foxymoxynoona · 5 months
So excited for new chapter of MM that i am checking ao3 for every hour 😅
Hello foxy,
I’m so so excited for the new MM chapter! Are you going to post it today? 😍
I'll answer you both at once ! <3 Still hoping to post today but it'll be late tonight after work, a kid's holiday party, and a kid's orange karate belt test 😎
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awsugar · 11 months
you are the only freardie i respect. u are not flashy and always showing it down people's throats all the time
HIGH praise
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bitronic · 1 year
You and your obsession with that wolfwood dudes tits
what can i fackin say. men with fat boobies drive me wild. im a simple man
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queenhawke · 5 months
i just wanted to say you are like one of my favorite fanfic writers ever !!! Every single fic i read of yours feels like im reading an actual scene from the show or a novella posted to ao3 for free!! 'What its like to hold the jewelers hand' is my all time favorite mythic quest fic and probably in my top 5 favorite fics ever. Ive reread it hald a dozen times and now i think im going to read it again. Thank you so much for writing, it makes me really happy and inspires me to try and write myself !! Hope you have a great day !!
ahhhh thank you, that's so sweet! i hope you have a great day too and have fun writing!!!
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 6 months
Cody Christian and dyan o brien wanted and fits where??
Dylan O'Brien is already taken and I would ask the Brandon Adams player if he's okay with having another Dylan face claim around, but Cody could be one of Jordan's siblings, an ex of someone, a long lost releative of someone. Just as long as they're not their Teen Wolf characters, then they can fit in anywhere.
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sakebytheriver · 9 months
Banging my head against the wall, flinging things out of the window, and screaming into the void and hoping it yells back at me to shut up because I am so unbelievably frustrated! Sorry I have to vent-is it okay if I vent here? About a month ago, my friend and I were talking about age gaps in relationships and she was like “well, me and ‘s’ had a big age gap and it was wrong and no one stopped/ protected me.”
So I’m like ????? Girl what? “S was only a few years older than us and you were like 19/20 when you started dating. That’s not a huge gap.“
And she’s like “no he was almost five years older than me.”
So I looked at her and was like…girl no he was not. But also fine who am I to argue about his age. Maybe he was. I let it go because she was getting teary eyed about it, and I wasn’t going to push it because I remembered she told me he was horrible to her anyway and I didn’t want to dredge that up again.
But I’m FURIOUS because now she sends me a screenshot of a recent convo with ‘s’ and I’m like??????? Girl wtf? “When did you start talking to him?” And she’s like “a few months ago.”
And I’m just!!!!! “Why are you talking to him? You said he was horrible, you insinuated multiple horrible things that happened with him and that your age gap was a problem. So???”
And she’s just like “idk”
I am. I am. OUTDONE. Maybe I shouldn’t care but like I dealt with the drama behind him and put up with her and him and their shit and I’m just over it.
Oh geez that's definitely a lot 😭😭😭
Your friend kinda sounds like someone who wants romantic attention and doesn't really care who gives it to her, even if they're horrible to her, there's a lot of people like that who have the insecurity that no one will want them and when someone does they think it's a miracle and so they'll do anything they can to keep the other person's attention even when the attention is harmful
Of course, she could also just be a drama sponge so like what do I know 😭
If you're looking for advice here I'd say just tell her to block him or stop talking to him and make it very clear that you are being the person warning her away from this guy this time around and then just let her do what she's gonna do, if she doesn't listen to you that's on her and what happens next is not on you
It's wicked frustrating to have to just say your piece and then take a step back, but that's kinda what you gotta do here 😬😭
You could also tell her that you dealt with the drama last time and if she goes ahead and ignores every red flag and gets back with him that you're not interested in dealing with drama this time around and that anytime she comes to you with it your response will always be to dump him 😂😂 but idk if that'll go over well with a girl like that 😭
In the end, whatever she does isn't on you, and if she's repeatedly falling into this kind of behavior and it's having a negative impact on your life then you might have to make the choice to step away from that friendship, but that's definitely the nuclear option
I hope youre not stressing yourself too much over this and that venting to me helped a little 😂 💕 come back anytime you need 😁
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horansqueen · 2 years
heya :) long time follower first time asker (is that even a word lmao) so i see all of your posts about wanting anons and i was just wondering if you mean like just to talk about niall or ask you questions or are you interested in like having consistent anons who tell you their problems and exciting news and gossip, etc. bc i am def an anon that’s interested in being consistent. i’d ask you questions but truth be told i suck at wording things (as you can probably tell) and am worried things might come across the wrong way ahaha. either way i absolutely adore and love you/your account 😍❤️
hello darling!!! im interested in everything you have to say! it can be questions but it can be how you feel, something that happened to you, something you noticed, or just something you want to share. my inbox is open for everything! and you can message ma as many times as you want! and dont be scared to tell me anything, or worry that itll come across wrong, just message me anything and any time you want! ilytoo!!!! and thank you so much for this ask!!!
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I always found it interesting that after characters start saying fuck in Mass Effect 2, we never hear it from Shepard.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Current Ask Games
[open for fictotypes and system members and those it's applicable for!]
Anonymous asked: I know pride month is almost over but I’m still curious to ask for anyone who wants to answer or remembers: What was it like being LGBT+ in your canon/past life? Like was the setting (whether it was a town, country or the world you live in) accepting of it or was it a challenge to be who you were?
#lgbt mems
Anonymous asked: whats ur most boring canon mine is carla jean moss from NCFOM & its like. i lived in a shitty trailer, worked at walmart, and then got murdered at 19. riveting. 10/10 past life.
#canon bores
Anonymous asked: can we bring back kin jobs? that game was awesome. hi my name is danny fenton and i work at a circus. i promise i wasn’t mind controlled into it this time you guys #👻🪐💫
#canon jobs
Anonymous asked: canon lookalikes (or a better name if you have one i guess): who is someone, likely from another media, who bares resemblance to you(r kin/fictive/c-link/etc.) appearance-wise? maybe also trait-wise if you'd like to add that
#canon lookalikes
EDIT Two more games!
Aonymous asked :new kin game perhaps? pick a source you kin from (or have alters from! wanna include my plurals in this one) and then count how many dollars you'll have based on the number of kins (or alters) you have, this can include non-canon characters and ocs that are tied to sources just so more people can participate, and you can count multiple timelines or kinning the same character in different aus. i'm proposing the name #dollarkins for this idea, and I'll start first!
going with hlvrai, i kin 11 characters in a canon compliant sense, and with aus... [cringes as i look have to count them all] I've got about 25 dollars in total..... i can get myself a 3 month essenital playstation plus subscription with that......
Anonymous asked: hi!! i am starting an ask game cause it seems fun! name your main kintype/ID, and then a non-media interest you have currently!! for example: Yugi Muto from Yu-Gi-Oh is really into roller coasters and theme parks these days!! they are so cool!! :D ! #🃏🌠👾
#canon interests
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“Only one of Diana's daughter in laws cosplays as her and it's NOT Kate.” - Submitted by Aonymous
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ptrp-confessional · 4 months
not doing it aonymously just to say i love you mod hiiii henhen meow meow ily big sis
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thank you my lovely assistant! <3 i love you too!
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hikari-ni-naritai · 10 months
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halfbutch · 8 months
hi i enjoy talking to you pretend i sent this aonymously
Loverly afternnoon, ananoymous asker.... . I enjoy talking to you as well! Hat a loverly world taht we can be in it at the same time 👽<-me 2h3n I'm yaling loverly afternnoon
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icecreamthunder · 7 months
Aonymous people on my favorite accounts askbox are wild, like, bro this isn't twitter, you need to touch grass. At least they're (fav. accs.) are happy and have family and friends, something that you (anon.) definitely don't have. thank yoou :3 (no tags cuz i don't wanna put them, but feel free to reblog if you want!)
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fiendishpal · 3 years
i've said this on twt so i'll say it again here; akaashi does not like to be touched by strangers for the opposite reason. he's afraid that he'll be found out if other people touch him because he doesnt feel like a human.
awww thanks for reading!! and thank you for appreciating the content i make💖💖💖💖💖
i love telling stories and making self-indulgent aus for my fave characters hhahaha
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warm-starlight · 2 years
Can't be bestiality if we follow the setting where both of them are cats.
True, but they will ignore that part. 😆
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