#coffee shop/sci-fi/gay romance
live-from-flaturn · 1 year
I have some next level Wuju Bakery brainrot.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 15 days
can you recommend your favourite queer historical/fantasy novels or series for me?? desperate for some new books to read 🙏
Anon I'm so mad, I had a couple of rec lists floating around but what do you know, tumblr has eaten them!! So I'm putting together a new one for you. I should pin this somewhere really.
Queer historical romances
Anything by Cat Sebastian. Seriously. Anything. My personal favourite series is "Seducing the Sedgwicks", and her two most recent 50s-set books are both exceptional.
Equally, anything by KJ Charles. Again, they're all brilliant, so it doesn't really matter where you start. I really liked Band Sinister.
Olivia Waite does lovely f/f historical romances. I really enjoyed The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics.
Sebastian Nothwell (hello @nothwell) writes brilliant historical romances (and also has a couple of fantasy romances too). Planning a re-read of some of his when I've actually got time 😅
Solomon's Crown by Natasha Siegel, loved this one a lot
The Gentleman's Book of Vices by Jess Everlee (there's a f/f sequel coming out soon!)
Queer fantasy romance
I am utterly obsessed with A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows. I loved it. It's like it was crafted just for me. Also, the sequel just came out!
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland, SO indulgent and tropey and fun, I had a blast reading it. (hello @ariaste). Also, Alexandra's next book is about to come out - it's called Running Close to the Wind and its about PIRATES. YES.
The Last Binding series by Freya Marske. Absolute best of the best. Everyone loves them.
(See also, Swordcrossed, also by Freya Marske, coming out later this year)
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh. Short, sweet, and engrossing. Finishing this book is like stepping into sunlight for the first time after being lost in the woods for hours.
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. It's a classic for a reason.
Queer fantasy/sci-fi with romantic elements, but isn't a straight-up romance
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune. I cried.
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree, extremely cosy domestic fantasy in the traditional D&D style, about an orc who sets up a coffee shop.
A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock. Frankenstein-style horror but with queer people and plants. More horror than fantasty, tbh.
Our Hideous Progeny by C E McGill (waving at @c-e-mcgill) is classic gothic horror/sci-fi, but this one is Frankenstein but with dinosaurs. And queer people. Very light background romance. Loved it.
OH WAIT ETA: What Manner of Man by @stjohnstarling - not sure if this fits your needs as its more horror romance than anything else, but its basically "dracula, but gay", and it's very good.
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sucrosette · 6 months
★— ⋆。˚ [04. A Life as a Writer (and a Barista)]
For Day 21 of Carry on Countdown 23, Begin Again. @carryon-countdown
Basil is a writer in dire need of a starting line. But where the bloody hell is he going to find it?
Rated T for Basil being a Smut Author and Simon being a Smut Enthusiast.
This is a series of snapshots of different Simon Snows and Baz Pitches in the greater multiverse. You can find the other "lives" here: [Day 3: Alternate Universe][Day 19: Sci-Fi][Day 20: Flowers]
The hardest part of starting a love story, or any story really, is the bloody first line. No matter the environment, the characters, the whole setting, that first bloody line’s always the hardest. Basil’s been sitting on this one for three and a half weeks now. He’s been in bars, dive bars and class acts both, libraries, cafes, parks, even secluded little psychic shops. Nothing seemed to do the trick though. Basil’s remained just as wordless as ever, no matter where he goes.
Lately, though, he’s been haunting this one cafe in particular, with a little disaster of a barista and, he thinks, baker. He hasn’t actually been here early enough to see whether Simon does more than put the pastries out, but he’s always got a bit of a flour smear on his cheeks and his apron’s always a bit of a mess and it just sort of adds up to him being a baker, at least as far as Basil can tell.
He wouldn’t actually know, he’s never been a baker.
Right now, he’s not looking to be much of a writer either. He’s got to at least start this thing. Basil’s got a deal and everything, publishers and editors and such waiting on him. He pitched a damn good plot too and had a decent cast of characters. Now he just had… to bloody do something with it.
Resorting to staring down his empty document just seemed the obvious ‘something’ to do. The cursor blinked threateningly back at him. The cursor was unfortunately, undeniably winning.
Another cup of coffee slides itself in front of Basil, the prior empty one skillfully whisked away to Simon’s tray of dirty dishes. “Still no luck on your start?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve noticed,” Baz groans at the barista, glancing over to him out of the corner of his eyes and sipping his coffee even despite the apparent call-out.
“You’ve been in here every day for the last week,” Simon shrugs, “That doc remains as blank as when you came in the first day.”
“And the coffee?”
“Two hour mark.”
“Well, thank you then,” Baz says with another long spit of coffee, “I just don’t know where to start.”
Simon looks around the cafe, seeing it all but empty except for Basil, and plops himself down across from the struggling writer. “Well, what is it you’re actually trying to start?”
“It’s…” Basil pauses for a moment, assessing Simon with a little more scrutiny before shrugging. He worked in a cafe, there was only so much straight in anyone who works in a cafe, “It’s a romance. I’ve a contract. It’s a supernatural, enemies-to-lovers, witches and werewolves story with all the bells and whistles and underlying fairy tale elements except it’s a bit more future based than middle ages based. Oh, and they’re gay, but you probably could’ve guessed that.”
Simon blinks. “I still have no idea what that’s about.”
“Ah,” Baz lets out an awkward little laugh, “I can give you the proper pitch? I’ve got it all outlined, mostly, it’s just starting it.”
“You got a contract without a manuscript?”
“It’s a sequel, sort of. Like. Same verse, different characters. So yeah, I’ve a contract,” Baz confirms, “I just need to get it rolling.”
“Well, what’s the first one?” Simon asks, precious and innocent.
Basil sighs, supposing if he’s this far in he may as well unmask himself, hopefully Simon just didn’t know what the book was. “Prince of the Drowned.”
“Oh my god,” Simon leans over onto the table and closer to Basil, “That was so smutty… you look so respectable though.”
“Thank you? I think,” Baz snorts out a small laugh. “I guess there goes any hope of you not knowing who I am.”
“I’m not sorry. In fact I might be a little too proud. I don’t read a lot, but that book was hot. So is your next protagonist as much a rake as the last?” Simon, apparently, knows all the romance tropes.
“Well, not as much,” Baz wavers his hand a little bit, “This one’s more a like. Life-long obsession come to fruition sort of vibe. Unhealthy attachment, codependency in all the wrong ways, probably some sick and twisted fantasy fulfillment. You know, not exactly ‘clean’ stuff.”
“Ohh~” Simon bites his lip as the door opens to a new customer, “Okay I’m getting this, but I say start it with a fight. If they’re going to be messy like that, start it with a nasty fight.”
Basil takes a moment as Simon walks away, thinking it over. It works with his rough outline and it fits the vibe. Thank you, random cafe boy, you have truly helped a drowning man out. He puts the first words to page.
And ends up writing three thousand words in a single sitting. It’s a start, he might change it later. He might scrap it entirely later, or put it somewhere else in the novel, or in a different novel altogether, but it’s a start, and that’s better off than he’s been in over a week.
He doesn’t leave without Simon checking in again. “Hey, you’ve got words,” Simon half-sings from over Baz’s shoulder, and Baz immediately tabs away from his work.
“I do,” Baz twists in his seat to look at Simon properly, “And no spoilers for you.”
“That filthy already?” Simon teases and Basil only shrugs.
“Suppose you’ll have to read and find out, won’t you?” Baz smirks a little bit at Simon’s obvious curiosity, “Since you’re obviously a fan and all.”
Simon sighs, “If I bring my book in tomorrow, will you sign it for me?”
Baz can’t quite tell if that’s a tease or not, but he may as well take it for a genuine request. “I feel like that’s the least I can do for someone who helped me at least get a start going.”
“So generous,” Simon sighs, leaning just a little on the back of Baz’s chair, “Your boyfriend must be lucky though, I bet he gets previews of your smut.”
“Ah, well,” Baz shrugs, “If I had one, maybe he would.”
Simon’s lips form a precious little oh, terribly unsubtle for half a moment before leaning off Baz’s chair just as Baz closes his laptop entirely. “So what do you look for in a boyfriend… if you’re up to sharing?”
“That’s incredibly unsubtle, Simon,” Basil fixes his face in an unimpressed sort of look, but Simon’s clearly not buying it.
“So was asking you back tomorrow– and you already agreed.”
Baz let’s Simon have half a smirk and shrugs, “Suppose that I did, didn’t I?”
“That you did,” Simon grins back wide at Baz, knowing somehow he’s already won, “So is Basilton you’re real name or…?”
“It is,” Baz answers as he packs everything up, shoulder bag neatly in place, “If I do decide to show up tomorrow, though, you can call me Baz.”
It’s no surprise at all when Basil shows up just as invited the next day. It’s even less of a surprise when he signs his name in that book with his phone number alongside. ‘For the Unsubtle One with a spicy little mind,’ it says in neatly curled silver script. What’s least surprising of all is how quickly Simon calls that number, Baz’s phone ringing before he even manages to leave the cafe.
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digital-chance · 11 months
writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i used to be on writeblr under a old username ages ago and i'm excited to be back. i don't know if they do these intros anymore (its been a while lol) but here's mine.
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✨ [ about ]
i'm queer and don't usually identify with any gender, though i use they/he pronouns. i also don't identify with any sexuality label most of the time. i like people and i like being whomever the fuck i want.
i'm an adult (born in 03) and to tend to delve into adult-oriented topics and tend to pepper my posts with so much fucking swearing. i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnose or anything yet though) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
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🌐 [ interests ]
i'm interested in a bunch of genres, but i most often enjoy ::
otherwise i enjoy ::
anime (esp 00s)
history and historical designs
fanfiction (i love you ao3 authors <3)
y2k / retro futurism / cyberpunk / frutiger aero / weirdcore / 90s-00s tech
graphic design
kpop (esp shinee)
legend of zelda series
heist movies
i'm pretty obsessed with researching topics and learning the intricacies of various things, such as cyberpunk's history, movements within art, y2k designing, etc. i would self-describe as a extremely artistic or creative person, often switching between artistic mediums as i feel fit.
my favorite/comfort tropes (yes i pulled up my ao3 for this lol) ::
friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst
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[ WIPs ] 📝 
nova futurum [x] | #novafut #originalstory
i'm working on this queer mafia cyberpunk type story i've hesitantly decided to call 'Nova Futurum,' at least for now. i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips! i'm pretty new to cyberpunk and i'm VERY new to writing, so all advice/tips is appreciated.
you still would've been mine [x] | #yswbm #fanfic
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanen Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
probably more in the future
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tdlr i'm chance (they/he), a queer adult, i like a lotta shit, and i write cyberpunk, gay characters, & cheesy romcom stuff.
nice to meet everyone! ❤️
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powerpayback · 1 year
local ace looks for personal space, does not succeed
a/n: i wanted to write a lil smth for pride month and while this is technically non-canon... enjoy
For the years Magni and Sprout had been living in Bright City, they had settled on an arrangement. Magni, notorious hater of events with loud crowds and an abundant of technochatter, would go to Bright City Pride in October if he got to drag Sprout along to milder Pride events in June. Sprout, notorious extrovert, agreed. 
Bright City didn’t really do mild, but Magni kept his finger on the pulse. So when a bookstore not too far from them announced a queer book club night, he made Sprout go with him. 
The adorably named Night Light Books wasn’t quite bustling, but enough people filled the coffee shop that led towards the store. The buzz of people and technochatter seemed louder in the small space. 
“You want something to drink?” Sprout asked, glancing up at the menu. 
“Yeah, I’ll get a coffee or something,” Magni told her.
She turned to him, arms crossed. “It’s nearly seven.”
“And? Better than Red Bull.”
Sprout tilted her chin up. “I don’t drink it four hours before I go to bed.”
“Well, then don’t order Red Bull.” He looked past the people, deeper into the store. “I’m gonna go look around.”
She gave him a gloved thumbs up before he slipped away. The shelves were not as crowded. The wide aisle that separated the store was lined with street lamps that lit the large store. Between them, tables with displays of queer books were set up, where most customers had flocked to.
He was looking for a new queer romance to add to his shelves, but he saw something else. At first, he didn’t recognize Haley outside the bright yellow shirt of her Sunny’s uniform, dark blonde curls obscuring her freckled face. 
“Are you sure it’s not in the sci-fi section?” he heard her ask. 
It wasn’t an easy feat, with her staying quiet and his earplugs in as usual. But as she bickered with the man beside her, Magni recognized her voice. 
He wasn’t quite as nosy as Sprout was, but he still made his way over to the table. His best friend’s massive crush on Haley was hard to ignore and if she was on a date with this dude, he wanted to find out first. He went over to the other side and attempted to be conspicuous. 
Haley’s friend was a Black guy who only had a few inches on her short stature, hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. A black cloth mask covered most of his face, but Magni saw a glint of metal poking out on his cheek. Maybe a Talent, he figured, but that didn’t tell him much. With the mask pulled over his face, he couldn’t make out his reply, even quieter with the cloth concealing his mouth.
He must not have been as conspicuous as he thought, because Haley turned his way. “Oh, Magni! Hey.”
“Hi,” he said, fingers brushing against one of the books. “Small world, huh.”
“Yeah.” She grinned. One of the nearby streetlights that adorned the store glowed more in her presence. “We were just looking around. You know, always great to support queer authors.”
“Totally,” Magni said with a nod. “I usually prefer romance, but this-” He squinted to make out the title in front of him- “uh, history of Bright City’s gay scene and Talents seems pretty interesting.” It actually did, so it technically wasn’t a lie. Even if it was just a bit of a bluff. He picked it up. Hell, maybe it could be a bedtime read. “You looking for anything in particular?”
“Mm, kinda,” Haley said. “We were-” She turned to look at her friend, but he’d made a swift escape before he even learned his name. “Well, he must be looking for it. Just some author we know.” 
Magni glanced off into the distance. “Damn. Talk about a vanishing act.”
She shrugged, before looking back at him. “Nice shirt, by the way.” 
He looked down at the shirt he was wearing. It read, This Ace Needs Their Space. “Thanks. I thought it was fitting.”
“So, you’re looking for romance?” Haley asked. “I thought you read broody murder mysteries or serial killer biographies.” 
“My whole life is mystery, so reading about murder gets depressing,” Magni said. He decided not to mention that they didn’t really get murder cases anyways. 
“Okay, I’d also choose not to read about murder that much if that was my whole life,” she muttered. 
“Sometimes, a guy just has to curl up with a romance and get lost in Regency-era yearning.” He clutched the history book to his chest. “What’s your poison of choice?” 
Before Haley could reply, Sprout strode up to him, oblivious to her presence as she handed him a coffee. “Don’t bitch at me, but this is decaf.”
Magni scrunched his nose, but he took it. Coffee was coffee. “Fine.”
“Sprout. Hey. I didn’t know you were here,” Haley said. 
Sprout clasped her cup with both hands, clearly trying not to spill all over an entire book display as she turned to face her. “Oh, angel! I didn’t recognize you without the- neon yellow.”
The light hummed brighter than before behind Haley. “Yeah, well, I gotta have a life outside waiting tables,” she joked. 
Magni decided to take a cue from Haley’s friend and patted Sprout’s shoulder with the book he’d grabbed before he wandered deeper into the store. He’d been to Night Light Books enough to know that the back section of the books could be a weaving maze. Most of the action was near the front, but here, he could get a little peace and quiet. 
Bookstores weren’t really a safe haven free from technochatter. Wherever there were people, the noise from their phone followed. With one or two people, it was barely noticeable. But the more people there were, the more overwhelming it could get. He called it technochatter because that’s all it sounded like sometimes - constant chatter. Back here, the chatter was a safe distance away. 
There were no displays back in the tighter space. He’d missed the queer romance table, but frankly, he’d leave that to Sprout for the night. Besides, as he headed towards their regular romance section, they didn’t exactly slack off for the other eleven months of the year. 
Tucking the book in his hand under his arm, he scanned the titles they did have. He didn’t keep up with what books were popular, mostly because he was a ghost on everything but Facebook to keep up with his aunts. However, he spotted a book he’d heard good things about, something about widowed countesses and astronomers. 
He eased it out and wished he had somewhere to put his coffee down, turning it over to read the back. It would have been more successful if he’d put his reading glasses on first. Magni tried to add to his other book under his arm to pluck them out from his jacket, but that one clattered to the ground instead. 
“Motherfucker,” he muttered. He bent down to pick it up. 
As he did though, someone else pulled the book out of his reach. “You dropped this,” a man’s voice said.  
He stood up, ready to make a smart remark, but the guy in front of him was… well, he was hot. His baby blue button-down strained around his muscles, blonde hair swept out of his face. He held the book out to him. 
“Thanks,” Magni said, taking it back. 
“You know the action’s over there, right?” he asked, pointing a thumb towards the rest of the store. 
“Yeah. I don’t like action,” he said. He balanced his books on the edge of the shelf to take out his glasses.
“I can see the appeal of peace and quiet.” The blond held out a hand. “I’m Lloyd.”
“Magni.” He set his glasses down to give his hand a firm shake. One of the weirder skills he’d picked up as a detective was reading people through a handshake. His hand was soft, but his grip was strong. 
"Oh, Magni. Very... Scandinavian." He wasn't quite sure to take it as a compliment or not. Before he could decide on how to take it, Lloyd asked, “So, you like local history?” 
“It sounded interesting,” Magni told him. He slipped his glasses on, making sure none of his thin dreads slipped underneath the frame. “Talent history is so rich, but if you don’t have a parent who’s actually a Talent, you can underestimate its importance. Especially when it comes to the queer community, it can be even harder to learn about our past.”
Lloyd nodded. “I mean, I’m not a Talent. I wouldn’t really know. Seeing how those two intersect, though, that’s interesting.”
Magni turned to pick up the book he’d been looking at to actually be able to read the summary, but he heard Lloyd chuckle. “What?”
“Don’t tell me you actually read that stuff.” 
“I just love a happy ending. Sue me.”  
“They’re not real literature, you know,” Lloyd said. 
Magni often wished for a Talent other than technopathy. Right now, he wished that he had something useful, like enchantment, to get this guy to shut up. 
But he continued to prattle on. “It just lacks depth. I mean, I think you of all people would know that.”
“What does that mean?”
Lloyd gestured to Magni’s shirt. “Romance is just softcore erotica for bored housewives. And I thought you’d be bored by that.”
He did often skip the sex scenes, but he still took offense to that. Before he could reply, he felt someone lay a hand on his shoulder. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you!”
It wasn’t Sprout’s voice, so he glanced back looking confused. It was Haley’s friend, a couple books in hand. However, Magni knew an out when he saw one, and took his books. “Great conversation, Lloyd.” 
The masked man guided deeper into the store and out of sight. “Sorry, he just sounded like a dick.” 
Magni chuckled. “Yeah. A little.”
He glanced past him, probably trying to gauge if Lloyd was gone. “I know about dealing with dicks.” He turned back, dark brown eyes wide. “That sounded bad. Dealing with shitty people.”
“He thought he read my shirt, but clearly he missed the needs their space part,” he joked. 
“Seriously.” Though Magni couldn’t see his smile, his eyes crinkled at the corners. “I should probably go find Haley.”
“Yeah, she was flirting with my friend, so you can hide out a little more.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Alright. Good for her.”
Magni looked back to see if Lloyd had sulked off, before he gave Haley’s friend a smile and slipped away. He didn’t really feel like looking at romance anymore - he’d already grabbed a couple of books and his shelf was stuffed to the brim. Yet, he lingered near them until he saw Sprout round the corner. 
“How’d things go with Haley?” he asked. 
Sprout took a sip of her lavender colored drink. “It went fine.” 
“Did you get her number, finally, when she wasn’t on the job?”
Her shoulders slumped. “No,” she whined. 
Magni came up to her and bumped his shoulder with hers. “You’ll get ‘em next time.”
“What next time? How often do I run into her outside of Sunny’s?”
“That means you just have to come book shopping with me more often,” he told her, cheeky grin on his face. “They do have a great gardening book collection.”
“Fine,” Sprout said. “But for now, I’m feeling pretty book-ed out.”
“Did you even look at any books?”
“I looked at a few. We wandered to the queer sci-fi/fantasy table. Which, I never understood why they group them together,” she informed him. 
He shrugged. “They’re both speculative fiction.”
Sprout snorted into her drink. “Okay, nerd.”
“Don’t call me a nerd, nerd,” he retorted back. “Did you get the name of Haley’s friend?”
“No. I didn’t even see him,” she answered. “Why?”
“Nothing.” Magni finished off his coffee. “Let’s get out of here so I can actually start reading these.”
This night was mild by Bright City standards, but he’d had enough people for one night. 
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jaanusbooktalk · 2 years
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer - Book Review
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TWs: death, violence, cancer, blood, vomit, war
(TWs are ranked in order of severity, please take them seriously - especially that death part)
Sometimes you read a book, and there’s a distinct before and after. Before I read The Darkness Outside Us, I was a person wholly removed from who I am now, in the After.
To be honest, I’m still reeling from everything that this book was. Is. At some point tonight I will cry about it for the eighth time. At some point I’ll add it to my Amazon shopping cart so I can buy my own copy instead of this crinkly plastic-covered (now tearstained) one. At some point I’ll call up my best friend to cry about it some more. At some point I’ll make a Pinterest board, a Spotify playlist, anything I can think of to help me capture and share exactly how this book makes me feel. Because I need to describe it to someone, even if that’s myself.
I don’t reread books, as a rule. The last books I reread were the Harry Potter series when I was nine. This is going to be the first book to change that rule. Before I start actually reviewing, I would like to formally apologize to my brother who had to listen to me sob over this book for the past three hours while he tried to play video games in our hotel room. I’m sorry (but not really).
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“Two boys, alone in space. Sworn enemies sent on the same rescue mission.
Ambrose wakes up on the Coordinated Endeavor with no memory of a launch. There’s more that doesn’t add up: evidence indicates strangers have been on board, the ship’s operating system is voiced by his mother, and his handsome, brooding shipmate has barricaded himself away. But nothing will stop Ambrose from making his mission succeed—not when he’s rescuing his own sister.
In order to survive the ship’s secrets, Ambrose and Kodiak will need to work together and learn to trust each other . . . especially once they discover what they are truly up against. Love might be the only way to survive.”
TL;DR - Have you seen Bananafish? Have you read They Both Die At The End? They have nothing on this. (The blurb was dumb so this is what y’all are getting 😭)
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Edit one hour later-
Spotify playlist:
Pinterest board:
If you want emotional damage, listen to the playlist while reading 🤲🏼❤️‍🩹
There is a terrible lack of fanart and general fandomness about this book so the sole two pieces of quality fanart I could find:
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And yes, I did talk to my bestie for two hours about this.
Let’s talk representation:
There’s only really two human characters in this book and it takes place thousands of years into the future, where there are only two countries: Fédération and Dimokratía. From this it’s difficult to identify the ethnicities of the characters. They are both queer, thought at this point in the future they don’t really use labels like “gay” or “pansexual”. Neither are white, which is clear from the cover and descriptions of the characters.
This means this section is shorter, but my one commentary on the rep is that Ambrose’s skin is described without food terms (aka caramel, coffee, etc) which yes, is the bare minimum, but also appreciated💘
Also I’m just happy that we get a gay love story about space where the main plot line is not the romance - it’s a thriller/mystery/sci-fi elements!
Edit: HAHHAHAHAHA my whole review past this point just got deleted I hate everything fml 😃😃 I was literally right in the last section too
*deep breath* we move on 😌🪷🧘🏽‍♀️
What I liked:
This is one of those books that’s really hard to review without major spoilers, so this section will also be short (since this is a spoiler free blog).
I loved how space was depicted in this book. The prose was beautiful and the story overall really renewed my faith in humanity and made me wonder about what makes us human.
I also loved how the characters grew, developed (and broke down), and how they reflected the hope we search for in the world & each other. There has never been a more fitting name for a book than The Darkness Outside Us, because Ambrose and Kodiak were the light for each other.
At the very beginning of the book there are two black pages, which I’ve put below:
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It took me a while to get it.
On a space ship in the middle of endless nothing, the only indication Ambrose and Kodiak had that they were alive was each other. This was what kept them from going insane.
They only knew they existed because there was someone else to perceive them.
(You can see how this gave me an existential crisis now right?)
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Ambrose also, understandably, has multiple existential crises throughout the book (because of the nihilistic tendencies in his personality 🧐?) as shown above.
Although I did rate this a 10, some people had some issues with it (that I realized after listening to a podcast review) that I wanted to acknowledge:
- suspension of disbelief
- Ambrose’s character at the beginning (a little self centered)
- too much space stuff & it was confusing at times
- the ending (redacted for obvious reasons but basically abrupt/random)
Note: the people who brought these up still rated the book 8/10 or 3.5/5 overall, despite what they disliked. I didn’t have any of these problems (aside from the Ambrose one which I attributed to deep seated self image problems) but everyone will read it their own way so I wanted to include them as a heads up!
Here is the link to the Spotify podcast review if you’re interested (be aware there are MAJOR SPOILERS!!!)
What brought it to a 10:
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This book led me to ask some pretty big questions-
“Would I have done the same in their shoes? Would anyone?”
“If you could do it again would things be different?”
“What makes us human?”
“How do you know you exist?”
“What brings people together/what keeps them apart?”
“How much can people withstand before they go crazy?”
It’s a book that is sad, yes, but not in a way that you’ll regret reading it after. You’ll be grateful the universe (and maybe me 😉) helped put it in your hands.
Finally, I’ll let some random people (courtesy of Tik Tok comments sections) tell you what they thought:
“This book has ruined me and cured me and murdered me and hugged me all at once” -@ihathdroppedmycroissant
“I listened to the audiobook version and it had me sitting upright in my bed all night starting at the wall” [email protected]
“I just finished this and I’m still gasping for air” [email protected]
Do with this what you will.
I sincerely recommend to fans of:
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Osamu Dazai (the author)
Simone de Beauvoir & Jean-Paul Sartre (poets/key figures in Existentialism)
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Psychology AKA why ppl do sh*t
Philosophy AKA why ppl do sh*t but fancy✨
Sad books that take ur heart and give it back better
Note: Gay space nerds, you should read this🪐 (I love u)
This book changed the way I see the world. I hope it will for you too 🫶🏼
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^me to Tumblr for deleting my review halfway thru (I’m on Ep. 12 of Doom At Your Service rn)
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andrewologist · 1 year
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February Reads!
Reviews/more info under the cut.
Before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Fiction/Fantasy
Before the coffee gets cold is a cozy little book about a coffee shop that allows you to go back in time for a couple of minutes. Very charming! 6/10
2. Under Fortunate Stars by Ren Hutchings - Sci-Fi (Queer)
Under Fortunate Stars is a mind-fucky scifi novel about a group of unlikely heroes. It gave me a little bit of hope about people. Also a solidly diverse cast of characters! 8/10
3. Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas - Fantasy YA (Queer)
I read Cemetery Boys for a book club and I loved it! Some of the better ftm rep I've read in recent years, and also just wonderfully sweet. 9/10
4. Slippery Creatures by KJ Charles - HistFic Romance (Queer)
Slippery Creatures is such a fun M/M romance! It felt like so many genres in one, but it didn't feel crowded. I very quickly grabbed the next two in the series and I'm very excited to read them. The smut in this one is also very nice lol. 9/10
5. The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel - Fiction
Felt weird reading The Glass Hotel after Sea of Tranquility, but I really loved it! I feel like jumping around in the time line of a story can easily be done poorly, but Mandel does it very well. Loved this one almost as much as Sea of Tranquility. 9/10
6. The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian - HistFic Romance (Queer)
Another nice M/M romance! I really liked the themes explored in this one and thought they were handled really well. The romance was very cute. Also hella gay sex in here lmao. 9/10
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cherrysnax · 2 years
people who only interact with media to ship are so…. do u read nonfiction searching desperately for a hint of romance. Do u watch documentaries. do u read anything but fanfiction. please name a book that you didn’t read for a grade
#like people will look at literal military propaganda for something to ship and it’s like#half the time you don’t care about the characters or the setting#shut up abt coffee shop aus#n this isn’t to say shippping is bad#it’s fun! but if that’s the onllly thing#u get out of media that’s not romance based#idk#i just don’t get it#like uhh x-men I love the x-men#i love x-men ships#romance and relationships are a huge part of the comics as well as other things#but I don’t get how u can only interact with that part of the media if that makes sense#or voltron. i know a lot of ppl watched it for gay rep…. dawg it’s literally a mecha#some ppl were like ‘oh the action was so boring and I don’t get the plot at all etc etc why did we watch this show to get gaybaited’#y’all were watching a whole show for a non canon ship. i was watchin a show for mecha with POC#and I love love and I love characters interactions and I love romance right? how u watch an action for 8 seasons straight and be surprised#it’s and action-sci fi. Or when people would talk abt the ‘homophobia’ against characters that gay and the instantly be racist#*homophobia against characters that weren’t gay and then go be racist#and so much bad shit happened in voltron. Real homophobia real racism real ableism real misogynist real everything#but klance isn’t canon :( omg lande died? that’s so fucked it shoulda been Keith to heal him for some reason instead of that nasty monkey-‘#- I mean space ‘mammy 💙 what she’s a kid too? but she’s so grown’ that’s how y’all were#or like. Ppl going into encanto mad they can’t ship things#or when itsv came out and people were so upset that they couldn’t ship anything…..dawg is media only enjoyable that way?
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absolutebl · 2 years
One year ago I had never read or watched anything in the romance genre and I have now hit 150 BLs, so I’ve been thinking about how I got here!
Until I was in my early 20’s I only read litfic, sci-fi and fantasy, never romance…. Then I started reading fanfiction but again, only based on sci-fi or fantasy shows/books - and I always rejected the coffee shop or university AUs - why take characters who can do magic or are vampires and make them normal humans who work in a library? So again, I missed out on all the romance tropes.
Then, during the pandemic I started reading Shameless fanfic and perhaps because the characters are humans who live in our world, I ventured into the AUs for the first time and discovered that I love all the romance tropes! Give me all the enemies to lovers, forced proximity and arranged marriages please…
Finally, this led to BLs and for the first time in my life almost all the media I consume is romance and I love it so much! What a weird journey… I’d love to hear if you’ve always enjoyed romance and how you got here?
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Oh my goodness what a fun question, okay let’s hit it...
My Journey to BL via SFF, Yaoi & M/M Romance  
So way back at the dawn of time I was once a hard-core fan, specifically in the science fiction and fantasy realm and specifically around 90s franchises that had to do with bad ass female warrior characters, so think Xena: Warrior Princess, Farscape, Buffy, Firefly. I did cosplay and crossplay (although we didn’t really call it that, then). I went to my first SFF con as a minor actually, as soon as I got my driver’s license and some autonomy I was out and about doing cons, ST:TNG Creatathons (is that what they were called?) and such. 
I was of the right age, but that was also how I found and got involved with queer fandom, ren faires, and kink. First prides, first alliances, first marches, first dungeons, first orgy - ya know, as ya do. I sexually matured super early and ya know what? It was fine, I’m fine. It all worked out. I regret nothing and stayed healthy emotionally, mentally, and physically, probubly as a result of the companion friendship groups I was forming, so... win win! 
And all because I read books like... THIS: 
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I’m a FAST AF reader and super advanced, I read Tolkien at like age 8, and came to fandom via books more than TV or film. (Please don’t take this as a brag because I skim and retain NOTHING, so it’s not exactly a life advantage.) By high school I was into primarily fantasy, and always wanted/liked/preferred a romantic arc and some kind of found family element (so friendship groups = a big WIN). I also really gravitated to any authors who dealt with or mentioned queer characters (like Mercedes Lackey). That’s also when I first started noticing the “kill the gays” trope. 
I was always a really voracious reader. I read pretty much all the fantasy that my local library had, and then (partly because of Anne McCaffrey and a few other authors who also wrote romance), with no where else to go I moved into the romance genre. I actually got into romance before I got into science fiction. I was reading bodice rippers at age 10. Again, it was FINE. Some of us mature real early. Also I was living in the UK when Queer as Folk was doing its thing while reading lots of Mills & Boon. 
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Then in the early 2000s I started actively looking for consumable queer literary media. By that I mean: anything that had queer characters as the main characters. However, I really don’t like literary fiction (too depressing), and I really wanted that romantic arc. I wanted stories that gave the queer characters happy endings TOGETHER, and also that didn’t gloss over the sexual side of being queer.
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This basically led me to Japanese yaoi. I don’t recall exactly how I found my first one, but I do remember the hunting. 
I had to either find them and get them shipped to me via weird black market back channels, or I eventually started ordering them off Amazon. In fact, the first thing I ever bought on Amazon was a yaoi manga in dead tree form - so they might be why I opened the account. Only a few publishers were producing yaoi in translation back then, a name I particularly remember was DramaQueen. I actually even owned some yaoi publisher merchandise, which means I had an account WITH the publisher. I mean, who does that?! I had a T-shirt that said “seme” on one side and “It’s tough at the top” on the other side. I was so proud! I would wear it to sci-fi conventions, but was so obscure then that nobody I ran into ever knew what the shirt meant. I mean us geeks knew anime and even some manga, but yaoi? Not so much. 
Honestly, I still only really enjoy consuming manga in printed form (I struggle with webtoons), which is one of the many reasons I haven’t followed it (or manwha) closely in recent years. 
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Meanwhile, at the same time I was being a yaoi fan (without a fandom) I was getting into the Hollywood indie gay romcom phase, so like Latter Days, and Shelter, and some of the other queer indie movies I talk about in this post: 
Old Guard Queer Cinema for BL Lovers 
So now we’re in mid 2000s and there just wasn’t a lot of manga in translation, let alone yaoi, thus I kept hunting for a more queer romance fiction to read. 
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Which is how I became a really early adopter of the very first, what was called back then, m/m romance. There were only a few houses producing for the American market, small publishers like Loose ID.  I bought and read a ton of them in physical form, and then was super early on the e-book bandwagon because of this market almost entirely. I mean, we are talking early e-books that I had to go to the publisher’s website to buy and download - this is in the days of Sygil and Calibre. You had to read them on your laptop. I owned a FIRST generation Kindle.
At this point I’m reading mostly romances and no longer any SFF. And then recently (within the last 10 years, the two have started cross pollinating again, although now I only read SFF that has a strong romance thread and a happy ending for the queers. No exceptions will be made. 
Gotta have my standards! 
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So I become a romance reader mostly because of yaoi, and now I do read other queer romances (not just gay ones) but before we didn’t have a choice. (Although gay romances still dominate the market.) 
I kind of left mangas behind for a long time.
So when I discovered BL, and I think SOTUS was my first one (?), although it might’ve been Love by Chance or Love Sick, or... (honestly when I jump into an obsession I JUMP TF IN so early 2019 when I discovered BL I tried to watch EVERYTHING I could all at once), I brought all of this baggage and affection (and forgiveness) from my history with yaoi and early mm romance (which get a lot of things WRONG not just about being gay and queer identity but also about sex and relationships and communication) to my interpretation of the BL genre.
(Well, that’s a massive run-on sentence I’m not bothering to fix. nash) 
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So there it is. A very long way of saying: 
because of yaoi I got into m/m romance 
because of m/m romance I became an ebook romance reader
because of gay romance I have strong standards for my happy ever afters 
and because of THAT I got into BL and that history still dictates the KIND of BL I prefer
*insert twirling flourish here* 
And then, because I am an obsessive completest, I have been systematically using all of lock down to try to watch every BL ever made. Some of us don’t, ya know, stay still very well. I needed a QUEST. 
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Notice what’s missing? Fanfic. Yeah I have never been into it. It’s all good, I’m not against it or anything like that, just like D&D or Star Wars or electrical play... not my thing. 
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lemony-snickers · 3 years
500 followers appreciation celebration!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.  wut? EXCUSE ME WHAT.
there are officially 500+ of y’all, now.  and, yeah, that includes all the sex bots, but whatever, we’re just gonna pretend that @dMmEfEeTp1Cs69 is a real person interested in reading my smutty fanfic, okay? okay.
great. now that we are all on the same page... i wanted to mark this occasion with a fun (hopefully? lol) event!  and this is what i’ve come up with.  i hope you’ll join in!
to celebrate this ridiculous milestone, i am asking YOU, my lovely followers, to submit requests based on the following format:
💖 STEP 1:  choose your character(s) (yeeeaaahh, it’s more than just kakashi 😱)
🗣 STEP 2:  choose a one-word prompt (some are sfw and others are nsfw, as indicated)
🪐 STEP 3:  choose a universe!  i thought this might be sort of fun, but we’ll see, lol.  have you ever wanted to see me write an alternate universe story? (well good because i have two multi-chap aus in the works, lol.) then now is your chance to request one from the list!
🌈 STEP 4:  tell me if you’d like the reader to be fem! or gn!
i am gonna trrrryyyyy to limit these pieces to ~1k words, but i know myself well enough to know that probably some of them will get away from me, so we are just gonna do the best we can, lol. depending on that ever-illusive ✨inspiration✨ some may be headcanons, drabbles, or full-on fics.
let’s see where the wind takes us, y’all; it’ll be an Adventure™!
if you’re interested in playing along, you’ll find the lists of available characters, prompts, and aus below the cut!  since my ask box is still fairly full (lol, r.i.p. lemony), i’m gonna ask y’all to put a 🍋 with your requests so i know it’s for the event.
i will accept event requests for 5 days or until i get overwhelmed, whichever comes first, lol.
anyway, i really hope you’ll all participate!
thanks so much for hanging out with me on tumblr and overall making my experience here such an excellent one.  i hope you enjoy your stay.  <3
💖 characters (choose 1 or 2):
kakashi hatake (duh, lmao)
yamato / tenzo
genma shiranui
iruka umino
obita uchiha
gai might (idk y’all, i just prefer the Japanese spelling of his given name, what can I say?)
🗣 prompts (choose 1):
isolation (sfw)
agony (nsfw)
nostalgic (s)
tradition (n)
expectation (s)
forgiveness (n)
trust (s)
sentimental (n)
family (s)
passion (n)
elation (s)
laughter (n)
🪐 universe (choose 1):
no au, stick with canon!
fantasy au
sci-fi au
horror au
modern au
coffee shop au
soulmate au
historical romance au
🌈 about that mc:
last but certainly not least, please indicate whether you would prefer a fem! or gn! reader. 😊
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fkahersweetness · 3 years
so i just watched The Jane Austen Book Club and how do these writers keep getting work
i mean it's about as spineless and inconsequential as any other romcom i've seen but just to see Hugh's talent wasted is sad and also the one other okay performance came from the woman who played Prudie -- she wasn't given a ton to work with but she was doing what she could. hell at least she could believeably cry -- there was another woman TRYING to cry and her face was bone dry like do your goddamn job, you're an actor, aren't you????
so Hugh played Grigg who is a man defined by inappropriate sportswear and his love of MILFs and sci-fi
his first ensemble scene where he interacts with all the book club women at the coffee shop (and actually that whole scene in general) was pretty good and i had hope that maybe the movie would be better than it was
each woman had their own romance problems and predictable storyline
Prudie's was decent bc she wanted to screw her high school student which was interesting but for whatever reason she decided not to and to reconcile with her bonehead husband who miraculously became a book reader by the end
i honestly don't know why Hugh kept getting cast like this bc anytime he's around one of the women i just feel like he's their lost brother and the fact that they had him trying to bone an older woman when he just looks like a smol gay man was laughable
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snickertoodles · 4 years
Megalist of Tropes and Themes to Tag Your Story With
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If you’re prone to staring at your tags on AO3 wondering “what the hell do I put here?”, knowing you want to add a tag like “friends to lovers” or “found family” but not remembering all the popular tropes and themes everyone is into, this is for you. I basically spent an entire night on this so I hope it helps.
I tried to keep it general and avoid really obscure tags no one would ever use.
This is made for AO3 and thus there’s a lot of fandom or fannish stuff in here. 
I didn’t include any “inappropriate” tags. Feel free to make your own list.
Romance tropes and themes at the bottom. (Not all of them have to be romantic, but if they’re generally associated with romance and there are very few gen fics with that tag, it went there.)
Under cut because I’m probably going to edit this often and I’d like reblogs to be up to date. Please suggest any ideas you have.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse, Contemporary, Comedy/Humor/Parody/Satire, Coming of Age, Crime, Cyberpunk/Steampunk, Drama, Dystopian/Utopia, Fairy Tale, Fantasy/High Fantasy/Low Fantasy/Urban Fantasy/Isekai, Family, Friendship, Gothic, Historical Fiction/Alternate History/Period Piece, Horror/Slasher, Mystery/Murder Mystery, Paranormal, Philosophical, Poetry, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Surreal, Suspense, Sci-Fi/Science Fiction/Space Opera, Spiritual, Thriller/Psychological Thriller, Tragedy, Urban, Western
Genre (Fandom): Angst/Light Angst, Case Fic, Crack Fic, Crossover/Fusion, Dark Fic, Fix Fic/Fix-It/Deconstruction, Fluff/Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Kid Fic, Podfic, Missing Scene/Gap Filler, Self-Insert, Shipping, Sickfic, Songfic, Whump
Length: Drabble, Ficlet, Flash Fiction, Short Story, Novella, Novel, Epic, One-Shot/Two-Shot/etc, Series/Duology/Trilogy/Saga/etc, Long, Short
Pairing: M/F - F/M - M/M - F/F - F/F/M - You get the idea. Also [Character] x [Character], Slash, Yaoi/Yuri (if people still use those...)
POV: POV Alternating, POV Multiple, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, POV Outsider
Ending: Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Ambiguous Ending
Diverse Characters: Gay Character/Nonbinary Character/Asian Character/Disabled Character/Autistic Character/Jewish Character/etc.
AU/Alternate Universe: (I do not have the time to list out Coffee Shop AU/High School AU/Canon Divergence/What-If/etc, I assume if you’re writing one then you already know to tag it lol)
Aged Up
Animal Transformation
Backstory/Origin Story
Band of Misfits
Best Friends
Bounty Hunters
Canon Compliant
Character Development
Character Study
Childhood Friends
Chosen One
College/University/Higher Education
Ensemble Cast
Father Figure/Mother Figure
Found Family
Freedom Fighters
Genderswap/Gender Change
Good Versus Evil
Growing Up
Heroes to Villains/Villains to Heroes
I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping (A very legitimate tag.)
Illness/Sick Character
LGBTQ/LGBTQ Character/LGBTQ Themes
Locked In
Magical Girl(s)
Major Character Death/Minor Character Death
Mental Health Issues
Mind Control
Morally Grey/Ambiguous Characters
Mythical Beings & Creatures
Next Gen/Next Generation
Original Character/OC/OCs
Out of Character/OOC
Past Lives
Peggy Sue
Pen Pals
Platonic Relationships/No Romance
Platonic Soulmates
Plot Twists
Post-Canon/Pre-Canon/Mid-Canon/Bad Ending/etc.
Prompt Fill/Prompt Fic
Rags to Riches
Redemption/Redemption Arc
Rescue/Rescue Missions
Road Trip
Secret Identity
Single Parents
Slow Build
Substance Abuse
Sympathetic Villain
Team as Family
Team Bonding
Team Dynamics
Time Loop
Time Travel
Unreliable Narrator
xxx to Friends (Rivals to Friends/Enemies to Friends/etc.)
Battle Couple
Blind Date
Dorks in Love
Drunken Confessions
Established Relationship
Eventual Romance
Falling in Love
Fake Relationship/Fake Dating/Pretend Relationship/Pretend Couple
First Kiss
First Love
Forbidden Love
Idiots in Love
Long-Distance Relationship
Long-Term Relationship
Love at First Sight
Love Confessions
Love Potion/Love Spell
Love Triangle
Marriage/Accidental Marriage/Arranged Marriage/Marriage of Convenience
Marriage Proposal
Mutual Pining/Pining
Secret Relationship
Sharing a Bed
Slow Burn/Slow Romance
Soulmate/Soulmate AU
Tsundere/all of the other -deres
Unrequited Love/One-Sided Attraction
xxx to Lovers (Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers/etc.)
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Do you have any fanficions that are very science-y, if that makes any sense? Like, focused on scientific things, in the writing style or actual experiments incorporated into the story itself? I hope I'm making sense
Hi Nonny!
Ahhh yeah, though a lot of the fics I read have it deep in the fic, lol. BUT!!!! Guess what?? Your ask is the lucky one that spawns a new list I’ve been waiting forever to post the next part for a tonne of new fics, LOL!
As always, gang, if you have a fic more tuned to what Nonny is ACTUALLY looking for, please add them here, LOL. Pt. 1 will have a lot more of what you’re looking for Nonny, since there’s a lot of my FFNet recs on that one, but both lists have great recs!! <3
See also:
It’s An Experiment!
It’s An Experiment! (Pt. 2)
The Perfect Place by SilverSmile (K+, 1,955 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Romance, 5 and Ones, Fluff, Experiments, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock attempts to find the perfect place to sleep, but his little experiment proves to be far more difficult than expected.
A Study in Lace by KarlyAnne (E, 2,320 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Crafty Sherlock, Tiny Lace Panties / Lingerie, Domestics, Experiments, Oral, Masturbation) – “Why do you suppose he was doing that?” “Why do I suppose who was doing what?” “The room. The lace. The secrecy. He was playing with fire in everything he did, and didn’t care one bit. But he had a secret chamber, carefully concealed, solely for the purpose of making lace lingerie. Obviously for personal use. Why?" Part 1 of The Unintentional Crafts of Sherlock Holmes
Insomnia by TheSingingGirl (K+, 2,635 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Humour, Bed Sharing, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sleep is merely the next frontier in what has become the battle to keep Sherlock alive. It's because of this that John ends up in bed with a sociopath.
Undercurrents by entanglednow (E, 2,996 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Disturbing Things, Crime Scene Fetish, Pseudo-Necrophilia, PWP, Masturbation) – “There, that's it, perfect, shut your eyes and don't move - and don't speak."
John's Missing Wednesday by PipMer (K+, 2,999 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Pre-TSo3, Non-Con Drugged John, Friendship, Experiment) –  "Now John I'd poison. ... Sloppy eater – dead easy. I've given him chemicals and compounds that way, he's never even noticed. He missed a whole Wednesday once, didn't have a clue." – The Sign of Three. This is the story of that missing Wednesday.
Museums and Laboratories by RhododendronPonticum (T, 3,004 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Angst, Obsessive Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, Anxiety/Panic Attack, Separation Anxiety, Doctor John, Co-Dependent Sherlock) – If Sherlock's kitchen was his laboratory, then his bedroom was his museum.
Bathroom Accessories by Evenlodes_Friend (E, 3,324 w., 1 Ch. || Sex Toys, Butt Plug, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Horny Sherlock, John’s Patience Wears Thin, Humour, Bottomlock) – John discovers that Sherlock has been playing with some very adult toys in the bath.
After the Bombs by VampirePam (T, 3,337 w., 2 Ch. || THoB AU, Drugs, John’s PTSD, Panic Attack, Nightmares, Caring Sherlock, Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – In which the drugs Sherlock used to dose John trigger a severe episode of PTSD. When terrors old and new cause John to fall apart, Sherlock must rectify his mistake and pick up the pieces.
Experiment by Gwen's Blue Box (K+, 4,222 w., 3 Ch. || Non-Con Drugging, Hurt Comfort, Friendship) – Of course John has always known about his flatmate’s irregular sleeping habits, especially when they’re on a case. This time, however, the case is taking longer and longer, and soon John starts to worry. But there’s not much he can do, is there? Because drugging Sherlock isn’t an option. Not yet, maybe, but will it be soon? {{CW: John drugs Sherlock without his consent}}
Survival Strategies for the Domesticated British Butthole by Atiki (E, 6,183 w., 1 Ch. || Crack, Rimming, Anal Sex, Iced Lolly, Hair Removal, Depilation) – In which there’s a rimming disaster, Sherlock depilates his butt, everything goes very, very wrong and groceries are mistreated. This fic contains hair removal creme in a butthole, ice lollies in a butthole and John Watson's penis in a butthole. You have been warned.
My First, My Only, and My Forever by vintagelilacs (E, 6,220 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Bum, John’s Scar, Sherlock POV, Body Worship, Fingering, Bottomlock, Promise of Forever / Proposals, Misunderstanding, First Kiss/Time, Loss of Virginity, Virginity Kink, Seduction) – Sherlock narrowed his eyes. He was missing a vital piece of data, he was sure. John had been looking at him oddly ever since they left Buckingham Palace, and the ensuing incident with Irene Adler had only exacerbated his erratic behaviour. What was it? Why would he care that Sherlock was a virgin? There was nothing reminiscent of mockery or pity in his gaze. And then it hit him. John Watson was aroused.
Time on my hands by Mildredandbobbin (M, 7,179 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-S3, One Night Stands, Mutual Pining, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Sexual Exploration / Discovery, Desperation, Body Worship) – Virginity’s a construct, a concept—what does losing one’s virginity entail for a gay man anyway? Sherlock wants to fill that particular gap in his knowledge but John won’t, can’t, never will assist and there’s only so much desperately unspoken pining even Sherlock can take.
Speak My Language by Itsallfine (T, 7,479 w., 4 Ch. || Thanksgiving, Love Languages, Love Confessions, First Kiss, John Experiments in Sherlock) �� When Mrs. Hudson introduces John and Sherlock to the concept of the five love languages, Sherlock descends into a dark mood and John’s curiosity gets the better of him. What is Sherlock’s love language, and why does the whole concept set him so on edge? Part 1 of A Holiday Triptych
Made for You by Raxicoricofallapatorious (K, 8,440 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Sci-Fi, Androids) – When John was shot in the shoulder he was decommissioned and his memory and personality was wiped. Sherlock was given the blank droid and he quickly learns that this droid is more than it seems. John just so happened to come back and no one can fathom how or why. Johnlock if you squint.
Ravish Me by amalnahurriyeh (E, 10,025 w., 1 Ch. || UST / RST, Makeup / Lipstick, Sympathetic Sally, Experiments, Pining John, First Kiss, Face Fucking / BJ’s, Cuddling) – Sherlock is experimenting with patterns of wear on lipstick in daily encounters. John is going to go insane.
You fit me, Sherlock Holmes by orphan_account (G, 10,077 w., 1 Ch. || It’s An Experiment, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Questionable Science) – An unfortunate series of events leads to John accepting being a part of Sherlock's study in physical intimacy. As the days pass by, John realizes he might be in for more than he bargained for. He doesn't entirely mind.
Fucking Cake by Random_Nexus (E, 12,965 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Humour/Crack, Inanimate Object Smut, Frottage, “For a Case” / “Experiment”, PWP / Kinky, Mutual Pining, Fluff) – Sherlock brings home a chocolate cake, John finds him about to have sex with said cake, then exceedingly weird hijinx ensue. Part 1 of "Fucking Baked Goods" - Sherlock BBC
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Hellfire by testosterone_tea (E, 28,596 w., 9 Ch. || Fantasy / Magic / Mages / Elementals AU || Mage Sherlock, Elemental John, Developing Relationship, Torture, Powerful / BAMF John, POV Alternating, Dark / Blood Magic, UST, First Kiss) – Sherlock is a Mage that gets involved with a case involving Dark Summoning rituals, leading him to John Watson, a man with Berserker blood. The only thing is, Berserkers have been extinct for centuries. And of course, nothing involving Mycroft and his interfering ways is ever simple. This time, even Sherlock may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Never Change a Running System by Lorelei_Lee (E, 54,246 w., 18 Ch. || Pre-TRF, Romance, Humour, Drama, Sex Toys, Anal, Rimming, Masturbation, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Public Sex, First Kiss / Time, Virgin Sherlock / Loss of Virginity, Accidental Voyeurism, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Experiments, Naive Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Straight With an Exception John, Hand Jobs) – Sherlock discovers his sexuality – with far-reaching consequences for John.
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
Northwest Passage by Kryptaria (E, 95,157 w., 27 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canadian AU ||  BAMF!John, Canadian John, PTSD, Anal / Oral Sex, Rimming, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Drug Rehab, Falling in Love, Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Panic Attacks, Switching, Anxious / Protective Sherlock, Hugs for Comfort, Suicide Mentions, Healing Each Other) – Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service withdrew from society, seeking a simple, isolated life in the distant northern wilderness of Canada. Though he survives from one day to the next, he doesn't truly live until someone from his dark past calls in a favor and turns his world upside-down with the introduction of Sherlock Holmes." Part 1 of Tales from the Northwest
The Adventure of the Silver Scars by tangledblue (NR [M], 142,458 w., 41 Ch. || S3 Fix-It, Post-HLV/ Post-TAB / Canon Compliant, Case Fic, No Baby, Angst, Humour, UST, Slow Burn, Angry John, Reconciliation, Not Nice Mary / Leaving Mary, Dependent Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Caretaker John, Fist Fights, It’s An Experiment, Virgin Sherlock, Dancing, Drugging, John Whump, Pet Names, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Scars) – It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
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ineffably-effable · 5 years
further good omens fic recs
It’s been awhile since my last reclist post so here goes, please enjoy the rewards of my complete lack of self-control when it comes to this ship.
Please reach out if I’ve missed a tumblr tag, or drop a note if you have any recommendations I’ve missed! ( 31 recommendations underneath the cut )
(51k) Acts of Service by seekwill / @jasmine-cottage-uk
After receiving direct instruction from God, village reverend Aziraphale leaves his countryside congregation to serve the underserved and in-need at an urban church in London, a transition made all the more complicated by the mysterious and handsome Crowley, who always seems to appear when Aziraphale least expects him.
mood: pining, denial, secrets, idiots-in-love. 
(Warning: Don’t start reading this one at midnight expecting to put it down. Learn from my mistakes.) 
(44k) Mirror, Mirror by ImprobableDreams900 / @improbabledreams900
Crowley from an evil!au swaps places with our Crowley.
mood: butterfly effect, identity theft, Aziraphale!whump, badass!Aziraphale  
(40k) The Strong Tower by BuggreAlleThis
After the failed executions, a vengeful angel takes it upon herself to neutralise the threat presented by Crowley and Aziraphale.
mood: aziraphale!whump, protective!crowley, hurt/comfort, pining and fantastic world building.
(23k) You Might Think I'm Crazy (All I Want is You)   by soft_october / @soft-october-night​
Since the next shop over closed down, Aziraphale's had a peaceful few months, barring those unpleasant interactions with the men in cheap suits who keep trying to persuade him to sell his shop. But now a (handsome) new owner has taken up residence beside him and, horror of horrors, he wants to open up a coffee shop.
mood: fledgling friendships, obviously-in-love-to-everyone-but-themselves, almost-letting-your-doubts-and-insecurities-ruin-things, if-only-these-dumb-bastards-knew-how-to-communicate
(23k) names in history by lagaudiere
Maybe he’d shown Crowley how to perform a few miracles, but that Crowley had taken to them so well was surely a sign that he wasn’t all bad. And maybe Aziraphale had let himself be called upon to perform a few temptations, but that was just testing the will of the faithful if you looked at it from a different angle.
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, beautifully written.
(22k) This Soul Outstreaming by Rend_Herring 
Aziraphale constructs intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men (by “men” I mean Crowley).
mood: slow-burn, through-the-ages, forbidden love, UST, beautifully written. 
(29k) 5 Times Aziraphale was Almost Discorporated and One Time He Actually was by charliebrown1234 / @charliebrown1234
What it says on the tin.
mood: Aziraphale!whump through the ages, protective Crowley, hurt/comfort, wonderful characterizations.
(20k) In Pleasure's Clothes by obstinatrix, wishwellingtons
Three Times Aziraphale Stalked Crowley In Gay Clubs And One Time He Moped At Wilde’s Grave.
mood: jealousy, pining, miscommunications, idiots-in-love
(18k) Soft (A Love Story in Three Bites) by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly​
Crowley was an angel, once. Before she fell. Aziraphale was a warrior (she fell too. It just took a little longer.)
mood: ineffable wives thoughtfully done and beautifully written, pining, emotional vulnerability, hurting the ones you love, references to gothic romances that absolutely slay me, switching POVs between Aziraphale and  Crowley.
(18k) On Earth as it is in Heaven by JMA
Aziraphale was at Crowley's trial...the first one.
For six thousand years Aziraphale felt like an angel who has fallen, waiting for Heaven to realise. His fear and doubt has shaped and defined him. Now, with the Armageddon over and Heaven and Hell off their backs it is finally time to come clean.
mood: betrayal, pining, misguided attempts at atonement, miscommunication and forgiveness 
 (15k) Through Every Door by darlingred1 / @darlingred1​
After thwarting the end of the world, Aziraphale begins to avoid Crowley, and Crowley accidentally awakens his own repressed lust.
mood: mutually-pining-idiots, miscommunication,  immortal-beings-taking-turns-with-their-single-brain-cell, surprisingly-Crowley-has-first-dibs
(16k) Least of All by stereobone / @stereobone​
Every so often, Crowley talks to God.
mood: Crowley worrying after Aziraphale through the ages. Beautifully written, fantastic Crowley perspective.
(14k) Wine Fraud and Other Worthy Pursuits by ImprobableDreams900  / @improbabledreams900​
When Aziraphale, rare book dealer and part-time wine collector, encounters a bottle of 1844 Château Lafite-Rothschild he suspects isn't all that it claims, he becomes determined to track down the truth.
Unfortunately, the finger of suspicion seems to point at fellow wine collector Anthony J. Crowley, whom Aziraphale is already well on his way to befriending.
mood: suspicious Aziraphale and fledgling friendships  
(12k) Laugh When It Sinks In by Tenoko1 / @tenoko1​
Crowley stopped them in their trek, slipping his arm from Aziraphale’s grasp to face him, hands on his shoulders. “Are you sure you’re alright? A-are you having, like, a mid-life crisis or something now that Heaven’s cut you loose? You’re worrying me. What’s next? Cherry red sports car?”
mood: making a home for yourself and your charmingly oblivious life partner 
(10k) The Original Bar Joke by deathbycoldopen / @deathbycoldopen​
The way Crowley saw things, it was all one big joke, with him as the punchline.
mood: drunk!pining, idiots-in-love, jealous!Crowley, straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back moments, drunk!confessions
(8k) did you open up your heart there? by weatheredlaw / @weatheredlaw​
Aziraphale and Crowley meet over and over and over again. Aziraphale doesn't know what Crowley is, or why their souls can't seem to be parted, but he is a creature of love, and he's not going to argue with that.
mood: ready to have your heart broken over and over and over?
(7k) The Ark by rfsmiley / @redfacesmiley​
We’ve all been assuming that it takes them 6,000 years to figure it out, but what if it takes 6,300?
Or: the ineffable husbands evacuate a dying Earth.
mood: ineffable dystopian sci-fi romance (and yes, I love that this is a mood I can use to describe a good omens fic).
(7k) Where Thou Art by Mottlemoth / @mottlemoth​
A late-night bus to London, a few human comforts, and a long overdue confession... nothing will ever be the same for an angel and his demon.
mood: we-might-be-dead-by-tomorrow-love-confessions
(5k) Love Stories by goodomensblog  / @goodomensblog
Crowley goes too slow, Aziraphale drinks copious amounts of alcohol, and the bookshop is (very nearly) set on fire. Again.
mood: drinking because you’re an idiot in love (or because you’re in love with an idiot), looking after your drunk mate (only he’s not your mate he’s the love of your life and he’s finally starting to get that)
(4k) A Metaphor Of Some Kind by copperbadge / @copperbadge​
After the world doesn't end, Hell gets Crowley and Heaven gets Aziraphale, but not for very long.
mood: witty with great voices, loads of fun
(4k) One Sweet Moment Set Aside For Us by Arej 
Tattoos are like stories you write on your skin, and they'll say things for you if you'll let them. Or perhaps prompt other people to say things.
Or, Crowley is just drunk enough to get bold and let his guard down, and it leads to something he never thought he'd be allowed to have.
mood: pining, touching, reverance, love confessions
(3k) Something To Talk About by iamtheenemy (Steph)
Aziraphale jumps to some very inaccurate conclusions.
mood: pining and misconceptions, let’s see if we can make Crowley have an aneurysm.
Wow! Thanks for scrolling this far! You’ve unlocked the secret  “I’ll be in my bunk” section of the rec list! ;)
(That’s not to say the fics above don’t have their own hot scenes, or that the fic below are only  pwp, but these are the fics where the plot is either focused mostly on sex or the build-up to sex.)
(4k) left with no trace, as if not spoken to by drawlight / @drawlight​
Aziraphale's finger brushes against the edge of Crowley's hand. The theater is packed, it is dark. Everyone is watching the stage (no one is watching them). "Do you - ?" "Yeah, angel."
mood: Shakespeare may not have deserved this, but this reader is glad this exists.
(4k) I Tempt, You Thwart... Right? by AEpixie7 / @knightofthesevenfandoms​
Crowley accidentally-on-purpose roofies Aziraphale and then feels bad about it because Aziraphale is so high that he can't remember how to sober up.
mood: serious wing kink, drug-induced-loss-of-inhibitions
(6k) Appetite by spunknbite / @spunknbite​
Crowley places the macaron against Aziraphale’s lips with more reverence than the angel had thought him capable. “It’s alright, angel. Just take a bite.”
mood: drunk sex, overcoming inhibitions, first time, hand feeding 
(6k) The Better Part of Valour by obstinatrix
Said I, a few weeks ago: "I feel there’s also room for e.g. bedsharing fic where the apocalypse has Not Happened and they’ve fallen into queerplatonic (or so they think) bedsharing and Crowley thinks he’s alone in being driven slowly to distraction by it, so he says nothing. Then one night he wakes when it’s still dark, and at first he doesn’t know why, until he hears Aziraphale’s breathing a little raspier than usual, and feels the very slight trembling of the bed."
mood: bed-sharing-with-serious-insecurities-and-misunderstanding
(7k) a treatise on your fingers in my hair by Nimravidae / @tooeasilyconsidered​
Crowley sleeps for two days, his hair is a mess, and all it takes is a touch. Like a catalyst. Like striking flint, like a matchstick, like touching fire to gunpowder
mood: all that pent up UST has to go somewhere 
(9k) Released by vaguely_concerned / @vaguely-concerned​
After they get together Aziraphale has some lingering Ideas about his brief stint in the Bastille; Crowley is happy to help him explore them. Hijinks, as they say, ensue.
mood: french revolution era role play w/ feelings, fantastic dialogue. 
(17k) One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster)  by Atalan / @seaskystone​
Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
mood: flirting and first times
You’re still here? Can’t get enough? Well check out these amazing WIPs!
Slow Show by mia_ugly / @mia-ugly​
The Ineffable Pining Showmance AU that no one asked for.
mood: a more accurate summary would be the: ineffable pining showmance AU that no one knew to ask for, and everyone wanted more of. The characterizations in this are amazing. Crowley as a fallen film star is perfection. 
Shifting Heaven and Earth by BuggreAlleThis
For most of history, since he narrowly avoiding Falling from Heaven with Lucifer, Crowley has been working for the Angelic Corruption Unit. This ended up being far more boring than he hoped it would be, but things change when he is assigned to go undercover on Earth. His mission is to investigate Aziraphale, an infamous angel who has been on Earth since its Creation, and whom Heaven is sure is guilty of corruption or dereliction of duty. 
mood: slow-burn, betrayal, regrets,  aziraphale!whump, bamf!aziraphale
the bucket list by darcylindbergh / @forineffablereasons
If you’re going to go native, you might as well go all the way.
mood: saying the absolutely wrong thing at the wrong time, reaching your breaking point, miscommunication and heart break.
Still here? :)
My previous good omens recs post can be found here [x]
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farminglesbian · 4 years
I was tagged by @darkbloomiana ages ago (so long ago she probably forgot)
Rules: bold which trope you prefer (or, in some cases, hate the least!) out of each of the following pairs
slowburn or love at first sight (very very much so)
fake dating or secret dating (so much more opportunities for shenanigans; also, see: slowburn)
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (both v good, but friends to lovers is a concept i love)
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence (sure have read excellent fic on both, hmmm)
hurt/comfort or amnesia (i...not big on amnesia) (very big on h/c!)
fantasy au or modern au (see: coffee shop au, see: xena ubers)
mutual pining or domestic bliss (unawarely mutual pining pls!)
smut or fluff BOTH IS GOOD
reincarnation or character death ...no thanks
one-shot or multichapter yes please!
kid fic or road trip (i’ve... never had the urge to read fic about a pairing taking care of a child that hadn’t already been in either of their lives?)
arranged marriage or accidental marriage ?? what’s an arranged marriage trope
high school romance or middle-aged romance do you have to ask!
time travel or isolated together (i mean. always fun, isn’t it)
neighbors or roommates (can’t choose, both neat)
sci-fi au or magic au (ehh. not big on magic either)
angst or crack again, BOTH VERY GOOD
apocalyptic or mundane (well, depends on the show, huh? i’ll take the opposite of the usual setting, sure)
i tag @tygrrbomb , @tresvagas , @pea-green , @gay-mo , @chippingthegoalkeeper  if you feel so inclined!
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catinthepines · 5 years
New Writeblr Intro
Hi there! I'm Rook, a 20 year old autistic environmental scientist from Arizona. I read and write a lot of different things, but my favorite genres and tropes are:
Found family
Science fiction
Fairy tale retellings
Urban fantasy
LGBT+ rep where nobody buries the gays
I have six (6) WIPs going all at once because I crave chaos in my life.
Teens on a space station full of anarcho-communist counterculture communes try and wrangle resources and support for their pet radio project of theirs, which just happens to lead to the communes terraforming an old abandoned half-terraformed planet.
Found family? Hell yes
Very very gay
This is gonna get political, folx
Heaven and Hell make a bet that leads to seven random college students being given the powers of the archangels. Hijinks ensue as the gang tries to solve the mystery of their new powers while being dragged into a world of paranormal weirdness.
Angels and demons creating rival frat houses
Romance, most of it gay
Even MORE found family
A college campus in the Pacific Northwest
No less than three mentions of Waffle Houses
A coven of witches and a coffee shop ran by faeries
Honestly the plot of Antioch is ridiculous and that's the point I love it
Everything was Great Until we Drowned the Protagonist:
Two socially awkward neurodivergent teens meet in a high school English class. Their friendship helps them through the rough patches of being a high school freshman.
A story within a story
Aro-spec representation
Ownvoices autistic representation
Sorta a classic coming of age story, to be honest
Green Light:
A brilliant philanthropist decides that he needs to try to fix his past mistakes so that he can begin his charitable works earlier and help even more people. He consults with a scientist to create a time machine, but the scientist's wife (who is also a scientist) sabotages the machine to protect the timeline. Something goes wrong, and the scientist's wife ends up trapped in the past, trying to get home without messing anything up.
Morally grey characters
Time travel with a lot of angst attached
Romance? Maybe
A world in which the chosen one always defeats the forces of evil is thrown into chaos and war when their chosen one fails. A ragtag team of adventurers must go on a journey to save the world and become the chosen ones their world is counting on.
Superheroes in a fantasy setting
Heroes being the people who choose to be heroic, not the people who get told to be
Polyamorous lesbian romance
The Cloud:
An ex-con and a scientist go on a road trip while a cloud of poisonous and noxious gas descends on and corrodes entire cities.
Falling in love with an apocalypse in the background
Magical realism which I can't explain here because of spoilers but trust me it's there
The world is ending and nobody is straight
I was inspired to start my writeblr by @writeouswriter , @toboldlywrite , and @mlgwrites , and I hope y'all don't mind me tagging you in this post!
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