#autism persona
zipsunz · 7 days
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sunday routine 📺
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amberluvsbugs · 3 months
I don't know if this has been asked before, but I'm curious what about Sun and Moon do you like so much? I'm not judging. I'm just curious as for me, I simply just saw them as unique animatronics with a nice nod to jekyll and hyde. Also thanks for answering my prior question.
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Alight so my persona has autism and if y’all are wondering what are those spots on her from my YOUNG!trinatello post
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She has molluscum which I’ll let google explain it
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(The boy was wearing shorts but not a shirt so that’s why I had to marker it up)
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meowsticmarvels · 8 months
not gonna lie I thought he was taking the autism questionnaire for a second here
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The scene in Persona 5 where Makoto, Yusuke, Akira and Morgana try to have a conversation with Futaba in her room feels like a conversation with a group of people who have autism but in different ways lmao
Makoto has a structured way of holding a conversation and feels overwhelmed when the script doesn’t work.
Yusuke isn’t paying attention and starts fiddling with things.
Futaba doesn’t like the small talk and only starts really participating in the conversation once it’s about something she considers a special interest.
Akira is silent and doesn’t really add much to the conversation preferring to sit back and listen.
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cinnamon-stixs · 24 days
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this one's more personal than my normal content, but I hope yall like it anyway <3
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akolnoix · 1 month
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doodles doodles doodles... mostly of rise today
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arcsin27 · 16 days
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Gaining lots of appreciation for the adhd guy and autism guy dynamic
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ampharosee · 3 months
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Persona 4 lineup I forgot to post!! ^_^
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ghostyolive · 1 year
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What if 😳 the manifestation of your soul 😳 and the manifestation of my soul 😳 exchanged cute gifts 😳
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gyroidroves · 2 months
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Futaba introduces Yusuke to Splatoon
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greenlaut · 4 months
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yusuf (son of the sea) — assassin's creed oc
(this oc is a persona of myself but as the son of altaïr and malik. for fun purposes ehe.)
backstory under the cut
cw: implied child abuse, violence
yusuf heralds from akka harbour in the middle district. he had a content and fulfilling childhood with his father (a sailor), mother, and two you ger siblings. however, when he was 7 his father got caught in a brawl with drunk sailors, thus causing a conflict that killed his family. yusuf survived because he was out fishing when it occurred.
as an orphan, he was thrown into an orphanage. the orphanage couldn't afford the upkeep and soon enough it was bought by a slaver who profited off child-brides. yusuf escaped again; he'd rather die in the streets than bound to gross men.
he was severely malnourished and cold when altaïr first found him. the master assassin just finished up a kill and was making his way home. altaïr wrapped him up in a thick scarf and offered some bread. when the assassin tried to take yusuf to an orphanage, yusuf slipped away. yusuf was not a master assassin, but he was small and quick—easily weaving in and out of crowds and wagons. it took altaïr an embarassing amount of time (an hour, longer than it should've taken him to hunt down a target) to chase down the child. at the end of it, altaïr was impressed enough that he brought yusuf along.
altaïr thought of taking yusuf to masyaf, then forgone it, and instead dropped him off without much explanation in jerusalem with malik (much to the da'i's shock, confusion, and annoyance) before he continued on his mission. malik was apprehensive at first and was about to leave yusuf in one of the orphanages in jerusalem if altaïr never return to pick up the child back. but yusuf was a nice company to have around (compared to most of the air-headed novices he had to face—the bar is low) while malik worked. the child was witty, blunt, and reminded malik of young altaïr there wasn't any formalities when yusuf got taken in by malik—he just was.
during his stay with malik, yusuf preferred to be referred as a boy or child and acted much like any other boy. yusuf was born and raised in his family as a woman, and whilst he was in the streets he didn't care much about how people view him than to survive. one day malik asked him—the da'i glanced at yusuf whilst keeping his hands on the open map before him—if yusuf would rather be identified as a man or a woman. yusuf replied that he (is) very much a boy without looking up from his needlework (he was stitching his torn pants). malik nodded and that was that.
years later, when yusuf was of age; malik took it upon himself to unearth a merchant who sold medicines for men ailed with impotency. the da'i upheld his reputation as the most feared rafiq with the exchange. since then, yusuf has had no problems with getting his (gender-affirming) medicines regularly.
then al-mualim happened and altaïr rose up as a grandmaster. yusuf stayed with malik in jerusalem until he was of age to become a novice. until that time, altaïr would visit jerusalem regularly to check in on his ward and his friend—and to escape the unbearable stuffiness that is grandmaster work. altaïr taught yusuf how to hone his strength in stealth and agility. malik taught him how to read and write. during this time, they discovered yusuf was nearsighted due to him being severely malnourished in the past (and it also stunted his growth). but yusuf was able to hid it for so long since he had been using his second vision to cover up for his nearsightedness. (altaïr was rather delighted to find someone else sharing his trait. they bonded over their shared dislike of people labeled as enemies in their eagle vision).
they keep this strange bonding activity far off into yusuf's adulthood. they sit together and view into their second vision to ruminate over people. malik would scold both of them if he catches them in the act, saying that it's impolite and dishonourable. but after one attempts too many on altaïr's well-being, he understands the need. and sometimes, he'll sit with them and ask for names. altaïr has learned how to avoid dropping names to malik. yusuf hasn't—and the assassin isn't going to try and find out what malik will do (or has done) to them.
when yusuf became a novice, malik half-jokingly told yusuf to keep an eye on altaïr for him. and so he did; whilst he worked under the tutelage of the mentors, he would check in (read: harass) on altaïr in his study. while yusuf was not the brightest novice; he kept altaïr sane and feeling human enough through the trials of leadership.
yusuf eventually finishes his training as an assassin (not master assassin). altaïr oversaw his hidden blade initiation personally out of fondness. he has no intent of becoming a mentor, and so he takes his time to loiter around masyaf and jerusalem to keep an eye for both of his pseudo-fathers. taking up available missions or errands to run without caring for ranks.
he excels in stealthwork and free-running. to deal with his eyesight, yusuf tends to find viewpoints from the highest landmark first to check with his second vision before dealing with his target. contrary to his fathers, yusuf's swordmanship is minimum. he avoids conflict when he can, and prefers to escape (by running or blending in) or stealth-kill when facing enemy soldiers.
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peachiime · 7 months
hello persona 5 fandom!!!
i bring you drawings of all of the phantom thieves... BUT WITH HEADCANONS!!!!!!!!
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morgana. lesshera.
anyways. lineup
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i spent 2 days on this and caught a cold so PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEASE if you're going to like this, then reblog it as well. for me :(
ryuji and yusuke were very much inspired by @sehruliyan's versions of them..... in fact, they inspired this whole project! they're a very good artist go support them NOWWWWWWW
ok byebye <3
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simplysostupid · 3 months
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Elizabeth. My favorite creature.
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soup-question-mark · 10 months
Girls don’t want guys. Girls want love through all eternity.
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citruscitrushope · 7 months
I like Persona 4 because Yu just stands there like •_• and then everyone falls in love with him
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