#bc of his fear of airplanes
lomlompurim · 5 months
svsss pokemon AU wips that I cleaned up a bit of my drafts
I picked Grovyle for Shen Qingqiu bc I think he has more of an aloof resting face, and I needed a pokemon with arms and legs, or else where is the fear to become a human?pokemon? stick?
Some pokemons have their usual anatomy, others were yassified(¿) to make them more appealing to the general imaginary public(¿ of whatever Airplane was writing in this au, probably a crack fic that went a bit too far from being just a joke
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Growlithe White Lotus Bingup vs Arcanine Black Lotus Binghe, his fluffysness amplified X100! (I saw someone around here say growlithe of hisui was perfect for Binghe and I never let it go)
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Some Moshang poke vers 💙💛 I think airplane would indulge himself a bit and make his fave oc a legendary (and a bit of searching told me there are a few Articunos around so Linguang Jun is another one too, just bigger and meaner)
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cringe cumplane stuff
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(Also in my hc this is another reason to why Sqq couldn't even fanthom the idea of Arcanine!Binghe being interested in him. He is an old cranky lizzard in a world of cute furry girls? It just doesn't make sense! Why would binghe prefer this old grass lizzard???)
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And Bingqiu pokemon ver ❤💚 Binghe still being a big puppy♡ (grovyles are likely 0,90m tall and Arcanines are like 2,00 m tall so yeah big BIG boy Binghe)
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this is all for now jsjsjs
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ivysangel · 5 months
i’m like..going insane..i just need jason…idc what it is..i need him so carnally
no, like i get it. it's really bad for us lumi, like really bad i fear. i'm foaming at the mouth and writhing around in pain at the severe lack of his dick in my mouth. i really just think about having sex with him anywhere. oh my god…mile-high club with jason. OH MY GODDDDDDDD. i actually realistically don't think he'd fuck you on a plane bc that is such an easy place to get caught. but imagine you just get him so worked up the entire time you're in the airport that he HAS to pull you into that tiny airplane bathroom and put his hand over your mouth, whispering for you to be quiet as he fucks you quick and relentlessly. your pants are barely pulled past your thighs, and his dick is sticking out of his pants (he couldn't be bothered to do any more than that). he's maneuvering you into a very uncomfortable position, given the minimal space, and just trying to get you both off; him more than you since it's your fault he's got this giant fucking boner in the middle of the flight.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 5 months
ojiro aran headcanons bc @luminouschaotic asked me if i had thoughts (which was. a while back) but i'm out of town for two weeks in a couple days and won't be on much so i wanted to get this done before then so LET'S GO!!
aran has like spidey-sense Chaos Instincts™️ honed by years of taking care of the miyas so much so that on his first day at inarizaki he feels a tingle down his spine and turns around just in time to catch akagi michinari falling out of a tree
aran, being the kind soul that he is, goes over to help. because if there's anything the miyas have taught him it's that if you don't intervene early on there WILL be even more severe consequences down the line than if you'd just helped them in the first place
it basically goes "hi i'm ojiro what do you need me to do and how much plausible deniability can i get from this"
don't worry akagi had just been get a paper airplane bc he might be a little shit but he's a little shit with morals who cares about the environment
he didn't get the airplane the branch broke before he could
akagi tells aran that he's going to try one more time and asks aran to stand under the tree so that aran can catch him if he falls again and aran's dreading the day akagi and the twins will finally meet
i actually think it WOULD be funny if kita and akagi had been childhood friends or something previously bc a) SOMEONE had to have been akagi's handle before high school and b) it just makes sense in my head
also i think a fundamental aspect of the shiratorizawa and inarizaki rivalry that we're overlooking is reon and aran bonding
like. they get it. they know what it's like. loving a place that does not always loves you back. having a home that does not always feel like a home. it can be hard, sometimes. but if there's one thing they agree on it's that their teams ALWAYS have their backs
(lev and liam my lovelies i have NOT forgotten about you)
also this just makes the whole "aran's irrational fear is tendou satori" a thousand times funnier
since it's established that aran references older pieces of media i like to think that means he sits down with like idk his grandparents probably and they watch all kinds of things together
sometimes the only other people who get aran's references are people who ALSO sit down and watch things with their grandparents (kuroo, kageyama, kita. . . )
the haikyuu club of good grandchildren . . .
anyways so that's how kita and aran become friends!!
oh my god . . . do you guys think his sister had those small kid puppy crushes on any of his friends . . . .
my vote is akagi or the miyas do you know how funny that would be
i think a bit that akagi does with aran is saying "oh my god this is just like [insert fictional media here]" when something (usually an Event™️ involving the miyas) happens and aran going "STOP SAYING THIS IS JUST LIKE [??] AND HELP ME"
when the third years graduate aran gives gin a gift and tells him not to open it until he gets home
when gin does open it he finds a booklet titled "how to survive the miyas: a comprehensive guide by ojiro aran" and it's at least a hundred pages long
the first page is an emergency contact list with the numbers of the miyas' parents, aran's parents, and every hospital/clinic within a fifteen-mile radius
definitely prefers a real newspaper to a digital one
i think the whole of the inarizaki third years are tech-averse tbh if you took them to one of those restaurants with the little robot servers with screens for faces they'd slow blink at it like really confused cats
this sucks especially for suna bc every time he gives his phone to one of them when he wants pictures of himself with someone or something they always come out blurry or too much exposure or some shit
i think aran and oomimi go hiking with each other on the weekends and are always pestering everyone else to go with them
they win when they promise everyone, yes, we can go out for brunch and boba after
(do the twins fall into a stream while trying to cross it? yes. did they still go to brunch afterwards, sopping wet? also yes. aran doesn't think he's ever laughed harder in his life.)
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cowboybarzy · 11 months
NYC, Mat Barazl
You’re first vacation together. You’re nervous because you don’t like to fly. However, Mat doesn’t know this bc you’ve never flown together. You start to panic at take off ( you can go from there) you eventually make it your destination (somewhere tropical) and then you can go into as much or little detail as you would like. I hope this makes sense.
tysm for the request! I actually also am terrified to fly and one time this old lady next to me held my hand for takeoff and landing and it was super sweet!
word count: 1.3k
come along the world trip
📍bali, indonesia with mat barzal
"At this moment, we'd like to invite the first class and business class passengers to board the aircraft." Your boyfriend next to you stood, collecting his things. You couldn't stand up, nervously looking around the airport and out the window at the other airplanes in the sky. You hated flying. You didn't do it often and the few other times you did you always had panic attacks. The idea of being suspended in the air and having no control left you panicked the entire time and once turbulence were added, all you wanted to do was run.
"Babe, that's us," Mat said, waving a hand in front of you to get your attention. "I don't get to take a vacation often but when I do, I do it right."
You snapped out of your panicking and gave a small laugh while gathering your things. "Still asleep?," he asked jokingly, to which you nodded. You had to get up very early to leave for the airport and catch your flight and due to your discomfort about flying, you had barely slept that night.
You were able to board quickly and get comfortable in your extra specious seats. Maybe with this extra room you wouldn't feel as cramped and scared.
"You okay?," Mat asked after a while and leaned over his seat ledge to see you better, when he noticed your leg shaking and that you barley answered him in the last few minutes.
"Yeah!" You tried to sound enthusiastic, but failed. "I'm just excited."
"Me, too." He kissed you. "Sand, sun, ocean, you in a bikini. Yeah, this is gonna be good."
You had no doubt about that. It was just getting to Bali that freaked you out and made you consider staying home. But it was your first vacation with him and the pictures you had seen of Bali looked absolutely amazing, so you just had to bite the bullet. Everything would be fine.
Once everyone was on board, it was finally time to leave. Your heartbeat increased dramatically when the plane started moving. Your hands gripped together tightly and your eyes shut tightly, too, turned away from your boyfriend. But that didn't stop him from noticing something was wrong.
"Hey!" He leaned over to your side again and placed his big hand on top of both of yours that were pulling at each other. "What's wrong?"
You couldn't ignore him any longer, so you turned to face him reluctantly. "I hate flying." Your voice was barely a whisper, hating to admit your fear.
"Oh, love." He tried to figure out how to pull you into his arms, but the first class seats were not designed for that. So he settled for his other hand that gently curled around the side of your face and caressed your cheek. "Why didn't you tell me?" You shrugged and in that moment the plane started speeding up, getting enough speed to take off. You shut your eyes again and your entire body went rigid. "It's ok. You're ok." He was able to kiss your forehead before being pushed back into his own seat. His hands stilled cradled you, definitely helping you get through it and once the plane settled in the air you could feel your heartbeat slow a bit.
"Better?" You slowly opened your eyes and looked directly into his green ones. You had fallen in love with them the first time you saw them and were amazed at how well they could calm you. You nodded, actually meaning it as your body began to relax a bit. As long as you didn't look out the window or there wouldn't be any turbulence, you could do this.
"Why didn't you tell me?," he asked again, gently. "We could have gone somewhere else that doesn't require flying or at least somewhere we wouldn't have to take multiple planes and fly for a day."
"No, it's ok. I have to get over this fear. And you got so excited talking about Bali, I didn't want to say no. I wanna go on this trip with you." He smiled when you did and softly placed his lips on yours.
"I love you. But next time please tell me about something big like this." You both laughed. "Honestly, we could have just gone down to Florida. Or even stayed on Long Island. They have beaches there I could see you walking around in a bikini in. That's all I need." You rolled your eyes.
"I promise. I want to see the wolf with you, though. Just don't let go of my hand." And he didn't. For the entirety of the flight, minus meal time, he held on to your hand and even when he dozed off he squeezed it every once in a while, letting you know that everything was going to be alright and that he was always by your side.
The rest of your travels wasn't any different. Takeoff and landing were still hard for you, but the actual flight was fairly smooth. You had a good book with you and the movie selection was great so there were a lot of distractions. Mat also kept you occupied and distracted which you were very thankful for. However, the flying anxiety prevented you from sleeping all day, even during your layover you barely slept a couple of hours. So when you finally, finally, made it to your private little villa right on the water, you crashed in bed almost immediately. You slept for hours and hours, now that the anxiety was gone and when you woke up, you felt like a brand new person.
"Morning, sleepy head." Mat, shirtless by the way, saw you stretch from outside and came walking into the bedroom. He climbed on the bed and laid down right on top of you. His lips started wandering along your cheeks and neck. "Sleep good?"
You nodded and rubbed your eyes again. "What time is it?"
"Almost six. At night." He grinned. If you remembered correctly you had gotten there at eight in the morning. "But I didn't want to wake you. You really needed the sleep."
Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him in first for a kiss and then a hug. Wordlessly, you stayed in bed like this for a while until you had woken up enough.
"Starving." Your little villa was part of a resort so Mat ordered room service and while you waited you took a little tour of the place and changed into a new outfit. It was basically one open room, which half walls separating the bathroom from the bedroom and from the living area with a small kitchen. On the deck was an outdoor shower, another sitting area and of course the pool from which you could jump right into the ocean.
"This is so beautiful." You we're standing on the deck looking out into the ocean where the sun was slowly starting to set. You leaned into your boyfriend who came to stand behind you and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Worth the travel and flying?"
"Absolutely." He kissed your cheek and enjoyed the peaceful moment between the two of you.
After your meal, Mat practically changed you into your bikini himself and then carried you into the pool. The hot tub definitely got used a bit more though and that outdoor shower also got its first use of your stay...
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eddiesghxst · 6 months
just got back from japan
i have been to 19 countries and every time, i smell the insanely heavy smell of cigarette smoke (i think i sent an ask abt the time i was in germany last summer) and i love it
and how i love how warm it gets
but this time its cold in tokyo
thinking about smoking on the sidewalk in a european (or any) country with my husband, steve his sunglasses are on and he has that stupid smug smile and black coffee + a croissant. thinking about european windows open while he’s fucking into u slowly so you get that hot breeze but also people def hear u. going to cozy ramen spots in japan with him, non touristy places and tiny cafes. he’s fingering u in the first class seats AND the bathroom yummy bc i hate airplane food so much. literally handing u his black card and muttering “go crazy” in ur neck and then literally telling u to buy expensive necklaces so he can grasp it in his hands as he fucks u that night. the word “no” is NEVER uttered on a trip with u lol
went to the amalfi coast two summers ago and even tho it’s not really safe to be in the water by yourself where i was at, and even tho i have a huge fear of open water, i know steve would hold you like a baby on his open cock as he fucks into you, securing your safety as u both jump into the blue sea.
anyway i love travel
“go crazy” yeah i fucking did, thanks bestie.
husband steve that just takes such good care of you, never wants his baby to stress a day in your married life, smiles bigger whenever he sees you happy.
sitting outside a cafe and happily sipping on your coffee and steve’s just watching you behind his dark sunglasses, closed lipped smile spreading across his lips because you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever set his eyes on.
nudging your foot against his shin to get his attention, smiling as you lean forward to push his glasses up into his hair because, “i wanna see your eyes, pretty.” you run your hands through his hair before he’s catching your wrist and pressing a kiss on the inside, another one to your palm before gently tugging until you get the memo, leaning forward with soft puckered lips to share a coffee soaked kiss. sharing small i love you’s and being absolutely disgustingly in love.
night comes and you and steve spend it at a fancy restaurant, creamy pastas and endless glasses of wine that leave you both giggly and handsy— so so so handsy. handsy enough to have steve fucking into you on the staircase of your rented villa, he just couldn’t wait and his roaming hands were making your head spin.
it’s a risky spot to be having a rather heated sexcapade, but does that really matter when steve’s cock is nudging up against your walls so well that your toes curl in your sandals, legs tightening around his body as you let a few moans slip? the rough edge of the stair is digging into your lower back but, god you don’t care because steve smells like the sea and that expensive cologne be always wears that sends you into a fucking spiral.
“god, baby you feel so fucking good. gonna fuck a baby into you, you want that?” he grunts over the sinful noises of your sex. you whimper, manicured nails digging into his shoulders as you nod, lips brushing against his with each movement. your words are chopped and breathy when you respond, “y-yeah. give it to me, please? please, please, please. i want it, steve. want that so bad.”
steve’s hair is hanging in loose ringlets, tickling the tops of your warm cheeks and nose with each thrust and it sends chills up your spine when he smashes his lips against yours, rambling about how he can’t wait to have you full of him, showing the world just how much you love each other.
and well, it’s safe to say your child was definitely conceived on that trip.
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rarepears · 1 year
This is the Shen Jiu marries an Arabian prince and gets super into astronomy anon, but I just thought of like.
So, the Arabs do a lot as merchants. Which would probably put them mainly in contact with Shang Qinghua.
It makes me wonder if transmigrator!SQH ended up negotiating a contract with the besotted prince and went "I CAN GET MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW OUT OF HERE AND STOP FEELING LIKE SHIT OVER HOW HIS STORY ENDED!!!!" and proceeded to immediately do everything in his power to make that marriage happen because while he has zero confidence that dropping Shen Jiu in the lap of someone who adores him unconditionally will fix him now or ever, it definitely can't make things worse, and will in fact go a very long way to preventing things getting worse.
Also makes me think of SQH eventually being like the only one Shen Jiu kept in contact with, because yes he's annoying and pitiful, but when he was pulling the "marry Shen Jiu to besotted foreign royalty" bandwagon, it wasn't because he wanted to get rid of him, it was because Shang Qinghua wanted Shen Jiu to be around people who liked and would appreciate him, rather than stuck rotting in Harem Drama Hell. Maybe initially they only kept in contact for trade agreement reasons (which was ostensibly the purpose of this marriage) but SQH always made sure to a) bring some of Shen Jiu's favorites from home, b) genuinely make sure he was okay, and c) check and make sure that his husband was still besotted. Maybe Shen Jiu discovered SQH had a "smuggle my scariest shixiong to......... Eh I'll figure it out" plan in the event of Shen Jiu being mistreated? Or one of his least favorite courtiers says something snide and before Shen Jiu can get a word out Shang Qinghua says something that makes the man cry with fear. Idk how they get to the point of "spiritually you are siblings" but I am having visions of Shang Qinghua and Shen Jiu drinking anachronistic coffee (bc this is Airplane's novel ofc it is) over tanghulu and red bean paste buns and not mentioning the peak lords even once. Just chatting about trade and SJ running the kingdom with his husband and fabric and cool knives. Possibly with a side of Shen Yuan being a prince (adoption? Magic? Who knows) and SQH being his favorite uncle.
.......I wonder if SQH warns Shen Jiu that Binghe is coming/keeps him updated on demonic happenings.
.................wasn't OG Rat Qinghua supposed to get murdered by MBJ for betraying him.
Oh no.
NOW I am going down rabbit holes of Moshang typical violent misunderstandings and lack of communication, except this time SQH is the adoptive younger brother of an Arabian queen, and oh God the court intrigue and politics and drama you could pull with that. Esp if Shen Jiu eventually just. Yoinks SQH. "If this ice king wants to keep you around then he's welcome to start fucking acting like it."
And ofc Shen Jiu's husband won't say shit besides "oh we gotta welcome my brother in law appropriately! Make sure he has clothes and nice rooms etc etc" because he's also familiar with the little merchant/logistics lord who is absolutely wide eyed fluffy hamster levels of ADORABLE (bc I firmly believe SQH is the cutest little thing second to nothing but White Lotus Binghe, and also oblivious to this) and correctly thinks that having SQH's spymaster/logistics capabilities working for them is a good thing.
So SQH gets a break, gets to wear some super pretty clothes, gets to never have to worry about freezing to death, or getting injured accidentally or otherwise, etc etc. The courtiers, especially the scientifically inclined ones, adore him, partly bc he's cheating using modern knowledge. But he tells such wonderful stories! And he runs things so efficiently!
The Queen is sharp and brilliant, beautiful and vicious when provoked. His younger brother is just as intelligent, but is absolutely adorable, skilled at organization and he tells the *best* stories.
(please I just want Shang Qinghua to get so much of the appreciation he craves that he doesn't even know what to do with it)
MBJ and LBH are both sulking in the demon realm bc Shen Jiu is forcing them to think about what they've done and use their words.
......ok now I want "disillusioned but naive" Binghe and "learned but foolish" Shen Yuan to get a romance. They both learn that life and the world isn't what they thought it was together. Shen Jiu is furious but Binghe has taken every bit of his running a kingdom advice to heart and is truly genuinely doing everything right. Finding out the beast refuses to so much as hold hands with A-Yuan until Shen Jiu has approved of him would, once upon a time, have caused him to double down on disapproval. Now- with his doting husband who looks thoughtfully at the pair and says, with the look on his face that means he's thinking of their own relationship, "maybe we should give him the chance to disappoint us first. Something tells me he's not going to,"- Shen Jiu sighs heavily and sets about making a true good faith attempt to finding out if Binghe and a-Yuan are suited to each other.
(the main reason he does so is because his a-Yuan loves monsters, and Binghe will be able to take him to see as many as he wants while still being single mindedly focused on keeping him safe.)
[More in #Shen Jiu is forced into an arranged marriage to an Arabian Prince AU]
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seresinslady · 7 months
Just Between Us - Prologue
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Bradley has been in love with you since you were thirteen. He would do absolutely anything for you, including fake dating you so that your parents didn’t find out about your secret older boyfriend.
High School AU Bradley Bradshaw x Best Friend Mitchell!Reader
Warnings: 27 year old OC dating a 17 year old Reader. Goose is alive…….. and he’s kind of an antagonist……. Oops. Not proof read bc it’s 4am and I have work tomorrow.
At seventeen years old you were old enough to know the signs of a guy liking you. And maybe Bradley had checked all of those boxes, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge it. Growing up as an only child, he was your person. A best friend, a confidant, a shoulder to cry on, a person meant only for you. “What if they get married someday” quickly turned to “they’re definitely gonna get married someday” in the conversations your parents would have about you behind your backs. Pete Mitchell, Ester Mitchell, Nick Bradshaw and Carole Bradshaw watched on painfully at every interaction the two of you had. Whether it was hanging out watching tv, doing a class project together, or miserably failing at baking, three things were always extremely evident to all of them.
1. Bradley was hopelessly in love with you.

2. You had no idea.

If Nick was honest, the intensity in which Bradley loved you scared him a little bit. There was a running list of reasons this incited fear in him, but he would never say it out loud. He was pretty confident that Bradley would come to him for advice about the situation one day, and he would use that moment to steer him in the right direction. Until then he would keep his thoughts to himself and he certainly wouldn’t tell his wife. She has been planning your wedding ever since she noticed that glint of lovestruck awe in her son’s eyes.
It’s not that he didn’t love you. You had always been like a daughter to him, in the same way Bradley was like a son to Pete. Nick just has a gut feeling that if you asked Bradley to walk into oncoming traffic, he’d do it with a smile on his face and that is what worries him.
“I thought y/n had a study group tonight?” Nick casually mentions to the small group of parents as he sees your figure blur pass the entry way and up to Bradley’s room.
“She was supposed to. It probably ended early or something…” Pete trails off and looks over at his wife who is giving him a queasy look. “I- I’ll go check on them. I mean her. I’ll go check on her.” He put down his drink and walked up the stairs.
3. You and Bradley were sleeping together.

A topic of conversation that had begun amongst the group when Carole walked in on the two of you curled up in bed a few weeks ago.
“Well, did they have clothes on?!”
“I don’t know, I just bolted out of there! I don’t think they even saw me, they were sleeping!”
“Did they have clothes on?”
Pete shoots his wife a pointed look as he bounces back down the staircase. “Yes, and not funny.” Pete was in extreme denial that his precious baby girl even knew what sex was. He was wrong. 
“She said her study group ended early because a few kids had track practice,” he explained.
Upstairs you were throwing yourself onto Bradley’s old leather beanbag, a giddy smile on your face. He was reading some magazine about airplanes that you had bought for him at the convenience store yesterday. “I have a secret!” Your mischievous smile beamed across the room towards him.
He eyed you with an unserious fearful look. “What…?” He said cautiously. It wasn’t often, if ever, you two kept secrets from one another.
“I wasn’t at a study group.”
“But you just told your dad-”
“I know what I told my dad, Bradley. But I couldn’t tell him where I actually was or he’d lose his shit.” You explained.
Bradley sat up on his bed, laying the magazine face down on the blue quilt. You had peaked his interest now. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to reveal your previous whereabouts.
He raised his eyebrows, “well are you gonna tell me?”
“Tell you what?” You said with faux confusion.
“Where you were!” Bradley laughed.
“Oh… sure I’ll tell you… for a price.” You bargained. 
“Ever the hustler, huh?” he rolled his eyes playfully. “What do you want?”
“I want your cookie tomorrow at lunch!” You seemingly pulled that out of your back pocket.
Your immediate response had taken Bradley aback, but he laughed at you as your eyes sparkled with pride. “Fine, now spill it.”
“I was on a date!” You whispered with excitement.
Bradley felt that ever so familiar heart drop. A date. You had been on a date. 
He couldn’t even get out a response before you started your way over to him, phone in hand. You plopped down next to him. Your perfume smelt so good today. Had you put it on for your date?
Bradley watches your side profile as you scroll through your phone, letting the screen illuminate your face. A strand of your neatly pulled back hair suddenly fell out of place, but before Bradley could reach up to fix it, you brushed it behind your ear without a second thought and quickly turned to face your phone towards him.
“This is him! Isn’t he cute? I mean, I know you probably can’t tell cause you’re a guy, and guys can’t tell when another guy is hot but-”
As you rambled, Bradley’s face morphed into terror while looking at the photo. He gently took the phone from your hand to get a better look. “Y/n. How old is this guy?”
“But I figured you’d– Oh, he’s only like twenty-seven.”
“Twenty-seven?!” Bradley shouted as he stood abruptly from the bed. 
“Bradley, keep your fucking voice down!” You stood up to face him, glancing at the door to make sure it was shut all the way.
“Twenty-seven!” He turned his full shout, to a whisper shout. His shock still hadn’t worn off. “Y/n, you’re seventeen.” Bradley reminds you.
“Oh thanks for reminding me, I didn’t know that.” Sarcasm twisted in your tone but he ignores you. 
“Y/n, this is serious, you’re a minor. He’s 10 years older than you. Does he know you’re seventeen?”
You huffed in annoyance. “Yes, he knows and he’s fine with it.” Bradley’s shock only grew more as he paced away from you. “Dude, can you just be cool about it? My dad is 8 years older than my mom, it’s not that big of a deal.” 
Bradley angrily turns on his heel to face you.. He was visibly stressed and pissed. “Dude, the big deal is that he’s a full grown adult and you’re in highschool. He’s a fucking pedophile, y/n!”
“A pedo- I’m not a child, Bradley-”
“UH, legally, yeah you are!” He interrupts you.
“Well, legally, I’m an adult next month.” You retorted, throwing your hands up. “So…”
Bradley seemingly loses the strength to fight with you on this any longer, as he sits down in his desk chair, placing his elbows on his knees and puts his face in his hands. He lets out a deep sigh.
“B…” You said quietly, walking over to him. When he didn’t look up, you sat down in front of him and gently pulled his hands away from his face. He looked at you, eyes full of anxiety and exhaustion from your mini fight. “B, I understand why you’re worried, but you gotta trust me. I’m being careful and we haven’t had sex or anything. I haven’t even kissed him, I just really like him and I think he likes me too.”
The mention of sex makes Bradley’s heart stop for a second. He was happy to hear you say you hadn’t done anything with this clearly disturbed man, but he still felt nauseous at the fact that you even had it on your mind.
“I-I don’t know what to say, y/n.” Bradley gives up.
“Just… say you trust me.”
Trusting you is far different than trusting this stranger, but it wasn’t a lie when Bradley responded “I trust you.”
“Good! Now, tell me about your magazine!”
And just like that, Bradley had gotten over his anger with you. Your sweet face looking up at him with a small grin. You were trying to cheer him up and distract from the argument that had just gone down. You both knew that this conversation would definitely pick up another time, but for right now  Bradley would just tell you about his magazine.
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Okay this is the first TGM piece I have ever put out but I’m pretty excited about it. I use to write Bucky Barnes fics before I deleted my account but I’ve been reading TopGun fics for about a year now. ANYWAYS!! lmk what you guys think.
It’s gonna be loosely based on Dear John and All Too Well.
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horribluh · 10 months
moshang for me is like, literal decades of mutual pining but make it stupid -> feelings realization a la airplane extras but it probably takes them at least 2 months to do anything about it -> terrible first time -> almost break up bc of the terrible first time -> annoying codependent couple no one wants to sit next to
sqh is on that fearing for his life to consort pipeline with no idea how he got there. mbj has fucked up this human/demon courtship for too long and kinda just wants to get married and smash now. somehow sqh still thinks mbj will leave him any second, meanwhile mbj is like violently simping for him in the corner. they need couples counseling. 0 communication skills. pda kings. the hamster banana meme. cant stop thinking about them
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The Sims 4 SVSSS edition
Let’s start with our characters shall we?
First up is Shen Yuan. (Modern edition) SY is a young adult with the computer geek aspiration. His traits are geek, lazy, and snob. He likes programming, painting, video gaming, gardening, and writing. His job is a video game live-streamer. At this point in the game he’s probably the most normal Sim I have.
Living with him is Luo Binghe (I originally had them as roommates). Luo Binghe is also a young adult with the soulmate aspiration. His traits are Neat, Romantic, and Jealous. He likes cooking, fitness, painting, annoying Airplane Bro, handiness, and baking.
Luo Binghe is currently in the acting career because I want him to be famous and meet other famous people (more on that storyline later), and because it requires him to be talented in a number of skills.
Other Sims I have made include Mobei-Jun, Shang Qinghua, Little Palace Mistress, Ning YingYing, Sha Hualing, Liu Qingge, and Liu Mingyan.
Shang Qinghua and Liu Mingyan are writers
Sha Hualing is a fashion designer (don’t ask)
Palace Mistress is also an actress
NYY is a gardener
Mobei-Jun is a business owner
Liu Qingge is a professional athlete
Shen Yuan is currently best friends with Shang Qinghua and is dating Binghe.
Okay, background done! Time for the weird shit:
So bc SQH and SY are besties, SQH has a habit of just showing up out of nowhere to bug SY.
As some point they had a hamster also named Shang Qinghua who loved biting SY but the game wouldn’t let me feed it and it died.
SY and LBH kissed twice and went on a date but weren’t actually boyfriends until like 3 Sim days later
SY tends to leave plates everywhere but LBH always cleans them up without getting upset
When I first made Airplane bro, I put him in the shittiest looking house possible and LBH immediately showed up at his door to harass him.
Mobei-Jun was the fourth one made and he’s kinda quiet. I think he does go bug SQH every now and then
I’ve been getting SY to talk up MBJ to SQH in the hopes that they start dating
Btw SQH is essentially living in a tiny little hut and Mobei-Jun is living in a mansion
Because of his traits and also now officially dating SY, LBH is in a constant state of either flirty or jealous
The first time SY and LQG met, Liu Qingge was sleeping on a park bench and Shen Yuan was strolling through town.
The next day LQG invited him to a cafe, and SY brought LBH along with him. Binghe immediately got tense from being jealous over SY talking to LQG
Note: He has never gotten jealous over Mbj and SQH
All of them went to a festival in the middle of winter and MBJ was walking around without a shirt on. It’s in character but at the same time he was freezing to death.
Somehow Mobei Jun and Binghe have a small love meter and I have no fucking clue how that happened, they’ve talked maybe twice.
Why is accidentally getting the demon dumbasses together easier than purposely getting Moshang together?
Fucking sims
So everytime I want Binghe to talk to SY, there’s an option to talk about marriage.
I think I’ll have them get married once I’ve made all of the characters.
Edit: So at some point, Shen Yuan gained a fear of death, which is ironic given how many times he’s died so far.
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drksanctuary · 8 months
@everythingwasalreadypicked ‘s idea about Al losing his powers really got my mind juices flowing this morning:
Like Zues wouldn’t even do it personally. Facing off with some messenger of Zues (maybe hermes) in an alleyway bc he's making too much trouble.:
Alabaster Torrington and the Magic Thief:
Alabaster hadn’t expected to be cornered by a messenger of Olympus. Let alone Hermes himself,: Luke and Chris’s dad. THE messenger of Olympus.
Now really isn’t the time. He’s already feeling touchy and the last thing he wants is to be jumped by an enemy in an alleyway. But if it’s a fight he wants it’s a fight he’ll get. Alabaster attacks him with a charged hand, aiming for his chest.
Hermes ducks out of the way.Al Had anticipated this and he quickly turns directing his momentum to where the god went.
Hermes is almost surprised. But his winged feet are still too quick. He dodges the second blow, grabbing Al by the nape of his neck and slamming him into the wall.
Al grunts and struggles against the gods grip but he can’t escape.
“Sorry about this kid” Hermes says.
Al feels Hermes take something but he doesn't see what it is. He can't believe it. Olympians really are a divine mafia and he was getting fucking mugged?!.
Hermes lets go,his face a concerned frown.
Al spins on him with a snarl. He holds up his hand to charge another magic blast to hurl at the god. But nothing happens.
Al looks at his hand which is inexplicably empty. No green light coalescing in his palm, the runes on his shirt stay dormant.
He whips out one his cards gives it a double tap and then chucks it. It impotently floats to the floor, like a paper airplane caught in a wind. He tries another card, and then another and then he gets to the sword, which doesn't come out when he prompts it. Nothing is working.
"What the-" alabaster stutters, panic setting in before logic "what did you do to me?!"
Hermes' face remains a frown. "I'm…really sorry" he says and then flashes away.
The realization creeps up on him slowly, like a winter chill without wind. The world ...looks different. He can't feel its energy...the mist...it's just....gone. He tries not to hyperventilate but then a reminder sparks in his mind. He bolts to his safe house.
The runes that usually thrum with energy are silent and dull. He can't feel or hear them, but that's a passing fear.
He bursts through the door and looks around, breaths heavy and sporadic. He first goes to the study, then the kitchen, the bedroom. Empty.
"No..." Alabaster says, "no it can't..." He goes to the living room and opens the small tin that holds his most valuable possessions. Inside is an index card with the outline of a man. Alabaster places it on the table and taps it twice then looks around.Nothing happens. He does it again and Again. nothing…no one.
He slumps against the couch...he'd never felt so defeated. "No” he chokes back a sob “c-Claymore?" He asks into the still air. No response. He is,once more, painfully...utterly...alone.
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I had to keep this angst in my head all day. AT WORK!
Hope you enjoyed 💕
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alyygx · 8 months
BoB Real Life Veteran Opening Interviews: (In order, By Episode)
Episode 1: Currahee
1. Joseph Lesniewski ~ "We were in a store and a guy in that store..."
2. Paul Rogers ~ "Our country was attacked..."
3. Bill Maynard ~ "Who would like to volunteer..."
4. Rod Strohl ~ "We came from a small small town..."
* He appears in the beginning of the third episode asking Lt. Harry Welch where they were heading.
5. Earl McClung ~ "I did things..."
6. Bill Maynard ~ "Guy says well you jump out of airplanes..."
Episode 2: Day of Days
1. Dick Winters ~ "Standing in the door..."
2. Buck Compton ~ "Got such an opening blast..."
3. Ed Tipper ~ "We came from the sky..."
* Is there with Sobel in the first episode when he cuts the fence. He says "I think it's Major Horton, sir".
4. Dick Winters ~ "How do you prepare..."
5. Bill Maynard ~ "In the back of your mind..."
Episode 3: Carentan
1. Bill Guarnere ~ "I never thought I'd make it through D-Day..."
2. Ed Tipper ~ "I thought one of two things..."
3. Earl McClung ~ "I think everyone had fear..."
4. Carwood Lipton ~ "It's a feeling you will not let your self down..."
5. J.B. Stokes ~ "We all had fear..."
Episode 4: Replacements
1. Donald 'Pappy' King ~ "The Toccoa men..."
2. James Alley ~ "Most of them were qualified parachutists..."
* He is the injured soldier in the beginning of ep. 5 (Crossroads) who has his face hit by shrapnel.
3. Earl McClung ~ "I think maybe they were trying to impress..."
4. Lester Hashey ~ "Cause we were in awe of them..."
* He was the tall replacement in this episode that appears with Miller and Garcia.
Episode 5: Crossroads
1. Dick Winters ~ "If you’re a leader..."
2. Buck Compton ~ "A good leader..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "Seemed like he always made the right decisions..."
4. Robert 'Popeye' Wynn ~ "He went right in there..."
Episode 6: Bastogne
1. Carwood Lipton ~ "When we left for Bastogne..."
2. Lester Hashey ~ "And there was a ridge with the treeline..."
3. Earl McClung ~ "Well like in Bastogne we were down to one round..."
* Appears in this episode sharing a foxhole with Bill Guarnere. He also appears in ep. 8 (The Last Patrol) when Webster is telling them which men were wanted on the patrol. He is sitting next to Babe in this scene.
4. Hank Zimmerman ~ "One of the guys got hit in the arm with a piece of shrapnel..."
5. Herbert 'Junior' Suerth Jr. ~ "And a medic came along..."
* Is shown in this episode in the truck on the way to Bastogne. Babe asks him if he has any ammo, "You got any ammo Junior?".
6. J.B. Stokes ~ "Even today on a real cold night..."
Episode 7: The Breaking Point
1. Dick Winters ~ "I've seen death, I’ve seen my friends..."
2. Darrel 'Shifty' Powers ~ "We was hungry..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "Everywhere you would look..."
4. Donald Malarkey ~ "You don’t have a chance..."
* This is by far the saddest, most emotional interview in the whole series in my opinion. I just want to hug him omg!
Episode 8: The Last Patrol
1. Carwood Lipton ~ "We had lost some very good men..."
2. Joe Lesniewski ~ "I don’t know the exact amount..."
3. Donald Malarkey ~ "Skip Muck died..."
4. Forrest Guth ~ "After Bastogne..."
* Appears in the first episode (Currahee) as a background character. His name can be seen on one of the uniforms.
5. Dick Winters ~ "You have a feeling..."
Episode 9: Why We Fight
1. Norman Nietzke ~ "It was a situation..."
2. Lester Hashey ~ "We used to say the only..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "They had a job to do..."
4. Earl McClung ~ "I think that we thought..."
5. Darrel 'Shifty' Powers ~ "A lot of those soldiers..."
*I didn't include Episode 10 (Points) bc the names appear on the screen in that episode.
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lastoneout · 3 months
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@dittolicous I'm slapping these tags into a new post bcs it made me realize I might be weird and wanted to know of anyone else is weird in the same way.
Because like my fear of heights only seems to manifest on man-made structures? Before my disabilities got bad enough that I couldn't hike I used to climb up on top of really tall stuff all the time, like I would hang out on the Devil's Bridge in Sedona and not feel even a little bit scared, but like climbing up say the stairs to go down a water slide is enough to make me shake and have to not look down/get too close to the railing at the edge. The idea of going to the top of a skyscraper—and I mean like just the top floor inside, not like an observation deck or anything—makes my hands sweat(did you know they SWAY in the wind?????) but I've hung out right at the very edge of the Grand Canyon several times and I've never felt more at peace.
The only man-made structures that don't bother me are roller coasters(kinda), airplanes, and weirdly some playground equipment? Roller coasters are only fine if we stay moving tho, if the thing broke when we were really high up and we had to get rescued I would be a complete mess, but like, as long as we stay moving I love them. Carnival rides are a mixed bag, I enjoy going on ferris wheels but they do scare the shit out of me, and I just won't get on most other rides that go super high up in the air. Airplanes are okay because I understand the science behind it?? It makes sense(and when you take off you can feel the air catch the plane) so I just don't get scared, though if I was in like a skydiving plane that's open I would probably freak out. The logic behind playground equipment is a mystery to me, maybe bcs it's literally made for climbing?? No clue.
And like, I watch a lot of videos of people climbing cellphone towers and skyscrapers specifically bcs they scare me SO much that it works to get rid of my anxiety if I'm freaking out about something. All of my problems seem so small because at least I'm not on top of one of those fucking things. But I do actually really like watching The Walk, idk it makes me scared so bad but I love it.
The only natural structure that scares me is trees. Idk what it is about trees, especially bcs I do like climbing them, but I usually struggle to get down without help.
This also made me remember I used to have vhs tapes with episodes of the Madeline cartoon and in one episode she and her friend get stuck at the top of the Eiffel Tower and despite the fact that I have actually BEEN TO PARIS and WENT UP TO THE TOP OF THAT VERY STRUCTURE and it didn't bother me so much, that episode made me so scared I couldn't watch it. Like wtf is that about??
I've also always wanted to be able to fly or be a witch like in Kiki's Delivery Service. Idk how my brain would react to that tho since it's impossible, but I assume it would land in the "it makes sense so it doesn't bother me" category.
So yeah idk man-made structures are bad and scary because I guess I just don't trust humans to make sturdy things that won't fall down(aside from airplanes and playground equipment bcs those make sense)?? But mountains and cliffs and stuff have been there for like millions of years so I trust that they will stay under my feet and thus I don't get scared by them at all.
And like I know it's weird that I'm like this because my fiancé is ALSO scared of heights(which I find hilarious because he's 6'3" and when he picks me up so my head is level with his it makes me scared because "the ground is too far away") but he doesn't like going up on top of anything. Airplanes, rollercoasters that go upside down, tall buildings, mountains and other rock structures, it ALL triggers his phobia. He won't even let me open the window shade when we fly together, it's that bad. Idk why I'm not like that.
Anyway @ anyone else who's scared of heights:
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lhazaar · 2 months
hey. i'm turning my chair around and sitting in it backwards now because i want to speak specifically to people with ocd. this is a targeted post and is not meant to apply to the userbase of this website at large or to serve as a policy decision.
hi. do you know what scrupulosity means? it is a strong, intense, often painful concern about morality or religion. it's very common for religious people with ocd, actually—the fear that you've sinned, that you will sin, that your thoughts themselves are sinful. you're afraid of being an evil person. every thought and feeling you have is scrutinized to exhaustion in case it's proof that you're evil. this also happens for non-religious people with ocd, it's just that ours will look different; it's often a preoccupation with social justice issues. you care a lot about being a good person, right! most people do. you want to be a good person, you want to be kind to others and to dismantle oppressive systems where you can. i'm making some assumptions here, but they're based on my specific audience base.
so, there's this thing that happens online, especially on tumblr and twitter—not because bluh bluh platforms bad, but because of the ways in which information is propagated on here. people used to tag for these posts sporadically but don't do so as much anymore. you know posts that exhort you, the reader, specifically, to take action? they tell you not to look away, not to bury your head in the sand. they tell you to give and to agitate and to donate time, money, resources.
those posts used to make me intensely, deeply anxious. i don't mean mild agitation, i mean life-ruining, day-occupying panic that seizes your entire body, and thoughts that don't leave your brain. guilt that paralzyes you because you, personally, cannot go kill the politicians responsible. you don't have enough money to do more than donate a few dollars, and sometimes you don't even have that. but because of where you live, because of the fact that you have internet access and you're literate enough to read these posts, you know that you have a level of privilege that most people never will. you're aware of that privilege because you're reasonably in-tune with social justice movements and you've probably spent some time dissecting your own privilege to examine your biases. (that's not a bad thing; i'm not here to condemn that. stay with me, if you can.)
there's a thing that can happen if you've lived with ocd like this for a long time where you become kind of incapable of telling what's addressed to you personally and what isn't. everything feels like a personal exhortation. you have trouble saying no, or knowing when you're overextended, because other people have it worse. how dare you enjoy relative comfort when people are being bombed or drowning in a climate change -induced flood or being crushed to death in a crowd panic. how dare you not be aware of it at all times, always, constantly. how dare you look away. don't look away.
i want to tell you about something i went through, if that's okay. a lot of people who follow me will already know this, but i haven't talked about this aspect of it very much publicly. in 2020, while visiting my partner in southern oregon, we had to evacuate from wildfires twice in under 24 hours. that was a really, really bad fire season, caused and perpetuated by a combination of global climate change and colonialization practices that destroyed traditional indigenous fire management strategies across the west coast of north america. fires stretched from bc to california. we wound up fleeing south, and then had to flee back north again, hemmed in on three sides. i flew back home to bc shortly afterwards, and i have this vivid, awful memory of seeing my home mountain range, the cascades, choked out with smoke from the window of an airplane. the woman in front of me sobbed the entire time until we touched down.
i remember thinking at that time that it was insane the entire world wasn't stopping. what i was experiencing was apocalyptic in scale—the fire we ran from the first time was part of a complex that chewed up entire towns. it wasn't the first fire season, nor the worst for the continent, nor the world. but all i could think in the moment was why aren't we doing anything, this is going to be all of us in a decade, why are people looking away.
if i had gone online and posted that, it would not have been morally wrong of me. there's no ascribing morality to a reaction like that. i mean, if i'd gone to someone who suffered in the years prior in australia or california and told them that ours was So Much Worse, that would have made me an asshole, but i didn't do that. i made some upset facebook posts targeted at the trump voters in my family, but i had no way to express at the time the sort of clawing panic of WHY AREN'T PEOPLE DOING ANYTHING??
the answer to that, which you probably know, is: what would they have done? we were sheltered by friends we evacuated with, but what power did a mutual in new york or wales or singapore have to affect a wildfire in oregon?
so, come back to the present day with me again, if you will. i said above that posts worded like this used to make me really, really anxious. in the span of time after the fire, i developed ptsd, and my ocd ruined my life. i took an extra year to graduate after i'd finished all my coursework because i could not send in the forms required. i was too busy spending 10-16 hours a day rearranging furniture in my room, or lying in bed, full-body tense, until it felt like my teeth would crack from the pressure. i'm medicated now. i'm grateful for it. i have more tolerance for these posts because i've been there. i know the op isn't doing anything wrong, because they're not wrong. why isn't the world stopping to look at a natural disaster, or a genocide? the world should not be like this.
you are not the world. you are someone with a brain that will torture you to death given the chance. you know how learning to reckon with your privileges, whatever they may be, requires you to not try and escape them? you need to be able to hold in your head that yes, you benefit from something that isn't fair; yes, other people should have that benefit, and that they don't is unjust. but you need to, for example, not try and weasel your way out of being white because you're uncomfortable with the guilt that it produces. you need to not go online and say well not ALL americans because you can't sit with the idea of being complicit in american imperialism. if you have ocd, you need to apply that to your own brain, too. you need to apply it to every post that you see. you need to know that people are not speaking directly to you, they are crying out in pain and fear. they are not doing anything wrong. they are scared and hurting.
they do not benefit from you taking on all the guilt of that fear and pain. i am not saying this to absolve you of the guilt. i am saying that you need to be able to exist with that level of guilt without allowing it to paralyze and destroy you. if you can't do that right now, i'm not here to cast judgement on you. blacklist phrases. i had "wildfire" blacklisted for a long time. i'm sure i missed aid posts because of it. the alternative was me being nonfunctional. for a long time, i had donation posts blacklisted across the board, because the way my ocd worked meant that i was neurologically incapable of knowing where my own limits were, and i would give money i did not have. if you need to do that, this is me giving you permission. doing this does not make you evil. it does not make you morally bankrupt. it makes you someone whose brain is trying to fucking kill them, and the world needs you to not let that happen.
this is not a post about how you're exempt from caring about the world if you're mentally ill, it's about how you cannot apply that care to anything useful if you're having massive panic spirals every other day about the guilt that you feel. your guilt should not rule your life. if it does, i say this kindly, but you very likely need medication. i'm sorry if you don't have access to that right now. you cannot think your way out of ocd. you cannot think your way into stopping neural activity. you cannot guilt your way into being a good person; you have to be able to exist with the guilt and not let it rule you in order to do that. nobody benefits from your brain trying to martyr you in the name of solving the world's suffering.
you need to be able to function, free of crushing and paralyzing guilt, before you can help anyone. you are not an effective ally like this just because your brain tells you that it's necessary.
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fishgirl514 · 7 months
I REREAD UR INTRO POST. MP100. need to tell u this. consider aslfua mpo au. on one hand. esper cheol. his repression and social anxiety swag. listen 2 me… him playing w his powers in the countryside …. but then he doesnt use them at all anymore ….
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SORRY I AM RESPONDING TO THIS LATW i had to let it marinate sufficiently in my head it was just so good…..
jinseop and teru both had to experience humbling but jinseop could definitely maybe use a little more LMAO free my girl song-i rest she deserves better T_T
also thank you so much for cheol psychic powers bc he has always been so autism to me (avoiding eye contact, extremely awkward, not very good with adults and being formal, struggles to process and express his feelings, shuts down and stops speaking when he’s freaked out, intimidating by accident, prone to outbursts when overwhelmed, quiet, uncomfortable around people, antagonized by the school system and the people around him despite being the victim because of a perceived “threat”, mi-ae is his adhd counterpart) and we all know that mp100 is about autistic people have psychic powers
mi-ae is kind of like tome? the energy and the goof factor for sure. she would be a non psychic who thinks psychics r so cool and her whole arc w cheol would be him thinking she only likes him for his abilities and he’s kind of like god fuck off!!! bc he feels like all anyone cares about is his powers whether they’re scared of him or they want to use him or they’re gawking at him and treating him like a zoo exhibit. everyone being scared of him bc they’ve heard he has insane powers and had an outburst in the past, but she genuinely just wants to be his friend bc she remembers being friends as kids and stuff and he starts using his powers in little ways to protect her !!!!!!! UUUAAAAHHHH
LIKE LIKE the first time it happens it s like he hasn’t used his powers at ALL in like years but one time mi-ae gets into trouble and someone kind of starts to threaten her and suddenly he uses just a little bit of psychic power to freeze the guy and be like hey dude. stop. AAAAAAHHH !!!!! literally thinking abt this in real time oh this post is going to be an essay. and then he starts using his powers to like. catch her when she trips or send a note across their windows or silly little things as he gets more comfortable using it again. ugh. i love them. and her genuine lack of fear of him and appreciation for who he actually is makes him fall in love like in the regular series OTL
and obv we don’t know shit about whatever the hell happened between them back in the country side STILL UGHHH but i would think it would b something like. they are like playing together and he’s using his powers comfortably and freely in front of her and it’s such a bonding moment god i love them <33333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and like in the future he likes to float her around to tease her (she also loves it and requests it because she gets to be taller than him and fly like an airplane LOL)
he will put her in air jail when she needs to settle down
i also feel like they might have a fight scene with some sort of “jason this isn’t you :( just look at me jason ok? it’s just you and me right now” kind of moment LMAO but it would actually be good and not corny, more like the scene from avatar with aang and katara in the desert
anyway THANK you for this i am going to think about it forever i hope i was able to contribute and expand upon it
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tortoisebore · 4 months
okay this is a question that’s kind of random but what would the marauders’ phobias be (aside from their trauma i mean like idk spiders, closed spaces. the sea?)
hmmmm i imagine remus has a fear of heights. he does not like airplanes he does not like climbing things taller than a medium-sized tree. his family took a vacation to paris when he was in middle school & he barfed halfway up the eiffel tower.
sirius probably doesn’t like the dark. he’s a ride or die night light girlie, there’s one in every corner of his room & one in the bathroom & two or three in the hall. he sleeps with the tv on mute on days his room feels particularly dark. keeps a flashlight in his nightstand just in case.
for some reason james gives me bug phobia vibes. he sees a spider or beetle in the house and it’s game over. someone else has to do the bug killing bc he’s fleeing the scene. he gets the heebie jeebies when there’s a bug on tv or a picture of one in a book, like full body shivers at a photo of a cricket in a magazine type shit.
idk what it’s called but peter’s definitely afraid of space. it’s too big. it’s too dark & weird. like what do you mean there are other galaxies. what do you mean the sun is going to explode one day. the first time he tries edibles he goes stargazing and ends up frozen on the grass outside until morning bc why the fuck are there so many stars that’s so scary
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mirsvintagesonytv · 1 year
- I really like use of monster imagery because it’s so clear that it’s foreshadowing Guivre and Arahabaki ‘it could even be the fangs and saliva of a starving beast’ yeah that’s abt Arahabaki alright.
-‘This forest’s wicked form that day was light.’ Implies destruction for the greater good -> Chuuya using corruption even tho he’ll lose the ability to tell whether he’s human AND it being this thing that destroys him from the inside out but being their only choice to stop Verlaine
-References to fire and the colour orange all metaphors for Chuuya. he is the forest fire lolz mitski core!!! But fr I like the use of semantics to both describe the surroundings and also clearly describe Chuuya. Like ‘crackling of the trees as they burned sounded like guttural screams’ that’s so CLEARLY a reference to corruption I’ll die.
-‘A hole in the night that all living creatures naturally feared: a forest fire.’ People fearing Chuuya and his power (Shirase in 15, Mori, his enemies etc) fear of corruption/of a god/Arahabakis power. All dear it because it’s not of natural descent it’s inhuman, godlike. A hole insinuating Arahabaki to be an insatiable beast; once u open it it can’t be stopped. That’s also implied w the forest fire imagery. People scared of Chuuyas power bc of destructive nature bc it’s like a forest fire. So ppl like Mori harness it and keep it controlled whilst ppl like Shirase in 15 try to put it out from fear (the stabbing).
- ‘The body was bent straight down the middle, and one of its wings stuck out like a gravestone.’ BRUTAL foreshadowing The flags deaths and how unnatural/horrific they were.
-‘The aircraft’s torn body’ foreshadows albatross’s death. Obvs the comparison between planes and birds and his name lmao but also because his whole area in the mafia is transport….aha…funny….
-I LOVE LOVE LOVE the section w the boy Adam saves in it because he’s also a good look at Chuuyas inner character.
-‘A mere child like him, however, could only attempt to mimic what the adults were doing.’ Something intellectual about the chain of abuse and where the responsibility/accountability should fall. Chuuya mimics what the adults around him do and try to emulate them. He doesn’t act like a kid. Something about how not many characters are inherently bad people in bsd, they just grew up with shitty role models and learned from what they saw which Yk on the streets and in the mafia isn’t exactly a very good baseline to learn how to treat people or how you should be treated.
-‘There might be survivors.’ Chuuyas inherent optimism/hope despite it kind of dwindling. He doesn’t automatically see the worst in people and tries to see the good.
-‘The adults would surely praise him if he saved someone. He imagines himself being lauded a hero, and his heart began to race.’ He wants to be useful, wants to help people/be acknowledged by those he respects. It’s lit him okay.
-‘But his ambitions proved deadly.’ Every time he gets his hopes up something bad happens to pull them down. His ambition to become an exec??? His optimism and hope dwindling as he loses more people.
-FAVOURITE WHITE MAN ADAM!!!! ‘“I had no idea commercial airplanes experienced so much turbulence when they landed.’ REAL UR SO REAL ADAM COMEDIC AUTISTIC GENIUS. ‘It doesn’t help that these doors just seem to pop off,either”’ chortled. Giggled. Chuckled.
-‘as he dubiously cocked his head to one side.’ Dubious little creature getting up to mischief.
-‘Human society considers it rude to not introduce oneself, yes?”’ Lit how I feel as an autistic person ur so real adam
That concludes my prologue thoughts !!! Slayed fr.
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