#aspect: madness
mayasaura · 1 year
I don't wanna further hijack that poor poll, but the thing about Harrow's schizophrenia is that it's canon. The author has confirmed it, and shared that it's based on her own experience.
It's a pretty obscure bit of canon, so of course there's no shame in not already knowing, but that's why I'm so obnoxiously persistent about letting people know.
Whatever else is up with Harrow, autism or cptsd or any number of likely headcanons, she is also schizophrenic. I feel like that's too important to be handwaved away as a difference of opinion.
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ironunderstands · 1 month
I just saw a post on TikTok claiming Dr. Ratio wouldn’t be a monster fucker, my day is ruined my fields have gone sallow my water is poisoned HOW DARE YOU.
They also said he would judge people for it?!?? In what universe would Ratio give a singular fuck about that. The only one in which this take makes sense is if you hc him as aroace and having absolutely no desire to fuck anything, because if anything Ratio would 100% find fucking a monster to be more enjoyable because it’s a new experience
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
Thinking about Danny Phantom but as found footage/analogue horror. Like, it works SO incredibly well and I'm a bit obsessed.
Inexplicably grainy FentonWorks lab footage? A ghost dissection video log that gets more disturbing the longer it goes on? Ambiguous morality? Distorted imagery? Something being very, very wrong with the Fenton's son?
The proto-portal test footage from the 80s???? followed by hospital quarantine reports describing what a fatal dose of ecto-contaminants looks like? Which is then interrupted by Ṽ̵͇͍̓̒̕l̷̛͕̜̞̬͒̔͑̾̊͊a̷̝̰͕̗͇̣̓́́d̶̢̬̳̗̻̖̄̒̓̈́͌̚̕ ̴̡̛̱̱́́͆͠ͅw̷͎̬̠͒̐́̈́̈̇̚ā̵̢̢̛͔͙́͒̚͝k̴̡̹̘̻̜͇̬̍̏̄͂̊̀͠i̸̙͋͗̄ṅ̸̢̳̻̠̦̬͌̍͐͐̅͠g̶͇̥̮̦̗͑̃͘ ̶̨̏̈́̆͠ṳ̷͉̩̮̙̄̇͜p̸̧̡̹̗͇͘ and turning the hospital upside down?
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lucascsinclairs · 11 months
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Lucas Sinclair in Stranger Things 2 | Chapter Five: Dig Dug
"We have a lot of rules in our party. But the most important one is: Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what."
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houseofborgia · 8 months
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THE BORGIA BROTHERS + putting the family's interest above their sister's concerns
"Everything I do is for the family."
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persona-brainrot-real · 8 months
It is once again “why didn’t they let ryuji have any empathy for yusuke” era. Nothing like a game establishing that both of them have abusive/neglectful/awful dads and then instead of ryuji trying to connect with yusuke and show him that madarame is abusing him, he just gets angry at him?? For what????? Why???? There was so much potential
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cable-salamder · 2 days
*Insert incoherent mumblings as I shuffle onto the stage* Instead of a The Stanley Parable and Ninjago crossover where characters are replaced, we as a fandom should consider the possibility of The Stanley Parable actually taking place in part of The Administration. Neither the Narrator nor Stanley know it though, and all agents are prohibited from entering
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nikkoliferous · 9 months
after reading the one hundred and one millionth inane quote about how Loki is such a pRiViLeGeD pRiNcE while Sylvie is just a poor baby who had no real childhood and had to learn to fend for herself from a young age, I feel the need to point out that even the ONE thing we know about Sylvie's past, the thing that's supposed to be her mAjOr tRaUmA and set her apart from him somehow, was literally stolen from Loki.
this is how Tom described Loki's experience post-suicide attempt back in the day while doing press for Avengers:
“I think he went, like with everything else, to a sort of… it was just like, the worst place imaginable. I think he went to all of the darkest recesses of the universe. I’m sure he had a brush with—several brushes with death. I think he ran into the shadiest characters you can find in the Nine Realms. I think he had to rely on his wits to protect himself. It was really, really, really unpleasant, I think. I don’t have any frame of reference for that, except for imagining what it might be like to be kidnapped by a terrorist or something and have to survive a very, very frightening and precarious existence. But whatever it was, it was important when Loki came back for The Avengers, that whatever compassion he had left was absolutely shriveled to a minimum because of the experience that he had. Harrowing, I think, and scarring for life—in a way that Thor and Odin and Frigga find very, very difficult to understand.” [source]
and now the show pretends that Loki teamed up with Thanos completely of his own will, even though Marvel had JUST confirmed that the sceptre was influencing him throughout Avengers, and they hand that traumatic backstory that was Loki's off to their precious OC.
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 2 months
Something about the way people talk about Solomon's dismissal of his vulnerability rubs me the wrong way. (I don't have any specific examples, I'm just gonna hope you know what I'm talking about lol.)
I've never seen anything inherently mean, but I have seen comments that seemingly take offense to his "just kiddings" when he expresses his feelings, whether it's romantically or talking about past hardships... And I couldn't pinpoint what it was that confused me about the fandom's responses to that until now.
What Solomon is going through in moments like those is a trauma response. And yes, while trauma responses aren't always beneficial and can sometimes be hurtful to others or the person responding that way themselves, reacting with "negativity" to said responses just makes it worse.
Solomon has an avoidant attachment style, which means he struggles with opening up and being genuine in his feelings even if he wants to. I, myself, am the same way. More often than not, I also follow up a heavier topic with "I'm sorries" or "just kiddings." The thing about this, is it's not meant to be malicious. So, when I see people taking Solomon's comments as if it's a slight to them, I just...??
I can almost guarantee that if those comments where said to him right after he'd attempted to open up, even if it had good intentions, it'd probably make him want to close back up completely. Because there's no patience to his avoidance, no acceptance to why he behaves that way. There's just this perception of not being understood or that his feelings/thoughts aren't safe. It just feels like he's not allowed any grace.
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chai-berries · 9 months
patrols with abby were easy. you knew she had your back, being the best of the best in isaac’s eyes. you started training with her to go on missions in the first place so you both created an almost dance while on a mission. you talked, whispered, laughed. you packed your extra bags with his trash/her treasure bits and bobs you found in decrepit buildings, teetering on 2x4s like a gymnast. abby was currently obsessed with the olympics, the last one being in 2012. she found a bunch of magazines about it on her last trip and had delicately packed them in her bag, planning on reading them as soon as she got back. “did you know that…” lined your conversations for several patrols. your personal favorite fact that it was the first olympics where every nation had a woman representing.
she later admitted, when you had officially been together for just over a week, that you were the last person to still be interested in what she was talking about. even nora tapped out after an hour-long spew about the shoes track and field athletes wear. manny tapped out after 5 minutes, during which he thought abby was joking around the whole time.
the point is you guys had it down to a tee. and yet, neither of you saw it coming. one second abby is laughing at something you said, turning around to respond, and the next second she’s pointing a gun over your shoulder. you freeze, back tensed up. an arm that is neither yours nor abby’s wraps around your neck and pulls you against a chest. the breath you let out from the action is sucked back into your lungs when you feel the cold metal of the gun tap against your temple. your mind shuts down on you, your fear overshadowing all you know about self-defense. your eyes stay locked on abby’s face. if you’re going to die, you want the last thing you see to be her.
“let. her. go.” abby bites out. her hand is steady, the gun pointed at whoever had you in a chokehold. “and i’ll think about letting you live.”
the man, who you assume is a man, tugs you closer to their body. you hear them wet their lips before speaking through a smile.
“now, i don’t want to hurt either of you,” it is a man. and his nonchalant response makes your stomach turn. “i don’t hurt young ladies like yourself,” he continues lewdly. his hold tightens on you again but this time he moves you so your body is pressed tight against his. abby continues to stare him down, her finger itching to fire a shot right in his head for touching you.
you bring both hands around his arm and sneak them between it and your neck. abby clocks your shift and switches her focus to the smug son of a bitch on the other side of her gun. she barely blinks before firing one clean shot in his shoulder, causing him to jump back and let you go. you dive near abby’s feet and move to stand behind her.
the man is moaning loudly. “now why did you do that?” he cries, holding his shoulder.
“c’mon man, if i have to explain it to you, you really are better off dead.” abby steps towards the man, who scuttles away on the floor. with you behind her, abby let’s go of the breath she’d been holding. she kneels over the curled up man, the hand on his shoulder stained red.
“who are you? are you alone?”
“ya think im gonna tell you?” the man croaks out.
abby kicks the gun away. “if you want to live i’d suggest talking. you’re in wolf territory.”
he freezes at the last sentence and abby tenses up again.
you freeze as well and call for abby. “c’mon. abby, we — we should go. ab—”
“no! we heard about a group moving in. they killed austin and half their group,” she says to you, her attention still on the man. “was that you?” she asks him. when he doesn’t say anything, abby knows her answer. she thinks back to what issac told her. that anyone in that group needs to be eliminated. no matter what. and you being on patrol wasn’t an exception in anyone’s eyes but abby’s.
“step back,” she nods her head at you. you immediately comply, taking several steps back as abby stands back up.
SHE KILLS FOR YOU: she looks down at the man and fires a single shot. you squeeze your eyes shut at the sound and don’t open them until you feel abby’s hand on your cheek. you blink up at her as she scans your face. you know you probably look a mess. sweat and dirt covering your face no matter how hard you try to keep it clean.
“you okay?” she asks, brows furrowed.
you nod. “yeah. not my first time witnessing a death, unfortunately. but i’m okay.” you lean into her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm. after a minute of scanning you for any tiny scratches, she lets you go and readjusts her backpack, slipping her gun into the holster.
“c’mon, let’s go back early. we need to report this to the group.”
you’re quick to follow her, taking the hand she gives to guide you over a giant fallen tree. she does it automatically, her free hand reaching to steady you if needed. the shift from laughing and joking to whispers is felt. but thankfully the love is still as loud as ever.
SHE DOESN’T KILL FOR YOU: “get up!” abby watches the man struggle to stand. he stumbles and abby uses her free hand to hold him up. when he’s stable, she steps back. “if i was alone you’d be dead by now. you’re lucky. go back to your group and tell them to stay out of this area. this is your only warning. now go!” the man stutters for a second before he staggers away. you take a step towards abby.
“abs — abby?” she keeps facing the direction the man went but doesn’t shy away from your touch. you run your hand up her arm and to the nape of her neck. “you okay?”
“yeah,” she sighs. she turns to look at you. your eyes are glassy and wide. she reaches up to wipe a tear from the corner of your eye. “c’mon we need to head back. one of the survivors said they had a big crew and isaac needs to know what happened before tomorrow’s patrol.”
you’re quick to follow her, taking the hand she gives to guide you over a giant fallen tree. she does it automatically, her free hand reaching to steady you if needed. the shift from laughing and joking to whispers is felt. but thankfully the love is still as loud as ever.
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apple-spider-vinegar · 2 months
Something I feel often goes unrecognized in discussion of Harry Osborn is the fact that he is the Only Child of a Single Parent.
In my experience/observation (both real and fictional) the only child/single parent bond is so inexorable it's hard to fully comprehend. Few other things will bind two people together in such a way.
Like many familial relationships, it's full of a thousand little hurts that will probably never get brought up again. Sometimes you let the relationship go by the wayside in pursuit of your own life goals because you take it for granted that family will always be around. But there's a unique flavor to it.
Deep down inside you there's an awareness that it's Just The Two Of You. For the child, it may have been just the two of you from your very earliest memories. Sure, you know other people. There are extended family and friends and maybe the parent has a romantic partner or two. But at the end of the day, in your home, in your hearts (something you carry with you no matter where you go) the two of you are all you have and all you feel you can really depend on.
A world in which the two of you aren't together is almost impossible to picture and you don't want to try, even in the moments you wish you could just get away from each other. Being an only child separated from a single parent for the first time ‐ even on normal and amicable terms like when you move out on your own - makes you realize, again and again, how many ways your parent has influenced you. The things you say that you heard from them first, the habits, the opinions. You love them, but sometimes it feels like they still... OWN you, even though you are your own person. Sometimes that frightens you, but the alternative is even more frightening.
Like all love, it'll make you behave selfishly and irrationally at times.
And it'll really make you DEFENSIVE.
If you're Harry Osborn and complain a bit about your dad being a dickhead while deep down wondering if he really even cares about you, that's one thing. But if anyone says a word against him in your presence you have to backtrack. You have to argue in his defense because he's all you have and you're all he has. Loss would unbearable.
Look, guys. It has been years since Harry and Norman Osborn have gotten along or been able to really enjoy each other's company, if they ever could. But if anything happened to the other they would kill everyone in this room and then themselves, do you understand what I'm saying?
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ms-revived-frogs · 5 months
I find it funny that I keep saying that all life has value and all humans deserve the right to life ... and radfems' response to that is to tell me to kill myself. Like, do you think that's working on your part?
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
I give Prime massive props for actually giving Shadow a reason to be pissed with Sonic outside of just “because???”
Ya we can make jokes that Shadow is just fighting with Sonic bc that’s part of their dynamic and Shadow likes to beef, but the reality is that Shadow has legitimate reasons to be upset with Sonic’s recklessness.
It’s not just “let’s have sonic and shadow fight and make Shadow an asshole because why else would they fight??”
Instead it’s “Sonic’s messing up, Shadow recognizes that and wants to put a stop to it before things go too far.”
And with how Prime has characterized Sonic thus far, even though Sonic claimed they could talk things out instead of fighting, Sonic wasn’t even listening to his friends, so I doubt he would actually listen to Shadow.
That’s why Shadow picks a fight, because he knew that would keep Sonic’s attention, not a conversation. Even during the fight Sonic ignores every time Shadow tries to tell him to listen and to focus and opts to just dip out to help his friends instead of trying to understand why Shadow even got in his way.
And things, unfortunately, go too far. It’s not just that Sonic shattered all his friends into different versions of themselves and their world into separate parts, he completely broke their world. It’s all gone. It’s just shatters of its formal self.
All because Sonic wasn’t listening, and he comes to that conclusion on his own, which was incredible to watch. For Sonic to have a moment of reflection and to realize what he’s been doing, it’s a great moment and it sets up how Sonic goes about the remaining episodes.
And while Sonic has come to that conclusion, it doesn’t change what he’s done. It’s why at the end of episode eight, when Shadow is finally able to catch Sonic, he’s still mad. Sonic still did what he did. And Shadow will probably be there to chew him out for it but he will probably also help Sonic pick up the pieces. After the initial fight and explanations are done, they’re gonna team up I’m sure (the articles hinted at that lol) and actually communicate to fix things.
After all, that’s all Shadow wanted from the start. For Sonic to listen and to focus.
It was really nice, after so long, to watch and see a Shadow who was levelheaded, who was high tempered for good reason, who could put the pieces together from just observing, and who was ultimately just trying to protect his world.
In his own Shadow way.
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saturnniidae · 20 days
I think we should have more httyd or rotbtd horror
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batemanofficial · 2 months
can i say something controversial. the way people (especially american liberals but that's a whole nother can of worms) act about animal testing is sooooooooooo unhelpful. like is cosmetic testing on dogs/rodents/primates harmful and unnecessary? yes, in many cases! but does that mean all animal testing - for any application - should be categorically banned? no. animal testing is a vital process in many, many medical and research contexts and is conducted under a very strict set of standards, ergo applying "animal abuse" as a blanket label to all instances of animal testing is reductive at best and shows a flagrant lack of understanding of medical ethics on the part of the population. and don't even get me started on how slippery of a slope it is to go from condemnation of animal testing to just flat out eugenics
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sluttylittlewaste · 2 months
One super fascinating thing about Kristen's current arc in JY is how much it reflects real-world conversations I've been following about effort and consistency and reliability in relationships. Specifically, I've been reading about the resentment in (primarily het) relationships caused by uneven distribution of mental load and repetivite, constant labor between partners.
Follow me now-
I've seen a few posts on here from people who have ADHD highlighting how realistic it is to their experience that Kristen is SO GOOD for doing grand acts and big miracles, but struggles so deeply with "the boring stuff". Upkeeping social media for Cassandra/YES!, consistently holding meetings to maintain whatever following she does develop for her gods, even just bi-weekly essays. I can't speak to the ADHD experience myself. However, from my relationships with people who have it and a decent amount of the posts I see on this website, that is a consistent manifestation of the disorder.
Dovetailing from that is the very real conversation I've heard time and time again about people whose family/friends/partners refuse to help with the little tasks of keeping a home in order or a project on track, but will pull through for big events under the assumption that it balances things out. It's a conversation that occurs a lot in spaces of studying gender dynamics in relationships - i.e. In a dynamic where the wife is responsible for doing all of the cooking/cleaning/grocery shopping/organizing, the husband will do a singular, high-effort task or grand gesture, "I built you an armoire!", "I took the kids out for a full day so you could relax!" and reference that singular event or task as a counterbalance for smaller tasks they do not aid in (daily dishes, laundry, running errands). This can also take the form of one partner doing grand gestures on occasion, but not showing up in smaller ways throughout the relationship on a day-to-day level.
-Ex. Partner A indicates that would appreciate more frequent affection in the relationship, such as date nights, flowers, non-sexual physical contact, etc. Partner B responds by planning a fancy dinner, gratuitous non-sexual contact/complements, and buying a lavish gift - but they do not increase displays of affection in their daily lives. Partner A mentions that though they appreciate the gesture, it didn't solve the initial problem, and Partner B doesn't understand why all of the obvious effort they put in isn't enough. The cycle continues and resentment grows as both people feel like their needs aren't being met/their efforts aren't being appreciated.
(Sorry if that's an over-explanation, I'm trying to be clear lol)
I think a lot about two things Cassandra said to Kristen:
"You're unreliable." and "It's not fair." in the context of these dynamics.
I've seen a decent number of people talk about how mutually unfair bringing Cassandra back was for both her and Kristen. I have also seen a lot of very valid arguments about Kristen being a LITERAL CHILD who makes a lot of impulsive (re: bad) decisions because she cares so deeply about specific things. We've also seen that Kristen CAN be so good in the little ways (Giving Lydia Barkrock the Help action, supporting Tracker through her bullshit, trying to do okay in school to help Riz). For all intents and purposes, there is no actual lack of effort on Kristen's part - she very obviously cares deeply. However, those efforts are more occasional and case-by-case than something constant, like going out every day to spread the word of Cassandra or doing something boring like homework.
Cassandra, whose entire thing is that she's always there to offer support -"I'm there holding your hand in the dark"- knows these things as well. She knows what Kristen is capable of. The hurt, then, doesn't come from the fact that Kristen can't but because, for some reason, she won't.
In conversations about how certain partners... underperform in relationships, one theme that often arises is that of, "I know he can do it, he simply doesn't." Whether that be daily chores or consistent acts of affection, Partner A has seen Partner B be helpful or put effort into things that they find interesting. There is no question of capability - Partner B can do whatever it is Partner A requests. Partner A thus concludes that Partner B doesn't because they don't want to. -Ex. "He refuses to help me because he doesn't care about me/He doesn't think I'm worth the effort."
While I obviously cannot make a true 1-to-1 comparison between this particular manifestation of Executive Dysfunction in people with ADHD and lackluster partners in relationships (I am aware that it is deeply harmful to imply that being a "bad" partner is in any way correlated to any singular disability), this is a degree of parallelism to be found in the Kristen/Cassandra dynamic and the type of dysfunction I reference in above examples. There is the caveat that if you have ADHD and know you struggle with doing things that are smaller or more tedious/repetitive, you can work with the people in your life to accommodate that. Additionally, men (at least in the US) are traditionally socialized to undervalue the traditional female labor that is caretaking.
That said, in universe, Kristen doesn't seem to know she has ADHD and thus could not articulate her limitations to Cassandra - and even if she could, it might not have solved the problem ( though it could have kept Cassandra from getting so upset).
The entire reason I wrote all of this is that I've seen several responses to the most recent preview for FHJY wherein Kipperlily Copperkettle accuses Kristen of not caring (and, to be clear, Kristen fully does not care about the Presidency. That is very likely what KLCK was referring to, and she is not wrong in being upset if Kristen wins this thing she hasn't even bothered to campaign AT THE SCHOOL for). The trend in the responses has been people listing Kristen's miracles more than anything, and while those do prove that she does CARE about SOME THINGS, it doesn't address the fact that for most people care is displayed through active, consistent, reliable effort rather than big dramatic displays: While the shrimp jump was cool, it does nothing to prove that Kristen gives a shit about student government.
#this is barely coherent#there's just this wild juxtaposition that I feel like comes up a lot on Tumblr#it seems to happen specifically with ND characters that people see a lot of themselves in#where even if the flaws and complications of that Neurodivergence are being assessed and deconstructed#people will plant their feet on “she can do no wrong!”#and sometimes it's whatever because it's just a fictional character#but other times#like with Kristen Applebees#where the defensiveness has the flavor or being deeply honest#which concerns me#like I truly hope y'all are putting more effort into handling real world criticism than you do with fictional shit#the instantaneous demonization of anyone who isn't tooth grindingly supportive of the Bad Kids (namely Kristen) is worrying#kipperlily is allowed to be mad at Kristen for winning! She may have done some shifty shit#but you can't say she didn't try really hard to win#and Kristen didn't even do her own shrimp jump. she only ran because she immediately disliked kipperlily#and ever Kristen's reason for disliking Kipperlily isn't fair???#Like it started before they realized the whole rat grinder conspiracy#she just didn't like that Kipperlily was a Type A overachiever#which has nothing to do with Copperkettle#and everything to do with Kristen's own insecurities#as for the relationship aspect#i have a lot of concerns about how people on Tumblr talk about relationships#let me die#if i die#d20 fhjy#fhjy#dimension 20#rant#kristen applebees#i guess
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