#april makes polls
loserdiaz · 27 days
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rottmntpeepawpolls · 1 year
The bracket's all been put together!
Please note that there were a few more submissions that I had to take out of the running for the sake of space, but I hope that everyone's still excited!!
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Full list of names (the text is tiny ik I'm sorry) and links to the content themselves below the cut
For the record, I put all of the names in the order I had them saved then just shuffled them, I didn't make these match-ups.
I also haven't seen 100% of these, nor do I remember all of them, so if I don't remember the nicknaming system used in that specific fic, I apologise.
Left Side
ITBOTB Blue vs. Fracturing Time Mikey
Hansel AU Leo vs. Kosmara Mikey
wify,ifm Leo vs. TAE Leo
AMW Leo vs. RtEoTW April
NQK Leonardo vs. Red Rover f!Leo
TFLB Donnie vs. JTOEL Donnie
Full Lair Leo vs. Dead Man's Deal Leo
IBEH Leo vs. GitS Ghost
Right Side
Separate Times Donnie vs. MNMC Leo
Cass' Uncle Donnie vs. 2 arms left Leo
Time Napped Raph vs. LCD Leo
His World Nidas vs. Kosmara Leo
WMAS Leo vs. Two Souls Aoi
LMAD Leo vs. Mystic Hands Mikey
NQK Michelangelo vs. OMO Leo
Replica Leo vs. Last Hourglass Leon
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andichoseyou · 1 year
i'm going to do three final rounds of the women sitcom character polls! all characters included are the top 22 highest rated characters from my previous 9 polls. these new polls will give characters more votes so i can confidently make a ranking list for my gif series ! please vote for you favorite!!
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apritellointeractive · 2 months
Sworn to Devotion: Chapter 1 - Part 1
(Proofread by @lovelyladylavie / AlienMadame22 (AO3)! Thanks!)
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(Art by @lovelyladylavie) Donnie really doesn’t want to be doing this right now. 
It’s a pleasant day out. A rainstorm that rolled through the mountains the day before has left the air smelling crisp and fresh. A few songbirds are still out singing, flying between the forest trees and ignoring the convoy passing through their domain. Dappled shadows provide ample coverage from the late morning sun that’s shining through the dense foliage of the trees. The hard dirt road is level and smooth, providing for a pleasant horseback bride through the woodlands.
And yet, Donnie really doesn’t want to be part of the entourage protecting the human princess. He could be doing much more important things right now, like testing the capabilities of the boom cannon he recently developed in the archery range. This updated weapon could improve the defensive and offensive capabilities of their kingdom! Or he could be doing a number of other things, like testing out mystically enhanced weapons in his lab, fixing some of the automatons roaming the castle halls, improving the furnaces in the kitchen, building Mikey a newer, sturdier easel… he could be doing literally anything else right now.
But no. As the future co-captain of the Royal Guard, he must accompany the human princess on her trip back home to the Kingdom of Old York. It would be irresponsible not to, or at least that’s what he was told. 
Though if he had to be honest, he didn’t want to disappoint his brother, Prince Raph. The first meeting between their kingdoms in decades was already stressful enough for him, his Raph-chasm carving out a deeper divot in his forehead. Their father would also get on his case too, and he didn’t want to endure another lecture.
So, begrudgingly, he’s accompanying the convoy, picking up the rear with his twin, Leo, while their boss, the Captain of the Royal Guard, leads up at the front with the human captain. They must show that they are trustworthy enough to ensure the human princess’s safe return to her kingdom. Speaking of which, the royal carriage carrying Her Royal Highness is flanked on all sides by more guards, though they are all human. 
One of the human guards on the left keeps turning his head to give Donnie the stink eye every half hour. And as much as he would like to give that guard a piece of his mind, he remembers Raph and swallows down any retort. 
Instead Donnie sighs, leaning down to rub his beloved horse Shelldon’s neck as they continue their trek through the forest. He softly whinnies, nodding his head a few times as if in appreciation. The purple-clad turtle smiles; he’ll probably treat him to an apple when they take another stop to rest.
“So, do you think Captain will let us do some explorin’ once Princess April is safely back home?” Leo asks, riding a bit close to his brother so the human guards don’t overhear. “We’ve never been in a human settlement before. Kinda curious to see what they have for leisure.”
Donnie sighs, sitting upright and turning his head to look at his counterpart. “I highly doubt that we will be relieved of duty once we’ve ensured the safe transfer of the princess back home. We will more than likely be tasked to oversee the preparations for our trip back home this evening as well. I don’t think we will have the time.”
The blue-clad slider leans in a bit closer, his voice dropping down to a whisper. “Don’t even want to sneak out to see the sights?”
The image of Raph’s forehead chasm flashes in Donnie’s mind. “Absolutely not. If we were caught, we would never hear the end of it, and I don’t want Dr. Delicate Touch to pay a visit to my lab either.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Leo sighs, sitting upright and looking at the forest around them. “Guess we need to be ‘responsible’.”
Donnie hums, agreeing with his twin but saying nothing more.
They keep riding for a few more minutes, the constant but reassuring noise of horse hooves and carriage wheels against the dirt road filling the air. 
The sound of a snapping branch catches Donnie’s attention, and he whips his head around only to be blasted in the face by a murder of crows! Shelldon rears back and whinnies while Leo swats at the air. The commotion is enough for the entire entourage to come to a halt.
“Leo! Donnie! Is everything alright back there?” Their Captain hollers from the front of the group.
Donnie… >> Decides to investigate where he heard the snapping noise.
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loki-wants-an-army · 2 months
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justewil · 2 months
(Kind Of a reference to this post of mine .which people seemed to Enjoy)
no middle ground you Have to pick one of them ^_^ discuss.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 months
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dittohasadhd · 2 months
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 months
Casual Prompt Poll! April 2024
it's a new month and it's time for another Casual Prompt Poll!
This one's extra exciting as we have now officially reached the end of the Casual Prompts list, which means in future polls I will be reshuffling prior poll choices that did not win before. So if there was a choice you really wanted to do but lost its poll, keep an eye out for it to come back again.
Now is also a great chance to send in some prompt ideas you think might be cool to try in the future. I'm always happy to add more to the list.
So, take a peek at the last 5 choices from the official list (and one bonus choice in honor of the April 1 gimick)
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loserdiaz · 4 months
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1. hunger games, the ballad of songbirds and snakes buddie au with mentor!eddie and tribute!buck (i'm done with part one and half of part two, so i would be trying to finish it soon???)
2. small town au! after being kicked out, a young eddie diaz with a baby in his arms ends up in a small town where a kind bartender and his sister help him out. 
despite all of his fears and uncertainty, things end up working out and Eddie finds a home where he least expected it. 
3. the fosters inspired au! eddie isn't sure why, but his parents suddenly want to take in a foster kid when he's fourteen. eddie doesn't think there's space in his family for anyone new, especially not for a stranger— until he meets evan buckley.
4. buck fosters chris au! after buck and maddie's parents die, they leave them more money than any of them knows what to do with.
buck, on his part, decides to buy a house and start to finally settle down. he figures he could even foster a kid or two, do some good. he likes kids and he might not have the steadiest job of all, but he could make it work, right?
except, he doesn't plan for the angry and overprotective dad trying to get custody of his kid back. buck would be scared… if he wasn't so embarrassingly, pathetically attracted to the guy.
things work out for them in the end.
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persona-polls · 2 months
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polarsnowfox · 2 months
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fafrogke · 2 months
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here i was trying to see the range in expressions
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i have no context for these the second one it's like a pov you bashed their head on the door by accident i don't remember why neglected pou is there witnessing the crime
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in these i was trying to update their character profile but i messed up the measures and didn't keep going
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ok too much you won't see them again until next year
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borderlandspolls · 2 months
Hey guys… due to personal reasons, i won’t be posting any poll this month… i’m really sorry.
April’s fools!!
This month’s poll will be…
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
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cookieswithay · 11 months
"The awesome, fabulous Spider-shell! (Mikey AU)
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Hey-yo! Congratulations to the winners of the poll! This little paragraph is a Spiderman intro for Mikey. If anyone wishes to draw any visuals or run with this idea, go right ahead! But I'd appreciate a tag or some credit. And if anyone wants to see another brother, TELL ME!
• Okay, guys. Let's do this one more time. (I'm getting peckish.)
• My name is Michaelangelo Hamato.
• But, you can call me, Mikey.
• I was nearly eaten by a mutant spider.
• And for the last 2 years, I've been the one and only Spider-shell.
• (Still a mad dog, though. Can't quit them!)
• Pretty sure you know the rest.
• I save New York in the daytime and stop mutants with the fam at night.
• I'm single, but a certain pretty mutant keeps on winking at me.
• I'm not good at keeping secrets so I told my brothers and April.
• (Donnie totally WIGGED when I told him! Raph was amazed and Leon was jealous)
• I got vinyl action figures of me.
• I got followers for days on all social media!
• Gizmos are made by my bro in purple!
• Gonna make music on Stripafy!
• ("Caught in a web of lies", I'm going for the feels, baby!)
• And I finally got a POPSICLE! (It's gross, but I still support)
• Crime fighting alone is a little lukewarm, but I feel like it's opening my mind pores.
• Like, I'm on a different plane of existence.
• (Know what I mean...you know what I mean.)
• I feel different things.
• I hear different things.
• I smell different things.
• I'm DOING different things!
• And that slamming awesome.
• So, I'll keep fighting.
• Keep swinging and saving.
• Cause, there's only one mutant who can help these people in the daytime.
• And that's me.
• Cause, I'm Spider-shell, baby.
• Winky-face!😉
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