#arno dorian x f!reader
Hogwarts!AU WIP
The Hogwarts Express, 4th Year
“Move over!” You shifted in your seat, your textbook balancing on the edge of the table in the train compartment.
“I don’t know whether you’re aware, but the only extra space here is on the ceiling,” Jacob retorted, pushing against your shoulder, most likely to annoy you.
“I need to get this done! Just give me some space for five minutes.”
Edward chuckled at you. “For a Ravenclaw, you’re not as organised as you probably should be.”
“Do you want to see my Transfiguration homework?” you challenged.
“Yeah, Y/N wrote ungodly amounts on the history and use of reparifage, but God forbid she write an ingredients list for Potions,” Evie teased, squashed between the two Hufflepuffs in the compartment.
Various friends begin to chorus their condolences for you and your predicament, alongside teasing jeers of how your priorities are extremely out of whack if you left Professor’ Snape’s homework to the last minute..
“Snape won’t give me detention if you guys shut up!”
The compartment went quiet for a moment before you raised your gaze from your parchment.
“... Ezio…”
“Not a chance, Y/N.”
“But you’re the only one in my class!”
“Snape will find out.”
“I’ll change it up a bit; he’ll never know.”
“That won’t work; I did that with Evie’s homework once and he caught me out immediately; said exactly what I was thinking too! I swear he’s a mind reader,” Jacob said, conspiring with himself more than others.
“You have a tell, Jacob. You can’t lie for a chocolate frog.” Upon his sister’s retort, Jacob’s jaw dropped.
“No I don’t!”
“You literally just did it!”
Small laughs littered the compartment. “What? What’s my tell?”
You studied him, face lighting up once you saw it. “Aw, that’s a cute one! Better than having a twitching eye!”
Jacob’s frustration calmed slightly as he watched the joy wash over your face. “Well?”
You laughed. “You’re blushing. But like, extreme blushing.”
“He always goes bright red when he lies,” Evie said.
“That’s not the only reason he’s blushing.” Teasing ‘ooh’s and laughter filled the air again after Alexios’ jab.
Jacob covered his face. “Alright, alright! Let’s focus on taking the mick out of Y/N for gambling her life with Snape.”
“You are playing with fire, Y/L/N,” Altaïr said.
“Let’s have a bet." You raised an eyebrow, mischief in your features. “I’ll pay for anything you guys want during the next Hogsmeade visit IF Snape gives me detention.”
“I’ll bet.”
“I’m in.”
“Your parents are going to send so many howlers after this.”
“The chances are too likely for me to not chip in at least a bit.”
“And if you don’t get detention?”
You actually had to think for a minute, before settling on an idea that you’ve been toying with for a long time. “Okay. I’ve got something. But it’s big. I’m not expecting you guys to do it, but I want you all to at least consider it.”
The entire carriage looked at you, intrigued.
“If I don’t get detention, I want to research becoming an animagus.”
@marshmallow--3 // @yourlocalfrenchie // @rahdaleigh // @sofiewithat /// @iceboundstar // @mythandmagik // @itseivwhore // @pink-polarfox // @missbenzayb // @alleycatbookstore // @timbreavery // @dacian-assassin // @thepalaceofmelanie // @asilverraven // @huntheimpossible // @eclectic--assassin // @thehistorynut19 // @ta-ka-shi-ma // @roki3chocoa // @fandomsfanman // @le-nottibianche // @bandit-brunsmeier // @starmoji1 // @spocktheestallion // @salty-thembo // @missingfrye // @xdeimos //
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Falling in love (Arno Dorian x reader)
Summary: Just a little one-shot about Arno falling in love with you... literally. 
Warnings: little angst but nothing more
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Arno was fast. Probably one of the fastest assassin in the french creed. But he was also reckless, pushing his luck with bigger and bigger jumps. Miraculously you never once saw him with a broken bone, not even a bruise. Either he was exceptionally talented or very lucky.
Until that one day.
The frenchman went on a solo mission. His task was rather easy. Assassinate the target and then go back to the base. Nothing hard, he thought, and he was right. His target wasn't strong or heavily armed. Arno got to him quickly. However, nobody seemed to inform him about the half dozen guards who were about to kill him. Fleeing was his only option.
But at the outer districts of Paris that wasn't easy. The roofs were further away from each other, but the buildings were almost as tall as he got used to. He only realized that after one particular jump.  
He ran towards the edge of the roof, continuously looking back, searching for templars with his eagle vision. Arno had no time to think about how impossible the jump that he wanted to attempt.  A dirty canal between the buildings made the distance bigger. But stopping only would've meant that the guards reach him within a second. So he jumped.
For moments it seemed like a good idea. That window was soo close, a great hiding spot for the assassin. He almost caught it, but his fingers merely brushed the ledge. And there was nothing under him to cushion his fall. Hardly reaching the ground he heard a loud crack and felt a stinging pain in his right leg. Arno almost couldn't hold back his painful shouts. Knowing that the templars can reach him at any moment he crawled towards the canal. He couldn't stand up, he tried but he couldn't. That made him a bit scared.
Arno got to the canal just in time, ungracefully descending into the water. At least it was shallow. Above his head, the guards run by, not understanding how he got away that fast. The assassin finally could take a look at his wounds. He cut open his trousers with the help of his hidden blade, revealing a big area of bruised, black, swollen skin. It was definitely broken.
"Merde..." The frenchman cursed silently. "No way that I can go home like this." He attempted getting on his feet again, failing miserably. He had to wait for somebody to come and save him.
Its been almost two days since Arno left, you couldn't stop wondering about what happened. His task was fairly easy, he should've come back a long time ago. You were concerned, he never done something like this before. Also the two of you came close in the past few months, however, he looked like he only wanted a solid friendship from you, that didn't stop you to fall for him. Asking the council about the location of his mission you headed to the outer city of Paris. After some interviewing, you knew that somebody did die here by the hands of a mysterious hooded figure. But where the killer went, nobody could tell. It happened at night.
You almost gave up when walking along a wide canal you discovered a body of a man, lying in the water. He wore a blue hood and carried a sword.
"Arno? " Not believing your eyes, you jumped down into the dirty water. "Arno!"
He seemed to be unconscious, almost dead, but to your words, his eyelids fluttered.
"(y/n)?" His voice was raspy, dry.
"What happened to you? I thought you died or worse!" That's when you discovered his bruised leg, in an awkward pose. "How did you do this to yourself?"
"I fell." Pointing to the tall building below the two of you he answered the question. "From there."
"No man would've been able to make a jump that big. What were you thinking?" Realizing, scolding him wouldn't help the situation you took a few deep breaths to calm yourself. "I have to get you back to the base."
"I think I must inform you that I can't walk."
You looked at his leg again. It was definitely broken if he's not lucky enough an injury like this possibly could end his career as an assassin.
"We have to try. I'll catch a carriage for us when I see one." You promised him, then climbed back to the street level. "But now I have to pull you out from there. Why did you jump down into the canal in the first place?"
A faint smile crossed Arno's features. He was delirious, mainly because of the medicines he took to ease his pain.  
"I had to hide, the canal was close."
"Well, if you have any open cuts those are probably infected by now, this water is full of dirt."
"Je connais."
As gently as you could you grabbed his robes, hauling him up next to you. Only a small yelp escaped his mouth, other than that Arno kept his emotions at bay. Standing up was rather hard, but leaning on you he managed to keep his balance. He almost blacked out, with you barely being able to hold his weight. Looked like that the painkillers weren't effective enough, they made him sleepy but nothing more.
"Concentrate, because if you fall I don't think I'll be able to catch you." You warned him. Arno answered with a slow nod while limping next to you.
Finding a carriage was harder than you thought. By the time you reached the river, you still walked on foot. The medicine in Arno's body started to wear off, making him tremble in pain.
"Stop." He pleaded... again.
"Arno we literally just did that ten minutes ago!" You were annoyed and tired but laid him down to the ground nonetheless. The two of you were struggling along the riverbank for an hour at least.
"You should leave me." Arno's expression was pained, it looked like he already gave up. He knew well that an injury like this could demand his job as an assassin. No more missions, no more sunsets with you on top of the Notre Dame. He wasn't ready for that life.
"No way, I'm not leaving you." Glancing around you spotted a few boats nearby. You were way below the street level, nobody would notice you taking one. "I got a ride for ourselves."
"What? A carriage?" Arno was genuinely surprised since he saw nothing that would've been suitable for travel.
"We are going to use a boat." You helped up the male assassin and got closer to the water.
"Are you sure that this is a good idea?"
"I'm not, but if you don't fall into the water and drown nothing bad will happen."
"Génial..." Arno sat in the boat awkwardly, the uneven movements of the river made him nervous. He was a good swimmer, but not in his current state. Climbing next to him you cut the ropes and headed to the base. Traveling that way was faster than limping through the city, so by the evening, you reached your destination. Two assassins waited for your arrival, they pulled the boat to the shore and then helped Arno to get inside.  He had some problem at the stairs, leaning on the novices, completely guided by them. You headed to your chambers, knowing that Arno wouldn't want you to see him weak while he getting his leg fixed. He was a master assassin, after all, let him keep some of his dignity after a fail like that. You'll visit him the next day, but for now, you needed a bath and some sleep. A lot of sleep actually...
You woke up with the rising sun. First, you couldn't quite recall what happened last afternoon, but after a couple of seconds, you remembered. Visit Arno, that was the main point of the day, everything came later. Gathering your (f/c) colored gear, you changed clothes then left your chambers. Arno was probably in the medical area still. You hoped he didn't need to pay too much for his injury that he could have prevented.
After asking one of the nurses where your friend could be located, you entered the right room inside the medical area.
"How are you holding up?" You looked at Arno, who laid motionlessly in his bed, his broken leg between two wood boards to keep the bones in the right place until they heal.
"I've been better." He answered with a light smile playing on his lips.
"Will you be able to climb again?"
"If I lay here for three months without moving an inch."
"Mon Dieu..."
"It's not that bad, after all, we can spend a great amount of time together if you like me oh so much, as I hear." Arno's smile only grew bigger as he looked at you dead in the eye.
"Who told you?" You froze in place.
"I figured."
"And... do you feel the same?"
"I think... I just fell in love. Quite literally." Then he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to plant a small kiss on your lips.  
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Visitor Students (Part 2)
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Pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader
Characters: Jacob Frye, Evie Frye, Ethan Frye, Henry Green, Arbaaz Mir, Kaur Pyara, Ezio Auditore, Maria Auditore, Claudia Auditore, Mario Auditore, Arno Dorian, Elise De La Serre, Edward Kenway, Connor Kenway
Modern AU
Summary: The reader lives in Turkey (The reason I choose this country because I want the reader to talks a language that none of the characters can speak or understand.) And the characters visited the school, that reader studies. The reader studies in one of the most successful schools in Istanbul. Reader and reader's friends have talents just like Assassins. The reader meets with visitor students. But the thing she didn’t know is the reader’s dad is the friend of Ethan Frye.
Note: (T/I/Y/W/T/P) = The Instrument You Want To Play
            (Y/N) = Your Name
            (L/N) = Last Name
     From now on I will have some songs to you guys to read my stories with!! So, can you open the song from One Direction - Story  Of My Life Luv You All!!
     (Y/N)'s POV
              We continue to talk with Jacob when I told him how many things our teacher can do with a pencil, he just surprised. Because our teachers did not just write with a pencil. They can throw them in air and catch 'em in the same place and they can do that forever. And they are not stopping, not fail, every time. And so many things like that. That conversation starts when Jacob saw in his Twitter a text but it was Turkish so he wants me to translate it, and of course, I said ''Yes'' because how can I say no to his smirk and those hazel eyes of his. I look to the text message, it says ''Avrupa'da avukatlık okuyorum, Galatasaray Lisesi mezunuyum ve önüme geçen her testin tamamını doğru yapabiliyorum, sizin yetenkleriniz nedir?'' I looked to the text message with impressed and Jacob quickly realizes it and said ''What was it, love?'' I said ''Damn, this girl is so successful. It says ''I study to be a lawyer in Europe, I graduated from Galatasaray High school and I could solve any questions that come in front of me. What is your talent guys? And Galatasaray High School is the most successful school in Turkey. If you want to get into that school you should at least get the LGS exam full correct and all of your subjects and exams should be 100 and it means in your education system  A+.'' When I told him that he was impressed. And I continued ''So, what is your talent, Jacob Frye?'' And he smirks at me and I felt a heat goes to my cheeks. I hide my cheeks with the sleeve my loose sweater. He looks at me and says with a grin and a smirk ''Well (Y/N) (L/N) I can fight so deadly and I can take aim from so far and I can shoot my target from there.'' He looks at me like he asks me to say him my talent. And I realized he is quite sexy. When I realize it he asks with his low voice ''So, (Y/N) (L/N) what is your special talent?'' I answered him with nervus. ''Well, Jacob Frye I can remember everyone's teacup on an occasion that includes 100 people. And I don't think I have another talent.'' He still looks at me with one of his elbows on the kitchen counter, and he said to me when I just finish my sentence ''Lie. I saw the paintings you do, I heard you memorize everything you see and you prove it in the history class. And I saw your ballet and how you play (T/I/Y/W/T/P) in videos...'' He continued but After my dad calls me, I got the coffees and put them on a tray.
      I went to the living room, give everyone coffee. And went back to the kitchen, I found Jacob looking at his phone with worry. He looks like some child on a swing and looks for the sky with worry when it rains.
        ''What happened? I just went to the living room to bring others coffee.'' He didn't react to me. I go near to him and I saw an emotion like... Like... Heartbreak?
         ''My ex...'' And I say with  ''Oh...'' He continued ''I saw her story on Instagram.'' And he showed me the story for like five seconds ''As I say, she just gets over me...'' and he takes the phone to his direction and I stop him ''No, No, show that again.'' He looks to me with a smirk and gave me his phone. I looked again and I said ''I know this guy.'' I lead the phone between us and said ''Look for the man behind them. And look at the zippo he uses to light his cigarette. It has a Turkish flag on it. And if you look for the view it matches with the Barırköy coast. Wich is not a real coast. Wait, I know here. I was in there!'' And I took my coat from the chair.
           ''Wait!? What are you doing?'' I shout at him and I say ''If you want to see her, Quick! We don't have any time to waste''
           When I saw that he is not making any move, I grabbed his hand and lead him to the outside. First-time my luck smiles to my face and I found a taxi. I told the driver where we should go and he shakes his hand and we start to go.
           I looked to Jacob he looks like a villager who saw an alien. I said to him ''What?! Didn't you want this?'' He said when he stands straight. ''No... Well, maybe. But not like that.'' And when he said that we arrived. ''Too late.'' When I look back I saw he didn't move. He looks at me with a smirk and le relaxes more I shout at him ''Okey Mr. Sexy if you want to see her we need to go.'' And I picked his hand and lead him outside. When I lead him outside, he said with a huge, flirty and in my option sexy, smirk that sends a shiver down to my spine ''So, you think I'm sexy?'' I rolled my eyes and say ''Don't you dare start.''
        When we arrived, I felt a huge pain in my stomach. And as a normal human, I cry for the pain I felt. And when I almost fell to the ground Jacob pick me and looked me in the eye. ''(Y/N)! Are you okay?!'' I said when I got up. ''Y-Yes, yes. I'm good.'' 
         This shouldn't happen here. Like a bad memory, It was two years earlier, my friends turn their back to me. They shoot me behind. And when I was alone at home. All I want is to be free. So I go to the window and I close my eyes then open them again, I thought that look was my last look to the world. The last thought I have was  ''When people say you're worthless, that does not mean you are worthless. When people say you're a wrong person, that doesn't mean you're a wrong person. That's just prooves they are just stupid.'' And I jumped. But I didn't think I will live. But when I learned to make a child to me is nearly impossible, I want to die twice. And the doctors said to me ''You jumped to an iron bar. And the iron bar enters your stomach and damage the wall of the womb. So, you have a serious stitch. You shouldn't be in so hot and so cold.'' And if I will be somewhere like that it could bleed. For that, I take some pills to it. But I remember I forgot to take them today. 
          So, when I got up he was still looking at me so I showed him the girl named Teressa I think ''Look she is there! Let's go!'' And when we go near to them, I felt pain again and I touch the wound. I look to my hand again and when I looked, all I could saw was blood.
I got up and said to Jacob ''I'm in the toilet!''
Jacob's POV 
        (Y/N) wnt to the toilet with panic in her eyes. So I started to look for Teressa. There is a man that looked familiar to me. Of course, That was Trevor, he is one of the popular guys in my old school. 
        I came closer to them and I start to hear the conversation they have. Trevor said ''I will make you happier than that Jacob. When I get his gang called Rooks, I will win.'' I start to get angry. How could he say something like that? Then they continue to that conversation, some people go to that table too. When I take a closer look I saw my traitor friends. They were the first Rooks and the first friends I have in middle school. The first one I met was Ed, I was best friends with him, then someday Nigel came and when I so busy with making a gang in school, I didn't realize they were hiding secrets from me and after that, they start to talk among themselves. And after all of the time they just... They just... Go...
          After like thirty minutes I started to worry about where (Y/N) is. And I looked around for her. When I saw her she saw me too and she smiles at me. 
          She sat next to me and said with a warm smile ''So, what happened?'' And I look back to the crowd. And back to her. When I saw Teressa and Trevor kissing I just got up from the chair and start to walk over to the table Teressa and others are sitting. But when I feel something on my arm. It wasn't hurting me, when I look for it I saw it.
(Y/N)'s POV
    I took Jacob's arm and when he looks back at me I saw something at his eyes, a  child, broken and crying for help. And I saw it, his soul was wounded.
    ''Jacob, don't. If you will do that, you won't feel better than before. Believe me, they don't deserve someone perfect like you.'' He looked at me with sad eyes, ''How could you feel sure about that?'' I know that was an S.O.S. came from him, that no one looks for. ''Cause, I see it in your eyes. Let's just get out of here and I promise you we will talk about it.'' He just nodded. And we started to get out of the restaurant.
     We walked a little bit and arrived at the rocky place on the coast.  I jumped to the rocks and Jacob came behind me. When we sat to rock and look for the sea, I was the first one to talk. ''What happened? I mean when you look to them, you are not looking to them with anger or revenge ''What did they do to you, Jacob?'' He stopped a little bit. I was sure that he remembers the thing or things happened. I was just like a child who waits for her lollipop from her parents. He took a deep breath, ''It was two years ago, I have the most perfect friends around me. Or I was thinking like that. When I started high school, I was the most popular guy at school as usual. Come on, look to this face.'' And he shows me his face, I giggled ''And I planned to start a new gang. I joined all of the sports clubs I could join as possible, that's where I meet with Teressa, but that's another story. I was busy with my gang, and I think I get away from my friends. I still don't know how I didn't I get caught by teachers eye, I think that's Evie's thing. My friends start to ignore me, and '' When he didn't even finish his sentence I continue. ''Let me guess, and they tell you to move on and they finish their friendship with you, you start to feel like you are so weak and you are not enough for their attention. You became a depressive person, sometimes you feel numb and paralyzed. After some time you have new friends around you and you trust them very well. Is this how your story ends?'' His face looks like he was taken aback by my words. He just said ''Exactly.'' But I continued to my sentence I picked his hand and say ''Look, Jacob, people can be blind sometimes. Most of the time they don't see what's in front of them. If you're worried about you're not enough, all I can say to you is ''Enough to who and enough to whom?'' sometimes you see a beautiful person and an ugly person, you can say ''Wow! Look to the girl and look to the man with her he looks like her grandfather.'' and someone can say ''Wow! Look to the man and look to the woman with her. She isn't enough to him.'' so, don't forget, you are soo special, there is no other person like you. That means you don't need to worry about being enough for something or someone, cause you're always enough or more than enough. Ok? And you don't need to worry about the things you have a problem with. You can always come to me. Cause if you can't find a way to get out of them, maybe WE could find a way to get out of them.'' He looked to me with thankful eyes. ''I lived the same things too, so it looks like we share the same fate, Mr. Frye.'' I stood up and told him ''We can go now don't you think. We will have a lot of time to talk, Am I wrong?'' he stood up too and he said ''Oh, yeah lass.'' and he presses a thing in his hand and he moves to left a little bit and shows the car behind him. I ask with shock ''How did you?'' he said ''Oh, I have a lot of surprises.'' And he gave me his hand to help me get out of the rocky area.
       When we got in the car, I feel like his eyes always are on me.
Jacob's POV
  When we were in the car, I couldn't get my eyes off of her. She was the only person who spoke to me like that. She was soo merciful, kind and positive. When I was thinking all of them at the same time, she opened the window and her hair was flowing with the wind and her eyes were closed. I could saw her smile on the wind came to her skin. She was like the stars. She lights more when it gets dark. I could just look at her and see the stars in her. So I wanted to make her close to the atmosphere, where she belongs. I opened the top window. And she quickly looked to it. She said ''Why you didn't tell me you have a top window in the car!?'' I said with the usual smirk on my face ''I said to you love, I'm full of surprises.'' And after that, I saw some drops on the window. When I look up to the sky, I was full of dark clouds and I started to realize the rain was started. The storms are coming. And when I looked to (Y/N), I saw she isn't at the place that she was sitting. And I looked to her legs. I saw she was climbed to the car's seat and she was out of the top window. I said her ''(Y/N)! It's raining! What are you doing!?'' She said back to me ''That's why it's soo fun!'' After those words, I saw her hair was wet, and she smiles the brighter than the sun at the storm. She was different. I felt something. But I didn't care about it. I was busy watching her. She said ''Can you pull over?'' when she sat back to her seat and I closed the top window. I asked her ''Why?'' and she looked to me with naughty eyes and she started to talk ''Just don't think about it! It's my surprise for you.'' and after that, I pull over. And she said ''I knew you like surprises.'' After that, she got out of the car and rut outside with her arms and hands open with a smile on her face. I got out of the car and I yell at her ''(Y/N)! What are you doing?'' when she heard that I yell at her she came back to the car and opened the song ''One Direction - The Story Of My Life '' and she got the voice level as high as possible then she took me from my hands and lead me to the pouring rain. Then she yelled at me ''Thought you were brave to walk under the rain, Mr. Frye'' Then she leave my hands and started to run. I said ''Oh, I am Ms. (L/N).'' and she yelled at me again ''So prove it, Mr. Frye! Catch me if you can!'' After that, I tried to clutch her.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guys let's chance the song to Ruelle - Live Like Legends from here... All right! Let's continue to our story!
  When she was running I heard a voice came from behind when I turned my back I saw a woman with an angelic voice and a long white dress. Then she started to talk ''Hello Jacob Frye, we need to talk.'' I asked her who is she, she answered me with kindness ''I have so many names. But...It was Minerva when I was dead.'' I remembered the name. And she continued ''I learned that you are always praying for Juno to show you what your soulmate is doing.'' I started to feel awkward and a little bit scared ''There is no need to be afraid of.  We are not the gods. We are just the ones that came before. I just want to know why you are caring so much about your soulmate.'' I answered her ''I just want to know who she is.'' and she continued ''I know you are so connected to her even now but I think I could help you more than Juno and when you need to make a choice I need you to promise me, child, that you won't release her.'' and I was so excited and I promised her I won't release her. and she contınued to talk ''All I can tell you is you are so close to being with her. Goodbye, my child, we will talk again soon.'' And then she disappeared. I turned to real-life when I heard (Y/N) called me. ''Jacob? Are you okay?'' And she came more near to me. When she was trying to hold my shoulder I caught her and swing her around. When I sat her to the ground she giggled at me and she said ''No! That's not fair!'' and I catch her once again and said ''Oh, isn't is fair, love?'' And after that so many times and rouns of running and catching. When I tried to catch her again she stopped and I jumped to her back ''Gotchya!'' she put his finger to my mouth and continued to talk '' Yes, of course, dad. We are on our way! Bye!'' she looked back to me and giggled ''Your face is so funny right now cause, you realize my dad was on the phone'' and I answered her with a smirk on my face ''Oh is it?'' and I catch her again and raise her to the air. And she said ''Why we don't take photos?'' and we started to take photos. And when we went back to the car we looked at the photos and send them to each other.
(Y/N)'s POV
     And we arrive back home with all of our wet hair and clothes we went to our rooms secretly. I told him that I will take a quick shower and I make a beeline to the bathroom. When the hot water hit my shoulder I was soo relaxed by the feeling. And my brain went back to Jacob again and again. I still don't know why I feel so attached to him but I thought that's because we lived the same things, the same infidelities, same problems. When I was thinking those things I got out of the shower and quickly changed my clothes. I wished everyone a good night and I pulled over by Evie and I told her everything we do, not the special parts, of course, and she told me that there is a very good harmony between us and she told me to be careful about her stupid twin, and after a little chit chat with Evie I went back to my room.
     When I was nearly sleeping, I heard Jacob's voice that calling me. I opened my eyes and ''Jacob? Why aren't you sleeping?'' and he answered me with puppy eyes ''(Y/N) I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you cause Evie sleeps with Henry my dad is in another room and I have a problem with sleeping in a place that is new for me?'' When I saw nervous in his eyes I said ''Of course Jacob, you can sleep with me. That's not a problem.'' and I made a space for him to sleep and when he sleeps next to me, his face was full of peace.
     I woke up again at 4 a.m. and I found Jacob sleeping on my chest and my hand was on his hair. And I use the opportunity of playing with his soft chocolate brown hair. When I was nearly sleeping I heard a whisper came from him ''Thank you (Y/N), sweet dreams.'' And I leave myself to the arms of sleep. 
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writerjodie · 6 years
Arno Dorian - Spiders
Arno Dorian x Reader - Spiders
Not upfated any writing for a while, godsdamned school took over...
"Oh non! Non!" a voice wakes you from your sleep, one belonging to your fellow assassin (and boyfriend) Arno Dorian.
Yawning, you roll across the bed to find his half cold: he's been up for a long time. You stretch and crawl out of bed, nearly tripping over the pile of discarded clothes you left there last night. It takes you some time to get dressed, and after nearly putting your (f/c) coat on back to front, you finally make it out of the room.
"Non! Non! Where is it?" Arno is yelling downstairs, and you can't help but roll your eyes - no doubt he has misplaced his beloved pocket watch again and is frantically searching for it. As luck would have it, you find the very watch waiting for you on the floor by your room, and you pick it up and dust it off ready for returning to your love.
Once Arno hears the creaking of the stairs beneath your feet, he rushes to the bottom of the stairs with a look of relief gracing his features.
"Aidez-moi! S'il vous plaît, (Name)!" he anxiously picks at a loose thread on his navy blue coat - one that you've sewed up countless times for him.
"Looking for this, mon amour?" you descend the stairs, holding the watch out for him to take.
"Oh, I had not noticed I'd lost that," Arno is suddenly quiet for a moment, before he remembers whatever it is he's panicking about, "But that it not what I need help with!"
Looking around you, you helplessly try to see what on earth it could be that Arno needs help with - the lad is a Master Assassin for God's sake! Without warning, Arno grips your arm and tugs you through the living room of the house you two share, before shoving you into the kitchen and nearly slamming the door on you.
"Can you see it?" he asks, his voice muffled through the door.
"See what?" you groan, silently praying that Arno hasn't hidden your breakfast or something like that - he knows how much you love breakfast.
"The spider!" he squeaks, as if said spider could come out and get him.
Clamping a hand to you mouth, you stifle as laugh as you finally see it. The tiniest spider you've ever seen; the cause of you lover's distress. You shake your head as you approach the spider, grabbing a piece of paper to pick it up and lift it off your table.
"There you go, little spider," you hum as you gently place the creature outside. You turn back inside, knocking on the kitchen door to get Arno to open it.
"Is...is it gone?" he mutters, peering around the door cautiously.
"Yes, you fils du taupe!" you tug him into the room, gleefully showing him the spider free environment.
Smiling, Arno pulls you into a warm embrace, burying his head in your shoulder.
"Mon Sauveur!" he laughs, pulling away from you only to kiss you.
What starts off as a little peck soon turns into a full on make out, with the both of you nearly stumbling into the table as you roam over each other's bodies. Smirking a little, you pull away and prod him playfully on the nose.
"So, now we know what really frightens our Master Assassin," you giggle, "Spiders!"
He nods slowly, slightly embarrassed at the fear. Yes, the man may be a master assassin, capable of taking down multiple foe at once - but facing a spider...that is a feat Arno cannot achieve.
"How did you get on at Sainte-Chapelle? That place is crawling with them," you sigh, pulling him back into your embrace.
Arno places a gentle kiss to your cheek, one of his hands coming up to stoke where his lips just left.
"I was usually too busy trying not to annoy Bellec...or maybe I was to busy trying to annoy him, I can't quite remember," he muses, his arms coming to rest around your waist.
You stifle another giggle, snuggling yourself into Arno's arms.
"Hmm..I think it's the latter," you smile,"Now I've vanquished the beast...can we go get breakfast?"
"Of course, mon amour," Arno replies, already pulling you out of the house to your favourite bakery.
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⭐ Greeeeeeeeeeeting, my dear readers! ⭐
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Welcome to my writing blog; the my favourite m!characters from multi fandoms x f!readers only.
I write only for female readers, it doesn't mean that I'm homophobic and transphobic. I have many reasons.
The main reason is in my country, the females' (straight women and whose sexualities are males) sexual fantasies with the male fictional characters or even the real people like actors are still snubbed - condemned as inglourious, disgraceful improper and even shameless by straight men who say they are supporting women's right, while they still watch p*rns, imagine themselves with women (some of women are underage!) and produce everything to fullfil their fantasies. And when women, including me, demand the equalities - they refuse. Sometimes, amount of misogynists attack us in our spaces.
Actually I don't want to make this becoming politics, but as you know in this post-modern society, everything is politics. So, I want to dedicate this blog to all women making it the safe space for our 'wild' imaginations.
I hope you would understand this.
And, the reasons why I am not opening the request yet because I have many ideas to unleash and I've learnt from my old one (Arno Dorian Imagine Only Blog) that I'm not good at taking any request - while I have my own stories to write first - so, the requests become chore. I don't want my passionate that I have since I'm 13 years old be the reason to fail the requesters.
Then, if I'm ready to open for the requests, I'm gonna annouce it immediaetly! 😉😉😉
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How would Haytham, Shay, Arno and Jacob react to finding out the reader is pregnant and feeling the baby’s kicks for the first time? Thanks and I love your work!
Sorry this took forever, love! Here we go!
How the Assassins React to Discovering That You’re Pregnant & Your Baby Kicking For the First Time
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He would grin widely.
He’s a very calm man; he can keep his composure.
He would obviously wonder what Connor would think; they would be step-siblings, after all.
When your face contorts in surprise, he worries before you clarify what happened.
He would be very dramatic in caressing your stomach, that’s for sure.
He’d lean down to kiss your belly, head clouded with love for you and his unborn child.
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He would be much more vocal than Haytham.
He would be gloating everywhere to the point where you had to tell him to stop.
When his child kicks, you’re both in bed and he already has his hand over the exact spot.
He gets emotional about it, as if everything suddenly just hits him and he realises…
He’s going to be the father of a child.
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Poor Arno, he doesn’t really know how to react.
He’s not mature enough to look after himself, let alone a child.
You dissuade his insecurities every time he feels this way.
When you feel it for the first time, you usher him over and hold his hand over your stomach.
He stands there in wonder, just feeling the life that resides within you.
Awestruck, he doesn’t realise that you’re pulling him in for a kiss until your lips collide.
He doesn’t know how to feel.
“I’m excited, mon amour.”
“Me too.”
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He’s happy.
He wants everything to be perfect.
London will never be completely safe, but you can swear to God that he’ll try his best.
He works hard to suppress the crimes in the city; something to make his child proud of him.
He works side by side with Scotland Yard to achieve this.
You’re greeting him by the door when you first feel it.
You felt a bit wobbly and Jacob rushed to your side, just in case you collapsed.
In doing so, his hand rested gently on your stomach.
His breath hitched once he felt the cause of your discomfort.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.”
Now he knows you’re alright, he can get excited.
He dips you down for a kiss, and he holds you so securely you can go limp in his arms and he won’t drop you.
“You’re going to be a great mother.”
“You’re going to be an even better father.”
Rubbing noses with bashful smiles, he pulls you up to your feet and helps you cool the rest of dinner.
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How does Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno and Evie react to their kid waking them up because they had a nightmare (I just found your blog and I love it!)
Aww thank you so much! (I’ve finally got around to opening my inbox again!!) Here we go, then (thanks for specifying!)...
Imagine the ages as you wish, by the way, I never really had set ages in my mind.
“Papa/Father/Mama/Mother, I can’t sleep...”
Haytham (GN!Reader)
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“What is bothering you, Y/C/N?”
“I had a bad dream...”
Haytham would rarely spend time in bed, choosing instead to sit at his desk and do some paperwork.
“Would you like to elaborate on that, young man/lady?”
“I was lost, and I couldn’t find you. I was really scared.”
They would be sitting in his lap in the dim candlelight, calmly resting their head on his rising and falling chest as he would tell them fantastical stories in a gentle hum, and would keep cradling them in his arms until long after they fall asleep, finishing the must finish paperwork first.
Connor (F!Reader)
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There was a sudden weight on his chest.
His eyes snapped open, momentarily alarmed.
“What’s the matter, Y/C/N?” 
He would rub their back soothingly as they climb onto him, tears staining his shirt.
“Don’t cry, darling.”
You would have stirred by this time, ears pricking at the sounds of distress.
“They found us, Papa; they hurt you and M-M...”
Connor sat up to properly hold Y/C/N as they broke down into more terrified sobs. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright...”
Kissing them upon their head, Connor wrapped an arm around you as they calmed down slowly.
“They aren’t real, Y/C/N; you’re alright now.”
“Konoronkwa, Y/C/N. We’re all safe here.”
“Konoronkwa, Papa, Mama.”
Edward (GN!Reader)
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Edward startled at the sound and bounded towards the source. 
Y/C/N sat up straight at the sound of the door flying open.
“You alright, lad/lass?”
Embarrassed, they nodded. “Just fine, Father.”
He furrowed his brows, tying his hair back.
“Is there anything you’d want to talk about?”
They’d smile dismissively, but Edward wouldn’t let it go.
“What were you dreaming about?”
“I can’t remember, Father. Goodnight.”
They wouldn’t want to stay on their own for long. 
Lantern in hand, they crept into your shared bedroom, slowly climbing between you and Edward.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Edward would mumble quietly (as to not wake you).
“In the morning, please.”
With an affirming kiss on the head, Edward left it at that.
Arno (F!Reader)
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Arno heard footsteps walking down the hall, and watched as light moved past his bedroom.
He checked over your sleeping form before grabbing his pistol out of the holster on his dresser, quietly pulling down the hammer.
As he stalked the noise, he quickly recognised the familiar sniffling of his daughter/son.
He hid the pistol behind his back instantly.
He caught them watching out of the window. 
“Y/C/N? Is everything alright?”
“I saw people die, Papa.”
Arno picked them up to sit them on his hip.
They pointed to their head, and Arno kissed them there.
“It wasn’t real. It was just a dream.”
“I was scared, because Mama was dead.”
Arno hid how his muscles seemed to tense.
“Mama’s upstairs, cheri.”
Arno walked to the kitchen.
“We’ll see her in a minute, but for now, how about a warm drink?”
Evie (GN!Reader)
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There were a few polite knocks on the bedroom door.
Y/C/N came into view, rubbing their bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t want to die, Mother.”
And with that, the waterworks started again.
Evie quickly opened her arms to allow them to release their emotions.
Cue a very long and deep conversation about religion, reality, and faith.
“Don’t be embarrassed; Uncle Jacob had that thought as a child-- Now it’s almost as if he’s asking for it.”
They slept with you and Evie that night, clinging as tightly as the day they were born.
“If you still worry, I have a few books on the matter that you might find comfort in reading.”
“If they’re murder mysteries...”
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Assassin’s Creed Mobile Masterlist
23/04/2020: Hey! So basically, I finally got round to help you mobile users with one of these -- I’m doing it with the RDR2 one and The Witcher, which are embarrassingly short in comparison. I also thought it was time for a bio makeover, y’know? It’s a bit cluttered over there.
If there’s anything wrong with the links, please let me know so I can fix them haha.
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated (I don’t know whether Tumblr’s ban on links in search is just for outside sources or not, but better safe than sorry)!
Grab some snacks, a drink, a massive blanket, a pair of those really fluffy socks, and enjoy!
This is definitely me not procrastinating through admin btw
Last updated: 12/09/2022 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Bullet points indicate two shots or series.
Indents show corresponding links.
[NEW] indicates fics added since last update
Acceptance (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
A New Mission (Ezio Auditore x Spanish!F!Reader)
A Midnight Bathe (Alexios of Sparta x GN!Reader) 
Arrows & Accidents (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader) 
Babysitting (ModernAU!Connor x F!Reader)
Comfort (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
Confessions (Arno Dorian x GN!Reader)
Death and Danger (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby  (Sick!Jacob Frye x Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby: The Sequel (Jacob Frye x Sick!Reader)
Don’t Care  (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader)
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
DOWN UNDER (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
Fox-Trot (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)
Hai Scelto Me (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Helping Hand (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Hold On (Part 1)
Don’t Let Go (Part 2)  
Hunted (Shay Cormac x GN!Reader)
Interrogation (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
Liar (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Le Langage Des Fleurs (Evie Frye x GN!Reader)
Lost (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Meglio (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2) 
(Part 3)
Out of Place (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Secret Admirer (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)  
Sculptin’ Skillz (ModernAU!Connor x GN!Reader) [bit of a Crack!fic tbh]
SHAMELESS (Various x GN!Reader)
Arno Version
Ezio Version
The Challenger Beats The Champion (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
This is New (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
Through The Ages (Jacob Frye x GN!Reader)
TRUST ME (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Two Reasons (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
White Noise (Connor x GN!Reader)
Would You Care to Dance? (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
THE PREADATOR AND THE PREY (DetectiveAU!Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
HEADCANONS (some specified in fic)
Being Ezio’s twin sister would include… (F!Reader)
Modern!Altair and Lazy Days would Include… (GN!Reader)
Malik Dating Altair’s Twin Sister would Include... (F!Reader)
Being Mary Read/James Kidd’s Twin Sister would Include… (F!Reader)
Haytham Comforting His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Haytham, Connor + Desmond] Reacting to their S/O Being Killed by Their Enemy (GN!Reader)
Haytham and Shay Getting Jealous (GN!Reader)
Connor’s Reaction to Having a Half-Sister (F!Reader)
Haytham Finding Out of Your Involvement with Connor (F!Reader)
Connor With a Really Talkative S/O (GN!Reader)
Jacob and Alexios Reacting to You Losing Your Job (GN!Reader)
Mechanic!Jacob and Mechanic!Reader Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob with a Short, Weak (not physically strong) F!Reader
Shay Being Soft With His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Ezio + Jacob] With Autistic S/O (GN!Reader)
The Assassins and Their Secret Admirers [+ Altair, Ezio, Arno, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Would React to Their S/O Confessing to Them [ + Altaïr, Ezio, Jacob]
[+ Connor, Arno]
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O As A Vigilante [+ Shay, Arno, Connor, Edward] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Returning After a Long Term Mission [+ Haytham, Connor, Evie, Jacob, Shay] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Badly Injured [+ Ezio, Connor, Shay, Shaun, Desmond] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassin’s React to Being Betrayed by Their S/O [+ Alexios, Ezio, Haytham, Connor, Shay, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Look after Their Children (Alone) [+ Alexios, Kassandra, Ezio, Edward, Arno, Jacob, Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would Teach Their Children to Climb [ + All - Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Talking Back [+ All] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Becoming The Leader of a Gang [+ Haytham, Jacob, Arno, Altair, Connor, Ezio] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Being a Talented Artist [+ Connor, Altair, Alexios] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Waking Up From a Nightmare [+ Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno, Evie] (explicit F!reader in some, otherwise not referenced/GN)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Asking Where Babies Come From [+ Ezio, Connor, Jacob, Desmond] (Implied F!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Pregnant and Their Baby Kicking For The First Time [+ Haytham, Shay, Arno, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Intro (possibly to be followed by drabbles) [ + All] (GN!Reader)
Field Medicine [+ Altair, Connor, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Safe (Part 1) [+ All? Jacob x Reader] (F!Reader/M!Reader/GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Comfort You Before Surgey [+ Ezio, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Flangst Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Planning your Surprise Birthday (GN!Reader)
Edward Kenway’s First: Fight, Kill, Sparring Match (F!Reader)
Edward Kenway: Health to the Company (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His S/O’s Child Falls Over (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His Children Sparring -- “Winner Gets Ice Cream!” (Heavily implied F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: A Rough Day (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: After a Hard Day at Work (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unexpected Anguish (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unrequited (GN!Reader)
Wishful Thinking
Brave Advances
Happy Halloween
Golden Lullaby 
605 notes · View notes
The Balcony
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader
Characters: Jacob Frye, Evie Frye, Arno Dorian, Connor Kenway, Edward Kenway, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, Mario Auditore, Maria Auditore, Ethan Frye.
Words: 1.797
Modern AU
Summary: The reader tries to suicide herself before and all of the gang knows it with a class. Because she just ran from the class when she remembers it. And she changes someone's life because of what she lived.
           Finally, Jacob breaks up with Teressa and starts to join you guys you seemed happier than usual and everybody can see this with just one look in your eye.
           So, when your days go normal in the cafeteria it's just because Jacob puts an arm around you and Teressa can't look you because you're in his protection. When the last class comes, you and Evie sit next to each other as always. You didn't know what the subject is, and you are happy with it. When Ms. Lane comes to class wich she is your biology teacher she says the subject and your memories came back to your mind you just start to terrifying and your hands start to shaking. She simply says ''Reproduction in humans'' and when Evie sees your reaction to the subject she asks with worry in her voice ''(Y/N) are you okay?'' you answer her question with a shaky voice ''E-Evie I-I'm not good.'' and your body starts to shake too. Jacob notice it when Ms. Lane came to class but he didn't say anything because he didn't see anything suspicious until now and when he saw your hands shaking like crazy and your body starts to shake too. When you start to play with your hair and look like you terrified he thinks he needs to step into the moment. ''(Y/N) Are you okay?'' When he tries to reach you, you pick your stuff and your school bag and run out of class and start to run out of school.
                  You were remember everything. The Balcony, the wind passes your hair, the last thought you have. ''When people say you're worthless, that does not mean you are worthless. When people say you're a wrong person, that doesn't mean you're a wrong person. That's just prooves they are just stupid.'' you try to forget it when you came to the home. Henry's mom (Henry's family is your volunteer family because you are an exchange student) gratefully welcomes you with a warm smile on her face. And asks ''Why you are here? The school isn't finished.'' you ignore her. You didn't want to remember it. You go to your room and change your clothes. When you finish changing your clothes you call your friends from the country you live in before you came to study (The Countr You Want To Study). Thankfully your friend answers you. ''Hey (Y/N)! How is going?'' You answer your friend with tears in your eyes, ''Actually, nothing is good (Your Friends Name) our biology teacher talks about Reproduction in humans and I start to freak out!'' When you start to tell her what happened she shocked too. ''Oh my god (Y/N) Sorry, but that's bad.'' You answered her ''I know (Y/F/N) but I don't know what should I do so, I called you.'' Then you heard the doorbell rings and you try to guess who came to your house. And when your friend continues to talk but you ignore her. And you knew who came, your friends and their family. You feel bad about what you did. When you think about that Henry comes to your room and calls you downstairs. You wipe your tears in your eyes and go downstairs.
          You see all of your friends with worried eyes, especially Jacob. When dinner starts, Henry's mum called your parents even you say to her ''Please don't call'em. I'm okay.'' but she always answers you with ''No. You're not. And we need to find out what is it.'' So, your dad answers it with ''(Y/N) Has three friends in that time. One of them left (Y/N) first. After that friend, (Y/N) sad two friends left. But you know three is just a number, but two means togetherness, coupling. So, they turn their back to (Y/N), But when (Y/N) finds out, it's too late. They break her just like they breaking a walnut. (Y/N) came to me and say ''I become so numb. I'm paralyzed. I can't take it. I don't know what to do.'' So, we take (Y/N) To a psychologist with soo many sessions, we discovered can't make it but when we realize it, the (Y/N) we knew is gone.'' He waited a little bit. ''(Y/N) tried to suicide herself after this.'' And everybody looks at your dad with shock. Evie says ''Is this real?'' with tears filling her eyes and Jacob looks at you. Your dad continues ''What happened? do you take it normally if your friends betray you.'' and little silence again. ''(Y/N) jumps from the balcony and..'' You raise your eyebrows to your dad for telling him to stop. He ignores it and continues to his sentence, you took your hands together and put them to your mouth and look down when he continues, ''The iron bar enters to her stomach and damage wall of the womb and it affects the fertility soo seriously. It makes trample down the possibilities to make a child for her.'' so you stand up from the table and run to your room and start to cry. you don't want to remember it. Not after a minute Jacob comes and tries to relax you.
             When you stop crying he hugs you tightly and you feel like you're in where you belong. After ten minutes you heard a scream and it says ''Please don't jump! Please!'' So, you turned to Jacob and say '' Thank you, Jacob. But I think we should look for what's happening.'' he shakes his head and says '' Are you sure you're okay love?'' you shake your head and he says ''Yes let's look for it.'' so you two go and look for what's happening.
              You can't believe your eyes. A girl you think seven years young from you tries to jump through a balcony. So you ran to the woman who begs for her to don't jump. she said ''She tries to suicide herself please help her. She locks her door.'' you run to the house and Jacob catches your arm and says ''What are you doing?'' you answered him with worry in your voice ''I'm gonna break the door and stop her. Please, Jacob, I do that fault and that makes my life a mess. I can't let her do it to herself like me or the far more worst thing. Are you coming with me or not?'' he comes with you and you guys enter the house. Jacob says '' Are you seriously thinking to break the door?'' you say with hurry ''Don't be stupid of course I won't if we do something like that she simply jumps from the balcony.'' When you come to the room there's her dad tries to break down the door. you pick your Kirby grip from your hair. Thankfully you do a bun to your hair on that day. So you open the door with it. Jacob simply says ''Wow! How do you do it?'' you answered him ''The escapade I do when I was a child.'' when you entered the room the dad tries to come too and you say ''no, wait for a minute.'' ''But...'' yo answered the dad ''Stop and listen to a reason.'' then you and Jacob get into the room and close the door. She was at the balcony parapet and she was crying. you come near her and say ''Hello, Hello I'm (Y/N) (L/N)'' She shouts at you ''Don't come close! Don't come close or I'm gonna jump!'' she shouts with a cry. You remember yourself when you jump from the balcony. ''Okay. Okay, relax. Relax, you're soo young. What old ate you? (Ten less from the age you are)?'' She answers you ''Tell that to my dad. I talk so much, I cry, I blandish. Don't let me marry. I'm gonna study. Look, they're trying to marry me with that pig. Without shame...'' She cries even harder than before and looks down from the balcony. You let her continue ''Yes. Continue I'm listening. I'm listening. Tell me.'' She continues ''They are going to the gynecologist to check me. I want to die. You don't understand, die.'' You try to stop her ''STOP. STOP. OKAY, OKAY okay. Wait for a minute, please wait for a minute, please, Relax. Please. What's your name?'' she answers ''Clara.'' you repeat ''Clara. Clara look this is the second floor so if you jump you won't die, become permanently disabled. Even now, they are not caring about you, what do you think they're gonna act to a permanently disabled Clara? If you jump your skull can break, maybe your waist will break, maybe your legs gonna break, maybe something far worse than these things. But you won't die you will become a person who always needs special care. Withal these people who are inside. Do you understand me?'' and she shakes her head. ''Come, look I'm gonna talk to your dad. I'm not gonna let you marry, nothing will happen like that.'' She answers with a loud cry ''Is it easy? How will you do it?'' you answered her ''I will gonna make it. No one can touch you. No one will make you do something you don't want to. I promise'' she answers ''They can. You don't know them.'' you answered surely '' And you don't know me, Clara. If I make a promise I will keep it. Please, take a chance on yourself again. When people say you're worthless, that does not mean you are worthless. When people say you're a wrong person, that doesn't mean you're a wrong person. That's just prooves they are just stupid. Please.'' She looks you with hopeful eyes ''Promise?'' you answer with a smile ''I promise. Everything will be perfect. You're not alone. Look, I'm here I won't let them make you sad.'' And you give your hand to her. And she took it. And you hug her. And you left the balcony.
            You talk to her dad. And you intimidate him and her family. You left the house with Jacob. Every time you ask him he is always in shock. He looks you with lovely eyes every time. And on that day He promises himself that he is gonna tell you that he loves you one day. And It's soon.
             When you call Clara one month later, you're happy when you see her study.
P.S: I’m gonna make Arno Dorian x reader for his birthday I want to do it today but I’m busy with this story.so I think I’m gonna start to write it today but I think I’m gonna post it tomorrow.
I want to make a series about how Jacob and the reader how they met and how Jacob confesses his feelings to the reader. If you want a series like that, make a comment and say yes so I can start to write it ( ^^*) 
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Immediate Chemistry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xPqkIf
by Loraliah
I wrote this in 2015, and originally it had an OC's name; changed it to Y/N to make it reader friendly! Also the pronouns used are she/her, so I apologize for that, but hopefully it still reads well.
Words: 5577, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Assassin's Creed Unity
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Arno Dorian, Augustin Grisier, Reader
Relationships: Arno Dorian/Reader, Arno Dorian x reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Slight fluff, dominance play, Clothed Sex, Blindfolded, doggystyle, Riding, Cunnilingus, Slight Porn with Plot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xPqkIf
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Versailles for Sore Eyes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XoK3H7
by StoryTimeTheCreed
(Y/N) has returned to Paris to find France and it's inhabitants forever changed.
Words: 1537, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Assassin's Creed Unity, Arno Victor Dorian - Fandom, Arno Dorian - Fandom, Arno Dorian x Reader - Fandom, Arno Victor Dorian x Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XoK3H7
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In My Dreams
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2weytlB
by IceboundStar
You’re just a simple woman who has a normal job in an office during the day, and once at home you play games from your favourite series of games wishing that the male characters were real. One day a friend at work brings in a spell book for you to read through, and you decide to cast one of the true love dream spells not expecting anything to happen. You find that you get more than you had bargained for. Reader x Assassins.
Words: 1112, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jacob Frye, Arno Dorian, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Shay Cormac, Edward Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor, Bayek (Assassin's Creed), Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Reader
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, descriptive blanks, Romance, Fluff, Dreams, Self-Indulgent, I will add any other characters that are requested
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2weytlB
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