cheezy-whizz · 5 days
Shout out to dysfunctional teenage friend groups from 80s movies, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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Put him in breakfast club <3
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don't you forget about him
edit: y'all are so much better at coming up with captions! 💖 (@pedroschka)
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cuepickle · 7 months
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Stranger Things x Breakfast Club AU (part ?)
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brendanfraserss · 1 year
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Molly Ringwald and Judd Nelson
The Breakfast Club promo shoot, (1985)
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dpsthinker · 2 years
words were being said.
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n1rvana34 · 3 months
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she's gets it 🙏
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fart-boys-blog · 3 months
breakfast club .. doodles…..
(and some SELFMADE memes under the cut !!)
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whyareyouhere66 · 10 months
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The Breakfast Club - 1985
love them so much
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old-movies-stuff · 11 months
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The breakfast club - 1985
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inkheartedwanderer · 2 years
what friends are for || the breakfast club
tbc x reader // mostly allison and brian bc losers unite (platonic!)
content: a small snippet of monday morning after detention. 
word count: 2.3k
“I don’t have any friends…”
“Well, if you did?”
“No… I don’t think the kind of friends I’d have would mind...”
Allison’s words resonate in your brain as you walk up the stairs and into the busy entrance of Shermer High School on Monday, March 26th, 1984. Waves of people swarm around you, as you make your way towards your locker, down the hall and to the right; the buzz of the early morning ringing in your ears like the static from the broken radio of your car. It’s a stark contrast to the emptiness these same corridors held just two days ago, and it almost feels like Saturday was a fever dream, hazy and overwhelming.
But everything that went down on Saturday was real -the screaming and the crying, the accusations and the confessions. The bonding. The fleeting illusion of a budding friendship with five other kids, all of you so different from one another, but so similar in one too many ways, all of you broken and lost. A part of you wants things to go back to normal, ignore the people that now know too much about you, more than anyone else ever has. Another part of you, a corner of your heart, small but pulsating like an open wound, wants to prove Claire wrong, prove her that the perfectly constructed social hierarchy of Shermer High means nothing if you just try. 
You don’t have as much to lose as Andy or Claire herself, but you don’t have as much to gain as Brian, Allison, or even Bender, either. People know you. People like you. You’re nice. Or you were, before you punched your best… ex-best friend right in the eye (and right in front of a teacher). But she had it coming, after her continuous not-so-subtle snide remarks about your problems at home that morning, the reason why you try so hard to be a good student, a good person, even if you slip from time to time. 
Your white sneakers squeak against the linoleum floor when you turn around the corner and the first thing you see is her in front of her open locker, applying concealer above her cheekbone with gentle pats of her middle finger; she’s surrounded by the other girls in your group, who are loudly asking her about the bruise that adorns her pale face. She won’t tell anyone it was you and you know it, but you’re unsure she’ll let you come near her and your friends anymore. Her eyes meet yours and her face hardens in a second. It’s obvious you’re not welcome. You would care, but it’s not her you are actually looking for.
A voice, gentle but firm calls you from behind. You look over your shoulder. Soft, meek Brian is gingerly making his way towards you, poorly hiding his nervousness as he approaches. You offer him a smile and turn completely, waving as he stops in front of you. “Hey, Brian.” He visibly relaxes at your tone, his lips turning upwards, braces on display. “What’s up? Did you have a nice Sunday?”
He nods vigorously, happy that you haven’t ignored him. Not that you would’ve before, but he doesn’t know that. “I studied for the Math exam we have on Friday, then started reading a new comic book. I’m almost done with it.”
A few seconds pass and Brian shifts his weight from foot to foot. He looks at his shoes, then steals a glance your way. “That’s a nice sweater,” he points at your light purple knit jumper “it looks good on you. The yellow one from Saturday was pretty, too.” You nod and look at him expectantly, in teasing silence, biting the inside of your cheek trying to hide a smile. There’s a faint pink tint dusting his cheeks. You’re pretty sure he has a small crush on you, and he’s so obvious and awkward about it that it’s endearing. 
Brian clears his throat and turns to his left, pointing to a group of boys huddling together around a locker a few feet away. “Those are my friends.” He says, matter-of-factly. They are staring at you like you’ve got two heads, somewhere between fascinated and terrified. You share a few classes with one of them, a tall and lanky guy with thick-rimmed glasses who talks very fast.
“Right,” You wave at them, “I know Freddie.” The boys wave back with hesitancy, studying Brian and you with cautious eyes. 
“That’s awesome, then.” Brian claps his hands together, leaning in confidentially. “They say it’s cool if you want to join us for lunch. You’re welcome at our table. Today or whenever” He smiles, pleased with himself, proud that he didn’t stutter while talking to you.
It isn’t hard to agree, considering you are now virtually friendless. “Sure, why not?” You say, sounding more nonchalant than you feel. And Brian’s face lits up, eyes twinkling under the fluorescent lights. You know what he’s thinking. Suck on that, Claire. Screw cliques. “Listen, have you-” The bell rings loudly, its grating sound piercing across the hall and signaling the beginning of the classes. You tsk and hold the boy’s arm before can walk away. “Have you seen Allison?”
Brian, who is trying to go back to his friends before they leave without him, stops in his tracks and looks at the ceiling, retracing his steps since he arrived at school earlier this morning. “No, I don’t think I have.” You drop your hand, let it fall against your jean-clad thigh in defeat. The crowd is dispersing and she’s nowhere to be seen, not in this hallway, at least. When you sigh, Brian speaks again. “She won’t be hard to find, though. If you do, tell her to come, too. For lunch.” And after giving you a thumbs up, he turns around and leaves.
It’s during the long break between the third and fourth periods that you manage to find Allison. She’s alone, pressing against a locker in the far corner of the arts hall near the library, clutching the strap of her grey bag with a death grip and looking intently at everyone passing her by.
Although she’s wearing all black again, an ink stain in an ocean of bright red lockers and yellow walls, and dark liner around her eyes, you notice as you get closer to her that she’s pinned her bangs back with two small hairpins.
She gasps when she spots you, a deep inspiration that shakes her whole body, and her smile is timid when you reach her side. Yours, however, is wide and sunny, and her face brights up like a child’s, a silent hello falling from her lips.
Two days earlier, when Allison stated softly I don’t have any friends, you swore your heart broke a little. Sure, she was a bit weird and showed questionable eating habits, but by the time you all sat at the back of the library to talk, you had grown fond of the girl; and it made you indescribably sad to see the deep loneliness in her eyes. You’ve come to school this morning determined to change that. You’re still not sure how you feel about her knack for lying, though.
“Hi,” You chirp, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“You have?” Her tone is awestruck, like she can’t believe anyone would look for her, and she’s breathing very hard.
You laugh. “Yeah, I tried to catch you this morning, but the bell rang before I could.”
The girl nods very slowly, taking in your words. Her smile grows bigger, more genuine and less tentative. “I was late today.” She touches her hair inadvertently, patting her short locks where they are pinned back.
“I’m digging the new look.”
Allison looks like she’s on the verge of tears (happy, you hope) when she thanks you with a choked voice.
You’re about to speak when a loud voice makes you jump.
“Well, if this isn’t the slugger and the freak.” 
Rolling your eyes at the nickname, you look over Allison’s shoulder. John Bender is sauntering towards you with a smug smile and his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket. He’s put a cigarette behind his ear, which is adorned with a shiny diamond earring. He’s got a slightly chaotic energy about him that used to make you nervous before you got to officially meet him, but now it’s easier for you to spot the mischievous -if not playful- gleam in his eyes when he’s trying to be amicable. 
“That’s rich coming from you.” You still haven’t mastered the art of deadpanning, but you try. “Broken any laws lately?”
Allison snickers beside you, face towards the floor but eyes bouncing from him to you. 
Bender squints, then makes a noise, a mix between a snort and a cackle. “Not yet,” he mimics your mock shock expression, “but t’s still early, sweets, don’t worry.” With a two finger salute, he begins to walk backwards, away from you. “Don’t punch anyone today.”
He makes a scene, demanding attention, tall and boisterous as he jumps and hits a banner that’s hanging from the ceiling. It wrinkles with a loud crack and comes off on one side. John lands too close to a group of girls, getting a fuss from them. 
“Look!” Allison nudges you and directs your attention towards one of the girls. Leaning on one shoulder against a locker, with her fiery red hair shining like silk and her pink lips pursed, Claire is staring at Bender with such intensity you’re afraid she might burn a hole in his jacket. Whether that’s good or bad, you’re not sure; but the smug smirk that spreads across his face when he makes eye contact with her tells you that’s exactly the reaction he was expecting.
You turn your attention back to the girl beside you, her brown eyes trained on you, blinking slowly. A bit weird, but who cares, you think. “So,” you begin, placing your hand on her elbow, gently, “Brian and his friends say we’re welcome to sit with them today, in the cafeteria.” Her eyes go wide and she makes a noise at the back of her throat. Feeling encouraged, you link your arm through hers and begin walking slowly down the corridor. “I think it’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, I think so.” She seems somewhat nervous, but lets you lead the way without resisting. “Did he really say I can go too?” 
“Of couse! He explicitly told me to tell you.”
Allison beams, squeezing your arm with cold fingers. 
Some people give you a few weird looks as you walk past. Others know you and wave, although their eyebrows furrow in confusion, surprised that your best friend isn’t by your side, puzzled that the resident weirdo is.
The wrestling team is gathered around a drinking fountain, a rowdy group of clean-cut boys in matching blue letterman jackets, making it hard not to notice them. Andrew’s piercing blue eyes find Allison without trouble, and he looks at her like a lovesick puppy when their gazes meet. His smile is timid when he nods, more valiant when the girl waves at him.
He hesitates for a long second as you two approach, getting closer to them and closer to walking away; and, with a surge of courage, steps in front of you and speaks lowly, voice full of warmth. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Allison looks at the floor.
“You look lovely.” It’s barely a whisper, but the girl’s cheeks turn hot pink and you smile. You’re not usually a fan of being a third wheel, but they’re both so nervous you can’t really say anything, can you? 
Andrew isn’t paying attention to you, completely focused on Allison, tracing her face with his eyes, smiling dopely. He takes his hand out of his pocket and offers her a piece of white paper, wrinkled and torn from a notebook. “I wanted to give you this. Call me, will you?” And steps back to his spot at the back of his team as if nothing had happened.
His number is neatly written with blue ink, a small smiley face at the bottom of the note. When you giggle, Allison giggles with you.
“I think he likes you.” 
“Shut up.” There’s no bite or malice in her words.
“It’s cute.” 
“Should I call him?” She’s staring at the piece of paper as if it were made of gold.
You’re escandalised. “Of course! Call him today after school. The wrestling team doesn’t train on Mondays.” 
“What do I say?”
“Well, first you say hi and- hey,” an idea pops into your head like a lightbulb turning on, “what if I go over today? To your house. I can help you figure out what to say and then I’ll let you call him by yourself.”
Her brows crease in the middle. “No one’s ever been to my house before.” She says it slowly, almost void of emotion.
Oh. You have a good idea of how awful her parents were -they own a big house, pretty but cold, and never pay their daughter much attention. Maybe you have overstepped. Maybe Allison dislikes visitors as much as you do. Maybe she avoids her place if she can, too.
But then she nods slowly. “But if you want to help me, I’d- I’d like that.”
You sigh, relieved, when she speaks again. Uncertain, confused, trying to figure you out. “Why would you do this for me?”
“Mmmh,” you rub her arm, “that’s what friends are for, Allison.”
“Friends?” You nod and think you’ll say it as many times as she asks you to just to see her like this again -she seems happy, happier than you’ve seen her before. You recognise the twinkle of hope in her eyes, the apple red excitement on her cheeks. The realisation, she doesn’t have to be alone, not anymore. 
                                                  🌷 🌷 🌷
a/n: Is The Breakfast Club fandom active at all? I hope it is, because after this year’s rewatch I have a lot of feelings. I’m sorry about my bias for our two losers here, I love Allison and Brian so much ♡♡♡
Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are welcome and appreciated :) ♡
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andyclarkz · 4 months
Brian Johnson
꒰ ꒱ ★ ᧔ ⑅ ᧓ ˚ .
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꒰ ꒱ ★ ᧔ ⑅ ᧓ ˚ .
photo collage~~andyclarkz
notes: omfg he’s so cutie i love him🤗. and his HANDS bro what??? omg.
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marypsue · 2 months
I know somebody has to have made 'The Breakfast Club, but a slasher is there'. I just need to know what it's called and where to watch it.
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spongewormedpants · 25 days
andrew clark and allison reynolds make me so ill i love them so dearly
they’re such an unlikely duo, but they are so SWEET!!!
what do you mean andrew was the first person in the breakfast club to hear her talk? what do you mean he was the first person to actually care about her home life? what do you MEAN when allison says “i would do it though. if you love someone, it’s okay” the camera CUTS TO ANDY?!?!?!
okay let’s talk about the makeover
if you notice how andrew reacts to it, he barely even mentions the difference in style. the first thing he outwardly notes is being able to see her face…… what if i killed them with so many rocks?!?!? he liked her WAY before her makeover. style change meant literally nothing to him
okay have a good day :3
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used2be-louchy · 7 months
My view of romance in The Breakfast Club
(originally written for my school's news paper as a movie review, thought it would interest some folks if I shared it here too)
I particularly have a problem with the ending of the movie. Claire gives Allison a makeover, why not, but it’s only after she sucks out the life out of everything that made her Allison that Andrew truly liked her and dared expressing his feelings to her, which sucks! Sure, he did show some interest in her before but so did everyone, because she was strange, because that’s her main trait as a character! But 80’s movies logic obliges, he fell in love with her when she became normal, even though they haven’t even known each other for more than 24 hours, which is the most unrealistic thing in that movie, but same goes for Claire and John, why would she go for him when he has been nothing but a jerk to her? I was rooting for Claire + Andrew (as cliché as it sounds) or even Claire + Brian (seriously, how come he doesn’t get a romantic ending too, he is so boyfriend material, of maybe I just have a thing for nerds), but nooo, they decided to go with my least favorite trope: “if he picks on you it’s because he likes you”. Former bullied kid here: this is a lie just to excuse the harmful behavior of boys, because as you know it society is misogynistic. Why does everything have to revolve around romance? Why can’t they just be friends first, go on a date maybe some time, get into a relationship after a bit, but they barely even know anything about each other, yes the little vent session they had was nice, but we have no clear idea of Allison and Brian’s lives at home, Claire hasn’t even revealed why she ended up in detention, nobody can name an interest or hobby of John, and do you know how Andrew is performing in school? No, you don’t, and neither do the characters in the movie. But as much as those feel like details and they can still learn about all of that when they are on a relationship, it is wrong to say you are in love with someone when you don’t even know what their dream career is or how many exes they have, not to mention that all of those questions could be deal breakers; and I will die on that hill. 
(if I misread some of the characters or scenes please let me know and I will take notice of it)
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silalcarin · 9 months
Timestamp 15:38 — "What if they laugh?" "He won't laugh."
In one of the final drafts of the script (PDF link found here), Claire's line was "they won't laugh"; here, she clearly says "he won't laugh."
I personally like that Claire said "he" and not "they." It means she saw that Andy and Allison were interested in each other, or at least that Andy was interested in Allison, and instigated the makeover partially to help the pairing. It gives Claire an actual reason to give Allison the makeover and makes the scene feel more genuine and sincere; in comparison to the completed film, where Claire gives Allison the makeover out of nowhere.
Also, in the aforementioned final draft, while Claire is giving Allison the makeover, Andy asks Brian a few questions about Allison, further establishing what the completed film already showed — that Andy was interested in Allison way before the makeover.
[Yes, people, despite what some of you may think, Andy did show interest in Allison before the makeover, even in the completed film — he tries to get to know her, he reaches out to her and empathizes with her regarding her parents, and he stares at her when she isn't looking.]
I really wish the Andy/Brian dialogue was a part of these deleted/extended scenes.
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Im sorry but I cannot stand the fact that they’re canon
(breakfast club fans PLEASE interact)
tiktok: m1nor.inconven1ence
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