#barry season three finale
dualredundancy · 2 years
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lispunk · 2 years
barry's 3×08 is a fucking masterpiece, the cinematography, bill's direction, sarah goldberg's performance, henry winkler as amazing as ever, anthony carrigan breaking my heart and mother fucking bill hader proving time and time again that he's a great actor. incredible end of the season: 10/10
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yujowheelies · 2 years
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Barry season 3 huh
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bisexualbuckleyy · 1 year
iconic barry allen moment when cisco is like “i think i can talk you through breaking into iron heights” and barry’s immediately like “don’t bother i’ve been figuring out how to break in there since i was 11”
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bittersweetastoria · 5 months
Merry Christmas, Mami.
a lil smutty Christmas drabble for all us nasty moshers. 😈 🎄
Wrapped up in a cute little red bow, with matching red panties and black fishnet stockings: you await the arrival of your favorite person. The only person you’d bother to even leave home for this dreaded season of coldness and misery. Your family situation kind of sucked ass so, you’d spent many a holiday either home alone or out getting smashed. But not this year. This year, your - fuck, what was she? You two hadn’t had the girlfriend / official talk yet. You hoped tonight would spur that along. But to get to that point, she needed to get here already!
Tapping your nails upon the glass coffee table you sat upon, the couch perfectly made up with blankets and pillows you refused to mess up before she got here. The chair, out of commission thanks to Barry and Luna napping there. Leaving your bare ass (let’s face it, these panties didn’t cover any cheeks) to sit on the cold glass of the coffee table for any sign of her approach. Scrolling on your phone, you sigh to yourself as you try and pass the time until she was home.
Time ticks by, your excitement turning to nerves as you wait. But eventually, the lock clicks signaling she’s home! The dogs reacted before you could, so you kept your spot and let the furbabies have their moment with everyone’s favorite mami. You crossed your legs, leaning back on the table. Your bow, perfectly concealing just enough of your tits from view to be a tease and be suited for a pg-13 rating, proudly the visual point you wanted to make on display to be the first thing she’d see when she walked into the room.
Took a bit, but eventually you heard her asking the dogs where you were which just made you light up. Before you could say though, all three made their way in.. and as you hoped, mami stopped dead in her tracks. Eyes fixed on your chest, mouth agape in surprise. “I-fuck, you look good baby.” She finally managed to say once she found her voice. Dropping her bag on the floor, ignoring the dogs clamoring for her attention, Rhea made her way to you and picked you up. A giggle left your lips as you wrapped your arms and legs around her. Your eyes met for the briefest moment, before your lips crashed into one another’s. In the most heated, “i need you right fucking now”, kiss of either of your lives.
Next thing you knew, your back was on the couch and she was over you. Her lips kissing down every inch of your skin as your breath picked up. Her effect on you, was entirely unfair. “Mami..” you speak, breathless already as she kissed down your stomach. Your hands took hold of hers, locking them in your grasp, your little noises spurring her on to continue her path.. every moment driving you to the break of madness.
“Please.. don’t ever stop. “ you eventually speak up, a moan slipping out as her tongue (and its ring within it) worked wonders on your body. The plan had been to show her how much you missed her.. but that thought was long gone the instant your body got her attention. Not that you were complaining in the least.. “God, I missed you baby girl.” Rhea spoke softly as she came up from below. Her body aligning with yours perfectly, your arms wrapping around her neck as she leaned in and kissed your lips. You could taste yourself on her lips. “I missed you, so so much mami.” You finally speak against her lips, your eyes gazing into hers.
“Oh, I know.” Rhea smirked, stealing another kiss as she pulled away. In moments, she had everything off you and her hoodie off herself leaving herself in just her sports bra and some booty shorts she knew you loved her ass in. “You were wet the moment I touched you, baby girl. Your body can’t lie, not to me.” She grinned, leaning in to kiss your lips once again. Her hands finding your heated core, fingers sinking into you until you were a moaning mess beneath her. “Merry Christmas, baby. Mami has a whole day planned for you and clothes are not needed for either of us.” She smirked once more, pulling away to rid herself of her last articles of clothing while her digits worked inside you. Your eyes stayed on her as she stripped, little moans slipping from your lips.
Once she was as bare as you, she slipped her fingers from your needy hole and placed you upon her lap.. A top the strap on she came ready with, obviously. As you sunk down on it, you screamed out for your mami. Only silenced by her lips capturing yours as she began thrusting into you. The start, of a very long and satisfying Christmas night.
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goaliekisses · 1 year
woof juicy news day for us pens fans. not only do we have sidney crosby’s Seduction of kyle dubas, now we have this article on Why Hextall Sucks (and how he pissed off even sidney crosby) + some angsty Geno details that i will only relish now that he’s still with us:
Early last summer, at his spacious home in Montreal, Kris Letang finally saw the document that secured his future in Pittsburgh.
No stranger to the multi-page, standard player contract, this one was particularly special. It was his fourth, and probably his last. It contained specific elements Letang and his agent required. One line read “six years.” Another read “$36.6 million.” The line that Letang really loved?: “full no-movement clause.”
Together, those words recommitted Letang and the Penguins, the only NHL franchise he had ever known. At 35, he would finish his career in Pittsburgh.
As word spread last July 7, Letang’s phone blew up. The flood of well-wishers included teammates past and present, various Penguins personnel he’d befriended over his previous 16 seasons, and family and friends. He took only a few calls. Among them: Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, his oldest and dearest teammates in Pittsburgh, who were thrilled for him.
Crosby, the Penguins captain and franchise icon, had made it clear to general manager Ron Hextall and president of hockey operations Brian Burke as far back as the 2021 offseason that he wanted the team to re-sign impending free agents Letang and Malkin so the three veterans and lifetime Penguins could take another shot at a Stanley Cup together.
Would Crosby pressure ownership to sign Malkin and Letang? “I’ve never wanted to be GM,” Crosby said. “I think they know how I feel.”
While the negotiations with Letang took longer and were more difficult than expected, Hextall’s discussions with Malkin had turned dark. Only days before the start of free agency last summer, Letang, Crosby and coach Mike Sullivan worked overtime trying to calm Malkin, who was stewing over lowball early contract offers, limited communication with Hextall and veiled public shots from Burke.
“How bad is it?” Letang asked Crosby about the state of Malkin’s emotions and the negotiations.
“Pretty bad,” Crosby said.
Hextall first irritated Malkin late in the 2021-22 season by offering a short-term contract extension to his agent, J.P. Barry. In the offseason that animosity built as weeks passed without a follow-up conversation from Hextall. On June 17, Hextall told Barry that the team’s offer was “take-it-or-leave-it,” and the next day Burke used those words to characterize the negotiations during multiple media interviews. Not surprisingly, Malkin, a sure Hall-of-Famer, went from annoyed to insulted.
For weeks leading up to and after Letang’s deal was finalized, Malkin stewed at home while Crosby, Letang and Sullivan checked in with him from afar. With no deal in sight, Malkin began speaking to his small inner circle as if his time with the Penguins was concluding.
Hextall fielded daily questions from Fenway Sports Group brass about why Malkin hadn’t yet been re-signed. Hextall was also taken aback by the barrage of calls and texts — from Penguins alternate governor Dave Beeston, from Crosby and Sullivan, from president of business operations Kevin Acklin — after reports surfaced that Malkin would test free agency. He told his agent he wanted to “show Hextall and Burke” by trying the open market.
Malkin had joked during the ’21-22 season that he was “a rich guy,” insisting he didn’t need to worry about money on his next contract. He was having a laugh, but was also somewhat serious. He had taken less than market value on two previous deals with the Penguins and expected that trend to continue on his final NHL contract.
He was about to turn 36. He wanted to play until he was 40. He sought a contract with a no-trade clause. But more than money, he needed the Penguins to show they really wanted him, something he felt was lacking, especially from Hextall. By July 11, 2022, Malkin was convinced he’d already practiced in Cranberry for the last time.
After tucking in their son, Nikita, Malkin and his wife, Anna, sat on their leather couch and looked at a summary sheet of Hextall’s latest offer: four seasons, $24.4 million total, a full no-movement clause.
Malkin was fine with what he read. The sticking point was his bruised feelings.
“They not think I good player,” Malkin wrote in a text message to Crosby.
“They not want me,” Malkin texted to Letang, who had stepped up efforts to console Malkin after signing his deal.
Malkin wanted to stay in Pittsburgh, but he no longer trusted either Hextall or Burke. Crosby and Sullivan intervened. Each spent hours on the phone with Malkin as July 11 became July 12. Careful not to tell him what to do, Crosby and Sullivan implored Malkin to “not worry about those guys” — Hextall and Burke — when making a final decision. Letang, too, jumped into the mix. Together, two-thirds of the Big Three and their coach brought up every special moment, funny story and great time they could remember to remind Malkin what they had built in Pittsburgh. Malkin paced from room to room at his condo in Fisher Island, finally beginning to feel wanted again.
As early morning shifted to late afternoon, Malkin had heard enough to make a decision. He called his agent, Barry, with instructions to re-engage with Hextall and take the offer. Upon calling, Barry was surprised to find a receptive Hextall.
After hanging up with Barry, Hextall bragged to his assistant GM, Chris Pryor, and a handful of staffers, that he “got him on my terms — that’s how you negotiate.” Malkin informed Crosby, Letang and Sullivan that he was staying. When talking to Crosby and Letang, Malkin sounded happy for the first time in a long time.
“We win next year,” Malkin told his friends. “Big year get back Cup.”
also these bits 🥺
After McGinn was put on waivers, he played a memorable final game with the Penguins, blocking shots and setting up Crosby for a dramatic tying goal in the third period. In the locker room afterward, his soon-to-be-former teammates named him player of the game, eliciting a massive roar from the group that could be heard through closed doors.
Hextall traded Teddy Blueger during the same trip. In the middle of a dinner with the players’ fathers, arranged by Crosby at Bern’s Steakhouse in Tampa, Blueger learned via social media that he had been dealt to Vegas. He and his dad abruptly left the restaurant. Crosby rushed to console his now former teammate and after a few minutes returned to the dinner. “That’s not how we do things in Pittsburgh,” he said. Crosby remained mostly quiet the rest of the night.
…Long after most of their teammates had left the locker room after the demoralizing 5-2 defeat, the Big Three remained.
Malkin was emotional, his voice rising as he spoke. He had been dreaming of his beloved parents, Natalia and Vladimir, returning to Pittsburgh for another postseason run. Instead, they’d stay in Russia.
Letang, in the adjacent corner of the room, spoke thoughtfully and contemplatively. He had been through hell and back all season, and the Penguins’ loss was another blow.
Then there was Crosby, who sits at the center of an arc of connected lockers. The Penguins captain, with gray hairs that seemed to grow more plentiful throughout the season, sat stoically. After finishing interviews, Crosby sat by himself, staring straight ahead before slowly walking out of the locker room.
sorry need to add the header too because i would totally watch this telenovella
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barrencelenny · 5 months
one thing I loved to do when watching the flash as it aired was try and figure out how to get Len to reappear in the show + I love pov outsider so one of the funniest situations I had would be len reappearing early on during Julian Albert’s time on the show.
ideally the time stream drops len back into central city before Julian joins team flash, but after Barry knows len’s dead (because I like pain.) so based on episode air dates I think that’s between 29th November, 2016 (invasion crossover when ray tells Barry) and 6th December ( the midseason finale of season three is I think when julian is free from savitar/alchemy?) Len’s been dead since 12th May, so the time stream keeps him for like six and a half months before spitting him back out?
anyways, julian already dislikes Barry because he’s chronically late, probably got his job through nepotism, keeps taking personal calls during work hours, keeps clocking out early to deal with flash stuff etc etc etc (and as alchemy he hates the flash so there’s probably some subconscious memory of that too)
and once Barry finds out that len is alive that boy is DELIGHTED. He died a hero’s death he KNEW there was GOOD IN HIM. And he was so emo about his fav villain being dead but now he’s BACK :D
with Len’s records being deleted (which julian finds extremely suspicious) and anything after that cleared by the president (was everyone getting presidential pardons canon or fanon? I forget, but either way you know Barry would push to get len a posthumous one) he’s off the hook for his father’s murder and then breaking out of prison. So now Len’s just waltzing into Barry’s lab (read: break in via the windows because why would he want to see the cops on the ground floor when he doesn’t have to) and Barry’s crimes (being late, having guests in the lab, leaving early) increases manifold. Julian is So Pissed.
he talks to singh about it but technically there’s nothing he can do, and the one person that would be on his side re: the snart thing is Joe, who has to keep the flash secret from him (and is also Barry’s father, seriously this must be nepotism?) so julian has no allies in his crusade against the Barry/Len bickering/flirting that he is forced to witness
I literally have no plot to this except pissing julian off tbh (it may only be a week but it’s the worst week of his life) (if anything the Barry is the flash reveal goes worse because hello???? That is a clear conflict of interest Barry??? Why are you So Bad at being an enforcer of the law?????) (this is all part of my acab agenda and Barry just permanently resigns from the ccpd ☺️)
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elvisabutler · 1 year
i think there's still a few hours left for your gala, right?? 👁 if so, id like to request 💻 the angst prompt "no, im actually not ok," w austin.. maybe some h/c after the oscars? 🥺🙏
i don't know what i'm feeling
fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: g, t if you really squint. pairing: austin butler x gender neutral reader word count: 802 warnings: austin being sad post oscars. talk about the oscars. talk about the whale. author’s note: thank you anon and you were right i did have a few more hours when you sent this to me and was hoping someone would allow me the chance to do a hurt and comfort with this. full disclosure to everyone, i said it once before, if austin was going to lose to anyone, i did want it to be brendan because i was iffy on colin. however, i despise of the whale as a movie- and truly wish brendan had won for literally anything else. so do not take anything i have austin say as my own opinion on the movie itself. i hate it. this is for my 1k gala with the angst prompt of “no, i’m actually not ok.” and saints preserve me i'll live in my universe where i made this boy drunkenly say to his girl some nasty sexy things post oscar. also i'm not the biggest fan of this but i can't tell if that's purely because i'm in my own head about it or not. still hope you enjoy. also i didn't mess up my word count for the third time in all my gala pieces, what are you talking about.
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It's an honor to be nominated. It's an honor to be put in the same league as actors who've been in the business for decades. It's an honor to be nominated along someone who's going to grow with him in their crafts. If he was going to lose to anyone everyone had said it was going to be him or Brendan and damn if he didn't think the man deserved it. The Whale was tough to watch but it was good- it was the sort of thing that earned an actor their Oscar. He shouldn't be- He shouldn't be feeling the way he does. Bill didn't get a single award all season and Colin went from a frontrunner with him to the afterthought along with Paul.
He can't even talk about this with Barry because it was always Ke's one to lose and he wasn't going to. Maybe Angela- but hadn't hers been wrapped in the grief from losing Chadwick. He still can't believe he heard Samuel L Jackson make a noise for him of all people behind him. He should be happy, this is the start of him finally making a difference. Making his fans proud and happy for him like Elvis. Making his mom proud that all her work wasn't for nothing. Making Lisa and Priscilla proud wasn't for nothing but why does he feel as if it was in this moment. Why is his brain just telling him this is how it starts? He'll have this whirlwind of three years and then three projects back to back to back only to have nothing afterward. Angela feels him tense a little- she must have because she looks at him and squeezes his hand once again before nodding over to you.
You- you can help ease his mind, once you're in the car he'll talk to you, whisper in your ear how this was not how he thought this night would go. His eyes meet yours and you smile gently before shrugging a little. He watches your lips mouth "love you" before he focuses on the last of the awards. It's a bit of organized chaos leaving the theater and it almost seems as if there's just an Elvis line of people walking around hand in hand like a bunch of kindergarteners before Austin and you finally get into a car and you squeeze his hand. "You okay?"
If it was anyone else, if it was Baz or Liv or Catherine or Kelvin or Luke- if it was anyone he'd lie. But you deserve the truth in a way that very few people do in this circumstance. "No, I'm actually not. I- I don't even know what I'm feeling. I'm mad but I shouldn't. I was nominated for an Oscar. I used to dream about this. I almost won an Oscar!"
"You have a Golden Globe! And a BAFTA!" You remind him, your voice matching his in volume before your hand moves to cup his cheek. There's a wet bit that you brush away with your thumb. "You're allowed to feel something, Austin. It doesn't make you a bad person or take away from Brendan's win because I know you, I know we're going to go the party and you're gonna see him and he's gonna give you a big dad hug and you're gonna gush. And you're gonna bounce up and down with Ke and make sure Baz doesn't drink too much because Catherine asked you too."
The laugh that bubbles up from him is wet sounding, covered in unshed tears as he sniffles. "Forgot how I'm gonna tell Luke about Polly making me do some moves for party tricks. And how Kelvin is going to remind me to-"
"Chill out?" You finish like that's actually what Austin was going to say before he shakes his head, allowing himself to just rest his head in your hand.
"Something like that. I just thought- I let my hopes get up." Austin whispers and you frown.
"No one blames you for that, you know. I don't. Tell you what. When we get to the party, how about we just sit in the car for a little bit until you calm down. And then when we get there, we just relax. Just for a little bit until you stop hurting so much. I'll shoo away the cameras with my charm." Austin raises an eyebrow knowing that isn't always how things go with you and him.
"Yeah? No fighting that'll get us both in trouble?"
"Pinky swear." You hold out your pinky as you move to kiss Austin. "Now, how about we focus on our plans for after tonight. I believe someone promised me a vacation?"
Austin's answer is a hum before he gives you another kiss. "How do you feel about the mountains?"
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ericdeggans · 1 year
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My Best TV of 2022: A (Unexpectedly) Long List
This is not a problem I expected to have, early in 2022.
Back then, the quality of TV shows was so disappointing, I considered writing one of those cranky, old-school critic’s columns complaining about how the glut of shows in our modern, streaming-fueled media environment was ruining everything.
I should have just waited around a bit. Because, even though I was mightily disappointed by some of the biggest TV projects on the docket – everything from CNN+ to Lords of the Rings: Rings of Power (the repetition in the title should have been warning enough) – lots more TV shows surprised and delighted me this year. Too many to fit on a top ten or top 12 list.
In fact, there were too many to fit on this excellent roundup prepared by me and five other critics at NPR.org (we each got about eight choices). And I will fess up now – I didn’t vibe with FX’s Reservations Dogs in its first season, so I didn’t keep up with the second and it’s not on my list. Many apologies to devoted fans of a show I’m very glad exists and so many love. But I’m not among you devotees (at least not yet).
Here's my list of fave shows from 2022, in no particular order. It’s by design very subjective, so I welcome debate, but it’s about what touched ME on TV this year:
Andor (Disney+) – Started slow, but turned into a masterful reinvention of the Star Wars universe, focused on the gritty, merciless beginnings of the Rebel Alliance. Who knew a Star Wars show with no lightsabers, no Jedi Knights and no Force could be just what the franchise needed? REVIEW
Atlanta (FX/Hulu) – The last two seasons, both released this year, weren’t nearly as impactful as its first two. But this show remains an excellent showcase for creativity and ambitious storytelling in portraying the lives of a quartet of Black millennials.
Here’s a Q&A I moderated w/Atlanta cast and producers at SXSW
Better Call Saul (AMC) – This Breaking Bad spinoff stuck the landing in series finale that capped both the origin AND ending stories of criminal lawyer Saul Goodman. REVIEW
Abbott Elementary (ABC) – Sidesplitting mockumentary-style comedy about teaching in a Philadelphia school that is so good, because it’s absurd humor is so close to the actual truth. PROFILE of star Quinta Brunson.
The Patient (Hulu) – Steve Carrell delivers his most impressive dramatic role as a therapist interrogating his own messy personal history while kidnapped and forced to help a serial killer. REVIEW.
The U.S. and the Holocaust (PBS) -- Star documentarian Ken Burns reveals how antisemitism in America busted the myth that the U.S. was always on the side of the angels as Adolf Hitler took power in Germany and began implementing his Final Solution.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount+) – Focused on the Starship Enterprise 10 years before James T. Kirk would take command, it’s a welcome return to a rollicking, adventure-a-week series that recalls the spirit of the original Trek series better than any other modern reboot/revival. REVIEW
Severance (Apple TV+) - for review, click here
Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) - REVIEW
Euphoria (HBO) - for review, click here 
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A League of Their Own (Prime Video) -REVIEW
This is Us (NBC) - interview w/creator Dan Fogelman here
Sidney (Apple TV +) - REVIEW here
Under the Banner of Heaven (FX/Hulu) - for review, click here
We Own This City (HBO) - for interview w/EP David Simon, click here
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Barry, season three (HBO) - for review, click here
Stranger Things (Netflix) - REVIEW
We Need to Talk About Cosby (Showtime) - PCHH discussion here
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Harley Quinn (HBO Max) - 
The Sandman (Netflix)
As We See It (Prime Video) - REVIEW
The Good Fight (Paramount+)
The Dropout (Hulu) - 
The Crown (Netflix) - DISCUSSION here
The Handmaid’s Tale, season 5 (Hulu)
Ozark, season 4 (Netflix) - REVIEW here
Ms. Marvel (Disney+)
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weclassybouquetfun · 5 months
Awards season is inching to a close with the last gasp of screenings coming up the week of January 8th. My favourite movie of the year is SALTBURN and Amazon-MGM is holding three screenings of it on the same day to end its FYC run. The same night Disney finally remembers THE CREATOR exists and is having a screening/Q&A with its director Gareth Edwards.
Notable award season dates:
Jan. 6th-7th: The Creative Arts Emmys. This is the portion of the Emmys that awards the winners of the Outstanding Guest Star category. TED LASSO has four in this category: Three who have all been previously nominated for their roles on the show: Harriet Walter, Sarah Niles and Sam Richardson; and newbie Becky Ann Baker as Dottie Lasso.
If James Lance wasn't promoted to regular, surely he would have received and likely won a S3 nomination in this category.
James and his hair situation with his fellow voice-over artists for the BBC Radio 4 show "We Forced a Bot to Write This Show".
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Jan. 7th: The Golden Globes
Prayer circles for Barry Keoghan and Rosamund Pike for their work in SALTBURN and TED LASSO, Jason Sudeikis and Hannah Waddingham.
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Wed. Jan. 10: The SAG-AFTRA awards nominations
Sun. Jan 14th: The Critics Choice Awards . Hate that there was no love for TED LASSO and that SALTBURN actors and the script was ignored (but at least the artisans were recognized).
They were robbed!
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Really pulling for Da'Vine Joy Randolph of THE HOLDOVERS, Charles Melton of MAY DECEMBER and for Young Actor/Actress, Milo Machada Graner for ANATOMY OF THE FALL.
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If Milo wasn't this category, I would be rooting for THE HOLDOVERS' Dominic Sessa who is in the same category. Though, Sessa will very likely win.
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Mon. Jan 15th: The Primetime Emmys. We have nods for Jason Sudeikis, Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple, Brett Goldstein, Phil Dunster, nods for outstanding writing, directing, editing,production design, VFX, hairstyling, original music & lyrics and series. I am just hoping for some wins.
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Thurs. Jan. 18th: The BAFTA Film Awards nominations.
Tues. Jan 23rd: The Academy Awards nominations
During this time Sundance Film Festival will be live (Jan 18th-28th) ,there we will likely get a couple of presumptive nominees for 2024-2025 film awards season.
Tues. Jan. 23: Academy Awards nominations. I'm a broken record. I'm all in on SALTBURN, especially hoping for nominations for Barry Keoghan and Rosamund Pike.; and one for Best Film. But as I was all in on BABYLON last year and it got goose eggs, no film should want me as a fan.
I'm hoping for JA Bayona's SOCIETY OF THE SNOW gets a nom and win for Best International.
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And as France didn't submit ANATOMY OF A FALL (I assume there's too much English spoken for it to qualify), I hope it gets the same love last year's ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT received and it's put up for Best Picture.
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Sun. Feb. 18: BAFTA Awards.
Sat. Feb. 24: Screen Actors Guild Awards
Sun. Feb. 25: Spirit AwardsSun. Mar. 10: Academy Awards
Then we pause until late April and Emmy season kicks right up again and we continue the dance.
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book-place · 1 year
Not Alone
Warnings: mentions of death and abusive parents, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Barry Allen x daughter reader, Iris West- Allen x daughter reader
Request: K so I’m actually binge watching the flash and I just thought about what if Barry had an adoptive daughter(a kid who was affected by the first particle accelerator and ended up getting speedster powers like Barry and the team didn’t find her till season 2) and in season 3 she’s fighting crime with Barry at that point(she has seen iris as her mother as well even before Barry and Iris got together, so when they marry the reader is ecstatic) so when season 4 comes around and around the episode where Barry has to go to jail for DeVoe murder. REQUEST: the reader had been acting out with attitude lately with everybody and slight aggression and the team can’t figure out why, but Iris catches on and tells Barry to talk to her and they have a heart felt moment with the reader crying and breaking down about losing one of the only parents that actually cared about her and then Iris comes in and they all sit and hug as a family. P.S:readers parents were abusive and didn’t care bout reader so when reader got her powers she ran away and stayed under the radar till team flash found her in season 2 and Barry took her in after he figured out she had no where to go and gained her trust which took a while) Sorry Ik this is long
Request by: @daughterofthequeen
*not my gif*
Summary: Recent events opened your eyes to just how quickly you could lose everything
A/N: I am so so sorry that this took me so long (this request has been in my drafts longer than any other one); And also sorry I changed the readers powers for the sake of the story; I thought I should also mention that I wrote this while wearing my star labs sweatshirt
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Weather and speed. Who knew that the two went together? That one without the other would be considered incomplete. And not just by themselves, but by the citizens of the city who had grown so used to seeing their two favorite superheroes together.
Barry had taken you in during his early days of being the quick hero for Central City when he found you, a young girl- no older than twelve- who had the power to control the weather after being affected by the particle accelerator explosion like so many others in his beloved city.
You had run away from home, much later confessing to Barry that it was because of your abusive parents, and how after everything happened to you, they only got worse and you just couldn’t take it anymore.
Though he was hesitant at first, you had finally convinced him to let you become a hero of your own, alongside him of course.
Although Barry had been the one to adopt you and quickly become the strong father figure you never had in your life, Iris also became like a mother to you, especially after her and your adopted father got married.
The three of you were a different than most, but happy family that would do anything for one another and loved each other dearly.
Recently though, things had been getting rocky. Sure, you were a teenager and it was expected for you to be moody, but this was different. You were constantly snapping at not just your parents, but Caitlin and Cisco as well. Not just that, but you were pushing all of them away and giving them the cold shoulder whenever one of them tried to confront you about it.
“Barry,” Iris spoke softly while they watched from afar as you leaned over a desk doing your homework in one of the Star Labs rooms, “You should try to talk to her.”
The man shook his head a little, “I tried already,” A frown pulled at the end of his lips, “She just keeps shutting me out.”
She sighed, casting a longing glance at you, “Please just try again… I’m really worried about her, Bar.”
He glanced into the eyes of his wife and immediately nodded his head before leaning down and planting a kiss on top of her hair and setting off into your direction.
“Hey, kid,” Barry greets, pulling up a chair and peering over your shoulder at your homework, “Whatcha working on?”
Your eyes flitted over to him, but instead of scowling like he expected, you just shrugged and grumbled, “History.”
He supposed it was a step in the right direction.
“Anything I can help with?”
There was slight hesitation behind your expression before you quickly shook your head and trained your eyes on your work once more.
With a sigh, your adopted father gently took the paper away from you, forcing you to look at him, “What’s wrong, Y/n?” He asked softly, “What’s been going on lately?”
There was a flash of something in your eyes, but it was gone too quickly, even for him, before he could analyze it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You spoke to him through gritted teeth as you used a bit of unnecessary strength to take the worksheet back.
From up above you, a small storm cloud began brewing, the only thing that Barry could use to access your emotions.
Over the years, he had learned to read what your emotions were through your weather. If you had a very strong emotion, you wouldn’t be able to control your abilities, and your thoughts would appear in the form of weather.
Like on Barry and Iris’s wedding day, the sun shined brighter that it ever had. Or on the day not too long ago, that Barry was sent to prison for DeVoes murder, a spontaneous hurricane had appeared in the city and ensued major damage.
The storm cloud that now sat above your head showed just not sadness, but fear as well.
“What’s wrong?” He repeated, tone never rising higher than it needed too.
A shaky sigh left your lips as you for the first time looked- really looked- at him.
Because of your past, it had never been easy for you to just come out and say whatever was on your mind, and Barry had learned to be patient with you.
“I don’t want to lose you.” You finally admitted with a broken whisper, eyes beginning to fill with tears as you quickly averted your gaze from him.
His heart was as broken as your voice as he looked at you with sad eyes, “Why would you lose me?” He asked.
For all the time you had been with him, you always knew the dangers of the job you both took upon yourselves. But while you were always scared for each other, this was different. He could tell.
“Because,” Your words came out harsher than you meant as a tear ran down your face, “I never realized how easy it was for you to be gone until you went to prison.”
If he wasn’t already speechless, he would be now.
“You were the first person to show me kindness,” You continued, squeezing your eyes shut as if to get rid of all your unshed tears, “You took me in, gave me a home, introduced me to more people who also showed me the same kindness. And I don’t know what I would do without you.” A small sob left your lips, “So I’ve been pushing you all away, because maybe if one of you got taken from me again, then maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much.”
It was silent for a moment, and by the time you finally had the courage to lift your head up to face him, Barry had already raised his arms and brought you into a tight hug.
This time, there was no hesitation in your movements as you wrapped your arms around his torso in return, burying your face in his chest.
He planted a kiss on top of your head before leaning his chin there, “I’m not going anywhere, n/n, I promise.”
Not even a moment later, another figure crouched down beside your chair and wrapped her own arms around you in comfort, her and her husband grasping hands in the middle.
“I love you, mom and dad.” You hiccuped slightly, not having the courage to look at them as you said it.
Both of them quickly snapped their heads up and stared at you. That was the first time you had ever called them that out loud.
“We love you too,” They both echoed back, hugging you tighter.
Chaotic Hero’s 🤍- @lovanitu @mukbee @i-writes-things
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mvalentine · 3 months
tag people you want to know better!
thank you for the tag angel <3 @sussoro
last song: murder on the dancefloor (what can i say its saltburn on the brain <3 specifically that one jacob elordi edit and barry keoghan's bare ass + full frontal)
currently watching: ooo! just started (finally) catching up with the final season of sex education (mainly because emma mackey is the fc for my current hyperfixation oc lexi my beloved <3) oh! & i'm also rewatching bottoms because.... i mean its self explanatory really.
three ships: if we're talking about my own ocs that are constantly whirring around in my brain 24/7 then currently its: lexi & callum (the phantom agent), evelyn & ava (the wayhaven chronicles + original story) and jade & mason (the wayhaven chronicles). non-oc ships: devi & ben (never have i ever), jess & rory (gilmore girls) and henry & alex (red, white & royal blue) + hazel & pj from bottoms because they deserve more love fr <3
favourite colour: red! like a deep burgundy/ maroon/ wine red kinda vibe. also orange! underrated color fr.
currently consuming: water
place of birth: phuket, thailand.
current location: place of birth :)
first ship: LMAO this question made me realize how many of my childhood memories are so so foggy (haha trauma haha coping mechanism haha lets not talk about it anymore <3) BUT! from what i can remember it was from.... dork diaries (💀) & i remember shipping the mean girl and 'not like the other girls' main character.... like??? the fact that i didn't realize i was bi until i was like 20 will always be baffling to me hjsjsks
relationship status: single with ZERO situationships thank the heavens hshshj im finally free from the shackles of shitty men <333 all of that being said i want to go on a date with a girl saurrr bad considering getting a septum piercing just so girls finally get the hint that i'm staring at THEM not their ugly ass boyfriends....
last movie: bottoms
currently working on: not trying to say too much and jinx shit but i mayyy be working on an original project (🫣)
tagging: @coffeewithcutcaffeine @soscarlett-itwasmaroon @the-pale-goddess @joachimtriers @aztarion @agentnatesewell @wayhavenots @anotherbeingsworld
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stuckinnet · 1 year
After tucking in their son, Nikita, Malkin and his wife, Anna, sat on their leather couch and looked at a summary sheet of Hextall’s latest offer: four seasons, $24.4 million total, a full no-movement clause.
Malkin was fine with what he read. The sticking point was his bruised feelings.
“They not think I good player,” Malkin wrote in a text message to Crosby.
“They not want me,” Malkin texted to Letang, who had stepped up efforts to console Malkin after signing his deal.
Malkin wanted to stay in Pittsburgh, but he no longer trusted either Hextall or Burke. Crosby and Sullivan intervened. Each spent hours on the phone with Malkin as July 11 became July 12. Careful not to tell him what to do, Crosby and Sullivan implored Malkin to “not worry about those guys” — Hextall and Burke — when making a final decision. Letang, too, jumped into the mix. Together, two-thirds of the Big Three and their coach brought up every special moment, funny story and great time they could remember to remind Malkin what they had built in Pittsburgh. Malkin paced from room to room at his condo in Fisher Island, finally beginning to feel wanted again.
As early morning shifted to late afternoon, Malkin had heard enough to make a decision. He called his agent, Barry, with instructions to re-engage with Hextall and take the offer. Upon calling, Barry was surprised to find a receptive Hextall.
After hanging up with Barry, Hextall bragged to his assistant GM, Chris Pryor, and a handful of staffers, that he “got him on my terms — that’s how you negotiate.” Malkin informed Crosby, Letang and Sullivan that he was staying. When talking to Crosby and Letang, Malkin sounded happy for the first time in a long time
hextall it’s on sight
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kimkimberhelen · 1 year
Gene Cousineau: “Little Sally Reed from Joplin, Missouri. What do you want?”
Sally Reed: “To be an actress … it’s all I ever wanted in the whole world.”
This quick exchange introduces Barry’s audience to Sally (Sarah Goldberg) in the series premiere. Her passionate, teary plea rings normally at first glance; she’s a small-town girl with wide-eyed Hollywood dreams. Aw, shucks. Over four seasons, HBO’s grim comedy ingeniously peels back layers to unveil Sally’s discombobulating, deeply human personality. Her unlikable traits—selfish, gravely insecure, a knack for walking over people (including seemingly naive aspiring actor Barry Block)—remain intact as the show nears its end.
By now, though, we know these qualities stem from a marred past: a rotten home life, previous spousal abuse, and a gnawing lack of confidence she desperately wants to cover up. Barry rarely excuses her entitled behavior but slowly sheds light on how her illusory front is a coping mechanism. No wonder she makes the short-lived Joplin as an outlet to process her tragedies. What’s worse? She barely gets time to exist in the world she creates after working hard to achieve it. As it turns out, Sally is the ultimate portrait of trauma in Bill Hader and Alec Berg’s stellar series, which wraps on May 28.
Sally Reed was probably never going to have a happy ending. It’s not because she prioritizes her lofty career ambitions, pushing away anything that gets in the way. Goldberg plays Sally’s goals with such enthusiasm it usually borders on mania, even when she’s sympathetic. It’s a shame she hasn’t won an Emmy for her wrenching yet funny performance. Remember her season two monologue when Barry (Hader) auditions for Jay Roach? Or her season three “entitled fucking cunt” breakdown in the elevator that Natalie (D’Arcy Carden) shares with the world, leading to her downfall? But the professional blinders Sally’s had on for most of Barry’s run is what limits her in the end.
As if her traumatic history wasn’t enough, her entanglement with Barry Berkman worsens everything. He breezes into her life one fine day, drawn into her safe space, when he catches her rehearsing outside Gene’s (Henry Winkler) studio while on a mission. Barry finds solace in it, attracted to the idea of shedding his skin to inhabit somebody who doesn’t have PTSD or a laundry list of crimes. It’s enough to get him hoping for a fresh start. That’s also what Sally hoped for when she moved to Los Angeles after finally leaving her abusive husband, Sam (Joe Massingill).
Season four delves into why Sally deserved to leave her Joplin jail. Sam isn’t the only reason. Her mother is dismissive, flat-out refusing to believe her ex abused Sally, nor does she care that her daughter’s boyfriend is arrested for murder in L.A. “Big whoop” isn’t exactly the expected maternal reaction, and her nice-guy father doesn’t have anything valuable to add, either. It’s clear from the final season’s early episodes that Sally doesn’t have anyone—anyone except for an imprisoned Barry. Her admittance to him in this season’s “bestest place on earth,” that she feels safest with him, is a devastating reality chec
Hader and Goldberg, sitting feet away, separated by a glass barrier, deliver a potent performance in a scene that sells their toxic attachment. She can write all the one-act plays and TV shows she wants, but Barry’s grievously absorbed her identity just when you (and everyone around her) thought she was free of it. Their confrontation in jail is a turning point for the show’s final installments. Her shaky confession sets Barry’s brain aflame. He teams up with the FBI, makes an enemy out of NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan), and escapes prison during a shootout. Ultimately, it launches a new life for the duo in the middle of a barren landscape where they don new identities and shed their skins. Just like the dream, huh?
Barry’s final season jumps eight years ahead with a full picture in episode five, “tricky legacies.” It glimpses into the dreary monotony of Barry and Sally, who go by Clark and Emily now. They shield their child from the real world. It doesn’t mean Sally’s not seething under Emily’s mask. Her pain follows her because she chose to give up the one thing that mattered: her acting dream. Having experienced a shitty upbringing, she passes along the intergenerational trauma to John by parenting similarly to her mom—indifferent, indignant, and inebriated. She doesn’t know where to start nurturing.
It’s not like Barry’s childhood was a prize, so neither of them is good at this, but Sally is on a whole other level. She drops alcohol in his juice to put him to sleep, serves up burnt lunches, and generally wrestles with how to love this human being she gave birth to. In Sally’s expressions, Goldberg displays a tangible aversion to motherhood, a full-bodied disdain for the life they’re responsible for creating. So yes, in a twisted way, she’s a copy of her parent now. It’s a full circle.
Everyone on Barry is haunted by their actions, especially with the time jump, so Sally isn’t an exception, of course. Barry wreaked absolute havoc. Gene lost Janice Moss (Paula Newsome), ruined his legacy, and now reappears to chase fame again. As seen in episode six, “the wizard,” Hank has grown a successful business, but had to kill the love of his life to do it. Fuches’ (Stephen Root) friendship with Barry turns sour as he morphs into the Raven. Yet, Sally’s regression is agonizing because she was a lick away from gaining everything she wanted. Instead, she ponders torturing her network boss, kills a man in self-defense, and runs back home, only for everything to crumble again. All this while witnessing Oscar winner Sian Heder work with her mentee, Kristen (Ellyn Jameson), and watching Natalie soar.
Now, she’s drunk and being tortured (note Hader’s prolific direction in “the wizard”) as a man in a ski mask figure shakes up their trailer home. She’s permanently haunted. Janice’s father has captured her partner, and all she can do is call him repeatedly, begging him to come back. With two episodes of Barry remaining, Sally is left alone in her cage to care for John. Does she head back to her hometown to complete the cycle? Or will she return to the city of dreams to find Barry and maybe accomplish the only thing she wants to be in this world? Either way, Sally might not realize it, but she’s already played the role of a lifetime now. It’s wish fulfillment in the worst and most tragic possible way.
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amorhedera6 · 10 months
as someone who watched and loved season 1 of flash, and someone who watched tolerated all the way up to season 5 and half of season 6, i decided to sit down and watch the flash finale. and boy do i have thoughts.
most of them are what the fuck is going on.
i watched all of once upon a time, so i’ve been burned by shows losing steam and obsessing over the main ship instead of the interesting plot before. when i saw the signs in the flash, i pulled back. i didn’t wanna go through it again. honestly i should’ve before i did, but i have a crippling crush on grant gustin.
1) khione
i like dc comics, but it spans infinitely and there are lots of things i don’t know, so correct me if i’m wrong. but i did a little research and it doesn’t seem to me that khione was a character in the comics. so (if danielle panabaker was staying on the show) why not just let her be caitlin? have they just decided against the character they have been writing since season one? khiones plot of understanding her powers, of of coming to terms with who/what she was all could have easily transferred to caitlin. it got her well when they first began to integrate killer frost into her story! they could have continued, once frost died, by having caitlin regain some of frost’s powers. while having her mourn her sister, she adapts to having powers again and how to be herself with them and not frost. an echo of the plot that she was already going through when the writers decided to just jeckyll/hyde her. it would have worked incredibly well! plus, it would give caitlin a fulfilling end to the question she’s been asking since season one: who is she on her own? in season one, it was without ronnie, in season two she was battling discovering these powers, and by season three she was battling becoming the super villain she knew her doppelgänger was. making her another new character with the same plot that caitlin, then frost had just defeats caitlin’s purpose. when the original core characters of your show keep leaving (cisco, joe, any version of wells) why kill of another just to replace her with such a similar character played by the same actress?? it truly baffles me.
2) the time wraiths
i’m sure i’m not the first one to say this, but why introduce the time wraiths if you want to have barry keep time traveling to and fro. “but they’re creatures of the speed force, so obviously wouldn’t attack the avatar!” okay fine. NORA IS NOT THE AVATAR. WHY DOES SHE NEVER FACE CONSEQUENCES FOR HER TIME TRAVELS. SHE HELD HERSELF. AS A BABY. THAT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.
i may be biased bc i don’t like nora.
3) bart
i know he wasn’t really mentioned much in the finale, but i wanted to understand things i’d missed/forgot so i looked into him for this. why did they make bart a part of the show. i understand he’s a big character in the comics, but if they wanted to have another child for barry and iris be introduced, why not use the tornado twins? why use his grandson and just change it? any create nora at all?? (again i’m probably just biased against nora, but still)
it just doesn’t make any sense to me to take an established character and change their lore just bc you like it better than using the established characters, since that conflicts with your original characters. JUST FOLLOW THE SOURCE MATERIAL ITS NOT THAT HARD.
4) eddie
bringing back eddie thawne, when his sacrifice already didn’t achieve its purpose, completely cheapens the finale of season one. especially by making him an uncle villain who wants to destroy the timeline because his fiancée (who he knew was destined to be with barry in the future) denied him because she already had a husband and family.
eddie didn’t like barry in season one. he rightly thought that he was into iris and came in between the two of them. but he tried to be his friend because he was friends with joe and he loved iris. he was a good guy and he wanted good for the people in his life. he loved iris, and if it truly made her happier to be with barry than him, he would have stepped to the side, the finale completely changes his character for the wills of the plot, making him hate barry for “stealing his life” when he sacrificed himself so iris could continue to live her life happily.
5) iris’ labor
for two and a half of the four episodes of the finale, iris is in labor. and because they’re being attacked by the negative speed force, everyone rallies together to fight, and she is left alone in the hospital in labor.
i get he has jenna to look after or whatever, but that’s his daughter, she’s in labor, the father of the baby he also calls his son, and yeah it’s weird, but we don’t talk about that. his daughter is in labor, all alone, worried about wether or not barry will survive, and no one thinks that he would be helpful to the situation at all. so fucking stupid. i understand if maybe the actor didn’t want to come back for it, but he was already in the finale episodes anyway!! he was a major point in the first episode, and he was there when she finally had the baby in the end!! why couldn’t he just be there for a little bit longer??
6) cisco
okay, carlos valdez has said that he had scheduling conflicts, and that it was heartbreaking for him not to be able to return for the finale. i understand that. i am not at all criticizing that.
they couldn’t even name drop cisco? be like, ciscos picking up the cake at the party scene? have caitlin be in the phone with him instead of her mother at the end? they were best friends, you’re saying when she came back from the dead she didn’t even call him? or say i called cisco, he has blah blah blah going on so he can’t come help buuuut he gave us this vital piece of information!!
come one people. throw us a bone.
7) chester
i did get to chester in the original series, but it was like right as i was losing interest in it, so i didn’t care to research him at all, but i did for this! why did they make him diet cisco?? internet he comics, because he has a vortex inside of him, chester is fat. why was he played by a skinny guy? why did they not utilize his character to its full extent instead of just being a replacement once they found out carlos was leaving the show??
okay that’s all i have, i wanted to complain bc it made me angry. i liked the flash originally, i think it had a lot of good potential, but like so many shows, it was dredged on too long, got convoluted, the writing prowess diminished instead of flourishing, and it ended after too many seasons. sorry to the flash, you could’ve been so good.
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burningtacozombie · 2 months
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‘Cold Case’ Reboot From Creator Meredith Stiehm Eyed By CBS
EXCLUSIVE: After bringing back CSI: Crime Scene Investigation with CSI: Vegas, CBS is looking to revive another Jerry Bruckheimer Television-produced crime procedural from the 2000s. The network is in negotiations with Warner Bros. TV for a reboot of Cold Case, which aired on CBS for seven seasons from 2003-2010, Deadline has learned. The followup comes from the series’ creator/executive producer Meredith Stiehm.
Set 15 years after the original series’ final episode, the untitled Cold Case reboot would follow a new team of tenacious detectives who investigate cold cases across the Southwest.
This is a new location as the original Cold Case was set in Philadelphia. The move would allow the potential new series to introduce a new group of characters as they tackle unsolved homicides.
Stiehm is writing the script. She is executive producing with JBTV’s Jerry Bruckheimer and KristieAnne Reed for WBTV and CBS Studios. Talks between CBS and WBTV have been going on for weeks, and sources stress that the two sides are not close to a deal. Reps for the network and the studios declined comment.
The original series follows Detective Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), a homicide detective with the Philadelphia Police Department specializing in cold cases, who was partnered for the majority of the show’s run with Detective Scotty Valens (Danny Pino).
No talent is currently attached to the reboot though I hear Pino has had informal conversations to reprise his fan favorite character Det. Scotty Valens, possibly in a significant way. I hear Morris has not been approached about the reboot but is aware of it and could potentially appear in some (likely limited) capacity to provide additional continuity, having led the original series for seven seasons.
Cold Case‘s main cast also included John Finn, Jeremy Ratchford, Thom Barry and Tracie Thoms.
Before proceeding with talent discussions, WBTV has to close a deal with CBS, which I hear had been a challenge. According to sources, the sticking points include some of the issues that the two sides faced during the renewal negotiations for WBTV’s then-freshman East New York last spring that reportedly contained a request from the network for additional streaming rights.
After months of back-and-forth, those talks fell through. The Cold Case reboot would mark the studio’s first drama sale to CBS since then as the two sides are trying to hammer out a new deal template. (The studio and network have an ongoing relationship on the comedy side through Chuck Lorre’s Big Bang Theory franchise which recently got another offshoot series, Georgie & Mandy, for next season.)
There is no particular rush as CBS’ 2024-25 slate is already stacked with three new drama series, Matlock, pushed due to strike-related delays, NCIS: Origins and Watson.
Since the end of Cold Case after 156 episodes, Stiehm worked as an executive producer on Showtime’s Emmy-winning drama Homeland and also co-developed and executive produced FX’s The Bridge, based on the Danish-Swedish format. She is repped by UTA and attorney Bruce Gellman.
In addition to CSI: Vegas, currently in its third season, JBTV has sophomore CBS drama series Fire Country, which has been renewed for a third season and is eying a potential Sheriff-centered spinoff. The company is repped by CAA.
via Deadline
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