#because it is not as recongisible
ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to stop in and let you know how much I enjoy your stories!!! They have brought me so much comfort during the past week as I slowly go through them. I’ve been going through some stuff recently and your stories allow me to escape for awhile and I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am! 💕
Kaelyn. 🥺 Hello!!!! I’m sorry to hear that things are a harder than usual, lately—you deserve easy days!!! I wish I could give them to you; nice languid ones where you didn’t have to worry about a thing. 🥺 But since I can’t, I’m glad the fics could be there with you and keep you company for a while. 🥺 I’m grateful you’re here, Kae. Thank-you for saying hello; I’ll be thinking and hoping and beaming every ounce of goodwill in me that things get easier, and quickly. 🌷💌 ⛅️🎐🌾
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zeltqz · 6 months
selfish | haitani ran
synopsis. haitani ran wants you, but can't have you because it would be considered selfish. content. 12k words (listen ik its long just hear me out..), fem!reader, friends to enemies to lovers, mild fwb situation gone wrong, ran's mother is in prison and gives shitty advice, implied sexual harassment (some creepy junkie, nothing happens though), mildly toxic ran, possessiveness, alcohol mentions, ran says hurtful things when he's drunk. NSFW content. authors note. this was inspired by an ask that i changed up a little because i LUV drama, so anon if you see this and recongise the plot creds to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for the idea!!!!
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You were jolted awake by the violent buzz of your phone, muffled by your pillow. You groggily sat up, wiping your eyes and slapped around under your pillow for your phone. Carefully, you rolled to the far edge of your bed and answered. 
“Come down. I’m outside.”
“Ran it’s…2 in the morning.”
“Just come. I want to talk to you.”
You slipped from your bed, yawning and grabbing your house keys on the way out. Once you were outside, the instant regret of not bringing a jacket hit you as you shivered from the cold. You were about to run back inside, but decided against it when you saw Ran’s car parked at the end of the road, the lights on and the windshield wipers actively wiping away the snow. 
You resisted the urge to dramatically slam the door shut when you got in the car. “There better be a zombie apocalypse happening right now if you think waking me up at 2 am was a good idea.”
“So I can only contact you when the world is ending?”
“At 2am, yes.” You leaned your head back against his car seat, mindlessly closing your eyes to savour onto the lingering signs of sleep. “Why’re you even here? I thought you were out of town.”
“I had plans.” He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel. 
“Like plans or ‘plans’?” His smile turned into a smirk and you grimaced. “Ew don’t touch me.”  He laughed playfully and gestured at your seatbelt. You put it on as he started the car, pulling out onto the main road. 
“So where are you taking me anyway?” you asked, plucking at a loose thread on your pyjama bottoms. 
“Nowhere in particular. Just driving around.”
“Cool. So why am I here then?”
“Wanted company. Is that so wrong?” 
You looked his way, wondering if he was being serious right now. “Why didn’t you call your brother then? Or literally anybody else.”
“Because I wanted to see you.” He glanced in your direction, seeing the stunned expression on your face that you quickly fixed when you realised he was staring. 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah sure. Whatever.” You yawned and turned to the side to lean against the window. 
“If you’re tired you can sleep.”
“I don’t wanna fall asleep on you. That’s rude.” Another yawn. “I’ll manage it.”
“You hungry?” he asked, pulling up towards a late night fast food drive-thru across the street. 
“Kinda. Now that I think about it, I barely ate all day.”
“Don’t know how you do it honestly.” He was plucking at his baby hairs as he slowed the car to a stop. “Alright whaddya want.” 
You peeked past his body to look at the menu on the wall, the bright lights straining your tired eyes. “Literally anything. I don’t care.” He clicked his tongue and stared at you. You sighed. “I don’t want you to waste money on me.”
“Don’t stress,” he said, waving off your concern with a wave of his hand. You settled in your seat as he rolled down the window. You were distractedly scrolling on your phone to pass time as he spent the next five minutes ordering. 
Looking up, you saw he already had the bag of food on his lap, but instead of handing it to you, his arm is leaning against the window, smirking as he talks to the cashier working the drive-thru. She has her finger twirling her hair, leaning so far from the narrow window you’re surprised she hasn’t fallen out yet. 
“Hello?? Can we go?!” you snapped. 
“Oh, sorry.” The girl leered in your direction, taking you back momentarily before she fixed her features in time when she looked back at Ran. “It was nice meeting you,” she said softly, her voice lacking the same venomous tone she gave you earlier.
“Pleasure meeting you too. See you around beautiful.” You don’t know if he winked or did his signature smirk at her, but it was something of that nature because she had to fan herself to calm the redness on her face as his car began driving off.
You took the bag of food from his lap and ripped it open. “Do you really have to flirt with every girl you meet?”
“Someone sounds jealous.” You weren’t even looking in his direction but you could envision the shit eating grin of his face when he said that.
“I’m not jealous. I just know how to keep it in my pants and not go around flirting with every guy I meet.” You bit the packaging of the straw and poked it in your drink more aggressively than you intended.
“Have you maybe thought that’s because you just suck at flirting?” 
You almost choked on your drink with how quick you moved your head to face him. “I don’t suck at flirting!”
He snorted, taking one hand off the wheel to support his head as he leaned against the door. “Sureeeeeeeee.”
“Don't say sure like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t believe me!”
He shrugged. “I don’t.” He stopped the car at a red light. “Show me how you flirt then.”
You stared down at the food in your hands, contemplating if you should. When you looked up, you saw him already staring at you, waiting. “Fine.” You wiped your hands and set your food back down, putting it back in the takeout bag before shifting to face him on your seat. 
You cleared your throat, readying yourself to speak. The second you opened your mouth, it was like your mind blanked and you instantly closed it again. “This is too embarrassing. I can’t.”
“It’s only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing,” he responded back, shifting his attention back on the road when the light changed to green.
“No. I just know you’re going to laugh at me if I do it.”
“No I won’t.” He put a hand over his heart. “Scouts honour”
“You’re so ridiculous,” you grumbled but laughed nonetheless. “Okay, I’ll do it once we get home. I need time to prepare.”
Ran seemed to agree with that and in the fifteen minutes it took you to get home, you finished your food. He was parked outside your house across the street and you were idly sipping at your drink.
“Alright, ready?” He turned the engine off, leaving the radio still on.
“Wait this is my favourite song.” You inched forward to turn the volume up only to recoil when he slapped your hand away. “What the hell?!”
“Stop stalling.” He ignored the frustrated look on your face. “Show me already. I didn’t drive you here for nothing.”
“You shouldn’t have driven here at 3 in the morning anyway!”
“So ungrateful.” He pinched your nose with two fingers, laughing when you swatted him away. “Show meeee.”
“Okay fine! Fine!” You set your drink in the cupholder and turned to look at him. “I actually don’t know how to flirt.”
“Had a feeling.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Want me to teach you,” he asked gently, looking directly into your eyes. You found it hard to look away in that moment, like so much was riding on your answer. 
You nodded slowly. “Yeah… okay…”
“Alright. Guys love it when you’re confident and can hold eye contact. So hold eye contact as much as you can, but don’t stare like a creep. That shit’s weird. Show ‘em you’re engaged in the conversation when they’re talking about themselves and just stare into their eyes. Shit, that even gets me all fuzzy when a girl knows how to hold it. Had me stutterin’ and shit once.”
You blinked and envisioned a stuttering, flustered Ran in your mind. “Really? Eye contact? That’s all?” He shrugged and nodded. “That sounds really hard to believe honestly.”
“Really?” You nodded. “Reaaaally?” he repeated, extra slow, giving you enough time to back out when you have the chance.
“Yes. Reaaaaally Ran.”
“Tell me what you did today.”
You crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling. “Well…I woke up this morning…I went to work, had lunch, worked until 4, then came home and studied.”
“In detail.”
“Is that really necessary?” you complained, but the look on his face was completely serious. Sighing, you settled back into your seat. “Okay so I went to bed late as fuck last night and I woke up at like 12 which was so bad because my shift started in fifteen minutes. So I wondered whether or not I should go and—”
“Look at me when you talk.”
You were about to slap him. You sighed and turned to look at him. 
“I went to back late last night and woke up at like…” Your mind blanked, and you struggled to find your words or remember what the hell you did hours ago with him looking so intently at you. “...11 ish? Which was—”
“You said it was 12, no?” he tilted his head, his stare unwavering.
You gulped. “Yes. Sorry. I woke up at 12 and my shift started at 12:15.” Your face burned. Just what the hell was wrong with you. In that moment, you felt like you were out of your own body, spirit you watching as you did nothing but blink uselessly at Ran. You fought the urge to slap yourself and ignore his slutty mind tricks. 
You looked down at your lap only to have him lift your face back to him with a single finger. “You’re not done with your story yet.”
“...right…right.” You cleared your throat again. He leaned forward, forearms resting on the steering wheel, locking his gaze on you. Was Ran always this hot? Surely you’ve noticed it before but not like this, where your mind is focusing only on him, and pushing all other stray thoughts out of the way 
You inhaled deeply and regained composure. “And I briefly considered whether or not I should go in late…but my boss has been kinda mean to me lately and…”
He raised an eyebrow, nodding as he studied your face, and urged you to continue when you stopped talking.
“...so I went in and finished my shift. My boss wasn’t too mad at me which was good I guess.”
“Then what?” His voice was purposefully different than usual, it was lower in that moment, throwing you off balance completely.
Your throat suddenly felt dry. “One second.” You grabbed your drink from before and began taking long sips from it, still feeling the intensity of his stare against the side of your face. Once you gulped half the drink down, you forcefully swallowed your burp, not wanting to ruin the weird, but heated atmosphere in the car with your natural bodily functions. 
“Then I went home to study for my exam on Thursday and fell asleep. Then your annoying ass woke me up and here I am.”
He laughed lightly, pulling back to return back to his seat. “How hard was that? Be honest.” His head rested back against the headrest, smirking at you. “Don’t lie now.”
You looked down at your lap, averting your eyes from his and refusing to make eye contact. You hated that you had to admit that it actually worked, his intense eye contact had actually effected you. He kept urging you until you persisted and you groaned inwardly. “Fine. It worked.”
“Seeeeee?” He jostled you playfully, and you smiled weakly. “I told ya. Anyway, want more advice?”
“There’s more?” Was the eye contact not enough? You didn’t even want to think how much power this man has. 
“Yeah. Say his name a lot. Drives me crazy when I hear a girl say my name.”
You snorted. “Sounds oddly narcissistic of you,” you retorted before you could catch yourself. “Sorry.”
“(Y/N),” he called your name in a deep, rumbling tone that had you internally shut down and log off. 
Once you came back, you grinned, impressed. “Wow…you’re good,” you admitted, subtly rubbing your hand along your arm to rid it of the goosebumps that seemed to sprout up whenever he spoke to you in that tone. “You’re actually a danger to society.”
“It’s fun making girls all flustered.” His hand rose to rest on your thigh. When you didn’t shrug it off or tell him to stop, his fingers began to caress softly against your skin. His touch felt electrifying, zapping through the fabric of your pyjama bottoms as he continued his actions.
“Something wrong?” he asked teasingly when he saw you struggle to control yourself, clenching your thighs together.
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re not gonna tell me to stop?”
“I see.” His thumb continued to stroke your inner thigh.
You don’t know what possessed you at that moment, but you grabbed his hand and placed it between your legs. He looked at you, confused and surprised at your sudden boldness. 
You pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, and whispered into his ear, “I can be seductive too, you know?”
Something in your words ignited a flame inside him, something primal and raw when your lips softly grazed down his ear. He turned his head to meet yours. 
“I’m sure you can be,”  he said softly, leaning in to kiss you gently. The kiss was only a soft press of his lips against yours, and your desire to want him to kiss you for real grew stronger by the second.
His hand moved down your body, helping you pass the console to straddle him. One hand slid down the back of his neck as you kissed each other hungrily, your tongue sliding out to meet his. He bit your bottom lip, gently sucking it while running his tongue along the inside of your mouth, slowly parting your lips with his. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, pulling away to look down at him, resting your forehead against his. You went back in, and the kiss quickly turned heated, hungry and wild. “This doesn’t mean anything, right?” you asked, panting slightly.
He broke the eye contact to look down at his hands on your waist, sliding down to your hips and held you firmly in place, leaving no space between you. “Nah. Let’s just have fun.”
He cupped the back of your neck to bring you in for another kiss, your insides melting as your body temperature rose at the feeling of his rough hands working you over. He fumbled with the drawstrings of your pj bottoms until they loosened, slipping his hands inside, desperate to touch bare skin.
“No panties,” he grinned against your lips, giving you a peck when you flushed. 
“They’re uncomfortable at night…gotta let it breathe, you know?” you mumbled, looking down at his lap. 
He nudged your head up using his own and reattached his lips to yours. His hands continued to explore your body, roaming up and down your back, clutching at your waist. He placed his hand firmly on the back of your head, gilding your head movements into the kiss.
His thumb traced circles on the soft flesh on your hip as your mouth left his to plant open, wet kisses along his neck, teeth nipping and skimming when the radio thought it’ll be a wonderfully convenient idea to switch from the soft music it was playing earlier, to sudden heavy death metal, loud instruments and screaming booming through the car. 
You both jumped apart, your head smacked against the roof of the car, wailing as you winced when Ran started laughing. “It’s not funny!”
He doesn’t stop laughing because why would he, but he at least reached forward, your body on his lap following his movements as he turned the volume down.
“Why do you even have that on your playlist?!” 
“Rindou had a…phase. I hate it too, don’t worry.” 
You continued to rub the sore spot and pouted when you felt a headache blooming, already kissing goodbye to your good night’s sleep tonight. 
“Come here.” He smoothed a hand over the sore spot. “Better?”
“Kinda.” Your sour mood lessens and you start laughing, hiding your face in his shoulder. Your shoulders shook as you struggled to control your laughter. He laughed alongside you, his arms tightening around your body as he pulled you back against him. 
“That scared the living shit out of me,” you panted, finally catching your breath, kissing down the side of his neck. 
He turned his face to properly meet yours. You kissed him deeply, slowly rocking your hips with his as his strong hands squeezed tightly against your ass. After a while, you broke the kiss, your body now craving more than just kissing.
“Stop teasing me,” you complained, pushing him lightly on the chest.
“‘S fun seeing you so worked up,” he said with a shitty smirk, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your head lolled back as he steadily worked his way down the column of your throat, then down your chest.
His fingers bunched around the hem of your shirt, about to tug it off when you looked outside. The sun was still dark, but the promise of sunrise just around the corner as it rounded near 4 am. Obviously people wouldn’t be up and walking around this late, but the thought still made you stiffen.
“What’s wrong?” Ran asked, pausing with your shirt half way up your stomach.
“Can we go inside?” you asked, dragging the tips of your nails along the flat plane of his stomach. Despite having spent the last ten minutes making out with this man, the question implied more and your face burned when his eyes widened a bit. 
You looked down at your hands moving under his shirt, tracing patterns across his skin and bit down a giggle when he squirmed as you hit a particularly ticklish spot, poking his belly button. You took a mental note of that for later…
“You sure you wanna?” he asked carefully. You nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.” 
You quietly stumbled out of the car, holding his hand as you crossed the street to your house. You were fumbling with your keys, hard to find the keyhole in the darkness. It wasn’t helping your focus and accuracy with Ran behind you, fingers caressing your hips and waist, nipping at your neck. You let out a soft moan, giving up with your keys to lean your head back against his shoulder to give him more access before you quickly came to your senses.
“I need to open the door, go away,” you said with a huff, ignoring his laughter as you pushed him away. 
The door slammed shut and you locked it before pouncing on Ran, letting him press you up hard against the door as he hungrily devoured your mouth. His lips branded the soft skin of your neck as he dipped lower, carrying you to your bedroom. You were dropped mindlessly on your bed, bouncing from the impact as he hovered over you, your mind pleasantly blank as you focused solely on how badly you needed him right now.
His fingers slipped down your underwear and you saw stars.
As you were walking through the aisles of the grocery store, your music was interrupted by your phone ringing. You jerked your phone out from your jeans pocket to stare at the caller ID. Just a long string of numbers. 
“Who is this?” you asked suspiciously, racking your brain for a time you handed your number out to anyone you hadn’t saved.
“It’s Ran. What, forgot about me already?” 
Your mood immediately dampened and you clutched your phone tighter in your hand. “Why’re you calling me?”
“Easy with the hostility, man. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“And you couldn’t have done this, I dunno, in the two months you spent ghosting me? And don’t tell me “easy with the hostility”, I have a right to be fucking mad after you just hit and dipped like that.”
“Hit and dipped?”
“You ghosted me dumbass.”
You heard a loud exhale. “Right… yeah about that.”
“What do you want Ran?”
“I miss you.”
You almost forgot how to breathe. “Areyoufuckingkiddingmerightnow?”
“You heard me. I said I missed you.”
“Let me guess, there’s no other girls available right now, right? That’s why you’re bugging me?” It would be a wild accusation if not for the fact after that night you spent together, his phone buzzed incessantly, the constant vibrations waking you up and you saw notifications of girls in his inbox, sending him the usual “are you up?” text messages, followed up with images of themselves half naked.
He hummed. “Why would there be other girls? I’m talking to you right now.”
“Because you’re you.”
“Ok, but I’m serious though. I miss you a lot.” You found it so hard to give this man any sympathy.
“Well who’s fault is that? Nobody asked you to stop speaking to me after that night.”
“I know I know. I messed up. I just didn’t know how to approach you after that.” He sounded seriously stressed over this, and your face softened for a fraction of a moment before memories of you constantly checking your phone to see if he bothered to open your message yet reappear in your mind; just like that, your scowl is back, sympathy long gone.
“Right. Because THE Haitani Ran gets nervous after sex. Wow, shocker.”
“I mean, you were the best lay I ever had.”
Your traitorous heart stuttered without your permission, making your lips quirk up into a smile. “Really?” You cursed yourself for even entertaining his bullshit, and cursed your body even more for reacting in such a manner.
“Yeah, course you were.”
“Then why’d you ghost me? It’s like you want me to hate you. I swear to god for the life of me I’ll never under male logic.”
“It’s not male logic. ‘S just me, being a dumbass.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“This was different though because we were friends before we fucked, and I didn’t wanna make things weird. I had no clue how to text you after that.” You guessed that made sense, having felt the same awkwardness the morning after waking up sore with him beside you. 
“Oh. Well, it’s only weird if you make it weird.”
“Right. So…can I make it up to you?”
“Let’s hang out.”
“Like hang out or ‘hang out’?” Part of you wanted it to be the first one, not wanting to ruin anymore awkwardness in your friendship by sleeping with each other again. But the other part of your body already was hellbent on it being the second, already addicted to the way he makes you feel in bed. 
“The former. But,” his voice dropped lower, “it can also be the latter, if you’re down.”
“I’m down,” you said a bit too quickly for someone trying to seem indifferent.
“Cool. See you tonight then.” 
Before you could say goodbye, he was already saying hi to someone else, and then hung up. Any negative emotions you felt for him was tempered by the excitement buzzing through your limbs as you continued shopping for groceries with a dopey smile on your face, happy you were able to patch things up.
Time passes since you both agreed to this weird friends with benefits arrangement. All awkwardness is stomped on and thrown out the window, now more open to the matter. Months go by of you losing yourself in his sheets, of him mapping out your body with his tongue, latching his mouth onto your skin and marking you all over. Months go by of you craving his touch whenever you’re alone, picturing his voice in your ear, his presence caging you from above when you’re with other men. Months go by of you both making plans, with you, more than him, staring at your phone the entire day, starting the mental countdown to when you’re next able to see him. 
Life is good for Ran, until the day he dreaded the most every year rolls around. The day he has to visit his mother in prison along with Rindou. Their meet-ups are nothing more than an annual thing, visiting her on her birthday every year. 
“So what have you been up to this year?” she asked disinterestedly. 
Ran could see right through her, can see she’s started using again if the bloodshot eyes and the not so subtle way she rubs her nose were any clue. 
“Good ma,” Rindou responded. “I’ve took up DJ’ing in a few of Dad’s clubs in my free time.”
At the mention of her ex-husband, she sneered. Rindou rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna do that every time I mention him ma?”
“I’ll react however the fuck I want when you bring up that passed around, dried up whore of a man,” she snapped. Rindou doesn’t react, already used to her mood swings and aggressive comments about his father. She jerked her head over to her weirdly quiet son. “And you? What’s your deal?”
“My deal?” Ran asked, matching her levels of indifference. 
“What have you been up to,” she repeated slower, like he was dumb. 
“What? Your life is that shit you haven’t done anything for the past year? Nothing at all?” She stared at Ran who responded with silence and a blank stare. “Even I’ve done shit and I’m stuck in this hell hole.”
“Well whose fault is that?” Ran snapped back. Rindou slapped his forehead.
“Listen here you—”
“Ran’s been seeing a girl ma,” Rindou said quickly, hoping that small drop of information about his brother’s life was enough to diffuse a bad situation. 
“A girl?? Who?”
“Just some girl. You don’t know her and never will,” Ran grumbled.
“Is she…?” she gestured at him, at herself. He didn’t respond and she changed the wording of her question. “How did you meet?”
“She’s not involved in what we do ma. If that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Good.” She let out an exhale in relief. “And you make sure to leave her out of it.”
She pointed her finger at him. “Don’t pursue this girl because you’re selfish and want to bring her in potential danger. Keep her around, fuck her or whatever it is you do in your spare time that you wanna keep a secret from me, but if you pursue her romantically then you’re a selfish piece of shit.”
Ran stiffened, his glare hardening in her direction. “Keep out of my goddamn business.”
“You know I’m right, Ran. That’s why you’re mad. Isn’t that right, Rindou?” She looked at her youngest son who looked tentatively between them both, staying stubbornly silent. She clicked her tongue and turned back to Ran. “You’d rather put this girl in danger because you can’t stand being alone by yourself. You’ve got issues, Ran. That’s why you haven’t had a relationship longer than 3 months. Correct?”
Ran stared down at the table, silent. 
“Do you care about her?” she asked and Rindou had no idea if he pictured it or not but it looked like she softened for a moment.
Ran didn’t respond, but nodded in slight movements. 
“If you truly care about this girl, you’ll leave her alone. It’s for her own good. Bringing her into your lifestyle is just selfish.”
“Times up,” The officer from the back of the room said, walking towards the table with handcuffs. 
She stood up and placed her hands behind her back. “Do the right thing, Ran.”
“How do you know that’s true though?” he asked.
“Speaking from experience. Look at me, suffering from the actions of your father. He brought me into this lifestyle, and I wasn’t prepared for it. So now I’m facing the consequences. You’re just like your father, Ran. An emotionally distant, sadistic, messed up man. Embrace it or don’t. Try to change or don’t. Either way I don’t care. Just don’t ruin others because of that nature.”
The officer tightened her handcuffs and locked them. “Let’s go,” he said, before escorting her out of the room.
Rindou looked at his brother with sympathy. “You okay?” His hand rose to rest of his shoulder but Ran stood up before he could make contact.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and turned around. “Let’s go.”
You weren’t sure what was going on with Ran but he seemed emotionally distant. He was no longer affectionate towards you when you both hung out, his response time was a lot slower than it used to be. When you had sex, he was totally fine though, which weirded you out because he would randomly do a complete 180 out of nowhere with the affection. 
“That was amazing,” you said panting as you collapsed back on the bed. Ran hummed in agreement, gathering you in his chest as you cuddled. You buried your face in his neck, the scent of his cologne heavy in your nose.
“I know,” he sighed, looking down and kissing your forehead. You smiled harder, fighting back the urge to giggle and use his warm body as a blanket.
You were playing with the tip of his braid, occasionally twirling it around the tip of your index finger when you decided now was the time to approach the topic that’d been brewing inside you the last few months.
“So…” you traced your fingernail across the spiral tattoo on his chest.
He looked down at you, a lazy smirk on his face. “So?” He kissed your forehead again.
You bit down on your lip and forced yourself to look into Ran’s eyes. “This might sound cliche, or cheesy or whatever but…”
“Doubt it,” he snorted, taking your hand off his chest and linking his fingers with yours, clutching your hand tightly. When you looked stumped for words, he nudged his shoulder, softly jostling you in the process. “What’s up?”
“Well…” God, this was harder than you thought it would be. 
You chewed the skin of your lips as you tried to calm your nerves before you exploded with anxiety. You nearly froze when he placed his thumb against your lip, tugging it free from its brawl with your teeth. 
Fuck it. “I just wanted to know…what are we…?”
It didn’t help your already racing nerves when he froze beneath you, and you swore you could feel the blood in his body stop flowing at that moment. 
He sat up abruptly, sending you sliding off his chest. You blinked uselessly at the muscled plane of his back, grabbing the sheets and clutching it towards your chest, your body deprived of the warmth his body provided earlier now making your limbs go cold.
He scratched his hair and sighed exhaustedly. “I gotta be honest with you.”
You barely found your voice as you softly said, “Go on.”
“I don’t want a relationship right now.”
“Oh.” You quietly cleared your throat, sitting upright and shifting backwards on your mattress until your back hit the headboard. “With me…or?”
“So…what was the point of this then?”
“I dunno? I mean I just thought you liked…” he gestured at the both of you, hoping you’d see where he was coming from. When you didn’t and just stared at him confused, he got more frustrated. “You know, this? What were we doing? I didn’t know you—” He sighed again and groaned. 
You felt like your throat was stuffed with cotton with how hard it was to breathe. “But I thought you liked me?”
“I do like you.”
“So then what’s the hold up?”
“Just because I like you doesn’t mean I have to be with you, okay? I’m busy all the fucking time and you’ll just be getting in the way of that,” he said curtly, not bothering to hide the clear frustration in his voice.
Hurt prickled across your skin, your ears felt full as you toned out everything he was saying. He turned to face you, those eyes of his that normally made you flush from head to toe now felt so cold and distant, like you didn’t know who the man in front of you was. 
“Just get out, Ran.” You choked back tears as they threatened to fall from your eyes, but you quickly looked away before they could. He’d seen you vulnerable beneath him many times, but this time was different. You couldn’t—no, you won’t allow him the satisfaction of seeing he made you this upset.
“No wait.” He reached out for you, his heart shattering when you pushed him away, sulking. 
He had a weird feeling in his chest, one that he wasn’t used to feeling, and instead of combating his emotions like a regular person, he discarded them  to the side, pretending they didn’t exist. He sighed exasperatedly and slid off your bed.
You moved to lay down, covering your entire body with your bedsheets as you heard him pack up his things. He silently changed and gently closed the door when he left. Once you heard your front door close, you sat up and wiped your tears, grabbing your phone from your dresser. 
The next few hours were spent watching youtube videos, laughing softly at the comments people left. It made you feel less useless about yourself and tried to desperately take your mind off what just happened prior. Honestly, you blame yourself for even bringing it up. It wasn’t worth ruining a two year friendship over.
Sure, it’s normal to catch feelings for a guy that treats you nice, isn’t selfish in bed and actually takes his time to account for your needs. That doesn’t mean you’re romantically interested in him though, right? Guaranteed it could’ve been any other of your friends, like Sanzu or even Mikey and you would’ve developed those same feelings, right? 
Before you had any time to digest that topic deeper, a text message notification popped up on your screen.
Ran: ok so that was awkward before. Can we talk this over properly?? I dont want to ruin what we had honestly. It…was a mistake to start sleeping together i know. We both had different intentions and i apologise if I sent you mixed feelings. Your friendship is something I value a lot and I don’t wanna lose that. So can we start over??? Just be friends this time? 
You: sure i guess. Sorry if i made things uncomfortable earlier.
Ran: ur good. Ill see you later then?
You: yeah okay
You and Ran had fought many times over the course of your friendship, and each time you both were able to move on like nothing happened. But this time, it just felt different. You felt it.
“You know it’s 3 in the morning right?” Sanzu rubbed his eyes, yawning obnoxiously. “I mentally check out from 2-10am.” 
“Shut up.” You dig around in his pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes. “Give me a lighter.”
“Since when do you smoke?” he asked, then tacked on, “Oh and I don’t have one.”
“Then why do you have a box of cigarettes then?!” 
Sanzu blinked at your sudden outburst. “Okay first. Calm down. Inside voices, we’re outside right now.” You fought the urge to point out how contradictory it was to use your inside voice outside but let it slide. “Secondly, why are you acting so…”
“So what?” 
“You know…” he looked carefully at you, trying to gauge your reaction if he were to say the words he truly wanted to say.
“If you’re about to say bitchy save it.”
“I wasn’t!”
“Then what were you going to say?” you raised your brow, waiting. He slowly closed his mouth and looked down at the floor in defeat. “Exactly,” you said triumphantly, then exhaled softly and looked around the street for any convenience stores that sell lighters.
“So can I ask why you suddenly want to smoke?”
“I’m stressed out okay?” You began walking towards the 24 hour convenience store across the street, Sanzu following behind you. “I sort of, maybe not, confessed to Ran earlier and he wanted to stay friends. So now I don’t think I can handle being in the same room as him without wanting to die.”
Sanzu yawned again, scratching his eye. “That sucks. I dunno what that has to do with me though.”
“I need company! I feel like I’m going to explode if I’m alone with myself tonight.”
 The bell chimed when you both entered the store, instantly heading over to the counter to buy the lighter. The cashier went to the back to grab the lighter.
“All I’m hearing is that you missed me,” Sanzu teased, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He was expecting you to push him off like you normally do. He definitely was not expecting you to chuckle, hug him back and mildly not in agreement. 
He backed away dramatically, narrowly avoiding stumbling into a display shelf and tapped your shoulder to get your attention. When you turned around, he kept staring gingerly at your face, causing you to raise your eyebrow.
“Who are you and what did you do to my friend?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you. The cashier handed you the lighter and you paid him, leaving the store with Sanzu behind you. Grabbing the box of cigarettes, you lit one up and exhaled for the nth time tonight.
“Do you think it’s normal for a guy to just be friends with a girl they used to have a thing with? Or if it’s normal for them to be friends with girls they know like them?”
Sanzu shrugged. “Are you asking the opinion of all men or just Ran? Because nobody knows what that guy is thinking when it comes to women. He’s way too comfortable around girls so probably? I mean, it’ll be in the back of his mind, sure, but as long as you’re not awkward around him it’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Guess we’ll have to see.” He pulled the cigarette from your mouth and dropped it on the floor, stubbing it out with his foot. At your shocked face, he held his hand out. “I don’t want you taking on bad habits because you’re having an emotional meltdown.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m not having an emotional meltdown.”
“Sure…” He yawned for the fifth time tonight. “If I stay out any longer I’m going to pass out on the street. I’ll see you later, okay?” He pat you on the head, deliberately ignoring your complaint of “don’t fuck up my hair” and made his way home.
In the time you spent avoiding anything Ran related, that also meant avoiding people and situations that he was guaranteed to be there. It meant you stop hanging out with your mutual friends in groups, stopped going to parties you knew he was hosting. Was it bad your other friendships had to be jeprodized because you were too scared to confront your newfound, fresh start with Ran? Yeah, it wasn’t your proudest moment either. But it also meant you were spending a lot more time with Sanzu and Mikey. Out of everyone in his gang, they were the least close, only talking to each other with work related issues. Sanzu and Ran had this unspoken hatred with each other, that made the two of them avoid each other at all costs, not wanting to start another argument or fight.
That was great news for you because it would mean no impromptu visits, like the incident at Hanma’s house, or no unexpected calls from Ran like when you were hanging out with Kakucho, or no fear that Ran would be upstairs in his room when you were hanging out with Rindou. 
Hanging out with Sanzu more often also meant getting closer with Senju. She’s two years younger than you and you treated her like a little sister. It was her birthday next weekend and Takeomi was in charge of the planning the surprise birthday party, which meant nobody had a single clue who was coming.
If that were the case, you wouldn’t have shown up that day. 
“Ran. Are you going to Senju’s party?” Takeomi asked, exhaling cigarette smoke over the phone.
“Do I have to? I don’t know that girl.”
“I don’t care what you do. Just tell me so I can start planning her shit.”
“Depends honestly. Who’s going?”
Takeomi started listing off the names which included some of Senju’s college friends that Ran didn’t care about, some of their mutual friends like Sanzu (duh), Mikey, Kakucho, you, Rindou—wait, hold up.
“Wait, (y/n)’s going?” Ran cut Takeomi off mid sentence.
Takeomi grunted. “Yes.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” He hung up before Takeomi could say anything. Honestly Ran couldn’t care less about Senju, his only motivation was the thought of seeing you.
The fact he sent you that message, hoping it’ll mend whatever dent was placed in your friendship, only to get slapped in the face when you spent the last four months avoiding him pissed him off to no extent. He wasn’t blocked, he knew you wouldn’t do that to him, but he didn’t have the courage to check either. Maybe this party would be the perfect time to talk to you, to catch up and mend until he could selfishly hold you in his arms again. 
He didn’t spend the whole four months pining over you, the group of girls in his bed would confirm that, but there was an unknown feeling in his chest, something always wriggling at the back of his mind that he knew distantly was caused by you. It was getting annoying, having his shitty mother’s words ringing in the back of his mind every time he thought about making up with you. It took him about three months to realise that he actually loved you, whether that was a fact he wanted to accept or not. That feeling he was deliberately avoiding, was his conscious telling him to stop self sabotaging himself and just tell you how he feels.
He can’t wait to see you next Saturday.
When Ran says he knew nothing about your life in the last four months it wasn't an exaggeration. He genuinely had no idea who you were with, what you were doing, where and when. So you could only imagine his shock when he sees you’ve somehow become best buddies with Manjiro and fucking Sanzu, the idiot currently sitting between your legs on the floor as you braided his hair. 
You looked so pretty tonight, dressed up semi formal. Your hair and makeup was done in a way that Ran had never seen you in before. Senju sat beside you, talking loudly and making you laugh. Sanzu scrolled on his phone, waiting for you to finish his hair. Mikey sat next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as he looked like he was on the verge of sleep.
If you noticed him come in tonight, you sure hid it well, not even bothering to acknowledge his existence. He was planning on talking to you after Senju blew out her candles, that was until he saw what he did. 
After a load of drinks, everybody was pretty tipsy, including you and Manjiro as you both made out in the patio, his hands caressing your thighs as you sat sideways on his lap. The patio was filled with Senju’s friends in the pool, the smell of barbecue (requested by Senju) filling the air as people hovered around the grill, desperate for some savoury meat. It was hard to see you and Manjiro at first, but he did, as if his eyes were automatically drawn to you no matter where in the room.
Granted he had no right to feel the way he did, he knows that, and his words from that night constantly play on loop in his mind. He told you he wanted to be just friends and you agreed to that, and friends don’t get mad at friends for having relationships. But his boss of all fucking people? He wouldn’t give this much of a fuck if it was Shion or something.
“Drink up bitch!” Sanzu shoved a cup into Ran’s hand, resting his arm on the taller boy’s shoulder as he watched Ran grimace at the beverage.
“The fuck is this supposed to be?” 
“Dunno honestly. Just mixed a bunch of shit together.” Sanzu clinked his cup with his. “You’ll probably wake up tomorrow with memory loss and severe liver damage, but bon appetit.”
“I’m not drinking your mystery drink.”
“Boo. No fun.” Sanzu pouted, taking a big gulp of his drink.
“Why are you even talking to me?”
“Because you look like you’re about to kill somebody and as much as I relate to that feeling, I don’t want any drama on Senju’s birthday. She’ll never shut the fuck up about it. So drink up and enjoy the party dude.” He lifted the cup to Ran’s lips which stayed stubbornly closed until he gave in, making a face as it burned down his throat.
“See! It’s not so bad!” Sanzu slapped his back before walking away, ready to hand out samples of his new drink to random people. 
Fifteen minutes later and whatever Sanzu poured in that drink did wonders, Ran couldn’t help but admit. He got over his sour funk sooner than he’d thought. The liquor running through his veins made him socialise a hundred times better and managed to snag five pretty girls’ numbers tonight. He was currently leaning against the wall, hovering beside this girl he couldn’t remember the name of for the life of him (it wasn’t his fault, he blames it on Sanzu), as she tilted up to whisper provocative things in his ear. She looked like she’d be good in bed, and that was all Ran was thinking about when he saw your hair bounce past him.
Ran looked just in time to see you disappear through a doorway, and he abruptly pulled himself away from the girl before him. “I’ll be back in a sec. Just…do whatever,” he said, not even looking at her as he walked away. 
When he rounded the corner, his stomach did backflips as he saw you yell something to some people inside a room down the hallway before turning around. You almost recoiled when you saw Ran and mentally cursed the fact there was no objects, or people you could hide behind.
You pressed your lips into a wry smile and tried to walk past him before he grabbed your arm, stopping you. “What, so you’re not talking to me at all now?”
“Okay, calm down. It’s been like four months.”
“Which is a long time?” His phone lit up in his hand, a text message of a girl asking where he is with a string of sad faces emojis, and to add fuel to the fire, a tongue and water splash emoji. Ran clicked his tongue and made a mental note to block her when he’s done with this. 
You scoffed. “Sorry I hadn’t been able to entertain you these last four months, Ran. I just assumed girls 1 though 56 had it handled for me.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean,” he said curtly, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
You looked up at him, mouth in a thin line as you hissed, “Exactly how it sounds. Now I have somewhere to be.” You tried to skirt past him but he blocked your way out. He suddenly felt too big, too close, and your simmering temper was beginning to surface. “Ran seriously move.” You tried pushing his chest, but it didn’t work.
“Why? So you can go back to sucking face with Mikey?” Shut up…please, just shut up, sober Ran was yelling inside his head, but the words just came out before he could stop them. Note to self, never drink anything from Sanzu ever again. 
“Sucking face? Why are you…why do you even care?! You’re the one that said “I don’t want a relationship right now” so you don’t get a right to act all possessive over me and shit. Just because you’re too emotionally stunted to maintain a goddamn relationship, doesn’t mean everybody else is like that.” Your chest burnt with anger at his fucking audacity. Seriously, who does he think he is?
“What, so you want a relationship with Mikey, that it? Someone’s who is even more emotionally stunted than everybody in this fucking party combined?”
“And if I do? Is that your business? Whatever my decision is, it’s not up to you. Now get out of my way.” You leaned in close to his face as you glared up at him. His anger gave way into something more heated that made him lick his lips, wondering how you’d react if he were to kiss you right now.  You were about to attempt to walk away when Kakucho stumbled out of one of the rooms in the hallway, slightly tipsy.
“What’s going on? Why are you yelling?”
“Kakucho. Get your boy and tell him to leave me the fuck alone.” You pointed at Ran who snapped out of his stupor.
“Ran, let her leave.”
“Not till I get my answers.”
You pinched your temples, not even bothering to lower your voice as you yelled in sheer frustration, “What answers Ran?! I don’t owe you shit!”
“What’s going on?” Mikey stumbled out of the room you were exiting earlier and his arm instantly found itself on your waist. You were still seething, your heavy breathing only calming down once Mikey’s hand curled a little more around you, pulling you flush against his side.
“Nothing. Let’s go,” you said softly to Mikey, letting him lead you back to the room.
Ran’s anger returned tenfold upon seeing your hand hold Mikey back. “Since when are you two such good friends?”
“That’s none of your damn business,” you yelled back from the end of the hallway, your grip around Mikey tightening significantly.
“Don’t tell me you’re fucking him now? What is he your new boy toy? You’re that desperate?” 
Kakucho slapped a hand on his forehead, regretting not pulling Ran away before he had the chance.
You froze at the door, turning to look at him. In the years of your friendship with Ran, he’d seen you get angry many times, yelling at characters in movies when they do something stupid, yelling at him over the mic when you were playing video games. And in every one of those instances, he was never on the receiving end of your anger. The look you gave him, if it could, would’ve turned him to stone with how irate you looked right now. Dimly, he knew what he was doing was wrong, and if he was sober enough he would've definitely stopped himself from saying those things, but he was hurt, and angry, and those two combinations had him feeling like he had a right to make you feel the same way.
“I’m sorry, what?” You stepped out of Mikey’s grip. “Oh this is fucking rich. The irony right now, holy shit!” You began laughing. “If what I’m doing is considered “desperate” to you, then what does that make you? Pathetic? Huh? Needing fifty girls attention on you every second of every fucking day doesn’t seem desperate to you?”
Your loud laughter began to draw people in the party towards the hallway, interested in the loud argument going on. Kakucho grabbed Ran’s arm, shaking his head as if he could read his thoughts. “Don’t respond. Let’s just go.”
Ran shoved his hand off him, sending Kakucho back against the wall. “Nah I’m gonna respond.” He turned back to you, uncaring of all the eyes watching the scene take place. “You stay bringing up these girls in every single conversation I have with you and shame them like you weren’t proud to be one of them months ago.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. “So that’s all I was? A number to you? Enlighten me Ran, what number was I? 34? 52?”
“What fucking difference does it make if you know.”
“It makes no difference. I just want to hear you say it.” You closed the distance between you both and poked a finger into his chest. “I wanna hear you say that you enjoy ruining girls lives by making them fall for you with your shitty words and affection, then running away the second things get serious because you’re a coward afraid of stability.”
He pretended your words didn’t cut as deep as they did, pretended your words didn’t take him back to his mother’s birthday all those months ago, sitting at that table and listening to her spew hot garbage in his face about his personality and issues that he refused to acknowledge.
“That wasn’t the case with you. I didn’t tell you to fall for me.”
“That wasn’t the case? So I’m somehow different? How so?”
“Because—” Even in his drunken mind, he knew telling you he loved you now would only pull you further away than you already were. He pressed his lips in a thin line, and looked away from your oppressive stare. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Because your reasoning doesn’t exist, Ran. Stop searching for nothing. You’re a shitty person and you need to acknowledge that.” You pulled your finger away from his chest and turned around, lowering your voice to almost a whisper. “Now just stay out of my life.” 
He didn’t say anything and only watched you approach Mikey again, the man not even bothering to look at Ran the entire time as he took you inside the room, closing it shut. Ran’s ears were burning and his chest clenched as he realised the gravity of what he’d just done. So much for making amends. 
You went home and instantly blocked his number and cried yourself to sleep that night, regretting even messing with him to begin with.
“Are you sure this is safe?” you asked, looking around the strange alleyway surrounding you. 
“Don’t be a fucking wuss! Besides, I can fight remember? Nobody’s touching me tonight.”
“Yeah but…underground clubs are scary.”
“I know but that’s what makes this so exciting! Come on, let’s go!” She held your hand firm and tightly in her hand, giving you a reassurance squeeze that did nothing to help calm your raging nerves. 
“Imagine your brother finds you here tonight,” you laughed.
“Oh fuck. Takeomi would probably lock me in a house with no contact to the outside world for years,” Senju responded, shivering at the thought. She led you down the stairs and opened the janky door, leading you inside the club.
The rest of the night proceeded as follows, Senju getting drunk out of her mind; she nearly passed out on the floor from dancing too much, and you guarded the drinks, making sure nobody gets roofied tonight. This club was known for being shady, with drug transactions being held in the bathrooms of this place, and not just regular drugs, hardcore drugs. You had to use the bathroom and decided holding your pee in was much better than relieving yourself in a bathroom that had a woman passed out on the floor after taking too much drugs.
It was scary, and you had your guard up every second, and only felt relieved when you were carrying Senju outside, back through the alleyway to call for a taxi home. “It was soooooo much fun today. I loved it,” she slurred as you picked her up, struggling to hold her upright. 
“Yeah yeah I know. You told me this fifty times already,” you laughed lightly. “Come on, help me a little bit. I can’t carry you all the way, you’re too heavy!”
“I can’t feel my legs~”
“Oh for fucks sake.” You set her agaisnt the wall and caught your breath. You pulled out your phone and decided you had no other choice. You were calling her brother. 
“Who are you calling?” she asked after hearing the phone ring.
“Your brother.”
All traces of alcohol left her body as she practically screamed, “YOU’RE CALLING MY BROTHER?!”
“Relax! It’s Sanzu, not Takeomi. I considered Sanzu would be more understanding about this. It’s not like he and Omi are on speaking terms anymore.”
“Yeah but…”
“It’ll be okay, I promise,” you reassured her, patting her head.
“Hullloooo?” Sanzu’s voice rang through the speakers and you instantly perked up. 
“Sanzu! Hey! We kinda need your help right now.”
“‘M sorta busy right now. Is it urgent?”
“Senju’s kind of passed out right now and I need help taking her home. I can’t do it myself.”
“Senju’s WHAT?!” Takeomi’s voice boomed through the phone; Senju shivered in fear. 
“Sanzu! Why’d you put me on speaker phone you idiot!”
“So I can hear you better! Nothing’s wrong with that!”
You groaned and slapped a hand over your face, whispering sorry to Senju who looked like she was already planning her funeral. 
“Where are you guys right now?” Takeomi asked, sounding positively furious.
You gulped, Senju rapidly shaking her head no no no no. “We’re at this club…” you admitted, giving him the address.
“Wait, that club?” Sanzu perked up. “That place is like known for hardcore ass shit bro. Don’t tell me Senju took anything from there?”
“...she did.”
“Ah shit. Yeah, okay. Coming. It’s really close from here Takeomi. Don’t worry, lets’ go.” He turned his attention back to his phone. “You two. Stay right there—”
“You girls look pretty lonely by yourself.” The three of you froze as a deep voice spoke from behind you. You felt time pass in slow motion as you turned around to look at a guy waiting by the club’s backdoor. 
“We’re not lonely,” you said slowly. “Thanks for your concern though.”
Senju stood up on shaky legs and clutched onto your arms when she felt his stare on her body. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
“Who is that?” Sanzu asked from the phone.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back, clutching the phone tightly.
“Seriously don’t move. We’re heading out right now. All of us, okay?”
“Okay okay.” You had no clue who “all of us” meant, but you didn’t care, not when the guy slowly stepped away from the wall and began walking towards you both. You missed Sanzu calling for Ran to come in the car with them, your attention solely focused on this strange man in front of you.
“How old are you girls?” he asked, not even bothering to hide the shameless way he was gazing you both up and down.
“It’s none of your business,” Senju spat, slowly stepping back when he began walking forward. 
“It’s rude to not answer a question.”
“It’s even ruder to ask personal questions to strangers!”
“Senju, stop. You’re provoking him.” You squeezed her arm roughly, digging your nails into her arm.
“I don’t care! I hate men like him that think they’re entitled to us!”
“Men like me, huh? Go on, babe. Enlighten me on men like me.” 
“Senju just ignore him,” you whispered, panic filling you when you looked down at  your phone to see Sanzu had already hung up. “Sorry but we really have to get going,” you said to the man, bowing slightly before grabbing Senju’s hand and beginning to walk away from him.
You could hear his footsteps behind you and began walking faster until the point where you were running away towards the end of the alley. The end of the alley seemed so far away with how small your vision was as you panicked hearing him begin to run after you. Senju was a faster runner than you and grabbed your hand tightly, leading the way as you both bolted as fast as you could. 
“Stop running girls! I just wanna touch you!” he screamed out, laughing obnoxiously. He was clearly high on something.
Senju bumped into the chest of Takeomi at the end of the alley, and the man came to stop upon seeing Sanzu exit the car, a manic smile on his face.
“You wanna touch my sister huh?” Takeomi gritted out.
“Wow, uh I didn’t mean for—I didn’t know she was—” 
Sanzu walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I think we should have a little chat, huh? Come with me.” He had this strangely friendly smile on his face that sent shivers down your spine. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you barely heard Takeomi telling you both to get in the car. He and Sanzu stayed behind and taught the man a lesson, and Senju slipped in the back, taking up all three seat as she laid down, exhausted.
You had no choice to sit in the front seat. The windows were tinted so you didn’t see Ran until you opened the door. You blinked uselessly at him, fingers tightening against the handle. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving your stupid ass, that’s what. Now get in.”
You swallowed whatever retort you had because he wasn’t lying, and as much as you shouldn’t a part of you felt relieved to see a familiar face after that incident. You slipped in the front seat and slammed the door behind you, putting your seatbelt on and looking straight ahead.
Ran got the order from Takeomi to take Senju home first and so he began driving towards the Akashi household. Senju was dead to the world in the backseat, drooling partially on the seat as the fatigue from running finally hit.The two of you sat in silence the entire ride, and Ran exited the car to put Senju inside once they arrived. He locked the door behind him and re-entered the car to see you facing the opposite way, staring out the window.
No other words were said as he dropped you back at your house, and you were surprised you both said nothing to each other the entire time. After sitting in silence outside your house for a while, Ran finally broke the silence.
“Are you fucking stupid?” Ran scolded. “What made you think coming to an underground club was a good fucking idea?”
“Oh sorry, I was just playing the role of the dumb desperate slut that can’t keep her legs closed. Sorry if I gave you a fright.”
“Listen to me,” he said sharply, making you snap your mouth shut. “You could’ve died tonight if we weren’t here tonight you know that? That place you went to, that’s not for girls like you. Not for girls like Senju either. I don’t know what fucking possessed you to be acting this fucking recklessly, but I just hope you know what you experienced tonight was a wake up call. You aren’t built for this goddamn lifestyle, so stop trying to act like you are.”
“...you’re right. I’m sorry, Ran.” You looked down at your lap when the tears started to drop from your eyes. “Tonight was so scary, I genuinely don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
Ran sighed and you kept sniffling as you heard his door open before slamming shut. You watched him round the car and open it on your end. “W-what are you—”
He carried you out of the car, your legs wrapping around his waist as he kicked the door closed behind him, walking up to your front door. He set you down on the ground and held his hand out. “Keys.”
You swallowed and reached inside your purse, pulling them out and into his hand. He unlocked your front door and once again carried you inside, locking the door behind you. He led you upstairs to your bedroom and set you down on your bed. 
You watched in confusion as he walked over to your chest of drawers and began searching for your pyjamas. Once in hand, he tossed them next to you on the bed, and then walked into your ensuite bathroom. You heard him turn the shower on.
“Get changed and come in here,” he said from the bathroom.
You stripped out from your dress and entered the bathroom, not even bothering to cover yourself in his presence, nothing he hasn’t seen before anyway. He was in the midst of taking his shirt off when you stepped into the shower, the warm water running down your body as you waited for him to join you.
You stared at your feet when he grabbed your soap, placing some on his hand before lavashing your body with soap, rubbing them along your arms and sides. 
“What are you doing Ran?” you finally asked as he bent down to wash your legs.
“What I should’ve done months ago.” His tone left no space for a remark from you, so you stayed silent and let him do what he had to you. Once you were washed clean, he turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around your body. “Go and get changed.”
“You need a towel too. I’ll go get one.” You quickly towelled yourself dry before stepping out, returning with an unused towel from your storage. “Here.”
You entered your bedroom and got changed into the clothes he picked out for you, then handed him some clothes of his you kept when he used to sleep over all those months ago. You sat on the bed and listened to him change. 
“Are you going to sleep over?” you asked, looking up at him.
“You want me to?”
You nodded slowly, getting into bed. He followed you, giving you some space as he laid down beside you. He had his back facing you, turned away from you and you frowned at the lack of attention.
“...Ran?” you tested, seeing if he was asleep or not.
“Why don’t you want me?” you whispered, remembering the last time you were in your bed together. 
“Because I don’t deserve you,” he responded, voice flat and devoid of any emotion.
“Huh?” you asked, confused.
He turned around and looked at you, your eyes glossy with fresh tears. “I uh. I spoke to my mom a few months ago.” Your eyes widened, knowing the estranged relationship he has with her. Why didn’t he tell you this?
“I spoke to her and she uh, gave me a fucking reality check.”
“What did she say?” You shifted closer, close enough that you could see and finally notice the eyebags under his eyes, like he hasn’t had a good night sleep in time, which was strange for Ran as he savours sleep more than anything else in the world.
“A lot,” he sighed exhaustedly, rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Said I was a lot like my old man. That was I was emotionally stunted, sadistic, and a downright shitty person.” His chuckle was so emotionless, you almost reached out and hugged him, but stayed still as he wasn’t finished talking. “Worst thing was she’s right. I can’t savour relationships for my fucking life and when I actually felt something for the first damn time, I fucked things up and ruined it. Nobody else did that. I did. I’m responsible for that shit. I don’t wanna bring you down and you deserve better than me, whether you wanna admit that shit or not.”
He took a moment and you were unsure if you should respond or not. When you were about to, he continued. 
“She told me I’d ruin your life if I pursed you. Told me I was being fucking selfish. Can you believe that shit? And you know what, I fucking believed her. I thought I would do that, that’s why I pushed you away. I wanted you all to myself which is why I continued sleeping with you, which was wrong of me I know, but you seemed happy which is why I didn’t think much of it. Then you had to go fuck with my goddamn head and tell me you wanted me too.”
“...sorry,” you whispered, feeling the breath sweep out from your lungs.
“It’s not your fault, dummy. It’s mine. I—In that moment I should’ve been selfish. I know I should’ve, and every fucking day I regret not doing that shit. But as usual I fucked things up again, then you were gone. I thought we could still be friends so I could at least see you again, but nope. You distanced yourself from me.”
Another tear fell from your eyes, wetting your pillow the longer you heard him talk. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising. You did the right thing. Keeping you as a friend would’ve been selfish of me. You clearly distanced yourself because you wanted to get over me, but I wanted you all for myself and wanted you in my life at all times, even if that wasn’t what you wanted. Once again, proving my ma right. I’m fucking selfish. Then that stupid party happened and just seeing you with Manjiro made me want to lose my shit. The fact that I wasn’t able to have you because as a guy living this type of lifestyle, it would be considered selfish. But yet Mikey was? How come he was allowed to be selfish and I wasn’t?”
“It’s not selfish Ran,” you finally got a word in. “I didn’t even like Mikey like that. We were just drunk and horny. I never dated him. In fact, I hadn’t dated anyone since I was with you. Nobody else made me feel the way you made me feel and it was selfish of me to want you when you didn’t want me back at that time. We’re allowed to be selfish Ran. Don’t let that stop you from getting what you want.”
Ran’s eyes were wide as he listened to you talk. When you finished, he shook his head. “My level of selfish and yours aren’t the same. In my world, if you’re vulnerable it can get you killed, or put in a bad situation where you have to take a live, or have yours taken. You don’t need to be involved in that. That’s why I can’t be selfish.”
“No. Buts. Go find a nice accountant to date or whatever. You don’t need me tying your life down.”
You frowned. “I don’t want an accountant though.”
“Why not? You always said you wanted to marry rich.”
You shifted closer, flush against his. “I never said it had to be good money though.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He looked down at you. “You’re fucking crazy,” he said with a light laugh, and you were happy you were able to break the ice.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer till your noses touched. “You love it though.” 
“Damn right I do.”
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Honestly, who would WANT to be a vampire in Twilight? Because, really, it kinda sucks.
Yeah, sure, you're stronger and faster than anything else on the planet, you're practically invulnerable and, if you're really lucky, you get superpowers.
But that's not gonna mean shit when you're either a homeless nomad living in a cave or sewers with nothing to look forward to besides your next meal. Everyday is just an endless wanderering in a world that soon you'll no longer recongise.
Or, if you do get a cool enough superpower, you can join the Volturi in eternal servitude to: A barbarian warlord who has long since been made practically redundant thanks to the walking nukes that are the twins.
A husk of a man who never got over his wife's murder and is pretty much a hair's breath away from chucking himself onto the nearest bonfire.
And the guy who murdered the other guy's wife, who was also his sister, to keep the other guy for his superpower. If you're even the slightest threat to his rule, unless your name is Carlisle Cullen, you'll end up the same way.
And when you do inevitably die it will be painful, brutal and humiliating as you are torn limb from limb and tossed onto a pyre to burn into ash. No grave to mourn at, no sign you existed at all.
You have no society, no history, no culture. Just death. Humans, though to vampire live and die in the blink of an eye, have all these things. They change, grow and learn everyday. Each one will leave a mark on the world, either great or small, that shows that they existed, they were here, they mattered.
But a vampire? All they'll leave behind is the trail of bodies and destroyed lives in their wake.
But hey, you're super hot too, so it evens out. I guess.
The answer to your question is Bella Swan.
She thought about exactly none of these things.
Since my pithy response has garnered some comments:
Yes, I know Bella's only seventeen, is depressed, and sees vampirism as her way out
Yes, Bella fundamentally does not understand what vampirism is and thinks it's being rich, beautiful, and having a family and that none of these things apply to her.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Chris wanted to lose... he wanted to fail. But he couldn't.
Ashley's body, his temporary home, was fighting back and resisting. Muscle memory and emotions were over-riding his will to make him want to win.
A desire to be the best - to be the hottest, most popular, most bitchy cheerleader in the school had overtaken him and he couldn't seem to stop himself.
His head was in a daze and when his lips moved it felt like someone else was speaking. He moved with perfect feminine grace; routines and manoeuvres he had never practised coming effortlessly to him.
The other girls looked at him with shining eyes. They wanted to BE him. They recongised their natural leader. One by one each of them was falling in line, coming over to his side.
In the corner, his sister was being isolated. The girls were moving away from her as if she were a leper. There were bitter tears in her eyes, tears of resentment and rage.
Chris felt his pussy get wet.
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
Possessing the hated Ashley had been Lucy's idea. The Head cheerleader was graduating and a new leader was needed. This was finally a chance for someone like Lucy to wrest control of the squad and turn them from a cruel, mean, clique of self-obssessed bitches into a kinder more gentler squad.
She just needed a way to undermine Ashley, to prevent the upcoming bitch exerting her influence on the squad and becoming the Head cheerleader.
Chris had agreed to cast a spell that turned him into a ghost. Then last night he'd flowed into Ashley whilst she slept and took control.
Now - it was as if Chris had never existed. As the person who had cast the spell, only Lucy remembered the old him. Only together could they reverse the spell and return him to full life.
Or he could stay as Ashley forever.
The thought was thrilling.
From the first moment he'd opened her eyes and sat up in bed he'd known he was in trouble. He just felt so fucking good and at home in her body.
Chris loved his new tits and his long blonde hair. He liked how rich his family was, how good it felt to be spoiled. Ashley's pussy was amazing and her popularity and influence intoxicating.
She was just naturally superior. No matter who was inside her body, they would always be better than other people.
The bottom line was that Chris couldn't fail, because Ashley was just naturally superior. Her power was inbuilt.
He couldn't help it if he was so fucking pretty now. It wasn't his fault that his body was so bendy and flexible. He knew he had been meant to throw the Head Cheerleader trials - but it had felt GOOD to be better than everyone else, to see others worshipping him.
His slutty pink mouth twitched into a smirk of superiority. He looked at the girls. They were all his now. The coach was already walking over with thr Head Cheerleadera uniform to give him.
His eyes flicked to Lucy. She was sobbing, looking at him with pleading eyes.
His smirk grew.
God... she was so fucking pathetic. So useless and weak. He looked down at his body and felt his pussy get even wetter.
"Fuck you Ashley. This is my body now. I can't go back to being a loser. I'm taking it all and becoming you."
The new Ashley tossed her hair with a natural motion and giggled as she took the uniform from the coach.
"Thanks coach. I'll be the best Head Cheerleader ever. I only have one little request. Can we throw that crying little bitch Lucy off the squad?"
He nodded and Ashley clapped her hands excitedly.
The other girls surrounded her and Ashley felt the thrill of being a Queen Bee surrounded by drones.
She grinned as her friends whispered in her ear that her boyfriend the quarterback was waiting in the locker room with his big dick out and he had asked her to wear her new uniform and no knickers.
Giddy at the thought of getting fucked, Ashley walked away to find him, not even sparing a glance at Lucy who was being kicked off the squad.
Some people were built inferior and for others like her, it just came naturally...
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jo-ann-kramer · 29 days
Guys i cracked the code.
The Nora have dreadlocks, only tribe to have dreadlocks and all of then have dreadlocks.
People always recongise Aloy as a Nora because of the pathetic little DIY dreadlocks and braids in her hair.
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thelivingdeceased · 2 months
WIP INTRO — The Living Morgue
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Genre: Horror (with a little dystopian)
Setting: An underground city called the Catacombs and a giant tunnel system (The Morgue), 2044
Synopsis: A tunnel filled with bodies has been opened in the Catacombs and Basira Windell is set on finding out what’s really going on down there. With the lie of trying to escape hanging over her new found acquaintanceship with The Graverobber, she explores the labyrinth of the Morgue and finds much more than she would like.
Vibes!: Circuses, dusty books, those weird neon word signs in clubs, chandeliers, long hallways, the st. louis children’s museum
Basira Windell (narrator, 19) - gunslinger for the circus, not an explorer
The Graverobber (??) - who knows!
A scalpel is thrown and misses my head by inches. I scream and jump back, hand teleporting to my gun. Bodies move and fall until only one actually looks alive.
The living man creeps toward me with an air of caution and I freeze. He gets his scalpel before he looks at me and when he does he doesn’t look me in the eyes. Which is silly, because that’s how I recongise him.
“You’re the girl who looked death in the face.” He whispers. “The girl who dripped blood.”
camp nano project woohoo !! :33
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
OMG "Kelnon, Prompter of Matthew Keller" I love that! It makes me feel like a knight of the round table lol. Thank you for bestowing me the honor of being knighted, I'm glad I could make your morning better! And yes, I agree ol' Matty boy certainly does have a long way to go since he tends to keep all of his emotions locked away far down in the deep hole of his mind. It's like what Neal said to him during the last episode of the show.
Matthew is once again giving Neal shit for being "too trusting," and Neal hits him where it hurts by saying that yeah, maybe he is very trusting but he also has many people in his life who truly care about him. Whereas Matthew is all alone in the world. And Ross McCall is such an amazing actor cuz you can see for a split second that Matthew was indeed hurt by what he said! There's this flash of pain in his eyes that slips away just ad quickly as you see him put on his "bad boy" persona again to protect himself. And then only minutes later have Peter shoot him dead, and the camera pans out to show him all alone with no one to mourn him??? So poetically tragic, I love it. One of the best TV villains!
Sorry for the long ramble lmao has it been made very apparent yet that I love him? Is it starting to become clear? Anywho, I'd also be curious to know what the "meet-cute" was for the reader and Matthew and at what point did both of them realize "oh shit, I might feel something for this person!?" But that's not an official request or anything! Only you get to choose what you write and don't write, and I totally respect that. I hope you're doing well! 💗
- Kelnon
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I have always felt that Matt is very aware of his status as a 'Blue Collar Criminal'. Neal describes him as such in one of the ep. I feel like Matt is very working class, he knows what it's like to have to fight to survive, I imagine he suffered an abusive childhood with his father in a criminal gang and he had to 'work' otherwise he didn't eat or was punished. He learned the family business in a brutal way. He is ridiculously practical because he was never allowed to have the same moral opportunities as Neal. Emotions are weakness is a lesson he learned from a very young age and it's made him hard.
I think he had a very traumtic event in his youth regarding a woman betraying him. I imagine he fell in love, considered going straight and his father killed her so he would learn that love is a weakness and because he wanted to keep him close. I believe in return Matt killed his father before disappearing and making a name for himself. I don't think he has ever had a person who actually cared about him. Even the girl he was associated with was on his father's payroll, she was set up as a learning experiance. He felt genuinely for her but she did not for him. His father still killed her anyway because he could see the depth of Matt's feelings and thought he needed to learn that lesson.
I think Avery is a naturally warm, empathetic person but she's very coveted in their world. I think a lot of criminals playing at their level struggle to form relationships outside of other criminals because it means hiding those aspects of yourself. You can't tell your partner you're stealing a Monet because if you're caught they will become an accomplice so you have to have a secret life and that fractures a relationship. Also their world is very male dominated so the ratio of attractive women is very limited so Avery is used to getting hit on ALOT by the men she works with which makes her guarded. She has walls but she isn't afraid to be herself, she knows who she is and she doesn't try to hide it and that's what Matt finds attractive. She's the most direct and upfront person he knows, she cuts through all the bullshit and she sees through his bullshit.
I imagine they met through a joint assignment possibly through Neal. Game recongised game, afterwards they worked a few ops on their own. I think Matt loved the way she made him laugh, I think it's been a long time since he's allowed himself to relax. I think he fell in love with her ability to be open when he's so closed off. I think the moment he realised he was in love was when he found himself telling her about his history because she asked him to tell her something real about himself.
I think for her it started off very much as sex. Matt's attractive, intelligent, dangerious but he's emotionally unavailable, which originally made her feel safe as there was no danger of attachments. They had similar tastes and became very attuned to each other as lovers. I think it was very on and off, usually when they were in each other's orbit by accident and then I think for Matt it started becoming less accidental. I think for her she realised she enjoyed spending time with him outside of the bedroom. I have this image that once when they were casing a place as couple they both sat down in front of a painting they had no interest in stealing and he told her how he felt when he looked at it. Not from a technical stand point but from an emotional one and it really resonated for her because he was describing real feelings in that moment, something she had never seen from him before and she realised there was incredible emotional depth under the surface. Afterwards I think she took him for gelato and it became more like a real date, her arm linked through his as they walked through the park. They started doing more couple like things after that, dinner, wine tastings, art showings, things that weren't related to jobs they were pulling, things they actually enjoyed doing together.
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edwardpinestar · 1 year
Is it okay if I ask for a request for a print someone once asked you? Where in the Shepherd of Los Muertos AU where a rival God kidnaps Puss? And Death comes in, sickles slashing to find his cat chained up and gagged in the God’s grip?
Ooo, I like the request! I was never planning on writing something like this for SoLM, but now I suppose I shall! Hope you enjoy!
The last thing Puss remembered was being at a party. Well, to call it a party would be overly generous- it was more of a gala, with subdued music, quiet conversation in which was a nightmarish minefield of things that would offend to venture, and people dressed far too elaborately to do anything.
Puss himself had been dressed in a restrictive black gown, with a high neckline that tucked underneath his red fabric collar, a tight, corset bodice, with a silver sickle shaped brooch, encrusted with diamonds over the left breast. The sleeves had puffed out at the shoulder in a leg of mutton shape, and tapered tight to his arm at his elbow down, having three, black fabric covered, decorative buttons on the outside of his wrist on both arms. The gown had had several layers of tull petticoats, all black, and a hoop skirt to add extra volume, with the outer skirt, like the rest, being black silk, and the bottom hem having the repeating pattern of a wolf chasing a cat. He'd had a circlet on as well, a dreadful thing made of black twisting metal with blood red rubies.
He woke up somewhere very different to where he'd last been.
The tabby awoke groaning, his mouth as dry as sandpaper, and a headache pounding behind his stinging eyes. His arms were being uncomfortably forced over his head, and he could feel cold manacles aorund his wrists, while he was kneeling on cold ground, his knees aching in protest.
Puss smacked his lips, blearily blinking, and looking around. He was in a small cell, with metal bars in front of him, a single, burning sconce on the wall past those bars. It's flickery light barely reached Puss, leaving him in mostly darkness. The cat was now nude as well, he realised, though it was hardly as consequential as it could've been, if he were humanoid. All he wore was the red collar with a silver tag, and, he discovered with a flex of his left paw, his wedding and engagement ring. No doubt because those items could not be stripped from him.
He did not recongise the cell he was in- when Death had locked him in a similar situation before, he'd been in the usual room he was put in for punishment, but this room... it did not even feel as though it were in Limbo, the air missing the strange stillness distinctive of that realm. Besides, he generally had some kind of warning for punishments. The last thing he remembered was stepping away from the 'party' for a moment.
Puss had been kidnapped, he came to the conclusion of. Who would dare kidnap him, he did not know, but he could tell he had been.
And as if on cue, he heard the click of either heels, or hooves, on stone. His ears perked up, and for a brief moment Puss debated feigning unconciousness, before a heavy wooden door scrapped open, and he decided he'd rather ask questions.
Out into view, stepped a small, brown rabbit, wearing heeled sandals, a crisp white toga, and a gold, leaf crown atop her head. The Goddess of Spring, Puss recongised. He'd heard her be called Vers once or twice by her husband, the God of Fertility, but by the way she'd glared at him for that, it was probably best to stick with Spring.
Spring startled upon seeing him, her green eyes widening for a moment, before setting into something cold and hard. "Lesser Lord," she cooly greeted him by his title alone.
"Lady Spring," Puss returned, voice cracking part way through. He refused to feel embarrassed for it, however- it was her fault for letting him get so dehydrated. "I must say, I was not expecting you."
She half-shrugged, as though agreeing with him. "I was not expecting to be put in such a situation this became necessary," Spring replied. Puss raised an eyebrow, prompting her to speak. "I'm sure you understand, this is far from personal-"
"You hate me, Spring, let's not kid ourselves," Puss interrupted with a roll of his eyes. Spring glared at him, pulling a pair of golden gloves from a hidden pocket in her toga, and slowly pulling them on, one by one.
Spring sniffed haughtily, before going on to speak as if uninterrupted, "You husband has crossed me for the last time. I am sick of his... his constant agression! He's taken too many of my fairies for me to let be."
Puss sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Okay. And so why am I involved?" he asked, "I do not do any reaping." The tabby scoffed as Spring, under her breath, mumbled an insult about him 'being lazy'.
"I am using you to hurt him. I'm luring him in to them kill you in front of him," she replied firmly.
Puss waited a beat, expecting her to say something more, but when she didn't, he burst into cackling laughter. Spring's face morphed into one of offence, but Puss paid that no mind, much to engrossed in his own morbid mirth.
"What? Why are you laughing?" Spring demanded harshly, putting her paws on her hips and striking a more threatening pose.
"Are you stupid?" Puss asked her, looking at her with bemusment. Spring's offence turned into apocolyptic rage. "You must be."
Spring grabbed the bars, and threw open the previously seamless door so hard it banged against the stone wall. Puss flinched away at the lound sound, metal ringing in his ears. The rabbit strode into the cell, and Puss pulled himself up a bit, opening his mouth to say something biting, before he was cut off by Spring slapping him across the face, and then grabbing his chin roughly.
"How dare you speak to me like that, you impudent little half-mortal!" Spring yelled, snarling in his face as her claws dug into the soft underside of his chin. His face stung hot where she'd slapped him, and he knew he'd have a nasty bruise there for a while.
Not much appreciating that, he hissed, both as a cat does, and with words right after, "You are incredibly stupid if you think Death is going to leave you alive after this." While Puss was not generally one to threaten people with Death, he wasn't above it either. Then again, was it a threat, or a warning?
Spring scoffed, rolling her eyes. "He will not kill me," she told him smugly, "I am far too important. Lady Fate would have his disgusting dog head on a platter."
Puss acquiesced with a slight incline of his head, though Spring did not allow him to move far, and tightened her hold of his chin in response. "Did you forget what he did to Lighning?" Puss asked her in a deceptively light tone. By the widening of her eyes, she had, in fact, forgotten.
Death had cut off both of Lighning's hands, after the lower god had decided it would be funny to pretend to be Death and attempt to sleep with Puss. Puss had immediately cottoned on that something wasn't right, as Death had never been so genuinely sweet to him, but had somewhat played along out of curiousity. Death had walked in on it, after Lighning had convinced Puss to go to another room with him, and upon seeing Lightning holding Puss against the wall with his paw underneath the tabby's skirts, had attacked and nearly killed the other god.
It had, in all, been a surprisingly funny affair, in which Life had had to step in and drag Death off of Lightning, and Puss played the terrified and tricked husband. The bite of claim on his shoulder had burned for weeks after, as Death kept re-biting it, and was the only reason Puss regretted going along with it all.
Quite suddenly, Spring slapped Puss again, on the other side of his face, and shouted, "Shut up!" at him. Her eyes were a bit wild, and as Puss flexed his jaw, both sides of his face now stinging, she conjured a gold, silk piece of fabric.
Just as Puss opened his mouth to speak, Spring suddenly shoved the fabric into his maw, and deftly tied it tight at the nape of his neck. "Mggh?"
A low, long howl echoed through, interuppting their now onesided conversation, and both the half-mortal and god perked up at the sound, both of them with apprehension on their faces. Spring swore under her breath, and looked back down at him, expectantly. Puss just shrugged.
She released his chin, and scuttled away from him, brushing her paws against her toga as she ran to the cell door. Spring stopped in her tracks as the wooden door out of view scrapped open. For a tense moment, nothing came of it, both Spring and Puss watching the door, though Puss only able to see the general area of the door, with trepadation.
Cautiously, Spring took a few steps back.
And as if on cue, a sharp, mournful, dangerous whistle filled the air, echoing through the small cell, bouncing off the walls and drilling its way deep under goosebump covered flesh. Puss' fur stood on end, his eyes thin slits, as Spring stumbled back, making distance between herself and the door as fast as possible.
"L-Lord Death-!" she squeaked, panic clear on her face and in her voice. Puss couldn't help but feel a bit vindicated at her fear, though it was mostly overwhelmed by his own, as he watched the wolf step into view.
Death had his hood pulled fully up, shadowing his face, save for his long muzzle and glowing red eyes. His two sickles were held drawn at his side, and he twirled them as the song he whistle dwindled to a stop. The silence hung heavy and thick in the air, before being broken by the greater god, in a deep, angry, rumbling voice, saying, "You have something that belongs to me."
"Heh, do I?" Spring asked, her nervous panic growing more evident by the way she shifted from foot-to-foot as though about to run. It would be futile to try, however, and would likely just make it worse. Never a good idea to tempt a pursuit predator into chase, after all.
Death growled, pulling his lips back in a vicious snarl as he advanced. "Yes." Spring yelped, then darted to the side, only to scream in pain as Death lashed out with a sickle, slicing against her middle and chest, sending her toppling to the ground.
But Death paid the whimpering rabbit no more mind, swiftly closing the distance between himself and the cat, who shrunk back fearfully in teh face of him. "Oh, mi gatito," Death cooed, a far-cry from the deadly monster he'd been before, "Look at you..."
His paw brushed along Puss' cheek, the tabby wincing at the slight pressure on the bruise. Death looked at him with confusion, for a moment, before understanding, followed by pure rage, filled his eyes, and he whirled around with a snarl towards Spring...
Only to find her not there, a trail of golden blood leading out the door in her place instead. Death took a single step forward, before huffing, and sheathing his sickles at his waist with a flourish, before truning back to Puss. He grabbed the chains where they pegged to the wall, and roughly ripped them out, sending particules of stone down onto Puss' head. The cat flinched, squeezing his eyes shut to try and prevent any rubble from getting into them.
He meowed, the noise muffled by the gag, as he was suddenly picked up by the wolf, and cradled to his chest. "There we go amor~ Death crooned, eyes soft in the disgusting facsimile of love, one that made Puss' stomach turn with nausea as sickenly sweet fear wafted off him, no doubt like a drug to the god. "All safe and sound now~"
Puss would, in all honestly, prefer to going back to taking his chance with Spring over this.
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rdr2stories · 13 hours
"Regret" a rdr fanfiction
A rdr au fanfiction where it was not Agent Ross who killed John.
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The gun was loaded and clocked, he had heard the click when the hammer had been pulled back. It was a noise he had heard so many times he could recongise it blind, though normally he was the one holding a finger on the trigger, not the one staring down the barrel, at least not with the knowledge that this time there was no way out, there was no escape and there was no life to continue living, “later today” would not be his to claim.
The last fifteen years of his life had been meaningless, they had meant nothing, been nothing. “Later today” had existed but then again they hadn’t because he had neverhimself been more than just a zombie risen from the grave, running around trying to find a way back to its previous life, something that would never happen because the most important part was missing and never to be found again, living, he had not lived but merely survived. Any hope of happiness or normality had disappeared the moment he had begun to survive.
His position at the end of the gun was one he had brought on himself, he knew that, he had been the one who had triggered it and not a day went where he did not regret it, not a second passed where he didn’t think back on that day three years ago when he had stood face to face with his best friend and shot him. 
Even on that day, on that fateful day, they had not seen each other in years, eight to be exact, eight full years since they had last seen each other and he had betrayed him. That betrayal, just like the gunshot, had been one of panic, a half formed plan that was based on situation he hadn’t fully understood… He had made a wrong choice, choosing to leave his best friend.
Many hours had gone wondering what he could have done, many hours had gone wondering how he could have fixed it or how his life would have been had he taken the right choice to begin with, but it didn’t matter now, not had it matter the day his bullet had carved itself into his friend’s chest.
He had been hiding in a storage room, hoping to avoid conflict, to avoid having to do any harm, but it hadn’t worked, he had ended up face to face with the same gun as the one before him now, though a different hand had held it. The two of them had watched each other and it had been painfully obvious for them both that they were stalling, pretending that they were fighting with words just to hear each other speak and avoid the enviable, one of them dead.
It had hurt, seeing his friend slowly and subcountiously lower the gun he had pointed at him, but he knew it was the only way, so he had taken the chance, not to kill but flee. It was a simple crate he shoved on him before jumping out the window. He ran from there, even though he had had the chance to kill his friend, but he hadn’t been able to, so he ran as fast as he could and forced his horse to do the same. He needed to get away, he knew that his friend’s loyalty was no longer with him but with his family. It hadn’t been his since that day fifteen years ago, it was now with his wife, his son, the family he had fought for.
To be honest the idea of running had been stupid, no matter how far or long he ran, his friend would have followed if it meant the law which had been chasing all of them since the break of time, would ensure his family immunity.
When he had fled he had fired the gun, not to harm but to fighten, he had hoped that it would gain him enough time to disappear, but it wasn’t that that had happened. His friend’s horse had slipped and he was thrown off, directly into the path of a bullet that killed him on the spot, dumping him on the ground like he had been a sack of potatoes and not a man.
His own heart had nearly stopped at the sight and he had nearly broken an arm and a leg jumping off the still running horse before stumbling over the ground to the lifeless body with the empty eyes he had ones seeked comfort in.
He had taken the one life he had told himself never to take.
It had taken a long time before he had let go of the body he had cradled in his arms, hoping, praying to any god that might have existed that they would switch theri fates and let the father with a home and a family to return to live, but it hadn’t happened.
It was first when the law showed up that he ran, why he didn’t know, he had little wish to live, only his body had a survival instinct he couldn’t turn off and had carried him.
Three years had it been since his hands had last been stained with blood, since he had forced himself into isolation and begun a long and miserable life in the mountains, hiding from reality, himself, the truth of what he had done, the kind of things that would catch up to you and make you pay.
His loanshark came in the form of a boy, the one standing before him that looked much like a ghost. He had the same determined eyes, the same rough hair worn down to the shoulders, the same hat with the little feather, the same sharp features he had studied on his friend. Yet while he saw all of that he also saw the same face of the little kid he had known, the kid that was now nineteen and pointing a gun at him for killing his father.
It was only fitting that the first life the boy took was his, making it so his last life taken was the father of the boy. He regretted much in his life, but meeting his fate by the hands of Jack Marston was not one of them.
Yes, I did also make this as a first person pov thing, I didn't know which was best so I wrote both.
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bantaro-bird · 2 years
Okay as a proud parent of a parrot, most people draw Grian with scarlet macaw wings. This makes sense; they’re recongised as parrots, they’re mainly red, and they’re also recongised as one of the parrot types in the game
The majority of the parrots in the game actually are macaws, this excludes the grey parrot, which is recongised as a cockatiel (which is a type of parrot but is much smaller then the macaws)
There’s lots of parrots! They come in all sizes in real life, from little budgies (from Australia, who are easy to care for and frequently found at stores), to the larger lovebirds (who have several morphs, my favourite being the peach-faced lovebird morph and are from Africa), to the African grey which is well-known for mimicry (but is specifically not in the game as they are entirely grey, not just mostly), all the way up to the hyacinth macaw (largest by size alone and the template for dark blue Minecraft parrots) and the flightless kākāpō from New Zealand (adorable idiots that can’t be kept as pets but who look like moss chickens and are the heaviest)
I saw some art of winged Grian you did and had the urge to tell you all about parrots
Lovebirds can’t have avacado; it’s toxic to them. Only male canaries were brought into mines because they sing much more frequently then females. Budgies have the largest recorded vocabulary (might have changed since but at one point recently they did). Much like snakes, we call different colouring morphs, but it’s also common to just say “blue budgie” instead.
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why consume and/or actually make content when you can just make sillly aus in your head mmmm?
(this gets REALLY long-)
anyway life series au idea with the winners not dying!
Not that they dont try. Grain still jumps off Monopoly Mountain believing that it’d end the game. Scott still suddenly falls to the ground clutching his chest. Pearl still gets blown away thanks to the explosion. Martyn still runs out of time.
But they dont die.
Grian falling backwards, landing on his wings, knocking himself out. hours later waking up with broken wings in so much pain and theres... a bit of blood. Not knowing what to do now he’s somehow lived he stays in whats left of the base. And one day, the border falls. Theres nothing left here for him, so he leaves.
Scott wakes up somewhere he does not recongise. He remembers passing out, ya know, outside. after killing people. And he thought he died- Now he’s in some house, a building style he doesn’t recognise. Somewhere that actually looks like they tried when building. And then a man he swore he recongised came upstairs, in some odd clothes, offering food and water and a place to stay.
Pearl met a brutal should be end. I mean yeah she died because Scott did, felt the pain scott did. but she also was right next to the explosion, and it hit her. felt his and her own pain, died from him both because he died and exploded her. So it was fair to say the last thing ever expected was to wake up to see him worrying over her half destroyed body.
Oh Martyn. Killing his ally and hunting Impulse down. The clock still ticks. Just so, so much louder. There’s no one else around, nothing going on. all that he hears is the wind in his ears and the ticking in his head. He doesn’t really leave where he killed them. Just waits. They aren’t getting some dramatic send off. They can wait around as long as they like ‘till he drops once his hard earned time is spent. Though once it’s gone, once he runs out of time... why doesnt he die? And why can he hear familiar voices in the distance?
Now im unsure how i want the winners living but still being in the games to work. I have 2 ideas but I this current one I vibe with more-
Current idea: the watchers created these doubles to play in the winner’s place, to keep around the same amount of players and to keep some fun dynamics. Once you win the double will continue to play in your place for the rest of the games.
The winners continue to live outside the games and once enough of them build a small community. they only remember the game they won, and are all very conflicted on how they feel about each other.
everyone else who didn’t win is doomed to play over and over again trapped in the watcher’s game never remembering the one before.
Also, the winners stay ‘red’. how much the red affects them depends on the person.
(idea i have atm is, funny enough, the order the games happen. Grian is the least affected, then scott, then pearl and Martyn the most)
How all the winners find each other?
So taking the Grian is a watcher idea and fucking sprinting with it-
Grian after spending a few days alone in the desert, the watchers have moved on. they are somewhere else feasting, no longer there to bother grian (he wasn’t doing anything anymore. just moping. so boring-) but also no longer there to hold him back.
so after those days he kinda comes back to his watcher powers, or well some of them. And why keep himself locked up in a border when he can just get rid of it and run away from his problems (dead friends, destroyed home-)
And the first time he comes across another game is an accident. He finds the border and having not set it up himself (he doesn’t know if he could. never had a reason to try) And stays around the area, sets up a tent and waits for the border to fall.
Once it does. he searches. The watchers dont know, they’ve left. nothing to stay for, time for a feast. But grian looks, finds ruins that remind him of home and it hurts. But he finds someone. someone that, yeah. yeah he knows him. Scott. but it’s not Scott. Not the Scott he knew atleast.
That Scott was sooner caught dead than missing his ring.
But, it’s still a survivor. A winner. And if the blood stained ground is to go by, he went down swinging.
but he’s not dead. he’s alive. he’s unconscious, but breathing.
And Grian’s already lost everyone. this is the first person he’s seen in months. call him selfish, but he doesn’t want to be alone again. so he decides to help this new Scott. Also, maybe he could learn what happened. Get a bit of an understanding on what these sick games really are.
He carries Scott to his home he’s built. Took a while, such long distances still sucked without flight, but the wait for him to wake up was even worse. The chance he wouldn’t? horrible. so Grian ignored it-
But Scott did wake up, and paniced he was to see Grian alive and well, even if his choice of outfit was off. The idea of some form of revenge for Scott being the one to win instead of him was the first thing to cross his mind. like, it’s still Grian. and Grian’s still red.
But he just asks questions, and provides food, and gives answers when Scott asks things himself. Neither seem to be a threat to each other, as there is no benefit in killing the only other person who seems to understand any of this mess. Plus, gaining the knowledge there were two Grian’s, and this one was not the one he personally knew, well, he had no reason to trust him but also none to not.
So Scott stays around. Builds his own house near by Grian’s after the first few weeks. And whenever one explores they make sure to keep an eye out for a border, and ready to alert the other should they find one.
And give it some time, find another they shall.
Double life had ended a bit ago at that point. Scott found the border when he over heard familiar voices near by it. He waited around for Grain to show up and by the time he did the game was over, and with ease he took the border down (yet again no other watchers there to stop him, to busy eating to care)
I doesnt take long to find Pearl but both are quite upset at the sight. Clearly not as somewhat peaceful they had been given. half her face blown to bits and an arm that looks like it wont work the way it use too even with serious help.
While Scott checks her over and Grain looks are their cords to figure how far they are from their little set up, she wakes up instantly panicked. Panicked but also in to much pain to acutally fight back.
And, like, Pearl had been torturing her soulmate for weeks by that point. She’d recognise him. And while the man looking at her certaintly LOOKED like Scott, it was NOT her Scott. It was not the soulmate that left her behind.
Her soulmate wouldn’t look so worried over her state considering he caused it.
Pearl doesn’t take the whole winners live on thing as well as the first too did. not that they took it well, but they kinda just accepted it mostly silently and got on with it. Pearl yells, she cries. That it was all for nothing.
That they could’ve seriously just lived and got along.
Did no one have to die?
Doesn’t help she’s in absolute agony. where her body is actually hurt is completely messed up, but the rest in pain from feeling like she blew up.
They stay around the double life set up untill they deem pearl stable enough both mentally and phyiscally to go back to what they’ve made home.
She’s fairly open about what happened in her game. atleast compered to Grian and Scott, which had both hardly talked about their personal teams or teams that involved the other from their games.
She told them about how she went with Martyn to the nether which was why Scott and Cleo left them to go be soulmates together instead, how she had tilly, and then Martyn killed her. How all the other players thought she was mad.
All she wanted was her dog and a friend.
She bonds pretty well with both Scott and Grian, Scott talking about his pearl and how they were allies, and that clearly this fake scott was a coward, and Grian makes a few jokes about pizza and what they went through for that llama.
Once she’s better they head back to their little safe place. Fairly early on Pearl decides to build another tower, a smaller tower, but she still has her tower. She even gets some new dogs! She was scared to at first. But this wasn’t a death game anymore, Scott and Grian gained nothing from killing her animals. it was safe to have them.
Now, after three times, chances are it’s happening again. They dont exactly look forward to it, but when pearl gives the heads up her dogs found another border and sends her cords over the other two are there within a day or two.
This time it takes a while for the game to end. They dont see much, dont get the notices on their communicators, dont really have a clue whats going on until Grian manages to get rid of the border. Execpt this time the Watchers left alot quicker, almost instantly.
Seems they were already bored.
The three spread out hoping to find the Winner quicker this way, each person having one of pearl’s dogs go with them for safety.
And when Scott found Martyn sat there with blood on his hands, staring at them in utter disbelief he wasn’t expecting to be attacked on sight by the man once noticed.
Something about “you ran out of time, how are you back we ran out of time we shouldn’t be here-”
Seems there was yet again a fun gimmick for the new game.
As Scott’s trying to tell Martyn to chill and keep him from killing Pearl’s dog, the other two both appear having met up running towards the yelling. Now, these people are mostly decked out in enchanted diamond gear, and they have dogs! Martyn’s not stupid. He wont win. he puts his sword away and hands in the air for surrender.
Now, if they thought Pearl took the winner’s living thing bad, boy did Martyn just snap.
Because every single other person in his game had died. They didn’t technically run out of time. two fell to their deaths, the others were murdered. So, for all Martyn knew, he just betrayed his closest ally for a win that ment nothing.
Because for all he knew, they could’ve all lived.
Martyn wasnt too willing to just go with these strangers. yeah, they may look like the people he knew. They might technically be the original versions of them- but what have they done to earn his trust! Show up and threaten him- well he did attack scott first bUT! His dead teammate he just killed showed up again when he should’ve been perma dead! it was a fair reaction.
So they had to spend a little time convincing him, no problem. And once the mention of watchers came up and the borders, grian’s ‘ability’ to take them down, suddenly the fourth winner was all for hanging around with them. (also very much hinting to grian he knew a watcher’s eyes when he saw them- even if scott and pearl didn’t seemed to know for sure yet)
Martyn does still come back with them and set up his own little hut next to a pond he decorated (tropical fish, pufferfish, coral and kelp). it’s further away than the others are but their all okay with that. His red tendencies can still get a little out of hand sometimes, best to keep a little distance when that happens.
This au either continues sad as shit with these lot slowly talking about things that happened and coming to terms about how they didn’t know what would happen at the end, maybe they could’ve all happly lived but thats not what happened and maybe they cant forget everything and everyone but its about time to move on.
silly fun times where the winners all fuck around and have fun. ignore the trauma, enjoy life. have the friends you were never aloud to keep before. Build the amazing house you always wanted, having all the dogs you could ever need. Your alive! Live a little! Enjoy it! until the next border’s found
Or maybe a mix of both-
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bluebeetle · 10 months
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i was at a local con this weekend that had comic artist tom grummet (artist for 90s robin, superman, and superboy comics among other things) and he asked me who was my fave between robin and superboy when i was getting the last two two signed--but stephanie brown was why i actually bought the Robin issue so I said it was Steph honestly.
He agreed she was great and said that was sad he only got to draw her as Robin once and that she shoulda been robin longer and it was the direction DC shoulda gone in with Robin being a girl. We also talked to him and his wife a bit about his process (he had his original pencils and inks there in a binder as well) and how he started doing two page spreads on one sheet just because it was easier to scan and send via dial up at the time lol
also he recongised one of my cosplays as the 90s cartoon Lois Lane and really liked it he said and even got John Delaney to look at it too which was sweet. real nice guy.
anyways steph sweeeeeeep i also got her first appearance as spoiler
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punishing-eden · 2 years
Singing soothes the heart and mind...
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When the constructs catch you singing...
Pgr Headcanons
Sometimes you just having nothing important to do, and you figured, it won't hurt to lower your guard for a little while.
And so, you began to hum along a small tune. Your hummed the next melody as soon as the pervious one was finished, and the next thing you knew, you were in a singing trance. Without knowing, a figured walked in...
Watanabe (Nightblade/Astral)
Watanabe only allowed you, the Commandant of Grey Ravens to stay in the Oasis for the time being.
He only left you alone in their HQ meeting room to fetch something.
Alone, you were quietly singing a song leisurely as you wait.
Watanabe walked in, his footsteps were quiet and it didn't alert you.
He was surprised to hear you singing.
Watanabe would tune in and listen. The singing reminded him of his late friend, Bruce.
Watanabe said, "You got a nice voice...". You stopped what you were doing and quickly turned around, a little embrassed.
"Do you sing often?" he asked. You nodded, "when I am bored."
"... there is this song, that I think you would also like." "Really?" "It's a old song... a friend of mine taught me, but I am not good at singing. I simply think it's a waste to not have a good voice to sing a good song."
He basically sang it to you. (Please excuse his voice crack in some areas ;w;).
Sometime later, while you are waiting for your team to arrive, you would start to hum Bruce's song. Soon, you began to quietly sing it.
Watanabe just sat next you and listened. Reminiscing the good old days, while enjoying the way you sing as how the song is meant to be.
Sophia (Sliverfang)
Sophia heard your humming and decided to take a look.
She was curious about the song and enjoyed it. It was different than the ones she listened to in Akidelik.
So, she spoked, "Commandant... what are you singing?"
Her voice scared you, and you jumped. Turning around, you saw Sophia standing by the doorway, looking at you.
You have to explain to her that the songs are basically just songs one would listen to on a music player.
"Oh, so this is Eden's music." Sophia commented.
Sliverfang then proceeds to share her experience with music. It was usually music that the nobles enjoyed, or that Changyu would whistle tunes when he's on the job.
As you both chatted about the topic, Sophia suggested to have a duet. Given, she never really have the time or opportunity to sing.
She wanted to try whistling like Changyu.
And, she enjoys making music with you.
Needless to say, some passerby knocked to ask both of you to keep the noise down.
Lucia (Lotus)
She walked in on you singing a song. It was a simple tune, but she felt soothed by it.
So, whenever Lucia catches you alone and singing, she doesn't speak and just listens.
The more she does this, the more she remembers the tune and soon enough, she can sing the same songs.
Although, Lucia won't sing out loud. It's embarrassing for her, and to her, she only wants to hear you sing.
Because the song and your voice calms her in someway.
Funny thing is, she sees singing as a calming mechanism, if there was a situation in dire need of such, she would sing.
Eg. if a comrade or someone gets frantic or incoherent, Lucia would try to use singing; trying to mimic how you sang, as a way to calm said person or to distract them.
But that's only for the last resort.
"It's not me, it's thanks to Commandant's singing that helped."
Qu (Pavo)
She caught you humming a small tune to yourself, and recongises the song was from the time she played the Guqin.
Qu remained quiet and listened as you hummed. Paying attention to each note and rhythm.
She would genuinely be surprised if you can hum the full song with no mistakes.
The next time you visit Kowloong, Qu would alway think of other new songs to play on the instrument so she can boarden your musical scope.
But she rather teach you how to play the instrument instead. There's nothing better than hearing the tune being played by the unique pitch of the gut strings.
Politely, you declined the offer.
Kamui (Tenebrion)
Having to catch you once while you were quietly singing to yourself, he had been deliberately making rounds to catch you singing again.
The books never talked about that.
He was curious about the act of singing and wanted to know a few songs to try it out.
How do you manipulate your voice like that? Do you need to have a program to make your voice having such a big vocal range?
Kamui brings this topic up while you were hanging out with him. And, you tried to teach him how to sing.
Though, you were curious to see if Kamui can grasp the concept of it.
Which was kind of a mistake on your behalf, because after that, Chrome came up to you and said:
"Commandant, it would be better if this came from you, but Kamui has been singing non stop in the resting quarters."
"... Well, I guess he's having fun?" you replied.
"... It would be, if his shouting sounds more like singing. I have already received a few complaints from others. Please, Commandant, do something about this."
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messmersflame · 3 months
hello! the link about jv leads to a post of yours that doesnt seem to go anywhere except the post its linked on? i'm on mobile and unable to access desktop, so maybe thats it, but this is the first time ive heard of all this and was shocked 😭
oh its probably because mobile fucking sucks lol. the link is meant to take you to my tag i have for him which is SUPPOSED to work for mobile but tumblr cannot even make an app that recongises their own bloody website
i'll tag this post with that tag so you can click that to find the stuff i was talking abt!
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redtoondevils · 4 months
There needs to be a new protagonist, that's from the daycare.
I'm thinking that for a new Security Breach game, that needs to have a kid from the daycare, and make a story for them. And how they can be recongised by holding the Sun plushie in their arms.
What were their experience from the daycare like. Had they been frightened by Moon, or not? If so, how would that unfold? Will they resent them? Or will they stay friends? Are they going to help them?
How would they meet Sun? I think, that they would find Sun, stored inside that closet being put away. After the newspaper incident. And they revive him, and he get's happy about meeting a new friend. Will they have a bonding friendship? How would they get separated? I believe Sun will save them.
And this interaction would fill in the lore of him getting shattered. Maybe, they both get under attack by something, and he tries to save the kid. Until he get's knocked down. There was an Image of the Sun plushie being buried underneath the rubble from underneath the Pizza Plex.
The evidence, of this looks like that...He wasn't doing anything malicious. I think it was more of an accident. Because of the way that he was being crushed under the rocks.
It just looks like, that something happened, when the earth quake happened, caused him to fall down. And that's how I think he got damaged.
I honestly...Can't remember where I seen that. I know it was here once before. But, I can't remember who posted it. So, will the story be wholesome, and angsty just like Freddy, and Gregory's story?
Or will it have another approach? I'm hoping so much, to have some fluffy moments between the attendant, and the kid. And that kid to tie along with Cassie too. She would have to have more than one friend.
I really want this to happen! So PLEASE Steel wool. Please consider this!
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Then why Yoongi's album is not PoP? People may not know R&B very much but know what Pop is. Also this is Grammy's? Not a 3 yr kid who doesn't know things about music
Firstly, take a chill pill.
Secondly, I was merely offering up an explanation for Layover and why it might be POP.
Thirdly, The Grammy's are hardly the most reliable source for catergorising music...
They are also known to fail to recongise POC artists and and freely nominated "Soloist with a Featured Artist" songs into the Group/Duo award which should only have actual duos and groups in (hence why BTS lost to Lady Gaga Feat. Ariana Grande in 2021
Fourthly, another reason why BH/HYBE have submitted albums/songs to certain categories, is because they feel they might have a better chance of getting nominated, but I fear the Grammys will not be nominating many of the solo projects.
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