#bisexual legend right there
thelonghairedone · 2 years
I just finished A Memory Called Empire and of all things to for my mind to focus on it ended up being amused/impressed by Yskander’s relationships. I mean.....
Darj Tarats: “Make them love you, Yskander”
Yskander: “Got it. I will fuck the Texicalaan Emperor. And also one of his advisors”
Darj Tarat: “That......was not what I asked for”
I mean that is one way to cultivate diplomatic relations 😏
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Vincent Price
The Haunted Palace (1963)
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schrodingerspsycho · 4 months
Something I feel like we don’t talk about enough is how Ava Sharpe is “the perfect woman” and Sara Lance is “the quintessential human” and they’re both queer
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thatsmyassbrostop · 1 year
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Stan's trash at this game but now why would Tolkien tell him that
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mikka-minns · 7 months
Im gonna sound crazy i hope but
Og timeline Kuai is a Wallace Wells type gay and Legends Kuai is Amity Blight type gay
*mic drop*
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magical-starway · 18 days
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awakefor48hours · 8 months
I'm only kinda sorry for hyperfixating on korrasami
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sihakadan · 1 year
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Vee says be gay and eat the rich, also do crime.
Oh, and trans rights are human rights.**
**Vee is not trans and the band is to show support for her little man Tek, who belongs to the super duper talented @felinae-felidae because we love and cherish is little feral man ass.
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mazojo · 2 years
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I love capitalism (Ryusui Nanami)
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feedyourhorses · 6 months
just watched star trek: the next generation season 5, episode 17: the outcast for the first time. need to go lie down
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hotvintagepoll · 18 days
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Rita Moreno (Singin' in the Rain, West Side Story)—She’s an EGOT, an absolute legend for how she navigated her career as a woman of color in the fifties and sixties. Her performance as Anita in West Side Story is why I go back to that movie so many times. She is an icon and she is the moment.
Marlene Dietrich (Shanghai Express, Witness for the Prosecution, Morocco)—Bisexual icon, super hot when dressed both masculine and feminine, lived up her life in the queer Berlin scene of the 1920s, central to the 'sewing circle' of the secret sapphic actresses of Old Hollywood, refused lucrative offers by the Nazis and helped Jews and others under persecution to escape Nazi Germany, the love of my life
We are in the quarterfinals of the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Propaganda is not my own and is on a submission basis. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Rita Moreno propaganda:
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"Amazing showstopping actress in her one big memorable role as Anita in West Side Story. She sings and dances with unmatched joy and energy, and then breaks your heart with her acting. Rita took a role that felt as a stereotype to latina women and made it compelling and multifaceted. Her subsequent career was filled with mostly side roles, but she still managed to excel in whatever Hollywood threw at her."
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"It’s Rita!! The EGOT herself! She can act, she can sing, she can dance, a triple threat. Obviously absolutely iconic as Anita in West Side Story (her part of the Tonight Quintet is the sexiest part of the film, fight me). But before that she was the amazing Zelda in Singin’ In the Rain!?! Thanks Zelda, you’re a real pal."
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"She continues to be amazing but also she's got legs for days."
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"THEE iconic rita moreno, EGOT winner, civil rights activist, theatre legend. watch her documentary "Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It". also her rendition of "fever" on the muppet show"
Marlene Dietrich:
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ms dietrich....ms dietrich pls.....sit on my face
its marlene dietrich!!!! queer legend, easily the hottest person to ever wear a tuxedo, that hot hot voice, those glamorous glamorous movies…. most famously she starred in a string of movies directed by josef von sternberg throughout the 1930s, beginning with the blue angel which catapulted her to stardom in the role of the cabaret singer lola lola. known for his exquisite eye for lighting, texture, imagery, von sternberg devoted himself over the course of their collaborations to acquiring exceptional skill at photographing dietrich herself in particular, a worthy direction in which to expend effort im sure we can all agree. she collaborated with many other great directors of the era as well, including rouben mamoulian (song of songs), frank borzage (desire), ernst lubitsch (angel), fritz lang (rancho notorious), and billy wilder (witness for the prosecution). the encyclopedia britannica entry im looking at while compiling this propaganda describes her as having an “aura of sophistication and languid sexuality” which✔️💯. born marie magdalene dietrich, she combined her first and middle names to coin the moniker “marlene”. she was a trendsetter in her incorporation of trousers, suits, and menswear into her wardrobe and her androgynous allure was often remarked upon. critic kenneth tynan wrote, “She has sex, but no particular gender. She has the bearing of a man; the characters she plays love power and wear trousers. Her masculinity appeals to women and her sexuality to men.” in the 1920s she enjoyed the vibrant queer nightlife of weimar berlin, visiting gay bars and drag balls, and in hollywood her love affairs with men and women were an open secret. she was an ardent opponent of nazi germany, refusing lucrative contacts offered her to make films there, raising money with billy wilder to help jews and dissidents escape, and undertaking extensive USO tours to entertain soldiers with an act that included her a playing musical saw and doing a mindreading routine she learned from orson welles. starting in the 50s and continuing into the mid-70s she worked largely as a cabaret artist touring the world to large audiences, employing burt bacharach as her musical arranger.
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First of all, there are those publicity photos of her in a tux. Second of all, I have never been the same since knowing that she sent copies of those photos to her Berlin lovers signed "Daddy Marlene." Not only is she hot in all circumstances, but she can do everything from earthy to ice queen. Also, she kept getting sexy romantic lead parts in Hollywood after the age of 40, which would be rare even now. She hated Nazis, loved her friends, and had a sapphic social circle in Hollywood. She also had cheekbones that could cut glass and a voice that could melt you.
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Her GENDER her looks her voice her everything
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“In her films and record-breaking cabaret performances, Miss Dietrich artfully projected cool sophistication, self-mockery and infinite experience. Her sexuality was audacious, her wit was insolent and her manner was ageless. With a world-weary charm and a diaphanous gown showing off her celebrated legs, she was the quintessential cabaret entertainer of Weimar-era Germany.”
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The bar scene in Morocco awoke something in me and ultimately changed my gender
"Her manner, the critic Kenneth Tynan wrote, was that of ‘a serpentine lasso whereby her voice casually winds itself around our most vulnerable fantasies.’ Her friend Maurice Chevalier said: ‘Dietrich is something that never existed before and may never exist again.’”
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"Songstress, photographer, fashion icon, out bisexual phenom (notoriously stole Lupe Velez and Joan Crawford's men, and Errol Flynn's wife, had a torrid affair with Greta Garbo that ended in a 60-year feud, other notable conquests including Erich Maria Remarque -yes, the guy who wrote All Quiet on the Western Front- Douglas Fairbanks Junior, Claudette Colbert, Mercedes de Acosta, Edith Piaf), anti-Nazi activist. Marlene was a bitch - she had an open marriage for decades and one of her favorite things was making catty commentary about her current lover with her husband, and her relationship with her daughter was painful- but she was also immensely talented, a hard worker, an opponent of fascism and the hottest ice queen in Hollywood for a long time."
"She can sing! She can act! She told the Nazis to fuck off and became a US citizen out of spite! She worked with other German exiles to create a fund to help Jews and German dissidents escape (she donated an entire movie salary, about $450k, to the cause). She looks REALLY GOOD in a suit. If you're not convinced, please listen to her sing "Lili Marlene". Absolutely gorgeous woman with a gorgeous voice."
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Gifset link
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"Bisexual icon and Nazi-hater. Looks absolutely stunning in the suits she liked to wear. 'I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men'."
"would you not let her walk on you?"
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mesapies · 2 months
Canon lgbtq+ avatar characters
Korra and asami - bisexual
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Kya - lesbian
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Kyoshi - bisexual
rangi - lesbian
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Zeisan (sozins sister) and her lover Rioshon - sapphic (I think zeisan is a lesbian but I'm not 100% sure)
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Mingxia and her gf Melin - sapphic
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Zenko (left) and his named husband - gay
Katara saved zenko and their daughter chio from a fire nation attack
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Akuudan and tayagum - gay
Akuudan and his husband tayagum were water tribe warriors that helped avatar yangchen
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Hua and Rose - sapphic
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - core book. Rose was a wealthy girl who purse was attempted to be stolen by Hua a firebending criminal but they later fell in love
Dalja Rose - trans(I think)
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - core book. Attended fire academy fir girls when they realized they didn't truly feel like a girl.
Jiang - gay
From adventure booklet: the burning fuse. He's a detective from republic city who gained airbending through the harmonic convergence
Junyi - gay
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - core book. He was a earth nation Outlaw during the time of roku. Hes was swordsmith who fell in love with one of his clients. The two men were set to run away together, but his lover's wife, the mayor of the town, discovered their affair. She had her husband killed and pinned the crime on Junyi. (Messy as hell)
Makittuq - trans woman
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - core book. She's northern water tribe girl from the tims of roku who knew she assigned the wrong gender since birth. When her family didn't accept her she connected with sports who did
Massak and nyn chei - sapphic ex lovers
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - core book. During the time of roku, Massak was a swt boatwright and inventor and he ex lover nyn chei was a fire nation inventor and engineer who'd inventions helped create the new fire navy coal fuled fleet.
Mayu - trans man
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - republic city. From republic city him and his friends Yuka and Saya ran away together after mayu came out to his traditional fire nation family who didn't accept him.(im think Yuka is non binary as well)
Mosi and his husband sayako - gay
From adventure booklet: pirate of crimson sails. From a fire nation colony as a earth nation guy. Mosi as an adult became a pirate working to go against azulon. He later fell in love with a firebender, sayako. They married and had a daughter, lily
Sunlin - non binary
from the avatar legends the roleplaying game - quicksart. They were a joyful and idealistic orphan from Harbor City, and a former member of the Fire Finches during the late stages of the Hundred Year War
Wen - non binary
From avatar generations. Wen was an Earth Kingdom archaeologist broadly interested in relics. They explored the four nations in pursuit of their studies.
Netxflix Oma and shu - sapphics
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Aiwei (left) - said to be gay but I couldn't find anything confirming
Jargala (right) - her artist said that she's pansexual but there's nothing confirming it
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Unnamed gay air nomads and fire nation sapphics(getting arrested) from when kya was explaining to Korrasami the different views on gay ppl in the different nations
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animentality · 3 months
why did overwatch get so much credit for its "LGBT diversity?"
it revealed a character was a lesbian long after the game was released, on TWITTER and then in a comic.
and then it revealed another character as gay THREE YEARS LATER.
it revealed lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual characters who already existed in the game, making them queer long after they were initially released.
the game that should get fucking credit for LGBT diversity is Apex Legends.
those motherfuckers had their gay character front and center with a boyfriend as part of his damn backstory. right off the bat too, no pussyfooting around.
it also has two different pansexual characters, both of whom are male, one bisexual, a lesbian, and two characters who are confirmed queer but do not have an official label yet.
and that's right.
one nonbinary character who was ALSO there from the fucking start, and is currently in a happy relationship with one of the pansexual characters, and a trans woman.
neither of which are in overwatch 2 yet, i might fucking add.
maybe overwatch 3, huh?
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suzetonic · 3 months
Still don't understand all the hate Legend of Korra (and more specifically Korrasami) has gotten recently.
"But it was too forced!" "There were no big hints they liked each other romantically!" "They didn't kiss so it's queerbaiting!"
You do realise the finale aired in 2014, before same-sex marriage was legal all accross the US (France had just barely made it legal the year before!), with basically no precedent for queer rep in cartoons let alone the main character, right?
I remember watching the last episode the day it aired. I had just realised I was bisexual myself at the time. Seeing two women hold hands while lovingly staring into each other's eyes was GROUNDBREAKING. The crew had to FIGHT to make it happen, and Nickelodeon's S&P STILL censored it to hell. But that was the FIRST sapphic relationship I'd seen confirmed in a cartoon, and I was certainly not the only one. I felt SEEN. I felt VALIDATED.
It was one of the big steps forward for queer representation in media. We wouldn't have what admittedly still little queer rep we have now if it hadn't happened.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
"She-Ra is bad bisexual rep because all the bi/pan characters end up in m/f relationships!"
Not true! Perfuma is bi/pan and she ends up with Scorpia!
"Oh, well I like to headcanon Perfuma as a lesbian."
...so then you understand that's not the show's fault, right? That that's just a problem you made up in your head?
Excuse me a second, I need to scream about this...
Because this has come up over and over (esp on Twitter and TikTok) with people who want to claim that every bi/pan SPOP character ends up in a m/f relationship... by conveniently pretending Perfuma is not canonically bi/pan herself. And every time they are asked to elaborate why they are ignoring her canon status, they give the same answer: that they consider Perfuma a lesbian because now that she's with a woman, she's "not bi anymore"
And... yeah... you know that's not how it works, right? That being bi/pan is not just a phase you get over? That a bi/pan woman dating another woman doesn't suddenly make her a lesbian any more than it makes a bi/pan person dating someone of the opposite gender magically straight?
The person you are currently dating does not change your bi/pan status. Ever. And insisting it does, especially just so you can score some points by making up an issue about a show to be mad about, is super GD harm harmful to the real bi/pan people in your life.
(This is the exact same thing The Owl House fandom does with Lumity and why Dana had to make Luz present a whole slideshow in the cartoon reminding everyone she is still very much bi even though Amity is a lesbian. TOH fans kept insisting because Luz is dating Amity now, she's a lesbian. Nope. Her and Amity can be married for a billion years and that wouldn't change Luz's orientation.)
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"But I heard that someone's roommate's cousin who worked with someone on the show once liked a fanart that showed Scorfuma with the lesbian flag so it's basically canon!"
First of all, the legend of this grows daily and I think it's really telling that this archival obsessed fandom only talks about this mythical like and yet has never been able to produce a single screenshot of it.
But for the sake of argument, let's say that this really happened and actually exists, that someone related to the show, however distantly, liked fanart once that implied Perfuma was a lesbian somehow. That still doesn't make it canon. People related to the show and even ND himself have liked and reblogged all sorts of stuff that isn't canon, including g/a, and have been very clear that the only canon is what happens within the show itself.
And, in the show, Perfuma is canonically bi/pan. We see her crushing on Bow, She-Ra, Huntara and Scorpia. The fact that people want to pretend the Bow thing never happened when he's the only character we see her actually date over the run of the show AND it's a major Season 1 plot point is wild to me and just shows the lengths people will go for bi/pan erasure.
And I get that some people enjoy using Perfuma to tell a story about comphet or coming out as a lesbian later in life and I am fully in favor of doing your thing with your headcanons in fanworks. But when it reaches the point it has now where fans are attacking other fans for saying Perfuma is bi/pan or attacking the show for not having any bi/pan character in same sex relationships when Perfuma is CANONICALLY bi/pan is ridiculous. 
Keep in mind that your headcanon is literally just something you made up in your head. It's pretend. Fun, yes, but NOT something you can use as justification to attack people over!
Especially when it's something like this that causes real world harm by perpetuating harmful stereotypes about bi/pan people being "just a phase" or a temporary state that changes based on who you date.
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