#because lord knows they're not paying attention to that themselves
hearties-circus · 1 year
I love my funny guys and their stupid flaws
#gamer txt.#al ocs#the fact that effie the second youngest character at 24 is genuinely the most emotionally mature and has the best critical thinking skills-#-is on purpose but its still really funny#past effie and walt everyone on the red team is in their mid 30s - late 40s youd think one of them would more mature than the person-#-potentially half their age. youd think. and youd be wrong#but its the fact that they all act somewhat immaturely (at least for their ages) that allows them have as much fun as they do#but is also why despite having plans and actual formations unlike their rivals they still lose to the blu team a fair bit#they lose focus#they pay more attention to the nearest immediate dopamine hit#they genuinely dont notice other shit which is why walts job is mostly making sure the team knows whats going on in their surroundings#because lord knows they're not paying attention to that themselves#thats why walt gets voted team leader because they play invaluable part - the one who pays attention#its the two 20 smthn year olds that keep the team afloat#effie at their home base and walt on the field#but they get along for the most part they all actually like eachother and enjoy living together#thats why they're team frat house theyre having fun and being stupid about it#the blus might be much more responsible but it costs them friendships#it results in them being prickly jerks to their teammates who arent their friends#and not being able to strategise as well#but they can be mature and think about their actions before doing them and that is important#thats ehy the team can function so well despite being so seperate and disjointed
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lovetei · 11 months
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: The Brothers, Side characters
Warnings: Gender neutral pronouns for MC, Cussing, Slight yandere themes (Belphegor, Asmodeus)
Links: Masterlist
This demon likes sticking to rules
Running on hallways? Detention
Eating during class? Detention
Not paying attention to class? Detention
No one is safe...
Except for one person.
The cafeteria if filled with loud noises, your voice shouting profanities to another demon specifically.
Everyone listening to the argument feels like they're stomach is about to burst out of nervousness because "What if Lucifer randomly comes in and put all of us is detention because we just stood by and didn't do anything to stop the fight?!"
And he did.
But what surprised them is that he didn't shout or anything, he just stood there for a few second and scanned the crowd looking for one of his brothers.
Spotted Mammon and came close to him before whispering something among themselves.
And then he just stood there
Doing nothing
As if it's just fucking okay to let a human, the exchange student at that, to scream and curse a demon because he won't cooperate into this project.
And when the demon started cursing back at you, the rules are suddenly so strict as if cussing will cause the end of the 8 rings of hell.
The demon is sent to detention, removed from the group, suspended, and many more.
And who knows? Maybe you pulled just a few strings to have that demon expelled.
But what the citizens sure know is that they never saw anyone again after talking to MC like that.
It was cute
Mammon would do anything for you, no matter how big or small it is.
One day, Mammon was spotted running around the halls of RAD.
Looking like he's getting chased by Lucifer, again.
But surprisingly, he's not.
He's just running around the school fetching your fan, notebooks, bag, pens, water or some snacks.
One time, you two were put in a group for this project and were talking about it with your other group mates.
Then you hit him with a "Mammon, I left my notebook on my desk in the potions class, can you fetch it for me?"
With just a blink of an eye, Mammon who was leaning on your shoulder just a few minutes ago is gone.
And with another blink of an eye he's there again with your notebook on his hands then he's back to leaning on your shoulder again as if he didn't just go to the other side of the school for a notebook.
He's introverted
He won't go out his room if it's just for some lame party
I also headcanons for him to be the most unseen brother
Or like him having the smallest amount of photo and information online because he just won't go out.
Yeah, he won't go out if it's just some small, lame party but if Diavolo hosts it, what exactly can he do?
"Do you think the avatar of envy will attend this party?"
"Ha! No way... Lord Leviathan won't attend small parties or gatherings like these unless Lord Diavolo hosts it himself."
"Lord Leviathan really has a high standard when it comes to gatherings..."
And then poof
He's there
Beside you
A happy go lucky sheep beside a gloomy snake
What a match
And if you ask him why he would attend such gatherings when it's totally not even his style he would just go like "MC."
"What can I do? MC really wants to see the fireworks display."
"MC wants me to escort them."
So they got the hint on how to make Levi attend gatherings, either have Diavolo host it or invite MC too.
He's angry
But not angry enough to yell when MC is around
Man's can go from 👹 to ☺️ real quick as soon as he felt MC's prescense
He doesn't know why too, but whenever he yell while you're around he thinks he'll fall out of favor
He'll talk so sweet in front you and then when you turn around you can see some veins popping out of his neck and forehead.
And if he can't really handle it and went berserk in your prescense another scary yet amazing thing you can is to put your hand on his body.
Shoulder, head, neck, wrist, arm, wherever it is.
Just pat him or link your arms with him and he will start to calm down.
People headcanon him to like it when you're obsessed with him but I think he's more obsessed to you.
Like he's down bad
You can do anything and he'll literally fawn all over it
"Look at the way they run their hands through their hair!"
"Look at how they work!"
"The way they hold that fork is so graceful~"
Literally, you're the only person that comes to his mind when someone said pretty
Except for himself of course
But I swear, whenever someone caught him staring at you the atmosphere gets so thick
You don't even know why but the atmosphere is heavy and the air suddenly smells so sweet
And those heart in his eyes, the way his pupils dilate
Yeah, you have this man worshipping you alongside himself
Other than the fact that he's actually willing to share his food with you
He's willing to help you in any physical works
Like lifting up things, carrying your stuffs and sometimes even running errands for you
I mean, he actually doesn't do it a lot because Lucifer actually asks Mammon for this stuff because the things Lucifer needs to be done is a little...
And he doesn't want to taint Beel's innocence.
So now since you're already a part of the student council when Lucifer needs to have something important finished but it requires physical work.
You and Beel will be partnered
And he doesn't have anything against it either
He likes it so much when you command him to do something actually
I mean, he's tall and buff but Lucifer won't ask him to do anything that includes hard labor except taking care of Belphegor
So you actually helping him make use of all those muscles made him feel a tinge of happiness
He feels like he's actually of use :)
This little brat
He would kill for you and he means it
He's not scared to spill blood on broad daylight as long as it's for you
Someone bothered you? Dead
Oh this person annoyed you? Taken care of
Aw~ He told you you're cute and asked you out on a date? That's sweet! Dead.
He's just like that
He won't tolerate anyone who dared disrespect you
And Lucifer won't even put a stop into this
"I mean, Devildom is quite overpopulated and we don't want anyone disrespecting Lord Diavolo's plan on bringing the three realms together now." Is what he reasons everytime.
Oh, he also wakes up on command as long as it's you.
Lucifer and his brothers could be shaking him like he's dead and he won't even bother to open his eyes
But if you just pulled a "Belphie? Good morning..." Oh dear, he's wide awake and clinging to you.
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starryschoolgirl · 8 months
Responsibilities (of marriage)
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Summary -> Even though the two of you may have a little fight here and there, Elvis reminds you that regardless of your feelings, you still have your marital duties to abide by, it's what holds a union together. Your responsibilities as a wife. And to keep him, you're bound to fulfill them because Lord knows he can have them filled anytime anyplace.
Warnings -> Jealousy, the brutally soft/appeasing nature of the reader can be annoying to some people, smut, p in v, possible dacryphilia, unprotected sex, sex in a house full of people(?), kitchen sex, entitlement to a woman's body, innocence/inexperience kink, threats of infidelity, dismissed jealousy, Elvis gets pervy with panties, ass slapping, outdated views on how marriage/being married should be, swearing, talks of 'breaking in' girl's vagina, repeated denial of sex, persuasion for sex, this is quite dubious at certain points
WC -> 5.6k
Edit: This is an installment of the Baby Love au!!
This could only have come to fruition thanks to the wonderful input of @yourfavoritedreamgirlblog, thank you Lovely for the help
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As another song came to a wrap Elvis made sure to send a smile to every girl in the room, along with a few of the guys who watched from their places at the fold-out table they used to play cards on, having their respective girls on their laps.
Squeals of excited ecstasy left the mouths of the girls that surrounded Elvis as he sang one last sweet, drawn-out note.
This kind of night wasn't an unusual occurrence, Elvis often held jam sessions with girls there to praise him because for some reason your words and the words of his entourage weren't enough to satisfy his ego. It had started happening a lot more since you and Elvis officially tied the knot, not even a month ago now.
But tonight it wasn't in you to be the cool wife, to be just the wife. The wife who was sweet and unthreatened by the floozies Elvis would let into the house, into your home. A strange swirl of anger and sadness had been giving you a headache for the entirety of the jam session. It either stemmed from your waves of emotions, or it was the fumes of how much perfume these girls were spritzing all over themselves, filling your house with the scent of them.
It also didn't help that Elvis had been paying special attention to the girls tonight, usually he'd take time to look at you and smile at you throughout the session, but tonight he hadn't given you any attention.
Biting down on your wobbly lip, you watched from afar on the plush couch, Elvis sat on a stool a few feet away, his guitar sitting on his lap as a group of girls sat at his feet like concubines. The girls were meant to be there for the other guys, at least that's what Elvis had always said to you. Joe would go down and pull a few pretty girls from the gate of your California home and drag them up to the house so that they could entertain the boys.
As your nails dug little crescents into your palms Elvis' laughter boomed over the shrill giggles of the girls sitting at his feet, he then asked as he stared down at a particular green-eyed blonde,
"Got another request?"
Just then a different girl wearing a skin-tight green dress crawled forward slightly, putting her hand on Elvis' knee as she suggested with those big batting false lashes,
"Could you read to us again?"
Elvis smiled down at her sweetly and put his hand over hers as he purred,
"'Course Doll… And by the way,"
He went on about how pretty her makeup was done and that led to another girl clinging to his leg and asking coyly, "What about my eyelashes Mr. Presley? They're natural.", everyone in the room knew they weren't, even Elvis, but he'd feed into the girl's words because she was just so cute.
As the group continued to converse with Elvis' preferences being the focus, you bit your manicured nails harshly, feeling tears build up in your eyes as you watched this all go down in your home.
Your legs bounced nervously, but only seconds later a woman turned her head back to the sound of your heels clicking against the wood floor. Her stare wasn't nice or sweet, it looked closer to disgust. Your nervous habit came to a halt, not wanting to be bothersome to anybody even in your own house.
As her head turned back to Elvis her hair flicked with it. You pulled your nails from your mouth and let them rest in your lap, the paint on your pointer and middle fingernails was chipped. You'd have to fix the ugly mistake tonight.
Elvis' conversation with the girls came to a stop as he decided to fulfill the blonde's wish, and for the first time tonight he looked over to you with a hand pointed to the cushion next to you where he left one of his religious books,
"Honey, could ya grab my book f'me?"
You looked up at him with wide eyes and immediately stepped into action, grabbing his book gently and stepping around the girls who stared up at you with unreadable gazes. You mumbled quiet apologies as you tried to step around them to get to Elvis, you felt like an inconvenience, and you knew you shouldn't, but you did.
As Elvis grabbed the book from you, instead of smiling and mumbling a 'thank you', his eyes caught the imperfection on your nails. He grabbed your wrist gently and turned it so that he could get a better look at your hand, with a soft laugh he spoke bluntly,
"Your polish is chipped Honey,"
A few girls giggled along with his laugh, but you knew they weren't laughing out of love the way (you hoped) Elvis was. They were laughing because even the smallest glimpse of imperfection from a woman married to a man like Elvis was pathetic. It gave them the idea that they had a chance with Elvis. Little Miss Perfect made a mistake, so they had an opening. You felt a blush of embarrassment fall over your face and softly stuttered,
"I-I know, I'll fix it"
Elvis stared at you with a small smile, his thumb gliding across the smooth skin of your wrist as he mumbled,
"I think it's best ya do"
The attention on you at the moment was making you antsy and irritable. You just wanted to go back to being a decoration in the corner of the house. Something that no one but Elvis would pay any mind to. The uncomfortable feeling of having the eyes of girls you didn't even want in the house on you was weighing on your mind and your words.
You looked down at the tips of your heels and avoided eye contact as you quietly repeated yourself to get yourself out of the situation as fast as possible,
"I said I'll fix it."
His eyebrows lifted ever so slightly at his sweet little girl's tone, his grip on your wrist tightening just enough to leave a mark but not so much that the girls that surrounded you could see it. His smile turned patronizing as he tilted his head a little. He spoke through a breathy laugh,
"Shouldn't have chipped it in the first place Doll…"
The laughs of the other girls sounded like a soft hum as you stared at your feet, nodding in silence as you chewed your lower lip, feeling tears build up in your eyes once again. After he got your nod he let go of your wrist, but instead of turning to head back to the couch, you turned a different way, as you made your way through the girls in a different direction. As you walked you murmured a soft, "Excuse me", a quiet, "Sorry", and a shaky, "P-pardon me"
As you began to quickly make your way to the doorway that led to the kitchen you could hear Elvis ask, "Where ya goin' Hon?" and you continued without looking back or speaking, fearing that if you did he'd see your teary eyes and hear the cracks in your voice.
Thankfully the kitchen was a completely separate room, and though you could still hear everything going on in the living room, it was more subdued despite that the entry to the kitchen was open and free for noise to flow in and out. You sniffled softly and stared down at your nails, finally taking in the ugliness of the chipping at your polish.
You walked over to the medicine cabinet just above the stove, you were tall enough to open it but unfortunately, you weren't tall enough to reach inside so you had to grab one of the stools that were used as seating for the island counter, shakily standing on it as you continued to sniffle.
Your search for the nail polish remover was a hard one, maybe it was due to the tears that filled your eyes and made your vision blur, but for some reason, you were having such a hard time finding it that you hadn't even noted that the strumming of the guitar in the other room had come to a stop, and Elvis' voice which sounded like a soft murmur from here in the kitchen had now disappeared from the air, like the scent of your favorite dinner after everyone had taken their portion.
It was only when you felt the rough callouses on Elvis' hands and the rings that adorned his fingers run along the inside of your thigh that you realized he must've stopped entertaining the girls at some point and entered the kitchen. He looked up at you as you stood on the stool while his hand continued to knead at the flesh of your thigh.
Your lip wobbled as you looked down at him and you quickly used the back of your hand to swipe your tears away as you noticed a frown tug at his lips. He mumbled in plain confusion,
"Why ya cryin'?"
You sighed softly, disguising it as a breathy laugh as you shook your head,
"It's nothing"
Elvis' hand that caressed your inner thigh ran down toward the back of your calf, rubbing upward and downward twice before he spoke pointedly with an unamused look on his face,
"If it's nothin' why'd ya leave? And why didn't you answer me?"
You looked down at him with widened eyes and quickly closed the cabinet so you could put all your focus on him, feeling apologetic as you'd forgotten about that.
"I-I didn't mean to- I was just, I was embarrassed…"
Elvis' laugh was low and dry, complimented perfectly by his rough voice and tightening grip on your calf,
"You were embarrassed? How'd ya think I felt after my wife ignored me in front of a whole fuckin' room of people?"
You kept yourself from wincing at his tone as you looked away from him, realizing how inconsiderate your actions were, and remembering your mother telling you that the wife is a representation of the man, that she is responsible for his image, and that she should always maintain decorum. Hardly married a month and you'd already made so many mistakes, this was just another notch to the bedpost.
Your voice was quiet as you breathed out another apology.
A silence ensued as Elvis' hand ran up your calf to your thigh, slipping up even further to touch the skin under your skirt. You turned abruptly which made him lose his touch on your skin, before stepping off the stool carefully. Your eyes were widened as you looked scandalized by even the prospect of what he was silently proposing.
As he moved the stool out of the way to clear his path toward you, arms reached out and landing around your waist. You put both your hands on his chest, the force you could evoke from yourself was a small pathetic one as you whispered up at him, "No, no, no…"
He smiled down at you and licked his lips, his girl was so smart.
"No what? Hm?"
Each stride of his pushed his body against yours, the contact would lose for a second as you took a step back, but he would follow up with another stride until you were pushed back against the counter, you could feel the hard granite pushing into the back of you.
He knew what he was suggesting, he knew what he was imploring with those fingers that danced too close to the lace lining of your panties under your skirt. He just wanted to hear you say it, to say you knew what he was implying.
You, his sweet little wife, having only recently had her cherry popped by her husband, a girl who while she dated him wasn't all that aware of sexual cues until now. And within the span of a few weeks, Elvis had broken you in all nice and proper, he'd taught you how to take a cock, and he loosened you up enough to where sex could be enjoyable.
And though the wedding was almost a month ago, he still cradles the idea that his darling bride is still new and flimsy, inexperienced and innocent.
He wanted to hear what he was turning you into. From a virgin bride who needed to be gently introduced to her marital duties, to a fucked-out wife who knew her place and knew when she needed to fulfill her responsibilities. Whether those responsibilities take place on the plush of your shared bed, the leather of the couch in Elvis' dressing rooms, or the hardened countertops in the kitchen.
It didn't matter, it was your responsibility.
"E-Elvis, there are people, they'll hear…"
Elvis' grip on your waist had firmed up as he leaned down to press little kisses along the side of your neck. One hand rose to gently get a grip on your hair as he used it to pull your head to the side, giving him more access to the skin. He mumbled softly into the skin,
"Isn't that what you want?"
You breathed out a confused, "What?" as his kisses continued up your chin and then to your cheek. He pulled back and smiled down at you, both his hands cupping your cheeks in the gentlest of ways,
"As subtle as ya think ya are, it's pretty easy f'me to tell when you're jealous"
Oh no. He knew.
Your mother always told you that a good wife doesn't get jealous, she shouldn't anyway.
She's the wife and that's the spot that matters, a man can have girlfriends if he wants to. Because the only way to keep a man happy is to let him have his cake and eat it too. Men were simple that way, they were greedy and lustful. And your mother told you that no matter how hard you work, there comes a point when a man will no longer lust over his wife, his eyes will travel elsewhere and that's a given. But you'll stay around as long as you're pleasant company because men are greedy.
You looked panicked as you tried to deny it with a shake of your head, your voice frantically soft in the way your mother always spoke to your father,
"I'm not-"
His voice was sharp as he easily cut through your denial,
"Think I'm stupid or somethin'? I know ya want those girls to know you're mine. So I'll be a good husband and comply with your wishes."
It was all falling apart, you should've just sat there and dealt with it like a good wife. As you realized the bunch you got yourself into you began to try to explain yourself, only to have your thoughts get all jumbled as Elvis pressed his body against yours entirely, his arms trapping you against him as he wrapped them around your waist. His nose was buried into the crook of your neck as he began tugging the neckline of your shirt down, when it didn't comply he simply began ripping it.
"Elvis don't!"
He mumbled into your skin, sounding a little annoyed as he did so,
"Would ya just shut the fuck up"
You blubbered with your hands attempting to push him away by his shoulders, you needed to explain to him that you were fine with the girls, you didn't care, you could be the placating wife a man like him no doubt needed. You really could. So the two of you didn't need to do it now, didn't need to do it here for anyone to walk in and see. For the people just one room away to hear.
Your voice was panicked as you continued despite his scolding,
"B-but, I'm not, I mean- We can't"
As Elvis continued to attack your neck he spoke roughly into the skin, "Goddammit" and pulled away, pulling you by your wrist over to the island counter, center of the kitchen and as big as a dining table. You tried to explain your viewpoint quickly,
"People will hear, I don't, please no, not here, c-can we go upstairs?"
He kept a bruising grip on your waist with one hand while the other grabbed your chin roughly, making you look him in the eye. Your breathing was ragged, not from means of pleasure, but rather your fear of having a displeased husband, having done something to make him look at you the way he was now. You're sure what's in his eyes is anger, fury, disappointment, and dissatisfaction.
"Look Honey, I don't wanna be an ass of a husband, but if that's what I gotta be to make this marriage work, then that's what I'll be."
You stared up at him with fear of what being an ass of a husband entailed. Was he going to find a girl who'd let him fuck her in this situation instead? Would he do that? No, he wouldn't… Your eyes watered at the idea.
Your tone sounded hurt as you said, "Elvis…"
As your eyes continued to fill with tears Elvis' hands flew down to your hips, quickly spinning your around to face the island and pressing his groin against your ass. The surface was digging painfully into where your hip bones were.
"If I have to fuck you face down over this damn counter so that this marriage can keep on keepin' on, then that's what I'm gonna do."
You gasped at his statement and tried to maneuver out from between him and the counter, but that only led to him grabbing you by the back of your neck with a gentle, but firm grip. He pushed you down by the neck till you were completely bent over the counter. As the cold granite snapped against your temple and cheek you whined softly, "Elvis, can we please do it upstairs? Please"
Even in this situation, you were still acting like a good little girl, still minding your manners, talking sweet and soft.
Elvis gave you an ultimatum from behind as he shifted his crotch slightly, letting you feel what you were doing to him,
"I don't wanna fuck you upstairs, I wanna do it here and now, if you won't I'm sure one of the other girls will."
You stayed bent over the counter pliantly, chewing the bottom of your lip with an internal battle, Elvis' voice interrupting it as he asked,
"Now then, I'm gonna make this marriage work, spent too long breakin' ya in to have ya turn into some naggin' old, jealous prude of a wife."
Before you could say anything in response he was already hiking your skirt up to have it pool around your hips as he kneaded your ass. You let out a strangled yelp as the sharp sound of Elvis slapping your ass filled the room. Followed by another. he leaned over your body and cupped your chin from behind as he littered kisses down your temple and cheek, growling into the skin, "Go on Baby, let them hear you, let them hear what I do to you."
Another slap of your ass filled the room followed by a cry. You hated that you liked it.
Elvis pulled back to stare at your pretty pink panties, his fingers toyed with the edge of the thin fabric. After ample admiring he tugged the sides down, eventually letting them drop and watching as they fell to your ankles. He smirked softly as he watched your small clumsy feet try to step out of them.
"Atta girl, knew my sweet girl would come 'round"
You hummed softly, happy with the tinge of approval in his voice. Your actions showed that you could be the kind of wife Elvis could fuck next to a room full of people, but your body betrayed you as you trembled with anxiety from the thought of someone else coming in and seeing you in this state. Seeing you acting like a whore.
As you heard the click of Elvis' belt buckle you inhaled a sharp breath of nerves. And though at this moment, any spectator might think Elvis was just another self-centered man who thought sex was only about the man's feelings, you knew Elvis was thinking of you, that by having not even fucked you yet he was being considerate. He could have easily pushed you against the counter and had his way with you a few minutes ago.
And he showed his silent consideration of your feelings as he kept one hand on your lower back, rubbing soothing circles into the skin while his fingers on his other hand fumbled with the zipper of his trousers, pulling out his length and quickly spitting onto his palm just to rub himself up.
Had it been any other man the image would've been disgusting, but when it was Elvis it was different. Because your husband wasn't like any other.
His hand that once soothed you drifted down to squeeze the globe of your ass before traveling even further South as he used two fingers to part the lips of your pussy. A soft squelch filled the air between to two of you as he parted you, it was proof that your body wanted him just as much as his wanted yours. The noise left him to hum pleasurably, and you to press your red-hot cheeks into the cold counter.
"What's this? Were ya secretly hopin' I'd fuck you over the counter?"
You whined softly at his insinuation. Squeezing your eyes shut in distaste as he reasoned, "No point in askin' I guess, I mean-" His eyes caught sight of your discarded pink panties on the floor and he quickly reached to grab them, laughing softly to himself as he saw all he needed. He continued, bringing your panties down for you to look them head-on.
Your face flushed at the sight and as you tried to turn it away his other hand gripped your chin roughly, the rings pinching at your skin as he made you stare at your own doing, laughing breathily, "The answer to my question is right here ain't it?"
And it was. You didn't want to admit it, but it was all true. The idea of, after repressing your jealousy night after night for so long, of finally letting everyone know you were his and he was yours… It was such a romantic idea. And for you, raised to only get your rocks off on romance books rather than boys, romance was the most erotic thing of all.
His two fingers that parted your pussy's lips squeezed their way through the folds, entering a much warmer, more enclosed area. Your vagina contracted slightly at the sudden intrusions of Elvis' long fingers, you let out a soft breathy moan, it was quiet for the most part but had a high pitch at the end that could give away that not all was normal in the kitchen.
He spoke breathily at the noise, "Oh Honey," it was a giveaway that he'd enjoyed hearing that sound leave you. You quickly flung your hand over your mouth as Elvis' fingers curled within your heat, the squelching continued with each movement, the larger his movements were, the louder the squelch would be. It amused him.
When he deemed you ready he pulled his fingers out, running the white discharge that stuck to his fingers along his length, using it as a lubricant of sorts, but really, he just loved how lewd the idea was. His special times with you always ended with your skin getting stained with the proof of his satisfaction. So when he could, he loved to lather his cock in your proof of satisfaction as if it were the most purifying of body washes. You getting cum on your face and him watching it begin to slowly slide down your skin was lewd and he knew deep down you loved it, this was his equivalent, this is what he loved.
His head fell back gently as he tugged at his foreskin again, making sure to get your discharge in all the little cracks and crevices before lining himself up behind you. You could feel the tip of him press against your lips, despite all his experience he always fumbled around a little down there, in his defense there were a few things to look out for before he could land himself in the gold mine.
You tried your best to brace yourself, but there wasn't much to grab on the counter, it wasn't like when Elvis fucked you on the bed and you could cry into a pillow and grasp at the sheets, the best you could do on the counter was hold onto the edges, it was worth a try though.
As Elvis pushed into you he groaned lowly, the noise only getting louder the further he pushed in. You did your best to keep quiet, to keep your dignity, but it was only due to you beginning to stand on your tippy toes to stop Elvis from getting his natural leverage due to height into you, it soothed the burn enough to where instead of moaning loudly you got by with a soft cry that you did your best to choke back.
Elvis noticed this and leaned down, careful not to shuffle around in you too much. He kissed your shoulder gently and murmured into the skin, his tone and words sweet for the first time this evening, as he spoke he sounded the way he always did when the two of you were alone, his public behavior now wearing off as he tried to soothe his wife.
"I know it's still hard Babydoll, but this is the only way it gets better, c'mon, come down from the tips of your sooties, ya can do it Baby, I know ya can…"
As Elvis continued to press gentle kisses along your shoulder you slowly eased yourself down from your toes, but the tug at your inner walls and the burn that followed was too much. You fell forward defeatedly onto the island counter, raising yourself back up to your toes as you cried softly into the hard surface,
"It hurts Elvis..! I can't, I can't"
Elvis grimaced and looked up to the ceiling like he was asking the Lord for patience as the throbbing and twitching of his cock was beginning to tingle him painfully, he needed to move, but he needed you to be ok with that.
With a gentle hold, Elvis moved your hair to the side so that he could press a gentle kiss on the back of your neck. You could feel and hear him murmur into the skin, his voice patient yet stern,
"You've done it before Mama, we've been workin' so hard. Don't ya remember it only burns at first, r'member how good it feels after?"
You nodded slowly, he watched from behind and quietly hummed, "There, now let yourself down on me Honey, all the way." His hands settled at your hips as he slowly helped guide you down from your tippy toes, you winced softly as you continued, and he encouraged, "A-almost there Baby, that's right, there…"
His last word had drawn off as his head fell backward from being completely engulfed within your heat.
Pulling out a little was easy, it was the going back in that was hard as it put the both of you right back where you started with you arching back up on your toes and crying out softly from the familiar yet painful intrusion.
Elvis swore quietly, "Fuck's sake…"
Though you felt bad for being so bothersome, you stuck with your actions. You'd never done the act in this position before, all the other times you and Elvis had sex up until now, it was always slow, sweet, and soft. There was never any pressure, and you never had to stand up.
You stuttered out as you felt your poor little toes begin to tremble from supporting your entire body for so long,
"It-It's not getting better, it b-burns"
Elvis grunted and laid his head on your back as he spoke through a sexual frustration from being granted access to your pussy just to have it taken away once again,
"It will get better."
You were being such a tease, well not purposely, but it still wasn't something that would fly with Elvis. He knew how to cut through to you though, he knew his bride was such a sweet girl, such a people pleaser, that she wouldn't be so difficult under different conditions.
Elvis pressed his head against your back, his tone of voice low and breathy as he asked,
"Remember all that breakin' in I did for ya? How good I was? I was good wasn't I, mama?"
You wanted to sob as you were stuck in a predicament, if you stopped Elvis would think you didn't think he was good enough, but if you kept going you were certain he'd tear you open from the inside out, or at least rip the crevice of your womanhood, the idea made you grimace painfully as you thought about it.
As you ducked your head into your shoulder to try and stifle a cry, Elvis was there for you to lean your cheek against instead. It was romantic, the feel of your wet tears that glided down your face as if they were shooting stars, rubbing up against his much dryer cheek, letting him feel the struggle he was putting you through. Letting him feel what he was doing to you for once while you knew all too well with a hardened cock up your pussy what you were doing to him.
He hummed soothingly and clicked his tongue once, twice, before murmuring as he placed a kiss on your damp cheek,
"I jus' need ya to trust me Honey, same way ya did on our wedding night"
His kisses danced along your cheek and lingered on your earlobe, nibbling the edge softly as his hand drifted around your waist, landing expertly at your clit as if he knew your body like a map.
"Don't tell me ya forgot about that already?" He whispered as his middle fingers began to circle that special little bud down there, making your hips twitch ever so slightly with the sensation.
You let out an airy moan as he added his index finger to the circling of your most sensitive bundle of nerves, rubbing slow lazy circles as you felt the hot, wet edge of his tongue land on the skin just below your ear as he pressed gentle little kisses. His words were encouragingly sweet, "I've been neglectin' ya here, haven't I?"
Your hum was weak and broken as you tilted your head back, biting your lower lip,
Elvis cooed softly and kept with his thumb's movement.
"Oh Baby, why didn't ya tell me?"
As the burn in your aching cunt loosened to a familiar warmth from Elvis' expert strumming of your clit your breaths became ragged and torn, just the small stroking of his fingers was turning you into a panting dog, a bitch in heat. With the warmth overcoming your pussy your body began to chase what it needed, your hips began to grind downward. The feeling of Elvis' length rubbing up and down ever so slightly within your walls as you continued to grind down what you could handle was a pornographic one.
As you could practically feel the shift of his foreskin within your cunt with each rise and fall of your hips, Elvis' hands now rested on them as he helped you broaden your movements, his hands squeezing your sides tightly as a low groan fell from his lips. "That's it, oh fuck…"
As his head fell back he brought a hand up to rest firmly on the center of your throat, pulling you back by it just barely so that your head could fall back on his chest. The breaths you both let out no doubt danced with each other in the air as you continued to grind down as best you could while his fingers strummed a tune on your clit which pulled the notes from your mouth as your breaths turned to airy moans.
Abruptly, Elvis gave a small thrust upward, the strength within the movement was enough to make you bounce slightly and let out an immediate moan of pleasure. You quickly flung your palm over your lips just for him to remove his hand from the center of your throat, now gripping your wrist and pulling your hand down to your chest as he murmured lowly,
"Let it out Honey, let 'em know you're mine, and I'm yours."
He began to grind upward into you slowly, working his way back to a thrust, each movement evoked a noise from you louder than the last, and as time went on the soft grinding of his groin into your ass as his dick plunged further up your heat turned to soft skin-to-skin claps with air between them. He tended to be loud as he chased what he needed.
He groaned into your neck as he pressed open-mouth kisses along it, your skin didn't even make a dent in minimizing the sound of his groans. He was loud and full of want, and as prudent as you were taught to be about sinful, sexual desires, it was the most liberating experience you could ever go through.
The smutty sounds of skin slapping on skin reverberated in the walls of the kitchen, stretching into the room just a thin privacy wall away. All the while Elvis was groaning and growling loudly against your skin, mumbling your name between groans and low moans.
His fingers kept their rhythm, so even in the chaos of Elvis' thrusts speeding and his body pushing yours against the hard granite of the counter to the point of bruising, he kept his fingers going just the way you liked. Your moans went up a pitch as you felt a feeling Elvis had introduced you to a few weeks ago on your wedding night, it was one you'd slowly begun to crave even when the two of you were doing something as simple as sitting in the car together. You could hold back and keep your dignity in those moments.
But now as the feelings lingered in your face and were oh so close, you felt like an addict who needed her high. Your voice cracked in a moan as you begged,
"Yes, just like that"
He growled breathily, his lips still dancing along your neck as his hips rocked into you from behind, his voice was breathy as he asked,
"Like that? Ya like it like that? Yeah?"
Your head hung back on his chest, your mouth open wide as your hips began to chase the sensations, "Yes Elvis, y-yes..!"
By now all the chatter that filled the house like background noise was completely silenced as the sounds of sex that filled the kitchen drifted into the other rooms. The air of the other room was awkward as your high-pitched moans which contrasted beautifully with Elvis' low groans were the only thing keeping the California house from silence. Everyone's assumptions were answered by the sudden increase in the volume of the skin-to-skin slapping along with of course your noises of ecstasy.
Elvis swore loudly into your neck, his voice reverberating against the soft skin,
"Fuck Baby!"
As he bit down roughly onto a rather sensitive spot your moans hit their height as you practically wailed, "Oh Elvis!"
And within the span of a second, that coil that played around ever so coyly in the space between your stomach and pussy had completely broken. Elvis' animalistic speed of rhythmic thrusts lost their rhythm and their speed as you felt a warmth like no other fill your body, his open-mouth kisses simply turned to his lips dragging lazily along your neck with a loud groan accompanying the skin.
His thrusts tampered down to deep grinds of his hips down into yours as you'd let out the heights of what your voice box could manage. Your mouth was still open wide but nothing leaving it as you'd reached nirvana.
Your body gave out as your legs trembled and you had to lean over onto the counter to support yourself. From behind Elvis' arms caged you against the island counter, his hands at either side of you pressed down onto the surface to support himself up. You let out a soft whimper as he slowly pulled out of you and fumbled around you from behind for a few moments, the familiar sound of his buckle could be heard.
Before you knew it his hands were on your hips turning you back around to face him, he was dressed, and in hand were the discarded panties of yours that he quickly shoved into the back pocket of his trousers.
Elvis' hands flew to smooth your hair back into place gently. They lingered on your temples as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your head, you closed your eyes in the process.
"You're so beautiful Honey, did so well for me…"
He quickly hiked your skirt back down to its proper length, and wrapped an arm around your waist, suggesting softly,
"We'll head upstairs for the night"
With the fucked-out look in your eyes he knew you needed rest and a shower. So he kept an arm around your waist and walked slowly with you out of the room. As the two of you passed the group in the living room you kept your eyes trained on the floor, knowing if you looked up, you'd only be met with looks of disgust from the girls that still occupied the floor of your living room, sitting around Elvis' stool as if it were a king's throne.
Elvis didn't spare them a glance as he only looked back toward Jerry and Joe, the two men were holding their cards without qualms at what they (and the rest of the house) were just exposed to listening to, as they'd heard that kind of thing more times than they could count coming from the two of you.
"Could y'all escort the girls out when you're done with 'em? Wife and I gonna be upstairs a while…"
With that simple statement, he helped you walk toward the staircase and kept a supporting hand on your lower back. Asking once, twice, three times, if you needed anything. You replied no.
All you needed was him, and that's exactly what you had.
And all the other girls knew it as a little something had fallen out of Elvis' pocket. It was hardly in his pocket to begin with. The boys wouldn't tell him, "Hey E, ya dropped somethin'" Because the boys knew the message he was sending to every girl in the room.
You were his, and he was yours.
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Well, for my first time writing, I quite enjoyed that. Anyways...
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not-goldy · 2 months
Why do I feel we're being played? Like these grown men get bored, hop online, decide to cause chaos & dip just to watch the timeline burn. SIGH And when it happens here go shippers arguing the same thing. My ship is real. No mine is. Jk's telling us something. No he's telling us something. Tae's telling us something. No he's telling us something. Same copy/paste argument. Tae drops a song Friends knowing he has Friends with Jimin with his sus obsession writing songs for Jimin in the past, while posting a Tk account to his IG and its Vmin vs Tkk. Not to be outdone by Jk who likes a Tk edit, while simping over Jimin in comments and its Jkk vs Tkk. And everyone knows they're fighting the same argument but don't care. What are you doing? Stop it. And I hate to call them out, but its Tae and Jk the ones for several months specifically engaging with shippers on both sides.
All I gotta say is Jimin baby, keep minding your business, you're doing amazing, sweetie. Now because of that follow & unfollow from Jk on an account with Jimin's name, he is the one being mocked. Not even 2 seconds after they realized Jk unfollowed that account, the mocking & name calling started. If I were Jimin I'd snatch that damn phone outta Jk's hands and tell him to start paying closer attention to stuff regarding me. That man is just trying to serve his time in peace & Jk caused him to catch a stray cause he can't stay off Jimin pages. Lord have mercy.
Wish I was bothered😩😩😩😩😩😩🤣💀
Jikook do worst things than this.
If he unfollowed its cos someone made him aware he'd followed and was creating a mess in the Fandom. To that person I say- snitches get stitches 🔪
But if it's content he's consuming does it even matter?? Bro watching himself gawk at Jimin while Jimin bringing him to edge of nutting- does it matter if he likes or follows the account?
We've been saying for years those two a very much aware of the shipping narratives the gay expose and they don't care- unlike straight celebs who get so offended they start staying away from eachother and roasting eachother.
Watch Jungkook knowing damn well just how gay we think he and JM are with eachother come out and say his favorite moment from MS was a night he and JM slept arm in arm naked to keep themselves warm. Watch him come out to say he's limping cos JM manhandled his balls.
When I tell yall he knows what he's doing when he says things like this bite mark on my neck is from Jimin or let's eat Ramen or Jimin can handle all this.
He can't stay off JM pages sounds about right.
Let me not catch anyone throwing Jimin in the mix dude drinking water staying hydrated and working out his glutes
Hold on brb
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
Hello, I hope you are doing well!! I am going to add into the growing pile of asks in your inbox, but I need to get this out of my system!! Seeing these new images (and the season 3 announcement) has watered my crops, cleared my skin and all that jazz ✨🌟 both of them look soo happy and soppy and smitten and I really can't stop smiling at those pics... They radiate warmth (and are a far cry from the last pics of MS we got) and the best thing is, the people around them are looking like '😏😏 yes homo 🏳️‍🌈? If it is then good for them, good for them' (I even edited the pics XD)
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Would love to hear more of your thoughts on this and I hope you have a nice holiday season (if you celebrate). Cheers 🥂
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(Grouping these all together for ease of answering.)
Good lord, my inbox has completely blown up since last night. I can see we've all been greatly affected by the photo(s) of Michael and David at the Donmar, and there is surely much to discuss.
I think I am losing my shit just slightly too, so I am with you, @enchantingdefendorarbiter. What a joyous turn of events--opening night of Macbeth and Michael in (almost) the front row watching David with rapt attention, and someone somehow capturing the exact moment when they lock eyes from across the room in a "movie moment" made into genuine reality.
When I first saw the picture last night, I was so struck by the intimacy of it. Part of me wonders if this is due to the actual space--the Donmar is such a small theatre that lends itself to intimacy just by its nature, with the audience being so close to the stage and the performers. But there is no denying the intimacy that exists between Michael and David themselves--deep friendship, certainly, yes, but after looking at this photo, unquestionably the possibility of more.
As I've said before, I will not ever tell anyone that they have to ship Michael and David. It is absolutely correct for people to look at this picture and see best friends, because they are best friends. But being best friends and falling in love aren't mutually exclusive, nor does the possibility become closed off just because both of them are in other relationships.
So, intimacy. Another thing that intimacy can mean is feeling comfortable enough to show your feelings openly. That was what also struck me about last night, was that this was so public, and yet we got this (non-staged, non-planned) picture of Michael and David looking at each other ostensibly the same way they do when they're alone together. In this instance, maybe they thought no one was paying attention, but more significantly, they don't seem to care either way.
I think we think of "being in love" as this big, grand thing that exists the way it does in the movies. But in real life, being in love isn't just one specific thing, or specifically saying "I am in love with you." Being in love can also be I am looking at you like this right now because I don't know any other way to look at you. And that can be in private, or it can be in the middle of a crowded theatre, proudly letting the world see what you feel without apology.
(I also agree with you, @yami-no-kokoro, that the new pictures of Michael (which to answer your question @angelsandfelines are indeed from last night) are worlds away better than the ones we saw of him at a previous event. I am never not moved by the difference between Michael smiling his 'showbiz' smile versus smiling his real, genuine smile, and I love that that's what we got last night and that he was beaming so brightly because of David.)
To your comment, @phantomstars24, I could very much see that as well. Because last night felt and still feels like it was David and Michael's night. It felt like something took center stage in a new and painfully lovely way. It felt like Michael could go to David's dressing room with flowers and wine, and that they could sit on the couch and snog slowly and sweetly while Michael holds David in his arms and no one would blink a damn eye. And that is truly a beautiful thing.
So yes, those are my additional thoughts on the Macbeth press night. I have to do some traveling today, but I will try my best to answer the other Asks still waiting in my inbox. Thank you all for writing in and sharing your thoughts! x
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
I love you and I am throwing money at you mentally (drop that link if I can do it genuinely)
Can you write Dante x Reader where they're both healers but the reader is more "if you get out of bed after spraining your ankle I am wrestling you to the ground" (to compliment Dante's "PLEASE DONT HURT YOURSELF" vibes)
First of all, I love this dynamic, and second I am kicking my feet at this THANK YOU SO MUCH! My goodness, I don’t have anything special set up because I was unaware of the potential support I’d get, but if you are interested I do have an ol’ cashapp with the name $Aeroroot or VIA paypal! https://paypal.me/aeroroot?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US . I want to specify it is totally optional as I get a lot of joy solely from your enjoyment alone, but if you want to go the extra mile then I thank you especially!
Dante x Healer Reader Headcanons:
I love Dante but lord do they need this extra help. Both recovering memories from amnesia with no clue on how they got here, in charge of a group of unruly sinners who get killed practically every single mission, and going through excruciating pain every time they have to bring them back. Not pleasant!
Honestly a bit of a pushover and I say that with love. Do I blame them? No, but sometimes someone else needs to help out a little around here. And that someone happens to be you, which Dante is very grateful for, if not a little… Concerned.
You seem to be the only one aside from Sinclair maybe who pays attention to the strain that bringing people back puts on them, whenever anyone approaches them for trivial injuries you snag them into your grasp and usher them to sit down.
They look up to you a bit for your strong sense of self, and lack of fear when it comes to dragging people back into their seats no matter the complaints so you can patch them up. Some are easier and more patient than others, some are a little more rowdy (cough Heathcliff cough Ryoshu cough). Still, you seem to have no fear putting someone into a headlock so you can bandage them even if your main skill isn’t meant to be combat.
Dante has witnessed you firsthand tackle sinners to the floor who were about to be staggered with very little sense of self preservation. Despite being so determined that the people around you are in good shape, it doesn’t seem to extend to you in your mind.
Will insist that you need to be just as aware of your own quality as you do anyone else’s. Surprisingly not that afraid of scolding you, probably because they know you won’t retaliate. It’s all out of care too.
As stubborn as you are, you are very appreciated by your colleagues, even ones like Heathcliff who may complain but ultimately are thankful. You have a sense of authority without even intending to, many follow your advice because they know that you’ll just haul them back to bed.
As for your and Dante’s relationship, I can see them being initially intimidated but glad for your assistance. You even check in on them from time to time, claiming that they are as important of a patient as anyone else. They’re a bit confused because they don’t directly participate in fighting, but you reason that the pain they feel from rewinding time counts as enough of a reason to look out for them. 
They do make the mental note to just comply with you if ever they get injured themselves. Your sheer will to keep people in best condition, including the force you are willing to apply to do so, is something they do not want to reckon with.
I imagine that if they did get injured and attempted to leave, likely with the reasoning of ‘the sinners need me to bring them back’, a single glare from you would shut them up and sit them down. You tell them that they can resurrect them later, right now they are not budging.
Despite not really having a face to make expressions with you have learned to understand how they feel from body movement alone. When other sinners are pestering them to heal them back up, and you visibly see the hesitance, then you will step in. 
You don’t really see Dante as your manager (sorry bud lot.
Dante doesn’t actually know the first thing about healing. They just rewind back time and through some miasma of events everyone is back in one piece. Watching you get to work yourself is so interesting because you actually know what you’re doing. They will stare over at you to try and figure out what is going on and take little notes, like you’re teaching them.
Upon your repeatedly voiced concerns, your colleagues have learned to stop relying on Dante to fix the smallest of wounds, most of them at least. Your manager appreciates this greatly as it gives them a breather from the repeated experience.
When neither of you are busy and some questions have been brought about, Dante will come to you to ask them. It’s easy to forget that they remember almost nothing about the city or who they are, but they find that you seem to be willing to answer even the most minute of inquiries.
You are a lifesaver both literally and figuratively and they appreciate that you take some weight off their shoulders. That said, you also give them constant heart attacks by the fact you are not afraid to plunge into extreme danger to drag someone else out. Are you two exploring a building and you hear someone familiar yelling outside? You will do whatever you can to get to them quickly even if that means jumping out a two story window. It’s like a summoning call for you.
Dante is very adamant on restoring you even if you tell them not to. They see it as the least they can do when you’re so willing to sacrifice yourself not only for the sinners, but them. Your words to stop letting people walk all over them come back to bite you, because they will not take no for an answer.
Generally more comfortable in coming to you for advice considering the trust that you have gained from them. They quite literally have been thrusted into a position they know almost nothing about, and chances are if they don’t learn fast then things are about to go downhill real fast. You yourself aren’t a manager – you’re a medic, but your decisive nature is something they respect even if you can throw yourself impulsively into situations to save another. 
Considering how you put others before yourself, you likely are on the more empathetic or compassionate side too, even if it may not show in the same way that Dante’s does. Obtaining the Golden Boughs is a rigorous and emotional process for every sinner, and Dante doesn’t always know what to do. There isn’t ever one clear answer, but they may come to you for how they should approach it.
The confusing things going on in their own head never really got to be talked about until it came to you. Not always are they looking for a fix, because a lot of the time there isn’t one, but just someone to rely on.
Dante is adorable, and I think that a large reason why you care deeply for them is because of how they are like a fresh canvas, free from the city’s imposed expectations. They’re just some honest, worried person who has yet to become shut off to being vulnerable like so many have. It’s refreshing, and yes most of that is caused from memory loss, who they were beforehand is a complete mystery, but that doesn’t change who they are in the moment.
Dante likes you too because there’s a sense of special camaraderie between you two. Whether it’s because you both deal with the aftermath of battles together, or because they find you both genuine and look up to you, they often stick by your side. You both stay exhausted and overworked, but it’s not too bad because hey, you’re in it together.
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inhuman-obey-me · 10 months
In the ars goetia they are represented as kings, dukes, and so on.. but the demons like Mammon, Leviathan, they are not part of the ars goestia, so could we say there are different structures of hell?
Well, the Ars Goetia is only one part of the overall grimoire The Lesser Keys of Solomon -- and it is certainly not the only grimoire that exists historically! Other famous grimoires include the Dictionnaire Infernal and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, though these also are far from the only ones. In fact, we have a book -- The Dictionary of Demons -- which sources and lists over 1,700 demons that have been mentioned in various grimoires and other occult texts over the ages. And here is what that book has to say on rankings:
In the vast majority of grimoires, demons are typically assigned a rank and royal title to indicate their position in the pecking order of Hell. In the Testament of Solomon, [...] demons sometimes present themselves as princes and kings - positions largely in keeping with the concept of royalty that existed at the time. Medieval works [...] expand the demonic hierarchy to include a variety of positions: princes and kings, dukes and earls, counts, presidents, and even knights - positions reflective of the feudal system at work throughout Europe during that time. The ranks attributed to the infernal legions may tell us more about the time period in which the various books of magick were penned than they do about the actual hierarchy of Hell.
It goes on to mention that seven ranks were eventually solidified within demonology, as seven was a number "of great significance in medieval and Renaissance Europe" due to the number of planets known at the time and the thought of seven spheres making up the heavens. The Lesser Key of Solomon was responsible for then assigning planets to each of the ranks, which in turn were linked to metals, and those metals were needed for the magical seals.
Basically, the ranks do sort of establish a sense of hierarchy in hell, but practically speaking, humans mainly need pay attention to those ranks more just for the magical practice of knowing how to deal with the demons correctly.
That said, we've talked about the Hierarchy of the Devildom in this post, which also lists the seven titles. It's also important to note that Mammon and Leviathan in particular are actually demons derived from other concepts/beings -- Mammon originally just meant money/riches, and Leviathan comes from a sea serpent referenced in the Bible, which actually has roots in Lotan. So Levi himself is actually Lotan, and he's just doing a really exaggerated roleplay when he says he's summoning Lotan. So in terms of different ranking structures then, the answer is sort of yes, sort of no. It's a mess of manmade governing systems as applied to theological creatures over time.
But in OM canon, we can very conveniently just throw most of this out because Diavolo is the one and only Future Ruler of the Devildom, the brothers and Barbatos are his immediate council, and everyone else serves as just general "nobles," such as the House of Lords. They probably have more in-depth hierarchies amongst themselves -- but for all we need to care about in the game, they're a big hassle of demons who give Diavolo (and the brothers) a hard time and should back the fuck off!! :)
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qiutls · 11 months
"Maybe he didn't want the two of you to be upset?"
People who were gathered around looked at us as if we had said something so absurd.
It was expected, of course. Who doesn't know the reason Belial came to the North? It wasn't enough to just send aristocrats and find trouble with the estate, the imperial family came forward and wanted to find fault by themselves.
Kyle's biological mother, as written in < The Heart of Winter >, was a commoner who ended her life as a maid, not being able to be recognized by the imperial family, nor even buried with a grave. For Belial, who's a prince and a member of the imperial family, Kyle's existence itself is an insult to his so-called noble bloodline.
I understand it's hard to accept the situation. His biological father suddenly got someone other than his mother pregnant and made him accept that child as his brother. If we were bound my original world's laws, you'd be stoned to death. But still, that isn't Kyle's fault.
*Okay, so this is how I found out Belial and Kyle are half-brothers, and not uncle and nephew... correcting the other chapter where it says Kyle was the son of previous emperor*
Belial turned his head to look at Sen.
"Because it will make me upset?"
Sen picked up the bag of walnuts from the floor and said calmly.
"Yes, Your Highness."
Belial looked at me this time. He stared at me with questioning eyes, 'Is that really the case?'
I don't know. I don't know what Sen meant; we didn't talk about this before. But I smiled at him, hopefully making him believe Sen more.
Fortunately, Sen continued.
"There will be a flower-giving event at the banquet, which marks the final day of the Northern festival."
"People who attend the event are supposed to give flowers to someone they love and respect. The people of Blake will naturally offer their flowers to their master, Lord Kyle."
'There was something like that?'
The system quickly answered my question.
[ A crooked smile lay on Belial's face. His eyes scanned the large yet empty straw basket next to him. The basket next to Kyle was filled up to the brim with white flowers. Not a single symbol of respect was given to him. It was as expected. This is why he needed to get rid of Kyle and get rid of the North as a whole. ]
'... This was more dangerous than I thought.'
There's no reason to hate Kyle that much, there's also no reason to hate people who just want to make a good living. You can't really judge people based on their faces. You may look good, but your personality is dirty.
"This is basically a tradition in the North. I'm worried that Your Highness will be hurt."
Belial didn't seem interested in me anymore, he passed by me and went directly to Sen.
Although the plot of the story must've been changed, it is true that their fates are intertwined, and they're bound to form a relationship. Belial's gaze at Sen looked unusual.
However, it was a misleading gaze. It wasn't an 'I fell in love at first sight' look... It was a gaze that felt so hot it could burn.
'A look of possessiveness?'
That's right, it felt like a desire to win, rather than love.
"What's that you're carrying?"
Belial looked at the hamster supplies and snacks.
There was cotton candy-colored cushions, plastic balls, sawdust, and swings. Why does it look like they're trying to make a theme park for hamsters?
"Ah yes, you're the maid who's been to the grand duke's study a lot."
"His Highness is raising a magical beast and I am merely helping him with miscellaneous things."
Okay, you two talk. I'm going to leave.
Anyway, now that there's a reason, don't go if you can help it. It's a one-of-a-kind life, don't you think you should try and protect it and live for a hundred years?
I was creeping back and about to disappear from the gathering when Belial called out to me.
"Hey, you."
Please don't pay attention. Don't worry about me. The time for "Summon" is almost over. I need to go now, so you two have fun.
Belial grabbed the back of my hand as I tried to pretend, I didn't hear his call. I turned my head to look at him and forced a smile. That's right let's just laugh. This damn social status, you'd be dead by now if you weren't the prince. Seriously...
"Did you really mean that?"
Why are you still asking?
It was difficult to refute the statement, so I struggled and ended up agreeing.
"Yes, well... I'm not good at explaining stuff so I was thinking how to tell you, but Sen took the words right out of my mouth so..."
Belial cast a glance at me as if he were seeing something strange. He treated the magical beast indifferently, but he seems quite interested in people... No, maybe, he's just curious at interesting stuff.
"You can give me flowers then; I won't be upset."
What are you talking about? How can I go to the banquet? I don't even have an invitation!
Even if I tried to go as a servant, the competition to be hired during the banquet was huge. In other words, I'll end up frying or picking up food, and have no place to intervene.
I looked at him in embarrassment, and Belial took out a piece of paper and handed it to me with an indifferent expression.
It was an invitation to the banquet; it even had his name written on the back. Probably because he's classified as VIP, Kyle even wrote the invitation himself.
My head throbbed when I saw the invitation and I almost swatted it away.
If we're being honest, it was a good opportunity. If Belial attends the banquet and decides to do anything suspicious, the best way to stop it is to stick by his side and prevent anything from happening myself.
However, the moment I received this piece of paper, it felt like my future would be more tiresome than it is now.
"... Yes."
I took it. What else can I do? Rip it in half?
As the duration of "Summon" is ending, I slowly excused myself and went back. I bowed my head and sighed constantly on my way back to hide my clothes.
'I shouldn't run into Kyle at the banquet.'
But there's no way to avoid meeting him. Ah! Why did I say that when we met!
Life is really not easy.
The next afternoon, as soon as I dressed up, I met Sen.
"I've been looking for you! Where the hell have you been? I've asked the guards and they've never seen you leave nor enter the gates, and you're not sleeping at the servant's quarters, and no matter how many guest rooms I've searched, I couldn't find you."
"Ah, that-"
I've been sleeping at Kyle's bedroom. Since I'm not disappearing randomly these days, Kyle has been comfortable enough to let me out of the hamster house.
It turns out I didn't have good sleeping habits, whenever I came to my senses, I was sleeping on Kyle's face. He'd grab me from the back of my neck, put me back down and wrap me tightly in a handkerchief, and go back to sleep.
At first, I didn't like being swaddled at all, but because of the cold winter nights, I found that it was more comfortable than I thought. As the morning dawned, I found myself back at the hamster house again.
In the afternoon, after pretending to play with the toys he gave that was bought by Sen, he said that he was going out and put me back in the house.
"Well... that's what happened."
I couldn't think of any excuse, so I decided to be vague and remain silent. It's better to give an impression that's a little bit suspicious than to be caught lying.
Sen stared at me for a moment before dismissing the conversation as if it wasn't important.
"I've been looking for you since morning."
She handed me a big box that was heavier than it looked.
"What's this?"
"It's a suit for the banquet. His Highness, Belial, sent it. He didn't even know your name, yet he gave you this."
What an amazing guy, he didn't even know my name, but he thought about preparing clothes for me. Indeed, it was weird to receive a flower from a stranger, so he probably gave the invitation and prepared clothes so it would seem less strange.
"I got one too!"
Sen smiled and lifted another box.
"He asked me to come with him. It's the first time I'm wearing a dress. Actually, there was one time I wanted to wear something like this but..."
I pretended not to see Sen's slightly sad face.
"Anyways, thanks to you Shu, I get to wear pretty clothes like this. By the way, why did you tell the prince not to go to the banquet? Was it really about the flowers?"
"Ah... about that, it's not about the flowers, I just don't have a good feeling."
I felt ashamed and cut the conversation short.
"Anyways, you go attend the banquet! It's good to attend as a guest and not as a servant."
"You're right! I will surely repay this kindness."
"If that's the case, then pay it back with food!"
Northern food is really delicious.
"You're such a glutton! Where does everything you eat even go?"
"... I know right?"
It's actually going straight into my hamster belly.
Thanks to that, Kyle has been touching my belly fat more than kissing me. Even though I try to kick his hand every time he does it, he thinks I like it and that I'm trying to play so he continues to do it. I think he'll even mistake my swearing for a serenade.
I talked a little more about the banquet with Sen and then we went our separate ways.
Eating the bread Sen gave me as we parted I thought, 'Northern food is really a delight.'
The thinly sliced meat, vegetables that overcame the tough winds of the cliff, and bread fresh out of the oven were as delicious as famous fast-food franchises in my world.
I kept my daily clothes and the suit in the box hidden once again, patted my stomach and the white light enveloped me once again. As soon as I turned into a hamster, I felt heavy.
'Kyle is going to nag me again.'
Maybe I can hide when he comes back if I slip through this hole.
".... Cashew Nut."
I murmured curses as I felt my body crammed in the cylindrical hole. Is it right to swell up like this?! Just because I ate two sandwiches, I can no longer fit here? I ate just two!
[ 乁(・o・)ㄏ ]
Yeah, I'm larger, but not that much... Maybe I grew around 15 centimeters.
I held my breath and tucked in my stomach to slide down the hole as Kyle gave me a worried look. Hey, who cares about gaining a few pounds! It's not like I have a terminal disease.
"You're not eating the food I've been giving you; I don't know how you're gaining so much weight."
It's because you're not bringing something delicious Your Highness. He kept touching my stomach the whole time, seemingly worried. Okay, let's not play today.
Kyle brought me to his bedroom to sleep again tonight, and as soon as I woke up in the hamster house in the morning, he forced the macadamia in my mouth.
Go, do your duties!
I'm going to a big banquet this evening. If I want to eat all the delicious food there, then I need to make space in my stomach.
Of course, Kyle who had no idea what I was thinking, stared at me grimly, before placing me back at the hamster house.
t/n sorry for the late update & for not being able to markdown the text! ill edit it later when i get home ^^
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
so with the traitors being with WL how are the mantis lords and their tribes doing and did the knight fight the mantis lords
They did fight them, yes, it's actually part of the reason why FPK isn't treated with outright hostility by the Mantis Lords - their respect for Ghost extends to their father, though naturally not all the way, but enough not to kill him on sight. How did they know they were related? Perhaps they could sense his aura somehow, and it's possible that he brought Ghost's name up, wondering if the vessel ever made it to the village. But that's besides the point.
The Mantis Tribe didn't get hit by the infection as badly as other places, in fact most of them survived without getting infected. Their fighting spirit and commitment to their customs made them a hard target to get a hold of for The Radiance, so she left the Mantis Village alone. That's not to say they didn't suffer any losses, the infected wildlife was dangerous and there were some individuals who unfortunately fell victim to The Radiance's influence, particularly those away from the village. But generally the tribe remained strong.
I think it would be interesting if they were a bit more involved in Hallownest's life post infection. Many new trading routes were created post-infection to help it get back on its feet, and while the Mantis Tribe only cares about their own, I'm sure they would find trading resources beneficial to them. They sell weapons and tools carved from bone (such as the mantis claw) in exchange for food and other resources. But that's as far as it would go.
The Mantis Lords still rule over the village, their age hasn't caught up to them (these Mantis Lords weren't the ones who negotiated a truce with Vyrm back in the day, but they did become leaders near the end of his rule, so they're familiar with him). They haven't changed their ways and customs aside from the trading thing I mentioned. Their tribe lived like this for hundreds of years, so there's no reason for them to do that.
They're still vary of intruders, though they do allow FPK to pass through the village. I mentioned it a while back, but it's both because of their respect for his offspring, as well as his honorable qualities - soon after waking up from hibernation, he approached the lords to sincerely explain the situation and release them from their part of the agreement, as he had no right to demand anything from them anymore as he was no longer the king. This meant they now had every right to kill him for intruding, but the Mantis Lord appreciated his honesty and saw his move as honorable, so they spared him, though you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. They allowed him to pass through the village provided he caused no problems, but if they ever saw him as a threat, they would kill him with no hesitation. Either way, he decided it would be for the best if he didn't bother them, so he very rarely showed his face in the village after that.
So in short, the Mantis Tribe is doing just fine, and they keep to their old ways, paying little to no attention to how the other settlements are doing unless they perceive them as a threat. They occasionally involve themselves in trade as the main trade route extends to the Fungal Wastes, but that's about it.
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inventors-fair · 1 month
Castaways: Cast Trigger Commentary
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I'm honestly a little surprised at all the cards that we got this week, and I'm overall quite happy with the variety of the cards that I saw and the range of strategies employed. It was hard to choose winners and runners from this mix, and the commentary was quite thought-provoking. Overall, I'd say that with much of these cards, complexity had to be tempered in order to get the most powerful results.
Cast triggers are nuts. The ability to have an uncounterable effect (sort of) that uses the stack can lead to some strange encounters, and there are still some folks learning MTG that have difficulty understanding what it means to "cast" a spell. Lord knows that explaining it to my students can be quite strange, and they're used to things being played just by themselves. When does this happen? How can I respond? What are the best responses? And it's not just about the responses, but how the cards interact on board that shows their design chops. Lots of cards this week made me want to brew, and I love contests like these.
There are quite a few Judge Picks this week. These cards have specific aspects I want to highlight for some reason or other, so pay close attention. With this many contenders of this strength, choosing the top cards was incredibly difficult, as I'm sure you can imagine. Read on!
@aethernalstars — Ash-Cannon Goblin
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I think my favorite part about this card is the flavor text. It doesn't grok perfectly, but it's playful and enjoyably goblinesque. As far the card idea, the idea is solid enough. What's bugging me is the fact that this is essentially kickerless kicker. The cost is an optional part of casting, and yet the trigger is also part of the casting. There would be no need for this kind of wording unless this started as a kicker idea and was shifted into a cast trigger, which it honestly doesn't need.
As an ETB effect, I would've liked this card a lot better. The cast trigger here isn't doing anything that an ETB couldn't or wouldn't do, if that makes sense. If you want to keep this design, I think that spending your graveyard to smack face/creature/planeswalker is totally fine; honestly, this could be a decent uncommon, because it's a single-use kind of card. Graveyards are great resources and limited resources. For this specific contest, examining the 'why' of cast triggers may have led to other considerations. At it stands, I still like this card and would suggest a couple wording revisions, perhaps. Also make sure that you avoid run-on sentences!
@brookeuwo — Spitefellows (JUDGE PICK)
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You've got a Horizons-y mindset here, don't you? Bet you think you're clever? Well, you are, and I initially was going to be wishy-washy on this card for the name being a reference but that's what a good chunk of Horizons cards are sometimes. And you know what, I'm down for it. The trick is making the homage feel like an homage, and in that I think you succeeded. In terms of power, this card's also got a lot going for it. As much as I worry about the power of cast triggers, this card's got decent power going for it.
Most importantly, it's a blowout that's pretty much only a blowout in limited. It's a five-mana 2/2, which is...very bad comparatively, even if you get two of them. So essentially you're making two bodies, right, but then the evoke cost is where the blowout removal happens; I'd say that nine times out of ten you're just going to clear a board with this card, or at least make an incredible impact. You're clogging MODO with triggers, but I mean, high complexity is fine if it's warranted. I think that as a Lorwyn callback and a Horizons power-level card, this is pushing it but not so much that you'd have problems except at really high-skill levels. Phenomenally fun card and a great idea overall.
@cthulusaurusrex — Wavebringer (JUDGE PICK)
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Attaching the cast trigger inside is an interesting move, and ultimately, I think it works quite well here! The lord-body is one of those ones that can go into any Elemental deck, but the callback to Master of Waves has not gone unnoticed. It's also interesting how you've made it so that this card wants more of a spellslinging deck whereas the Master wanted a permanents-matter deck. Could you run them both? Well, perhaps, if you managed to get them on board and then start slinging like nobody's business. What I'd want to do is play this card with Quasiduplicate effects and then really get things going.
What I'm trying to say in the end is that this kind of card is the kind that makes me want to play it and makes me understand why it exists. I don't know if it's necessarily breaking new ground, being a callback, but it's doing a number of things differently, and I think that if absolutely nothing else that this card is overwhelmingly good. The chops are there and the rationale is there and the play style—you guessed it, it's there. If I have any reservations, I suppose I'd like an inch of flavor text, but even then, is that necessary? Arguably, doesn't have to be there; the AD makes it pretty clear what the coming storm would be. So maybe all that good stuff is worth commending on its own, you know?
@curiooftheheart — Bellowing Boars (JUDGE PICK)
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I really want to like this card's power level, because it's actually quite striking. A late-game ramp deck that can get eight or even twelve lands can absolutely run away with this card. On turn four, getting two 3/2s with trample and haste isn't anything to shake a stick at, and the ability on turn eight to get three of those AND have four mana left over, potentially, is fascinating. It makes one focused on the late-game potential of stompy decks, and that's pretty darn cool overall. The more I think about this card, the more I find the design tech actually really great for limited.
And I mean, I have to assume that all that thought went into this when you designed this card, because it's actually completely unique as far as I can tell from a cursory search. The only real grumbling I have is in the overwrought flavor text. Paring that down to maybe two lines would've suited the rest of this card's strengths well. Does it have a specific setting, something that Vivien observes that's fascinating for her? A lot of adjectives hamper down the writing here and I do wish I could be less of an expletive—but it's honestly really distracting. Look: this is ultimately a card design contest wherein presentation matters. This card is substantially well-made for the nature of this contest and everything else is a me problem. Where is this going? I swear I had a point what wasn't a half-assed pseudo-apology. Ah well. Damn boars, running through my consciousness.
@dabudder — Gracie, Substitute Teacher
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This is definitely a commander-oriented card. I'm looking at its applications, and honestly, I'm not sure I'm convinced I see the upside? Drawing into cards would be nice, but the benefit of casting one spell into another feels a bit wonky. That said, there are mechanics like Escape that make the benefits fun, and with prowess you've got a bit of a nice beater sometimes. What's the shell that really wants this card, though? I can imagine that you could have fun with Suspend cards... Ooh, actually, imagine: turn 2-3, plot a couple cards, then turn 4 play Gracie and cast some stuff from exile. Trigger, cast Ancestral Vision/Profane Tutor, etc.
So it's not that I don't see the combo appeal! I think this card isn't a card for me specifically. Getting cards back from wherever you're casting them can be fun—command zone as well, considering you can get your commander to hand fairly easily. In limited, I think building around this card would be weird, and explaining that the initial spell getting cast wouldn't resolve is also weird, but hey, it's what it is. I feel that this card has strong "fun" application. Practically, this is a card for someone who's not me, in a format that's probably not a premier set. But who knows? As a side note, I think you also captured a lighthearted Strixhaven feel quite well. I substitute myself and lemme tell you, it's not half as magical...
@feyd-rautha-apologist — Demon of Final Moments
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As a small note, I recommend in your art direction that you have the focus on the demon, because I totally was digging the focus on the mage until I actually saw what the card was. That said, damn effective work there. As for the card, you are looking at some weird weird weird stuff here. By "weird" I mean that this card is a combo piece whereupon you cast it and win the game. how so? Let us count the heckin' ways. Thassa's Oracle is the most obvious one, but Laboratory Maniac plus any draw effect is there, as is an Inexorable Tide with exiling extra turn effects like Karn's Temporal Sundering and the lot. Cast this spell and you win—there really isn't any other reason to play this card.
In limited, I wouldn't imagine that this card does much good if the removal in the set is worth its salt. Play it and bam, it's removed, you lose instantly. There are so many ways that you lose with this card, especially if it gets countered; it's fragile as all get-out. A design that either wins instantly or makes you lose just as fast is... Well, not exactly what I'd call good gameplay, I'll say that much. Additionally, if you cheat this card out, you have the situation where you can just play the game normally and encounter loops with said extra turn shenanigans (assuming proliferation of time counters). I'm afraid this one goes into the "busted" pile. Side note: I feel that the flavor text could have been one sentence with "his last" coming after a colon, but I'm down with the concept.
@fractured-infinity — Curse's End
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Reading up on what the Curse of Wandering was/is on Amonkhet, I'm uncertain that this card is vibing with that flavor. The Curse is an aspect of the plane, and so is this card saying that the whole shebang is now over? What had caused it in the first place? If it predated Bolas, what's going on with the mystery? I feel that this card is saying that the Curse is an actual curse with a source and a way to end it, which... Eh, I don't feel the meshing, but regardless. the card itself is a great mythic with only a couple minor issues.
Firstly, there's the question of how this card would function if this contest didn't have a cast trigger. I would imagine that instead of a cast trigger, the better design would just be to exile all creatures and all creature cards from graveyards. While this does have the benefit of putting a bunch of ETB triggers on the stack, there are better ways to go about the exact execution. Besides, why not have a deck that uses this cast trigger then counters the actual spell itself? That kind of defeats the purpose of the card, I think, a little cheatsy-shenanigans that feels like a workaround rather than a function of the card itself. Maybe if there was an additional cost or caveat, I would buy it, but I'm not convinced at this iteration.
@greensunzenith — Swarm Vanguard
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The short answer is that this card is funny, funky, and probably not that broken. As for whether or not it's common, that's a rough one. Cast triggers at common are...odd, too. The best one I can see is, oddly enough, Supernatural Rescue (as a rarity-to-complexity comparison). I think this should probably be an uncommon, because copies of permanent spells becoming tokens doesn't exactly grok as well as we'd think, especially when you consider that you're going to have many, MANY copies of this card in your deck. After a point, how easy/hard would it be to keep track of on paper? Probably easy if you used things that didn't resemble actual copies of the Vanguard, but whatever. At least it's a vanilla creature.
When you have an effect like this, one must ask: would this have been more easily grokable as an ETB trigger? Honestly, I think the answer is yes, and it's unfortunate with a design that tries to go for this amount of elegance at common. Entering and making an insect token for each card with the name Swarm Vanguard in your graveyard would've probably been fine and scalable without the casting complexity. Flavor's nice, though, and the concept is solid.
@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Zarderek, the Folkslinger
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I am willing to meet you halfway on some of this. Having a spellslinging GW commander isn't exactly on-flavor, but they've had Magecraft across colors before. Technically, I don't think there's anything out-of-pie that excludes it. But you have to roll with me and agree that it feels a little off to have GW be the one for Magecrafting without naming it? You know what, I'll insert an honorary piece of trinket text in front of that trigger just for my own peace of mind.
As it stands the card would play pretty normally and would make limited decks pretty nasty. Having a protective backup spell to get more bodies and get more counters would allow for Zarderek to run away with games quite easily but not without too much power by itself. I think that it does just what the colors want to do and, without feeling too weird, is a reasonable card. I don't think you could've made it any other way; RW would've been the next-best choice, I believe. Perhaps the flavor could've spoken to the world on which we see this character, something about why GW has this kind of magical expansion? Looking pretty generic for the moment, captain.
@khyrberos — Atraxa's Command
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This card probably functions exactly how it's intended to function. I think the possibility of having a card where the modes function in this manner is pretty cool and, depending on the life paid, would make for an interesting setup. It's reasonable to assume that swinging in would get you all that life back, too, but regardless: this card doesn't really function as a command, or at least not in the way that commands are meant to function. This card is essentially a one-off that feels like a one-off, a function of itself that has no bearing on the rest of a set. What environment would be able to play this card, or want to? What limited environment could spawn it? Honestly, what preconstructed environment would have it, either?
Commands function on their versatility, and this card has none—which is fine if it wasn't technically a command, kind of? Even then, it doesn't have the "command" feel, and turning all your creatures into Atraxa for free is... I'm not gonna say that it's not fun in concept, but for lack of a better term, this card feels like it was designed for itself without a greater reach in mind. Even a five-color command with an Obelisk of Alara feel could've done the job as a "Praetor's Command" with different modes. That said, playing with Phyrexian mana is playing with fire as-is.
@misterstingyjack — Facesnatcher Ghoul (JUDGE PICK)
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I think this card is doing everything it needs to do, and it's doing it quite well. Exiling and/or returning creatures will turn it on, and those are the most common ways to interact with creatures in graveyards at lower rarities. I love the notion that you can drop an Emrakul and then instant-speed exile it to turn the Ghoul on, but that's not happening in limited; most likely, you'll have a couple moments where you'll cast return spells and you'll be doing just fine. This card is for sure a constructed card.
And again, constructed cards are fine, because we need cards of every rarity to make things work! When I look at submissions, the first thing I think is what would happen if I opened this out of a booster pack while drafting, or something to that effect. ... Maybe it's not the first thing, but it's one of the things I think about for sure. And this card would be quite fun to build around if you can make it work, but more likely than not it's going to be a pet card, and that's perfectly fine. Targeting cards in graveyards with spells is one of those very specific things that you can't repeat much. Honestly I think "cast a spell or activate an ability" would be better for gameplay. Did you think about that and relegate it to casting because of the contest? If so, I get it, and if not, I honestly think that that would've been acceptable, just because the card itself is so tightly designed.
@nine-effing-hells — Panoptic Predator (JUDGE PICK)
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Was this an intentional callback to Hydroid Krasis? I mean, I can imagine so, because it's got similar-ish casting capabilities, but the bodies that it can make are really nasty. I think getting a bunch of fliers can be extremely rough for limited, but it is a mythic, and getting bodies isn't the worst thing in the world. Drawing cards as well is a nasty little thing. The whole notion of perfection and eyes feels like it fits well, and ultimately the question of whether the cast trigger is necessary is pretty reasonable, because, well, it wouldn't be very strong otherwise. Five mana for, say, two 1/1 fliers and a 3/3 on the ground? Yeah, mythic-worthy, and upping that cost if pretty strong itself!
What I like about this card is the fact that it doesn't get continuously stronger. Once you cast it, that's it. There's no flickering shenanigans, there's no proliferation or +1/+1 synergy—what you see is what you get. The self-balancing aspect means that the really horrible part of going against this card is the draw power that you get after being pinged in the air a lot. But, they are only 1/1s, and those little eyes squish pretty easily. Honestly, I thought that this thing itself had flying, and the fact that it doesn't makes me feel better. Overall I'm a fan! We need more eyes in the world. The flavor of Phyrexia being gross and all-encompassing checks out too.
@real-aspen-hours — Tachyon Blast (JUDGE PICK)
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This is a weird little idea and I have to commend it for how strange the interactions must be. I think that it has to be appropriately costed with that cast trigger, because the uncounterable Shock ain't worth nothing. What a strange little card! I feel that, in a limited game, this would be a pretty worthwhile removal spell, but the cost is somewhat prohibitive. Comparing it to cards like Trick Shot, I feel that this could've been a four-mana Instant spell that did double Shocks instead.
Well, even then, "double Shock" is a bit of a misnomer. Triggering and then shocking is pretty strange; targets being chosen on cast plus a trigger that also targets would mean that there would be a lot of rough interactions when it came to protecting and hexproof-ing. But hell, now you can take out that two-toughness Goyf without worrying about too much, right? There's a lot of thought that went into making this spell as simple as possible, and I appreciate that. The flavor is pretty neat as well, and checks out with how the Izzet work. Honestly, the flavor feels so on-point that it's almost hard to comment on, and that's a good thing. You've blended it in to the world quite well.
@reaperfromtheabyss — Phyrexian Glutton (JUDGE PICK)
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How much consideration was given to Phyrexian Ingester when it came to this card? That said, I actually see where you wanted to make this one distinguished. I feel that you should have actually blended the first and second abilities into one paragraph. Looking into similar effects, I think someone's first notion would've been to have this be an "As ~ enters the battlefield" effect, and yet, I can see why that would've been the wrong choice with flicker effects. Man, this is a tricky one! You mitigated a lot of the ways in which this card could've been broken. One other thing I like about it is that it's not an optional ability, so you'd have to exile one of your own creatures and/or planeswalkers if there were no other options.
As a control card, or even a midrange anti-control card, I like it a lot. The way that it's both a removal spell and a finisher is pretty strong without being overwhelmingly annoying. It enters without the ability to Shock it, which is nasty as well. And yet, on-board, it's not the hardest to chump. It sure as hell ain't the easiest, but it's designed to be difficult without being impossible to deal with. Certainly a contender, and I'm a fan! What's with folks and designing Phyrexians this week? I'm not complaining, but hey, it's something curious to note.
@ship-of-skitties — Machi Avel, Master Planner
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When we have references in real life, I think Magic's rule of thumb is to have a pseudonym of some kind instead of... Well, "parody" is the best name for it, but this card feels like an homage way more than that. I'm not the biggest fan of the name, but you have the plot and you've not lost it, that's for sure! This card's a strange one but you have all the pieces. Plotting plus the trigger is obvious but you can also cast cards with impulse draws and t works like the Aftermath Pia Nalaar, which checks out! I love the "this turn" on the middle ability; I originally felt that you could've put the two together, but actually, the third ability works with cards that just have plot naturally, so I get why you separated them.
Man, ultimately this card is just a crazy engine, and I respect it. Plotting forces a long game when you consider that you can't plot and cast cards in the same turn. I want to point out that the flavor text is a little squished in there and that "nonland" is one word, but besides those two things and the name, you've made a pretty gnarly card and I respect it immensely. Plotting has proven to be really fun for gameplay and this card's doing it quite well. Yeah, little to no notes otherwise! Good job.
@sombramainexe — The First Stone
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Don't forget that when you submit a card via text or via an editor that doesn't have a specific rarity indicator, you need to note a card's rarity. I wouldn't worry about that for the moment, though, because we should talk about this card first. I know where the name is coming from, and yes, the concept of casting the first stone and all that is theoretically funny. Functionally, this card's pretty middling, because in an interactive game you can have only one that you'll maybe use assuming you've not interacted beforehand, or it will literally be a dead draw. A single removal spell that only works if you haven't performed a set-specific game action just isn't the kind of card that stands up to scrutiny.
That's not to say that we don't appreciate seeing funny cards here from time to time, and I do assume that to some degree this card was supposed to be humorous. (BTW, for everyone else reading that doesn't understand the joke, it's based off John 8:7, a Biblical reference that's entered the common lexicon). With that said a degree of functionality is still preferred to go along with it. This card is probably narrower than you might think at first glance.
@stupidstupidratcreatures — Biogenesis
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There are quite a few options on this card. I think that the fact that you have to choose between counters and life is pretty bunk, and I actually thought before rereading that you would get both counters and life. If the second part of the card was "You gain 1 life and draw a card. Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature you control." would've been just fine to me. There are plenty of effects like this in green and there's no shame in pushing it just a little bit.
Is this a cast trigger, though? I suppose in a roundabout way it is, so I'll let it skirt the contest a little bit, but this is very technically a trigger on the sacrifice rather than the actual cast. At the same time, it's important to make that distinction because it shows the complexity of a card's internals. The trigger wouldn't be possible without the cast, so there's all that, but no matter, the card's perfectly reasonable as is. I think the generic name/implied flavor isn't pushing me into any particular direction, but I'll commend this card regardless for being more in the realm of Plumb the Forbidden rather than the other green cards in the Greater Good variety that we see riffs on.
@tanknspank — Kami of Impending Victory (JUDGE PICK)
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So this would trigger off itself, right? Six power for six mana is a good start. I like the idea that you can ramp up to a couple more bodies just by itself, and a six-mana 4/4 in white is still pretty good. I know in your notes you mentioned storm and stormlike capabilities, and honestly, I wouldn't worry about that. The ability to look at other cast spells and to make something based on those spells is reasonable for the trigger without being too powerful. What's there to say otherwise? I dunno, this card feels just plain great in limited and decent-ish in commander; bodies are bodies, no matter the format.
Victory, well—that's an odd one, but I suppose the flavor is justified if something terrible happens, and lemme just check the wiki real quick... Oh wow. I actually had no idea that that happened in the story. WELL then. I guess that places the timeline now, doesn't it. Yeah, this card checks out on all fronts. White doesn't usually get the storm capabilities, but ramping up to a multi-spell turn would be pretty fun, and even then you get to play some fun tide-turning power on turn six regardless. Overall, it's solid! It's not breaking any new ground but it's doing all the work that it wants to do fairly and firmly. I do like the fact that it'll get you a Samurai even if it gets countered. Feels important for some reason.
Whew. Well, that's all set and settled. Thank you for all your entries, and see y'all next week. @abelzumi
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elf au bokris or bo(jan)^2
Ooh I love this! I love elves, I'm picturing the kind from Lord of the Rings (Legolas you will always have my heart 😩) And thank you for giving me my favourite ship options! I'm gonna go with Bo(Jan)2 for this one.
I've never done enemies to lovers for them, and usually I would reserve that for Bokris because it's so Bokris coded, but I'm imagining enemies to lovers for this.
Bojan and Jan are elven princes, the sons of rival elf realms. In this AU I'm imagining the world/country is split into different elven kingdoms all of which are in competition with eachother, enemies and rivals. However there is a common enemy, an evil all the elves have to put aside their differences and work together to defeat.
The rulers of five of the kingdoms send their sons (Bojan, Jan, Kris, Jure, and Nace) on a mission together. Being young, idealistic, testosterone ridden men, they are all doing their best to make it as difficult for themselves as possible, insisting on maintaining their enemy status and refusing to entertain the idea of liking eachother.
Jan and Bojan are no exception. Jan is introverted and quiet and finds Bojan insufferable with his endless energy and talking. Bojan thinks Jan dislikes him even more than Kris does, because while Kris is always being mean to him at least he pays him attention. Jan pretty much ignores him. This is partly because Jan realises fairly quickly how attracted he is to Bojan, and he's absolutely not going to let himself get close enough to the annoying guy he dislikes for that feeling to grow. Jan ignoring him only makes Bojan more drawn to and intrigued by Jan.
Even though at first none of the guys like eachother, after a while of travelling through the wilderness, overcoming obstacles together and bonding by late night campfires, they warm to eachother. But Bojan and Jan remain determinedly insistent on having a truce with everyone else except eachother. To the other three they're obviously kinda obsessed with eachother, with this weird vibe and rivalry they've got going on.
Eventually they end up alone together unexpectedly, maybe Jan is struggling with insomnia and can't sleep and Bojan finds him when he's woken up by a nightmare and leaves his tent to try and shake his anxiety. This leads to a vulnerable and confessional conversation and bonding, and they realise that they're more alike than they thought, and also that the other seems pretty great, actually.
After this the two of them become particularly close. They do all of their jobs (hunting etc) together, find ways to spend time and be alone together, and basically become best friends really quickly. Jan still knows he's attracted to Bojan but that almost takes second place to their friendship and how much support and comfort they've come to offer eachother. Bojan is slowly starting to realise he's into Jan.
At some point before they can act on this Bojan is captured and taken by the enemy (continued in part two)
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halliescomut · 2 months
Can we talk about Tadaima, Okaeri?
I'm not going to get into a deepdive here (hopefully) but I'm watching episode 3 and I just want to know if anyone else is seeing what I'm seeing? So there's gonna be kind of spoilers for eps 1-3, but not really because I want to talk about one specific scene in ep 3.
I wish there were gifs up already, but I know that takes time, so we're gonna have to go mostly off description. Somewhere around the 12 minute mark we have the conversation between Hiromu and his dad. They're sitting in the living room. Tell me how the ANIMATORS were able to convey that thing where when a character is confronting their parent as an adult they sort of feel like teenagers again?? In live action(?) media usually an actor conveys this through body language, like slouching and stuff, or if it's very intentional by the director for the story then they might slightly adjust the actors makeup. There's a bunch of different ways to go about it, but I'm not talking about them reverting to a younger version of themselves through the use of a different actor, I'm talking solely through acting.
I truly wish I could show examples. I'm gonna try with the gifs available. So looking at the gif below you have from left to right Hikari (clearly a toddler), Yuuki (a young adult/teen) and Hiromu and Matsuo (two adults) . You can see there's slight difference between how the adults are drawn and how Yuuki is drawn. He's a bit softer in the face, shoulders are a bit more narrow (though I know from this angle you can't tell that) but there's differences.
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And even in the case of Hiromu and Masaki, even though Masaki is meant to be a smaller, more slender man (Yaoi tropes gonna trope) he still looks like an adult.
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But in the moment where you see Hiromu talking to his father, he looks more like a young adult/teen version of himself. It's so subtle, but it's there. I already know that animators are insanely talented and that show creators pay attention to detail so well, but I was truly blown away by this very small detail.
If I can find good images to help demonstrate, I'll update this post, but until then I would definitely encourage watching the show. It's very cute. I'm not the biggest fan of omegaverse in general, but when the story is good I can overlook the aspects of the trope that bug me, and the story here is good. It's quite fluffy and escapist (at least so far, I never read the manga, so lord knows what's in store) and just makes for a fun relaxing watch.
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rubylarkspur22 · 4 months
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Questions and answers below the cut. Manga spoilers abound. All questions are for S&TF/Ship Swap/💕
1: To Upper Moon 3, What is your Blood Demon Art, and how do you feel about the other Demon Moons?
2: Upper Moon 3, How do you feel about Muzan and do you have any preferences for what humans you eat?
I can't recall where it came from, but I can create fireworks with my blood. Depending on what I want them to do, their colour will be different. The pink and blue firework is my most powerful... and it pokes at something in the back of my mind...
As for the others? I usually don't pay attention to the Lower Moons, but I have my thoughts about the Upper Moons.
Lord Kokushibo is a mystery. I know nothing about him, though I've tried to figure out what I can. For my own reasons.
Douma can choke. He's flirted with me, and I feel a deep, visceral rage when he does.
Hantengu can also choke. But he can do it moreso because he's a sniveling coward who relies on others, even if they're extensions of himself, to do his dirty work. And he refuses to claim responsibility for his actions. I despise him.
I usually ignore Gyokko. He's certainly skilled, but I just don't feel like paying attention to him.
Gyutaro is... complicated. He's efficient. But his use of poison, it just... I can't explain it. If I watch for too long, I feel like I want to scream and cry and tear apart everything in the vicinity.
Daki and I are good friends. Whenever we happen to cross paths, we'll do each other's hair. I try not to use my Blood Demon Art around her too much, it scares her. She's kind of like a little sister.
3: Nezuko and Zenitsu, do you like each other, and are you friends?
Lord Muzan is our leader, and he gave me strength I seem to recall not having as a human. And he pushes me to continue improving. In his own way.
I'm normally drawn to anyone who forces their will onto others, and those who are too much of cowards to fight, themselves. And, of course, Demon Slayers. I can't bring myself to hurt children, or parents who care for children. Even when I'm starving.
He's pretty nice. I'd certainly consider us friends.
4: For Aoi, What's your Breathing Style? How many steps are in it and how did you make it?
I call it Forest Breathing. I got inspired by the forest on my mountain. I'm still working on my steps, I just go with how the world moves me!
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Do you give recs? I'm looking for some woke-free medias to consume (books particularly, but it can be anything)
It's hard to give recs without knowing your taste, but I'll try. Necessarily, many of these will be older things, so sorry if that bothers you
The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell (sci-fi)
The Nightside series by Simon R Green (urban fantasy/detective noir)
The Deathstalker series by Simon R Green (there are gay side characters in a few of the books, but the books themselves aren't woke. Just good sci-fi/space opera)
Any Conan the Barbarian story written by Robert Howard or Robert Jordan (fantasy)
The Destroyermen series by Taylor Anderson (disclaimer I'm only up to book 4 out of 15 and the last book was published in 2020 so it may have gotten woke or started to suck later on, but right now it's pretty good and pretty pro-American. Alternate history action sci-fi)
The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher (urban fantasy)
Any Dune book by Frank Herbert or Kevin J Anderson and Brian Herbert (sci-fi)
The Temeraire series by Naomi Novik (only read the first three out of nine so same disclaimer as Destroyermen. Alternate history fantasy. Napoleonic Wars with dragons)
The Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell (also the excellent film adaptations of the books with Sean Bean if you can find them. Historical fiction. You follow Richard Sharpe through the ranks of the British army during the Napoleonic Wars)
The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (the grandfather of modern fantasy)
The collected works of HP Lovecraft (definitely not PC or woke. His cat makes an appearance in one of his stories. Horror)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker (horror. Hellraiser was based on this novella. tentative rec because it's good, but there's a lot of mentioned sex and very liberal attitudes towards sex so I don't know if you'd consider that woke or not. The sex obsessed characters are the bad guys though)
Any of the pre-Disney "canon" Star Wars expanded universe books.
Any of the Star Trek books written by William Shatner (they're all a connected series though so read them in order)
If non-woke is your main criteria, I'd suggest giving the Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski a try. I personally hated the little bit of the first one I read, and I hate the Witcher series in general, but no one can argue that the Witcher is in any way woke, lol
Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher (fantasy)
Phantoms by Dean Koontz (also recommend the movie with a very young Ben Affleck, but if you rent it on Prime use headphones. Audio is all fucked up through a surround sound system. At least it was when I rented it a few years back. horror)
The Legend of Drizzt series (and the associated sub-series) by RA Salvatore (fantasy. I stopped reading at the Transitions series--books 20-22--because I personally didn't like them and the way they changed the characters and the setting, but YMMV. I'd highly recommend books 1-19 though. Great fantasy series in my favorite D&D setting, the Forgotten Realms)
The Giver by Lois Lowry (young adult book, but has a great message of individuality and anti-government)
Since you wanted books mostly I'll just breeze through movies, shows, comics and games with a few of my favorites:
Movies - Equilibrium, Lord of the Rings, pre-Disney Star Wars, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predator 2, Hellraiser 1 + 2, Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, The Patriot, In the Mouth of Madness, Sonic the Hedgehog 1 + 2
Shows - Jericho, X-Files, Star Trek (OS, TNG and DS9 especially. Anything nu-Trek is easily skippable), Chernobyl, Avatar The Last Airbender, Lost (it's not confusing if you just pay attention!)
Anime - Fullmetal Alchemist (both series are good but Brotherhood follows the manga more closely), Death Note, Bungo Stray Dogs, Yowamushi Pedal, Ace of Diamond, Yuri on Ice (super gay but funny and heartwarming and not woke beyond the two male leads being stupidly in love with each other even if it's never mentioned explicitly), Street Fighter II V. Honestly most anime isn't woke at all, so just look around for things that seem interesting to you and you're probably good there
Comics - Batman: No Man's Land, Batman: Knightfall, Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer/Fugitive, Batman: The Killing Joke, any Marvel Masterwork collection, any Dark Horse Alien or Predator or Alien vs Predator comic, Spawn. Special mention: Isom and the Rippaverse. The Rippaverse is a new shared comic universe created by Eric July, self-described anarcho-capitalist and contributor to The Blaze that's specifically designed from the ground up to not be woke and offer a customer first mentality. They promise that the various books they're planning on releasing will focus on story and characters, not politics or social justice crap. So far, only Isom #1 has come out, and I haven't gotten my copy yet, but most people who've read it seem to love it, and that one comic alone has already sold over 43,000 copies and made $3.7 million so early adopting is probably a safe bet.
Games - Metal Gear Solid series, Batman: Arkham series, Halo 1-3, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Greedfall, Dishonored series, Edge of Eternity, Metro series, Mafia 1+2, Elden Ring. Pretty much any game before the mid-2010s is a safe bet for non-woke, so like anime, you should just look at older games you think you might like, or their remasters, and go from there.
So that's my list. It's by no means complete, and there's no real order to the recs, so just look them up and see what, if anything, appeals to you. If you, or anyone else, want more specific recommendations or an opinion on a certain title or series that I mentioned or even ones I didn't, feel free to ask. I'll help if I can. Mostly what I read and watch are sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and things like that. I don't really read typical bestsellers or westerns or comedies. So I might be much help with those genres.
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digimonloving · 2 years
A tamer asking the demon lords to Pose as its parents at a Parent-teacher meeting so that their actual parents wont know about their misbehavings.
But could you imagine Lucemon and Beelzemon playing it cool only to then scolding you themselves for your grades? YOU SHOULD STRIVE FOR GREATNESS! EITHER STUDY HARDER OR CHEAT BETTER!!!
Beelzemon would only do an over-the-phone meeting, as there was going to be no way that he'd be taken seriously as his Tamer's parent when, well, he looked the way that he did, and he wasn't about to jump through hoops to look "human". So, he'd do his best to play as his Tamer's parent as he talked over the phone with their teacher. However, as much as Beelzemon just wanted to be cool about it, he did get a bit into scolding his Tamer about their grades, just telling them they gotta get better at cheating or something! He knows they can do better!
Lucemon FM
Lucemon only agrees because his Tamer asked politely for him to do so, and they appealed to him some. He does wear a bit more of a human-like disguise, already looking human enough but with just a few added tweaks to make it look better. Preferring an in-person chat as he listens to how his Tamer does in school, and them having concerns for his Tamer as well. Lucemon does actually scold his Tamer for their actions, though... much like a parent actually would, but he's less angered over it. Seems Lucemon will have to help his Tamer more when it comes to school then, now won't he?
Easy enough to just adjust her wardrobe and go to an in-person parent-teacher meeting. She does try to be a bit more sweet and to attempt to persuade the teacher that her dear... child is just having a rough time, that's all, these misbehaving's are just little things, she's sure. Lilithmon does act quite kind and very sweet, and the moment that they're out, Lilithmon does get slightly pouty at her Tamer and tells them that they should at least TRY to be a bit better, for her at least. She'd rather not deal with such things again.
Tsk tsk tsk! His little Tamer wanted him to pose as their guardian? Well... he could, but he does want something out of it. He bargains with his Tamer a little before he agrees, stating that his poor Tamer's parents weren't able to come to the meeting due to... well, perhaps going on a vacation and leaving them in the care of dear grandpa, wearing a few extra bits to conceal his more demon-esque looks. He talks with a grin the entire time, but learning of such things about his Tamer... well, he tells them they better pay more attention in class! Afterwards, he just lets them be. There's no point in him handling it when he knew his Tamer might not take it to heart anyway.
Might need to do it over the phone, as taking on a human appearance just doesn't sound appealing to him just to do a meeting with his Tamer's teacher. He remains calm and collected the entire time, assuring the teacher that he will have a chat with his Ta--.... child. Daemon does still keep the calm and gentle demeanor, but he does try to convince his Tamer that they should be a bit better in school. It is quite important for them after all.
Over the phone. Does his Tamer think that a giant alligator of a Digimon would be able to pass as their parent? He'll lend them his voice, but perhaps that's enough anyway. Leviamon tries to keep his voice quiet, just muttering as he listens to the teacher talk and mumbling small 'yea. Alright. I see', general responses. He doesn't quite care too much, just telling his Tamer what their teacher said before curling up and going to sleep. He doesn't have much else to say about it, but he hopes it was enough to not get his Tamer in trouble and all.
Might... be a bit of a rough one! Depending on which mode he's in, his reaction to just listening and talking to the teacher varies from Sleep Mode and Rage Mode. Belphemon tries while in sleep mode, though he mostly mumbles a few.. nonsensical answers, but his Tamer is quick to try and play off it like their... dad is just groggy and just woke up because of some late shift or so. Rage Mode might actually get on his Tamer about their behavior, but otherwise wants the "meeting" over the phone to go as fast as possible.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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Ain't NOBODY paying attention to Darth Marr in this moment
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Lord Ivress: No, better still: you learned about us and thought Marr could be in on it. You're here on your own. We have the upper hand.
Eight: [Not against me, you don't] I'll survive, and you'll be the first to go. Then the sergeant. You know I'm right.
Now that would've been interesting if Marr really was in on it or if we suspected he was at all, but he's not. Would've been a fun red herring, though.
And as usual, Eight doesn't even flinch at the threat with his extreme confidence knowing he'll slay everyone in the room and get out just fine. It's what he does. I like his expression here too. Narrowing eyes, with no need to go overboard with bared teeth-- but you can tell he's shifting into hyperfocus like a hawk honing in on prey.
Lord Ivress backed down immediately, which was really cool to see considering it's not everyday an entire Sith Lord cows from a mere agent. But I suppose Eight is no mere agent, and I like to think a little bit of Jadus' pressure leaked out.
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Cool guys don't look at tranquilized Champion mobs.
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Theron: Right. The intelligence I gathered in the company of several interrogation probes while being held against my will. ain't nobody paying attention to the damn interrogation probes
One flashpoint later, and bam, Agent Shan is freed. ....And very salty about it. As he should be, really.
Eight personally thought the entire fiasco was foolish on Lana's part being as that they a) went by themselves ("moron, why didn't you bring me along" *insert Lana excuses*) and b) it was entirely unplanned even though Lana acts like it was. There was no plan in this. Not even an extraction.
Lana, professionals have standards and agents have an expiration date of approx. 24 hours when they get captured, you know.
I pictured Lana starting to defend herself and then getting flicked on the forehead with a giant thwack by Eight, who scolds her as if she jammed the printer because he doesn't get angry when confronted with inconveniences, just annoyed. Amateur espionage work is a pet peeve of his.
"We can't have our only Republic ally get captured and killed, it'll look like we did it on purpose." 'That's what you're worried about?' "That, and the fact that they could simply chop him into little pieces and scatter him across Rishi as a deterrent instead of interrogating him." '...I see your point.'
Fast forward, and wowee, Master Shan and Darth Marr are in the same room. How juicy.
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Eight, singing: Let him die, let him die, let him shrivel up and die-- who's with me?!
Eight be quiet, Jadus' openly traitorous influence in you is showing.
At least Darth Marr agrees! It would be nice if we let Revan take him out while we sit back nice and pretty, but we can't have nice things in this house.
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Fast forward a bit, and now they're alone at brunch being mad at each other. Lol.
Theron: Unbelievable. Where's the trust? Huh? Did it wander off somplace, or was it never there to begin with?
Eight: [Lana, you should apologize] With all that's going on around us, we have to be able to trust each other. You owe Theron an apology.
Lana: At the risk of seeming egotistical, I will not apologize for being right.
Eight doesn't care so much about the trust in this room given he's operated fine blindsiding his own companions for three whole chapters, but he does agree here that you can't act like this was all according to plan when all they did was sneak up and get caught (not at all something premeditated).
Lana gets another exasperated chop on the forehead.
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Eight: Do it.
Lana: Theron... I recognize that I betrayed your trust, and for that I am sorry.
Lana and Theron:
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Ah, what a nice apology.
Last but not least, the legendary screens.
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This made me laugh really hard for some reason, mostly because I immediately said, "they seem to be very good friends".
Which they are in this AU; friends with extreme benefits is the name of the game this time around except it's obvious that Theron would date him given the chance, Eight just likes lording it over him every time he says no.
Lana: what is..the relationship between you two
Theron: a couple-
Eight: of besties.
Theron: stare
Eight: :)
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