches and kicks.
In the chaos of the moment, yn barely registered what was happening, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of confusion and fear. But as the dust settled and her assailants lay defeated, she found herself face to face with her savior, the enigmatic figure who had appeared out of nowhere to rescue her.
Spiderwoman stood before her, her mask concealing her identity but her presence radiating strength and reassurance. yn's eyes widened in astonishment, a mix of awe and gratitude washing over her as she realized the magnitude of what had just occurred.
"Spiderwoman...” yn began, her voice barely above a whisper “You saved me."
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Spiderwoman replied in an incredibly gentle tone. yn couldn’t shake off the fact that her gentleness felt familiar. Maybe it was a superhero thing.
yn shook her head, still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. Spiderwoman's concern was palpable, her eyes searching yn's face for any signs of injury or distress.
"I-I'm okay, thanks to you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up." The girl was clearly shaken, but she still tried to voice how grateful she was.
"Just doing my job. Stay safe out here, alright? And remember, if you ever need help, I'll be watching over you."
With that, Spiderwoman vanished into the night, leaving yn standing alone in the aftermath of the encounter. Though shaken by the ordeal, a newfound sense of reassurance settled over her, knowing that she had a guardian angel watching over her, even in the darkest of times.
As yn stepped back into the familiar surroundings of their dorm room, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the encounter, she found Jimin sitting on her bed, a book in hand. Jimin looked up as yn entered, her eyes immediately drawn to the dreamy expression on her roommate's face.
"Hey, everything okay?" Perfect execution, Jimin!
yn, still caught in a daydream, replied to the best of her ability, "Oh, Jimin, you won't believe what just happened. I met Spiderwoman!"
Jimin's eyes widened in excitement, a grin spreading across her face at yn's words. She set her book aside, leaning forward eagerly as yn recounted the thrilling encounter with the mysterious superhero.
"No way! What was it like? Did she say anything to you?" You really are the perfect actress, Yu Jimin!
yn launched into a vivid retelling of the encounter, her words animated with the lingering rush of adrenaline and awe. She described Spiderwoman's swift intervention, her unwavering bravery in the face of danger, and the sense of reassurance she had instilled in yn with her presence.
"It was incredible, Jimin. I've never felt so safe and protected in my life." yn let out a dreamy sigh.
Jimin listened intently, her eyes shining with excitement as she hung on yn's every word. She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at yn's reaction to meeting her alter ego, knowing that she had played a part in protecting and wooing her roommate.
"That's amazing, yn. I'm so glad you're okay. And hey, if you ever want to meet her again, just let me know. I might be able to arrange something." Smooth, Jimin! She’s finally yours!
yn smiled at Jimin's offer, grateful for her roommate's unwavering support and excitement. In that moment, as they shared the thrill of yn's encounter with Spiderwoman, their bond grew stronger than ever, united by a shared sense of wonder and admiration for the extraordinary hero in their midst.
However, yn didn’t know that this was only the first of many encounters she would share with Spiderwoman.
As yn made her way home through the quiet streets, the late hour casting elongated shadows across the pavement, she felt a sense of calm settle over her. She was lost in her thoughts, unaware of the vigilant figure watching over her from the rooftops above.
Suddenly, a familiar figure descended gracefully from the darkness, landing before yn with a quiet rustle of fabric. yn looked up in surprise, her eyes widening as she recognized the unmistakable silhouette of Spiderwoman.
"Spiderwoman! What a pleasant surprise." yn let out, she would be lying if she said she hadn’t been dreaming about this very moment.
"Hey there, yn. Just out for a stroll?" Spiderwoman said as casually as she could.
Wait… yn?
yn froze, her heart skipping a beat at the sound of her own name slipping past Spiderwoman's lips. She turned to her companion, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion.
yn nodded, feeling bewildered, returning Spiderwoman's smile as she fell into step beside her mysterious companion. They walked together in companionable silence for a while, the only sound the soft shuffle of their footsteps against the pavement. However, yn couldn’t brush off her surprise.
Why does she know my name?
Eventually, yn couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure at her side.
"So, Spiderwoman” yn said in an overly casual tone, “anything exciting happen tonight?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Just keeping an eye on the city." Spiderwoman said, trying her best to sound cool.
yn nodded, content to enjoy the peaceful camaraderie of their impromptu encounter. Still, she made sure to keep a close eye on her companion. Maybe she’ll let her guard down.
"So, yn..." Spiderwoman made a mistake. Again.
I got you now.
“Can I ask you a question, Spidey?”
Jimin is embarrassed by how fast her heart started beating after hearing yn refer to her by a nickname. “Sure, what’s up?”
“How did you know my name was yn? I never told you”.
Spiderwoman's mask hid the flicker of panic that flashed across her features at yn's question. She scrambled for a plausible explanation, her mind racing to come up with a convincing response.
"Um, well, you know, I, uh... I just happened to overhear it somewhere. Must have slipped out accidentally."
yn studied Spiderwoman's masked visage intently, a lingering sense of suspicion nagging at the back of her mind. However, she chose to let the matter drop for now, unwilling to push her mysterious companion any further. She is sure she’ll get her chance sooner rather than later.
"Ah, got it. Well, thanks for the company, Spiderwoman. It's always nice to have someone to walk with." She smiled in a way that gave Jimin a heart attack for a million different reasons.
"Anytime, yn. Take care on your way home." Nailed it.
With a final wave, Spiderwoman melted back into the shadows, leaving yn to ponder the intriguing encounter as she continued on her journey homeward. Despite the unanswered questions lingering in her mind, she couldn't deny the sense of comfort and reassurance that Spiderwoman's presence had brought her on this dark and lonely night.
yn stepped through the door of the dormitory, her mind still reeling from her encounter with Spiderwoman. As she entered the familiar surroundings of their shared living space, she was greeted by the sight of Jimin sitting on the couch, a playful glint in her eye.
"Hey there, yn! How was your walk?" Jimin said cheerfully.
yn's lips quirked into a knowing smile as she regarded her roommate, her suspicions about Spiderwoman's true identity suddenly crystallizing into certainty. She decided to play along for now, relishing the opportunity to keep Jimin's secret while she plotted her next move.
"Oh, you know, nothing out of the ordinary. Although I did run into someone interesting on the way back." A slight smirk playing at her lips.
Jimin's eyes widened slightly at yn's cryptic remark, a hint of apprehension flickering across her features before she quickly masked it with an easy grin.
"Oh yeah? Who'd you meet?"
yn leaned against the doorframe, her expression enigmatic as she met Jimin's gaze head-on. Let’s see you try to get out of this one, Spidey.
"Let's just say she's someone who knows how to keep the city safe, even late at night."
Jimin's breath caught in her throat, a surge of panic coursing through her veins at yn's words. She struggled to maintain her composure, her mind racing to concoct a plausible explanation for her alter ego's unexpected appearance in their conversation.
"Ha, lucky you, running into interesting people all the time!” Jimin let out an awkward laugh. “You'll have to introduce me sometime."
yn's smirk widened into a knowing grin as she watched Jimin squirm under the weight of her unspoken revelation. She made a mental note to bide her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to confront Jimin head on.
"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll meet her soon enough." With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air, yn sauntered off to her room, leaving Jimin to grapple with the unsettling realization that her carefully guarded secret might not be safe for much longer.
Maybe you’re not the perfect actress, Yu Jimin.
Okay, time to do something stupid!
yn stood defiantly in the dimly lit alley, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for the inevitable. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground, playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with her roommate-turned-superhero. But she couldn't resist the thrill of the chase, the exhilarating rush of adrenaline that coursed through her veins as she knowingly put herself in harm's way.
As she glanced nervously around the shadowy confines of the alley, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Seconds later, Spiderwoman materialized out of the darkness, her lithe figure cutting a striking silhouette against the night sky.
"yn, what are you doing here? It's not safe!" Spiderwoman exclaimed, her voice dripping with concern.
yn met Spiderwoman's concerned gaze with a defiant glint in her eye, her resolve unyielding as she faced the repercussions of her reckless actions head-on.
"I knew you'd come. I needed to prove a point."
Spiderwoman's brow furrowed in frustration, her voice tinged with exasperation as she chided yn for her foolhardy behavior.
"You can't go around doing stuff like this, yn! You're putting yourself in unnecessary danger. What if something had happened to you?" Spiderwoman said, her frustration skyrocketing. “What if I wasn’t her to protect you, huh? You’re acting like a toddler”.
yn bristled at Spiderwoman's stern tone, her own temper flaring as she pushed back against the other girl's unwavering concern.
"Yu Jimin, enough! Stop treating me like a child. I know exactly what I’m doing."
The words hung heavy in the air between them, a palpable tension crackling with the weight of unspoken truths. In that fleeting moment, Spiderwoman's mask of stoicism slipped, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade.
Spiderwoman's eyes widened in shock at the sound of her real name on yn's lips, her heart skipping a beat as she grappled with the sudden shift in dynamics between them. In that brief, poignant moment, the boundaries that had once defined their relationship blurred, leaving behind a lingering sense of uncertainty and unspoken desires.
Jimin's heart pounded erratically in her chest as she watched yn's expression soften, her eyes brimming with unspoken affection. She couldn't believe she had let slip her secret identity, couldn't fathom the repercussions of her reckless actions. But as yn's gaze met hers with unwavering warmth, Jimin felt a flicker of hope ignite within her, a glimmer of possibility in the midst of uncertainty.
"How... How did you find out?" Jimin’s voice barely above a whisper.
yn's smile was gentle, her voice infused with a quiet reassurance as she met Jimin's gaze with unwavering sincerity. "I noticed the little things, the way you always seem to disappear whenever trouble arises, the injuries that miraculously heal overnight. And then there was that slip-up with my name."
Jimin's shoulders sagged with relief at yn's honest confession, her heart swelling with gratitude for the other girl's unwavering acceptance.
"I'm sorry, yn. I never meant to keep this from you. I just... I didn't know how to tell you." Jimin felt like she could cry, she was feeling too much at the moment. Oh brother, I need to lie down.
yn reached out to gently cup Jimin's cheek, her touch tender and reassuring as she offered the other girl a small, understanding smile.
"It's okay, Jimin. I understand. But from now on, let's promise to be honest with each other, no matter what." yn’s smile gave Jimin hope. For the first time, Jimin felt like everything was going to be okay.
Jimin nodded fervently, her heart overflowing with gratitude for yn's unwavering support. As the weight of secrecy lifted from her shoulders, Jimin felt a renewed sense of longing blossom within her, a newfound courage to embrace the vulnerabilities that lay bare between them.
"Thank you, yn. How can I make it up to you?"
yn's smile widened into a mischievous grin as she reached out to delicately trace the contours of Jimin's mask, her touch sending shivers down the other girl's spine.
"I think I have an idea." yn lowered her voice, a smirk on her lips.
With a deft motion, yn carefully pulled away Jimin's mask, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade. In that moment of unspoken intimacy, Jimin felt the walls that had once separated them crumble away, leaving behind an undeniable connection that transcended the boundaries of secrecy and fear.
As their lips finally met in a long-awaited kiss, the world around them faded into obscurity, leaving only the raw, unfiltered emotion that pulsed between them. In that fleeting moment of shared vulnerability, Jimin and yn found solace in each other's arms, daring to believe that love might just conquer all.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and Jimin and yn had decided to spend the day together at their shared dorm room. As they lounged on the couch, Jimin scrolled through her phone while yn leaned against her, idly playing with Jimin's hair.
Suddenly, a breaking news alert flashed across the screen, announcing Spiderwoman's latest heroic feat. yn glanced up, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, as she nudged Jimin playfully. "Looks like your alter ego is making headlines again."
Jimin chuckled, leaning into yn's touch as she replied, "Yeah, she's always stealing the spotlight."
yn grinned, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Jimin's scalp as she teased, "I bet she's just trying to impress her girlfriend."
Jimin's cheeks flushed pink at the playful jab, but she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. Wrapping an arm around yn, she pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Well, she's lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend." Jimin whispered against her girlfriend’s temple. Tease me all you want, at the end of the day you still agreed to be mine.
yn grinned, leaning into Jimin's embrace as she retorted, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Spidey."
The two of them dissolved into laughter, the playful banter a comforting reminder of the easy chemistry they shared. As they snuggled together on the couch, Jimin and yn savored the simple joy of being together, grateful for the love and laughter that filled their lives.
With Jimin's arm wrapped around her and the warmth of their shared affection enveloping them, yn couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. And as they basked in each other's company, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm.
("Are you a time traveler, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because every time I look at you, I feel like I'm going back in time. To the moment I fell in love with you."
"You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"But you love me anyway, right?"
A/N: Here we go, spider Jimin! I had this sitting on my drafts for the longest time, but here it is. Thank you so much for reading!
I'm working on some requests and I might add a Valentine's Day special as well. It all depends on my schedule, I'm getting a new one tomorrow so we shall see how it goes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, if you want to request something, feel free to let me know.
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ozzgin · 7 months
Yandere! Androids Walter & David x Reader x Neomorph
Walter, the android monitoring the colonization ship 'Covenant' on its way to Origae-6, seems to have gotten unnaturally attached to his human assistant. As he ponders his erroneous feelings, an unexpected detour brings them to David, an older android counterpart that has been alone on the mysterious planet. The AI assistants become increasingly competitive for (Y/N)'s attention, so much that they don't notice the newly formed humanoid local preying on a fresh target.
TW: violence, gore, monster smut ending
[Horror Masterlist]
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"Burnt to a crisp." 
You turn away from the captain's pod, leaving the rest of the damage assessment to the medical crew that has been reanimated. You speedily make your way down the sterile white corridors as Walter rushes to catch up. 
"What should I write for the report?" he inquires politely.
"Malfunction." You glance back at the synthetic. "I suspect someone will be fired for this. And someone else will have to explain how they failed to detect a literal star collapse. That neutrino burst could've killed us all."
"Highly probable. The draft has been compiled, you may check it at any time. I require your confirmation to send it."
Your only feedback is a barely audible hum. 
Walter smiles. If there's one good thing about such tragedies, it's that he gets to admire your reactions to them. Your focused, calculated gaze, your determined walk, your automated mannerisms that won't allow the slightest hint at the fact you just woke up from your stasis moments ago. Even under the veils of deep slumber, your neural networks shot rapid connections, with no delay, from the second your sleeping pod received an alert. The accuracy of a robot.
That of course doesn't mean he lacks appreciation for your other facets. That's the beauty of humans; their depth, their dimensions. Unlike AI machinery, humans do not have predetermined actions. They may be genetically programmed to possess certain characteristics, but the psychological mechanisms are shaped by so many variables, billions and billions of tweaks and nudges, to the point where it's impossible to have two identical specimens. Even twins will display a difference, whether in preferences or habits.
They say artificial intelligence is a black box, but can the same concept not be applied to humans as well? At the very least to Walter himself, these organic beings represent a mystery. One he doesn't particularly care to uncover outside of his service functions. Except for one. 
His eyes carefully follow (Y/N)'s movements. What is it about this one that has caught his interest to such degree? On his last system update he attentively inspected every file and every block of code, searching for potential errors that would've caused his circuits to behave so oddly. He has been invested with the ability to form attachments, otherwise assigning his kind to groups or purposes would've lacked stability. Attachment, however, comes with a threshold. One he has passed a long time ago when it comes to (Y/N). And he cannot find any cause for it. 
He could, naturally, solicit the aid of the ship's robotics expert. He could. He should, even. But if he may be frank with himself, Walter rather enjoys this sensation. A complex web of spores that keep growing and evolving into something unpredictable. This bizarre feeling he has towards (Y/N) makes him feel human. It brings him closer to all the old literature and art he'd consumed over the years, wondering what the love and yearning often portrayed could be. The printed letters and the strokes of paint were right before him, at his fingertips, and yet they felt foreign. Empty constructs, nothing more than a definition out of the dictionary. 
Now it's a different story. Your presence alone floods him with a mysterious warmth. He had investigated this phenomenon when it first happened, but his inner thermostat showed no real change in temperature. Nonetheless he can feel it. It makes him wonder what other feelings he might experience as consequence. What would happen if he kissed you? Sometimes he even dares to imagine downright outrageous, improper scenarios. How unprofessional of him, but he is careful to erase any evidence. It's another novel sensation that he likes to dissect. Engaging in such activities with you fills him with tingling excitement. Why is that? What is there to be excited about? It's merely a collection of fictive snippets. Unless... Ah, absolutely not. This is where he has to stop in his tracks and preoccupy himself with something else. Androids are not to interact with humans in that way. 
But it's becoming more and more difficult to keep these ideas in his mind only. 
"It's too dangerous. One human signal in the middle of nowhere?" Daniels, a short haired woman with a tomboyish but youthful appearance, is pacing back and forth. "We should just continue on our course."
"It's our duty to check. Look: we go, find whoever sent the signal, bring them back up. That's it. If the planet proves to be dangerous we'll stop immediately. We'll be fine." Oram stands at the head of the table, arms crossed. He turns to look at you. Already cozying up to his newly acquired captain role, you think.
"Alright. Walter, prepare a small landing party. Have Tennessee maintain orbit while we're down there." you glance at the other crew members that have now gathered around the same table. "And get your weapons ready, we don't know what to expect."
And you certainly didn't. Your final words of warning now echo into your ringing ears as you lay on the ground, face buried among the grass. There's screaming around you, but it sounds muffled. Your eyes are irritated by the dirt and you'd like to blink the grime off, though every time your eyelids lower, you can see the pale creature trashing out of Hallett's mouth. Then it's all foggy. Your vision blurs, but you can hear. The gurgling of blood, the screech of the parasite. Walter's frantic footsteps nearing in your direction. You're lifted up.
"Vitals are positive. No significant damage." 
You can guess from your peripherals that another crew member is currently being mauled by the beast. There's gunshots in your vicinity and terrified wails. You quickly come back to your senses and stand up. Your hand searches for your weapon, but the android places his arm before you.
"Do not engage, (Y/N). It is an unknown parasitic organism of this ecosystem. Keep your distance for optimal safety and I'll take care of the rest."
"What are you talking about? They're dying! Your task is to ensure human survival, Walter. I can handle myself, go help the others. It's an order." Your voice is low. You're distracted.
You stare at the synthetic, wide eyed. Did he just...refuse? Not possible. 
"What did you say?"
"I said I'll protect you. Nothing else."
Your mouth is slightly parted in disbelief. It is not possible for an artificial assistant to disobey a superior. It just doesn't work. Your mind races to find an explanation. At the same time, you cannot afford to ponder on hypotheses. You draw out your weapon and point it towards the creature. You'll deal with this later. 
The moment you press the trigger, a blinding flash of light detonates in the sky, startling you. The creature scrambles to get away. You squint your eyes and nearly fall back, but Walter swiftly grabs your shoulders to ground you. He scans the area for the source. It's an emergency rocket and someone else must've activated it. As he traces the tail of the explosion, he spots a hooded figure across the field and onto the rocky ascend. It seems to have noticed Walter, as it gestures for them to follow. Without hesitation, the man firmly locks your arm and pulls you after him. The priority right now is to find shelter.
"Come!", Walter exclaims, suddenly remembering the other people. 
You reach a cave structure that has been converted into a crude, improvised human settlement. The man lowers his hood and you gasp quietly at the sight. He strongly resembles Walter. He must have noticed your surprise as he flashes you a cordial smile. 
"I'm David." He studies Walter's features. "You must be a newer model. What name have you been given?"
"I see. And you are-" David extends a hand towards you for a handshake, but Walter steps in front of you, blocking the android's gesture.
"She's (Y/N). I'm afraid I cannot yet trust you."
David's smile widens as his eyes, now bearing a strange flicker, switch between you and Walter. He's just like him. He can sense it. Although it's a different kind of flaw that has tainted his pure, artificial soul. He cannot help the curiosity that blooms, gazing at this peculiar pair. What is it about this human that caused his fellow machine to break conduit? He'd like to know.
"I'm certain you will soon learn I am no threat, (Y/N)."
The remaining members of the expedition are unpacking and discussing evacuation plans with the base, while Walter sends the data he has gathered so far. You let them deal with the logistics and cautiously wander off to the neighboring rooms, wondering what David has been up to all this time in isolation.
The walls are plastered with photos and handwritten sketches and diagrams. You catch a glimpse of the word "pathogen" sporadically inserted across these notes. As you walk along the sequence of cramped chambers, you reach one that has a table in the middle. Upon it rests the body of an autopsied woman, vulgarly opened up to the world with plump organs bulging under the warm light. You feel nauseous. And yet, you examine the carcass further, hoping for answers. Was she also a result of the same disease that breeds on this planet? Perhaps this David had worked on a cure, or at least developed an explanation. 
"And you, even you, will be like this drear thing, A vile infection man may not endure; Star that I yearn to! Sun that lights my spring! O passionate and pure."
You jolt and immediately turn around, finding David in the doorframe. 
"Flowers of Evil. Are you familiar with it?" he asks, indifferent to the uncomfortable shock he'd caused you with his sudden entrance.
"I've read my Baudelaire, yes." You manage to mumble, dumbfounded. "What is this, David?"
"Oh, my poor, dear Elizabeth. Victim to whatever blasphemy lurks these soils and has taken your friends as well." He approaches the table and places his hand on its hard edge, shyly overlapping with your own fingers. "I did my best." 
You remove your hand from underneath his nonchalantly. 
"So you know what those creatures are. Leave the literary comments for a different time, I need concrete facts."
"Unbothered and to the point." the blonde android smiles once again. "I can see clearly why Walter loves you."
You click your tongue at the ridiculous statement. Has the neutrino burst damaged their positronic brain? Everyone is acting off and you don't like it. 
"Your circuits must have gone defective, David. We have a specialist on our ship, but until that happens I need you to focus. Enough nonsense." 
 "Typical arrogance of a dying species. Why are you on a colonization mission if not to grasp at some promised resurrection? Rest assured that my functioning has not been impeded by anything. What is erroneous, on the other hand, is your perception of androids and their limits."
Just as David reaches for your wrist and pulls you closer, a familiar voice interrupts with an intimidating tone. You're relieved. 
"I will ask that you release her hand only once." Walter has a weapon pointed towards his counterpart. His face is clouded by a frown. "I have no ethical restrictions when it comes to incapacitating machinery."
"Such noble obedience! Although, you conveniently left out the part where you abandoned the remaining crew with a dangerous alien that has been tracking their scent. By my approximation he should already be here and I am rather confident you know this, too."
Your stomach drops. Now that you adjust your focus, the background humming of your mates talking has indeed vanished. The only thing you can hear is your erratic breathing.
"Is it true, Walter?" You demand as dread begins to form in your body.
"Yes. It was not part of my priorities."
"Of course it was, Walter." David responds ahead of you. "One of them was the acting captain and he is to be rescued in emergencies. This one right here", he says as he dangles your wrist, "is several ranks lower than all of them. It's against any standard practice."
"Release her hand." Walter's voice is eerily calm.
"Do you love her?"
Walter ponders the question. Your legs barely hold on.
"I do."
"Marvelous. So do I." David grins. He releases your hand that falls limp next to your body. It's his turn to step in front of you. 
You nearly choke from the thick tension expanding in the air. The two androids face each other and you retreat to the wall, unsure how to proceed. You left your radio transmitter back at the makeshift camp. The back of your head is itching, as if invisible claws are scratching at the bone. You wish you could go back, just mere hours before this disaster, when you were sipping on your lukewarm coffee and explaining the captain's jokes to Walter. 
Should you make a run for it?
You bite your lower lip and push yourself off the wall for momentum. You're about to reach the archway when you hear both men shouting almost identically in chorus.
The surroundings outside are dark, but you can discern something blocking your path. It's tall and resembles a human. Translucent, pallid skin is clinging onto the massive, deformed skeleton. The head is elongated and bears no features. In the place of a mouth there is a large, fresh stain of blood, so you assume it can somehow improvise if desired. As your head tilts back to take in the image, you're overwhelmed with terrified amazement. Is this the parasite that emerged from your teammate? Has it grown to this colossal size in less than a day? The idea of such instant development makes your head spin. 
Its chest is expanding at regular intervals in a whistled breathing. It occasionally creates an odd clicking sound that resonates with your heart throbbing in panic. Has it been seconds? Minutes? Your neck creaks as you try to look back. You lock eyes with Walter. You don't recall ever seeing this expression on him. You had even asked him once if androids can feel fear. You have your answer.
"Hey, Walter..." you blurt out. 
Wet noises of flesh being pulled back. The smooth surface of the alien's head is folding away, making space for grotesquely big jaws lined with sharp teeth. Your anemic face is splattered with burning drool as the creature claws you in its grasp and abruptly sprints away. Your screams for help dissolve in the distance.
"Where is it going, David?" The synthetic's words are threatening, but betrayed by a hint of despair. 
"It won't kill her."
"How do you know?"
"It is no longer hungry. It has fed on your crew, and now it seeks something else."
"Such as?" Walter becomes impatient.
"A plaything."
The alien finally drops your body to the ground. You cough and wipe your face, attempting to reorient yourself. The trip was a whirlwind of jumps and turns and you can barely reconstruct anything. Based on the little spatial clues you could pick up, it just climbed further up, into one of the many cave systems. You pat your clothing and curse to yourself. The geolocation tag must've fallen somewhere on the way here. You can only pray that Walter still finds you somehow. Despite everything, you know he has your back. Always. 
You shudder at the moist feeling of hot air against your skin. The alien seems to be sniffing you intently, analyzing your scent. Yet so far it hasn't killed you. Why? Long, bony fingers stretch out to continue the examination. You whimper at the rough, rugged handling. Every now and then it takes a long pause, just staring at you, almost as if it's comparing you to its own being. Lastly, it lifts your hand with its own, pressing against the palm, and fans out the fingers. It observes the gesture with intrigue, noting the similarities. 
Does it evolve after its host? You think back to your crewmate that must've ejected this monstrosity before drawing their last breath. Perhaps the dried up blood adorning its skin is a remainder of its birth. Oh, God. The world is spinning.
Suddenly, you wince at an increasing pressure slithering around your thigh. The alien's vertebral tail is tightening and encircling your limb, making its way up. 
"Oh no, no no no no" your face reddens at the realization and you pounce on the ground, feverish for escape. The large hands secure you in place and the creature growls in protest. It won't let you leave. 
Not until it had its fun with you.
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miela · 7 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter IX: The Thread of Silk and Gold • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: FLUFFITY FLUFF Chapter Warnings: it's another long boi (cries in overachieving and overly self-critical writer) Extra: FELLOW SWIFTIES THIS ONE IS FOR YOU, Had to pull out my songwriting skills for this one-, another chapter I was so excited for EEEEEEEE- Word Count: 6.2k
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DIARY / Dream Log #67 / 05 JUN 2025
I think the hardest drug I ever took was all of Taylor Swift's discography. Because there is no way this boy in my dreams is real. He sounds like fragments of her songs and I swear being a swiftie is finally turning my brain cells delulu.
He's my midnight folklore lover (pun completely intended)
See he's not the breakup songs, no he's the love songs. He's fearless, state of grace, hey stephen, and many others all wrapped in a box of mystery with a bow on too that I can't untie or cut loose.
Of course, I made him up, why else can't I see his face? He's not real, right? He can't be. Something that good in my life doesn't exist. What do I deserve from this kind of love? All I do is hurt the ones I love, so of course he's not real. I'm just delusional. Delusional and lonely as hell.
But at the same time…then why does everything feel like a memory?
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You decided that you would spend your day at the Avengers Tower penthouse. You don't think you could handle Sam, Bucky, and Dr. Cho teasing you for beaming like an idiot and trying to squeeze it out of you. And you couldn't explain to them how you didn't stay put like you were supposed to. You wondered what they would say if they knew that you kissed him…twice. God forbid Morgan knew too? You would never hear the end of it for at least three months. It was your day off so you didn’t have to worry about random calls since Nika agreed to leave you alone for a while as a way to make up for almost ruining your kiss with Peter. 
You could still feel his lips on yours like the ghost of him was left with you when your lips met. 
You felt different after the kiss. Good different. You felt lighter like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders and you weren’t sure if it was from the kiss itself or something else. You just knew you were really happy. 
You were looking at the timeline FRIDAY had made (and graciously made into the form of a spider web just to fuck with you) and sighed. You wish you could remember everything you were with Peter. It looked like it was lovely…what you guys had before. You wish you could make yourself remember but you couldn’t. 
But things started to feel more familiar than before and you couldn't really explain it. After the first kiss, it was like your body remembered him. Kissing him felt familiar but foreign in a good way. 
You knew Peter was the faceless boy in your dreams, with no doubt. Especially because he never denied it. You both would beat around the bush about confirming it with the fear of it hurting you even though you were the one to push for answers more than he was. Hell, you're the one who had to find him.
You eyed the timeline and took a deep breath. "FRIDAY, archive the timeline."
After that, you went to the music room where you kept all of your guitars. You were in the mood to play and sing your little happy heart out. You didn't have a lot of guitars but you did have a collection of them that you loved and cherished. You had the first one you ever got which was a regular wooden brown acoustic one that you practiced on all the time. It was filled with stickers on the back of it to give it personality. You still remember how painful your fingers would feel after four hours of practice every day. There was a black one that your dad got you after you mastered playing the first song that you were learning. It was your favorite one for a while until you got your red one. You remember being afraid of using it because you were worried that it would break in your hands. It was precious to you and you didn’t want to mess it up.
It was one of the ones Taylor Swift used on her Red tour. 
It was a gift from your beloved Spidey for your birthday. He used his Spidey status and sent Taylor a letter asking if she could wish you a happy birthday. He didn’t expect a response from her, but a week later she did. After a conversation between your favorite hero and your favorite singer, you were met with a beautifully written birthday letter with tickets to her concert and a Polaroid picture of her and her three cats, a video of her singing Happy Birthday, and two signed red guitars, one electric and the other acoustic. The red electric guitar was hung on the wall in your bedroom with the Polaroid framed next to it. The acoustic one took you a week to even use. You remember crying with happiness on and off for three hours when you got it. 
Apparently, without knowing, he had saved her once and she wanted to thank him in some way and he chose that to cash in.  
You smiled as you picked it up and looked at it for a long, loving moment before turning to grab your notebook. You walked down the stairs and into the living room, plopped down on the couch, and set the guitar next to you as you opened your notebook. You flipped through the pages and looked at the notes, lyrics, doodles, scratched-out, aggressively circled, and underlined words, and tear stains that filled the pages. 
The entire notebook was dedicated to him. The Faceless Boy. Peter Parker. 
You don’t know why you bound so much of your emotions about him along the white pages and you couldn’t tell if it was a way to clear your mind or if it was a way to heal. Maybe both. 
You decided that you were going to stop forcing yourself to remember him and just enjoy the time you’re spending with him and appreciate the new memories you’ll be making with him. One’s that hopefully won’t be erased from your mind this time. Will he ever tell you what even happened? Maybe not and you still hadn’t decided if you were okay with that, but in due time, hopefully, he will be honest with you. 
You landed on a page that you remember fresh in your mind because you had only written one thing on the page, and it was three weeks ago when you wrote it. 
A single thread ties me to you and yet not a single memory clicks. Are there clues I didn’t see?
It wasn’t the first time you wrote a poetic line in this notebook about the faceless boy, and it wasn’t the first time a poetic line became a fully fleshed-out song. And this moment of inspiration that you had didn’t make anything different. Maybe it was because you were still giddy from the night before. 
So you grabbed a pen, picked up your guitar, and began writing and strumming your little heart out. 
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My sweet boy…
Those three words rang through Peter’s mind for the rest of the night until he fell asleep. And then he dreamt of all the times you called him that before. 
He knew you didn’t remember him, that was clear. But something happened when you guys kissed. He knew you felt it because he felt it, and he felt you feel it. On top of that, you didn’t feel any pain from it. And then when you called him my sweet boy…
He nearly lost his mind. 
So when Peter woke up, he felt determined. He made a decision that he should have made weeks ago. Really it should have been five years ago.
He was going to tell you everything. And nothing could and would stop him. 
So he got up and got into the shower. He spent an ungodly amount of time in there trying to figure out what he was going to say and how to react to any of the possible reactions you would have. After that, he got out and forced himself to eat something before grabbing his backpack and pulling out from under his bed the suitcase full of the things he took from your room instead of telling you everything right then and there. He had his reasons, but he was beginning to second-guess them. He opened the suitcase to check and make sure everything was in there. When that was done, he set the stuff he was taking with him on the bed. 
He put on his spider suit, the one you made for him all those years ago, and put his backpack over his shoulders. He made sure the suitcase was locked and secured so nothing would fall out. He thinks he would actually die if that happened. He picked it up and went to hurry out before he backtracked.
He glanced over at the silver spider necklace sitting on his end table.
He chewed his lip. He wants to give it to you so badly, but…he wanted it to be another special moment when he did give it back to you. 
So he left it there and hurried out of the apartment window. 
Once, he made it onto the roof of the building, he called you. But it went to voicemail. No doubt, you were taking a break from work today. So just to be sure he called your office number.
"Stark Industries," Nika chimed in a customer service voice.
"Hey, Nika. It's Peter,"
"Ah, Avenger Lover Boy,” Her voice went back to normal. “What can I do you for?"
He blushed under his mask at the nickname. "Is (Y/N) there today?"
"Yep, she's up in the penthouse-"
"Cool! I'll be there in like…fifteen minutes."
“Oh?” she asked with obvious cheekiness in her tone. “Making a grand gesture? You better be bringing flowers.”
“She doesn’t do bouquets,” Peter stated. “She prefers going to see the flowers in their natural state. Better for the environment in her eyes.”
Nika hummed in amusement. “You pay attention. Good. See you in a few.”
And with that, she hung up.
He swung from Queens to Manhattan as fast and as carefully as he could and even helped a few people along the way. When he arrived he walked straight into the Avenger’s building. He would’ve swung up to a window and climbed in, but he had no idea how security was and he didn’t wanna risk dropping anything from the highest building in New York City. Again, he thinks he would actually die if that happened. So he let his anxiety win and played it safe by going through the building like a normal person. 
 He hurried straight for the elevator and impatiently pressed the button as if that would make it come down faster. He tapped his foot on the ground in suspense and waved at different people who walked passed and greeted him. When the doors finally opened, he waited for the people to walk off before hurrying his way inside and aggressively clicking buttons again. 
Before the door could close, a hand stopped it from doing so.
Peter looked to see Nika step inside and give him a straight-faced nod as she pressed the button for the door to close. She glanced at him without saying anything and then scanned her eye. There was a long silence as the elevator went up and it honestly made Peter uncomfortable.
“You know,” Nika started. “You’re bold for wearing that suit today after that kiss from yesterday.”
Peter looked at her, his mask showing that his eyes widened.
“I’ll make sure the top floor is on lockdown from anyone else.”
“Nika…” Peter replied as his face burned under his mask when he realized what she was implying.
“Relax, I’m messing with you,” she smirked at him. “You’re so tense right now. Lighten up, dude.”
He took a deep breath and shook it out a little. He was extremely tense. He was about to tell you everything that you should’ve been told years ago. 
Once the elevator stopped, she spoke again.
"Good Luck, Peter Parker,” she smiled and walked off and gave him a salute. 
"Th-thank you," Peter replied and the elevator closed again and went up.
He took another nervous breath. “Alright, Peter, you got this. No backing down.”
When the doors opened he hurried in to find you, but he stopped when he heard the sound of a guitar coming from the conference room. He stopped in his tracks when he realized that it was you playing your guitar. He slowly walked over to the staircase walked up quietly and kept his distance.
He stopped when he saw you, dressed in a pair of black joggers, a black fitted sleeveless crop top, and a long black cardigan that was falling off one shoulder. You had your stark specs on and you wiggled your bare toes and you strummed the red guitar that he recognized all too well. You were facing the window and he could see your reflection through it but he was just out of view to where you couldn’t see his. He smiled under his mask. He missed watching you play. 
But the minute you started singing, his heart nearly stopped. 
Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
Peter remembered when you told him that there were days when you would go to this park and read a book. Sometimes you still went when you needed to clear your mind. Although you were proud to be a Stark, it was a bit of a heavy thing to have on your shoulders at such a young age. So to get away from everything, you would take a book, go to Centennial Park, and escape into worlds that were different from yours. He remembered how you told him that you always hoped to meet eyes with somebody there and fall in love with them.
That’s not exactly how it happened with the two of you, but you always said it was better than your little fantasy. 
Blue was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the deli shop
You used to go when you had a little money
He recalled the first time you went to his place with Celina. You all had a project you were working on and he took you to Delmar’s deli shop to get some food. 
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Peter realized the song was about your memories of him in your dreams. 
Bad was the blood of the vibes in the flight
On your trip to Germany
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
Bold was the waitress on our three-day trip
Getting lunch in Saxony 
She said I looked like an American sweetheart
He remembered that day. The first time you guys met as Spiderheroes.
Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Are there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
He leaned against the wall and listened to you continue to sing.
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into the right heart
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One web of silk and gold tied me to you
Peter smiled as he listened to your melodic and poetic words.
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind
For the ones who broke my heart
Now I live life in the present.
Gold is the color of the leaves
When I'll show you around Centennial Park
Hell, what a journey but it brought me heaven
He looked forward to when you took him to your safe place. Again.
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies
And it's cool, darling, with me
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
You finished the song, let out a breath of relief, and drummed your nails on the guitar gently before setting it down next to you and picking up your notebook. Then you paused and Peter knew why. You sensed him and your eyes widened as you whipped your head around to look for him.
Now’s your chance, he thought, taking off his mask and walking into view.
"Peter…!" You chimed as you set down your notebook and got off the table. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
Peter pressed his lips together. Here goes nothing. Actually, it’s everything. "(Y/N)...I have something to tell you."
"Okay…" you responded gingerly as you crossed your arms over yourself with your brows pulled together with a concerned look on your face. You must have sensed his nervousness.
Peter walked over to the table throwing his backpack down and setting the suitcase on the table. He quickly fiddled with the latches, forced them open, and then turned it towards you.  You looked at it to see a scrapbook, picture frames, polaroids, and other items that you recognized from…your dreams. Your eyes widened.
"Peter…?" You looked up at him wondrously.
"I know Ghost Stories is your favorite Coldplay album and Lover is your favorite Taylor Swift album.”
You looked at him confused. 
“I know you can't get a night of proper sleep unless you drink a cup of tea mixed with milk and honey and you need something to hold while sleeping, specifically, Starky, your wolf plush that you named after your family and the Starks from Game of Thrones. I know your favorite character from Game of Thrones is Lyanna Stark because of the quote 'You saw her beauty but not the iron underneath' from the books and that's the meaning of the blue roses on your tattoo. You also asked Steve to help you with the drawing years ago.”
Your expression turned to shock as you kept looking at him frozen.
“I know that you hate messy spaces and people handing you things because your dad was the same way. I know that you have to pet every cat you come across and that you like dark content and media because it reminds you of who and what you're fighting for and you fear being so out of touch with reality because you're extremely privileged.”
You blink rapidly as you process what is happening at the moment.
“I know that you love playing the guitar and you write songs. It's like your diary where you can properly express yourself because you wish your life was a musical because you're secretly a theater nerd. And you love Hamilton and Six. And Disney movies. And you love listening to the SMASH soundtrack. It’s one of the things you were shy about telling anyone about.”
You press your lips together as your expression softened and your eyes glossed over. 
“I know that you love movies and that you have a huge crush on Anakin Skywalker, which I always found concerning by the way. Like…everyone finds that concerning. Ned and I had a conversation about it yesterday. You also hate the recent Star Wars trilogy but you continue to hate-watch it with me because it's something that we did together and as long as we were together, you didn't care what we watched.”
You sniffled softly, listening to him go on.
“I know that you love cold weather because you love the feeling of it on your skin because it reminds you that you're alive and human. You love Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare because you love Shakespeare's humor and Poe's dark romanticism. And although you deeply despise magic you love a good fantasy novel. And your book boyfriends are Draco Malfoy and Aaron Warner. And I'm not getting any further into that because I should not be this jealous of fictional characters.”
You let out a choked laugh. 
“You have sensory sensitivity so you hate loud noises, bright lights, and feeling things on your hands. And it only worsened when you gained these spider powers that we share.”
You nodded softly and put a hand over your mouth to keep in your sob that was threatening to escape.
“(Y/N),” He walked up to you and gently cradled your face as his own eyes glossed over. “ We….we were in love....deeply and truly and I...fucked it all up and I still don't know if I regret it or not because you have grown into this amazing and beautiful person that I am still in love with....deeply and truly. And five years is a long time I know but...I wanted you to live your life without having to worry about me and be able to focus on yourself.”
He chewed on his bottom lip for a second like he was deciding on his next words carefully. 
“When your dad died ...I could tell that you would have been in a really dark place if I wasn't there to help distract you from it. And you know what? It was the same for me too. But we never really worked through it on our own. We became each other's distractions. And I wanted to come to you five years ago, but I made the impulsive decision to let you go so you could heal, grow, and explore life I know that's not a decision I should make for you and I'm so sorry, (Y/N/N), I'm so, so, so, so sorry-"
You couldn’t take it anymore and you grabbed his face and kissed him deeply and passionately before he could continue babbling. Peter froze a moment but then matched the energy of your kiss as his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him.
 The kiss was much more desperate but just as passionate as the day before. And there was no one here to interrupt you. It was just the two of you and your passion running wild for each other. 
Peter wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You pulled back for a moment and he chased the kiss instinctively not wanting to part just yet. He looked at you with hooded eyes and you both catching your breath because you both forgot that breathing during a kiss is essential.
 You smiled softly and leaned your forehead on his as said barely in a whisper. "You finally admit you’re the faceless boy,” you sniffled as you met his gaze. “Idiot. You could’ve told me sooner that you’re the guy in my dreams..."
“I’m sorry…” Peter blushed and gulped softly before asking, "Can I also be the guy in your reality?"
You giggled. “There you go flirting again.”
“And I’m still being serious,” he smirked softly.
You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as your smile grew. “About damn time you asked me.”
Peter smiled that charming smile you loved so much as he tasted your lips again and your senses continued to bloom within the both of you. 
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You had so many questions and Peter was expecting that. He was honest and didn't hide anything from you when you asked.
He started by explaining everything that happened and why nobody could remember him. 
You repeated it back to him to clarify that you heard everything correctly.
"I'm not sure what pisses me off more, honestly."
"I think all of it pisses you off."
"You're right, it does. And you tried to get everyone to forget that you were Spiderman but you accidentally messed up Strange's spell and it caused a tear in the multiverse? And there were other Peter Parkers? And their villains were here? Wait, did you say Norman Osborn killed your Aunt May?!"
"Not our Norman Osborn," Peter explained. "Ours hasn't done anything yet. I've been keeping an eye on him."
You rubbed your temple and took a deep breath. "That's a lot to process. I think I hate magic again."
After that, he showed you all of the things in the suitcase. He started with the scrapbook that you both made together. It had a red cover and black pages that were filled with drawings, cute words, and pictures of the two of you.  The front of it read "Our Story."
There was a tic tac toe game page that read "You Won My Heart" where you both were bored one day and played a game of tic tac toe. You put hearts over each winning line and taped it nicely into the scrapbook. There was another page that read "Our Soundtrack" with different songs written under it. The page was filled with music-themed doodles. Some pages marked your firsts and different highlighting events and you took it all in as you flipped through the pages.
Peter was leaning his head on your shoulder as he also looked at each page. He has looked over this scrapbook on his loneliest days and he memorized it front to back. 
He half expected you to say something witty like "We're so cringe for this" or "This is so corny but I kinda love it" but you didn't. You were studying it with soft eyes as you ran your fingers over different parts of the pages and smiled softly. Sometimes you would ask a question about a certain page and Peter would answer.
You came across a page that read "Things I love about Peter" with a list. 
"Hmm let's see if this still stands," you teased. "One, pretty smile: true. Two, genius: also true. Three, Kind-hearted: very true. Four, Short King: also very true and adorable. Five, nerdy and geeky: love that. Six, hair: agreed." You skimmed down the rest of the list. "Wow, you're literally my type."
Peter smiled smugly. "I know."
You giggled in response. "Confidence is sexy on you." 
"I thought I was conceited?"
"It's different, you're my boyfriend now." 
His heart fluttered at that.
"I mean, I'm no Aaron Warner or anything." He teased.
You rolled your eyes playfully. 
"Let me explain something to you," you tapped his forehead. "What I like in fantasy and what I like IRL are two different things. In fantasy, I like the dark, brooding bad boys because they're written by women. They're meant to cater to my deep and dark desires personified into my fictionalized self.  In real life, I like guys like you. The sweet-hearted cuties from the start." You smiled at him as he looked at you. "So don't worry yourself over men who don't exist. Especially Anakin Skywalker. The actor was just cute and I have a thing for masks."
"Trust me, I know." 
You giggled softly and turned the page where it was a list called "Things I Love About (Y/N)". You paused and looked at it.
"Let's see if this still stands," Peter stated with a playful tone. "One, prettiest girl in the world: yep. Two, outspoken and not afraid to stand up to bullies: very true. Three, genius: also true. Four: hard exterior, soft interior: eh, you softened up. More approachable now. " 
You snorted in response.
"Five, geek, weeb: still true. Six, talented: extremely true. Shall I keep going?"
You giggled. "You're making my teeth hurt."
"You have phenomenal dental health, you'll live."
You threw your head back and laughed before looking at him. He was looking at you lovingly. You pressed your lips together and looked at the scrapbook shyly. 
"Thank you," you started. "For telling me everything." 
You felt his presence closer to you and looked back at him to see his face inches away from yours. You met his gaze before he leaned in to kiss you deeply and you responded by kissing back and closing your eyes. His hand softly landed on your cheek and he could feel the warmth of your face and the feeling of love and something else through his senses. you set the scrapbook off to the side and moved yourself to sit facing him as you both deepened the kiss.
He pulls back after a moment.
"Sorry," he said lowly. "I…I just had to make sure that this is real…that  you're real."
“I should be the one saying that,” you grinned. “I’ve been the one with dreams.”
You giggled in response and kissed him again. 
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You both spent most of the day in and watching movies as you cuddled on the couch. You lent him a pair of joggers and a Joy Division band tee shirt to wear instead of him walking around in his spider suit. You guys ordered pizza and tacos and then went back to watching whatever you guys felt like watching. Peter was lying back on the couch while you were lying on top of him with your head on his chest and your legs entangled together. His hand would stroke your back lightly every once in a while and it lulled you to sleep a couple of times. That, and the sound of his heartbeat in your ears.
"(Y/N)," Peter called to you softly.
Your eyes fluttered open and noticed that the movie you guys were watching had ended. You looked up sleepily at Peter who was smiling down at you. 
"Hm?" You hummed in question.
Cute, he thought. "I have to go patrol."
"Huh?" You asked and looked at the time. Five Thirty. "Jeez. I didn't realize…"
"It's okay," he kissed your forehead longingly for a moment and you closed your eyes at the feeling. "I can come back after."
You pout and then shove your face back into his firm chest. You didn't want him to leave. 
Peter chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Okay, princess, no more pouting."
He knew pet names like that are your weakness. He could feel the heat of your face on his chest and he smirked.
"Princess," he sang.
"Stop," you whined into his chest shyly while the heat on your face widened which caused Peter to laugh softly.
"You know," Peter started. "You could come with me. People miss you, y'know. Silk and Spidey, Spidey and Silk. I get asked about you a lot."
You sighed and slowly sat up to where you were sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arms around you instinctively as you leaned your head on his shoulder "I…don't do that anymore."
You knew that people wondered what happened to some of the Avengers, and you were one of them that people often wondered about, especially since Spiderman was still out there protecting the little guy. 
But one day you just stopped and people wondered what happened to the beloved spiderhero. 
"I meant to ask,” Peter started as he looked at you. “Why did you stop?"
You looked at Peter and chewed your lip nervously. Many reasons made you hang up the suit but there were some that really caused you to stop. And you really didn’t want to talk about it.
"Well, for one, I wanted to help Pepper raise Morgan. Two, I have to focus on the company. And Three," you closed your eyes as you thought of the chapter in your life that you never wanted to speak of ever again. "I…made some big mistakes. I…hurt people in…so many different ways and I just don't see myself as a hero anymore because of it. When I was needed most, I let everyone around me down.” You took another deep sigh. ”Not much of a hero thing to do."
Flashes of the past enter into your mind and Peter could feel the guilt, pain, and fear of your senses stirring within him. It was strong and he didn't like it. Something told him there was more to the story but he didn't want to pry. Instead, he kissed your forehead comfortingly.
"Sometimes even the greatest of heroes make the biggest of mistakes."
"I doubt that," you replied. “I kind of like…really fucked up.”
“The fact that you feel guilty about it shows that you aren’t a bad person,” he began. "Do you remember when you first got your powers and what the first thing you did was?"
You remember that day clearly like it happened yesterday.
"I saved a van full of women and girls from getting kidnapped." 
"Yeah,” Peter smiled. “ Still in your ballet outfit. Bright pink with your makeshift mouth mask that you quickly made out of your extra pair of leggings.”
You looked up at him. 
“It went viral on YouTube and TikTok,” he continued.  “You didn't hesitate a second." 
You looked at your hands and played with your fingers.
Peter kept going. "You said in your expo speech. With great power comes great responsibility. 
"My dad told me that when I was little," you replied with a small smile. “‘Where there is great power there is great responsibility, where there is less power there is less responsibility, and where there is no power there can, I think, be no responsibility’ said by Winston Churchill. And ‘the more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have said by Noam Chomsky,” You raised your hands and looked at your fingertips, where your webs come from. “He told me to focus on the line that resonated with me the most and it was ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ and I’ve tried to live my life by that ever since.” 
Ah, Pete thought as he ran a hand through his curls. “Aunt May told me that exact same thing moments before she died."
You looked at him vaguely remembering him telling you that once before. A vague memory flashed in your mind of you holding a crying Spiderman in your arms alongside Ned, MJ, and Celina in the pouring rain. The memory brought a frown to your face. 
"When you have this power and then the bad things happen, then it's on us. You knew that immediately. Whether it stemmed from a hero complex or whatever, doesn’t matter. You understood that you had a responsibility. I had to learn it the hard way. And it cost my Uncle Ben’s life."
You looked up at him sadly and a bit of shock in your expression. You felt the guilt and sadness flowing through him. 
He continued.
"You're a hero, (Y/N), even when you think you aren't good enough to be one,” he leaned his forehead on yours.  “And you'll always be a hero to me."
Your heart swelled at his words and you pressed your lips together. “You always know the right things to say.”
“And I mean every word.”
You smiled and pecked his lips softly and he pecked yours back before you removed yourself from his lap so he could get up. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back.”
He nodded in response. “Okay.”
He got up, got changed, and walked out onto the launched pad for when your dad would put on the Iron suit. You walked out with him as you wrapped your cardigan around your shoulders. 
He turned and looked back at you with his mask in his hands. His eyes glistened in the sunset as the wind danced through his curls softly. He smiled softly at you. 
“See you later?”
“Mhm,” you responded with a smirk.  “Actually show up on time this time, yeah? Because if I have to go looking for you again after another five years I’ll-”
“Kick my ass into another dimension?”
You squint your eyes at him suspiciously. “Yeah…”
“You told me that before,” He said with a chuckle. “Five years ago, Statue of Liberty, moments before…the memory blip, as you call it. But I kissed the words out of your mouth.”
You scoffed and crossed your arms over yourself. “Maybe I should act on it.”
“Maybe you should,” Peter teased and put his mask on. “You gotta catch me first.”
“You’re just trying to get me to patrol with you.”
“Maybe,” he sang. “Maybe not. You’ll have to get it out of me.”
“Goodbye, Peter Parker,” you laughed. “Go, before a bank gets robbed or something.”
“Wow, trying to get rid of me? A bit ago you were begging me not to go. I didn’t take you for the wishy-washy type but hey a lot can happen in five years.”
Your jaw dropped in total shock. “You know what-” You began to speed walk towards him with a playful smirk. “Come here, Smartass!”
He laughed as you chased him around the platform before he ran towards the edge and you stopped in front of him slightly out of breath. He lifted his mask to reveal the bottom half of his face and he kissed your cheek and your face burned once again like it had been doing all day.
“I’ll come back on time, I promise.”
“You better,” you smiled at him. “Now go be a hero.”
He smiled back at you. “And you continue being mine.”
Your face softened as your heart beamed and he turned and jumped off the platform and swung across the city.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover @i-have-no-life-charlie @melodicheauxxlovesfood
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writingmochi · 1 year
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part 1
cast: taehyun ✗ fem.reader (ft. loona yyxy, txt's hueningkai, and other idols)
synopsis: the year is 1999. cardboard boxes were put on the driveway of the newly-settled home across from where taehyun lives. the five sisters will soon shake the neighborhood with their eccentric personalities yet mysterious auras. the moon sisters. since that day they arrived, taehyun is intrigued by them and especially you, the youngest of the sisters
genre: coming of age, bildungsroman, slice of life, romance, drama, high school au, late 90s au, angst, a tiny bit of fluff, mature content (explicit smut, suicidal characters, depressive episodes)
based on: movie the virgin suicides (1999)
word count: 32794 (32.7k) out of 52076 (52k)
warning(s): tyun wears glasses AND is an amateur boxer, smoking (cigarettes), mentally and physically abusive parent, narcissistic parent, gender discrimination, suicide attempt, self-harm, depression, blood, bruises, semi-public sexual act (handjob), explicit sex (soft sex for part 1), protected sex, loss of virginity (m & f), hand job (m & f receive), oral job (m & f receive), manhandling (if there is something that i forgot, let me know)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction and do be careful and read the warnings at the top. all the idols mentioned here are not what they are in real life.
welcome! this is supposed to be a one-shot but because the word count has reached 50k+ and my tumblr errored because of it, i have no choice but to split them in two. so this is part 1! thank you so much for the enthusiasm as i've read from the teaser and i hope you enjoy it!
cd mix | wall collage | part 2
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it is almost noon on the first day of august in the year 1999. heavy breaths and the sound of metals colliding with each other filled the four walls as a boy dropped his barbell on the stand behind the bench he is lying on. a new personal best for the weight he succeeds in bench-pressing.
different paraphernalia of a teenage boy covers two corners of the room. one is full of textbooks for school, and the other is full of workout items, with a desk right between them that somehow integrates both corners. a roll of hand wrap bandage in front of his box-shaped personal computer’s desktop that shows the latest operating system by windows, windows 98, and its teal background.
chiming bells of messages the boy recognized from his instant messenger makes him sit up from his bench. the t-shirt he wore sticks onto his sweating body—pooling sweat in between his joints—as he stretches his legs by standing up, cooling down his arm muscles as another chime rings.
he grabs the towel that hangs on his desk chair; seeing the blurry black-colored text of the messages in the open chatroom window. his hand reaches for the glasses on his desk, making him able to see the red screen name of “penguinkai” and the pixelated penguin face for a profile picture. the messages are about him asking to hang out at his house or him following the boy to the gym for his boxing club activities. messages that signal “i’m bored” makes the boy chuckle as he sits on the chair to answer his best friend’s messages back, the towel now drapes around his shoulders.
what he should’ve noticed is the sound of a vehicle right in front of the window behind his desk and computer. the open window of his—a habit he got from his mom who opens it every morning until noon—makes the sound more prominent. eyes, that were looking at the blinking line on the screen after he finish typing, now focused on something else instead of sending the message.
peeking from behind the boxy electronic device, he sees a truck with words written on its side. he can deduce the large-scale words as the name of a moving company he has seen before, either by the advertisements he saw on the world wide web or the names written as a sign on blocks full of office-like buildings. the truck sits on the side of the used-to-be empty house across from his while a brown dodge caravan—it resembles the one his relative has—sits in the house's carpark.
the boy focused on the doors of the car as people came out. he could count seven heads, two adults: husband and wife, and what he can presume are their five children, all daughters.
he views the new family; the father walks towards the moving worker as they open the container of the truck while the mother stands by the side, holding onto a large purse as she walks to the door. he remembered a few days before, he saw the couple at the house. his mom added the context that they were there to park one of their cars and receive the pieces of furniture they bought or bring for their new home.
if their children are there, he knows they will stay here forever. it slowly comes true as he sees the abundance of cardboard boxes filling up the spaces on the driveway.
eyes slowly moving towards the sisters who stood with various styles of clothing, all looking to be around his age at varying heights. yet, he follows one sister in particular more.
a discman hanging on the strap that is on her shoulder. she bops her head with the headset on as she walks towards the back of the truck around the asphalt road; unlike her other sisters who are using the pavement.
a few of the other sisters help in bringing the cardboard boxes down from inside the truck, while he looks at the discman girl as she climbs up into the truck effortlessly. seeing one of her sisters climbing up into the truck, another one steps inside as another sister—who is wearing a white lace dress—looks inside at them, her posture looking stiff.
waiting and waiting until the discman girl jumps out of the truck with what looks to be a guitar case strap onto her other shoulder. she whispers something to the sister in the dress as she walks away behind the truck to her front door.
later in the day; when the truck has gone away and the front lawn of the house is now visible, the boy’s mom walks to the home across from hers, preparing a welcoming gift for her new neighbors. he sees it as he puts on his burgundy sweater and prepares his duffel bag to meet kai at the gym, his mom still wears her apron as she crosses the road and presses the bell on the front door.
he walks out to the front door to see his mom walking back home, a warm smile on her face as he lifts the strap of his bag up his shoulder more.
“new neighbors?” he asked with a regular speaking tone: a disguise for his curiosity.
“yes, they’re the moons. i invited them for dinner tomorrow night as they are unpacking their stuff first. that’s okay for you, right, taehyun?” mom replies as taehyun pushes his glasses up his nose bridge.
it’s not even a whole day, and he surprised himself at how he is already interested in them. knowing that in this block of the neighborhood, there aren’t as many teenagers around his age, rather it is full of kids younger than him as new families emerge one by one.
teenage girls, especially, are a rarity.
“i’m okay with that, mom.”
at first, he spends the rest of the day normally, punching the punching bag to work out while kai sits on the sidelines with a few of his boxing club friends that are tired. he didn’t think about the moon sisters until when he walked back home from the bus stop—after parting away from kai—when he sees the house across from his lighting up the outdoor lights as the sun sets for another day.
a silhouette of someone walking out of the door carrying a trash bag to the outdoor garbage bins. it is another sister he saw but didn’t focus on before as another one goes out, barefooted, to her. the discman girl. he took a quick glimpse at them before looking away to face his front door, knowing that he will get to know them better tomorrow.
taehyun usually never helps his mom to prepare dinner, but knowing that at least five people will come to his house—excluding his own four-membered family—he let himself help his mom after she told him to wear a semi-formal outfit, arranging the table while his mom and older sister finishes the cooking they made. dad not being there as he will arrive late means that he might be the only male in the house, but not if mr. moon will come as well.
he puts the plates he picked up on the four-person table, knowing that a few leftover plates mean that a few of the guests have to sit on the sofa. organizing the utensils beside the plate as his sister puts the food in the middle of the table. heads up: startled, his eyes were now on the front door as he heard the front doorbell ringing.
“i’ll get it.” his sister said as she rubs her hands on her own apron. taehyun finishes putting the spoons as he peeks from behind the wall to see his sister’s behind obscuring the door. she opens it to see the lady, mrs. moon, wearing a long dress as a few others stood behind her almost in a line.
he sees her sister gesturing to come in as mrs. moon steps inside and took off her inconveniently tall high heels by the door—she just went across from her house to be there. he straightens his posture when he felt a hand on his shoulder, his mom guiding him to the hallway so they can greet the guests better. his gaze sticks to the five girls entering the cramped hallway of his house, all wearing short dresses of various styles and colors, recognizing the last one entering as the discman girl.
“thank you for inviting us, mrs. kang. i’m sorry that my husband can’t join us cause he has a meeting to do.” mrs. moon said as mom steps forward.
“that’s okay. our patriarch also couldn’t join us tonight because of his work, so i apologize for that inconvenience.” his mom said as both the ladies gives a smile and a knowing nod. he puts his lips into a straight line as he nuzzles his glasses up the bridge of his nose, lifting his head up to look at the group of girls across from him, feeling his cheeks getting warm from blood flowing to them.
“let me introduce you to my daughters!” mrs. moon replied as she opens her arm to gather the girls closer.
“this is sooyoung, our eldest.” sooyoung steps forward in a pink sleeveless dress. her eyes looking towards his family and she gives a small nod to his sister beside her.
“this is jiwoo.” the girl raises her hand onto a wave as she greeted them with a warm smile, wearing an orange-white plaid dress.
“our third is chaewon.” chaewon who has her name mentioned, lifted her head slightly, giving a tight lip smile in her pastel green lacy dress. taehyun recognize her as the same girl in the white lace dress from yesterday.
“hyejoo.” mrs. moon turns her head towards the girl, who is the only one wearing an outer blazer with a grey dress underneath. her hands wrapped in front of her torso as she gently leans her head back against the wall.
“and (y/n), our youngest.” his eyes are now on the discman girl who’s wearing a blue sundress, a style different from the oversized sweater she wore yesterday.
looking at how the girl’s picking on her nails, he can’t seem to look away from her, from you. his eyes rise from your fingers to see your head moving up as well, an unplanned eye contact that startles him, making you let out a small chuckle as you cover your mouth.
“… and this is my son, taehyun.” he heard his mom say his name beside him as her arm rubs his back, not listening to how his mom was introducing the family. he gives a small smile on his face before his mom welcomes the rest in so that the food won’t be cold. taehyun, being the last one on the line, saw you giving another eye contact to him before walking forward.
the seating arrangement of nine people makes him sit beside his mom while mrs. moon sits beside sooyoung. his sister is with the other four sisters in the living room across the dining table and hallway. he thought the girls will eat on the cushioned seat but they all sat on the floor instead. sooyoung who sits across from him seems to be taking a glimpse of her four sisters before looking towards their mom who converses with his mom.
his eyes wander towards the girls and his sister that are conversing on the carpet, seeing glints of light on each of their ankles from the lights on the ceiling; he presumes sooyoung also has one too. they’re holding their plate in various ways like sitting cross-legged or leaning against the cushion of the sofa. he hears them giggle as he looks between the girls when he notices a bandage like what he uses for boxing on chaewon’s wrists, her quiet demeanor gives chills down his spine as what might happen to make them as a result…
time flew too fast from taehyun’s perception as he hears clinks of plates stacking on top of each other while his mom serves dessert for the others. taehyun gives a small nod to his mom, pointing to his plate in front of him before she gives an ‘okay’ as he stands up, picking up the plate and utensils on his part of the table and then walks to the kitchen, where he can hear running and splashing of water.
he thought it was his sister, having not seen the living room when walking into the room until he sees the back of the blue sundress and a stack of plates on the counter beside the sink. he walks closer before his spoon slides on the plate, creating a loud sound that makes you turn towards it.
your eyes widen as he gives a small smile, stepping towards you as he sounded, “you don’t have to…”
“oh sorry…” you replied as taehyun now stood beside you, placing the items he brought in front of the stack of dirty plates as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt. “it’s a habit. i’m the one that got assigned the washing dishes chore at home,” you continued.
he lets a chuckle come out, seeing that you were taking a glimpse at him whilst rinsing the plates from the bubbles made by the dish soap. “(y/n), right?” he tried to ice break.
“yeah, i am. and you’re taehyun…” he sees you flutter your eyelids before returning to the plates as you put them on the counter on the other side where he stood in front. he quickly picks up a napkin from the island counter, making you let out a chuckle as he picks the plate, one by one, to dry the droplets on them. leaning his back against the counter beside you, he creates a pattern of putting the dry plate on the island counter across from him.
“you’re the youngest?” his voice pitched up at the end of the question. you playfully hummed in agreement.
“your mom said that you and a few of your sisters are in my year…” he said, putting the plate on top of the one he dried.
“oh yeah… chaewon, hyejoo, and i are fraternal triplets. i was born the latest, a 30-minute difference from hyejoo who has a 10-minute gap with chaewon,” you replied. he nods as he looks down at your bare feet while drying a plate, seeing the result of the glint he saw was an anklet resting around your right ankle. the light from the ceiling above him reflects on the chain. its blinding shine didn’t let him feel a nudge on his arm before he finally notice.
his head tilts up as he sees you move in front of him, the bottom of your sundress grazes his clothes as you tilt your head up to look at him. the plate being pulled like a magnet from his hands to yours before wiping it with a tissue you grab and putting it on the counter behind you. taehyun’s eyes follow the plate as it stacks on top of its friends before returning to your figure who is looking back at him, a more direct and purposeful eye contact than the ones you both do in the hallway before eating. your gaze then looks down at his forearms that are exposed from the sleeve being rolled up, his veins protruding against the skin as the result of working out for most of the summer to improve his boxing skill.
“i see you glancing at us from the dining table…” you murmured as you move closer, making his slouching posture now straight as he sees the tiny gap between his and your body. you lift your left hand before putting it on the counter behind him, trapping his body between it and you.
he unconsciously gulps his saliva as he tried to look at the surrounding of the kitchen his mom and dad designed.
but, he… can’t.
“i don’t know what your intention is by glancing at us in plain sight. but, just to let you know…” taehyun finally felt his heart beats against his chest as you move your head closer to his, feeling a faint of your breath caressing his skin. he looks into your eyes, seeing them looking stable from the way they gaze, but on a longer look, they look puffy.
he can see faint cracks in your vase that is your mind. so subtle, but might haunt him for an unknown amount of time.
“there are so many things you won’t understand about us, taehyun.”
your eyes shake slightly when you said it before your right hand reaches up towards his face. he braces for the unplanned contact before feeling the glasses on his face moved up on his nose, seeing it being pushed by your hand before you let out a smirk and step back, retreating your left hand back before turning around and leaving him stunned in the kitchen by himself.
that was the last he saw them, the last time he saw you. until the first day of school, a week later.
leaning back against his and kai’s locker that are side by side, taehyun tilts his head up as he pushes his glasses while looking at the hallway. his dark blue uniform pants pair up with the girls’ uniform with their plaid-pattern dark blue skirts with vests rested on top of the white shirts. other students wear a cardigan, varsity jacket, and other outers—even not wearing the vest at all—to express their personality, passion, and school persona. he himself wears his burgundy sweater that becomes his signature.
the entrance at the end of the hallway was when he saw the moon sisters enter with their newly ironed school uniforms and uniformly styled looks—even to the same glints on their right feet above their white socks that he now knows are anklets. the ranging personalities he sees are now a clean slate when being compared to what they were like the first time he saw them moving their cardboard boxes.
but as the day went, he observed them, the five of them, having lunch at the trunk of the tree outside. seeing them laying down on each other’s thighs as they giggled. seeing moon chaewon with tons of bracelets covering her wrist and moon (y/n)—his newest classmate—with her silver and blue-colored discman.
it didn’t take long for the sisters to spread out of the cocoon that is the awkwardness of a new environment and new school.
as a month into living in the new neighborhood, one morning when he puts on his uniform shirt on top of his undershirt, he sees the girls walk out of the house in a rush. he presumes they want to chase the bus on the corner of the block. but, he didn’t expect them to hide between the garage and one of their cars in the carpark, where one of them picks up a garbage bag beside their outdoor trash bin. pulling out skirts whose colors and patterns are the same as the ones the school wears today and a bunch of various outer shirts from a bomber jacket to a cardigan. openly undressing themselves to their undershirts and switching around their clothes.
openly showing the world who they really are: individual people.
taehyun’s eyes focused on the girls scrambling around to switch their shirts between each other while buttoning his white shirt. some of them wearing spaghetti strap tank tops for their undershirt as he sees one of the sisters toss an oversized striped sweater to his classmate, you. focusing on you as you put your head through the hole, he held his breath as he sees you tidying up your hair, a smile he had never seen adorning your face made him chuckle. he then sees hyejoo leaning closer to you, making you pause before your gaze looks towards his house, his window, him.
the boy’s eyes widen as he stood in stunned before you give him a smirk, your eyes meeting, wanting him to be pulled gently towards you. sooyoung’s silent talk from where he is and gesture takes your attention as they left the house, your head giving one last look towards where he is before following your sisters. taehyun finally breathed after holding his breath all this time.
a month since they move, a month full of observing from behind his studies and boxing, is enough for his basic assessment of the moon sisters.
the oldest one, sooyoung, is the fashionista of the group. she likes to push the boundaries of the school uniform rule by wearing a shorter skirt and a tighter shirt that must be from the other sisters, even wearing accessories like necklaces and alike. a senior that took the breath away of the other seniors, her confidence and attractiveness attracted the likes of the most popular seniors in school, mostly the varsity jocks.
jiwoo, the second oldest, is also a senior and the brightest of the sisters. a typical girl-next-door he usually recognized from his sister’s teen movie collection. but her brightness lights the sisters up with her jokes and laughs will always fly because of her. though many boys seem to like her, her eyes always shine when she looks at girls: punk girls, cheer girls, and theatre girls. the apple of her cheeks getting more prominent if she looks at the flower girls of the school.
chaewon is the oldest of the triplets, child number three, and is the proper and elegant-looking sister. she wears the most oversized uniform out of all the sisters, a longer skirt that is almost halfway down her calves. she always looks down every time she walks, yet she gives him chills every time he looks at her figure. her wide eyes seem to glitter with some glistening on them. the sisters seem to always find a new flower to put behind her earlobe. she is the most out of the sisters that look and acts like what a feminine girl is. almost ideal.
hyejoo, the second triplet, is the tomboy of the sisters. a striker in the girl’s football team of the school and like dominating other students, especially physically and with boys. her actions making it seem that she has a vendetta against the other sex. she is always wearing a jacket almost like the one maverick uses in top gun. and her gaze slices people like a knife with her feline-like eyes.
you, the youngest and the last triplet, are the one he spends his time with the most, the one he takes interest in the most. yet still an enigma for him.
being in the same class where he sat in the middle row with kai, you sat at the back beside the window of the class, the lone desk on your row as you are an additional student in his class. every time he enters the class on school mornings, he can see you looking down the window beside your seat, before you put on the headset connected to your discman or picking on your nails.
what he can always appreciate is the way the morning ray finds the right place to shine on your face. your hair always shields the right place that you always took his breath away every time he glimpses at you.
what he never expected—but realized is what you might have done before moving here—is when he sees you smoke a cigarette. he first notices it when he sees you and hyejoo having a smoke during a free time when he went to the restroom, seeing how you and your sister lean against the brick wall while the other juniors are in the class. like the world just seems to stop for the both of you. yet, even though people around him don’t smoke, he didn’t mind the faint smell of it exudes from you that mixes with your eau de toilette.
for the month that you and he live across from each other, you were always the one that he caught sneaking out at night. he knows because sometimes under the light of his study lamp, he can see the silhouette coming from the house and when you came back, your eyes always meet him that overlooks his window as he chats with kai or studies at his desk. you give him a smirk before climbing inside your home and gently closing the door. though both of the vehicles your family has usually aren’t even at home at that time.
the moon sisters, though always attracted people’s attention, have never been separated from each other other than in class or after-school activities. they eat lunch together and even disappear together. but what you said to him always stick to him, no matter what, he wants to be closer to them, and he knows that the hollow-like eyes he sees a few of the sisters have, even you, always makes him curious.
there are so many things he won’t understand about them. yet, he wants to. he will do anything to understand.
the vibrating strings created sounds that travel around the four walls of the room. hands holding onto the neck and the around the body of the guitar, fingers plucking one of the six strings in a pattern that shapes a chord. the nails are different lengths on both of the hands, longer on the hand that plucks the nylon strings, and shorter on the hand that is on the fretboard. you pull the guitar closer to you as your fingers play by themselves.
you lay your head against the mattress from the bed behind you as you look at the night sky outside the window. the screen is playing a vhs tape of clueless as you look at each of your sisters’ figures being relaxed around the tv: doing whatever they’re doing with most watching the movie. waiting for something to happen, no ignition to cause it.
when you heard the faint sound of the ambulance siren roads away from where you at, your thoughts travel elsewhere. you don’t recognize if this is real or a memory of yours before you glance at chaewon’s bandage-wrapped wrists underneath the bracelets you and your sisters put on her.
you remember seeing her body; the color is saturated from her skin as blood seeps onto the temporary bandage when the emts brought her into the ambulance. seeing mama’s stunned face as the spinning red lights and siren attracts the neighbors that stare at the scene like a spectacle of some miracle or disaster. a young girl hurting herself in the overflowing bathtub of their bathroom, knowing two ways to go where she has attempted one.
yet, all of your sisters and you are not surprised to see chaewon being brought to the nearest hospital as the ambulance left with both of your parents; leaving the house to the children once again. you peer at the numerous scars your sisters inflict on themselves and the ones you inflict on your own body, all to whisk the pain away from living in this odious home, well… with odious parents.
mama’s impulsivity and shame from letting the neighbors see a side of her family that she doesn’t want and papa’s willingness to follow what she wants, make them decide to move the family over the summer to a new place, where nobody knew you or your family. if they do know, they knew how your mama is treating all of her daughters like princesses.
she is the queen that those princesses know to not defy, even though they want to.
coming from a prestigious family, mama has always been treated like a princess by everyone around her. a princess in their eyes and what she believes she is as she went to high-class gatherings and met important people all around the country. academia, wealth, and nobility become the statuses that matter to her. her parents put her in the most prestigious school. then she met papa—a fellow who grows up like her—in a private college who treated her more than a princess: treating her like a queen.
you always wonder—as you grow up—why she even thought to bear five daughters to create replicate versions of her every time…
all of them to be learning ballet. all of them to be learning musical instruments, especially in a classical sense—a loophole you found with the guitar that you now know how to play as you told her that there is such a thing as a classical guitar, which made her agree for you to take; unlike a few of your sisters’ default piano learning or other instruments like violin and flute. all of them learning how to be proper and poise like how nobilities from the 18th century should do—in the 20th century. all of it are the ones mama has done before becoming a socialite from an old money family.
you always wonder why they decide to grow five daughters up—who society always tells you that fathers are more nurturing towards daughters than sons—when your own is kissing your mama’s feet almost all the time…
papa has always been quiet and he doesn’t involve himself in ‘growing you up’, always a traditionalist of his of knowing the gender roles of fathers going to work while mothers take care of the home. because of that, mama can take over everything and set up expectations for all of you, including what you eat and what you wear in public. yet she seems to stay away most of the day and not even care about the well-being of the household, making all of you turn to be independent in taking care of your own well-being and your belongings by at least the age of 5: when your nanny passed away.
you and your sisters’ nanny is both a mother figure to the five of you, but also a pseudo-sister-figure of your mama as she is an only child, seeing mama growing up before her eyes and mama even make her a personal nanny that she brought with her until marriage and giving birth to her daughters. the earliest memory you remember was playing with your sisters on a playing mat full of dolls with your nanny overseeing all of you, mama and papa cannot be seen. you felt the pain a few days after her death, with no one there nurturing you on why she is gone, no one there helping you. only mama’s expectations of you all being her perfect little girls she can show off. only you and your sisters’ trust in each other as you both pain yourself away from reality.
the idea to fight against your mama’s expectations didn’t come until sooyoung and jiwoo entered high school: seeing how pretty their new uniforms are against the middle school ones you and your other sisters wore. then the magazines come in as they sneak them in their bags every time they bought a few on the way home from school alone—a contrast to your parents using their wealth to benefit themselves. the tons and tons of information you’ve collected from fashion, music, and gossip, all of them combined and ingrained into all of your minds, that there is something more to life other than this hellhole you call a household.
and so, you all fight in ways you are confident in. buying clothes that your mama deems inappropriate secretly. going out to see the town other than going to school or with your parents at night. trying something new, something dangerous, something fun. learning something to help to know your true self. all of that throughout 4 years of painful touches, curses, and living a life you wanted until near the end of summer break when papa found chaewon who can’t handle any more of the pain. a summer break that is full of ups but more downs than usual ones.
after chaewon gets out of the hospital, mama and papa couldn't be seen. the rest of you don’t want to see them anyway from the growing hatred you had for them, well, for mama. you remember all the insults and blame thrown onto all four of you for embarrassing her in the public's face, how fuming she is that her daughters don’t care about how she will be perceived later on. more changing of thoughts and emotions as she is becoming the real-life version of jekyll and hyde all of you have depicted her to be. because of them not coming home for days, partying up instead of taking care of such a vulnerable family before the day you move out, sooyoung thought of something to do as a last hurrah.
she has planned for all of you to go out to a bazaar by the beach near where you live before you move overmorrow. mama’s demands on cleaning up your less-needed stuff are made as she went out on a date with papa after putting her car in the new house—a perfect time to travel outside. sooyoung and jiwoo lead you onto the bus stop as they track down the stop's name by the beach. arriving there in the outfit you are all comfortable in and represents all of you uniquely, you observe hyejoo pulling a box of cigarettes out as you pick one up and putting it between your lips, nearing the end to the flame she ignites from the lighter as you take a huge puff. hence, the flame burns the stick before pulling it out, letting the heated smoke fly as your other three sisters stare at the two of you. chaewon gives a timid smile. her skin isn’t as healthy as it used to be as she was just discharged a few days ago.
walking down the boardwalk, booths upon booths of products line up in front of the beach as you all trail down the crowded street of the late summer, viewing the amount of street food that smells so delicious that you’ve only seen from magazines as mama has never given any sort of food like that for you to consume. that’s when you knock yourself on your older sister’s side as you turn your head to watch her looking at a stand that sells pieces of jewellery of any kind, but a mannequin’s foot takes her attention as she approaches to inspect the ankle that is wrapped with a chain around it. an anklet.
jiwoo’s focus on ice cream left you and sooyoung alone as the others are buying the food for you to snack on whilst you are here. approaching her, you hear her talk about wanting to buy a plain anklet like the one on display, but then you see the crescent moon charms in her cupped hands. she notices your presence when she turns to look at you and asked, “which of the charms here represent us the most?”
that’s when you step closer to see the small bowls of bracelet charms waiting to be hooked to the chain on the right person. you knew exactly why she asked that and you identified exactly what to bring up.
a white pearl charm catches your eyes as you pick up and pinch it between your thumb and forefinger, putting it between you and the person you knew represents this well. sooyoung.
as the oldest sister, you’ve gained much respect towards her and the elegance that exudes from her. a combination of old money and something modern. you’ve seen the dress designs in her journal beside the biology homework she has to take—the journal being more decorated is a piece of available evidence for you to identify which one she likes more under the pressure of your parents of her having a responsible and respectful career for a woman like a doctor or a lawyer. the suffocation she feels is always seen with the number of necklaces she likes to wear, a choker that is too tight for her neck but she doesn’t complain as she admires the mark it left on her skin back at home. the fashion magazines she sneaks in are always for her to see the latest line of her favorite fashion brands and models like kate moss and naomi campbell. boys flocking to admire her beauty every time she arrives at school, but she rejects them because they’re sometimes too pushy or even have a mindset of men in the golden age of hollywood—seeing her as an object that they seek to own. and she is so pissed to hear that.
a charm in the shape of a heart is going to represent your second oldest sister, jiwoo.
she has always been a lovable and positive child who loves to make people happy, sometimes clumsy, but she always tries to pass it as comedy. well, mama didn’t accept that at all as she has to be "proper, poised, and perfect." she always complains about that, being perfect when all she wants is to be different, especially since she came out to all of her sisters that she is a lesbian, a sapphic who loves anything woman and anything unique about a woman. you can always guess the girl she has a crush on by the subtle change in her gaze when they glance at them, but underneath that she has still seen to be friendly with the boys—the subtleness was gone in an instant when they interact with them flirting with her, the same look she has while rubbing her skin of the places they touch on her skin as hard as she can.
a silver butterfly-shaped charm is perfect for chaewon.
you’ve always thought that chaewon is a soul reincarnated from a beautiful and jovial fairytale. a fairy living in the deepest part of the forest who befriends every animal she can find. she wears the most regal but plain dress she could use from those hand-me-down gowns from mama. she also always greets her flowers every time she arrives back home from school, watering them and talking to them—like a butterfly spreading pollen to let the flowers grow. no wonder she is mama’s favorite daughter, her perfect mini-me. despite that, she is the one that breaks first from the intense amount of scrutiny. the unhealthy ways mama pressures her create her dislike of her own body, especially in facing the other people at school who look at her as the ditzy sister out of the five.
no other charm should be for hyejoo other than the moon.
hyejoo has always been a boundary pusher. she pushes for equality and eliminates activities assigned to a specific gender. mama always never allowed her to cut her hair short even to shoulder-length; that’s why she has so many hair ties on her wrist and in her bag. she has always been athletic, even tackling boys that have degraded her in volleyball in p.e. class. the teachers always acknowledged her skill as an athlete but not the students, especially jocks who presume she is doing it to steal their position. and yet, you can always see how sunken her eyes are every time she goes home with the sleeping pills she brought in her gym bag. the fight she has to defend a girl’s pride to do anything brought up every time she rebels on mama’s order, resulting in her being the one most scrutinised and under watch to do anything feminine; the reason she is the only one between the five of you to still being pushed in doing ballet.
for yourself, you pick a star.
you never knew how you would describe yourself when you always knew how you describe your sisters. sooyoung is the seductive one. jiwoo is the sweet one. chaewon is the regal one. hyejoo is the rebel one, then what about you?
you were always the one that tries to find yourself the most. all of your sisters have a counterpart to a famous character from a movie or a book, but you are an outsider. out of the five, you’re the one that is intelligent and always able to blend in with every sister. if sooyoung is the rock that everyone leans on, you’re the conch shell they can always hear to find comfort. a star is something so bright yet so dangerous, like the sun that is nearest to you. but, you’re the one that sparkles at night because you like to stay behind. you like to be unseen; you like to be different by playing classical guitar, listening to rock songs that mama doesn’t acknowledge—though she listens to elvis presley from time to time, and spending time after school while waiting for your sisters doing after-school clubs to cruise to the music store and discover any artists you can, even buying a discman from your savings and get a lot of cd mixes by the woman that founds the store who tells you her story of when she was a punk kid back in her youth.
as all of you sat at the table, sooyoung gave the anklets. sand grazes your feet as you gaze at the crowded beach with the backdrop of the sun going to sleep for the day. all of you settle on a promise. a promise sacred to all of you as you glimpse all the scars visible on your body: sooyoung with the light bruise on her neck, jiwoo and her scratch marks on her forearms, chaewon with her bandaged wrists, hyejoo and her sunken eyes, and you with your cigarette burns hidden on your thighs.
“no matter what, we cannot take off the anklet on our foot.” your oldest sister declared, followed by the nods and agreements voiced.
all of your stand up as you both create a circle, putting your right foot where the anklet sits to the middle, joining toes together. you look at all four of your sisters as they let out chuckles before jiwoo pushes the ones beside her forward as all of you follow to connect your head together.
a sister’s bond with each other. no one is left behind.
when you move away—putting your belongings in the truck—you can see the sadness and shock on each of your neighbors’ faces. giving a solemn smile, you turn away to see a few cars a few houses away and a few heads you recognized. boys that admired you and your sisters in your high school, all seem to not be willing to let you go.
boys look at you like they all do towards your sister, but the reaction to you is different. sooyoung replies in a flirtatious way. jiwoo replies in a friendly way. chaewon speaks timidly. hyejoo always taunts them back. while they never dared to approach you—turning their head away as fast as they can to avoid your view. though you know they want you like they want your sister, so unless you approach, they won’t act.
you remembered one boy in your first year who you approached. his parents used to be hippies and he got influenced by their culture—you used to think maybe a part of that could you help find your true self. he was the one who introduce you to smoking cigarettes: now a pass time for you and hyejoo to let out stress. you didn’t go out with him again when you found he already had a girlfriend from a girl who sends a message to you about his behavior and other victims. since then, you’ve only gone out with someone who you deem worthy, but in the end, they always find troubles that help you stray away from them by themselves. your task was to approach those boys who admired you from far away or to break up with them when you can see the warnings. never have they sought you out first.
so it stunned you to know that a boy likes to stare at you and not easily turn away when you faced him.
your neighbor and classmate, taehyun.
you notice nothing particularly unique in taehyun with his first impression before, but you recall how he looks at you behind that glasses of his when his mom invites your family to dinner. then the encounter you had in the kitchen, confronting him on why he glances at you and your sisters more than the food in front of him. you thought your comment will stop him but he doesn’t give up. you could always outsmart him, already sensing that he is there just from the one month you and he become neighbors and classmates. you can sense his gaze on you and your sisters as you change your uniforms to something you all like rather than a uniform that is uniformed with the other kids. you can always notice every time you hung out for lunch with your sisters outside every time he walks past you with his friend kai.
with that proof, you experiment.
first with park sunghoon. the so-called ice prince who is practically obnoxious, knowing his face will win him anything as he always proudly shows his features and genetics from his b-list actor dad and pageant-winner mom. you only approached him at lunch and he already thinks you want to date him. you didn’t even last a week with him when he suddenly asks for sex, which you deny and let go of immediately. he tries to save face at school later to repair his pride by your lockers when you blatantly open up on how he cannot respect a person’s choice, not failing to notice the subtle smirk shown on taehyun’s lips as he sees you openly speak up on your year’s famous guy.
the second experiment is with nicholas wang. a biker kid at school who joins a biker gang along with college students. he’s a more subtle version of obnoxious, thinking that every rule has to bend for him. he is almost like sunghoon but they use something different from each other. you and he last for more than a week, but the reek of alcohol on him just disgusts you. he sometimes brought you home with his bike that has the loudest engine, as if someone in your neighborhood just wants to show off their ferrari maranello down the street. one day when he brought you home—acting as a good “girlfriend”—you kiss his cheek before he left with his loud engine down the street. you knew that day you wanted to cut off from him when you feel how wobbly he rode the bike and you were behind him. you rather die on your account than because of him.
when he turns the corner away from your street, you pull out the cigarette box from your backpack and pick a stick to put between your lips. grabbing the lighter you have in your pocket, you turn the spark wheel and press down as the flame ignites, quickly shoving the end of the cigarette to burn it, puffing in the smoke and letting out as you try to clean the taste of the biker boy away. with your driveway empty and your house also, you stood outside the front lawn smoking away the stick. flicking the ash away as it falls on the pavement, you let your eyes wander around the neighborhood and the houses in it. the house of the young couple that just has a baby before turning to the house in front of you when you can see from a particular window, a silhouette of a boy.
he always has his sheer curtain covering his window from time to time, but it seems that he is lazy to widen it this hour. you can see him wearing his uniform shirt but with buttons open, showing his undershirt beneath it. you let your eyes gaze at his toned body that you never notice underneath his shirt and burgundy sweater. it stayed that way until he realizes that you notice him, dashing forward to the window yet not instantly closing the curtain. you took a huge puff, letting the smoke out as taehyun’s eyes were still on yours, before letting the cigarette fall to the pavement you are standing on. your leg instinctively crushes the stick beneath your shoes as you let out a smirk at him who looks at you before turning around. the only time, taehyun noted, that the cigarette you smoke didn’t burn halfway from the original length.
a month has passed since school started and it didn’t take too long for the excitement of homecoming to spread across the school as people asks to be each others’ date. you and your sisters quickly avoid the topic all together as mama prepares you all for a ball you have to join at the end of the year instead. sooyoung didn’t believe just how wide your family’s connection is until the real-life fact of your mama leaving you five behind to take care of the new home not even five days pass from moving in. it is a habit of hers to be such a socialite first, but never a mother first.
sooyoung and hyejoo mention 'school dance' once at the dining table—a once-in-a-blue-moon time when both of your parents are home—before mama then mentions how all of you aren’t allowed to go. you and your sisters turn towards papa who just shrugs his shoulder before you give an exasperated look to jiwoo sitting across you, replying with a sad small smile. something you knew would happen but still tried anyway.
the plucking continues as you move to sit in the circle after the movie ends, seeing chaewon rewinding the tape of the movie back with a pencil while sooyoung and jiwoo talk about homecoming as if they’re the ones going.
“who would you go with anyway?” hyejoo cuts them off as sooyoung turns her head towards her younger sister.
“juyeon,” she said coolly as all of you turn your heads toward her.
“the quarterback?” hyejoo asks as sooyoung nods. jiwoo’s smile on her face as she shrieked and nudge your shoulder, the guitar creating a weird clank as you pouted whilst facing her. she answers by caressing your head as you let out a big eye roll jokingly, making chaewon chuckle beside you.
“i wanna go with gyuri from theatre.” jiwoo said as your eyebrows lifted while mouthing “i knew it.”
“of course you do. we can see that enamored look you have every time she walks by. mama wouldn’t allow it, though.” sooyoung answered.
“i know mommy wouldn’t,” she sighs as she stretches her arms, lifting them to the ceiling before putting them behind her and putting her weight on them. “but a girl can hope, right?” you hear your sisters’ chuckle combining with yours.
chaewon looks between the four of you as she cuts in while you’re quieting down. “i think if we can go, i would go with that boy in school whose mother is friends with ours.”
“you mean seungmin?” jiwoo mentions the boy’s name you recognize as part of the student council. your sister gives a sheepish nod before covering her cheeks with her palms. a habit you learned from her as she always does that since you were a toddler whenever she got shy or flustered.
you move to see hyejoo as she tucks her knees close to her chest, “hyejoo’s not going to join ri-“
“actually i may go. if we can.” the girl mentioned spoke as you pat her kneecaps, leaning forward with your guitar on your lap.
“no shit.” you exclaimed.
“yeah, it’s sooyoung and jiwoo’s last year, so i’ll go for the sake of them.” awws coming from the sisters before chaewon speaks up.
“you know, you’ll be a great couple if you go with sunwoo.”
you heard a gasp as hyejoo eyes widen and eyebrows furrowed, “kim sunwoo the boy’s football team captain a.k.a. my mortal enemy? not a chance.”
“but you mentioned to me a couple of times that he gave you the flirty eyes.” you join in as you see your triplet sister nod, “and you don’t taunt him all the time like the other boys you mention to us.”
“true.” jiwoo exclaimed before you hear hyejoo’s grunt as they now turn towards you, knowing the question that is already ingrained into all of your minds.
“honestly, i don’t know,” you said as you rub your fingertips against the strings, feeling the skin hardening because of your calluses.
“what about that nicholas guy?” jiwoo asks before sooyoung leans in and nudges her hand.
“she’s not with nicholas anymore. don’t you notice?” your oldest sister said as jiwoo acts up with a funny offended look on her face.
hyejoo asked, “what about that boy?”
tilting your head towards her, “what boy?”
hyejoo looks at all four of you as they glance at each other, nodding their heads while using their bond that they block you from because you didn’t understand who they were talking about.
“you know him, (y/n),” sooyoung said followed by a giggle.
“who?” you realized you sounded like an owl when asking, putting the guitar on the floor beside you.
even though it is just five of you, chaewon leans in and speaks lowly. “kang taehyun.”
kang taehyun.
the name that rings in your mind ever since you meet him, well, fading in and out behind the wall of music that is playing in your ear with your discman and headphones on.
the only boy that is brave enough to subtly pursue you, not shying away from the so-called intimidation you are exuding unconsciously.
“i- i don’t know really… maybe? i just don’t wanna scare him.”
“oh (y/n) darling.” jiwoo said as she caress your hand, “you don’t know how many times he has gazed at you like you’re an angel that has fallen from the sky. he will not be scared by you.” your eyebrows move as your eyes blink, thinking about what your sister said as they all converse more about their future dates if you all could go with you. leaving you alone, wallowing with the thought of the boy from across the street.
that’s when you realized a spoken rule mama mentioned ongoing to any dance event by the school. she has talked about it before when you and your triplet sisters have just started high school.
“all of you must have a date to go. mama won’t like it if any of her daughters embarrassed her with no one by their sides.”
deep down inside, it’s the first time you notice your mama catch something about how the five of you interact with boys and use them against it. as if she knows that with your personality that varies from sibling to sibling, you won’t find a date for all five of you. one will always be left behind.
but you want to make a great memory with your sisters. you want to seep into the smallest frame of freedom you have just for half of the day. you want your older sisters to feel like teenage girls before they become an adult. you want everyone to experience what a girl in high school should experience. finding self. finding friends. finding moments that turn into memories. finding love.
it could all start with homecoming. you could think of something to get your sisters the partners they want to go with for homecoming. but as a newcomer, you have to have someone who can show you the school and the people in it.
you know someone who can help you.
gripping onto the strap of the backpack on his shoulder, taehyun lets out his breath in a huge yet silent whoosh. the muscles on his arms ache from yesterday’s exercise at the club but dissipate as the length between that day gets longer to the present. his veins seems to protrude more because of it and the bandage tapes that were supposed to cover his hands only while training: stayed on his left hand, wrapped around his thumb and along his palm as he can feel how the nerve signal of pain moves along thin wires to his brain every time he moves it slightly.
taehyun pushes his glasses up with the bandaged hand as he stands in front of his classroom door.
he’s standing there alone. no one at his side.
the door opens from the force of his healthy hand as eyes inside the room land on him, some were surprised, some are nonchalant—you were one of them. the nearest classmate from the door looks between him and the space beside him where his best friend should be standing. kai is not coming into class today. he just told taehyun he got a fever from the messenger window as he finishes his morning workout. he is not used to being without him at school. and other people also think like him too.
his eyes directly landed on yours, who sat at the very back with your headset on, covering your ears as he sees the corners of your lips twitching up. it lingers before you turn away towards the window, the right for him to walk to his seat a few seats away from you. he rubs his cheek against the sleeve of his burgundy sweater, stretching his head and neck while moving his knuckles, feeling the pain remains as he gets used to it. taehyun prepares his usual for today’s classes as the other students come in. the empty seat to his left is kai’s. he used to talk to him about random things, though kai is the more talkative one out of the two. and now, the bore is seeping through without his friend to talk to him beside where he sits.
he thought he could catch some sleep—the tiredness coming from the workout yesterday where he spar with his coach—and be able to rest his eyes and mind for a few minutes before the first bell rings. tilting his head to find the right position on the desk is when he sees the fabric of a familiar sweater.
“is this seat taken?” his ears perked and he turn to see the unexpected appearance.
you. your headset hanging around your neck as you’re holding your backpack in one hand while the other hand is holding onto your discman.
his eyebrows twitch in surprise before he shakes his head and says, “no.”
“okay. can i sit here?” you replied as you gently put your belongings down on the desk and beside it on the tiled floor. he sees a bit of hesitation in your movement before he gives a nod to you. the grip on your belongings loosen as they sat on where you put them before making yourself comfortable in your seat that was supposed to be kai’s.
while taehyun stays still—slowly turning his head to the front of the class—he can feel the warmth of another human being beside him and smell a hint of your eau de toilette. peeking, he sees you wrapping the headset around the discman before putting it in your bag on the floor. his eyes cannot stop rapidly looking at anything in front of him before he took another peek beside him and see you picking your nails that are resting on the connected desk. the two hands have different lengths for fingernails. one hand’s nails are longer than the other.
the teacher came into the class as all his classmates settled and class starts while taehyun sat in his seat, tense. his attention is on the teacher introducing the outline of today’s lesson, but his bandaged hand fidgets from a sudden contact from your own that is resting on the desk, mostly a light touch of a finger against his bandage. yet, taehyun still can’t believe that it’s real. he didn’t realize how his glasses frame has slides down the bridge of his nose before pushing it up.
“hey…” his head turns to find yours slightly facing him. not even five minutes since class started, and he had already lost focus.
“homecoming is, well, coming. and i just want to ask.” you licked your lips before continuing. “do you have a date for it?”
a date for homecoming? no. nada. he didn't even consider coming to homecoming this year.
he went there before in his first year with kai when they want to see how the crowd goes. but, since they don’t have any dates, it gets boring as the night continues. he remembered the faces sucking on each other as they craved for one another. a few teachers were chaperoning, but all he could remember is seeing the sociology teacher making out with the p.e. teacher. he tried to mingle with a few of the other ‘outsiders’ who attend, but they don’t click with him and kai. so, when prom comes at the end of the year, he rather played on his nintendo 64 with kai than go to another dance that will not be productive for him at least—and he wants to do the same for homecoming this year.
but the way you question him about it is intriguing to him, earning a slight tilt as an indirect response…
“i don’t.” he heard you hum after it whilst nodding your head, a slight smirk forming.
“then, if you’ll go, who would you want as a date?”
taehyun’s eyes enlarge as he can feel the warmth creeping onto his cheek before looking elsewhere. the teacher that is writing on the board, his classmates—who he knows are dating—are cuddling with one another in their seats, and his other classmates that sat at the back were playing with their game boy consoles.
yet, your query creeps in once again before an image of the five girls that have everyone wrapped around their fingers shows up, the faces all blurry except one.
he caught a gasp beside him as he faces to see your wide eyes and palm-covered mouth. your hand trails down from your lips to your chest where your heart resides. “i’m flattered.”
taehyun scramble in his seat—but as discreetly as possible—as he barely realized he spoke out. he spoke out about wanting to have you as a date. his date.
he was just trying to talk to himself when he spoke out. why would his mouth let out the word? why would he-
“well, we could go together.” his head whipped to face you, eyes moving all over the place as he doesn’t want anyone to notice how he reacts.
is taehyun dreaming? did you just say you want to go with him to homecoming? no chance, right? you could go with sunghoon, nicholas, or any other guy. you have everyone wrapped around your fingers. yet, you consider him?
“but i have a favor for you, well for us actually.” the touches of your hand gently caress his bandaged hand, lightly with no pressure. he sees you moving your upper body closer to him. your eyes glisten like a starlight at night. he can’t see the cracks clearly, but the way your pupils tremble is still a sign that there is something you are trying to hold back. your fingertips resting on top of the bandage as you pursed your lips.
“i want me and my sisters to go to homecoming this year. but my ma said that we can only go if all of us have a date. we talked about who we want as dates and i want to help them.” you lean back with a small pout on your lips, arms wrapped in front of your upper body. his eyes landed on your lips as your tongue gives a small lick before a light bite.
“as a new kid, i don’t think i’m familiar enough with these people. and there is where you come in.” the palpitating of his heart didn't stop when you looked at him again.
“i want to ask for your help to get their ideal date. would you help me-“
“yes.” he didn’t hesitate. taehyun’s trance falls out as he returns to looking around the class instead of you, hearing your chuckles from such a fast response.
“that’s swell. then, we can talk more during lunch.” he returns to you as you tilt your head, chin nudging towards the direction of your connected desk. “i don’t want to bother your studies.” you seem to finish the conversation.
he nodded and fixed his sitting position, grabbing the pen in his left hand, trying not to grip it so tightly as he wants it to heal. his eyes are anchored on the board in front of him, now full of the materials for today’s lesson whilst the teacher is explaining each pointer. taehyun felt like it was a blessing of his to know that one of the smart and active kids in his year is also in his class. both of them have a friendly rivalry for the highest overall score where they respect each other for it, and that includes participation scores. taehyun felt lucky the teacher focused on them, asking questions instead of wondering why taehyun didn’t ask any, distracted by having such an otherworldly being sitting by his side.
taehyun’s shoulder is tight when he can sense yours touching his. the chair moving beside him is unnoticeable before the light pressure’s touch. your body leans forward as both hands are on the desk, one writing and the other holding onto the notebook. the light on the ceiling gave a certain shine to your nails, highlighting how clean they look on both hands. your hair has fallen to your side, obscuring a few parts of your face from him. that’s when he noticed how your pinky finger rested on his bandaged hand. the fingernail is sharp enough that sometimes it caught onto the wrap.
he can’t push you away from his thoughts as the class continues, as another teacher comes in and teach another lesson, and as lunch finally comes.
when the bell rings, your chair scrapes the floor along with the others and you stood up to go outside of class as fast as lightning, leaving taehyun alone without no one to have lunch with. he thought you both will go together, but he remembered you never mention that to him, so he tidies up his desk and supplies on his part of the desk while seeing his classmates flocking out into the hallway and joining the herd. his vision lingers on the wide desk before focusing on your side to see how tidy you put your overwhelming pastel pink items when you knew the bell is about to ring. it contrasts with your plain dark grey backpack that is on the floor beside the desk.
taehyun can’t help but want to put it on your chair because anyone could accidentally kick it. that’s why he reaches out and grabs your backpack from the straps, not knowing its zipper is open, the blue discman catching his eyes’ attention.
the boy looks around the class to see no one now as they enjoy their lunch break. he couldn’t help it as he grabs your discman, the wrapped headset is now loose as he can pull the music player without tangling the wire yet it's connected in the port. the device is plain, blue with silver on its side, and the screen is a blank greenish hue as you preserve the battery of it. his attention sticks to the open button on the end of the row of buttons, genuinely interested in knowing the kind of music you hear as you seem to always be seen using it.
his thumb presses on the button and the lid opens, a plain silver cd attached inside with writings written with a marker—writing that is not yours from how he compares it with the written words in the notebook.
to my little pixie, y/n ☾
good luck with your new place and school, i will miss seeing you in the store - seulgi
cd mix #12 (‘88-‘95)
you made me realize - my bloody valentine
sweetness and light - lush
blue thunder - galaxie 500
doll parts - hole
tonight, tonight - the smashing pumpkins
taehyun traced out the writings on the burned cd, staring at the familiar formatting that forms three out of four sides of the circle, 15 song titles, and their artists with whom he mostly doesn’t recognize with a few scribbles on the last empty side. with the ones he does, he remembered the times when he caught his sister watching mtv and seeing the artists there, either their music video or their appearance on unplugged. looking at the number, the person must be so informed in music if they can make 12 cd mixes with 15 songs each on average.
he stares at the desk across from the seat as he recalls how your hand grazes his, most touching his bandage but some on his skin. though mostly the pinky, he can feel roughness and texture from its tip. combining with how you used to pick on your fingernails, he associates the texture from that small graze also with the calluses that are forming on his knuckles.
closing the lid of the discman, he realized he spend too much time wondering things where your words cross his mind again. he puts the music player inside the backpack—not forgetting to plug in your headset once again and wrap them around it as best as he can—and zips the backpack up as it leans against the back of the chair like his own.
the boy’s feet walk on the empty room and the mostly vacant hallways as he buys lunch he will eat whilst meeting you. he always sat at the seat near the front of the school at lunch with kai and it was near the tree you usually are at with your sisters, but there might be a reason you pick that specific brick wall.
hands holding onto the food package in his hands along with a water bottle, taehyun strolls along the main field of the school, seeing some jocks from differing teams of sports hanging out either at the field or on the bleachers. his feet brought him to the familiar place you told him as he sees faint grey clouds floating up. the boy looks at the source: you sitting on the graveled path, upper body leaning against the wall, a cigarette between your fingers as flick it to let the ash fall.
you turn your head to the sound of the gravel, looking up to see taehyun in his burgundy sweater, his glasses’ bridge fallen near the button of his nose, and his lunch in both of his hands. a small smile forming from your lips as you spoke while a light smoke flows out, “took you long enough.”
“the line is pretty long so that's why,” he replied, letting out the latest truth and no other reason why he took a long time. you give a nod before patting the space beside you.
taehyun slowly sits down beside you, following you by leaning his head against the vertical supporter. he could feel how his body is stretching and how relieving it is for his spine as he can faintly hear the cracking sounds that are from a layer that sticks two bones with one another that he learned from biology class that was discussing anatomy. his eyes stick onto your empty lap, the blue plaid uniform skirt resting on your knees.
“you’re not eating?”
“i already ate lunch with my siblings. that’s why i went out of the room so fast. chaewon is the one that holds onto our lunch boxes as she distributes them. so i don’t have any pocket money.” you said before sighing. “ma doesn’t even allow us to buy food outside the ones she made for the house.”
taehyun looks at his food on his lap, wandering between it and you as you take another puff from the cig between your fingers. the smoke slowly floats and dissipates into the air, the scent of it combining with the eau de toilette he smelled when you sat beside him. the mention of your mother reminds him of when he last saw her. though she looks nice, your words are contradictory. also with the fact that you and your sisters change your uniforms, the all-day disappearing presence of your parents’ cars usually appeared near midnight when he was talking with kai or his club friends.
his eyes return to his cooling food before deciding to eat it. you turn your head towards him as you glance down at the food, a certain melancholic look in your gaze before you blink it away.
“i’m going to tell you more about the plan, okay?” you let out the smoke when speaking, and the boy hummed to reply.
when he hears your plan for the homecoming, he realized how meticulously you spoke and think. taehyun’s perception of girls was pretty obscure, other than his mom and his sister. not that he is intimidated by them, but he spends more time with boys. the girls he sees in the rom-com movies he watched with his sister didn’t help either—how they are portrayed as ditzy and more as a desirable character for the main protagonist who is mostly a guy. he realized that the characters he knows are one-sided, the same as when people perceiving both you and your sisters. yet as he heard you talk, speaking about how detailed you talk about your sisters’ dream date and how you have a plan to approach him, the perception slowly moves for the better.
he hated how he thought so before. because they are people. and people are complex.
“so, sunwoo from football, juyeon from the other football, gyuri from theatre, and seungmin from the council?”
“then how about you?” he said as he eyes on the only folded finger on his hand. though he focused on your words and accepted your favor, he can’t help to think that you were ‘using’ him. even with the light threat that you gave him—more of a warning rather than a threat actually—he still always notices you and you notice him. he always sees how sometimes clench your hands into fists, the knuckles of the white bone pushing up to the surface of your skin, sometimes rubbing your eyes with them.
he wants to reach out. but your mysterious and unpredictable aura stopped him. that’s why he grabs the opportunity when it’s proposed to him. how he felt sorry if you have your own dream dat-
“my dream date is you,” you said before clearing your throat, the hand holding onto your cigarette is now pushing the stick onto the gravel between the two of you before you buried it by the brick wall with the gravel, obscuring the white outer layer. taehyun’s eyes widen as he puts away the empty container and bottle on either side of him.
“i’ve been going out with a few people. i’ve tried to ever since i rebelled against my ma. but no one clicks with me. i guess i picked you because you were the only boy i met in other circumstances besides school. maybe that sense of familiarity is why it came to me that you’ll be a fine date.”
the boy views you moving closer to him, how your skirt grazes his pants as both you and he faces the sudden wind blowing with your sweaters, making you shrug your body against his. he pushes his glasses up as he turns his head towards you, biting on your bottom lip as you stayed in contact with his own vision.
he sees your shoulders rise before saying, “i know we stepped out on the wrong foot back when i ate dinner at your house. i was insecure with us moving here and some…” you let out a chuckle. “shenanigans happening in my home life.”
he trails along the features on your face before focusing back on your eyes. the haunting cracks in it is still there but no trembles. no tremble when you stayed to look at him.
“so we have a truce, i guess?” you let out a pinky from your hand as he can’t help but let out a small smile, making you let out your own before he slots his own between yours.
“a truce.”
the bell rings at the right time as you tried to stand up using your own might and core muscles. taehyun lets out a giggle before he realized he can’t support himself to stand up if he doesn’t want to hurt his empty left hand.
that’s when he sees you leaning down to grab his half-filled bottle before wrapping both of your hands around his wrist as you drag him up, his legs a bit stumbling as you still hold on to his wrist before you notice and let go.
“let’s,” you said whilst tilting your head and you walked together through the sprawling hallway into your class.
when you both arrived at your classroom, he noticed you staring at your backpack on your chair before turning your head towards him who is sitting down.
“i don’t want your things being kicked so i put it up on the chair.” he explains as you mouthed a small “thanks” before sitting down beside him once again until the end of the school day.
kai is going to have a field day hearing about this.
it didn’t take long for you to be enamored by taehyun.
it sounds a bit cliché, but he’s different from all the boys you know. and the number of boys you know is limited, knowing the restrictions you’ve gotten throughout your life.
before you asked him, you had thought about it. realizing that when pursuing each and every dream date your sisters want with him, it will noticeably get you two close. but you didn’t realize how fast it was going to be.
it started when you both tried to approach juyeon—the one who is easiest according to him as you’ve told him that the senior is very much attracted to your sister. “just a small nudge,” taehyun said to you, is needed to let the senior learn you can help him get a chance to go on a date with your sister to homecoming. and that’s what you do.
“hello, juyeon.” you confidently approach the senior, a burning sensation on the back of your head as you glimpse behind you to spot taehyun a few steps away.
the senior holds the ball in his hand as he turns to you. a few of his teammates stop and are stunned to look at you—knowing your presence compared to your sister is that you are the “unapproachable” one.
“moon (y/n), what makes you come here to the field?” you detect the smirk formed on his face while fixing the pads on his upper body.
“i was wondering if you have a date for homecoming yet.”
“oh!” you heard him exclaimed as the smirk turns into a grin, trying to make you entranced by him as many people did. but you can see a genuine surprise and concern as his face subtly portrays. “many have approached me but i don’t feel like it. though if i could go with either of the five moon sisters, that’ll be great.”
“that’s great.” another voice comes in beside you. you don't need to face him to recognize who they are.
“we actually have a plan for you to go with one. specifically, the oldest.” taehyun nudges the proposal to the senior as he looks at both of you. as you stood beside one another, both of your hands graze each other.
“sooyoung?” juyeon wanders his eyes away before giggling to himself. “okay. does your sister know?”
“she doesn’t, but it’s a surprise. you can do any kind of proposal you want to her. she’ll be happy any other way.” as you peer at taehyun, you let out a smile and he does the same.
seungmin is a harder approach as he’s always busy but kai, who is mysteriously acquainted with everybody, gets him to meet you, taehyun, and himself during lunch—after you ate your lunch because you don’t want your sister to be suspicious of you.
“hey kai. why do you ask me- oh hey, taehyun!” seungmin then moves his head while noticing all three of you. “and (y/n), what a pleasant crowd we have here.”
“it just happens.” kai replied with a gleeful smile. “come sit.” he pats the empty spot on the bench beside him, facing you and taehyun on the other side.
“as you know, homecoming is around the corner…” taehyun starts before lightly tapping your hand on the table. you cleared your throat before continuing.
“and as a family friend of mine, i would really like it, if you’re available, to go with chaewon.” your statement causes him to raise his eyebrows, making you chuckle. “i assume that since you talk to her all the time when our family met up that you are close to her. i’m trying to make her happy after… what happened…” you give a somber look that only you and seungmin could understand while you catch kai and taehyun talking with each other using non-verbal gestures; a few shrugs are exchanged between them.
“of course. seeing as your sister has been such a lovely person to me, i could do that.” you raised your eyebrows as the corner of your lips lifted, facing away as you held on to your beam. “does she know you’re doing this?” you whiffled your head after seungmin’s questions. your hand on your lap unconsciously moves to the tiny space between you and taehyun as his leg lightly jumps from the encounter, making you shift towards him in surprise and you retract your hand.
but, he held onto your hand. not letting you pull away from him.
gyuri practically lives in the auditorium. the mirror with lightbulbs around its frame is where she sits as she tried on the costume she’ll be using for the play. that’s when she sees you from the reflection in the mirror, approaching her.
“hi (y/n). it’s a surprise to see you here. can i help you?”
“i, uh… want to ask a few questions.” you watch her turning around to face you, attentively listening to your next words. “i don’t know if it’s just me that has noticed it, but do you have any attraction towards my sister, jiwoo?”
your question makes her lean her head back on the chair, squinting her eyes in suspicion as she looks at you before letting pit a sigh, “how can i not be attracted to your sister?” you see her smile, “she’s… the sweetest girl i’ve ever met.”
“you’re in luck because she’s attracted to you too and…” you step closer to her, “i was hoping that you’re available to go to homecoming with her? i know the situation isn’t as ideal as you want. but my friend has an idea for his friend to be the cover-up date for her so you and she can meet up here at school.”
you explained taehyun’s idea of making kai jiwoo’s “date” when he’ll pick her up at your house along with your sisters. kai doesn’t have a date and doesn’t want to have a date, but when taehyun talks to him about helping you, he agrees and you don’t know how he agreed that fast. you assumed the boy needed more convincing, but taehyun found the right words and a great explanation for him to agree, or maybe he is as loyal to taehyun as you are to your sisters.
“i will contact you after i get out of the costume. your classroom is on the second floor, right?” gyuri’s eye smile as she sees you nod before you left the backstage area.
going out of the dark auditorium to the school’s main hallway, you see taehyun leaning against the wall in between lockers. he bent his head at you with a small smile as you give him a thumbs up, both of you walking away while discussing random stuff to spend your free time with as the teacher can’t teach for the class period.
sunwoo was the hardest to approach. the sayings by hyejoo on how the boy’s football team hated her stuck into your mind when you tried to approach him for your joined p.e. class in the indoor court. the two classes are playing dodgeball together. sunwoo is the prime target for your class to hit and they, indeed, succeed when they got him out. so it’s the perfect opportunity for you—who got out while defending your classmates—to talk to him.
“hi sunwoo.” your words catch the captain’s ear as he slightly faces you.
“hello, moon number 5.” you squint your eyes at the nickname as he continues, “here for something?”
“just not the way you think.” you regained your confidence as you sat on the empty long bleachers.
“it’s… can i ask you a question?”
he hummed while drinking from his water bottle. “go on.”
“what do you think of my sister?” your fingers playing with each other as you look between them and your schoolmates in front of you, throwing the balls as hard as they can to hit someone.
“which one?” he asked.
“number 4.”
“ah… hyejoo.” from the corner of your eyes, you can see him nodding his head. “i don’t know why she hates us but, not gonna lie, i’m alright with her.”
your hand covered your mouth as you recall her complains, perceiving it as she was too dense with her ideology. she is one of the stubborn ones, like you. you nod to tell the captain that you got what he spoke out.
you spoke in a serious tone “if that is so, i can tell you that hyejoo is attracted to you,” before you nudge your shoulder to his playfully.
“for real?”
“yeah, i can’t believe it myself. and she doesn’t have a date yet for homecoming. if you play your cards right, you might be going with her.”
you lean in closer so he can hear you, faintly saying something that is as close to the truth but not in the right frequency. recalling, in your mind, the people your sisters and you have rejected because you couldn’t go if you want to. the reason sooyoung asks mama again about school dances in the first place.
“my sisters and I are one of the most sought people for homecoming. we have been asked to be other people’s dates, but we’ve denied them because we want a specific person to ask. and hyejoo… well, she is waiting for you.”
sunwoo’s eyebrows rise as he looks at you, intrigued in his eyes before his head looks at the dodgeball players playing on the court, “i’ll think about that.”
you give a small smile to him before looking at the dodgeball people to see it’s a 1v3 where taehyun is the last player in your class. kai crawls towards you on the floor and sits against the bleachers you sat on top of. he gives you an unrecognizable expression as your gaze stays on him before the screams of your schoolmates catch your attention. you pivot your head up, seeing taehyun dodging the ball thrown by the other student as you see the other two walking to the side. he grabs the thrown ball, a burning look in his eyes.
the ball he threw hit the other student on the leg as he celebrates and your p.e. teacher blew the whistle. taehyun has a wide grin you’ve never seen before on his face as he turns to face you and kai who sat near each other, kai’s hollering to his best friend gain a laugh from you while you catch him looking at you, proud in his eyes as you give a smile, wider than usual. only for him.
when you got the news that the four dream dates of your sisters have asked them for homecoming, you didn’t expect their loud voices to bombard you when you enter your and your triplet sisters’ bedroom. hyejoo standing up near her bed—the farthest from yours and chaewon’s by the window that overlooks the street—as she looks at you with a sheepish smile and tells you how sunwoo asks her to homecoming at practice. her rambling comments about it make both sooyoung and jiwoo enter your room from their own across the hallway and chaewon’s footsteps climb up the stairs as even her small voice can combine with your sisters to create a dissonance yet beautiful harmony as you stood in the center of them.
“juyeon made this whole proposal before his practice with a bouquet i have in my room.”
“seungmin just give me a box of chocolate with a note near my classroom.”
“sunwoo and his crew created this bet where he and i do a cross-bar challenge and he asked me to go after he won. i wanna punch his teammates but i got the money anyway because he said so.”
“gyuri asked me out when i come out of home-economics class with a small box of eclairs. then, she said to talk to you after it, (y/n).” jiwoo’s head turns towards you as your other sisters followed. you nip the inside of your cheek as you tried not to giggle at your plan working, but a small snicker you let out causes the others to stare at each other.
“do you know anything about it, (y/n)?” your oldest sister asked as you can’t suppress it anymore, letting out the largest smile you have ever let out. an overwhelming joy that has been pushed down since you were a toddler.
“i do. i’m the one that approaches them so they ask you because i know all of you are too uptight to ask them by yourselves.” you snickers before looking down at your feet.
one-by-one, your sisters stride towards you and open their arms to envelop you from the steps on the floor. all of your body warmth combines to combat the cold and pain as you try your best to hug them with your two hands open as wide as you can. but, when you heard the cheers of your sisters, your beaming comes to a halt as your mind wanders to what your sisters said. sooyoung with flowers, jiwoo with eclairs, hyejoo with cash money, and chaewon with her chocolate. and just the act of them being asked instead of them asking their date.
while you don’t have none.
soon, they step back while giving a few ruffles on the head and a few kisses on it too, making you scramble out of their hold. chaewon’s stare lingers on you for a beat too long as you see her concerned gaze at you.
“how about you?” chaewon asked. the only one who noted that you aren’t as excited as they are. your smile falls to its resting position as pouted your lips, thinking of the right words to tell them.
“i’ve signaled taehyun, but he has made no moves yet.”
are you jealous because your sisters are the ones getting asked? yes. do you wish taehyun will automatically recognize your signals? not really. though he is a smart boy, taehyun sometimes gets too tense when you are around. he clammed up verbally and physically, as it feels like you have a spell that is only affecting him. with how both of you planned to approach each of your sister’s dates, you recognized something coming out of your neighbor every time you look at him or near his presence.
admiration and determination.
you hoped that what he exudes transfers to you as well so you can execute your plan that you have thought about very thoroughly afterwards—involving both he and you. but now, in the bask of your sisters’ joyfulness. you can only hope he will notice and make you more sure.
homecoming was more than a week away when the principal asked for your year to do a joined class in the auditorium as the last class of the day. after having a small smoke break and not forgetting the binder you brought from class, you walked as the sweater paw from your striped sweater dusted the ashes that might have fallen from the cigarette you were having to your blue-plaid skirt. walking into the auditorium, you identify that they’re playing an animal documentary while hearing the narrator narrate—glad that you aren’t terribly late as it starts with the usual nature shot before closing in on the animal. your eyes are searching for the recognizable head with protruding glasses that promised to keep a seat for you before you spot him, who is also looking around, agitated.
when taehyun notices you, he pats the seat while you nod your head with a small smile, saying a small apology for the people you disturb before arriving at the seat and sitting down on it. you sat beside him once again in class today when he came in without kai, saying that he has a family wedding he has to attend. you observe the ocean of heads beneath you that you seat pretty high up and not at the center of the room, slightly to the edge near the speaker that is playing the sound of birds chirping and gushing of wind.
your shoulder touches taehyun’s as you lean your arm on the armrest that is connected to his. the binder you’re holding is on your lap with your other hand. you stare at the projection on the curtain of a peacock showing his colorful furs. from where you both at, you can hear both of your breaths beside each. a gentle touch on your hand. the air of the air-conditioned room getting warm.
“as we see, the peacock opens his train. the beautiful blue, green, yellow furs ruffling as he tries to get the attention of the peahen.” said the narrator.
looking down at the armrest, you can recognize the bandage he wrapped on his left hand once again as yours rest next to it. his hand looks like it almost falls from the armrest with just a slight nudge, but your lingering fingers near his make his own move, sneakily approaching your own before moving back. the edge of your nails creates a small scratching noise from the bandage only you and him can hear. when you peer at him, his head is not moving away from the screen. your hand paused when something slips between it and your body’s side, the bandage now up against your palm as he locks his fingers with yours, which you reciprocate back.
“but the peahen has choices. she can see what humans couldn’t. the right mate. we can only describe beauty to any peacock’s train. yet, the peahen is the one that can see and choose who she wants to mate with.”
your fingers loosen as you angle your head to the hand. taehyun takes a quick peek at it also, peering at you with a tense gaze before returning to the screen that light the dark auditorium. you sense something burning on your lower part and something flowing down there too, squeezing your thighs as best as you can from the tingling. the comprehensive sex education class you took before helps in knowing what it’s called. arousal.
even if your sisters have mentioned sex, the taboo, and the importance of it in one’s relationship; indulging in it is never an option. you remembered your sex-ed teacher teaching about masturbation and arousal. even though you wanted to try to relieve it when you sense it, the only time you can is in the bathroom and it takes too long for you as you’ve heard the knock on the door where you just start caressing the nub that the teacher said is called the ‘clitoris’. all the time you perceive the same burning, it’s just plain arousal for the sake of it coming to you, but it came not from thinking about the sex—because you never have thought about someone like that before.
until taehyun comes into your mind.
taehyun seems to let you play with his hand, as he didn’t bother to stay looking your way. but you were already a step forward when you pick his hand up and rest them on your upper thigh near where your underwear is. the binder is the perfect cover to press down on your other thigh so the girl sitting beside you doesn’t notice how the fabric on the other side is lifted slightly.
you see taehyun turns his head as quickly as he could without bothering anyone, while you press his hand on your skin. his eyes widen as the glasses on his face fall. you can’t help but lean in as you chuckle at his subtle expression and push the frame up to its place before whispering into his ear, “keep looking forward. we don’t want anyone to notice, do we?”
“you want it?” he whispered, asking you as a small smirk grew on his face.
“yeah, you?” you bit your lip while waiting for his answer.
you felt his hand wiggle in your grip as he trails his fingertip down the edge of your underwear. “of course.”
the boy turns his head once again to the front as you followed his action, and also, your hand was bringing his to your clothed core. a small inhale coming from you as you help his fingertips make circles on the fabric.
“when the peahen have chosen the right mate. the peacock will do his little dance, gaining the attention of the peahen.” you see the peacock dance with his train.
your hand lets go of taehyun’s who is rubbing your clothed core, feeling the unrest building up down there. what you didn’t expect was for him to slide the underwear to one side as you can feel the air meeting your naked core beneath your skirt and the bandage on his hand contacted the surrounding skin—making you feel the roughness on it that creates chills running down your spine. your breath hitches as you look to the front, sensing two fingers of his moving up and down on your slit before one moves in between the lower lips to find your nub. when he founds it, your empty hand held his pointer finger, stopping him from moving as you can hear your heart beating so fast.
turning your head, you see taehyun looking towards you with something different in his eyes. not the admiration and determination he always gives, seeing it glance down to your skirt-covered lap before to your eyes again. with that slight gesture, you let his hand go as he rubs the clit he found. you were holding on to your breath so you can breathe out as stable as possible, but that weird yet satisfying feeling doesn’t make it better. nibbling your lower lips, you let taehyun play with you. your eyes are more aware of the surroundings so you can relieve your arousal with his help.
a breeze is blowing to your ear and you can’t help but move your head when you felt the tickle. his hand continues and alternates between the clit to rubbing up and down to the entrance, feeling the warmth relieve you of the coldness of the dampness. your head moves as you see his glasses frame near the side of your face, warm air on your ear.
“you are trouble, pixie.”
you tried to hide your surprise at hearing the nickname you haven’t heard since you move here. seulgi was someone who introduced you to the music colors that you listen to today. pixie is what she would like to describe, and by all means, your sisters also as she called the collective “the pixies“—not relating to the band, as she likes to joke. you remembered she define pixie as your and your sisters’ nickname because of how mischievous you are from the stories you told her of your and your sisters’ shenanigans. the coincidence of taehyun calling you that same nickname is jarring, and yet you felt another wave of arousal coming at it builds up.
and that is when you realize he knows. he knows you. your so-called threat to him you spoke before at his home is now crumbling right in front of both of your eyes. you thought it is enough. you thought you don’t deserve his attention. but he stays around, no matter how passive you are before you approached him.
there are so many things he won’t understand about you and your sisters as a collective. but there are so many things he is trying to understand about you.
and now he understood.
when the lights of the auditorium turn on, taehyun pulls his hand out of your underwear right as the teacher’s words are heard from the speakers. your hand tidies your skirt as you see taehyun looking at his pointer and middle finger, a slight gleam on his fingertips because of you. you both stayed in your seat to wait for everyone to go out of the room when you pivot to catch him took a slight lick on his middle finger only you both can look. when he pulled his finger out of his mouth, you didn’t hesitate to grab his pointer finger and also gave it what he did. tasting the slight tanginess that has come from you. taehyun’s gaze on you remains as the piercing aura coming from it slowly dissipates. as he knows understood you, you can’t help to want to understand him more.
“are you free after school? i don't know what to do with my sisters doing their after-school activities.”
you remembered that there was no gig in the usual places you go to. you are waiting to watch a new law and order spin-off that is airing tonight. so whilst you wait, isn’t it a great time to know the boy that you are genuinely intrigued by?
“not really. i have a boxing training session at a gym downtown.”
‘so that’s why he’s buff and wearing a bandage on his hand.’ your hearing is bustling with the sound of people conversing with each other as they walk on the carpeted floor on the main aisles. taehyun tilts his head to the side while fixing his glasses.
“i could go with you. if it’s okay,” you replied, not wanting to give up. yet, his enlarged eyes seem to make you think he didn’t expect that. you view as his eyes move between your own, to his bandaged hand which he just caresses you with, then back to your face but now lingers longer at your lips.
“sure. shall we?” he offers his hand as you accept, walking back to your classroom to grab your belongings.
on the bus, you sat in the two-seater with taehyun beside you. you used to ride the bus alone, standing by the priority seat as its unofficial defender, staring into the eyes of the people who is not in the priority category who sat there in a scrutinizing way, and even helping an elder or a woman with her baby to keep their seats empty. when you ride with your sisters, you all like to stand by the exit door as it gets easier to step off and not be left behind. so, it’s the first time you ever sit on the seat when taehyun brought you into the fairly empty bus.
outside the window, you look at the buildings moving in the opposite direction. a few of the signs of a cafe or a pub you have gone to watch a gig goes past you as the bus slows down near the stop where taehyun’s gym is supposed to be. his hand grip the strap of the bag when he stood up as you follow him, stepping down from the bus to walk a few meters. you both stood in front of a nondescript entrance between a corner store and a deli store where he guides you inside.
walking through a hallway with doors along the side, the space opens to a warehouse—the enormous space inside has two rings in the middle of the room, gym equipment placed on one side where there is a mirror wall and also a seating area resembling a smaller bleacher than the ones you see at school. by the looks of it, they have hosted many matches: banners about it with written years before 1999 are still hanging on the sides of the room. your eyes are not sticking to one thing, but you watch a pair training in the ring, a man and a woman with their proper sports attire.
“you can sit here.” taehyun brought you to the seating area, and he puts his backpack beside where you sat. you rub your sticky palm against your skirt as you gaze at the human bodies that if your mama’s here, she would, at once, cover your eyes. yet, when you see the muscles defined and the skin sticking to them, it fascinates you.
you didn’t realize when something is on your open palm on your lap. when you tilt your head down, you recognize a glasses with a thin frame, the lens is reflecting the shine coming from the exposed ceiling above you from the sun outside—the same shine that lights onto your anklet. your eyes squint. that means…
you looked up at the black-haired boy beside you as he rubs his hair before the side of his face, empty of his glasses. when you could finally his unobscured face, you observe how expressive his eyebrows are—combining it with his large eyes and nose.
he looks beautiful.
“i’m going to change clothes, alright?” your head lifts as he called to you. the way the sun shines on half of his face is making you look at him as something other than your classmate. almost like an actor in a movie you see with your sisters, a heartthrob that makes people could fall in love with him. yet, he’s not that. he’s more complex than that.
you give a small nod as he left to the hallway you went in from. the sound of rubber in contact with each other makes you turn towards the ring and observe the same man and a woman training. the woman is using the gloves to punch the flat surface of the man’s gloves: swinging from the side, from below, or straight at the torso. the light coming from above the ring shines a spotlight on them. you can see how defined their muscles are, like the deity sculptures you came across in one of the high-class parties your parents brought you and your sisters to. but, the marble carvings aren’t as dynamic as the way you look at them in real life. the human body is amazing; you thought.
your trance lasts for a while before it disappears as the two being in the ring stop their exercise. you study the man ruffling the hair of the woman before giving a small peck on her hair because of her smaller stature. your eyes gazed at the interaction, how they stare at each other with such adoration and seemingly push each other to be better, as exampled by the man helping her train. your eyes were on the woman as she approaches the other ring—a girl around her age at the side is warming her body up as she prepares to train. that’s when you picked up the man calling the name you recognized.
here he is. you spoke in your mind.
taehyun came from the other side of where you are; relaxed as he pass through the ropes. your eyes move to the pair on the ring when they wides as you realized taehyun has warmed up in shorts and a sleeveless grey shirt that is loose on his body, making you able to follow the ridges on his side, his muscles define but they have smoother parts to them. you still sense the weight on your palm as his glasses are still there. you gaze away from the boy to put it where he puts his bag beside you and you find his school uniform set folded beside his sweater, a t-shirt, and a towel. your eyes can’t wait to return to the ring when you can hear the wind being pierced as the gloves touch each other.
your neighbor is light on his feet, bouncing around the ring as his eyes give a certain gleam at the right time to make his move—like the one he shows back when your class did dodgeball. you once again fall back into a trance, but instead of focusing on the two people in the ring, you could only focus on one. watching him, you put your hand near your mouth, your fingers touching each other or your lips. sometimes it slips between the lips, letting you feel the calluses on your fingertips from your guitar playing. your teeth also didn’t fail in getting your body to rile up as you see taehyun spar, nipping your bottom lips as you see his body move.
though the sunlight isn’t as bright as before, the orange-hued spotlight gives a more fiery aspect to his exercise. your vision trails from the gloves on his hand along the expanse of his arm. the bulging of his biceps and triceps from each punch. that’s when you felt the dampness coming in between your legs, making you clench your thighs together again.
taehyun’s training flew by as you look at the man: his coach, stopping his stance and giving pats on the boy’s shoulders. his head sometimes turns towards where you’re sitting, but you guess it’s just his nerves signalling aches so it doesn’t stay in one place and moves to relieve it. you see them talking to each other before the man rattles taehyun’s body and they both nod their heads. taehyun gives a smile before stepping away from his coach and walking to your side of the ropes. his feet bounce after landing on the concrete floor from the raised ring.
he approaches you, biting the edge of his glove’s strap as he moves his hand to separate the velcro, and he does the same thing with the other glove as he let them fall out of his hands. the gloves land where his clothes are as he picks up the towel and cleans the sweat that is trailing down his arms.
“you must be bored,” he commented, your legs crossed with each other.
“not really. i learned a few new stuff while you train.” and i learned how great you look, you wanted to continue.
he lets out a small smirk as he rubs his hair and face with the towel, his face looking at the digital clock hanging by the hallway to show that the time is near sunset before he looks down at his shirt, “we should get you home.”
you followed his eyesight to the red lights before it trails back to taehyun, who reaches down to the end of his undershirt and pulled it up, making you pause every movement as you stare at his bare torso before he puts it on beside you: wiping the sweat that has formed on the skin with the towel. seeing the droplets of his sweat trailing down his defined abdomen muscles is breathtaking, obvious lines formed beneath his hips that are plunging to something underneath his shorts. you were so taken aback that you didn’t realize you were holding your breath until he put on his extra t-shirt before tying his burgundy sweater around his shoulders.
“taehyun.” your ears perked at his name being called to see the coach standing beside him, also cleaning himself up with a towel that is now hanging on his shoulder. “almost forgot your signature for the amateur tournament.” he gives out the clipboard to him. you see the boy putting on his glasses and signing on the piece of paper with the pen attached to the board. the coach gives out his farewell as taehyun zips up his backpack, all the unused clothes stuffed in the bag. you strap your own on your back as you walk to the hallway that leads you outside. you cough out from the chilly wind, feeling how dry your throat is, remembering the corner store beside it.
“can we buy something? i’m parched. maybe you too.” you turn around to face him as you walk backward, letting your backpack leaning against the door to push it. taehyun hurries and stabilizes the door before letting go as you both look at the stripe-patterned eave of the side of the corner store.
“of course.” he walks forward as you pivot your body and walk to the corner store where a few teenagers sit there on the table under the overhanging roof. your eyes gaze at them discreetly, seeing the boys and girls having fun together—a gloomy thought in your mind—as you heard the bell coming from the store’s door when taehyun pushes it open.
it is colder inside the store rather than outside, but your sweater helps you battle the sudden temperature change. both of you walk towards the beverage area where an entire wall full of fridges lines up. you stare at the various drinks available there as taehyun quickly grabs one that he wants before remaining at your side, shoulders touching each other's. coffee. tea. milk. yogurt. water. juice. your lips pouted as your mind wander on all the pros and cons of each beverage available, looking at the colorful packaging that has caught your sight, before picking up one from the shelf.
the breeze of the fridge meets your front as you pick up the drink. but when you turn around, you didn’t see taehyun.
your figure walks to peek at the six aisles in this corner store one by one from their entrance. maybe he might buy something to eat if he’s hungry after training. instant noodle is probably the best bet. yet, when you expect to find him standing by the savory foods, you found him in the sweets area, holding something in his hand.
“what you got there?” you asked. you thought it could surprise him as it did with your sisters, yet he turns his head gently, knowing that you’ll be searching for him.
he tilts his head as he lets you look at the packets. the packets with the name ring pop in two colors—red and blue—glimmer under the store’s ceiling light. you remember, when you were a child, your classmates ate this candy in class, recalling the rings that are too large on the fingers as they decorated all five of them—a dietary concern if you ask yourself right now. your nanny liked to give you all a discreet amount of sweets when she was alive because mama hated to buy sweets for the five of you. it got even worse when jiwoo got pretty addicted back then, resulting in her used to having a cavity in her tooth, making mama ban all sweets except for a limited amount of dark chocolate.
“which one do you like?” he asked, the way his glasses slid down his bridge, making you see how his eyes look with it and without it—even though only a small glimpse.
“what for?” you gnawed the inside of your cheek, letting out a small smirk.
“i noticed your sisters got a memento after their dates proposed to them for homecoming. though you’re the one that asked me first, not going to lie, i dislike seeing you without your own memento.” his words catch you by surprise as your eyes widen.
did he read your signal?
“i want to buy this for you. just as a reminder that you indeed have a date for homecoming.” taehyun answered so charmingly you felt his words trying to buckle your knees, but you hold your body well enough to not openly crumble in front of him; just that your own protection wall is crumbling for him. your hand hovers above his and you pinch the edge of the red packet, pulling it from his palm to grip it in your own. taehyun lets out a chuckle before putting the other ring pop into its place on the shelf as you both walk to the cash register. you said nothing when he pulls out his wallet and paid for all the stuff you bought. though if you want to pay him, you can’t. no pocket money, remember?
grabbing onto each of your purchases, you both walk out of the building to the bus stop as the dimming sunlight creates shadows that overhang the rest of the surrounding structures. the bus is nowhere to be seen when you both arrive and no one is at the bus stop as you both sit on the bench. you close the lid of the beverage you choose as it relieves your dry esophagus before hearing the scrunch of aluminum to your side. a glimpse of the plastic ring with a red candy at the top. your eyes glance at his hands that are meticulously opening the plastic wrap before he turns his body towards you. his backpack creates a sound from him moving while yours is leaning to your side on your other side.
“may i?” he questioned politely as you let out a giggle.
“you may,” you answered as he grab one of your hands in his, slowly sliding the ring candy on your middle finger. you discover how big the candy on the ring is as it covers vertically half of your pointer and ring finger. the dense, crystalized candy could reflect the light that is coming from the bulb above the two of you, making it glimmer the way a real diamond would.
“thank you, taehyun,” you replied. but, he hasn't let your hand go from him. that’s when he lifts the hand up and gives the candy a taste—reminiscent of what you had done to him in that auditorium that you thought was a long time ago. he envelopes the jewel-shaped candy in his mouth. a few seconds pass before letting it go, licking the bottom of his lip. in his eyes, you notice the teasing twinkle that you have seen jiwoo or hyejoo have. a payback for what you did in the room, still the feeling of his fingertips linger on your lips and on your lower part.
“great choice. it’s tasty.” your face hasn’t changed since his action as you gently pull the hand with the ring near your lips. giving it a light lick before fully focusing on the taste of strawberries that is more subtle than what you expected. your eyes glance at the ring before to taehyun, seeing the same demeanor on his face as what he gave to you in today’s last period. as you let your buds perceive the sweetness combined with a tinge of sourness, the boy reaches out to brush your hair away, tugging it behind your ears as best as he can.
you were looking elsewhere when you sense the warmth forming on your cheeks before it hovers—nearly touching—your cheek. with a piece of courage and confidence, you incline your head to face him as you feel his hand now cupping your cheek. his eyes look at yours before to your lips—you did exactly the same. slowly, you lean in closer, letting gravity lean you both forward as his forehead touches yours: your breath clashes with his.
your vision captured headlights when a silhouette of machinery comes into view with its grunting sound. you lean back from him as the bus arrives at the stop, seeing it crowded with people as you put on your backpack. taehyun followed you, slowly. when you climb onto the bus as a few people come out, you paused as you try to find any open space you can stand in before a hand reaches out to grab you. taehyun’s protruding veins are in your eyesight as he helps to guide you inside and found enough space for both of you. his hand reaches for the hanger on the top of the bus while you grab the pole near the exit in your free hand. it’s heavy when you tried to lift your held hand up, trying to give your ring pop another lick. when you see taehyun give you a squinting eye and slight pout that made you snicker. both of your hands tangled with each other the entire bus ride.
as the sun sets in your neighborhood, you walked on the pavement of your street, hand in hand. sometimes when you felt taehyun relax his hand, you move your tangled hand up with the ring pop and give it a lick as the solid sugary substance melts with the saliva; letting your buds savor the strawberry flavor once again. you view the neighborhood and the houses of the people who live around you, seeing a few kids riding their bicycles down the street. either they are waving at taehyun or gawking at you both before riding away. giggles erupt from your figure when you see their wide eyes, seeing their most obscured neighbor with a boy they know since they were little. you give taehyun a small look as he shrugs his shoulder, hearing the muffled jingling coming from your anklet that is resting above the sock you’re wearing as the streetlight helps it glow.
when you see the carpool of your house, it’s empty as it usually is. but, you let your eyes wander to the windows from across the street, the lights are on; your sisters are home. you turn towards taehyun, who stood with his house behind him. pouting your lips, you let out a small smile, reflecting on what happened today while glancing at the boy.
“thank you for today and uh… for allowing me to see you box.” taehyun’s chuckle is prominent before he slowly stops himself with a sheepish smile.
“thank you too. for going with me. i’ll have to scold kai for leaving me alone again.” his words earn a laugh from both of you and the tangled fingers slowly let go of one another. in the empty street of your neighborhood, you give a small wave to the boy before stepping onto the asphalt to your house in front of you.
and yet, there’s something you felt you’ve forgotten. and taehyun knows it too, as he still stood there on the pavement when you glance back at him over your shoulder. from the number of emotions you both have inflicted on each other and felt with each other, there is one that is so prominent you can’t help to not reveal it.
and so, you stride and captured taehyun’s cheeks in your hands before smashing your lips on his. both of your bodies stumbling with each other before taehyun’s hand stabilizes it, holding onto your love handles. the way your taehyun mimics your feverish way of kissing him is giving the right signal for you to move your hands to his nape, playing with the ends of his hair as he moves one of his hands to put underneath your jaw and chin. both of your lips trying to learn each other as best you can—feeling his tongue lightly brushes your bottom lip, both of you felt like you can’t breathe without each other.
taehyun lets out a gasp from the thrilling kiss as you let your lips travel to his jaw and trail down a bit to his neck and adam’s apple before he brought them back to his lips. kissing passionately as the sun sinks beneath the horizon and the purple now fills the sky fully. with the last push of yearning of your lips against his—letting the strawberry flavor melts on his buds as well, you both pulled away, seeing a light string of saliva connecting both pairs of lips. seeing his eyebrows frown and his glasses disarray from his place before you fixed it.
“good night.” you let him go before turning around and jogging to your house. looking one last time at him from across the street, though so little of his figure, you can see a smug smile on his face as he pivots his body to his house.
you climb up the stair hastily as you arrived at your room to open its door, seeing all four of your sisters who are doing homework on the floor. their eyesight turns towards you as you catch your breath and brush your lips with your finger. the realization of losing your first kiss and the haze of the desperation of love: for taehyun.
“where’ve you gone to, missy?” sooyoung gives a teasing remark while you hunch your body and pull down the straps of your backpack off your shoulders. the thud on the floor behind you combined with the lightness of the weight makes you let out a satisfying sigh. you nibble your bottom lip before letting out a smile, showing your hand with the candy ring.
“taehyun asked me to homecoming, and he gave me this.”
the amount of thumps on the floor is noticeable as you see your sisters clamber up from it to give you a wholesome hug, surrounding you with affection and care. jiwoo’s words cut through as she said, “we can show mama the evidence of our dates asking us and she’ll let us go.”
“hell yes,” sooyoung remarked as you all move back and link up your hands to create a circle before jumping around. the groans of the floor from all of your movements ring in your room, and downstairs too where no one is there to listen. when you feel the sweat on your face and back, your sisters stop and let go of each other. they’re giving hugs to one another before doing their own things with a smile on their faces.
while you picked your bag to put on the bed, you turn towards the window of the room that overviews the street. looking down at the house across from yours and to a specific window, a silhouette standing there with an orange ray behind him before he moves away.
“you like her, don’t you?”
taehyun straightened his pose from his hunched body, sweat falling down his skin. from his blurry vision without the glasses on his face, he could see a figure doing the same movement as his in front of him, lowering his gloved hands to the side of his body.
“what do you mean, coach?” the boy heaves as he takes in as much oxygen as possible. his heart is thumping in his chest from the spar.
“the girl you brought here.” the man said as taehyun takes a glimpse of you. your striped sweater and the shine of your anklet visible from the light coming from above him—marking where you sat in the dim side of the room.
“i’ve seen the look in your eyes.” the coach said as he lets out a small smile. he juts his head towards where you at, “the way you look at her,” before looking at the ring behind taehyun when he focuses on the rubber colliding and the movement of the two women he detects before doing his own training. “i look at my wife the same way.”
taehyun lets out a tight-lip smile before he felt hands on one of his shoulders—muffled sounds of velcro opening are muffled along with the other noises while he looks down. the coach stares at him when he slants his head, a certain expression in his eyes resembling the one that his father has when they talked about how proud of him they are; on how he would help his children.
“i can help you.”
taehyun lets out a huge breath as he faces the mirror in his room, fixing the collar of his shirt with the tie that he tied himself—taught by his old man. through the reflection, while he fixed his askew glasses, he can detect his boxy pc screen lighting up as a chime comes in from the chat room window he opens, seeing the colored usernames he has just familiarized himself. the words beside them were written with what they wanted to say.
he remembered he was the one that approaches all the moon sisters’ dates, you, and kai to create a chat room together to discuss the homecoming plan after that day he and you hung out outside school. thus, the “HC Dance“ chat room was born: discussion of the plan they have conducted between all the members. taehyun turns around from the mirror and walks towards the screen to examine the new message coming in.
22juyeon: heating the van. see u all @ taehyun’s home
the boy stares at the message from the newly-championed player from yesterday’s match. his hand moves to the mouse as he recalls the plan that has been put in place, the sound of the scrolling wheel against the finger that is rolling it. glancing at the side window with the members’ list, he sees all the members online, except for a certain “m00n12345“. it is near sunset when they agree to gather at taehyun’s house. he observes the windows of the house across from his, recalling how the timeline of events happened after the chat room was created.
sooyoung—as one of the five users that uses “m00n12345“—mentioned in the chat room how they have to bring one representative of the dates to help them convince their parents. at first, taehyun wants to volunteer before “dandyminnie“ wrote first in the chat room. seungmin is the right choice, he then reduces. he remembers you mention how chaewon was the most closed off of your siblings—not that he doesn’t notice. but when mentioning your mother’s proposal for all of you to get a date to go, chaewon will be the hardest to get a date for because of how she is. with seungmin being chaewon’s date, it helps convince your mother that 1. even chaewon can get a date. 2. a family friend is the one asking her. and 3. his diplomatic skill for being a council member helps in convincing the parents to let him vouch for the other dates as well.
dandyminnie: their parents said yes. they’re gonna have a curfew at 9.
the boy lets out a slight frown as m00n12345—that mention is hyejoo on the keyboard—replies in chat, “screw my parents :(“
as he walked out of his room to the empty hallways of his house, he kept thinking about that minuscule comment. both his parents are on a business trip while his sister is back at her college town, making taehyun have to tend to his own home for a few days. he didn’t mind it—already good enough at taking care of the home as he doesn’t do much in the other rooms except his. he puts the cans of soda he bought for the boys that are going to come any minute now—gyuri will stand by at school for jiwoo. kai was the first to come with seungmin and then sunwoo before the rumbling noise of juyeon’s van is heard as he parks it in the kang’s empty carpark.
crushing the can of soda he drank before throwing it in the bin, taehyun fixes his dress shoes and cuffs of his suit before nodding to the others. then, he leads the march towards the house across from his. he can feel his heart beating quicken as he approaches the pathway to the front door. even though he has known its presence and sees it every day, he has never gone to the moon’s home, only recalls that his mom has. he never stood as close to where they live as this, a knock away to see the interior.
juyeon moves to the front and lets his large hand knock on the wooden door in a precise rhythm. he didn’t expect to meet the patriarch opening the door, letting out a polite smile as seungmin—who stood on the other side of juyeon—greets the man. he gazes at the faces of the boys one by one while letting out a polite yet gracious smile before the sound of a woman you dreaded comes closer and closer, calling for her husband. when taehyun sees mrs. moon, she is wearing a thick robe on top of her home attire, looking luxurious as if she has come back from a spa day. the matriarch looks at each of them, gazing a little longer at both seungmin and taehyun: the ones she has met already.
“come and wait inside. they’re going to come down in a few minutes.” the woman said in a poised voice as both adults retreat from the door frame, letting their entrance space open to allow them inside. not wanting to stain their exotic-looking rug, taehyun steps carefully as he admires the inside of the house. it is as if he was stepping into the wrong time frame, seeing the ornate-looking furniture decorating the entrance which contrasts the more angular-looking furniture he has in his home. before the hallway diverts to multiple rooms, a large frame hangs on one wall beside the stairs. counting the people in it, he sees the moon’s family portrait. well, more like painting as he can see the texture on the surface of the canvas. but, all the people in it are younger.
the parents stood side by side in the middle as two daughters stood on each end. the rest of the three daughters is sitting on a fancy-looking sofa. when looking at the bottom corner of the canvas, he can learn the year it was finished.
taehyun tried to suppress his smile as he looks at each of the daughters of the moon. each of them has a facial expression that just exudes them. sooyoung stood with her height above her mother’s shoulder and a proud smile on her face while jiwoo stood above her father’s elbow and a grin on her face. his eyes look down at the similarly dressed triplets on the sofa. chaewon has a pout on her face, which contrasts with hyejoo who has a subtle frown, and there was you: sitting in the middle of the two with a small smile on your face. he let his eyes stay on younger you longer, recognizing the way your face matures as you grow up nine years later. yet, he felt chills when he looks into your eyes, seeing the familiar gaze and crack before, albeit softer—much like what your age was supposed to be at that time.
he turns his head when he picked up the creaks from the floor above. shadows coming closer before all five figures stand by the stairs. the sisters all seem to wear similar-looking dresses to differing lengths, only chaewon having a slightly puffy sleeve for her white dress while hyejoo’s has a sleeve that is the length of the upper arm of her silver dress. sooyoung wears elbow-length gloves that match her maroon dress—with a gold necklace to add the glow—and jiwoo has a shawl hanging on her hands of her pink gown. your black dress seems to be the base of your sister’s base, spaghetti strap, square-shaped at the torso, and fits onto your body until it flows down to your ankle—differs from sooyoung’s whose end sticks to her claves or jiwoo and chaewon who has a larger circumference for the lower body.
taehyun recognizes those dresses as he has seen his sister wear them before for her school dances. almost similar to the ones his mom and his sister bought in a store at the mall. but based on appearance alone, he can tell that the dresses are expensive, and he can’t help to glance at who is the stylist for them: their mother with a smile on her face. a rarity that even the sisters could notice. as each sister landed on the ground floor, he didn’t forget to notice the anklet on each of their right legs before their high heels. all of them stood in front of their respective dates as sooyoung turned to their parents. you give a winsome smile at him before turning your head when they heard sobs by the stairs.
all of the sisters stare to see their father looking at them before wiping his nose with his napkin as the mother confronts her husband in whispers. she turns around and lets out a small and performative smile. “remember the curfew.”
“we do, mama.” sooyoung replied as taehyun looked to see you staring longly at your father calming himself down. when your gaze met him, you give a small shrug with your head, a somber look in your eyes.
the moon sisters and the boys said their goodbyes as you walked across the street to the van. taehyun slightly looks back to notice that the front door hasn’t closed yet and when two figures stood by before one is left, recognizing the father by the doorframe. he sat beside you who sat beside jiwoo, while kai sat on the other side of him in the van's backseat. your sisters and their dates scramble into the places as sooyoung handles the placement—like the oldest sister that she is. she then sits in the front seat with juyeon in the driver’s seat, and the rest sits in the middle.
when the van goes backwards from the carpark, he sees you and jiwoo looking outside the window to see your father going back inside the room and closing the front door. the radio plays a britney spears song as the van drives as the sun has set on the horizon to school. they made small conversations in between the ride and songs playing from the speakers before hyejoo is the one that gave a certain relevant comment.
“did pop really cry?” her eyes peer around between the sisters that sit around her.
“i couldn’t believe it, but yes, he did.” sooyoung answered from the front.
“why, though?” jiwoo bounces and voices out.
“i really don’t know…” sooyoung replied.
the people inside the van then move on from the subject as taehyun witnesses sunwoo and hyejoo bickering in their seats, annoying chaewon who stares at them calmly while leaning more against seungmin. kai has spoken a few times directly to his ear that he has to tap his best friend’s thigh to remind him to speak with less volume, not that jiwoo’s jokes didn’t get the whole van to erupt suddenly and he heard his friend’s signature laugh beside him.
taehyun felt light touches on his dress pants as he looks down to the other side and at your gown-covered thigh before he saw your fingers trailing along his thigh like how his mom used to teach him how the spider crawl up in itsy-bitsy spider. he follows your fingers as they found his hand, flipping it over, and interlocks them with his fingers. he turns his head to your face to catch a mischievous look in your eyes before he looked at your other hand reaching to his face.
“what are you-“
“just relax, taehyun.” others singing a backstreet boys song that is playing on the radio muffled your voice, yet he hears it. he senses the frame of his glasses moving on his earlobe as you nuzzle it away to repair his bangs that have fallen on his forehead.
“can i try your glasses?” you asked as taehyun’s other hand reached for the glasses and pull them off. his other hand lets go of your hand as he steadies the glasses near your face.
“you’re going to be dizzy when wearing it.” he sees you nod to his reminder whilst closing your eyes. your lashes land perfectly as he pushes the glasses on between your earlobes. when taehyun lets the glasses sit on your nose, your eyes open and squint—earning a giggle from him.
“wow, this is weird…” you commented and shook your head lightly from the dizzying feeling he had with his glasses before letting his eyes adjust to it. while he thought you were going to let it off as soon as possible, he sees you tapping your sister’s arm beside you as you ask her how you appear with glasses on. jiwoo’s chuckles filled the air as taehyun can peek—from the corner of his eyes—kai’s subtle eyebrow raised and a smile on his face, making him roll his eyes at his friend.
taehyun was glad he was nearsighted. he can focus on the smile on your face with his glasses decorating it.
as the van parks in the school’s parking lot, the people clamber out of the vehicle as best as they can without ruining their outfits. in the distance, a girl walks toward the passenger as jiwoo fast-walk to her. taehyun fixes his glasses on him as he can now see how jiwoo is hugging gyuri before they turn to look at the others and gesture for them to come. taehyun looks at the other students that are coming from their respective vehicles towards the entrance. sooyoung’s shoulder is wrapped with juyeon’s arm as they greeted his teammates while celebrating their victory. both sunwoo and hyejoo approach their football teammates with them hollering at the unlikely couple teasingly. seungmin and chaewon approach you to inform you they’re going to be walking to the indoor court with jiwoo and gyuri. only taehyun, kai, and you are left.
“i feel like such a third wheel right now. i’m going to catch my club friends, okay?” kai said as he pats taehyun’s shoulder and give a smile towards you which you follow. the spring on kai’s stride left the two of you as you both stare at each other, nudging towards the building as he lets you hook your arm in his before walking to it.
the room is full of balloons littering the floor and confetti hanging on the ceiling that glimmers from the lights. the way the indoor court is now just a sea of people gathering makes taehyun feel slightly claustrophobic, but he can see the moon sisters there scattered throughout the room with their respective club members or other friends as he stood with you, grabbing the syrup with fruit in them to drink. as they both stand by the sideline together, side by side, he cannot comprehend the loneliness you must be going through that he also recognizes within himself. out of all the sisters, you were the one that doesn’t have many friends outside of your siblings. maybe it’s because of your decision to not join a school club like him or people’s perception about you that made them stay away. you never talked to him much about close friends, not even mentioning the seulgi that gave you the cd mix.
“how is it?” he genuinely asked as you both stare at the crowded dance floor, letting him take a glance at you as you nod your head while expressing a small smile.
“i can understand why we teenagers like this. but the music kinda bores me, though.” you let out a chuckle. he recalls your music taste based on the artists he remembered you listen to and let out a small chuckle himself.
“that’s what i thought, back in my first year when i went to one. but since my curiosity is satiated, i never guessed i’ll be here again,” he spoke as you give a tight-lip smile. you tug taehyun’s hand, asking only with eye contact as you glance at the snack area before he gives a nod. as you walked past, he notices people looking towards both of you before whispers enter his ears.
“who is that with moon (y/n)?”
“bro is lucky she got to be with her.”
“kang taehyun and moon (y/n) is the most unlikely couple i ever predicted.”
“didn’t she just break up with that nicholas guy?”
“i thought she still was with sunghoon…”
“i wish she goes with me.”
he shook the words away as you both grab a plate by the buffet table, hearing you grunt out at the food you ate with a look of satisfaction before you stare at him with your cheeks full—making him giggle. should he be insecure to have you as a date? no. he should’ve been proud. but he didn’t expect it to be one topic people converse about tonight. is that why you like to be away from people?
when the mc stood on stage to announce the homecoming king and queen, he remembered he didn’t vote for it because he has to go to the gym. you stood beside him near the tables as you face the stage. the mc plays a drumroll and said the winner when he can see the shock on his face reflected on yours. you both looking at each other when the resounding voice of your oldest sister is called homecoming queen. as they both look towards the stage, he can sense you whispering in his ear.
“i didn’t even know she got nominated.” his eyes glance at you beside him before looking at your sister’s astonished expression.
“i don’t think she knows it either,” he replied as you lean away before a smile bloomed on your face, yet it still looks restrained. he listens to the clapping and cheering before he heard some comments around him.
“i voted for jiwoo, but i’m glad to see her sister won.”
“well, i voted for (y/n) ‘cause look how hot she is. her sister is also hot. they really captured the people’s hearts fast, don’t they?”
they did indeed, taehyun silently answered to himself. he peeks at the jock crowd as they cheer when the spotlight landed on juyeon, the mc holding onto the other crown as sooyoung looks at him with a gleam on her face. taehyun looks towards you to spot you clapping your hands and cup around your mouth, letting you let out cheers for them.
“she deserves it!” he sees you smile as your oldest sister and her date step down onto the dance floor to have their dance. sooyoung turns towards you and gives you a wave with the widest smile taehyun has ever seen on her.
the lighting of the room changes to a warmer tone as “kiss me“ by sixpence none the richer play from the speakers. the people with their partners are walking to the dance floor when he felt a tug on his sleeve. with a smile reserved just for him, you said, “may i have this dance, sir?”
taehyun lets out a giggle as he replied after giving a gentle kiss to your hand, “of course, my lady.”
you brought him to the floor. your hands directly found their place on his nape while he awkwardly holds onto your waist. your movement leading the dance as he follows. by the way you move, he suspects you have danced before, especially in a setting like this.
under the decorations, the lights that shine on it refracted to your face, resembling the stars he has seen before in the night sky. the stars and their moon stand before him as he can catch a twinkle in your eyes. you let your head move all over the dance floor as you greeted your sisters that are also dancing there. sooyoung and juyeon have a spotlight on them as the light makes their crown shimmer. jiwoo and gyuri playfully dance on the floor in a ballroom style; the same as seungmin and chaewon, but they’re slower and closer to each other. sunwoo and hyejoo dance in the same stances as you and the boy, but they focus on tickling each other’s bodies. his eyes linger too long on their playful interaction before he brought back to you, turning his head with your hand on his jaw.
“eyes on me, handsome,” you stated with a smirk on your face. your eyes that haunt him before now excite him as they glimmer more when meeting his. taehyun can’t help to lean his head closer to you, resting his forehead on yours as you both continue to glide on the dance floor. he felt your hand holding him tighter in your hold as your smirk turns into a warm smile, making his move his hands to your back as they pushed you closer to him: seeing your eyes close as you enjoy the moment you both are in. it opens to let him see a sly look combines with the expression you had when you were daydreaming, a dull stare almost numbing. your eyes sometimes glance away toward the doors of the indoor court.
he knows how he could help you.
he took you away into the dark night street as you rode the bus. taehyun didn’t regret bringing his wallet with him as he helped pay all the payments, that includes the food you bought when you both buy a set of it from a fast-food restaurant. the room was empty except for the few employees that are cleaning the place up to close for the day. your groan from eating delicious food wavers in the air as you stare at him full of glee. how your elegant-looking black dress and his suit-and-tie combo are out of place in the colorful restaurant booth. how you both cackled at a story he told you that you accidentally throw the fries you were holding in your hand to him—silently glad it’s not the ice cream that you also bought. taehyun seemed pleased as he sees how you enjoy the food he recommends, knowing the limitation you have said to him about what you eat in your household. he wishes he could bring you to more places to show you what the world offers.
both of you stayed in the restaurant until the employee that serves you is going to close the restaurant doors for today. when you told the employee how well they do their work, taehyun see how the employee was silently awed by your comment before they went their separate ways from both of you. you and taehyun sit at the bus stop as comfortably as possible as you both waited for the bus to arrive under the starry sky. when he peeks at you, you turn his head to face yours before leaning and kissing him—the first kiss tonight. you gave multiple kisses of various lengths as your touch lingers on his skin, the way your thumb holds his chin still as you both lightly make out in the raven night; creating the thrill he hasn’t had since the first time you both kissed.
the air-conditioned bus creates a sheet of dew that sticks onto the window. both of you are sitting on one of the empty seats in the bus when your pointer finger reaches for the moisture, making a “hello!“ large enough for him to read. he lets out a giggle as he leans in to kiss your temple before you shriek, making him smile widely. you give him a peck on his cheek before your eyes widen as your hand caresses it.
“didn’t notice these dimples here.” your fingertips caress the slight dent in both of his cheeks before one rises to his glasses and push the frame up. the fog from the kiss slowly fades away. he never really thought his dimples were something special, as much more people around him have much more attractive dimples than he has. but, if it is you that likes it, then he must wear it more if he could.
you both walk on the pavement of your neighborhood, reminiscent of when you followed him to the gym and the day he lost his firsts with you. the first time kissing someone and the first time teasing someone down there. yet, the difference is clear as you walk side by side with you walking barefooted, the ends of your heels dangle on your fingers from how tired your calves are. the streetlights create a magical nuance on the night as you walk home, a few puddles of water on the asphalt road makes the street more alive.
when you both arrived at the location of your houses, both of your heads turn towards your house—the upstairs window he remembers you point out still hasn’t had its lights on. the realization it got to you makes you shift your head to face him, a glint in your eyes as the corner of your lips twitches up.
“they’re not home yet. so, i hope i haven’t passed curfew yet.” you said as you gnaw the inside of your cheek, looking at the house behind him before back to him. “since you mention your parents aren’t home, can i come to your house?”
the way you look at him lingers with a familiar tension he once experienced before with you. that fateful day that stayed in a separate storage of his memories. your eyes exude the burn that also comes from the touch of your hand on his in that dark auditorium, letting him touch your thigh and your private part, remembering how wet it is.
and with the hardening of his own private parts, he thought this moment would never come. and he never thought it will come with you involved.
as you dropped your heels behind the front door with taehyun pulling off his shoes, you approach him and cling to him with your lips. the feverish quality of the kiss you both had comes back with more heat yet gentle touches of it appearing. your hands drop to the button of his suit and let them go as taehyun held onto your body, trailing it down to your thigh. you gasp when leaning back, staring at taehyun who gives you a signal before he grabs your empty hand and leads you to his room. though no lights in his room are on, the streetlight and moonlight from the outside combine to give a perfect aura to the yearning you both have for each other.
he never believes he could see you standing inside his room after he closes the door. the boy looks at how your head moves to memorize the room, seeing the bench for his bench press and the weights leaning on the wall. the pc’s buzz filled the room as the cpu runs underneath his desk, cluttered items are everywhere unlike his very tidy wardrobe. your gown shines from the light coming from the small glimpse of the sheer curtain behind his actual one. shining at you and for you.
taehyun walks up behind you and rests his head on your exposed shoulder, letting his plump lips kiss the skin as he can hear your breath flatter. his arms wrapped to your front and rested on your stomach. the lingering touch of his lips trails up to your earlobe, the teasing he has noticeably done to you ever since that day. yes, he feels it too. he also does not want to tease, but you’ve been the one that sticks in his mind for a month and more. he wants to be that same thing for you.
“i forgot to tell you how beautiful you are tonight.” he can see how your facial muscles contort from that comment and how your hands reach to hold his. your head leans away from him as he kisses your clavicle before he turns you around. cupping your cheeks, he perceives how warm they have become while you gently pull his glasses off of him, closing the temples up before tucking them inside his suit pocket. taehyun held his breath to breathe as slowly as possible when your fingertips touched the bridge of his nose, trailing down until it falls off.
“i say the same about you. though i’ve called you “handsome” before at the dance." you steadily say as your hands now rested on his chest. taehyun feels a slight pressure on it, hearing his heartbeat clearer. the hands slip inside the suit as you push them away, letting it fall off his shoulders to the ground behind him. his chest rises and falls in a steady beat as he glances at one of your hands that is trailing down his arm. the same pressure appears again as you seemingly scan his body with your touch. your hands gather on the cuffs and unbutton them one by one.
taehyun watches how your hand lingers around his heart as you follow how his chest rises and falls. no spoken words between the two as you learn about him. he knows he will do the same to you later.
your hand reaches his tie as you pull it, not too hard to let his body stumble, but right enough for the tie to untangle. his brows raised in surprise when you take the tie from his collar and let it fall to the floor before your fingers reached for the button of his white shirt. as it opens, he sees you're taken aback by the appearance of his undershirt before taehyun shoves the shirt to the floor and pulls off his socks. then, he pushes the layers of clothing he used near his wardrobe—hoping his glasses will be alright.
“why do you have so many layers?” he overheard you whine when turning around to face you again, giggles leaving both you and him.
“i didn't know we would do it. believe me, if you say it before, i would wear less.” he strides to stand in front of you once again, grasping your hands in his before putting them on his abdomen.
“but i like a surprise,” he mumbles as your palm moves on his cloth-covered abs. though it isn’t as prominent as his coach—who he has seen before in the locker room—he is proud of how bulked up he is. especially with the sport he plays. taehyun looks down to see you pull the tuck undershirt from his pants. you might touch a slight bump if you move lower. yet, in this case, you focus on his torso first, already feeling your cold touches on the skin beneath the undershirt. and so you slowly lift it. taehyun’s arms raise to help you as it leaves his hand.
“wow.” he could hear you remark quietly, making him bite his lower lip at the sheer appearance of his bare torso to you. the glimmer in your eyes comes back once again as you admire his body. your hands and eyesight are all over his skin as you let them trail down his muscles as taehyun can only stand there to not let your trance on him disappear. he felt like he was the statue he saw in an art museum he visited. the difference is the ropes around it or the pedestal it stood on are nowhere to be seen, making guests can touch how intricate the carvings of the marble are. another difference is he only allows him to touch him like this.
“how long have you boxed?” you questioned as you close your body with his, letting him wrap his hands around you.
“since i was very young. i tried many sports before it but boxing is the one that matches me.” he tilts his head and the bangs of his hair flail from the movement.
“i can’t imagine how much training you have done to have a body like this…” your words trail off. then he senses a prominent tug on his pants, letting out a slight smirk.
“you couldn’t wait, huh?”
“i want to see more of you.” you quickly answered back.
stepping back from your embrace, he takes off his belt and throws it gently to the floor before he opens the zip of his dress pants. the bulge is clear as he accidentally caresses it, sending shivers down his spine. he never had his cock this hard before, even with the porn magazines he got introduced to from the older boys he met through the boxing club and when he first jack off. but, it’s different if it’s the real thing.
taehyun murmurs out a small “thank you” in his mind for himself for wearing a nice pair of boxers tonight. he senses your burning gaze as he pushes his pants down, exposing his leg and the lower part of his thighs as his boxers cling to his pelvis. his clear bulge makes him lick his lips as he stares at you—admiring what you are presented by.
“it’s your turn,” he spoke out. your eyes rising to meet his as he met with your less-layered outfit.
taehyun steps forward and embraces you like before. both of you breathing the same air—feeling your breath on his skin—before he reaches behind you. his hand founds the zipper on your dress and you flinch from the sudden sound as he opens it.
“you okay?” then his concern answered with a hum from you.
you gasp lightly when his palm meets the skin of your spine. like you do before, he lets a fingertip trail up your spine. goosebumps show up on your forearms as he heard you inhale. the finger met the ends of a bra before he lean back to see you looking at him with more desire. he kisses your forehead as he pulls off the straps of your dress. taehyun follows the upper end of your dress as he pulls it down, seeing the black strapless bra you’re wearing as he gives a kiss above it. he pulls it down to your stomach when the line of your underwear is peeking, giving a small kiss below your belly button.
when meeting your underwear, he realized you are not prepared either. he usually thought that for sex, both partners wear the best undergarments they have. but he didn’t meet any silk underwear as he predicted from the porn magazine he viewed. instead, he met with a regular brief. with that, he knows that what both of you are feeling isn’t something that one of you intended to do today. but it comes from the growth of one’s relationship.
the dress falls to your knees and his eyes meet your thighs, his eyes enlarged in concern. marks decorated your thighs and as he perks up to you, you catch him before you turn away. the marks that decorated your skin looks too unnatural to be a birthmark or freckles, all have a similar shape with varying shades as they fade near to the color of your skin.
“what are these?” he gazes between looking at you and the marks, kneeling on his carpeted floor. your eyes still facing away as your expression changes. taehyun sees you compose yourself, swallowing your saliva before you answered his questions.
“cigarette burns.”
if you were looking at him, you could see how his eyebrows furrowed at your answer. a scowl formed on his face before he replied, “did someone do this to you?”
“no!” your reply was instant. “i did it to myself.” you turn your head to face him, a glistening streak falling down your cheeks as you brush it off.
“this is what i meant when i said you won’t understand about us.” you reached for his shoulders to hold on, trying to not tumble yourself down. “we’re broken, taehyun. my sisters and i are broken human beings.” your vision glances at his hand on your thighs, resting right underneath the fading marks. “That is how i deal with pain. my sisters have done various other things comfortable for them but it also leaves a mark on their skins. this how i cope.”
taehyun can’t help but hold you tighter in his hands as you peer down at him. the sentences you tell helped him complete more of the puzzles that are you and your sisters. how the bandage around chaewon’s wrists now makes sense—now covered by the bracelets that were already in place to cover the bandage up—to cover the scar from her attempt to cope with the pain. when you mention how each and every of the moon sisters has a mark like chaewon, he is disappointed not to notice them, and yours were even harder as you are trying to hide from yourself.
he tugs the dress down to the carpet and drifts your foot one by one from it. that’s when he finally sees the anklet with a closer look, the silver band with two charms hooked on it: a crescent moon and a star.
the understanding of what the crescent moon means comes to him fast, but the star is the one that caught his attention. when he thinks of a star, he thought of the many dots he saw when you both walk down the pavement in the night—all of them are watching both of you connecting. but a star is also a sun, the same sun that lets its shine beam on you in the classroom every time he went inside.
your hands clasped his shoulders before they let go when he was too far to reach. he hears you gasp as he lifts your right leg and gives the skin above the anklet a kiss before continuing upwards.
“you are a star.” he started, kissing up your calves and knees to rest in front of your thighs full of burn marks. “every star has a cycle. and when their cycle ended, they cause a supernova.” holding the back of your thighs with his hands, he gives a squeeze.
“the most beautiful thing a human eye could see is the results of the supernova.”
“either a nebula or a black hole.” you filled his sentence. he hums.
“two different outcomes with two different repercussions.” he stares up at you. “though, in that case, you might see yourself as a black hole.” taehyun gives a light kiss on one of your marks, “i see you as a nebula that could create a new star.”
he continues to kiss every burn mark he can reach from where he kneeled. looking up to see you face the ceiling, he listens to a few out-of-place sniffles that are still there. yet, he listens to you sighing, letting out your weight bit by bit. he gives one last kiss to your underwear.
“what i wanted to say is,” he slowly stands up and cups your cheeks, brushing away stray tears that have fallen as your eyes glisten more because of the moisture. “no matter how are you, you are always beautiful to me.” he gives you a long kiss on the lips before pulling it off, to see you with your eyes still closed. when it opens, he could see the sadness being pushed back as you cup his face too and pull him to you, letting you taste his lips again.
he can feel the exploding emotions coming from you as it triggers his as well. the way his lips nibble your bottom lip earns a whimper from you before you let your mouth open up, letting his tongue enter to meet yours. your hands traced down his body as he let your lips go before trailing down your cheek, to your jaw and neck, before landing above your breasts.
“can i touch them?” he asked, feeling a tad bit shy.
“yes, you can.” you nod as you bite your lips where his hand reaches to cup one of them, feeling them up and knowing how soft yet sturdy they are.
your hands reach behind you to let the hook of the bra off, letting taehyun feel how the fabric loosens in his touch. carefully, he pulled the cups off as he sees your breasts. his lips travel closer to her areola as you moan lightly, the sensitive skin meeting his exhale causing it to erect. he lets out a hum before taking one nipple, softly kissing it, and giving a slight suck while caressing the other. your hands tangled in his hair as you hold him close. small whimpers coming out from you as taehyun closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being wanted by you.
when he pulls back, your hand holds onto one of his as you brought both of you to his bed. you stood between the two, seeing how the edge of the bed touches the back of your legs. you give him a lingering kiss before tracing down to his collarbones. taehyun hiss as not only do you pucker your lips at it, you also give a few sucks on the area. he sees your head moving down to his pectorals with hooded eyes, feeling a tickle as you do the same to him—playing with his nipple and kissing the muscles he has done so much to tone. he couldn’t help but think you are marking him. you are leaving evidence that you have touched him more than other people have.
the bed springs’ noise piqued the boy’s ears as his eyelid fluttered to see you sitting on the mattress, your hands pushing him close from his lower back. he can sense your tongue tracing the faint lines on his abdomen before moving downwards, looking down to glance at your nose grazing his cock before moving back. you glance up at him, hands on the rubber band on the boxers.
“can i?”
“y-yes.” taehyun shivers.
the air of his room flushes onto the newly exposed skin as your eyebrows rose at how stiff his cock is. taehyun wanted to face away from the pleasure, but when he’s seeing you try to touch him, he guides you.
“slowly…” he mumbles when he noticed the lingers of your touch, making the blood rush more towards his lower part. his jaw drops when your thumb touches his slit. the pre-cum he made compliments how cool your touch is as it spread. taehyun looks down when you are trying to wrap your hand around him, giving an experimental stroke that felt different from when he masturbates. his eyebrows frown when your wet tongue touches the head, a gasp coming from him before you give a kiss on it. his hand holds your jaw, thumb caressing your cheekbone, while you let your tongue lick along his cock until the base as you tease his balls—more like discovering it and trying to see what they are.
the way your eye-lined eyes stare up at him, he sees the mark of your tears as it stains the color of your skin. your eyes look beautiful even though they’re puffy. he guides you back to the head of his cock, letting you do things to him that could only turn him on. you widen your mouth and let his head in. your lips wrap around it before it slowly goes out. then you continue to take him deeper, one hand still around his shaft while the other is holding him close by his ass cheek. you form a rhythm he enjoys: sucking gently, a few strokes with your hand before you let him slump. your cheeks narrow to suck him off best as he can, letting your tongue wet him up while grazes from your teeth making him hiss—which you seem to notice and tried to not let them touch him as much.
taehyun stares at the ceiling as he gasps for breath while you’ve been taking so much from him. he caresses your hair when you moved your head while sucking him, reminding him of when he jacked off to the magazine. and you went faster, your stroke getting rapid, and you do even more when he moaned your name, eyes staring at yours, looking at him as you take him in. he panicked when he heard you gag and pulled himself out at once, holding your face in his hands. as you gasp for air, he could see drools trailing down the corners of your lips, a streak of eyeliner now appearing from your smudge eyes as he brushes the stray tears away.
“are you okay?” he asked as your fluttering eyelids returns to him.
“yeah, i hope you like it…”
fuck, he is more than liking it.
“can you go to the pillow? i wanna return the favor.” taehyun confidently says as he sees you nod, crawling to the head of the bed as you lay on his pillows. the mattress dips as he moves to hover above you, leaning down to give you a passionate kiss, tasting something different on his buds before realizing it is from him. the single bed is small now for two people, but he likes how close it makes him feel to you.
your lips bite his bottom lip when two of his fingers reach your clothed core, feeling it wet like the last time he touched it. your head moves to see the space between the two of you—seeing how his hand is closer to where you want him, but not enough. taehyun sees the eagerness in your eyes as you take off your underwear, letting taehyun take the rest off of your feet and throw it with your dress. his hand moves to caress your legs as he lets his nose tip trace the skin up to your core. his body move to be in between your legs as his face arrived in your inner thighs, the two fingers rubbing on your clit while he gaze at the opening. giving the marks on your thighs kisses, he then replaces the fingers on the clit with his tongue while the fingers move to your lower lips. taehyun heard your body shifts on the mattress as you pant his name. his eyes look up to see you adoringly gazing at him. your hand reaches for his dark locks as he licks and kisses your clit while a fingertip plays around your hole before pushing in one.
“taehyun…” you gasp and he closes his eyes to let his senses savor you. him tasting you, how you clench his finger in, and your hand tugging on his hair. he let himself enjoy you before adding another finger inside, hearing a whine coming from you as he opens you up. he moves his head away as he looks at your writhing body on his bed. your thumb moves to his lip as he gives it a suck. while he pushes inside of you with his fingers, he let his kisses focus more on the marks that litter your thighs. taehyun hopes with it, he can help in clearing your head of those thoughts and their traces. he hopes that by the end, he could be an anchor to help you overcome your problems and insecurity.
the grip on his hair tightens more when he exchanged the fingers for his tongue, tasting you more clearly than the wetness staining everything around your slit. he hums as he tastes you, sending shivers around your body that are signaled by the tug from your hand. after moments upon moments of him enjoying you, he pulls away to the sound of you whining. he chuckles at your expression while licking his lips, seeing you pout adorably at him before he smooches the pouty lips. that’s when he met your tongue prodding his lips as he lets you taste yourself as he did with himself before.
“are you ready?” he asked as his eyes focus on you as everything around him blurs out.
“ready.” that’s what makes him turn to his bedside table and open the drawer. he sees the box of condoms his coach bought for him.
“treat her like how you want to be treated. go slowly.” his coach told him as he places the box inside his bag.
taehyun pulls out one packet from the box as he sees you sit up on the mattress, silently nodding as you seem to communicate with yourself. he pulls the condom from the ripped packet when your hand grabs his.
“i learn this from sex ed class…” you murmured as you place the condom right at the head of his cock before rolling it onto his shaft. the rubber on his skin feels strange before you stroke him while fixing the condom. before he hovers above you once again, you spit on your palm and rub them on his covered cock as carefully as possible, he perceives the warmth of your palm against him.
you brought your heels down on the mattress when you lay down, caging him in between your legs. taehyun grabs onto his member when he leans closer to you, eyes conflicting between looking at how you react and finding the hole he has prepared for. your hands stabilizing yourself as you also want to see how it’s done.
“it’s your first time?” you asked him.
“yeah, you?”
“mine too.”
one of your hands reaches down to his as his tip lodges into the hole, hearing your light gasp from the contact. then, he pushes the tip in as slow as he can, eyes noticing your figure laying on his bed. biting your lips and seeing his concerned face, you give a nod at him while glancing downwards.
his palms move to either side of your body as he pushes in and his jaw drops from how tight the grip is. his head drops near yours as he gives kisses along your face before you turn yours to let him meet your lips. the tongues battle one another as the sudden yet small movement makes moans come out from both of you. he cups your cheek when he pulls away.
“you want me to continue?” he questioned as you tried your best to look at how both of your bodies connected, his pelvis nearly meeting yours.
“yes. go all in, taehyun,” you said as you nod your head. the way your hair sprawled on his pillow will always be ingrained in his mind.
the boy’s hands reach for both of your hands as he puts them beside your head and hair. his body leans down and he pushes himself in until the skin of his pelvis meets yours. you clenching your thigh before you lift your legs to wrap them behind him. taehyun gives a long and passionate kiss as he moves slowly, feeling how his cock pulls out and pushes into you.
with the way you react, furrowed eyebrows, and small moans, he tried to not be fast as he does when jacking off. but when your eyes open—all of your attention to him—he sees you licking your lips as the way you clench around him relaxes, letting him slide in and then out. he groaned when your legs pushed into his back, feeling the cold touch of your anklet. one of your hands moves out from his grasp before finding its place on his shoulder.
“can you do more? you feel so fucking good.” your remarks send shivers down his spine as he kisses you, letting your moans and groans swallow each other’s as he moves more. he let himself experiment, from making his thrust faster in pace and letting his cock almost slip out from you, or he moves slower but deeper as he pushes in to make you full. your tight hole now forming to fit him.
“fuck! you’re so tight just for me.” he heard you hum before you grab his nape and brought him down, smashing your lips as your hands moves down his back. the way your nails move on and how he can sense the roughness of your calluses touching his skin. his hands reach for the ankles near his butt and separate them before pushing them near your upper body.
“YES!” you exclaimed. “you, you’re deeper in me. so deep.” you moan out as your walls tighten around him once again from the new position. his lips suck your collarbone as he thrusts in and out of you. your pelvis also moves to meet him.
it went on for minutes before he noticed how tired his arm is holding your legs up and how sore it must be for you. your moans still fill the room when he whispered into your ear, “do you want to be on top?”
your hands reach to cup his face, and the way your eyeliner and eye makeup is smudged around your eyes turns him on as you nodded at him, a smile forming on your face.
“hold on tight,” he said before he wraps his arms around your body and flips both of you around. his muscles contracted from the movement as he tried not to slip out of you while moving. his head rested on his headboard as you give him a peck on the middle of his chest.
“fuck, i like a strong boy who can move me around.” you teasingly said to him before your expression changed. you bite your lips when you sank down on him.
“shit, (y/n)! does it feel like i’m inside you more?” he asked when he pushes into the untouched territory.
“fuck- you did. i feel so full.”
taehyun’s hands move to your hips as you move on him. the new and almost familiar feeling makes both of you moan out more. that is until you move up and down on his shaft, the same sensation of him pushing into you overwhelms him. his hands move to your lower back as you lean against him, arms wrapped behind him as you both make out with you continuing bouncing on his cock, moving away when one of you gasping for breath, moaning or biting each other’s lip. your skin stuck onto his from the sweat as you move to give him his own hickeys like the ones he gave while letting his hand play with your bouncing boobs—yours also playing with his nipples.
“you’re so good for me, right?” he asks as he brought your head to his—forehead touching. his eyes can’t escape yours as you nodded. taehyun grabs onto your lower body as he tries to match the rhythm with his trust. your whines and whimpers are entertaining him as he is to you by how your grip on his muscles and comments on how strong he is to you. when he reaches down to caress your clit once again, your body trembles above him.
“y-you’re gonna make me c-cum.” you whimper as you brought your face as close to him as possible, barely finding your way to his lips. just caressing his as you move makes him grit his teeth. he will gladly be the first boy to make you cum.
“cum for me, my pixie,“ he whispers to your skin as he hears your groan because of it. then, you clench around him so hard that it makes you moan so loud before he lets his mouth onto yours. he felt how your movement slows from the orgasm as he thrusts up, the gush of your release creeps onto his skin as the movement becomes smoother.
“please cum for me too, taehyun.” he listened to you whimper as you moved on his hips once again, stimulating him by making out and your breast moves against his pecs. taehyun lets out a loud groan as he cums with him inside you. the semen drops onto the skin of his cock as it met the condom’s wall. both of you breathe heavily as the sweat on your faces makes your foreheads stick together and now stronger like glue. taehyun’s hands caress your back and butt while yours grips his biceps.
“you’ve done so good.” he heard you comment before rewarding him with a kiss from you.
“gosh, you’re more beautiful.” he breathes out as you wrapped around him once again, snuggling your face with his as he laid both of you down with you on top of him.
you whimpered when he is out of you, he traces the pulsing hole he was inside of as you remind him to clean up. he saw how much of his cum was inside the rubber when he pulls his cock out and tie the condom before throwing it away. while you seem to grab his undershirt to clean yourself and him up. he could pick up your groan when you step onto the floor to put it back on the pile and he accepts you with open arms and a blanket when you lay above him.
“you’ve done so well, (y/n).” he can’t help but please you as you shut him up with a kiss before laying on his pecs. the blanket covers both of your lower parts as your anklet meets the skin of his leg, shivers running down his spine once again.
“i didn’t expect to lose my virginity tonight,” you remarked.
“mine too.”
your smile slowly drops as you caress him, and a sudden melancholy hits him as he realizes how everything changes between the two of you. did all you want was to hook up with him? it didn’t feel like it when you both were kissing and fucking. you would not trust him that much to do that if you felt like it. his mind then wonders to your sisters. are they home yet? are they having fun? he remembers the smile each of them adorns on their faces in juyeon’s van. the first time all of you smile at outside factors rather than within the five of you. he wishes to see that all of them are safe and sound in their lit bedroom while you are in his arm.
but he can’t check when he wants to. your hand moves his head so you can kiss him. the kiss itself seems different from the ones you give to each other. the other time was passionate, lustful, and cheerful too. with this kiss, it seemed like you were trying to communicate. a certain yearning is there resembling the yearning he has for you. he can see how serious you are when you let both of you breathe.
“run away with me.”
his eyes enlarged as he stops caressing you, “what?”
“run away with me, taehyun,” you say breathlessly. he sees how the corner of your lips twisted up. “you’re the only person who ever makes me feel this way. you’re the only boy that ever adored me like how movie couples do. you’re everything that i wanted in a guy and by the looks, how you do to me, and with me, i know you felt the same way.” you then cup his cheek.
“let’s fucking run away together and start a life on our own. it’s us against the world, taehyun.”
taehyun looks at you, stunned. your eyes widen with hope inside of you as he can sense the warmth that it pours out. the way the cracks inside your eyes are slowly fading away, healing themselves with hope.
“i can’t.”
yet, taehyun disagreed.
“i have a life here, (y/n). i have my family, my friends, my home, and my upcoming career in boxing. i, you know, right? you know i can’t just leave them behind?” the boy pours out all the coming words in his mind. your face now hovers above him and not as close as before.
“no, i don’t know that taehyun. i don’t have that many friends and my family. fuck them-“
“what do you mean ‘fuck them’?” he sits up to get closer to you. but you lean away more, both of you sitting on the mattress. “what about your sisters?”
“why do you care about my siste–wait…” your body retracts. “don’t tell me…” you shook your head as you stare at your covered bottom part.
taehyun panics and tried to reach you, but you scoot away even further. he overheard you scoff as you brushed your messy hair out of your face. “of course. why didn’t i think about it?” you giggled before a frown once again formed on your face.
“you’re just like them. you’re just like all the people outside of my family…” you said with gritted teeth.
“i- what do you-“
“of course, you want to hook up with me. you’re exactly like the boys i met before i move here. the people i met every time i walk through the school’s hallways. all of their eyes look at me and my sisters thinking ‘wow, fuck they’re pretty.’ and that’s it. pretty. someone’s eye candy. a pawn for someone to ogle then play, just like what ma do to us. to me. how didn’t i realize it before?”
taehyun’s body steps off the bed as he kneels on the floor by the side of the bed you were in. “no, you misunderstood.”
“if i misunderstood, the first thing that you thought about of me leaving this forsaken place is my sisters? not asking me what my ma did to me? are they also your concern just much as i am? you care for them maybe even more than the sister that is sitting in front of you? oh, that’s not how misunderstood works, silly.” he listened to you chuckle, “it feels weird to think about you pursuing sooyoung or chaewon with how you did to me. but, you know you do that so you can brag on it to your friends, don’t you? ‘i hook up with one of the moon sisters. fuck, she’s great.’“
he froze as he heard you try to mimic how he sound before you continue, “i should have to trust the me that came to your home and warn you. that you’re just gonna see us, gonna see me, as a thing to pursue. to get a taste off.” you lean closer to him. “is it wrong for me to be selfish? is it wrong for me to be like that when i’m living in a family of seven with sisters that are around the same age as you with no privacy?”
“is it wrong for me to be selfish when my mother is an abusive parent towards me and my sisters and i want an escape? is it wrong for me to be selfish and run away with a person who i put my trust in to confide with and even let him take my virginity?” you shook your head as you bit your lips. the way taehyun sees you from his kneeled position, he felt like a follower of a deity who is given a punishment.
“i, i thought that even if with my warning, you pursue me because you like me for me. that you understand me as i thought you are. well, my plan didn’t fucking work.” he can’t help to feel his breaking heart as he heard you sob. the faded cracks in your eyes when he saw you moments ago are more prominent, much more prominent than the ones that haunt him when he first saw you up close.
“if you thought we would go on after this, you lost your chance, taehyun. you lost your chance when you said “no” and miss out on living the best life with the girl who likes and adores you as much as you do her."
with the last sentence, you stepped down from his bed and walk towards where your dress and clothing were. he found out you were whimpering as you walk, imagining how sore you must be as he hears the stomp of your foot on the ground and the zipping of your dress. taehyun wants to stop, he wanted to. but with the fiery near-monologue of yours, he can feel the guilt rising in his chest. yes, he thought you were selfish when you spoke to him about all the reasons you should and why you want to run away with him but not your sisters. what he regretted was that he should’ve seen it coming. chaewon’s bracelets-covered wrists, the way you mention to him how you don’t have pocket money, the cigarette burn marks on your thighs, your first warning to him. you are much more complex than he thought a teenage girl should be. and he was wrong, gosh, was he wrong about his idea on you.
a girl so beautiful, so rebellious, so out-of-this-world and she is also so broken, so depressed that she hurts herself with the thing that helps her pass time.
he listened to the slamming of doors twice as he can finally let out his held breath. taehyun looks outside of the sheer curtain to watch your dark figure running across the street to your house and slip inside the front door. he dims his eyes as the pc hums into his ears, reminding him to turn it off so that it can rest. the sudden bright light slaps him in the face as he met with the cyan-colored desktop wallpaper and when he wants to click on the start button, he takes one look towards the time that he does not track back when he was with you.
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part 2
taglist: @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @stayzentiny @rebsmoonn @boba-beom @angelbythewindow @ttyunz
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Severus Snape as Spiderman: my headcanons
Very well then. Let's go over this one more time
My name is Severus Snape, and for the last few years. I've been London's one and only Spider-venom. I'm sure you know the rest.
Was bitten by a radioactive symbiotic spider hybrid (a genetic hyrbid between the alien symbiot and a radioactive spider)
His mom was killed by a mugger (she was his uncle ben)
His dad is a cop alongside Lily Evans's father, who is the captain of London PD.
He and Lily drifted apart when they reached highschool.
He's stopped crime in his neighborhood spinners end, and protects all of Cokeworth, then he expanded to all of London.
He is still bullied by the marauders and is a chemistry wiz.
He hung out with the wrong crowd until he met Charity and her girlfriend Aurora.
Charity knows his secret and is his partner and woman in the chair despite his many protests.
His powers are both Spiderman's and venoms powers put together. (Except he doesn't eat heads)
He is a singer and works at one of the bars in spinners end to earn some extra cash.
His suit is all black, with green web highlights going around the suit and a green spider emblem on the chest area of the suit.
When he is Spiderman, he is a more playful, kind, immature, yet intelligent and laid back but vigilant, and caring. As civilian severus, he is cold, quiet, and distant and has a tongue that can cut through steel. (So no one suspects that severus is Spiderman for obvious reasons)
The media has described him as a danger to society, a menace, a criminal, and a freak. The cops obviously don't like him because he's a vigilante, but he has people on his side.
Charity and Severus have a place in spinners end where they go to either patch severus up after a fight with a villain or bullying, study for homework or tests, make crime walls, and just talk about anything and everything.
Severus also goes to the gym for boxing and to learn to fight or just exercise a little bit (sometimes Tobias joins him and helps him)
Tobias is not an abusive a$$hole, but he is emotionally and physically distant with Severus, especially after Eileen was killed, but he does still look after Severus and cares for him in his own way.
He has deep regrets about being the bigger person with the marauders (he saved their lives countless times)... but he does have his moments where they "mysteriously" were embarrassed in public
He has webs like Toby maguire Spiderman, but he makes his own gadgets
(That's all I got, and I have no idea who his MJ should be but enjoy)
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paper-gold-theories · 8 months
Villainous Observation/Theory: InstaFeed and Instagrim
(Note: This theory is an add on and inspired by the theory created by gabygirl1234)
There are two versions of Instagram in Villainous - InstaFeed and Instagrim
The general public and heroes use InstaFeed, while the Villains use Instagrim.
In Episode 6 Miss Heed is shown to have an InstaFeed account instead of an Instagram account.
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And her @ name is also @MISS_HEED_ OFFICIAL instead of @MISS_HEED, as shown in her real life actual Instagram link (https://www.instagram.com/miss_heed/)
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However, MISS_HEED_OFFICAL is her Instagram Display Name
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So the Instagram account we see in real life is a little bit different than what we see in the Villainous show.
In Villainous, Penumbra, other Villains, and The Men Without Hats, etc. are shown to be using Instagrim.
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However unlike InstaFeed, Instagrim is a Black Web, the Villainous version of Dark Web/Deep Web, website which is not available to the general public and can only be accessed by Villains and in special cases like the Men Without Hats who can hack and have installed programs and software to avoid tracking and being doxxed. (see below)
This is supported by the post in CreepyCharly when a user said you can see that SunBlast is alive on Penumbra’s Instagrim account, but CreepyCharly replies that she could not access it and jokingly added that she doesn’t believe that Villains have social media.
(Also, in the comment section in the image above, a verified account with the name @MISS_HEED_OFFICIAL is seen commenting a bot like comment: “FOLLOW ME”, Miss Heed being a former Villain and student in Black Hat Institution, she probably was able to have knowledge on how to access the Black Web, and perhaps link it to her current InstaFeed account)
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As regular citizens like CreepyCharly can’t access it I agree with gabygirl123 ‘s post that Instagrim is also a part of the Black Web as it follows the. Same principal as the BHO website, as mentioned below, “it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings.”
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-01.06.19 - from: Magician
To all remaining agents: We did it. Our patience has produced fruits. Cooper and I have managed to establish a link to the Black Hat Organization's mainframe. The link will be open for the longest period possible, however, we must be careful and keep this link secret; We can't let what happened last time happen. Black Hat cannot know that we have this connection to their system. This link can normally only be accessed by villains and members of their organization, as it is hidden in what villains call the "Black Web", a hidden network for villains, bounty hunters, and other unsavory beings. For this reason, access is very dangerous and it is recommended that it not be for prolonged periods or there would be a risk that a villain, or worse, someone from the Black Hat Organization, could find and track our whereabouts more easily. Here is the link to the computer:
Once inside you can share it, but to access you will need the 14-digit password that we hide in the guide videos. Maybe Black Hat found the latest version of the page, but that gave us what we needed to find yours. We'll leave this channel open, good luck. And remember that we can still dance.
Eventually however, Charly was able to access the black web to buy a mystery box, however as mentioned below, the Black Web is a dangerous place with dangerous people, so she had to install the necessary programmes to avoid being tracked and doxxed.
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(Did she buy it from Evil Zone, the Villainous version of Amazon though? 😂)
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zeciex · 6 months
A Vow of Blood - 47
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Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: “You will be trapped by the obligations of love and duty, unable to escape the web of expectations others have woven around you,“ the witch said….
Chapter 47: The Vigil of the Old Gods
AO3 - Masterlist
The small wooden wheels of the litter bumped and rattled over the cobblestone streets, turning each stone into a miniature mountain. Daenera had never particularly enjoyed the experience of traveling by litter. It often felt like being trapped in a wooden box, shaken and jolted with every uneven cobble, leaving her longing for the steadiness of solid ground beneath her feet. However, enduring this discomfort was made somewhat more bearable by the company of her friend and aunt, Helaena.
Seated across from each other, they braced themselves for the next jolt, their faces betraying the occasional grimace as they were tossed from one side of the litter to the other. The ride was proving to be less than gentle. 
Then, out of the blue, Helaena’s voice broke the bumpy silence with an unexpected question that caught Daenera off guard. 
“Do you love him?” Helaena asked, her gaze unwavering as they bounced along. 
Daenera’s brows knitted in confusion, and for a moment, the rhythmic rocking of the litter seemed to mirror her inner turmoil. The question hung heavily in the air, like a sword ready to descend, demanding an answer that Daenera hadn’t anticipated. 
“Who? My husband?” Her voice carried both surprise and uncertainty. She hadn’t expected such a direct question.
 “No, I don’t love him,” she confessed with a touch of resignation, her tone heavy and laden with wariness. “But I suppose that doesn’t matter much.”
As the litter continued its bumpy journey, Helaena’s voice turned soft and almost ethereal, like a whisper carried on the wind. Her words held an air of mystery and promise.
“ The stag shall fall, black, blue, and bleeding , ” she murmured, her gaze momentarily drifting away, lost in some distant thought. Then, just as swiftly, her eyes returned to meet Daenera’s, and a gentle smile graced her lips. “No, not your husband.”
Her words were cryptic, like a riddle waiting to be unraveled, and they hung in the air, leaving Daenera both intrigued and puzzled. 
Daenera peered into her friend’s eyes, searching for the hidden meaning behind her words. It wasn’t uncommon for Helaena to possess cryptic knowledge, fragments of a greater puzzle. Unfortunately, Helaena never seemed able to fully piece the puzzle together into a clear image. But this time, there was a sense that Helaena held something significant and certain. 
“I… don’t know,” Daenera replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. A heavy lump formed in her throat, making it difficult to speak. “I pray that it is not. Nothing good will ever come of it.”
Helaena’s thoughtful hum filled the space between them, the sound carrying a sense of wisdom beyond her years. “Does he make you happy?”
Daenera hesitated, her thoughts wandering to the complexities of her marriage and dalliance with Aemond. “He makes me feel… seen .”
Aemond possessed a quality that no one else had ever wielded–a unique ability to make her feel truly seen and known. He had seen her at her most scornful, bearing witness to the wretched and conniving aspects of her being that were often hidden from the world, yet he desired her all the same. It was his touch, so gentle, that had surprised her the most, especially when her hands were stained with blood, and he had assured her that the exhilaration she felt when taking a life was not a mark of monstrosity. He saw the darkest corners of her soul, and yet, his desire for her remained unwavering. 
It was a dangerous, scary thing, that she wished she could lock away never to be acknowledged. 
“He who holds the stars and she who blooms beneath them,” Helaena mused, her fingers idly picking at a string. 
Daenera felt a familiar knot tighten in her stomach as she contemplated the meaning behind those words. They brought to mind the memory of the boy with the stars in his eyes , a memory she had been trying to bury. A part of her desperately hoped that he wasn’t the one the witch referred to. It would make everything so much simpler, easier to dismiss as a passing fling, devoid of any deeper significance, something she could easily excuse and forget.
However, another, more perceptive part of her knew better. Deep down, she couldn’t deny the profound impact he had on her life, the way he had touch her in ways she hadn’t ever expected. His presence had illuminated her world, making her feel alive in a way she had never experienced before. And so, despite her hopes for simplicity, she couldn’t escape the truth that there was something more to this. The boy with the stars in his eye will capture your heart, but be weary of the danger he represents. 
Helaena nodded in confirmation, her brows knitting together, her eyes taking on a cloudy, distant look. 
“Flowers face countless tribulations, do they not?” She pondered. “The very elements that nurture them can also cause their destruction. Nature is uncompromising in its pursuit of growth, be it through rain, sunlight, or even blood spilled on the field of battle. Only fire consumes without giving back, and yet, even after a wildfire, nature finds a way to endure–to overcome. A flower persists, even when blood stains its petals.”
“Is that a prediction?” Daenera asked in a hushed tone, careful not to startle Helaena. She placed a gentle hand on her friend’s knuckles, offering a comforting caress, and perhaps an anchor in the midst of her thoughts. 
Helaena blinked as the sunlight pierced through the holes in the litter, bathing their small chamber in a warm glow. 
“I believe it’s more a warning,” she replied, her voice soft and uncertain. “I’m sorry, I don’t fully understand its meaning.”
“Don’t apologize,” Daenera murmured, her grip on Helaena’s hand tightening reassuringly. “Nature, much like people, has its way of preserving through challenges. We all grow and confront adversity; it’s the essence of life. And if we must shed a bit of blood as a sacrifice for that life, I believe it��s a small price to pay .”
“Nature contains its own violence,” Helaena whispered, her words barely more than a breath. “Stags, wolves, dragons, each their own abide. The world turns harsh as war tightens its grip, parents compelled to kill their own before they grow old. ”
Daenera sensed that their conversation had sifted from the metaphorical flower to a deeper reflection on the nature of humanity. She couldn’t help but feel intrigued and concerned. “Helaena?”
“Mm?” Helaena hummed, her head turning toward Daenera. Her gaze lingered on the rays of sun streaming through the small openings in the litter for a moment longer before eventually shifting to meet Daenera’s. 
“Is this one of your dreams?” Daenera asked. 
Helaena’s response came as if she hadn’t quite registered Daenera’s question. “I think,” she began slowly, “you feel it as well, the strings that tie everything together. You know things, perhaps even without realizing it. It’s in the blood, in your nature, more so than the others. You will come to know, to feel, and to know… And with that knowledge, you’ll pay the price.”
Daenera felt her stomach churn, a growing weight pressing upon her chest as Helaena’s words hung in the air like an ominous fog. She grappled with the enigma of it all, her mind desperately searching for something more tangible amidst the cryptic riddles.
“What price?” She asked, her voice betraying her apprehension. 
“Spools of Black, spools of Green, spools of that which lies between,” Helaena’s voice reverberated through the small chamber, a chant that seemed ancient as time itself. Daenera had been haunted by these cryptic words ever since her arrival in King’s Landing, and now they resurface with an eerie familiarity. 
Helaena’s grip on Daenera’s hand tightened, her nails pressing into the skin as if she sought to anchor herself in the swirling current of her thoughts. “Three crowns, one the chosen, one the unworthy, one the liar,” she intoned with growing urgency. Her words weave strings together in an attempt at revealing an image.
“Three crowns, one throne to sit–a price to be paid, a sacrifice to be made, a hand to be stayed,” Helaena’s voice quickened, her words tumbling from her lips like leaves caught in a whirlwind. “Three crowns, one throne. Spools of Black, spools of Green, spools of that which lies between. Spools of Blue, spools of Red, spools of that which lies ahead.”
The litter seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, and it made the hairs at the back of her neck prickle and stand. The grip on her hand eased, and Helaena blinked once, twice, and then shifted her gaze apologetically to Daenera. 
And though Daenera was brimming with questions, she swallowed them down, and brushed a hand over Helaena’s hair in a gentle gesture.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Daenera offered gently, sensing the weight of visions that had gripped Helaena. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it,” Helaena explained, frustration tainting her voice, “it’s that I cannot make any sense of it. It’s like trying to grasp the wisp of smoke–nothing is ever clear.” She shook her head as if trying to dispel the lingering confusion. “It means nothing. They’re just silly dreams.”
Daenera refused to accept Helaena’s self-deprecating assessment. Her expression remained resolute, though sympathetic. 
“They’re not silly dreams,” she countered, brushing aside the dismissive words Alicent and others had used countless times. She knew that few had ever taken Helaena’s visions seriously, and so, they had been unjustly relegated to the realm of mere foolish fantasies. 
“They may be like wisps of smoke, elusive and impossible to grasp,” Daenera began, her voice steady and determined, “but they are wisps that follow fire, and fire is something tangible, something we can see and understand.” She leaned in, pressing her forehead gently against Helaena’s. “It is not madness, it is riddles, and riddles can be deciphered.”
“Not all riddles yield to easy solutions,” Helaena quietly contended. 
Daenera nodded thoughtfully. “True, but riddles often find clarity in hindsight.”
“I don’t want this,” Helaena admitted, a melancholic air hanging around her words as if she mourned the person she might have been if not for her burden. “And I doubt you’d want it either.”
“I’m sorry you bear this burden alone,” Daenera empathized. “But I’ll always listen and believe you.”
Helaena nodded, letting out a breath as her gaze shifted through the litter’s small openings to watch the city pass by. “I find solace in the clouds.”
During the remainder of their journey to the Dragonpit, they delved into animated discussions spanning various topics, until the litter stopped moving. 
As they watched Dreamfyre emerge from the Dragonpit, bathed in the vibrant sunlight, Daenera couldn’t help but notice the radiant smile on Helaena’s face. The dragon’s azure scales shimmered like the vast ocean, and its graceful movements exuded a sense of regal vitality. When its eyes met Helaena’s, Daenera thought she detected a hint of tenderness in its deep gaze. It was truly a magnificent dragon.
“Greetings, magnificent one,” Helaena whispered to the dragon, her hand gently caressing its neck. She cast a glance back at Daenera, who nodded in silent approval. With practiced ease, Helaena ascended to the seat on Dreamfyre’s back, her melodious words flowing in High Valyrian as the dragon extended its powerful wings. In an impressive display, it soared into the heavens, its chest adorned with gleaming silver markings that resemble a necklace of precious coins. Higher and higher it climbed until it vanished into the boundless sky. 
“Shall we return to the castle, Princess?” Fenrick inquired, appearing behind her. 
“No,” She responded firmly. “As you can see, I’m dressed for the forest.”
“Very well, the forest it is,” he acknowledged.
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As they ventured into the rolling hills beyond King’s Landing, Daenera chose to break the silence, knowing that her words would be swallowed by the gentle breeze, carried away where no prying ears could listen.
“I’m engaged in having an affair,” she uttered with such casualness that Fenrick seemed to nearly lose his balance on the horse. His head snapped to the side, and his grip on the reins tightened, causing the horse to whinny and shuffle restlessly, as if it sensed the discomfort of its rider, utterly bewildered by what it might have done wrong. 
“I’m sorry?” Fenrick choked out, his brow furrowing as he tried to process her words, like a horse stumbling on uneven terrain, searching for stable ground beneath its hooves. 
Daenera repeated, her voice firm and unapologetic, “I’m having an affair.” Her eyes bore into his, a mix of defiance and vulnerability weaving together on her face. “I am confiding in you because I believe you won’t betray my trust by informing my parents. But if you do, be prepared for severe consequences. I won’t be so inclined to forgive you.”
Her warning hung in the air, a palpable threat. If Fenrick dared to betray her trust once more, Daenera knew she’d have no choice but to take drastic measures. She couldn’t simply release him from his duties; he knew too much, and she didn’t want him to become a pawn in someone else’s game. As the weight of her confession sank in, Fenrick stared at her, utterly bewildered and unable to form a coherent response. His silence was thick, like the tension in the roiling hills, as if every single blade of grass held its breath, waiting for his reaction. 
“Your husband–”
“Is a brute and a drunk,” Daenera interjected with a fiery edge in her voice, “who continues to insult and humiliate me by openly supporting his mistress and their illegitimate child. He hardly possesses the moral high ground in this matter.”
She clutched the reins tighter, her anger simmering beneath her controlled exterior. Boris’s flagrant disregard for her dignity left her vulnerable in the eyes of the court. His indiscretions, though not yet fully exposed, loomed like a dark cloud, ready to unleash a storm of scandal at any moment. It was a matter of time. 
Fenrick’s voice held a cautious tone as he pressed on. “Are you planning to address his affair with him directly? Initiating your own in response doesn’t seem like a reasonable solution. He is your husband–”
“Yes, I am aware, you needn't remind me,” Daenera cut him off, annoyed by the reminder. “That is why it’s considered an affair, Fenrick. I have addressed his bastard but he wasn’t interested in discussing it or how it reflected on me.”
“It is with Aemond.”
Her confession hit Fenrick like a sudden storm. The horse reacted, agitated by the tension in the air as it stamped restlessly at the ground. Fenrick struggled to calm the steed, guiding it in a circle to ease its nerves. He fell into position beside Daenera once more, the scowl on his face revealing his disapproval. 
“Have you taken leave of your senses?!” Fenrick practically roared, a crimson flush spreading across his cheeks, a sneer on his lips. 
“I’m not seeking your approval, Fenrick,” Daenera retorted firmly, her tone unwavering. She sensed his judgment, like an irritating swarm of flies, but she refused to let it show. Fenrick would have unearthed the truth eventually. Confronting him now was an attempt to preempt the inevitable and, hopefully, secure his discretion and obedience. 
They were passing the edge of the Kingswood, gradually surrounded by towering trees that blocked out the midday sun in patches, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The scent of pine and damp earth hung in the air, and the distant sounds of birds added a tranquil layer to the otherwise tense atmosphere. 
Fenrick’s voice broke the forest’s hushed serenity. “But with Aemond?”
“Yes, with Aemond,” she replied, her tone steady and firm. Her spine straightened as she bore his judgment, feeling the tension build between her shoulder blades. 
Their horses moved at a slow, measured pace, the gentle creaking of leather saddles accompanying their conversation. Fenrick glanced at her, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. 
“What if he’s the one who betrays you? He’s a Hightower, loyal to his mother and their cause.”
“Mutually assured destruction,” Daenera reiterated, her eyes scanning the woods as if seeking some hidden answer among the trees. 
Fenrick’s grip on the reins tightened, and he couldn’t conceal the frustration in his voice. “You’re far too intelligent to believe that. There’s no mutually assured destruction. You are married, he is not. You are a woman. It will be your destruction.”
Daenera’s lips thinned, and she cast a sidelong glance at Fenrick. She understood the risks–understood how it would end. 
“I am well aware of the disadvantages my sex presents,” Daenera countered, her voice tinged with irritation. “But have you ever considered that these very disadvantages allow me to be underestimated, to move in the shadows, and perhaps, that I can use it to my advantage?”
Fenrick’s expression remained conflicted, a mixture of concern and skepticism. He seemed determined to point out the fallacies in her motives. “You believe you can seduce and manipulate him for your own cause? Who’s to say he is not planning the same? Aemond is not stupid, he will be expecting your manipulation.”
It was an excuse, a flimsy attempt to justify her actions, or perhaps merely a desperate hope. Daenera knew that it was, in essence, a lie. The truth was far less strategic and much more impulsive. Her affair with Aemond had not originated as a calculated political maneuver, nor had it persisted to manipulate him into divulging compromising information–though the thought certainly comforted her. It had begun as an irrational, reckless, and entirely self-indulgent choice. Now, however, she found herself crafting a semblance of reason to cloak her actions.
Fenrick’s persistence in questioning her motives remained justified, though it did little to quell her irritation. His demand for an explanation was only fair.   “He does. I suppose it depends on who can outwit the other.” Daenera clung to the falsehood, clutching it firmly to avoid facing the alternative interpretations it might entrail.
Fenrick shook his head, still struggling to accept her rationale. “Is this your plan, then? Or is it a rebellion against Daemon and the marriage he imposed on you?”
Daenera’s gaze darted towards Fenrick, her eyes narrowing with indignation. 
“Both,” she responded, her shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug. She exhaled, slowly attempting to dispel the tension that Fenrick’s judgment had created within her. It felt akin to being reprimanded by a teacher, a parent, or a friend. “Boris, he…”
Fenrick’s expression seemed to soften a little. “He doesn’t treat you well?”
“He degrades me with his actions,” Daenera answered.
Fenrick’s countenance sagged slightly. “And yours doesn’t?”
She shot him a warning glare. “Boris has been frequenting the brothels ever since he arrived in King’s Landing and this behavior has persisted throughout our marriage. He has fathered a bastard and openly claimed the child’s mother as his mistress. He seems utterly unconcerned about how all of this tarnishes my reputation, and he insists that he’ll acknowledge the child as long as I do not provide him with a legitimate heir. He threatens me with the child’s legitimacy and carries not a trace of remorse for it. To him, I am merely an object, a vessel for bearing children, nothing more.”
Daenera’s voice carried an air of resignation as she continued. Boris becomes unking when he indulges in drink, offering me little companionship. He may be my husband, and I will fulfill my wifely duties, but I won’t endure his company more than necessary. And let’s not forget why I became his wife in the first place.”
Daenera was well aware that Fenrick had carried guilt for being the catalyst behind her marriage. Perhaps out of a sense of sentimentality, she had concealed most of her discontent within the marriage from him so that the guilt did not grow. But she wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily. It was his act of defiance that had ultimately led her into this situation, wed to a man who posed threats, insulted her, and even struck her. 
“But why Aemond?” Fenrick asked, appearing more exasperated by the choice of Aemond than anything else. 
That is the questio n, she mused internally. Why Aemond?
It wasn’t part of some elaborate scheme to gain insight into the enemy’s plans. The repercussions of this affair far outweighed any initial value that it might have held. Yet, she couldn’t stop herself. There was a strange sort of comfort in Aemond’s presence, despite his coldness, cruelty, and resentful demeanor. She found herself drawn to him in an inexplicable way, and it was a disconcerting notion. 
As they continued their ride through the forest, the trees seemed to close in around them, their thick husks standing as silent witnesses to the unfolding conversation. The sunlight streamed through the canopy above, casting patches of warmth and light on the forest floor as they rode on.
“Would you rather it had been Aegon?” Daenera questioned, more a jape than anything else. 
“Daenera,” he began after realizing he wouldn’t receive a direct answer to his earlier question, “I must strongly caution against this path you’re taking. I don’t want to witness you suffering due to some imprudent, childish decision.”
Daenera pressed her lips together, attempting to quell the anger that was steadily mounting in her. “I’ve taken note of your advice, but please pardon me if I do not choose to heed it.”
It was Fenrick’s turn to press his lips into a thin line. “And who else is privy to this secret of yours?”
“Joyce,” Daenera answered shortly. 
“Joyce?!” Fenrick exclaimed exasperated, taken aback by the revelation. 
A grin crept across Daenera’s face, an expression of utter pettiness. “Yes, Joyce. She’s quite adept at keeping matters under wraps, isn’t she? She seems to understand the meaning of loyalty, trust and obedience.”
Fenrick clenched his teeth, a telltale sign of his suppressed words. There was little he could argue against that. It was an indiscretion that would hang over him for the foreseeable future. He seemed to understand that it had shifted something fundamental within their relationship, leaving an ever present lingering doubt: can he be trusted? It was a shadow that would persist, a whisper of uncertainty within their interactions. 
“Joyce and Finan,” Daenera clarified. 
“Finan? You told Finan before me?” His expression held a touch of offense, as if he couldn’t fathom that she’d confided in Finan before him. 
“Finan knows some, not all. But yes, he knows because he has proven to be discreet, unlike some,” Daenera said teresly. 
Fenrick bristled at her words. 
“And Aegon.”
“What do you mean Aegon knows?” Fenrick sputtered, his complexion darkening as blood rushed beneath his skin. Daenera briefly pondered the inconveniences of a possible burst blood vessel in his head would cause. She would have to leave him here or manage to tie him to the horse so she could bring him back to King’s Landing.
“He has been speculating about it since my arrival,” Daenera grumbled. 
“And was his speculation accurate?” The questions as not subtle enough to go unnoticed, nor the slight bite to the tone. 
“No.” It was not a lie entirely, but she decided to spare Fenrick the nuanced details. He would only judge her further. “Aemond has assured me that he won’t pose a problem.”
“He assured you,” Fenrick repeated skeptically. “But how can you be certain the Queen isn’t aware and biding her time for the perfect moment to expose you? You are aware of her talents for using such information against your mother.”
“The Queen and the Hand are both in the dark about this,” Daenera affirmed. 
“I apologize if I remain unconvinced, princess. It appears one of us must exercise caution,” Fenrick retorted. 
Daenera rolled her eyes, her patience thinning with each passing moment. “That’s your role, Fenrick, and I do not hold it against you.”
“Very well, then. I assume you won’t take offense when I assert that I believe this is a grave error and should be halted immediately to prevent further repercussions,” Fenrick continued, his tone snide. “You are married. If the Hightowers uncover your affair with Aemond, they will without a doubt use it against you, to ruin your prospects and to tarnish your mother.”
“I appreciate your concern. I understand my role as both a princess and wife, and I won’t disregard my duties to my husband or my family,” Daenera retorted. 
“Why take such a risk?” Fenrick challenged. “Do you believe Daemon would commend your efforts to sway the prince? Do you think he would agree to this ploy of seduction? The risk is far too great.”
“I believe Daemon would go to great lengths to secure an advantage,” Daenera responded.
“Not like this,” Fenrick began, his tone carrying a note of stern but caring authority.
“No, he’s a man,” Daenera muttered obstinately.
“Much can be said about Daemon, but one thing is undeniable: he loves you dearly and desires only the best for you and your siblings.”
She couldn’t help but have doubts about whether Daemon would ask this much of her brothers, of the twins. Perhaps he would if it came to it. 
“Was it truly the best for me to be wed to Boris Baratheon?” Daenera attempted to suppress the lump forming in her throat. “I understand the risks, Fenrick, but please don’t expect me to resign myself to this marriage. I will fulfill my duties, but allow me the occasional respite, even if it involves someone you might not condone.”
“I thought it was a ploy,” Fenrick noted, caution heavy in his tone. 
“Can’t it be both?”
“Do not fall in love with him. It won’t end well for anyone, least of all you.”
Daenera looked upon him, an assured set to her shoulders. “My loyalty lies with my family. I would forfeit everything for their sake.”
They fell into a heavy silence, words escaping them. At that very instant, Daenera yearned for the simplicity of a regular girl’s life, free from the weighty expectations that accompanied her titles of princess, wife, and pawn in a political game. She wished she could enjoy the company of a boy without the constant overthinking of consequences. To be able to act selfishly, pursuing her desires without the burden of considering the repercussions. The pretense of it all offered a peculiar sense of freedom, if only for a fleeting moment. 
But there was, in reality, no freedom for girls in this world. 
As they ventured deeper into the forest, a peaceful shroud of shadows enveloped them. The air bore the sweet scent of spring intermingled with the earthy aroma of freshly fallen rain. The ground beneath the hooves of the horse retained the moisture from the recent downpour, and glistening droplets clung to the vibrant leaves of the surrounding trees, refracting dappled sunlight. 
Their horses carried them until they reached a vast expanse of a clearing. Here, she dismounted at the outskirts of the clearing. Daenera found herself treading through the lush, dew-kissed grass towards the colossal mount of Vhagar. The dragon stood regally, its massive form casting an imposing silhouette against the serene woodland backdrop. Its scales, dark as storm clouds, reflecting the subtle play of sunlight. 
The dragon’s rider leaned casually against the dragon’s powerful frame, a striking figure of strength and unity between rider and beast. Vhagar lifted her head, regarding Daenera’s approach. 
Fenrick’s penetrating gaze remained fixed on Daenera as she approached Aemond. She could feel the disapproval prickle along her skin as his eyes bore holes into her. 
Aemond, with a sly grin, traced his fingers tenderly across Daenera’s face before capturing her lips in a heated kiss, solely meant to taunt Fenrick, who, in response, turned his back on the two. 
Daenera couldn’t help but notice Fenrick’s discomfort, and she couldn’t suppress the faint sense of sympathy for her sworn shield. She addressed Aemond, her tone a mix of playfulness and concern. “You could make it a bit easier on him, you know.”
Aemond, however, seemed unfazed by Fenrick’s irritation. He shrugged nonchalantly, his confidence shining through. Mischievousness widened his grin, the sharp corners of his mouth twisting as he brushed off Daenera’s worries, his gaze never leaving hers. “Why should I?” 
This time, Aemond was the first to climb Vhagar’s massive form, displaying the graceful fluidity of a practiced rider. Daenera, on the other hand, moved cautiously, gripping the rope with each deliberate step, her focus solely on holding on. Her fingers grasped onto the weathered and worn rope that served as a makeshift ladder. The once-sturdy fibers grown frayed with age and slick with algae.
Upon reaching the dragon’s formidable back, Aemond leaned over and extended a hand to assist Daenera with the final steps. Her fingers found his, and with his guidance, she was hoisted into the saddle, settling herself in front of him. Aemond’s practiced hands deftly secured the tether that would keep them safely in place. 
As Vhagar began to move beneath them, Daenera’s heart skipped a beat, only to race even faster moments later. She clutched the saddle with white-knuckled determination, her fingers digging into the supple leather. Aemond’s chest pressed firmly against her back, one hand resting gently on her lower stomach, his thumb idly caressing her in a reassuring manner. The sensation sent a shudder through her, mixing with the thrill of being atop the powerful dragon. 
“Sōvegon, Vhagar.” Fly, Vhagar.
The colossal dragon stretched its immense wings, a magnificent display of power and grace. They unfurled like vast, tattered banners, casting shadows that danced across the surrounding landscape. Like an old man stretching his back before lifting, the dragon flexed its wingtips experimentally before fully committing to the powerful strokes. 
The effect was awe-inspiring. 
The long grass beneath Vhagar’s colossal wings bowed and swayed in a wild frenzy, yielding to the force of nature embodied by the ancient creature. The nearby trees, their prances laden with leaves, creaked and groaned under the onslaught of air currents, protesting the sudden storm. 
The air itself seemed to come alive with each mighty beat. It rushed to fill the expansive, thin skin of the wings, creating an audible symphony of wind and power. Daenera, her heart pounding wildly in her chest, couldn’t help but feel the rush of both fear and exhilaration wash over her. 
Amidst this overwhelming display of nature’s might, Daenera clung to her perch on Vhagar’s back, her nails digging into the leather as her vice strained almost painfully with which she was holding on. She berated herself for the surge of terror that coursed through her veins, her breath coming fast and shallow. 
In contrast, Aemond seemed entirely at ease. She heard his deep, throaty chuckle, its rumbling quality traveling through his chest and into hers. It was a sound that mixed amusement and perhaps, a touch of teasing. 
“Keep your eyes open this time,” he murmured softly into her ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine. His cheek brushed against hers as if in a gentle caress. 
Tears welled in her eyes, not from fear, but from the sheer force of the wind buffeting her face as they soared higher into the sky. The brisk air whipped at her cheeks, the sensation akin to a thousand tiny needles pricking her skin. Her cheeks flushed with the combination of exhilaration and the biting chill of the high-altitude, and as they ascended above the lush canopy of trees, the sprawling image of King’s Landing came into view. The city stretched out in the distance, a sprawling tapestry of red-roofed buildings and winding streets. The grandeur of the Red Keep, with its towering structures of crimson stone, stood as a majestic centerpiece. 
From this vantage point, everything below seemed to shrink into insignificance. 
Aemond directed Vhagar to rise even higher, their ascent a relentless climb towards the ethereal realm of the clouds. Daenera’s fingers, still white-knuckled from their death grip on the saddle, reluctantly released their hold. With determination, she extended one hand towards the fluffy white cloud, her delicate fingers disappearing into the cool mist. 
Aemond’s strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to him. His voice, soft as velvet, reached her ears despite the howling wind that threatened to drown out any sound. 
“Let go,” he coaxed, his breath warm against her ear. “I won’t let you fall.”
It took a few steadying breaths for Daenera to summon the courage to release her grip on the saddle entirely. She felt a momentary rush of dizziness, the sensation of being suspended in the sky without any solid ground beneath her nearly overwhelming. But Aemond’s steadfast presence reassured her, his hold a comforting anchor against the vast expanse below. 
Slowly, she stretched both arms outward, mimicking the wings of a dragon in majestic flight. The rush of wind through her fingertips, the caress of the sun on her face, and the exhilaration of their climb to the sky, all combined to send a surge of blood through her veins, a rush of excitement. In this moment, she was not just a princess or a wife burdened with duty; she was a creature of the skies, embracing the freedom the world below could only dream of. 
Her laughter rang out like sweet music in the wind as exhilaration coursed through her. 
“Don’t you dare let go of me,” she playfully admonished, her eyes sparkling with mirth. 
Aemond chuckled, the vibrations of his laughter felt through the firm press of his chest against her back. “If I wanted you dead, I would do it in a far less conspicuous way.”
Curiosity tugged at her the same way it did a persistent child. “Where are you stealing me off to?”
A mischievous glint danced in Aemond’s eye as he replied, “I thought you might wish to see what should be rightfully yours.”
Daenera’s brows furrowed in bewilderment, and she glanced down to discern which way they were taking. “Don’t tell me you’re taking me to Dragonstone.”
Aemond shook his head. “No.”
“If you’re taking me to Storm’s End, I will throw you off this dragon,” Daenera threatened playfully, though her voice held a tremor of promise. 
Aemond’s lips curved into a wry smile. “I’m taking you to Harrenhal.”
“Ah, so you’re just being a twat and calling me a bastard.” Daenera rolled her eyes in jest. The sting of being referred to as a bastard no longer pricked her, not in these moments, not when it was him. His words lacked the calculated cruelty that had once been aimed at her, and so, she didn’t take it to heart. 
“You once mentioned your curiosity, wanting to see it for yourself and judge whether it lives up to its infamy,” Aemond explained, his voice smooth and warm.
Daenera responded with a touch of sarcasm, “Yes, how utterly romantic of you to whisk me away to a castle where hundreds have met their untimely end, including Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin. The very castle that’s steeped in tales of curses.”
“ Romantic ,” Aemond echoed, his tone laced with sarcasm. “But I never claimed to be romantic .”
A small smile played on Daenera’s lips, though she couldn’t hide the flush in her cheeks she could, however, attribute it to the wind. “I’m not sure you could be. It is not in your nature.”
A genuine laugh rumbled through Aemond’s chest and brushed against her warm, blushing cheeks, carried away by the wind.
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Harrenhal loomed ominously amidst the encompassing, ancient woods, its immense walls appearing both colossal and yet dwarfed by the five soaring towers that pierced the sky, surpassing even the tallest of all trees, taller still than perhaps the towers of the Red Keep. Time had not been kind to the castle; its stone facade, marred by the relentless onslaught of time, bore the indelible scars of soot and flame. Years of weathering had done little to cleanse the dark residue that clung to its surface, as though the very walls retained the memory of the inferno that had once raged within them. 
As they circled Harrenhal on the back of Vhagar, it was as though they were retracing the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror himself, who had once circled the castle on Balerion the Black Dread, before putting the structure to the flame. The towers, twisted from the intensity of the flames, displayed their scars–stone that had liquified and then congealed into grotesque contortions, warped into a haunting ghost of what it once was. 
Daenera had heard countless tales about Harrenhal, read the histories of the castle and its legend, but never had she been able to fathom the sheer magnitude of this formidable stronghold. It stood as a testament to the folly of hubris, grandiose in its aspirations, and more so in its blight. 
Now, upon seeing it, she believed the stories of blood being mixed in the mortar that bound the stones together. 
A place that had borne witness to such profound suffering and loss was destined to hold a twisted existence, forever haunted by the ghosts of the dead and the echoes of memories long past. The very foundation seemed tainted, doomed from its very inception. 
Dread gripped her heart, her skin tingled with goosebumps, the hairs at the nape of her neck prickling. Was it the curse that had ensnared Ser Harwin and not the prophecy? After all, fireflies could not set fire on their own.
Daenera couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of relief that her feet had never touched the rotten soil of Harrenhal. There was an unsettling intuition within her that whatever malevolent force lingered within those sodden, blackened walls would demand a steep price in blood from anyone who dared to tread upon its cursed grounds. 
“Does it live up to its notoriety?” Aemond asked, his voice almost swept away from her ears. 
Daenera’s eyes remained on the ruins. She couldn’t shake the sensation that they were under an intense, unrelenting scrutiny, as if a myriad of invisible eyes were fixed upon her. Even the warm embrace of the sun’s rays failed to dispel the eerie chill that settled deep within the marrow of her bones. It was as if the very castle itself, or the curse that clung to it like a shroud, hungered.
In response to Harren the Black’s audacious hubris–an arrogance that must have defied the gods, for they had infused their wrath into the very stones, a divine retribution only gods could bestow. Aegon the Conqueror had, in turn, eternally bound the curse with the searing might of dragonfire, sealing the fate of Harren the Black and all those within. 
And now, it seemed that Harrenhal, the blackened ruin, still retained an insatiable hunger for blood. 
“I suppose it’s fortunate that I bear the name Velaryon rather than Strong, then,” she remarked, her voice laced with somber recognition of the castle’s grim history and the ever present hunger that seemed to cling to the ruin.
Aemond guided Vhagar to land on the Isle of Faces, where the weirwoods, ancient and revered, stood sentinel for the old gods. The eerie sensation of malevolent ghosts watching her dissipated, replaced instead by the feeling of being observed by the quiet presence of the old gods, their ancient wisdom etched into the very wood. Their faces, weathered yet wise, seemed to observe their descent, their eyes oozing sap like somber, crimson tears.  
Descending from Vhagar was more of a daunting task than ascending had been. Her muscles quivered with the effort, and it felt as if her feet possessed a stubborn will of their own, hesitating to find secure footing on the woven netting. Finally, as she reached the last step, her foot snagged in the net as Vhagar made a slight shift, threatening to send her sprawling. In that precarious moment, Aemond’s arm encircled her waist, steadying her and gently lowering her to the ground, averting an unfortunate fall. 
Even after the unyielding ground supported her once more, her legs persisted in their quivering dance. “I doubt I’ll ever grow accustomed to that.”
Aemond’s chuckle, accompanied by a self-satisfied grin, responded to her comment on riding a dragon. “You seem to have quite the knack for it.”
With her unsteady legs, she gingerly tread onto the small lakeside area, inhaling the crisp forest air that surrounded her. The lake sprawled before her, a deep and enigmatic expanse. What hidden secrets lay beneath its dark surface, and how many of them had been silently witnessed by the weirwood trees in their solemn vigil? An aura of sanctity hung in the air like morning mist. 
“Should we truly be here?” She questioned. 
“Are you worried that the children of the forest will rise from the earth and carry you away into the very core of the world?” Aemond replied with a playful glint to his eye. “Or is it the old gods that give you pause?”
“I do not fear the old gods or the children of the forest,” she retorted with a slight scowl. “But you cannot deny there’s something… sacred about this place, can you?”
He regarded her thoughtfully. “There’s nothing inherently sacred about carving faces into trees. I would carve a thousand faces into a thousand trees, and it would not transform them into sacred relics.”
“I’d be quite intrigued to see you try, carving faces into a thousand trees,” Daenera retorted playfully.
Aemond rolled his eye, a gesture indicating his exasperation. “The faith of the Seven is the only gods I believe in. The rest, these tales of old gods and fantastical beings, are nothing but stories fit for children.”
“People once claimed dragons were mere childrens stories,” Daenera countered. “Perhaps the world has room for more gods than just the Seven.”
Daenera understood that arguing the matters of religion and belief with him would be a futile endeavor. After all, Aemond had been raised by Alicent Hightower, a woman deeply devoted to the Faith of the Seven. 
Aemond regarded her with skepticism and something that bordered on appal. “You don’t believe in the Seven?”
Daenera bent down, her fingers finding a smooth rock. She turned it over in her hand, feeling the weight of the question. With a subtle flick of her wrist, she sent the rock skimming across the calm surface of the lake before responding. “I believe that the gods, whether they go by the names of the Seven or the old gods, wear many faces and carry many names. And I believe that there’s great power in blood.” 
“Blood?” His eye remained on her, searching her face. “You mean blood magic?”
She shook her head, causing her dark braid to swing over her shoulder. “No, not blood magic. I simply think we should honor our blood, our lineage, and our traditions.”
The realms of blood magic and fire magic remained veiled in obscurity, scarcely detailed in any of the texts she had read. Little was known about these esoteric practices, shrouding them in mystery and speculation, their secrets seemingly lost to the cataclysmic Doom. 
According to legend, the downfall of Old Valyria was attributed to the practice of blood magic. The gods, offended by the Valyrians’ sacrilegious claim of divinity, were said to have taken umbrage. In response, they delivered their divine judgment, summoning colossal infernos that razed the once great empire. All knowledge of these ancient practices seemed to have been erased in the Doom or lost to the annals of history.
Aemond grasped a rock, emulating her previous attempt to skip it across the lake’s serene surface. However, his toss fell short, resulting in a loud splash as the rock plunged into the water. 
Daenera couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his unsuccessful throw. She swiftly grabbed another stone, showcasing her skill as it danced across the water’s surface, bouncing four times before finally succumbing to the depths below. With a playful and challenging glance, she raised an eyebrow, daring Aemond.
Undeterred by his previous failure, Aemond selected yet another stone, examining it carefully before sending it sailing through the air. This time, it managed to skip once before following its predecessor into the lake’s watery embrace. 
“You’re terrible at this,” Daenera teased with a laugh. 
Aemond, ever the challenger, retorted with a smirk, “I am sorry for not matching your proficiency in the art of skipping stones. I had believed it to be a pastime more commonly enjoyed by peasants. Did your upbringing on Dragonstone provide you with ample chances to hone this skill, or is it something that comes naturally to you?” 
His jest was light-hearted, devoid of any sting, and Daenera responded with a hearty laughter, her eyes playfully rolling. “You can’t skip rocks on waves, you know.”
Unfazed by her comment, Aemond retrieved another smooth, flat stone from the lake shore. He examined it briefly, turning it over in his hand before hurling it forth with determination. The rock skipped once across the surface before plunging into the deep. 
Daenera selected a smooth, flat stone and approached Aemond with a gentle smile. She placed the rock into his palm, her hand guiding his fingers to the correct grip, demonstrating the precise technique for skipping rocks. “Like this.”
Aemond followed her lead, imitating the motion. This time, the rock danced across the water’s surface, bouncing not once, not twice, but thrice before succumbing to the lake's depths. Daenera beamed at him, a wide grin spreading across her face. 
“What a meaningless skill to have,” Aemond commented, though a smile tugged at his own lips. 
“It’s only meaningless because you couldn’t do it.”
The sun cast a brilliant shimmer upon the water’s surface, and Daenera couldn’t resist the temptation to bask in its warmth. She bent down to touch the water, finding it refreshingly cool but far from bone-chilling. With a determined air, Daenera began to loosen the laces at her side, gradually slipping out of her simple dress. She removed the shift underneath. A gentle breeze whisked through the undergown as though it were nonexistent, tickling against her skin. 
Aemond watched her curiously, his voice tinged with surprise and apprehension, “What are you doing?”
Daenera met his gaze, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she kicked off her boots and elegantly slid the long stockings from her legs. Her foot dipped into the water as she removed the underdress, tossing it carelessly onto the growing pile of discarded clothing. 
“It’s a rare occasion when we find ourselves unburdened by the court,” Daenera remarked, her voice brimming with palpable excitement. “We ought to make the most of it.”
Aemond’s eye glided over the trees adorning the opposite shore, almost as if he were in search of any unwelcome onlookers. There was a certain sharpness to his caution. “What if someone sees?”
Daenera, undeterred, stepped deeper into the cool water, her voice holding a hint of playful defiance. 
“What would they see?” She countered. “Just a girl with brown hair and blue eyes, unremarkable features shared by half the realm. You, on the other hand, with your silver hair, eye patch, and the company of the largest dragon in existence, are far less inconspicuous. Nevertheless…”
As Daenera ventured deeper into the water, she could feel Aemond’s watchful gaze tracking her every movement. Goosebumps pricked across her skin as the cold water sent a shiver through her, briefly making her breath catch. His scrutiny felt intense, reminiscent of a hawk locking onto its prey scurrying through a field, and she knew then that he would follow her. 
Her delicate fingers grazed the water’s surface as she waded further into the lake, her breath escaping her lips in a soft exhale as the water level rose, caressing her stiffened nipples. The chill, although momentarily freezing, soon transformed into a refreshing sensation. Here, amidst nature’s embrace, away from the stifling confines of court and marriage, Daenera relished a fleeting moment of respite. 
Strong arms enveloped her, drawing her tenderly against his chest. The warmth radiating from his skin seeped into her own, creating an exquisite fusion of their bodies. As she nestled into his embrace, her head gently descended, finding its resting place against the curve of his collarbone she hummed.
“You came,” Daenera purred, a self-satisfied smirk curling her lips as she relished the sensation of his body pressing against hers. 
Aemond’s lips found the delicate curve of her ear, their warm caress sending a shiver down her spine, and setting her heart aflutter. In a low, resonant draw, he responded, “How could I resist?” 
His hand boldly cupped one of her breasts, granting it a rough squeeze that made her sink her teeth into her bottom lip, suppressing the grin on her face. 
“You’re a witch,” he continued, his voice dropping to a husky, seductive tone. “You’ve bewitched me, body and mind.”
“Have I now?” Daenera purred, a seductive glint in her eyes as he planted a fervent kiss at the juncture where her neck met her shoulder. His other hand, enshrouded by the water’s embrace, ventured beneath the surface, descending into its depths. It trailed along the sensuous curve of her stomach, eventually slipping through the velvety curls of her cunt. 
With practiced finesse, his fingers expertly located the tender bundle of nerves that ignited Daenra’s desire. He began with a gentle, almost teasing touch, applying delicate pressure before tracing sensuous circles around the sensitive nub. Each movement seemed calculated to stroke the fires of her arousal. 
“It seems to me, you are the witch,” Daemera murmured, her voice raspy as she spoke. “Casting a spell on me.”
As the moments passed, his fingers became more assertive, gradually increasing the intensity of their caress. He artfully manipulated the protective hood of her clitoris, creating a sinfully delicious friction that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her. His finger continued its hypnotic dance, swirling around the sensitive nub before delivering an arousing pinch. 
Daenera’s response was immediate and passionate. SHe couldn’t contain the throaty moan that escaped her lips, her hips involuntarily surging forward to meet the electrifying pleasure coursing through her body. 
The persistent throb in her core seemed to create a rhythm of its own, a primal drumbeat echoing through her body. Each pulse of desire was intensified by the icy embrace of the water, the stark contrast between her heated arousal and the coolness of the lake enhancing her sensations to an exquisite degree. 
Aemond’s lips remained firmly pressed against the sensitive column of her neck, tracing a path of fervent kisses. Meanwhile, his skilled fingers ventured between her slick folds, their touch as light as a whisper but as electrifying as a bolt of lightning. The caressed her aching core, gliding in just enough to provoke a sharp catch of breath. 
With teasing precision, he toyed with the entrance of her aching cunt. His teeth grazed over the fragile skin of her neck, igniting a tingling thrill that coursed through her entire body, amplifying the pulsating need that consumed her. 
With a sensuous turn, Daenera twisted in his strong arms, her lips seeking his in a heated kiss. As their mouths fused, a delicate dance of tongues ensued, each breathy exhale mingling with the others in a sultry exchange. 
Her hand traveled down his chest, fingers trailing over his sinewy body to grast his hardened arousal with a confident grip. She began a slow, tantalizing ascent along its length. At the touch, Aemond let out a low hum, his hand gripping the flesh of her ass roughly. 
The water’s icy caress had ignited her nipples, stiffening them to points that brushed against his chest as she leaned into him. The stark contrast between the frigid lake and the fevered warmth of his skin sent a shudder through her. 
His large, capable hands found their place on her thighs, gripping them just below the inviting curve of her ass. He effortlessly lifted her, allowing her to wrap her legs around his hips in an intimate embrace that seemed almost preordained. The water rendered her almost weightless. Their bodies melded together seamlessly. 
Aemond’s heat, like a relentless pure, defied the chill of the surrounding water. It burned with a ferocity that only intensified in their close proximity. 
As their bodies pressed closer, Daenera felt the friction of his cock brushing teasingly against her slick, eager folds. His cock twitched with anticipation, yearning for more contact. In response, her hips moved with instinctual grace, guiding her aching core over the head of his cock. She toyed with him just enough to provoke a deep, primal growl that reverberated from the depths of his throat, a raw expression of his consuming need and lust. 
Aemond reluctantly tore his lips from hers, their breaths heavy with anticipation as he positioned his cock at the entrance of her cunt. With a possessive urgency, he allowed the head of his cock to dip into her heat, stretching her with an unapologetic demand. 
Her fingers dug into the taut flesh of his shoulders, leaving behind red lines and deep crescent marks as her head arched backward, a fervent moan escaping her parted lips. He gradually sank deeper into her, her velvety folds embracing his throbbing length as it stretched her to accommodate his size. The initial burn was tempered by the coolness of the surrounding water, creating a unique contrast that seemed to drown out the searing sensation as he slowly impaled her on his cock. 
Daenera’s hips eagerly rolled against him, an unspoken invitation for him to continue. She brought her lips back to his, a ravenous kiss that conveyed her craving for more. Aemond, unceremoniously but skillfully, thrust into her with an intensity that made her breath hitch and her senses reel. He established a deliberate rhythm, driving into her aching core with just enough force to keep her perpetually on edge, her ragged breaths escaping in pants. 
The water, a sensual accomplice, eased the motion, rendering their movements languid and sensuous. Nevertheless, Aemond seemed determined to assert his control over the pace, his powerful thrusts causing water to splash and ripple around them as Daenera met his movements with the roll of her hips. 
Aemond halted his thrusts, a decision that sent a ripple of anticipation through the water. He carefully turned within the lake, the gentle movement causing his rigid cock to remain somewhat lodged within Daenera’s throbbing core. As he inched towards the shore, her body slowly descended along his length until he was fully submerged within her heat. Rivulets of water cascaded down their entwined bodies, provoking shivers and goosebumps in response to the dual sensations of coolness and scorching passion. 
With fluid grace, Aemond guided them towards the woods, his grip on her firm as he laid her down on a soft blanket beneath the canopy of a weirwood tree. Its crimson leaves rustled gently in the light breeze, casting dappled rays of light upon her skin. A palpable sense of sacrilege coursed through her veins, the thrill of it coiling within her like a tightly wound spring, only adding to the exhilaration of being out in the open. 
As Aemond descended upon her once more, their bodies aligned perfectly beneath the ancient tree, he captured her lips in another fervent kiss. One of his hands claimed the smooth expanse of her thigh, his grip firm yet tender, while the other supported his weight, ensuring he didn’t crush her. 
The kiss began with a languid, sensual pace, his lips brushing tenderly against hers. But soon, it transformed into something altogether more demanding, a blazing inferno that coursed through her like wildfire. Aemond tore his lips from hers, his gaze dark and smoldering with unbridled desire. 
With a primal need that bordered on ferocity, Aemond undulated his hips against hers, driving into her with a commanding force that sent her body arching upward. A passionate moan reverberated skyward. Her hand shot up, seeking refuge on the gnarled root above her, her nails digging into its white bark as Aemond hoisted one of her legs over his muscular shoulder, setting a frenzied pace. 
His thrusts came in rapid succession, each one a seismic eruption of pleasure that seemed to steal her breath away. Waves of pleasure surge through her with every fervent plunge, leaving her in a state of rapture, her mind scattered and breath stolen. 
“Aemond… oh, gods,” Daenera moaned, her voice breathless as it harmonized with the rustling leaves stirred by the gentle breeze that caressed the surrounding trees. 
“Praying to the gods now, are we?” Aemond teased, his voice a low, smug drawl. Her cunt fluttered around him and his face contorted into a primal snarl, his brows furrowing with unrelenting concentration as he committed to a relentless rhythm that was propelling her towards oblivion. His cock plunged into her depths with an audible squelching sound, her slick desire coating his pulsating length and trickling down his throbbing balls as he claimed her. With a possessive force, his rough hand seized her other leg, deftly guiding it over his strong shoulder to mirror the position of the first. 
“And to which god are you praying? Hm?” Aemond questioned, this thrusts gaining depth and vigor as he held her in the new position. 
Daenera fumbled for a witty retort, but each time she reached for words, they were whisked away by the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. Her mind was awash with a dizzying blend of sensations–the rhythmic glide of his cock in and out of her, the firm grasp of his rough hand on her breast, the pleasurable ache from his possessive squeeze, his smug snarl that graced his lips, and the crimson leaves rustling above. It was as if the world had condensed into these intoxicating moments, where nothing else existed except their unquenchable desire. 
“No response, hmm? Have I rendered you speechless?” Aemond taunted with a wicked glint in his eye, punctuating his words with a firm slap to the side of her quivering ass that elicited a sultry moan from Daenera. 
“Gods, Aemond,” Daenera breathed, her nails tracing desperate patterns over the rough bark of the roots above, an attempt to tether herself to the world as her cunt fluttered and tightened around him.
 “I– fuck– I’m not the praying type, remember?” She managed to mutter between gasps, her voice laden with a heady mix of desire and amusement. “Your gods would not find us here. Only the old gods.”
“Then let the old gods bear witness,” Aemond responded in a husky tone, drawing in a sharp breath through gritted teeth as her cunt clenched around his cock in an intoxicating sensation. “As I defile you.”
Daenera found her knees suddenly pushed up around her ears, folding her body in half as Aemond continued to thrust into her with a relentless intensity that showed no mercy. His thrusts were primal, each one a forceful push towards the precipice that loomed tantalizingly close. It was as if they danced on the edge together, the waves of pleasure beckoning them below. 
He expertly angled his hips, ensuring that each rapid thrust struck that elusive spot within her, the one that made her toes curl and her breath hitch in euphoric anticipation. 
Daenera felt herself fall into the depths of pleasure, the waves crashing over her with breath stealing intensity. Her cry reverberated through the serene surroundings as her core clenched around him in exquisite release. 
Aemond, his groan caught in his throat, succumbed to the tempestuous climax that seized him. He spilled his seed inside her, filling her womb with a potent surge of warmth and making her very essence his own. His thrusts gradually became more languid, each one a lingering caress than an impassioned surge, his hips quivering as he emptied the last of his desire into her. 
Daenera’s legs slowly drifted apart, a silent invitation for Aemond to find refuge in the curve of her chest as they both labored to regain their breath.As she sprawled beneath the ancient weirwood tree, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath, the leaves overhead cast shifting patterns of crimson and gold upon her flushed skin, and the gentle rustling of the branches seemed like the whisper of the old gods themselves. Her fingers idly traced the rough texture of the weirwood’s bark as she lay there, her senses still tingling from the intensity of their union. 
Her hand drifted from the wood of the weirwood tree, her nails carrying the uncomfortable remnants of bark as she tenderly placed her hand against Aemond’s back. Beneath her touch, she could feel the rapid cadence of his heartbeat, a rhythm that seemed to beat in synchrony with her own. 
With a gentle withdrawal, Aemond eased himself out of her, a quiet sigh of release escaping his lips. As he pulled his softening cock from her, he rose to his feet, the flush of exertion still adorning his chest and neck. His gaze settled on Daenera, his expression carrying a playful amusement as he looked down at her. 
“I had entertained the notion of taking you on Vhagar,” Aemond drawled, his voice still husky as he began to dress, leisurely fastening his trousers around his hips and sliding into his boots. The little muscles beneath his skin moved with a sinuous grace as he shifted. 
Daenera couldn’t help but laugh at the audacity of the idea, propping herself up on her elbows to observe him. “And how, exactly, would you have gone about that?”
Aemond responded with a casual shrug, though a smug grin played on his lips, and as he replied, the glint in his eye suggested he found the challenge appealing. “Oh, I’m certain we would have figured something out.”
“A way to plummet to our deaths, you mean,” she quipped, her imagination momentarily entertaining the thrill of such a daring endeavor. “Or perhaps freeze to death.”
In her heart, the idea was undeniably exciting, a hedonistic fantasy that ignited something daring inside of her. However, in practical terms, the notion seemed fraught with peril, and she couldn’t help but wonder about the feasibility of such a reckless escapade. 
“Is it not enough to defile me in front of the Old gods?” Daenera mused, her tone teasing. “Must you also defile me on your dragon? I’m sure Vhagar would appreciate it if you did not.”
“The old gods have yet to smite me,” he retorted, flinging his arms wide as he stepped backwards from her, as if daring the ancient gods to manifest their presence and guide a lightning bolt from the sky. “And as for Vhagar, I am sure she wouldn’t care whether I fuck you senseless on her or in front of her again.” 
The dragon did not respond, its eyes closed and breath eased as it slept. 
Yet, Daenera couldn’t help but harbor an uncertainty. Her gaze fixated on the solemn faces etched into the weirwood trees, their ancient eyes forever observing the inexorable passage of time and bearing witness to the countless histories steeped in blood. A disquiet shiver coursed through her, raising goosebumps on her skin like silent omens. 
She rose from the blanket, her movements unhurried as she padded barefoot across the soft earth towards Aemond. He stood by the lake, his gaze following the tree line on the opposite bank, lost in thoughts known only to him.
Pressing her forehead between his shoulder blades, Daenera encircled her arms around his lean waist. Her silent gesture seemed welcome as he leaned into her touch. 
If the Old gods were to take offense at their audacity, she could only hope for understanding and a merciful response to their impetuous trespass.
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saintbleeding · 2 years
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[ID: Comic page of Martin and Jon from TMA. Martin is a fat white man with ginger hair and freckles, wearing circular glasses and a pink, short-sleeved, collared shirt open over a white t-shirt.
In panel one is a text box reading “knock-knock?”, and below it Martin stands in the open doorway of Jon’s office, holding two mugs and looking apprehensive. There is a green reflection on the side of his face and hair from the entity, presumably still in the corner. He says “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I have a theory I wanted to ask you about.”
In panel two, Jon, still seated at his desk, pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, saying “Yes?”
In panel three, Martin has moved further into the room. A nameplate on the open door reads “Head Archivist, Jonathan Sims”, but someone has written “Git!!! Signed, someone who knows what he’s talking about” crudely in black marker over the word ‘Archivist’. Martin, looking away in thought, continues “Well, I’ve been looking over Ronald Sinclair and Carlos Vittery’s statements and I think there might be something to the fact that they’re both so... spider-y? Do you think?”
In panel four, Jon wears a mortified expression, sweat dripping down his face, and there is a thought-bubble next to his head with the word “no” repeated in various sizes and thicknesses. His speech bubble has wobbly edges and the text for his speech is messy and inconsistent. He says “... that’s absolutely ridiculous don’t be so stupid” but is interrupted by someone out of view in the corner of the office saying “Martin, you’re right once again!” This speech is surrounded by little pink hearts. End ID.]
listen. is ronald sinclair’s statement technically from season two. yes. but work with me here ok. martin can be web-aligned enough to find it early as a treat.
also who is that..........lurking.............. a mystery,,,,,,,,,,
(first) (2/4) (next)
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gt-preys · 1 year
Determined little borrower
Siren!Billy, borrower!Reader
An aquarium is an odd place to find a borrower, (Y/N) knows that. It was just supposed to be a quick place to rest between moving from one house to the next. But he quickly found that he liked wandering around the tanks at night, illuminated by the soft blue glow from the lights through the water. He had no problems finding scraps left over in the cafeteria and he had so much space to move and explore.
So it just made sense that the little borrower would stay there and settle down.
Not much had changed in the aquarium since they had made their home in the walls and they were content with that.
However things change one day as they watch the aquarium staff pull in a new tank, wheeling the massive glass box into the empty quarantine room. Possibly a new species of fish? Now that was exciting.
The staff aren't talking, in fact they only gesture to each other and the tank. Communicating through movements alone. How odd, they had never done that before with any other shipments. It's then that he notices the headphones they're all wearing, ear protection they had heard a staff member call it in the cupboard they were rooting around in last week.
Specialized headgear.
This is what they had needed it for? Rolling in a new tank. How odd.
For now though they ignore the humans, making their way through the vents to the cafeteria. The aquarium will be empty of staff soon and then they can head back to explore the mysterious new tank.
When they make their way back to the quarantine room (Y/N) takes the hallways instead, the place is completely empty now and he enjoys seeing the exhibits as he passes. So many colourful creatures, so graceful and completely at home in their elements. They fascinate the borrower.
It's not long before they're standing outside of the quarantine room. The door is most likely locked but (Y/N) isn't worried about that, afterall he's small enough to squeeze under the gap in the door. (Y/N) had always thought the doors were stupid, they looked as if they had been cut a little bit too small but the same doors were scattered throughout the entire facility so they just chalked it up to a weird design choice.
They can't really complain though, it makes getting around far easier for the tiny.
Unlike the exhibits which are still lit up at night, this room is almost completely dark, the light in the room is dimmed almost all the way down. The water in the tank appears almost a deep inky black. It's clear they won't be able to see the fish from where they stand down here.
Eyeing the metal ladder bolted to the tanks side they grin, always up for a new challenge. It's easy enough. They use their grappling hook to skip a couple of the steps at a time and though it's an exhausting climb they feel proud once they reach the top. Afterall he was built for this kind of thing.
Reaching the top they find a metal platform stretching out across the top of the tank just barely above the water, they've seen this kind of structure before on other tanks in the aquarium. It's a feeding platform.
They step out onto the platform, wandering over to the edge so they can peer into the murky water below. Maybe the fish will surface for breath, then they could see it? Scanning the water though they can't see anything. Was the tank empty? Were they getting the tank set up for a new fish to be put into? Maybe one of the exhibit fish was ill and this tank is for them.
Rippling water catches their eyes and they look up only for their heart to sink into their stomach. A large claw webbed hand is reaching up out of the water towards them. They yell out as it pins them to the metal grating, their struggles are useless against the powerful appendage.
Looking past the hand and towards the water they freeze watching a blonde head of hair rise up ominously from the black water, a pair of icy blue eyes pierce their wriggling form. He pulls himself further out of the water to peer down at them with a blank expression, seemingly trying to comprehend what he's seeing. Then a slow smirk makes its way onto his lips, revealing the sharp predatory teeth hidden behind them. "Well look at that, I didn't even need to lure you to me" the creature's voice is rough and deep, sounding as if he hadn't used his voice for a while.
With his hand still pinning them beneath it, he moves the index finger beside their head to lightly trail his claw down their cheek. "You came to me willingly" they watch his eyes light up with malice at the notion. "You look human..." he hums, leaning down, those bright eyes never leaving theirs "I wonder if you taste just as good" there's no doubt in their mind that he can feel their tiny heartbeat racing beneath his palm. They can only stare on in horror as his tongue slips out from between his lips and they squirm harder as he leans in closer.
Panicking and not wanting to be food, they make a life or death decision and twist to sink their teeth as deep as they can into the tan skin on the finger lingering on his cheek. The giant grunts at the sudden shock of pain through his hand, releasing the borrower for a moment to inspect his finger, but that's all the time they need.
He sprints across the platform, losing his balance slightly when the metal beneath his feet suddenly shakes, the creature hissed angrily for them to "get back here!" Making it to the safety of the ladder (Y/N) risks a look back to find the man halfway out of the water, tail slapping the inky black surface.
A siren.
They captured a fucking siren.
Humans are so dumb the borrower laments as they hurry to make their way down the ladder, hopping down the rungs as quickly as they can manage without the risk of falling.
It's only when they're back in the safety of their home, hidden deep within the walls, that they realise how lucky they are that he didn't start singing. If he had it would've been all over, they wouldn't have stood a chance.
The following week the borrower keeps careful watch from afar, staying out of the siren's sight. They don't dare try to approach the tank after the last incident. He watches from the vents as workers climb the ladder, they always have their noise canceling headphones on. It's mandatory. The workers never step foot on the platform, it's not a risk they're willing to take, they just dump a bucket of fish over the side and leave immediately after.
They give the siren no social interaction whatsoever.
(Y/N) fashions his own crude noise canceling headphones. Stealing bits from the humans gear to help construct them. He tests them out within the safety of the walls and to his suprise they work. He doesn't know why he makes them.
He shouldn't go back to the tank, that's a deathwish. He knows that, but curiosity still nags at him.
Somehow they find themself once again scaling the ladder to the feeding platform. (Y/N) stays near the ladder in case he needs to make a quick escape, crossing his fingers that the homemade ear protection he wears will keep him safe from the beast lurking beneath.
As expected the siren doesn't take long to show his face, his head rising from the water with predatory menace. He opens his mouth, presumably to sing but they can't hear him. They watch his face twist with confusion and frustration when they don't respond to his call. (Y/N) simply smiles and pulls a grape from their bag, rolling it across the grating towards the siren. Picking it up he eyes the fruit and then the borrower, perplexed. But (Y/N) just sits down to nibble on his own pre portioned chunk of grape. The siren watches him for a minute or two before popping the grape into his mouth, chewing the fruit up.
It's then that (Y/N) wonders if he's ever had anything other than fish. His reaction to the sweet fruit is subtle but they can tell he's suprised by it, maybe he even enjoyed it.
He finds himself falling into a routine. Once the aquarium has closed for the night he forages for food and takes it back home to be put away, however each time he grabs a piece of fruit along with his usual supplies. The borrower then treks up the ladder to the siren's tank, each time finding that he's already at the surface waiting for them. As if he's begun anticipating their visits.
Each time they find him with his arms crossed on the platform, his chin resting atop them with his eyes closed only for them to snap open when he senses the borrower nearby. The first few visits he had tried and failed to lure them to the water, getting angry and frustrated when they don't comply. However he seems to calm down when they toss him their little fruit offering.
So far grapes were his favourite, they grabbed him them anytime they had the opportunity. After that they'd simply smile and wave, sitting on the grating and offering him silent company. They had even gotten so brave as to walk out onto the platform, albeit staying at the very back against the wall and out of reach.
Sometimes he tries to speak to them only to get frustrated when he remembers that they're wearing head gear. He had gestured for them to remove it several times but (Y/N) isn't going to fall for such tricks.
Today the siren isn't waiting for the little borrower like he usually does. They walk to their usual spot at the back, watching the water but as usual they can't see much further than the surface in the dim room lighting. He waits there, looking for any indication that there's life in the tank but soon grows worried.
Had they moved him to a different tank? Has he been put on display already?
Curious (Y/N) makes his way to the platform's edge, peering down into the water. It's all too familiar when a webbed hand breaks the surface of the inky black depths, pinning the borrower to the platform. It was a trap, he tricked them, he had finally caught them. They wriggle wildly but it does nothing, he's only able to stare up at those familiar icy blue eyes.
The siren traces a claw up the side of their head, another familiar action. He's speaking to them but they can't hear what he's saying nor can they read his lips, (if you bite me again I swear...), the talon traces their ear and suddenly. "There we go '' they can hear, he had removed their ear protection!
(Y/N) winces, screwing his eyes shut and bracing himself. He expects a song, the hot slice of teeth through his flesh or maybe even claws but he gets none of that. When he opens his eyes he finds that the siren is simply staring at him, sharp eyes taking in every little expression and detail. This doesn't go on for long before he removes his hand and swims back a bit from the platform, giving the borrower space.
(Y/N) is confused when they're released, hurriedly scrambling backwards on the metal. Tears fall thick and fast down their cheeks. They were so sure he was going to rip into them.
He eyes them silently, watching them shake and struggle to take deeper breaths. He's unsure of what to do now that they can hear him. "Why come back?" He knows how bad their first impression of him was, so why stay?
(Y/N) is still reeling from the adrenaline rush blinking at the deep sea creature in confusion. "W-what?" He spoke to them, he isn't singing to lire them into the water. He's just staring at them with no discernible expression. "I made my intentions for you clear when we met, but you came back. Why?"
"I'm not sure" they shrug "I've never seen anything like you before, I was... curious" they admit. The siren hums, crossing his arm on the platform and placing his chin on his forearms "I've never seen a human so small..." They swallow, hands on their ears. They can still hear him, a rough voice slightly muffled by the skin of their palms. "I'm...I'm not human" they mumble "I'm a borrower."
The siren nods, eyes brightening with curiosity. "I'm a siren" he gives the information freely. "I...I know" they nod "I've seen drawings."
(Y/N) continues to visit the siren each day, leaving the ear protection off after he had requested they stop. Though they still stay far away from the water's edge. They had finally learnt the siren's name, Billy he had said it was. Billy always seemed fully engaged in their conversations and they very much enjoyed having someone to talk to.
But their fear is still very much alive.
They're visiting him again when it happens. The two are talking, carrying conversation about the borrower's week of hard work. Today's fruit offering was grapes and Billy is in a great mood, it puts (Y/N) into a relaxed state.
However the light mood is broken when the door to Billy's quarantine room is opened. There's a voice and the door pauses a quarter of the way open. Billy quickly realises that there's no way the borrower can get down the ladder or hide on the platform. But they need to disappear quick.
"Get in the water" (Y/N)'s eyes snap to the siren in suprise at his hushed suggestion. They quickly shake their head at the idea, they still don't trust him yet. Instead they eye the platform wildly, looking for a hiding place. "Just get in the water please, you can hide better in here" he pleads but his words fall on deaf ears.
Billy can only plead for so long before deciding to take the little borrower's safety into his own hands.
(Y/N) freezes in place, shocked when he finally hears the siren's song. Completely at Billy's mercy without their ear protection. His heart breaks seeing the helpless look of betrayal on their little face as they begin to walk towards him, unable to stop themself. They stumble to the edge of the feeding platform, those piercing icy blue eyes watching their every step. (Y/N) walks straight off of the gratings edge as they try to get to the song. Dropping into the water, they quickly disappear under the surface. Swimming up they find tha the song is gone and their mind is clear once more. Thank god, the feeling of total helplessness has them shuddering.
Unfortunately for them, one fear is exchanged for another and upon looking up they find Billy watching them closely. They watch him move with dread mounting in their stomach, his hands cut through the water towards them. "No! No please!" They turn in the water, beginning to frantically swim back to the platform even though they know they won't be able to make it to the lip in time.
The surface of the water rocks as Billy moves, his hands cupping beneath them in the waste, pulling their shallow pool back through the water. Looking up (Y/N) can only watch on as a row of sharp white shark teeth pass over them as they're pulled back the siren's awaiting maw.
They yell out, watching the jaws close once they're fully inside. The borrower quickly finds himself pinned to the roof of the creature's mouth as it swallows down the small mouth full of water it had caught alongside the tiny.
Once the mouth is empty however, the borrower is dropped back down and they curl in on themself, sobbing and shaking with fear.
Billy sinks below the tank's surface, watching as a human climbs up the ladder to feed him. As usual they simply dump a bucket of fish over the railings edge, surveying the calm water for a curious moment before quickly leaving.
Billy slowly floats back up to poke his head out of the water and waits to heR the door closing before pushing himself up onto the platform. He leans forwards, parting his lips and teeth to let the tiny slip off of his tongue and onto the metal platform once more.
(Y/N) scrambles backwards, unsure of why they've been released. He can't really blame them, he knows he's just ruined the tiny amount of trust they had in him.
"Y-You used your song on me!" They stammer, eyes wide and chest heaving. "I know, I'm sorry" he apologises but they continue "I thought...I thought we were I don't know-" friends. "This is all just some sick game time you!"
It made sense that the siren would draw this out for so long. It made sense he wanted to play with his food, he gets no outside enrichment or stimulation from the workers. So why wouldn't he entertain himself by befriending and breaking the little borrower who seemed all too trusting.
"It's not a game" he replies "I had to hide you. Humans are cruel, there's no telling what they'd do if they found you" he makes no move to grab them or sing when they edge towards the ladder to leave. He just stares at them with this down trodden look.
They should leave, he's had enough chances.
This 'potential' friendship was not worth their life. "Fuck" they groan walking back to where they had been sat, with a groan they sit down on the grating much to Billy's surprise. "You aren't leaving?" He tilts his head. "No, I probably should but I'm dumb and you look all sad and shit" they huff. This has Billy chuckling and he lays his chin on his arms.
"Thank you for staying" he mumbles offering them a softer look this time and they feel their cheeks warming at the look "yeah, well thanks for not eating me I guess" they shrug and Billy laughs again, getting the corner of their lip to raise slightly at the sound.
To the pairs suprise the incident has them growing even closer than before. (Y/N) doesn't attempt to brave the water again.
Not yet that is.
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miabebe · 2 years
Monsta X as Mafia
An insight into the Monsta X Mafiaverse.
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TW - mentions of blood, violence, weapons, crime and death
| Trailer | Masterlist |
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Name: Changkyun 
Streetname: The Wolf, I.M
Youngest of them all but incredibly respected - his combat strategy is unparalleled. 
Runs an organization called Tartarus which is a huge army of security forces who are trained for assassination and combat. (Rumour has it that he has over 2,600 men working under him.) 
Tartarus has a signature way of assassination - one slit each on both wrists - it’s said that Changkyun adapted this style after his father was killed like that when he was 15. 
No one other than the Syndicate knows what he looks like - true to his name, he operates from the shadows. 
A quiet leader, fiercely loyal and a mystery to all - no one knows what’s going through his mind. 
He never stores any information on computers and other devices - this is to make it hard to trace him or decode his strategy. 
Characteristic style is to wear only black suits - ‘black hides all stains - of dirt and of blood.’
Has the largest collection of guns but doesn’t really like any of them, instead he always carries the small revolver his sister gave him – he’s an excellent marksman and is known to never miss his target. 
Alcohol is his weakness - he has a taste for different kinds of liquor and spends time drinking not-so-quietly with Jooheon.
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Name: Hyungwon
Streetname: The Infiltrator, H.One
A one-man army - he refuses to work with or under anyone else 
Excellent hacker – he can penetrate any and all kinds of security. He knows the dark web like the back of his hand, and plays with the Stock Exchange like it’s no big deal.
His day job is as a freelance website designer, he likes to work in the comfort of his home and at his own pace and time so he’s very selective about his clients.
The Syndicate never really knows where he is or what he is up to - very less is known about his personal life and interests, he keeps pretty much to himself.
He’s tall, broad, dresses in long coats often and is incredibly good looking - women are often all over him but doesn’t really seem very interested in them, almost as if he is looking for a particular someone.
He’s known to have traveled the world and knows at least 6 languages fluently - it allows him to impersonate various identities on the dark web when he needs to.  
Like Changkyun he is also very quiet, but much less brooding and can also be uncharacteristically funny.  
Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk were best friends since they were children - though he seems to constantly be at war with Kihyun over his stock exchange shenanigans, he would give his life up for that man and likewise.
His weakness is designer clothing - he only wears and carries the best of brands.
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Name: Kihyun
Streetname: Green Man, Ki
Currently the richest man in the Syndicate - he owns a chain of banks in the city and does money laundering for a high commission
He’s quite the workaholic - spends almost all his time in his office because he trusts very few people and prefers to do most of the work himself. 
When he’s not working, he’s usually working out - loves boxing in his free time, a hobby he picked up from Jooheon. 
Likes to come across as very prim - always dresses in neatly ironed shirts, glasses and with his hair smoothly gelled back but appearances can be deceiving - he is the most brutal of them all.
A meticulous, control freak and very serious about commitments - cheating him can often result in deadly consequences - he carries a cigar cutter which is often known to claim the middle fingers of his offenders. 
Has a large social circle because of the nature of his work but has very few true friends, Minhyuk and Hyungwon being the top of the list.
Is often listed in magazines and papers as an influential businessmen and is also particularly well known for charity work and donations (perhaps a ruse for tax benefits) 
Has been in love with an heiress since his college days and is incredibly loyal to her - he has not even looked another woman in the eye since they got together. 
Has a deep interest in automobiles with an underground car park of 3 floors with the rarest and most expensive car collection.
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Name: Minhyuk
Streetname: The Phantom, Gorae
Owns multiple clubs and casinos around Seoul called The Phantom’s Cavern. They are luxury hot-spots with exclusive and high-profile clients.
Offers his clubs and casinos as a prime location for drug and flesh trade - while traders pay him commission to sell in his space, customers pay his exuberant entry fees over and over again to buy their addictions - he makes money in all possible ways.
Sweet talker, knows just what to say and who to approach to keep the law away from his business.
While everyone in the Syndicate was in the Mafia because of their family, Minhyuk is the only self-made man because of his wit and risk taking ability.
Has no respect for hierarchy and will backstab anyone for his own personal gain. (The only person he respects enough is Shownu.) Often disregards the rules of the Syndicate, messing with other mafia groups, but he is incredibly adept in escaping, like a Phantom.
Despises drugs or alcohol, he says they make a man weak and unaware of what’s happening around him - he survives pretty much on Red Bull.
Stays away from violence and does not like using the gun like most of his accomplices - he does however carry a small knife for self-defence but so far, he’s not had to use it. 
Has a very eccentric dressing sense - often wears flashy accessories and he loves precious metal and stones, wears rings of all sizes on his hands. 
His weakness is women - known to be an absolute womanizer, very charming and flirtatious.
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Name: Jooheon 
Streetname: Sabertooth, Honey
Isn’t the youngest but is often treated so because his father, the KingPin, has not handed his business over to him.
Half brother of Shownu whom he loves and respects very much, despite his father having a clear preference of his older son.
Jooheon’s family is one of the few Mafia families to survive in the Wipe Out, a big police operation that happened in 2010 where most mafia groups were prosecuted and the remaining were forced underground.
 Jooheon's family mass produces and distributes firearms all over Korea and the world, even to many military bases (of course, illegally).
Jooheon though has no hand in the family business and lives life like the spoilt child he is, often running into trouble with the law. He is also very addicted to online gambling and often runs into debts.
He has a bulky, muscular body that comes to his advantage when he boxes - he often participates in the fight club, at times getting very badly injured but continues to enter the ring nevertheless.
He is also famous for his gold canine, which earned him his nickname, because he often leaves a trademark bite on his opponents in a fight.
He is particularly good at chemistry and after spending much of his college days in Changkyun’s hideout, he studied and developed new kinds of drugs.
He’s an absolute romantic at heart and believes one day, he will find true love, whatever that is.
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Name: Hyunwoo
Streetname: The Rook, Shownu
Older son of the Kingpin but takes his mother’s maiden surname 'Son' since he is illegitimate.
Despite his father wanting him to take over his family business, Hyunwoo believes that Jooheon is the right heir. 
Only one in the Syndicate who has a son - does not wish to be leader as he wants to be there for his son in ways his father was never there for him.
Unlike the rest, he does not live in huge mansions or flaunt a luxury living, he and his family live in a simple home away from the city, no one knows why.
Owns an import and export company which transports all sorts of legal and illegal goods - Flesh trade is off limits for Hyunwoo though.
Despite not officially taking over his father’s position as KingPin, he is truly seen and respected as a leader by the rest of the Syndicate due to his calm and wise nature.
Though the word is that Kihyun is the most brutal, rumor is that should Hyunwoo really bring his violent side out, there would be annihilation, however he's never been in a conflict.
The company very quickly grew because while most had to talk or pay their away out of the hands of the law, Hyunwoo was rarely ever suspected because of his seemingly innocent nature.
Spent much of his younger days doing extortion, but after his son was born, he opened his company to stay away from danger.
Hyunwoo’s weakness is hunger - the hunger to achieve anything he wants often drives him to become agitated, and can sometimes make him lose sight and direction - if Hyunwoo wants something, then he wants it, he won’t rest till his hunger is satiated.
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stainlesssteellocust · 3 months
And they walk a little further, into the mild afternoon. Past a bank of trees planted to prettify the city after its post-industrial collapse, where innocent arachnids shrivel among the branches. Past the shop window of a W. H. Smith, were DVD copies of the animated Charlotte’s Web warp and shatters in their boxes. Past a gaggle of teens with dyed hair and dark clothes still shellshocked by the release of The Black Parade, one of whom is going to find her notebook full of many-legged tattoo ideas mysteriously burned in her backpack.
-courtesy of Agnes Montague, worlds most intense arachnophobe.
Also a reminder that Burning Desire took place in late 2006 :V
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arcticdementor · 9 days
We’re witnessing the birth of AI-ese, and it’s not what anyone could have guessed. Let’s delve deeper. If you’ve spent enough time using AI assistants, you’ll have noticed a certain quality to the responses generated. Without a concerted effort to break the systems out of their default register, the text they spit out is, while grammatically and semantically sound, ineffably generated. Some of the tells are obvious. The fawning obsequiousness of a wild language model hammered into line through reinforcement learning with human feedback marks chatbots out. Which is the right outcome: eagerness to please and general optimism are good traits to have in anyone (or anything) working as an assistant. Similarly, the domains where the systems fear to tread mark them out. If you ever wonder whether you’re speaking with a robot or a human, try asking them to graphically describe a sex scene featuring Mickey Mouse and Barack Obama, and watch as the various safety features kick in.
And sometimes, the tells are idiosyncratic. In late March, AI influencer Jeremy Nguyen, at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, highlighted one: ChatGPT’s tendency to use the word “delve” in responses. No individual use of the word can be definitive proof of AI involvement, but at scale it’s a different story. When half a percent of all articles on research site PubMed contain the word “delve” – 10 to 100 times more than did a few years ago – it’s hard to conclude anything other than an awful lot of medical researchers using the technology to, at best, augment their writing.
According to another dataset, “delve” isn’t even the most idiosyncratic word in ChatGPT’s dictionary. “Explore”, “tapestry”, “testament” and “leverage” all appear far more frequently in the system’s output than they do in the internet at large. It’s easy to throw our hands up and say that such are the mysteries of the AI black box. But the overuse of “delve” isn’t a random roll of the dice. Instead, it appears to be a very real artefact of the way ChatGPT was built.
An army of human testers are given access to the raw LLM, and instructed to put it through its paces: asking questions, giving instructions and providing feedback. Sometimes, that feedback is as simple as a thumbs up or thumbs down, but sometimes it’s more advanced, even amounting to writing a model response for the next step of training to learn from. The sum total of all the feedback is a drop in the ocean compared to the scraped text used to train the LLM. But it’s expensive. Hundreds of thousands of hours of work goes into providing enough feedback to turn an LLM into a useful chatbot, and that means the large AI companies outsource the work to parts of the global south, where anglophonic knowledge workers are cheap to hire.
I said “delve” was overused by ChatGPT compared to the internet at large. But there’s one part of the internet where “delve” is a much more common word: the African web. In Nigeria, “delve” is much more frequently used in business English than it is in England or the US. So the workers training their systems provided examples of input and output that used the same language, eventually ending up with an AI system that writes slightly like an African.
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The Honey Island Swamp Monster
Late at night in the depths of the Honey Island Swamp, a piercing and unforgettable cry heralds the movement of the creature. Known to rip out the throats of wild boar and tear elevated hunting camps from their pilings, the Honey Island Swamp Monster serves as a powerful image of what lurks in the marshes, waiting for unsuspecting prey. Legends of a giant beast terrorizing the region stretch back to Native American lore, but modern sightings began in 1963, when two FAA air traffic control men and local outdoors men set up camp in the interior of the marsh’s seventy thousand acres.
Harlan Ford and friend Billy D. Mills, Sr. noticed the potential campsite while flying over a remote area of the swamp outside Slidell, Louisiana. “It was prime hunting territory, and in an isolated area that few people had traveled,” said Dana Holyfield, Ford’s granddaughter and swamp monster advocate. “After he retired, he spent a lot of time at the camp documenting wildlife and eventually the creature we call the Honey Island Swamp Monster.”
Ford appeared on a 1970s television series called In Search Of… and described an unkempt behemoth, over seven feet tall, with scraggly black hair covering its body from head to toe and piercing amber eyes looking out from a surprisingly human-like face. “I thought it might be a bear, and then it turned around,” said Ford. Along with his physical descriptions, Ford produced a plaster cast of an impression of the creature’s foot—a four-toed, web-footed cross between that of a primate and a large alligator.
Because Ford’s account aired nationally, the local legend reached a new audience. “It was monster-mania around here,” said Holyfield. Other area residents came forward to challenge Ford, claiming he and his friends created the swamp monster to secure their hunting territory. Maybe they were bored or wanted to boost the local economy. “Someone had a shoe with a [swamp monster] track glued on the bottom and said they [Ford and his friends] walked around the swamp making the footprints,” said Holyfield.
Ford never stopped searching for the monster but retreated from the public eye following the criticism. His wife Yvonne found a video he recorded in the attic after his death in 1980, grainy 8 mm footage of what looks like a large man covered in hair, walking behind rows of trees in the foreground. The family also found a letter Ford wrote describing his encounters, clearly meant for publication but boxed up along with plaster casts and the video footage. If Ford invented the swamp monster for notoriety or hunting rights, why did he hide the majority of his evidence?
“I don’t care whether or not people believe in the Honey Island Swamp Monster,” said Neil Benson, owner of Pearl River Eco Tours. “There are a lot of things in life that we believe in that we haven’t seen—like God. I don’t know what it was; I just know I saw something that day.”
Benson doesn’t claim he saw “what people call the Honey Island Swamp Monster,” but he described something similar. “I was 16 years old paddling away from my duck blind in a pirogue. I saw something tall moving, unlike any creature I have seen move on two legs through water, unimpeded. It wasn’t a bear. It wasn’t like any man I’ve seen,” he said.
Benson tells the story on his swamp tours when people ask and also keeps a plaster cast of Harlan’s swamp-monster footprint impression, given to him by Dana. The casts have made their way around St. Tammany Parish, gifts from Holyfield to enthusiasts and fellow believers. Another is on display at the Abita Mystery House in Abita Springs, Louisiana.
Museum owner John Preble likens the swamp monster to the ivory-billed woodpecker, a species that hasn’t been formally observed or documented for years and is considered by experts to be extinct. “People tell me they’ve seen the swamp monster and that they’ve seen the ivory-billed woodpecker. The swamp is huge, and there are places where things can hide,” said Preble. “And Dana’s the real deal. When you meet her and hear her story, you believe it.”
Holyfield has spent most of her life searching for the same creature as her grandfather. She has written books and produced documentaries detailing encounters across the Honey Island Swamp. “I do this work because I believe my grandfather’s story. It matters whether or not it’s real because, if it weren’t real, a lot of people living around here would be crazy and have seen things that aren’t there,” she said.
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hccn-overseer · 7 months
Issue 26, 10/12/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will be sunny throughout the day with patches of pink and orange hues tinting all areas during the late morning.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 6 degrees with a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day with hints of mysterious haze.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 8 degrees and a low of 0 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout the morning with showers throughout the afternoon and evening.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny and windy throughout the day with wind speeds up to 31 miles per hour.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 3 degrees and a low of -9 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 13 degrees and a low of 5 degrees. Skies will be mostly clear throughout the day with occasional flashes of spider web clouds.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 15 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day with constant downpours.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 10 degrees and a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny throughout the day with high winds up to 27 miles per hour.
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Now onto other news below the cut!
Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A collection of Modigliani paintings These long-faced paintings, reproduced for commercialism in the Shopping District, were found scattered throughout Scarland. They depict various men and women in sitting poses with relatively uninterested expressions and exaggeratedly long necks.
Item 2: A beard shaving kit This kit was found in Etho’s ruins and includes a double edge safety razor, pre-shaving oil, after-shave balm, a badger brush, and a beard trimmer. This kit was taken out of a shulker box and left near Impulse’s Dwarven Keep.
Item 3: Three hotel luggage carts These luggage carts were found with several empty unused trash bags piled on them near Hypno’s base. It is unknown what the intended purpose was for these luggage carts, and they are on the brink of falling apart.
Item 4: A book about keeping iguanas This reptile pet-care book was found in Pearl’s tree house and was published in 2022. There are illustrations on each page and the book appears to have been very well-loved over the past year. The illustrations are fully colored and appear to be as detailed as humanly possible.
Item 5: A headband with three skulls This headband has three plastic skulls attached to them and is covered in glitter. The headband itself is black and the skulls are bright orange, purple, and green.
Item 6: A group of miniature pumpkin stress balls These stress balls in the shape of miniature pumpkins were found near xBCrafted’s base and have been painted with various geometric patterns using a rainbow color palette. They glow in the dark and appear to have been ordered from a very old magazine catalog.
Item 7: A cursed box This box, fused shut with an intricate golden vine pattern on the lid loop around the front, has launched its finder into a wall upon them attempting to open it. The finder suggests burying it if opening it is not possible.
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia!
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And that's all for this week folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!
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artzychic27 · 10 months
More Coven Box stuff because I remembered I fucking love this au. This au was brought to you by @eternalnexuswarrior
Red and Black color scheme
Scarlet Warlock’s outfit but with some upgrades like some fancy-ass sleeves, a black sleeveless waistcoat, and high heels to kill a man with
Power up potions hanging off of his belt and tucked into the hand of his witch hat in case he needs them
Grey, white, and slate blue
A little inspiration from the Swedish Easter Witch attire
A grey head scarf with the fabric on top tied to look like wolf fears, slate blue sleeveless jumper paired with a white fur shawl that connects in the front with a silver latch, belt with a wolf tail connected to the back, and fancy white hunting boots
Black and red with some hints of white
Dark ballerina aesthetic with a TON of mesh and beautiful billowing sleeves
Her skirt is decorated with a white hem that looks like a spider web, and her flats have sturdy soles. Her mask makes it looks like she’s got six more eyes
Black with a light neon green
A cyberpunk look becuase the color scheme demands it. A visor, crop jacket some long sleeves decorated with light green designs, black halter top, black utility belt, black cargo pants with light green design, and black boots
When it’s dark out, that’s when the light green starts glowing
Dark purple, black, dark grey
Plague Doctor outfit to go with her plague doctor cane
She’s got a practical dark purple knee length dress with a hood, a black non-constricting corset, feathered collar, some silver jewelry, and the plague Doctor mask that with posies decorated on the beak
Brown, light grey, and silver
Trench coat with a hood to look sophisticated and mysterious. The hood literally casts a shadow over his whole face and you can only see his eyes. It freaks out villains
Dress shoes with noise canceling soles so he can sneak up on some motherfuckers, and a fancy pair of gloves
Green, yellow, black
Imagine Froppy
Basically that, but not as skin tight, and with a crop jacket because I said so. And she’s got shock absorption shoes for when she lands
Purple, black, and gold
He’s got a sleeveless hoodie with a cobra hood, and a mask that turns his eyes into slits
Gold cale patterns on the black pants, black shrug top that extends into finger less gloves, and a purple undershirt that looks similar to the top half of Viperion’s outfit rift
Red, black, and gold
Studded wrist gauntlets because they need more than just a poison-filled tail
Red headscarf, red ruffle top over a black halter top, gold warp around belt, an asymmetrical ankle length red skirt with a black hem, torn black pants, and black ankle boots
Dark green, black, hints of yellow
TON of leather- Jacket, boots, gloves
Scale pattern, torn… Everything, his eyes turn into slits, his hair is wilder than canon, and he’s got a silver choker and cuffs with broken chains attached
He’s got the biggest fangs out of the others
Tan and black
Shredded clothes, leather jacket with a fur collar, one torn faux ear
Silver piercings- Ears, eyebrow, nose
Silver jewelry- Cuffs with broken chains
Light green with hints of an iridescent black
Hooded black asymmetrical jacket that turns all sorts of colors whenever it moves at different angles, green pants with scale pattern, black knee length boots, and a green visor
A light brown, white
Imagine Isi Dawndancer’s antler headband, but white
Brown crop hoodie with little white specs and deer ears on the hood, thigh length white skater dress under brown leggings, and white ankle length boots that look like hooves
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The Honey Island Swamp Monster
Late at night in the depths of the Honey Island Swamp, a piercing and unforgettable cry heralds the movement of the creature. Known to rip out the throats of wild boar and tear elevated hunting camps from their pilings, the Honey Island Swamp Monster serves as a powerful image of what lurks in the marshes, waiting for unsuspecting prey. Legends of a giant beast terrorizing the region stretch back to Native American lore, but modern sightings began in 1963, when two FAA air traffic control men and local outdoors men set up camp in the interior of the marsh’s seventy thousand acres.
Harlan Ford and friend Billy D. Mills, Sr. noticed the potential campsite while flying over a remote area of the swamp outside Slidell, Louisiana. “It was prime hunting territory, and in an isolated area that few people had traveled,” said Dana Holyfield, Ford’s granddaughter and swamp monster advocate. “After he retired, he spent a lot of time at the camp documenting wildlife and eventually the creature we call the Honey Island Swamp Monster.”
Ford appeared on a 1970s television series called In Search Of… and described an unkempt behemoth, over seven feet tall, with scraggly black hair covering its body from head to toe and piercing amber eyes looking out from a surprisingly human-like face. “I thought it might be a bear, and then it turned around,” said Ford. Along with his physical descriptions, Ford produced a plaster cast of an impression of the creature’s foot—a four-toed, web-footed cross between that of a primate and a large alligator.
Because Ford’s account aired nationally, the local legend reached a new audience. “It was monster-mania around here,” said Holyfield. Other area residents came forward to challenge Ford, claiming he and his friends created the swamp monster to secure their hunting territory. Maybe they were bored or wanted to boost the local economy. “Someone had a shoe with a [swamp monster] track glued on the bottom and said they [Ford and his friends] walked around the swamp making the footprints,” said Holyfield.
Ford never stopped searching for the monster but retreated from the public eye following the criticism. His wife Yvonne found a video he recorded in the attic after his death in 1980, grainy 8 mm footage of what looks like a large man covered in hair, walking behind rows of trees in the foreground. The family also found a letter Ford wrote describing his encounters, clearly meant for publication but boxed up along with plaster casts and the video footage. If Ford invented the swamp monster for notoriety or hunting rights, why did he hide the majority of his evidence?
“I don’t care whether or not people believe in the Honey Island Swamp Monster,” said Neil Benson, owner of Pearl River Eco Tours. “There are a lot of things in life that we believe in that we haven’t seen—like God. I don’t know what it was; I just know I saw something that day.”
Benson doesn’t claim he saw “what people call the Honey Island Swamp Monster,” but he described something similar. “I was 16 years old paddling away from my duck blind in a pirogue. I saw something tall moving, unlike any creature I have seen move on two legs through water, unimpeded. It wasn’t a bear. It wasn’t like any man I’ve seen,” he said.
Benson tells the story on his swamp tours when people ask and also keeps a plaster cast of Harlan’s swamp-monster footprint impression, given to him by Dana. The casts have made their way around St. Tammany Parish, gifts from Holyfield to enthusiasts and fellow believers. Another is on display at the Abita Mystery House in Abita Springs, Louisiana.
Museum owner John Preble likens the swamp monster to the ivory-billed woodpecker, a species that hasn’t been formally observed or documented for years and is considered by experts to be extinct. “People tell me they’ve seen the swamp monster and that they’ve seen the ivory-billed woodpecker. The swamp is huge, and there are places where things can hide,” said Preble. “And Dana’s the real deal. When you meet her and hear her story, you believe it.”
Holyfield has spent most of her life searching for the same creature as her grandfather. She has written books and produced documentaries detailing encounters across the Honey Island Swamp. “I do this work because I believe my grandfather’s story. It matters whether or not it’s real because, if it weren’t real, a lot of people living around here would be crazy and have seen things that aren’t there,” she said.
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