#black dragons fluff
Issa byka rūklon [Daemon Targaryen x Wife!reader]
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Other HOTD stories
Summary: Daemon is feared among men for his battle prowess, finding solace and love in his pure sunshine of a wife. One serene evening, amidst impending war, they steal a moment alone. His wife with gentle hands and a heart full of affection, braids Daemon’s hair, weaving delicate flowers into the strands…
*This was a one shot request from a very special person of mine, my bestie @mrsdaemontargaryen I had asked her to send me a prompt because I have been on such a long hiatus from writing. Writer’s block has not been fun {among personal things but let’s not get into that}. Please enjoy this Daemon one shot and soon enough, I will be taking requests again in time for season two. 🖤*
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You placed a hand on the ghost of your swelling stomach, your violet eyes shining from the fireplace’s flames. The incident was still fresh in your mind, your sister’s screams of calling you a traitor ringing in your ears. It wasn’t a surprise to see the twins together in Storm’s End, having been inseparable since birth, but you never thought Adryana* would try to murder you.
You turned your head slightly, hearing the footsteps, letting out a soft sigh, and feeling your husband wrap an arm around your waist and pull you back into his chest. “Is it done?”
Daemon nodded, nuzzling his nose into your silver hair. “Soon enough, she will feel the pain you felt.”
You took a deep breath, looking ahead. When Daemon was writing to his friends in the capital, you had mentioned to him how you wanted Adryana to feel the same pain you felt when she took her unborn babe from you. He added, “Along with the usurper’s son, take the life of his brother’s son.”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty,” Daemon whispered in your ear as though he could read your mind. “Those green cunts didn’t feel anything killing Luke and our child. You shouldn’t either.”
You nodded in agreement, furrowing your brows. “Can we go on a walk?” You knew this would be the last calm moment before Westeros is thrown into chaos.
You turned in Daemon’s arms, smiling a small smile when he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Of course, my love.”
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You wrapped your hands around Daemon’s arm as he led you down the familiar path toward Aegon’s Garden. During the day, it was a favorite spot for your young son, Alyster, to play in; he especially enjoyed the cranberries that grew there. The eye of the dragon statue glistened in the moonlight the closer you got, lifting your dress slightly so it did not drag too much through the grass.
You thanked Daemon quietly when he helped you into the plush grass, a hum passing your lips as you began to pick at the small white wildflowers surrounding you mindlessly. Since you’ve woken up from the incident, the two of you have rarely spent time alone, with Alyster not leaving your side and Daemon being preoccupied with the small council. For the first time in a long time, you felt peace.
Once he sat down, you moved to sit behind your husband, your fingers gingerly taking a section of his hair and beginning to work it in a braid. His hair was not as long as it once was but manageable. You smiled, hearing the light chuckle coming from him.
“What?” You asked as you grabbed one of the wildflowers you picked, placing it carefully within the braid.
Daemon kept his eyes ahead, a small smile forming on his features. “I’m only thinking back to our wedding day.”
“Our wedding day?” You repeated while beginning to braid another section of his hair, adding the little flowers as you went.
Daemon hummed in response. “You wanted to braid my hair that day, too.”
You smiled at the memory. You had a traditional Valyrian wedding against your mother’s wishes. You were never one to listen to your mother, to begin with, having gone against her wishes to become Rhaenyra’s ward at fifteen, shortly after Laena’s funeral, and two years later becoming Daemon’s third wife. Now, at the age of three-and-two, the two of you had a six-year-old son, a son your mother and father only met once.
“I’m hoping this war will be over quickly,” Daemon spoke quietly, breaking the silence.
You hummed, leaning back to examine your creation. “I do not want to talk about war this evening, my love,” You said softly, placing a few more flowers in the braids with a soft smile.
You enjoyed the calm moments while you could, not knowing if this would be your last one together. The war began when Aemond and Adryana struck in Storm’s End, and you knew Daemon would be restless until every one of their heads was on spikes. You were to cherish these moments while they lasted.
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You hummed as the sun filtered through the windows, stirring slightly only to feel the side beside you cold. You furrowed your brows while rubbing your eyes as you sat up, your stomach still sore from your injuries.
“You do not want to go to the small council like that?” You asked teasingly, seeing Daemon picking out the white flowers, having slept in them.
He chuckled, looking down at the small pile forming beside him at the vanity. “I’m not sure it would be proper attire for a small council meeting.”
You scrunched up your nose while slowly getting out of bed. Wrapping your silken robe around you, you walked up behind your husband, meeting his violet eyes in the mirror.
“Issa byka rūklon*,” Daemon said softly, placing his hand on your arm when you wrapped them around his neck.
You hummed lightly. “I prefer when you call me aōha vēzos*.”
Daemon laughed. “No one else can hear that.”
You smirked, moving back so Daemon could get up. You straightened his doublet for him, scrunching up your nose when he placed two fingers under your chin, making you look up.
“I love you, Y/N,” Daemon whispered, moving his hand to your cheek.
“I love you too,” You replied, meeting his lips in a short, sweet kiss.
You watched him pull away after a moment, a small smirk forming on your features. You noticed the stray flower tucked in the waves of his hair.
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“You’re late, Daemon,” Corlys spoke up, seeing the Prince enter the council chambers.
“You should already know that I enjoy making late, dramatic entrances,” Daemon replied simply, sliding into the empty seat on Rhaenyra’s right.
Rhaenyra eyed her uncle curiously, tilting her head. “Daemon,” She called to him, clearing her throat while motioning to her hair.
Daemon furrowed his brows, reaching up to feel the soft petals of the single wildflower he had forgotten about. He untangled it from his hair, looking down at it with a soft sigh.
“Is the Rogue Prince going soft?” Lord Celtigar questioned with a laugh.
“I believe he is,” Corlys agreed.
Daemon only scoffed as the Black Council erupted in laughter, Rhaenyra even adding a giggle of her own. He sighed as the jesting continued around him, his eyes staying on the wildflower in his hand. He twirled it on its tiny stem, his mind wandering back to his wife, their son, and the babe they had lost.
There was no guarantee of surviving this kin war, but Daemon was determined to win it so that he and his family could finally live the peaceful life they had long desired.
*Adryana: Adryana Targaryen is my original character for House of the Dragon. She is the youngest daughter and fifth child of King Viserys and Queen Alicent (The reader is the eldest daughter and child). She is wed to her twin brother, Aemond, and they have a set of twins together; a son named Vanar and a daughter named Vhaenys. She is known to have a short temper and often accused her eldest sister of abandoning her to live with Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. She also felt hurt when she sided with Rhaenyra's children during the Driftmark incident. Her temper overflowed when her eldest sister made a comment about how their father would be disappointed in the twins and their actions after reuniting in Storm's End, ultimately resulting in Adryana attempting to kill her and the unborn babe. The eldest sister lived, but the unborn babe did not, leading to her and Daemon planning revenge on Lucerys and their child.
*Issa byka rūklon: High Valyrian for my little flower.
*aōha vēzos: High Valyrian for your sun.
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m4nj1r0s · 24 days
Hiii okay I'm obsessed with your TR headcanons! May I request relationship headcanons for Shinichiro Sano? Maybe with a stoic/ calm and collected reader? Thank you if you do 💖
Shinichiro Sano with a stoic/collected reader headcannons
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I’m so sorry for the rlly late reply I was sooo inactive recently but tyy! It’s a little short but hope you like it :)
- Admires you a lot, since he’s quite literally the opposite.
- Before you guys started dating, he used to sneak glances at you with a massive blush on his face. You were just so pretty even whilst you did the most boring things on earth.
- Unfortunately, his little ‘glance’ ended up w/ him staring at you for a good 10 mins and he’s scared you think he’s a weirdo :(
- You probably do ibsr
- Whenever he’s around you he tries to act nonchalant like in the gif, but internally he’s freaking out. Poor boy doesn’t want to ward you off because he likes you sm.
- Given his track record with girls, it’s safe to say he goes to Wakasa. You two are similar, and he wants to try and figure out what you’re thinking.
- Wakasa actually gives him genuine advice, probably because he’s gotten so much second-hand embarrassment from Shinichiro asking girls out before 😭
- Has a whole ass notepad where he jots down things you tell him about yourself. Even if it’s the smallest thing.
- “So, you had a vanilla milkshake whilst you were on vacation 3 years ago?”
- “Correct.. Why are you writing that down?”
- Read a romance novel to try and figure out how to confess to you and he decided to do it on a day that was rainy so you two could have a cute first kiss in the rain moment right after you said yes, breaking your stoic demeanor and also confessed your undying love to him.
- Assuming you said yes ofc..
- Wakasa shut it down almost immediately after Shinichiro told him tho 🙁
- So he opted to ask you out whilst you two were hanging out in his motorbike shop during the sunset.
- “So you’ll actually go out with me???!”
- “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
- Mf was literally jumping for joy
- Naturally after you guys start dating you’ll hang around with Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi more. Which is fine, since you and Wakasa have similar personalities and you get along with Benkei & Takeomi.
- Shinichiro was happy that you got along w/ his friends but he does get jealous easily. Especially when you and Wakasa form a good friendship :(
- He’s not upset you two get along, but he’s going with you anytime you hang out.
- He gets jealous pretty easily, and then he gets insecure when you seem to be so nonchalant.
- Do you get as jealous as he does when he talks to girls?? (they only talk to him to ask for directions)
- Mikey and Emma adore you, though they were ASTOUNDED Shinichiro brought someone as cool as you home as his girlfriend.
- They crash your guys’ dates sometimes, but you guys don’t mind.
- Shinichiro loves to hand-feed you, and this mf WILL even if you try and stop him.
- “..Move that spoon away from my face.”
- “Honeybuns, you have to eat!-”
- Literally the king of making the cheesiest, corniest nicknames for you and he genuinely thinks they’re cute.
- They range from Honeybuns, Pookie, SNOOKIE, Sugarplum, Sweetiepie and Cinnamonbun.
- Yes, he literally calls you cinnamon bun sometimes 😭
- But he is a gentleman. Will hold open doors for you, make sure you have a helmet if youre going on his motorbike, tie your shoelaces for you and on those rare days you’re too tired to walk he will carry you.
- I hc he’s actually strong, but js can’t fight for whatever reason. So he’s pretty good at lifting things up, which is useful if you ever want to rearrange furniture :)
- Has a fun little game where he tries his hardest to catch you off guard and will randomly kiss you, but the thing is he always does it at the worst time 😭
- One time he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and you punched him 😭
- “Why would you punch me, Cinnamonbun?!”
- “..My bad.”
- You’re his savior when he gets injured though. Whether it was in his shop, or Mikey and Emma ganging up on him, you always tend to his injuries and your calmness also relaxes him in turn.
- Has a cringe t-Shirt with your face on it that says ‘If Lost, please return to:’ 🫠
- He thinks it’s cute!..
- In conclusion, he will be extra cheesy if you’re stoic <3
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ophelieverse · 2 months
Oppy my baby,can you please please please take in consideration to write something about my man Cregan Stark?🥺🥺
⊹˚₊only you could have called me back home
Cregan Stark x fem!reader
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-Summary:reader is from house Manderly and she meets Cregan when they are kids,during his stay at her house she reads him a book about mermaids to help him sleep during a storm.Years later he does the same thing for their children.
-I finally gave in and decided to try.This is the first time that I write for Cregan,even though i love him very much and i can’t wait to see him(I pictured in my mind Tom Taylor)so forgive me if this sucks.
It was night,late evening.
The sky,which was usually a dark blue,was covered by a thick blanket of gray clouds that made the stars and that moon disappear,which were supposed to illuminate New Castle of White Harbor.The blue blazon with the green merman holding a trident,symbolizing House Manderly,was dancing in the wind.
A little girl,who seemed to be not older than eight years old,was observing the world and that summer storm,one of many she had seen in just a month.Sitting in her chamber,on the carpet in front of the window that brought into that small balcony,curled up and with her arms hugging her legs,she let her eyes get lost in counting the thousands of droplets that rested on that sheet of glass.
She began to stare at a drop of rain,trying to see it flow along the entire length of the window.But this one soon disappeared,bursting into smaller droplets or joining others.
For Lady Y/n Manderly,the rain made everything so fascinating.
She came closer to the glass,almost squashing her face against the door-windows and waiting for a thunder to arrive.She had never been afraid of thunderstorms,quite the contrary.She found them fascinating.She still couldn't conceive that all that noise and lights came from nature and not from something created by men.
Watching a thunderstorm was more interesting than reading a book.Her mother used to read her dozen of them to help her sleep at night,especially during storms like this one.But at the end,the books in their library all looked alike and never change final.If she didn't want to read them anymore she could just close them.While thunderstorms are unexpected and uncontrollable.But above all,always different.
People can never predict the duration or intensity of a thunderstorm.You can just try to guess or stay and observe it.And Y/n loved to see thunderstorms.
But that wasn't the case for everyone.
The little girl knew for sure that there was someone who instead hated them and had a big fear of them.A young boy,just of two years older than she was,the son of the protector of the North,had revealed that he was very afraid of storms during one.
Lord Rickon Stark had arrived to White Harbor four nights before,just in time for dinner,to discuss with Lord Desmond Manderly,Y/n father,about the union of their houses.A calm but still noisy storm was what welcomed them,alongside the blue and green blazon of New Castle.
Y/n didn't understand what was scary about those lights and noises,but she couldn't help but think about what the boy was feeling at the time.
That boy who was also her husband to be once they would be old enough to marry.They already knew each other,they had met in different occasions and places,yet they had never forged a particular bond or friendship.
Their characters were particularly different and they both knew that they would find themselves colliding easily if they became friends.Moreover, there had never been a particular opportunity to get to know each other better.They were always surrounded by their families,politicians and maidens.
They were simply two children,two heirs of big and powerful houses and one day they will become husband and wife.Nothing more,nothing less.
And yet,at that moment Y/n was just thinking.She was just thinking about Cregan.That was his name and what he had told her to call him when she had addressed him as “Lord Stark” with a polite bow.
Y/n wondered if he wasn't scared.
She remembered once,when there was a tournament in Lannisport,he didn’t showed up to see the horses in the morning when it started to rain.Once again,during a visit a the Wall he had been more restless than usual when he had heard the sound of the thunders.
But didn't the dark sky of the evening emphasize the whole thing even more?
Y/n loved night thunderstorms,she found them even more impressive.But also scary.Especially now that her mother was heavily pregnant and needed to stay in bed to rest,meaning that she couldn’t read her stories to help her sleep better.
In Y/n that fear gave a sudden adrenaline rush,but in Cregan no,she could have said it with certainty.So,after thinking about it for too long,the little girl got up,took the cloak on the chair and without even thinking anymore,she opened the window-door wide and within seconds she found herself on the balcony,while the rain was beginning to increase slowly.
That wing of the castle was where both Y/n and her brothers chambers were,the same place where young Cregan was staying,in the room right next to hers.
Y/n stayed for a while to observe the sky,and the drops of rainwater falling on the palm of her hand that she had turned upwards,fascinated by everything as a child could be.But she hadn't gone out to the balcony to admire all that,no.
If she had only wanted to do that,she would have been content to sit in front of the front door-windows as she had until then,instead of getting wet.
No,Y/n had gone out to check on Cregan.To make sure that he was alright.
Their balconies were connected,divided only by a low wall of light bricks.She had often seen the young boy on that balcony in those days,watching people occupying those crowded streets or just wanting to breathe some air.
And on those occasions they had just waved to each other politely with kind smiles.
Y/n knew that the window on that balcony led to the room where Cregan was staying.
Still in the rain,half protected by the windowsill of the upper floor,she barely reached out her neck to observe the young boy room.But it was dark and the curtains were pulled,a sign that Cregan was probably already sleeping,as he would on any night.
The little Lady wanted to call herself a fool for coming out of her room just to make sure that he was okay,a boy whose she exchanged a few words and nothing else.The same boy that one day would have been her husband but the she didn’t knew nothing about.
Yet,in some way,she was relieved.Relieved that he was not awake yet and afraid of those thunders.
A part of Y/n wanted to go back into her room and go back admiring that storm from behind the glass plate of the window,but first she got closer to the wall that separated her from her neighbor.
To,she said to herself,just to check more closely.Just to make sure.
But check what exactly?
Y/n shook her head.She really had to be out of her mind if now she was worried about an almost - stranger that seemed to not like her at all.She made to retrace her steps,when a curled figure caught her attention.
Sitting on the ground,with his shoulders leaning against the wall of that balcony and with a black cloak on him,he stood with his head hidden by the hood.Still like a statue,with his arms around his legs.Half of his body was protected under the windowsill,while the other half was being wet by that rainwater.
Y/n tilted her head to the side,confused.
“Who is that?And what are they doing?”she wondered.
Even though she knew very well who it was.It couldn't be anyone other than him.
«Cregan?»Y/n spoke without having the slightest control over her voice,attracting the attention of the boy.
Cregan raised his head,which he had kept sunk between his legs until that moment,turning his head then towards the young lady on the other side of the wall.His eyes were usually clear and calm,but now they were wide open with astonishment.
Wide in a way that Y/n couldn't but find adorable.
She ignored these thoughts and just reopened her mouth«What are you doing out here?Don't you see .. ?It's raining.»she asked with a soft tone.
“As if i hadn't noticed,Y/n”Cregan wanted to tell her with a little voice.He wouldn't have put on his cloak if he hadn't seen the rain.
But a part of him decided to keep his mouth closed.Lady Y/n was immensely pretty under the pale moonlight and wet by the rain.He had always been fascinated by her,by the way her eyes shined bright and the way she talked fast about something she liked and knew about.She made him nervous to speak whenever he was around her,she was far smarter and wiser than him even at that young age,always so kind and he was afraid to make a fool out of himself.Especially when he was still scared of thunderstorms.
Cregan didn't answer,just staring at her with his big blue eyes.
«Are you hurt?»Y/n brown furrow as she scanned his pale face to find something.
The rain kept falling and it seemed that its intensity continued to increase as the seconds passed.The trees in front of that castle moved to the right and left,driven by a force they already knew,but which they were still unable to repel.
Cregan shook his head and then spoke«I'm scared of thunderstorms.»he just said.
Y/n nodded«I know that.But why are you outside?»she offered him a kind smile.
Cregan seemed to think about it for a while, undecided whether to say everything to her or keep shut up.But there was something in her,something that was pulling in from the inside.Something that was screaming at him to tell her everything that he was afraid of,because with her it would be safe,she would have kept him safe.She would’ve understood him and comforted him.
He chose the second option and returned to stare at an indefinite point of his cloak,hoping that the young lady with wet hair and sweet eyes would soon leave,leaving him alone.As he had only been until recently.
One day Cregan would have been Lord Stark,protector of the great North and he needed to learn to not be afraid of thunderstorms on his own.But Y/n presence,the little girl that would become his wife,was louder than any thunder and brighter than any light.
In fact she had no intention of leaving.
«I'm scared of thunderstorms.»he found himself repeating and then adding«I really can't stand them.»he murmured.
She listened to him carefully,standing in front of that little wall,while Cregan continued to turn his back on her and look down as he spoke again:
«I can't sleep when there are thunderstorms.And being alone in the room,in the dark with only sudden flashes to illuminate,is scary.»he explained quietly.
Y/n nodded sympathetically,although she didn't find anything scary at all in his description.But for once she tried to put herself on Cregan side.
«So why don't you go to your father?My mother always makes me sleep with her when I have nightmares.»she asked with curiosity.
Cregan shook his head,clutching in that heavy cloak«He doesn’t want to.He say I have to overcome my fears sooner or later.»he said,with a glint of sadness in his eyes.
Y/n curled her nose,confused«And do you get over them by standing in the rain?»squeezing her hands to create a little bit of warmth.
This time he took some time to respond.
Then,shifting his gaze towards the horizon«It's less scary.I can see the lights of the villages and the boats passing by and I know I'm not the only one awake.I know I'm not alone.»he found himself admitting«It's less scary.Or at least I think…»
He didn't know why he was saying these things.Especially to her.For all his ten almost eleven years he had carried that fear of his with him without saying anything to anyone.Revealing his fear only to himself.And seeking comfort only in him.
A comfort that most of the time was not enough.
His father kept telling him that he was grown up by now,that he had to overcome his fear of thunderstorms by now.A fear that was too childish for his age.For the Lord he was destined to be.How could he protect people when he was the first to be scared?He needed to start acting like a man.
But how adult can a ten year old be?
Without meditating on his words,Y/n replied«And are you going to stay out here all night?Until the thunderstorm stops?»her angel face was worried.
Cregan just nodded,without staring at her directly in the eyes.The little girl made a grimace that the other could not see.It was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.Yet she still didn't find the strength to leave him alone.Leave him there alone and go back to her room.
Y/n had felt,she had felt for a few seconds,almost a perceptible thread that drew her to Cregan.Maybe she was just imagining everything. Maybe it was just her childish mind that was playing tricks on her.Or maybe it was just that summer storm fault.
She didn't know,but now she felt tied to the boy with the dark cloak and blue eyes.
«Come.»Y/n voice was firm and warm.
Cregan jolted,surprised to still hear the young girl voice.He thought she had returned to the heat of her room by now.And instead there she is,on the other side of the low wall,reaching out to him with a pure smile on her face.
“She’s cute when she smiles.”Cregan immediately thought,noticing her soft eyes and all her teeth shining in the light of the torches in the street.
He also found her so reassuring.That kind of safety that he desperately needed.
«Where?»he asked confused.
Y/n smiled at him again,getting closer and reaching out her hand again,almost touching his face making him shiver.
«If you spend the night out here you're going to get sick.If you don't want to be alone,I'll keep you company.»she stated fiercely and he knew nothing would’ve changed her mind.
They were simple words.Words of a child of eight,almost nine,years old.Yet Cregan swore he had never heard such beautiful words.No one had ever given him such attention and didn't know whether or not to trust that young lady.
They had met numerous times and now they were even betrothed to each other,but they weren’t exactly friends.
And Cregan was very skeptical to those he knew very little.Especially the ones that made him feel nervous just by looking at him.
He decided to refuse Y/n invitation.
But when he made to decline the offer,the first of many flashes lit up the sky,followed by a noise so loud that raised Cregan hair,or more commonly called thunder.
The boy snapped to his feet in fear.Perhaps the idea of going out,so as not to stay in the dark of his room,had not been the best.Or maybe it was the worst idea that had ever occurred to him and only now did he find it stupid.
«So?Are you coming or not?»Y/n called for his attention again,noting the thin veil of blush on his pale cheeks.
She was younger than him by only two years,yet she was still more mature than him.She had this aura surrounding her,of someone that would have took care of him.Someone he could really start to trust and lay down his strength.A little sun,personal and only for him,to remind him that the storms he was so afraid of were only temporary while she would have been by his side forever.
Cregan found himself shaking Y/n hand,who helped him climb over the wall that divided them, and in a moment he was on the other balcony.
He crossed his eyes again with those of his future wife,who immediately answered him with another sweet smile and opened the window door,to let him enter in the warmth of her room and protect him from that storm.
Immediately closed the door behind them and,after a moment of uncertainty she spoke first«Give me your cloak,i’ll put it here with mine so that tomorrow the servants can wash them.»she told him,taking her off to remain in her pink nightgown.
Cregan blushed even more as he nodded as if in a trance and took off his dark cloak,handing it over to her and revealing a pastel-colored pajamas.
He thought it was impossible for a room to look like it owner,but Y/n bedroom was just like her:a mess of colors,books everywhere and with a pleasant warmth that made him feel safe.
«Why are you still awake?»Cregan suddenly asked,trying to not move around too much.
The little girl took two pillows from her bed and a blanket,walking to the fluffy carpet in front of the old fireplace that the servants had lighted up before she went to bed,once the thunderstorm had started.
«I like to watch the storms.»she said,patting the empty space next to her with one hand«Also,now that my mother is pregnant and my father stays up with his advisors,i need to check on her.»she continues.
Cregan looked at her carefully,the long hair falling free on her shoulders,her perfect face.He was right,she so much mature than he was,already taking care of everyone around her at such a young age,just like a proper lady should.
As he took place next to her on the pavement,still keeping a proper distance between them,Cregan realized that he didn't know anything about her.But he knew how much she loved her mother as he always saw the two of them holding hands.He didn't know if she had the same relationship with her father,who seemed to prefer her older brothers,but he still didn't have enough closeness to ask her for more information.
In fact,they had absolutely no closeness and it could be seen in the silence that fell between the two children.One of those silences that always arise in similar situations,when two people don't know each other but have to spend time together.
«Would you like to do something?»Y/n calm voice sounded even more melodious up close.
She tried to mask that awkwardness with a polite tone,asking her guest with a kind expression.
Cregan spoke little and for the rest of the time he just agreed or disagreed on a certain statement.
The younger of the two was shrinking her minds to think of some kind of game to play together, but the boy next to her would just stare at her,frowning,as if he was annoyed by that situation,while standing close to window of that room like he wanted to escape that situation.
Y/n curled her nose,bored by that sudden superior attitude that Cregan was carrying on himself.
«Look,you can still go back in the rain if you prefer.»she told him,with a sour tone.
She felt bad to see him frightened by that thunderstorm,but if he didn't even show her a minimum of gratitude or a spirit of collaboration, then he could very well leave.Y/n was a sunny child,always with a smile on her face and ready to raise the morale of anyone who needed it.
But“This boy is really unpleasant”she thought.
Cregan crossed his arms to his chest,squeezing his eyes and staring at her,offended and angry at the same time.He thought that he shouldn’t have accepted her invitation and that both their fathers had made a mistake by promising them.They would never get along.
He could very well go back to his room and overcome that storm on his own,as he had always done until then.He didn’t need Y/n help.He made a grimace in the direction of the little girl,who responded to the gesture by raising her eyes to the sky.
But when he was about to open the window door and return to his room,without his dark cloak,a flash illuminated the sky and his face.
Cregan eyes went wide,as he was falling backwards and ending up on the ground on his butt as he waited for the arrival of the thunder that did not take long to arrive.His lower lip trembled,while he couldn't move any muscle.
He hated how thunderstorms could do this to him.He hated how they could make him tremble and frighten.
“They are a normal thing,dictated by nature”his father had always told him.
Yet Cregan didn't believe it.He continued to hate thunderstorms.
And something told him that this fear of his would never go away.
«Cregan.... are you all right?»he heard a soft voice behind his back.
Cregan looked up and saw Y/n standing on her knees on the carpet and he only remembered at that moment of her presence.
The boy gasped,looking for an answer.But before he could speak,another flash lit up the room,and before the thunder could be heard,Cregan had already put his hands on his ears.
The arrogant facade,which he had previously put on,had now completely crumbled, revealing his insecure and frightened side.
Y/n didn't know what to do.
The annoyed face she had a little while ago,was gone.Now she was really worried for him.She just wanted to find a way to distract him,and to put an end to that clash of lights that illuminated the room.
Cregan did not move,with his head resting on his bent knees,and the palms of his hands were still covering his ears,in the vain hope of not hearing that almost metallic and shackled noises.
«It’s alright,don't worry.»Y/n tried to reassure him.But it seemed that no one could move the young boy.
«They usually just make a big noise and then they go away.»she continued with a reassuring voice getting closer to him.
But Cregan was still shaking, scared,and Y/n didn't know what to do.She was never scared of thunderstorms.She would have liked to hold him tight in a hug,to drive away all his fear.But she knew that if she did,she would only make things worse.
In the meantime,Cregan continued to make himself small,smaller and smaller,curled up almost on himself on that light pavement.
«I mean…deep down it's just water,isn't it?Water and lights.As if it were an ocean... and the oceans are beautiful,aren't they,Cregan?»she asked with a hint of hope.
Y/n was used to the water,she lived near the sea and she had grew up running up and down on her fathers boats with her brothers.Her mothers read her stories about fishes,sailors,mermen and mermaids.
And while he did not respond,too busy controlling his fear,Y/n came up with an idea.
«I know what to do!»she almost screamed,catching Cregan attention and shicking around the room,as if looking for something.
The boy looked at her confused,forgetting – but only for a short time – of the thunderstorm.
«There you are.»Y/n exhaled,almost relieved.
Cregan blinked,observing the more confusion she had created throughout that room,the books scattered on the floor and the cabinets wide open,just for that medium-sized old book she now held in her hands,with a proud and satisfied smile.He didn't understand what use that book could have,but he didn't breathe,limiting himself to observing the young girl sitting carefully next to him and opening it.
And then millions of billions of fishes began to swim between the old pages.Cregan mouth widened into an “o”, but he quickly closed it again before Y/n could notice his astonishment.It's just a very simple book of fairy tales,he said to himself.
Yet,in some way,it had distracted him.
«If you lie down on the bed,you can see them better.»Y/n spoke,making herself comfortable on her bed and starting to turning the pages.
Cregan grimaced,watching how she was smiling.That wasn’t proper.
«Why should I lie down-»yet another thunder«Alright... I lie down.»he immediately changed his mind.
He hurriedly took the steps that separated him from that bed,before sinking into the lavander sheets that smelled of flowers and vanilla.
Y/n by his side smiled at him.But Cregan didn’t,remaining impassive and jolting at every thunder.She closed the curtains around her bad,only the soft light of the candle on the nightstand remain.The 'lightning' factor had been solved.
«They're beautiful,aren’t they?»she said,tracing with her fingers the different fishes.
They were.Their shapes,colors,sizes were mesmerizing.
Cregan didn't know to answer again.Those bright,fishes seemed to moved quickly on all those pages in a continuous flow.They were simple,so damn simple,yet they had caught the his attention.
«Yes,they ar–»he tried to agree with her,but here's yet another thunder made him jump out of fear.
Y/n by his side watched him close his eyes and plug his ears with both hands.
She had to find a way to distract him from the sounds too.
«You see him?»she turned the page and pointed to a strange figure on the right corner.
A man with a tail of a fish.
Cregan turned to her,taking his hands off his ears and moving his eyes on what Y/n finger was pointing to.
«It’s a merman?»he sounded uncertain,the figure on the book looked like the blazon of house Manderly.
Y/n nodded her head confirming his question«They said that he loved another mermaid and when the pirates had captured her,driven by grief,he turned his body in marble creating White Harbor.»she explained him,showing him another picture of the place where now she was living.
Cregan looked confused,his eyebrows raising«Why would he do that?»
The girl next to him sighed,her shoulder touching his,the sweet perfume of her hair was tickling his nose.She was warm and soft and made his stomach twist and his hands sweat.
«I guess that he couldn’t live without her and preferred to die.»she simply answered«Years ago i used to cry when my mother read me this story.»she continued as she flipped the page.
In the dim light,he could see that her eyes were a little glassy and only now he remembered that just like him,she was still a child with fears like him and stories that made her cry in her mother arms.
«How about her?»Cregan eyes and hand went to point to a female picture.
A mermaid with a red tale and long wet red hair on her shoulders,sitting on a rock near the coast.Her beautiful expression seemed pained,her mouth opened as if she was saying something.In the distance seemed that a storm was coming,the waves crashing into the shore,dark clouds on the horizon.
Y/n smiled,stretching the book out to him so that he could take a better look«She was a princess that fell in love with a sailor.Her father,the King of the fourteen seas had forbidden their love.»she started to explain with a soft tone«They could see each other only on the beginning of the Long Summer,when her father was away in the ocean»she said.
Cregan yawned«And how did they knew when the Long Summer came?»he seemed genuinely interested now.
«The storm.»Y/n quickly answered«It was her way to let him know that she was waiting for him.She was calling him back to her.»in her expression he could find a hint of teasing.
He shuddered,the thing that scared him the most,for this children book,was just a mermaid calling for her lover.
«But how does he know?»he asked again and his voice was becoming softer,his eyes closing a bit,yet he stayed very curious about the story.
«Does he know what?»Y/n whispered.
«That it was her.»he continued.
«Because he had loved no else but her in his life.Only her could have called him back home.»she explained and he swore he could’ve seen her eyes shine bright.
«I hate her father.»Cregan mumbled.
He found it stupid,it was just a fairy tale to help people sleep,but if the mermaid father didn’t get in the way tonight he would’ve been scared.And that’s also must had been the reason why she wasn’t afraid of them.
Y/n giggles made him blush,as she shook a little onto him«But you know what’s the best part of it?For the rest of the summer there wouldn’t be any other storms,just the bright sun as the two of them could be together.»she whispered.
It was a way to say that after every thunderstorm that would’ve been the sun.Always.
«Wasn’t she scared of her father founding out that they were still together?»his voice was sleepy and his eyes heavy.
Y/n shook her head«Love is stronger than fear.»she stated«Don’t you find it beautiful?»she said then,a dreamy look in her eyes.
There was no answer.
Y/n turned to him,finding him with his eyes closed and his mouth half-open.His chest would rise and fall at a regular pace,while his slight breathing could be heard.She smiled at that sight as she stroked his hair.
Cregan had fallen asleep.Y/n was satisfied.Satisfied and happy.
She succeeded in her intent,help him and distract him from the thing that scared him the most.She wondered what Cregan would do at this time if Y/n hadn’t invited him?
He would probably still have been awake.Because the thunderstorm hadn't stopped,no,it had never stopped.The mermaid was still calling for her lover.
The flashes,however,had mixed in the images on the pages and the noise of thunder had been lost among the stories of Y/n mermaids.Cregan had been so busy observing those images drawn on the book and hating the King of the seas,that he completely forgot about the thunderstorm.
Y/n closed the book,placed it carefully on her nightstand and reached out to grab a thin sheet at the bottom of their feet and covered the young boy who slept well by her side.
«Good night,Cregan.Tomorrow there will be the sun,i promise you.»she whispered kissing his forehead and drifting to sleep too.
And for the first time,after so many years,he slept.After so many years,Cregan was sleeping peacefully with a thunderstorm.
On any day in the early summer,ten years later,Lady Y/n Stark of Winterfell was laying in the bed she shared with her Lord husband.
Wife and husband,that’s what her and Cregan had been for the past four years.But before pronouncing their vows in front of the Seven and their families,they had became the best of friends.
When did they start calling each other that way?When did they become friends?Could they find a precise moment when they had gone from being strangers to even best friends?Were they able to establish the exact moment when their bond changed?
No,they couldn’t.
Maybe it was the year after that fateful rainy night.Maybe it was the next month when Cregan had spent all of his moments and attention in Y/n presence,falling in love with her more and more.
Or maybe it had happened at the exact time their hands had touched,when Y/n had proposed to be together in that thunderstorm,to mark the point of change for their relationship.
They didn't know that though.Neither of them knew for sure.But they didn't even ask.They fell in love with each other before they got married and that was that mattered.There are bonds that are born before the interlocking of the hands and connections that are born before touching each other.It was just pretty to think that,all this time,there was some kind of invisible string that was tying them together.
Anyone who cared for Cregan had to understand that he needed a little looking after.Someone who could help him sleep,who reminded him that he was just human and that he could still a child sometimes.And Y/n understood that,she held him gently,far more gently that anyone ever did.She stayed up with him when he couldn’t sleep at night,she stood next to him to greet the arrival of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and supported him in his decision to fight for the Dragon Queen.
All because she loved him more than anything and because he loved her.To love and to be loved was to rest.
Yet,now that Cregan was away,on the Wall of the great north with the young prince,Y/n couldn’t seem to find sleep.It was raining heavily outside,the long summer had arrived earlier that year and a violent storm was what welcomed it.
The pale rays of the moon filtered through the clouds,the wind was blowing against the windows,the lights of the lightning shaped the dark room she was in.
Cregan had ruined her,she thought to herself,ever since they got married and started to share the bed she couldn’t sleep if he wasn’t next to her,holding her in his arms,kissing her lips softly and whispering how much he loved her.But she knew that,with the war at their doorstep,he was busy with the young prince Jacaerys who came two weeks ago in ask for the help of the North.
Her husband was a man of honor,the Lord of Winterfell that never forget his oaths.
When a particular loud thunder broke through the quietness of the castle,Y/n got up from her bed.Taking the candle on the nightstand,she started walking down the dark corridor to reach her children chambers.Her sons,Rickon and Brandon,only four and two years old,looked exactly like their father:true men of the north but with their mother eyes and kind smile.
Just like their father they were scared of storms,it took her hours to put them to bed that night since the first drop of rain had hit the ground.They both reminded her the first time that she had spent with Cregan during one of those,curling up on her as she read them one of her books to help them sleep.
But that night was different,after two weeks of writing letters and longing,Cregan was finally home.As she quietly opened the door,the candle that Y/n was holding in her hand almost fell,when she saw her husband sitting on a chair in between the two beds where their sons seemed to sleep so soundly and well.
He was still wearing his dark fire coat and his long were wet,the tip of his nose red from the cold,while in his hands he was holding a old fairy tale book that they both knew very well.As if he had heard her behind the door,he smiled,and his face was like the sun.
He had came back as soon as he had heard the first sounds of the thunders,like a sailor bewitched by the melody of a siren voice.His sons were the first ones to greet him,running barefoot down the hallways to reach comfort in their father strong arms.
Cregan had been there before,his heart clenched in his chest as he dried the tears off their eyes and saw the fear on their little faces.But he knew what he had to do,unlike his father,he would always be there for help his children no matter what.
«The mermaid had waited all winter for her lover return,her voice guided him through the storm.»his voice was quiet and soft like a warm blanket«With the first lights of the new sun,he came back to her.»in his hands the hold book.
His oldest son yawned«But wasn’t he afraid of the storm?»Rickon asked,holding his teddy bear closer to his chest.
«He was.»Cregan nodded«But you know what is stronger than fear?»he whispered,noticing his younger son fast asleep.
Rickon shook his head,his eyes fighting to urge to close«What?»he chirped.
«Love.»his father simply answered«The idea of coming back to his lover was stronger than the fear of the storm.»Cregan stood up,caressing his son head.
«One day i want to love someone this much.Just like you love mama.»Rickon murmured sleepy,with a little smile on his face.
«And you will.»he promised«One day you will have someone that will help you overcome your fears and that will always call you back home when you are wondering too far.»he kissed both of his sons forehead.
Cregan was still a little nervous about storms,but that night he was finally back home as sun on water.Y/n reached for him and skimmed her hands over the light of him.
«I missed you.»she whispered on his lips,kissing him sweetly.
Cregan was holding her in his arms,gently caressing her hair,his forehead on hers«I saw the storm and i knew.»he smiled,trailing his lips on her chin and cheeks.
Y/n shivered,not only because his icy fingers were rubbing up and down her back,but because only her could understand the meaning of those words.The intimacy of having something only them could share with each other.
«So you came back early because of the storm?»she giggled as his beard tickled her beautiful face.
He smiled even more,tightening his grip on her smaller body«I came back because of you.Only you could have called me back home.»he whispered placing a kiss on her lips.
The smell of her hair,the taste of her mouth,the feeling of her skin seemed to have gotten inside of him or in the air all around him.She had become a physical necessity,not only to ease his fear,but to have someone to come back to.
She placed her head on his chest,listening to his heartbeat beating alongside hers.They stood there for a moment more,embracing each other,in the dark corridor.
«Do you hear it?»Y/n softly asked suddenly.
«Hear what?»Cregan voice was low.
«The sound of the rain.»she explained,closing her eyes and relaxing against his touch.
For a while they just listened to the incessant ticking of the rain,while a thousand fish continued to swim on the pages of their book.
But suddenly a flash illuminated the corridor,followed by the due thunder.
Y/n jolted,expecting her husband to do the same.
Yet this was not the case«Aren't you afraid of thunderstorms anymore?»she teased him.
«How can I be afraid of thunderstorms when I'm by your side?»he said,caressing her cheek lovingly.
«Tomorrow there will be the sun.»she smiled against him,brighter than any light.
She was right,after the storm there was always the warm weather and Y/n was the golden sun at the horizon.That one thing that gave him hope for a brighter future,the only one that could bring him back home.Because his sleepless nights are better with her than any nights could ever be alone.
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thvkei · 8 months
can we have the hug thing for the first gen of black dragon plsss?<333333333
tokyo rev; how they hug !
including. shinichiro, wakasa, benkei, takeomi.
notes. my babies. thank u so much for giving me a reason to write for them😖
part one. jjk ver.
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‘ shinichiro is touchstarved. he doesn’t just hug—he holds. he cradles. he worships. each time his arms wrap around your waist and his head falls against your shoulder, new stars align in the sky. after every hard day, he’s inspired to pull you close, to touch you, to show you just how much he missed you. shinichiro hugs like it will be his last. ‘
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‘ wakasa’s touch is soft and lazy. his feelings are not. no amount of pawing at your hips, or pressing his weight against you could ever convey the want you instill in him. it’s raw. adoring. he just wants you to see that. to feel it. and he wants others to see and feel it too. ‘
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‘ benkei is well aware of his strength. in a relationship, not only will he use that strength to protect you at any cost, he’ll also use it shamelessly to show how much he fucking loves you. wether that be straight up throwing you over his shoulder, or lifting you up to kiss your lips, this man never hesitates. never. not when it comes to you. ‘
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‘ with takeomi, you’ll always be treated like the queen you are. he’ll make sure every need is met, especially physically. he’s always there to remind you how much he craves every part of you. dragging you in by the waist, locking his arm around you neck. you name it. just say the words. ‘
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© thvkei 2023 | likes and reblogs r alwys appreciated! ૮꒰ ྀི◜๑◝ ꒱ა
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opaquerainwaters · 4 months
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AU where Aegon III Targaryen married Barba Bolton instead
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sh1nch1r0 · 9 days
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Shinchiro x Reader
Part (2/2)
After u told him u were pregnant Shin immediately goes into Dad Mode,hes also very protective of you and watches every step that u do around the house….both of u can’t wait to meet ur baby
Tw:Child birth,Complications,Angst,Many Pregnancy and Medical Terms,Birth,Shinchiro beeing a Dad😭🥹
U heard Shins car pulling into the driveway of ur home as u were sitting on the couch reading a Parenting Book that he had bought a couple of weeks ago.It was so sweet watching him go into Dad Mode,he not only buys parenting books,he also read that if u hold up the Belly of a pregnant person that it reliefs their back cause Babys can get heavy.He did that ever time u cooked or bushed ur teeth cause then he could feel ur tense and exhausted body relaxing against his own.
4 Months have passed since u told him and ur belly grew bigger and heavier by the day,u also had less energy and swollen feet that hurt and cramped a lot so on some days u could barely get up from ur shared bed or the Couch.And unfortunately today was one of these Days.
The Door unlocked and u heard Shins voice in the Hall shouting ur Name and that he was home.He expected u to run into his arms but as u didn’t he was concerned,he finished putting of his shoes and getting into his comfy house slippers.He then rushed into the Living Room where u were.
“Hey Honey how was work?” u asked and sat up a bit straighter,only to be met with not only back pain but also a cramp in your leg which made u hiss in pain.
“Is everything alright?” he asks concerned and sits at the end of the couch.
“My feet are killing me and my back to…” u whine and u lay ur head down on the arm rest.Beeing Pregnant was not easy you knew that but being that exhausted and in pain all the time was blowing ur expectations.
“Can i help i any way Love” your Husband asks and leans forward to put a hand on your Belly.
“No but thanks,i did not make dinner today or i couldn’t make any cause i am trapped on this couch” Shin could hear the disappointment in ur Voice,he knew that u thought it was ur duty to clean and cook and do house work cause he was Working his ass of to pay the bills.Never in a million years would he expect anything from you he lived alone before and hey he was still living and thriving he knew how to handle a household on his own.
“Honey i will make us dinner,and please dont feel guilty for not doing anything cause u are already doing so much for me”he says and presses a kiss against ur forehead.
“What am i doing for your right now?” u ask him cause the only thing u did today or since u were on maternity leave was getting dressed,making breakfast when u could and sitting around till ur pain was better and that was never ur were always in pain the last two months.
“U are growing a Human from scratch that is what ur doing Love,u don’t need to do anything around here i will do it okay.U should rest and relax”he says with a serious look on his face.
“But i am your wife i should help my husband out,i mean u pay for everything”you say and look at him with a sad and disappointed expression.
“U are my Wife.Not my mum.My mom cooked for me washed my clothes and stuff okay.And u are my Wife u are the love of my life for gods sake u should not feel forced to do stuff like that i can do it myself,if u want to do these things fine but never do it cause u should as a Wife” this man will be the death of u he was so understanding and sweet all the time that you would marry him again any day.
U gave him a thankful look and he was off to change before he cooked both of u dinner.
U tought the Days were the worst part and that everything will be better at night u were so wrong.Not only did ur body hurt like shit ur Baby also kicked u every chance he or she got.It hurt but it was also a sign that there was a life growing inside of you but this life could also be a little bit gentle with the person that was living on the outside you tought.
And so u were awake at 3 in the Morning kicking the cover off of u cause u were too hot and the other moment to cold.And to not wake up Shin who had to get up earlier than he usually does cause Mikeys Racing Team needed new bikes and stuff u wandered off into the nursery.
It was painted in neutral colours cause u did not know the gender yet the crib was built and the Chainging table and a Rocking Chair.U smiled at the thought of Ur Husband brining home this Chair u had voiced to him that u wanted a rocking Chair in the Nursery to read Books to ur baby and he got u a beautiful one with a pattern that matches the colours.
In the next weeks both of u would find out the gender of the Baby both of u did bot care about the gender of the baby “at least our Baby is healthy and happy” Shin always said when u asked him if he wanted a Girl or a Boy.But u knew that Shinchiro wanted a Girl just like Draken and Emma.
Emma had told u that she thinks that its a Girl cause “girls steal away their mother beauty” .Which u could not believe cause Emma was Glowing her entire pregnancy and she gave birth to a Girl.But u lost ur glow the past few months which made u a bit self conscious and sad.But ur Sister in Law always reminded u that u were Beautiful and Perfect and that there was a Baby growing under ur heart and that ur Body was working overtime.She also said that the “Pregnancy Glow” faded away after the 4th Month and that some Women just not have it or they experience it at the end of their Journey.
“Just imagine Me ur Dad and you sitting here playing something with you or reading…” u whisper to ur belly and the baby kicked u as if it could understand you.
“I see you agree my little one..” u say and put a hand on your belly and u felt another kick.The kicks always reminded u of the Moment when ur Husband felt the first kick of ur child.
The Evening was hot and it started to rain when u and ur lover sat down at the couch he was sitting behind u and held ur belly gently.The feeling of his body against urs was a familiar one and one that made ur soul feel at home.
U both just sat there in peace the only sound was ur synchrone Breathing and the Rain from outside.But then u felt a sudden kick it was a light one but u felt it.
« Did u feel that too » he whispers from behind you.
« Yes our baby kicked me »u whisper back.
« Wow….nature is truly a miracle hmm » he humms and kisses ur hairline.
« Thank you Love » he whispers after a bit of silence.
« For what » u ask.
« For giving me the Chance to be a father and have a family,i am so grateful for you i love u »he says and pulls u closer against his chest.
This was one of the best moments in ur pregnancy so far,u smile to yourself and rub ur belly gently.
„Is the little one keeping u up?“ a deep and sleepy voice asked u and u turned around.
The darkness of ur home revealed ur lover who looked so done with life and sleepy.
„Yes she keeps kicking me“u say.
„She?…do you know something i dont know“he asks with his arms crossed.
„No but i think its a girl…..something in me says its a girl“u say and get closer to him.
„I mean i have nothing against that if its a boy i wouldn’t be disappointed the only thing that matters is that they are healthy“ he pulls u closer to him and kisses ur lips gently.
„Lets get u back to bed okay?“he says sleepily and u agree.
Back in bed the kicking started again and u were awake another time.
„Hey my little one in there“ Shin whisper to your belly as he notices ur discomfort.
„Ur mom out here is trying her best to grow you, could you please let her sleep“ he continues,and to ur surprise the kicking stops.U moth to him „it works keep going“ and so he does.
„So when u are older one day,Daddy will take u for a ride on his bike and ohh…one day u will have a bike of ur own i have a good one in mind but u can of course choose one yourself love.“a kiss was pressed against ur belly and with Shinchiros voice and the relief ur body experienced now u fell asleep quickly.
Those five months passed quickly,and things got better ur backpain was not that strong and ur feet were quiet normal.And to ur and Shins luck both of u found out that u are having a little baby girl.
As both of u found out Shin cried happy tears and u did too.And after that nothing could bring the smile from shins face his wife was having a little girl and he will be a girl dad soon.
Both of u decorated the Nursery in different shades of pink to make it look girly,and everything seemed perfect but that exact evening u noticed that ur Backpain was worsening and that u had several abodem pain……
It was normal ur midwife had told u ur Body was prepping for Birth and u had something called Braxton Hicks which were false contractions that prepped ur body for the extreme pain of labour.But as the days go by ur false contractions seemed to get worse.They came in 1 to 2 hours and they were so painful that u either need to grab on the nearest thing for support or sit down.
„Love,i know its just these false contractions but please lets go to the gynaecologist and let him check if everythings okay“ ur Husband suggested as u were holding onto him for support as u breathed trough a contraction.
„Okay but he will tell u the same thing as the midwife“u tought.
But ur doctor told u that u were indeed in real labour and that u had to be rushed to the hospital.
It was a shock for both of u cause the baby then would be one and a half weeks early which was not good cause the babys development was not fully completed before the 40th week of pregnancy.
The Sky was foggy and a Storm was building up outside of the Hospital windows.
U were placed in the maternity ward and the doctors did their best to delay the birth cause the risk of ur baby having complications or u having complications while birth were a bit too high to risk.
U felt like u were going insane in this room u hated hospitals,the smell and the vibe were uncomfortable to you.
But ur Room was a bit more colourful and it had a light that was not too bright and the light color was warmer but it still felt like a hospital.
U were placed on an IC with Tocolytics this medication could delay birth and it seemed to be working well.Cause ur abodem pain reduced a bit.And ur Baby girl she was still kicking u but u could not complain cause u were afraid if she did not she may be dead.It hurt but u at least had a sign that she was okay and alive.
And ur Husband he was glued to you he stayed at the hospital with you he was with u the whole two days u were now here,u begged him to go home to shower and get a bit of comfortable sleep but he refused.In the end both of u agreed that one night but only one night he will sleep at home but in that time Emma and Draken will stay with u for a bit so u agreed.
As she saw you Emma was in tears u looked stressed and tired ur hair was greasy and a mess and the Robe they gave u was very uncomfortable.
So she proposed the idea that she will wash ur hair and help you get dressed while Draken was bringing theier Child to Mikey and his Girlfriend.
And after a proper hairwash and after u changed into leggins and a Shirt from ur Husband u felt a bit more human and a bit more like yourself.
Emma tried to get u away from ur worries.
„Her Birthday was really nice but her amazing aunt was missing“she told u about ur Nieces Birthday,that u sadly missed cause u were already a day in the hospital and u could not leave.
„I am so sorry Emma“ u whisper.
„Heyy no need to be sorry we are talking about ur Babys and ur Life and Health here she will always be your niece and you will always be her aunt“she coos and lays her hand over yours.
„Shin visited us in the late afternoon,he told us about u and that he needed to go back to you before you wake up.“ she tells u.
„He really Loves u dear,i have never seen my half brother so happy“ her smile was soft and her hand was now holding yours.
„Emma i am scared shitless“ u confess and Emma gave u a small laugh.
„No need to be,u will get trough this and ur baby will too you know why?“ u chook ur head in response.
„Cause u are her mother and u are a strong woman“ she answeres you and u give her a exhausted smile.
And with that u drift of into a well needed slumber.
Ur Baby was not breathing as they handed her over to you.Her face was pale and her Body lacked any kind of heat,ur world crashed in that moment.U screamed out of pain,pain cause u lost the one thing u loved as much as ur Husband.It was all too much for ur body and everything around u went dark.
A Hand was placed on your Arm and two familiar eyes looked into yours.
„Are you okay Love“ ur Husband asks as u wake up from ur Nightmare.It was a Nightmare was it if not u would loose ur mind.
„Am i still pregnant,is she still alive….Shin tell me“ u say as u panicked.
„Hey…u had a bad dream yes,and u are still pregnant and our baby is doing well“ he assures you and he shifts from his Chair at ur bedside to the mattress u were laying on.He took ur hand in his and pressed a kiss to every finger of ur Hand.
„We will get trough this baby“he says in a calm tone.And leans against ur frame,u craved his presence so much right now u just wanted him closer to you to just hold you close and kiss u.But the IV made that Impossible.
„Shin please hold me“u say and u were close to tear,u shifted a bit to the right for him to lay beside you.And like that u drifted off into a peaceful slumber.While he was beside you.
The Birth was now only two days away from ur calculated day and the risk was lower that something happens to you and the baby so they got u off of the medication and now u needed to wait.Till u were ready to finally give birth.And as the Doctors finally confirmed that it was time u were a bit relieved that ur pregnancy will be over and also a bit sad.
The Birth was going without any complications and Shin was there every second he held ur hand and u almost broke it by squeezing it so hard,and even if u did he couldn’t care less.Shin knew that labour was painful and exhausting and he tought he could handle it well.But hearing u scream for ur life did things to his heart that almost broke it into pieces.But as u pushed a final Time and u heard a loud cry.Both of u we’re relieved she was here ur Baby Girl was finally here.U looked up at Shin and you could see the tears in his eyes.
Ur newborn was placed on your bare chest moments after,she was perfect she has black hair like Shin and beautiful eyes like you she was the perfect mix of both of u.
« I am so proud of u,i am so proud of u of both of u,had to go tough so much »Shin says in a quiet tone to not upset the newborn who was slowly drifting into sleep.He strokes over her head gently and kisses the top of urs.
« Shes perfect Shin » u say exhausted.
Both of u were glad to be home after such nerv wrecking Days.
And Shin was the best dad ever,he fed the baby when you couldn’t,he changed her diapers,rocked and read her to sleep and what u found the cutest were the talks he had with her before bed.
U were fresh out of the Shower when u got down and u saw ur husband standing in ur living room the front to ceiling windows open so the coolness of the rain could go into your too warm home.He stood there and rocked her too sleep.
“Daddy will always protect u,and ur daddy will always be there when u need him and so will ur mommy”he coos to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
“And when ur older u can play with ur Cousins,they are very exited too meet u next week”he continues to whisper to the sleeping newborn in his toned arms.
“U have a very loving Family and they all love u very much but ur Mom and i love u way more than them”and with that he notices u standing behind him.U get closer to him and lean ur head against his shoulder and look down at the Human both of u made out of love for each other.
“Thank you” he says quietly and u lean up to kiss him.The sound of the rain calmed all of u down which was all needed.Ur Future was bright with a Family like that and u could not wait for more moments like this to come.
Thank your for reading this fic.And i think my Browser now thinks i am pregnant 😀😭
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — aemond targaryen ×fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — aemond doesn't like to dance, but for you, his wife he makes an exception...sometimes and today he decided not to, which leaves you to do the only right thing; make him jealous
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — canon level violence, a bit of smut like p in v and a little foreplay, it's dirty against a fucking wall oh but it's also a bit public like everyone could walk by, also cockblock
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — second one for aemond my loves!!! I haven't had the idea to write for daemon yet so let's see what comes to my mind — or from you (remember to follow me before requesting)!!! follow, reblog and comment !! follow @sstanhoe-updates if you don't wanna miss anything!!!
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“Aren't you going to dance with me, my Prince?” you pouted at your husband who sat at the long table along with his brother, sister and mother, next to him your empty seat. Aegon was slouching his seat in the middle of the table with a cup of wine while Haelena danced around the room. Queen Alicent sat next to the empty chair that belonged to her daughter, leaving Aemond to Aegon’s right.
Aemond gave you a chuckle, “you know I do not like dancing,” he took a sip of his wine. You walked around the table, pulling your chair away and squeezed inside the space.
You laid your hand on his cheek, “not even for your lady wife?” once again pouting, with your hand still on his cheek you slowly sat down on his lap, your other hand finding a home around his neck.
“I love you very much my lady wife, however I have to leave you alone,” he sounded sorry, Aemond took your hand from his cheek kissing your knuckles.
It was nothing new that Aemond did not like to dance, but for you he often made an exception. You thought it would work with the puppy eyes, it did not, which meant you had to raise heavy artillery…jealousy.
“Fine, if my dear lord husband won’t dance with me, I will find someone else,” you huffed and lifted yourself from his lap.
He watched you leave, swaying your hips. It didn’t take long before a lord asked you for a dance which you accepted and gave Aemond a teasing smirk. Your husband was well aware of the game you played and despised the fact that it was working.
Lord Markentower had his hands on your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders, “I cannot understand why your lord husband won’t dance with you, you’re such a beautiful lady,” everything was fine until that slime opened his mouth. “Well lord Markentower, it does not matter how beautiful I am if he refuses to dance with me,” you kept your tone as polite as possible.
“Of course it does, if I had a beautiful wife just like you then I would never miss a chance to show her off,” he sounded arrogant and sure of himself that he would even get a wife to show off with this attitude.
“Are you saying that if I was ‘ugly’ then you would not have asked me for a dance?” you always hated when men downplayed a woman's beauty just because they didn’t fit their type.
“I wouldn’t have, you are correct. Who would want to dance with someone ugly?” he asked as he twirled you around. “Do well to remember lord Markentower that just because a woman does not fit your type means she is ugly.”
The voice of the young lord annoyed you to a point where you wished you would have never taken him up on that dance, but Aemond’s reaction would soon make it better.
Aemond was still sitting next to his brother watching your every move, he noticed by the way your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes squinted that the lord must have said something to anger you but you kept your cool, trying hard to make him jealous and the worst thing? It was working.
His eye caught the lord squeezing your waist a little harshly and how he pulled you closer. The action made Aemond stand up without hesitation.
Aegon watched him amused, he enjoyed watching how you knew which buttons to press with Aemond. It was different to him, Aegon knew which buttons to press to annoy his brother but yours were completely the opposite.
The young prince walked towards you with a glare directed at the man next to you.
“Excuse me, I would like to dance with my wife now,” he interrupted the two of you. Giving him a smirk you shook your head, “I am very sorry to decline your offer lord husband, you did not want to dance with me ten minutes prior and now that I have found someone you can not just steal me away,” you teased causing Aemond to roll his eye.
Lord Markentower gave Aemond a cocky smile, “the lady has spoken and I'm not quite finished with her,” you wanted to punch him in the face.
Aemond stayed calm at first and smiled at the Lord, a smile you knew meant no good. He put a hand on the lord's shoulder, pressing down, “if your life is dear to you I suggest you take your hands off my wife,” Aemond growled.
He let go of you with a fearful expression and scrambled to get away from Aemond who snaked his arm around your waist pushing you flush against his chest.
“I have this odd feeling that you like making me jealous…,” he teased and you rolled your eyes huffing, “me? Never."
Aemond shook his head and leaned down, “you have been a very bad girl…I think this calls for a punishment,” he whispered against the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to adorn your body.
Your husband smirked at your reaction and led you out in the hallway. His mother watched the two of you leave with a concerned look, she heard the whispers about you, what the Prince and his wife were doing in the middle of the hallways.
Once outside the hall, it was only for a matter of seconds before Aemond had you pushed against the nearest wall. Mouth pressed on yours, seducing you into a passionate kiss.
His hand bunched up your dress, and a surprising sound left his lips as he noticed something missing, “did we skip something this morning my love?”
Giggling, you bit his lip, “it must have slipped my mind,” you said innocently.
“Little minx,” he muttered, his hand stroking over your glistening folds, “already so wet for me, did my jealousy make you this wet?” Aemond's warm breath collided with your skin causing you to arch your back.
Aemond dipped his middle and pointer finger inside your cunt. A moan slipped from your lips as he caressed your sweet spot.
“You wanna let the whole castle know what we're doing?” his hand trailed up to your throat gently grasping it. “I wasn't the one who pushed you against a wall like a horny–,” Aemond's hand closed around your throat, cutting off the air for a second causing you to gasp.
“You little brat,” the Prince growled before he pulled you off the wall. The way he manhandled you only turned you on more, it would be described as sick by the ladies at court. His hand was still on your throat however his grip was gentler. “I wanted to be slow and help you ease into me but now I feel like you need to learn a serious lesson,” Aemond told you as his hand moved from your throat to the small of your back.
You were led to the hallway in which your shared room laid, this hallway was more secluded from the others and at this hour no one came by anyway.
His lips found yours again, they were pure addiction giving a feeling of ecstasy every time they touched you. They were as soft as pillows and you wished they would never leave you.
Your hands cradled his sharp jaw, Aemond desperately tried to open his pants as he was still kissing. He had to put all his concentration on his pants because as soon as your lips were sealed with his everything in his head was you.
Finally he got himself free and his angry leaking tip hit his clothed stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight, you wished you could suck him off but there was no time.
Aemond broke from your kiss, in need of air, his hands howled up your dress and he took your naked thighs lifting you up to line himself right with your entrance.
“Oh god!” You shouted, you would never be able to adjust to Aemonds length in such a short time – or ever.
“Quite or do you wanna get caught?” by the clenching of your cunt around his girth Aemond smirked, “so you do wanna get caught,” he pushed his hard member inside you again, without remorse.
Alicent Hightower couldn't shake the feeling that the whispers were true so shortly after his son and wife left she followed them. She rounded the corner and gasped loudly at what she found.
Her dutiful son had you pressed up against a wall with his cock deep inside you, you were moaning and whimpering. Alicent couldn't let this get out. “Aemond Targaryen! You let go of her right this instant. What were you thinking?” she shouted at her son.
Aemond froze just like you, turning his head he looked right into the eyes of his raging mother. He cleared his throat and let you down before turning around to tuck himself back in.
“I'm sorry your grace–,” “do not worry my dear, I will have a talk with Aemond about this and his behavior, he shouldn't have seduced you to this, go rest dear,” the former Queen said now in a softer tone. You nodded shamefully and turned around to leave but not before you looked at Aemond again.
You winked at him and gave a little smirk, it was not over yet.
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rohansdisciple · 8 months
𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔯 ☀︎ .
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summary : you and astarion sneak of into the forest for a night of fun .
warnings : romance / smut / nsfw . fem / afab reader . established relationship . nipple play . oral (fem reviving) . orgasm denial / edging . pet names used . erm tears / crying. aftercare / cuddles . and i think that’s it ! tell me if i missed something ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ !
word count : about 2.1 k *
reading time : about 10 minutes *
other : 16+ ** . i don’t have bg3 so i don’t play it however i think interpreted astarion character as well as i could so i’m proud of myself ! and this is set after the act 2 romance scene but inspired by the act 1 romance scene. may have some minor grammatical errors && the entire story is written in lower case and the punctuation has double spacing in between the words * .
a/n : i went through the 5 stages of grief while trying to get an idea for this fic…however i had fun writing it and studying astarion’s character in the process and growing to love astarion even more ! anyways, enjoy :> !
credits to @ rookthornesartistry on tumblr and @ angelwhispersunknown for the dividers !
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after a long day of adventuring , sitting by the fire and staring up at the stars is just what you need to relax , but when you feel a hand on your shoulder , you are jerked out of this state of serenity . " hello , sweetheart , you look lost in thought , " astarion says as he takes a seat beside you . when you hear and see astarion , you can't help but smile . " not necessarily ; i was captivated by the stars , they're lovely , " you say , gazing up at the stars . " it's a lovely night , isn't it ? the moon and the stars are beautiful , but not as beautiful as you , love , " he whispers while looking up at the sky , his hand finding its way to your thigh .
" a perfect night for two lovers to sneak off and have some fun , no ... ? " " it's been a while since we found some time for intimacy , after all ... " astarion says suggestively . you then quietly laugh and say , " your offer sounds enticing , my love , so I'll take you up on it . " " excellent , dear ! i actually put some thought into this , so I set something up in a secluded spot I happened to come across , " he says to you , sounding very proud of himself , as he stands up and brushes the dirt from his hands ; you do the same . " we'll set off when the others are asleep then , " you reply , looking into astarion's crimson eyes . he gently takes your hand in his and kisses it , " i can't wait , darling ... " he murmurs seductively.
once astarion knows the others are fast asleep , he comes to get you . " come , my sweet , let's venture into the forest , " astarion states as he extends his hand to you . " all right , my love , " you laugh . " i'm really looking forward to seeing what you've prepared for us , " you say to him , taking his hand in yours . astarion chuckles , and without a word , he whisks you away into the forest .
after a bit of walking , astarion leads you to a secluded and grassy spot in the woods that's far away from the others so they won't hear too much of the noise you two will be making . you noticed he had laid out a sheet on top of the grass ; he also seemed to have placed some purple flowers he found on the sheet as well . astarion looks at your face to see what your reaction is , he's quite nervous about it , and he says , " surprise , darling ! it's not much , but ... "
you then stopped him before he could finish his sentence . " it's cute and thoughtful ; thank you , astarion , " you comment , your eyes filled with affection for him . " i — uh — thank you , my love . i'm delighted that you like it , " astarion says to you , with a somewhat flustered expression . " i tried to make things a little more romantic — you know , to set the mood , " he adds as he lays down and motions for you to join him on the sheet . when you join Astarion , he softly pins your body beneath his and passionately kisses you .
" well , looks like someone's eager , " you tease once astarion breaks the kiss . " of course , i am ! it feels like it's been an eternity since we've had some alone time , darling , " he states with a playful pout while he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer . " i ... love you , y / n . " astarion mumbles , his words trailing off as he looks at the curves of your body . there's a lustful glow in his eyes as he draws you into another passionate kiss .
during the kiss , astarion touches your body , his hands slipping under your shirt , unclipping your bra , and then breaking the kiss . " you won't need this anymore , sweetheart , " he says as he removes your shirt and bra , tossing them aside . astarion lays you on your back and looks at you as if he's about to devour you . he then starts kissing your neck , moving his lips lower and lower till he reaches your breasts , leaving a path of little hickeys on your skin . astarion then begins to softly suck on your nipple , occasionally nibbling at it . "ah ... gods ... a - astarion ... " you moan as his tongue slides over your sensitive nipple , pinching and rolling the other between his fingers .
astarion loves seeing you squirm and moan because of his touch ; one can even say it feeds his ego and boosts his confidence when it comes to pleasing you . once he had enough of teasing your sensitive nipples , he pulled away and looked at you with a playful look in his eyes , knowing you didn't want him to stop . " c'mon , why'd you stop - " you whine as the cold breeze hits your saliva - slick nipples . your whines and pleas for him to continue fall on deaf ears . then astarion says , " i do love this sensitive body of yours , dear ; you always have the cutest reactions . " He chuckles . " maybe I can get some more reactions if I touch down here , too ... " he continues teasingly while tugging at the waistband of your pants . you can tell he's going to take his time with you simply by hearing him say that .
he slowly strips you of your last pieces of clothing , tossing your pants and soaked panties aside with your shirt and bra . astarion then opens your legs and gets in between them , and you swear you heard him snicker . " you're so wet , darling ... all this for me ... ? " he teases as he spreads your pussy lips with his fingers , thumb grazing your clit as he does . a quiet moan escapes your lips . " mmph ... astarion , please , " you moan . " please what , y / n ... ? " astarion asks you , touching your aching clit once again , earning another moan from you . you groan , knowing that if you don't beg — at least a little — he won't do what you want . " i - i want you to eat my pussy ... pretty please , astarion ... " you beg . luckily for you , astarion loved the way you begged for him to please you . " alright , i'll do it since you asked so nicely , my love ... " he says with a smirk , then placing his tongue on your clit . 
you feel astarion's tongue moving softly and slowly over your sensitive bundle of nerves . " g - gods ... that feels so good ... please don't stop ... " you moan as your hand moves and grips onto his white curls instinctively . the feeling of his tongue lapping at your clit faster drove you insane ; he always knew which spots to lick and suck on , to the point where you didn't even care how loud you were moaning or how lewd you sounded . you feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter ; you really want to cum — you want him to let you cum so so badly . " mmph ! astarion , please ! i - i'm gonna - " you moan out desperately .  
astarion stops lapping at your clit , not wanting you to cum just yet ; he wanted to deny you your orgasm for a little while longer . " ah , ah ... not until i say so , darling , " he says , voice dripping with lust . then an idea comes to him , and he adds , " i need you to hold it in for me until i've had enough ; you can do that for me , right , my love ? " he asks because he knows that if you're desperate enough to cum; you'll comply with whatever he asks of you . " y - yes ... i'll hold it ... i - i just wanna cum ... " you whimper out desperately .
after a few minutes of antagonizing waiting , astarion goes down on you again , except not letting his tongue touch where you want , simply to tease you for his pleasure . he would pull away just as you were about to cum , refusing to give you the orgasm he had repeatedly promised you if you just " held it in " . you've lost track of how many times he denied you your release ; you think it was his fifth — no , sixth — time doing so . " a - astarion , please , p - pretty , please . i want to cum ... " you beg him , practically on the verge of tears .
" shh , my love , it's alright . you can cum this time , okay ... " he says lovingly , wiping the tears streaming from your eyes . through your teary eyes , you watch astarion slowly rid himself of his clothing and tossing his clothes over to the side with yours . his cock looks painfully hard , leaking with pre - cum , and his tip a rosy red , even twitching a bit . astarion gets on top of you , and you wrap your arms around his neck before he moves and puts you on his lap; it's his favorite position since he enjoys seeing your face while fucking you senseless . " i'm going to put it in now , darling ... can I do that ... ? " he asks you in a hushed tone . " yes ... please , fuck me astarion ... " you whimper .
astarion then slides his cock into your sloppily - wet cunt pretty easily , and he lets out a low groan . " g - gods ... your pussy feels s - so good around my cock - , " he murmurs in your ear , trying his best not to thrust up into you . after a few short seconds , you start to become restless , beginning to move on his cock slowly . " l - look who's the desperate one now , y / n , " he says with a quiet moan escaping his lips as he grabs onto your waist , taking the lead and speeding up the pace a little . " ngh ... f-fuck s'good ... s - shut it and just go faster - " you manage to say through your moans . the faster he bounces you on his cock , the more uncontrollable your moans became , and the closer you felt to cumming .
astarion can feel that you're close to your orgasm from the way your walls are clenching around him . " g - gods ... y / n ... p - please cum for me ... you can do that for me , right - ? " he moans while he thrusts into you at an a rough pace , wanting to feel your warm walls clench around his cock some more . he starts to rub your clit with his thumb to get you there , and after a few rubs , you feel the knot in your stomach starting to unravel . you moan so loudly it is practically a scream , " mmph ! i - im cumming ! " your legs begin to shake violently , and you could hear astarion panting heavily in your ear . you can tell he's trying his best not to cum inside you .
" that's a good girl ... " he murmurs as he pulls out of you , a ring of white visible around the base of his cock . astarion flips you on your stomach and harshly squeezes your ass . " ass up , darling ... " he tells you while he caresses your waist . your legs feel weak and they're all shaky , but you do what he asked of you . " mmh ... yes , astarion ... " you say , sounding completely out of it . 
you can hear a husky groan escape astarion's throat as he puts his cock back inside you . " y - y / n ... ngh ! " he whimpers . astarion grabs your waist and pounds into you from behind as quickly as he can to reach his orgasm . he's not sure how much longer he can hold it in , and he doesn't want to stop fucking your warm and sloppy pussy ; you feel too good . but , on the other hand , he does want to cum . " f - fuck ! s'too much ! " you whimper , now in tears from overstimulation.
the sound of sex is the only thing that can be heard in the forest ; astarion's thrusts are becoming animalistic and rough . when he feels his orgasm approaching , he immediately pulls out of you . " mmph ! y/ n ... shit ! a - ah gods , i - i'm cumming ! " astarion moans loudly as he strokes his cock , cumming on your back and ass . you collapse on the crumpled sheet underneath you while astarion calms down from the rush of his high , breathing heavily .
once astarion calms down from the rush of his very intense orgasm , he wipes your back off with a handkerchief he brought with him . " you did so good , darling , " he says sweetly , pulling you close and now resting with you on the sheet . " i wasn't too rough with you or anything , right ? " astarion asks . " no , no , of course not ; it was perfect , astarion , " you softly say , kissing his cheek . " well then you took it well , as you always do, my love , " he says cheekily .
astarion then moves his body so that he is now lying on top of you , right over your heart . he then lets out a content sigh . " i love you , y / n ... " he murmurs , his attention focused on your heartbeat . " i love you more , astarion ..." you say affectionately as your fingers run through his hair , and astarion's eyes close , falling asleep almost instantly . when you hear astarion's soft snores , you laugh quietly ; he's the cutest thing when he's asleep . " sleep well , astarion ... " you say before falling asleep with him in your arms , the sounds of the tranquil forest calming you both as you rest .
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔡 ☀︎ ...
read the second part here 🧛🏻 !
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k9wa · 1 year
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𑣲 PALPITATE. ft hakkai shiba.
⠀ —when hakkai busting his bike leaves him stranded and vulnerable, both at the hands of public transportation and a girl who can't take a hint.
⠀ or
⠀ — two virgins who lack any social skills are forced to share the same bus route.
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⚠︎ fem!reader, no referring pronouns used, hakkai and you are so terribly fucking awkward, lot's of sillies.
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what was it about public transportation that was so god damn confusing? i mean, sure, the concept is simple, find the bus you wanna get on and you know, get on it. 
until you take into consideration all the factors in between which, for everyone's sake, i won't bore you with. save for two.
not only had you deemed public transportation your sworn nemesis, but now you were battling it in a city you’d never stepped foot in.
actually, there was someone in a similar situation to you, also (temporarily) struck by the punishment hammer that was being forced to bus everywhere while his motorcycle was in the shop. the day you met hakkai shiba was the first day you had to take the bus to your new part-time job across town. you approached him while he leaned lazily against a sign, displaying a small cartoon bus with a number inside it.
“um— excuse me?” hakkai felt his bones go stiff at the feminine voice that called to him. 
“sorry to bother you, i was just wondering, uh, is this the bus that go….” 
he didn’t get to hear where you were trying to go as his brain did its absolute best to tune you out. meanwhile, you waited patiently for a response.
…a response that the tall boy in front of you was really taking his time preparing. all while he kept perfectly still and facing forward.
“…um—excuse me…?” 
had he not heard you? 
was he just ignoring you? sure you understood not wanting to talk to someone, but a simple nod of his head would suffice, no?
“sorry— i just really need to know if this is the right stop to get on.”
hakkai didn’t move.
“um, i start at a new job in less than an hour? i can't really afford to get lost right now.” you chuckled uncomfortably, hoping to ease the tension.
nothing. it was as if you weren’t even there.
“blink once for yes??”
your hands drop to your sides, all you received was more nothing. his eyes didn’t even twitch.
“i’m—i’m just gonna try the stop down the road.”
hakkai couldn’t bring himself to watch from his peripherals as you walked away from one of the most awkward situations of your teenage life.
away, and to the wrong bus stop.
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the next time hakkai saw you was actually the very next day, after your first encounter with him. around the same time, as well.
turns out, you and he would be sharing a bus route until the youngest shiba’s bike was fixed and ready for riding again.
lucky you! 
you nearly threw yourself into the traffic beside you when the same guy from yesterday was back at the stop. the stop you learned the hard way was actually the right one. 
you trudged up beside him, leaving an awkward distance between you while he was sitting on the bench, and you opted for standing to the side of it.
“…sooo, turns out this was actually my stop, haha.”
you desperately tried to talk to him again, hoping to prove to yourself that he wasn’t really ignoring you as bad as you’d hoped the day before.
he didn’t answer.
“i um— got on the wrong bus yesterday. ended up all the way in roppongi? i think that’s what it was called, anyway.”
answer. say literally anything oh my god i’m begging you.
“pretty cool area, i'd never been before. silver lining, right?”
you turn to look at him, he’s pale as a ghost.
“youuu uh, ever been? to roppongi?”
….no response ever came. you clear your throat.
“awesome, cool, cool.”
this was gonna be a long week.
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back at the bus stop you stood, almost shoulder to shoulder with the same boy who you tried almost everything to pry a word out of the last two days.
tuesday night it dawned on you, what if he just…couldn’t hear you? maybe he had some kind of hearing impairment! it would be pretty shitty to assume he was just blatantly ignoring you if that was the case, so, wednesday afternoon you tried again.
“um, hey.”
you looked beside you to the stone face that was becoming unfortunately familiar. he didn’t answer.
so, like any sane person would do, you poked his arm.
hakkai audibly gulped, but continued to keep his eyes on the scenery in front of him.
“…hello? anyone home?” 
you poked him again. hakkai started to sweat rather profusely. it was a good thing he couldn’t see the way your brow furrowed at the physical cues that he indeed did know you were there.
“okay, what gives? are you just like– really not talkative or something?”
you’re a fool for waiting patiently for some kind of acknowledgement. hakkai was frozen in place.
“...seriously? nothing? not even telling me to shut up or– or leave you alone or something??”
you stomped your way in front of him, and finally reached a hand up to wave it in front of his face. 
“just one word! one word and i'll never speak to you again. swear it.”
hakkai, to everyone’s surprise, didn’t move, his eyes dead set straight. the waving and begging went on until your bus came to a screeching stop behind you.
maybe tomorrow.
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hakkai truly was beginning to mourn having an unlimited form of private transportation. not only did he hate the crowded seats of the bus, or quickly grow tired of the schedules ruining his chance to stay with his friends or gang members late that week, but hakkai had also convinced himself you were one more day away from just deciding to punch him square in the gut.
you absolutely were, by the way.
it’s not that he didn’t feel bad, but c'mon! anyone who knew him knew that yuzuha was the only girl he could talk to, it wasn’t anything against you personally.
it also didn't help that, you too, were completely socially inept. i mean, who keeps trying to make conversation with someone after finding out they’ve been actively ignoring them? anyone else would have just, y'know, moved along. 
you being pretty, like, really pretty wasn’t helping his case much either, but he couldn’t bring himself to think about that for longer than a millisecond before he turned red.
thursday, you didn’t show up for the bus. hakkai waited, watching the side of the sidewalk you would normally arrive from, but you never showed. 
which, in theory, should have been elating for him. it was a day where he could take a much needed breather, where he could comfortably arrive home without clammy hands or sweat beading down his neck.
it was…a little disappointing. not that hakkai necessarily enjoyed making a fool of himself (or shutting off all his senses to avoid that from happening,) but he couldn’t deny that your antics were… funny? to him? you were kind of an idiot, but in an endearing kind of way.
hakkai hoped to see you at the stop tomorrow.
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friday marked the end of the week, alongside the end of hakkai’s journey as someone who regularly relied on the public transport system. tomorrow morning, he would pick up his bike, and bring her back home where she belonged. balance would be restored.
you, however, were dreading leaving your home.
the day prior, you had the luxury of getting a ride to work from a friend, putting an ease to your mind and it’s swarm of thoughts regarding the very tall, very well sculpted, very pretty, very well kept–
the guy at the bus stop who wouldn’t pay any mind to your existence even if it meant his damn life was on the line.
he was an idiot, you were sure of it. not only was he stupid, he was rude! you ended up nearly stranded in another district because he couldn’t even spare you a nod of his head!
who cared that he was pretty? who cared that he had some of the best bone structure you’d ever seen in person, or that he was already standing at 183 cm at an age you assumed couldn’t be far from your own? he sucked!
…okay you cared. you had a thing for him. it was utterly humiliating. all you had done was run around poking (literally) and prodding at him for the last week, all because you didn’t know how to properly say “hey, i wanna talk to you!” or “hey, why are you ignoring me?”
that, and the curiosity of what could be causing him to pay such little attention to you was genuinely driving you up the wall. you digress. today, you would make it right.
you finally arrived, i shouldn't have to mention where by now, and were relieved to see the familiar blue buzz-cut. relieved alongside cursing god for making it so you actually had to speak to him again. you slowly took your spot to his left.
“...hey, um–”
you played with the strap of your bag.
“sorry if i’ve been on your nerves or anything this week, realised i was bein’ kinda overbearing.” you chuckled and looked up at him, not surprised at the lack of feedback.
“i just moved here? and everything has been going pretty south for me, but i didn't mean to take it out on you or anything.”
hakkai’s jaw was clenched, but staying true to himself, he didn’t answer.
“anyway, sorry again. hope the rest of your day goes alright.”
hakkai clenched his fists together, sucked in the deepest breath he thought he'd ever taken, and before the bus rounded the street corner, he spoke.
“..sh..ba…h..kai…” it was shaky, and it was spoken through his tightly clenched teeth, but he managed.
“...p–pardon?” you did your best to keep your eyes from widening and having your shock spread across your face, but it was a feeble attempt. hakkai turned his head in the opposite direction, away from you.
“..shiba…hakkai..” he mumbled again, but the second time was thankfully more clear. 
it quickly became your turn to stare straight ahead of you, unable to form some kind of answer in your head. you had been so damn talkative before, too.
the bus came to a rusty stop in front of the two of you. only then, were you able to mutter your name in response to him. one painful week later, you finally had an introduction.
maybe hakkai would keep taking the bus home even after picking up his bike. only sometimes, though. baby steps.
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sadlvrgrrl · 8 months
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a daemon targaryen love story
Every night, when the moon is full and bright, he dreams of the one he calls his light.
disclaimer: daemon is extremely ooc
𝘸𝘤: 723
𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Daemon Targaryen, the rogue prince of Westeros was far from pure. He was ruthless, stubborn, arrogant, and most of all, powerful. His blood was equivalent to a dragon, forged from the fiery pits of the seven hells. He was the deliverer of chaos and destruction, and no one was able to tame his savage inferno.
All until one; her.
She was the epitome of ethereal, a beauty so delicate, so pure in a way that she was too perfect for this world— too perfect for him. She was an angel forged of the purest light with hair as bright as the moon, skin as white as snow, and her eyes—
her eyes held magic.
Full of light, full of innocence, full of stars.
Starry eyes that had him hypnotized.
Starry eyes that made him stumble, but it was her smile that made him fall.
Starry eyes that had him vow to do anything in his power to keep their light kindle endlessly. 
She was a blessing from the gods. A wish upon a shooting star. If he could, he would tear the whole world apart just to rebuild it brick by brick to a standard he deemed worthy of her existence. Worthy of her light— worthy of his light; Celethiel.
Daemon follows the elen wisps through a sprawling forest, letting them guide his way with their light to their keeper. The tall trees towered over him, reaching into the heavens. Their branches weave together a dense canopy, shrouding the forest in shadow and only letting strings of moonlight spill through the gaps, filling the forest with a soft light.
As Daemon enters the clearing, his violet eyes instantly fall upon Celethiel sitting on a stone bench under a white willow tree. She was clad purely in white, and her hair was long and bright; like a moonlight river cascading down her back, casting a glow around her like a magical veil. The sight of her beauty was utterly spellbinding and mesmerizing, and Daemon was enchanted.
“Why do you linger in the shadows, my prince?” Said the enchantress. Her voice was silvery and melodious, like the sound of a fine harp.
“I only linger in the shadows not to hide from you, but to admire the beauty you emit, ñuha ōños.” said Daemon. “For you are a treasure of all treasures worth worshiping.”
A musical chuckle was the response; short and breathy. It filled Daemon with excitement, making him wanting more; more of her sweet melody of a harmonious mixture of grace and elegance.
While his eyes were fixed on her; hers was on the moon, gazing at it with a distant look of tranquility and longing. Daemon envied its fortune, for it had become the object of affections of the one he loved the most. Desiring nothing more than to be in the moon’s place so he can feel the touch of her eyes upon his own face. He walks up to Celethiel, and slowly kneels on the ground in front of her. Gently, he takes her hands in his. His warmth instantly melts the chillness of the night as their fingers interlace together.
“My love?” He said softly, his voice almost a whisper.
“The moon...it's light shines brighter than ever before,” She said. “Mother must be happy.”
“I believe it is you that shines brighter, my love.” He said, his voice filled with tenderness and love. But her eyes have yet to stray away from the moon.
Daemon sighed, feeling defeated by the hold the moon had over his light. He slowly brings her hands up to his cheeks, wanting to feel the softness of her touch. Then his lips met with her smooth and delicate skin, and it felt as if he was kissing the finest silks in all of Arda.
“Celethiel…please…please look at me,” he spoke timidly. “kostilus.” 
Daemon Targaryen, a man known for his arrogance, had willingly turned his pride into sand. A man known for his steel strength is now bent by his passion. Upon his knees, he begs his beloved for her love. His whole world is consumed by the one he desires most; his light.
Then suddenly, as time seemingly to stand still, her gaze has finally met his. And for the first time that night, he saw the stars that graced the night sky.
(𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅.)
a/n: a little story info, celethiel is a valar; daughter of manwë and varda. instead of varda being associated with the stars, she represents the moon. i really hope you guys enjoyed this, and I'm so sorry it's short. i just haven't been getting enough inspiration and motivation to develop a fixed plot. maybe one day i'll come back to add on to this story.
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haihaihaitani · 8 months
High School Makeout Session ~ *Wakasa Imaushi*
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Summary: You have a prank for Wakasa and you think it's a good one! However, he thinks you're going to splash him with water or put a spider in his hair or something... which is not going to happen at all!
Pairing: Wakasa Imaushi X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 876
Warning: sexual innuendos, a spider joke
Taglist: @soulangel
“Alright close your eyes and don’t move.”
Wakasa looked at you skeptically. “What are you playing at?”
You rolled your eyes. “Just trust me. It’s nothing bad!”
“That’s what you said last time and then you dumped a bucket of ice water on me.” He shot back. “I am not falling for this again.”
“C’mon Wakasa! Please? I promise I won’t trick you!” You made an X over your heart as you added, “I cross my heart and everything! Trust me just this once, please?”
With a growl, he closed his eyes tight. “I can’t believe I’m trusting you again. If you dump another bucket of ice water on me again, I will personally end you. And then I’ll have Shinichiro hide your body, or something. And if you did something worse, like, out a spider in my hair, I’d make Mikey hunt you for sport!”
“You’d really have your dumb friend hide my body, when we both know he could forget where he put it? Or you’d have his little obnoxious brother kill me when you can do it yourself? Yeah, that sounds like your greatest plan ever.” You rolled your eyes. While you knew he could kill you with one punch, you thought he was going a little overboard for one little prank. Besides, why would he drag Mikey into this? He had his own things to worry about.
“Yes, I would! What kind of maniac puts a spider in someone’s hair?” One of his eyes shot open. “Oh my God. You were actually going to put a spider in my hair…”
“I WAS NOT GOING TO PUT A SPIDER IN YOUR HAIR!” You hollered. “I had something much nicer in store for you, but now I’m not sure I want to give it to you anymore. You’re accusing me of doing horrible, heinous things and you’re threatening to kill me. I don’t know if I can trust you anymore. You might order a hit on me no matter what I do for you.”
He sighed dramatically before closing his eyes again. “Fine, just do it. Whatever you were going to do, get it over with already. Then we’ll see if I have to call Mikey-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you pressed a kiss to his lips. Wakasa responded immediately, deeping it for only a brief second before you pulled away. He was about to start whining again when you kissed his cheek. And then his other cheek and his forehead. You peppered him in kisses, making sure every inch of his face was kissed.
When you finished, you went back to his lips and let him kiss you just as deeply as he wanted to earlier. After all the kisses you gave him, he was quick to return the favor. Kissing your cheeks and nose, he went back to attacking your lips with his. You hummed against his lips as he pulled you close by wrapping his arms around your waist. You then gasped as he nipped at your bottom lip, which allowed his tongue into your mouth. Now the two of you were full on making out.
If you didn’t know any better you would have guessed he was thinking this was better than a spider in his hair.
As the two of you continued making out, you let your hands slip up his shirt. Shivering at your contact, Wakasa let his thumbs slip under the waistband of your pants and rub circles on your hips. You gasped again, making him smile into the kiss, which was becoming more and more sensual. If the two of you didn’t stop soon, you were going to take this high school makeout session one step further…
“EW! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” Shinichiro shouted, causing you to jump back so far, you fell off the couch you were sitting on.
“Ow.” You winced, rubbing your butt.
Shinichro just groaned. “Serves you right for sucking your boyfriend’s face in public.”
“A PUBLIC SPACE IN THE SHOP!” He shot back. 
Wakasa snickered. “Not really. It’s the back garage. Only employees and their booty calls get to see this part of the shop.”
You shot a furious glare at your boyfriend. “You did NOT just call me a booty call!”
“I- oh c’mon baby!” He whined, pulling you back on his lap. “You know you mean more to me than that.”
“I better.” You smirked and pecked his nose.
Shinichiro made a strangled sound before he said, “Now I have to go bleach my eyes. Be glad Mikey didn’t see that. He would have been traumatized!”
“He’s not a kid, Shin!” Wakasa shot back, hugging you tight.
Shinichiro just rolled his eyes before leaving the back garage. You glanced at your boyfriend before sighing and nuzzling closer to his chest. “I’m fine if we just stay like this forever. This is nice.”
“Well I’m not.” He muttered before throwing you over his shoulder. “We are going to restart that cheesy high school movie makeout session in my room, where no one is allowed in until I’m done with you.”
“Better make it worth my time, pretty boy. Especially since you called me a booty call.”
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Old g Black dragons pleasuring you, is it possible pretty please ? 😍
Ps : I'm a huge fan of your writing, and dead girls tell no tales IS the best Haitani brothers x reader out there, mwah mwah
𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔
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Synopsis: when your roommate, Wakasa learns you don't know how to pleasure yourself, him and his friends to the rescue!
Pairing : Fem!reader x Wakasa Imaushi, Shinichiro Sano, Takeomi Akashi, Keizo Arashi.
Warning : 18+ minors DNI. Smut, dirty talk, use of nicknames, pussy drunk! Black dragons, mention of virginity, consensual recording.
Note : thank you so much 😩 I hope you'll like it, I know it's been a while since I got this request in my inbox along with the Draken one, I just made my back to school and college is really tiring, but I'm trying 🖤
You were holding back your hissy fit with a slippery hand, the headphones on your ears weren't enough to cover the sounds of your roommate and his friends.
-" She told him to wait 'til she's back from the restroom, dude waited for hours and turns out she snuck out of the backdoor " seemed like that one's Takeomi's voice.
Their laughter made you grit your teeth, clench your pen tighter in your hand.
-" She had an emergency... " Shinichiro huffed, sinking deeper in the sofa where he was sitting next to Takeomi who recalled the Sano's last " date".
-" yeah, like the nineteen previous ones... "
Benkei. Couldn't they just move in their friend's room ? Why did they have to sit and watch the TV when they clearly saw you were studying on the living room's table ?
-" Should think 'bout paying a sex worker, instead 'f paying the weekly subscription for the porn mag' "
Last but not least, ladies and gentlemen Wakasa Imaushi, your roommate, god's test for your patience, and the main reason why you could ever fail your exams. It is okay to bring friends home, you yourself bring ones sometimes. What is not okay is him bringing his friends so many times that you knew those three like the back of your hand. You knew for fact what would follow will violate the poor guy's privacy.
-" You're full of shit, I don't have any porn magazine... "
-" Spare me. You forget to hide them everytime you're done jerking off. Everyday. "
Were you a psychic ? No, they just strangely hang out at yours and Wakasa's place very often.
The sound of you pushing back the chair brought their attention to you, you turned toward them and tilted your head.
-" Could you stop ? I'm tryna study. And by the way, his sexual life is none of your business. "
Your roommate's lips curled in a smirk upon gaining a reaction from you, Shinichiro's cheeks heated from being the center of the attention, and the two others looked at Wakasa.
-" Why ? Did what I said got to you ?"
Narrowing your eyes toward him, you glared at Wakasa but Takeomi answered before you had any chance to.
-" You takin' it too far dude..."
Takeomi was the wisest of the three, only fair that he stood up for you.
Well you thought that, but Wakasa scoffed, he knew Takeomi better, and knew his best way to get into a girl's pants was to playing it nice.
Unlike him, who believed fondly, and since day one that he could pull you by playing cat and mouse.
All of this, and still you were unaware of the fact that every man in that room could not keep their eyes for them everytime you walked in the room.
-" Yeah ? Was I too rude ?"
You could not ignore the mockery in his tone, Wakasa leaned on his elbows, void eyes on yours and the living room seemed to shrunk.
-" Did I offended you by implying you would give yourself some pleasure ? "
Your mouth fell agape and cheeks heated, though you refused to meet anyone's gaze you could see Shinichiro's eyes widened and Benkei holding a smile.
You could not believe he would say something like that, first you two never been beating around such topics and moreover, his damn friends were there... Your hands quickly reached for your books on the table.
-" I'm out of this conversation."
-" Ain't you adorable with that blush of yours ?"
Benkei. You shot him a death glare. What part of privacy they don't understand ?
-" I'm not blushing. "
-" Yeah you do. "
The snake, being none other than your roommate started serpentining toward you, your shoulders curled the slightest bit when he walked around your chair to stand behind you, putting his hands on top of it.
-" or maybe is it because... You've actually never done it ?"
Your silence, and the way you sunk deeper in your chair were enough of an answer for them, as almost all of their faces took a shocked expression, Wakasa leaned closer toward you, brushing his plump lips against your ear.
-" It's a personal choice, okay ? Now cut it out, that's embarrassing. "
Through your peripheral vision, you could see all of their eyes on you, concern showing through, and soon your attention was stolen by Wakasa's hot breath hitting your skin.
-" What a shame... " behind his voice was left a trail of goosebumps on your neck , faux sympathy so obvious it cut through his tone. You failed to notice Takeomi throwing his cigarette and making his way toward you from behind, because of Wakasa's voice echoing again.
-" Bet this cunt never came a single fucking time ".
-" is that true ?" Takeomi's voice startled you, you turned only to figure out they both were, the devils standing on your shoulders, a scene which could almost be comical. " Never creamed ? Don't ya know your roommate's the best at making girls feel good ? Didn't they told you 'bout how nice it is to cum ?"
His breath, heavy with smoke as intoxicating and addictive as his words, then switching to the lavender haze of Wakasa's eyes, a point where his gaze turned from unsustainable to intensely consuming, a point where you knew you'd let him intoxicate you.
-" Can I... "
Your breath hitched, because that damn Wakasa Imaushi brushed his lips against your cheek, closing his eyes and inhaling your perfume.
-" Can I see it ? Check your tight pussy real quick ?"
And when you opened your eyes, they fell on Shinichiro's ones, and the interest you read on them ignited a thousand wildfires in you. As much as you'd like to deny him, his words left footprints on your mind, one's you were dying to follow blindly. Your eyes turned to the one you trusted the most between them, your roommate, biting your lower lip and giving Wakasa the urge to bite it himself. You couldn't believe you were at a hairsbreadth of giving in, what volatile opium could possibly have you that intoxicated on their words to squeeze your thighs together at the simple thought ?
-" Yes. Yes you... You can". Words slipped out of your mouth, almost as if your body took control of its own desire, dropping all reason aside and fighting with swords of lust the rationalism.
Your approval fell as an order, almost instantly, you found yourself into his arms lifting you as if you weighted nothing, and Shinichiro cleared the couch just before your back got laid there gently.
They all gathered around Wakasa who found his way between your legs, sliding your pajama shorts and panties, uncovering every inch of your skin to their adoring eyes.
-" be my good girl and spread these legs for me, wontcha ?"
You threw your head back, following Wakasa's order and meeting eyes with Takeomi who was standing behind the couch. You began spreading your legs carefully, avoiding their gazes, and a grunt left Takeomi's lips all while his his calloused thumb came to caress your lips.
-" So obedient already... " He praised, sliding the tip of his finger inside your mouth.
-" Ya really should see, princess has the prettiest pussy I've seen " you could feel him grin against you, breath hitting your folds and making you squirm, you didn't noticed Benkei until his hand landed on your stomach.
-" Shhh, relax f'me. " He sat up next to you, hands starting to slide under your tank top. " Is this okay, pretty girl?"
You were none but a meer puppet on their strings, with so much demons around you luring you to their tempting sin, how could you even do anything but nod in approval?
Shinichiro gulped down while Benkei stripped you of your shirt, finding yourself thus all exposed to the boys. You had barely the time to feel self conscious, since Takeomi's thumb left your lips, only to be replaced by Wakasa's lollypop.
-" Keep it in for me, 'kay princess ? Got something sweeter down there".
He lowered himself again, this time licking a stripe upon your folds and letting your natural scent lure him closer to you.
-" Oh god !"
Your arousal coated his tongue and he tasted you on his buds, humming and taking a shaky breath out of you.
-" been hiding this sweet pussy from me ? How selfish... "
He ignored his own hard on, pushing his tongue deeper in you and causing you to fist the couch next to you. It was all too much, from Benkei's large hands groping your mounds, to Wakasa's ministrations beneath you.
-" So fucking soft " Arashi's lips grazed your ear, and you granted him with shivers upon your skin, Shinichiro who stood further away since the beginning started shyly making his way toward all of you.
-" and already so wet... " Your roommate's voice vibrations caressed you with the tenderest goosebumps. " Did thinking 'bout Shin jerking off got you so wet ? "
As heat rose to your cheeks, your gaze fell on Shinichiro who kneeled next to you on the ground, shy hand reaching for your thigh. His touch was as gentle as him, a meer butterfly on your skin along with his star-studded stare.
There wasn't any single inch of your skin their hands did not touched, and for those who they did not, their eyes set on fire. All of them drinking on your body and getting high on lust.
-" She's so pretty... " Shin's raw voice hit your skin right before his lips landed gently on your thigh, you arched your back, pushing deeper against Wakasa's tongue and Arashi's hand.
-" hm, better than I ever expected... " Right there, a wave of heat crashed against Wakasa's body, trading his usual jaded eyes against widening ones, noticing how your walls clenched around nothing. " Hm ? Turns you on to hear I touched my cock thinking 'bout your body baby ? What a dirty slut you are... "
-" Prettiest whore ever"
Amidst the blaze, it was hard to understand it was Arashi's statement, he mumbled, mouth around your nipples. Even your hands were a lot in the mix, mind too deep within the pleasure of tongues and hands to think about where you should rest them.
-" how pathetic, she's drooling everywhere" Takeomi pulled the lollipop out of your mouth, leaning closer to your mouth. Lost in pleasure, your glassy eyes rested on him. " How 'bout I keep this mouth busy, babydoll? Can I taste you?"
And you agreed, mindlessly giving the last remnants of you to the burning wind of them. Takeomi tasted like tobacco, something about his fleshy but soft lips was addictive, blowing hot and cold, sucking on your lips here and biting them then, like ocean waves pushing and pulling you.
-" this mouth feels so good " he breathed against your lips once he pulled away, and none of them, not even Wakasa who was under you could prey their eyes off of your face, teary eyes and whimpering lips. The latter inserted a finger inside you, pumping slowly, but then your hand flew to your mouth, covering the prequel of unborn sounds and he frowned.
Wakasa reached for your hand, and in a rather tight grip pinned it above your head.
-" hold back again, and I'mma fuck you, tied up. Got it ? "
Broken sobs were the only answer he got, fairly he seemed satisfied.
-" You scared the pretty, Waka " Benkei chuckled, hand discreetly pumping his length while the other was still squeezing your breasts. The cold amethyst rings of your roommate drifted slightly toward you.
-" 's that right ? Is my princess scared of daddy ?"
Contempt dripping from his tone, you ignored him and focused on the feeling of the second finger he added inside you. There was a knot forming in your lower belly, tightening every time he grazed your lips, thus making you unaware of the filthy things Takeomi was whispering in your ear.
-" can't stop thinking 'bout how these lips would feel 'round my cock, babydoll... "
Insidious indeed, the way their words slipped under your skin and poisoned your senses, how every one of their fantasies lured you into temptation. Wakasa's body betrayed him for the first time, making him buckle his hips against nothing at the feeling of your walls closing around his fingers tighter.
-" Damn, dude. She's clenchin' o'mme "
The green eyes of the one above you widened before he chuckled.
-" Oh yeah ? Wanna lemme fuck your throat baby ?"
-" Yes, jus'... Just do it " you closed your eyes and arched your back, feeling your high at the tip of your finger's reach. Hand grabbed the blonde locks of Wakasa who grunt at the tightness of your grip.
-" How 'bout... How 'bout I make you cum ?" The first time hearing Shinichiro's voice got you lifting your head abruptly, looking into his half-lidded dark eyes, then toward the visible stain in his tight pants. " Can I be the first to be inside you ?"
His dark hues laid a crimson sparkle over you, promises of passion snaking around your body until choking on your own desire. Next thing you knew, Wakasa reluctantly pulled out from you and was replaced by Shin, all while Takeomi's tip nudged against your lips, smearing the precum along. Curiously licking the arousal of the scarred man got their already hardened shafts throbbing from pleasure.
-" Uh, feels so good " Shin threw his head back, sinking inch by inch inside you. All thanks to your roommate and how good he prepped you, the pain was nearly unborn before the pleasure of being full replaced it all. " You so perfect, can't believe my fuckin' eyes ".
-" R-right ?" Takeomi stuttered, also sliding deeper in your mouth, you tried unconsciously relaxing your throat and taking as much of him as you could. " Babydoll's too damn good for only one cock "
The next seconds were a blurry chapter, stained by hands and mouths, stuffed with praises and sugar coated words. They gravitated toward you like planets around their sun, craving the heat. Or more like moths to a flame, running gladly to their fatal end.
A flame they however ignited themselves. And truth be told, they got you swimming in a bottle of emotion, with mind-blowing kisses and dulcet touches, you've never felt so loved, worshipped as a goddess and desired as the forbidden fruit.
-" yeah, just that way... " Takeomi praised, caressing your hair and wiping some tears from your eyes, with every thrust of Shinichiro's hips against you, your voice caressed his shaft deliciously and sent him higher.
-" 's way too tight, this pussy's a damn vice... Can't get enough " the Sano's eyes drank in every crumb of you, and sunk deeper within the lure. Never has he felt such a lust and he felt it devouring his guts, although the need of closing his eyes and focusing on his sensations was there, Shinichiro got mesmerized by you, just your sight like cigarette ashes dusting his mind, God was it hot.
Arashi didn't see it coming, until you gripped the pain in his guts. He nearly was sent to overdrive by your soft hand around his obviously bigger length, stroking it and taming his raging despair.
-" Shit- " he swore, thrusting in your hand that you tightened. " Can you feel what you doin' to me ?"
You could only nod, hollowing your cheeks to welcome more of Takeomi.
Like smoke of that blaze around, time flew by, then grandiose was the eruption. Takeomi was the first to let the thunder roar in his lower parts, pulling out just before painting your breasts white. Your meer sight milked him dry, swearing he'd never came that much.
Shin was soon to follow, flying you high with him and carrying you through the delicious loss of gravity. You clenched around him so hard while cumming that he thought he would easily come again.
-" Babe- Fuck relax, this too fucking good-"
Your cries were music to their ears, but Arashi, the strong and big Benkei was no more than a violon you played, making him hit the highest notes with your tender hands until he came with strangled moans, burying his head and bliss in your neck.
-" That was damn... Wow" he chuckled, thumb grazing your heating cheeks as you shyly closed your eyes.
In a hell of a room dripping with sin, an angel coated in desire and surrounded by devils. What they saw was art to the root, white ropes dressing your breasts, hair like sunshine sprayed around a beautiful wild gaze and swollen lips, you were spreading fetch, and were a holy evil seeping through each and every one of them.
-" Princess, eyes on me".
Turning your still unfocused gaze toward Wakasa, you've been swallowed in the epiphany, seeing the camcorder he was holding.
-" 's it okay if I keep this ? If I keep you in ?"
You loathed how the idea of him preciously keeping that record talked in such a tempting language to your heart. Biting your lower lip, you tilted your head to the side.
-" would you... Share it with other people ?"
Oh fuck, he had thought. A man as unmoved as a mountain found himself thrown and blown by a whisper from swollen rosey lips. The fragrance of your perfume, your teary eyes and dazzling beauty intoxicated him into the need of a kiss, leaning towards you, he captured your lips and grunt against your mouth at the blissful feeling.
-" look me in the fuckin' eyes, and dare saying I'd let anyone ever see how precious my princess looks " he gripped your chin, mindless of his friends watching and panting hard from their mind-blowing high. " Not after tasting you. Bitch you're addictive ".
A giggle erupted from your lips, sparkling your already pretty face to them and glowing under their eyes.
-" you can only keep it if you stop being so cheesey ".
Wakasa's gaze darkened, turning indigo under the living room's light. Takeomi who was just done unzipping his pants placed a kiss on your cheek, while Arashi found himself behind you.
- " He's not cheesey " tough hands which were not strangers to throwing fists and drawing blood gently cupped your hair, taking it into a ponytail before kissing your neck. " He's just pussy drunk ".
-" You've done so well for us" Shin was next to find your lips, letting his mouth linger a little longer on yours before pulling out, staring at you with star dust in his dark sky eyes.
You went for standing up, leaning on your elbows but a shocked gasp traversed the barrier of your lips when Wakasa's rough hand pushed you back on the couch, resting on your lower belly.
The purple haired man leaned closer toward you, jaded bored eyes building a whole new gut devouring feeling in your stomach. His gaze drifted toward your bare body, making his cock throb with pain before he focused back on your eyes.
-" Did I said I was done with ya ?"
Your eyes widened, painting an invisible smirk on his face.
-" What... ?"
-" Did I stutter ? " Getting closer to you, he buckled his hard on against your bare skin, grunting along with a gasp coming from you. " Ain't letting you go before I'm stretching this pretty pussy real good ".
He swallowed you whole with his deep hues, taking in the blush on your cheeks before he freed himself from his pants and underwear. And the minute those hit the ground, a new wildfire rose inside you.
The white leopard, in all its majesty standing raw in front of you. Pumping his cock twice before closing the distance between you two, his other hand flew to your forehead, pushing your hair away.
-" Daddy's gonna go down on ya until your fucking legs are sore. Have ya walk around the apartment with my cum dripping from your cunt".
I'M HIDING THAT WAS SO AWKWARD! I've never wrote a smut with more than one partner and I'm such A BITCH THAT I DIRECTLY JUMPED INTO WRITING A FIVESOME ? REALLY ?
Anyway... ANYWAY.
I hope it was fun to read, anon !
Next will be a Draken request ( finally ) then a Mikey request from one of my dearest moots, goodnight !
Network : @tokyo-ballroom @downtown-roponggi
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they see you in someone else's jacket (pt. 2)
decided to do a pt. 2 with the men that i KNOW prefer to call you baby and princess ♡ also had to add some of @miyaniacsfaves :)
tw // bimbo-ish reader in koko's?, use of the word daddy
if y'all aren't in to that simply skip over it :) I like a variety of yn's: normal, bimbo, badass, you name it! so don't be surprised if you see a range in my writing
mikey would say he's a pretty satisfied guy
he had japan's underground on lock, all the desserts he could ever ask for, and most importantly, you
he met you when you saved him from bleeding out in the streets right outside of the bakery you worked at, and he decided you were his from then on
he knew that everyone knowing about your relationship would put you in danger so he kept it under wraps for the most part, only mentioning it to the other executives
you were lowkey a bit insecure about this, and just being a regular civilian, you didn't really understand why he couldn't just tell everyone
"do you.. not want to be seen with me?" "no"
but he also failed to recognize how that came across because yes, he meant it but he didn't mean it the way that you were thinking
you silently left him alone and wandered out onto the streets lost in your thoughts, not even recognizing it was starting to rain until it started pouring
coincidentally, your male co-worker was walking on the same path and offered you his jacket
you gratefully took it and he was helping you put it on when mikey saw the two of you
now he's dealt with his dark impulses a few times in his life, but nothing compared to what he was feeling in that moment
he kept his usual impassive facade as he approached the both of you, seemingly ignoring the sound of the roaring blood in his ears and aggressive pounding in his head
he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, just tight enough to make you squirm
"who's this princess?"
but before you could respond your coworker interjected "oh is this your brother? nice to meet you!" he said with an outstretched hand
you could feel his grip tightening but your previous conversation ran through your head and you responded "this is just a friend"
he started gripping you even tighter causing you to tap on his arms to release you but he just responded by laying sloppy kisses on your neck causing you to let out a short gasp
"do I look like her brother?"
sweet koko loves treating you, only the best for his pretty girl! but he knew you weren't in it for the money
which is why he was only mildly surprised when he saw you walk into his office in, was that h&m?
now he might be a ~material boy~ but he understood the practicality of having "normal" clothes on a day to day basis but what he couldn't understand was why it looked so big
it occurred to him when you went to go sit on his lap and he caught a whiff of cheap cologne
he has literally never dropped you so quickly
all you could do was look up at him with tears in your eyes while sprawled on the floor
"did I do something wrong daddy?"
he HATED seeing you cry, it was his least favorite feeling and this was especially true when he was the reason
"sorry princess couldn't help it"
he put you back on his lap and let you lay your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent
"so princess, wanna tell me where you got the jacket? promise I won't get mad"
you squinted like it was hard for you to remember exactly how it got on you
"oh it was a nice man's! he saw me at the mall and called me pretty then gave me his jacket and a little piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it! :)"
koko prided himself on being the most level-headed of the executives in bonten, but that was still a low low bar and he was still an executive of the most powerful gang in japan
"you think you can show me the paper baby? just wanna give him his jacket back"
you slowly took off the jacket revealing a tight corset top and tiny tennis skirt that barely covered your ass
"'m bout to lose it" "what'd you say daddy?" "oh nothing princess, how about we look at gettin' you some new jackets, I think saint laurent just released a new collection that would make you even prettier" "really daddy?"
he loved when you got that sparkle in your eye because he knew it wasn't excitement about being able to use his money, it was because he knew that you knew it was his way of showing you his love
"yeah baby, gotta make up for lettin' you get cold and droppin' you. 'm sorry you know that right?"
most people assumed that he was only into you because of your looks, but he has never been more sincere in his life and it was all because of you
you brought such a warm light in his life, not overwhelming but enough to warm him and for the first time in his life, the warmth on his skin didn't scare him
wakasa preferred women who could fend for themselves, he barely had enough energy to fight for himself and most of the time he didn't need to
his hair was recognizable enough to where people knew not to mess with him
it didn't matter to him who knew of your relationship with him so it was pretty commonplace to see him in and outside the gym with you
he knew you could fend for yourself and loved that about you, but sometimes wished you were a little less stubborn and would accept his help
he'd offered you his jacket in the past but most of the time you took offense to it, thinking that he thought you were incapable of taking care of yourself so he stopped offering over time
you were sick one day and while he noticed you were shivering a bit, he figured you'd get angry if he offered his jacket so he kept it to himself
you secretly wanted to ask but your pride got in the way
you took a quick break and let him know you were gonna run to the convenience store
on the way to the convenience store, the dizziness starting kicking in and before you realized it, you were falling
you felt yourself fall into someone's arms and you thought it was your boyfriend's so you let him wrap his jacket around you but the unrecognizable scent broke you out of that train of thought
the fever made it impossible to break free of his grip
"hey pretty lady, seen you around here with that little boy. what'd you say about lettin' me take care of you? bet I could do it better than him"
on a normal day, you would've kicked his ass to the sun and back but the fever was really starting to get to you and all you could do was squirm
that was the scene wakasa stumbled into after deciding to chase after you because fuck your stubborn nature you were still his to take care of whether you liked it or not
he was, by nature, just not a flashy guy so he knew that people who didn't know of his reputation underestimated him and it never bothered him before now
before either of you knew what was happening, a flying kick was sent the creep's way and he snatched you from his arms
"now didn't baby tell you to leave her alone?"
right as the creep was about to retaliate, you mustered what strength you had left to rip the jacket off of your body and throw it in his face long enough to distract him as you landed three solid kicks on his torso, watching him crumple in pain
wakasa caught you in his arms right as you were about to fall
"wish you weren't so stubborn sometimes princess, but you know that's why I love you right?"
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Unexpected Delivery- Kabal x F!Reader
So I had an idea of a reader who gets unexpectedly pregnant by Kabal and potential interactions the reader might have with other kombatants as a result of them finding out they're pregnant.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, bodily functions, abortion thoughts.
Y/n is a kombatant, morally grey. Grew up in the south side of Chicago, living vagrantly and poor. Pick your own skills/abilities. Y/n is sometimes on the side of good, sometimes not. Y/n interacts with the Black Dragon faction every now and then for quick missions for quick pay, although she is not a dedicated member (merc; she doesn't like killing unnecessarily). Y/n and Kabal have been dating and getting busy for the past 10 months (and its poorly kept secret, everyone knows). Also (b/c this is my story, fight me) you are really close to Mileena. Y/n realizes Mileena is just misunderstood and just wants to be accepted and loved :) (this is relevant later).
"Fuck, fuck!" y/n paced in her bathroom what seemed like an eternity before shakily picking up the third and final pregnancy test off the side of their bathtub.
The two lines flipped Y/n's denial back on its head. Y/n was pregnant, and she had suspected so for a couple of weeks. Frequent urination, body aches, sore nips- all the alarms went off for Y/n, but those parallel pink lines struck like a ton of bricks. Was it worth telling Kabal? Should she just terminate? How far along was she? Y/n had to lean against the sink as these thoughts made her woozy.
Y/n unlocked her phone and began to type a long message to the speedster, but selected it all and deleted it. Y/n was lost in infinite possibilities. She would have to stop doing runs for the Black Dragon. What about Kabal? Y/n did not want their child to be exposed to any of the criminal syndicate, especially...Kano.
The words though, their child rung in Y/n's head, immediately spurring a flurry of butterflies in her stomach. She imagined Kabal with a goofy grin, speeding around with their child. She knew from the few times he's spoke on it, he values family and wants a big family of his own. She imagined their little family watching nerdy movies like Star Wars or Ninja Mime...
Y/n swattted at the air as to physically dismiss her thoughts. She had a mission today and that came first. She decided if she was going to tell Kabal, it would be after she completed this mission.
Y/n had to pick up some packages for the Black Dragon. Minus an excessive amount of stealth, this should have been a straight-forward and easy mission. All Y/n had to do was bust open the back of the truck and steal the two smallest boxes. Y/n drew a ragged breath before engaging. Looking through the poorly lit truck, she found the two smallest boxes surrounded by piles of larger boxes keeping those two in place. What are in the boxes? Who knows, Y/n does not ask, as she likes to keep some emotional investment apart from her despicable position. She does this for money, not for shits and giggles.
Reminiscing on her days homeless on the streets of Chicago, Y/n quickly moved the larger boxes before snatching the two and taking off. Despite her speedy pace, Y/n was not as fast as she normally would be, knowing damn well why. This cost her, however, as gunfire began to ring out. Y/n dashed off as fast as she could, but took a bullet near her lower abdomen. Y/n screeched in pain, but also fear- what about her baby?
Y/n gritted her teeth and kept running as fast she could, bleeding out in the process. Y/n reached the Black Dragon compound after 10 minutes of running. As she pushed the doors open, she drew a ragged breath, and the floor began to speed towards her. Everything went black.
Y/n groaned and winced, perceiving the bright lights of the infirmary through her eyelids. Realization hit Y/n like a ton of bricks, however, and she sat quickly and violently upright. Y/n let out a grunt before taking in her surroundings. As she quickly surveyed the room, her eyes met with a mask all too familiar. In a millisecond he was at her bedside, speaking 100 miles per hour. All Y/n could make out is "what the fuck happened?" "I'll never let you go on a mission alone again." "Those fuckers are going to pay..." Y/n drowned out Kabal's stammering once she saw a medic.
Staring at y/n, y/n asked the head medic, in merely a whimper, "how is my baby?" Dumbfounded, but lightly amused, Kabal said "I'm fine but what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Y/n would have laughed had not the situation been dire.
"The bullet just barely missed the babies. We ran some tests, from we can tell, the babies are healthy for three months." Holy shit, three months? BABIES? PLURAL?
Although he had a mask on, you knew Kabal was blank. For what felt like years, he did not say a word. Then, merely a pained whisper, Kabal asked, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I planned to tell you right after my mission. I legitimately found out this morning. I was still processing it myself."
Kabal sat quietly, before walking away. "Kabal, wai-," he was already gone. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. Was he just going to throw everything away? Just leave just like that? All the crying and the morphine began to takeover, and Y/n began to unwillingly drift off.
When she awoke, she was at her apartment, in her bed. Pacing in the living room, was the speedster. As rare as it could be, he was unmasked and in a plain white tee and black sweatpants. Besides intimate moments, Y/n did not see this casual side often. Kabal was known to be ashamed of his disfigurement. To Y/n, however, the burns meant nothing at all. You loved that man with every fiber of your being.
Kabal heard the sheets slightly ruffle and looked to see Y/n awake and dashed over. Staring down for a moment, is soft brown eyes met yours, vulnerability painted over them. "The doctor said its twins, said we'd know the gender in two more months." Kabal saying "we" was a relief, calming your heart rate and the warmth running up your throat. Y/n swallowed back the potential nervous vomit before stating, "I thought you were going to leave me."
Kabal flinched slightly, as though you'd physically punched him. "Why would I ever do that? Y/n...although sooner than expected, this is always wanted. A peaceful life, loving kids, loving wife..if you are offering me that, I would never pass it up."
Y/n was about to reply before you stopped. Wife? You involuntarily smiled and blushed at the idea before verbalizing that exact question, "Wife?"
Kabal smiled before getting up and speeding around to your side of the bed, digging in his pocket.
"I know I am bottom-feeder, a nobody." His brows furrowed for a moment, but then his face softened. "But you make me feel like I am somebody, Y/n. I forget the monster I see in the mirror every morning. You love me like no one has ever loved me, Y/n. There is nothing I want more to spend the rest of my life with you and this family we're making. Will you marry me, Y/n?" The beautiful black and diamond ring sparkled brightly.
Of course you said yes.
Kano: "Don't think just cause Kabal knocked ya up I am givin either of ya a break."
Y/N: "Wouldn't expect anything less, cue ball."
Kano: "Just for that, I am goin to make sure ya suffer."
Kano: "I gotta ask, is Kabal too fast in bed?"
Y/n: "Drop it."
Kano: "Ill take that as a yes."
Kano: "Don't think I am giving you paternity leave."
Kabal: "I'm taking permanent leave."
Kano: "In a body bag. Shame ya kids will be without a daddy."
Sindel: "So you let that bottom-feeder weaken you with a child."
Y/n: "Here I was, going to ask you for any pregnancy tips."
Sindel (disheartened): "Edenian pregnancies are different than Earthrealmers but, make the speedster give you backrubs."
Y/n: "Noted."
Y/n: "I gotta ask, any pregnancy tips?"
Sonya (face softens): "You're not going to like it but, low-strain exercise will actually help."
Y/n: "You're right, I didn't like that."
Sonya: "You better treat Y/n like a damn princess."
Kabal: "Yes, madam bootlicker." *sarcastically salutes*
Sonya: *sigh* "I tried, Y/n."
Sonya: "I don't know what Y/n sees in you."
Kabal: "At least Y/n didn't bang Johnny."
Sonya: "Now ya done it."
Cassie Cage: "Please tell me you're having a gender reveal party."
Y/n: "Maybe...."
Cassie Cage: "PLEASE let me plan it. Please."
Kabal: *regretfully* "Any advice on being a father?"
Johnny Cage: "Oh my god so first....When I first...you gotta be prepared for...'"*endless rambling*
Kabal: "I shouldn't have asked."
Johnny Cage: "So, finally settling down, eh?"
Kabal: "Choose your words carefully, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "Congrats."
Kabal: "That was surprisingly..genuine."
Kabal: "I am not going to make my kids watch your trash movies, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "C'mon, they're fun for the whole family!"
Kabal: "I don't want to fry their brains that early."
Y/n: "Look, I can pick anyone for Godmother, you can pick anyone for Godfather."
Kabal: "Deal. No quips about who I pick though."
Y/n: "Same goes for me."
Mileena: "Dearest Y/n."
Y/n: "I have to ask you something." *explains what a Godmother is* "Would you like to be the Godmother of my twins?"
Mileena: *tearfully runs and hugs you, no fight ensues, match ends in immediate friendship*
Kabal: "MILEENA? Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Like Erron is any better?"
Kabal: "She will eat them!"
Y/n: "You said no quips."
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bloodka · 2 years
You go to get a tattoo and things escalate with Wakasa. 
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wakasa x fem!reader
warning: smut. 
a/n: hope y'all enjoy
spoiler lowkey! : they don't fuck at the tattoo studio, i will do a continuation to this in which they do :D
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“Your body is a temple. A pristine temple you must maintain clean”
You were now an adult. Your last year of college and about to graduate. You could almost even feel the thick paper in which your degree would be printed for you to put in your wall. But even though you were an adult, your mother’s rules would still remain floating around in your head. No eating in the bedrooms and all of that ridiculous stuff was still imprinted in your brain. 
You'd always liked tattoos, as in your perception, the body was nothing more than an empty canvas waiting for it to be decorated with art, but it was not until those last months that you actually started thinking about getting one. At first your idea was a small thing in a hidden place, something not easily visible so you could be able to hide it at the spot, but as u thought more of it, you actually got mad at yourself for being scared of a big tattoo. It was your body after all. When you finally decided that this tattoo, your first one ever, would be consuming a good area off your body, you realized that you did not have a clear picture of what you wanted engraved in your skin.
“Good morning, I’m here for my appointment” You said at the counter. 
“Of course” A girl with white hair and blue eyes received you in the reception “What is your name?”
“Y/N” You said clearly, with a smile.
“Amazing, you're in time” The girl said still looking in her computer. She instructed you to wash your hands and sign the consent forms “Uhh, Waka said to cancel all of his appointments today, damn how did I manage to forget that?”
“Is there a problem?” Concerned you ask, as you had been waiting for that day a long time.
“Is just... my fault. Don't worry I'll be responsible for it” She said sighing as she picked her phone and called a number “Hey Waka”
“What?” Immediately the other person answered with fury “What you want Senju?”
“Uhm so... I forgot to cancel your 6 pm appointment and the client is here” The girl said nervously “Please just take it... I’ll make it up to you, I swear”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Almost yelling he said “No”
“Waka it’s a client, you can’t just say you don't want to work because you mad” Standing up for herself the girl said “You better get your ass up that chair and come yourself to tell her that, you lose the client, bitch”
Even though the conversation was funny, you contained your laugh, as you effectively had been waiting to get your tattoo done for a good time. You waited impatiently to see the face of the ridiculous man that decided to decline a client because he was angry. Not a complete minute went by when you both heard a door being opened violently. 
“I said I don't want to fucking work right now” He stated clearly. He looked at Senju furious but then realized you were there as well. He looked at you discretely, batting his eyelashes as he blinked slowly, analyzing your appearance with softness “What is it that you want?”
“This” Unlocking your phone and opening your photos app you approached him. Instantly your nose picked his fragrance that emanated an intriguing and dominating aura. He took your phone and looked at the picture for a second. 
“It’s fucking beautiful” He said thinking for a second “How big you want it?”
“Upper right 1/4 of my back” With hope in your eyer you told him. 
“Hmm, that'd take about 2 or 2 and a half hours. Ideally I’d like to do it in one sitting because the details are complex and small and. You good with that?” 
“Yeah, I expected it to be longer actually so that's good” Already excited you expressed.
“Wakasa Imaushi, at your service” His hand extended to your direction and gave you a firm handshake “Follow me please, miss”
“Ain't no way, Wakasa a fucking simp” You heard the girl at the counter laugh with another of the tattoo artists that came out of nowhere to see the show.
“I don't like anyone bothering me while I work so I have my own fucking office here. Isn't it impressive?” Wakasa said charmingly.
“You must be really good at what you do for them to put up with you, pretty boy” Joking with a light mood you said and he immediately looked at you with a fatal expression.
“I’m the best of the best, ever” He made sure he was spitting the words for you to mark his words. 
He opened the door and let you in. You sat in the small sofa the room had and he moved his chair close to you and sat down.
“Before we start, I need you to remove your shirt and bra. Is that good?” He said sliding across the room and searching for something “You can cover with this if you want. And if you really don't feel comfortable with it I can call Senju and she will do it” 
“I have no problem with it, thanks though” You said receiving the small blanket “Why would you think I’d chicken out?”
“This your first tattoo, princess” He said. 
“And how do you know that?” You replied back intrigued at his playful vibrato.
“Your body is pristine clean” He said and you stayed silent “And of course, before accepting or denying a work I read the information we ask for so I can know what I’m working with”
“Makes sense” You said. 
“Get yourself comfortable in the chair, I’m going to prepare the stencil” He said moving across the room with experience. His confidence at what he was doing made him hot, hot as hell. “You can see how it would look. If you would like to try another placement you tell me, ok?”
Facing the opposite way of Wakasa, you sat down in the leather chair and took your shirt off. You doubted for a second before taking your bra off but finally did it after some thinking. The blanket you were holding immediately covered your chest and you laid down on your chest. 
Wakasa did not wait for coming and placing the stencil on your back, on the area you had told him before. With extreme precision he removed the white paper, leaving the blue ink in your skin. 
“Take this” He handed you a small hand mirror “There is a mirror on the ceiling, you can check it out” 
As he said that the first thing that came to your mind was a dirty thought, but you brushed it off pretty quickly, attending his instructions and looking at the stencil with the technique he had show you.
“Is it good? If you need time to think about it or you want to stand up and look in the mirror you can go ahead” He said. The way his careful words escaped his lips, being so precise with his work, made him so attractive to your eyes. 
“It is good yes” You reassured him and he left a soft gutural affirmation. 
“I’m going to start then” He sat down in the chair and got all his tools. “You are free to listen to music, watch a video or whatever. If you want to rest, stretch, go to the bathroom, whatever, you tell me. And please, stay still. Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes Wakasa” You said unconsciously with your mind wandering around situations that would never come up.
As soon as you felt the needle pierce through your skin you couldn't help yourself and you let a soft groan of pain that mixed immediately with your adrenaline for finally getting the tattoo you wanted so bad. “It’s ok” You heard Wakasa saying. As time went by, the pain decreased and you actually relaxed in the chair. By the time the first hour passed, you started feeling sleepy and took a nap from which you woke up 30 minutes later. 
“Mind if I take a break?” Wakasa asked sighing and stretching his arms slightly. You took some time to answer him but said yes without a doubt. He then stood up his chair and walked around a little, checked his phone and sat back down in the chair still with his phone in his hands.
<I’m just so fucking stressed rn, u don't understand> 
You were able to discretely see his phone from the position you were in. 
<I was about to murder Senju, if the client wasn't a literary fucking angel I would've snapped bro>
His contact saved as ‘Shinichiro’ replied to him with a skull emoji.
<I really need to get railed Shin, I’m about to have a heart attack man, this stress is consuming the fuck outta me>
The other person texted him something you weren’t able to see but Wakasa replied instantly without a fail.
<I have this chick totally topless in the chair you fucking bastard, how u think she finna react if I go up to her and flirt with her, stupid mf, I ain't trying to be a creep here Shin>
You had to contain a giggle growing in you at his comment. He has really respectful and professional after all.
<Out of the case bitch, yea she might be hot as fuck and I might want to fuck her but no, bro we gotta respect clients, I don't wanna end up like u, u desperate mf>
Wakasa left his phone in the table and took back the tattoo machine. 
“Are we ready to start again?” He asked and you nodded immediately “Good. You are doing very good for your first time... I mean... for your first tattoo”
Hearing him stumble his words caused you to shiver slightly. Wakasa started back again, and now that you and your hormones were fully awake you couldn't help but observe with detail his expression as he drew permanently on your skin, the furred eyebrows and concentrated sight on you, his firm hands tracing over your skin and the seriousness he held while tattooing your back was impressive, and arousing. 
“Ok, we are done here” As he put the machine down and stretched, you couldn't help but also move. He immediately stoped you with a firm but soft touch to stop you from moving “Give me a second to put the wrap around though” 
As he came back with the thin layer of transparent paper and petroleum jelly, you stayed still. He applied the vaseline in your skin and placed the bandage in your back.
“We are all set” He finished taking his black latex gloves off “Take the wrapping of in 24 hours and wash the skin with antimicrobial soap and cold water. Wash the area twice a day and dry it gently before applying vaseline again” He continued giving you instructions for the aftercare, when he finished, he gave you your clothes “Only put on the shirt, the bra is going to be annoying” 
You followed his suggestion and when you finished you sat in the chair facing him.
“Wakasa” You called.
 “Yes?” He answered immediately as he washed his hands. 
“Thanks for doing it” You said standing up and walking to him. He simply looked at you without saying anything and nodded, knowing that you were taking about him accepting doing it even though he told Senju to cancel his appointments. “Pretty privilege, I would say” He joked slightly. 
The slight nervousness growing inside of you consumed you slowly. You were sure he wanted you and you wanted him as well, but you didn't know exactly how to approach the situation. “Maybe I can help you relieve some stress” You said and went for a kiss without thinking it twice. Wakasa did not expect that at all but after assimilating what was happening he reciprocated the kiss and pulled you close to him by placing his cold hands in your waist. Your hands went to his neck instantly and held onto the stray strands of his hair that was perfectly tied in a ponytail. His lips tasted yours with delicacy as he squeezed your waist under his hands. It was a slow and passionate kiss in which you both caught each other’s lips between yours and licked softly each other. When Wakasa bit your lip you unconsciously opened your mouth and he didn't wait to stick his tongue inside and lick your tongue with lust, tilting his head the opposite way of yours and pulling you as close as he could, making the kiss deeper and deeper with each sinful lick he gave to your tongue.
“Mhm–” Wakasa mumbled in your lips before pulling away his head so he could breathe. He did not want to talk very much, you could not decipher if he was just quite or really desperate to fuck you, but either way he went back to your lips eagerly and started kissing you with a fast pace and uncontrollable desire that exhaled from his minty breath as he slowly travelled his hands from your waist to your ribs and later to your tits, which he squeezed delicately as if he had the experience to know the exact amount of pressure to apply. 
Wakasa moved you both walking slowly without leaving your tasty lips and got you sitting again in the chair. The smell of his cologne invaded your nose suddenly as he knelt partially on the chair (placing his knee in between your legs) and placed his neck in your face.
“I’d like you to give me a hickey, y/n” He stated clearly, with his seductive voice claiming for you, so following his instructions, you placed your hands at his velvety neck and got closer to his skin, licking it and then sucking on a small area that was close to his collarbone “I don't know if you understood what I asked you for, so Imma be more specific princess, I want you to mark my neck as yours”.
“You sure?” Doubtful you asked back and he nodded. 
“I’m yours tonight” Without any jittery Wakasa said and you went straight for his neck, losing control over yourself and biting and sucking on him as if the world would end. “Wanna go to my place?” He asked calmly “It’s good if not”
“Let’s go”
Leaving the studio while Wakasa held your hand left some of the people in there watching you both closely, they probably watched as well because he was unapologetically hard and had the entire left side of his neck covered in marks from your mouth. He did not bother to say goodbye or anything, walking with you up to the parking space besides the studio. 
His motorcycle roared as he started the engine, having you sitting behind him, holding his waist as he accelerated through the night streets. You both arrived at the destination after a ride of 10 minutes or so. Wakasa parked his bike and you entered the building. 
The elevator was empty and Wakasa did not let the opportunity of making out with you again, cornering you in the metallic walls and kissing you vividly while holding your ass to press your body towards his, making you feel his cock in your stomach as he devoured your lips. 
When the elevator announced it was the correct floor, Wakasa took your hand and hurried across the hallway to get to his door, which he opened for you both. Once inside, he did not wait to get you to his room, he pushed you softly to the closed door and kissed you again, now taking your shirt off and leaving you half naked. 
Between kisses, you ended up sitting in his lap as he sat in the couch. “Please me princess, please” He begged holding your hips as he moved them back and forth on top of his cock “I need you so bad right now” As he continued to control the movement of your hips over him, you took his turtleneck off, for your eyes to meet his tattoos all over his body, starting from his pecs down to his arms. “You like them?” He asked panting. 
“Yes” Instantly you replied “I really like ‘em, looks divine on you” You muttered and he nodded. His hair fell of his ponytail into his shoulders suddenly as the hair tie had gone loose and you couldn't help but feeling your pussy pulsing from the sole pleasure admiring such a beautiful man gave you. 
As he started kissing you again, his hands went to yours and he released his cock from his pants in order to stroke it a few times. “Don't make me wait more princess, let me be inside you” He begged and with your body being a hot mess you took the rest of your clothes off and sat back down. He instantly felt your fluids running down your tight and could not wait to place two of his fingers inside you “So wet, did I cause that?” Shamelessly he asked as he fingered you exactly in the spot that caused you the most pleasure. After a minute or so, he took his fingers off you and put them in his mouth, tasting the flavor of your insides. 
“How good are you are riding?” He asked after another short session of kissing in which his hands wandered all around your body. 
“Just normal I would say” You answered thinking, he nodded.
“Tell me when you get tired, I want to get everything from you so I ain't stopping” He warned you “Fuck, ‘m so hard it hurts. Should we start?” Agreeing while feeling his hand squeeze one of your boobs as he licked the other one, you lifted your body from his lap and aligned his cock with your cunt and slowly sat back down feeling his length widen your soft and warm walls. “Ahhh— Y/n” He moaned closing his eyes as he felt his blood rush to his face, drowning in the feeling of your tight body wrapping around his aching cock, letting his stress abandon his body as his dick came in contact with you. You continued your way down back to his lap, feeling the tip of his dick kissing your insides. Every time you went up you felt every inch of him rub against the depths of your pussy, and every time you went down again you could feel your body pulsing around his width that burned sweetly. 
Eventually Wakasa held your waist and thrusted into you as you were going down, deepening the contact of your bodies. His eyes were glued to yours as he moaned and called for your name. As the grip on your skin tightened, Wakasa unconsciously increased the rhythm of your hips jumping on his dick, and when he realized you couldn't go faster he stood up, holding you entirely and walked to a table in his living room, where he sat you down, still holding your ass.
 “Listen to me, y/n” He said running his hand through his hair “I want you to hold on to me, I want to feel your arms around me as I fuck you. Did I make myself clear?” 
“Yes Wakasa” You whimpered squeezing his cock unconsciously from how hot his voice sounded. His expression trembled and he placed his hands on you, his left on your hips and his right rubbing your clit as he started slowly thrusting his cock inside you again. His touch on your clit was precise, his thumb moving gently but fastly formed a line of moans in your throat that you let out as he increased the pace on both his hips and his thumb on you.
"Like it?" He asked kissing you.
"Yes Wakasa" You muttered holding tight on him, following his instructions.
"You're so good baby" He moaned. "I love how your pretty pussy squeezes me, I fucking love how you call my name, how obedient you are, how beautiful, how warm–"
He continued rubbing your clit as he increased the speed and strength of his lustful thrusts into you, creating a dirty sound in the room of your bodies clapping with each other every time he fucked you.
"Yes Wakasa" You moaned in his neck, feeling your own breath go back to you, feeling every inch of his cock moving inside of you without a fail to hit every spot in your body that made it quiver "There... right there"
His heavy breathing was replaced quickly with his moans and the room was then filled with your voices calling for the other one.
"Wait" Wakasa said sighing from pleasure, a single drop of sweat ran down his face. "Would the princess allow me to fuck the shit out of her?"
"Of course" You laughed at his tone and he immediately lifted your body off the table, holding you mid air and starting thrusting into you as deep as he could. His agressive movements got you both screaming with lust, which each thrust he was hitting your cervix and pushing the mix of your fluids and his precum inside of you. "Gonna cum, close as fuck, I'm close as fuck"
Wakasa was fucking you dumb and his cock hitting every nerve inside of you made you lose the ability to speak, so you could only moan and whimper for him.
"Waka, ah, ah, yeah" You barely said, feeling your vision blurry and your mind foggy, he did not answer and only continued to thrust into you, feeling your walls tighten around his cock.
Feeling your orgasm grow in your lower stomach you could only warn him by looking in his eyes with desperation, and then you finally came. Your body creamed around Wakasa, who did not stop even with you screaming and moaning his name, only for him to finish as well when he felt your walls twitching around him.
He couldn't hold you in the air so he sat down at risk of falling in the way from the overwhelming feeling. You both stood for a moment catching your respirations while a small giggle let Wakasa’s lips.
“Would the princess like to spend the night?” He asked condescendingly while fixing his hair.
“I’d like that very much” You agreed immediately. He then picked you up like a princess and walked to his room, where he left you in his bed.
“I’ll be back with after sex dessert” Wakasa said smiling walking to the kitchen. 
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izubabes · 18 days
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! I just read your Koko x Inui!Reader work and it's a ✨masterpiece✨ Am I crying? Yes. Am I still in love with this psycho Koko? Definitely. Why? Don't know. But am I in love with your work? Absolutely!!!!!
If it's possible, may I please request Koko with fem!reader who also lost her lover (I dunno, Shinichiro, for example? Yeah, he's muuuch older than them, and the reader knew that he would never see her as a woman (more like a sister, but he’d still say smth like “yeah yeah you'll get older and I'll marry you”), but she still loved him (puppy love and stuff)). However, if Koko’s still obsessed with Akane, the reader moved on;she cherishes the memory of her first lov, but she became older and realized thing that she wasn't understand when she was younger. So with her help (it's not like she fell in love with him when they met, it's just cuz of their similar situations she decided to kinda help(?)Inui pssst Inui) , Koko see other side(?) of this type of “love”.
I still want a happy ending for him. I mean, he's such a sad (maniac, nonetheless) character, but I believe that he does deserve true and mutual love. We all had our “first loves”, puppy crushes, older crushes and stuff. I was “in love” with my brother’s friend (he was like 5 years older than me lol, and I was like 9?He also told that he will marry me and stuff, but it was like when your dad/borther promises you the same; cute and childing memory). But I think when you couldn't confess before your pass out/move on/start date someone else, you would have a feeling as if something isoff/the story does not have an ending. I don't think that even if Akane were alive, it would have changed smth for Koko. I still believe that he’d move on sooner or later. But hey, it's only my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️
I just truly want him to be happy and feel genuinely loved.
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧, 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐢𝐭. 𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, 𝐈 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭.
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What a mystery it is — this emotion we call grief.
Shinichiro’s luck with women was always a comical one, never being able to snag a date, let alone have a girlfriend. He reached rock bottom as soon as he heard one of Manjiro’s childhood friends proclaim, “I’m Shinichiro’s future wife!”
“I’m too old for you,” He politely rejected, giving your head a gentle pat as a form of acknowledging your feelings. His heart ached at the fact that a girl was finally confessing her feelings for him but most likely under the guise of a childish crush. Something you would grow out of as soon as you matured enough. “You should give the other boys your age a chance. Manjiro and Keisuke have been fighting over who’s going to marry you.”
Shinichiro was amused at the way you violently shook your head at the prospect, quickly becoming defensive and pleading your case to him. “I may be young but I swear I’ll grow up into a beautiful lady. I can cook, I can clean, and I can take care of my siblings.”
He sighed, lighting up a nearby cigarette to help cope with the insanity he was suffering though at the moment. “Y/N, I don’t want a housewife. I want you to grow up and find the right person to fall in love with. I'll be just peachy seeing you fall for the right person.”
“Mama helps me out right now but she says I’m practically a mini adult.” You protested with your hands on your hips, glaring him down as he just shook his head at you.
“Sweetheart, you’re 13…” Shinichiro shudders at the realization of how old he's gotten. Another hit of his cigarette settles in his lungs, easing his racket of a mind. “I’m 23. There are so many things wrong with what you're asking of me.”
“In five years, I will be old enough to marry you. Wait for me until then, I know you’ll still be single!”
“Uh, ouch.” Shinichiro’s pride was bruised by how confidently you had rebuked his answer. He could sense a prick of annoyance begin to crawl up his spine. Your answer wasn't meant to be malicious in the slightest but it sure struck a nerve. “Y/N, you’re not thinking straight. You’ll get over this little crush in a couple years and it’ll be a silly little joke between us.”
“A joke? You think my feelings are joke…?” You said in a quiet voice as your heart fell to your stomach. The weight of the world was coming crashing down on your childish delusions. “I love you, I really do!”
“Oh come on, Y/N. Don’t get upset, I’m just being honest with you.” Shinichiro’s words come off more harsh than he intended, made apparent by the streams of fresh hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
“But… But! You promised… Shinichiro, you promised to marry me!”
Shinichiro’s gaze switched from the motorcycle to the blubbering mess who was turned away from him. Seeing your tears made him reconsider how harsh his words would have came off. His cigarette falls to the ground, embers burning out as he glanced over at you. “What the— Don’t cry, Y/N.”
Mikey trailed in as soon as he hears the sound of loud and pronounced wailing coming from the shop. He lazily glanced between you and Shinichiro as the lollipop in his mouth swished from side to side. “Bro, what’s wrong with Y/N?”
“I-I don’t know! She just started crying!”
“Shinichiro’s being mean! M-Mikey, your brother’s being mean to me!” You wailed, tugging on his shirt as he lightly shook you off.
Mikey grinned as he placed his arms behind his head, watching the chaos unfold before him. His mischievous eyes were still focused on his older brother’s distressed face. “This is why you’re never getting a girlfriend…”
Shinichiro groaned, shooing away Mikey as he attempted to settle down your incessant outburst of melodrama. “Y/N, look at me. Stop crying, yeah? I wanna tell you a secret, just between you and me.”
“W-What?” You sniffled.
“There’s my pretty little lady,” Shinichiro smiled, thumbing away the waterworks with his oil stained hands as he left some streaks of it on your face, not like you minded much. “No more tears, okay? When you’re older we’ll get married, yeah?”
You sniffled, wiping away the lingering droplets before staring up at him. “Promise?”
Shinichiro held up his pinky extending it out for you to reciprocate the action. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“I think the twenty rejections have gone to his head,” Wakasa interrupted, crunching down on the lollipop lingering in his mouth. He glanced between his friend and the young girl in front of him, scrutiny in his eyes. “He’s preying on middle schoolers now. Call the cops.”
“Shut up, Waka. You have no idea what we’re talking about!” Shinichiro immediately backtracked.
“Shinichiro, that’s sick.” Benkei shook his head at the ongoing conversation, gently pulling you away from Shinichiro’s arms before inspecting you for any sign of harm or injury. He gave Shinichiro the same judgmental glare as Waka before turning to glance at the girl right in front of him. “Did he hurt you, Y/N?”
Before a decent explanation could be made by you, it had appeared that you had run off to tell your friends the seemingly positive news. You shouted at the top of your lungs, “Emma! Shin said he would marry me.”
Takeomi walked in after you had sprinted past him through the shop’s back door, glaring down his captain with a menacing smile. “Am I high or did she say what I think she said? Better have a decent excuse, Shin.”
“Big bro’s farts stink like hell, Y/N." Mikey interjected, becoming amused with the way you always accepted Shinichiro's false promises without a second thought. "Oh, I bet he only said that so you would stop crying.”
Mikey had never received a more painful punch in his life, knocking him straight in the jaw as you ran back inside to tattle on your best friend. 
“Shinichiro! Manjiro’s being mean to me. He keeps saying you're not gonna marry me!”
Soon after, the unexpected news of Shinichiro's death crashed on your body like a bucket of ice water. You refused to eat, sleep was no longer a priority, school was no longer a necessity. A piece of you had died along with him, a piece that would leave a gaping hole in your heart, a piece of yourself that would never come back.
“Big bro would have wanted you to have it,” Mikey said quietly, onyx irises devoid of emotion. “Take care of it, okay?”
Shinichiro’s chain necklace, the one you always fiddled with as a child. The one you always loved hearing clink against his neck as he worked on a motorcycle. It was yours now. The necklace found a new home upon your neck, the frigid metal weighed heavy on your collarbones, it would serve as a constant reminder of the love you held for Shinichiro.
No one ever told you the difference between love and grief.
The visits to Shinichiro’s grave became less frequent though your feelings for him were still tucked away in the folds of your heart. Shinichiro Sano was once the iridescent sun and you were his precious little moon, orbiting his ethereal presence as if he were the only celestial body in existence.
“I’m in high school now, Shin. I wish you could see how much I’ve grown,” You sighed, hugging your knees to your chest as you spoke to the shining tombstone. “Bet you’d wish I was still begging for your attention.”
“Manjiro and Emma are doing well though we haven’t spoken in a while. The Black Dragons have changed, Shinichiro. More than when you were around. I wish you never left us…”
Inui Seishu was someone you would never would have expected to become friends with. He held the first-generation Black Dragons with high respect. You had previously spotted him hanging around S.S. Motors along with the other delinquents Shinichiro often housed. Kokonoi Hajime was someone who tested your patience with every breath he took, he loved to tease and get under your skin with a snaky remark. The two reminded you of a cat and dog duo, one who's constantly at the other’s throats.
“I made a new friend; I’m sure you remember him. His name is Inui, basically sees you as a god.” You chuckled, "He hangs out with Waka and Benkei sometimes. Oh, they're doing fine too..."
A shaky breath escapes your quivering lips, the childhood memories of the time you all spent together come flooding in like a tidal wave. “It’s time for me to grow up, Shinichiro. You said I needed to find the right person to fall in love with, right?”
Except you’re not sure how to do that nor how to even begin on that journey.
Your soft steps echoed the graveyard as a warm gust of breeze enveloped your body as if to reassure yourself that you were making the right choice. “This is goodbye, first love."
You peered up at the sunset, sparing it a gentle smile as you continued on your path. “Shinichiro, wherever you are, you’ll live in my heart forever. I’ll always remember that smile of yours… too bad it was your last.”
Koko can’t seem to remember when days started turning into weeks, into months, into years. When the fine lines of separation between Seishu and Akane began to blur into one person. It was fascinating how his grief had him groveling in a rut of searching for a glimmer of happiness. He never realized how low he had fallen until he kissed Inupi’s sleeping figure in the library’s silent corridors. He swore it was Akane who welcomed his anguished lips to lie upon hers. He swore it was her who was resting against the windowsill, basking in the comforting embrace of the sunshine pouring in through the glass.
What have I done?
His sleepy lids fluttered open, he glanced up at the evening sky, gentle streaks of golden light dance across the scattered clouds, hinting at the vibrant display yet to come. The air is calm, and the world seems to hold its breath, savoring the tranquil moment as day slowly gives way to night.
Kokonoi groggily reaches out to the figure next to him, his fingers brushing against the other person’s arm. “Akane?”
He was instead greeted by your teasing voice, a slight snippy tone as you get firm with him as he wakes up. “Good morning, Your Highness. It’s about time you woke up.”
“It’s not very good if you’re here,” He muttered as soon as he realized who exactly he was talking to. What a joke. “Were you watching me sleep? I knew you were a freaky girl, been telling Inupi since the day we met.”
“Remind me again why I even bother with you, Koko…” You snapped, shaking your head at the attempt to insult you. "I'm not the one who sent some cryptic ass text telling me to meet you here. You were the one I found asleep in the middle of the field."
He chuckled at the remark, sticking his tongue out just as he always did when being smug. “Lack of a brain, clearly.”
The summer air was thick with moisture, each breath feels heavy, laden with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. The humidity wraps around everything, making the world seem slightly softened and hazy. Beads of sweat form quickly, tracing lazy paths down foreheads and necks, as the heat lingers even in the shade. The atmosphere is thick, almost tangible, carrying the distant hum of cicadas and the occasional rustle of leaves in the still, sultry air.
One question weighed on your mind, escaping your chest before you could think clearly. An inquiry that desperately needed an answer, no matter what kind of potential rift it would cause for either of you. “Koko, have you ever been in love?”
“Yes,” He paused for a moment, tilting his head and closing his eyes in deep concentration as he pondered on how to answer the question. “She was beautiful,” Kokonoi said, cutting through the momentary silence. “I wanted to marry her. Hell, I was going to marry her but—“
“Who’s Akane?”
Kokonoi realized you heard his muttering as he was asleep on the grass.
“Life never works out, does it?” A cold laugh escaped your lips, “I lost my first love too."
Kokonoi is aware of the fact you are an open person, he’s never witnessed the endless void in your eyes as you begin to relay the story of your lost lover. The empty shell you became as soon as the words began to depart your mouth. What a soulless sight.
It reminds him of himself. He hates it.
“We both promised we could marry once I was older. Now I’m beginning to realize how naïve I was to think it would work out.”
“Seishu told me about his older sister. She reminds me of Shinichiro, did you have a chance to confess to her?”
“That’s none of your damn business. Everything I do is for Akane," He admitted. “It’s the only way I can atone for the sins I carry.”
“Do you think that’s fair to Seishu?” You questioned, leading the conversation into dangerous territory. Kokonoi perked up at the drop of his friend's name, narrowing his scrutinizing gaze at you. It was like you knew which aggravating buttons to push with an expert hand, slowly setting the stage for an argument to brew and burst out. “Pushing him away because you believe that you deserve to suffer in his place. That’s a bit selfish, don’t you think?”
“What do you know? You’re just a stupid little girl who can’t get over the ghost of someone who’s never coming back!”
“You’re just a scared little boy who can’t face the fact that he deserves to make his own choices! Are you so far gone that you'll do anything for the sake of money?!” You fired back, frustration beginning to cloud your mind as the argument escalates further and further. “The Kanto Manji Gang is going to ruin you, Kokonoi."
“It’s my life, isn’t it? Quit acting like you own me." He griped, slapping away the finger you had jammed into his chest.
You scoffed, shooting him a pained glare as the knot in your throat tightened with each syllable that escaped your lips. Koko reflected so much of your grieving self that it was painful to stare at him straight on. “I’m not going to speak for Akane, but I know Shinichiro would hate me for using his memory as an excuse to make myself miserable! Let the dead rest, Hajime. It’s the least we can do for them to able to move on peacefully.”
Kokonoi has never received such an enraged response from you, nor has he ever witnessed you shedding tears over a fight. “Some days are more difficult than others, I understand that. I can function normally until the band aid over my heart is ripped off once again and I’m just a pathetic crying mess.”
Kokonoi can picture himself at home, destroying his belongings and wrecking his room in a fit of relentless rage.
“40 million... I'll make that money even if I die."
Kokonoi can picture himself receiving the phone call from his best friend, anguished sobs echoing across the line as he delivers the bone-chilling news he never wished to hear.
“Akane... She’s dead."
He can picture himself inside the hospital room, looming over Akane’s lifeless body. Bandages covering the unsightly burns across her body. Even in death, she was such a beautiful sight despite the injuries that consumed her entire being.
“I’m sorry, Akane! If only I had more money…”
Koko wishes he could be freed from the guilt of losing his best friend’s sister. Freed from the urge to chase at a fleeting shadow. Freed from the need to atone for his past self's shortcoming and unfulfilled promises.
“I walk into Mikey’s house sometimes expecting to run into Shinichiro,” You sighed, laying back in the grassy area of the ground. Kokonoi’s gaze traced your gentle features, admiring how well they reflected with the sunset’s glow on your skin. He can sense a subtle aura of longing radiating from your body “I always expect to see him waiting for me in the old bike shop.”
He can barely stop the suppressed confession from escaping his lips as soon as he blurted it out. “I kissed Inupi because I wanted to believe that it was Akane who was sitting there."
Surprisingly, you say nothing in response. Simply accepting it for what it is.
"I tried going out with Mikey for a while thinking he could make up for Shin. We both realized it wasn't healthy for either of us." You know he isn't seeking a response, instead someone who could find common ground. “Moving on doesn’t mean we’re leaving the people we love behind us. It means we have to live for ourselves, we get to choose our own paths, we write our own stories.”
You sighed, standing up and brushing away the debris lingering on your pants. The guilt of arguing with him earlier continued biting at your conscious, beckoning for you to reconcile with the boy. “It’s late, I should be heading home soon. I’m sorry for raising my voice at you, Hajime. I was trauma dumping, totally uncalled for.”
He nodded his head in response, choosing to acknowledge you passively rather than with words. Kokonoi could sense the iron-clad walls surrounding his heart beginning to cave in, threatening to tear apart his remaining composure. The years of pent-up grief was starting to bubble up and escape through the tattered seams of his soul.
Y/N has always treated me as friend even though I never considered her more than a nuisance.
Koko trembled, tears rolling thickly down his face, stinging his cracked lips. His hands twisted around each other as if he could press the worst of his feelings back into his skin. “Y-Y/N?” He croaked.
You immediately abandoned your thoughts, rushing to his side. “Koko? What is it? What’s wrong?” Your voice was sharp with concern as you scrutinized Koko any sign of something amiss.
Hesitating, Koko shook his head, his mouth opening and closing before opening again. His quivering voice could barely be heard from above a tiny whisper. “Could you just… hold me? Just for a minute?”
The request was bizarre but the anguished expression consuming his features sent your mind into overdrive. It was as if he would split into pieces if you weren't there to hold him together. He resembled a child crying out for their mother, desperate to be reassured that everything would be okay, he was safe, he was fine.
“Yeah, yeah of course.” You pulled Koko in, enveloping him in your arms, one hand cradling the back of his head and the other rubbing soothing circles into his back. You were quiet for a moment before you spoke, soft and gentle, “You know, it doesn’t have to be for just a minute. I’m here for as long as you need me.”
Koko is unable to understand how someone as compassionate as you can exist. Despite the constant banter you two have shared over the past year, you always treated him so well. He admires the way you’re ready to hand out your infinite kindness without expecting anything in return. He’s forgotten that there are people in this world who could care less about money or what he can offer to them.
There are people in this world who are the walking definition of a guardian angel. People who are there to listen and guide others when they've lost themselves, Koko stumbled upon that epiphany as soon as he became vulnerable with you. No expectations, no need to return the favor, it did not feel transactional to him like his other dealings.
“I’m not a good person. I don’t deserve comfort,” Koko mumbled into your shoulder. He was speaking more to himself than to you, finding a way to cope with the influx of manic chaos rushing through his veins. Your embrace was more than enough to calm his nerves though he cursed himself internally for allowing himself to be so weak in front of you.
The pure vulnerability of being able to indulge in another person’s care was something Koko thought he would never experience. Life served him the worst hand of cards, the only way to survive was to outsmart the system by creating his own.
“Regardless of whether you’re a good person or not, people don’t become better by treating themselves badly. And you don’t have to earn my kindness or ration it like it’ll run out. You already have it, as much as you’ll let me give you.”
You both stood like that for much longer than a minute.
"To be honest, I tolerate you better than most. You can be nice to have around, sometimes." He admitted, thinking you deserved some shred of his kindness in exchange for the temporary sanctuary you provided.
"I think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, Koko. I should record that, say it again!" You rolled your eyes playfully, holding up your cellphone as if you actually wanted to follow through with your plans.
Koko rolled his eyes at the suggestion, choosing to stick his tongue out as a response. "Don't push your luck, Y/N. This won't happen again."
"Hajime... It's time for you to live your life the way you want to."
“I will," Koko affirmed. "Don't have to tell me twice."
Meanwhile, Inui sighed from the sidelines, making note of the way you avoided his gaze as if it would change how easy it was for him to read you. He noticed the sheepish smile on your face and the subtle rosy tint on your cheeks but decided to spare you the embarrassment of explaining as soon as you approached. "How did it go?"
You cleared your throat, a tiny grimacing smile soon replacing the bashful expression. "Better than expected. You should reach out to him before 2nd Gen Toman faces Kanto Manji, I would hate see either of you get hurt."
Inui shook his head, returning a pained smile "You've done enough, Y/N. Koko needs to figure out the rest on his own. Want me to walk you home?"
"Thanks, Seishu." You answered but continued to politely decline his offer. "But I have to catch up with someone in a bit. I'll see you around okay?"
"Right, get home safe then. Message as soon as you make it back."
Soon enough, the sight of a familiar tombstone comes into view, a pair of fresh incense sticks and a pack of his favorite cigarettes adorning the gravesite. Waka and Benkei must’ve paid a visit right before you arrived. "Hiya, Shin. Guess what? I think I found someone to fall in love with. He's rough around the edges in some ways but I can sense that he has a warm heart. Sure, he gets on my nerves and can be too cocky for his own good, but he has some redeeming qualities.”
A tiny grin dances across your lips as you fiddle with the hem of your sleeves. “You know, it may be too soon to call it love but we’re starting off as friends… that’s a nice start, right?”
It’s quiet, so painstakingly quiet that you swore you could hear Shinichiro’s voice being carried through the wind. The graveyard was desolate considering the late hour. Call it wishful thinking, a side effect of long term grief or pure and utter delusion but the words strike like a resonating chord in your heart.
'I’m proud of you, Y/N.'
The graveyard feels a little less lonely tonight.
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