#because i remember ange being my favorite
authoramalgam · 4 months
Man. I completely forgot about a hypothetical fnaf game I wanted to make until I randomly remembered the main character. Sooo. Imma post about it. Yee.
The game would partially work like a dating sim (but no actual dating or romance cause my aroace ass cannot write a relationship for love nor money) So it'd just all be platonic, meeting people, making griends, helping them out, learning more about them etc.
At least part of the game was that. I imagined it as having day shift and nightshift sections. In the day shift, you would do all the talking to people and etc. During the night shift you were trying to investigate the animatronics and what shady shit was going on with them and Fazbear Entertainment. )I don't know if the game was set in any particular fnaf location, possibly fnaf 2?)
The main character was named Ange. They were in their late twenties, lost their job, and decided to work at Freddy's to make ends meet while they looked for a better job. I didn't have much fleshed out for their background though.
Then there were the rest of the employees.
Sal (Short for Salvatore) was the manager/owner. He was like, an intentional red herring type guy. Very purposely played up as shady, possibly Mafia type. But he's actually not. He's a bit rough, having grown up doing a lot of shady stuff, but after his brother and sister in law died, leaving him to raise his nephew Seth, he decided to try and make himself better. He's like, the uncle that shows up, gives sage life advice, and then 'jokes' and says to tell him if anyone messes with you and he'll 'deal with them.'
Seth, as previously stated, is Sal's nephew. He mostly got hired because of nepotism, and he doesn't really do much other than hang out in the break room, high (medical marijuana for chronic pain) and eat snacks. Also, might've been able to see ghosts, but was so freaked out by them that he just avoided them (Another reason he stayed in the break room all the time.) Chill as hell.
Marcell was the restaurants 'chef.' In reality he lied on his resume, saying he could cook when he can barely operate a microwave. He lied because he was desperate for a job, and his criminal record (Petty theft, shoplifting, etc) made it hard to get a job. Thankfully (or maybe not?) Sal could give a fuck less about the food, since all the pizzas are just pre frozen. Sal is pretty hard on Marcell, because he sees himself in him, and wants him to get his shit together.
Leto was was some nonhuman entity (with no association to the murders or Afton) who just hung out in the building. Sal got sick of it scaring people, and said to basically either do a job, or he'd exorcise it himself. (Unclear if that'd have even worked.) In the end, Leto chose to be the janitor cause it liked collecting stuff people accidentally left at the pizzeria.
There was also an idea for a waitress character. She didn't have an official name, so Cierra was a placeholder (cause there were too many names that started with an S sound ;-;) And I went back and forth like crazy between her either being chill as hell and only really being there because she had nothing better to do over the summer, or like, a stereotypical mean rich girl who's parents forced her to get a 'normal job' to humble her. (Maybe I split both those ideas and make two. Eh.)
I also messed with the idea of phone guy or Afton showing up, because fnaf 2. But I wasn't sure if I was gonna do that much.
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harrysfolklore · 15 days
growing family - verstappen!yn
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pairing: verstappen!yn x boyfriend!charles, best fiend!oscar x verstappen!yn
verstappen!yn smau | masterlist | my patreon
You hummed along to the music coming from the speakers of your boyfriend's Monaco home as you stirred some pasta sauce for dinner.
Despite being to Monaco countless of times before, there was something different about being there with Charles for his home race week.
You enjoyed being alone in his apartment while he ran some errands or spent some time training, you felt at home and the company of Leo, the puppy you adopted together made everything better.
However, your time to yourself cooking dinner for you and your boyfriend was interrupted by your phone ringing.
oscar pastry 🥐 FaceTime Video
Frowning because you weren't quite expecting a call from your best friend, you answered.
"Hello mum," he said once his face popped up on screen.
"Mum?" you asked confused, "What are you even talking about?"
"Have you not seen twitter? I'm your kid now, Charles adopted me," he shrugged, "Where's my brother Leo?"
"Oscar are you drunk or something," you laughed at your best friend, "I haven't been on twitter since like, last year."
"Well log in, dumbass," he rolled his eyes and you flipped him off, "Hey! That's not the way to treat your son."
"Gosh stop saying that, we've been best friends since we were 15 it's weird," you shook your head as you opened the twitter app, luckily you weren't logged out because you certainly didn't remember your password.
And the first thing you saw pop up in your timeline was the banter between your boyfriend and your best friend.
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"You guys are so annoying," you threw your head back in laughter as you read the tweets, "And you're both serious about it too."
"Of course, I'm a Leclerc-Verstappen now," he laughed along, "Shit, does that make Max my uncle?"
"It does," your eyes widened, "Are you sure you want that?"
"Well I wanted you guys to adopt me so you give me back the attention your boyfriend stole from me, I never consider Max would become my uncle," he teased, making you laugh.
"Come on pastry, we've talked about this," you gave him a serious look, "You'll always be my best friend and me being with Charles now would never change that."
"I know, I'm just messing around," a small smile played on his face, "You guys seem so happy and I love that for you."
As if on cue, you heard the front door open and your boyfriend's voice calling for you, Leo instantly barking and running to the door when he noticed his presence.
"Mon ange, I'm back," he said as he entered the kitchen, Leo cradled on his arm, "Missed you."
He pulled you closer y the waist and kissed the side of your head, making you smile and lean into him.
"Yikes, I didn't need to see that," Oscar's voice was heard from the phone screen, making you laugh.
"Oh hey son," Charles said to him, "How's my new favorite adopted child doing?"
"Hey dad, just calling to check in on my amazing parents and my little brother," he said, glancing at Leo who was now comfortably settled in Charles' arms.
"This is so weird, stop it," you cringed, making both of them laugh and Charles pull you to him again as you covered your face.
"We're a big happy family, mon amour. Ollie, Leo and now Oscar, the Leclerc-Verstappen family."
You smiled at him, pecking his lips a couple of times.
"Okay that's my cue, I don't want to see you guys making out," Oscar said shaking his head, "Good night, mum and dad, see you this weekend."
"Say bye to your brother too," Charles said, moving Leo closer to the camera.
"Bye Leo!"
As Oscar hung up, you couldn't help but laugh at the entire interaction, "So he's our son now?"
"Yes, and he seems to be enjoying it a lot," Charles chuckled, setting Leo down on the floor, "Who would've thought we'd have an adopted son before getting married or having our own kids?"
"Don't get any ideas, Leclerc," you playfully swatted his chest, "We're not adopting every one of my friends who jokes about it."
"Why not? We could build a whole team," Charles teased, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder and kissing it chastely, "We'd be the coolest family ever."
"It's your secret plan to make everyone on the grid your family? Dating Max's sister and now adopting Oscar, you're something else, Leclerc."
Charles laughed loudly at your words, throwing his head back and making you laugh along.
"Well, what can I say," he shrugged, "I'm charming and people love me."
"That you are," you smiled, kissing him gently.
That you are," you smiled, kissing him gently.
"Now, let me help with dinner," Charles offered, moving to the stove and checking the sauce. "It smells amazing, just like you."
"Smooth talker," you teased, handing him a spoon to stir. "Just make sure it doesn’t burn."
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cobragardens · 8 months
Holy Kittens, Y'all: My Favorite Good Omens Moment Has Gotten EVEN MORE ROMANTIC
Okay so I wrote this post about my favorite moment in Good Omens, and the stuff people are pointing out in the reblogs and comments is blowing my freaking mind, and I HAVE to show you how beautifully this all fits together, like I am flailing at my desk about this.
@vidavalor points out this gif from @soft-ange-aziraphale [Source]:
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Here it is in sequence (gifs 1-4 from Fuck Yeah Good Omens):
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I can't stop laughing over Aziraphale's smile, which shows, as @quoththemaiden says, that he's "utterly delighted with himself" and knows perfectly well that he's minxing Crowley; and this tiny extension of the moment convinces me even more that Crowley is desperately fighting a smile himself here.
Actually there's a lot in @quoththemaiden's comment that's insightful and well-put:
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Totes agree with all of this.
And then. AND THEN!
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I knew Crowley was trying to communicate something with this Shakespeare line, but I didn't know what until @paperbunny and @musingsofmaisie put it out there: Crowley is complimenting Aziraphale here, telling him he's enjoying being in Aziraphale's company, telling him his humor worked.
Remember how I keep banging on about how much equivocation Crowley does? This is more equivocation. In 1601, Richard Burbage was 34 years old, so age hasn't had the chance to wither his infinite variety yet. The stupidity of demons and the ignorance of angels regarding the human aging process prevent surveillance from noticing the poor applicability of this line to Burbage, but since the first half of the line fits Aziraphale (who does not age at all) more than Burbage (who is merely not yet old) it stands a chance of indicating to Aziraphale that Crowley is speaking about him. And the underlying true meaning of this equivocal statement would be A DIRECT RESPONSE TO MY FAVORITE MOMENT: Even though I have known you so long, you still surprise and delight me.
(Crowley's Antony & Cleopatra line also accomplishes something else important: it gets William Shakespeare to go away so they can speak privately, because Shakespeare doesn't want them to see him writing it down.)
A Dip Into Speculation
I don't think the evidence for it is binding enough to say for sure, because the evidence is really just that it fits together so nicely and lines up so well with A&C's coded romantic messages in 1793; the (pretty overt, actually, I mean damn) romance in 1827; the size and nature of the fight in 1867; the yeah, really overt romance in 1941; and in 1967; and yes okay now that I'm thinking about it the whole series, but I have this View about how the rest of the 1601 scene goes.
And in fact there is Word of Gods that could be interpreted as evidence against this little pet headcanon I have, though it doesn't necessarily have to be:
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Here's my assertion: Aziraphale volunteers to go to Edinburgh for Crowley. Crowley cheats the coin toss to accept Aziraphale's offer and to keep up appearances as a demon. Rather than making a deal with (or asking a favor of) an angel, he's 'cheating' him (without the angel's knowledge, but with his consent), which "moves the dials" of evil a bit and would also make Aziraphale appear less at fault if this instance of the Arrangement is ever discovered by Heaven.
This can coexist with Gaiman's statement, above, that it doesn't even occur to Aziraphale that Crowley cheats the toss. THEE ongoing leitmotif of Aziraphale's view of Crowley is that he thinks of Crowley as much more genuinely evil and much less in need of ways to create cover as evil than Crowley actually is.
(Which is interesting, given that he also clearly thinks that Crowley is not as evil as he pretends to be, that he is and wants to do good, and that he deserves to be an angel again. [There is a whoooole nother essay slowly curdling in the churn in my head about how Aziraphale is obliged to practice doublethink and how that stunts his personal development because that's what happens when people aren't free.])
Here's what I mean when I say Aziraphale volunteers.
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Does Aziraphale ask in this tone because he is actually feeling suspicious and curt, or because he has to sound suspicious and curt? He could be perfectly willing to do Crowley a favor and would still need to sound the way he does. It's difficult for me to believe this guy--
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--or this guy--
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--are really all that bothered by the idea that Crowley might want something from him.
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Crowley's response sounds like a(n unconvincing) protest of innocence. Maybe it is. But he doesn't disagree with the premise on which Aziraphale based his question, which means Aziraphale now has confirmation: Crowley called the meeting because he wants to ask Aziraphale to do him a favor.
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Close your eyes and listen to Sheen's delivery of this line. The way he says it is so soft it's got no judgy angelic sting to it at all. Is this really a prissy answer to Crowley's semi-rhetorical question? Or is Aziraphale using the cover of a prissy answer to ask Crowley, Is what you want related to the no-good you're up to, i.e., demon work?
Either way, Crowley answers:
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Is Crowley making a demonic jibe at Aziraphale in return to "You're up to no good," or is he telling Aziraphale, Yes, what I want from you is related to my work, and to your work, esp. what you've got on right now?
Aziraphale volunteers some information about his schedule and what it is he's got on right now.
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--he says, and the velvety way Crowley says "Ohhh," tells us--and could tell Aziraphale--that Crowley already knows this. In this coded communication I'm suggesting, Crowley's tone on "Oh" confirms to Aziraphale that the thing he wants help with does indeed have to do with Aziraphale's trip to Edinburgh.
So Aziraphale gives Crowley his travel details: Yeah, I have a couple of blessings and a minor miracle to perform. It's going to suck; I have to ride a horse.
Crowley's like, yeah, riding horses does suck. You have my sympathies. (Phrasing it as an insult to God: "Major design flaw if you ask me.") And then he says, I have to go to Edinburgh too this week. Tempt a clan leader into stealing some cattle.
And here's where I think Aziraphale volunteers to do Crowley's Edinburgh job for him:
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If, as I propose, Aziraphale understands already at this point that Crowley is asking him to take Crowley's Edinburgh temptation, then this response tells Crowley he's willing to do so.
And then they have a little bit of kayfabe theater and a little bit of miscommunication between themselves. Crowley suggests Aziraphale take Crowley's Edinburgh job. Aziraphale protests "You cannot actually be suggesting what I infer you're implying," even though, as Crowley immediately points, out, they've now done this dozens of times.
Now, obviously Aziraphale is pretending innocence here with "You cannot actually be suggesting," etc. But he's not pretending innocence to Crowley. He can't be: Crowley knows about the dozens of other times just like Aziraphale does. So the protest of innocence is for surveillance; it's the spirit, not the letter, of the protest itself that's genuine: I am reluctant about this.
And Crowley misses it.
He reads the surface layer of the equivocation, the Heavenly pearl-clutching; and the surface layer is where he argues. "We've done it before," he points out. "Dozens of times now. The Arrangement--"
But Aziraphale, visibly frightened and looking around, cuts him off. "Don't say that." Getting caught in an Arrangement would be much, much worse than getting caught in a one-off deal.
Why is this suddenly a problem? says Crowley. You know we've been getting away with this; you know they don't check up.
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It's not pearl-clutching at all; Aziraphale is worried for Crowley's safety.
When Crowley says--
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--is his tone half wheedling and half impatient because that's how he feels, or because it must sound like that? Is it soft only out of courtesy to the other people in the Globe?
There's no difference to the outcome of this scene or the story as a whole whether this romantic interpretation of the Edinburgh bickering is correct, because we've already got a solid base of evidence that the characters have romantic feelings for each other and show each other affection and care in this scene. In my opinion this interpretation fits the tone of the rest of the Globe scene better than only the face-value interpretation. What Gaiman and Mackinnon say about Crowley cheating the coin toss and Aziraphale not being aware of it can still easily apply.
While these three statements together aren't enough evidence to convict, so to speak, if my initial argument about the interpretation of "Buck up!" and Crowley's reaction is correct--and the cool stuff other people have found and pointed out suggests it is AND explains Crowley's Antony & Cleopatra line--this reading of the Edinburgh bickering is, if not ironclad, at least valid.
And holy shit, people, that makes this scene romantic af from beginning to end. I could not have asked for a better little gift from my fellow humans. 🤯I have such a better understanding of the entire 1601 scene because people from anywhere with an Internet connection sat down and spent their time sharing their ideas, and it just makes the lit-nerd lobe of my brain so happy. I love you all, you romantics and nerds and perverts.
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amemenojaku · 3 months
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I saw umineko stage ep3 today!! it was amazing. the quality level is insane. I got goosebumps several times and it even managed to make me tear up... everyone's performances felt like they all know their characters so well now 🥺🙏 the lights, costumes and choreography were all perfect too
some thoughts (major umineko spoilers obviously):
young eva/evatrice's performance in particular was just. literally perfect? the way she delivered her lines, carried herself, her laugh resounding onstage and the little things she did when she wasn't the center of attention were all 100% in character. she was adorable during the ceremony where she becomes the new beatrice, introducing herself to the goats and giggling w the 7 sisters, and she was absolutely terrifying in rosa's and maria's death scene. also mad props to the costume designer(s) who did her sailor outfit that turns into the witch outfit almost instantly
everything beato's actress did had me go :] there's a lot of cute beato scenes in ep3 and she was adorable in the goofy, endearing way og beato is in the story while still being cool and fun when needed in the other scenes
and last but not least eva's actress did an amazing job too, especially during the emotional scenes of her character (when she solves the riddle, finds the gold, hideyoshi's & george's deaths). her lungs' strength is impressive lol. it's been 4 hours and I still clearly remember her screams
overall I loved the way so many of the actors and actresses would just do little things when they were on stage but not in the spotlight/not talking, like the chiesters whispering in each others bunny ears instead of their human ears/covering their bunny ears because of loud noises, or the 7 sisters just jumping around and messing w each other, maria taking her notebook out of her bag and reading it, etc. they weren't just standing doing nothing and it always felt very in character, too. there was always something new no matter which part of the stage you're looking at
rudolf's actor looked and acted like he came straight out of a yakuza movie? ik he was already like that in the previous episodes but for some reason I felt it even more this time. might be because of the fight against the sisters before he and kyrie die (which was probably my favorite action scene btw. really cool choreography). I'm not complaining though. made me like the character even more
speaking of rudolf. at some point during one of the scenes where the adults discuss beato's first letter, he just... started massaging hideyoshi's shoulders? he did that for at least a full minute before hideyoshi's actor nodded as thanks and he stopped. I have no idea if this was part of the script or if the guys just decided it on their own??
when gohda does his night check of the mansion right before his death he was actually walking in the aisles with his lantern before he got up on stage!! he got to tell a joke and do some fun stuff before being killed and never being relevant again. rip
beato asking battler to give her a new name now that evatrice inherited hers, ronove on the side of the stage writing a stupid nickname on some paper to show her only for her to get annoyed, rip the paper from his hands and stomp on it
I don't know if this was done on purpose or not, but when eva fires the shot that blinds jessica and jessica accuses her of being the culprit, pointing at some random direction since she can't see anymore, she actually pointed at shannon's corpse on the sofa behind her. it could very well just be a coincidence. but. yea
krauss drinking straight from the fucking bottle during the golden land party scene at the end and getting completely smashed
ange!! she was so cool and cute. she punched the goats. I can't wait to see her in ep4 😭
battler literally Just Standing There at the very end, when ange and beato start duking it out before the episode's over 🧍
the curtain call was super cute. everyone got together to pose for the cameras before they realised beato wasn't here so they had kinzo cry for her in the infamous kinzo way and she graced them (and us) with her presence :)
battler's actor: "so we'll need your support -and- your gold for episode 4 to happen"
cat nanjo be upon ye
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taurussbabe · 1 year
Could you do the prompt “you got me flowers” for Charles!! Where he remembers the reader’s favorite flower and surprises her with a bouquet, & its super sweet n fluffy, & he kinda gets flustered about it!! I love your writing btw!! <3
A/n: this is a bit short, but I hope you like it! Requests are always opened ❤️🏎
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You rolled over in bed, eyes still closed, trying to find the warmth of your boyfriend's body, instead, you found nothing. Then you remembered he had left for an early workout, so you decided tp get up and go take a shower.
You didn't hear the noise of charles entering your shared apartment, neither did you hear when Charles opened the door to the shower, only realizing he was there when he put his arms around your waist and shoulders. "Shit" you said making him pull back slightly "you scared the hell out of me"
"I'm sorry, ma belle, I didn't mean to scare you"
"It's fine" you turned around in his arms, bodies pressed against each other, your arms coming to wrap around his neck, his coming to wrap around your waist, and then, then he kissed you. You could swear every time he kissed you, you fell more into him, how could you not, he was perfect, and he was all yours.
After helping each other shower, he went put first, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around you.
You watched from the mirror as he grabbed his own towel, drying his body and his hair after. You put on your robe and he put on his.
You were brushing your hair. He put his hand on your waist, and kissed your shoulder lovingly. "You look so perfect, let me take a picture" you said and took the picture as he took you in his embrace. Then leaving the bathroom.
You got ready for the day, in silence, just listening hum a melody.
"I have something for you" he finally spoke
"What?" You asked but he just pulled your hand, pulling you to the living room where a bouquet of flowers was.
"What? Charles, it's not my birthday, you don't need to give me flowers"
"I know, but I was on the way home and I saw them, I remembered of you and decided to buy them. Why? Can't I spoil you?"
"Of course, you can, merci beaucoup." You hugged his torso, hearing his heartbeat
"I love you so much, mon ange."
"I love you too, thank you for being the best boyfriend ever" he kissed the top of your head
"Well, you deserve it"
You stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, cupping his jaw. You silently thanked the universe for setting this man on your path because he is the definition of perfect
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@charlesleclerc Thankful for you every day, je t'aime, mon ange.❤️
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tum8lrsexymancronus · 1 month
So, Cronus, I'm curious, where are you? Your eyes aren't whited out so I assume you aren't dead or in a dream bubble?
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"Right on tha money, bud!"
[Lets get into this thing!]
Welcome to tum8lrsexymancronus, a (primarily) Cronus Ampora Ask Blog!
Read more about it below! :3
Your dear pal Cronus here is indeed NOT dead and NOT in a dream bubble! Although sometimes he wishes he was.
This version of Cronus is VERY specific to my ideas of him in relation to an au I have bumping around in my head. Please feel free to ask any of the characters you see on this account questions! Please be mindful that one of the characters is a child.*
*While this blog is intended for an 18+ audience, it is only for my own comfort in relationship with askers. There will be ZERO 'naughty activities' ESP considering one of the characters is a child. Please refrain from sending NSFW asks, thank you.
Would you like some basic info about him here?
Who am I kidding, of course you do!
This version of Cronus lives in the same house as his brother Eridan Ampora and his fiancée Tavi, along with his adopted child Xionro Ampora.
Cronus spends MUCH of his time either tinkering with his vintage vehicles or making tunes down in his basement studio.
He has a terrible habit of hooking up with other people, much to his fiancée's disgust. He's been good since last time, he swears.
When he isn't in his studio or under a car, he is either on stage or in a gym.
He's still a prick, just in different ways. He 100% needs a councilor.
In my attempts of keeping him from being too terribly OOC, I've decided it is best to keep some traits of the original character cannon to the au, but as things he has learned from ang grown as a person.
His relationship with Tavi is considered a 'Human Quad' to him and Tavi has other partners in different quadrants. Cronus is not interested in any traditional troll rom quads as per an oath to loyalty. (Lets be real. He does not deserve ANY quads. Prick.)
Cronus Ampora is HUMANKIN. It started as a form of attention seeking. Instead of finding attention, he found himself.
Cronus enjoys a variety of 'human things' and does not abide by human masculine ideals. Example? He enjoys shaving his legs because it makes him feel prettier.
That said, he considers himself Cis Male [He/Him] (which I could argue in relation to troll gender would make him trans BUT THAT IS NOT AN ESSAY FOR TODAY)
He found his son in the bushes of his father's [Dualscar] garden after a party while attempting to reconcile his relationship with Tavi.
He has a separate building from the Ampora House that is a 3 car garage. He's made a hobby of fixing up vintage cars and switching them in and out of the garage. It could almost be considered a showroom.
His favorite car stays in the attached garage to the house.
How old is the cast?
Cronus Ampora : 25 Years old
Eridan Ampora : 10.15 Sweeps (22 Years old)
Tavi : 21 Years old
Xionro Ampora : 2.31 Sweeps (5 Years old)
Dualscar : Violet middle aged man.
Arenon [of the Ampora Estate] : 11.5 Sweeps
Remember, this is an ask blog! Have fun asking anything and everything under the sun! :3
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I am unreasonably excited to see Akk, Ayan, and company again. I loved The Eclipse, and continually lament the shortened episode order on the back half. I wanted Golf to complete all of their ideas, so I’m hoping that this gets them a chance to finish. Still, First and Khaotung like working together and care a lot about each other, so I’m excited to see them get to play at boyfriends together for a fun outing.
This is week five and the intro song is not growing on me.
I know we’re all going to make a lot of Brokeback Mountain references, but the first meeting is giving Big Enough.
Of course it was another Akk dream sequence. They’re never letting us live that down.
Love that we are calling out the film directly. Akk is correct. The ending is too sad. If you think Brokeback Mountain is too sad, I urge you to see the director’s (Ang Lee) earlier work: The Wedding Banquet (1995).
Ayan is so cheesy in a way that really works for me. He’s one of my favorite BL boys because he’s grounded in the unfortunate real trauma of losing gay elders that were important to you. He responded to that by loving Akk loudly and directly. Even as he delineates what a place and a space are, he takes the chance to flirt with his boyfriend.
Okay, I don’t normally want to question production decisions, but camping equipment can be so heavy in bulk. Why are they eating on heavy ceramic plates and drinking out of glasses, but they’re sitting on camping chairs and using a foldable table? Also, why is this grill so close to their tent? It’s dangerous to leave food preparation so close to your sleeping area.
Ayan definitely knows about Akk’s birthday, and likely already has something planned. I think he’s teasing him to see if Akk will bring it up on his own because Akk consistently struggles with expressing what he actually wants.
Golf has so much to say in their work. This quick debate about how much, how often, and how hard to care about others feels like a deep meditation upon which we’ve not even scratched the surface.
Nobody told me we was frolicking!
It’s 2023 and we all verse now! I see what they did with that rider conversation.
Oh, I just got sad that this might be the last time we see Neo and Louis paired.
Pawin stays busy, let me tell you. He’s 3/3 right now with Our Skyy 2.
I love seeing work from filmmakers who love film. Golf going out of their way to highlight and bring attention to the Thai Film Archive warms my heart.
Fun fact: Khom Khongkiat, who we are familiar with for his work on KinnPorsche and The Promise and the role of Uncle Tong in Bad Buddy, was a screenwriter on Ong Bak.
Ong-Bak, but make it gay, was not on my bingo board for Our Skyy 2, but it probably should have been.
I see we’re still doing the Wat and Teacher Sani plot.
Everyone clearly had such a fun time making this fantasy sequences calling back to classic Thai film.
I know we’ve seen Mork’s actor before, and it’s bothering me that I can’t remember where.
Look at Wat starting shit. First, encouraging this split, and then making them sleep apart. I’m here for this drama.
Genuinely loved the cross-cutting between the pairs talking about their relationship problems. Not sure if the translation of Akk feeling like Ayan only focusing on himself is coming across clearly to me, but I am reading it such that Akk feels that Ayan is not sensitive to the way his actions and words impact others.
I’m okay with how often they’ve been taking off Neo’s shirt.
I like how unsubtle the political themes are, and how they’re being expressed textually through the couples’ current tension. It works for me because these issues do cause problems in people’s real relationships.
So glad this show got to do product placement this time.
I need Akk and Ayan to talk to each other properly. They’re both so stubborn and tend to dig in their heels.
I really like the way Neo and Louis kiss. Excited to see Neo in Only Friends.
The fake moons in BL always bother me.
First and Khaotung are so good at yearning at each other, but I am worried about Akk and Ayan long term. I don’t think Akk was wrong to talk about how he feels like he gets pushed around by Ayan.
I am so glad to be back with these boys. The Eclipse had some really clear ideas in it that are still present here, and I’m always happy to see Golf continue to work out their ideas in their fiction. Can’t believe I get to see them again tomorrow!
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akocomyk · 5 months
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The Risk
2023’s Most Memorable Moment
Where do I even begin?
Haha. 😅 There’s one last love story—one last heart—that I need to talk about. It may not have been the longest situationship from last year, but it was the most genuine. And if I had to choose from the long list of people I’ve met and dated, I’d always choose him.
Cup of Joe is one band that I discovered and got so addicted to after I broke up with my ex. The song I chose for this moment is my favorite from them, and I thought that it was a song I could dedicate to my ex, but somehow, I always felt that it wasn’t meant for him.
And I was right. It was meant for me and my babe.
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Charles... Babe?
Can you tell me how do I move on from loving someone who has done nothing but love me in the way that I deserve to be loved? You’re the one who has a long list of ex-lovers, maybe you know.
Remember what I said back in December 26? That in my dating life for 2023, you were the cherry on top. It’s not because you’re the one who ended that phase, but because you were the one that hurt the most. I didn’t include your name in the roll call for that memory because I didn’t meet you in Bumble.
I’ve been telling you this before… I’m still in question of what made you decide to transition from us being just casual online friends to potential lovers.
I’ll never forget how we first met in a Zoom call, and then we connected in Twitter. You were my “happy crush” then, which was why I always replied to you whenever you messaged me. Months later, in October 20, you asked for my Instagram account and began pursuing me.
One of the first things you ever told me was that you were not out to your friends or family, and that you value your privacy. This wasn’t a problem for me. Then came a time when you shared to me how much you cried when you watched Heartstopper and Gaya Sa Pelikula because, unlike the characters in these shows, you still haven’t found the courage to come out to the people you love. So I told you, “Everyone has their right time for that.”
After talking consistently for several days, you began telling me repeatedly that you like me, and I held back myself from saying the same to you because I was trying to guard my heart and I didn’t want to give you the idea that I was easy to get. Honestly though, I’d be lying if I say that I didn’t have the same feelings for you.
Of all the guys I dated, you were the only one who wanted to ask permission from my family first before courting me. You knew your place as well, you respected my individuality, and you didn’t ask me to stop seeing other guys—at least, at first 😉.
I really enjoyed talking with you, and I mean all versions of you. The Swiftie. The deep talker. The ranter. The ML player. The “Did you know…” guy. The avid listener. Even the maker of bad “Tito jokes”. Talking to you gives me so much comfort because I know that no matter how savagely honest I can be with what I think or feel, you would never invalidate me. It just shows how modest, kind, and respectful you are.
But you know what’s my favorite version of you? It’s the one who drunk texts me. 😜 Other than the fact that I find it so funny when you chat me while you’re tipsy, I enjoy hearing you speak without your inhibitions. It feels like I’m seeing your heart without the usual barricade of your logical mind. You were drunk when you begged me to stop seeing other guys. And that’s also when you first sent me a voice record of you saying, “I love you.”
I didn’t want to immediately say it back because, at that point, you still haven’t given that much effort for me. But to tell you the truth, it took me a hard time to stop myself from doing so. I needed to use my head now, you know, after being in a relationship where I was the only one exerting the maximum effort to build it.
You said sorry every time you drunk texted me, and told me to don’t mind the things you said. You say sorry quite a lot, actually. When you over slept. When you forgot to say good night. When you took too long to reply. When you think you’ve offended me even when I wasn’t offended at all. And you’re so cute when you ask me, “Galit ka ba? 🥺”
I’ve never been angry at you. That’s one thing that you never got me to do. But you got me to do other stuff, though.
You got me to play Mobile Legends. No one has ever made me do that. Don’t ever think that I didn’t enjoy playing the game.
You made me eat breakfast—and I’m sorry I still miss it often.
You got me through my dilemma with my past work. That’s why you were the first person to know that I’ve passed the application process in QBE, and that I’ve already accepted their offer.
And… there’s many more.
December 15 was one of my most favorite days this year. Obviously because it was the first time we met in person, and you insisted that you’d go visit me here in Cavite City. I love that the first thing you wanted to do when you got here was to visit my mother’s grave, so I took you to her. And I really didn’t have an itinerary for that day, my idea was just to walk you around my hometown—which we did, and I told you stories about my life as we visited various places. You even met Trish who is one of my best friends.
In the afternoon, we went to the cinemas to watch Wonka, which apparently no one wanted to watch that day aside from us and two other folks. It was there when you asked permission if you could hold my hand—of course, I said yes. Then you also asked permission if you could kiss me, and I said, “Of course!” I mean, you already kissed me twice by then, and you said I tasted like sour cream and cheese, thanks to Potato Corner.
I didn’t remember much about how the film Wonka went, but I will never forget how I felt at home when I was with you.
You brought me back to my house that night, and we were so bummed that we missed our city’s annual “Navidad” parade. We were also bummed that we didn’t kiss each other goodbye despite wanting to.
Come the Christmas holidays, I knew something was rather off with you, and I took it as maybe it’s just because you missed your family in the province so much, knowing that you haven’t spent Christmas with them for years and you’re just spending it now with your friends.
Then on the morning after Christmas, you told me your father called you the night before, and that he was disappointed at you. And you told me you’d come here to Cavite to discuss everything personally.
I was in complete unrest the entire day as I waited for you, and when you finally arrived at our gate that night… I knew some shit’s gonna get real.
We walked, your arm over my shoulders, and you told me what happened.
You came out to your parents—told them over chat—in the first week of December. Your mom replied first, but your dad only replied on Christmas day when he called you. You also told them that you were seeing a guy—me. They weren’t mad at you, they didn’t scold you, but you knew they were disappointed.
I hugged you, even when you didn’t want to ‘coz you just wanted us to keep walking.
And then… you could no longer put words to your thoughts. You just kept saying, “Sorry,” every second. So I said, “I know what you’re trying to tell me without you having to say it out loud.”
It was so hard for me to walk then because I felt like my legs had turned to jelly. I wanted to just lie down and cry on the rain sodden asphalt.
You said you took the risk… because I was the risk w🫀rth taking. You said, “Gusto mo bang itago rin kita? ‘Di mo deserve ‘yun.”
You said, “Sorry I’m not strong enough to go against my parents. Sorry I’m not as strong as you.”
We sat on the pavement in front of our house. We talked more. You said sorry many more times, I told you I wanted to fight for you.
You said, “I love you.” I looked at you and said, “I love you too.” I never thought hearing and saying those words could feel so bittersweet. There were millions of butterflies in my stomach, but they evaporated the minute they spread their wings.
A lot more happened that night. Like how we planned to get drunk, but my homophobic father kicked us out, so I just sent you home. I cried to my sister and told her everything. When we’re both in bed in our own rooms, we couldn’t sleep so we just went on a call until we slept and woke up the next morning.
You know, my mother taught me me to fight and never give up for the ones I love. When she was dying, she was still fighting up until her very last breath—maybe even beyond. The doctors told us that they did everything they can to revive her because they could feel that she still wanted to live, but her body just couldn’t make it. The last word she said to me before she was taken to the ICU was, “Hindi ko kayo iiwan.”
I am my mother’s son, and I am like her in many ways. I don’t just look like her, I also love like her. And if I can, even when it’s against all odds, I would still fight for the people I love ‘til there’s only one last glimmer of hope.
But yeah. You needed to be firm with your decision, otherwise coming to me that night would’ve been for nothing, according to you.
It takes great courage to come out. You don’t know how much I wish you’re brave enough to stand firm as well with who you are. You’ve taken a risk, partly because of me, and it’s sad that despite you taking that risk, I only ended up becoming the sacrificial lamb.
My friend said I deserve someone better than you because I don’t deserve to experience what you did.
Forgive me if the skeptical and overthinking part of me tries to paint an unpleasant picture of you—chains of what-if’s that map out a reason to make sense of it all. Like… What if you made it up? You know… just to give me a good story that’ll force us to end our relationship before it even started. What if you did it just to get rid of me, for whatever reason reason that maybe? Maybe you got turned off by my complicated family? My blunt honesty? Or maybe you actually found someone else? Maybe… you found out I was worth more than what you initially wanted me to be, so you got scared that I might end up like your many exes and you wouldn’t want that, so you decided to stop pursuing me before we fall deeper into our feelings.
But we’ve already fallen.
Babe, you are the most memorable moment of my 2023, and I’m grateful for that. Thank you for giving me the best and worst days of the year.
Like we said, maybe in a parallel universe, there’s a version of you who’s brave enough to stay with me. And in this universe of ours, maybe we’re only destined to have a sad, beautiful, tragic love affair.
Regardless, if in this lifetime, you finally find the courage to love freely, come back to me and reclaim the heart that was once yours.
I love you, boss, popcorn, hooman, babe.
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inkfw · 10 months
You are my light, which I will embrace.- Sky children of the light x Male reader
He/Him reader Angs, healed burns of body and face
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Reader always liked to go to the Rain, specifically to the Hidden Forest, since no one would bother him and he could leave whenever he wanted. The only one who knows his whereabouts is usually Daleth or Teth because they are the ones he trusts the most.
They know that their reader goes to that place because there is really something wrong with him, he holds back tears very often when I argue with Aleph because somehow… no, no, it's that he can't understand the reason for his loneliness, leaving behind the rest when it's wrong. he understands it. but he doesn't understand when he's been gone for days, he cares even if he doesn't show it…
Lamed always worries about his favorite son since he loves you very much and hates to see you cry, Ayin is the owner of the hidden forest until the day he saw you cry without the mask he went to tell the rest of the eders but he only managed to find Teth.
He already knew, he trusted everything he said, because he already smelled that something was wrong with you, but as Ayin explained Teth's face to him, he became more concerned, he did not want to continue listening and began to think of possible solutions for you.
"Hey, come here now, I need to talk to you" His tone was annoying, Aleph is and to this day he will always maintain that rude behavior with you. "Are you here? Okay…follow me and don't talk" He knows you wouldn't talk to what he remembered what Teth told him: "Don't even think about making him feel bad again, making him not go to Lluvia is already a challenge, don't ruin it now, Daleth will go with you, only he won't be there, he'll stay listening to the conversation between the two of them" Aleph nodded as if he already knew but still wanted to hear it from the Elder's mouth.
They arrived at Dawn Island
A nice quiet place, he started talking, praying he wouldn't screw up. "Daleth, you no longer need to hide…" Your voice sounded cold and soft. Aleph froze in place, flustered, Daleth appeared. "How…is it possible…Reader?" Daleth was somewhat afraid that you would do something crazy, like going back to Lluvia or going to Broken Bridge, one wrong foot in that black water and you lose the light that keeps you alive, Aleph also knew about the danger of being there.
"I'm just sorry…I also felt your concern, your pity for me, I don't need that right now I just have to go to-" I won't let you continue..and who? Aleph, he shouldn't have made the situation worse and he did it his way. Daleth went looking for help since he knew that he was not going to end well at all.
"You're not worrying everyone, that idiot Teth is worried… not all the elders are worried about you.-I'm worried, damn it!" "What?…" Your voice was transmitted in a whisper, you couldn't even see anymore and not because of the mask but because of the tears. "Yes! I'm worried about you, I don't want you to go to the hidden forest anymore, I don't want you to go to a broken bridge, those cursed waters are-If it's me that's the cause of you, tell me please, or if it's someone else, I kill him! It's just that I don't want to-" He fell silent seeing that your mask was on the ground… and you were crying silently, he saw how your burns healed but a scar remained. "I hate him so much! It's torture to breathe knowing that you're only upset with me… It bothers me, I can't take this mask off because of the injuries I gave Eden! It's so annoying!" You stop talking when you feel that he hugs you.
You try to move away but you didn't have much strength to cheer him up, you surrender to him. -Reader…it's fine…everything will be fine, I promise, I, like the boy who likes to fuck every moment-Well you understand…it doesn't matter what happened in Eden, just because it's bad doesn't mean it's horrible Seriously, I'm here, instead of Daleth, please trust me… I'm not here to make things worse- Even if they're bad, they can improve, so stay here, with everyone, with me…" He hoped the situation would improve, I wanted to reverse the situation, that you were no longer bad.
"But I don't- My mask…." You instantly turned pale, your face was uncovered, with burns and scars… you couldn't do anything since Aleph prevented you.
He put some force so you don't cover your face, he wanted to see. "Guys! Oh..damn..reader, Aleph! what happened!?" It was Daleth with Tsadi in the end, only Aleph was surprised to see Tsadi and not the Samekh twins… at least they could talk. "Honey .." Tsadi was not able to speak without feeling bad for you, because he already knew how that happened to you .. he just never revealed it to anyone .. "Kids…would you be able to leave us alone?" Aleph refuses but is dragged by Daleth.
"Tsadi…I, I…I don't!- Damn it!" Tsadi had to stay calm, he knew everything so she could be more clear in what she said. "My love, you shouldn't- you don't need to carry all the weight of guilt
let me help you, let me give you light, let me show you everything you are for my boy, you are excellent, never doubt it, okay? Let me take care of you" He knew how to calm you down, he knew what happened in Eden, the burns, king or better known as Resh… he knew every part of you and how important Resh was to you. "He would be sad if he saw you like this, don't you think? He would like you to show your face and arms more and if someone makes fun of it, believe me Teth will take care of it, so" He put a finger to wipe away your fallen tears since it's too much big, you let it all out, after that.
"Let's go back with the rest now? Everyone must be worried and I wonder if Aleph is still alive hehe come on, I'll take you" For you Tsadi and Teth were like the parents you never had. "Sure…Teth?..why are you qu-Lamed..Daleth and Aleph..?" "Daleth came along with Aleph and told us what was happening…you worried me a lot darling, even if I know you are in good hands with Tsadi-" You hugged her so tight that she cried. "No, I should thank you and everyone, after all, everyone was worried about me." Teth approached Tsadi and a little far from the challenge he said something that impacted Tsadi. "Thank you for going with them and for controlling the situation so well, I am truly grateful that I did not lose the reader or anyone, and I hope that it continues like this for many more years" "Honey..I- I love you so much! Hahahaha!" I hold the Elder by the hips and kiss him.
"Cut the crap, don't have sex here anymore- too late…" Aleph hates how lovey-dovey they can be, especially Tsadi "Leave them, they have been lovers for a long time.." Lamed, she is like a mother to you. "Yeah I guess so…" You said happy for them "Well, young Prairie, if you don't want the reader, I'll gladly marry him-" I took you in my arms and they ran away. "That will never happen!" "No, wait-! - "Let them, they are young, they need to be themselves my love" "Love" Lamded said she would always support everything equally and love everyone equally.
But…we all know that happiness doesn't last forever, even if we love the right person.
Copying or translation of my work without my permission is prohibited.
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littlewestern · 2 years
On Hank
(This one goes out to the anon in my askbox who requested Hank for the bingo meme. I'll do you one better <3)
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So to preface this I think some context is required. I’ll be brief.
When I started this train misadventure with @greatwesternway, I personally had no plans to watch beyond Season 6, which was the last season that I remembered watching as a child and so the last season I had any personal attachment to. Once that had been done, however, and I still wanted more trains, I skipped directly to season 17 (to see Duck) and then proceeded to watch the rest of the CGI (backtracking to season 13) and then all the movies and specials.
This watch order left a gap, Seasons 7-12. I was not looking forward to watching Seasons 7-12. I had no special memories associated with them, and knew from prior research that the characterization and writing was… shall we say, less than stellar. I also knew that these seasons added many one-off characters that the CGI would not end up carrying over, and which I had basically zero interest in. Who cares about Flora the steam tram? Not me, certainly.
Imagine my surprise, then, when Season 12 (of Steady Eddie infamy) delivered perhaps my favorite one-off character of the entire show, and a pretty good all-around episode in general.
Let’s talk about Hank and his episode, Heave Ho, Thomas.
Despite appearing in only one episode, we know a lot about Hank’s character. We know that he’s big, strong, gregarious, friendly, quick to compliment others, and– perhaps most importantly– American!
Yes, the engine whose color scheme is red, white, and blue and who has a Texan accent (which Michael Angelis is attempting so, so bravely) is American. Shocker!
I’m pointing this out primarily because it’s interesting on its own: the show never directly states that he is from America, but it’s made very clear to the audience that that is the case.
There are many American engines on Sodor (Rosie, Caitlin, Connor, Porter, Timothy, Victor) but Hank is the only one (aside from Victor, who I would consider a special case) who is shown to be Culturally American. Most of these other engines are given British (or in the case of Caitlin and Connor, Irish for some reason) accents and their status as transplants isn’t really commented on in the canon.
I’m not bringing this up in relation to Hank because I have a problem with this from a technical perspective, but because Hank being American is– I would argue– actually the crux of the whole episode and what makes it work.
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(Hank actually gets a model face as opposed to a CGI one for this shot! This episode might have been planned for before the decision to switch to CGI faces had been finalized.)
The episode proper starts with Hank arriving on Sodor. Thomas and Percy are both excited to meet this new special and strong engine, but Thomas expresses some doubt that he could be stronger than any of the engines on Sodor. Already we’re seeing some hometown pride from Thomas, indicating both that Hank is an outsider and that wherever he’s from, Thomas thinks Sodor is better. Sir Topham Hatt gives Thomas his 3 strikes jobs for the day, which he instructs Thomas to do while showing Hank around the island.
Hank arrives and immediately sets Thomas off by calling him “one of the finest little engines [he’s] ever seen”. Thomas, being as he is, takes offense at being called “little”, disregarding of course that to Hank, the big fuckoff PRR K4 Pacific, every engine on Sodor is little. And of course, Hank doesn’t mean “little” as an insult either. He means… cute! But Thomas, being as he is, gets buttmad about it.
Hank sees the load of freight cars Thomas is set to haul to the factory and offers, quite magnanimously, to take them instead, setting Thomas off even more. And perhaps Hank is underestimating Thomas here, but on the other hand, to Hank it would be like offering to carry a child’s backpack. The narration even tells us that Hank is merely trying to be helpful. He’s got that Southern Hospitality thing goin’ on!
As these seasons adhere to a specific formula it doesn’t take a genius to see where this episode is going. Thomas doesn’t exchange his current train for the next as he was instructed and instead tries to do all of them together as Hank watches, offering each time to pull the train instead and getting turned down. Part of that aforementioned Southern Hospitality, though, is taking people at their word, and so Thomas struggles on in a valiant attempt to win the Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face Award.
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(Thomas, all out of Puff and Pull.)
It’s here that he gets called "Handsome Hank" in the episode by the narrator in passing. This is fun, because I love when one of the stereotypes Americans are given outside this country is that they're attractive. I suspect this comes from our only cultural export being film for 100 years, and so the impression that people who don't live here got was that Americans all look like movie stars.
Hank being called this is interesting though, in that sense, it characterizes him as American again without outright stating the fact, but it's also interesting because 'handsome' is not an adjective that gets ascribed to engines in canon. For this reason, I suspect it is a title in the vein of "Duck The Great Western Engine" or "James the Red Engine". It's a name given by humans to the engines as a form of address.
Because if it isn't... Well, how-dy Hank! Thomas (or the Narrator at least) thinks you look handsome! Add that to the list of things Thomas just can't stand about this guy! He swanks in here, disrespects Thomas, belittles him, and has the gall to look good while doing it. What a Hospitable asshole!
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(Handsome Hank! I absolutely love these pieces of concept art and I'm so glad we have them.)
Hank is so Hospitable in fact, that when Thomas is completely out of steam and can’t whistle at the stations because of the heavy train, Hank announces in front of God and everybody that because Thomas is out of puff: he, Hank, will whistle for him! To Hank, this is just common courtesy. If he can’t pull the train, the very least he can do is whistle for his new friend.
Of course, this is about the worst thing you could say in front of an engine like Thomas. Thomas, who thinks everything is a competition, every offhand comment a slight against him personally, and every action he can’t do a knock against his own Usefulness. It’s not his fault, really. When you come up on a British railway with engines like Gordon and James, you expect to be belittled and patronized. But Hank isn’t being passive-aggressive here, he’s just being American!
Well of course, as it goes with these seasons, Thomas cracks a cylinder and learns a lesson about asking for help or somesuch, Hank has a party thrown for him and is promptly forgotten about for the rest of time forever, The End. It’s not a very satisfying conclusion or a particularly good episode when taken at face value, but I think it works if you look at it as a Cultural Differences sort of episode, where the sensibilities of two different railways come into contact and are, at least initially, at odds with each other.
And actually, doing some research for this episode, I found out that Heave Ho, Thomas was never shown in Japan on tv or released for home media. Maybe they thought an episode like this wouldn’t translate well for a Japanese audience? Interesting, either way!
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inarizakits · 6 months
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summary : the six years robaire hidalgo loved you the most.
genre : 'wag na lagyan, para surprise💝
author's note : I DID THIS IN ONE SITTING I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF OMG1!1!1!1 anyways, merry christmas everyone!! i hope you all are doing well right now this Christmas. enjoy this work i did, labyu ol💝💝 ( @intzue , @4townn )
this was the first time hidalgo saw you. both of you were in the same class. he remembered how you stuttered so much, which was adorable to him. he didn't know, but there was something about you that made his heart beat fast.
he didn't assume it was love, no. he was too young for that thing. he wanted to be like his father, who courted his beloved mother when his father got a job. he didn't want to rush, as he thought that there is always time for love. and besides, he's still in junior high school.
he always denied his feelings. he denied how his palms got sweaty, he denied how he stuttered whenever he talks to you, and he denied how he tried to steal a glance from you.
this is definitely not love.
definitely not.
this time, both of you weren't classmates, but since both of you were close, you both managed to spend time in recess, and lunch.
and the cycle continued. he didn't assume it was love, no. he thought gifting you something for your birthday was normal with friends, and it was.
but why was he nervous when he gave you his gift? he didn't know either. maybe it was because the fear of you not liking it? but his heart warmed when he saw how happy and satisfied you were with his gift. ( which was a my melody plushie ). your expression was so genuine. it was almost impossible to fake it.
“ uy, haha. akala ko hindi mo magugustuhan 'yung regalo ko sa'yo, eh. ” he chuckles awkwardly, while scratching the back his nape.
“ baliw! favorite ko my melody, 'no! ” you said with confidence, while giggling softly, with the my melody plushie in your arms.
“ at saka, parang ang mahal nito. dapat hindi ka na nag-abala! baka kaya hindi ka na nakain sa recess dahil dito, ah! ” you said, a slight guilt in your heart was forming, as the thought of hidalgo wasting money just to by you a plushie.
“ ah— oo..pero worth it naman. nagustuhan mo, 'di ba? sapat na 'yung reaksyon mo. ang saya saya mo nga eh. ” he says with a genuine smile plastered on his face.
“ ililibre na lang kita— ” your words were cut off when he spoke.
“ hindi na, dapat ako gagawa n'yan, kasi birthday mo ngayon. ” he shakes his head in disapproval, but his expression was playful.
the feeling inside his heart grew day by day, but he kept denying it.
three :: NINTH GRADE.
his feelings grew. you can't even call it a crush anymore. he loved you. and he couldn't deny it any longer.
but fate decided to play with the both of you, you became the SSG President of your school, and your life became busier.
but he was there. and he was willing to help you with your president duties. he knows that being the SSG President of the school isn't easy, but he's there to make things easier for you.
“ bakit mo pa ako tinutulungan? it's not like i don't appreciate it, but i'm sure you have assignments? or an upcoming test? and, kaya ko naman 'to by myself. ” you said with a frown on your face. you didn't wanna burden him. you didn't want him to feel like he needed to help you.
“ hindi, 'bal. busy ako, oo. pero hindi sa'yo. kaya ko namang gawin 'yun mamaya. mas marami ka pang gagawin sa'kin, kung tutuosin. ” he says, with a genuine smile on his face.
“ i love helping you, you know that. 'bal. ”
“ nyenye, whatever you say. ” you said with a soft giggle.
four :: TENTH GRADE.
this is where he started courting you. despite both of you being busy with your own lives, both of you never forget to give each other time. both of you try to hang out by studying together.
“ akin na bag mo, surely, pagod ang disney princess ko. ” he says, before gently taking your bag from you. you rolled your eyes playfully after hearing his statement.
“ well, you're not wrong, pagod ako. ” you said with a playful pout on your face, and hidalgo went to pinch your cheeks gently.
“ favorite mo talaga pisilin pisngi ko, 'no? ” i raised a brow in a playful manner, earning a giggle from hidalgo.
“ totoo. your cheeks are so squishy, parang mochi. sarap i-pinch all day. ” he says while chuckling slightly.
“ kakasama mo 'yan kay jes, kaya ka nagiging conyo. hindi na ikaw ang robaire na kilala ko. ” you said in a playful tone.
he furrowed his brows and chuckled softly, “ lah, lord, ang oa naman ng disney princess ko. ”
“ mas oa pa rin classmate ko, ro. ”
after a year of courting you, you finally accepted him as your boyfriend. despite all the girls that fawned over him, he chose none of them, but you.
it was always you. his eyes were always focused on you and only you.
every argument wouldn't last long, as he'd always set his pride aside, and always tried to fix any misunderstanding. he wouldn't let his temper get out of control, too.
a lot of girls would try to get his attention, seduce him, too. but none of those seduction worked, as you already seduced him. it's safe to say that you're the only one who can get him all acting lovesick.
“ baby, pahinging kiss. hindi ako makahinga, please. ” he whined, nuzzling his face on your neck.
“ ...kaka-kiss ko lang sa'yo kanina? ” you said, chuckling softly as you see the sight of him nuzzling his face on your neck.
“ not enough po 'yun, babyy. ” he whined like a child, but it just made him adorable, on your point of view.
“ 'di nanghihingi ng kiss mga astig, baby. ” you said with a playful tone.
“ ay talaga naman, 'pag talaga may girlfriend ka na maramot sa kiss oh. ”
“ eto na nga po, hahalikan ka na. ”
“ ...ano.? magb-break na ba tayo? ro? ” you said, your heart breaking with every word you say.
“ 'wag, no, baby. ” he said, his voice trembling as he tried not to shed a tear.
“ cool off lang, baby. please. cool off lang po. ayoko ng break. ” he pleaded. as much as he tried not to cry, tears rolled down on his cheeks.
he sobbed on your shoulders, darn that misunderstanding. but even so, he still has hope for this relationship. he still have a hope that this relationship will turn back like it was.
“ masakit, baby. pagod na pagod na po ako. pero ayoko mag break. please. anything but that. ” he buried his face on your shoulder, his body slightly trembling.
“ kailangan lang natin nang time sa isa't-isa, hindi natin kailangan maghiwalay. hindi natin kailangan tapusin. ” every word he says was breaking his heart.
“ please? baby? walang tatapusin, walang maghiwalay. ”
in those six years that hidalgo loved you, never once his love faded, not even for a second. he's willing to fix any misunderstanding that comes in your way, even if it drains himself.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
When was the last time you were sick? How incapacitated were you by the illness/ailment? End of November. A nasty flu had been going around, so even though I just had Covid the month before I still managed to catch the bug and had a 40-degree fever. It wasn't nearly as bad as Covid, but with that high of a fever I still felt very weak and very very cold. My skin felt like glass, and I was too lethargic to eat which didn't feel good.
Do you often reflect on your past in terms of "eras" or “milestone” time frames (eg, looking back and saying, “it’s been 10 years since X”, etc.)? Sure. It just makes things easier to remember that way, and in some ways a wholesome reminder of how far I've come.
Is there something you would like to do or be, but have pretty much accepted it won’t happen because it’s just “not the kind of person you are” or is otherwise incompatible with your personality, character, etc.? I doubt I will ever make it to the WWE just because it's such a huge, HUGE company with highly selective employment (only 800 employees, and that's including their satellite offices worldwide), plus the fact that I am not an American citizen already kills off any chance I'd have. It's a dream I'm not necessarily killing but have nonetheless accepted that it has little to no chance of ever happening.
Such is life.
When was the last time you experienced cognitive dissonance? Not sure when the last time was exactly, but the sample scenario I thought of is whenever I have a short temper at work. I need to remind myself that it, in the words of Gen Z, "it's not that serious." lol
If you use Letterboxd, what causes you to “heart”/“like” a film? I don't use Letterboxd and I don't really watch movies anymore.
Do you like people watching and is it something you do often? If so, where are your favorite locations to do so? Yeah, but I have to be in a certain disposition or location to do it. I like people-watching in foreign countries, or in my university which is open to the public.
Whether you want to have children or not, what do you think has had the greatest influence on your views of children/childrearing (eg, your parents, your own upbringing, your interactions with children as an adult, etc.)? It would be my experiences and realizations so far as I navigate being an adult. What I mean by that is in the time that I've been on this 'journey,' I've been learning that I like being alone. I'm also very focused on my career and, quite selfishly, I like keeping most of the money I earn for myself and for building my life and doing the things I'd love to experience for my own, like traveling. I don't see myself as the type of person who would go for juggling both career and family.
Is there anything that you enjoy that you simultaneously find intensely cringey? Is it so cringey that you wouldn’t normally admit to actually enjoying it? No. Life is too short to be overly conscious of things you like, and lbr people hardly give a fuck as we have our own lives to deal with.
I just spent four days straight spamming the shit out of my Instagram stories with extremely wordy reviews of the first 17 Wrestlemanias - 15-year-old Robyn would have talked herself out of doing that, worrying that people would think she is a loser lol. But I went ahead and did it anyway regardless if people would read it or not, because in the first place I did it for myself thinking it'd be lovely to have an archive of my experiences watching the shows.
When was the last time you felt someone was being dishonest with you — not necessarily downright lying to your face, but acting or responding to you in a way that seemed false or did not feel like their true self? It's been a while since I felt like this.
Similarly, when was the last time you saw a side of someone that made you question your preexisting perception of them? It's an ongoing process currently. Ange was recently transferred to my team, but I was warned that she didn't have the best reputation in her previous department as she was known for being condescending and bossy, especially towards her juniors.
I don't have a final verdict on her yet as we've only been working together for all of two weeks, but it's something I actively have my eyes on.
If you were a doll, what outfit(s) and accessories would you come with? Purple hair, a t-shirt tightly cropped just right above the belly button, denim jeans, white sneakers, and a cute lil handbag hanging on my shoulder. And an Army Bomb hehe.
What was the last bit of praise you received? People complimented my lipstick a few days ago, I guess that counts? Hahaha.
When you hear or see your name written out (as in /your/ name, not someone else who shares your name), do you immediately recognize it as your own, or is there a moment of disconnect before that recognition? Good question. There's definitely a bit of a disconnect, mainly because my name is relatively uncommon and there's that moment of "hey that's me" when I see my name spelled out hahaha
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Her Song part 37
Bonjour, Mon Ange. I went for a run. I'll be back in time to make breakfast. Je t'aime!
Florence read the note and sighed, grumbling about the lack of warmth being emitted from the other side of the bed. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and dialed her favorite number. It only rang once.
"Hey, love! How did you sleep?" I pant through the phone, out of breath from my run.
"I slept fine. But I would've been much more happy to wake up next to you," she complains cutely.
"Désolé, ma belle. The open road was just calling my name," I joked, turning the corner onto my street. "I'll be home in a few minutes, okay?"
"Okay, love."
"Oh wait! I'm listening to this song called 'Washington Lilacs' by Zach Bryan. I think you'll like it."
"I'll listen to it right now," Florence grinned, remembering your old tradition. "See you soon."
When I returned to our apartment, I smiled seeing Flo and Syd dancing around the kitchen, gathering things to make pancakes. It had been two months since the incident with Ben, and life had been bliss. Flo had officially moved in, and her and Syd were almost inseparable. Syd's cancer was another story.
"Hey, babe, how'd you sleep?" I greet Syd, picking her up and swinging her around.
"Good! I had a dream that you and Flo got married and we moved to France!"
"Oh my, that's quite the dream," I gasp dramatically.
"Quite the dream, indeed," Flo adds on. She approaches and places a quick kiss on my lips. "Go shower, you smell. I'll cook breakfast."
"How rude. Fine, but don't burn the place down."
"No promises," she shouts as I make my way towards the bathroom.
After breakfast, Syd settles on the couch to watch some cartoons while Flo and I clean up, dancing around the kitchen in perfect unison.
"So, I've been thinking," I begin.
"Oh, that's scary."
"Shut up. I'm being serious. What if we moved? To a real house. I love this place, but I'm ready for more. And I want it to be ours. A clean slate, you know?"
"I'd love nothing more, Y/N. But this is something we should take our time with. Are we talking the outskirts of the city or the French countryside?" she asks, referring to Syd's dream.
"I don't know, honestly. I just want to start a life with you." I quickly realize how serious this conversation is, then blush thinking about the ring in my nightstand.
"I'd go anywhere with you, darling."
"And I you, mon amour."
I flip through the mail, tossing the junk and setting aside the bills. One letter catches my eye.
Dear Y/N Y/L/N, It has come to our attention that Sydney Fleur Y/L/N may have received less than desirable care as a patient of Dr. Adriel Lancaster. Dr. Lancaster's medical license is under investigation. There is a possibility of a malpractice lawsuit. Please contact us to make an appointment with our legal team. Best wishes. The American Board of Medical Specialties
"Holy shit," I whisper to myself.
"What? What is it? Is everything okay?" Florence questions.
"It's- it's- I don't even know! Read it! What the fuck?" I whisper-shout.
After reading it, Flo looks up fuming. "Good. I hope that bastard gets his license revoked and lives in a fucking cardboard box. He should be put in jail for what he did to our daughter. I mean what kind of fucking doctor breezes over extreme neurological symptoms like that? It's fucking ridiculous," she rants.
"Flo," I cut her off. "You just said 'our daughter.'"
"Our daughter. You called Syd 'our' daughter."
"Oh. Oh, God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to overstep-"
"I could kiss you right now."
"You've been to hell and back with me and Syd. I'm glad you think of her as your daughter, because she is your daughter. I love you Flo. We're a family."
"I love you too," she whispers as tears well up in her eyes. And once again, I think of that ring in my nightstand drawer.
"So basically, we're gonna sue this motherfucker for everything he's got," I explain to Ash over the phone.
"Well as you fucking should. That piece of shit probably got his fucking medical license from a monkey high on crack. Honestly, what kind of-"
"Yeah, I know. Trust me," I mumble.
"Hey, you know none of this is your fault, right?"
"Logically, yes, I know. But it sure as hell doesn't feel that way. I mean, I knew something was wrong yet I still listened to that asshat. That's not very 'motherly instincts' of me."
"We're supposed to trust our doctors. We have to in order for the good ones to save lives. Unfortunately, not all doctors can be as good as Amelia Shepherd, and sometimes things get fucked up. That's not your fault, you hear me?"
"I wanna hear you say it."
"It's not my fault," I comply reluctantly.
"Good, now I'll see you tomorrow. We need to discuss your plan to propose. We need to woo this bitch."
"Oh, Lord give me strength."
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deeg9 · 1 year
Chenford + Tim finds out about Nucy
Hey Anon - I've written 2-3 fics with scenes where Tim finds out but I'll share the most recent version below that I wrote with Quesera and WannaBeBold (I'm like 50% sure we already posted this on Tumblr but I honestly don't remember).
The One Where Tim Finds Out About Nolan
Officers Celina and Thorsen are sitting at a table out of earshot while Nolan and Lucy wait for their lunch orders from the food truck. Last night at happy hour, Tim and Lucy announced to everyone they’d been dating for a while. 
“So, have you told Tim that we used to date?”
(shakes her head)
“No, not yet. Why?”
“Just estimating how much time I left have to finish writing my will.” 
“Good point… I’ll tell him tonight.” 
“How about tomorrow?” 
“I can’t get a flight to Japan tonight but I can probably find one tomorrow. I’ve been meaning to visit Henry and Abigail anyway.”
“Oh, shut up. It’ll be fine. He won’t even care.”
A few months later, the Midwilshire gang is gathered at their favorite bar to celebrate Tim and Lucy who just got engaged. 
(holds up a finger)
“Okay, okay, but wedding rule number 1: No exes.” 
“Normally, I’d agree. But Lucy and Rachel are good friends–”
"No exes! Do you want to sit there knowing one of your guests has done the dirty with your future wife?"
(opens his mouth to respond) 
“Oh, come on. All of that is in the past. And what about Nolan? He has to be there.” 
Tim reels back.
(his response comes out in a choke)
“Oh, dear lord, someone please burn my ears off.”
(taps her chin with her finger)
“That’s right… I just thought about telling you but I never actually got around to it.” 
“You said you were going to tell him months ago.”
“I forgot.”
“Uck. And I thought the bar was too low with Chris. No offense, man.” 
“I mean… I’m a little offended. I’m better than Chris.” 
The crew looks around at everywhere but at Nolan.
NOLAN (cont.)
(rolls his eyes)
“Really, Lucy? No one told you that was a bad idea?” 
“Well, Talia brought it up once or twice. How dating a cop was bad for my career…”
Tim laces his fingers through Lucy’s reassuringly. 
(waves her hand) 
“No, no, not that. Screw that.”
NYLA (cont.)
“I’m talking about dating Nolan being a bad idea.” 
“Hey! Now I’m offended.”
(to Nyla in mock offense)
“What the heck? I thought I was your favorite.”
"Now who told you that?" 
Nolan points at Angela. 
(shakes her head nonchalantly)
“Hmm... That doesn’t sound like me…” 
“You started this, Aaron. The next round is on you.” 
(nods unapologetically)
“I’ll come help.”
Thorsen and Lucy head to the bar.
Emmett walks up and pats Tim on the back.
“Hey man, I heard you’re getting married. Congrats.”
(stares at him for a moment before responding)
“How did you know I was getting married?” 
(points at Bailey)
“I just joined the 122. Bailey’s house.”
Tim closes his eyes and sighs.
(slowly pushes Emmett back toward the other end of the bar where firefighters are gathered)
“This is not the best time.” 
Thorsen and Lucy return and start topping off glasses from the freshly filled pitchers.
(to Tim)
“If it makes you feel any better, we didn’t know either.”
Angela suddenly finds a spot on the wall very interesting. Wesley notices immediately. 
“Right, Ang?” 
Everyone’s waiting for her to respond.
“Oh, please. Of course I knew! I just didn’t stick my nose in their business like Talia did.” 
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because you turn into a gossipy little schoolgirl when you drink.”
(hangs his head)
“I do not…” 
(clears his throat and pats Wesley on the back) 
“You really do, bud.” 
"What about me?" 
"What about you?"
"Seriously? You're my best friend."
"You two had vibes. There was no way I was telling you." 
"When she was my rookie? No, we did not."
People are nodding along with Angela and muttering under their breath. 
(leans in)
“What was that?”
Lucy elbows him in the side playfully.
(steps forward)
“Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I’m sensing someone coming through with a J name. He wants me to tell you there were definite vibes.” 
Her statement is met with stunned silence. 
CELINA (cont.)
“He also says Smitty owes him 20 bucks. Do you know who this is?” 
CELINA (cont.)
(before anyone answers, Celina’s face softens)
“But what he really wants me to tell you is… it’s about damn time.” 
Tim and Lucy smile sweetly at each other and he leans down to kiss her. Everyone in the room starts clapping, egging them on. Tim dips Lucy back and deepens the kiss as the Midwilshire crew cheers, the sound of glasses clinking in the air. 
Kudos and comments on AO3 are always appreciated! Thanks for reading.
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anyalovesu · 3 months
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tolerate it.
viii. always taking up too much space or time.
—“being taken care of by him was weird. it doesn’t feel real to let him take all necessary ministrations to make sure i’m on track, that was my job. even long before we fell apart. i was the one who made sure he was in line, and he rarely ever was. he didn’t seem to want this before, why does he keep on acting like he’s suddenly willing to make this work?”
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2 weeks passed after the engagement party and to say the least, Elijah hasn’t recovered from what had just been exposed that day. 
If she was distant to Leon before that, she was even more distant now. She was leaving the house too early in the morning before Leon was even up just so she wouldn’t get to see his face before she leaves. After work, she goes home to their old apartment with the girls before going home when it was already too late and she was sure that Leon was asleep. 
Eli has been missing hours of sleep just so she could avoid him and on top of that she hasn’t been eating well either, even if Leon consistently sent her food in the office. She kept on giving it to her co-workers and chose to eat cafeteria food that wasn’t half as good as the food that was sent to her. 
Everything related to Leon made her feel like she was going to have a breakdown and it wasn’t even his fault. It was all hers. She was the one who leaned in to kiss him. It wasn’t him. It was her fault but Leon was a reminder, as clear as day, that she was the reason why Bianca and Liz are not talking and why Liz hates her now. Even Isaac probably hates her too. 
“Babes, you have bisita,” Ynes knocked on their office door. “Papasukin ko ba?”
Mindlessly, Eli nodded and gave her a thumbs up. 
“Hey.” Elijah almost had a whiplash with how quick her head turned to the person who had just entered her cubicle.
“Bakit ka andito?” She asked, sounding more upset than she intended to.
“To bring you food?” He replied with a matter of factly tone, even raising the bags of take out from Din Tai Fung. 
She softens at the thought that he remembered Din Tai Fung was her favorite restaurant.
But that was before.
Was her favorite.
Not anymore.
They had grown too far apart when she decided that she was done with Din Tai Fung and preferred eating Korean cuisine instead. Everyone else in her life knew that shift, except him.
“But I don’t like Chinese food anymore,” Eli replied curtly, looking at him with a blank expression on her face.
“I like it and wala kang choice. Kakain ka kasama ako.”
“I already ate.”
“Sinungaling. Sabi ni Architect Hwang hindi ka pa lumalabas dito mula noong dumating ka kaninang umaga,” he replied, raising a brow at her. 
Why was he being like this? Why is he acting like he still cares? Hindi naman kailangan dahil wala namang nanonood na hindi alam.
“Hindi pa ako gutom,” she argued, trying to go back to what she was doing but Leon is one persistent motherfucker. He pulled the swivel chair away from her desk and turned it towards him.
“Hindi mo kailangan magutom para kumain,” Leon stated, pulling her up from her chair. Close to practically manhandling her if Eli was a little more persistent and refused to stand up. 
“Bakit mo ba ginagawa pa ‘to? Hindi naman na kailangan! Wala namang nanonood, Leon,” she snapped at him.
“I was starting to miss you,” Leon answered truthfully. 
It surprised Eli to hear that from him. It was a bold answer to hear especially from Leon himself. But at the end of the day, she should’ve expected it. Leon was always more honest than her. He was much more of an open book compared to her. Notorious for speaking before even thinking things through. It was very Leon to say that.
But why did it still surprise her?
Most probably because she never thought she mattered that much to Leon to be missed. 
“Ilang araw ka nang umiiwas sa akin,” he replied, patiently, even if the answer was right under her nose.
Elijah was silenced by the honesty. “I have a lot of work to do, ang dami kong naiwan na trabaho dahil doon sa party. Tapos may appointment pa uli next week, inaayos ko na ang mga trabaho ko para hindi na sumagabal sa isang linggo.”
“Why do you always have to lie to me?” he blurted out, sighing as he continued to shock Elijah with his responses. “Kakain lang naman tayo. I’m not gonna do anything that will cause you trouble.
“I know I’ve done enough for you. Hindi ko na dadagdagan.”
“Good afternoon, Miss Yang,” one of the interns greeted her in the cafeteria of the building where she and Leon were eating. “Congratulations on your engagement!”
“Sweet naman, oo,” Ynes laughed, placing her food next to Elijah and fitting herself on the chair next to her. “Buti kumain ka?”
“Ayaw ako tantanan,” she replied dryly. “By the way, baka ma-late ako ng uwi later. May pupuntahan pa ako after naka-leave rin ako tomorrow. So no need to wait for me to get home.”
“Samahan na kita?” Leon offered.
“Uuwi ako ng Batangas, ‘wag na. Magaaway lang tayo sa byahe.”
“Sama ako,” Ynes offered. 
“I’m going to Myla’s house,” Elijah replied blandly. “You’re not gonna like how you’ll see me. It’s best kung umuwi nalang kayo at magpahinga sa inyo inyong mga bahay.”
“Palagi akong kasama kela Myla?” Leon looked offended that he was being refused an invitation to visit her grandmother when he has always gone to her home every time ever since she could remember. Even then they were too young to drive cars, Leon commuted with Eli if it meant he’ll come to go to Myla’s home.
“You haven’t for the past few years,” she responded, seemingly not caring about how he’ll react. “And I’ve gone alone ever since. Hindi mo naman kailangan magpanggap na importante rin sa’yo na umuwi roon. It’s not like you remember why I’m going.”
Ynes knew exactly why she was going back. She always went home alone and never let anyone go with her tuwing uuwi siya roon. Even in the four years that she was with Isaac, she never let him go with her. She went there tuwing malapit na ang birthday n’ya. It’s always a day before her birthday, she would go home and spend time with Myla even two years after she passed.
“Si Myla ‘yon, bakit hindi ako p’wedeng kasama?” Leon pouted like a little kid.
“See? Hindi mo nga naalalala,” Elijah sighed. Bakit pa nga ba s’ya nag-expect? It’s Leon.
“Bakit ka nga ba pupunta?” 
“If you can’t remember it, then it’s not important to you. P’wedeng hindi ka na sumama,” she replied.
Ynes couldn’t help but notice the shift in Elijah’s mood. Seeing how upset she was getting over Leon not remembering why she had to take the leave and go back to their hometown. Ynes looked at him, as if trying to give him a hint why. But he only proved that he was just as dense as Eli told he was.
“Hindi ka ba nahihiya ka Myla na inaaway mo ako?”
“I told Myla you left me.”
“Ang sama ng ugali mo,” he pouted. “Ipagda-drive ka na nga eh.”
“Kung hindi importante sa’yo hindi ka kailangan doon, Leon. And masama talaga ang ugali ko, right? That’s what Krizal told you kaya you left me.”
“Bumabawi na nga eh,” he kept on pouting like a child which annoyed Elijah to see him looking like that just across her. “Hindi kita aawayin. Promise.”
“Anong oras ang labas mo?” Elijah scoffed, rolling her eyes, honestly in disbelief that she was giving in. But it would be beneficial. 
There’s nothing to hide anyway. Leon already saw her in what she thought was already her worst state and to top it all off, she promised Myla she would only bring a guy for her to meet if she’s sure that she’s going to marry that person. 
It was disgusting to think that promise was made when she was very young and the only boy she ever went to see her Myla with was Leon. Lo and behold, he is the only guy she brought for her to meet. She never really expected that Leon would actually end up being that person that she’ll marry. But then again, in four years, she never felt like it was the right time for Isaac to meet Myla even in her own wake when she passed. 
Leon was the only guy Myla met and the only guy she’ll ever meet because it was going to end there. She’s stuck with Leon for the rest of her life once they tie the knot in a few months.
“5PM, sunduin kita dito.”
“6 pa ang tapos ko.”
“Antayin kita.”
“Ayaw ko ng magulo kapag nagtatrabaho ako.”
“You act like magkaiba tayo ng field.”
“Yeah? I’m creative and you’re one of those minimalist and functional people.”
“Grabe ang minimalist shaming ha?”
“Nothing against it, I just personally think your works specifically might be functional but they’re boring.”
Ynes snorted which broke the already building tension between the two. “Nagaaway na kayo agad,” she laughed.
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“So quiet, Ruby,” Leon mumbled, keeping his eyes on the road as they entered the tollway to get to Batangas. “Okay ka lang?”
“Did you know Isaac is going out with someone already?” Eli sniffled, turning to look at him, resting the back of her head against the glass window.
Elijah watched Leon shake his head, curiously glancing only to see Eli’s eyes glossing with tears. “Hindi ko alam.”
“Alam ni Kuya Tobi. Alam ni Jas. Now my entire friend group know. I couldn’t ask kung sino but I have a feeling na yun yung maganda nilang intern.”
“I don’t even know why I’m crying. Ako naman ang dahilan kung bakit kami nagbreak,” Eli shrugged using the back of her hand to wipe the tears that had already fallen from her cheeks. “Kasalanan ko naman.”
Leon couldn’t help but feel his heart squeeze. Something about Elijah hinting that she is still in love with Isaac made his heart twinge a little. Maybe he was hopeful that after the kiss, there would be something but as he sees it now and the past few days, that was an honest mistake. A mistake no one would have expected from Eli, but a big mistake nonetheless.
“If it hurts, then okay lang umiyak,” Leon replied quietly. “Tapos matulog at magpahinga ka. Malayo pa tayo, umidlip ka muna.”
“Sasakit ang ulo ko mamaya.”
Elijah did not seem to want to make an argument out of it, but he was right. Crying is humanizing after all. What hurts will make you cry. Elijah has feelings after all, no matter how hard she tries to pretend like it doesn’t exist and it doesn’t bother her.
“Sasakit rin naman ang ulo mo kapag umiyak ka ng umiyak,” he replied softly. “Matulog ka na muna. Gigisingin kita kapag malapit na.”
Elijah was oddly undefiant today. She didn’t want to seem to argue or pick a fight about everything, which worried Leon. He takes a mental note to ask his brother what he knows that he doesn’t after all these, just so he would have an idea how to handle the situation.
Once they got to Batangas, to that old familiar house by the beach, Leon had no choice but to ruin Eli’s peaceful slumber. He tried tapping her shoulder from the open passenger door of her own car but she did not respond.
“Ruby, andito na tayo,” Leon hummed, carefully caressing her cheek, successfully waking her up. “Lika na, naipasok ko na ang gamit mo. Inaantay na tayo ni Mamay sa loob.”
“Anong niluto ni Mamay?” she asked, sleepily. Leon couldn't help but smile at the wonder in front of him, sitting there in all of its glory with slightly tousled hair and sleepy eyes.
“Sinigang na salmon,” he replied with a soft smile, knowing how she used to love that dish when they were kids. “Nakahuli daw si Tatay kaninang umaga, inuwi nalang dito dahil uuwi ka raw.”
Even Leon noticed the glint in her sleepy eyes. It really was as beautiful as he remembers it, especially the way the bright front door light reflected in the corner of her eyes. She rubbed her eyes with a small smile on her face before allowing Leon to help her out of the car.
Mamay could not contain her happiness upon seeing Eli. Considering that she visits only once a year with her schedule and everything, it was always a delight to see her back in the house, especially now with Leon. Someone Mamay noticed she hasn’t gone with for the past few years. After all, her grandmother’s very loyal housekeepers treated her like their own granddaughter long before Carmine Yang passed away.
Batangas was always a place she looked back to whenever she felt unloved. This was the first place she ran to when Leon left her, she cried to Myla for hours until she fell asleep. Very vividly, Eli remembers Myla never saying anything against Leon. Maybe somehow, she always knew. She was one of the people who built Yang Enterprises after all, she had every right to know what was going on. Eli is positive now that she knew, she just had to keep the secret.
“Ay jusko, anak, bat mugto ang mata?” Dolores asks, carefully holding the woman’s face as she examines the tear stains that were still on her face. “Kaawa-awa naman ang anak ko. Buti at pinagdrive ka ni Leon! Mahaba ang byahe tapos hindi pala maganda ang pakiramdam mo.”
They’re Eli’s safe space, of course they knew about the diagnosis. They went the extra mile to go to a computer shop and ask for assistance to learn about Elijah’s illness just so they would know how to treat her whenever she comes home. Despite the generational gap, they managed to pick up that Eli was sick and she needed all the love she could have and love is what they gave. Unconditional and unwavering. They never had a child again after their only daughter died when she was young, after all. Somehow, Eli healed them as well.
“Parine na at kumain, anak,” she enthusiastically guided her towards the table where the bowl of Sinigang sat, hot and freshly cooked. “Kumain ka ng madami ha?”
Leon could only watch as Dolores doted on the young woman. The peaceful look on Elijah’s face tells him that she is okay for now. What happens after dinner is another story, it’s not that he knew. Even after Carmine Yang’s wake, this is the first time that he was back. He has been gone for too long to know what happens after. 
In the same way that Eli sees him as a stranger now, it’s exactly how it is for Leon too now that he’s taken the time to see how much Eli has changed in a couple of years.
How much of her color has faded, and how much of her spirit was torn away. 
“Hi, Myla,” Eli sighs as she sits in front of the altar where the urn sat at the end of the hall. “I went with Leon today. Again, after years.”
She talked to her as if her grandmother sat there beside her and listened to every word she said. It was delusional to say the least, but it was comforting—how the idea of telling all your worries to a dead person’s ashes can never make you feel judged.
Unbeknownst to her, Leon sat by the doorway of his separate room at the other end of the hallway. He watched her quietly, enjoying the sight of Eli completely laying her armors down to open up to Myla. 
“I’m getting married, Myla,” she mumbled, choking on the word married as if she wasn’t ready for it at all. Well, she wasn’t, neither was Leon. But is there anything that they can do? “Kaya dinala ko si Leon dito. We’re gonna get married by May this year. 24th. That’s gonna be your death anniversary too, right? Next week, makikipagkita kami ni Ynes sa designer. Maghahanap na kami ng damit na susuotin sa kasal. Dad suggested that I wear Papa’s necklace, yung bigay mo when they got married? Sabi nya I wear that kapag kinasal ako. My something old yon. My something new naman I don’t know pa.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen after this Myla. Everyone is moving on, adjusting and everything and I’m still here taking up too much time to move on. I feel like naiwan na ako ng lahat and no one will ever be willing enough to wait for me and be patient with me whenever I take up too much space and time. Para namang makakahanap pa ako ng iba, ikakasal na nga ako eh.
“Ewan ko. Everytime na magbbirthday ako, hindi ko mapigilang malungkot. I mean, I have been malungkot for weeks now. I’m afraid I’m gonna have an episode na uli, I’m scared, Myla. I have so much to do, okay naman ako noong mga nakaraang araw. I’m getting sick again, Myla. I’m sorry.”
That broke Leon’s heart to hear her keep on talking to her grandmother like that with a voice longing for comfort that cannot be given anymore.
“I feel bad for breaking Isaac’s heart, Myla,” she mumbled. “Kasalanan ko naman. He had every right to look for someone new, but it hurt to feel guilty, La. I should learn to love Leon, no? He’s not too bad naman, I know he’s not a bad person. He took care of me during the engagement party and made sure I was okay the entire time dahil sa nangyari bago magsimula. He’s not the same person you knew, but he’s keeping his promise naman sa’yo. Everyone keeps saying na he just needs to warm up and he will be okay, pero parang ako ‘yung may kailangan noon. Ako ang may problema, Myla.”
She kept on talking which only broke Leon’s heart further but he knew it wasn’t only his heart that was breaking. If that hurt for him, how much more would it feel for someone who experiences it first-hand? How does that feel for Eli?
For a moment, Leon no longer sees the Eli he is engaged to. It felt like he was looking at the younger version of Eli, venting to Carmine about her troubles. It used to be people ignoring her or Soren Yang preferring to look at either of her brothers instead of her—it used to be things Carmine could fix or resolve. But now that Carmine is gone and her problems are now so deeply ingrained inside her, Leon could not help but feel bad that he couldn’t fix it for her in place of Carmine. 
He was just as helpless as the next person is but was he going to let that stop him?
“Halika dito,” Leon mumbled as soon as Eli noticed him sitting down in the back. He stood up to rise to her level and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry I wasn’t a very good person.”
“Hindi ko kailangan ang awa mo,” she replied to him softly while still engulfed in his hug that she could not get herself to return.
“Alam ko,” he replied, placing a firm kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry. Tell me what I have to do to make you feel better, okay?” 
Elijah looked at him with glossy eyes, his own eyes glossing at the sight of his best friend looking so lost and broken. What is this for? Why is he doing this?
“Tell me the truth, Leo,” she choked out, never feeling more pathetic before. “When are you going to stop?”
“Gusto mo ba akong tumigil ako?”
The question stunned her, rendering her unable to speak and frozen while still staring at the stars that were only mere reflections of light in the gloss over his eyes. 
Does she want him to stop?
Or was she simply afraid that she’ll get used to it only to watch him walk out the door again?
She didn’t know what to tell him out of fear to break his heart to protect her own peace. She really wanted to make this work, mend the broken friendship that had faded over time — perhaps really try if she’d find herself loving him the same way she did before. But the fear was too big — bigger than her, she could say. If she was going to love him, she doesn’t know what was going to happen if she’ll have to watch him leave her again to rot like the insignificant little thing she always thought she was.
“Do you want me to stop, Ellie?” He asked again, in a more hopeful tone this time that she would say ‘no’ and let him truly love her this time. “Tell me, Ellie. Titigil ako kung iyon ang gusto mo.”
The thing that hurt the most was the fact that he didn’t say it in a way that was abrasive to pressure her to give an answer. It was assuring. An assurance that the decision was in her hands, and that whatever her decision would be, he would respect it even if it would cost him his own peace.
Tears began falling from Leon’s eyes before Eli could even feel hers.  “I want you to stop leaving me, Leon,” she finally says. “Hindi ko alam kung kakayanin ko pa uling iwan mo ako. I want you to stop making me feel like I matter tapos bukas parang hindi na ako tao sa paningin mo. Kung iyon lang din ang gagawin mo, tumigil ka na, Leo.”
Leon could not help but feel his lips curve at her vague response. He finds himself shutting his eyes in happiness that he was given a chance to fix his fuck ups, kissing her forehead once more. 
“I’m sorry I left you, Ellie,” he could not help but sob as he held her closer, finally feeling Eli wrap her arms around his waist. “I will be better.”
(click here for: texts with tobi, leon, and bianca)
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Well... You have to know that I'm a sucker for angst, so maybe something about the fia prize giving?
At first Charles was even excited, because he was finally ending this horrible season and he was supposed to be there with his mommy! He just loved showing up with you, so everyone could see how you're holding his hand wrapping your arms around his waist. But then it turned out that you have to stay at home and can't go with him ang he's just so sad... But he had to be there and it was awful.
Because he was there on his own, without his mommy, without Andrea or Carlos or even someone from the ferrari crew. He was all alone! And it just drove him to the edge, especially that highlight of the season with all ferrari fuck-ups. It hurt him so much, so he left straight after the official part and rushed to the airport, because he wanted to get to you as fast as he could, he just needed his mommy.
Meanwhile you had no idea what happened. You were just waiting for Charles to get home, the scene and aftercare carefully planned in your head. As his mommy, you wanted to make him feel good, reward him for being such a brave boy. But when he comes home, you immediately forget about all the toys prepared in the bedroom.
Charles is so sad and miserable and when he's telling you what happened at the gala, you see all the tears gathering in his eyes and you can't stand this! Because how could they do such a horrible thing to your Charles? Your precious little Charles. And he's just standing there, waiting for you to do something because he trusts you so much, he knows that his mommy will make things better, mommy can fix everything!
So you're dropping your plans about fucking him tonight and just skipping to the aftercare. 'coz he is clearly in need of it.
You're hugging him, kissing and reassuring that he is your precious boy. You have to repeat him a few times that he's a good driver, because he don't wanna believe you! They made him so upset that he's doubting his achievements and it's just breaking your heart.
After that you prepare him a bath and wash him gently with your favorite shower gel so that he can feel your scent on him. After that you take him to your bedroom and just lie with him, wrapped in the duvet. Charles lies on top of you, with his head pressed against your chest right above your heart, sucking on your nipple. He doesn't want anything sexual, it just brings him comfort. He might have an oral fixation...
You spend the whole evening like this. Lying with him and rubbing his back, while he's sucking at your tit. At some point, he calms down and you fall asleep together.
- 🪸
Oh my god. You might become our resident angst anon while 🍁 becomes our resident Charles defender. Because this is just... fucking incredible I am obsessed with every bit of this THANK YOU FOR THIS MASTERPIECE!!!
So firstly, Charles would be so excited to take you to the prize giving ceremony! Even though he was really not looking forward to it, he loves any opportunity to see you all dressed up and to be able to stand next to you. And he knew you would hold his hand the entire evening and make sure he never felt alone and then take him home after and show him how much you love him.
Maybe it's Ferrari's fault that you cant come with? Attendees have to confirm whether they'll be bringing a plus one or not, and Ferrari somehow forget that Charles has a wholeass girlfriend and so they say no plus one for him.
When he finds out, he's utterly heartbroken? Now he has to walk the red carpet on his own and then sit through the entire ceremony on his own and he just... he can barely stand the thought of it.
And then when he realises literally no one from Ferrari is coming, he doesnt even know what to do with himself. He's all on his own, absolutely no support in his stupid Ferrari suit and they didnt even remember to let him bring his mommy.
The ceremony ended up way worse than he ever thought. He thought they would focus on max, since he won the championship, but instead they focus on him? On all the worst parts of his season?
He's just sitting there, trying so hard not to cry because he knows there are cameras on him. He just wants to slip under the table ands sob his little heart out. Actually no. He wants to hold his mommy's hand. That's it. That's all he wants.
He leaves the moment he can, practically sprinting to the car and driving straight to the airport because he needs to get back to you the moment he can. He doesnt even stay to take pictures with the fans outside, because he can't. He just can't do that. He needs to get back to his mommy.
You're waiting anxiously at home for him, not even watching the prize giving yourself because that way Charles can tell you everything himself, because you know he loves giving you an entire debrief about things like that.
You expect him to be a little upset, but you also assumed the prize giving would focus mainly on max so you expect him to be just a little upset, so that scening with him would make him feel okay again.
But then you open the door and he's already in tears? He started crying in the elevator on the way up to the apartment, because he just couldn't hold back anymore, so when you open the door you just get an armful of Charles. He throws himself into your arms, crying softly and letting you lead him to the living room.
You hold him tight as he tells you all about the ceremony, and your heart just breaks for your little one. Because how fucking DARE they do that to him? Your sweet little Charles? He gives them his heart and soul and they respond by show casing all his worst moments?
Once he's finished telling you everything he wants to tell you, he pulls away from your hold and then just stares at you, waiting. He's told you everything, and now he needs you to take care of.
And he truly isnt worried anymore. Even though he hasn't even asked you to help him, he doesnt need to. You're his mommy, you will ALWAYS help him, no matter what.
So he just waits, because he knows his mommy will make it all better again.
You start off by just pulling him back into your chest and kissing his head, telling him that he is your good boy, your best boy, the goodest boy. He whines against your chest, crying softly because the praise hits him so hard.
Once you've praised him over and over agin, then you make him lay down on the couch and get on top of him. Charles frowns, very confused about why his mommy is on him and not the other way around, but he trusts you!! And he knows whatever you do will be what he needs.
You just start kissing his cheeks, and then his nose and his forehead and his cheeks again and then just go wild. It's what you do at the end of every scene, just to make him giggle and smile.
And it works of course, making him giggle and feel so good. He wraps his arms around you to keep you in place, not wanting the kisses to end.
Of course he gets a bath then. Normally he'll wait while you run the bath, but this time he's so tired and so overwhelmed that you know you can't leave him alone. So instead, you hold his hand and lead him to the bathroom, letting him sit on the closed toilet while you run the bath.
Then you let him undress you, because he loves doing that. He presses kisses all over you as he removes your clothes, cause he's just so in love and he needs to kiss you.
He starts crying again when he realises you're using your body wash so that he smells like you. It is such a small thing but it means so much to him, makes him feel so safe.
You spend the rest of the night cuddling, letting him lick and suck your chest to his heart's content. It's not sexual at all, just for some comfort. You play with his hair and stroke his back and give him kisses whenever he looks up at you.
He ends up falling asleep and when he wakes up, he's still feeling very small and sensitive but so much better now that his mommy has looked after him a bit. He's just so ready for the holidays so that he can be your subby baby at all times.
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