#assassins 2019
pedroam-bang · 11 months
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Maxime Delcambre - Assassin's Creed (2019)
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gronnulv · 6 months
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Q: "Ed, try this new outfit (ref from AliExpress)" + "transformation in style of Sailor moon"
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sinestrosmind · 4 months
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thanks to @tinyghostotus I made a few redraws of an IDW TMNT panel that were ABSOLUTELY meme material
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glowsticcc · 1 year
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finished the color wheel challenge!
this took so long but i do love it!
(some characters i took some liberties and implemented my headcanons bc i can do whatever i want)
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fumiko-matsubara · 9 months
AssClass OCs: Harue and Ayaka 🧡🩷
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I had too much fun drawing them and it took so much of my time, I felt obligated to post them since this is my public brainrot space after all lol
I've only recently decided on Harue's design but the idea of her has always been at the back of my head since last year, a little after I created Isami bc... it later followed the Nakamura bit 😭
DREAM Masterlist | AssClass OC Intros
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piparkukke · 2 years
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horrorgirlspoll · 6 months
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*This is not "only the 1 character w/ the most votes out of the 4 moves on", but more like "characters with the least votes out of all prelim rounds get kicked"
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Writing Commissions Open!
Hey y’all! I’ve decided to open up writing commissions–I’ve been writing for a good while now (both for myself and others), but this is my first foray into doing comms!
Fandoms: Dead by Daylight, Apex Legends, IT (book and movies) Scream, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Ghosts of War, The Evil Dead, The Cleansing Hour, Re-Animator, Daredevil (comics and show), Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin’s Creed (3, Unity, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla), and more! Just ask :)
What I’ll write: x Reader, OC, NSFW (if over 18), gore, ships
What I won't write: Non-con, minor/adult, NSFW of a minor
$20 for 2000 words
$5 for every subsequent 500 words 
Feel free to send in an ask, a DM, or an email to [email protected] to get in contact about a comm! I’m super flexible about pricing, just lemme know and we can figure something out :) I’ll let you know about payment methods there as well!
Since I don’t often post my work, here’s a link to a Google Doc of some of my writing samples! It has some snippets of personal writing as well as links to some of my posted fics (which do cross accounts–I’m a bit of a serial remaker LOL).
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candyflossfairy · 1 year
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Hello everyone! In an attempt to raise money for my bills I'm opening up commissions. I need to raise a good amount of money to pay off an outstanding balance so that I can continue to see my psychiatrist and continue to get the medication I need.
I hate asking for help, but I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't need it.
Willing to do Canon x Canon, Canon x OC, OC x OC or Canon x Reader!
Here are the rates:
$10 - ~500 words
$15 - ~1k words
$20 - ~1.5k words
$25 - ~2k words
So on and so forth, 500 word increments increase $5
$12 - ~500 words
$17 - ~1k words
$22 - ~1.5k words
$27 - ~2k words
And so on and so forth.
Anything commissioned will NOT be posted publicly!!
These are allowed to be ENTIRELY personalized, including names.
For NSFW commissions we will need to discuss kinks etc. beforehand!
If you're interested please send me a DM. Payment is required before delivery of commission through Venmo. (Paypal can be discussed)
And if you can't/don't want to commission, feel free to donate through vemno ( @marsbarssss --four s's!)
And the last and BEST way to help me, is to reblog this. I would appreciate it so much!
Fandoms I'm willling to write for under the cut:
Movies, TV & Books:
Harry Potter (Including Marauders Era and Cursed Child era)
House of Night
Outer Banks
Stranger Things
Stephen King's IT
Vampire Academy
The Walking Dead
Anime & Video Games:
Attack on Titan
Assassination Classroom
Classroom of the Elite
Demon Slayer
Final Fantasy
Five Nights at Freddy's
Fruits Basket
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ouran High School Host Club
Sk8: The Infinity
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simpinghard · 4 months
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Just rewatched the Aladdin live action, some Agrabah shots visually reminded me of Mirage's Baghdad...
Except Ubisoft actually has historically accurate architecture while Disney mixed up persian, Andalus and indian architecture 😅
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Also the scene where Aladdin was being chased by guards is almost like the Mirage trailer and gameplay, I'll have to make a detailed post about it for my sake 😵‍💫
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pohutukosplay · 17 days
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Pōhutukaryl Cosplay as Charlotte de la Cruz Assassin's Creed: Assassins and Uprising
Armageddon Expo photographed by Luminarchy Photography Westpac Stadium, Te Whanganui-a-Tara April 13th 2019
buy me a Ko-Fi?
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pedroam-bang · 9 months
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Anna (2019)
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"Goddamned Assassin" by Peruvian 90s goth band Cenizas off of their 2019 album Not Even Ashes, presented here by record label Swiss Dark Nights
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sinestrosmind · 4 months
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managed to find backgrounds from the show and decided HEY
I should absolutely mimic the show's style and make fake screenshots
Leo and Chief are my favorite chaotic duo even though they fight like 80% of the time
the other 20% is spent getting on each other's nerves OR doing stupid shit like stealing from Big Mama <3
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grimmboytezxd · 2 years
I spent all day yesterday listening to the 2019 E3 Performance by Ubisoft where they had a orchestra come and play the main themes to all AC games up to that time. It was beautiful. I would've cut off all my limbs just to attend.
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missindietennessee · 2 years
The Peakiness Of Him
Chapter 1
Cillian Murphy x fem!OC
Summary: Muireann O’Dwyer was a former spy for the government who turned into an assassin for hire; hasn’t been top priority for five years, as she hasn’t killed since. But, after coming out of her five year dormancy, agent Cillian Murphy must go undercover to get as much intel as possible to put her away. But what happens when they both seemingly fall for one another? Will he or will he not follow through with his mission?
words: 1349
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (assassination)
a/n: not the best i’ve wrote, but it was pretty fun to write. chapter two will be up sometime soon! 
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In front of her sat an estranged man. Their eye contact never broke in the nearly two hours she was there. The only thing in the room that had been broken was her trust in him. Everything he’d ever told her had all been lies. Or maybe, not all of it.
As they sat and stared, the tension grew stronger in the room. He knew he’d fucked up and that she’d never forgive him. But, there was nothing else he could do, he did what his job asked of him. He felt terrible for what he’d done, but there was no other way. 
She could hardly look at him anymore. Nothing was as she thought it to be. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could come out of his mouth, she scoffed. “Look, Muir-” She instantly cut him off.
“Don’t give me one of your shit excuses! You fucking betrayed me. And for what?! To ensure that your job title was still secured to your name?!” To say she was infuriated was an understatement. She sat up very quickly and hit her hand on the metal table where she sat. 
“Muireann, just calm down. Listen to me,” he said, trying to be as calm as possible. Well, as calm as he could be considering that the woman he loved was cursing at him. To say he was mad at himself was an understatement. She wasn’t the only one who hated him now and he knew he’d never forgive himself for all he did. But most importantly, he’d never forgive himself for falling in love and then breaking her heart.
Nine Months Previous
The wind blew against him as he walked into his office building. It was a cold January morning. His thick wool coat was buttoned all the way with a wool knit scarf wrapped around his neck. All around him were people from work talking while eating their breakfast. He never had much time to do anything other than work, and at times, that was frustrating. He was never able to do much, but that was part of his job and after a while, he began to not mind after a few years.
Without saying anything to the receptionist, just a simple nod and smile, he walked into the elevator. He pressed the button for the twelfth floor. No one was in there with him, leaving him to loathe with the absolutely terrible elevator music. But luckily, the ride was never too long even though he was on the twelfth floor. And as the doors opened to his floor, several people who worked the late night shift were waiting at the shiny metal doors. They let him step out before stepping into the elevator themselves. 
As he made his way to his office, he began to remove his scarf and managed to undo two buttons of his double breasted wool coat. People all around him were working at their respectable jobs and places. On his way to his office, he was stopped by one of his higher-ups. “Cillian, we need to see you in the conference room in five. We’ve got a new assignment for you,” the other man in a suit said. 
Cillian nodded and the two men walked away in different directions. And in the quickest way possible, Cillian made his way to his office and took off his coat to reveal a black two piece suit with a black tie. He sat his coat and scarf on the back of his chair and sat his briefcase on his desk before leaving in a hurry to the conference room. 
He walked with confidence and stride, and people always moved out of the way for him when he walked, and right now was no exception. He used to get nervous when he would go to the conference room, but over time, he grew used to it. Most everything that was said in that room was confidential and could not be uttered to anyone who wasn’t ranked high enough. 
The dark wood door was opened by Cillian, two men, the one from before and a different one, were standing on two opposite sides of a large table with many seats around it. “Tom, Jamie, what did you need me for?” Cillian asked, walking to a seat and sitting down. Tom and Jamie sat down as well. 
“We’ve got another job for you,” the man named Tom said, taking out a file folder from his own black briefcase. Tom handed Cillian the folder. Cillian opened it to look through it all. 
“Her name’s Muireann O’Dwyer: trained assassin, spy, intel collector. She’s been dormant for the past five years, though,” Jamie said.
“Then why do you need me? If she’s been dormant then she poses no threat, right?” Cillian asked, scanning through her file, or what little they had of it. 
“That would be the case if she hadn’t just come out of her dormancy,” Tom said. Cillian’s head shot up, his eyes going wide. “We found Jenivive Duncan dead in her home. She was a key witness in the Winchester case. And as we learned several years ago, Andre Winchester was O’Dwyer’s main employer,” Jamie added on. 
“Why did she go dormant for five years? A-And why come back now?” Cillian asked, curious.
“We … don’t know,” Tom said. “But, this time around, she screwed up. She must’ve not studied the house enough to find out that there were cameras and she showed her face very clearly multiple times and we were able to get a clear picture of her face. And not to mention we were able to locate her,” he added, bringing a bit of optimism to the conversation.
Before Cillian could ask how, Jamie began to talk again. He began to explain how they were able to locate her. She’d kept her first name, but changed her last name, which Cillian found strange. She was a trained spy who could easily disappear whenever she wished. It just didn’t make sense to him. According to Jamie, through a process that was done overnight, they were able to scan in her comfort zone for living for women in their late thirties to early forties named Muireann who came from a French mother. And, unshockingly, there was only one match, who just so happened to look like the photo they got on the camera.
At this point, Cillian was still curious as to why he was needed, they seemed to have everything figured out, including her address. Jamie and Tom could see that Cillian was confused as to why they called him in. “Now, let’s get to why we called you in,” Tom started. “We need you to go undercover and get as much intel and or evidence as you possibly can. We need all of it to put her and her employers away for good,” he added. 
Cillian should’ve known this was coming. They always needed all the evidence to make sure whoever they were putting away would stay away and were sure to never get out again. It was always like that, no matter if they already had enough to keep whoever they needed to put away. 
“And one more thing, there’s a promotion for a new operations coordinator. If you complete this assignment, that title is yours,” Tom added. Cillian heard what he said but only semi-processed it, too lost in his thoughts about what he’d just been told. All he heard and processed was that if he completed his assignment, he’d be promoted to a job he had been wanting for years.
 As Tom and Jamie kept talking about all Cillian would need to do, Cillian began thinking of why she went dormant. Why go dormant for five years and just come back now? Jenivive Duncan had been in protection for six years, so why now? Tom obviously noticed that Cillian wasn’t paying much attention. He said his name twice, snapping Cillian out of his thoughts. 
“Any questions, Cillian?” Tom asked, raising his eyebrow. Cillian sat up straight.
“When do I start?”
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