#applying math
legitimatesatanspawn · 3 months
Something I can't stop thinking about: Present Mic's work bullshit schedule.
His three jobs are teacher, pro hero, and radio show host. Now to be fair pro and radio can have different hours but...
Radio Shows have set times. Even if we assume he just has the prime time hours because hero, that's still 3 or 4 hours that day on top of whatever prep or office stuff or paperwork has to be done.
UA's schedule seems to follow the standard 8-ish to 4 pm just for homeroom and classroom stuff, not even getting into faculty meetings or grading homework or if he helps students with a club or anything like that. There's also basically April to next March minus August and like... I want to say a week or two for the winter break? So let's lower it down a little to 10 months, not counting the different hours for Saturday or the absence of Sundays. The hours at the start of this paragraph doesn't include getting to work or leaving for one of his other jobs.
And then there's the Pro Hero job which has god only know what hours and how he does it. Does he have set patrols? Does he only do nights and Sundays now because of his schedule?
But you know what set it off my thoughts this time?
The CD Drama.
Hizashi gifted All Might the complete 4 terabyte set of his show's broadcast. "100,000 hours" or so he claimed. Much like Aizawa in the clip I heard, I was baffled. The math doesn't work out by any stretch of the imagination.
Even if we assume that Hizashi has done his radio show for the full 11 years of his being a hero, whether it's just Prime Time hours or if he had different slots to keep enemies on their toes, that's 3-6 hours a day for upwards to the full 11 years. Which by math is 12,045 to 24,090 hours. The 100,000 hours meanwhile is about 11 years and 5 months of nonstop 24/7 chatter.
By every aspect that is physically, temporally, and practically impossible.
I know it's just a joke but this is why I should not be given math and existing structures.
Present Mic's schedule is difficult if feasible but the CD Drama's hours are genuinely impossible. Unless the "100,000 hours of my show" are padded out 87% to 76% with music and other stuff.
But what if I'm more charitable with the time?
Let's say Hizashi's done the thing as part of a UA school project that he got approval for - in half hour segments - starting in Year 2. And let's say he managed to do six hour segments before getting into UA as a teacher. Let's... go with him being a teacher for 6 years of the 11 he's been a Pro for, to give him a long enough time on the job to be comfortable but short enough that he had an established name before it. And as a teacher he limits himself to 3 hour segments aside from holidays or school breaks where he does 6.
And because I don't feel like giving the full math on it for sick days or Sundays off or him doing actual breaks, we're going the full maximum on time just to show off how bad the schedule still is. But keep in mind UA students have about... remember the time? So that's 45 days out of 365 where he'd be at 6 hours (teacher) or 0 (student).
UA Student: 2*(0.5*(365-45))=302
Pro Hero: (11-6)*(365*6)=10950
Teacher: 6*(( (3*(365-45))+(45*6)))=7380
So instead of the rough estimates of 12,045 to 24,090 hours, we have a more precise maximum estimate of 18,632 hours across a show's 13 years run. Without the subtraction of Sundays, vacations, sick days, and so on because doing the show nonstop like that would build up stress and burnout and all kinds of health risks.
But as you can see it still isn't enough time to make the claimed 100,000 hours. Which would require 24/7 Awake Nonstop Talking Ever to be possible. ... I forgot the leap years but that'll just add like a negligible amount, like 18 hours?
If there is actually that much harddrive space eaten up, I really wanna know what the rest of it really is.
tldr: Present Mic's radio show is likely around 12,045-24090 hours or an estimated max of 18,632 hours of playtime. 100,000 hours is literally impossible as that's about 11 years and 5 months of 24/7 talking.
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riemmetric · 5 months
One frustrating thing about being a mathematician is that people who aren't into math heard that Einstein quote that's like "you haven't understood something unless you can explain it in layman's terms" and use it to mean "if it can't be explained to me in five minutes it's needlessly complicated, this person is a pretentious snob and academia is gatekeeping knowledge". And like everything in life, the matter of scientists not being able to/not caring to explain their work to people who aren't at the same level of expertise as them is a complex one that is worthy of being discussed, but here's the thing that you have to keep in mind if you haven't done math since high school:
the further you get into math, the more specialized your field becomes. You start working of puzzles that are small, but fit into a greater web of similar problems, like knitting a beautiful flower that's meant to be incorporated into a huge quilt. And all of math is build on top of each other, so you can't get to the most interesting, current math being discussed in the world without getting through the building blocks that are taught to you in elementary school, high school and the university.
You ask me to explain my thesis to you and I can tell you the title, but you won't know what the main words in it mean. And that's not because you are stupid, that's just because to learn that word you have to spend time learning a hundred others. I love math, it's my favourite thing in the universe and I always have time to talk about it, so if you want, we can sit down and I'll tell you everything you need to know to understand what I'm currently working on. You can ask me questions and I will reformulate, you can ask me to go over things again and I will oblige. With your permission, I will get a piece of paper and draw shapes and schemes to help us, but it won't take five minutes. It can't take just five minutes. That is a concession you will have to make if you truly want to learn.
(Unfortunately, I don't want to disclose the title of my thesis on tunglr dot hell, because it's super specific and I don't feel like doxxing myself. But I hope this resonates with some people. I work both in symplectic geometry and Riemannian geometry, and I have to say between the two Riemannian is a little bit easier to explain, because I can just talk about distances, but symplectic geometry or Lie groups... I'm afraid I just can't explain those in a sentence because they rely on people knowing what differentiation means, and that's not knowledge you necessarily retain if you work outside a stem field. Explaining that in a few sentences would eat up the whole five minutes).
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so fucked up I need to work for a living instead of being hot and gay and good at math like god intended
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not smart as in intelligent but smart as in "people use my above average skills in math to deny me support in every other area of life"
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
truly my best brain time is in the middle of the night caffeine & sugar rush. I think I just understood math, like some part of the general pattern of math if that makes sense. something clicked somewhere in my brain and I felt it
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rusted-phone-calls · 1 year
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this applies to every day btw. just Especially today
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bubbloquacious · 1 year
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How do you guys like this very convoluted proof of the Pythagorean theorem I just made
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knightmareaceblue · 4 months
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Cyberweek 2024 Day Five: Crossover
Pfft, I've been on an AvA kick recently, so I guess it's not too surprising that I chose this. On one hand, this crossover works well in theory. The stick figures are all fast, kinetic learners and really good at demonstrating their earned skills and knowledge.
On the other hand, the sheer tonal dissonance is hilarious.
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lilacandladybugs · 5 months
I'm in need of advice, reddit hasn't been helpful and I'm desperate so I've come to you Tumblr please help me
I'm currently a data scientist for a very small start up company, but I have my background in political science and so I'm concerned that I might be dead in the water if/when the company goes under and I need to find another job. I've consulted with some recruiters and they agree that if I want to go into data science I should get my master's (EDIT: they said I probably should get my degree in Statistics because the program is more widely known so I have a better chance of not getting turned away by HR who will have less knowledge about what a data science master's even is). I think because of my personality, data science is a really good job for me, so I'm planning on going for it.
Here's the issue: I don't want to go to school and end up learning exclusively theory. I've been teaching myself a ton by reading textbooks and I've noticed that while there's a lot of depth in the math/calculus/linear algebra behind how the functions work and what the parameters are, there seems to be very little information on how to actually apply that information in the real world.
Obviously the math is important and very exciting :D but if all I do is learn the math and I don't learn how to apply the knowledge I have to non-ideal data sets and situations then I'm not really learning the information I need to know.
Are there any graduate programs that are well known for really preparing people for data science roles in the workforce instead of just focusing on the academic side of statistics?
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harriertail · 2 months
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Sponsor the project on kofi!!
goals - all six TBC covers in the old style stretch goal - squirrelflight's hope SE, the TBC novellas supporters get to see wips, vote and give input on early sketches, will get full downloads and get 10% off cover commissions. wips for all six currently posted!
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legitimatesatanspawn · 3 months
How many heroes are there in Hero Academia's Japan? No, seriously. How many?
Math time~! (it's 1 am why am I doing this.)
We know of... (checks notes) 8 named schools, 3 of which are anime-only. U.A. High alone has 40 hero students per year (assuming two full classes AIZAWA) and that doesn't get into other departments having students get hero licenses too.
Let's go with the idea of just the 8 schools just to show how insane this is, even setting aside the possibility that there's more (or at least one per prefecture). 8 schools, for sake of simplicity let's say they have the same number of hero course homerooms and students and while I doubt it let's go with the idea that they all get their licenses. So 8 times 40 = 320 students in one year including UA.
320 new heroes to compete with, not counting all the pre-existing heroes or people from other countries.
Placing "keep reading" here because it got long and rambling but basically "WHERE ARE ALL THE HEROES?!". "In this essay I will.." is a threat and a promise with me, so read on if you want to.
This doesn't get into independently trained heroes getting licenses, or any school with a 'minor' heroics education, or a school that spams out larger numbers in place of a supposed quality education. Or if there is indeed a school per prefecture to make it easier on would-be heroes to train near where they live.
And this doesn't get into the… let's say 40 years worth of heroes already trained and working? Including All Might. All Might and characters like Gran Torino and Recovery Girl are likely outliers to how long a hero can stay a hero whether by burnout/overwork, injury/death, or retirement.
Guess work time:
Let's assume that most heroes only do 20 years tops due to the high stress and risk of the job, 30 if they're more 'paperwork heroes' (research/management) or the PR-main ones like Uwabami.
Let's assume that 5% of each class quits/dies in year 1 of their job because it's more dangerous then they expected or there was a slip-up. Numbers might go up for some schools and numbers might go down for others but 5% is a good even number for the schools as that's 1 hero per homeroom.
10% more might quit/die within 5 years. That's another 2 per homeroom. Normally I'd say more but I can't think of how many would bail on average. 5 years is enough time to go "wow it's not just me, this job sucks". But we can say they keep at it for the sunk cost fallacy.
We know the fandom-popular teachers are about 30 so that's 15 years on the job. So another 5 for injuries or deciding to finally hang up the hat seems about right to me. All Might is an outlier. Recovery Girl is an outlier. I don't know why Torino is still in the game but he too is an outlier even assuming he's not as old as he looks. (I mathed his age before and decided he was around 72-77 years old by canon era. Which is past retirement age for a lot of jobs.)
Upward max of 12800 heroes total who graduated from the 8 schools over 40 years. Not getting into heroes coming from other countries or going to other countries.
Halve that for the 20 year typical max, add in... 17% of the other half for everyone still working past 20 years. And don't forget to take out the 15% for heroes lost during years 1-5. So total heroes currently running would be at 5568 just from the known schools. (Jesus.)
and that's before all the stuff with the plot from Izuku's entry onward.
I still wanna know how the rankings work and where everyone is on it. How they calculate it. I want to know where Nedzu falls on the JP board. But I'll never know.
And... how many heroes quit when the plot really went going? When they lost All Might as a safety net and buffer? When heroes were being blamed?
Even if it's just 1% of the remainder, that's 56 heroes. if it's 10% that's 557. Either a small but noticeable chunk or a VERY BIG chunk. All these people who said "I'm not paid enough for this" which... fair, you get to say when it's enough, but also? Literally your job you chose? Not so much fighting terrorists though but you do fight people under the assumption that their crimes (real or assumed) are a form of terrorism (I'll never get over Kamui Woods claiming a giant jaywalker blocking traffic was "pure evil" I MEAN REALLY and with like 5 heroes chomping at the bit to fight him? definitely too many heroes running around).
And now teenagers are being conscripted to make up for the numbers. Where's all the adults who while they don't have hero training could still fill the position? Is this because civilians are constantly shown as being either in need of protection or in need of being stopped?
yet we don't see any of the other numbers in any of the fights. We also don't see any other schools in any of the fights. AND we know that some of them turned out to be villains - or rather sided with the enemy faction.
This shows why I hate it sometimes when I overthink a setting! Where are the other heroes?!
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malbenita · 2 years
14 yo (short) and 16 yo (a guy)
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Whatever skills or knowledge you think is "universal" absolutely isn't, and when you understand this, you can understand deeper how people experience the world. There are so many things that are deemed "common knowledge" that just aren't to some people.
Maybe you think it's common knowledge to know how to eat, for example. But it isn't common knowledge for me; I don't know how to eat because of my disabilities and because of my history. I can physically eat, yes, but the knowledge of how and when is something I never learned. I can absolutely learn, sure, but it is a time and energy investment, which is why I hadn't done so before.
What would help me more: being belittled and demeaned because I don't "know" something like a normal person would or being educated in an understanding way? Now, apply this to other people who struggle with things you think are "fool-proof," and you will start to understand how people operate when they aren't "normal"
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Hi ppl who are nosy and want to know ur grades so they can judge how smart u are are annoying as fuck
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jimmy-dipthong · 1 year
Humans are like tape recorders.
To all language learners out there drilling grammar structures (and vocab to a lesser extent), I have some bad news. No matter how much you rote learn or memorise, you can’t say something* in a language if you haven’t already heard it said by someone else, many times.
In order for you to say something, you must have recorded it in your brain first.
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The reason for this is twofold.
If you haven’t seen or heard something actually used, how are you meant to know how it’s used!? Gonna go out on a limb and say not many people here are able to speak Pirahã. How would you say “I just drank some water” in Pirahã? You don’t know, right? Because you’ve never heard it said! In this respect, a language that you can’t speak at all is no different from a language that you can speak a bit, or even a language you’re fluent in.
Memorising stuff out of a textbook or flash cards is not sufficient to count as “hearing something many times”. It’ll give you some examples, but not enough (especially if what you’re memorising is the grammar structure itself, and not example sentences). Your conscious thought processes (which includes looking things up in long term memory) are simply too slow to be effective if they need to be used more than once every few seconds during conversation. Rote memorisation works at the conscious thought level, and is therefore only useful as a supplemental tool. Hearing something actually spoken (many times) internalises it on the subconscious level, which is what is needed for fluid speech and comprehension.
*That’s not to say that it’s impossible to ever say anything original. When I say you need to hear something before being able to use it correctly yourself, I mean you need to hear sentence structures and words, not necessarily whole sentences like a script.
Our brains are very, very efficient at acquiring language, provided we give them a non-stop stream of data to record (this is how babies learn - they don’t need textbooks). Then, the brain can cut up the tapes, analyse patterns, paste separate tapes together, and allow us to speak in our target language without manually recalling from memory.
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What does this mean for you, the language learner? Put down the textbook and watch as much content in your target language as possible. Use the textbook/dictionary to help you look up something you’ve heard if you can’t figure something out from context, but that’s all it should be used for. Watch youtube, kids shows, regular tv, news, podcasts, anything you can find. And never use subtitles in your native language! Your brain will turn off the tape recorder automatically if it sees an easier way it can parse the information.
In this video, Matt (from the youtube channel Matt vs Japan) says the following, which I have translated to English:
こういうアドバイスする時に一番反論として出てくるのが 「でも観てもわからない!」 だから 「できない」 っていうんだけど、わからないからこそ観るべきだよね --- When I give the advice [to go hard on consuming input], the biggest counterargument people have is “When I watch it, I can’t understand what they’re saying! So it doesn’t work.” but it's actually the opposite: you don’t understand it, therefore you need to watch it!
The reason you should watch it is you don't understand it! You can’t understand it until your brain has recorded it!
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valenteal · 4 months
I love the idea that Chuuya is a math and physics genius and he is always running calculations in his free time, coming up with new moves. Nothing is spontaneous or instinctual. He is acutely aware of how he is adjusting the gravity of an object. The angle, the mass, the g’s he needs to apply to reach the desired velocity. Every one of his moves is an equation. To move an object of this mass in this way I need to have this many g’s pulling it in this direction and this many g’s in this other direction. If the target is this far away I need this much space for the object to reach terminal velocity. Things like that. And he adjusts for specific scenarios but he has base equations for every move. Like in the 15 arc he obviously had to adjust the bullet kick when there were more bullets but the equation was the same.
I imagine the easiest moves are actually the ones where he only adjusts his own gravity and then relies on his martial arts. Every thing else is showy and it looks cool but he doesn’t rely on it, it’s usually just his opening move or his defense. His real power is in close quarters.
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