#bakery romance
illuminatingfacts · 4 months
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tofuingho · 1 year
What if instead of absorbing Plasmius making Dan evil and destructive, it makes Dan obsessed with adopting Danny.
Dan traveling back in time to before Danny's birth and setting himself up as part of Jack's family. Proving that the Fentons are unfit parents. Adopting/fostering Jazz and Danny.
Or maybe he just straight up kidnaps them.
Either way:
Dan raising Danny and Jazz in Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, or Fawcett. Each city has their own potential plot points.
But, I want Dan to own/operate a bakery.
The one scene I have is: Hero-as-civilian walks into a cute bakery. Immediately sees a guy that's fucking scary and clearly not entirely human. Hero is very concerned that this guy is up to no good, so he pretends to be oblivious. He starts talking to Dan, but Dan's about as chatty as a brick wall. Suddenly, he hears a little pat-a-pat-a-pat and then there's two little hands poking up over the counter making an uppies gesture. This terrifying man reaches down and picks up an adorable toddler, sets him on his hip, and gives him a cookie.
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hirmienworld · 8 months
November 2023 BL'S lineup
Last update: 07/11/23
November 2023 looks packed with new BLs, seriously, it's like they all agreed to air around the same time. There will be a lot of competition.
Twins - November 3 - TRAILER
2. Middleman's Love - November 10 - TRAILER
3. Last Twilight - November 10 - TRAILER
4. A Breeze of Love - November 10 - TRAILER (region locked)
5. Beyond the Star - November 11 - TRAILER
6. Playboyy - November 16 - TRAILER
7. Pit Babe - November 17 - TRAILER
8. Bake me Please - November 19 - TRAILER
9. 7 Days before Valentine - November 22 - TRAILER
10. VIP Only - November 24 - TEASER
11. The Sign - November 25 - TEASER
12. Cooking Crush - November 26 - TRAILER
13. The Whisperer - November 26 - TRAILER
14. For Him - November 30 - PILOT
15. Sahara-sensei & Tori-kun - November 30 -
Ending in November:
If it's with you - November 1
I Feel You Linger In The Air - November 3
Dangerous Romance - November 3
Venus in the Sky - November 4
I Cannot Reach You - November 6
Kiseki: dear to me - November 7
You Are Mine - November 10
One Room Angel - November 30
Scheduled for November but without a date:
Night Dream - TEASER
Boyy of God - TEASER
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champagnexowishes · 1 year
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 9 months
Watched a movie called... I forget what, I'm not at work, but it's about a woman with her own bakery delivering a cake to an event and mistaking an upper crust guy for a member of the waitstaff team. He helps her get the cake inside without correcting her assumption, and they hit it off.
They later meet at a coffeeshop later, and a relationship ensues. All the while the guy hides who he really is-- the son of the big league developer trying to kick the bakery and other small businesses out of their building in order to bulldoze it and build some fancy oceanfront condos.
The bakery owner becomes the face of the grassroots protests over the whole thing, and the guy tries to talk his dad out of the development. The guy's ex finds out who he's dating and engineers a reveal to expose him to the bakery girl.
They fight, break up, guy tries to make it up to her, the dad eventually abandons the bulldozing plan, and they eventually live happily ever after.
Here's the thing, the upper crust guy screams Lena, obviously, but he's confident and extroverted in a way Lena usually isn't, and Kara as the cake lady would be kind of a pushover until she realizes her worth. So it would be a very interesting dynamic to explore...
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thequeenofsastiel · 5 months
Am I the only one fast-forwarding through all the cop parts of the show unless it's just Phaya and Tharn alone?
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rythyme · 1 year
jeff barcode korean alien bakery romance LET'S GO
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phonification · 8 months
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freaks of nature fight over a blueberry muffin
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passionfruitbowls · 2 years
giggling and kicking my feet because of the latest bakery enemies au chapter i love these unhinged kids so much
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okiedokie2216 · 1 year
i am currently watching:
step by step (tuesdays)
the eighth sense (wednesdays)
the promise (wednesdays)
our skyy 2 (wednesdays and thursdays (?))
a boss and a babe (fridays)
also (at the slowest pace known to man) binge-watching:
history3: trapped
fragrance of the first flower
to rewatch :) (also at the slowest pace known to man):
love in the air
*patiently* (EXTREMELY patiently) waiting for the following series:
only friends
reverse 4 you
the last case
heavy snow
dangerous romance
hidden agenda
the last twilight
wuju bakery
man suang
wish me luck
wedding plan
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
I have some next level Wuju Bakery brainrot.
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impossiblyizzy · 3 months
working in a bakery is fun but also as an aspiring romance writer I can pretend I'm actually advancing my career
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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The Bakery | ModernAU One-Shot
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!OC
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff
☾ Author's note ➼ This was meant to be a drabble but then I couldn't stop writing I'm so sorry. But anyways! I'm still working on March for Unspoken Words but sometimes you get little ideas and I just can't move on until I do them. So here! TAKE MY DELUSIONS. (this was only proofread once so take it as it is)
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.8k
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The exhaustion of opening the shop at five in the morning is just now starting to hit you as you roll out blue fondant for the tier cake in front of you. You can’t stop the heavy yawn from escaping your mouth, tears pricking the corner of your eyes from doing so. There were only a handful of hours left in the workday but you were determined to finish this order before then so it would be ready for tomorrow’s pick up.
“Aunt Lyra, you have flour smeared all over your face again.” A voice rings out to the right of you, jarring you from your sleepy state for a moment. You see your red-haired niece munching on a cookie with a contented smile warming up her light brown eyes.
“Sasha, how are we supposed to make a profit if you keep eating all of our products?” You give her a stern look and she just shrugs her shoulders and shoves the rest of the cookie in her mouth. You sigh at her.
“I’ll make more before I leave today.” She mumbles through a full mouth, crumbs falling everywhere.
“That’s not the point and you know it.”
“Yeah yeah.”
“Why are you back here? You should be manning the counter.” You look back down to the designs you were currently working on with the freshly flattened out fondant, reminding yourself to wipe your face when you were done.
“Your favorite customer is here, he says he needs to pick up an order he placed last week.” She stares at you with large, sparkling eyes. “When are you going to finally ask him out? I see the way you look at him.” Your face flushes with heat as you drop everything to wipe your hands on your apron before making your way to the large fridge behind you.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, my dear. Go get his payment, I’ll be right out.” You admit that you couldn’t keep your gaze off him whenever he came in, ordering his usual drink and sitting in his usual spot. For the past year, he always brought a book and would sit in the back for around an hour or two reading and sipping on a few teas before heading off to who knows where for the day. And it was only just that, just a few professional words back and forth and then silence before he left. But you always looked forward to his next visit. You take a deep breath and shake your hands out to get rid of the jitters. Sasha had joked about it but you were actually planning to ask him out the next time you saw him. Today is the day, you tell yourself.
You make sure to have a tight grip on the tall cake box before backing out through the swinging doors separating the dining area from the kitchen. You’re met with the bustling noises of your bakery, signifying yet another busy day. When you turn around to make sure you don’t bump into anything, you also see that the building was indeed teeming with chattering and laughing patrons. The afternoon sun beams through your wide front window and bounces off the shining wooden floors.
“Ah! Ms. Brause, let me help!” Your tall sandy-haired employee comes running up from a table, dirty cutlery and cups discarded, with his arms out in assistance.
“No, Jean, it’s okay. I’ve got it.” You grunt as you heave the heavy confection on the pick-up counter then wipe your hands off on your apron. Jean is a good friend and classmate of Sasha’s. According to your niece, he needed a job as soon as possible so he could start saving up for college. He mentioned that his mom owned a restaurant, and that he could work there but would rather chew his leg off than do that. You couldn’t understand that sentiment, but it never hurt to have extra help at one the busiest bakeries in town, so you said sure.
“Alright, but I’m here if you need help!” He chirps as he stares at you for a moment before turning back around to finish the table he was working on. Sasha had made an offhand comment how Jean had a crush on you since he started. You laughed at the time because it was adorable. Of course, nothing would come out of it since you were practically double his age and he knew that. He never made a pass at you thankfully.
When you make your way to the till, you see Sasha running a card as she talks animatedly about the cake. His hooded eyes flicker over to yours and he nods a hello to you, a small smile playing off his lips. Your heart is racing already.
“Levi, nice to see you again. Would you like your usual, to-go?” You press your hands together underneath the counter to keep them from trembling.
“No, thank you. I unfortunately have somewhere to be as soon as possible.” His deep voice responds back, making your heart flutter more.
“Oh? Where are you headed with such an intricate cake?”
“Just a friend’s party.” He shoves his wallet back into his back pocket and checks his watch. “Speaking of. Is it ready?”
“Yeah, just over on this counter. I’ll help you out.” You walk around the counter to get to the customer’s side before picking up the box carefully. He steps over to you quickly with his mouth open a little in surprise.
“I can get it, just set it down.”
“No, I insist. Besides, I’m already holding it. Get the door for me?” You give him a big smile and he just huffs before turning around and doing what you ask. As you step through the door, you’re met with a warm late summer breeze. The sun is shining down, and you take a deep breath in. You’ve been cooped up in the kitchen for so long that you instantly relax at the freedom.
You see him leading the way over to a small black car about 10 feet away and you begin to follow him, holding the cake box close to your chest. He opens the door behind the driver's side for you to slide it in gently. For extra measure, you even buckle the seatbelt around it. When you stand back up to face him, he’s staring at you incredulously.
“What?” You ask him, stepping back to the sidewalk so he can close the door.
“Why did you do that?” His gruff voice sounds almost amused.
“You need to make sure all passengers are safe.” You shrug your shoulders and chuckle at your own joke. He rolls his eyes at you but he’s definitely smirking. You eye his face as he studies yours. You can’t do this, you think. Asking him on a date seems so ridiculous, maybe next time. Yeah, you’ll ask him out next time.
“Well, I’ll see you the next time you stop by. I hope your friend enjoys their cake.” You manage to get out as you give him a nod then turn to leave as you feel your face warm up again. After taking a couple steps back to the bakery door, you feel something tug at your sleeve. You stop and look over to see Levi holding on to you with two fingers. His eyes are averted and a pink flush runs across his cheeks. He lets go quickly and clears his throat.
“Hey, uh. Before you go…” he trails off. You blink hard at him and twist your body back to face him. He’s about a foot or so away from you and he has his hands shoved into his jean pockets now.
“Yes, Levi?” You notice the tips of his ears are the same flushed pink. His raven hair is blowing gently in the breeze. He is so beautiful, you think. He clears his throat again and shifts his weight from foot to foot.
“I know I don’t know you very well, but I would like to. If given the chance.” He takes one of his hands from his pocket to run it through his hair, his eyes refusing to meet your now shocked expression. He wants to get to know you. Wait, is he asking you on-
“A date? You want to go on a date with me?” You squeak out.
“Yeah. I guess if that’s what you want to call it.” Your heart is about to explode out of your chest and because of that, you can’t keep the shit-eating grin off your face. His gray eyes finally lock onto yours, the corner of his mouth twitching.
“I- yes! I would love to. I was actually going to ask you out just now, but I got too nervous.” The amount of relief that floods your system is almost euphoric. He breaks out into an actual smile, one that just takes your breath away because of how much it lights up his entire face.
“W-well great. I don’t have any plans tonight. 8 o’clock okay?” He fiddles with his car keys as he watches you expectantly.
“What about your friend’s party?”
“It should be over by then. Besides, they’ll be thrilled that I’m finally getting out of my apartment to socialize with someone other than them.” He rolls his eyes at the thought, but then looks back at you with apprehension.
“Oh, well…” You look back in the window to your bakery and see Jean and Sasha both staring at you with wide eyes and big smiles. They give you a thumbs up and a vigorous nod. You shift your gaze back to Levi. “Tonight sounds great. Absolutely.”
You both spend the next couple of minutes exchanging numbers so you can both discuss where to meet later. He gives you a small wave as he backs out of his spot and drives off to his friend’s party. You can’t help but jump up and down as you squeal with excitement. This was actually happening! After months of crushing on him, you have his number and you’re going out with him later. You pinch yourself. Yep, it’s real.
As if in a daydream you slip back into your store, the sounds of chatter and clinking dishes muffled by the thoughts racing through your head. The smile from earlier has not left. Your niece comes bounding up with another cookie in her hands and she starts asking excitedly about what you're going to wear and where are you two going. It’s all just buzzing to you. You’re still in disbelief of what just happened.
“Ms. Braus?” Jean’s voice breaks you out for a moment and you look over to him.
“Yes, Mr. Kirchstein?”
“You have flour on your face still.” Your face falls and you start rubbing at your face with your hands. When you pull them away, you see streaks of white powder covering your fingers. You groan loudly. Levi just asked you on a date while you had flour all over your face.
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thelovesickbakery · 30 days
♡ ⸺ Name: Fuzzi or fuzz. We can share real names after talking for awhile
♡ ⸺ Birthday: personal. Willing to share but you must get to know me first
♡ ⸺ Age: 18
♡ ⸺ Gender Identity & Pronouns: Female, she/her
♡ ⸺ Sexuality: bisexual/asexual
♡ ⸺ I am: Non-Yandere (darling)
♡ ⸺ Looking for: Romantic, but I'm okay with platonic too (i won't except a romantic relationship with someone over the age of 23)
♡ ⸺ Looking for a: Yandere
♡ ⸺ Thinking of a romantic partner, I am looking for: someone who isn't looking for sexual gratification out of our relationship. A partner that's willing to discuss with me what we want out of our relationship
♡ ⸺ Small details about myself: I've got quite a few interests, but my main one is probably reading, I love fantasy/romance books. My love language is words of affirmation
♡ ⸺ Extra information: I would prefer a more dominant controlling partner, in a non-sexual way I enjoy being told what to do. Please remember that this ISN'T a kink for me, if that's what you're looking for don't contact me
♡ ⸺ Contact information: drop me a message @fuzzifuzz I can also talk on discord or amino (would prefer to start chatting here though)
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darkestspring · 1 year
Aegon : I want a divorce !
Darling trowing the papers at him : sign it then !
Aegon dumbfounded : huh !?
Anon 🌹
Also I love this concept 😆❤️
He thinks he's finally gotten one over his wife but jokes on him, she's been waiting for this day since they got married.
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boosaot · 21 days
Just searching up Kdramas on MDL that I vaguely remember watching eons ago and-
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I think I watched maybe half of this with my mom in 2014(?) when I was like 12??? (Don’t expect me to remember a single plot point tho,, my memory is abysmal)
Yeah I knew Gong Yoo was in this but I didn’t even know that I’d watched a Kdrama with Kim Dongwook and Kim Jaewook in it before The Guest 💀
(I mean I know I watched Antique Bakery eons ago at like 3am on a school night when I was like 15??? but fuck if I remember anything from that movie other than some guy in sunglasses) (Did I even finish watching that movie???)
If anything this is just making me realize my brain is doing a shit job at memory retention 💀
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Oh my fucking god he’s adorable,, I’m going to take a nap on the highway because of this photo like are you fuckin kidding me rn LOOK AT HIM
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No one speak to me right now I’m going insane ✋
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I’m going to pass away like ARE YOU SEEING THEM???
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I can die now,, I’ve seen all I need to see,, /pos
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