#beaters and pickers
Beaters & Pickers, Pheasant Shoot, Surrey, UK. Images ©Jason Florio
Portraits of Beaters and Pickers at a Surrey pheasant shoot, Surrey UK. Pickers often work in tandem with gun dogs or retrieving dogs to aid in the efficient recovery of shot game. They may direct or assist the dogs in locating and retrieving birds, enhancing the overall efficiency of the process. Beaters aim to create a controlled movement of game birds, ensuring they fly in a predictable…
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rt8815 · 1 year
People are behaving extra obnoxiously today
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rabchunter · 1 year
I spent the last couple of days of the 2022/2023 Game and Wildfowling season in Hampshire.
I was the personal guest of the Estate Owner David and my dear friend and 4th generation Game Keep Rob.
I arrived bright and early in time for breakfast at the big house, immediately I was greeted as an old friend and a fine mug of tea put into my hand, real tea made from loose tea in a tea pot I might add
Intime the other guns, guests, beaters and pickers up arrived and we're greeted the same way as I was, this is a very prestigious shoot, but everyone is greeted and treated as friends.
Breakfast eaten we headed out on the estate, what a beautiful sunny final day it was too, the scenery was magnificent, I do love that part of Hampshire.
The birds came from Perdix Valley Game Farm, I will say right from the start of the season to this last day, the birds held well and flew absolutely wonderful, on the table they eat well too.
Every drive producing some of the finest birds you will see anywhere especially on the flat lands of Hampshire, testiment to the Perdix Valley high standards and the keepering skills of my dear friend Rob.
A fine 3 course meal was had back at the big house, we came back for the sweet and port after we had gone out and done a final duck flight.
My barrels were blazing red as I asked to be placed in a quiet spot, the duck had other ideas and made my peg a hot spot, some truly magnificent duck were presented, for a moment I thought I was back on the fore shore shooting wild mallard as these ducks flew strong and sporting, every duck taken was a testing shot, again testiment to the high standards of Perdix Game and Robs Keepering Skills.
Back for the puddings and port, everyone left later that evening, all that was left were Rob David, Myself and a couple of guests sat drinking warming Brandy, enjoying a fine cigar Infront of the big open fire and chatting like school boys.
A truly magnificent day and night spent with good friends enjoying the wonderful art of Game Shooting 💪🧔🐾🐶🙏⚔️🛡️ www.theolehedgecreeper.co.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #goosethecockerspaniel #perdix #perdixvalleygame #gameshooting #gameshootinghampshire
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uprising-hq · 2 years
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event: quidditch fundraiser
you're invited to attend the Potter War Memorial Foundation quidditch fundraiser at Hogwarts.
info under cut
mod; this will take place on the Hogwarts quidditch pitch. carnival activities, booths, food, and games will be in the surrounding areas. all characters are invited to attend. we put the teams in a picker wheel to decide the teams. this isn't a plot event, so you can start before, after, or during the games.
this event has begun. we'll run it through next wednesday, september 28th. no new starters should be made after that date.
tag for opens only (don't tag closed with this tag): uhq.quidditch
team one
chasers: Reese Weasley, Elliott Cameron
beaters: Hugo Weasley, Jackson Krum
keeper: Lily Potter
seeker: Will Peverell
team two
chasers: Marcie Bloem-Weasley, YJ Chang
beaters: Dylan Parkinson, James Potter
keeper: Ophelia Einar
seeker: Cassie Malfoy
winner: TEAM TWO
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trio era team one
chasers: Luna Lovegood
seeker: Harry Potter
trio era team two
chasers: Ginny Weasley
seeker: Draco Malfoy
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Team Bowtruckle v. Team Demiguise
The second set of matches has begun. The next six teams are up against each other to see who goes into the next round. Up first is the rock-climbing races. The rules are similar to that of the obstacle course. A player from each team goes up against each other to get to the top and the winner earns a point for their team. Due to an uneven number on each team, Sebastian Nott, a healer in training from Team Demiguise, will climb twice.
First up is Reid Anderson, a chaser for the Montrose Magpies, against Wizengamot scribe, Evangeline Pickering. Anderson’s time was pretty fast and he beat Pickering, who tried really hard but stumbled and scraped her shin on the way up. One point for team Bowtruckle. Next was bookstore owner, Jonah Finch against seeker for the Appleby Arrows, Vera McKinnon. This race caught the attention of everyone not because it was a tight race but because Finch was clearly intoxicated, even caught drinking from a flask before it started. He barely made it a few meters up before losing his grip and falling. Though he didn’t give up despite a possible concussion, McKinnon was practically at the top with one of the fastest times of the day. Another point for team Bowtruckle.
It wasn’t a complete failure for Team Demiguise. Both Long Huojin, a club owner, and auror-in-training, Evelyn Carrow won their races for their team. Aleksander Gaunt also beat his opponent Fletcher Duke and was seen very obviously showboating as he tried to impress someone among the spectators. Sebastian Nott goes up against Holyhead Harpies beater, Roxanne Weasley for his first race and beats her. Weasley had a bad fall and sprained her ankle. Nott tended to the wound until fully fledged healers arrived. His second race was up against Alec Fray, who stumbled and scraped his arm but managed to make it to the top. Not before Sebastian though and the healer-in-training earned two points for his team.
The last race was between Benjamin Ollivander, a wandmaker, and Bentley Lockhart, who is studying to be a muggle veterinarian. Though he stumbled, Ollivander won the race and that brought the final score to five for Demiguise and seven for Bowtruckle !! See you all soon for the tug ‘o war between teams Manticore and Occamy !!
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Chapter 2.
Peregrination > j.jk
Disorient - (v.) make (someone) lose their sense of direction; make (someone) feel confused.
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You stare at the seven boys in front of you as you sit in the large air conditioned mobile dressing room. They go about their conversations and all you can do is stare. First of all, what the hell are you doing here? And second, how are these seven people so beautiful? “Y/N?” Seokjin asks making the attention in the room fall on you. You look over at the familiar face, your head tilting as you stare at him. He was wearing the same outfit as he did on the train. Who is he? How does he have this magic? Is magic, seriously, real? He flashes his hand in front of your face. “You okay?” He widens his eyes leaning forward, “Act normal.” He whispers lowly, you clear your throat and nod. You shift uncomfortably in your chair as Namjoon looks at you. "Y/N you look pale, maybe you should just stay in here for the rest if your shoot and have your assistants do our hair." My assistants? I have people that work FOR me? All these memories in my mind, all these happy moments with them that flash by are shocking. In this life you’re genuinely happy? What a strange concept. You look at Hoseok and smile as he plays games with Taehyung. Looking on at them, you feel a small smile spread over my face. Your heart overwhelmed with love. These were your friends, your best friends even. “Five minutes till set.” Someone calls as they pass by the trailers open door. Jeongguk sighs as he grabs his long sleeve black t-shirt. His muscles flexing through his wife beater as he looks over at you. “I wish I could walk around like you, Y/N.” He points towards your body and you look down, tattoos gracing your arms, a small gasp emitting from you. Wow, they were beautiful. The were colorful and large. The suited your arms perfectly. You always wanted tattoos in my old life but could never afford them. He points at his black half sleeve of tattoos before throwing on his shirt. You wanted to get into conversation and yet, at the same time the conflicting feeling like you were somewhere you weren’t supposed to be was present in the back of your mind. Like I was eavesdropping on conversations of people you had never met. “You’re usually so talkative, what’s going on?” Yoongi calls out lifting his arm off his eyes and peaking at you. With the sputter of your lips, you shrug. “She must have hit her head pretty hard.” Seokjin tries to cover for you and you are grateful. Grateful for his magic and grateful for the kind person he is. “Y/N?” Your head snaps up at the familiar voice. “Ha Won!” You cry out loudly jumping out of your seat. She smiles happily as you run at her, arms wide open ready for the embrace. She hugs you tightly as a sense of relief washes over you. At least you weren’t completely alone in this, you had Ha Won. “This is insane, one minute I’m waiting for you downstairs at the book publications office. The next minute, Seokjin shoves me into the closet and here I am. New memories and everything.” You wanted to cry, she was the same as always. She was your Ha Won. A burning sensation begins at the back of your eyes as she hugs you tighter. “I thought I was alone.” You whine quietly as she pats your back. “We’re together. Best friends forever, right?” You nod weakly as tears begin to dot your cheeks. “Don’t cry.” She says pulling back and wiping at your cheeks with a giggle, you sniffle and roll your eyes. Emotion wasn’t one of your specialties before but now you had so much of it. Seokjin clears his throat and you look at him with a grateful smile. He winks at you before leaning back in his chair. “That’s Y/N. See, she’s crying. She’s fine.” Jimin says with a laugh as he gently moves his hair. Wow, you must really be different. “Lets go.” A man calls from the doorway as all the guys stand. 
“Stay here for a while, gather yourself.” Seokjin says in passing as he eyes the both of you as the file out. “Hwaiting!” Ha Won cheers making Yoongi snort as he exits last. You pull Ha Won by the wrist over to the chairs. “This is so insane.” You whine stomping your feet. She puts her hair in a bun as she looks you over. “Magic really is real. This is so crazy. I’m a make-up artist, something I always wanted to try and here you are doing hair. I mean- I mean, just look at your shoes.” You look down at your leather boots. You hadn’t even thought to assess yourself, you turn to look in the long set up mirror. “Wow.” You whisper standing to get a full look at yourself. Your body graced with name brands that in your old life would have made you vomit just to look at the prices. “I guess good things do happen to people down on their luck.” Ha Won laughs crossing her legs. “And we just get to stay here? In this life?” You ask looking back at her. She puts her head in her hand as it leans on the arm rest. “I didn’t get much out of Seokjin with so many people around but it seems so. We are an ‘integral part of their lives.’ So that must mean we can stay.” You open your mouth slightly giving a nod. “Shit.” You hiss out, you were happy but still feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. “They’re all so handsome.” She whispers as your weak body slams into your chair. You didn’t care about that, even though it was true. You couldn’t wrap your head around this, seeing handsome people was the least of your worries. “How am I supposed to act like I know them?” You find yourself asking, your voice sounding astonished. “Fake the funk, y’know. Take yourself out of this weird experience and make yourself realize that you deserve to be here. Just go on your new memories.” Ha Won says making you scoff. Sure it was easy for her, she was always good at adjusting. “Y/N?” You jump at the noise through a walkie talkie on the side table by you. You grab it, inspecting it as you press a button. “Yes?” You call through it, “Director would like to see you for stylistic direction.” You look up at Ha Won surprised. “I don’t know anything about stylistic direction! I had one pair of shoes!” You whisper fiercely as she giggles. “Maybe your new you knows a lot about it.” She says clamping her hand over her mouth as she laughs. You groan before pushing the button. “Be right there!” You can hear how nervous your voice sounded. This was not good. “Seokjin should have just made me a trash picker or something.” You mumble standing with Ha Won. “You got this. Trust your new you! With this style, I’m sure you have something insightful to give.” You stomp your feet in desperation. You could trust the new you, what else do you have to lose?
You step out of the trailer, your hand finds your face as you try to block the sun. It was ripping hot out here, you look around, fields of sunflowers greet you. It was really beautiful, the way the sun danced over the flowers and how it peaked through the trees. Before, you wouldn’t have even paid attention, nothing was beautiful to you. You look to your left as the seven boys stand under a make shift blue tarp tent. “Y/N!” The director calls with a smile and a wave. You watch as Seokjin eyes you carefully cutting off his conversation with Namjoon. You walk with Ha Won protectively at your back making you feel a sense of calming in this overwhelming day. “Yes?” You ask, mentally chiding yourself. You sound so meek and nervous. Who were you kidding, you were nervous. So nervous your palms began to sweat. “I wanted your opinion since you style so well. What would you think of placing the boys in the sunflowers?” Pictures in the flowers? You had no idea. You close your eyes, trust the new you. Let her shine, she was you after all. You look over at the field before tilting your head. “You could do that, or it might be a good idea to have some shots leaning against the trees. Even putting a few of them up in the tree and leaning against the branches. That’d be cool.” You say quickly, Ha Won pats your back and you look at Seokjin. He gives you a thumbs up impressed. You nod, you were impressed as well. Your new you did have knowledge. “Good idea! I like that.” “BEE!” Taehyung screams running around crazily before hiding behind you, His hands on your shoulders. He must be comfortable with you, you look over at him as memories play through your mind. 
You stroll with Taehyung late at night next to Han River. He looks at you, a black face mask on and his hood up almost covering his white baseball cap. “Sometimes I just want to disappear, y’know?” He huffs out before sitting on a bench over looking the water. “You don’t know how much you’re adored. I adore you, not for V but for Taehyung.” You say as he lays his head on your shoulder. “This pressure sometimes is really hard to deal with. I just want to be seen as Taehyung sometimes. I love my life but a break is nice, too. Like now, being able to just walk around with you is comfortable. You look at me as me and I’m so comfortable.” You pat his head as he kicks at the ground. “Money is nice but having true friends is nicer.” You nod puffing out your cheeks as you look up at the stars. “I’m really happy we have the relationship we do. Nobody should ever try to make you change for their benefit. You’re Kim Taehyung and you are your own person.” You say as he lifts his head. He pulls down his face mask and smiles. He grabs both of your hands and looks up at the moon. “You’re my best friend. I’m so grateful to you.” He sniffles before looking at you, his eyes welling with tears. “Thanks for always being there for me. Life would be really hard if I didn’t have such a true friend.” You smile before looking at the moon, as well. “Yeah, I am pretty great, huh?” You feign cockiness making him laugh. “Thanks for meeting me, I was going out of my mind pent up in my room.” “You needed a break, it’s normal. With me, you are just Tae.” He gives a big box smile, “Can we go get tteokbokki?” He asks pointing at the food tent farther down the road. You smile, “Sure. And I’ll even pay.” You say as he puts his arm in the air. “Did I mention you were my best friend.” You laugh loudly before standing and holding your hand out to him. “Come on, Tae.”
You turn your head as he cowers behind you. “You’re fine.” You care about this person, you only cared for Ha Won before. You look at the other six and your heart swells. You care for all of them. What a strange, wonderful feeling. “Let’s get Jimin up in the tree.” The director says pulling you out of your emotions. Jimin looks up from his phone and he frowns. “Maybe someone else? Jimin isn’t good with heights.” You say nonchalantly as you walk towards Jeongguk. “Oh? Is that so? Maybe Jeongguk then?” He gives a thumbs up as you walk with Taehyung pulling at your shirt behind you. “Yah!” You whine as he stretches your shirt. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Ha Won and Seokjin whispering to each other as she fixes his makeup. I guess this really was your life now. Jeongguk looks down at you with a goofy smile before sitting in the chair. You scrunch his long hair with your fingers before grabbing a comb from your back pocket. You separate strands of his hair to frame his face. He eyes you cautiously before relaxing. “Are you sure you’re alright? You gave me a scare before. I was worried about you.” “If I remember correctly, you tried really hard not to laugh in my face.” You tease making him chuckle, “It wasn’t intentional, I was just surprised.” You hum in agreement before folding your arms in front of you, Taehyung lets go of your shirt before sitting next to Jeongguk. “Shall we have our usual Friday meetup?” Taehyung asks the both of you. You raise an eyebrow, “The what?” You ask as Jimin approaches you all. “Kookies apartment. You know. Glasses of wine and relaxation time tonight?” Taehyung clarifies before frowning. “We do it every Friday when we can, how could you forget?” Jimin asks giving you a back hug. It clicks in your brain as memories of sitting on a large sofa with the three of them fills your mind. “Ah, yeah.” You rub your neck nervously before nodding. “Let’s do it.” Jeongguk looks up and smiles. “Good. We can head there from the company then.” 
You sit next to Seokjin as you watch the sky begin to turn shades of pink and orange. “How’s it goin’?” He asks simply, the question holds more meaning than what Hoseok would probably assume as he looks up from his phone. You clear your throat as you watch Jimin sniff a flower for the photo shoot. “I mean, I’m okay.” You pull at your collar before looking at your lap. “Hoseok-ssi, get ready please.” He gives a thumbs up before standing, his body cracks as he stretches making you laugh. “Aigo. I’m getting out.” He laughs before striding out to the field. You turn to Seokjin as your hands land in your lap. “I’m confused but I’m okay.” Seokjin smirks, “You’re doing great. A natural, just think of this as getting everything you ever deserved. You can be happy here. This is your life now.” “This magic, how does it work?” You ask and he smiles tilting his head. “It’s complicated to explain. Your cries were heard by a higher power.” Higher power? “So you’re God?” You ask confused, he lets out a loud laugh before shaking his head. “Angel. The term is Angel. I could never be God. I’m not that powerful, I just heard your wishes and they were granted by the higher power.” You watch as the blue tarp overhead blows in the wind, “Think of this as an alternate timeline. A time when your parents made all the right decisions, you were able to follow your heart and do what you wanted. Just know that your suffering wasn’t for nothing. Y/N.” He grabs your hand as you stare into his dark brown eyes. “You’re a good person, you have a good heart you just never had the chance to show it. This life is nothing without the love you have in your heart. Remember that? You were a twig in a large forest but now, you are the forest in a barren world. You give oxygen to those needing to breathe.” He stands as he hears his name being called. “You’re a nurturing forest.” He strides off confidently and you lean back in your chair. Wow, he has a way with words. 
“Y/N.” You look up at BTS’ manager as he approaches the blue tarp tent. “You’re coming to the meeting tomorrow right?” You stare up at the tall man, his smile friendly and you remember things about him. Jihyun. “Ah, of course.” You mutter, “It’s about Bon Voyage. We have to get everything prepared, you’ll be coming with us again so it’ll be good for you to be there.” You nod as the boys run out of the field. “You’ve worked hard.” They cheer as they jump up and down. “Food time!” Hoseok cheers as Jimin and Jeongguk approach you. You smile up at them as Jihyun hands you the itinerary for tomorrow. “We’ll head to Jeongguks from the restaurant then?” Jimin asks holding out a hand to help you up. “Sounds good to me.” You were a forest in a barren world. This life would be better. You vow to make that happen. 
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jtzvintagetamadrums · 5 years
What does $50 buy on Facebook Marketplace these days?
Hello again and Happy New Year! I hope this post finds you enjoying a prosperous baby New Year. Hopefully all good things ahead in 2019!
Okay...so I’ve been away from the old blog and WAY away from drum parts and restoration for quite a while now. I gotta admit, it gets to be a pain in the ass tracking down orphan drums, sorting parts, tearing down, cleaning, cataloging and restoring...and most of all, fielding questions and parts requests from vintage Tama drum bros from all around the world. I’ve also taken a break from selling on eBay and Craigslist because we all know what a royal pain in the ass that can be...and with increasingly diminishing returns to be had nowadays. I seriously needed to step away from the game so no one got hurt!
So back to “biness”. I always enjoy adding a few extra bucks per month to the investment account from diligent drum parts schlepping...and lately my personal finance bottom line once again came a calling. I was feeling I needed something to jump start my epic return to the old grind. Maybe a cheap kit to restore? Nope...got too many of those and my wife would murder me in my sleep..again! Most likely a decent lot of roached orphan drums to part out and/or restore and flip. Well a few days ago I found just the ticket, oddly enough...on Facebook Marketplace.
So being the bottom feeder that I am, here’s what $50 bought me...
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Yeah...I thought the same thing. At first glance, no big wowy zowy right? A roached King Beat snare and some other crap. 
Break it down one time!
(1) 81′ Tama King Beat snare
I was obviously into this deal for just the snare alone. This features a surprisingly complete KG parallel strainer assembly (shocker…both knobs are there!). I’ll need to remember to reassemble the complete strainer on the shell to ensure full functionality prior to scrapping the shell. Up close, overall this is not as shitty as it looks. The shorty coffin lugs (always in demand) don’t seem all that pitted nor do the PC die cast hoops. When I say “not all that pitted”, I mean typical of the era. There’s even a nice clean badge to boot. The big knob muffler is complete but the felt has disintegrated. Sure the shell is toast and is headed to an artificial reef but otherwise…parts heaven.
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(1) 98′ Spitfire by Slingerland 22″ kick drum
Wait what? A Spitfire by whoesy whatsit? Yeah I sure as hell never heard of them either. Not much info on these drums as they were a part of the tail end of the sad Slingerland demise and much akin to the Chinese import “Swingstar by Tama” entry level junk of the era. The wrap is a bit bubbly on this drum and it is missing both spur sets. It’s also sporting a pair of roached, previously chrome and otherwise pedestrian Rockstar looking hoops that have been painted black. These originally came with matching wrap inlay hoops similar to the Taiwan level early 90′s Tama Rockstar hoops. Me thinks to myself…”Self…hey…I have pair of black inlay Rockstar hoops! I also have a pair of telescoping, diamond bolt pattern mount plate “Camco by Tama” (yikes!) kick spurs somewhere in the workshop that might fit the bolt pattern. Maybe I can smack this beast in the face, get it back into player’s shape and get $50 for it or donate it to the church for a tax receipt”. Win-win!
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Here’s a pic from an old Guitar Center listing of what a “Spitfire by Slingerland” kit should look like. I guess it’s your basic, late 90′s, Korean firewood shell, entry level beater you’d buy for your kid at Christmas that he then stops playing a week later. Again, standard Taiwan Rockstar style matchy matchy wrap inlay hoops and typical telescoping spurs of the 90′s era. Still sporting the vintage style Slingerland lugs all around though. Hmm. 
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(1) Mid 60′s 13″ Ludwig Keystone badge Rack Tom with Gold Sparkle Wrap
Okay so this one is a bit out of my wheelhouse. I’m no vintage Ludwig guy by any means, but this was kind of cool to stumble upon. Sadly painted black by some doofus from days of yore…there is clearly a vintage gold sparkle wrap that lurks beneath what looks like some black house paint hot mess. This drum does have the original tom mount intact, but is missing the bottom lugs and t rods so it is about 75% complete. I believe the bottom hoop was in the lot as well. The uber-fatty re-ring shell appears to be sound, in round and the “who knows how long it was exposed” bottom bearing edge doesn’t look all the bad surprisingly. The badge is a bit roached, but this drum is worth a re-wrap and resto by some eager Ludwig aficionado that has the parts and a shit load of free time on their hands. Heading directly to an eBay near you.
* 1/10/19 UPDATE! Upon closer inspection, what I thought was thick black paint turns out to be the same shitty contact paper/vinyl that is on the timbales mentioned below! I easily peeled some off this morning and the wrap looks pretty decent underneath.
So the plot thickens on this drum...resto or no?
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(2) No name 60′s era Japanese 13″ and 14″ copper over steel Timbales
Well now these are pretty f-ing cool. Listed as “no name concert toms” in the Facebook Marketplace ad, I was pleasantly surprised that these turned out to be steel shell timbales. Hell, who knows, they may be copper. Likely not…they look 60′s Japanese, which basically means they’re one step away from scrap steel. They’ve been wrapped in a flaking, deteriorated black contact paper (same doofus maybe?), but they appear to be your classic copper plate over steel finish beneath. I guess I’ll find out when I tear them down. Can’t really tell if it is all surface rust on the inside of the shells or just copper patina that gives it that “old penny” look. The lugs to me look like the pointy Japanese Star style lug common to the 60′s Star kits and similar Japanese stencil kits of the era. Regardless, I will likely keep these as I don’t actually own a set of timbales and they’d be fun to bang on. The t rods are pretty toasty so they’ll need to be addressed. Thankfully, the clip/slide mounts are intact as is the original dual mount that I can retrofit into something period correct or even a vintage Titan stand. If the shells are too crusty on the surface to recover the copper finish, I’ll have them media blasted locally and then send them to my nephew in Vermont to powder coat with a fun finish.
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Also included was an orphan but nonetheless classic Ludwig dual tom mount whose length seems to indicate it was from a stand. Then again, WTF do I know about Ludwig hardware? Regardless…more eBay fodder for the Ludwig loonies.
Okay so it is time to break down the potential flippage numbers “American Pickers - Bundle Mania!” style. I’ll keep it on the lower end of the $ scale.
King Beat snare parts:
Coffin lugs, sold in pairs @ $15 clear, assuming 4 good pairs ( I’ll keep a pair) - $60.00
KG strainer assembly, hopefully complete, the original extended snares were coiled up inside the shell and bent so I’ll keep those and try to salvage them.- $75.00
Muffler - I have broken tone control arms with good felt so I’ll fix this one, keep it and sell a good one - $50.00
PC die cast hoops - generally fetch in the neighborhood of $45.00 each - $90.00
Imperialstar badge with or without salvage grommet - $10.00
T Rods and washers - two sets of ten at $10.00 each clear - $20.00
Snare total salvage - $305.00
Slingerland Kick drum:
Parts needed are zero cost, sell or church tax receipt donation - $50.00
Kick total salvage - $50.00
Ludwig 13″ Rack tom and mount:
Sell as is or attempt to remove the black paint with citrus stripper, then sell on an  eBay auction style listing starting at $25.00..maybe I’ll clear - $40.00
Tom mount is missing one L arm but in nice shape. might clear  - $15.00
Ludwig total salvage - $55.00
Timbales :
I’ll keep these, will cost a bit to restore, random value at $75.00.
Timbale total salvage value - $75.00
So the total comes in at around $485.00 on a good day. Backing out my $50 cash outlay and the $75 value of the keeper timbales…with a little luck, I could potentially clear at least $350 on this lot. Not too shabby, considering the seller pretty much brought the drums to me right around the corner from where I work.
Now all I need is some free time, a whole hell of a lot elbow grease and the boundless patience for the eternal agony that is eBay and Craigslist.
Thanks for taking a look and maybe I will post a follow up on this lot. Some fun stuff in this batch for sure!
Cheers to a Happy New Year!
- jt
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irnbraw · 6 years
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SNP - a Picture of Scandal & Incompetence...  
The SNP is, it seems, a party built on the twin pillars of Scandal & Incompetence...   (and that’s even its supporters saying so..!)
Photo Operation!
Given that form reigns supreme over substance for SNatsis - the ‘selfie’ is a key component of the SNP’s way of governing.  Thus with over 10 years under its belt as the SNP has presided over a scandal ridden administration it has amassed a legion number of photo ops; incidentally punctuating each scandal and screw-up.  While these provide ample proof that the SNP’s fingerprints are on all the policy and administration corpses and - one might imagine they add to the pain.
Whatever little it does as a government, the SNP does it with heaps of publicity.
More often than not SNP governance is only a photo op - like the numerous ‘funds’ announced by Sturgeon which either never get to be set up, are never funded or never actually engage in spending any money or spend WAY less than the headline Press Release promised.  Either that or the ‘new fund’ is merely a transfer of funds from already existing budget items - to make it look like ‘new money - e.g. the Scottish Attainment Fund or the Scottish Independent Living Fund.
  But each initiative is sure to be prominent in SNP election material! Such as:
Empty, de-minimus or ‘Press-release-Only’ Funds so far include:
The Long-Term North Sea Fund
The Short Term North Sea Fund
The Oil Fund
Sporting Equality Fund
Villages Investment Fund
Future Generations Fund
Young Scots Fund
Scottish Land Fund
Women in Politics Fund
Small Business Bonus Scheme
Scottish Growth Scheme
Ending Homelessness Together Fund
Rural Tourism Fund
Child Poverty Fund
Scottish Veterans’ Fund
Community Empowerment Fund
Rural Housing Fund
Fast Track Refugee Grant Fund
There is always some rank of SNP actor on hand to be added to a Sturgeon selfie - and that’s it - job done.  Unfortunately, however, problems inevitably come later as the MP, MSP, Councillor or activist turns out to be:
evading taxes - while pushing an anti tax evasion agenda,
benefiting from dodgy house dealings - while pushing for ‘more ethic in public life’,
not paying their council tax while seeking to set council tax increases for everyone else or
engaging in actual criminal conduct against parties that you accuse of having ‘criminal policies’...
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Is there a single SNP:
Sexual Predator
expense fiddler
Scam Swindler
Wive(s) Beater
Pocket Picker
hate monger
task bungler
tax dodger
job skiver
IRA lover
Lie teller
Troll liar
... that Nippy HASN'T McSelfied with?
Seems it’s pointless to ask, as that comprises just about the entire SNP!  (And they have the photo ops to prove it!)
Institutional incompetence!
Its not just that at all levels the SNP is entirely constructed out of press-release and photo paper - its actually addicted to its own culture of publicity stunts. That appears clearly to be the case despite the personalities involved inevitably embarrassing the party; undermining SNP government words or initiatives.  These failures are part of its inability to follow through (even on the rare occasion that it had that intention)!  Its institutional incompetence!
So, for example, where the SNP does follow through - like in the abolition of all eight of Scotland’s police forces to create one single SNP compliant State Police Force - the resulting catalogue of failures and incompleteness is so widespread, it almost seems intentional.
Because while ‘Police Scotland’ been a terrible failure, not one SNP politician has had to resign, apologise or accept responsibility for its multiple failures.  (The main SNP figure presiding over the worst of this was even dubbed ‘the invisible man’ for his (and his party’s) ability to be nowhere when bad news was raging!
Interesting then that as soon as adverse news of policy failings start to overwhelm the SNP-driven news cycle on an issue, instead of admitting any failure - ‘Government By photo Op’ kicks in. 
Thus in the summer of 2015 - when deep into a scandal of the new force going rogue and acting illegally in and with the discovery of the first set of ‘dead body blunder’ cases by SNPolice Scotland - the news is suddenly filled with the ‘leggy brown bombshell’ of the SNP, dangling her gamms for the camera out the doors of a newly painted “Poileas Alba” helicopter. 
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Bingo - PR stunt to the rescue of incompetence.  Adverse news cycle successfully disrupted.  And all it took was public money for a new chopper and a flashy paint job and a willing (albeit unlikely, Gaelic) heroine.  (At this point if you want to barf - remind yourself that at least she is now on the political dustbin.)
A picture of scandal-ridden MP posing with a helicopter from an incompetent police force - and all you remember is the picture.  See what I mean about ‘it almost feels deliberate..?’
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anythingstephenking · 6 years
Multiverse Overload
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It seems unreasonable to think I was finishing up Nightmares & Dreamscapes yesterday morning and a little over 24 hours later I am back, having just finished one of King’s longest novels, Insomnia, in one cycle of sleep. But here I am. Let’s get into it.
I suppose I wasn’t kidding that I was ready for a novel but I didn’t realize how hungry for this story it was. Or maybe call it boredom - 3 day weekends with 95+ degree temperatures don’t lend themselves to my pasty irish ass spending any time anywhere other than the couch.
I knew little of this story headed in. Actually a little embarrassed to say I thought it somehow related to the Christopher Nolan movie of the same name. Once I cracked the spine and read the teaser copy, I knew this was not true. Also, I was worried. Really, really worried. Exhibit A:
Ralph Roberts is seeing some strange happenings in Derry, Maine.
He sees auras around human beings that show him the horror threatening them.
He sees a nice young research chemist like Ed Deepneau turn into a savage wife beater.
He sees Charlie Pickering with blood in his eyes and a gleaming knife in his hand.
And he sees three little bald doctors in the homes of the dying - and he begins to suspect who they really are.
No wonder Ralph stays awake all night. You would too.
“JFC, if I’m stepping into another Tommyknockers I’m going to scream” I said to the cat, who was chasing a bug around the hotel room and has no fucking clue what the Tommyknockers are. Little bald men. Aliens for sure, right?
Well I was, thankfully, wrong in my assumptions. Making an ass outta u & me, or however that old saying goes. I’ve complained before about whoever is responsible for writing these teasers, deceiving readers into believing that Gerald’s Game was a spooky bedtime story, Pet Sematary scared King himself, or that Insomnia is about a dude with, well, insomnia.
In reality, this book is as close to a Dark Tower book as it could get without actually being one. I’d rack it against The Talisman in Dark Tower adjacency, and although not as an enthralling tale as The Tailsman, a good chapter in the mythology all the same.
Ralph Roberts, a senior citizen residing in our favorite vacation destination, Derry, Maine, loses his wife to cancer and spills into a depression as one would do when your companion of 45 years is snuffed out of the living. What begins as minor bouts of insomnia quickly evolves into an inability to catch more than 2 hours a night. As someone who has suffered from depression-induced insomnia and sleep paralysis, a terrifying phenomenon I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, I feel for Ralph. Sleep deprivation is no joke, even if you’re awake watching Arrested Development for the 400th time at 3am. Ralph’s understandably exhausted, and assumes his mind is going when he starts seeing brightly colored auras surrounding humans, objects, street lights, you name it.
(Side story: Once I went on a date with a guy who - after I expressed discomfort in discussing the difference between irony and paradox 5 minutes into our first date - told me I had an unclean aura. I told him to go fuck himself (certainly something someone who’s aura is a little dirty would say) and he gathered his coat and left without a word. Anytime someone mentions auras I can’t help think of this guy - do you think he ever found a gal with a nice looking aura and the ability to discern the difference between irony and paradox? We will never know.)
In any case, Ralph does find himself a lady by the name of Lois, who in fact, does have a real pretty aura. And turns out she’s caught the insomnia and can see the auras too, along with other things that most humans can’t process. Turns out insomnia in Derry can flip a switch to entering worlds that aren’t our own.
Without going too far down the rabbit hole that is the plot of this novel (which squarely lies in the top ten of longest King tomes - say that 10x fast), Ralph and Lois team up on a quest against evil, as so many of King’s protagonists do. I was obviously committed to learning how it ended as I stayed up past my bedtime last night and reached for my paperback copy before I had even poured myself a cup of coffee this morning.
The key conflict in Derry of 1994 revolves around a war between pro-lifers and pro-choicers over a feminist speaking in town about women’s rights. Probably the hardest part of this story to swallow - the realization that 25 years later we’re still having the same argument in America with similar violent and tragic results.
This book is not without it’s faults - King called it “stiff & trying too hard” which is pretty accurate. It is way too long. It reads like a first draft that probably needed a stronger editor hand (or two or three) before publication that it just did not get. King’s ability to paint a picture in your mind is, as always, on point; but the writing describing the aural states seem to clog up the storytelling every ten pages or so. The initial painting of these ethereal halos was beautiful; after the 15th or so description they were just in the way. The use of italics for dialogue was distracting; I had to work to keep my eyes from skimming to the dialogue lines and ignoring the rest of the text on the page.
But it also had so many of my favorite things. For one, the connections to other King stories was strong in this one. Like when I am watching Castle Rock, it makes me feel like an insider to notice the little things that connect King’s worlds together. Like a hipster that listens to a band “before they were cool” - don’t you hate those people? Yeah me too. But here we are.
Derry, and all it’s history covered in depth in the pages of IT is rehashed here. We have mentions of the sewers, the Black Spot Fire, the post-Pennywise storm of 1985. The darkness that hangs over this town lingers, even though we were hoping that the Loser’s Club vanquished the darkness in the mid 80s.
Because something else dark is connected to Derry. The Dark Tower lore sits squarely and open here; we see Roland in children’s drawings and travel between worlds like in The Drawing of The Three. We also are introduced to The Crimson King; the guardian of The Dark Tower, Roland’s adversary and ruler of the highest level. He appears here in our world first as Ralph’s dead mother then as a catfish. I mean, IT was a clown living in a macroverse created by a barfing turtle, so I guess that all makes sense. We also learn Ralph and Lois’s quest is to save a young boy named Patrick Danville, who we’re told is very important in the land-o-the-tower. God, I can’t wait to get to the fourth Dark Tower book.
Other than the obvious references to IT and the DT books, we get a quick mention of the untimely death of Gage Creed in Ludlow. There is also a mention of “Aunt Sadie” in Dallas, and my mind wandered to lovely Sadie Dunhill of 11/22/63. I don’t know if King had the foresight (or the initial manuscript) to reference a character that wouldn’t hit the bookstores for another 17 years, but if so, Bravo Mr. King. Bravo.
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By far my favorite photo of King that I’ve randomly stumbled upon on the internet.
My remaining questions are really around the nature of Derry - how can Pennywise and The Crimson King exist (in whatever universe) in or around Derry, without bumping into each other? Why so much evil in this one little town? Are they somehow connected? Are they the same person? Like my friend that claimed my aura needed a good washing, we may never know.
First Line: No one - least of all Dr. Litchfield - came right out and told Ralph Roberts that his wife was going to die, but there came a time when Ralph understood without needing to be told.
Last Line: And she saw, the long white scar on his right forearm was gone.
None to speak of - another one of King’s works that’s been discussed in depth but never pushed into any kind of actionable development. All the best I think - a movie version could very easily veer into LSD trip territory.
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cookywooksbookylook · 7 years
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Hello again, friends. Yes, it’s time for another HELLA AWESOME BOOK COVER.
This one was entirely stolen from a friend, so THANKS FOR DONATING LOL. And it’s a great one!
_____B’s Guide to Beating and Picking Up - Veronica Heath
Aha, the cover for this book is partially obscured. Very nice. I just love a challenge on this blog. So I welcome the attempt at obfuscation. But, upsettingly, it looks like the little label is actually also the full name of the book.
Pro tip chaps, if you wanna throw me off the scent of a good book cover (perhaps by writing the cover in Swedish, putting stickers all over it, or using absolute nonsense), don’t go with the ol’ “cover the name of the book up with a smaller handwritten version of the name of the book” trick. It just won’t slow me down.
Thus, I can reveal with absolutely no difficulty beyond slightly zooming in, that the full title of the book is: THE NOB’S GUIDE TO BEATING AND PICKING UP.
Oh boy, this book just got a hundred times more hilarious.
The Nob’s guide to beating. A guide to beating. For Nobs? By Nobs? What’s the meaning of this, exactly?
The apostrophe in “Nob’s” is possessive, implying that this is the guide of-or-from The Nob. But what or what is Nob. The definite article ‘The’ preceding ‘Nob’ suggests it’s some institution or well-known figure (like ‘The BBC’, or ‘The Rock’). But I’ve never heard of this… Nob. Is it the guy on the cover? Is HE Nob?
No. The logo slightly to the left of the title reveals all. It’s the National Organisation of Beaters and Pickers Up. Or NOBPU for short. But they just shortened it to NOB for some reason.
Why wouldn’t they want to be called NOB PU? What do they have to be ashamed of? C’mon NOBPU!
Also, going with just NOB means the poor Pickers Up don’t get any representation whatsoever. And they work so hard, going around, picking things up. But NOBPU seems like a decent group. It’s purpose seems to be “uniting beaters and pickers up across the country.” What a pleasant and innocent-sounding goal. Get those beaters together! Bring them together and let them beat as one! And then do some picking up. Lovely.
Anyway, the main focus of the cover is a man taking a pheasant from a dog’s mouth. So I assume that this some kind of game hunting manual involving dogs as retrievers.
But how hard can these things be? Is the occupation of beating grass to drive birds into the air, and then picking up birds after they’ve been shot SO complicated that it requires an entire guide?
I reckon I could summarise the full manual in about two sentences:
1. Beat grass until birds fly out.
2. Pick the bird up off the ground. Or from your dog if you have a dog.
It seems they’re missing the crucial, skilful step of actually shooting the bird once it’s in the air. I think that’d be the tricky bit. But what do I know? I’m no Nob!
In conclusion, this book seems incredibly useless. Its only two redeeming features are that it has a dog on the cover, and that talking about beating Nobs is very juvenile but hilarious.
So I’m giving it 2/10.
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cristoph00cdc · 5 years
Justin Trudeau Gives "Nonsensical" Answer to a Sensible Question (Cody's...
https://youtu.be/C_79kTdCpQw https://youtu.be/H5hG3x71c1k https://youtu.be/uBGODN-7YAY https://youtu.be/906uWiRGvVo https://youtu.be/NedcdoIDKCE https://youtu.be/THrgo_1PL2s https://youtu.be/JPRL1InvQfM https://youtu.be/PxGfBY_T7mA https://youtu.be/uGe0mzhbNbY https://youtu.be/6hmj_YBNUNw https://youtu.be/gklpc2e_dQU https://youtu.be/6hmj_YBNUNw https://youtu.be/RHoDOHXc30w https://youtu.be/dJoa9rH49YA https://youtu.be/Y3_xFvseqb8 https://youtu.be/0T1le6oyp1A https://youtu.be/l1BKgo01k_0 https://youtu.be/s8G3ltdb1VY https://youtu.be/x1vn2YvLdyE https://youtu.be/mBSEt3ddvSY https://youtu.be/W7l04PSCngA https://youtu.be/2ytJJ-soXJw https://youtu.be/1--qGpt3pn8 https://youtu.be/yuU3UmBN3Vo https://youtu.be/SISJ6sOaXb8 https://youtu.be/iMgoYuajGIs https://youtu.be/V06W-wUJUK8 https://youtu.be/Nkk7rYbKfBs https://youtu.be/EQ4RJZiGSQQ https://youtu.be/KS_kTvtyRew https://youtu.be/rw-vSsKxjhA https://youtu.be/FSWi0c1CP1Q https://youtu.be/qTSsZpwutbk https://youtu.be/ydzXdPxOipQ https://youtu.be/llm_ULoH4vs https://youtu.be/L5ketYbO9vM https://youtu.be/O4D2qdbD3TI https://youtu.be/ntUKA9DlooQ https://youtu.be/906uWiRGvVo https://youtu.be/gIPmMKZlXN4 https://youtu.be/M-YaqSYTNCk https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysia-withdraws-from-the-rome-statute https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/art-for-all-its-worth/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/09/01/jalanraya-is-basic-man-kalau-you-nampak-lobang-tapi-biarkannya-jadi-makin-besar-and-you-just-leave-it-there-the-problem-gets-bigger-roads-are-basic-if-you-see-a-pothole-and-lea/ Manny_Ottawa @manny_ottawa Canada 🇨🇦 was such a great country a few years ago: 1. Fiscally Responsible 2. World Respect 3. Not a humiliation 4. No Alberta separation 5. Friend of USA 6. No Canadians in China jail 7. Strong Rule of Law 8. Biggest scandal was a Senator [LEGALLY] spent $90K of expenses. https://forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com/
2014-December reports TORONTO CANADIAN TRAVEL ADVISORY –SEVERE ANAPHYLAXIS WARNING Your life - Collateral damage in TORONTO-TOXICITY.- ONTARIO – CANADA Toronto, the not so good and the definitely bad! In my initial correspondence, I placed the following as a research study in Toronto newspapers but as confirmation arrived, the tone of the following has changed to an International Warning. Please note that Toronto is very skilled in diminishing reports. All that I collected – I experienced and while incidents exist, there were under reported and isolated. That way the populace is kept ignorant of events and the events appear to be unrelated. Paul Cappon, a former head of the Canadian Council on Learning who is now with the University of Ottawa. ““Not only is Canada mediocre at best,.. Canadian … systems, he said, refuse to measure and report against each other inside Canada, allowing us to “ignore – or worse – pretend that we are world beaters. Why bother with evidence? Complacency is sufficient unto itself.” Sounds like the way things used to be with health care. These remarks add a punctuation mark for what is occurring here and the result was premature death. Recent Bad water reports fuel a greater debate as its one very small area with an extraordinary explosion of toxicity that has led to many unexplained illness and now death. The town of Pickering, has had to give the people anti-radiation pills.   http://www.thestar.com/business/2014/10/10/nuclear_plants_must_give_iodine_pills_to_nearby_residents_regulator_says.html
I ran into a world of bizarre ill health here, in Toronto,  that is leading into a history that may make Toronto, a killer city or at least one that makes its citizenry crippled and makes them permanently disabled.  The medical system here acknowledges that there are issues but not that TORONTO the city, is actually causing them. And that they are blaming the immigrants or other countries for what is occurring here, naturally and by corrupting the city, the water, the land, the air, the sewers, the streets, making our lives a living hell. Again the City of Toronto is doing this, deliberately.  And we can explore related phenomena… of a city that is going down-hill. Interestingly the immigrants are being featured as the afflicted that may be choosing this situation of ill health. I returned to Toronto to conduct research on an academic text that required I live here for a few years to conduct research. Immediately I fell ill, from what was later determined as an allergy. I have never had allergies in my life. But in a few months, I was collapsing on the side walk and in parks. I was experiencing severe anaphylactic shock.  I was told it was “the pollen”…But this was intense and involved, suddenly coughing up blood upon waking in my bed and after the collapse the day before in a park. This occurred 2x. The first near York University and the other in Trinity Bellwood Park and later that year I was told that the preponderance of male trees in Toronto are responsible for the unprecedented occurrence in severe expressions of allergies that were affecting the city from the Lakeshore and Ossignton area north to Steeles and over to Victoria park and south to the lake, a very large area of Toronto.  (see also a new report of toxic highways) The Ossington area is also noted for its high levels of lead toxins in the water.
The report establishes -According to the study, 74-98 per cent of trees in Canada's urban forests are male, depending on the city. (CBC News) A battle of the sexes is happening in Canada's urban forests and the losers are those with allergies. A study shows the dominance of male trees is making it worse for people who suffer from allergies. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/male-trees-winning-battle-of-the-sexes-in-canada-1.1254869 Then it intensified into a nightmare of the bizarre. I collapsed again at Spadina and Harboard St. near the University of Toronto. This was much worse and indicated that there was a NEURO TOXIN leaking into the air, the water and the sewer that in the Summer heat was becoming radioactive. I suffered, 8 hours of severe vomiting, becoming blind and losing my ability to walk. It was sudden onset and spectacular in its expression of attack lasting from 3.30 pm to 2.00 am. I tore a blood vessel in my brain and was bed ridden for weeks. You now have to look at the newspaper reports that relate to the areas. Here you will find that Reactin filed a report that referenced the Male tree fiasco. I had heard from clinicians about the OHIP cases where residents of that large aforementioned area were experiencing severe respiratory illnesses. That in some cases, their Ohip had to be increased to cover extra fees. Is the bad water linked to the cases of increased respiratory illnesses? Then you have the spectacular report from Residents near Central Technical School were shocked after preliminary excavation for a sports dome uncovered carcinogenic contaminants in the football field. The Toronto District School Board has fenced off the field, near Harbord and Bathurst Sts., since Friday when soil testing discovered heavy metal contaminants such as lead and zinc as well as various chemical compounds, all at levels above provincial safety standards. Lets just add the Bad water, all this is leaking into the water table, the sewers and the subway. “We want to make sure the field is safe for the kids. If not, what are we going to do,” school board chair Chris Bolton told about 50 residents at a community meeting Tuesday night. It’s hard to believe that Chris Bolton was only concerned about the school. He had no idea that all this is much larger and like a glacier, 2/3 is underwater.  This has leached into the water and is in a much larger area than he knows. I tested positive for radioactive poisoning and now must consider greater alternatives for treatment. I collapsed at Spadina and Harbord. The U of T field was also being dug up for a new track field but no one released any documents. But perhaps no one tested the field. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/11/19/contaminated_soil_found_at_central_tech.html Later blood tests indicated that I was now (suddenly)  diabetic. I have become very ill from Toronto and on Xmas day – December 25th  2013  fell into a COMA.  I awoke on the 26th, Dazed and confused, pushed myself off my bed to find my face marked by black streaks and my jaw was lying to one side.  I had Bell’s palsy as well. I had now joined the diabetic club that is a Toronto legacy. Other victims to this experience were also diagnosed with diabetes. All afflicted had no past experience with this illness. All experienced it, here in T.O. Never has Diabetes been associated with residing in a city. Read on, there is more. The diagnosis at that time was a stroke from undeterminable sources. Except as my tale become known, I heard of several cases of Bell’s palsy and stroke like symptoms all occurring on Xmas day. One suicide I heard was reported.  At this time 6 other people have reported exactly the same expression of illness, and all have had their lives significantly altered and are now bedridden and on disability with Diabetes being diagnosed as well. Not a substantial pool but as the reports are gathering, the issue is the reporting of these phenomena, ( health conditions)  and the zeal to which these reports are hidden or dismissed as curiosities or unrelated. Phenomena is often dismissed. Syndromes refer to a collection of unrelated phenomena, that upon investigation reveal in due course a reality. Toronto is not interested in any investigation that tarnishes its 1970 Trudeau era of greatness. As all references to Toronto the great seem to retrogress to an era, that no longer exists. My prognosis, the doctors warned, stay indoors. If you go out wear a mask. I have to take anti-radioactive meds. http://www.thestar.com/life/health_wellness/2012/04/24/new_map_reveals_diabetes_hot_spots_in_the_gta.html Upon my return from Asia, the Middle East and the Caribbean, I was extraordinarily healthy and never knew what an allergy was. To have my life destroyed by a city that is now a Bastion of ill health and one that seems to promote it, ad hoc, is very unfortunate. I am in the education field and did attend The Toronto School Board seminar, 2010 and heard that Teachers have to be vigilant as 1:5 Ontario families, suffer from Obesity, Mental Illness, Heart Disease and Autism. That is an extraordinary blend of illness that are all interrelated. One affecting the other and the addition of Autism refers directly to radiation poisoning. The politics in Toronto are indeed suspect as claims of to me Toronto’s esteemed proactive health directives that are 25 years behind other supposedly lesser developed countries. There is talk of corruption on many levels and the people’s health is directly affected.  A study that I was engaged in was published and I will excerpt it, here as it does relate to autism. http://time.com/84145/how-the-first-nine-months-shape-the-rest-of-your-life/ It’s now understood vis a vis the report from detox Toronto, Central tech, toxic highways that the city is now inundated with toxic levels of , I call “gunk” as by the time any analysis is done, it will show that in combination this gunk will have created a unique chemical repository and that it toxicity levels will affect the human gene code, leading to the aforementioned Autism.   http://time.com/84145/how-the-first-nine-months-shape-the-rest-of-your-life/ Annie Murphy Paul reports on cases, that make the Toronto situation pertinent.
There’s a list of conventional answers to these questions. We are the way we are because it’s in our genes: the DNA we inherited at conception. We turn out the way we do because of our childhood experiences: how we were treated and what we took in, especially during those crucial first three years. Or our health and well-being stem from the lifestyle choices we make as adults: what kind of diet we consume, how much exercise we get. The full account requires reading as it gets into pollution and what it does and how it affects the fetus. Once entered into the DNA, we are then engineered towards an uncertain future. I hope to hear from others who may have experienced this set of circumstances. Severe respiratory illness from allergies, Stroke, Bells palsy, bizarre forms of illness that baffle the doctors, and may relate to the wave of radiation that is forcing illness onto the masses. There is so much, so called allergen toxicity with 2014 becoming the worse year recorded. So please contact us, so we can gauge the full extent and what we all can do from this TORONTO-TOXICITY. This segues into related stories that do indicate that many are affected and in ways that are hard to explain except if we look to unhealthy cities. I am being told that the city has stopped monitoring pollution and certainly has not looked at radiation leaks and poisoning. We do have a nuclear plant, seconds away. We do have sick building syndrome, if the building is sick, why can’t what is making it sick leak into the atmosphere and with all this condo developing in the city, with “gunk” thrown up into the air, what are we breathing, drinking, eating and living in? Toronto is now GOTHAM.   Let’s look at this gunk. Nowtoronto has an article that shows the levels of toxic emissions, that are deposited in the city crom the highways, ringing the city. From the arterial 401, The DVP, Gardiner expressway, where the latest victims were found to highway 427. http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=197745 Report raises pollution concerns for homes near highways Board of health wants to study design guidelines for residential buildings near major thoroughfares According to a Toronto Public Health report released earlier this month, motor vehicle emissions are the biggest contributor to air pollution causing an estimated 1,300 premature deaths and 3,550 hospitalizations every year. Traffic-related pollutants are the cause of an estimated 280 of those deaths, and 2,090 hospital visits, the report says. Recently, a DR. at (Gardiner expressway) my condo, a neighbor knocked on my door asking for my help. We had just run into each other in the lobby and rode the elevator, she was fine. But 5 minutes later she was banging on my door – begging for help. I opened the door to see a frightful sight. Her eyes were swollen shut – and looked like Fish lips. They were unrecognisable as eyes. They were: the space that used to be eyes were green and grey, oozing a fluid and extended beyond her brow. This Dr. was from New York, a Canadian who was checking out Toronto to see if she could live and practise medicine here. (good luck, suffice to say, she is now moving back to NY) She was severally incapacitated and needed my help to get a taxi to her hospital. I then realised that she was experiencing what I had experienced. The allergen / neuro toxin had caused her eyes to swell externally and she was now “blinded”  I had the same thing except it had swollen my eyes, internally and busted a blood vessel, internally. And I could not walk or see. Another Dr. who was interning at St.Mikes, was here on Sabbatical from Lebanon. He had experienced in the 6 months here in Toronto an alarming increase in an unknown – medical condition, unrelated to any past illnesses that he and his family had ever encountered. He had severe rheumatoid arthritis occurring. So in listening to my tale of horror, he quickly assured me that he was on my side. A side that relates to a sudden onset of any previous unrelated medical history that expressed itself with severe illnesses including the sudden onset of Diabetes. He was studying diabetes here in Toronto and was had realised that the cases here were highly unusual and not linked to diet, past history or the increase in a sedentary lifestyle.  But related to Toronto and its weather and water and its toxicity. Then there is a convention I attended where it turned out, the conversation become focused on Toronto’s rising Crime rate, an increase in Drug and alcohol addiction and the increase in the homeless. It was observed that there was a spike in arrests and convictions. I asked if there were repeat offenders, there were some but that also as the economy was so bad that many were being driven here to find work and that a % of these new comers were defaulting to crime and addiction. I asked again were there repeat offenders or people that had been criminals either before in another province or country. Again some but, most were new to the system. I posed the question… Is there something occurring in the fabric of society or the environment that was triggering this response? The answer was a yes. But it was still unknown as to what. If you intend on working abroad as I did, you need a CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK if you reside in Ontario and Manitoba, for now obvious reasons. Toronto has a homegrown criminal element. Why would it build a super prison? http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/01/16/the-593-9-million-toronto-south-detention-centre-is-the-second-largest-jail-in-canada-so-why-has-it-sat-empty-since-2012/ or this .. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/03/11/corrections-ministry-probing-superjail-door-malfunction There are studies that indicate that weather, or severe forms of neuro-toxins alter the behaviour of those who inhabit the city that fosters this situation. Then the “unexplainable” occurred. What could explain this bizarre behaviour that led to an unprecedented explosion of accidents.  How could this be? Its concluded that it’s the time of the year? Advanced world class cities have created safety programs, better lighting and photo reflective pain on the streets that emit light in darkness. Toronto – well you get run over – is that time of year. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/12/10/9_people_including_a_baby_hit_by_cars_in_separate_incidents.html Nine people were hit by cars in under an hour Monday — including a woman pushing a baby in a stroller — underlining police concerns over an increased risk for pedestrian collisions at this time of the year. “This is actually our worst period of time in the year — when we see the most pedestrians struck,” said traffic services Const. Clint Stibbe. “It’s a combination of weather conditions, as well as lighting conditions meaning obviously the time of day, additionally the lack of visibility on behalf of pedestrians.” All the collisions occurred in a span of 43 minutes, between 6:41 a.m. and 7:24 a.m.. All this bears further inquiry, as other places world-wide, experience seasonal dips of weather conditions in lighting and visibility but do not report, a cluster of repeated accidents. But here in TORONTO it’s expected and dismissed. Note –other enlightened cities warn their citizens of this hazard and take precautions to prevent these occurrences. Usually Making sure that the Streets lights are left on longer and are brighter, knowing that visibility at this so called time of year is an issue. Toronto seems to shrug and say collateral damage. If you live here you are poisoned on so many fronts , and run the risk of accidental death. As this survey was on the web, calloused Torontonians responded, what part of Pollution you don’t understand.  The part that causes death, and that your death is considered collateral damage for living or visiting here. The deaths that occurred were predominately women , young children and the elderly. Please read and let’s investigate the situation. Send us your stories that relate to sudden ill health and a deterioration of your life due to sudden afflictions of Diabetes, allergies, Bells palsy, blindness and anything that the Toronto doctors – shrug off as diagnosis unknown. ," As  Wong-Tam said. "Those who are higher-ups don't seem to be paying attention." Absolutely, aka Rob Ford etal.
Now, in the news, this week was the final acts of a Toronto Despot, who pleaded, I need help. Mayor Rob Ford, single handily defined an example of a city that is so unstable that political policy was defined by a drug addicted obviously mentally ill Civic leader who was “supported’ into office by …. Others who identified with his megalomania; Cause and effect. If you identify with any of these symptoms phenomena breeds phenomena.  A city a populace that has been exposed to environmental toxins that is now legendary. Troubled mayor skips town (coward) as colleagues call for his resignation, interesting as the bad becomes worse. This admission of guilt, goes beyond alcoholism. This public figure humiliated a city and brought unprecedented media attention for his bad behaviour. I am going to be the Prime Minister of Canada, megalomania indeed.. or just a toxic man in a toxic city. Maybe like does attract like and the alcohol admission goes to all his of his addictions and associated behaviour. RECENT STORIES BY BEN SPURR "http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=197826Go and never come back": Rob Ford takes leave Rob Ford admits to struggling with alcohol "for some time," will step aside Report: Rob Ford to take leave of absence
This is a case of a city in crises on many fronts. With a wife-beating, alcoholic- crack smoking, suspected murderer of a Mayor, Toronto the good is now TORONTO THE VERY BAD. Please forward on to all those who may be interested. The immediate issue is to ensure that all visitors, students or those at risk, children, the elderly. Toronto affliction is sudden onset. You could be driving, in the mall, walking in a park, crossing a road doing all normal activities and collapse, go blind, suffer a seizure in minutes. You could become violently ill and or worse die. What the following statement exemplifies is the incredible bafflegab of BS baffle brains. Spin doctoring to what means as the OCD riddled Mayor, his family and his camp and supporters finally caved. Ford is diagnosed with a type cancer based on his obesity and is not responding well to treatments. Sayonara Rob. Since reports of the first video of the mayor smoking what appeared to be crack were first published a year ago, Councillor Ford has attacked councillors and journalists who suggested his brother might have a problem. Both brothers repeatedly accused their political opponents and the media of colluding to bring them down while adamantly denying the mayor had deep-seated problems.
This condition of denial of any culpability is responsible for the crises in Toronto, one that does kill innocent people. The people afflicted and having the extreme onset are yes, immigrants and anyone that has not resided in this city for long periods of time. So far, I have met Koreans, Japanese, Brazilians, Trinidadians, Pilipinos, South Africans, Portuguese, Chinese Lebanese and newly returning Canadians and Americans. All experienced, symptoms such as sudden Collapse, difficulty breathing, strokes, palsy, excoriation of blood, swelling of the optic nerve and death. But not in all incidents. Some had a variety of these symptoms dependant on the levels of exposure.
Toronto blithely reports on carcinogenic material in the soil. Toronto reports that deaths are occurring if you live in Toronto. Toronto’s behaviour ...its shrug  off – the indifference to creating mortal danger is also against every law, known to man. Those who died; their families, and those currently afflicted should start a campaign, such as this and raise awareness. Tort law allows the City of Toronto to be sued. Tort law also allows for the province to be sued.. .and after you have made appeals to the Prime minister  .. Canada needs to investigate all this. But not from within – it’s too corrupt. Can Canada be sued? The Prime Minister greatly values the thoughts and suggestions of Canadians. You may write or fax his office at: Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Fax: 613-941-6900 http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/contactpm Use twitter  | @benspurr And while you are at it. Report to bens@nowtoronto dot com And Heather Marshall of the Toronto Environmental Alliance/ DeTOx Toronto Campaign. I teach Koreans in Toronto and many suffered bizarre health experiences. It worsened from December 2013 - to current May 2014. The S's and teachers are collapsing and unable to get Medical attention in TORONTO. 2014 is noted as being the worst year for so called TORONTO-ALLERGIES, which in the end is manslaughter. In a conversation last night about this – the report was that surely Toronto is aware and protecting its citizens. What about its clean air monitoring systems? Science is great for creating distinctions. If you test and measure the Air, these tests are conducted under specific conditions. And the testing – though the newspaper reports indicate that certain agencies are aware of the toxicity, the information is not shared or valued. Again its ignored. Making Toronto a dangerous place to live and visit. Toronto is more dangerous that Mexico city and Taipei, as both warn and advise the world on their poor air. Toronto says look at our BLUE SKIES and ignore the fact we are deliberately killing you. Toonto wins again in the battle of providing unsafe and damaging toxins to its people. Here us a recent report – Toronto WATER – an old by product of water toxicity – LEAD, http://www.citynews.ca/2014/05/20/unsafe-amounts-of-lead-in-toronto-tap-water-report/ Is your drinking water safe? According to a report in the Toronto Star it may not be. City data obtained by the Star showed 13 per cent of Toronto homes tested for lead in drinking water had higher-than-acceptable levels. Data was compiled from 15,000 samples collected from water taps between 2008 and 2014. The tests were then submitted to the city for analysis. Tests show around 2,000 households far exceeded Health Canada’s acceptable lead concentration in drinking water of 10 parts per billion. Lead in tap water is attributed to aging pipes, which are found in both city and private property. Also, both are costly to replace.( so far no mention of the obvious health risks) But in conclusion..this is at the end of the document not the lead in.. pun intended. The medical community argues there is no safe lead level in drinking water. Lead can affect the brain and nervous system, and is most dangerous for fetuses and children under the age of six. Symptoms in children can include shortened attention spans and behavioural problems, while adults can experience hypertension and kidney failure. If you have any questions about exposure to lead from your tap water, contact Toronto Health Connections at 416-338-7600 or on the City of Toronto website. http://www.torontoenvironment.org/about/staff/heathermarshall. heather@ torontoenvironment dot org
In the end either stop coming to Toronto for any reason. It’s too dangerous or just plain leave. Let the city destroy itself versus destroying your life. What Toronto is doing is a comparative passive aggressive plan, asking you to look at say-: the 10 most polluted cities and say – we are not as bad as that. However you promote death as a consequence of living and or traveling here.  TORONTO NEEDS TO REDEFINE WHAT ITS BRAND OF POLLUTION IS. AND ITS ALL DEADLY !
http://opishposh.com/most-polluted-cities-in-the-world/ http://www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2012/07/23/3549975.htm http://opishposh.com/10-biggest-causes-of-air-pollution/
A recent report by environmental reporters indicated – ‘A Government Of Thugs’ In addition to the more-calculated attempts to prevent environmental criticism, multiple reporters and activists say they experience an egregious amount of defensiveness, spitefulness, and intimidation from the federal government that prevents them from doing their jobs effectively.“We have a government of thugs in Ottawa these days who are absolutely ruthless,” said Andrew Nikiforuk, an award-winning journalist who has been reporting critically on Canada’s oil and gas industry for more than 20 years. “It’s a hostility and thuggery, is the way I would describe it. That’s exactly what it is.” http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/05/23/3428984/canada-war-on-environmentalists/
In speaking with Torontonians most were blithely unaware of any of these issues, most could care less and some were quite belligerent and behaved in manner that is best described as thuggish. There was denial of any of these issues. The newspaper reports were routinely denied or ignored as well as there is incredible and racist tensions when it came to the immigrants who were as described mostly affected by this extraordinary toxic situation. It would appear that the lead poisoning had affected the masses ability to function. If you are poisoned you will exhibit, such lethargy and be unable to grasp that the toxicity here is Radioactive, in your water, your air, your soil, you sewers, your homes. In the TTC and is robbing the populace of the ability to think and act appropriately. But they shrug in … the face of the overwhelming reality.. they have to leave Toronto to save their lives. Lets segue to other related health issues. Toronto has a pandemic of BED BUGS. So you can’t sleep in the beds. Toronto health clams that as they have banned pesticides, not much good in a city of Neuro – toxins, chemicals naturally being emitted from the soil, water, buildings etc. that Toronto would focus on banning pesticides and increasing predation. Here is the Bedbug registry site,
http://bedbugregistry.com/metro/toronto/ http://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowTopic-g155019-i55-k4056997-Bed_Bugs_and_Hotels_how_bad_is_the_problem-Toronto_Ontario.html
If you do some googling about bedbugs, you will find that no hotel is immune. Bedbugs are not choosy - they will infest a four star hotel just as readily as a two star hotel. Or a dorm, or hostel, or stores, apartment, transit, movie theatres..... anywhere they can hitch a ride on people and their belongings.
Bedbugs have absolutely NOTHING to do with how new, high ranking, or how clean a building is. They are a parasitic insect… carried from place to place primarily by humans (pets or on personal items)… So in the Hotel and Accommodations Industry... mostly by Guests.
Another massive pollutant factor is the amount of condo construction in the city. Toronto is in the midst of a building boom, with 152 high-rises under construction, according to data compiled by Victoria, British Columbia-based SkyscraperPage.com. New York has 80 under construction and Chicago has 15, the data show.
All that TORONTO construction is spewing massive amounts of radioactive soil and particles into a beleaguered city. Toronto can only get worse before it gets better. Toronto’s claim to fame is that it’s a world class city. Toronto is too poor a city to be world-class. Toronto says its problems are no bigger than other world class cities. But these other cities have placed Toronto in a class of its own. The condo market is over saturated and Toronto’s vacancy listing is super high. The World pool of investors are looking to other more real World class cities where prices reflect real value. Toronto’s over inflated value and lack of economy and its current health status, has detracted severally from its now overly abundant NOXIOUS charms. Toronto alone is becoming an adverb for unprecedented decay and chaos.
For All your health concerns.
C De Caermichael
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMv2dlC2JFQ http://www.thestar.com/business/2014/10/10/nuclear_plants_must_give_iodine_pills_to_nearby_residents_regulator_says.html http://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowTopic-g155019-i55-k4056997-Bed_Bugs_and_Hotels_how_bad_is_the_problem-Toronto_Ontario.html http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/05/23/3428984/canada-war-on-environmentalists/ http://www.torontoenvironment.org/about/staff/heathermarshall http://www.citynews.ca/2014/05/20/unsafe-amounts-of-lead-in-toronto-tap-water-report/ http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/12/10/9_people_including_a_baby_hit_by_cars_in_separate_incidents.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/male-trees-winning-battle-of-the-sexes-in-canada-1.1254869 http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/11/19/contaminated_soil_found_at_central_tech.html http://www.thestar.com/life/health_wellness/2012/04/24/new_map_reveals_diabetes_hot_spots_in_the_gta.html http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/01/16/the-593-9-million-toronto-south-detention-centre-is-the-second-largest-jail-in-canada-so-why-has-it-sat-empty-since-2012/ http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=197745 http://bedbugregistry.com/metro/toronto/ http://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowTopic-g155019-i55-k4056997-Bed_Bugs_and_Hotels_how_bad_is_the_problem-Toronto_Ontario.html
Approximately 6,000 athletes from 41 nations are expected to participate in 36 sports 75,000 tickets sold
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A great little Fiesta van! Just 50K miles and loads of mpg - it even includes the essential dog guard so perfect for walkers beaters and pickers!!
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oselatra · 6 years
The Observer has always been partial to strong women. Strong people in general, of course, but strong women in particular.
The Observer has always been partial to strong women. Strong people in general, of course, but strong women in particular. Strong women get our highest praise, though, because it is, in our betesticled opinion, oh so hard to be a strong woman in this world. It's so much easier to dodge the bullet of "bitch" or "shrew" or "ballbuster" by not doing those things that would get any he-man worth his testosterone an attaboy and a slap on the back, if not a cigar and a raise: showing initiative and ambition and drive, instead of settling for the living death of being wholly ornamental. Speaking up and sharing your ideas, instead of not speaking unless spoken to. Seems like there's a hell of a lot more strong women these days than there used to be. Or maybe it's just easier to see them now, glowing in their outrage, here in this benighted age after a woman managed to win the vote for president by 3 million ballots plus, but still had to watch a man unfit to run a Burger King restaurant claim The Big Chair. So it goes, but hopefully not forever, Goddess willing.
All this comes to mind because of the women we're profiling in this week's cover story: a group of tough women who grew tired of watching politicians, mostly men, sit around with their thumbs up their keisters, firing hollow-point promises of thoughts and prayers every time a lunatic with an assault rifle decides to walk into a public place and end as many lives as he can in a minute or less. The people who know what it is to plant and grow and tend the seeds of this nation also know that while thoughts and prayers may keep the preacher in patent leather loafers and monogrammed Bible covers, a short ton of them is not nearly as good or as valuable or as world-changing as a single drop of earned sweat. And so they march. And so they make signs and presentations. And so they start uncomfortable conversations, seeking common ground. The Observer intends no condescension when we say we're proud of them, one and all. They are trying to change the world for the best reason humanity has ever tried to do anything: out of love for those they will never meet.
All this is not, by the way, Yours Truly fishing for the biggest piece of chicken from Ma come Sunday dinner, or an extra spoonful of sugar from our loving Spouse (both of whom are, in case you're wondering, just the kind of strong women we're talking about). Our admiration is genuine, and probably sprouts directly from our DNA, a genetic fondness for those women who are solid as opposed to liquid, the same all the way through as opposed to always ready to fill any vessel into which they find themselves poured, no matter how shallow or narrow. On our mother's side, The Observer's people are hardy mountain folk, and almost wholly matriarchal. One-room schoolteachers abound in our maternal line, as do women who shooed away the tax collector and took in washing to somehow hold on to Ol' Rocky Top after their men grew tired of harvesting only thorns and hungry mouths to feed and lit out for the Territories. As far as The Observer can tell, we are the product of a whole passel of drunks and wife-beaters, guitar-pickers and layabouts, cigarette bummers and shameless hucksters, fellas who grew old waiting for a wealthy relative to die or died young after too many bottles of Four Roses. Them sumbitches, and a hell of a lot of good women who refused to go down with the ship. We might be an XY, sons and daughters, but that X in there? That sucker is as strong as Detroit iron. As a package deal, it came with a bit of hard-earned wisdom that we have been reminded of again and again in these troubled times. We are spreading that wisdom as quick as we can to any male ear willing to perk up and listen, and we shall do so here again: If you only respect women when they are conforming to your idea of how a woman should behave, you don't, in fact, respect women. Put that in your johnson and smoke it.
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mazdadealercom · 6 years
Williamstown MA Mazda Dealer
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mcnekka · 7 years
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Hehehehehehehahahahaha Yeah, it's me again So check it out - ladies, not gentlemen Drop your draws, cop a seat And let's get into this, yeah [Verse 1: Eazy-E] Easily I'm approachin', there ain't no jokin' When the pussy holes are open Ready to fuck until my dick is raw Yo! the muthafuckin' devil's son-in-law (Peter Peter, the Pussy-eater) No it's the E, the mothafuckin' pussy-beater And I’m the quicker-picker-up, I'm quick to pick up a bitch So come here bitch and lick up and lick up and lick up the dick Now how many nuts would it take for me To let that bitch graduate to lesson three, let's see (Splash splash splash splash splash splash) As you can see I straight waxed that ass Back up bitch unless you want nut in your eye I never never ever ever seen a bitch cry Nut one, nut two, nut four, five, six I lost the third nut in the mix, fuck it! (Hey yo Yella boy, why don't you rewind it!) Six, five, four, now three is up Gimme that gimme that gimme that nut You wanna feel the dick baby try your luck Because the E likes to fuck fuck fuck yo I get 'em stuck-on and get the fuck on Give 'em a Tootsie Roll and tell 'em thanks for the pussy hole I find 'em fuck 'em and flee you know But before I D.O. - yo I take a ho to the hotel To the motel, to the holiday inn Yo, if that bitch start fuckin' up (What you do?) I'll just fuck her friend. [Eazy-E + Dr. Dre] Ah Dr. Dre What up? My mellow Yo It's on you - so what the fuck you're gonna do? Findum, Fuckem and Flee.
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