#bc i missed out on SO much and its a little daunting
jendoe · 5 months
okay it has been. Months. BUT i wanted to pop in since today is my birthday and let yall know how much i've appreciated the patience and kindness that's been shown to me this year 🫶 i am really proud of myself for getting here and i can only thank the wonderful people in my life for it 🤧 so lots of love from ME to all of you and also here's a picture of my fosters bc i Have been doing things in my absence
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pepprs · 2 years
ok um. literally fucking pain and suffering. mutuals i need ur advice vote now on your phones 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
#so we walked and talked and it was literaly the most non conversational conversation ive ever had i think. probably not ever had but it was#up there. AND ITS MY FUCKING FAULT because i dodged the bullet LITERALY right out the gate. she asked how are you feeling and i couldve#fucking talked about like… her leaving but instead i just started talking abt being in THSI new position which maybe she might’ve asked#specifically how are you feeling abt this new position but i forget lol. but that’s the route i took and never ONCE did i say like… from#literally DAY ONE my entire tenure as coordinator has been skewered by your sudden decision to depart this organization and ABANDON US AWLL!#and i told her a little bit abt the stuff i have to do and she was telling me abt like.. how to navigate that and then i asked how she was#feeling and… we spent the whole rest of the convo there LMAOOOO bc it was just abt how daunted she is by everything she has to do in her new#position but also being excited abt it and looking forward to the adventure. and i just had no idea what to say to any of it so ijust kept#asking lame questions and giving these like fucking weak reassurances that she would figure everything out and stuff. but she was going into#like intricate detail abt it which is fine! like im happy to hear abt it and i want to know and im glad she’s telling me. but i wanted to#talk abt how this has been like… painful? and we just literally like.. with the occasion of maybe 2 things that didn’t even rly count that#much. like we just didn’t talk abt it. i didn’t even say i’ll miss you or like anything like that. and the one thing i was rly hoping to get#out of this convo (basically like… ensuring that we will stay in each other’s lives despite this) kinda happened but it was so like.. idk#she was just like rly casually / lightly you can come visit me on the shuttle any time. but againwe were kinda saying it jokingly / lightly#and nothing abt it was like rly sincerely like… i care about you. you mean a lot to me. this journey we have been on has mattered so much. a#and it is ending in some ways but not in all ways and let’s work together to make sure it won’t end. that’s what i wanted. and instead we#had like 3 excruciatingly awkward silences and ended litsdally at 5pm on the dot and that part is to be expected but the silences sucked. i#only have one more chance to see her (technically 2 but i don’t think it would be fair for me to take that second one so i won’t) and i know#i can write her a card saying some of THSI stuff and i will but also like.. i want and need to say it to her face and hear her say in real#time that like. seriously this has meant a lot and we will stay connected. and i need to tell her how much she has meant to me bc i don’t#think she knows. so what i want advice on is like.. do i just say it in a card or do i ask her to do a phone call or virtual meeting or#something for literally 10-15 minutes at the very end of the day just to say that. idk. like what do u think seriously i know it’s cringe b#but this is like one of the most important people in my whole life and we don’t have the relationship i want us to and i know we never will#but i at least want to tell her how much i care about her and like affirm that we will still be bound by some cosmic whatever and in each#others lives. idk. lol. im trying so hard not to cry it’s rly hard to think bc im at the dinner table lol. but what do u think. just say it#in the card or do i ask her to talk for a little while longer just to say it and not chicken out this time. i hate being socially inept LOL#purrs#delete later#it’s also not entirely my fucking fault. like she just doesn’t.. she doesn’t go there. at least not with me.and im so frustrated and sad LOL
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missjanjie · 1 year
ok so 1. this song was written in the 60s so thats when i decided it takes place and 2. yes im implying denali is the twins mom in this au bcs its still funny to me
Breakfast in Bed - Dusty Springfield
Don't be shy You've been here before Pull your shoes off, lie down And I will lock the door And no-one has to know You've come here again Darling it will be Like it's always been before Come on over here
When Anetra opened the door to an upset Denali, she knew exactly how their morning was going to go. She ushered her inside and gingerly wiped away her tears. “Another fight?” she asked once the other woman calmed down. 
“Yeah, thank god he had to go to work, or I’d never catch a break,” Denali lamented as she followed Anetra into her bedroom, both knowing and eagerly anticipating what was to come. They would call it breakfast in bed, as addressing what it actually was simply wasn’t an option for them. 
Because what they were doing was cheating on their husbands with each other. Both of them had thought they were utterly alone in the way they felt, attracted to other women instead of the men they married. The affair began almost instantaneously after that. 
“I wish you could stay a little longer,” Anetra remarked as she watched Denali get redressed. “Don’t you have another hour before the school bus comes around?” she asked, hoping to coax more time out of her. 
“Yeah, but you know how the twins are, gotta have a snack ready for them. And I should probably get started on dinner, I did promise a roast…” Denali’s explanation devolved into rambling, as if she were trying to convince herself to leave instead. 
She looped her arms around her waist, then moved a hand up to cup her cheek. “I don’t know if you make motherhood sound more or less daunting.”
Denali placed her hand on Anetra’s stomach, the smallest bump starting to develop. “Well, the good news is there’s probably only one of them,” she offered, pleased when it got the laugh she wanted out of her. “You’re going to be a great mother, I’m sure of it.” 
“Thank you,” she smiled, then sighed. “I guess I can’t hold you up any longer, but come back soon, will you? I’d like to fit in as much breakfast in bed as we can before I’m out of commission.”
“Absolutely,” she promised, “but boy, I’m certainly going to miss breakfast in bed.” Well, beyond that, she would miss Anetra.
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saetoru · 2 years
Unpopular opinion - ficblr is really cliquey. If you’re not good friends with a group of well known blogs, it’s a lot harder to get people to interact with you. And I know some people will say ‘just put in the effort and make friends with them then’ but a lot of the time I find it just goes unreciprocated. That’s not necessarily anyone’s fault but it felt really isolating and it’s why some people delete. A lot of them choose to stick to reading solely within their friend group as well which I think is sad cos they’re missing out on a lot of quality content.
i see this one a lot and i have like a 50-50 opinion on it
i feel like socializing wise it can be a little cliquey i suppose. i don't think that a lot of ppl mean to come across that way like for me personally most of my friends on this app ive known since like my first blog so i known them over a year and truth be told im not rly looking to expand my close circle like that now that i have a handful of very close friends—as in our friendship bleeds into our personal lives outside of tumblr too. i think for a lot of ppl i know the same holds true and they have a close couple of friends who they are content with. but yeah it can be a bit daunting / alienating interacting with blogs who have a set circle already. hopefully ppl who interact w me don't feel alienated SOBS i like interacting w everyone on here i like to think im friendly w most who shoot me an ask. im rather bad at answering them lately bc im offline more often 😞 but idk i hope sending me asks to chit chat and whatnot is a positive experience for most
as for the reading—personally for me i read anything as long as it shows up on my dash, moot or not. like if a moot reblogs it and its written by someone idk, i still read and reblog it if i enjoyed, but i don't go into the tags. im sorry i know there are quality fics in there, but fishing for them is HELL. i was in the tags for a solid 45 minutes a week ago and for the entire time i literally just blocked ppl for abusing the tags. they're kind of a shit show as of late. BUT i do think that some blogs don't rly reblog content outside of their friends i agree w that !! and i think reblogs from writers make a big difference obviously since we have a much larger reach since more ppl follow us
its like i think it can be cliquey depending on the ppl u interact with but i also think there are plenty of ppl to become friends w and connect w bc there's an abundance of ppl u know ??
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gikairan · 15 days
Mmm so i tried to play some of that Wuthering/*/*/Waves game that came out today
Bc its a Genshin-like and hey its sort of the time of the Genshin update where not much is going on. Why not try it out?
Especially as my pathway into Genshin was "haha, lets see how bad this Chinese BOTW-like is" to "... oh no i'm actually having a LOT of fun"
And... boy i dont think i've ever played a game thats so shamelessly a rip-off of another one, and fails to carve even one iota of its own identity.....
Look, i'll admit. My play time is probably less than 3 hours. Mostly just trying to follow the main story. Until i unlocked the gacha, and tried to run around and see what the open world had to offer for a bit.
And its.... its Genshin. Its Genshin with a slightly more sci-fi skin, made by a company that isn't quite to the same standard of quality.
The combat is different, and i WILL give it the fact that its got good punch. Long term, I can see this being more interesting than Genshin's (Which i admit is a little button spammy and not very strategic anymore - especially as i ignore Spiral Abyss)
..... But its about the only system that i felt had the right level of polish? Jumping felt wrong, climbing felt wrong. I tried to do the fast climbing up a wall and the main character just went into the sprint animation. The subtitles dont scroll down when youre not in a proper "cutscene", and it doesnt seem to be scrollable, so you miss entire sentences. I dont know if you can change the dub language, since I just want to play my games in English, but if you did change your language... thats.... not great? Theres also weird pacing issues with the voice acting, where it seems like they didn't quite give the English voice lines enough time to be said, pause for breathing, and move onto the next line. It feels unnatural. Plus - some of the translation is a little odd? You get a dialogue option like "What happens when someone Overclocks" and the response from the character is "Overclocking is *thing*". Like... the option was "what happens when you do this thing?", not "what is thing (You just explained 2 seconds ago)?"
UI wise, it all felt overly familiar. Everything is in exactly. the. same. place. The pause menu is a little different, but not a huge amount. Many character systems are the same.
Overworld, the bit i explored seemed a little... empty? There wasnt really a lot i could see to do. I found a mechanic that is basically seeles..... I found a domain that had the same kind of UI going on. I found a puzzle that isnt directly ripped from Genshin.... because its the magnesis/ Ultrahand Korok block puzzles from BOTW/ TOTK....
Theres nothing i played that felt unique to this game? Maybe the echo system, which I probably havent played with enough, but i dont think that alone is enough of a draw on its own? It feels like it needs something more significant to really set it apart and let it be its Own Game.
But truly the worst sin - they gave the main character the title of "Rover". Which sure feels like "Traveller", but not. Except.... they dont put an article before "Rover". And the translators really really should have. Because Rover.... is a stereotypical dog name. "The Rover" would sound a looooooot better.
The thing is tho, i bet none of this would bother you if you never played Genshin? A game which, honestly, I do not recommend you picking up if you havent played it yet. Because youre looking at 100+ hours of cutscene just to catch up. This... might actually be a good option if you want to try that kind of game, but are daunted by the amount of content in Genshin? It needs a bit more polish but I dont think its bad. Just obviously a little lower budget, or the team isnt quite as experienced. But i cant play this game and not go ".... this isnt as good as the game that its clearly trying so hard to be???" And maybe if Genshin was a typical story-based game that just released in one go, and i'd finished it, i'd be more forgiving? Like an "oh boy, two cakes!" kind of situation? But side by side... and I can't help but compare and find this new game lacking.
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yamagucji · 4 years
some tips for writing blogs, especially those who are just starting out. these are some things that works for me and may or may not work for others.
how to add a read more link on mobile
type :readmore: on a free space, then hit the enter or return button
personally i think they’re very helpful because it lessens the space you take up in your dash, and might encourage more people to rb
+ you can also add this on a spot where it gives a sort of cliffhanger, essentially making people want to ‘read more’
headers, banners, and dividers
though not necessary, it’s good to have a title for your work. make sure it’s bold and doesn’t blend in with your notes (aka pairing, warnings, etc.). this also helps when someone wants to look up one of your works in your search bar
i don’t really make banners or covers for my works. but some good apps that i know of would be picsart and canva. if you’re looking for ideas, i definitely recommend going into canva
wondering how to make those really small, thin dividers? you can make them using picsart! to make a divider hit tools > free crop > brush > size (adjust it to your preference > then draw a line along the edge of your photo > save
using the divider you just saved, go back to picsart and edit it again > draw option > hit rainbow square at the bottom left corner > hit suction/droplet symbol right below the check mark > color in the white spots bc for some reason picsart glitches and makes dividers look white-ish
new blog? just opened an account?
this is gonna sound really frustrating. but... tumblr needs to check if you’re a bot or not. what does this mean? it’s likely that your first few posts won’t show up on the search bar. you may not even get to edit your header/pfp yet ://
this happened to me and there was no visibility on my account at ALL. what helped me get ‘verified’ is that i followed a LOT of accounts, liked a bunch of posts, made some posts here and there. now that lets tumblr know you’re not a bot
the tumblr tagging system usually only allows the first 5 tags in your post to show up. so, what can do you about this? only use FIVE or less tags in your post. wait about 15 minutes or more until you can add some more tags in your post, and they usually all show up like that
another important thing about using tags is not to generalize! especially if you’re using a popular tag. but also don’t specify it too much where barely anyone looks it up. for example, if you’re writing a gn piece about oikawa, i recommend you use the tags such as: oikawa x reader, haikyuu x reader, oikawa x gn!reader, haikyuu headcanons, etc
a good rule of thumb is to use character x reader tags first, then leave the full name or fandom tag last
FOR NSFW: tumblr doesn’t let any tags with nsfw show up. so, give your nsfw works another tag. maybe #namegetspicy idk, you figure it out
FOR WARNINGS: especially if you’re a dark content creator, i highly encourage you to add tw:xyz tags. if you already have a warning note at the top then that’s great. but even better for readers who prefer to actually block these tags that way they never get to see it
another important thing to note is that people have different timezones. it helps if you rb your work at a different time of the day, in case people missed it! (icymi) i’ve noticed that reblogging helps to make your post show up in the tags
interaction + feedback
first and foremost, you are not obligated to write for your followers, and neither are your followers obligated to interact with you. remember that everyone has their own individual lives, and they have their own things to do— so do you, too.
make friends! become mutuals with other writers, visit their ask box. i know it can be daunting having to initiate these things, but you might just turn out to have fun! you can’t expect people to interact with you if you’re not interacting (back). it’s... kind of a two way thing yk? no need to be afraid to interact with other writers. oh, and rb other writers works!
pspsps join tag games or do ask games. it’s fun and very interactive
it never hurts to ask for feedback. i usually do this in a more subtle way because i don’t really expect a full on analysis on my works. maybe a little, is this okay? or feedback appreciated. sometimes it takes a little bit of coaxing for the silent readers
formatting your posts and blog
i generally put in the title at the top in big, bold letters
then comes the header/divider. helps to make the post more... visually appealing ig?
it’s important to add warnings (if any) and the pairing. the audience is not all female, and it might be a little frustrating for male readers having to find out its an x fem reader piece like halfway through your fic
if you have multiple works posted, it’s really really helpful to have a navigation page!
you can organize the posts you make with tags! for example, if you’re shitposting, you can use a specific tag for that. if you have a nsfw related post (ESPECIALLY when your blog is open to the general audience) please make a tag for it
themes + colors
if you have a color in mind but don’t know which direction to go from there, i recommend looking up color + aesthetic
looking to use the same color? download a name color app that’ll give you a hex code for any color you want to use. then, you can type in that hex code for when you’re choosing a color for your tumblr bio
wondering how to make your header image small like mine? just choose a photo for your header and turn off the stretch image option
want to use a different text color that tumblr doesn’t offer? it’s not as complicated as you think. you’ll have to go on a desktop to do this and do some html (but trust me, it’s not very difficult). look up “HTML noob but trying my best - how to use colored text on desktop”
^^ i don’t have the link for the color text tutorial so you can try looking it up
how to make an aesthetic navi and masterlist
step 1: decide a theme! if you’re stuck, think about a character + color/season/mood or look up “[insert] aesthetic” to find some inspiration. or you can try looking at other blogs too
step 2: find a color scheme! it’s easier if you choose fewer colors. if you want to use the same color for both divider and text, download a color name app in order to get the hex code of that color.
step 3: add categories to your navi! most navigation pages include a link to masterlist, about/byi, and rules. your navi should have a title that indicates that it’s... a navigation page. you can add thin colored dividers with the same color to make it easier for followers to navigate
step 4: you can choose to create a ‘cover’ or a picture for your navigation and masterlist! again, i recommend you use the canva app as a starting point
extra: search up emoticon symbols to spice up your titles!
reminder for you as a writer
you’re not obligated to do any of these things. i’ve noticed that we tend to build pressure on ourselves when it comes to content and interaction. remember, this !! is !! for !! fun !! when you realize that it’s no longer fun, then know that it’s time to take a break. and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of self care.
^^ c/p from this post lol
at the end of the day, follower count and interaction doesn’t define you. again for the love of beings, you’re here on your own accord.
will be adding more if needed/asked.
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Lucifer
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Thank you anon for you request :3 Since I don't know much about Belphegor yet here's the fluff alphabet for our boy Lucifer. 
Much love to you too babe 💛💛💛
A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
- Lucifer will alway enjoy a nice cup of tea with his s/o while talking about their day and upcoming plans Or just sitting in silence while each one does their own thing. Just being alone in each others presence is soothing enough. 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them? 
- Lucifer thinks his partners mind is the most beautiful thing about them.
- He admires his s/o’s ability to make tactful decisions with common sense
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
- Lucifer would try and gently walk his partner through their panic attack.
- During these times he is more patient then anyone has ever seen him with someone 
- Will ask if they want space or not, as a way to make sure he’s helping them in ways that are best suited for them.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
- He imagine him and his s/o raising a family, maybe 2 or 3 kids
- In a beautiful home, with out his brothers (not that they wouldn't be in and out of it all the time.)
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
- Lucifer is usually a dominant force in his life and relations, but with the person he loves he has found a way to have a bit of a balance and finds that he doesn’t Always  have to be in control of everything with them in his life.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
- Lucifer will try to shut down any fight he deems unbeatable for his partner
- Wont be one to yell unless pushed far enough 
- Usually will walk away if the argument is going no where
- You will have to come to him to resolve it (unless he really feels he was in the wrong and/or hurt you with what he might have said)
- Wont be one to hold a grudge 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- He may be too prideful to say this some times but, he feels very lucky to have you in his life.
- The way you can connect with him the way that you have truly shocked him when he really realized what he had with you. 
- “I didn't think a human could do this to me, but I would want anything else.”
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide form their s/o? Or do they share everything?
-  It is rather hard for Lucifer to bare everything to his partner not because what's he may be hiding is bad but just to try and avoid embarrassment or potential judgment, his pride can really get in the way even with you.
- But the only things he may ever keep secret is things portioning to work 
- He values honesty and expects it from both parties 
I nspired - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
- His s/o really helped loosen him up a bit and bring out a bit of a softer side (not that he won’t whip out a can of whoop ass when necessary)
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
-  Does get jealous but in more of an irritated way
- When he sees someone flirting or being a little too friendly to his liking with his partner he will be calm and collected but you know inside he is seathing
- Very intimidating (more than usual) 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
- A very passionate kisser 
- Your first kiss together stunned you, not because it was bad but bc it really took your breathe away. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
- Lucifer confessed his love in the garden in the moon light (too cheesy?)
- Holding your hand telling you how you made quite the feat to get a demon like him to fall for you,
- “I never in my life thought a human could conquer me in such a way that you have.” 
- And planted a soft kiss upon your rose petal lips, the feeling of electricity crossing through you both, those currants finally meeting, intermingling in a passionate tango that he wishes will never end.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
- Lucifer always knew he would probably get married but to who was the big question bc he isn't just gonna be with anyone 
- The marriage b/w you two is pleasant  
- At first (including in your pre-marriage relationship) the amount of time he spends working and away from home was pretty hard. You understood he had an important job and a lot to do but there were a few arguments about how you hardly get good quality time together.
- But after that's figured out and a balance is made its pretty good
- He proposed to you after a romantic candlelit dinner he set up for you two
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
- Nicknames you have for him: Luci, | Honey, | 
- Nicknames he has for you: Love, | Dear, | 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
- The only other person that can really see it is none other than Diavolo
- He expresses it by being a bit more accommodating to you, to make are you are happy and comfortable.
- But he is more so private about it (mainly before others knew about your relationship/ it was official) 
- He is just over all a bit gentler with you 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o on front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
- Isn't making out with you but is proud to have you with him
- At parties he’ll have you on his arm and dancing with you close whilst looking lovingly in your eyes, a gentle curve playing his lips. Leaning down to press a kiss to your hand to cheek. 
- Very gentlemanly
Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship?
- His ability to organize and plan things is amazing
- Planning for important meetings and finances for big things (like a house) is usually left to him to crunch the numbers and get everything situated.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
- On a scale of 1-10, He’s measuring in at about a strong 8
- Wooing you is something he is very good at 
- Candlelit dinners, with soft music playing in the background, Champaign and strawberries 
- Dresses nicely for you, (he usually dresses nicely but still lol) has gotten you a little something to wear for when you go out as well. Complementing you on how beautiful you look in the dress he had chosen for you.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
-  Will push his s/o to go after what they want 
- Wont pressure them but tell them, if they want to do it they can! They just have to put action into it.
T hrill - Do they need to try new things to spice out their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
- Both
- There are certain things he wants to keep routine, like his mornings and nights with you (getting up and going to bed) 
- But where you go on date and how you spend time alone (wink wonk😉) chances up when things get too repetitive
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
- In the beginning of your relationship it was a bit hard for him to truly understand you 
- Not meaning to be apathetic at times, bc he does care about you and your well being but he hasn't had a relationship with love like this before 
- Showing his emotions doesn't come naturally to him either so helping you with it can be a bit daunting (even to the great Lucifer lol)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it thats worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- You are pretty important to him 
- I wouldn't say more or less than his work (cuz thats hella important to him too)
- He really believes he is good at separating the two 
- Honestly he is, for the most part.
- There may or may have been a few times where he was a bit lenient with you when it came b/w you and his work. Like maybe there was a time when you were really missing him and have been having a bad week and you asked to come see him at work or he came home. He allowed you to come to his office and ended up sitting on his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck, and your head resting on his shoulder. (He would be lying if said he didn't like it and wants you come over and do that from time to time)
W ild Card - A random. Fluff Headcanon.
- You and Lucifer have these little habits you do in the mornings.
- Every morning (or almost every morning) when you get up, usually Lucifer gets up before you, you go down stairs to meet him in the kitchen where you both sit down at the table and drink coffee he had made for you both. You spend these early morning moments alone to talk about your day and maybe even any dreams you might have had the night before. The alone time you have in the mornings together is very precious to him and you get to see the softer side of Lucifer, with sleep still in the corners of his eyes, still in his night clothes. Seeing you first thing in the morning before anyone else is something he never wants to stop doing.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
- Much more affectionate than his brothers and others think (besides Diavolo probably)
- Night time snuggles are a thing
- At night when you two are falling asleep he will hold you against his chest, stroking your hair lovingly. Maybe a gentle kiss here or there
- Holding your hand
- Kissing your hand
- His affection comes out in very simple &. soft gestures 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
- He is the best at coping out of the brothers
- Understands and can respect that you need time, either alone or for work/school
- Might send you a message here or there checking up on you or updating you on how his work is going.
- Don't get it twisted tho, he does have his moments (maybe not often) but moments when he just needs you with him/ really wants to be with you while he's at work/working or you’re out.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, whaat kind of?
- If you’ve made into his heart and really earned his trust and respect 
- He will go great lengths for your relationship
- Makes sure that you’re happy and comfortable 
- He even will try to change (idk if thats the right word to use but maybe better himself but idk 😅) for you (not who he is and personality wise) but his approach and how he speaks to you (like in an argument or when he disagrees, doesn't just shut you down he will try to hear you out)
- But if he sees that someone doesn't put effort in or wrongs him or just isn't compatible with him and what he wants than he will let them go.
If you’re reading this I hope you liked it and have a marvelous day.
If you have any ideas of what I should write next, I am gonna try and do some Valentines themed works for the month of February so I’m open to suggestions.
💛 ~
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elaphaemourra · 3 years
30 Questions Tag Game
Got tagged by @outcastcommander :DDDDD Thank!!!!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better. HI I’M ACTUALLY REALLY SHY SO I’M NOT DOING THAT LOL I’m just gonna say, if u wanna do Intro and see this, go for it, and also bonus if u r Friend, absolutely feel free and also say i tagged u bc Yes Friendship.
Name/nickname: Elaphae,  Ela is most common (and great!! i love it fjdklajs), some people on the swtor art server called me ‘inquis’ a couple times ljfdklas.  
Gender: Nonbinary :DDD
Star sign: Virgo-Libra cusp :3
Height: 5’4 WOOP i am Short
Birthday: September 21
Time: 12:48 pm >:3
Favorite bands: Green Day, Volbeat, The Longest Johns, Alestorm… a lot more.  I’m a nerd lol.
Favorite solo artists: uh h hhhhh  o-O  there are Many.  Aurelio Voltaire is pretty solid lol.  Good for the heart.  Also, I can’t listen to too much of his stuff bc it gives me a Crisis, but Bo Burnham.  Shit’s a Bop.
Song stuck in my head: The theme for the uruk-hai from lotr lol
Last movie: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Last show: fjdklasj i don’t watch tv lol, i can’t make my brain sit still for it.  Gotta be Interactive.
When did I create this blog: uh, shit, when WAS that?? WOW 2014.  3 more years and I’ll have spent a decade on tumblr.  Which is WILD.
What do I post: things that make me happy ;v;  mostly star wars and dragon age, and Assorted Random Shit i think jfdlkfjd.  I don’t actually know what  my blog makeup is but it Sure Is Something.
Last thing googled: ‘the song from lord of the rings when saruman shows off the uruk-hai’ lmfaoooo, i couldn’t remember the name of it so i went looking.
Other blogs: HOO BUDDY okiedoke:  @haospart (art blog), @swtorcompanionsgoofin (swtor blog), @lyriumdisaster (dragon age blog, which i’ll get back to once i’m done on the swtor end of this bioware pingpong table of interests, and then i’ll be hopping BACK to swtor bc it IS a pingpong table), i have studyblr that I Never Fuckin Use and have only posted on in the past 2 years to go ‘what the fuck why do u people keep following me’ bc I LITERALLY HAVE NOT TOUCHED IT IN LIKE 2 YEARS why does it keep gaining followers, and then a few like, ‘no don’t look me i’m Embarassed’ repositories jfdklsjaf.
Do I get asks: Very rarely, but yes!! Lmfao usually when i go ‘GIVE ASK PLS I LOVE ASK’ and people are reminded that i am, in fact, a very friendly marshmallow who does not mind interaction and also Definitely Craves people asking questions about my stuff fjdla.
Why I chose my url: This is kind of a convoluted thing, but like, the easy version is that it’s the name of my trooper on the leviathan server (now called Aea out of the game bc they were supposed to be my self-insert but then they escaped into the woods and developed a storyline for themself).  The LONG thing is that I have an oc named Regia Elaphae, who I modeled after pnigophobia, the fear of choking or being smothered, and I made her snake-themed.  Rex is the latin word for king--for king snakes--which i swapped to regina and then took out the n bc ‘Regina’ didn’t fit her, and Elaphe is the genus for rat snakes, but i found two ways of spelling it so i spelled it Elaphae, and when I got into swtor I decided to use Elaphae in reference to myself.  I replaced my old url with this one after i started playing that trooper of the same name, bc my old one was :I .  I was into hetalia in middle school, and homestuck, and when I got on tumblr that followed me into my url.  I’m not into hetalia anymore, or anime at all, and homestuck fell off my radar into the ‘i’ll go “hey i know that” if i see it, but i’m not in the fandom anymore’ pile.  For the longest time my blog description was ‘it’s been 5 years and i still haven’t changed my url’, but it was time for change fjdklasfaj.  It’s better this way.  
Following: 953 (it was over 1300 but i did some clearing out of my follow list a month or so ago lol, mostly of people who haven’t been online in 6 years)
Followers: 616
Average hours of sleep: 7 and a half hours, if i want to be Functional
Lucky number: 19 :D  I love 19, it’s always been my lucky number, always will be.
Instruments: I don’t play much, but I can sing and also I can play beladi on the doumbek.
What am I wearing:  Fox onesie lol.  I wear basically nothing else at this point in my life.
Dream job: i mean, ideally i could just Not and vibe fjdkla.  But i mean like, i guess something working with my hands.  I’m in college to get a degree in french, and my next step after that is to go to trade school, to get smth that’ll make me money so i can keep doing Nerd Junk and also learning bc i like, actually really like school lol.
Dream trip: I want to go back to Rennes.  I miss it.  It was awesome, and, hilariously, I miss being able to get a burger that isn’t Drowning in its own grease.  America doesn’t know how to do healthy burger that tastes good.  Europe knows what’s up tho. I also miss being able to like, have just a pitcher of room temperature water next to a cute little glass and have it not be weird.  The cups are too big in america, i drink so much less water bc it’s just too daunting.  I’m dehydrated constantly.  Also i miss the METRO.  I loved the metro, loved nyooming along in the trains, wandering around the central part of the city, it was cool.
Favorite food: Eel!!  Eel’s tasty as fuck.  I love it.
Nationality: American
Favorite song: o-o uhhhhhhhhhhh, i have no idea lol.  I listen to so much random shit.  lol according to my spotify 2020 rewind it’s Starlight Brigade, from TWRP and Dan Avidan.
Last book read: i have got ZERO clue what the last book i read was.  I mean, technically it was a textbook for my myth, magic, and folk religion class, but like, blegh.  Nah.  Not fun.  I think before that I started reading Metro 2033???  I have a copy in french, and am flipping between that and trying to fckn get through au revoir là-haut.
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:  
1. swtorrrrrrr, i wanna be a space wizard [slap slap slap on the metaphorical counter] give me space magic
2. Pellinor, y’all it’s medieval and magic and COOL and i’m a big nerd for that.  (these books are so good ;v;)  Also they got wine that makes cramps and headaches go away and magic baths, so like, fuck yes give me that sweet sweet painkiller juice.  It’s magic babey.
3. Thedas, bc dragon age, and like, when things Aren’t all fucked sideways to hell, there are just like, People.  Going about their days.  It’s great.  Also MORE MAGIC  Science is all fucked up in my vicinity, so like, how much can i fuck up the magic o3o
tl;dr on that fictional universes thing, i really want to be a wizard apparently fjdklasj.
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laurenemilyescort · 3 years
If you have any nerves about making a date with me, please take the time to read the reviews written by gentlemen I have spent time with.
I have a 100% positive review rate, spanning the last 7 years. It can be daunting meeting new people, so I’ve placed all the reviews here, to give you an idea of what our own chemistry could look and feel like.
Please also don’t be shy to leave a review if I have made a glowing impression on you.
“She is kind, funny and intelligent...A wonderful night with a wonderful person”
My date with Gia was absolutely perfect. From the initial contact, everything was very professional and first-class.
We shared a 2-hour dinner at a Japanese restaurant, and I easily could have talked to her for hours more.
She is kind, funny and intelligent.
A wonderful night with a wonderful person.
NARCISSUS123, Scarlet Blue, January 2020
“My eyes lit up when she walked out of the bathroom in her lingerie..”
Gia was just what I needed before a day full of meetings. Arranged to meet the week prior and communicating with her was a breeze. She walked through the door in activewear and I could tell how fit she was. My eyes lit up when she walked out of the bathroom in her lingerie. She knows how to work around your body and how she initiates is amazing. One word of advice is to marvel her physique from the back. Hope to meet her in the new year.
HEIANTH, Scarlet Blue, December 2019
“I have been back for many bookings since and have to say it’s something I really look forward too…”
I feel I definitely owe writing this for Gia and I’m sorry it’s taken this long -first when saw her website I really felt I would be punching above my weight in booking her but from the moment we met she made me feel very comfortable. Gia a such a complex and intelligent girl to speak with but still makes the booking seem like such a fun time that you don’t want her to leave. I have been back for many bookings since and have to say it’s something I really look forward too , always engaging ,relaxed ,funny and completely intoxicating is the time you will spend with
So if you really want to treat yourself to a one in million this is your chance to do so .
BC, Scarlet Blue, June 2019
“Gia is insanely beautiful in person. Tall, meticulously dressed and possessing a figure and curves that would make Leonardo Da Vinci retroactively call his Golden Spiral the Gia Spiral…”
It's quite the challenge to put into words what an evening with Gia James is like, but I will do my sincere best!. Gia has a highly visible social media presence, particularly on Twitter where she has probably one of the best Sex Worker feeds in Australia full of stylish, sexy selfies, food/cocktail pics and running commentary on her favourite television shows- I only know the details of Married at First Site due to her twitter feed. Gia's pictures are breath taking. It is hard not to be bewitched by her jaw dropping, awe inspiring beauty. She basically looks like a much, much hotter version of Angelina Jolie. Her 21st Century, neo-Bombshell look originally put me off seeing her due to me thinking a shlubby dude like me should not be bothering such a gorgeous, impossibly beautiful girl like her, but eventually decided to go for it and am blissfully happy I did.
Gia is insanely beautiful in person. Tall, meticulously dressed and possessing a figure and curves that would make Leonardo Da Vinci retroactively call his Golden Spiral the Gia Spiral, Gia is almost too good to be true. Gia is everything you could hope for from a Professional Lady. Booking was easy to make, she was on time and communicative.
Gia is without a doubt the best Provider I have ever been with. She is super friendly, smart and chatty and surprisingly cuddly in the booking. Her ability to make you comfortable and put you at ease (I am shy and get quite nervous) is unparalleled and I hate to mention it again, but her figure is just a sight to behold, it's almost impossible to believe she is not a 3D rendered vision of perfection.
I couldn't recommend Gia enthusiastically enough!
Saxon, Scarlet Blue, June 2019
“She is great, I’ll tell you that…WOW!!”
I spent a few hours with Gia a few weeks ago for the first time. Although we didn’t meet on time (mainly my fault) she was so kind and welcoming for my late arrival.
The first hour we had together was getting to know a bit about ourselves and interests sharing a drink along with a cheese platter.
Once we decided to go upstairs, Gia gave me a great lap dance and we started kissing. She is great, I’ll tell you that. She then went down on me, and wow does she give great blowjobs!!!!!
It was the best one I ever had, so great that she made me cum, before we could go any further. Again WOW!!
After I went to clean up, I asked if it was alright if we just spent the rest of the night hanging out. She was cool with that and we headed back downstairs and played PS4. She was having trouble with one of her games and I helped her out with that.
And that was the end of our time, thank you Gia so much, I hope we can meet again soon.
MWB, Scarlet Blue, April 2019
“…She looks even better than her photos…definitely memorable in every way !”
Had the pleasure of seeing Gia last Friday. Setting it up was a great experience, she is such a good natured person and made it all feel very natural. Down to the outfit and discussing how I wanted the meet up to go, she remained a pleasure to talk to. The actual occasion was great and she looks even better than her photos which look amazing. Definitely memorable in every way and time (and money) well spent.
DANTE12, Scarlet Blue, August 2018
"In short, this Goddess is everything that I’d hoped she would be."
A massive thank you to Gia James for saving the day and seeing me at very late notice this weekend (due to my previously booked escort going MIA, I hope she is ok).
Gia was great to deal with over text and arrangements were seamlessly confirmed. The fact that I’d actually be seeing this stunner in a little over 24 hours for 2 hours PSE was still amazing to me.
I first noticed Gia James a few years ago and had been a fan ever since but had never booked her. I am not a ‘regular’ punter and have only ever infrequently booked ‘touring’ escorts here in Melbourne at their hotel or if I was in Sydney, at their apartment.
We met at the hotel lifts. Gia was wearing a red dress and a leather jacket. She is gorgeous in person. Although I was a little star struck she was very down to earth and great to talk to. Having never heard her speak before I’d half expected a Russian accent but no, she speaks in regular Aussie albeit with a hardly noticeable but very cute lisp.
I had asked Gia to bring a few of her favourite toys and she did not disappoint. Her bag of tricks included a large pink dildo, a couple of butt plugs, another knobbly glass dildo and a hitachi vibrator. This was going to be fun.
A couple of highlights from my first experience with Gia James:
Gia is a fantastic kisser, Gia has wonderfully sensitive nipples that love attention, Gia tastes great, Gia is very vocal when she cums - love that, Gia loves being rimmed almost as much as I love rimming her, on her third orgasm, she squirted - I didn’t know that she could do that, bonus!
In short, this Goddess is everything that I’d hoped she would be.
Thank you Gia for a fantastic afternoon. You are a 10/10.
- Baz
"On a scale of 1-10 how would I rate my time with Gia? 11."
I have wanted to book Gia James so many times before and finally circumstances prevailed where it became a reality. I followed her links from Scarlett Blue profile to her website and noticed amongst other things she provided a BDSM service both as Dom and Sub, and being a lover of this kink myself the only decision left was which role. I opted to be dominated so I must advise that this review is for such a session, if you’re not into that kink, you don’t know what you’re missing. What made things more appealing was that Gia has the same outlook in that it should be complimentary to the sexual act and not separate as some practitioners would like you to believe. So here is my review.
I arrived right on time, I buzzed Gia’s apartment number and as we couldn’t get the downstairs door to open, Gia said to me ‘hang on I’ll put some clothes on and come get you’. Now I was expecting her to come down in trackie pants and sweat top and then she appeared, in the stairwell. Now regular punters will know Profile pics and their accuracy has a high degree of variation not just on SB but on all sites. I was hoping, this wasn’t one of those occasions but yes it was. For as hot and stunning as her pictures in her profile are, Gia is far more attractive in person. When she came to open the door in a sexy red summer dress with white polka dots I was immediately reminded of Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Scarlett Johanson’s character. Following her up those stairs I congratulated myself on my decision and gave myself a pep talk. I had to be on my best performance levels to do justice to the beauty and the body that was swanking its way one step above me, the stairway to heaven. A cliché but oh so true in this instance.
Lauren began by slapping my already hard cock, firmly enough, then she shoved her beautiful natural breasts, bra still on into my face, I kissed and licked. Then she pressed her pussy, panties still on the same way, I kissed I licked. She then placed her lips on mine and we had an ever so fleeting glimpse of what a GFE with Lauren would be like. We kissed like we were in a Pedro Almodivar movie, ‘Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down’ comes to mind, tongues dancing a tango amongst saliva and ever warming breath. When Gia decided it was enough, she pulled back. She slapped my face a couple of times, licked the palm of her hand and rubbed it on my face, spat on my face and rubbed it in on me.
She then ordered me on all fours and to crawl to the bathroom and have a cold shower. Throughout she gave me strict instructions not to cum. This was easily said than done as I am the king of multiple shots. She said she was in charge and she would tell me when to blow and she wanted it to be one massive gorging orgasm. She ordered me to stand in the cold shower for 40 seconds and wank. Wank but don’t blow. Once I had completed that task, I was allowed to dry and crawl back into the bedroom and onto her bed.
Lauren took over as Director for the filming and ensured perfect camera angles, have already relived the magical moments. Unlike some others, Gia doesn’t place restrictions on her filming. In fact, a couple of times I caught her checking herself on my I Pad screen, she needn’t worry, she looked spectacular.
On the bed Lauren ordered me to kiss every part of her naked body from the top of her head, to the tips of her toes. After tha Ccc t I maneuvered my way back to her spectacular pussy for some DATY. That was most enjoyable for me and as I had done some research, also for Gia. Then she pressed her ass cheeks against my face, I slowly lifted my tongue, rimming around her asshole before I plunged in, I could feel the pleasure surge through her entire body, I went as deep as I could, and it was awesome.
She then had me on all fours and spanked my ass, slapping my still hard cock every now and again. Then pulling on the lead she placed her fingers in my ass. More a finger fuck than prostate exam, she released the chain to pull on my cock with her other hand. As soon as she felt I was about to blow she relaxed, retreated and I breathed a sigh of relief from unrealized expectations.
She then ordered me on my back, and began the best blow job I’ve ever had. I know that’s often claimed and to be truthful it’s hard to find a bad one but this was pure bliss, not porn star more the naughty GFE, kissing the tip and stem, licking every inch and then taking it all deep into her mouth. She had adjusted camera angle so that I could see those beautiful doe eyes looking POV as my rock hard cock disappeared lovingly past her pouty lips, and watching it again turned me on almost as much as live.
She then straddled me reverse cowgirl style, her slappable bubble but bouncing in front of my face as we fucked, slowly at first then I pounded her tight warm pussy, I was ready to blow but Lauren wouldn’t let me.
The coup de grace came in the form of the best doggy style fuck I’ve ever had. Broken up into three sections. The first two times when I felt like blowing, I would let Gia know and she would get me to relax and slow down but stay in that heavenly hole before resuming. As we began Round 3, she said to me ‘This time I want you to blow, and I want it to be the biggest load of cum you’ve ever blown. Make it massive’. I couldn’t let her down. I began pounding her hard from behind, slapping her ass, tugging on her dangling firm nipples from her bouncing breasts, kissing the back of her neck, her back, her ass before I blew this tidal wave of cum, a tsunami no less.
After I caught my breath, I showered and we had a nice chat while I waited for my Uber. On a scale of 1-10 how would I rate my time with Gia? 11. I am not kidding. I am already preparing for our next meeting, this time we may switch, or maybe I go the PSE, nah fuck it, I think it will have to be an overnighter.
- Cliptiger
"An absolutely stunning and breathtaking beauty who will make your time unforgettable..."
I don't normally write reviews but the lady last night I met was an incredible soul so that's why I am writing a review. I had an absolute pleasure of seeing Gia last night for the first time she is everything her profile claims to be an absolutely stunning and breathtaking beauty who will make your time unforgettable, she was simply unbelievable , innocent, beautiful, educated and well mannered with a splendid body.
- K
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curiosity-killed · 5 years
almost like memory
Tumblr media
@bbtree first off: thank you so much <3 and also thank you for accidentally giving me an excuse to wander off into a Shallura genre I don’t normally touch (ngl I had to make myself stop bc otherwise I was never going to get it posted - so fingers crossed, there may be more to come!)
His colors are wrong. Under the fluorescent lights, everyone becomes washed out and green-tinged, like they're half-human, half-hologram. The group leader had apologized for it at their first session, explaining that the church didn't have the money to upgrade to the new system that illuminates most the city. Attendance has dropped off over the years, and now more people enter for these support groups than for Sunday services. If she had to guess, it's only the state funding for these groups that's even keeping the flickering lights on.
The lights aren't the problem with him. It's something deeper, bigger: his hair's too dark or there's something missing in his face or his green t-shirt is the wrong shade. He should be in black. She brushes the thoughts away with a shake of her head. This is the first time she's ever seen the man, and they haven't even met yet. Just another delusion, mixing streams. The doctors have assured her that it’s normal, that though she can’t remember it, she still has a past locked away inside her, and occasionally her subconscious might let a little slip through and muddle her new reality. He introduces himself as Ryou Kurogane, and it’s wrong wrong wrong. The intensity of her conviction is stomach-churning, nearly nauseating. She can’t get it to shut up. He smiles at her when it’s her turn to introduce herself, and she smiles back reflexively before she remembers to duck her head, let her hair fall in a dark curtain between them.
Words don’t come easily to her. She doesn’t know if that’s new or if it’s always been that way. The doctors weren’t much help; they don’t like to talk about her past at all, even if they know it. They say it isn’t conducive to healthy recovery, to establishing her new identity. 
After the session, Ryou – not Ryou, wrong wrong wr— stays to help the group leader fold up and stack the chairs along the side. She finds herself lingering, reluctant to leave. She doesn’t know why, exactly, just that there’s something drawing her to stay. To keep close to him. She’s fussing with the water cups, flimsy little biodegradable things, when she hears him step up close. “Hi,” he says. She startles at how close his voice is, and when she turns, he raises his hands in apology. There’s something not quite right about them. They’re too similar, identical creases in his palms. She shakes it off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says. “You’re Romelle, right?” Somehow, the name the doctors gave her sounds even more wrong in his voice. Her lips twitch up in what’s meant to be a smile but comes out closer to a grimace. “And you’re Ryou,” she says. It doesn’t sound better in her voice either. “That’s me,” he says, pushing his hands back into his pockets. His shoulders curve in with the motion, as if he’s trying to narrow himself, bend himself into a smaller space. He’s taller than her. She’s not sure why it surprises her, except that she thinks he wasn’t always. Isn’t always. That makes no sense at all. It’s not like their heights could change. “Sorry, you just – you seem really familiar,” Ryou-not-Ryou says. “I – uh wanted to say hi.” “Oh,” she says. Surprise ripples through her – and relief. It’s a foreign thing, distant, as if from someone else. “I uh – I’m – I’m sorry, I was in an accident a few months ago and don’t remember – much.” The words stumble out of her mouth, tripping and falling over each other all out of order. She winces when they land, regret rushing through her before she can shut herself up. “Oh!” Ryou says. “I – I know how you feel.” She stares, waiting for the second half of whatever joke this must be. “I was in an accident, too. Amnesia, everything before is just – blank,” he explains. It seems almost too perfect to be true. How could they wind up with the same story? But there’s nothing but sincerity in his voice and gaze, and something deep in her chest says he wouldn’t lie. Not about this. Not to her. “Oh. That’s – I’m sorry,” she says. He gives a little shrug with his left shoulder as if to brush off the apology. The smile he offers her doesn’t reach his eyes, just pulls up one side of his lips. “Sounds like we’re in the same ship anyway,” he says. A funny way of saying it, but she manages a smile in response. There’s something worming up her chest, words half-formed in her throat. “Do you wanna get a bite?” He looks almost surprised by his own words, as if he hadn’t meant to let them escape. She feels the same when she answers without a conscious decision. “Yes.” They wind up in a little diner half a block down from the church, a quiet little Akubari place that uses an outdated waitstaff model, the kind that would have been popular when Allura was young. It’s all blank, but she spent hours researching them one night, watching videos of their jerky movement and listening to recordings of their little trills and beeps, in case someone brought up nostalgia for them around her. They haven’t yet, but when they do, she’s ready. She’s prepared with a whole set of pretend memories so she’ll have a chance to connect with this future stranger, a chance to imagine a shared experience. He orders tea and grilbeck with mango and she settles on water and a thick yellow soup. Learning – relearning – her own tastes over the last few months has largely been too daunting a task to expend much effort towards; she's grown used to the food that's cheap and easy, sandwiches and pre-packaged dinners. She's not sure she likes them exactly, but figuring out how to live without a past, without an identity or network or any kind of supporting structure, is exhausting enough that sometimes she just wants something to be easy. Food is a simple enough opportunity for that. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried Akubari,” she remarks. At least not in the last three months. Maybe the other her, the past her, had. “One of my neighbors is from Akubara, actually,” he says. “They kinda got me hooked on it.” There’s a sheepish tone to his voice, as if he’s almost embarrassed by the admission. It makes her smile, her nerves inanely assuaged by the description. She doesn’t really have neighbors – or, well, there are people who live in the apartments beside and above and below hers, but they don’t talk. She’s seen maybe two of them out and about in the building all told. “I’ve heard their food culture incorporates a great deal of sharing,” she says. “Yeah! Drufbila just showed up at my door one day and ushered me in to the dinner table like I was their cousin or something,” he laughs. “Their mom kept fussing over whether I was eating enough, of course.” She breathes out a laugh at that, struck by the image of the great tentacled Akubari prodding him to take just a little more of each dish. Next to their towering, amorphous forms, his lean frame probably would seem underfed. It warms her to know someone, at least, is looking out for him. Weird. She shakes the thought away, disguises it as amusement. “What about your neighbors? Any nosey grandmas there?” he asks, leaning his cheek on his hand. The motion curves his body towards her, shoulders and waist twisted as if to block out the few diners sitting in the rest of the restaurant. His attention is a gentle thing, like sunlight or — Ridiculous. The sun hasn’t been seen through the smog here in decades. She’d have to have been off-planet to have an idea of what sunlight felt like, and surely, then, someone would have been there after her accident. No one traveled alone, not that far. If she ever had, there would have been someone to notice her missing, someone to seek her out. “Oh, no,” she says. “I’m afraid my building mostly keeps to ourselves.” “That’s a shame,” he says, a sympathetic twist to his lips. “Can’t help with–” He flicks his hand up in a little gesture towards his head, and she shrugs. “It can be a little lonely,” she concedes. Before he can ask more, their food arrives on the creaking arm of their servant and is slid onto their table in three jerky pushes. Her soup nearly slops over the lip of the blue bowl with the motion, and she has to steady it with her hands. Finished, the robot gives a happy little beep, and he reaches out to pat its head. “Thanks, bud,” he says. The robot rolls away with a contented little three-note trill. He turns back to her with a little smile and lifts his fork. “Bon appetite,” he says. “Buen provecho,” she answers, from somewhere she doesn’t quite recognize. He grins, still, and she can’t bring herself to question it when that smile is so unmuddied, so clear and easy. “You wanna try some?” he offers, gesturing to his plate with the fork. Orange glaze covers the blue of the grilbeck meat, turning it almost green, and mango slivers stick out of the flesh like oddly colored spines. It’s pretty, in its own way, even in the yellowish light of the diner. “Sure,” she agrees. “Want some of mine?” They wind up with the dishes in the middle of the table, snagging a bite from each plate with equal frequency. It feels…familiar. Comfortable. Like this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. She recognizes something in his expression when he takes the first spoonful from her soup and cants his head, considering. She’s seen that look before, seen the thoughtful way he savors the bite before swallowing and giving a thumbs up. Partway into their meal, conversation resumes once more, and comes back to them as easily as sharing. “Yeah, I have Doctor Honerva, too! That’s so weird,” he says. “How have we not bumped into each other at her office?” She shakes her head and licks a bit of mango glaze off her bottom lip. His gaze drops to follow the motion, just briefly, before flitting back to meet hers. A flush starts, warm pleasure rising in her cheeks. “It’s quite a coincidence,” she agrees. Maybe that’s where she remembers him from – maybe she’s seen him in passing and those memories have become conflated with those locked away from her. “Maybe we’ll see each other now that we’ve met.” “I’d like that,” he says. There’s a warmth to his gaze, a steady sincerity in his tone, that makes her duck her head. This is the longest she’s spent with anyone aside from her doctors since waking to a cold white room three months ago. It’s getting to her head, surely. She’s not sure she minds. “Me, too,” she agrees, meeting his gaze. The moment stretches between them, soft and welcome. She could make a home in this moment, in the gentle way he looks at her, in the pleasure in the soft curve of his lips. For the first time in months, she feels warm. Safe. A four-note beep announces the robot’s return, breaking apart their quiet. They split the check and head to the door. It’s started raining, the drizzly kind that leaves the whole city stinking of wet concrete. For once, it doesn’t bother her. It’s barely a footnote next to the chapter that this evening has become. He pauses outside the door, hands back in his pockets, shoulders bowed inward. “I’m down that way,” he says, nodding in the opposite direction of her apartment. “I’m afraid I’m the opposite way,” she says. Do his shoulders slump? Maybe she’s just looking for signs now. “I – I’d really like to see you again. If you want,” he says. He bites down on the inside of his bottom lip, watching her intently. Warmth flushes through her, up to the tips of her ears. She smiles and only barely keeps it from beaming. “I’d quite like that, too,” she admits. “Here, why don’t we trade numbers?” At that, he seems to light up from within. He straightens out, broad shoulders squaring back into their full breadth, and he pulls his phone from his pocket immediately. Surprised delight radiates through his entire being as he unlocks it and flips through to the right screen. Watching him through her lashes as she does the same, she can’t suppress the feeling that this, for once, is right. This is what is meant to be. Somehow, impossibly. They trade numbers and say farewell with smiles, and when she glances back over her shoulder as she walks away, she catches him looking back as well. They both laugh, as if at themselves, and give a little wave before continuing on their way. When she gets home, she’s greeted by a grave-like apartment and her treatment unit sitting ready on her end table. She stands in her doorway, considering the machine. It’s simple, easy to use. Back at the hospital, there’s a much larger version, but this one was specifically designed for home treatment. She’s supposed to use it every night, to help her brain heal. It always leaves her feeling numb, grey. Like it strips the color from her day and replaces it with a fresh coat of waiting-room-off-white. Normally, that isn’t much of a problem. Her routine is simple and largely emotionless. Painting over it is like laying a layer of grey over ninety other layers of nearly the same shade. Today, though – she wants to keep today. She wants the gentle gold of his attention, the soft grey of his eyes. The colors aren’t quite right – but at least there are colors this time. There are shades and hues she doesn’t know she’s ever seen or felt. It’s not what the doctors told her to do, but she doesn’t want to sacrifice them this time. She doesn’t want to cover up the silver flecks in his eyes with matte. The unit is tucked neatly in her bathroom cabinet, and she settles into her blankets with a strange feeling of satisfaction. That night, she dreams impossible things. She dreams of space, unfurling in feathery nebulae with tendrils curling purple and red around newborn stars. She dreams of machines, great ships and weapons that soar through the edges of the universe. She dreams — of him. His warm eyes, his fierce dedication. His hands, one flesh and one metal, cradling her jaw like something precious, like something to be adored. His lips are soft when they press against hers, his heart beats steady and strong against her palm. His voice aches when he speaks, a single word that is a prayer, a plea, a promise – “Allura,” he says. “Allura, Allura, Allura.”
61 notes · View notes
lovelytonys · 5 years
The Official Lovelytonys Guide to Iron Man Comics
Not to toot my own horn, but I’m about to save some lives. Buckle up.
Six months ago, I was asked for comic recs. I’m posting those recs today. Why so long? Because I couldn’t just make a rec list, no, I’m too extra for that. I had to go and make, to the best of my ability and knowledge, my own entire personal guide to Iron Man comics. I also have a tendency to start projects and not do them. But I did this one! And now I share it with you.
For your assistance, I’m going to link this Comic Book Herald article which is a full Iron Man reading order (LIFESAVER) and has links to amazon to buy the collections & arcs being talked about if you are so inclined.
You can find comics on amazon, ebay, the marvel website or Marvel Digital Comics Store (you can buy digital versions of comics), or just find a local comic shop and see what they have. You can easily find any comic you want free to read online, but the websites are a little shady. I’ll leave it to your discretion.
Disclaimer: Remember that these are all my personal opinions. Often, they will not line up with popular opinions. You might really like stuff that I didn’t care for. You might dislike my favorites. You might agree with my opinions. If any comic fans read this and are offended by any of my opinions, please don’t be!! Opinions on comics are SO subjective, just find out what you like and stick to it. I just figured I’d lend my own personal helping hand for you get started, because doing so can be intimidating.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, let’s begin under the cut! (If you are on mobile...I am so, so sorry about this)
Short version (the recommendation-y part)
Recs because I like them:
Iron Man Volume 3 (1998)- #1-25 (my actual absolute FAVORITE RUN of all time and my number one recommendation. It’s by Kurt Busiek, Roger Stern, and Sean Chen), #26-30, #62-63, #73-78. Iron Man Volume 4 (2005) #1-35.  Invincible Iron Man (2008) spanned many years so you should read at least some, and it has many fans, but I am not one of them, so I’m not gonna rec too much. Issues #1-6 and its epilogue, #7, are worth a read and the arc spanning #8-19 is probably the best from the era, I would say that I enjoyed that arc. Next is Brian Michael Bendis’ stuff, which has a pretty bad rep and while I don’t hate it as much as others do, I wouldn’t say I love it. It is, however, the most recent completed run & important stuff happens, and there’s some good stuff here and there, so yeah. I don’t really have any specific recs from here...just read the whole thing and see what you get out of it or scroll down to the guide section and see the highlights I picked out. Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1-25, and Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1-600 (they changed the numbering halfway through, it’s not 600 issues it’s only I think 19).
Recs because important stuff happens even if I don’t necessarily like them:
Civil War I (occurs during the Iron Man run starting in 2005), Civil War II (occurs during Brian Michael Bendis era), Iron Man (2012) #9-17 “The Secret Origin of Tony Stark.”
Long version (the guide-y part)
First off, I’m going to tell you that my suggested starting points are Invincible Iron Man (1998) which was my starting point, and Invincible Iron Man (2005). Much more on those below.
I haven’t read Mr. Stark’s classic adventures yet because there’s a daunting number of them and I still need to find a starting point, so we’re gonna start with...
Volume 3 (1998):
Okay I have SO MUCH to say here because I’d die for this volume!! It’s considered by many to be nothing special but there’s a lot to appreciate if you’re a fan of Tony in the way that many are here on tumblr- caring about character development & character moments first and foremost. I’ll break down my favorites for ya
#1- does a good job of setting the tone for Tony and this era of Invincible Iron Man. Some nice Tony character details are in there. Volume 3 is started with Kurt Busiek writing (later joined by Roger Stern) and Sean Chen on pencils. I LOVED this team, this is my FAVORITE run of Iron Man that I’ve read, PLEASE read all 25 issues. I thought Busiek understood Tony really well and I just loved the way Chen drew Tony (and everything else), and their first issue is surprisingly enjoyable for mostly existing to set the groundwork for a fresh start.
#4-5- I think this is where the run starts to kick into gear. Tony’s on-and-off girlfriend for the era, Rumiko, is introduced and she’s fun (but as the years went on, deserved much better writing). Tony kicks some butt & is a hero.
#6- an awesome Iron Man/Black Widow team up. It shows a really nice friendship between Tony & Nat. Also, Nat kicks butt & it’s great
I’m recommending every issue that builds Tony’s relationship with Carol Danvers (at this time, she was Warbird, not Captain Marvel). #7, #11-12, #18, #19, #21, and #23-25. Their storyline details Tony’s endeavors to help Carol overcome alcoholism. At least read the Carol parts of the issues she’s only in a few panels of. Major highlight of the Iron Man comics I’ve read. Also- knowing this background will definitely make Civil War II have more weight
#8-12- Tony gets the actual daylights beaten out of him and then some, leading into a compelling 2-issue Mandarin arc, this then leads into an interesting 2-issue team up with Warbird that gives us an answer as to why his injuries were so bad. It hurts but it’s good
#13- an actually really compelling single-issue story that involves some trippy, creepy mind control stuff and takes a look into Tony’s head- specifically questioning whether or not being Iron Man has become an addiction. You can’t tell yet but I’m trying my hardest to not recommend every single issue
#26-30- The Mask in the Iron Man arc. This is the first issue without Busiek writing- Joe Quesada steps in and it’s good stuff. It’s also Sean Chen’s last arc. It starts with Tony punching a guy in the face to protect Rumiko but getting punched back and having to wear a nose splint- it’s really cute. Then Tony and Ru run into relationship problems. Then the Iron Man armor becomes sentient, basically falls in love with Tony, and kidnaps him on a remote island. Wait-what? Yeah, it’s really weird in hindsight, but while you’re reading it, it sure does pull you in. One of the biggest standouts of the whole era and something of an instant classic. Also, the first few pages of #31 give you a little aftermath.
#37-40- this wasn’t my favorite arc but I’m recommending it just because of how wild it ends up being. These were the days when IIM wasn’t afraid to have a big imagination. And I mean big, like, who thought of this? Well, Frank Tieri is writing at this point (he’s okay, not my favorite of the volume), and Alitha Martinez & Paul Ryan are on pencils (it’s fine, but you’ll miss Sean Chen) (you’ll always miss Sean Chen). Also, a major player in this arc is Tiberius Stone so maybe read it to know who he is.
#50- “Tinman”. Issue 50 was meant to be a place for new readers to jump in. Mike Grell & Michael Ryan are at the reigns as writer and artist. Grell’s characterization was fairly solid, my favorite next to Busiek in this era. His version of Tony is more in touch with his emotions, I guess, than some like to characterize him. Sometimes he gets aggressive when he’s angry but there’s also a lot of really sweet moments and they portray him as doing a lot of good, like funding a rehab/safehouse for kids on the street. Grell’s stories are generally grittier and more violent but Tony himself doesn’t really take a dark turn. Issue #50 has both action and a VERY SOFT Tony, definitely recommend it
#53-55- “Book of the Ten Rings”. Again, it’s grittier than the stuff that came before it, but it’s good. Once the main story wraps up, something really important happens at the end. Also, it’s important to note here for people that weren’t previously into comics that at this point, Pepper and Happy are a thing, not Pepper and Tony as seen in the MCU
#59-61- “In Shining Armor”. Tony travels back to Medieval times and it’s not exactly a good time for him but it’s a wild time for us. Gotta love a good old fashioned time travel arc
#62-63- “You Can’t Always Get”. Oh god PLEASE read this one, if you only listen to one of my post-Busiek & Chen recs this is the one, the Tony content is so precious
#73-78- “The Best Defense”. The arc detailing Tony’s journey to becoming Secretary of Defense because yes, that happened. A very interesting concept to watch Tony go through and one of the most notable stories in this era.
Volume 4 (2005):
This is the last of what I consider the Really Good Stuff (except for Civil War, but we’ll get there). These comics defined Tony Stark as we know him today, and you’ll notice that MCU Tony was definitely influenced by them. If you’re starting here, it’ll be Iron Man as you basically already know it. If you’re coming here off of Volume 3, then you’ll notice the tone of not just the stories but of Tony himself get darker. For whatever reason, writers looked at Tony and said “let’s find ways to bring his morals into question bc that’s Interesting!” It’s not bad (the Iron Man title, that is- Civil War is bad) but it doesn’t really reflect what came before it, I guess. I’m recommending all 35 issues bc why not but I’ll break it down for ya & make sure to point out my favorites
#1-6- “Extremis”. A must read. One of the most iconic Iron Man stories in 21st century comic history. It’s on everyone’s list. You are, as an Iron Man fan looking to get into IM comics, legally obligated to read this. This would also be the arc where I believe the MCU looked for inspiration for Tony characterization. Also Extremis obviously ended up in the MCU but it’s like way different in the MCU than in the source material
#7-12- “Execute Program”- Basically, Tony is screwed up post-Extremis. Poor guy. Please read this. Directly leads to Civil War…
Civil War (2006) #1-7- Ugh. So. Civil War. In my personal opinion- not a fan. I actually like the movie MUCH better and imo the movie is the way this should have been written. Unfortunately, you’ve gotta read it because it’s an important event. You’ll see people calling it “Tony Stark characterization murder” and THAT’S VALID. Like. Tony suddenly became...a villain?? literally the worst?? under the poorly written guise of “just doing what I have to do” but the stuff that happens….it just can’t be explained with “doing what I have to do”. Honestly it reads like the writers just wanted to pit Tony against Steve and didn’t care about keeping him in character. Tony basically had to be turned into a villain to make the story work because In-Character Tony would not have fit their needs. It sucks and I don’t want to recommend it but you have to read it because it affects so much that comes after it.
THE ONLY CIVIL WAR ANYTHING YOU SHOULD SERIOUSLY CONSIDER are tie ins and oneshots and I will tell you a couple
Invincible Iron Man #13-14- IIM’s CW tie ins. Issue 13 comes after CW #2, issue 14 after CW #5. Read these 
Captain America/Iron Man: Casualties of War- oneshot to be read after Civil War #4. Tony offers Steve the chance to try and talk it out. Both explain their positions and a lot of comic history between them is brought up.
Civil War: The Confession: SO after CW, SPOILER SPOILER poor Steve is assassinated in Captain America #25 (it’s actually more wild than that bc superheroes don’t just die but whatever) and this is a oneshot with two halves, the first takes place after Steve is dead and is Tony-centric and I LITERALLY CRIED and the second takes place when Steve is imprisoned before he is killed. PLEASE read this
There’s more tie ins involving Tony that you should read but I’m sick of talking abt CW
Sooooo the title now changes from Invincible Iron Man to Iron Man: Director of SHIELD but it’s the same book
#15-18- It’s Tony’s first story arc as Director and it ends up being kind of wild actually
#21-28- ‘Haunted’. Starts out as a sort of murder mystery thing, spirals into something much bigger. Also, poor Tony is so screwed up in the head but what’s new. Definitely read this one
#29-32- ‘With Iron Hands’. Basically, an entire arc of Tony feeling guilty about his past?? Pretty much. There’s also a terrorist and a giant weapon and more fun stuff. The last you’ll see of Tony for the volume bc stuff goes down in the Secret Invasion event and War Machine takes over for the last 3 issues of the title. Wish I could be of help in regards to Secret Invasion, but I haven’t actually read it because I haven’t been able to find it. Just, idk, google search the plot of Secret Invasion like I did and you should be able to get by
Invincible Iron Man (2008) AKA Other Volume 4:
Okay lots of comics fans think this is one of the best Iron Man runs in history and I respect their opinions and perhaps you will share them but I’m gonna cut to the chase here: I am not one of those people. Look, I read all 62 issues so I have a fair opinion, and I’m just not a huge fan. Matt Fraction is writing and Salvador Larroca is drawing. In my experience, the stories drag on and it gets to the point where you’re just bored. I think I read the 89 issues of volume 3 faster than I read the 62 issues of this because I was just so bored with it. Also, I’m really not a fan of Larroca’s work on the book. I really disliked the way he drew Tony and the more I looked at it, it almost made me...uncomfortable? Some of his art is kind of gross imo. Plus, I didn’t love Fraction’s Tony characterization. I can’t quite articulate why, it just didn’t sit nicely w me. There were some moments where I thought “oh yeah that’s Correct” but many other moments where I thought “No Why Did You Write That”. He was good at writing some wild and intricate stories but sometimes I felt that character got lost in the midst of the action. That’s just me though, you might really like Fraction’s run, and there is some stuff worth pointing out.
#1-6- ‘The Five Nightmares’. A fairly iconic modern Iron Man story. Tony’s worst nightmare comes true when the son of Obadiah Stane uses Stark tech to cause absolutely horrific acts of terrorism. It gets pretty serious, but it sets the groundwork for this entire era of Iron Man. As far as Fraction stories go for me, it’s one of the better ones.
#7- Five Nightmares Epilogue. A team-up of sorts with Spider-Man that I actually genuinely think you should read, especially for the ending (and because Peter & Tony clearly wish they could be buddies again in this post-Civil War world).
#8-19- Okay it’s really long but I remember it stood out to me, all I remember is that it’s basically Tony Stark Brain Annihilation over the course of 12 issues and it hurts like heecckkk. Actually I’m gonna say definitely read this one. Also Rescue happens and that’s A Thing you should know about. Stuff gets fixed in the next arc, #20-24, but it’s not worth recommending imo so don’t read this if you’re gonna read it but if you’re not just know that SPOILER SPOILER Tony is fine except he accidentally erased Civil War from his memory (god I wish I could do that). SPOILER OVER
I think I’m gonna end it there for Fraction issues of interest. There’s probably more in there I should be recommending but I just. Can’t be bothered to comb through Fraction’s volume sorryyyyy I’m just not a fan
Iron Man (2012):
So this run is by Kieron Gillen and I don’t really want to recommend anything from it. I didn’t love it as a whole. Gillen laid way too heavily into the idea of “Tony Stark is a walking ego”. The stories were kind of interesting in theory but I thought the execution was mediocre for some reason. Although, not necessarily the art but specifically the coloring was nice- very vibrant. The actual art was by Greg Land who comic fans really seem to hate. I didn’t think his work on this was too bad idk. Again I don’t really want to recommend anything so there’s only one thing I’m putting on here and it’s:
#9-17- “The Secret Origin of Tony Stark”. So here’s the thing. Kieron Gillen said to himself “I need to do something that turns Tony Stark’s identity on its head. I need to redefine him”. And he actually kind of succeeded in that. And it’s actually annoying and it actually feels like something that should be retconned…. but hasn’t been?? And since it hasn’t been, it’s going to be important going forward so you should probably know about it. You could also just google it.
Invincible Iron (2015) by Man-Brian Michael Bendis
Yes, the infamous BMB. So, what’s the truth about his run on Iron Man? Is the amount of hate warranted? Well…that’ll be for you to decide. Personally, I think it was generally...meh. Not necessarily terrible just. Meh. Many fanboys act like this run is the bane of their existence and I don’t think I dislike it to that extent at all. I mean, it gets boring after a while, but the good moments are really enjoyable and I think it’s worth reading. Bendis’ characterization was sometimes weird because it felt notably inconsistent. However, the moments when he nailed it, he really did nail it. His Tony is a bit of a dork, a bit of a hot mess, a little vulnerable, and the moments when that’s at the forefront are great. There’s also some notable stuff going on here- Civil War 2 falls under this era (I hate it less than the first one but Marvel could do 50 Civil War events and I will probably not like any of them), and so does Riri Williams (who I love, just to get that opinion over with). Finding recs for this era is kind of weird for me because the things that stood out were almost never actual issues or stories, but rather specific character moments, so like, the volume is only 14 issues so tbh you can just trudge through them all and savor the good moments, but I’ll try to pull some recs out for ya
#2, #3- just for some character moments. These two are a part of a larger arc so it might be a little confusing to read them on their own but who cares
#4, #5- Tony fights ninjas and visits kids at a hospital and MJ Watson & Doctor Strange make appearances so it’s kinda cool idk
#9-11- only because you meet Miss Riri Williams, the other parts won’t make sense since it’s in the middle of an arc but eh. Honestly the actual story didn’t strike me as being very special so like unless you’re into it you can just skim for the parts that Riri is in since she’ll be important later
Aaaand CIVIL WAR 2
Civil War II #0-8- okay I don’t dislike it as strongly as I dislike the first CW but I still?? Don’t like it?? Like at all? But something really important to Tony’s stories happens at the end and Tony is one of the main characters in the event so like. You should read it. The main problem I remember is that the pace felt so slow. This event is Iron Man vs Captain Marvel which kinda hurt me bc of how much I loved them from 1998’s volume but it’s fine!! They never address their past in the actual event but there’s a tie-in that does so that’s good I guess. Just get through it idk what to tell you
Back to Invincible Iron Man
#12, #13, #14- tie-ins to Civil War II. #12 and #13 I think come after CW2 #2?? Maybe?? And I think #14 comes after CW2 #6?? Anyway #14 actually acknowledges Tony & Carol’s past so you should give that a read while going through the event.
Invincible Iron Man (2016)
Sooo some Serious Stuff happened in Civil War II that’s going to have an effect that lasts a while. I don’t wanna spoil it, though. When you do get to the end of CW2, you can rest assured that Tony will still have a major presence as a character in this title, but Riri Williams takes the spotlight. Opinions on her are mixed, I personally love her. This, like its 2015 sister, can honestly just be read all the way through, it’s only 19 issues, but I’ll try to find stuff. Also, Tony & Riri’s banter is ALWAYS golden so just read to enjoy it tbh. On we go!
#1, #2- gives you the background on Riri now that she’s taking center stage. She’s just so darn endearing.
#11- It’s basically an issue about everyone reflecting on how Tony is a good person and different from how the public perceives him. He holds orphaned babies from around the world. It’s good stuff.
#593-600- the numbering changed, there’s obviously not actually 600 issues lol. So yes this is kind of long for an arc, but it’s important because it resolves what happened to Tony in Civil War 2. I remember getting bored with it after a few issues, like it wasn’t bad I just remember it feeling slow. Idk. It’s important. Just read it.
Stuff that I don’t think is worth your time:
Invincible Iron Man volume 2 (1996)- I think Marvel was doing some kind of reboot or something because Iron Man’s origin was redone as well as The Hulk’s. It’s amazing how a run that was only 13 issues felt like such a large waste of my time. I didn’t think there was anything of note. I basically don’t even remember what happened in it. Also the sexualization of women was so casual and constant on top of the run not being particularly remarkable so yeah don’t waste your time  
Superior Iron Man (2015)- I dislike the idea of this so much that I don’t even want to explain it ugh it’s a spin off of an event called Axis that involved some psychic type stuff that altered the personalities of those involved, boosting Tony’s worst qualities and making him evil. Marvel then decided to make a series about it and it’s only 9 issues but wow it’s amazing how hard it can be for me to get through 9 issues. I could barely read it I just so strongly dislike this idea ok so basically Evil Tony creates Extremis 3.0 which is an app that lets a person make themselves physically into the person they wish they were (In the pages of Axis, Tony personally made himself not an alcoholic because that’s not disrespecting an incredibly important character detail and there was one particularly awful panel of him drinking alcohol in front of a crowd of cheering people and saying “I missed you, sweetheart”). He is testing this app on San Francisco and effectively creates two classes of people- the “perfect” people who could access the app and the “imperfect” people who can’t and that goes about as well as you’d think. Then he makes it obscenely expensive to use which also goes about as well as you’d think. And more stuff happens. Here’s the thing. I’m sure many people thought the concept of a villainous Tony Stark was cool, but I just don’t like the implications of it. The way it’s written kind of gives the idea that, with his personality, Tony could easily become a villain. Given that some people already think of Tony Stark as a villain, reading it just made me cringe. And the WORST thing about it is that, while this is a result of Axis, it’s still Tony himself. According to the writers, he has “surrendered to his id and his legendary ego” (god I’m about to gag) after the mind-altering events of Axis brought those things out in him. Despite my qualms, was the book well-written? I will never be able to read it that objectively, so I can’t say. But clearly, as you can see by the size of this here rant (sorry), I dislike the very idea of it enough to put it on my “do not touch” list.
Okay. Wow. I finally did it. Wow. Six months and it’s done.
I am simply the mentor figure in your hero’s journey. As you get used to navigating comics and reading orders, you’ll find it easier to venture out, and there’s so many ways to go. A character crossed over into something you read and you liked them a lot? Look up their reading order. A writer or artist really impressed you? Do a google search and find what else they’ve worked on. There’s a whole world of comics out there. Go have some fun.
I leave you with 3 rules of being a comic fan:
1. No one hates comics more than comic book readers. We’re bitter because we care. You’ll be like a jaded war veteran who writes a thousand word rant about why a certain author’s mischaracterization of your fave offended you personally way faster than you’d think.
2. Follow the trail of what interests you and, while acknowledging what may be widely believed, proudly own your personal opinions.
3. It’s addictive. Embrace it. You start with one issue, and before you know it, you’ve read 200 issues and know 20 years of history on one character in less than a year. That might be how it goes for you. Just go with it.
Happy reading!
247 notes · View notes
chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Our usual peaceful breakfast wasn’t to be this morning. The owner of the absolutely perfectly tasteful Pension/BnB we stayed in had in her wisdom chosen to set one long table instead of several small ones. In keeping with the rest of the little establishment the setting and indeed breakfast was exquisite. That is until Daniela came to join us.
Chris asked her if she spoke English and from that moment she never stopped proving she could. We found out she is building two houses in Ostuni (with pools) and invited us to come and look at them (we declined), has a son who is hoping to work at Four Seasons in Sydney next year and that she wants to go to Brisbane and experience the personal concierge who can take you to all the best Brisbane has to offer. We didn’t like to disabuse her fantasy by saying that one day would probably cover it.
Meanwhile the other more reserved guests arrived at the table. They all suggested we go to Matera saying it was amazing but didn’t specify why. One of them even said she cried when she saw it. We thought this must be some speccy city to evoke such a reaction. Daniela chipped in with an accommodation suggestion which when we checked on booking.com came in at €435 per night, about a week’s accommodation budget for us. We parted with Daniela wanting to exchange telephone numbers so we only hope Brisbane can enhance its tourist appeal to keep her there.
Matera bound which was an easy drive although a bit of it was retracing our steps from yesterday. Past all the little truilli and lucky enough to be stopped by a flock of around 200 sheep crossing the road. Escorting them were 2 dogs who looked more like golden retrievers (possibly Maremma breed)than our kelpies or border collies and a farmer. When they’d safely crossed bells jingling, the farmer closed the gate and returned to his home while the dogs joined the flock blending in perfectly, gamboling up the hill with their charges. Presumably the flock settled to graze and the dogs settled to oversee them.
Found a big carpark not too far out of town after the more formal one was full. Worked out is was a no charge car park, slapped on plenty of sunscreen to deal with the blazing sun and walked 10 minutes into town. The drive and walk into town to date had been less than inspiring so what were the girl’s tears about?
Found a large square with the usual imposing municipal office buildings, the do-not-ignore-me church and a statue based on one of Salvador Dali’s figures -a long and skinny legged elephant with a structure on its back. Still looking for the tear jerking moment and there it was. Looking from street level to below laid out is a vast city built into caves known Sassi. A total network of rambling ‘homes’ built into limestone rocks ad hoc in structure and layout. It was huge and what we could see was only half of it, divided by a cathedral built at the top (as cathedrals inevitably are) with the rest hidden down the incline behind the cathedral. The rest of the new city had been built at a higher level around it. It truly was jaw dropping.
There were tours to the water cisterns but didn’t fancy that. Other than that you could just roam the higgeldy piggeldy streets looking at this city. We soon learnt its sad history. The Sassi was over 2000 years old and was inhabited as slums by 15,000 people as recently as 1952. The dwellings had no sanitation, electricity or natural light. Families of any number of children who survived diseases such as cholera and malaria shared a one room dwelling with livestock of maybe a donkey, pigs and/or chooks. The toilet was in the corner and no flush technology there. The men and boys travelled with the donkey to work the land some several kilometres away, and the women plied skill they had at home in order to make ends meet. It was overwhelmingly grim. A reconstructed house was set up as a museum to get a feel for it. But compared to the photos in the foyer the museum model, although unbelievably basic, was a sanitised version of what the reality must have been. Now we understood the tears.
Finally the Italian prime minister in 1950 called the slums ‘a national disgrace’ and action was taken. The families were moved out of the slums into new accommodation in the new bit of town. However many of the residents struggled to adapt having never seen water from a tap, electric lights etc. Also where to keep the livestock? And some felt very disconnected from what once was a community of solidarity. The adjustment must have been daunting. The young lady at the museum said her grandfather lived there and once removed never went back. And who could blame him. Another man now aged 83, so presumably an ex-resident, also had painstakingly constructed a large model of the city. It took him 3 years.
But the wheels of change came into play as they have in Melbourne’s inner suburbs and it is now a highly desirable place to stay. In 1986 it was decided to allow people to move back. But not the old inhabitants. Instead a tourist opportunity opened up. In 2017 it was claimed more than 25% of the Sassi had been converted to Airbnb accommodation. We passed plenty of these Airbnbs and suspect that Daniela’s€435 per night was one of them.
A quick lunch that turned out to be a way to use the restaurants stale bread, possibly salvaged from the days when the Sassi was still a slum, by soaking it in oil, throwing 2 slices of tomato and 2 baby tomatoes cut into 16ths, a few chunks of onion and some celery leaves and calling it a local speciality. Special it was not. Topped up with some excellent sour cherry pastries along our walk.
The walk around the Sassi while sobering to think how conditions once were, was also lovely, if hot. Down the deep valley was a river and the walk was punctuated with statues inspired by Dali’s artworks. We highly recommend making this a stop in any Puglia itinerary.
Paid a quick visit to the museum which had a room open with some 15th Century artefacts to tempt visitors to buy a ticket for the rest of the museum. This sounds like a blasé traveller, but having seen antiquities from many centuries BC we weren’t tempted to venture in. Instead back to our Fiat to head a little further towards Rome. Once again a pleasant drive as the flatter plains of Puglia slowly transformed into rolling hills as we drove towards Benevento in the Campania region. I chose this town out of the blue as there seemed to be a lot of little hamlets and this was a reasonable sized town so would have accommodation choices. Did a quick Google images scan and pictures looked ok and hotel on booking.com looked ok but held off booking to firstly do a quick reccy of town and if alright then check out the hotel.
On approach Benevento looked a dud. Lots of 50’s and 60’s ugly apartments and no apparent charm. Started to doubt my judgement so another quick google of the most beautiful towns in Campania showed Benevento came in second to Naples which was reassuring. Found the hotel after a miss on first attempt and landed a huge room with view over local river for a much better deal than booking.com. Also got some dinner recommendations which are also helpful.
Quick spruce and time to explore. Five minutes walk to the Centro historico which consisted of a wide Roman road with little dark side streets running off it and breaking out into plazas from time to time. Once again there were many grand buildings, bell towers, churches and gladly shops selling clothes not tourist tatt. It turned out we had chosen well.
Tried the first dinner recommendation way down one of those dark side streets but the atmospheric main room was full so they steered us to the fully lit ante room with one couple looking very lonely. Think they would’ve liked the company of other diners so they didn’t feel like they were in Siberia but we weren’t charitable enough to join them.
So off to second choice which had seating outside in a little courtyard which is what we hoped for. As we arrived 2 women were drifting in too and they beat us to the table by a short half head. Damn that was the last table so now struggling to find somewhere. Up the main drag but that’s never our choice as usually very touristy and average food. Finally saw a few bods sitting down another dark narrow laneway and went exploring this time with success. Last table of only 3 outside was ours. It felt very local down this not quite grimy but certainly not sanitised alleyway. As usual beer, red and white wine readily available, while vodka, tonic, rosé and sprite (for shandy purposes) were not. Opposites was a little bar so I went looking for a sprite to buy but did one better by getting a V&T and bringing it back to the table. A different version of BYO.
Pizza for Chris and spaghetti arrabiata (angry sauce) for me and it sure made by tongue angry with one big lump of chilli heavily disguised amongst the sugo.
Identified a couple of historic sites to explore tomorrow morning and headed for home. Meanwhile the Main Street had become more crowded with families, oldies like us and a number of young people especially young men in small groups wandering along chatting and enjoying the balmy air.
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thorsstorms · 6 years
I Would Never Hurt You
(Steve Rogers x reader)
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Violence (fight scene)
Summary: HYDRA slowly starts to take out what means the most to the Avengers, you are next. Stucky to the rescue. 
A/N: This is for #marvelous1k @marvelous-avengers writing challenge!! ‘I Would Never Hurt You’ with Steve Rogers. This is my first time writing for Steve, bc I usually write for my Thor baby. 
You had never seen anything like it before. You had never seen Steve fight, not like this, at least. His arms swinging, reflexes flashing so fast you would miss it if you had blinked, but you couldn’t even if you tried. Your eyes were peeled open taking in the fight around you.
The Avengers had thought it was over with, they thought they had destroyed the last of the Hydra bases. They were wrong, little they know. Hydra had been watching them for two years. Observing from afar. Watching and learning weaknesses, infiltrating their lives slowly, one by one, all while building themselves back up to par.
The first one they targeted was obviously Tony, his weakness being Pepper. He hid behind his invincible suit, and daunting lifestyle, but she was his everything. All he could ever do was strive to make her happy and protect her from the evils looming in the universe.
It was played as an accident, she was hit by a car across the street from the tower, walking back from her favorite cafe, letting her self indulge on her favorite coffee. The car did not stop, but it kept driving and wasn’t seen since. The Towers security system had it on video but all traces of the car or driver came down to zero.
Pepper just left the hospital a few days ago, with a broken leg, multiple fractured ribs, a punctured lung, and a concussion. Needless to say, she had gotten off easy from this seemingly ‘freak accident’. Tony was paranoid that it wasn’t, his mind dead set that she was targeted, but by who was the question he could not answer. He was constantly talked down, everyone telling him he’s too high strung, that it wasn’t anything more than an accident, Pepper included.
Next it was Agent Hill. This was a threat to SHIELD. She was attacked in her apartment, during the night. Even with extremely high tech security coating the building and apartment, and her highly trained skills, she was no match and was overpowered. It was seen that she put up a fight of her own against who ever it was that came for her, but it wasn’t enough.
What was left behind was the biggest clue. Shells littering the ground at the scene from shots taken. Engraved with the HYDRA seal, leaving most in denial or confusion. The security footage had been wiped, as per usual, by HYDRA operatives. But they knew better.
Everyone was on high alert, constantly watching over their shoulder and staring down camera footage trying to make the next play. A search began for their HQ, but it never failed to run dry. This was different and the team could feel it.
Tony put Pepper on house arrest, refusing to let her leave within 20 feet of him. He suggested everyone else should stay close as well, but there was only so much you could do when you are on a man hunt for them.
You and Steve decided to wait a bit until they could find anymore information, claiming he wasn’t going to live in fear. This time of night he was usually at the tower, wrapping up the days search with Natasha. They had found something though. It was a connection between cell towers, their activity had something to do with the correlation of past attacks and the current two, either way it flew right over your head. Steve called to tell you he was on his way and to start gathering a bag, you both were going to stay at the tower until further notice so he wasn’t so far between yourself and his work.
You had just hung up the phone with him and set in on the kitchen counter, ready to start packing, but there was a knock at the front door. It was a soft, simple three knocks that did not alarm you, your mind not alerted by the finished call with Steve. You opened the door and were immediately flooded with 4 or 5 people. Men and women, all in combat clothing. One quickly had your hands bound and a hand around your mouth to keep you silent while the others scouted the apartment to make sure you were alone. The door was shut and locked behind them, blinds drawn closed. Fear was coursing through your body, your heart beating so fast you thought you were going to pass out. Your hands were grasped behind your back in a tight hold while their other hand was clasped tightly around your mouth and jaw, holding you in place. You couldn’t even see who was behind you, holding you back, as if you could do much to them.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” You heard a graveled voice in your ear, “we are going to grab some things, make it look like you took off, abandoning your boyfriend.” Your eyes were squeezed shut at the pain around your wrists, his hands were strong, as if this guy didn’t know how hard his grip was, or care nonetheless.  You could barely process what was happening, it was so fast.
“And then you are go-“ his voice was cut short when footsteps were heard outside the door. You eyed the door in front of you. Those around you all drew guns and were ready for who ever was coming, them knowing it was off schedule for Steve to be coming home right now. The footsteps were gone, you all no longer heard them. Your heavy breathing continued, tears falling silently down your cheeks at the thought that someone was so close yet so far from you, they had know idea what was behind the door.
The door knob began to twist, a key being entered into it from the outside. Oh god, it was Steve, it had to be. 5 guns were drawn on the door that he was about to walk through but he had no idea what was on the other side. You let out a strangled whimper against your keepers hands unwillingly, not wanting to see this play out in front of you when you had no way to warn him.
The door knob stilled. Shadows of the foot steps in front of the door stood still, unmoving. Steve could hear you, with the serum coursing through his veins, all his senses on overload. He knew you were not alone in there.
The door threw open and Steve had his shield drawn. Bullets were flying at him, ricocheting off the metal flying back towards you. You tried to crouch away from them but was pulled back up by your arms behind your back, forced against the wall on the far side of the room.
“Steve!” You yelled at him in warning. Why they hadn’t just killed you yet, had you at a loss. The sound of your voice letting him know you were okay was enough for him, though he didn’t make eye contact with you, you knew he was aware. You watched as Steve fought against these HYDRA agents. You had never seen anything like it before. You had never seen Steve fight, not like this, at least. His arms swinging, reflexes flashing so fast you would miss it if you had blinked, but you couldn’t even if you tried. Your eyes were peeled open taking in the fight around you. His shield bounced across the room knocking three out at once but was caught in the hand of another. He wasn’t ready for his shield to be used against him, and he barely had his hands around it when it was thrust against his chest sending him flying in to the wall. He slowly pulled himself out of the rubble, his face twisted in pain, but was met with the hands of two agents, coming at him at the same time, he didn’t have enough time recover. The man who had the hold on you started to force you towards the door, facing away from Steve. Fear washed over your body at the thought of leaving alive with them, not wanting to imagine why. Your protests were useless against their strength, reminding you much of Steve when you’ve seen him train with the others.
You struggled against his hands, resisting against him. A heavy, cool metal was pressed up against your temple, and your eyes closed tight immediately, knowing what it was. You forced your feet to comply, otherwise you would have been dragging along the ground.
As soon as you felt the cool, outside air on your skin, the grip on your hands was lost, and the gun abandoned its station against your skull. You were thrown on the ground, your head slamming on the brickwall, making you see stars. You could not succumb to the pain and forced yourself to open your eyes. It was Bucky. Of course, they must have earpieces in.
The sounds of them fighting was unlike anything you would ever want to hear again. It didn’t last much longer, a round of gunshots and the commotion stopped. You withdrew your hands from your head slowly, not sure if it was safe to see what was going on yet. Your splotchy eyesight flowed up from the floor, grazing the bodies laying on the floor. Your hands were shaking, trying to push yourself up of the ground, your head pounding from the impact.
Steve found you in the doorway, Bucky trailing behind him, both still yielding guns that they finessed from the hands of the intruders. You still couldn’t make out their figures. Their footsteps that had grown closer to you made your heart race, now fearing being taken again. Steve threw the gun inside and reached down for your arms to help pull you up. Your reflexes involuntarily pushing away from his grasp, wide eyes with crazed fear had yet to calm, until they met with his.
“(y/n) come here. I would - I would never hurt you.” Steve wasn’t prepared for your reaction, to push him away from you. The truth is you weren’t ready, your mind still on task to get away from everyone. Worry had flood through his body at the thought of you being scared of him. He knew you hadn’t seen him fight other than training and never intended for you to have a reason to.
“Steve.” You were at a loss for words, finally reaching back out for him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, his folding protectively around your back while you tried to catch your breath, calm your heart beat.
“What is it Buck?” Bucky had stayed silent, not a word out of him. You turned your head and matched Steve’s confused face, staring at Bucky. His shoulders were tense and his hands were flexing while examining the room, those lying lifeless on the floor.
“We need to leave,” He spoke with a hard and firm voice, his facial expression was unreadable. “Now. They are Super Soldiers.”
A/N: Please leave a little comment if you liked it! I love hearing feedback, be sure to go check out the rest of the writings in my ‘Masterlist’ and let me know which is your favorite! 
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purralyth · 5 years
Pls feel free to infodump abt Chariot I'd love to Listen to All of It. go gO GO!!!
YES I LOVE YOU i’ve infodumped abt her once before which can be found RIGHT HERE and idk how much more i’ve got without spoiling her whole arc for potential party members that see my tumblr so i’ll recount some of her Memorable Moments from her campaign so far!!!! (under the cut bc i got carried away)
she tried to cheat the kobold dmpc in a game of go-fish (it was the only card game that pebblebelly knew) but ended up getting smoked. it was a little humiliating. pebble tried to swipe her cards, chariot saved high enough, and pebble gave her a silver buckle as an apology. turns out it was from a dragon’s hoard so chariot’s never letting go of That
on the first night after defeating some bandits with her new group of acquaintances, they heard a ruckus downstairs in the inn lobby and saw a group of fish people with small boys in nets. chariot cast ice knife at one of the two fish holding the net but unfortunately ice knife is a spell that explodes upon impact and the boy in the net rolled a big fat critical miss to dodge it. so chariot’s an [accidental] child murderer
party ended up following the fish tracks down a well just outside the inn. it wasn’t necessary but she made sure she stored her fancy cloak and fine clothing in a bush, because she absolutely was not going to get that wet 
after losing half her HP slipping down the pipe to get into the well she and her party found a pool of water in the caverns. three people went in. chariot sat down and filed her nails while one of the fighters started freaking out about how long they’d been down there. “oh good, they’re not dead” was her response when they finally surfaced about a minute and a half later
pebblebelly (kobold dmpc) got snatched up by something in the ceiling and rather than help, chariot used her mage hand to poke at as many of its eyes as she could. it worked, somehow
we found more boys and more fishpeople. heavy-hitters rushed to help. chariot stayed behind with one of the fighters and examined a pot of orange liquid in the middle of the room. the liquid evaporated a knife. the fighter dipped her knife in the liquid and poked her finger. she suddenly couldn’t breathe and chariot chastised her later for grabbing at her so tightly she bruised. empathy 0
Not As Funny but after the fighter pricked her finger she started to hear a voice in her head which then made itself known in everyone else’s head and it poked a whole lotta fun at chariot and the people she trusts..! paladin dmpc warned us not to talk to it but lo and behold later that night chariot had a conversation, called this voice in her head that claimed to be older than gods a coward, and demanded a physical sign if it wanted her respect
it told her to go upstream
chariot didn’t tell anyone what she was doing but she went upstream
i can’t say what happened exactly but she got real mad at that voice and called it a coward and a liar and threatened to dismiss its presence as nothing more than a hysterical side effect of a poorly ventilated cave if she didn’t get something better soon. she called its methods bullshit. she insulted it quite a bit actually
oops! that was a mistake
walk down the last tunnel and become confronted by more fish people and the innkeep but he was like really sick. the voice possessed him and told chariot that if she wanted to talk face to face this was as good as it got. she got some empathy and sense knocked into her and demanded that they find another way but then a wicked lobster thing from hell came bursting out of his skin. chariot dealt like 28 damage in one hit to it which felt REAL GOOD
haven’t heard from the voice since, after it told them that it would kill them all in due time like ants by the waves of life or something
time to go to waterdeep for a quest > leads to a Bonfire Episode!!!! our barbarian and one of our fighters took down a wild boar so we had pork and told stories by the fire. chariot told them she was turned to stone for three days because wizards are poor losers, party monk claimed gamblers were poor losers too (at which chariot laughed bc it’s true) and one of our fighters asked if she did anything like that when she lost. chariot asked if she was volunteering to find out, the fighter foolishly said yes, chariot reached out for a handshake and made her take 4 damage with shocking grasp and got her hand to go numb. we both got inspiration points for that
we found out the dmpc wizard fucked a dragon. this has nothing to do with chariot but it’s a detail worth mentioning
we reached waterdeep’s gates and saw everyone else handing the guards papers, which we didn’t have, so instead chariot held out her signet ring with her uncle’s business’ crest on it and they were Immediately allowed inside and even offered an escort to her estate (which is funney…. bc she’s never had an estate in waterdeep !)
party now knows How Rich She Is uh oh! they got her to say she might take them back to neverwinter to visit her estate sometime later but she is a little wary since Half The Party Is Criminals (or at least accused of being so)
unfortunately as soon as they got inside waterdeep everyone that caught sight of her scrambled out of her way looking terrified. she asked a man for an address and when she thanked him for information he Bolted. party monk made a joke about how High and Mighty she was, but chariot didn’t take it so well. it hurts a little bit when no one even knows who you are but they’re terrified of you. being a rich tiefling can be a daunting prospect for a couple different reasons but it’s worse here than most places and she doesn’t really know why
that’s all the Honourable Mentions so far but we play again on wednesday when we get to wander down into a basement full of things that keep attacking the real estate agent so we’ll see what happens next ! (there wouldve been more for me to say but character arc spoilers…!)
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esompthinfics · 5 years
C2E2 Day 1
I'm gonna be here for two days, and the first say is officially over. As a whole it went amazing.
Ngl, it started off kinda bleh. We were waiting in traffic for about four hours and by the time we actually got to the con we missed the first half of our planned activities (Protip: have scheduled activities for cons, it makes the experience less daunting). Thnx Chicago.
(long ass personal post, with pictures!)
But! Once we got to the con, it was like the good gay lord himself was trying to apologize for the rough start bc we went to a John Barrowman panel and it was FABULOUS. First, the entrance; he saunters in like the proud peacock he is. Then, the reveal; he throws off his Captain Jack trench coat and proudly displays THIS:
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Bedazzled. Glittered. TARDIS suit.
He did many wonderful things in just ten minutes alone I can name them all but my favorite moment from his panel was when he brought a beautiful gay brother on stage with him, gave this kid a pair of high heels, and they vouged together until the poor kid was red. It was amazing.
John: Real quick, are you heterosexual?
Gay man, living his best life: Oh GOD no!!!
Me too.
After that we wandered around artist alley. I bought some stuff. Ate pizza. Chill times. While doing so, I saw a group of Waluigi supporters. They were all dressed as the purple devil, some carrying signs that say things like, "put Waluigi in Smash". Oh my dudes, I had to get a pic of them for my little brother. That's prime meme material. He'd loose his shit.
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I'm thinking all this as I'm taking a pic of them, then out of the corner of my eye, I see someone who's face I would never forget. I have a single thought in my head:
I know him.
That can't be. Is he even at C2E2?? Idk?? Maybe its just any other bald guy with glasses. There were a lot of them there. Like a sub-breed of nerd.
"Excuse me?!" I say, reaching out for him, but he's too far away. He doesn't hear me. I turn to my partner, my heart in my throat. My mind is buzzing, I barely hear myself as I ask them, "Is that Doug Walker?!"
"Who's that?" They ask.
I don't answer, my legs have more important things to do. Like fucking follow this guy halfway across the con. He walks fast, too. I'm still doubting myself, but I'm also confident that I KNOW that face. As I'm walking, I'm trying to Google if NC is supposed to be at C2E2, but my wifi sucks and it won't load. He turns a corner and I turn to make sure my partner is still there. They're a few feet behind me, but nodding along. I look back to find his bald, shiney head in the crowd. He's standing still now, next to a booth. It has a simple sign thats black and says "Nostalgic Critic".
I was right.
OHmygod I was right. Well of course I was right. I know what he looks like, I've been watching him since I was in middle school, he's my inspiration, ofc I'd be able to literally pick him out in a crowd.
I need a second. I'm already shaking, tears in my eyes, I need a second. My partner takes me a few feet away, somewhere out of sight of his booth. I explain who this man is, and why he's important to me, through overjoyed tears. I never actually thought I would meet him. He seemed so far away to me.
I had seen Dan and Phil twice; had taken a picture with Mark Sheppard; and can stare down John fucking Barrowman. But put me in front of one niche film critic? I'm an absolute mess.
When I think I'm ready to face him (I wasn't) we walk back up to the booth. He's taking to someone else at the moment and I try to reboot my entire brain.
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The two gentlemen who were chatting casually with Doug (how they remained calm I'll never comprehend) shortly left and then he turns to me. Fuck. His smile is so friendly. Fuck. He's so nice. Fuck.
"Hi, I'm Muse and I've been watching you ever since I was in middle school" I say. Doing good. Sounds like a normal human. "I watched you with my sister" fuck, crying now. Abort abort abort. "Sorry."
I can't get the next words out. I turn away, embarrassed, and he's so sweet, he says quietly, "You're okay."
My partner prompts me to continue, "And...?"
"And you're - you're the reason why I studied film. I'm a film student at [college]." He's really excited to hear that.
I don't really remember what happened next, but now we're taking a picture together and I'm shaking so bad, I know he can feel it. After which, he gives me a hug.
Guys. I shit you not. That was the best fucking hug I've ever had. We ended up talking some more - him talking and me awkwardly rambling while trying not to cry - and he ended up giving me two more hugs. Before we left, I asked for an autograph as well. He asked who to sign it for and I told him my sister's name. I figured, if I get the hug and the pic, she gets the autograph.
As we walked off, I couldn't help but start to cry again. I'm so fucking emotional when I'm excited, it's the worst. But I sit down and call my sister and tell her everything that just happened. She's crying too. We're very similar like that. Meanwhile, your friendly neighborhood Spideypool come sit next to me.
A Deadpool cosplayer saw my tears and mistook them for grief. He sat next to me and tried to cheer me up, while his Spiderman friend chatted with my partner. It was sweet, and I appreciated the gesture, but I had to hang up on my sis with Wade Wilson in my ear.
I'll be honest, I don't remember much else. The rest of the con I was in a type of dream state, just mentally replaying what I had just experienced. I'm still trying to process it.
I know to a lot of people the name Doug Walker means nothing, but today I realized just how much it meant to me. And now I know why people love cons so much. I had gone to a handful before, but none had struck me like this one did. I hope that Doug appreciated my twink ass sobbing in front of him. 11/10, love to do it again sometime ✌️
now for Day 2 :D
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Runaways Comics Reading Guide
So, you wanna read Runaways, huh? Maybe the wait for season 2 is taking too long and you’re desperate for content or you heard that this amazing series was revived last September. Whatever the reason, you're in luck, because I sold my soul to Brian K Vaughn and all of his characters when I was 12!
You're also in luck because, compared to some other comic book series, Runaways is a little less confusing to figure out. Now, it seems a bit daunting at first, but the series is easily digestible, and you could easily get through all the comics in a couple days if you had a lot of free time. However, if you don't want to read their smaller arcs, I will note which ones are alright to skip. Here's my self determined reading order:
Runaways- Volume 1 (18 issues): must-read! Duh, this is where the story starts! The TV show takes off from here, but fair warning, the comics are radically different from the show (understandably, tv shows and comic books are much different mediums with different capabilities, but that's a different post). This is where you get to know our gang and the conflict with their parents, which is pretty important because the backstories are a lot different than in the show. 
Runaways- Volume 2 (30 issues): vitally important, even if it will rip you apart inside and crush all of your dreams. At least through issue 24. After issue 24, our Lord BKV left, so some people regard the rest of the series as trash (tbh joss whedon is trash sooo). I guess from issue 25 onward, it's not all that important to read them, but I did and I would.
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (4 issues): nonessential to any plot, but I’m Young Avengers trash as much as I am Runaways trash, so I loved it. You may find it a bit boring if you’re not familiar with the Young Avengers. Note: this limited series takes place in the middle of Runaways Vol 2, I think in between #24 and #25. Since there’s no important plot, it doesn’t matter if you read it then, but definitely don’t read it before volume 2 to avoid spoilers. 
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (3 issues): this one actually DOES take place between v2 and v3! like the other crossover, it’s not essential to the plot of Runaways. If you’re not familiar with the Young Avengers, you probably won’t understand what’s happening. As a Young Avengers fan, though, I loved it! 
Runaways- Volume 3 (14 issues): like I said, most people find these ones to be throwaway comics, but personally I would read literally any content with these characters so like,, yeah. You should read V3 if you're going to read the Runaways arcs in Daken and Avengers Academy.
Daken: The Dark Wolverine- Issues #17-19: not necessary to read at all, maybe a lil interesting if you read Vol 3 Runaways bc it ends on a cliffhanger and this is the only time in comic canon where it's addressed, even in the vaguest way possible ("yeah, this character got hit by a fucking car. But they're fINE. Just pErFeCT.")
Avengers Academy- Issues #27-28: must read if you read Vol 3! You can either read the whole series just for the Runaways arc, or just read these 2 issues with the Runaways (which is what I did, but I went back and read the whole series bc I loved the characters, and they will appear again in a moment!) read for some wholesome dino fun (not,, but.. ehhhhh angst w a happy ending???)
Avenger's Arena (18 issues): battle royale meets teenage superheroes. A bunch of teens w powers (incl. Nico, chase, darkhawk, and some people from Avengers Academy) are thrown onto an island designed to kill them & make them kill each other. I understand that this kind of gore isn't what everyone looks for in a comic book and it's a bit childish, but I found it entertaining. Not necessary to read if you want to pick up the new series, but its events are referenced.
Avengers Undercover (10 issues): I didn't enjoy these that much (actually I probably spent more time ranting about these comics than anything, I really didn't enjoy them at all), but they are a continuation of avengers arena so you should probably read them if you read AA. Completely nonessential to understanding anything in any other comics ever.
Runaways- Volume 4 (4 issues): to be honest, I never actually read these. I tried, but the characters aren't even in it?? Why is a part of runaways??? The world may never know. Maybe if you understand more about Battleworld then it's more entertaining, but I was completely lost and confused.
A-Force- Volume 1 (5 issues): like Vol 4 Runaways, this takes place on battleworld, so like Vol 4, I was very lost and confused. However Nico is a main character and all the characters are totally badass and amazing and I have officially adopted Singularity so yeah? Also America Chavez is a BAMF. I think I'd recommend reading them? Sooo many bi vibes (bibes?) from Nico. since this takes place on a different world, it's not really relevant, but it sets up A-Force Vol 2.
A-Force- Volume 2 (10 issues): takes place back in the same world as the original runaways comics. I don't wanna spoil anything but there's more badass bisexual Nico. All in all, the series isn't necessary to understand any Runaways plots, but they are briefly mentioned in the new comics. They're also super awesome and if you like Nico you should definitely read them!!
Avengers AI (12 issues)- I've gotta be honest I never particularly cared for Victor so I didn't read these, what happens is probably important to the new Runaways but like,, I figured it out so you can too. I mean, I'll get around to reading them one of these days, I'm sure they're great comics but ya victors a ho
Runaways- Volume 5 (9 issues thus far): the new series!! Some characters come back from the dead and The Band Gets Back Together!!!!!!
I'd say if you just want to read the new series, the only ones completely vital are the Runaways comics, up to Vol 2 #24. However, all the rest are amazing (albeit frustrating sometimes) comics that I highly recommend you read!! They add a lot more depth to the characters and their experiences. I’m sure I’m missing some comics that they’ve appeared in, but I think these are all of the important ones? Correct me if I’m wrong! 
Okay, okay this all sounds amazing. I'm so ready! How do I read them???
First of all, no one is ever ready. Second of all.. you have a few options, not all of them everyone will like
Buy them. Either at marvel.com, on their app, or at a comic book store.
Take them out from the library. I've never actually done this but once comics have been released issue by issue, they're then published as a volume. I'd assume some libraries might have these consolidated comics.
Read them online. I know, I know, this is bad. But realistically, not everyone can afford to buy every single comic, and not everyone has access to a library where they can take them out. HOWEVER, I'm begging you not to use this option for the new comics. Marvel can (and HAS in the past) cancel the series if it's not making enough money. Each issue is $4USD. Every issue that you can buy counts. If you don't have access to a comic book store where you can buy them (I get it, I live in morocco), you can buy a digital copy online on Marvel's website or their app. Personally, I only own one random copy from Runaways Vol 2 that I found in a comic book store in Madrid, but I own every single new comic either hard copy, digitally, or both. Please, please, please support these comics whichever way you can!! Now that I've made my plea, you can find all of the comics online here.
I hope maybe my rambling helped you somehow. I absolutely adore these characters and these stories. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or want to talk about the comics! Happy reading, and welcome to the abyss.
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