#ask aokise
hirookouji · 1 year
Aomine and kise are the type of people to end up accidently married in vegas.
oh most definitely!! thinking abt aomine and kise drunkenly getting married in vegas and then posting it to their stories, giving their pr teams simultaneous heart attacks
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imaginarydragonling · 2 years
11 (i know you're a ruthless killer, i just want to know if you grieve for them as much as i do lol) and 17 (your followers deserve to know!) <3
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Regarding the advice to “kill your darlings,” Yes and No? I thought I did, but I'm not sure that I really understand why or where that advice is cing from so... Maybe? But if I can slap a wig and dress up/down my darling so that it stays in a story, isn't that even better?
Well, when it comes to self-editing, I tend to have a hoarder mentality and have difficulty outright deleting anything 😅 Having a darling graveyard has helped for sure. My graveyards are piled with bodies at the end of each chapter. And when I'm doing a final edit, they get transferred to a new doc and left to rest there.
This all helps me actually edit and I feel like I never have to grieve because hey! My darlings didn't die! They're just...taking a vacation in another doc! Sure they're kind of stuck at the airport, and I've rarely ever gone back and picked them out of purgatory....but it's not like they're actually dead and gone. Right?
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I might have told you this before, but here is a rough picture of the socio-economics of AoKi longfic which roughly follows Georgian society outlined here.
More detail under the Read More because it got long 😅🤣
Upperclass / Aristocrats / Nobility
Holds most of the wealth.
Gentry class with gentleman and lady titles conferred by birth. Elite of the elite is the ruling family, which is Kise's family in Kaijou.
They are landlords or administrators (i.e. judges, lawyers, military officers, etc.) Because they don't really have to work, they can also pursue passions like art and music, which Kise's sisters do.
Middle-class / Bourgeois
There's a little bit of a split. Upper middle class are successful business owners and if they are ambitious and well connected enough, sometimes push to begin mingling with the Upperclass.
Very skilled artisans are also part of the upper middle class. If they are good enough and lucky enough, they can be sponsored by someone from the nobility, which is what Kise pretended happened to his father when he presented himself as Kimura.
Servants and staff for the nobility also consider themselves upper middle class, but that may be more of a self-aggrandizing view than widely accepted perception.
Middle or lower middle class are those who have relatively stable jobs requiring specialized skills and who do not need to work menial jobs. They can be shopkeepers, wait staff, government workers, doctors, and teachers.
Kuroko's family are middle class.
Lower class / Proletariat
The largest class by population.
Considered unskilled, uncultured, and uneducated, they are looked down upon by the other classes.
They work as day labourers, fishermen, farmers, etc and are concerned with making ends meet. They take undesirable or low paying jobs and eke out a living any way they can.
Social mobility is slow to non-existent, and while climbing social ranks to the lower middle class is possible, it is far more common for someone from the middle class to slip down into the lower class.
Aomine and Momoi are at the bottom of this hierarchy.
Weird questions for writers
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euyrdice · 2 months
screaming crying throwing up thinking ab aokise. it’s just like. childhood friends. right person wrong time. childhood wasn’t kind to us, was it? it wasn’t our fault we got farther from each other. i wish we’d tried harder to stay in reach. high school isn’t so bad. are you happy? your team lost, mine won. my team lost, yours won. i am sorry we’re meeting like this. we always find our way back but not in the way we wanted. you seem happier now. you love basketball again. it’s something in your eyes. i wish i had been the one to bring you back. what an awful thought, right? you know i’ve always been selfish. i feel something aching when i look at you. we’re a little awkward when we run into each other, but we’re both good at playing it cool. joking around like nothing has changed. i heard you got accepted into university. does the air feel heavy to you when we’re together? is it just me? i don’t know what to say to you; i won’t say anything at all. you looked nice in your graduation suit. your mother said she misses me. i’ve been googling how to stop looking back. the cherry blossoms are starting to bloom. do you think of me like i think of you? i am starting in the next university basketball game despite being a first year; no one’s surprised. i’m thinking of you less now. i heard someone laugh and it sounded like yours. don’t be a stranger. you’re not a stranger. someone on my new team asked me about you. why can’t i understand that you’ve been a stranger for a long time. see you around. good game. nice to see you.
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long-manic-nights · 8 months
October 1st: Love bites/Bruises
He didn’t mean to, he swears. He didn’t notice his own teeth biting down the soft flesh or his hands closing around the pale skin of his boyfriend’s forearm. He doesn’t think he should be blame for it, anyways; he’s allowed to lose his mind a little bit every now and then, especially when Kuroko is pressed against the wall, arm behind his back as Kagami, brutal and out of his mind, keeps him in place.
He didn’t notice he was grabbing him hard enough to leave marks, but what was he supposed to do when Kuroko sits on his lap and kisses his neck, and he simply can’t help but tighten the grip on the tender flesh of his hips, force them to move and moan against him?
He gets desperate, maybe a little too enthusiastic, when he’s deep inside him, looking at the expose skin of his neck, feeling his pulse as he licks and sucks and bites. He can’t be blame for it, he can’t be blame for the marks he leaves behind, the reminders of loving nights and lazy mornings. So, he’ll keep biting down but he’ll be so, so, so sorry for it.
Aomine knows he can’t leave marks on Kise. No bruises, no love bites, nothing. Kise’s manager would personally kill him if he did, and he’s as scared of her as he is of Akashi. His little sunshine, on the other hand, doesn’t have that problem nor a sense of shame to stop him from sliding his nails down his boyfriend’s chest, stab them on his back as hard as he can, bite down the muscular neck to drown his moans while getting fuck against the wall.
Ryouta always does and gets what he wants, because Daiki has lost the ability to say no to him a long time ago, so if he wants to suck and bite and lick him all over, he will allow it; if he wants to mark him over and over again until the hickeys are impossible to hide from his mother and coach, he’ll let him.
It doesn’t matter how much he wants to do the same thing to the model’s beautiful skin, he can’t, he won’t. How could anyone make a mess of such a work of art?
Midorima is smart enough to know Takao is way out of his league, he’s also smart enough to know there’s nothing to worry about because his boyfriend would never cheat. So, he isn’t sure when it started to bother him as much as it does now, when the incessant and rude flirting became impossible to ignore. Some of their classmates have no shame and do it right there, in front of him like he isn’t standing next to Kazu; they ask him out, make implicit sexual advances or comments.
Takao never says yes, of course, doesn’t even entertain the idea of going on a date with them. The point guard shuts them up, looks at them with the kind of eyes that can make anyone feel small and humiliated, or, in the moments he’s too done with it, he laughs at them.
Still, Midorima gets territorial. He leaves his teeth mark on his boyfriend’s throat, lips bruised after aggressive make-out sessions on the school’s bathrooms, his hands printed on his body and a slightly rough voice after fucking his face too hard. He makes sure they are visible at all times, that everyone can see where Kazu belongs to.
Hanamiya never makes empty threats, so when he said Riko’s name with a smile on his face, Kiyoshi simply couldn’t help it and just threw a punch to his face that made him crashed against the lockers. His nose bleeding and Seirin’s little teddy bear looked so horrified, he had to laugh.
The big hand grabbed him by the neck before he could react and slammed him on the lockers again; for a second everything was blurry and confusing until he recovered only to find an unnatural ragging look on the taller one’s eyes who tightened his throat more and he just…couldn’t look away. He’s not sure why he kissed him, or why Teppei let him.
There was biting, and shoving, and slapping, and hairpulling. There was blood and sweat; tiny tears and gagging when Kiyoshi’s cock forced its way down his throat over and over again. There was more, and harder, and deeper and don’t stop fucking me.
Harder, harder, harder…chock me harder, slap me harder, fuck me harder and let me fall to the ground when you finish with me. Leave marks on me: black bruises and hickeys. Bite my shoulder until I bleed, I promise I’ll do the same. Squeeze my hips as hard as you can so I can see your hands there tomorrow, I promise I’ll dig my fingernails so deep on your back it’ll take weeks to heal.
Hurt me so bad you cry when you see what you have done.
Teppei remembers that day like the hottest and most disturbing of his life. Seeing Hanamiya fell to the floor, bruised and shaking, was a nightmare or a prize, a living trophy or the reason he’ll be attending to therapy for the next three years, begging to hear he isn’t a monster.
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hey-cringelord · 11 days
did the thing (& copy to the blank!)
ask questions and talk to me about them if you feel like existing in my notifs :)! 🩷
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the full is a nightmare to look at, tbh, so here it is in chunks. please please pleaseeeee keep in mind that aokise have been living in my brain for 4 -ish years. theyre my most loyal residents and i am their very forgiving landlord
tldr : my OCs aomine daiki and kise ryouta, as seen in ship chart format
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crehador · 2 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
this is such a fun thing to think about but my brain of course is just going "ichisama ichisama ichisama" nonstop, but now i will sit down and properly try to think of a top five (like the top 10 characters ask, i'll limit this to animanga and possibly group some together; i'm also limiting myself to ONLY icsm from hpmi, or this whole list would be hpmi lmao)
1. in first place of course it is ICHISAMA FOR LIFE
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using this image yet again because well it's right there in my pinned and very convenient
i am a sucker for the dumb of ass kind of heart one falling for the bad boy with a heart of gold one, ESPECIALLY when they have the friends to enemies to lovers arc that ichisama does (ok the to lovers part is obviously hc only but hoo boy it is a strong hc)
what can i say about them really besides that i am writing a fic a day for them every day this year. i think that. says it all lol
2. gotta be koyanagi/kabakura wotakoi AND kashima/hori gsnk
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while i'm not saying they are identical ships they definitely fall into the same bucket for me, and boy oh boy do i love that bucket
kashima and hori make me belligerently delighted, and koyanagi and kabakura make me a special sort of feral that i don't even know how to start in on
i really like narumi and hirotaka from wotakoi too, but there's something about koyanagi and kabakura that gets to me way more. the geek4geek dynamic is just impeccable with all four of them but the
koyanagi/kabakura wedding just gave me a special sort of glee. i just don't think there's a single thing i don't love to pieces about them, their backstory ova only makes them better
3. saaaaaaya and yuusuke from neon sign amber (aka aokise knb)
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obligatory shoutout to the boys of my FAVORITE BL OF ALL TIME ok so like as far as bl goes neon sign amber is really not the most unique thing, i would say. but that's what makes it so perfect to me
i feel like a lot of outstanding bl are great in ways that are 'atypical' for bl, like how saezuru is bl, sure, but also comes with a genuinely gripping gritty yakuza plot. and many others that are highly praised tend to be praised by people going "oh this is good because it's not like TYPICAL bl" which i have feelings about but let's not get into that here
neon sign amber is my favorite because it is very much a typical bl, it has a lot of the typical tropes (guy who's been historically straight but is "gay for you" for example)
i don't necessarily love any of those tropes, but i adore what neon sign amber does with them. it is practically a cookie cutter bl, but its characters (despite existing for only one volume of a manga) live in my heart forever. it takes that "gay for you" trope and doesn't gloss over the problems that could arise in a relationship like that, instead actually addressing them in a way i found satisfying
saya especially is one of my guys of all time, and given that they're kind of obviously aokise i'm lumping them in here too. mwah
4. idolish7 YUKIMOMO MY BELOVEDS (e banri)
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thought about this one a lot because i feel like i normally like them in a... normal way, so do they really make the top five? but honestly i think they do
i love their stage gay married act and i love to think that's very much rooted in a foundation of they are actually fucking in love with each other. but just that would've made them a cute but not too memorable ship to me
THEIR BACKSTORY THOUGH. MY GOD. first of all baby momo looks literally just like tdd ichiro which is a. a lot. for me. lmao but anyway setting that aside
momo discovering revale at such a pivotal time in his life, being saved by them, becoming their fans, and then being the one to replace banri after THAT happened??? and then five years later feeling like he's running out of time with yuki and ad;slkfja;lkdsfj
i'm becoming incoherent just thinking about it. anyway i guess this is kind of an ot3 for me though i like it in very much a "we are a couple and we are, as a couple, dating banri" sort of thing (not because they wouldn't ever see banri as an equal partner but because imo banri has better things to do than get too involved in that lol)
5. this last one... is so tough... i think i'm giving it to VARIOUS RELATIONSHIPS IN TOKYO GHOUL
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ok this is absolutely cheating and ultimately i think what i would have to say is kaneki and hide because like. eat my face to survive is peak romance to me, sorry. as if it's my fault
HOWEVER there are just so many relationships in tokyo ghoul that i'm absolutely obsessed with. amon/akira and nishio/kimi especially!! amon and akira are so so so delightful to me, in a way similar to roy and riza fma, and nishio and kimi are just. i mean. again. eat me to survive. peak romance
(and i swear i'm not a nishio stan because of voice actor bias, i have not watched tokyo ghoul yet because i have been repeatedly and sternly warned away from it... nishio is one of my manga favorites even without the asnm factor, but good fucking lord does the asnm factor tempt me to watch)
the writing in tokyo ghoul is genuinely just so good to me. the main plot is fantastic but what really makes it is the relationships between characters, both romantic and not
(also a fan of the one-sided tsukiyama/kaneki thing going on but strictly as a one-sided thing lol, tsukiyama get wrecked (said with affection))
so i think that is. more or less where my top five would be. though it's like. it's hard. and probably always changing. those are the first beloved ones to come to my though so they will go in this post and i will smack myself in the forehead and be like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ______" as soon as i go to sleep probably
thank you for the ask!
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myndless88 · 5 months
Hi. 💙 Aomine + 13, 15, 19, 23?
Aayyyee, Aomine!
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? Probably this one ( • )( • ) ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.) AoKise! My reasoning isn't that special. I just happened to have read some pretty nice doujinshi about them and became a fan.
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19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like? I don't have anything against any of his relationships in canon. But some of them in fanon I don't really care for.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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This is the first pic I have saved of him before I even watched the anime. I originally thought that was his phone, and I found that so hilariously contradicting because he just looks so intimidating but then he's holding up this girly phone.
Thank you for the ask!
Ask me
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maangoes · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
beau.. my sweet gumdrop 🫶🏽thank u for this & i hope the new year is treating you kindly. my favorite five things i’ve written in no particular order:
miss twenty something - i wrote this a long time ago, but i reread it every so often, and it usually holds up for me. i’d make some minorish changes if i wrote it now, but i’ve never wanted to actually do that to the fic bc so many lovely people tell me they reread it, and im worried they might notice… but yeah. i put a lot of thought into this fic, especially into the dynamic between jason and Bruce & Jason and dick. in many ways, it’s the most personal fic i have ever written. jason Todd forever baby
in the wake of a hurricane, dark skin of a summer shade - i should’ve written a lot more iwaoi than this when i had the brain worms for them, but this unfortunately coincided w my first year of l*w sch**l, so it was Not meant to be.. but i have a fondness for the dynamic the specific way it’s depicted here. Cliched as hell but i love pining between best friends who know each other better than anyone. It makes my chest tight!
nobody gets me - i actually wrote this in 2020 but only posted this past year bc i saw it in Google drive and was like weird that I never posted this! i wrote some fics about aokise being in love, but this is a break up fic. there’s a LOT i would change about this whole series if i revisited it now, but there are some good moments and details in this installment specifically. the bones are good. and a messy breakup is the truest and realest thing i could envision for this dynamic. And i love these characters SO much
no one knows anything but us - the only zukka fic i ever managed to finish, ANOTHER TRAVESTY. i have a wip graveyard and it’s embarrassing! but - i think the characterizations really hold up, and honestly, i kind of question whether i can ever write like this again. like this was just pure, undistilled happiness, and literally EVERYTHING i have written the past 3ish years is like slightly or completed melancholic. so yeah i miss this era of my writing, and i love zukka!!!!
love overgrown - the most recent fic i’ve posted, and super short! but i love love love writing talia Al ghul, spitefully bc the Men of dc do it so badly, and earnestly bc she is such an amazing character in my head and sometimes in canon WBDKSNSNSN.. there isn’t yet anything I would change about this fic, but I did in fact post it this month LMAO! ask me again in a year and I’m sure the answer will change. but im proud of lots of the lines still so.. 🕺🏻
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lilypheria · 2 months
6 & 29 for the fic writer asks!
6. Do you prefer writing shorter, standalone fics or longer, multi-chapter stories?
I actually like both equally! I love multichapters bc it gives me more stuff to work on a longer period of time, but shorts bursts of inspiration for oneshots are good as well 💕
29. Are there any characters, relationships, or general character dynamics you've never written about but would like to try?
From Naruto, I wish to try HashiMada and KakaObi in the future at least, but others tingle me a bit as well. From Final Fantasy VII I really want to write zakkura, but I need to read more fics first ✨ there's also Kuroko's Basketball - I've written fics for it before and I really want to try KagaKuro, AoKaga and MidoTaka more again. Maybe even AoKise 👀
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evelhak · 9 months
For the ship bingo, I'm curious about what you think about AoKise. 🤔
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I do feel like it's a trap to answer this (not for you but in general) because so many people love this ship... but I'm not truly refusing to answer it.
I also don't literally feel like why the fuck did you ask me about this ship but also why the fuck did you ask me about this ship (endearingly). xD
They are friends, not in love, to me... but I don't actually feel like "how dare you" because aokise is so far from my realm that I don't feel passionately against it like I feel about shipping Momoi and Kuroko for example. I guess it's because the latter feels like a huge misinterpretation to me but it is canon based misinterpretation so I still feel like it's in my realm you know, and that's why I have strong feelings about it, but aokise just feels like making stuff up to me, so it feels like aokise content doesn't exist in the space that I occupy. So why would I feel much of anything about it.
The amount of crack... Yeah, it basically just feels like a crack ship to me. If I see something tagged aokise it immediately gives me major ooc vibes. I know that's not objectively fair, I'm sure there's a non crack execution of it out there somewhere that I would buy, or if there isn't I'm sure someone would be capable of creating it, but in general I just see crack if I try to think about them.
I don't think they are horrible for each other like they would be bad for each other... I just feel like shipping them distorts them in my head. Like I would have to emphasise parts of them that aren't that big, and make those into major parts of them, so much that they would feel like different people to me.
Aokise shippers, if you're following me, just know that I can still love you and appreciate your interpretation of them, and I don't think you're doing anything stupid, I just have a completely different brain.
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gffa · 1 year
No way you not only ship obikin but also iwaoi, shizaya AND aokise, i was once obsessed with them all😭😭 saw you talking about not wanting to get into hot and new sports anime so if i may give a recommendation, try prince of tennis if you haven't yet, it's old and so good, it was my first sport anime many years ago and i was obsessed!
First of all, that's just because we have quality taste, obviously we'd like all the same "bickering like two cats in a sack while having some kind of real feelings about each other" pairings. Second, I'm crying and laughing and crying some more because you don't even know. You don't even know how off the deep end I was about Prince of Tennis. The extent of my investment in Prince of Tennis cannot be overstated. You guys think I'm nuts about Star Wars, you didn't fucking see me in Prince of Tennis fandom, and now I'm having war flashbacks to that fandom, because it was great, but also woof was it awful at times, I still have nemeses that I'll never let go of my grudges from that era, and I'm pretty sure they'll never let go of their grudges against me, either. Anyway, high five for another Tenipuri friend, I almost don't even dare ask what part of the fandom you were in because we're having a nice time right now! (I'm teasing about this whole post, but also kind of serious, like I was big into that fandom for a very long time, I watched that anime back when I was wee, I think probably I started on the show when the Fudomine arc was airing? Possibly St. Rudolph. But it was pretty early on and I lasted until somewhere just before the OAVs were released, so it was a solid five years of my life I dedicated, and to this day I am still SEIGAKU RIDE OR DIE, but I totally read a ton of Hyoutei and Rikkaidai fic, too.)
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dee--eer · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Rules: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
Tagged by @hiromiikunn, thank you for the tag! Also this made me realize that I have quite a bit of WIPs hagzhz, most of these probably won't even finished or if it do, it'll be looong in the future 🤣🤣
Kaishinshi same high-school AU
Bros Before fanart (Luna's fic)
Mirror dome scene, SHAFT tilt, vs deduction queen Sonoko (for Fragmentation)
Kaishinshi BO!AU
Duelist Keith
Klance witch AU
Glasses Keith
Kidge on floatie
Catradora song art (Halsey's)
Klance as Aokise
WTNV Cecil w/ Gendo pose
Papa Kogane + Keith with guitar
Translation WIP
Brothers Parody by 行
Kaishin atsume by M2Gou
Tobenai Hato by Zo
Remind Me Of You by edayoshi
Yuzurenaimono by M2Gou
Edit WIP
KID Conan Ai british outfit (mostly makeover for KID hgahah)
That new year art, also makeover for KID
....alright putting them on the list sure feel intimidating lmao, nearly all of them have like, 1% completion rate?? I have short attention span I'm so sorry 🤣🤣
Uhhh tagging @ueyyuey @viirazu @miyuzaki-1 @takaraphoenix @airu27 @chiikichai @itoof137 you guys want to!
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szivtalan · 2 years
Tough question but if you were pressed, which would you choose between Aokaga and Aokise? I'm not trying to promote one ship over another, just curious what are the reasons you value each ship
yes, you're right, this Is a tough question! i feel like its hard to choose not only because i love both equally as much, but also because they represent completely different things for me. in aokise, i mostly value the endless pining and the almost poetic way they're chasing each other: aomine thinking the world of kise and not thinking he has a chance because kise is this popular model who is surrounded with people who want to pursue him 24/7, and kise also thinking the world of aomine because of his basketball skills and seeing him as this untouchable force of nature he can just never reach. when they get together, it's cathartic in a way that makes my heart soar, a finally fulfilled romance.
in contrast, aokaga is a love story that finally just makes sense. it comes from a place of equality as much as rivalry: aomine thinks that his only true opponent on the field is kagami, and kagami thinks the same of him, as their play styles and skill levels are basically the same and aomine puts him on his ass as many times as many times kagami can beat him as well. their story is one of partnership where, instead of endless pining, they just can't believe they fell for this one person who is so similar to them, but at the same time, so different. there's no second guessing, but there's all the freedom and complication of falling for a friend. while aokise is this poetic romance for me, aokaga is the love story of just two dudes who happen to get along extremely well and be comfortable around each other to the point where dating each other and no one else is just perfectly right, like their whole chaotic lives happened just to find each other.
having said all that, it's really a matter of my mood which one i prefer to seek out at the moment, but i do feel like, for the most part, aokaga is closer to my heart than aokise is.
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imaginarydragonling · 3 years
X again, but this time, from KnB
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Oh man.
You're gonna make me choose between my stupid son...
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...and my other stupid son.
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This is really hard. It's difficult to choose because I ship them together so the cause of each of their suffering is inevitably each other 😅
This is too hard. I refuse to choose.
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But really. I'm neck deep in a self-indulgent AoKise longfic told from Kise's perspective so I'm gonna have to go with Kise Ryouta.
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FanFic Ask Game
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wildflowertips · 3 years
Hii there! Hru?
Since u know that love Kise A LOT and Aokise is my otp...can I ask fr a Twitter post where aokise announce that they are together...and gom's reactions on it...(pls no mean comments)
Thanku so much ❤️ I love ur post sm💖💖
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photo credit: Aokise (@aokise3118 on twitter)
Aomine and Kise couldn’t be happier to finally announce their relationship to their friends (even though their friends knew this was bound to happen)
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hkbs-world · 3 years
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When ever I see a picture of Kise and Aomine I immediately think of you 💕👀
*searches how to thank a lovely person*
THANKU SO MUCH MY ANGEL!!! Omg they look so comfy with each other...ah these dorks!! Thank you for associating me with these dorks!!! It warms my heart to think that someone out there thinks about me too 💕 This made my day!! Love u loads!! May u have a great day ahead 😘 xoxo 😘🤗
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