#benefits of vitamin A for skin
biophilianutrition · 7 months
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Wellness Rituals
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merrybrides · 21 days
DIY: Summer Citrus Sugar Scrub
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Rejuvenate and revive your skin with this easy citrus sugar scrub recipe. With only 3 ingredients you probably already have on hand, you’ll be ready to whip up this gentle exfoliating body scrub in no time! 
Sugar Scrub, or body polish is a luxurious way to refresh your skin. It is so gentle that it can even be used on sensitive skin. 
Exfoliating body scrub makes a great shower favor, quick gift, treat for yourself or a hostess gift when you are welcomed to a friend’s beach house.  This jar will keep my skin happy all summer long!
Keep a jar of this sugar scrub by your kitchen to soothe your hands after washing dishes. It will rehydrate your skin from the harshness of the hot water and dish soap. Keep a jar of sugar scrub in the shower for a mini spa treatment up to 3 times a week! 
Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe Ingredients
It’s made with just a few ingredients, from your kitchen!
Sugar – 1/2 cup of regular white table sugar is perfect for this diy sugar scrub! It exfoliates your skin, gentling rubbing away dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant. 
Oil – I use 1/4 cup Vitamin E Oil in this recipe which is so good for your skin. Its anti inflammatory properties soothes and calms, while hydrating dry skin and working to heal any blemishes. 
Citrus – Is so good for your body inside and out! Naturally full of vitamin C it leaves your skin with a beautiful glow! It also can help to lighten sun spots or other blemishes on your skin. I love the texture and beautiful color the citrus adds along with its amazingly refreshing scent!  You can use the zest from one Orange, Grapefruit, or Lemon, or 2 Limes, in this recipe.
*** Zest is made from the top layer of a fruit peel. Always try to avoid the white pith. If you don’t have a zester, you can use a vegetable peeler to gently peel the top layer of your fruit. Then cut the strips into finer strips lengthwise, and then again into tiny cubes widthwise. 
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Large Glass Mixing Bowl
Handheld Citrus Zester (variations under Tips and Tricks)
Measuring Cups
Sealable Glass Jars (I like to use mason jars or repurpose clean jars I already own)
Ice Cream Scoop
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How to Make Exfoliating Body Scrub
This scrub is so easy to make. It only contains natural ingredients and no artificial food colorings.
Combine sugar and oil.
2. Add zest.
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3. Scoop into sealable glass jars.
4. Label and date.
5. Store for up to 3 months in an airtight container.
This sugar scrub recipe is so easy to customize to fit your needs! 
Citrus Variations – In this recipe I use orange, but any other citrus would work well! In the past, I have used grapefruit, orange, lime, and lemon. They all have worked wonderfully! If using lime I chose to use the zest from 2 limes since they are smaller sized fruit.
Oil Variations – Vitamin E Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Carrot Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. 
Sugar Variations – Any white sugar should work well in this recipe. Sugar is used for a gentle exfoliation so keep that in mind when choosing the coarseness of the sugar. 
For a winter sugar scrub try adding a dash of ground cloves or ground cinnamon. 
Add a few drops of essential oils. My favorite combinations include other citrus oils to complement and enhance, floral scents such as moroccan rose or lavender, and woody scents such cedar or rosemary. 
Pro Tip: If using coconut oil, it will help to slightly warm the oil on the stovetop or even the microwave before adding it to the mixture. I love coconut oil and lime combination! 
How to Store Sugar Scrub
This Sugar Scrub recipe can be stored for up to 3 months in a properly sealed jar / airtight container.  
PRO TIP: Upcycle jars you already own!
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kbeautynotes · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Niacinamide: Benefits, Uses, and More
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In the vast world of skincare, new ingredients are constantly emerging, but only a few stand the test of time. Niacinamide (vitamin B3 or nicotinamide) is one such ingredient that has garnered immense popularity for its remarkable skincare benefits.
Learn everything you need to know about Niacinamide: Benefits, Uses, and More, in this blog post: https://kbeautynotes.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-niacinamide-benefits/
Do you like Niacinamide in skincare?
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reachablewellness · 6 months
Green Sea Moss: Vibrant Superfood from the Sea
Are you looking for a natural daily vitamin? Do you use sea moss? My family and I have used sea moss for about two years now and as a mom I love it. Our family usually switches between purple a gold but, have recently discovered the benefits of Green Sea Moss. Green Sea Moss, a lesser-known cousin of the popular red sea moss, is emerging as a superfood with a host of health benefits. As a nurse,…
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shivasriworld · 6 months
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theskinpanda · 6 months
How and When to Use Vitamin C in Skincare Routine Correctly with 8 Bonus Tips
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When to Use Vitamin C in Skincare Routine? Are you a morning skincare enthusiast or a night owl when it comes to your beauty regimen? When it comes to Vitamin C, the timing could make all the difference in your quest for a radiant complexion. Let’s explore the secrets of when and how to unleash the full potential of Vitamin C in your skincare routine!
In the ever-evolving world of skincare, one ingredient has consistently captured the attention of beauty enthusiasts and dermatologists alike: Vitamin C. With its proven benefits for the skin, Vitamin C has become a staple in countless skincare routines.
However, the question remains: when is the best time to incorporate this powerful antioxidant into your daily regimen? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the nuances of using Vitamin C in your skincare routine, shedding light on when, how, and why you should make this ingredient a part of your daily beauty ritual.
Whether you’re a skincare novice or a seasoned expert, join us on a journey to uncover the secrets of effective Vitamin C usage and unveil a brighter, healthier complexion.
What to Know About Vitamin C?
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin found in various foods and is renowned for its essential role in maintaining good health.
It’s not only a vital nutrient for the body’s overall well-being but also plays a crucial role in skincare. Here’s a closer look at Vitamin C:
Chemical Composition: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin with the chemical formula C6H8O6. It is a white, crystalline compound that is naturally found in some fruits and vegetables.
Antioxidant Properties: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which means it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage collagen, DNA, and other important structures in the skin, leading to premature aging and other skin issues.
Collagen Production: Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that helps maintain the structure, elasticity, and firmness of the skin. Collagen production tends to decrease with age, and Vitamin C can help support collagen production, leading to smoother and more youthful-looking skin.
Skin Brightening: Vitamin C can help brighten the skin by inhibiting the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. This can be particularly beneficial for those with hyperpigmentation, dark spots, or an uneven skin tone.
Wound Healing: Vitamin C plays a role in wound healing and can aid in reducing the appearance of scars and promoting overall skin repair.
UV Protection: While not a replacement for sunscreen, Vitamin C has some mild photoprotective properties. It can help neutralize the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays to a certain extent.
Immune System Support: Beyond skincare, Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system and can help the body fight off infections.
For More Information, Click Here: When To Use Vitamin C in Skincare Routine
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jonitasharma · 2 years
The all New Undereye roll on from Refresh Skin Science.
What's special about Refresh Skin Science's Undereye roll on? Get yours now and brighten your Eyes!
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gofitnesspro · 9 hours
Vitamin E: Symptoms of Deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency is relatively rare but can occur in certain situations, particularly when fat absorption is impaired or in individuals with specific genetic conditions. Here are some common symptoms and signs of E vitamin deficiency: Vitamin E: Neurological Problems Peripheral Neuropathy: Damage to the peripheral nerves causing numbness, tingling, and weakness, particularly in the hands…
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vuals · 3 days
One common concern when using turmeric in skincare is whether it can be drying to the skin. The good news is that turmeric itself is not known to have any drying effects on the skin. In fact, turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help soothe and nourish the skin. However, it's important to keep in mind that when using turmeric in face masks or spot treatments, it's often mixed with other ingredients that can affect how it interacts with your skin.
Read full article.
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Serum For Face | Anti Aging Skin Serum For Face | Shop Online Today
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UniQaya Serum For Face | Anti Aging Skin Serum For Face | Shop Online Today | Encapsulated anti aging serum with ingredients like matrixyl 3000, ceramides, and peptides that not only help make your skin firmer but also improve its texture.
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Retinol Serum For Dry And Dull Skin
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If you’re in your mid 20’s and still wondering if you should retinol serum, you’re at the right place. Science suggests that the collagen production in the skin starts depleting when in your mid-20s, and hence you need something to make it up for it which otherwise could lead to loose and dull skin.
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biophilianutrition · 8 months
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healthyheynutrition · 20 days
Selecting Your Food Supplements – Quality Matters
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Are you tired of scouring the web, looking for the best food supplements or nutritional supplements? The internet is flooded with countless flooded with numerous dietary supplement options. If you are looking for the food supplements for the first time and you are new to this then you are likely to be confused with the options available. Most of us do not know how to select our food supplements and as a result, we make mistakes.
One of the most common approaches when screening hair skin and nails vitamins is to limit oneself to the cost factor. People tend to settle for the lowest priced supplements available online without paying attention to the other crucial aspects. Health supplements promise a wide range of benefits but all the benefits promised could be enjoyed only when the supplements you choose work exactly the way they promise to work. In reality, that is never the case. Not all brands are made equal. So, if you are going to look for the lowest priced supplements then it may not be the best way to select your food supplements.
You should instead make quality your priority when ordering your omega 3 fish oil capsules. Only by sourcing the finest quality food supplements you can be sure of getting the promised results or else you would be wasting whatever money you spend on them. When we take a quality-based approach it is important to find out whether the food supplements you are selecting are made of natural ingredients. Supplements made of non-GMO ingredients and natural ingredients are considered safer as opposed to chemical-based supplements. The nutritional supplements you take must fill the gap in your diet and help your overall health. It must not undermine your health.
Food supplements can be ordered online conveniently. However, you need to first screen your online suppliers. The quality of the supplements you order will depend on the suppliers you choose. Before placing the order, you must check the reputation of the supplier. You must also ensure that the supplements you order are delivered on time. When you pick reputed suppliers, you do not have to worry about such issues. You will get excellent quality supplements delivered on time.
You do not have to be paranoid, there are many reliable suppliers of dietary supplements. It is just a matter of time that you spot them. If you are going to rush through your orders without adequate screening of the suppliers and without checking the customer feedback then it would be your fault. All the information you need are just a few searches away.
Once you establish the credibility of a supplier, you will be able to go back to that supplier for all your subsequent requirements. Therefore, it is worth investing time in the screening process. Screen multiple suppliers before you narrow down on your choices. This will simplify your food supplements sourcing process down the line as you will not be required to screen your supplier for every order.
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fithealth-goals · 1 month
Stronger, Healthier Nails: My Positive Experience with Pro Nail Complex
For years, I battled weak, brittle nails that chipped and peeled easily. It was frustrating and made me self-conscious. I tried various strengthening treatments and polishes, but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference.
Then, I discovered ProNail Complex. With its focus on promoting healthy nail growth from the inside out, it piqued my interest. After reading reviews and learning about its natural ingredients, I decided to give it a try. Here's how ProNail Complex has transformed my nails for the better.
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Nourishing Nails from Within
One of the things that impressed me most about ProNail Complex was its focus on internal nail health. It contains essential vitamins and minerals like Biotin, Zinc, and Selenium, all known to contribute to healthy hair, skin, and nails.
By nourishing my nails from within, ProNail Complex addressed the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. This approach made sense to me, and I was eager to see the results.
Visible Improvements in Strength and Growth
Within a few weeks of taking ProNail Complex daily, I started noticing a positive change. My nails felt noticeably stronger and less prone to breakage. They were also growing faster, allowing me to maintain a longer length without chipping or peeling.
This newfound strength and growth were a game-changer. I could finally experiment with different nail polish colors and styles without worrying about them breaking or looking unsightly. It was a small thing, but it made a big difference in my confidence.
Healthier Nails, Healthier Look
Beyond the aesthetic benefits, ProNail Complex also contributed to the overall health of my nails. The ridges and unevenness that I used to struggle with diminished significantly. My nails looked smoother and healthier, adding a touch of polish to my overall appearance.
Convenient Daily Dosage
ProNail Complex comes in easy-to-swallow capsules. The recommended dosage is just two capsules a day, making it a simple addition to my daily routine. I never forget to take them, and the capsules are small and easy to swallow.
An Investment in Healthy Nails
ProNail Complex has been an investment in my overall well-being. It's not just about having pretty nails; it's about taking care of my body from the inside out. With stronger, healthier nails, I feel more confident and put-together.
If you're struggling with weak, brittle nails, I highly recommend giving Pro Nail Complex a try. It might just be the solution you've been looking for. Remember, while this review reflects my experience, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement program.
#For years#I battled weak#brittle nails that chipped and peeled easily. It was frustrating and made me self-conscious. I tried various strengthening treatments and p#but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference.#Then#I discovered ProNail Complex. With its focus on promoting healthy nail growth from the inside out#it piqued my interest. After reading reviews and learning about its natural ingredients#I decided to give it a try. Here's how ProNail Complex has transformed my nails for the better.#Nourishing Nails from Within#One of the things that impressed me most about ProNail Complex was its focus on internal nail health. It contains essential vitamins and mi#Zinc#and Selenium#all known to contribute to healthy hair#skin#and nails.#By nourishing my nails from within#ProNail Complex addressed the root cause of the problem#not just the symptoms. This approach made sense to me#and I was eager to see the results.#Visible Improvements in Strength and Growth#Within a few weeks of taking ProNail Complex daily#I started noticing a positive change. My nails felt noticeably stronger and less prone to breakage. They were also growing faster#allowing me to maintain a longer length without chipping or peeling.#This newfound strength and growth were a game-changer. I could finally experiment with different nail polish colors and styles without worr#but it made a big difference in my confidence.#Healthier Nails#Healthier Look#Beyond the aesthetic benefits#ProNail Complex also contributed to the overall health of my nails. The ridges and unevenness that I used to struggle with diminished signi#adding a touch of polish to my overall appearance.
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jonitasharma · 2 years
clean beauty skincare and skinscience products
Refresh Skin Science gives you India's leading clean beauty skincare and skinscience products with a focus on solving your skin problems with a science based approach.
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nutripathfinder · 2 months
Maximize Your Health with the *Ultimate Vitamin and Food Guide
The Ultimate Vitamin Guide: Maximizing Health with Nature’s Building Blocks The Ultimate Vitamin Guide: In today’s wellness-focused world, prioritizing health is crucial. Understanding the fundamental building blocks of nutrition—vitamins—is essential for optimal health. These vital nutrients play diverse roles, from boosting the immune system and enhancing skin health to improving mental…
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