#as supposedly mammon is another name for beelzebub
whisperprime · 2 years
Note: Archdemon from previous entries now has a name. If you get to the end of this and wonder, “Who’s Mammon?” that would be him. I’ll be editing previous entries to include the new change.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
Hob allows himself his pity party, unfair that it is to call it that. He has been through a traumatic series of experiences and he understands the necessity of allowing himself time to recover.
In so much as recovery is ever possible after nearly a century of being tortured by a literal demon.
It likely doesn't help that he can't quite decide if staying in his friend's home for any prolonged period of time is a good or bad thing for him.
Oh, he is more than aware that you don't turn away a safe haven when you need to rebuild your life from neatly the ground up.
He's also aware that being in this house when his friend who has very much never stated they are indeed friends in this timeline is going to tear his fool heart to pieces.
The first night after Dream left, Hob had made his way back to the master bedroom, listless and restless at the same time. He'd found himself staring at the bed until his eyes burned, first from not blinking, then by the first hint of tears.
He is many things over his beloved, but he has not been brought quite this low for him.
Hob had taken the clothes from the wardrobe and set up base in the guest room downstairs. The bed didn't hold a candle to the one upstairs, but his dreams were haunted enough without the reminder of whose bed he was sleeping in.
Hob begins the arduous task of rebuilding his life in stages. It has been a very long time since he had to build it up from quite this near to from scratch.
He always had his contingency plans. They all had the emergency plan built in if he needed to disappear for a hand full of decades. Most humans that might hunt him would either have long given up or died by then, not having the same gift of a long life span like him.
He could afford to be patient when all he had was time.
A hand full of decades, though, is a very different beast than a century, though. Not the worst, but hardly the best, though.
It will be more trouble than worth to come back as a relative of who he was back during World War I. Better to start off fresh. It will be good to clear up any loose threads he might have left laying around. He is only sorry for the effects that he will have lost in the process. Some of those objects he had originally managed to hold onto, even into the 22nd century.
The best thing he has going for him is that he has already lived through this time period once before. The outside world isn't going to blindside him with technical advances. If nothing, it's going to feel a bit primitive.
But that's him getting ahead of himself.
After dragging himself out of the three day old cocoon of blankets and pillows he's made for himself, Hob feels ready to tackle the next stage of his plan: figuring out where Dream's house actually is and how much travel it will take to get him to one of his caches. Most of them are in the UK, but there are a few scattered between the United States, France, and Germany, respectively. As long as he’s not too far from any of them, it shouldn’t be too hard to get to one.
He goes out to the kitchen, grabbing himself a banana to snack on as he stares at the leather pouch that had appeared on the counter the day Dream left. He had found it along with a pantry full of food to easily last a single man several weeks, even with a generous appetite. It contains a generous amount of money, more than enough for transportation and lodging, but Hob does not want to dig into it if he doesn’t have to. His cache will be more than enough to get him back on his feet while he reestablishes himself.
There is only so much he can stand to accept. The clothes on his back, the roof over his head, the food in his belly, they are more than he could have asked for. Any money that he accepts will be only what he needs to get to his cache and to carry it with him back to London.
With a grunt, he grabs a bottle of water and then the pouch, the latter of which he stuffs into the pocket of his sweater. He finds some shoes that fit him as perfectly as everything else by the door. A key ring with a key to what must be the front door is swiped from the hook it hangs off of. He is all set to go, and yet he still lingers, a hand hovering over the door knob.
He hasn’t been outside in over a century. The thought is sort of mind boggling. Oh, he’s gotten near the windows, but he hadn’t felt like opening them just yet.
And now he’s going outside. Completely of his own free will. There is nothing keeping him here beyond the general effort it takes to open a door and walk through it.
Needless to say, he stops hesitating and near throws him outside.
He pauses on the door step, breathing in the crisp air of what appears to be either a fall or spring day. Whichever it is, he has caught it on a sunny day, and he feels no shame as he tilts his head back and lets the light of it soak in.
Humans are creatures of the light. They need it to combat fatigue, boost their mood, and to strengthen the density of their bones. Although Hob does not have to worry about the last on the list, he has felt the lingering touch of what felt like an ever lasting seasonal depression.
If it didn’t feel like it was 7­°C out, he would absolutely go sunbathing about now.
He reigns in the urge, shuts the door behind him, locks it, and then makes his way down the drive way. Halfway down the driveway, he pivots to get a good look at the house. If he’s not mistaken, it appears to be a Victorian era style house. Old enough to be from that era, from the looks of it, although effort has been made to upkeep it. Hob half expected it to be predominantly black in color, but it’s blue-grey walls and dark grey roof tiles are more color than he thinks he’s ever seen from his friend.
Not by much, but still more colorful than black.
The house isn’t secluded, but it isn’t right up on top of any other properties, either. At the end of the drive way, he glances left and then right. Neither particularly look more promising than the other, so he simply shrugs and picks a direction. He makes note of the house’s location and starts walking.
It’s not a terribly long walk, but his ankle is still smarting by the time he reaches civilization. It doesn’t take long from there to figure out where his old friend dropped him and he has to laugh a little.
His friend has property in Scotland, as it turns out. Aberdeen, to be exact.
Oh, this is not nearly as terrible as he had feared. He kind of hoped he’d be closer to London - that’s still a eight hour trip one way by train - but at least he’s still in the United Kingdom.
It’s easy enough to get his hands on some luggage. Everyone is sympathetic to the story of the traveler who’s luggage has gone missing. He thinks it helps that he’s wearing what looks like high end clothing, because nothing Dream makes can be otherwise, apparently. The cashier who rings him up regales him with a time her husband had the same thing happen and how they never did see that suitcase ever again, thank goodness nothing of true value was in it.
He parts from the shop feeling better for the pleasant chat with a friendly soul. He lingers around the shops, buying some lunch and a simple pay-as-you-go phone to tide him over until he can get one with a plan. He chats with some more friendly locals and reacquaints himself with the early 21st century.
The sun is setting by the time he drags himself back to the house. While making dinner, he considers his next move. He is tempted to remain another day. To linger in the library or hide away in the guest bedroom until he is forced to leave. The offer was made that he could stay as long as he needed.
But if he stays, he will not want to leave. And what he wants most, he will not find here.
The next morning, Hob goes through it and clean the areas he's inhabited. He saves the upstairs bed - Dream’s and, for a single night, Hob’s bed - for last, pulling the sheets off, dragging them down to the washer and dyer on the first floor. He takes them back upstairs and erases the final traces of his visit as he sets the bed back to right. He laughs at himself in self-deprecation because here he is getting worked up about a bed his friend who is not his friend has likely never even laid in.
He takes a few changes of clothes for himself, packs his necessities along with the phone and pouch of money he will have to find some way to return at some point, and leaves the house, locking the door behind him. He forces himself to walk away, never once looking back no matter how much he wishes to.
By 9:52AM, he is sat on a train on a one way trip headed for London. By 11:00PM, he has found his closest cache and a room for the night.
Over the next several months, Hob pieces together who he wants to be for the next 20 years. On paper, he becomes Robert Gadsen, 31 years old. He’s just moved to London after getting his Master of Education in Teaching and Learning in the United States. He tacks on a Bachelor of Arts in History to have an excuse to get him in the door for history classes when he applies to teach at a local college for some teaching experience.
His biggest risk, he is aware, is when he purchases the building that, in another life, had been The New Inn. 
He had not been surprised when he went looking for what had become of the White Horse Tavern and had found it completely gone. In this timeline, Hob had not been there to slow down the closure of the tavern. No one had petitioned for it to be declared a historical site, which had tied the hands of the demolition team for the better part of a decade. Eventually, Hob and his team had lost, but not before delaying things long enough that The New Inn was up and running with a sign pointing from the old meeting spot to the potential new meeting spot for Dream to find.
Because he does not want to have to dig another cache too soon, he decides to move in to the building from the first day instead of living in his own flat near by. When the Inn is up and running, he might revisit the idea of moving out, but for now, he will save money where he can.
The first day after moving in, Hob sits on the floor he has just finished sweeping and simply allows the moment to sink in. 
He does not know why he is insistent on doing this. There was no indication that Dream will meet with him in 2089, as there was no indication he even came to the 1989 meeting. This could all be for nothing.
But Hob had built The New Inn the first time on nothing more than a hope and a prayer, the offering little more than an out stretched hand should Dream ever wish to take it. And perhaps it will become that again, in this new timeline.
Most of all, it had become his lode stone, after Dream’s death in the other timeline. It was the place he returned to when the loneliness of his immortality got the best of him and he needed to reflect on why he wanted this life. He hadn’t always lived there or even near it, but knowing it was there - this place where he had once been able to be honest with who he was and how he lived - was enough.
And so, the next day, he hires a contractor and got to work. Like the first time, he is just as involved with the construction and the creation of the blue prints. The contractors are a little skeptical at first, but it helps that this time, he knows what he’s doing. Remembers what worked and hadn’t worked. It saves time, even if it takes out some of the charm of the original build.
It is six months to the day of his rescue from Burgess’ henchmen that things take another turn. 
The construction of the New Inn coming along nicely, his teaching job secured and ready to begin with the fall semester. The flat above the Inn has not received quite as much love as the pub, but it is not that far behind it. He is bone tired and he is almost asleep before his head hits the pillow.
In the time since the seal broke and his ability to dream like every other person returned, Hob has revisited the basement at Fawney Rig quite frequently in his sleeping hours. He visits it nearly as often as he does not get rescued and finds his way to the bottom of the English Channel instead.
He has tried his best to keep up his ability to lucid dream, but with the Dreaming now fully able to draw him in, he finds himself able to move around his dreams as if they are mere sets rather than events he is reenacting. He hasn’t gotten the hang of changing things, but he takes what he can get.
On this night, however, he does not open his eyes to a familiar basement with Mammon standing over his naked self, unable to escape the archdemon’s wrath for the binding circle. Nor does he find moments from being from some horrific death he will not stay dead from. Nor does he find himself moments from a dip in the water.
No, on this night, he opens his eyes to what is still that familiar basement, but instead of an angry archdemon, this one has a glass and metal sphere hanging from the ceiling. A stone walkway provides a way to cross the moot that has been built to isolate and protect a circle painted in yellow under the orb. 
Hob presses his back to the metal gate behind him and stares, horrified, because this nightmare is not based on a memory that belonged to him.
It is based on a memory that belonged to the Dream of the other timeline.
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
TL;DR He's HOT! In which you get caught gushing about how into them you are, by them
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan,Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dateables Version not edited
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"What do I like about Lucifer?" you repeat back. "What is there not to like? He has a pretty good fashion sense, a mature vibe also-" you kept rambling, naming qualities you like about the eldest demon, from his physical qualities to his personality. 
He honestly couldn't believe his ears. He had just come to drop off some documents and ask questions. He didn't suspect that you and Diavolo would be talking about him, much less what you supposedly liked about him. The list must be quite great, as you have barely taken a breath and kept chattering off things.
"To sum it up, Lucifer is one the hottest men I've met. Mature with the just right amount of playfulness. Not to mention easy on the eyes" you finish, love sick look in your eyes
He stopped and waited before appearing a little while after. Diavolo could tell he heard, by the smug smirk he wore. You felt awkward, I mean you were literally JUST singing the man's praises. Giving the documents to Diavolo, Lucifer chatted a little before saying goodbye.
You immediately got called to his office after you came home. Man literally started quoting what you said as you rotted away in the chair in front of his desk. Don't worry, he's just having his fun before he tells you the feeling is mutual.
Mammon catches you talking to Asmo about him on one of your spa days. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop! Honest! You were just kinda loud and he could hear all that you were saying about him through the door.
“Have you SEEN his eyes Asmo? They are the prettiest shade of blue! Ugh, and his hair is so freaking soft. I have never been so in love. He can rob me blind as long as he just keeps smiling. I am so down bad. AND ANOTHER THING-!” you said, going on another tangent. 
Mammon is blushing sooo bad. He is so pumped you like him back! As you should, he IS your first man!!! He has no preservation instincts, so he yells in victory, fistpumping the air. Asmo gets on to him and they have an argument about how he needed to learn to stop that. You, on the other hand, are trying to hide.
Mammon kidnaps you (against all of Asmo's protest) and tells you that you should feel that way about him! He is the Great Mammon after all, your first man! He also stutters out that he likes you too. 
Leviathan does not know how the stars aligned, but he heard you and Beel talking in the kitchen. Well, you were talking as Beel scarfed down the entirety of the fridge and pantry. (He's hoping that his rainbow pizza is a survivor).
"He is just so dreamy, Beel. I don't know how he doesn't see it. His sunset eyes, his devotion to his games? Ugh, and when he goes on his nerd rants? Be still my beating heart!!" You exclaim dramatically. 
Through a muffled mouth of food, he hears his younger brother reply 
"Just tell him. I'm pretty sure he likes you back" 
"He's like a wild animal! Can't approach him to fast or he will run away!! Ugh, but I wanna kiss him so baddd"
He squeaks at that comment, quite loudly. The two of you come out of the kitchen, but Levi is GONE. He might have given away someone who was listening in, but he will not get caught.
Later in the week, he invites for an anime marathon, and makes it very obvious he knows. Just tell him there, he'll freak out, but accept anyways.
Honestly, it was your fault for talking about Satan in a library, especially quite close to the mystery novels.
He was looking for a novel, when he heard you and Mammon talking. He recalls that earlier in the week you two got in trouble for low quiz scores, so you must have been forced to stay here for so many hours.
"Ugh, he is so cute. I love him sooo much. He is so cute when he plays with the cats in the street. He looks so at peace and comfy I lose my mind. Not to mention, his ability to remember things? Iconic. He is the only reason I pass history. I have never felt this way before! I think Satan is, like, my perfect match."
"Good for you. Did you find a cheat sheet online?" Mammon replies boredly.
"I don't think Lucifer would appreciate you not even attempting the work, Mammon" Satan replies, startling both of you.
"Satan!" the both of you yell, in shock.
"H-how long have you been there?" You ask nervously. Oh, how cute is all Satan can think.
"Long enough"
He ignores it till Mammon and you finish your work, with his help of course. He tells you the feeling is mutual, and that he appreciates all the compliments.
Asmo was running late. It was usual, beauty takes time you know! It's also tasteful to be fashionably late, keeping suspense up. He does feel a little bad, as it is Solomon and you kept waiting. It was a cute new café that he had seen all over Devilgram, and just knew that the three of you had to go together.
He was about to yell out for you two, but he saw you passionately talking about something so he decided not to.
"He is just so pretty, Sol. Do you ever think he would be into me? He is completely out of my league, but maybe there's a small chance?? I could be, like, his funny little significant other who hypes him up!! I think Asmo would appreciate that, don't you?"
Solomon, who had noticed Asmo approaching, just shrugged. 
"I dunno, you ask him" is all he says, pointing at the object of your affections with a smirk.
Asmo is soooo happy!!!!! You and him are gonna be the prettiest couple to ever exist, and he tells you that right then and there. He announces that you're dating right on the spot, as you and he both obviously want to. You three have a good day out, and when you go home, Asmo spoils you as you both talk about how the other one is prettier.
Beel had just gotten out of a shower after a workout. He, you, and Belphie had a movie night planned. Aka, Beel gets snacks, Belphie sleeps through the entire thing, and you get to see something you have wanted to for a little bit while hanging out with the twins. It was a perfect win-win -win for all three of you. You and Belphie we're doing prep(you were while Belphegor slept the whole time) for when he came back in their room. So, when he heard you giggling in their room, Beel couldn't help but smile.
"He is so perfect, Belph! He cares so deeply for everyone, and is so kind. I dunno if I ever met such a sweetheart before. I think I should go for it, but I don't know. I figure I should ask you how he feels since he is your twin"
"Go for it" is all Belphegor replies with, sleep obvious in his words. He hears you laugh again, and then decides to open the door.
You look a little pale, and Belphie looks a little smug. He probably heard him coming down the hall, with his better hearing.
"Hey! So I thought-"
"You really feel that way?" Beel ask.
"Oh! You, uh, heard that. Yeah, I really do"
Ecstatic, he smiled so big when you said you were serious. Puppy boyfriend aquired baybee!!!!!!! You two watch the movie while holding hands and cuddling as best you could. Belphie appreciates you two being together but he's not giving up the best cuddle spot to indulge you two.
Belphie, Satan, and you had a scheduled Anti-Lucifer League meeting. The plan was to move everything in Lucifer's office half an inch to irk him. Belphegor had fallen asleep, so he came in a little later than you two. 
"He is so cute when he sleeps Satan! He literally acts like a cat! When he snuggles his head into my stomach I lose my mind!!! I might be reading into it too hard, but I think he might also like me back? Maybe I'm delusional, but it seems like it! I like Belphie so much, he makes me crazy"
"Criminally insane, crazy does not fully describe how in deep you are" Satan replies boredly, like he had heard this rant time and time again.
Belphie, is of course, happy. You like him! Him! Oh man, this is such a good day. He obviously acts like he doesn't know anything when he enters the room. You look awkward, and Satan is tired. After a day or two, he brings it up. He wanted to make you feel like he hadn't heard you. He makes fun of you for being so down bad, but accepts your feelings and tells you he feels the same. He might not show it, but he is also so into you it almost hurts.
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obeythebutler · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an MC who just pops out of nowhere? Like every time someone calls them, they're like "Hello!" and then startling the boys in the process. Thank you! Sorry if it's not too detailed enough.
MC Pops Out of Nowhere!
He's legit getting mini-heart attacks from your popping up from nowhere--
Where do you keep popping up from? He calls your name and you peek put from behind the skeleton and Lucifer's heartbeat increases.
Were they there the whole time?? Oh fuck they might know all the house hiding secrets---
One time Lucifer was drinking melancholy coffee and called for you but then you sneak out from under the table and now the vase nearby is on the floor --
His coffee almost soiled his trousers. Don't make Lucifer throw his coffee please.
In a hidden corner of the House of Lamentation, Lucifer is making a board, together with pinks and red lines to know exactly from where you pop out from. He's scared that if he'll call your name you'll jump from the walls--
Are ya some kinda teleporting human or somethin'?! Always popping from nowhere.
Mammon feels that if he'll call your name in a crowd you'll appear from thin air. Or cling to his shoulders like a ghost and say 'hi!'
Legend says that all you need to do to scare Mammon is to call your name. And then a wild MC shows up out of nowhere and now Mammon is clinging to Lucifer and now there's a vase broken on the floor and it was Lucifer's favourite---
He could call your name while at R.A.D. and you'd pop out from a classroom. He'd mention you and you'd appear from the window. The day is not far when you spring from a table...
Levi called your name while gaming--with the door closed and no normies nearby, Levi could finally vent to Henry about you and the effect you had on him. After all, no normie ears should hear him..
But then you pop out from behind the shelf and Levi nearly falls out of his chair. Snek boi jumps three feet in the air before regaining his senses. Were you hiding in his room all along? Who let you in---
When this happens again and again, the demon is slowly getting convinced that you're some kind of teleporting being. That reminds him of an anime he watched last night, where the protagonist used to appear out of nowhere.
But that means he can see you whenever he wants!!
There was that little kitten, alone and scared. With a gentle hush, Satan picked up the feline and cradled it in his hand. With his free hand, he called for you. There's a stray kitten and--
But then you appear from behind an alleyway and greet him so loudly Satan's pretty sure his ears are still ringing. The kitten was safe, but the blonde demon nearly squawked.
Humans aren't supposed to be this... spontaneous...are they? Because Satan is slowly getting more and more surprised...
...Or maybe it's just a quirk of yours. Appearing like a cat out of nowhere. He finds it endearing.
His brush was out of reach, and if Asmodeus would move it would certainly add another wrinkle to his clothes! Oh, MC, could you please be a dear and fetch that hairbrush~
That's what Asmodeus said, but he didn't expect you to actually pop out from supposedly thin air and hand him a brush! His lipstick is now on his cheek from the jerk his body gave--
Solomon is about to get a call real soon with a drunk Asmo on the other side in hysterics about how MC can teleport and appear.
Now you've gone and made him step on the book and that's Satan's treasured one and suddenly the room is getting warmer--
He'd muttered your name one time while chewing on a burger. It tasted really good and Beel wanted to share it with you, but then you pop out of nowhere, and now his burger is crushed in two 😔
The demon doesn't understand how you manage to appear from nowhere, given that this ability of yours has his brothers scared.
One time he was lifting weights, and called from you from across the hall. But then you appear behind him and the demon drops the weights on his foot...
At least you helped him take care of his feet...
Lure human upstairs. Make them free him. Kill them. Muahuahua.
That was the plan, until Belpheghor called your name, knowing you would be downstairs, and he blinks and you're standing in front of him.
Did...did they know teleportation magic so early? R.A.D. didn't teach that in the first year......
Although it sometimes makes his demon heart jump, it's more convenient for him! Belpheghor doesn't have to go look for you, all he needs to do is say your name and you'll pop out!
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sintheyokai · 3 years
No Father of Mine (Part 2)
[Part 1]
**for additional information, Arabella is originally French living with her found family in Mexico and she's multilingual. Translated French will be italicized and translated Spanish will be bolded, unless presumed otherwise. This is pre-Belphrelease.
Arabella is many things- an assassin, an actress, a spy, all of which require a mask she's worn since childhood. All of which, as she learned in her previous home, require a heart of stone. Because of this, Arabella does not see herself as kind, unworthy of praise where praise is due. Despite these thoughts, however, she is determined to pay off Mammon's debt, even if it means dragging in others to do so. While doing so, the topic of a name comes up, which brings along other, revealing topics.
"You got all that written down? It's a lot, I know, and your handwriting speed isn't exactly the fastest... You've been taking your medicine for that, right?" The demons watched as Arabella began pacing the room, on the phone with the third person so far.
"Still can't believe she's been hiding the fact she's multilingual." Asmodeus sighed, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I find it absolutely sexy when someone speaks in another language."
"Asmo, quiet." Satan ordered, "I can't hear her."
"Okay, okay... Yes I spoke with Charlotte, Ji-yoo and Bibi, they'll be... No! Goodness no, of course I didn't force them to give up more than necessary, the latter are planning their wedding for all sakes! Charlotte will be giving the same as I am giving, and the soon-to-be newlyweds are giving the same between the two of them, totaling to about 250 million. That leaves 750 million between the three of you. Can you handle it?"
There was silence for a bit longer before a small laugh left Arabella as she sat down on the ottoman.
"Okay... Thank you... I'll send my portion of money to you all and we can go from there. I love you too Abuelita... Tell Chime and Lilith I said hi... Bye."
Six spines straightened and tensed, eyes widening as she hung up.
"Lilith?" Beelzebub was the first to speak, Arabella's head snapping towards the brothers.
"Ah, yes. That's my sister. Not by blood, mind you, I was adopted into the family while she has been a part of it for a long time. She's an angel, you see."
Blood ran cold.
"Didn't you specifically say you weren't Christian?" Mammon asked, remembering an old conversation.
"I'm not. No one in my family is. Lilith used to be, but she decided to join us in Aztec worship."
"Isn't that really bloody and violent? I'd never take you for the type." Asmodeus failed to hide the frown that spread across his face.
"I wouldn't say so much as you think. Besides, I work in a profession where the deceased are common. And even without the bodies, we find the gods are seemingly content with sacrificed animals- the larger the better. Even so, regardless of sacrifice, when I call upon the gods of Aztec religion, they actually answer."
"I'm curious," Satan mused, "What lead you to worship nearly forgotten gods as opposed to the one a majority praises? And how did you get your supposed angel of a sister to join you?"
There was a still silence as Arabella slowly got up and approached the fireplace, staring into the golden flames that cracked and sparked on occasion.
"To answer your second question... I believe she realized she was abandoned."
She paused, and hearing no questions, she continued, fidgeting with her fingers.
"Lilith has very vague memories of her past, and the most prominent of them all is appearing amongst a small Aztec settlement, barely conscious, in a ray of light that slowly diminished. Most of the other memories she has are fleeting flashbacks of faces she says she cannot remember, but they all look familiar. 'I am above the clouds!' she would tell me, 'It's gorgeous, and yet... I feel as if I no longer belong.' Everyone in the family came to a mutual agreement," she turned back towards the brothers, all of them still in anticipation, "That wherever she had been before, this God she praised before she fell, it no longer loved her, He no longer loved her, and thus she needed to cut the painful memories of those places. She's been doing wonderfully so far too. She curses and despises the 'Almighty Father' she grew up with. She hates him immensely, as does my Abuelita, my brother-in-law, and me."
She sat down again, returning her attention to the fireplace, seeming to lose focus on all else around her.
"As for why we hate him, well... We do not respect the God of Christianity. We do not bow to a God the holds other by their necks and says 'Worship me, fear me, respect me, lest you be damned by my hand." She paused, hands fidgeting and grip tightening on her legs and notebook, "My brother in law is a literal demon. He does not respect God out of spite. My Abuelita had it taught in her from generations past, and does not agree with aspects of the bible. She knows things about Lilith that only we as a family know, things that only further our hatred. As for me... I have had things happen to me that I know now I did not deserve. A hell placed on me that I wasn't released from for years."
Her legs were now bleeding from the pressure of her nails digging deep into her skin.
"Where was He when I called? Why did I have to endure what I did for years when He is supposedly an all loving and caring God? Those I knew before do not deserve love. They do not deserve forgiveness. The new family I am a part of, however, showed me that the Aztec gods answer. They listen. They do not stand by and hold you by a chain- put you through a living hell while proclaiming that they love you. With each of our stories, each of our hardships and thoughts, we have each decided unanimously on one thing, one thing we still agree on to this day and will agree on forevermore."
She stood up again, this time approaching the window, seldom flinching with the blood dripping down her legs. When she reached the sill, she gripped it with such strength, such ferocity, it creaked and nearly bent from the force.
"If God is so willing to kill His children simply because of 'fate', so willing to watch the world burn and only cause little miracles that barely contribute to the main problem, He is no God. He's a tyrant grasping at the puppet strings of others to keep power." she turned to the eldest, her eyes dead and cold, a scowl etched into her features, "If God has no regrets about tossing his own son, his dearest Lucifer, out of Heaven for only feeding the curiosity of the humanity he formed in his image, and still refuses to forgive him? I do not want that God's praise upon my lips. He is no loving God. He is an abuser who, upon realizing he was losing his power, tossed his children out of their home and said 'Be damned, for you no longer blindly worship me.' I do not want that God's practice upon my lips. I refuse to worship an abuser. I refuse to simply please a tyrant. I would never call this God 'Father'..."
For He is no Father of mine.
And with that, No Father of Mine is finished! I’m really happy with how this particular story came out, and I actually finished it for once! Please reblog if you can, I would really appreciate it, and if you can, tell me if you enjoyed this little tidbit I thought of at 3 in the morning after being awoken for no reason.
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
What if MC was the demon and the demons were humans? A mystery AU.
MC is a detective sent by the Devildom. They have been sent to place where many souls have been reported to have gone missing -- effectively skewing the soul trade in Hell -- and so they must solve the issue as soon as possible.
The details surrounding these reports are ... strange. MC is sent alone in order make them as inconspicuous as possible.
MC is sent to a dreary town by the sea, a place affectionately known as the home of hellish tides (fishermen are known to be knocked off their boats and drown in the turbulent waters). It is a fishing town that's damn near on the water itself, with half of it built on the docks. Old-fashioned diners with creaky seats, dark and seedy bars, and a plethora of secrets lurking just beneath the surface.
As it would turn out, MC isn't the only monster here.
Your local eccentric. His family is old money in this town, and so the large mansion in the cliff is mostly just for show. Or is it?
Known by the locals as a collector of strange and anomalous art, often leaving for weeks at a time to travel in pursuit of his hobby. His butler usually keeps the house tidy and composed until his return.
Diavolo meets MC at a local diner, pulling up a chair at their table when he doesn't recognize them straightaway. Where are you from? he asks. How long will you be here? Do you have any family and friends here? Much to his disappointment, MC lies and says they'll be here for quite some time on family business. Their mother is terribly I'll, you see.
Prone to inviting visitors and tourists of all kinds to his home for dinner. The sea is quite beautiful, after all, and his mansion surely has the best view. Despite whatever qualms they may have in regards to dining at the house of a stranger, his sonorous laugh and disarming smile usually convinces them.
Strangely, he has never invited any locals. And where exactly do those visitors of his go afterwards?
The quiet, unobtrusive, and ever-present butler of Diavolo. He is typically only ever seen in town on dark and rainy days, often on some errand or another. He is almost never seen without his pocket watch or umbrella.
Very little is known about him. Some say it was Diavolo's father who brought him up as a boy, that Barbatos was a mere orphan walking the streets. Some say that his father bought Barbatos in some terrible exchange of human life. Some say Barbatos simply showed up one day and never left. Either way, Barbatos takes no part in the rumors.
Barbatos meets MC in the street when MC nearly runs into them. MC is looking for their hotel in the downpour, which makes it difficult to see anything, and Barbatos helps lead them to their destination. Before MC can thank them, Barbatos has disappeared.
Barbatos almost always tends to be in the wrong place at the right time, tipping off MC about various wrongdoings and suspicious activity that happens in the area. Could this be a mere coincidence? Is he truly as innocent as he claims to be?
The irritable overseer of the town. No one really knows what he does for sure, actually, given that he's done what he's done for so long, but it appears to be working. Informally works for Diavolo as well, keeping tabs on local elections and other affairs.
A man who oozes pride. Despite his supposed origins in the town, Lucifer's presence takes up a room when he steps into it, commanding the attention of all. It's no wonder he was chosen for ... whatever it is that he does.
Lucifer is one of the first adversaries of MC. After a few days of poking around too much, MC is paid a personal visit by Lucifer regarding their activities in the town. The trouble they could stir up. Lucifer tells them to stay out of the town's business.
Lucifer always seems to be updated on MC's whereabouts and activities -- going so far as to go to the trouble of threatening them. What does he have to hide?
The greedy, scummy, money-grubbing banker of the town. Given that he is the only banker of the town, people are forced to go through him to deposit and withdraw their money. His thick orange sunglasses do well to hide his gaze.
Loud and generally obnoxious, it is almost impossible to miss Mammon out in the street. Known by the locals as an annoying but harmless miser. Can often be seen arguing with local shopkeepers over influxes in prices or the bartering of goods.
Mammon meets MC in the bar one night after MC accidentally spills their drink on the man, who had obviously been walking too fast. Mammon turns around and is about to yell at MC ... but immediately forgives them upon seeing them, his face going beet red. He apologizes profusely and offers to buy them another drink.
Mammon has other ... side projects, sure, but can that really explain why he was behind the docks that night? Can that really explain the conversation he had with the supposed fisherman? And what was in those boxes?
The charming yet irritable librarian. While his job is meant to concern only books, it sometimes appears that there are more cats roaming around the library than books. Satan knows the names of each and every one of them.
A little too charming. While known as quite the gentleman with a penchant for cats, MC can't help but feel wary around the supposedly kind librarian. There is something about his green-eyed gaze that seems off, even with the addition of his reading glasses.
When MC heads to the library to do research on the history of the town, it is Satan that greets them -- albeit emerging from one of the back rooms covered in kittens. After getting the squealing cats in order, he manages to direct MC to the correct section of the library.
MC comes in late one night to see the front desk empty and an almost miniscule trail of blood leading to the back of the library. If they weren't trained, they would have certainly missed it. If Satan is only a harmless librarian, then what was in the dumpster at the back of the library? Why did Satan lie to MC, even though he knew damned well MC knew he was lying? That smile never reached his eyes.
The awkward, bashful fisherman. Leviathan can typically be seen on the docks with a comic book when he isn't fishing, nose-deep into its pages. When he's not reading comics, he's watching cartoons. When he's not watching cartoons, he's writing fan letters. When he's not doing any of that, he's fishing.
Known by most of the fish mongers as that strange young man. Given his hobbies and general antisocial nature, Levi has no friends and often finds comfort in solitude. So that means he can't possibly be connected to anything, right?
MC meets Levi when they're looking for the fisherman at that docks -- to which they find, to their surprise, that Levi is that fisherman at the docks with the lead. MC startles Levi when they greet him, causing him to nearly drop his comic book into the water.
If he's a fisherman, then shouldn't he work with someone or at least have the same hours as the other fishermen? Where does he go at night? Is there something he's not telling MC?
The flamboyant shopkeeper of the town's finest -- and only -- boutique, specializing in hair cutting and hair treatment services. With his updated style and high sense of fashion, he looks rather out of place in this town.
Everyone and their mother has a had a wonderful experience at his boutique. A bleaching before the day of a wedding, a last-minute hairdo, fixing an at-home dye job, doing some late mother's hair for her funeral -- this man can truly do it all.
MC meets him when they accidentally wander into his shop, wanting to get out of the rain. Upon his insistence, they end up getting a quick trim for their split ends, with Asmo fussing over how much better they look now. Don't forget to come back in a few weeks!
Asmodeus, being the one and only hairdresser, knows all the gossip that there is in town. Quite open about it, actually. But when MC asks him even the vaguest hints of what they're here for, why does he clam up? Why is he suddenly so silent?
The ravenous, gluttonous cook of one of the best diners in town. Besides your typical diner food, Beel serves fish, fish, and more fish. As the cook of the diner, he has quite the loyal customer base.
People rant and rave about Beel's dishes from this town to the next one over. In fact, it's one of the things that brings tourists to this town. Everyone -- big or small, young or old -- has a hankering for Beel's famous fish fry.
MC meets him at the front counter of the diner when they first get into town, famished. Given that MC is new to town, Beel takes it upon himself to serve them up his famous fish fry, telling them that they don't have to pay for it if they don't like it. MC pays for it full price and tips him at least 30 percent.
Everyone knows that Beel's a rather hungry cook, considering his size ... But what on Earth was he eating that night? What vividly, horribly red thing was he tearing into on the counter?
The grumpy waiter of Beel's diner and also his fraternal twin. He seems to be neither a morning or afternoon person, with a tendency to answer with one word, gruff responses and a deadpan expression. Despite this, the diner is as popular as ever.
More than waiter, however, Belphegor seems to look over just about everything in the restaurant. From co-owner to cashier to inventory, Belphegor has quite the multitasking talent. It is perhaps this hardworking ethic -- despite his outward laziness -- that continues to draw people into the diner.
MC meets Belphegor when they walk into the diner, as Belphegor is the one who wordlessly gives them their menu and black coffee before attending to other customers. While he seems mostly stoic the whole time, MC sees the almost-smile on his mouth when they compliment Beel's food and leave such a hefty tip.
MC understands that Belphegor may have to be up at weird hours to do inventory, but for what reason does Belphegor have in regards to receiving a package in the dead of night? Why sneak into the diner, as if he wanted to make sure no one saw him? And what was that shadow in the diner?
Who is the culprit? What was their motive? How did they pull it off? You, as MC, must solve the mystery ... or die trying.
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