#being controversial?
tonya-the-chicken · 1 year
I am currently thinking about what is bothering me in Toga's plotline... Because the premise is interesting but I am annoyed by it by now. Perhaps Horikoshi is asking questions I have already answered
Like, the discussion is happening in a very "the society is oppressing and rejecting me" kinda light. It isn't wrong per se. The closest real-life parallel with the Toga situation I can imagine is paraphilias (tbh even in canon you can say she has one). Are people with paraphilias oppressed and rejected? Yes. But... I mean... We can't just allow them to "be their true self" and commit sexual violence. Paraphilias so far are untreatable, the therapy is directed at developing ways for coping and redirecting your attraction, maybe finding different ways to satisfy their urges, helping better control themselves
In this regard, the programs she was put in maybe been ineffective and approached in the wrong way but ultimately had the right goal of trying to help her suppress the violent urges, not act on them. They were bad in their approach, just outright awful in some places. At the same time, I dread the way this will be discussed...
With paraphilias, there's no need to search. Just look at how society treats pedophiles. And surely, you can't allow them to live their dream life but all people online ever do is wish them death. Imagine if your child turned out to be sexually attracted to children. I think way more people would react the way Toga's parents did rather than accept their kids no matter what or provide them with any help they would need. I mean... Do any of you even KNOW what kind of help someone with paraphilia needs?
I feel like all discussions will be watered down into very generic rejects vs normies when it is a very specific situation where rejecting the way a person wants to live is required to maintain a healthy society. Like, you can't just go and normalize killing your lovers and drinking their blood. Toga will always live a life full of rules because that is what it means to live in a society
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novembermorgon · 1 month
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varijacija · 10 months
I havent watched a marvel movie in a million years so I must say it was insane seeing marvel controversy being only about how there arent many women or gay people in it and then hear the plot of most movies being like "villain is bad because a hero billionare stole his work and hes mad about it" "hero is good because he made a super war weapon" "villain is bad because he is against racism" "hero is again good because he made a super war weapon but feels a biiiit bad for killing but its justified ofc cus it saved america" "villain bad because he took it too far while fighting to save nature" etc etc
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feather-bone · 9 months
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This is the devil’s hole pupfish! A tiny species that lives only in One water-filled limestone cavern in Nevada. It was one of the first animals on the endangered species list. At the last count in 2022 there were 263 pupfish observed - the most in 19 years! They’re tracked pretty carefully, as their 215 square foot habitat (the smallest of any know vertebrate) is fragile and has been disturbed in the past by groundwater extraction and other human interference.
[ID: an illustration of a shiny metallic blue fish, the male devil’s hole pupfish, facing to the right. It is on a lighter blue background with a ripple pattern. End.] l
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deerest-deer · 13 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆hannibal nbc as littlest pet shops⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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suspencerrrr · 10 months
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I’m obsessed with this image. The hatred. The rage. The sheer lividness. Tremendous animosity. Nothing but utter contempt and disgust because your buddy isn’t doing his Scared Guy schtick. This is so funny. This is the epitome of comedy. Nothing will ever top this.
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irlwakko · 6 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts saying “We shouldn’t be clowning on James Somerton fans right now! They didn’t know he was a grifter!” and while I do understand the sentiment here and agree that no one needs to be, like, self-flagellating about it, there is DEFINITELY a conversation that needs to be had about how, for years, James Somerton spouted misogynistic, lesbophobic, sinophobic, etc. rhetoric to an audience of almost entirely queer people and went pretty much unchallenged until now.
You can’t separate the fans from Somerton’s beliefs here; fans who saw these videos and were aware of what was said in them were, at least, totally cool with not confronting all this bigotry and didn’t see it as a deal-breaker. And that IS something they need to look inwards about right now.
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eganeyes · 3 months
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mota as tumblr/twt textposts pt.3! several screenshots from @itstheheebiejeebies (thank you ♡)
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6
also: a bonus slightly controversial curt one because i couldn't help myself
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boydzoe · 2 months
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
I used to despise Eridan and think he was the absolute worst character (barring Cronus ig) but you have shown me the light and completely turned my opinion around and now I think he is such an endearing little freak <3 I read your whole blog already but if you've got any more thoughts on eri or anyone else then I hope you post them bc I'd love to hear more abt it!
i have sooo many controversial opinions about the dancestors you have noooooo idea
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st4rking · 9 months
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tfw you, as a mind reader, have to team up with a man who thinks too much
Slight spoilers in tags
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enthusiastic-nimrod · 22 days
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intergalaactic · 3 months
i love the insane juxtaposition between how we talk about autism on tumblr vs on tiktok. on tiktok all everyone ever really discusses are the “easier” parts of autism, the “cute” ones like stimming, special interests and SOMETIMES, and HEAVY on the sometimes, they talk about the lack of tonal understanding and missing jokes and it’s like… dude that’s maybe 1/4 of what the Autism Experience™️ is… like i love tumblr bc we really talk about all the ugly parts on here like what is ACTUALLY means to go mute/nonverbal, or the daily struggles with hygiene and independence, the horrible feeling of knowing that you are fundamentally different from everyone around you and trying to mask but knowing they see through it and being compared to non human creatures to the point where you actually start feeling nonhuman!!! like okay missing the joke sometimes is annoying but yknow what’s worse? not being able to look after myself and knowing there’s a decently high chance that i’ll never be able to live alone. like i need tiktok autistic people to understand that in order for you to have autism, which is a disability, it does have to actually disable you first. i’m not saying that because they only post the “cuter” parts that they don’t have autism!! but like it’s an app full of teenagers and i feel the need to remind them that we all miss jokes sometimes, and we do all have interests and shows that we may really enjoy!! and that’s okay!!
but idk maybe i’m being bitter or smth i always get paranoid that i’m just being a hater but there’s not a single autistic person i know that hasn’t genuinely suffered bc of it in their lives whether it be in their social or personal or academic life. just a thought!!
[weird colours included bc huge chunks of text like this are gross to read otherwise lmfao]
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thou-babbling-brook · 3 months
Petition to say Connor Davenport instead of Connor Kenway because Ratonhnhaké:ton would not fucking take Haytham’s last name
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monarchisms · 9 months
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rt try not to ruin what's left of your goodwill challenge (impossible)
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winepresswrath · 5 months
tbh all jiang cheng ships are hypothetically good to me because jiang cheng is just so not in a good place for dating or marriage. no one should wife him up which is why anyone wifing him up has great comedy potential. it is a situation you're putting him in where he's forced to cope with intimacy and the possibility of betrayal or rejection. he's going be thinking about his parents' marriage except for the times he's going to be thinking about his sister and his redacted. and also there is the potential for someone to die horribly and leave him alone with a baby. again.
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