#battle rap legend
vibezzonerrythang · 2 years
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Some graphics I seen online. This is really hitting so hard. I’m a big Pat Stay fan and the stories you hear and the memories, he was one of one! No one can ever copy or be what he was. I send my love and thoughts to his family in this time 🕊 REST IN PEACE, PAT STAY 💐
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chaosfantasmic · 2 months
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fullmetalgirl98 · 9 months
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This round of the rap battle is even more ruthless lmao i love him so fucking much. Sam is so talented!! 
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tracing-rivers · 1 year
Okay so I just finished the story and I have THINGS TO SAY about that last tear memory.
She had literal ages in front of her. She could have lived a long, fulfilling life in a kingdom at peace. Laid the groundwork of its functionment. Travelled far and wide. Started a family. And at the end of her days, as her forces left her, finally commit to her duty with thousands of years to spare.
Would she have done it, after all these years? Would she still have felt the need, the urgency of it, after so many decades of distance? It doesn't matter. She doesn't even consider it.
She knows that Link needs her, will need her one day, and commits.
And she's so terrified in her bravery (I mean look at her face in that cutscene, the animation is amazing), but she also knows that she is not wasting the years that remain to her. Because she knows that Link will go beyond the impossible to bring her back. And she's right.
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chubbie-bunnie-96 · 4 months
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virovizion · 10 months
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sunny-porridge · 7 months
The chain in a talent show
Wild: an acrobatic / parkour / archery show that puts de Cirque du Soleil to shame. Somehow he has a flamethrower. And fire arrows. And fire knives.
Legend: instead of whipping out any of his instruments, he sings a song he composed, filled with emotion. Warriors denies that he cried, but his eyes are puffy and he hums the tune when he’s laying down in bed.
Twilight: shows off his animal training skills. A dog performs smooth tricks without Twilight ever even voicing the commands out loud. A cat meows and purrs a familiar melody. A goat jumps through a series of hoops.
Hyrule: he plays the recorder. A group of fairies follow him the entire time, and start forming patterns and figures to go with the music.
Four: puts on a magic show. The rest never figure out how he managed to make it look like he was in multiple places at once.
Time: everyone assumes he will play the ocarina, but at the last moment he whips out the Zora Guitar. He plays a mash-up of New Wave Bossa Nova and Hotel California.
Wind: does a comedy stand-up show. His impressions make Time fall backwards laughing. At some point, he re-tells his final battle with Ganondorf with an improv rap song.
Sky: an eerily believable ventriloquist act. For some reason the Master Sword is on his back (he had meant to speed-carve a loftwing, but he slept in and couldn’t find a good wood piece in time)
Warriors: Tom Holland’s “Umbrella” lip sync performance. No further comments.
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swiftllama · 4 months
January Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
Hello everyone and welcome to the first Compliments Post of 2024! Hope the year has started off well for you all, and if not, then I hope this post can at least provide a little bit of joy to your day 🫶
We may be only one month in but the boys have been delivering since the very first day 🙌 So let’s get into it shall we! :-
January 2024
Ian’s 2023 Wrap Up
So to start us off, first day of the year and Mr Sunshine was already tugging at our heartstrings with his wrap up of 2023, and who made his 2023 what it was? Well Anthony of course 🥹
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The fact the WHOLE post is Anthony - from the photos to the caption! EVERY SINGLE PHOTO HAS ANTHONY 😭 Also don’t even get me started on the two unseen photos and the fact they’ve been kept from us till now. How dare 😤 AND the fact the first person he thanked was Anthony! Like yes he’s thanking and appreciating many people with this post but come on now, from the pictures alone it’s clear who made his year. This is just SO SPECIAL! Especially coming from Ian, who isn’t normally a big one for sharing his emotions (I think we’ve seen a change with that recently though), but this is BIG!
Anthony also in return left a sweet comment :-
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“proud of you buddy.”
CRYING 😭 They kill me these two, couldn’t even go one day without being sappy to each other - not that I’m complaining. And as much as I would love to just sit here in this gooeyness, we’ve got a lot to get through so I must move on 🥲
So they reacted to the classic Legend Of Zelda Rap in this Flashback eps and got a few little compliments thrown in :-
[discussing the scene of Ian dressed as Link winking at the camera that spawned a viral gif]
Anthony: “That for some reason was a clip that went viral- or a gif that went viral.”
Ian: “Yeah, it’s like horny posters.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I see it way too much.”
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[shoutout editor Kortney for this 😆]
Ian: “Gotta say, never looked better.”
Anthony: “That’s true.”
Anthony agrees 😏
Erin: [asking Ian if he had spicy time in the Link outfit like Anthony said about the Assassin’s Creed outfit in their 2 Truths 1 Lie eps]
Ian: “I did not have spicy time in the Link outfit because that outfit was very tight, there was not much of a range of motion in it.”
Anthony: “Right. Well you could be a pillow princess in that.”
Ian: “I’m not a pillow princess.”
Anthony: “Oh really?”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I’ve heard otherwise.”
[look at each other and Anthony laughs]
Ian: “Oh yeah, cause canonically we had sex for seven years.”
Anthony: [laughs] “In the Food Battle lore.”
Ian: “Yeah. Canonically in Food Battle, we’ve had sex for seven years. You know every crevice of my body.”
Anthony: “Of your anatomy.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Anywho…”
Ian: “Wow, this went a weird place.”
Anthony: “Back to looking at Link in his prime.”
Ian: “Back to me looking freakin’ HAWT.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Just them casually discussing the fact they’ve canonically had sex for 7 years and then Anthony once again agreeing Ian looked hot in the Link outfit… I don’t think I even need to say anything.
Anthony: “Oh! And I just want to give a shoutout to myself.”
Ian: “Oh, [sings] shoutout to myself.”
Anthony: “I painstakingly added those fucking stars [in the scene] for some reason. I thought they were so necessary.”
Ian: “Yeah, no, that was sick.”
Ian giving Anthony a little compliment for his hard work 😊
Speaking of the stars it was also something Ian brought up again later when they appeared in the video again :-
Ian: “Stars. Stars.”
Anthony: “Oh yeah. Stars. We got ‘em in there.”
Very cute how he wanted to shoutout Anthony’s work again ☺️
Erin: “That’s Anthony?! [as Ganondorf]”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Shut up. You knew that was me.”
Erin: “That’s crazy.”
Ian: “You didn’t know that was Anthony?”
Erin: “Where’d your, like, jaw go?”
Ian: “What do you mean? He’s got an epic jaw.”
Ian got so defensive on Anthony’s behalf here, I love it! Reminded me of the moments from Who Meme’d It when Anthony was defending Ian 😌
And that was us for this video!
Moving on…
Gets a big title cause why not!
But yes, soup! So Ian has gotten into making soup this year and on that same Friday we got the Flashback, that evening we were blessed out of nowhere with these stories :-
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Like this is the cutest, most domesticated shit ever! They kill me!!!!
And okay yes when that first photo was posted I thought Ian was right then and there cooking it for him, Ian then responded with this :-
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Let me live in my fantasies Ian! 😤
But regardless of Mr dashing-my-dreams Hecox, I’m still of the mindset they were hanging out that day and that’s when Ian gave him the container of soup.
Evidence :-
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This photo only. That I believe Anthony took 😌
Also I try not to make these posts too shipper-heavy so that everyone may enjoy them if they’re just here for the friendship alone, so I’ll just leave this other little post I made here about some other thoughts I had on this soup situation that isn’t in the friendship realm 🤭 All cool if that’s not for you though!
So 7 months later Vidcon finally decided to post this little interview they had with them lol. And even with such a short video we still got a few complimentary/cute moments :-
So Anthony was being his usual self and finding Ian the funniest person alive as always. There was a couple moments where Ian gave his answers and you just hear Anthony’s laugh in the background 🥰
Q: What are the last three things you Googled?
Ian: “Jared Leto cult…”
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He’s a cutie ☺️
And it happened again!
Q: What’s the cringest thing you’ve ever done for views?
Ian: “I mean like our whole channel’s cringe.”
Anthony, once again: [laughing in the background]
Love him and how much he loves Ian and his humour 😊
This was just one wee last bit I thought was cute :-
Ian: [signing out the video] “This has been Ian from Smosh, that’s right, the channel that is 17 and a half years old that’s doing sketch comedy again with my best friend Anthony.”
Can never resist them calling each other ‘best friend’ so of course had to include it!
Making of Pokémon In Real Life 2024
So they brought back the classic Pokémon In Real Life sketch, and from that obviously we got the BTS. Only a couple little moments from this one but just wanted to include them cause they were silly 🤓
Ian: [sneezes] “Sorry. Your hairspray.”
Anthony: “Ohhh… he’s allergic to me [smirks].”
👀 Don’t know what that was about but alrighty, Anthony…
Ian: [cuts his finger and there’s a dot of blood]
Anthony: “Oh my god, dude. Are you okay?”
Ian: “No, I’m not okay. Trigger warning gore.”
Anthony: “Do you need someone to suck out the blood?”
Why did this just turn into Saltburn? Don’t know what Anthony was on with the these two moments but I won’t question it 😝 And despite saying ‘someone’, he was definitely offering to suck the blood from Ian’s finger himself 🤭
Pokémon In Real Life 2024 Watch Party
Of course with the sketch and BTS we got a livestream, which gave us some cute and complimentary moments 😊
To kick off this livestream I just wanna point out that they were wearing matching colours with Anthony’s jacket and Ian’s hoodie, plus matching Smosh Pokémon hats which is very cute 😊
Ian: [apologising for getting annoyed in the BTS due to the background noise messing up their filming] “Dude, this video. This Pokémon video. I apologise if I looked very angry in the behind the scenes.”
Anthony: [laughs] “You didn’t look that bad. Honestly, it amped up accurately.”
Erin: “The compilation of you getting angry, it was pretty funny.”
Anthony: Yeah, so it was justified. People knew why you were angry.”
Love the reassurance from Anthony here so that Ian isn’t worried about how he came across in the video.
[take their hats off]
Ian: “How’s my hair? Is it weird?”
Anthony: “Is mine weird? Yours is fine.”
Ian: “No, I feel like yours is like, yours has like a messy chic to it, you know.”
Them just complimenting each other’s hair - here for it! Also Ian’s added compliment of “messy chic” 😄
[playing Pokémon quiz]
I&A: “Jinx.”
Crew: [laughs]
Anthony: [smiles and points to Ian] “Jinx.”
Ian: “That’s our favourite. Favourite Pokémon.”
Funny because it’s both the Pokémon’s name and they said it at the same time 😝 Cute how Ian also got in that that’s their favourite ☺️
[complete the quiz]
Anthony: “Dude, 100 percent, bro.”
I&A: [high-five]
Of course always gotta include the highfives 😌
After the quiz they go on to play a Pikachu x Sonic crossover. Anthony plays a round and then Ian goes to play but can’t get the controls to work for him so Anthony’s showing him what to do 🥹 I don’t feel the need to include what they said here as it’s just Anthony saying what buttons to push but just wanted to include a little description of what was happening at this moment 😊
Ian: [completes the game]
Anthony: “You won the game.” [clapping]
Just another little cute moment I wanted to include of Anthony clapping for Ian 🙂
[playing Pokémon Among Us]
Anthony: [playing the game well]
Ian: “Alright, I hate that you’re like kind of eating.” [as Ian kept dying]
A begrudging little compliment from Ian there 😄
[signing the livestream off]
Ian: “Happy New Year, hope the holidays were a fun time for you and you had some eggnog and sat by the campfire…”
Anthony: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Ian: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Anthony: “Or chestnut. I’m not making any assumptions.”
Ian: “….What?”
Anthony: “Just if they don’t have more than one chestnut.”
Ian: “Ohh, okay. I don’t know if you could buy a singular chestnut but…”
Anthony: “I think there’s a way.”
Ian: “Go off king.”
Just a silly little one to end on because I wanted to include Ian calling Anthony ‘king’ 🤭
Can I Guess Who Slapped Me?
So the video of Anthony getting slapped finally dropped! And it was everything and more, especially when it came to moments between Ian and Anthony so let’s jump right in :-
Right off the bat we had this as the description for Ian…
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Now onto the actual slapping…
The moment that got us all was just before Ian slaps him he slowly started caressing Anthony’s face so obviously that had us all going crazy! Including the cast and crew!
Anthony: [after the slap] “Oh. Wow. Uhhh, this person thinks they’re hilarious.” [laughs]
Cast & Crew: [laughing]
Ian: [Trying not to laugh]
Anthony: “Uhhh, who would do that? Who would caress my face and slap me out of nowhere?”
Ian: [boops Anthony’s nose]
Anthony: “Uh, it feels like an Ian move to me… Did you just boop me? Um, that feels like an Ian move.”
Kiana: “That is correct.”
Everyone: [celebrating and applauding]
Anthony: [puts his hands out and Ian high-fives him]
Angela: “Friendship always wins!”
Ian: “Well done. Well done. Good job to you.”
Anthony: [bowing]
Ian: “There we go. There we go. That’s the only one you truly needed to get right.”
Anthony: [laughs]
So true Ian! That was the most important one he needed to get right! And I just want to point out how Ian was only the 3rd person Anthony got right, and of course he knew it was him right away with his cheeky little joke of “this person thinks they’re hilarious” 😝 he knew the second Ian caressed his face that it was him cause they truly just know each other that well ☺️ Live for Angela yelling “Friendship always wins!” after he got it right too! And can we also talk about the totally unnecessary, but very, very cute little nose boop Ian threw in there just cause he wanted to! Obsessed!
A little bit later in the video during Duran’s round of slapping Anthony another little moment happened that I just wanted to include cause I thought that it was funny and showed how silly of a mood Ian was in, I think Anthony being blindfolded was playing a part in that and he gained a little extra layer of confidence to just fuck about with Anthony 😆
Anthony: [standing with his butt pushed out waiting to be slapped]
Kiana: “The stance is great. The stance is great.”
Ian: [runs over and pretends to go in to slap Anthony’s butt]
Anthony: “Why’s there wind?”
Cast & Crew: [laugh]
Hehe 🤭
Anyways! That was it for the slapping video but I did also want to include something that came off the back of it and that was…
Anthony dedicating a whole Instagram post to Ian slapping him :-
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Obessed with this though! The fact he went out of his way to make a post specifically about Ian slapping him over anyone else, plus that caption! ‘only ian would slap me like that’ - truly the cherry on top of it all 😌
Jacksfilms Confesses His Biggest Regret
So they had Jacksfilms on as a guest for Flashback to react to some of his old videos and an old collab of his the boys had been a part of.
Jack: [talking about how he moved to LA after he graduated] “…And that’s when I started collaborating with some, then, very big YouTube channels.”
Anthony: [looks at Ian] “Yeah, back then we were big.” [elbows Ian and Ian elbows him back]
Them just being silly 😄 loved the little elbowing of each other too 😊
Jack: “I remember I was in college, I was like out hanging with my friends. I just got 50,000 subs on YouTube, baby. And one of my friends just like took the air right out of my tire, or sails, whatever, and was like ‘Uh, yeah, did you know that Smosh has like a million now?’.”
Ian: “Pffft.”
Anthony: [silent laughs] “Noice!” [high-fives Ian] “Noice!”
Again, just more of them being silly. Plus high-five!
I should have mentioned at the start of this section that Ian is in a tshirt-dress for this video as a reference to Jack as it’s got tweets of his printed on it. Anyway, as a result his legs are out obviously, and that’s relevant to this next part :-
Anthony: [talking about how there’s always an audience for every kind of content, it’s just about what kind of audience you want to have]
Ian: “That’s true. And you want this audience.” [pointing to show off his legs]
Anthony: “You want this.”
Ian: “You want the audience that accepts this.”
Anthony: “This is what you want. This is the audience that we have. And we are very happy with this audience.”
Ian: “Exactly.”
Anthony: “They’ve been begging for this.”
And we’re more than happy to be the audience for it! 😌 (As is Anthony considering how many times he was checking out Ian’s legs during this video 😉)
Anthony also had this to say about YouTube’s hate for Ian’s attire 😤
Jack: [talking about a sponsorship he done with other youtubers to test out a new workout program]
Ian: “Did you get Jaaaacked?”
Anthony: [looks at Ian with a smirk and high-fives him]
Second high-five for this video! Also Anthony just quietly complimenting Ian’s pun 😄
Ian: “Do you [Jack] have any regrets? Any videos that you regret making?” [smiling]
Anthony: “You look so happy saying that.” [smiling] “This is happiest I’ve seen you all episode.” [laughs]
Just thought it was cute how Anthony seeing Ian smiling made him smile and laugh 😊
And that was it for another Flashback!
No1 Ian Fan Strikes Again
So Anthony was back at it! The Smosh team was out celebrating one of the crews birthday - Erin posted this to her story. Now I’m sure there were probably multiple photos and videos taken this night but what was the only thing Anthony shared from it? That’s right! Ian of course!
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He’s obsessed with that boy and I love it! 😌
Ian also reshared and replied to Anthony’s story which you can find here
Making Of “MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far”
So the BTS of the MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far sketch offered us a few little moments :-
So this seemed to be a very high-five, hand-hold heavy BTS. Think they were just in one of those moods where they want any excuse to touch each other 🤭😉
[Finishing off their little video introduction]
Anthony: [goes in to high-five Ian and grips his hand]
Ian: [high-fives Anthony back and also grips his hand in response]
I&A: [still holding each other’s hands] “Let’s go shoot this shit!”
Ian: [messing up his line] “I’m having a trouble! I’m having a trouble…” [facepalms]
Shayne: “That’s so funny. ‘I’m having a trouble’.”
Anthony and Courtney: [laughing]
Anthony: [to Ian] “Are you having a trouble?” [puts hand on Ian’s shoulder]
Ian: “I’m having a trouble. Words.”
Anthony: [laughs]
I know they were (lovingly) poking fun at Ian here, but the wee glimpse of the shoulder touch from Anthony to Ian is what got me ☺️
I&A: [In character but joking around]
Ian: “There’s a twist. There’s a twist.” [puts hand out to Anthony] “There’s a twist.”
Anthony: “There’s a twist.” [takes Ian’s hand and grips it]
I&A: [still holding hands whilst lightly pushing/tapping each other and repeating “there’s a twist”. They then start scissoring their fingers together, before gripping each other’s fingers and pulling the other in closer to them whilst now repeating “getting twisted” and manically laughing]
Well… that was… something… 👀
Told you they were just looking for any excuse to touch each other. But hey, wouldn’t be a Smosh BTS if Ian and Anthony weren’t flirting with each other 😜
And to finish off this high-five heavy BTS, I’ll leave you with this :-
Ian: [talking about how Anthony injured himself by dropping a laptop on his foot and how he should take an Advil but Anthony doesn’t take Advil so he doesn’t know if it’ll help]
Anthony: “I don’t care about the pain, I just want the throbbing to stop.”
Ian: “He doesn’t like throbbing.”
Anthony: “I don’t like throbbing. I like pulsating.”
Ian: [laughs] “I hate both of those words.”
Anthony: [laughs] “Yeah, usually I say throbbing or pulsating member…”
Ian: [acting disgusted]
Anthony: “Speaking of members thank you so much being a Smoshtastic or Smosh Royalty member!”
Ian: “Yeah! Thanks for being our throbbing members.” [laughs]
Anthony: “Our pulsating members.”
Ian: “Yeahhh, throbbing members.”
I&A: [high-five]
Um… thanks boys, I guess… happy to be a throbbing and pulsating member… 🥴🤦‍♀️ They high-fived so I had to include it, don’t blame me for what they said! 😩
And on that’s note that brings us to the end of January! Hope you all enjoyed reading - I’d say it was a very good start to the year in terms of content, and the boys very much delivered in terms of complimentary moments so can’t complain 😌
Thank you all again for reading and I shall see you next time! 💖
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hwaightme · 1 year
"Your fan, _____" Series Masterlist
Hello there <3 welcome to the mini masterlist for this series! All works collected here are around the theme of what would each member be like as your fan and how that develops into a heart-fluttering romance! In general, the bullet-style fics are sfw, fem!reader unless stated otherwise, and done in two parts. Below the cut you will find the general disclaimers as well as additional information for each member, and links to the fics! Happy reading, and any and all likes, reblogs and asks are always welcome, thank you so much <3
Suggested order: Jongho, Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung, Hongjoong, Yeosang, San, Seonghwa
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These works are fictional and for entertainment purposes only, and do not reflect the people mentioned in them as individuals.
All works and moodboards have been created by me, and reposting is strictly prohibited.
Themes covered may be triggering for certain audiences and/or inappropriate for minors. This is why I keep the body of the works below the cut, and try my best to do extensive tagging and warnings. If you see something that does not sit well with you, please dni, and if I missed a tag lmk immediately.
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👘 Hongjoong: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: hongjoong x fashion designer!reader warnings/tags: language, radio shows, reader is goth, goth subculture, a bit of mutual pining, seonghwa aries rage, san is sus, jealousy, DRAMA(rama), hongjoong is starstruck, reader has her own fashion house/brand, photoshoots, brand collabs, demon line boutta act up
🛸 Seonghwa: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: seonghwa x nerdfluencer & physicist!reader warnings/tags: language, SCIENCE, astrophysics, may the force be with you, scientific formulas, lego obsession, yunho driving, hongjoong jealousy and fatigue, seonghwa just wants someone to be a nerd with
📺 Yeosang: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: yeosang x talk show host!reader warnings/tags: language, yeosang lowkey writing fanfics, manhandling, wooyoung attacks, roommate gathering, mc yeosang, reader is a late night talk show host, exo and txt appearances, wooyoung has connections everywhere, yeosang always has a plan even when you think he doesn't
🎮 Yunho: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: yunho x game developer!reader warnings/tags: language, reader is a dev, coding/gaming is life, wooyoung knows, yunho as a gaming enthusiast, introversion, social anxiety, implied depressive episode, business friend playing wingwoman, flirting in chat, reader is oblivious, yunho wants to be noticed, gaming dates, ateez have potential as twitch streamers, yeosang is a legend, mingi is best homie
🍰 Wooyoung: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: wooyoung x baker!/cafeowner!reader warnings/tags: maybe language, a tad suggestive, ateez chaotic energy, wooyoung what are you watching boi, e-girls mention with yunho hints, time to vacuum the lawn to catch gossip, ateez wingmen, wooyoung falls fast, reader and wooyoung are both flirts, cooking, baking, mention of food/eating
🎤 Mingi: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: mingi x rapper!reader warnings/tags: language, reader is an underground rapper, mingi is totally starstruk, producer hongjoong energy, activism, criticism of music industry, dark side of idol life, hongjoong-ah instead of hyung, yunho is supportive friend (TM), mingi being a rebel, sneaking out, potential rap battles incoming, reader with that mic drop
💬 San: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: san x interpreter!reader warnings/tags: language, simping, hopeless romantic, linguistics, interpreter/translator reader, duo bird terrors, ateez wingman alliance, concerts, public speaking, job stress, slow burn, falling in love hard and fast
⚽ Jongho: (part 1) (part 2)
pairing: jongho x footballer!reader warnings/tags: jongho falling fast, you are a football prodigy, hongjoong lowkey is a wingman, jongho hiding feelings, sports, football, cute romance, overall wholesome vibes, jongho is an undercover athlete, yeosang seizes opportunity, hongjoong is in on the secrets, sports, football, cute romance, secret relationship, seriously in love, overall wholesome vibes
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Your fan messages:
[ 1 ] - Jongho, Yunho
[ 2 ] - Wooyoung, Mingi
[ 3 ] - Hongjoong, Yeosang
[ 4 ] - San, Seonghwa
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dusty-cobweb · 4 months
julian bashir is a british drill rap legend btw.
he got into it shortly after turning 15 because he wanted to rebel against his parents. and what’s a better way to disappoint your posh english parents then to begin drilll? so julian went to the underground drill battles, watched and analyzed their flow and behavior and replicated it /perfectly/. soon enough, he was the pinnacle of english drill.
flash forward to ds9 and everyone is at quark’s celebrating a successful first contact or whatever and quark busts out the karaoke. dax does her klingon opera, miles does “500 miles”, even sisko joins in. the night goes, the drinks flow and eventually the attention turns to our dear doctor bashir and his musical talents. he tries to refuse at first, but with everyone pressuring him how can he refuse? he gets on the stage and everyone is ready for him to make a fool of himself. and then he starts rapping. what the fuck. dax is going insane, throwing sisko around by the shoulders. miles spits out his drink. kira is awe struck at this new side of the doctor. who would’ve guessed that the CMO is a drill GOD.
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maxknightley · 9 months
does anyone have a link to that clip from the smosh legend of zelda rap battle where link says ganondorf should have been aborted. attempting to search for it on tumblr just results in a vast array of porn blogs and I don't want to watch the whole original video in question because I respect myself
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towl · 6 months
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legend has it, if Gentaro is there to tell a lie, Dice will be there to believe it. 『 Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- 』Rhyme Anima PLUS EP.09
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fullmetalgirl98 · 3 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 19: favorite live performance
🎤 「T.D.D Legend」 9th live
I was this close to putting an andless list of live performances, because everything is great in a unique way during HypMic lives. But this one definitely slaps on another level. This song is already beautiful in its own right, but the live ver is a whole other emotion. The guitar, combined with the movements of the seiyuu on stage, sends me into EKUSHTASI (reference for a few connoisseurs), completely. When Subaru starts singing followed immediately after by the flames shot skyward to his C'mon! it's bloody exciting! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I really like how they exchange looks when the "Dare no banda?" moment starts. Everyone is so in character! And when they make the TDD sign with their hands? akjdhgaldj
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When I thought I couldn’t love him more... I found this rap battle between a fan and Scanlan/Sam. He’s just too good.
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diaryofafeministbw · 27 days
As thrilling as it is to participate in the shared experience of watching two titans of their industry challenge themselves to a gladiator-style conflict with impressive skill and turnaround, their tracks also expose a long standing tradition in battle raps: using women as pawns and fodder for slinging insults. When the battle is arguing over who’s the bigger misogynist, does anyone really win? The women in these rappers’ lives sure don’t. 
Kendrick fans have resurfaced interviews disavowing abuse and support from Alford’s brother; Drake’s supporters have been circulating quotes from young women rejecting claims that their relationship with the superstar was inappropriate. As the dust settles from the battle, you are left to contend with two realities. One, artists are engaging in a speculative exercise of bloodsport where the ultimate crime is violence against women and girls, a frame that is tragically not reflected in present-day society. And the other, these are sincerely held positions by each artist against their opponent, suggesting that both legends associated as colleagues for years despite being aware of purported harm that their respective crews were responsible for, and said nothing publicly. In either scenario, fans and consumers are left to reconcile a contradiction between the conviction in Drake’s and Kendrick’s lyrics and the artists’ present-day behaviors. The women, girls, and children affiliated with them are left to deal with the fallout in the public. Despite what their raps may claim, the safety of these alleged victims isn’t the priority: it’s ego. 
Objectively, both men are trading in moral inconsistency. Kendrick can barely purport to have a moral brightline around abuse and parental neglect when he has collaborated with serial deadbeat baby daddy Future, claimed alleged abuser Dr. Dre as a mentor, and heavily featured convicted sex offender Kodak Black on his most recent album. Drake’s accusations against Kendrick fall apart in kind; he declares Kendrick an abuser in the same track as he shouts out alleged chronic abuser Chris Brown. This inconsistency is not contained to this conflict, either: in a recent spat between Chris Brown and Quavo, both artists weaponized documented physical incidents with women against the other in a twisted race to the bottom. In Drake’s response to Kendrick’s accusations, he spent the bulk of his song “The Heart pt 6” denying any accusations of sexual misconduct – claiming he was too rich and famous to be culpable – as well as alleging that Kendrick’s focus on the topic was due to his own childhood experiences with sexual abuse.  It ultimately becomes irrelevant whether the artists committed the alleged acts of violence or not, because what is ultimately revealed is that the trauma the women around them have experienced is accepted, until it’s time for a rap battle. These artists may be willing to weaponize cruelty against women as a critique, but fall short of committing to rejecting abuse around them as a sustained principle.
At battle rap’s inception, women became disposable currency for sensation, with no consideration for fact or fiction, legend or myth – and  young women were left to deal with the fallout. In the ensuing weeks, the women around Kendrick Lamar and Drake are going to be thrust into an unprecedented level of scrutiny – their social media exhumed and pored over, every statement and response dissected – in service of a conflict they never signed up for. While the war of words may be over (for now), the effects against the women involved continue to linger with a level of invasiveness that they never consented to. Abuse and grooming are now spectacles for consumers to gossip about rather than structural problems that need dismantling. The care for all parties involved is not prioritized, instead it’s about who “won” a rap beef. Regardless of whether or not the accusations are merely speculative, the sensationalism  continues to harm everyone involved. It is an ongoing shortcoming that cannot continue to be maintained in hip-hop’s next 50 years; it is tragedy enough that it dominated the first 50.
Written by _ShamGod 🙏🏾
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