#band--psychos bingo challenge 2021
mrsnegan · 2 years
Feels Like Home
[I finally managed to finish the 8th part of this story, yay! Even if I'm already too late for the deadline of the Bingo Challenge, I will finish this series, because I've grown to love Negan x Y/N and can't leave their (love) story unfinished. So have fun reading this part. It's just a short one but full of emotions and of course some delicious smut. 😏😉]
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Summary: You can't deny your feelings for Negan any longer, after he confessed his love to you.
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, slight daddy kink, slight choking, rough sex
Square: You were right
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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"Because I love you." His words still echo in your head while your fingers trace his sweaty skin. Your heart feels full, yet all the pending emotions from the previous months leave a bitter taste. The hurt, the betrayal of your best friend, his daughter, the way the both of you so carelessly and selfishly risked everything to spend time together, to fuck around...your head spins with guilt. You have no idea if his revelation changes anything. It's the most beautiful feeling in the world to hear the person you love admit their feelings, though you don't know if it's enough to fix this mess.
"What are you thinking about?" Negan questions while taking your hand into his to place soft kisses against the fingertips which just touched him.
"Everything. This. Us. I have no idea what we're going to do now. You were right, you know? I was miserable the whole time. Not just because I regret hurting Celia, but also because I love you so much and can't live without you. It sounds cheesy and dramatic, but..."
He hushes you with a kiss to your lips, using your hand in his grasp to pull you further against him. He helps you swing one leg over his center, placing you right below his hardening length. How he is ready to go again is beyond your understanding, though you would never complain about his hunger for you. You have missed him too much, need him too much, love him too much.
You grasp his length, giving him a few loving tugs to get him to his full errect state before you lift your hips and sink down on him.
The groans you share fill his bedroom, the sound of his gasps driving you mad with lust. You already feel sore from the two previous rounds, so you set a slow pace, enjoying the incredible feeling of his cock inside of you. His fingers grip your hips, helping your rhythm to increase just a notch. The pure bliss written plainly on his face amazes you, makes you crave him even more. You haven't seen a more beautiful man than Negan below you, mouth slightly agape, cheeks rosy, skin sweaty. He turns you on so much, you forget about your sore center and slam harder up and down above him, fucking him with passion. The slight burning even adds to your pleasure, you can't deny it even if you want.
"Daddy, fuck me...", you moan breathlessly, the first time you talk dirty to him in a very long time, making you blush.
It still gets under his skin. You watch his eyes pop open, the growling sound out of his mouth still burning your skin and when he flips the both of you over, so he can drive himself between your legs, you have never felt anything so intense.
"Princess...", he moans above you, setting a fast pace. "Dirty little princess..."
He fucks you into the mattress, one hand lifting your leg as high as possible, the other loosely around your throat. You whimper and moan, trying to match his pace, trying to anchor yourself despite the pleasure he is driving into and out of you.
He is so deep inside of you, it hurts so good when he pushes himself in and out of you over and over again.
Your hand sneaks between your bodies, rubbing yourself furiously while Negan fucks you so good. As soon as he notices you're close, his hand tightens around your throat and the lack of oxygen makes you fall. You shake underneath him, your orgasm washing over you with a heavy force. When he lets go of you, the air filling your body drives your high to the next level. You pulse around him uncontrollably, he has no other chance than to let go himself, emptying himself deep inside of you.
"Shit, I love you so much, you dirty little woman", he praises out of breath while he kisses the sweaty and heaving skin.
"I love you too", you answer him breathlessly yourself. You feel tingly and like flying, high on endorphins, high on love.
Negan keeps staying inside of you for a long time, enjoying your warmth and your calming heartbeat, before he retreats himself to plop down beside you.
"C'mere", he whispers, pulling you into his warm embrace. This feels like home, you think, when his arms surround your body.
"We will figure this out, princess. All of it. I won't let you go ever again. We've wasted enough time, I don't plan on quitting this, never. I feel your concern, I don't want to ignore it, but we will work for this, OK? Promise me you won't give up on us. Let's make it work."
You lift your head to better look at him, your eyes teary with what he just said.
"OK", you whisper back, letting him shush you and embrace you even tighter.
Whatever may come, whatever may evolve, you will be fighting for this love, this man. Because even if how everything started and went on never felt more wrong, what it turned into also never felt more right.
Taglist: @band--psycho @iluvneganandjamie @murphslass @negans-attagirl @msjamesmarch @you-a-southpaw-doll @in-ky
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elvish-sky · 3 years
The Best Day {Legolas x Reader}
A.N: I wrote this for @band--psycho ‘s 1.5k Bingo Challenge! The prompt was “beach.” I loved writing this, it’s been forever since I’ve written Legolas which is absolutely ridiculous and I need to write him more. Anyways, I really hope you guys love this as much as I do, it was an utter joy to work on!
Word Count: 1,337
Summary: You wheedle Legolas into going to the beach for the day.
Pairing: Modern AU Legolas x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
The Best Day
“C’mon, Legolas. Can we please go to the beach today?”
You looked at your boyfriend with pleading eyes, collapsing onto the couch next to him.
“It’s only 8:30, if we go now we can get a good spot!”
He still didn’t look up from his book.
“We can get Italian ice…”
Legolas slammed his book shut and sprung off the couch. “Ok, be outside in ten minutes!”
You laughed, missing the twinkle in his eye, following him to your bedroom where you quickly donned your favorite backless black one-piece, throwing a cover-up over it as your boyfriend picked out his green swimming trunks.
You left Legolas putting his hair up into his usual beach-going style, and grabbed two towels and sunscreen from the closet, stuffing them into a bag. You raided the fridge for drinks to stick in a cooler, root beer for you, and ginger ale for Legolas, who after discovering it two years ago refused to drink any other soda. Lastly, you stuffed a bag of Doritos, a bag of Sour Cream and Onion potato chips, and your wallet into the bag with the towels. You grabbed your bike helmet from its spot above the coatrack and clipped it on, going outside and fastening the beach bag onto Legolas’ bike, the cooler straps slung onto your back.
You heard the door to the house open again and turned to see Legolas locking the door behind himself. His hair was pulled back into a man bun, and he was wearing an unbuttoned teal shirt that revealed his toned chest and abs. Buckling his helmet, he got onto his bike and the two of you were off.
Arriving at the beach, you locked your bikes onto the rack, Legolas grabbing the beach bag off of his. Walking down onto the soft sand, you turned right, looking for a place to spread out your towels. It took a moment before you realized Legolas wasn’t beside you anymore.
“Where are you going?” you asked, turning around to see him fifty feet away in the opposite direction.
“I’m finding us a spot!”
“But we always go right!” You did. The right side of the beach was just better, everyone knew that.
He laughed, “Fine, we’ll go right,” and jogged back to you, grabbing your hand.
Together, you found a perfect spot and spread out your towels. You got the sunscreen and applied it, doing Legolas back, and then sat on the towels.
“Can we go in yet?”
For someone who hadn’t wanted to go to the beach today, Legolas was very impatient.
“Five more minutes,” you giggled at the pout on his face, “we have to wait for the sunscreen to set!”
Finally, five minutes later, he sprang up. “Last one in is a rotten egg!”
“No fair!” You shouted, sprinting down the sand towards the sparkling blue ocean.
You watched your boyfriend dive in, water rising in a splash all around him. He surfaced, water streaming down his face in rivulets as he blinked it out of his eyes, smiling at you.
“I see someone still hasn’t dunked!”
“Legolas, no…. No, no- AGHHHHHHH-” Your scream was cut off by Legolas dropping you into the water.
Quickly, you surfaced, spluttering.
“Oh, I’m gonna get you for that.”
You dove, grabbing his ankles and yanking them so that he fell. This time when your head rose above the water, he was the one spluttering. You giggled, watching him shake his head at you in mock disappointment.
“Y/N. I thought you were better than that.”
Legolas moved as if to lunge at you and dunk you again, but before he could you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck, hooking your legs around his waist and clinging on. He started, but grabbed your thighs to support you and leaned closer, kissing you.
You lost yourselves in each other for a moment. Your arms wrapped around his neck, legs around his waist, one of his hands under your thigh, holding you up as the other stroked your bare back and you silently thanked whatever had made you decide to wear a backless bathing suit. You broke apart, before pressing a trail of kisses down his jawline, so focused on Legolas and only Legolas and his soft breath mingling with yours that you didn’t notice when he started to tip over.
All you had time for was a shout of, “LEGOLA-” before you fell underwater together.
You came up laughing, him blushing.
“Oops? Oops?! Y/N, we fell over in the ocean because I was too focused on kissing you and not on the fact that there are waves in the ocean, and all you have to say is oops? It’s super embarrassing!”
You couldn’t stop laughing. “It’s not embarrassing, you doofus, we’re in love! And besides, it seems like an oops sort of situation.”
His face lightened and you smiled at him, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips before breaking away.
You dashed towards the beach, hearing Legolas’s confused sound of disappointment that the kiss hadn’t gone any further behind you.
“I call the potato chips!”
“Y/N, you can’t call the potato chips, potato chips are fair game to everyone and you cannot deny me potato chips on the grounds of ‘you called them first-”
It was annoying how he never got out of breath while running, even sprinting so fast that he was gaining on you very quickly. You groaned in frustration as, catching up with you, he scooped you up and continued running, reaching the towels and plopping you onto one while he went straight for the chips.
“Share please?”
Legolas smiled at you and sat next to you on the towel, holding out the chips for you to take a handful.
Later, as the sunset cast the sky in pink and orange, you held Legolas’ hand as you walked down the beach. You stopped and turned to face him.
“Thank you for the best day.”
He smiled. “Look at the sunset.”
You turned, marveling at the light it cast over the still water. When you looked back at your boyfriend, he was bent on one knee in front of you.
You gasped.
Legolas reached out for your hand, grasping it in his as the other went into his pocket and pulled out a box.
“Y/N. I’ve loved you since the day I met you, and probably on some level have loved you forever. Your soul sparked something in mine and continues to feed that flame every day and I’m not sure what I would do without it. I adore your smile, your laugh, the way you’re always up for anything. You make me want to be the best version of myself and encourage me towards that every single day.”
He stopped, for a moment, and you could see tears brimming in his eyes to match the ones in yours before he took a breath, opening the small box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen.
“I guess all this is to say that I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend the rest of our lives falling over in the ocean because we’re too busy kissing. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” You gasped.
Legolas stood, taking the ring from the box and sliding it onto your finger, which it fit perfectly.
“I have one question.”
He looked at you, slightly concerned.
“Was that box in your pocket the whole day? Like, even when we were in the ocean?”
Legolas laughed, a hearty, relieved sound.
“Nope! I grabbed it from my bag when we went for this walk.”
You grinned. “Good. And I love you too.”
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your fiancee’s lips.
He quickly deepened it, hands in your hair, kissing you like this was the end of everything. Or the beginning of something new.
You stood there, entwined in each other, two silhouettes almost merging into one in the sunset.
Everything tag💞: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @wellofeternalthirst @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell
Legolas tag 🧝‍♂️: @from-patroclus-with-love @bitter-sweet-farmgirl
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band--psycho · 3 years
Band Psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Masterlist
Here’s the masterlist for my 1.5k follower bingo challenge (thank you all again for the constant support ~ I love you all💛)
I also just wanna say a huge thank you to all of the people on this list who are taking part in my challenge, every single one of you is such a talented writer (and friend) and I am so excited to read the stories you come up with! (If you’re not already, go and follow these amazing authors!)💛
Jax Teller (Jacques Telière) x Reader-Anarchy At The Masquerade(Masquerade Ball AU)
(Smut-Orgasm Denial)
Raymond Smith x Reader-Professor Smith(College AU)
Charlie Hunnam x Reader-You’re Wet, You’re Naked / Part 2 / Part 3(Losing A Bet)
Charlie Hunnam x Reader-Dirty Little Liar(Smut-Impact Play)
(”Give me a chance”)
(Past Lives AU)
(Enemies to Lovers)
Negan x Virign!Reader-Dirty Little Secret (Character x Virgin!Reader)
Negan x Reader-Movie Night (Movie Quote)
Negan x Reader-Pitch Black Impala (Smut-Dom/sub)
Negan x Reader-Calm Before The Storm(Cookies)
(”You were right”)
(Hospital AU)
(”I’m fine”)
Chibs Telford x Reader-Cheeky Chibby (rosy cheeks)
Drew McIntyre x Reader-Kilts And Leather Jackets (Leather Jacket)
(Dinner Date)
(“You can’t do this”)
(First Argument)
(Tattoo Shop AU)
(Messy Hair)
Jon Kilpatrick x Reader-Not Good Enough(New Character)
Sirius x Remus-Tattoo Shop AU (Tattoo Shop AU)
(Follower Prompt)
(Forbidden Love)
(Character Death)
(First Kiss)
Surprise Gift)
(“Come back”)
(Love Triangle)
(Past Lives AU)
(Soulmate AU)
(Smut-Car Sex)
(”You left me”)
(Character Death)
(Lovers To Enemies)
Ron Weasley x Reader-Paperbacks And Love Letters (Bookstore AU)
(Pillow Fort)
(Character x Sick!Reader)
(Broken Glasses)
(Fantasy AU)
(”How did we get here?”)
Draco Malfoy x Reader-With You(Insomnia)
(An Old Flame)
(Fluffy Jumpers)
(Roommate AU)
(”You’re an asshole)
(1920s AU)
(An Old Flame)
(Smut-One Night Stand)
(First Love)
(Music Fic)
(First House)
(”You owe me”)
(Accidental Marriage)
(First Love)
(Smut-Virtual Sex)
(Alternate Ending)
(The Morning After)
@flanagirl-Bingo Masterlist
Shepard x Reader-Revelation(Being Lost / Found)
Michaelangelo x Reader-Come Fly With Me(Fluff)
Cicero x Reader-Cold Coffee(Coffee Shop AU)
Kipling x Reader-Banana Brain(Smut-Rough Sex)
Markus x Reader-Rides-On The Storm(Kidnapped)
Michael Mack x Reader-Line Of Fire(Fake Dating)
Chibs Telford x Reader-Discipline(Dialogue Prompt)
Duncan Reed x Reader-Temporary Wings(Unrequited Love)
McClellen x Reader-Eye Of The Tiger(Movie Day / Lazy Day)
Ben Barnes x Reader-The Thief (Follower Prompt)
(Touch Starved)
Ron Weasley  x Reader-Honest Mistake(Drunken Confession)
(First Anniversary)
(”Let’s just stay in bed”)
Ben Barnes x Reader-Hopelessly In Love(Short Black Dress)
(A Summer Romance)
(Fantasy AU)
(First Date)
(Wedding AU)
(”I’m scared”)
(Royal AU)
(1920s AU)
(Secret Relationship)
(Enemies To Lovers)
(Online Friends AU)
(”Don’t go)
(Love Triangle)
(Lovers To Enemies)
(“You’re not as quiet as you think you are”)
(College AU)
(Alternate Ending)
(Smut-Car Sex)
(Dinner Date)
(Broken Glasses)
(Short Black Dress)
(”Why didn’t you tell me”)
(Music Fic)
(Roommate AU)
First Date)
(First Child)
(Smut-Breeding Kink)
Dean Winchester x Reader-What’s Left Behind (Scars)
Sam Winchester x Reader-Disney(Movie Quote)
(First Pet)
(Late Night Adventure)
(Fluffy Jumpers)
(First Child)
(“Stay with me”)
Legolas x Reader-The Best Day (Beach)
(Movie Quote)
(Alternate Ending)
(Being Lost / Found)
(“You can’t do this”)
(Mutual Pining)
(Crime / Mafia AU)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-Beautiful Loss (Character Death)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-Sleepless Nights (Hot Chocolate)
Peter Parker x Reader-Don’t Go (Dialogue Prompt)
(Mutual Pining)
(Royal AU)
(Unrequited Love)
Peter Parker x Reader-Revealed Secrets(Dialogue Prompt)
(The Morning After)
(Flower Shop AU)
(”Is that my t-shirt?”)
(Fake Dating)
(Smut-Bondage / Restraints)
(Character x Virgin!Reader)
(Surprise Gift)
Cisco Ramon x Reader-Early Mornings (Messy Hair)
(Bodyguard AU)
(Enemies To Lovers)
(”I think I love you”)
(Losing A Bet)
(Hot Chocolate)
(Forbidden Lover)
(Love At First Sight)
(Pillow Fort)
(Past Lives AU)
(Friends To Lovers)
(“You left me”)
(Love Triangle)
(Music Fic) 
(Road Trip)
(Dinner Date)
(Smut-One Night Stand)
(Leather Jacket)
(”Is that my t-shirt?”)
(Alternate Ending)
(First Child)
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leah-halliwell92 · 3 years
It’s Over
For @band--psycho​‘s bingo challenge. The prompt is enemies to lovers. Pairing is Tig x Reader
Note: (S/N) = sister’s name
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“It was my sister,” you said coldly as you packed your bag.
You’d just come back from a week long conference, Tig said he’d be on the road doing club stuff so timing couldn’t have been better. Everything went amazingly well, from your presentation to the doors that had opened for you and your career. Hell you could count the times someone told you to call em if you’re interested in a specific job. You’d done some light research and seen that most are out of state near the Maine area of the U.S. And while that seemed all well and good, you couldn’t just leave the family you’d made behind.
You were making Tigger’s favorite, ready to surprise him by taking it to the shop with promises of play time later. You loaded up the food into your car and made your way to T.Ms a happy grin on your face feeling giddy with all the pent up energy from not having seen your old man in a solid week. Yea there were calls but that shit ain’t the same.
You went through to the office waving at the boys as you passed by. You pressed a kiss to Chibs’ and Happy’s cheeks in greeting as you passed them by batting their hands away from the lunch bag.
“Nu uh,” you said with a grin, “This one is not for you. But let me know what you want me to bring for Sunday dinner and I’ll do my best. By the way have you seen Tiggy anywhere?”
The boys nodded happily but stilted at the question.
“He’s in the back,” Chibs said with a grin.
You noticed he didn’t look quite as teasing as he should have been but chalked it up to jet lag from the bike trip.
Happy didn’t look much better. You were sure if looks could kill someone would be dead with how cold and hard his eyes were.
“Come on little girl I’ll take you,” Happy said with a small smile.
“Lemme put this in tha lounge aye?” Chibs said reaching for the bag.
You furrowed your brows at them and the sudden odd behavior but gave Chibs the bag. You’d never needed any of the boys to take you to the back...
Happy didn’t say much on your way and you were going to say something when you heard moaning and heavy breathing.
You looked to Happy who nodded forward.
You walked up quietly hoping it was one of the prospects getting handsy with a crow eater. Your hopes were dashed at seeing Tig on a chair a woman bouncing on his lap. You covered your mouth to keep from gasping at who it was exactly that was on his lap. Your sister...
You made your way out to where Happy stood a sad look in his eyes.
You pulled out your phone and text widow, ‘Are there cameras in that room?’
You showed him the message and nodded as he confirmed it.
‘Get me a copy of that and make sure her face is visible,’ you typed in.
Happy looked at you startled, he’d never seen you so dead seat on something.
You turned around walked back into the room and took a picture of the deed tearful eyes cold and heart dead.
That done, you turned around and left. Out in the front, Happy and Chibs waited for you both concerned as they looked you over.
You took a seat in the lounge both boys at either side.
“Are ya gonna wait on ‘im?” Chibs asked quietly.
You shrug really not knowing what to do before sighing.
“Is it ok if I crash at either of you apartments?” You asked.
Happy nodded quietly, considering he never uses the place.
“I’ll help ya with your stuff,” Chibs said with a nod.
“No you won’t,” you say with conviction, “Despite everything going on between us now, he’s still your brother.”
“Yea...but if looks could kill he’d be dead,” Happy said with conviction.
You’d become family in the near 5 years you’d been with Tig. You meant a lot to them, even the prospects.
“I promise to keep in touch,” you say taking their hands in each of yours.
They nod and stand one to punch out the other to work the ladder not at all happy with how things ended.
As soon as Happy stepped out to punch out your sister walked out Tig not too far behind her.
“(Y/N)! You’re home!” Your sister said excitedly moving to hug you.
You kept your distance avoiding her hurt look and before she could say anything, you pulled out your phone showing her the picture you’d just taken. 
(S/N) paled at the image.
“It’s not what you think,” she said voice shaky. 
“No you’re right....him and I was not what I thought,” you said voice hard.
She shook her head pleadingly at that but before she could say anything...
“Baby!” Tig cried walking around (S/N) to envelope you in his arms.
You felt sick as he hugged you knowing where he’d been. It also didn’t help that (S/N) had been exactly were. 
“You ok?” He asked when you pulled away, “Did something happen?”
‘Yea you dick you cheated on me with my sister,’ you thought but shook your head and left without a backward glance Happy hot on your heels.
You were heaving from how angry and ready to break you were. Happy saw this and gently held you in place.
“Breath,” he said lowly as you both heard Tig yelling at Chibs.
“I can’t,” you said as tears fell.
“Chibs is being a door stop,” Happy said looking over your shoulder, “But if you wanna leave...”
“We leave after I do this,” you said and walked to Tig’s bike. 
You saw the men freeze as you looked at the bike a not so friendly look on your face.
Before Happy could do anything, you pulled out the knife Tig had given you for Christmas and slashed his tires making sure to leave the knife imbedded in the second tire.
You turn around to see a shocked and mouth agape Happy. 
“Ok...Now I can go,” you said and walked away to your car. 
You were stopped by your crying sister throwing her arms around you as she cried, “(Y/N) please!”
You pushed her off roughly not ready to deal with her yet and ran to your car.
You’d not sooner gotten in you car that you heard Chibs called out, “Move over lass! Ya ain’t in na condition to be drivin’.”
You were about to say no but was pushed to the passenger seat by the Scott. 
“Lemme drive lass, Hap’s holdin’ on ta Tig while ya make yer getaway,” he said with a small laugh as he remembered you’d slashed the bike tires, “Granted he won’ be goin’ nowhere on flat tires.”
Back at home, Chibs found empty boxes to start putting your things in as you told him what belonged to whom while you packed away your clothing.
~End Flashback~
“What the hell man!” You heard Tig yell at Chibs who was loading up the last of two boxes that held your things.
“It had to be my sister,” you said not turning around continuing to pack your bag.
“Babe please!” He said desperately, walking to where you were and taking things out. 
You slapped his hand, hard, and repacked the clothing he’d taken out.
“And before you start, I saw you don’t give me the “it’s not what you think” crap,” you say as you packed up the last of your clothes.
“It didn’t mean anything!” He yelled.
“It meant enough for you to throw away 5 years together Alexander. Five fucking years I gave to you only to have it thrown in my face cuz my bitch ass of a sister made her cunt available to you while I was away for work,” you yelled turning to look at him, “And the worst thing is that I have no fucking clue how long this has been going on.”
Tig lowered his gaze and scuffed at the rug with his boot.
“How long Alexander?” You asked not really wanting to know the answer. 
“A month...” he mumbled out.
Chibs walked in just as Tig answered the question and looked at his brother in disbelief. 
“You sack o’ shite!” He yelled and punched Tig in the face, “You cheated on the best thing that has happened to ya with ‘er sister for a month! What was it Tig!? Was it the fresh pussy? That she was there? What the FUCK was it Tig!?”
“I don't know!” Tig yelled out as Chibs punched him while he was down, “I don’t know. She came onto me one night I’d mixed two drinks too many and next thing ya know I woke up with her on me.”
“Did it never make you stop and think to come clean!?” Chibs yelled.
“Dude she made me swear not to,” Tig said letting Chibs wale on him for the answer.
You on the other hand stood frozen as everything came to light. 
“She made you swear because of (S/H/N),” you said quietly. 
Chibs turned to look at you questions in his eyes.
“(S/N)’s husband is in the military and is diploid,” you said looking at Chibs, “She’s always been a horny bitch, sad she couldn’t just fuck a prospect and had to go for what wasn’t hers.”
Chibs approached you and nodded to the bags behind you on the bed. 
You nod and he takes them to the car.
“At least now I'm free to fuck any son I want,” you say cruelly, “Because now nothing is sacred, and that is on you. Enjoy the crows Alex, maybe they’ll help you forget about me.”
“But baby I love you!” He yelled after you.
You scoffed and said, “If you did you’d have come to me as soon as it happened. Not gone back for more....fuck you Alexander Trager and hope that this doesn’t make it’s way over seas.”
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Sam Winchester: Running Away
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Pairing: Sam W. x Reader
Pov: Reader/Sam
Warnings: Panic, anxiety, being scared, mature content, talk of sex, Sam, inner thoughts
Summary: With Y/n and Sam only being together for a short time, when Y/n learns she pregnant she freaks thinking every bad thought about the things that could go wrong.
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: This is Dominant Sam I'm talking about here, but also a protective Sam. This is for band--pyschos 1.5 followers bingo writing challenge.
Square: First Child
Sam Winchester Master list
Main Master List
TagList: @sweetdetectivequeen @wonderfulworldofwinchester @band--psycho
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So, maybe I've been with Sam for a few months, but it's not that big of a deal. We're just a once in a blue sorta thing. Sam and I yes live together alongside his brother Dean, but I don't mean that Sam and I share a bed you know.
Okay well, maybe we do share a room. We share a comfy large bed when a hunt goes bad, or Sam wants to release some tension. We go and let go of our bodies' tension. Together we let everything go, and we sort of become one.
Sam is a giant teddy bear, but when he's had enough put onto his shoulders he needs someone to ground him, that someone for right now just so happens to be me. Bad hunts turn into long, fast, and hard nights.
Nights when Sam drags on, his large hands wrapped my throat pinning me down to the fluffy bed. My nails leaving red marks down his muscled back. His hips snapping against my cervix, his lips leaving bruises on my skin.
The way he'd snap his hips into me as I rode into him. In moments like these Sam was my cowboy, and I was his baby girl. The loud grunts and moans that echoed off the motel, or bunker walls were the most amazing sound to my ears.
The sound of our skin slapping together, and the dominant nature of Sam, his almost animalistic way of fucking me. I wasn't a virgin when I met Sam and Dean, I wasn't a virgin when Sam first came to me with this idea of friends with benefits.
But even without being a virgin, taking Sam for the first time. That made me feel like I had died and came back to life. I know saying that seems probably very odd, but Sam there is something about him that makes him so fucking... fuckable.
The moment that I came down from my high and he laid on top of me, trying his hardest to not lay all his weight on me, I reveled in those moments. Was this what it was like to fall in love with someone?
Would Sam really want that? Would I be enough for Sam?
Months it went on like this, bad hunts or just wanting to let go. It went back and forth. The deal that we held, was for the both of us, and usually, we needed each other at the same time.
Bumping into each other, cute moments. Moments when I would try to put more effort into it. I learned real quick that Sam had a thing for lace and the color red. Something about the way it felt against his hands, or how it looks against my skin tone.
Nothing's more special than having your boy toy pull off your lace panties with his teeth while he makes direct contact. Again there was that dominating nature of Sam. Sometimes my mind would float to what it would be like with Dean, but I would be very much slapped out of that thinking when Sam would snap his hips into me and ask me 'who do you belong to?' or 'Who owns your body?'.
This of course in my world would only last for so long. Something always had to go wrong. So wrong that everything that I had worked for wasn't worth it. Wasn't worth it, if I would just be crashed in the end. I didn't think any wrong could come from fucking my best friend in a way.
Because that was Sam and I are.. were. We are friends, best friends, who know everything about each other, who know when the other is about to have a break or the other needs space. What happens when Sam finds out about this.
This is a normal fuck up that be taken care of. This is my fuck up, this fuck up is huge. He won't want to stay. No, see I've ruined this for the both of us.
What happens if Sam. What if? That's the big question stop overreacting. You've spent time with Dean, ask your question then act, not the other way around. You need to actually find out if your pregnant.
'pregnant' "FUCK" I said out loud rather loud, louder than I should have said it. "Y/n you okay?" I outside the bathroom door. Panicking I slipped the pregnancy test into my sweater pocket. "Yep, I'm super," I said and unlocked the door, slipped by Sam. Smiling before I casually walked away from him. Panicking on the inside.
"what am I going to do?" I asked myself under my breath. "A Winchester baby, a baby, my baby," I said hushed under my breathe. A tap to my shoulder pulled me from my very important inner monologue.
"Y/n, what's wrong with you?" Sam said wrapping his hand around my shoulder. Mouth left gaped open. "Y/n?" Sam repeated, just my name this time made everything worse. The echo of Sam's voice grunting and moaning my name as he comes down from his high.
"Sam," I said looking up at him. These were moments that I said he was a huge teddy bear. Worry crossed his handsome face. "Y/n what's wrong?" Again he forced his first question.
"Nothing Sam. Just let it go." I said tapping his hand on my shoulder. There was a look of upset confusion on Sam's face. "Y/n don't you dare pull away from me, especially after what we have together," Sam said as I walked away. I stopped and thought about it. 'Don't pull him into it, you just take care of it.' I just kept walking.
I made sure that the pregnancy test was really correct, by going to a doctor's office. "You're about six weeks along." The doctor said. More panic. More anxiety, more questions, more thoughts. That drive back to the bunker I was fighting the idea of leaving.
If I just left, what if I just didn't come back. 'No go back and try to hide it, say you're sick, hide in your room. You won't be able to hide it for long' Sam will question you, Sam will notice, he'll notice your body change, he'll notice everything Y/n.
When I got back Sam was waiting for me in the library. "Where were you Y/n?" he asked me as I passed by him "I was out," I said passing quickly. Trying to stay away from him, the closer I am to Sam the harder it is to not tell him the truth. The grip of his hands around my wrist is so powerful, so strong.
"Stop running away. I just need you Y/n I thought..." Sam paused looking down at my body and then to my wrist. "Sam let go of my wrist. You're hurting me." I said ripping my arm from his grasp. Stomping away and down the louder echoing bunker hallway.
'LEAVE' 'No stop he's right you made a promise, a deal.' "Stop" Fighting with myself was the worst of all of this. You can't run away from yourself. No knock at my door, but I wouldn't have known. I had taken a nap my thoughts clouding my mind. Waking up to a quiet bunker and a note stuck to the coffee machine. "Y/n whatever is going on.
That's what I'm here for. Please baby girl. I don't know what to do. Shoot me a message, or even text Dean. Just let me know you're okay." Signed Sam. Yet another wave of new thought, new emotions. I want to stay, but it wouldn't be good for either of us. Nobody benefits from this.
A normal hunts take Dean and Sam about a week tops so with the letter that Sam left behind I can only imagine that Sam is pushing Dean to hunt a lot faster. Get the hunt over and done with come home and figure out what is wrong with me.
I say I've got two days tops before the boys get back. To toggle with the idea of leaving. Two days doesn't seem like enough time, but I need to not trap them in a situation like this. Sam doesn't need to have another thing on his shoulders, Dean doesn't need the worry or the panic. Of a Winchester baby.
Taking a long walk around the bunker brought memories alive in my mind's eye. The great, the good, and the bad. Most of them included Sam. The night he asked me to start this friend with benefits or the wild night that he took me on the book-filled library table. He fucked me in the middle of the wide open.
Would it be bad to say that I fell in love with him from that moment? He made me feel like the only girl in the world. A few spots in the kitchen early morning breakfast being made, and in the garage washing whatever car Dean would let us wash.
'You need to go' Memories pinging in my head. Hitting all the corners of my head. This is the most stressful thing I've ever had to do. There's a baby inside of me now, every choice has to be for this little one. This choice was for Sam and for this little one.
My hand laid on my still flat stomach. I wish that I could feel Sam's hand on top of mine, or watch his face. But that wouldn't be a good idea and I know that.
"They're going to a Winchester in and out," I said walking past Sam and Dean's rooms. I think I'll just have to write a letter to Sam, a sort of backwards odd way of responding to his letter.
This letter will just be my goodbye. "Hey Sam, by the time you read this I'll be long gone. Let me explain. I'm pregnant, with of course your child. We never got the chance to talk about being parents, never got the chance to even have a normal relationship. Sam, I fell hard for you, so hard that I don't want to hurt you. I know you most likely aren't ready to be a dad, so yes I know I'm taking that choice away from you. I am making so many mistakes and I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders or even a burden on Deans. They'll find out about you, they'll be nosy like you, be hardheaded like you, defy me like you defied your father." I wrote out pausing to let my shaking hand take a break.
"Cowboy, I'm running away, because Sam that's the only thing I know how to do. Don't you dare think... Don't you dare ever for a second think that I don't love you, or that this baby won't grow up knowing who is, who knows maybe I'll come back... I love you, Sam, I love you cowboy."
I read over it once and then twice, Dean stood over my shoulder. His hand lying still against my blade. I swiped the pad of my thumb over my Y/n nicely small handwriting. "Sammy?" Dean questioned. "Hmm?" I hummed fearing my voice would give too much away. "What did she write?" He asked, "Y/n wrote that she's pregnant, and she is running away afraid to put the burden of my child on my shoulders and on yours." I said continuing to look at the page in front of me.
"Dean we.." "I've got you, Sammy. We'll find her bring her home and you wife her up." Dean said, grabbing my bag and racing back to the impala. "She's on foot, and most likely hasn't made it very far, I'll call Charlie, you call her," Dean said, whipping out my phone it tumbled in my hands landing on the footwell of the front seat.
Pulling it out it came with pictures, pictures of the three of us. Sitting on baby's hood, her in the middle of the two of us next to her. I could see it now, a baby Winchester, sitting on her lap and taking that picture all over again.
"Sam, Charlie says that she's gonna try her, see if we can sort of trick her into going with Charlie until we can get to her and bring her home," Dean said.
"Yeah let's hope she wants to come home," I said the mix of different emotions and feelings shoring through me, I felt the revive of the impala's engine. 'There's no running away from the Winchesters.'
Completed on: 05/04/2021
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An unrefusable offer [Sirius Black x Reader] - Request/Challenge
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Title: An unrefusable offer Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader Word count: 3.2k Published: 1 June, 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: Sirius has been trying to get you to go out with him for the longest of time, but you can’t accept his interest in you. Will his cunning little plan change your mind at Lily and James’ wedding or will it end in a disaster? Request: on Wattpad by HarryPotter4023
"Could you please make a Sirius x reader oneshot, where its like Lily x James but instead of Lily and James its y/n and Sirius? so Sirius running after y/n"
Bingo: [x] This is part of my Band--Psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Card by @band--psycho
Square filled: Insomnia
Challenge: [x] [x] Part of @theweasleysredhair 's writing challenge;
Prompt: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” Prompt: “I could kiss you right now!” Trope: Sharing a bed
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Band--Psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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It’s been years since you watched your friend, James pining over Lily Evans. You were more than sure that the ginger witch would forever stomp on his heart and keep rejecting him. But as your last year of Hogwarts approached, something changed, and Lily finally agreed to date the pathetically smitten James Potter. You have never seen your friend as happy as he was that day, and you couldn’t imagine seeing him even happier.
But as you watched Lily walk down the aisle, the long trail of her lacy, white dress following her, James’ eyes filled up with tears, a simple look at her soon to be wife making him emotional. The man has been wrapped around Lily’s finger and although back in school you doubted her intentions, as you sat in the little tent on that hot summer, you could only think about how much you wished to have what they had.
You had the chance though. The man seated beside, tucking a loose hair behind his ear, offered you a cheeky grin as he took his gaze off the couple. “Maybe one day that will be us,” he winked playfully. Although you rolled your eyes, trying to act as though you didn’t care about his advances nor did they have an effect on you, it was all a lie. Of course, you were interested in Sirius Black, you have been for as long as you could remember. Sirius was a genuinely kind and playful man, but you found it hard to accept his interest in you. He was perfect in your eyes and you— well, you were you.
As the ceremony finished and the party began, you watched as James took Lily for a dance, spinning her around with a wide, overly enthusiastic grin across his face. The man could not have been more obvious. His love for his now wife was painted across his face and you couldn’t stop mirroring that stupid smile of his. He looked dumb, but very happy.
“You know, if you’d just give us a chance, we could look so stupidly in love too,” you heard Sirius’ voice as you poured yourself a glass of champagne. Looking back over your shoulder, you offered him a playful grimace.
“I’d rather go out with a thestral,” you gagged, trying to emphasise your words, but you couldn’t hide the tiny smile in the corner of your lips.
“You really need to practice how to lie, it’s certainly not your strength,” he scoffed as a mischievous smile spread across his face, earning a heavy sigh from you.
“Can you just give up trying?” You asked, pleading with him. He has been trying to ask you out for the longest of time, but you just couldn’t believe he really was interested in you. Lily scolded you for bringing yourself down and James encouraged you to give Sirius a chance, but at the end of day, you didn’t trust him enough and his torment has become exhausting.
“I can’t. You know there’s a chemistry between us, it’s been there for as long as I can remember and don’t even try to lie, we both know it’s there. I don’t understand why you can’t even agree to one single date. I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m asking you to give me a chance,” he sighed, tilting his head innocently, his eyes pleading for you to agree.
“We have been friends for so long, why must you try to ruin it? Of course, there’s chemistry, we have been friends for years,” you tried to reason with him.
“You know that is not the chemistry I’m talking about. Would you really die from agreeing to one date?” You wanted to immediately deny his offer just like you have done so far, but you knew it wouldn’t stop him.
“I have an idea. Why don’t you let me sleep on it, and we will get back to it tomorrow?” You asked with an expectant look, earning a wide grin from Sirius. One that made you somewhat confused and terrified at the same time as though he knew something you didn’t.
“Isn’t that just an amazing idea? Of course, a brilliant plan,” he chuckled as he took the glass of champagne from your hand and walked away, only turning back for a second to offer you a playful wink, before you lost him in the crowd.
His acceptance of your idea seemed too easy for someone who has been onto you for years. His expression of pure delight and enthusiasm scared you. He didn’t react the way you expected, if anything he was more than suspicious, but you couldn’t pinpoint why.
As the night went on and the guests started heading back to their respective hotel rooms beside the venue, you decided to follow in their lead and rest. You had a fair amount of alcohol in you, your feet were in pain from the high heels you wore and all the dances you had to politely accept. You just wanted to lay down and sleep for a whole day.
Entering the hallway of the hotel, you walked to the reception. “Name, please,” the old lady asked behind the desk, her tone bored and somewhat unwelcome. You gave your name and Lily and James’s name, not knowing whose name your room was under. “Here is the key,” the woman shoved it in your hand with a groan, clearly unhappy. Customer service was certainly not the hotel’s strength.
“If I may ask, has my bag been taken upstairs?” You ask in the politest manner you could manage.
“Well, if it’s not here, that means it’s in the room, isn’t it?” She replied with a grimace and headed back into a little room behind the receptionist table.
“Hmm— what a fantastic customer service,” you murmured under your breath as you started heading up the stairs, taking your high-heels off halfway through the corridors, ignoring the dirt on the carpet your tights had picked up.
As you reached your room, you tried to place the key in the whole, but it didn’t fit. You attempted to try upside down, but it still didn’t work. To your surprise the lock unlocked from the other side, leaving you with a confused expression across your face as the door opened. Your lips parted in surprise as no other than Sirius Black stood in front of you half naked, only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. He held the door handle with one hand, whilst he used his other hand to try to dry his wet hair with a small towel, water still dripping on to the carpet.
For a second you weren’t sure if you were in the right room, but as hard as you tried to turn your gaze towards the number on the middle of the door, your eyes betrayed you. You have seen Sirius half naked, it wasn’t a new sight, but he certainly looked breathtaking as the water slid down his exposed chest and the dim lights of the street from the window emphasised his toned upper body.
“Well, hello,” he smirked proudly, making you cough awkwardly. “Feel free to stare at me, I don’t mind,” he chuckled at your very obvious attention.
“Shut up, Black,” you scolded him quickly as you regained your ability to speak. “What are you doing in my room?” You asked with a confused frown.
“You mean, our room,” he grinned, playfully wriggling his brows.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked back, already panicking inside.
“Oh, I thought Lily told you,” he replied in a very fake surprise.
“No, she did not,” you inhaled sharply.
“Yeah, you see all the rooms were sold out by the time they made the sleeping arrangements, so I might have offered to help and share my room with you,” he tried to suppress a laughter erupting from his lungs.
“No, that must be a misunderstanding. It must be a mistake,” you replied as you tried to search for another option, maybe to apparate back to your home, but then again you were so tired you weren’t sure it would be successful. Maybe to head down to the receptionist, although she clearly didn’t want to see your face.
“I get it, I get it,” he nodded as though he understood what you were thinking of. “You must be thinking of a way to get out of this situation. But you keep rejecting me anyway. You don’t like me, right? If anything, this is awkward for me not you. We are both grown up adults, I think we can handle one night together,” he tried to reason with you, and you could have believed him if it wasn’t for that cocky smirk across his face.
“I hate you, Black,” you sighed as you stepped inside the room and he closed the door behind you. It was a small room with a tiny bathroom, a muggle tv and a small couch beside the bed, right under the window. “I’m sleeping on the bed, you are sleeping on the couch or the floor, I couldn’t care less,” you groaned as you threw your shoes on the floor right beside the door and picked up your bag from the couch.
“Hold on a minute, if I have no effect on you, why is it such a problem if I’m sleeping in the same bed?” He asked as though he was genuinely interested, but you knew him, you knew his techniques.
“Do you really think this little manipulative game you’re trying to play is going to work? I know you, I know what you are doing” you shook your head, heaving a heavy sigh at his weak attempts. “I’m going to the bathroom,” you added, needing a good hot shower and a bed finally.
As you finished your evening routine in the bathroom and entered the bedroom, Sirius took half of the bed for himself, one of his arms supporting his head as he laid on his back, his eyes shut. You loudly groaned, hoping for him to hear you, but he didn’t move, nor did he have a smart comment in response. You sighed in surrender as you dropped your bag on the floor beside the couch and laid down, pulling a thin blanket over you.
“Seriously?” Sirius asked with a loud huff. “Do you hate me that much?”
“You know I don’t hate you, don’t be absurd,” you scoffed as you rolled on your side to catch his eyes watching you intensely.
“Then are you allergic to me or something? Is it so hard for you to be close to me?” He shot up in the bed, clearly agitated. “I don’t get you, I just don’t get it,” he groaned desperately. You huffed, annoyed by his nagging, your tiredness getting the worst of you.
“If I sleep in the bed, will you shut up?” You asked with a raised brow as you sat up on the couch, watching his agitated expressions turn into a surprised one. He didn’t expect your words, not did you. It was a heat of the moment decision and you already regretted it, but it happened, and you had no way of taking it back, knowing he would forever rub it under your nose.
“You mean next to me? Are you sure? I mean, yeah I got worked up about it, but I don’t want to force you,” he replied rather hesitantly, finding your words hard to process.
“Can you shut up for once in your life, Black?” You groaned as you stood up and walked to the bed, lifting the cover, and scooting closer to Sirius under the material. “That’s your side,” you drew an invisible line between the two of you, “and this is my side,” you pointed at your part of the cover. “Keep your hands to yourself,” for a second Sirius was gaping heavily like a fish out of water, before his face took on a wide grin.
“Yes, my lady,” he chuckled as he laid back on his side, his eyes watching you intensely as you rolled on to your side facing away from him.
It was hard to fall asleep, especially as you listened to Sirius’ even breathing. Insomnia wasn't a new word to you, it has become a dear friend of yours over the years, but now that you laid beside Sirius, you found it even harder to drift into a peaceful slumber. His presence made you feel both nervous and needy. You wanted to run away and never turn back, your feelings towards the man scaring you, but at the same time, you wanted to stay and just snuggle up to his side. So, you did what your heart told you to, ignoring your brain’s silly reasoning.
You turned around and watched as he placed a hand under his head, supporting his neck in his sleep, giving you the best opportunity to snuggle up to him. Heaving a heavy sigh, you thought about it again, but your heart overpowered your mind. You scooted closer to Sirius, laying your head on his naked chest, listening to his heart’s even beating, the sound making your tense body relax. Sirius moved under you, starting off your heart in a dangerous pace as you looked up at him. His eyes were shut tight, but his arm moved down behind you, wrapping around your shoulder, involuntarily pulling you closer to himself. Or so you thought.
As you snuggled into his side, placing your hand across his chest, you felt your heartbeat quicken and your palms sweat. You started second guessing your actions, but his intoxicating scent and the feel of his body against your own helped you slowly drift into slumber, missing the relieved, soft smile appearing on Sirius' face, your movements making him feel content. He didn’t care if you could hear his heart beating heavier or if you were to grow suspicious. For the first time he could hold you in his arms and he couldn’t care less about anything else. Being able to wrap his arms around you, feeling your even breathing tickling his chest, hearing your incoherent mumbling in your sleep made him feel like a little child receiving a gift he has wanted since forever.
You awoke to a ticklish feeling on your arm, as though fingers caressed your skin. Sighing, you snuggled closer in his side, the feeling making you smile in content.
“Morning sleeping beauty,” you heard Sirius’ deep morning voice, a light, happy tone to it.
“Muggle references? Well done, Mr. Black,” you giggled, your eyes still shut, basking in the moment.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked sheepishly, realising you still haven’t figured out what was going on.
“Very,” you sighed in content, wrapping your arms around his waist tighter, earning a chuckle from him.
“I’m glad I’m comfortable,” he replied with a cheeky tone as you finally opened your eyes and lifted your head to be able to look into his grey eyes, watching you intensely. As though lightning hit you, you jumped away from him, pulling the cover in front of you.
“What are you doing hugging me? Why are you on my side?” You panicked, trying to search for a reasonable explanation.
“Before you get a heart attack, let me establish that you are on my side, I didn’t even move since you decided to use me as your pillow. And let me remind you it was you who hugged me first. But most importantly, you just said I was comfortable so stop acting like I have done something horrible,” he grinned proudly.
“I was asleep, I don’t know why I did that,” you groaned in annoyance, trying to establish a good enough excuse.
“How long are you planning to lie to yourself? I know you were awake. I felt your eyes on me, before you decided to snuggle up to me,” he shook his head, but this time there was no happiness in his tone nor did he have his signature smirk on. He was serious. “Do you even realise how happy it made me that you hugged me, that you decided to get close to me? I could barely contain myself from turning around and squeezing you in my arms. I have been waiting for this for so long, stop acting like you are not interested,” he scolded you as he sat up.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” you huffed, trying to get out of the bed.
“Stop it,” he scoffed, clearly unhappy with your behaviour. “You know what? I have an idea. You know I like you and I can’t make it any more obvious. I literally can’t do anymore to make you believe me, so I will offer you a solution. Do us both a favour and accept that you like me, come back to the bed and let’s just enjoy the moment or reject me properly, leave the room and we will pretend that whatever happened was just a dream and you will never hear a word from me again. It’s been ongoing for far too long and I’m tired of this,” he heaved a heavy sigh, his face desperate for a clear reply from you.
As you watched his face, his words sincere, you could only think of not hearing him asking you out anymore, not listening to his flirty comments, not feeling his “unwanted” touches on your skin. You would have been stupid to agree, to relieve yourself of his attention that you secretly enjoyed.
“Why me?” you exclaimed in your desperate state.
“Because I like you. I can’t choose who I like. I like you with all your imperfections, with all your quirky moments and weird taste. I like you, it’s that simple,” he sighed heavily, an expectant look across his face. “So, will you leave, or will you come back?” He asked, desperately needing your reply. You pulled the cover over you, your movements making his eyes grow, before a wide grin spread across his face. He grabbed your arm impatiently and pulled you back on his chest as he laid down, earning a squeaking sound from you. “I guess, sleeping on it was successful,” he chuckled playfully as you looked up at him, his eyes attached to yours as a boyish smile sat across his face. “I could so kiss you right now!” He exclaimed in his excited state.
“Then what are you waiting for?” You giggled playfully, your boldness surprising him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, placing you on your back, hovering above you as his gaze wandered between your parted lips and needy gaze. “Are you sure?” He asked, his breath shaky, for the first time his confidence lost in a maze.
“I’m pretty sure,” you replied with a cheerful smile as you pulled him down to you and closed the gap that painfully stood between you. He smiled into the kiss, earning a playful chuckle from you.
“I like you,” you whispered against his lips.
“I know, you made it pretty obvious” he replied with a confident smirk, earning a gentle punch from you on his shoulder.
“Don’t be cocky, Black,” you scolded him, before you pulled him in for another kiss, enjoying his arms around you, his lips on yours and the safety his mere presence provided. In that moment you couldn’t remember why you kept making him wait, because it felt anything but wrong to be in his arms.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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mrsnegan · 3 years
Dirty Little Secret - Negan x Virgin!Reader
[This is my first contribution to @band--psycho's bingo challenge. I love my board so damn much, btw!]
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Summary: The female reader is visiting her best friend Celia who is still living with her dad, Negan. After a cheerful party, the reader is confronted with her inappropriate feelings towards Negan, who also discovers her little secret...and offers his "help".
Square: Character x Virgin!Reader
Warnings: virgin!reader, age gap, smut, swearing, daddy kink
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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"C'mon babe, we're going to be late!" Celia's head appears in the door to the guest bedroom.
"Just a second", you respond and reapply your lipstick. It's a deep red, matching the dress you're wearing. One of your high school buddies, Steve, celebrates his 22nd birthday today. And as luck will have it, spring break is the perfect opportunity for you to visit your best friend Celia, so you both can catch up and party with your friends. Celia lives with her cool (and pretty hot) dad Negan who is chill most of the time but strict when it comes to boys. You've befriended Celia in your last year at high school, since then, the two of you were inseparable. Uni came and so you moved away, but with friends and family still living here, you are visiting quite often. She's told you about her mother dying when she was a child, her dad's breakdown and all the trouble he went through to still give Celia everything she may need in life. It has made you cry more than once when you thought about their tragedy but when you look at them now, their laughter loud and their bond strong, you feel happy for them. Though, it also makes you feel guilty because of the, well, inappropriate thoughts you entertain since a few years. Those thoughts won't leave you be, they appear in the most unfitting situations. Negan handing you a cup of coffee, him opening the front door in one of his buttoned-down shirts, him just smiling at a bad joke of yours...all of this lets this warm and tingly feeling spread through your whole body, traveling straight to your core. Hell, you've lost count at how often you've touched yourself to the thought of him - and you feel dirty afterwards, time after time. He could be your dad too, you shouldn't entertain such ideas. With a huff, you look at your own reflection in the mirror for the last time before you stand up, put on your shoes and get down the stairs.
Celia is waiting for you at the front door, motioning for you to hurry up.
"Don't rush me or I will fall down those damn stairs", you say laughing.
"Oh, we won't have that, will we?" His barritone voice, suddenly right in front of you, chills you to the bones.
He offers you his hand and after just a second of hesitation, you take it so he can escort you down the last few steps.
"Dad, you're always such a gentleman, it hurts my eyes", Celia giggles. Your cheeks are bright red by now, you could have forgone blush.
"Thanks", you mumble when you reach the ground. Just one look into his hazel eyes is enough for you to gulp visibly. He looks good today, his smile is bright with a hint of mischiev in it.
"Have fun! And be good girls. Remember, if I catch you bringing home any boys, your punishment will be your smallest problem." It's not Celia he's looking at, it's you.
The party is all you've wanted it to be: full of fun, laughter, drinks, good music and amazing people. You really enjoy spending time with your friends and getting shitfaced in the process. You even kiss one of the strangers, Liam, or whatever is his name, and giggle afterwards when Celia drags you to the taxi.
"Don't tell your dad", you drunkenly whisper and Celia laughs loudly at your remark.
The both of you come home to a silent and dark house. Negan must be asleep by now which you welcome a lot. He doesn't need to see your drunken ass or ask you about what happened or didn't happen at the party. You say goodnight to Celia and go to the guest bedroom which happens to be door to door to Negan's room. His door isn't fully closed, so you risk a look inside. You can't see much, but you can make out Negan peacefully sleeping. His bare chest peaks out under the covers, making you drool. You look at him a moment longer, then head to your room and close the door behind you. You strip down to your underwear and lay on the soft mattress of the bed. You're drunk, horny and shameless, so your fingers find their way down your body into your underwear, scratching that itch Negan seems to leave every time you lay eyes on him. It doesn't take long for you to come undone, sleep taking you over after you barely manage to get rid of your now soiled underwear and pull the covers over your flushed body.
The bright light of the morning shining through the windows wakes you up the next day. Your head feels heavy, your eyelids too, so you try to sleep a bit longer. But with the sound of your phone buzzing on the night stand, there is no such thing. You grab it, immediately reading Celia's message:
"Couldn't wake you up, you little drunken, snoring mess, so I had to leave for the job interview without saying a proper goodbye. Got a kiss on your cheek from me though, haha. Coffee's waiting for you downstairs, some scrambled eggs too. Btw, don't tell dad about the job interview, he thinks I've got a doctor's appointment. Can't let him know I partied the night before it, he will ground me for the next months. Will be back in the afternoon, I'm meeting with Steve afterwards. Xo"
"You little bitch", you laugh. The smell of last night lingers in your nose. After a much needed shower and some freshly brushed teeth you feel human again. Downstairs, you pour yourself a cup of coffee and eat the scrambled eggs Celia prepared for you.
"Long night?"
You turn around to see Negan standing in the door to the kitchen, smiling down at you.
"Yeah", you shortly answer him, trying to anchor yourself with your coffee mug.
"Ah, to be young again. Too much booze makes my fucking head explode nowadays, you seem to look fucking decent for a long night out."
The hot rush of blood tings your cheeks red in an instant. You say nothing, just look down at your coffee.
You feel the chair next to you move, he sits down, looking at you.
"Any special occurrences at last night's party?" he asks in a casual manner, yet you can hear a dominant undertone, heart beating faster.
"No sir".
"Shit, Y/N, no need to call me sir. Do I make you feel uncomfortable?"
There's no way not to look him in the eyes now. Your gaze travels up, from his hands, to his shirt, up his neck to his lips, up to his eyes. They stare at you blatantly.
"Yes, a bit", you answer him truthfully. There's no denying with him, no chance to lie, he will see through you anyway.
"I'm just kidding, princess, no need to be nervous. All is good!" He heartily laughs, grabbing the empty coffee mug sitting next to yours, not without brushing your arm in the process, sending sparks through your whole body. He pours himself a hot drink too, before he stands up and leaves for the living room.
"And by the way, you looked smoking hot in that red dress of yours. I bet every little fucker wanted to get his hands on you. Lucky for them they didn't", he says on his way out, leaving you shivering and utterly speechless.
The next few hours you try to ignore your hammering heart and the heat pooling between your legs. His flirting is downright shameless, you can't even comprehend how someone can act this non-chalantly about all of this. He is your best friends dad, damn it. You've always thought your mind was filthy but this...you can't believe he's also feeling the unmistakable sexual tension between the two of you. Clearly he's only toying with you, why would someone as attractive and mature as him be interested in you?
With a sigh you decide to tidy up a bit. You collect last night's clothes from the floor when you notice, horrified, that something's missing. You search everywhere, under the bed, besides the sideboard, next to your bag, in your bag, but there's nothing.
"Are you searching for this, princess?" Negan stands in the door, again scaring the shit out of you. You look up at him, his smug smile telling you everything you need to know. From his fingers dangle last night's panties, those ones you came into while thinking about him.
"Give them to me, please." With a desperate try to snatch them from his hand, you nearly land against his broad chest.
"Uh uh, not so fast, princess. Just answer me one question, then you'll get them back."
"Fine." Arms crossed in front of you, you wait for his question, heartbeat fast, oh so fast, palms sweaty.
His grin spreads from ear to ear, mocking you.
"Tell me, who do you thought about while creaming those panties?"
You can't answer him, you can't possibly tell him, so you remain silent. Apparently Negan can't have non of that, taking a step into your direction.
"I heard you last night. Your little whimpers and moans made me rock hard, not gonna lie. And I'm fucking sure I heard my name too."
Still not answering him, you look down at your feet.
"C'mon princess, we're both adults here, no need to act like a little virgin."
As soon as he says this, you freeze, turning white while your eyes shoot up to his face.
Your reaction alone seems to be enough for him to read you like a book.
"No way."
You say nothing, again, unable to move a finger.
"Damn woman, you're a virgin." More of a statement than a question.
"Holy shit. Want me to pop your cherry?"
Negan is blunt, you've known him long enough, but this kind of bluntness shocks you...and arouses you to no end.
"Negan...", you gulp, "this is...we can't..."
"It's a fucking yes then, isn't it?"
"Negan, please...Celia...we can't do this."
"Celia's a big girl and this here, between us, none of her business. Just tell me what you want and I will gladly give it to you."
His offer is tempting, too tempting for you to deny it. Your nervousness can't compete with your desire, flooding your veins, clouding your mind.
"Negan...I...I want...you", you stammer. The truth is out, finally leaving your lips. You look up at him again, his eyes dark now, lips curled into a mischievous smile.
"Oh princess, you have no idea how damn long I've waited for you to say this."
He's on you in an instant, dropping your panties in the process, nearly knocking you off your feet while his lips collide with yours. No one before him has kissed you like this, his hunger for you plainly written in his face.
He walks you back towards the bed, his hands are everywhere, kneading the flesh of your round ass, collecting the material of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head.
The slight scratch of his salt and pepper beard feels delightful, an appreciated contrast to your hot skin. Your back hits the sheets, this time with him on top. Your sweatpants are next, leaving you in your underwear.
"Fucking shit, look at you." Negan's gaze travels from your face towards your covered pussy and back up again.
"I can't wait to feel you around me."
Your blush intensifies with his dirty words, you watch him take off his shirt and pants to. The glorious sight of his naked chest, covered in tattoos, and the obvious tent in his boxers, make your mouth water. He looks ready to pounce on, sexy and everything you've ever dreamed of.
With skilled fingers, he reaches around you to open your bra, baring your breats to his heated gaze.
"Beautiful", he praises. His lips close around your errect nipples, eliciting rich moans out of you. In no time your panties are on the floor too...and his face right between your legs.
"God dammit, princess, I haven't even started and your sweet pussy is this wet for me."
Looking down at him, feeling his beard against your sensitive skin, makes you cry out in pure bliss. And when his lips close around your clit, sucking it into his mouth, you're lost, hands travelling into his hair to press him against you. He licks and sucks at you gloriously before you feel one of his fingers against your opening. He eases it into you slowly but steady.
"Fuck", you whimper, when his movements increase. Another finger joins the first one, opening you up for him. His eyes remain on your face the whole time, studying your expression. His ministrations gain speed and with them your pleasure. It doesn't take long for him to make you cum, soaking his finger while he's lapping up your arousal.
With a grin he pulls back, taking a long look at your shaking body in front of him.
"Damn, had I know you're this responsive, I would've done this earlier."
You just laugh out of breath before you slowly get up and kneel down in front of him. Negan looks down at you with a raised eyebrow, seemingly interested in your next move. Your hands push down his boxers, freeing his erection. His member stands proud and big in front of your face, making you gulp. You have no idea how he might fit and the knowledge that this is definitely going to hurt comes to the front of your mind, but you crave him so much, you can't back down now.
Your hand closes around his length, giving him much needed pressure, before your lips take him into your wet mouth.
The moans coming out of his shoot fresh arousal straight to your core. This right here is better than any of your wet dreams. And you've dreamed multiple times of sucking him off. You start to bob your head, pleasuring anything you can't fit into your mouth with your hand.
"Fucking hell, princess, you might be a virgin, but you're definitely a pro at sucking cock."
He collects your hair into a loose ponytail while watching you work him. He pants above you with every push and pull, encouraging you with his hand in your hair to take him deeper, faster. You momentarily gag when he hits the back of his throat, but are rewarded by him growling loudly.
"Enough", he pants, gently pulling you off of him, "gonna cum in your mouth the next time, today it's all about this tight pussy of yours."
Negan motions for you to lay down on the bed again. He walks towards the sideboard, opening one of the drawers to get a condom. When he's ready, he joins you, looking you deep into your lust-clouded eyes before he positions himself at your center, leaning down to kiss you hungrily.
Suddenly, your nerves seem to get the best of you. Stopping Negan with one hand against his chest, you search his eyes. "Please be..."
"...gentle?" he ends your sentence for you, smiling down at you warmly.
"I'm no savage, princess. It will hurt a bit though, even with you being so fucking wet for me."
You laugh nervously, nodding your head in agreement. The kiss that follows feels sweeter than the last ones.
Eyes closed you wait for Negan to enter you. When nothing happens, you open them again, staring directly into his.
"That's better. Eyes open, Y/N, I wanna see all of you."
No sooner do you feel his tip at your entrance. Your nails drive themselves into his arms with the first little push.
"Relax for me. Daddy's got you", he coos and him calling himself that should have made you run away, but instead...it turns you on. The low moan leaving your lips yet again gives away your dirty mind. He just looks down at your face, smiling knowingly, pushing himself into you inch by inch.
"That's a good girl."
It hurts like hell, the stretch is uncomfortable and painful, though you cling to him, trying to relax as much as possible.
Negan kisses you sweetly, and while doing so, his hand travels between your bodies, gently rubbing your clit to give you some extra reward for taking him in so good.
When he's fully seated inside of you, he kisses away your tears of discomfort which roll down your cheeks.
"So good for me. You're taking me so damn well and that tight pussy feels like heaven. Breath for me, nice and even."
You do as he says, trying to relax your breathing.
He pulls out a bit before driving himself into you again, slowly, carefully. Your brows furrow, the strench still uncomfortable and an unknown feeling for you, though you breath steadily for him, trying to let him in, pull away and let him in again. The rhythm he sets soon isn't enough for you. The pain dulls, another feeling taking over.
"Negan", you whisper, another whimper leaving your lips.
"Yes princess?"
"F-faster please. Fuck me faster, daddy."
"Dirty girl", he comments with a smirk, increasing his thrusts. He is rewarded with your moans shortly after.
"How does it feel?" he asks you, panting himself.
"D-different than I imagined. But...fuck...so good."
He fucks you with a bit more force now, driving his length into you with precise movements. His hand returns to your clit, rubbing you in tune with his thrusts. It only takes a few more heartbeats for you to reach another orgasm. You writhe underneath him, the sensation tingling in your whole body.
"Fuck Y/N, you look so damn beautiful while cuming for me."
Negan's thrusts keep getting harder yet again, chasing his own release deep within you. You're a moaning mess, gladly letting him fuck you the way he needs to reach his high. And he does. With your name tumbling from his lips, he empties himself into the condom.
The both of you lay there breathless for long moments, the aftermath of your orgasms plainly painted on your faces and probably between your thighs.
When Negan pulls out, you whimper because of the loss. He gets rid of the used condom, taking a long look at you afterwards.
"Come princess, let's get you cleaned up", he warmly smiles down at you, offering his hand.
You take it and stand up on wobbly legs.
"Have I worn you out, Y/N?"
"No daddy, I'm just not used to your big cock", you answer him laughing.
"My my, no virgin anymore and already a corrupted little minx. Let's get into shower."
You follow him into the bathroom and when the water hits your face and body, you suddenly realize what you've done. Negan seems to notice your conflicted feelings, pulling you into his embrace from behind.
The water washes away your desire and also any evidence of your little activity.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, princess. This can remain between us two, our dirty little secret if you will", Negan says against your skin, kissing the spot right behind your ear. "But don't demand from me to keep my hands to myself when you're around. This pussy is too delicious to ignore."
Part 2: Movie Night
Tag list: @iluvneganandjamie
542 notes · View notes
mrsnegan · 3 years
[Hey y'all! I finally managed to write the next part for @band--psycho's Bingo Challenge. It's been a long ride, I know, and this part is rather short, but full of emotions. 💔 So be warned, it's rather heartbreaking. Thanks again for all your support, I hope you're still with me on this one. 😊]
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Summary: You face the aftermath of your secret affair, breaking more than one heart in the process.
Square: Hospital AU
Warnings: angst, breakup
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
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"Is she okay?" Negan asks one of the nurses who emerges the examination room.
"Are you her father, sir?"
Negan cringes slightly at the question, but nods his head because he knows otherwise they won't tell him anything.
"She's got a broken nose, we've fixed it as best as possible and gave her some medication for the pain, she will be alright."
"Thank you", Negan mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"You can go see her now. All the best."
He nods absently, walking past her to enter the examination room.
You sit on a chair, your nose taped, looking miserable.
"Shit, my girl hit you damn hard. I'm so sorry, she shouldn't have done that."
"We shouldn't have done that behind her back", you answer flatly, unable to look him into the eyes.
You can feel him move towards you, but you try to stop him with a simple gesture.
"Please don't."
Negan huffs, taking another step into your direction anyway.
"I said stop it, Negan."
He hushes you, pulling you up gently and into his arms, cautious not to hurt you or touch your broken nose.
A rage takes over your body and mind as soon as he closes his arms around you. Your fists come down quickly against his chest, fresh tears clouding your sight. Sob after sob wrecks your body, the sheer hurt and anger inside of you running wild. Negan anchors you, not letting go until you are just a crying mess, desperately clinging to his body. How much time passes, you can't tell. Everything that happened since Celia walked in on you seems to be long ago but also just seconds.
"Let's get outta hear", Negan whispers into your ear, kissing the shell of it softly.
You nearly flinch at the gesture, being intimate with him feels wrong, but you can't pull yourself back. Too weak, too embarrassed, too tired to try.
"Celia took an Uber to the nearest train station, Steve brought her home with him. She's safe", he explains when you get into the car next to him. "I thought you should know she's alright."
"No, she isn't", you murmur matter-of-factly, your eyes fixating the hospital.
Negan just breaths heavily before starting the engine, bringing the both of you farther and farther away from the chaos you created.
When he arrives in front of your building, he shuts off the engine, taking a look at you. It is well past midnight already, the traffic doing its best to cage you in the car with him as long as possible, to draw out the inevitable.
"Princess, please, talk to me. Let me take you home and we can figure this out."
You slowly face Negan, the beating of your own heart echoes loudly in your ears. A feeling of unease, of hurt, tightens your chest with every breath you take.
"I...We can't, Negan. This...it's over." The single tear escaping your eye burns on your skin, this is harder than you ever thought possible. "Don't you understand? She knows. She hates me. She might forgive you someday, but she won't forgive me. Whatever we shared, it's...it doesn't matter anymore. There's no future for us if we want to...I don't know, make this right again."
You can't even look him in the eyes when you explain your decision, you know what you will find there. You can sense his hurt, his trouble, the desperate try to find an argument against the truth.
"Princess, please." The break in his voice, the slight shaking of it, nearly breaks your heart, though you still can't look at him, can't look at the mirror of your own feelings.
Without another word, you loosen your seat belt and open the door. Your feet won't cooperate with your mind, it takes all the strength you have left to get up and out of the car. You close the door carefully before walking to the trunk to get your stuff. Negan is beside you suddenly, helping you out and closing the trunk lid for you. Without another word of protest, he carefully collects your face in his strong hands and presses a desperate kiss onto your lips. You sob at the contact, at what this means for the both of you and gather all your courage not to cry like a baby.
When he lets go of you, there's nothing you can do but look up into his eyes, risking a final look. Your hearts shatters at what you find there. His glassy eyes stare into yours, trying to find a last straw of hope he could cling to.
You shake your head, letting your forehead rest against his for a second. His scent is still intoxicating, making it even harder for you to turn around. You have to, you know, so you slowly let go of him, keeping an appropriate distance.
"Goodbye", you whisper before you grab your bag and walk as fast as you can towards your building.
As soon as your door closes behind you, you break down, crying uncontrollably. Heartbroken is an understatement, Negan's look so devastating, you nearly broke down in front of him. But you couldn't.
Your broken nose hurts like hell and you gulp down your prescribed pain killers with water between sobs, hoping they will dull the ache in your face and head as well as your heart.
Taglist: @iluvneganandjamie @murphslass @negans-attagirl @msjamesmarch @you-a-southpaw-doll @in-ky
Part 7: Drunk
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mrsnegan · 3 years
Movie Night
[After your amazingly sweet feedback to Dirty Little Secret (thank you so much, especially to @band--psycho, @sugarcoateddream, @iluvneganandjamie, @negans-attagirl and @cole22ann, your comments mean a lot 🥰), I've decided to dedicate @band--psycho's Bingo Challenge and the squares/themes of my board to Negan and the reader, because, well, their story is already unraveling in my head and making a small series out of the first part seems to be such a cool idea. So here comes part two, a bit shorter but I hope you all love it. I couldn't wait to share it with you, hence the fast update.]
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Summary: After losing her virginity to Negan, the reader finds herself in a heated situation during movie night.
Square: Movie Quote
Warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, dirty talk, age gap
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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"Fucking shit, why do we have to watch this?" Negan asks, inspecting the DVD through his glasses.
"It's a classic, dad. Besides, you've lost the bet and now it's my turn to decide what to watch for movie night", Celia joyfully answers, giggling besides me on the sofa.
"The Godfather is a fucking classic, Gone with the Wind is just...awful."
"I told you I could mow the lawn in less than half an hour, shouldn't have bet against me, old man."
You start laughing loudly at her remark, earning a serious look from Negan.
"Old man my ass", he huffs and you can't hold back your tears anymore, laughing hard. Celia joins you, the both of you nearly dying of laughter.
"Very fucking funny", Negan comments, his gaze fixed on you. You can see a faint smile on his lips through your blurry eyes.
"Besides, it's one of Y/N's favorites, so you're overvoted anyway", Celia explains after she calms down again.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, she's got a thing for Rhett."
"Celia", you taunt but she just shrugs.
"It's true, isn't it?"
Your face glows with embarrassment. And there, in Negan's gaze, you find what you've expected: amusement and the knowledge of being exactly your type, older and a smug bastard. He takes off his glasses (in which he looks absolutely fuckable) and says: "Well, who am I to ruin your wet dreams."
Celia begins to laugh again, this time because of you. With cheeks redder than your brightest lipstick, you roll your eyes and leave for the kitchen.
True to his words the day you've lost your virginity to him, he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Every time you visit, he sneaks around, driving you mad with all those little touches, stolen kisses and dirty whispers. And of course ambiguous comments such as this. The last few months you've been at Negan's and Celia's every other weekend. It's nothing uncommon for Celia and you to spend lots of time together and since Uni isn't very stressful for you this semester, you're happy to leave your dorm room behind. Especially if it's in exchange for Negan's arms. The both of you find lots of occasions to make out, mostly when Celia's asleep, at work (of course she did get the job she was interviewed for after the party, you hadn't expected anything less from your best bad bitch) or meeting with Steve. They're dating, secretly so, but it's only a matter of time until both of them will be official. Your guilty conscience is your constant companion, the lies you have to tell in order to maintain your little secret keep you up at night. A week after your first time with Negan and back at Uni you've facetimed Celia to tell her (read: lie) about your one night stand with a fellow student a few days ago, losing your virginity to him. You had to tell her, this was still a big deal for you, so it came natural to make up this story. It would've been a risk to keep quiet about it, but it made this whole situation even worse for you. You don't want to lie, sneak around and fuck her dad behind her back. Though when it comes to Negan and his filthy mouth, you're not willing to stop anytime soon.
The evening comes fast. After preparing some snacks and opening a nice bottle of Sauvignon Blanc for movie night, the three of you meet in the living room for Negan's "punishment", as he likes to phrase it.
Celia crashes on Negan's holy armchair ("Such a dad thing" she always says about it), insiting on it being part of the bet. Which leaves you and Negan sitting on the sofa together. Would she have known what was going on between the two of you, she wouldn't have let you sit just a few inches away from each other. With the movie, also Negan's teasing touches start. The only light in the room is the TV, so with Celia facing it, he's searching for your hand in the dark, brushing your leg when getting some more Nachos, bumping lightly into your shoulder when taking another sip of wine. The sheer thrill of the situation leaves your heart hammering in your chest.
"Holy shit, can we please pause this nonsense for a bit? I need to take a pee", Negan requests after one and a half hours into the movie.
Celia pushes pause after giggling, giving you a much needed break from his teasing.
"I will get us another bottle of wine", you anounce shortly after Negan left for the toilet.
You open the door to the garage and head for the wine rack when you hear the door open and close again behind you.
Negan is on you in seconds, holding your face between his hands.
"You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how."
"Did you just quote Rhett Butler?" you laugh, stunned.
"Yeah, had to google this one to get it right but damn, if this isn't absolutely true with you."
He pushes you against the nearest wall, trapping your body with his frame, and kisses you. His lips are soft against yours, then his tongue pries your lips open. What follows might be the sexiest of kisses in the whole universe. Deeply, hungrily, desperately Negan claims your mouth, his erection pressed against your thigh.
"Fucking shit", you gasp when he pulls back, eyes two dark orbs, swallowing you whole.
"Told you", he pants against the skin of your neck.
It's dark in the garage and for someone who just needs to take a pee and someone who just wants to get more wine, you're both away for too long already.
With a disapproving grunt he lets go of you, readjusting his boner.
"Will you help me with this one later?"
You look down at his center, mouth watering at the prospect of taking him into yours.
"Well, that depends..."
"...on what?"
"Will you help me with this?" Your hand disappears into your skirt and underwear teasingly. Eyes momentarily closed, you roam your fingers over your wet folds, moaning lightly.
All of a sudden, Negan grabs your wrist, yanking your hand out of your panties in the process. Your eyes open in shock and you watch him bring your hand to his face. His eyes have darkened some more while he inspects your glistening fingers, before he puts them into his mouth, sucking them dry.
The sheer dominance in this gesture and his low moan while tasting you have your knees weak in a matter of seconds.
He releases your fingers, still holding your wrist.
"Easy now, princess, don't wanna tempt me to treat you just like the wanton little minx you are." His deep voice keeps spreading goosebumps all over your body.
"And...how...how would that be?"
He smiles at you then, not entirely unkind but far from soft.
"Oh princess, you sure you wanna go there?"
You nod your head, heat spreading to your core, drenching your panties in the process.
"Daddy's gonna stuff your dirty little mouth with his cock, fucking it just the way you beg him to. And when he's done with that, your pussy's next." With every of his filthy words he pushes himself harder against you and you harder against the wall, making you pant with desire. The kiss he's pressing against your jaw leaves you a moaning mess beneath him.
His glorious heat is suddenly gone, you watch him head for the door to go back inside.
"Meet me here after Celia's in bed." Not a question but an order. You look at him with a mix of arousal, excitement and nervousness. He opens the door, smirking knowingly.
"And princess? Don't forget the wine when you come back inside."
When the door closes behind him, you release the breath you seemingly have been holding in for God knows how long. You have no idea how you will survive the rest of the movie without leaking down the sofa.
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
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mrsnegan · 3 years
When It All Comes Crashing Down
[Here it is, the next part of the @band--psycho Bingo Challenge. Shit hits the fan, be warned. Drama, baby. And some smut. 😏 Btw, thank you so much for all the love and your feedback! I absolutely adore you all! 💛]
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Summary: Celia convinces you to come join her and Negan on a roadtrip which might change everything.
Square: Roadtrip
Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, daddy kink, minor violence, angst
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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"Please Y/N, come join us! This will be phenomenal! Dad and I always wanted to do a little roadtrip to the coast. Steve can't make it, but I would love for you to come with us. Pretty please?"
Your heart sinks the minute she says Negan will be there too.
"Umm, don't you think a little father/daughter roadtrip will be cooler than me joining the two of you?"
"Nah, don't chicken out, you're practically part of the family, dad won't mind you joining us. Plus, we could pick you up, it's the same direction anyways."
Pacing in your room with sweaty palms and a beating heart, you don't dare to say yes. On a roadtrip with Negan, there's no chance for the two of you to keep your hands by yourselves, you just know. And with Celia there too it feels like playing with fire - even worse. It feels like setting a whole city on fire, willingly.
"I don't know...I still have to learn for the upcoming exams."
"Haha, as if your super brain couldn't absolutely rock every exam. That's what you did in school, remember?"
Shit, Celia wouldn't leave you be, you have no other chance than to say yes.
"Ok. I will join you", you finally say, earning a triumphant laughter from the other end of the phone.
"Oh Y/N, you will definitely not regret it. It will be the best roadtrip ever!"
The "best roadtrip ever" starts off awkwardly. You take the backseat, gladly, but sitting behind Celia gives you a nice view of Negan. You glance at him, admiring his relaxed face and dimples whenever he smiles at one of Celia's jokes. From time to time he checks you out through the rear view mirror, his smile turning a tad mischievous when he locks eyes with you. The sexual tension between you is driving you mad, but you try to keep yourself busy. First with singing along to the playlist Celia put together, later by trying to nap a bit. Though you can't shake your feelings off, his presence making your blood boil.
Your first stop is a diner, not far away from the motel you will be crashing for the night. With fries, burgers and milkshakes, you celebrate the first stage of your roadtrip.
The mood is light, less awkwardly than at the beginning and you enjoy the meal in front of you.
Becoming light-headed, you take off your shoe and let your foot wander up Negan's leg under the table. He sits opposite from you and nearly chokes on his fries when you press it against his center, rubbing gently while chatting away with Celia. The adrenaline streams through your body, the risk of getting caught making you wet instantly. You keep up your little game some more seconds, before you retreat your foot, smiling at Negan innocently.
On your way back to the car, he pulls you against his strong frame in a friendly hug, but what he whispers into your ear is far away from it.
"Naughty little girl. That got you wet, didn't it? I can practically smell your need for my cock. Gonna make you work for it though."
Some hours later, you lay in bed, sharing your room with Celia because she insisted to have a little girl's sleepover. You love the idea to sleep in the same room with her, just like you did years back, but with Negan some doors down the corridor, your mind is elsewhere.
Celia already snores next to you, seemingly tired from sitting in the car for so long, and you also try to find some sleep. Just as you drift off, your phone buzzes softly on the night stand. You grab it immediately to read the incoming message, your heart beating faster with every word. Your little banter in the diner was one thing, damn risky of course, but this...
Negan: I need help with the fucking boner you gave me back in the diner, come here, princess.
Y/N: Negan, we can't...
Negan: We do, come over here. You owe me.
Y/N: Please, it's too risky. Celia's sleeping beside me, what if she wakes up?
Negan: I miss you so much, your body next to mine, my cock in your tight little pussy. I wanna kiss you so fucking hard, you don't even know. C'mon princess, don't let me down. Celia won't notice you being away for a quickie. Besides, your little game was risky as hell too and it didn't stop you.
Y/N: Why do you have to be so damn irresistible all the time? You know how much I want to fuck you.
Negan: Then let's fuck, princess. Wanna make you feel good. I know you're horny af too. Could see it in your eyes the whole day. Wanna ride my cock? Come get it, princess.
You gulp, suppressing the moan which threatens to leave your mouth. He knows damn well how to push your buttons. All this dirty talk makes you go wild and forget about the possible risks.
Y/N: Fine. I'll come over. Wait a minute.
With a hammering heart you sneak out of the room, not without taking a good look at Celia's sleeping form before you close the door behind you. As silently as possible, your feet carry you to Negan's room, you knock once and are greeted with him, only dressed in his underwear, eyes full of desire and impatience. He pulls you inside, pressing you against the wall beside the door, neither of you caring anymore if you are careful enough.
"Fucking shit, I missed this", he says while kneading the flesh of your ass. "Gonna fuck you so hard, princess."
You moan against his neck, the delicious friction of his erection against your sleeping shorts driving you crazy. You don't want to feel this needy for him, but you do, there's nothing you want more than his embrace, his love, his desire for you.
Both of you grind against the other, hot kisses and groans are shared before you push him away a bit so you can pull your shirt over you head, leaving you bare from the waist up.
"I love your tits, princess", he comments out of breath, worshipping your hardened nipples with his fingertips and then his tongue. With your head against the wall, you have to stifle your moan at his ministrations. The affect he has on you surprises you every time.
You stumble towards the bed some moments later, him hitting the sheets while you get down on your knees. His underwear is gone in an instant as your mouth closes, now impatient yourself, around his length. You bob your head up and down immediately, taking him into your throat as far as possible.
"Fuck yes, I missed your dirty little mouth", Negan groans above you, guiding your head with a tight hold on your hair.
You relish every second of it. Blowjobs with Negan always are turning you on so damn much.
When he's got enough of your mouth, he motions for you to get up, take your sleeping shorts off and straddle him on the bed.
"I know you wanna have my cock and ride me until you cum, but first I need to teach you a lesson about teasing me. You're only aloud to grind your wet pussy lips against my length, make yourself cum this way and I will gladly let you fuck me." His grin spreads from one ear to the other as you groan with frustration, though you are eager to show him how fast you will cum in order to fuck him. So you line your pussy with his length which lays proudly against his lower abdomen, moving back and forth, first slowly, then faster and faster, coating him with your arousal.
"Yeah, that's it, make yourself cum for Daddy."
Your clit grinds against his hard cock over and over again but the friction isn't quite enough for you. You need his hands on your hips to help you out, but he doesn't move a finger, just enjoys the view and the feeling of you grinding against him with his arms crossed underneath his head.
"Daddy, I need..."
"No, you don't, just...fuck...just grind harder, princess, you're already close, I can tell...or I won't stuff you with my cock."
At his words, you move with more force, a couple more heartbeats, until you finally feel your climax spilling over you, making you cream his length.
"Fuck, that's it", he moans, his hands instantly grabbing your hips, changing your position on his lap so he slides into you in one swift motion. The relieved moans you share spurr you on, riding him without mercy. He helps you set a fast pace, his hips meeting yours impatiently, over and over again until you're a groaning mess, clawing at his chest.
"Fuck Daddy, I'm gonna...", you say and grind down harder and faster. His hand travels to the nape of your neck and presses your body down to him, his mouth silencing your orgasm which shoots through your body violently. You shake on top of him, his thrusts never faltering as he chases his own release.
"Princess, I fucking love-", he begins to groan but the sudden slam of the door stops him in his tracks.
"FUCKING SHIT", Celia screams, your blood running cold at her voice behind you. You haven't recovered from your high, but the chaos unfolding sets you in motion. You climb down from Negan, covering yourself with the covers on your side of the bed while he does the same.
The silence feels threatening, the upcoming storm too much for you to bear. Your blood pumps fast, the sheen of sweat from your coupling turning cold and feeling dirty.
"This...this is a sick joke. Isn't it?" Celia asks. Her voice shakes with anger and disappointment. You can't even look her in the eyes.
"Celia it isn't how it looks, we...", Negan tries to explain as calm as possible despite his beating heart, but she doesn't have any of it.
"Just quit this bullshit, dad! For how long have you fucked her?"
He doesn't answer right away, so you do for him, because keeping all of this a secret has gotten its toll on you, you can't lie to her anymore. "Since...since the party at Steve's during spring break."
Celia looks at you furiously, laughing loudly at your answer, her hands coming up to her face.
"Fucking GREAT", she screams, "you're such a whore, fucking my dad behind my back all this time! I just knew something was off. Was it him who took your virginity? Of course, it was him, wasn't it? You're so pathetic, both of you!"
You scramble to your feet in an attempt to calm her, though it's fruitless given Celia's anger crashing down on Negan and you like a hurricane.
"Don't fucking touch me, you lying slut! You even call him Daddy while he fucks you, don't you? I want to throw up just at the thought of...urgh! You were my best friend and now THIS! How could I be so fucking stupid not to notice any of it?"
Your hand reaches for her shoulder despite her warning. You don't see her fist coming, hitting you square in the face.
"I said don't fucking touch me!"
Negan gets to his feet now too, rushing to your side to inspect your bleeding nose.
"Celia, that's enough", he bellows in a warning tone.
"You don't get to tell me when it's enough, you're such an asshole. I will pack my bags and leave, don't even think about following me! And close the fucking door properly the next time you fuck each other, how stupid can you be?"
With those words Celia turns around and storms out of the door.
As soon as she slams it shut again, you collapse on the floor, still bleeding and crying heavily.
Negan kneels down and throws his arms around you, holding you to his chest tightly while your emotions get the best of you, staining his chest with your bloody tears.
Part 6: Aftermath
Taglist: @iluvneganandjamie @happysgal @negans-attagirl @msjamesmarch @cole22ann @you-a-southpaw-doll
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mrsnegan · 3 years
Pitch Black Impala
[This is part 3 of the @band--psycho Bingo Challenge. And damn, my kinks came out to play with this one, haha. I hope you all ain't annoyed of me updating this series so fast. I go with the flow, so to say, and try to not pressure myself into writing. I write whenever my inspiration's on fire. And it definitely was with this piece of pure smut. 😅 So, have fun, I got hot and bothered while typing away, this is absolutely up my alley and I totally wrote it to entertain myself. 😁🔥]
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Warnings: lots of smut, and I mean LOTS, dom/sub, dirty talk, slight daddy kink, swearing, body fluids, rough sex, a bit of choking, a bit of spanking, all the good stuff
Square: smut - dom/sub
Summary: Negan meant what he said during movie night, fulfilling a filthy fantasy for both him and Y/N.
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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By the time the credits roll down the screen, Celia's been asleep for already half an hour, snoring peacefully.
Negan and you, on the other hand, are wide awake, stealing kisses and touches. The thrill of getting caught makes it even more delicious for you. After the little incident in the garage, you can't stop thinking about what's going to happen. Negan doesn't make the situation any more relaxed for you, because he keeps whispering sweet nothings into your ear, working you up so much you nearly straddle his legs right here.
He ends your misery when waking Celia, telling her the movie's over and you should all go to bed. She yawns audibly, nodding her head, slowly getting up and to her bedroom. You know she will be asleep again in no time.
"I'll freshen up a bit, you know where to find me", he tells you with a light kiss on your hairline, too sweet a gesture for what's to come, you think.
You get upstairs into your room to change, stripping down completely and slipping into your robe, the need to make him as desperate for you as you're for him filling your whole body with desire.
Negan already waits for you in the dark, his index finger pushed against his lips before they curl into a mischievous grin.
You let the door close behind you, heart hammering uncontrollably.
"Hi", you stupidly say, intimidated by his big frame in the dark.
"You're too sweet, princess", he chuckles. He walks towards you, kissing you softly. The taste of wine and desire mixed with a faint hint of smoke clouds your mind.
"You sure?" Negan asks you while his thumbs draw lazy lines against you cheeks.
"Yes, daddy."
His chuckle sounds rich and promising in your ears.
"Cupcakes", you answer him and earn a soft laugh.
"Alright, sweetcheeks."
Negan walks back to his original position. Now that your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, you see him leaning against the hood of his pitch black Chevrolet Impala from 1967. That car has always been a big turn-on for you. Seeing Negan cleaning it or driving around has made for a nice fantasy at night while you touched yourself to the thought of him fucking you on the...
The recognition of what's going to happen makes your mouth turn into a soft "O", heat pooling between your thighs.
"How did you...", you start, but Negan interrupts you.
"Have you seen your pretty face whenever you come near this baby?" His hand caresses nothing but gently over his car, emphasizing what he could do to your body.
"You always look like such a needy little thing, ready to spread your legs and get fucked real good."
A small moan spills between your lips at his words.
"Yeah, fucking thought so. Now c'mere and get on your knees for me."
At first you can't move, too high on adrenaline and desire to even comprehend what he's ordered, but one look into his eyes and you comply. On your way towards him, you unbuckle the belt of your robe, letting it drift open and over your shoulders. It falls to the ground soundlessly.
"Damn, naughty girl", Negan comments on your naked body in front of him.
With another few steps you reach him and are greeted with his hand against your skull, pushing you down to your knees impatiently.
Your hands open his trousers, all the while your eyes are fixed on his. When he's free of his underwear too, you take a good look at his impressive, rock-hard length right in front of your face. Your shaky inhale of breath makes him chuckle above you.
"It's all for you, now beg for my cock. I know you wanna suck it really, really badly, you're always so hungry for it."
His dirty words do things to you, another moan filling the silence.
You're too far gone to move even a finger, so Negan's right hand gets a strong hold of your hair while his left takes his cock and pushes it against your lips.
"I said, beg for it." His voice his dominant and dark, making you obey.
"Please Daddy", you whisper.
"Please what?"
"Fuck my mouth, please." Your cheeks burn with embarrassment of begging him to use you like that, though your glistening pussy tells otherwise.
"Told you I'll get you to beg", Negan says and you instantly open your mouth for him as he pushes your head down, choking you with his length with the first thrust.
He pulls out of you completely before slamming himself into your welcoming mouth again, repeating the action over and over again. Your eyes start to water at the instruction, drool dripping down your chin, but you love every second of it. He's fucking your mouth just as he promised you, delivering unrelenting thrusts, surely relishing in the way you choke on him, your gurgling sounds echoing in the garage. You can't stop looking at his face, full of pleasure and dominance. The need to touch yourself is strong, stronger than ever before and although you Negan won't like it, you can't stop yourself from running your fingers through your wet folds, moaning around his length.
He instantly pulls your head off of him, his eyes dark.
"Did I tell you to touch yourself?"
Your head shakes in his tight grip, the roots of your hair on fire with the force he's literally holding you in the palm of his hand.
"Get up", he commands, letting go of your head.
He watches you while you stand up on your wobbly legs, your face a mess of spit and tears.
"Damn, now you look exactly like the dirty little slut you are."
You shouldn't be this turned on by his dominant nature, you shouldn't enjoy this so much, but you do, lord forgive, you do.
Negan's wide smile makes your knees weak, just like a predator would look at its prey.
He steps out of his trousers and also pulls his shirt over his head, leaving him bare and gloriously handsome in front of you.
"Bend over the hood, princess. And hold on tight because that sweet pussy of yours will be creaming my cock in no time."
You nearly cum at his words, clenching your thighs together in an attempt to gain some friction.
Of course you do as he says, bending over the cold hood of his precious car. This is kinky as shit but you love it.
"Fuck, look at you, all obedient and shit for Daddy. And that ass of yours, damn."
His hands massage the round globes of your ass, making you wiggle from side to side. You earn a sharp slap for your actions, moaning a bit louder than before.
"Don't be greedy, princess", he taunts before he pushes your legs apart some more. His fingers spread your cheeks while he takes a good look at your glistening pussy, his chuckles vibrates through your whole body.
At his surprisingly light touch to you center, you whimper, the sound pathetic in your own ears.
"Fucking hell, you've never been this wet before. You like being treated roughly, do you? Always knew you were kinky, lucky for you it was me who took your innocence away to show you what you really are: a dirty fucking girl, begging me to fuck her into the next week."
There's so much truth to his statement, you're ashamed of yourself and also turned on to the max. With shaking legs, dripping cunt and beating heart you're waiting for his length to dive into you. But nothing happens, he only seems to watch you clench around nothing, arousal dripping down your legs, hands braced on the hood of the car.
"Don't scratch the paint, princess, or I'll need to punish you", he warns, his voice stern.
There's only time for one nod, then he thrusts himself into you to the hilt. You nearly scream at the force, his hand comes crashing down on your mouth to stifle your sounds. He's setting a fast and unrelenting pace, driving you back against him, skin slapping against skin, deliriously pumping himself into you.
You can't keep up with his thrust and collapse forward, panting heavily, your messy face smearing against the hood of the Impala, his hand pressing you down some more. He'll definitely make you clean that up later.
For long minutes he fucks into you with abandon, driving your lust for him into heights you've never experienced before, his hands sure to leave marks on your hips. Finally, his right hand wanders between your legs, rubbing you just right, and your whole body convulses. The orgasm he gifts you with is taking over your body, your mind, your soul, you don't even register you're pressed against his chest all of a sudden, his mouth covering yours to swallow your cries.
"Turn around", he breathes into your ear, nearly stilling inside of you before he pulls away.
You do as he says, trembling visibly, and he helps you up, sitting you on the hood, your legs dangling either side of him.
He's in you again in no time, his gaze wandering between where you're joined and your face.
"Shit, princess...you've no idea...how amazing your tight little...pussy feels. So slick...so fucking hot", he mumbles between his powerful thrusts. You hands grip his upper arms tightly, your nails leaving half-moon marks.
"D-daddy", you moan, your sensitive channel sucking him into you deeper. "I'm gonna..."
"Not yet", he orders, picking up his pace again, the Impala unterneath you shaking with his ministrations.
"But I need..."
"I said no!" His left hand grips your throat possively, restricting your breathing just slightly. You gasp for air, involuntarily clenching around his dick, earning a thick moan from him.
There's no way out, nowhere to escape his dominance, you're his with every part of you.
As soon as his fingers find your clit and rub it harshly, you moan deeply, your body betraying you once again.
"P-please", you stutter as best as you can.
"Cum for me princess, all over my dick."
It's the order and of course him rubbing your clit in tight, punishing circles which drives you over the edge. He lets go off your throat and the much needed oxygen intensifies your high, you nearly faint by the sheer force of it. You feel him slow down his thrusts, but he doesn't stop rubbing you furiously, your orgasm blending into another, much more powerful one, which nearly knocks you back.
"Negan...", you moan, your eyes shut tightly. He pulls out just in time for you to squirt over the hood of the Impala.
"Holy shit", he hollers, catching your collapsing body against his strong frame, letting you catch your breath for some moments, sucking and biting wherever his mouth can reach.
"Get down on your knees, mouth open", he whispers into your ear, this time softer than before.
You comply, totally spend and shaking, looking up at him. He fists himself fast until he comes with a roar and your name leaving his lips, painting your face and the insides of your mouth in his cum. You suck him off without waiting for his command, cleaning him up hungrily. The shaky breath you're greeted with excites you to the core, and even if you're absolutely wrecked, the flaming desire for him doesn't ebb away.
Negan helps you up, kisses your swollen lips without caring about his cum on your face. With any other man you would've been disgusted, but Negan, well, he's definitely not any other man, pushing you to your limits, literally, and making you enjoy the filth of it all.
"You're such a sight for sore eyes, all dirty, all mine. Do you know how privileged you are, having the honor of getting fucked on my baby here? You're the first one, believe it or not, after tonight I can finally check this off my list", he tells you proudly. "You did so good for me."
You watch him reach for a towel on one of the shelves beside him with which he softly and carefully cleans up your face and between your sensitive thighs before he cleans himself too.
Leaning against the hood again, you observe him picking up your robe, helping you into it a heartbeat later.
"We'll clean your mess up tomorrow, the Impala has seen some dirtier things on the road", he says, scooping you up into his arms. "Let's get you into bed, princess, I'm tired as shit."
You laugh at his gesture and lean your head against his shoulder.
"You're a keeper, I hope you know that", he whispers into your ear. The soft tone of his voice almost makes you doubt if he said anything at all.
Part 4: Calm Before The Storm
Taglist: @iluvneganandjamie @happysgal
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mrsnegan · 3 years
Calm Before The Storm
[Part 4 of the @band--psycho Bingo Challenge is here! Let the rollercoaster ride of conflicting feelings and broken hearts begin. 😅]
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Warnings: mentions of smut, fluff, angst, some swearing
Square: Cookies
Summary: Negan surprises Y/N, not knowing their little meet-up ends in an uncomfortable conversation for the both of them.
Part 1: Dirty Little Secret
Part 2: Movie Night
Part 3: Pitch Black Impala
Part 6: Aftermath
Part 7: Drunk
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"I miss talking to you."
"You talk to me right now", he chuckles at the other end of the phone.
"No, I mean person to person, looking at you, watching you laugh loudy when I tell a bad joke." Your fingers keep playing with the hem of your dress, nervously so.
"Oh Y/N, I miss this too. I also miss your pretty smile and your beautiful, beautiful pussy."
You laugh loudly at his remark, but your heart keeps still beating fast.
"Take your mind out of the gutter, Negan, just for once."
"Alright, alright! I made cookies yesterday. Those chocolate ones you love so much."
"You're mean! Telling me all about the cookies and I can't eat them."
"Well princess, open the door", he suggests, the smile in his voice inevitably there.
"Huh? How will opening my door bring those cookies to me?" you ask him, but non the less stand up to open it.
And there he stands, phone in one hand, a big box in the other.
"Wha-", you try to say, but he's already at you, pushing you through your open door back into the room. The phone lands on the nearest table, the cookies too, before he closes the door behind him and presses your body against it. His grin is unbelievably sexy, his eyes sparkle with delight.
"Surprise, princess", he lowly says, kissing you without further explanation, deeply, hungrily, like a man starving.
It doesn't take long for the both of you to land in your bed, stripped off your clothes in the process. Negan worships every part of your body with light kisses and gentle touches, the contrast to your filthy fucking in his garage a few weeks ago.
The semester has had you in its fangs recently, too many assignments and tests to relax and visit Celia - and Negan. You should have known the semester won't go as smooth as it started after spring break, though Negan preoccupied your thoughts and clouded everything in a hazy shade of bubblegum pink. The last few weeks consisted of phone calls, text messages and FaceTime dates, most of which ended in an orgasm for the both of you. In the time between his calls and texts, you were busy not losing track of your uni work. It was a spiral of sorts, leaving no room for other things in your head and free time. Of course you made sure to contact Celia as often as possible, your apologies for not answering her as usual contained uni and your tight schedule when in reality it was her dad who kept you from having time to get back to her. You felt like shit for being like this, for turning into a woman you've always hated. But with him on top of you now, you forget every little doubt, even push aside the unmistakable feeling of falling for him head over heels.
You draw lazy circles on the sweaty skin of his chest afterwards, trying to get your breathing to a normal level again. Sex with him feels incredibly intensive, it doesn't matter if he's rough or gentle, fast or slow, somehow he's touching the right points everytime you're sleeping with him. He's like a drug, keeping you at the highest point possible, enlarging your experience, deepening it, coloring your thoughts and feelings in the most vibrant colors. That's what it feels like to fall in love, you just know. And it scares the shit out of you.
Negan gets up to get the box of cookies, snuggling next to you some moments later and feeding you his delicious treats.
"They're fantastic as always", you manage to say between chewing, the bits of chocolate in them practically melting on your tongue.
"Thanks, princess. I thought of you while making them. Turned out a bit sweeter than anticipated, but that's just fitting, isn't it?"
You smile at him warmly, enjoying this peaceful moment to the fullest. You could definitely get used to eating cookies in bed with him every day.
"For real, how did you manage to sneak in here? I've never told you my room number or anything."
His deep laugh lets your heart beat a tad faster, his answer surprisingly honest.
"Well, figured out how to find your address in Celia's phone."
"No, you didn't."
"Yeah, I did." His smug grin makes you speechless.
"That's...Negan, really, you shouldn't have done that."
"Yeah, maybe, but now I know where to find you. I couldn't just ask you, could I? Would have ruined the surprise. And bonus, I know who Steve is."
You smack him lightly, absolutely horrified with him spying at his daughter.
"That's not OK. It's her private space you're invading and she's old enough anyway to make her own decisions."
"So you knew about him?" he asks without sounding mad or anything. Just curious.
You nod your head yes, trying to formulate an answer.
"For a while actually. Steve is a cool guy, decent and funny, you don't have to stress about him, really. She's happy with him."
"And why didn't she tell me then?"
"Because you're her dad and she knows you very well. Guess she wanted to enjoy being in love first before her boyfriend will be tested to the bones."
"Rightfully so! She's my little girl, always will be. I can't have some fucking jerk breaking her heart."
Somehow his answer stings. There's no way to not project it onto you. And if you're fully honest with yourself, this whole situation between Negan and you has the potential to break hearts too, Celia's in particular, yours probably too.
"He's a good guy, really. You don't have to be over-protective."
Negan turns to you fully, studying your face.
"Maybe you're right. I just don't want her hurt, you know..."
"Then what are we doing here, Negan?" You haven't had the intention to speak about your affair and the possible consequences, but your feelings get the best of you anyway.
"What do you mean?" His brown eyes look at you so innocently, for a second you get lost in them.
"This right here, as soon as Celia will find out, she will be furious. I...I ask myself more and more if breaking her heart is the way to go...and it will be broken when she finds out."
Negan huffs, not expecting you to start this conversation with him.
"Then we make sure she doesn't."
The laughter that starts low in your belly, paving its way up until it leaves your mouth in hysteric pants, shocks even yourself a bit.
As Negan sits up, eyeing you confused, you try to calm down again. With your laughter, the tears start forming in your eyes.
"So that's what I'm to you, even after all these months. Just your dirty little secret which needs to be kept in the dark."
"No, you're..."
He's lost for words for once, certainly not comfortable with you going there.
"What am I to you? You know what? For me you're more than just a fuck buddy. I contemplated a long time if I should tell you, but I'm sick of hiding and of hurting Celia without her knowing. I think I fell in love with you, hard. It's you I'm thinking about before falling asleep, it's you I think about when I get up in the morning. It's...it's not just the sex, the sex is phenomenal, but this...we have a real connection, and I'm not...I can't be just a secret affair to you anymore. Either we tell her or we..."
His lips are on yours, shutting you up successfully. You can feel his urge to put into the kiss what he might not be able to say to you. It isn't enough for you, but maybe enough for the moment to calm your nerves.
His lips leave yours after an eternity, his forehead pressed against yours.
"We'll figure this shit out, alright? Don't..." He gulps, sorting his words in his head. "Don't let this end."
A single tear travels down your cheek, Negan wipes it away softly and feels you nodding your head.
"We will find a way to...fucking hell, I have to idea. But I know I need you in my life."
"We need to tell her, Negan."
"Shit princess, please give me some time to figure this out, OK?"
You nod again, your head traveling to the crook of his neck, burying your face there to inhale his intoxicating scent.
Of course you have wished to hear something different from him, but it's complicated, this whole thing between you two, you can't expect him to have an answer right away, a solution. Or can you?
His fingers ghost over the skin of your neck, your shoulders, lulling you into a peaceful state of mind. Deep down you sense what he's feeling for you, at least you hope your inner compass doesn't mislead you. You just hope the both of you will find the strength to openly fight for each other, in the midst of the upcoming storm you're sure to be faced with sooner or later.
Part 5: When It All Comes Crashing Down
Taglist: @iluvneganandjamie @happysgal @negans-attagirl @msjamesmarch @cole22ann
152 notes · View notes
gryffindors-weasley · 3 years
Paperbacks and Love Letters
Ron Weasley x Reader
Summary: On a gloomy day, you and Ron keep up your tradition at the bookstore in town.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: brief mentions of injury, fluff, kissing, a little bit of swearing
Square Filled: Bookstore AU
A/N: This is one of my fics on my bingo card for @band--psycho bingo writing challenge!!
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The weather was chilly as you walked together, the layers of puffy gray clouds offering no warmth from the sun but you suppose that’s just how you like it on a day like this. Ron’s hand had enveloped yours, the warmth of his palm serving as just enough heat to keep you from shivering too much despite your jacket and sweater. The birds chirped regardless of the gloominess and the little town you lived on the very edge of had still been very much frequented, people filtering in and out of bakeries and cafes before morning turned to afternoon. It was a sweet little place, comfortable and just right for the two of you.
You took the leap and moved there just two years prior, in love with the normalcy and the peace it radiated. Of course, magic was confined to just your home considering it was not commonplace or even imagined to be real there, but you hadn’t minded it. Though you must admit, the adjustment was one not easily made, especially for Ron. On more than one occasion he found himself levitating sugar packets from a nearby table at the cafe when there weren’t any at yours, his eyes going wide and your laughter stifled upon realization. Or the time he’d fixed a broken street lamp with a murmur and a flick of his finger on your walk home one night, his cheeks burning red when it caught the attention of an elderly couple as he hid his amusement by kissing your temple, laughing into your hair.
Regardless of the mishaps and the feeling of homesickness in the beginning, it was absolutely perfect and more than you could ever ask for. With the moss and vines on the walls of old stone homes, and the wildflowers sprouting up from cracks in the sidewalk. Or the lanterns on buildings glowing warmly and the way no two houses will ever look like another. The rolling hills around you were far more beautiful than one could imagine, especially now as the fog from the inclement weather settles and blankets them. Everybody there had known each other and while the two of you had yet to get there, had yet to branch out from your own little world, everyone there had been kind and welcoming.
You found yourself stopping your stride in front of a familiar shop window, far too distracted by the scarf on display just on the other side of the glass. You were tugged only slightly when Ron hadn’t expected the sudden stop, your arm outstretched until he came back closer to your side. You looked in the little boutique curiously for a few moments, Ron standing patiently by your side as he looked at you. He knew you’d been eyeing that scarf, your eyes wandered to it each and every time you passed by that little place whether you were aware of it or not. He was going to get it for you one of these times, it made you far too happy not to.
“Sorry,” you laugh softly, cheeks tinging pink as you lean up to press a kiss on his cheek. His smile was instant as he squeezed your hand, your journey to the little bookstore just around the corner continuing.
He nearly tripped over his own two feet being so caught up in staring at you fondly, his cheek tingling from the kiss you’d pressed there seconds before.
“You think they’ll have anything new?” He asks, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a teasing smile as he squints against the breeze. “Considering we were just there last week.”
You tilt your head and bite the inside of your cheek to hide your smile in favor of trying to look annoyed at his statement. But, your efforts proved to futile the more you looked at him, your nose scrunching in a last ditch effort to be so displeased, one completely dissolved as he kissed your cheek and laughed softly against your skin.
“Yes, Ron, they always have something new,” you sigh, “besides, it’s tradition after all.”
It was true. Each and every time there was a gloomy day such as this, the bookstore in your little town was always paid a visit should your schedules allow. The two of you would pick out one book each for the other, and should there be two rainy days in a row, you would go for the sake of browsing with a mug of their hot chocolate.
The two of you had met in a bookstore actually— Flourish and Blotts to be exact. It was the summer before fourth year, Diagon Alley bustling with students both new and experienced. The imperfect and cozy shop was crowded with children and their parents, so much so you’d think there’d have been a book signing of some sort. You couldn’t hardly go five steps without knocking elbows with someone, and that someone was Ron.
He’d bumped into you, the books into your hand sent tumbling to the ground unceremoniously. All you’d seen was a mess of red hair at first as he dipped down to help retrieve both his books and yours, a flustered apology leaving his lips. Then he’d looked up at you through pale ginger lashes, eyes blue and apologetic and cheeks a shade to rival his hair. First he’d given you his own books on accident, realizing his mistake and handing you yours with a nervous laugh and yet another apology. At the time, all you could do was laugh and even more so now when you thought back to it.
He claimed he hadn’t even wanted to be there, that his mother always made him and his siblings go each and every year since he’d been eleven. But the two books he clutched in his hand, one on the history of magic and the other on the art of quidditch had told you that maybe he hadn’t been as displeased as he let on.
Your conversation wasn’t terribly long when a boisterous and matronly voice had called out to him from the first floor, deepening the shade in his cheeks. He found he hadn’t wanted to stop talking to you for whatever reason that may have been, he wasn’t quite sure at the time. What he was sure of was the way he’d tripped over his shoelace, sending one of his books to tumble over the railing and bonk his brother on the head, leaving him to bid you goodbye in a trail of flustered embarrassment.
Needless to say, that hadn’t been the last time you’d seen Ron Weasley, it was the start of something more meaningful than you could have imagined it to be.
You turned the corner to find the ever familiar shop nestled cozily between the bakery and the post office. The door wasn’t propped open as it normally would have been due to the expected rain, Ron having held it open for you instead. Immediately you’d been hit with the familiar smell of hot chocolate and the forever imprinted scent of old books, the pages of a few books propped open on display flittering and crinkling with the gust of the breeze that had blown in from outside. The crooked shelves had been packed with books both used and brand new, some having been so full that the very wood beneath them had been permanently bowed under the constant weight and wear and tear.
Stacks of books that hadn’t fit had sat on the floor, even more residing in cardboard boxes as labels of their genre are scribbled into torn pieces of paper, taped to their respective shelves.
“Looks the same to me,” Ron teased, if only to get under your skin just to see you smile.
You huff out a sigh and swat his arm, the smile he so longed to see making its reappearance as he laughed softly in the quiet space. Unbeknownst to you, there had already been a book he’d had his sights on the very last time you were there barely six days ago. There was no need for him to linger and search, he knew it to be his book of choice for you.
“It absolutely doesn’t and you know it,” You murmur quietly, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
He took a moment to look at you fondly; he always found himself doing that but he doesn’t quite know how anyone couldn’t. To him, that was simply impossible. “I’ll be right back, love, okay?”
You nod with a smile and it was then that you parted reluctantly, a sweet kiss pressed to your cheek once more and your fingertips brushing as your hands let go of the other. The familiar warmth in your palm was noticeably absent now as he disappeared down another aisle and under a door frame lined with books overhead, and your attention soon focused on the book you’d hoped was still there for him.
You wander down your treasured aisle of choice, the old wooden floorboards creaking under your foot falls as you navigate the shop. A smile graces your lips upon seeing the sign, tattered and torn, ‘History’ scrawled on it in blue ink. There was a shelf unseen by most, if not all the people who frequented this place. It was tucked behind a shelf of books on the art and history of literature, almost intentionally hidden. Unbeknownst to just anyone but the two of you, the owner of the shop herself had been just as magically gifted as you, so she’d saved all the books on real magic just for you both to revel in should you wish to.
Scooting the other books away, you’d spotted it in a heartbeat, plucking it from its shelf. ‘The Intricacies and Defense Against Dark Magic’ was printed across the cover in curled golden letters, and it was just the one you’d been looking for. Granted, it wasn’t necessarily a book one would read simply for leisure more so than to learn from it. But it was always of interest to Ron, history of magic as a whole for that matter. Defense Against the Dark Arts always held the leading title as his favorite course at Hogwarts.
He was quick to reappear the same way he’d left just minutes earlier, already knowing just what he’d wanted, his smile beaming when he found you as a paper bag with your book inside was clutched in his hand. It was only when you smiled at him that he was utterly spellbound, something so utterly enamoring that he’d tipped over the stack of extra books sitting on the floor. They toppled over and clattered in the otherwise quiet shop, his cheeks flushing a rosy pink as you fight your soft laughter.
“Bloody hell,” he murmurs as he drops to his knees and gathers them up quickly, stacking them almost the way they’d been before his clumsy lovestruck encounter. The sight alone reminded you of that very first day you met ten years before.
The amusement was clear on your face the moment he stood to his feet again, his hair falling over his eyes briefly before he swept it away again. He pursed his lips at your expression, his own grin breaking through just as quickly. You simply shook your head, leaning on your toes to greet him with a kiss.
“Hey,” he murmured against your lips with a laugh, noses bumping lightly.
“Hey,” you smile, “‘m almost done.”
He nods as your gaze averts back to the shelf, his hand slipping into yours. With his book tucked under your arm and out of his view, you continued to look at the selection curiously. You found books on healing potions and spells, and of course numerous books on herbology to pair with them. Healing always seemed to be your strong suit, Ron didn’t give you much choice with his quidditch matches—he’d always get bumps and bruises somehow no matter how smoothly they went.
There were books that focused more extensively on magical creatures and how to care for them, more than could ever possibly be covered at Hogwarts. A few other potions books sat stacked next to those, it’s letters glowing and swirling on the spines of each one. And the very last were divination books. That had always been amongst your favorites, though only if the questions were all in good fun. You were blissfully content to keep your future unknown both then and now, though when Luna nearly told you of Ron’s feelings that year he grew cherry red. You hadn’t known what was wrong with him at the time but you suppose it all made sense now.
With a quiet sigh you look to your right, spotting Ron trace the tip of his finger along the spines of the books in front of him curiously, plucking one out to look at it before putting it back. You smiled softly as you admired him for a moment before turning back to pull the cover over the shelf.
“You ready?” You ask, and he grins at you with a nod.
“‘M ready.”
With that, you pay at the counter after he’d promised not to look, making your leave to go back home.
The rain had come that evening as expected, having held out long enough for you to get home before it fell in a downpour. It was constant as it pelted against you little cottage, the wind whipping and the occasional flash of lightning illuminating briefly. It was the kind of weather you wouldn’t want to be caught in, but still proving to be cozy when you had the luxury of tucking yourself away and listening to it.
You’d since exchanged your books with one another just moments ago, your paper bag having yet to be opened as it sat there at the foot of the bed. Ron had been somewhere about the house, you weren’t quite sure where as you pulled a shirt of his over your head, slipping on the fuzziest socks you could find in your shared dresser drawer.
It was then that you finally grabbed the bag, the paper crinkling in your hands as you unfolded it and peered inside. Excitement bloomed within you at the sight of the cover, the book quickly in your hands as you tossed the bag to the side without care for where it’d landed in that moment. It was a paperback book, the very fantasy novel you’d been wanting for quite some time. It’s spine was worn and cracked and the cover creased with wear and tear, the pages yellowed with its age. Just inside, a name had been crossed out with a permanent marker; the name of the previous and perhaps only other owner you assumed. Used or not, it did not matter to you the condition, though the aging it wore was something you felt added to its very charm.
Your smile was endless at that point, the tattered book clutched in your hands as you admired it for a few fleeting moments. It was when you opened it, when you flipped through the pages that there was something more to it than just that. Your heart skipped a beat when a torn slip of paper fluttered out, floating to the bed. At first you’d thought it’d been something left behind within it, it’d been a used book after all so that wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. But upon taking it in your hand and flipping it over you knew exactly what it was, how could you not?
The handwriting of the love of your life was one you could pick out amongst thousands with ease; it was a tad messy and curved, it was Ron’s.
On it, it read—
“Hey love. I’ve had this book on my mind for the last six days ever since I saw it, and I knew I had to get it. I know how much you’ve been wanting it. There was even a flower pressed between the pages, I’ve saved that one for you.
Anyways, I love you so much. Like, really, you’re the love of my life. I fall in love with you each time you smile at me. Even after all these years, you still have me dropping my books. Before I run out of room, just wanted to say that I love our tradition, and I love you.”
It felt as though your cheeks could start hurting from your constant smiling that day as you held the note fondly to your chest, heart beating wildly as if it’s the first time he’d ever told you of such things. Every time he said them felt like the first.
With your note and book grasped in your hand, you rush down the hall as his words replayed in your mind. You descended the stairs as fast as your fluffy socks would allow, hopping down the last wooden step in a matter of moments. Your smile beaming and bright as you spotted your lover in the chair at the very corner of the living room. His striped shirt was gone and his pajama pants on, his reading glasses sitting cutely on the bridge of his freckled nose. It took him all but a second or two to notice your presence and your smile, his own tugging at the corners of his mouth immediately to form an equally bright grin.
You held up the ripped piece of paper, your smile turning giddy as you thought to the words written so tenderly on it once more.
“When did you write this?” You ask, your smile more than apparent in your voice as you fight to stifle your giggle. He sits up a bit more now, the corner of his mouth quirking up a bit higher at the sight of it.
“When did you write this?” He counters with a raised brow, holding up his own ripped piece torn from the same sheet of paper, sweet words of your own affections scribbled onto it. So that’s why there was a lone and torn page on the nightstand. It all clicked now. You bit your lip to keep from grinning like an absolute fool but your valiant attempts rapidly betrayed you as you knew they would.
His smile widened as your laughter mingled in the space and you’re quick to cross the room and pad over to him, to dip down and kiss him as your hand settles gently on his cheek. It was fleeting and sweet and followed by another before you pulled away, his hand grabbing your own and pulling you to his lap. The squeal his sudden action elicited was just as quickly silenced with another kiss, the glasses he wore now falling lower.
“For being tradition, we’re quite unpredictable, aren’t we?” He murmurs, smiling against your lips. Your laughter is warm against his own, another kiss expected by that point.
“I guess not,” you laugh softly, pushing his glasses back up from the tip of his nose. Your giggles continued, however, leading him to the fair conclusion that something else had been on your mind.
“What is it?” He asks.
You grin up at him, brushing his hair from his eyes. “I find it funny how you’ve needed glasses to read since you were seventeen and it took until we’re twenty-four for you to tell me.”
He tips his head back at your words, letting it fall against the headrest of the recliner. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Nope,” you said, laughter in your tone as he looks at you once more. You adjust the frames with contentment, your thumb brushing over his cheek.
Things fall silent for a few moments, your once teasing grin turning to that of an adoring one as you twirl a chunk of his hair around your finger softly, the glow of the lamp making it seem near golden. His hand came up and enveloped overtop of yours, fingers intertwining.
“Thank you for my book,” you whisper, eyes crinkling from your excited smile at the mere thought of it. “I love it and I love you.”
His thumb brushes over your palm as his cheeks stain a soft pink, the grin playing on his lips the softest it could ever be. “Thank you for mine, darling. I love it and I love you.”
You lean up and kiss him once more, tender and loving as every ounce of love you held for one another is shared in that very moment. One more kiss before you tucked yourself against him, your tattered flannel blanket settled over the both of you as he snags the beloved book from your hand gingerly. With a kiss pressed to your forehead he opens to the first page, your fingers dancing across each and every freckle smattered on his chest as he read aloud. In that moment you knew this was your forever. As his arm looped around you and his cheek pressed to the top of your head, as the rain trickled down the windows and the way he stopped every now and then to see if you’d fallen asleep. It was your forever.
It was your tradition, paperbacks and love letters.
Tags: @vogueweasley @anchoeritic @ch0colatefr0gs @amourtentiaa @hahee154hq @snitches-at-dawn @dracosathenaeum @lupinsclassroom @harrysweasleys @awritingtree @writeroutoftime
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band--psycho · 3 years
Bingo writing Challenge
Ahh I’m so excited to hosting my first ever bingo challenge for my 1.5k follower celebration (thank you all again!🥰)
I’ve spent the past few days creating the bingo boards and I’ve finished them all now, so all that’s left is the rules for the challenge.
Each card has 9 different prompts on it, the goal is to write a story for each square.
When you receive your bingo card, if there’s a prompt on there that you are not comfortable with writing/can’t work with, you can request to have it changed (I’ll only do this for two prompts though). You will then receive a new card with the new prompt(s) on it.
Prompts CANNOT be combined-you will need to create an individual story, drabble or moodboard for each prompt. They also all need to be new.
There’s no pressure to fill in all the squares; if you can only fill in two squares that’s perfectly okay.
When I have a few stories submitted, I’ll begin to make a masterlist where all the stories that are written will be.
The minimum word count for this challenge is 350, there is no maximum so go wild!
The end date for this challenge is September 1st but if you need that date to extended that’s perfectly fine and we can talk about that when you receive your bingo card.
Any genre/theme goes for this challenge-just remember to put the appropriate warnings with each story.
Any character from any fandom is allowed-likewise if you’re whole board is just for one particular character that’s okay too!
When you finished a story be sure to tag me in it and use the band—psychos bingo challenge tag. If I haven’t commented and rebloged your story within 72 hours, feel free to drop me a message.
In regards to rules, I think that’s pretty much everything if you have any questions just message me. 💛
This challenge is now closed but you can find the masterlist here with the works of the writers that are taking part! Enjoy! 💛
Tagging the people who were interested:
@xacatalepsyx @little-diable @darthwheezely @xbreezymeadowsx @gryffindors-weasley @mrsnegan @probably-peeves @abadamn @talsiaa @impala1967dwinchester @hotdamnhunnam @drabblewithfrannybarnes @heloisedaphnebrightmore @tf77 
(If you want to take part but haven’t been tagged just drop me a message!)
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band--psycho · 3 years
Bingo Challenge~Update~
Tumblr’s deciding to be very glitchy and isn’t notifying me when people tag me in a story for the bingo challenge, so if you’ve written any stories that I haven’t liked & reblogged can you please message me with a link to those stories ! I love you all and I really enjoy reading the stories you’re all writing 💛 I’m also extending the deadline to December 1st 2021!
Tagging everyone who’s taking part in the challenge:
@little-diable @elvish-sky @hotdamnhunnam @xbreezymeadowsx @talsiaa @gryffindors-weasley @drabblewithfrannybarnes @darthwheezely @heloisedaphnebrightmore @abadamn @xacatalepsyx @leah-halliwell92 @theweasleyslut @impala1967dwinchester @barneswidow @smediumsmeatbae @outer-banks-bitches @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @may85
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elvish-sky · 3 years
Bingo Challenge Masterlist
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for @band--psycho ‘s 1.5 Followers Bingo Challenge, which I’m delighted to be a part of!
Movie Quote-
Alternate Ending-
Being Lost/Found-
Beach- The Best Day {Legolas x Reader, Modern AU}
‘You can’t do this’-
Mutual Pining-
Crime/Mafia AU-
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