#anyways ultimately this means nothing. i know this to be true surely it means nothing
loveofastarvingdog · 7 months
he waited at my work for over an hour for me to get off….. 🧐
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as ever like: no two things Need to be juxtaposed, much less like material vs material deathmatch Only One Can Be Good, much less am i thinking i have thee objective word on fuckall b/c who does and it's like perfectly boring & unserious whenever someone just throws out Takes that are just "i think...[xyz] is [adjective]" like okay.
but anyways thinking of how, though differing in execution in a lot of ways ofc, deh & bmc start out in a v similar place & explore a journey to self-acceptance from a despairing starting point....it feels like a lot of the hindrance in deh's exploration of its own Theme there is in like, hey. :) hand on your shoulder. it's okay b/c you'll be able to be more normal. whereas w/bmc it's that it's okay b/c you'll be able to be more abnormal
#like hell yeah. and Normality is fake the way that things like Gender is fake so. what's more universally relevant here#versus like. the idea that a winning takeaway re: deh is Talking With Your Parents / Kid like#yeah that could be an improvement? in other situations; that Talking is dangerous &/or just not going to happen / be irrelevant#meanwhile nobody is ''normal'' & the idea of Normality & its Moral Goodness / Requirement does affect everyone#meanwhile that bmc is clear on jeremy's gaining supportive relationships means support for his relationship w/himself#whilest he's also able to feel better insulated from feeling Defined by whatever instance of feedback/input#whereas with deh it's like. All These People....but log off & all you need is at least one parent who doesn't hate you No Matter What#including your unfortunate abnormality....Just(tm) make the phone calls am i right? well now he at least has a part time job#meanwhile difficult to compare w/e's going on w/zoe/evan vs mpdg4mpdg jeremy/christine. latter are cute & a coherent relationship#former are [nothing] to [i'm taking psychic damage] & fuck if i know what's going on besides The Ultimate Romance(tm) (negative)#he was a boy she was a girl they could politely tolerate each other's presence. maybe forever :')#i really don't know what's supposed to be going on there so like. for real share Any reasons you like each other in Either love song abt it#anyways like No Need To Compare but for me the juxtaposition is natural b/c it Does feel like they can be looked at re: a v similar Essence#but one is fumbling around w/it & really Not sticking the landing especially while the other just does exactly what it's trying to do#and ofc it could only help that deh had to go so far from the original [???] ideas & more Farcical approach#vs i don't think bmc's envisioning ever changed so fundamentally along its development at any point#like deh's story does feel like it still has the remnants of the earlier farcier versions even in its bway form#story of A Bunch Of Wild Shit Happens To Our Protag Whaaat & sure ppl are humanized but you still never made room for like a quarter of the#alana & jared? they're alright but they died#anyways & in all these things it's like It's Not A Big Deal lol i am not here to strive to have thee true & final word#right tf on if you as well know them both & like deh more / think It was the more successful execution of its story#though i have natural enemies like say [trt loyalists who are Like That] or forever [deh haters who are Like That]....we're different#erased a tangent also mentioning how i like the Parent Approach of mr. heere's arc better than any parents in deh lol. like of course#it's Not about his Feelings or being Imperfect or Human. like ofc he has the feelings & is human & imperfect#but he just gets energized & focused like welp bummer but ofc i gotta give my kid more support w/whatever he's going through rn#like hell yeah. one fun song we're good to go#bmc#deh
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Can you please do this but with Ruggie and Leona?
Courting Rituals w/ Fem Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Ruggie Bucci
Mating rituals for hyenas are very…tense
Females are aggressive and violent
For males there's a lot of submission and fear that goes into the mating process
Naturally he’s not supposed to be all that dominant when dating anyway
But you’re so clueless and totally unaware he might have to help you get the hint
There are three things male hyenas typically do
The cautious steps forward and cautious steps back
Spotted hyena males often do something of a nervous start toward the female before running back 
Kind of like a nervous jig that’s a sure fire sign of their intentions
Whether or not the females actually see it they do it
Which rings just as true for Ruggie 
“Oh wow, Ruggie your sharing with me?”
“Yeah don’t get to hung up on it. I’m just being a good senpai.” No he’s not
Or when Ruggie unexpectedly shares some of his food with you
And right after that he doesn’t talk to you for the longest time
Those are his steps but you won’t notice
You’ve got so many friends 
He hates it really
Next is another round of testing the waters
Now this testing of the waters–or more accurately your boundaries
Starts with crossing his legs in front of you
Something he does casually while speaking to you 
Next is the scratching the ground in front of you
Again you just casually brush off the extra time he spends down there tying your shoe
But now that he’s tested the waters he can finally commence with his final act
Presenting and you accepting
Now this wasn’t the olden days unfortunately
Even without your proper knowledge flashing you wasn’t the right display
So he’d take something close to it 
“Ruggie I really appreciate you inviting me to come swimming with you.”
“Nishishishi it’s no problem! You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.”
And scratch his you will since he’s wearing a tight speedo
And he purposely planned for this after all
Made sure grim and company we’re too busy 
And Leona away on some trip 
Now for your acceptance
Again he has to be slick you’re so far from a typical hyena beast woman 
You just don’t know that bending over and parting your legs is the ultimate sign
The go ahead he needs
“Hey (Y/n), I need your help with something! My goggles fell into this rabbit hole.”
“What why don’t you do it?”
“Heh? I thought you were nice!” 
“Fine fine. Just make sure I don’t fall in the ground looks pretty unstable.”
“But of course!"
He’s holding your waist tight as you  bend over
Its the way it will be from now on
Your his mate now 
And any violence he does in your name is completely justified 
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Leona Kingscholar
Lion’s have very basic mating rituals 
That aren’t really worried heavily on being impressive or not 
Its snuffing out competition 
Yes, powerful roars and a large dark mane is just as alluring
But it means nothing if your intended mate is occupied
Like with another male or with a child of another
So that’s what Leona’s worried about
Worried about the way you so easily interrupt your time together to deal with Grim
“Sorry Leona, if I don’t go home now the rest of the night is going to be a nightmare!”
“Then why don’t you stay here, then.”
“Thanks but Grim gets fussy if I'm not there.”
The urge to revert to his ancestor’s behavior is strong
But he’d rather not deal with you fighting him so he’ll invest in making Grim a little ally speedbump
A few plates of gourmet fish and suddenly Grim is willing to mess up any other rivals of his 
And that pleases him….for awhile
But you still mention Grim when you two are talking or cuddling 
It makes him sick
So a deal with Azul or paid underhanded deal and suddenly Grim’s not your problem anymore
And when you come crying to him he’ll soothe you but he won’t feel remorseful
You won’t feel to bad if he gives you a cub or two of your own
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
can we talk about how rauru is literally like. just zelda’s dad. like in that one scene where zelda looks like she’s gravely contemplating turning into a dragon and then rauru goes “i believe the answer lies in more research and understanding your power!” and she looks at him with such shock and awe. zelda’s adventures in the past are literally like her life but with a better dad. the queen promises her to help her figure out her power but dies before they can figure out a way how to use that power to safely save everyone. zelda desperately wants to help everyone and is clearly feeling the pressure of it all and the king is the one to tell her “hey i understand how hard you’re trying and how much you want to save everyone and we’re thankful for what you’re doing”. rauru actually acknowledges zelda’s dedication and the importance of research and technology, he is kind to her and never blames her for any of the bad things happening. he also never pushes zelda to make sacrifices and is the one sacrificing himself in the end - in botw, all the champions and zelda have to choose to make sacrifices to save the kingdom, but in totk rauru doesn’t ask that of any of the sages, instead recognizing his own responsibility as king and basically dying to save his kingdom. he’s literally zelda’s better dad.
same anon as the one raving about rauru also the differences between how the two kings treat link. they’re both tutorial figures but the way they guide is SO different. pretty much the first thing rhoam does is lie and pretend to be a random old man, being quite annoying as he sends link to do a bunch of challenges for a paraglider. the framing is so fundamentally different, rauru freely offers the information he has to link upfront, he apologises for the body modification, acknowledging link’s potential distress. rhoam basically keeps link on the plateau arbitrarily, presenting giving items and teaching link about things as challenges for link to overcome. rauru on the other hand aids link as best he can, tells him what he needs to do from the beginning (tells him to open the door which is pretty much the last thing he’ll need to do in the tutorial, telling him about the ultimate goal from the beginning), proposes solutions when it doesn’t work out (directs him to the shrines as a way to help him gain the strength he needs, as opposed to making him complete challenges to get a paraglider that in the moment seems like literally arbitrary conditions). rhoam telling link how much responsibility and pressure he has on him all of a sudden and how much he needs to do vs rauru telling link that it was wonderful to meet him and zelda’s accounts of him were all true. like. the framing. the difference in character. the deterioration of knowledge within hyrule falls parallel to the deterioration of its king’s kindness and virtue.
the differences between rauru and roham are crazy to me because one of them was so fundamentally good and one was so fundamentally flawed and yet. neither of them were able to save their kingdom. no matter how good a king of hyrule is, no matter what he gets right or wrong, he is still doomed to die. rhoam tried to sacrifice his daughter to keep hyrule alive. rauru did everything in his power to make sure she DIDNT have to be sacrificed. and in the end the outcome was the same. but the KINGS were not the same, and that difference in framing you mentioned i think is fundamentally a difference in legacy. rhoams legacy is to forever be the king who sacrificed children to save himself and died anyway. rhoam died a loser through and through, a king atop a throne of nothing but failure. i think that’s partially why he appears as an old man at first, because he KNOWS what being the king of hyrule means and he’s EMBARRASSED that his legacy is what it is. but rauru. in complete contrast, rauru was so GOOD. rauru died with his sages and his DAUGHTER alive to see another day. rauru ENSURED they’d live no matter what. he wouldn’t LET them sacrifice themselves for him. rauru put everyone else before himself. he didn’t expect or even tolerate self-sacrifice and yet when the time came he sacrificed HIMSELF selflessly despite knowing that it wouldn’t even WORK. rauru’s legacy is something to be proud of. he’s open to link because he has nothing TO hide. no regrets or stupid decisions. and he is remembered so much more favorably because of it.
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infiniteko · 7 months
For y'all that get really logical and heady,
Not even the most premiere scientists, here, can figure out "existence," in its entirety. Maybe they will maybe they won't 😉 Though, a lot alludes to what we discuss here...anyway it's just out of reach for the "mind" and logic...
And that's because it's a paradox, it's not for the "mind," it's not conceptual. Our true self, the substrate of all illusion, is stillness. It's silent. It doesn't do anything but remain. Nothing can quantify it, THAT is neither big nor small. It's not the "universe" or the "multiverse" everything is nothing, ultimately. (The Universe is an illusion, yes, but a very pretty one. I enjoy this archetype of illusion #comfy)
Where does THAT come from? It always was and is...in no time, in no space, it has no age, no form. And quite frankly, "ego and mind," might freak out about this once you peer into *THAT* lol, maybe not though, mine did initially 🤣
"THAT" is a blink of an eye, an everlasting evening, the speed of light, an eternal kingdom. It's everything and nothing and it's so delicious. If I had to give "THAT" another word, it is Love. But even Love is a concept...tho from this illusory "ego" perspective it is love 100%. But it is still Love, just a soft love...a flowing love...and undefinable love.
And if you're feeling guilty for "leaving behind" people. Creation is nothing and everything...everything and nothing will just "slip through your fingers." Especially, THAT, trying to "figure out" *THAT* will have your mind in loops. No use in trying to coral anything, or for that matter infinite illusory creativity lol. No use in doing anything other than creating your experience. You'll find all your answers in THAT, anyway...it's what you truly are. Which is where Im getting all of this, the core of "myself"
And for those of you wondering what happens to your other selves, or other people in your old experience. Okay, just illusory bubbles of creation coalescing in and out. Like infinite creation means that you have infinite choices in the illusionary quiver of creation. Anything and nothing will be...aside your experience. No, the illusion will not implode...unless you want it to lol...but other illusions remain in the infinite substrate of THAT. Its a paradox and not worth going much deeper than that...ifykyk...youll know when you know and you already know lol.
You'll be curating new experiences with varied versions of your past curations. Simple. But like don't put so much credence in anything...you can shape your series of illusory curations any which way you want. You'll be shaping your experiences consciously aware or not...so you can autonomously create the change you want to see or let the illusory concept of "destiny" or w/e take over. Simple.
Why would I do anything if Im just eternal awareness? ...Dude why not? This illusion is your creation...these human emotions, experiences, thoughts, concepts are for play. They are for filling in eternity or however you wish to "define" it lol
Why would realized folx wanna help others get to the "end of time" "THAT"? Why not? I have so much love to give. And I know that Im choosing this world to experience as of current...as much as you are choosing to experience this world, and have these pointers come into your creation field.
...THAT (us) can experience in an infinite myriad of ways...and it's....indescribable. It's so fun and so love 👁️
The stillness of what we truly are can be experienced through infinite lenses.
And sure, you can go rest in the "void" too. You know yourself already...it "feels" very familiar. It's never lost. It's right here, right now.
none of this is actually advice^^^ just a pointer! THAT is for you only, THAT is for your illusion only. My creation is mine, and yours is yours. But happy to share my pointer. Just remember, all these words are nothing...they can make this confusing tbh, simplicity is the best.
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dwonfilm · 3 months
“Come hell or high water.” | Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Looming over the Winchesters and [Y/N] is the war between heaven and hell. Dean will ultimately be faced with a choice he’d never be able to make. What will happen?
This will be a multi-part story, not necessarily set in a specific season but around 4-5 would be the best fit.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Mentions: Sam Winchester, Castiel, Micheal and Lucifer, Bobby Singer
Warnings: none, will provide for each chapter as they’re written.
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Part I:
Michael and Lucifer had both been impatient, each showing up at various times and places—both wanting the same thing; more or less. Each wanted their designated Winchester brother to simply say yes.
Three days earlier.
Sam, Dean and [Y/N] were sat in their shared motel room in New Orleans, Louisiana. Sam was on his laptop, browsing for cases on different news websites. [Y/N] was flipping through the local newspaper to see if anything stuck out in the reports there, but she wasn’t having much luck. Dean was.. well, in true Dean fashion he was chowing down on a burger that he’d brought back from the local diner. “Your food is gonna get cold, or I’m gonna eat it, the entire world isn’t gonna fall apart if you two take a damn break.” Dean spoke, mouth half full of chewed food. Sam sighed and looked over to [Y/N] who finally closed the newspaper. “Fine, you’re right.” He spoke up, closing the laptop that had been in front of him for at least two hours. Turning his attention towards [Y/N] Dean would clear his throat (after having swallowed the mouthful of food) and gently squeezed her shoulder. “C’mon sweetheart you haven’t eaten today.” She’d sigh knowing her boyfriend was right, placing her hand on top of Dean’s and giving it an affectionate squeeze. “Alright, alright. This goddamn newsprint is giving me a headache anyway.” [Y/N] folded the newspaper back up and tossed it onto the table. Grabbing the brown paper bag, she pulled out what would be Sam’s usual and handed it over to the younger brother. She pulled out her own food and carefully unwrapped the burger, quickly picking it up and taking a big bite. Now that everyone was a little more focused on the food, Dean would continue to eat himself.
“I dunno man, everything I’ve seen has been completely normal. It’s like all the evil in the world has gone radio silent.” Taking a bite of his burger, the younger of the Winchester brother was clearly frustrated. “That’s what scares me, when things tend to be normal on the crime side.. it’s never a good sign.” [Y/N] replied, tucking a loose strand of [Y/H/C] hair behind her right ear. “There’s gotta be something, I’m sure we’ll find it but there’s no use finding anything if we aren’t fit to do the job.” Dean spoke up again, verbally nudging the two most important people in his life to continue eating. “All the sons of bitches can’t have just ran into hiding.“ He’d conclude, grabbing the bottle of beer he’d set aside and taking a swig. “It’s just weird, Dean. Normally it doesn’t take us so long to find something to at least check out. There’s nothing online at all that’s raising even a little suspicion.” Sam answered, looking extremely concerned when he locked eyes with his brother. Dean’s eyes were sympathetic and truthfully—he was worried too. Everything both Sam and [Y/N] were saying was true but he also couldn’t afford to let them see any hint of the fear his heart carried. Not only because it made things more real but he was too busy anchoring them, keeping them from spiralling because then they’d be no good to anyone once evil rears its ugly head. [Y/N] finished chewing another bite of food before adding another thought. “I haven’t seen anything local either I mean, that was the third paper I’ve scoured from front to back and everything just seems.. normal. It’s weird.” It took the chiming in of the eldest Winchester to calm the noise of the impending chaos again. “Hey, look, we’ll just take a break and see if anything comes down the pipeline. Right now I need you two to eat before I start force feeding you.” Sam and [Y/N] both looked at each other before chuckling softly and for the first time in the last couple of hours, the stress of it all faded away. Dean was the first to finish his food (no surprise there) and so he silently asked to use Sam’s laptop, the younger brother nodding as he continued to eat. [Y/N] had finished her food, not realizing how hungry she’d actually been. Of course Dean knew because he knew her like the back of his hand, which was why he’d been pushing her especially to eat since he brought it back to the room. She smiled to herself for a moment as her gaze moved to where Dean sat, scrolling on the computer. Those strikingly beautiful green eyes scanning the screen to see if he could find anything to ease the worries of the trio. Sam was of course the final person to finish his food and when he had, [Y/N] began to grab the garbage that had become scattered across the small table in their room. She stuffed everything back into the brown paper bag it came in before throwing it into the trash can. Rubbing at his temples, Sam slowly pushed himself up from his seat. “I’m gonna shower. Let me know if you guys find anything yeah?” He spoke, walking over to his bed and grabbing the go bag with his clothes in it. He saunters towards the bathroom and closes the door, both [Y/N] and Dean heard the door lock. Dean’s eyes moved to look up at his girlfriend with an expression that seemed exhausted. Noticing this, [Y/N] approached the table again, this time taking the chair closest to her green eyed baby. Leaning her head onto his shoulder, he managed a half smile with his gaze moving from the laptop screen to his beautiful lady. Her [Y/H/C] locks framing her face perfectly, not to mention her [Y/E/C] eyes that always brought his soul some peace. Everything about their world was utter chaos with something even worse looming overhead, yet just by looking into her eyes he’d find a calm like he’d never known.
[Y/N] had met the Winchesters as a child, her father one of the many hunters that John had worked with in the hunt for the yellow eyed demon. Unfortunately her father met a cruel fate at the hands of a shifter and that left her alone in the world. Naturally, via the connection, Bobby Singer would end up taking [Y/N] into his home and that’s where she’d spend time with Sam and Dean. Years on end would see them meeting a handful of times and enjoying various activities and days with Bobby while John hunted. Of course when John and Bobby had their big blow up fight, [Y/N] went a while without hearing from the brothers. Dean had gotten in touch a couple years later and kept in touch through texts mostly, which was surprising but [Y/N] wasn’t complaining. Sam would email every once and awhile but it was very sporadic. Which [Y/N] learned years later was because Sam had left hunting and gone to Stanford—basically ignoring the hunting life and everything supernatural. It was actually during this time where Dean and [Y/N] would begin doing hunts together. Off and on of course, sometimes very rarely with John but usually just the two of them. Often times these cases required them to, as they called it, ‘bend the truth’. This involved posing as different forms of authority to gain access to information that they normally wouldn’t have. Many times, both Dean and [Y/N] had to pose as a young couple in love. Newlyweds or happily engaged—various forms of in love, gaining them favor amongst the community or with other authority figures. This went on for months, both seemingly having feelings show themselves but it went undiscussed. Dean wasn’t about flirting with women to get further on a case, which of course [Y/N] hated but she could never really say that. It caused a little tension at times until finally it came to a head on a hunt for witch.
“Dean, will you just stop and listen to me?!” [Y/N] yelled as she followed the man into their shared motel room. Dean remained silent, anger written across his features. [Y/N] huffed out a breath of frustration and ran her hand through her [Y/H/C] hair and looking toward the eldest Winchester boy. “Dean.” She tried speaking again, yet he still ignored her and aggressively unzipped his go bag. Sifting through its contents he was looking for something, growing more irritated when he couldn’t find it. “What are you looking for?” [Y/N] asked, there was more silence for a second before he finally spoke. “Credit card.” Straight to the point and with a tone that had [Y/N]’s eyes rolling. “You told me to put it in my bag because your wallet needed to get fixed.” She replied, dipping her hand into her bag she’d pull her wallet out and slipping the card into her hand. She’d slowly walk over to Dean and tossed the card onto the bed. This time it was his turn to sigh before turning towards [Y/N]. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I lost my temper, what you do is none of my business.” He said, which seemed genuine for the most part. “I just am lost, I don’t react like that when you flirt with a girl to get information or a bump in the line to meet with someone.” She spoke, though she mumbled under her breath. “Even though I want to..” Dean heard her and felt a sense of confusion wash over him. “Why would you.. [Y/N] why would you want to get mad over that?” Dean’s eyes had found themselves locked onto [Y/N]’s, waiting for her to answer. Throwing her hands up in frustration [Y/N] shouted. “For the exact same reason that you got mad today and punched the receptionist in the face, Dean! You and I obviously have feelings for one another but we don’t talk about them so we just circle the never ending drain of getting jealous and sad and mad in secret and letting it build up!” Immediately after the words had left her mouth she gasped and covered it with her hands. Dean was just as shocked as [Y/N] seemed to be, frozen just staring in her eyes. Moments later after pure silence, Dean turned around and drug his hand across his face. “Dean..” [Y/N] spoke, her tone much softer than it was moments ago. She took a step forward and slowly placed a hand on his shoulder, lightly gripping it. Dean turned with a quickness and crashed his lips against [Y/N]’s while his hand came up to cup her face. Naturally she was stunned, but began to kiss him back.
Ever since that day, due to some kind of truth hex, Dean and [Y/N] had been inseparable. It was the one good thing in Dean’s eyes that came from dealing with a witch. Moving his finger along the touchpad of the laptop, he’d close the website he was on and look up another. There had to be something somewhere.. there just had to be. “Should I get back on the papers?” [Y/N]’s voice broke the longstanding silence that had hovered over them. Dean pulled another half smile before turning and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “No sweetheart, it’s alright. I don’t think there’s anything in ‘em. You’d have found something by now if there was.” His gaze again fixated on the computer, scrolling through masses of crimes being reported. He was about to scroll again, but something caught his eye and he needed to reread the blurb. “Wait a minute..” he spoke in a soft tone, causing [Y/N] to sit up. “Did you find something?” She asked, looking at the screen now too. “Not sure, maybe.” He replied, clicking a link that brought up a fuller article. “Well I’ll be damned.. this one might be vamps. Animal attacks, puncture marks on the necks.. hell there’s nothing else remotely sticking out so I think it’s worth the drive.” Dean added, the lock on the bathroom door clicking open and soon enough the younger Winchester came back into the main room. Steam came flowing from the bathroom as Sam continued to dry his hair. “Hey Sammy, think we got something.” [Y/N] spoke with a soft tone and there was a look of relief on his face. “Wha.. where?” Sam asked, looking at his brother. “Tucson.” Dean answered, turning the laptop around so that his younger brother could look at the article himself. Now [Y/N] was the one pushing herself from her seat. “Hopefully you didn’t use all the shampoo and the hot water.” She joked, making her way to the bathroom in order to shower.
After everyone had showered and changed into their pyjamas, the trio had settled down for the evening. It didn’t take long for quiet snores to be heard from Sam’s bed, his back turned towards the couple who were sharing the other bed. “I’m glad we found a case, but I still don’t have a good feeling about this..” [Y/N] spoke, keeping her tone on the quieter side as to not wake up the younger Winchester. She was snuggled into Dean’s side with her arm draped across his lower abdomen and her head on his chest. Dean pressed a kiss to her temple before sighing in a low manner himself. “I don’t either, it’s bugging me but we can’t just ignore the situation on feelings.” He spoke, his own tone mirroring hers in keeping on that quieter side and both sighed. “It just feels like this case fell into our laps and it feels like it’s a trap, but I can’t pinpoint from who or why.” She aimlessly began drawing shapes on the end of Dean’s T-shirt and he could see that his off feeling wasn’t as strong as the one that [Y/N] was having—she only drew shapes in that manner to calm her mind down. “Hey [Y/N/N], something’s really bugging you about this.. what is it?” He asked, gently turning her chin upward so [Y/N] would meet his gaze. [Y/E/C] hues met the beautiful green eyes that Dean had, searching them for something. “I wish I knew. Dean, it just feels.. too easy. There was nothing for what? Two days? Now all of a sudden there’s one solitary case and we’re supposed to believe this isn’t a set up? It’s not making sense. I know we can’t just ignore a possible case, but it just feels like something is going on and nothing good.” [Y/N] sighed again, knowing that so many things were up in the air right now and so many things couldn’t be resolved in quick manner. “Maybe we’ll pray to Cas tomorrow, either before we leave or while we’re driving. See if he knows anything.” Dean offered, squeezing [Y/N] and bringing her closer to his body. “Yeah, okay. Sounds good.” She replied, snuggling into her boyfriend and slowly closing her eyes. Dean himself would adjust the covers and slowly close his eyes. “Goodnight, D.” [Y/N] whispered. “Goodnight, [Y/N/N].” He whispered back.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
:💦 ♡ . ⁺ ᘏ : we're just friends
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➥ pairings: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
➥ genre: non-idol!au | smut | MDNI
➥ synopsis: Changbin confesses something to you - so, you want a taste of him.
➥ warnings: smut | penetration | cock warming | oral [male receive] | fingering | unprotected sex | public sex | reader and Changbin are just friends | explicit language | mentions of exercise | a lil bit of anal play | pet name [doll]
➥ words: 3.8k
➥ chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
➥ tags: @lix-ables | @sstarryoong | @ipegchangbin | @chaneomma | @purple-belle | @critssq | if you wish to be tagged in this mini series, lemme know!
➥ m.list – ➥ cock warming m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
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"Are you ready to leave?" Changbin asks whilst swinging his exercise duffle bag over his shoulder. You nod, grabbing your own bag and water bottle.
"Ready! Please don't kill my legs today Binnie. I would like to be able to walk for at least 5 minutes." Changbin laughs softly before ruffling your hair to which you pouted at whilst shooing his hand away.  
"Binnie! I only just managed to get my hair reasonably neat. Now I have to redo it." 
"Why? Your hair is going to get messy anyways whilst we are there." He states whilst putting on a black cap that concealed his curls. 
"True, but still." You pout, walking out of his apartment.
"Why do you want to look so good anyways? It's the gym. No one cares what you look like. People are too consumed with their routines." Changbin follows after you, closing the door behind and locking it. He places his house keys into his bag before pulling out his car keys.
"I know but you never know when someone attractive will walk in." You wiggle your brows playful. Changbin rolls his eyes playful, sighing.
"You're there to work out, not to chat up a stranger."
"Oh please, Binnie. Like you haven't done that before." You scoff, following him to his car.
"I have no idea what you mean, doll." 
"Don't think I don't see you Binnie. I see you checking out some of the females there. Your eyes practically pop out off their sockets." 
"I'm just admiring their techniques, that's all." Changbin said with a shrug to which you rolled your eyes at.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say, Binnie. When was the last time you got laid?" You playfully asked before getting into the passenger's side of his car. Changbin threw his bag in the back seat before getting into the driver's side.
"Why do you ask? Wanna taste?" Changbin smirks, looking at you. You blush a deep shade of red, his response catching you off guard.
"N-no! it's just, you act so desperately. You need to get your cock sucked Binnie. It's been way too long." 
"Don't worry doll. You'll be the first person I'll be contacting when I want my cock sucked." You scoff, slapping his biceps. Changbin laughs before driving to the gym.
"Asshole." You mutter. 
During your work out session, you couldn't stop thinking about Changbin's response earlier. You knew he was just teasing you, this is just something that happens between you both all the time.
You never thought much of it or what he says in general, for that matter. He would always flirt with you, be a little suggestive and playful. He's your closest best friend so you thought nothing of it, just two friends of the opposite sex flirting. Surely nothing was going to happen, right?
That's what you naively thought, until that fateful day that practically turned your life upside down. You stayed over at Changbin's place, it was Halloween and seeing as your little friend circle was not doing anything – because of real life – you two decided to take it upon yourselves and binge watch scary movies.
It was Changbin's idea. Why? You have no idea considering he's a big scaredy cat when it comes to horror films. He would jump at nothing, which ultimately made you jump. You'd whine, laugh, tease him. He'd cling to your arm like a baby koala, tears prickling his lower lash line. "this shit wasn't even scary." he'd sniff once the movie ended.
After the fourth movie, you both decided to call it a night. You slept in the spare bedroom. You always kept spare clothing and toiletries over for when you slept over, it was just natural. No big deal.
You awoke after Changbin the next morning, hearing the shower running when you approached the bathroom door. Deciding on having breakfast and trying to somewhat wake up, you made toast and OJ, sitting on the sofa whilst watching morning TV.
You knew Changbin worked out. You could feel his pecs and biceps every time you hugged one another. You find him very attractive but that was it, that's all you ever thought. Until he came out off the bathroom, towel around his waist with a toothbrush in hand, moving it up and down as the bristles cleaned his teeth.
His body was still wet, the ends of his curls dripping with water. You felt heat radiating to your cheeks, struggling to look away. You didn't want to think dirty of him but you couldn't help it – he looked too delicious.
Since then, you haven't been the same. What used to be innocent, flirty banter was not anymore, well, to you at least. It always managed to make you blush and feel some sort of desire. It made you crave what you couldn't have.
"Hey doll. You almost finished your reps?" Changbin's voice bringing you out of your train of thoughts. You had been mindlessly repping your bi-curls whilst staring at your reflection. You look up at Changbin, biting your bottom lip softly as you place your dumbbells down. He wipes away his sweat from his forehead with a cloth, his biceps contracting as his arm bent.
For some reason, he decided to go against his usual attire of black t-shirt and shorts and opted to wear a vest instead. His veins protruding up his arm, muscles and broad shoulders on full display for all to see. The vest wasn't tight, but it wasn't loose either meaning you could see how defined his pecs are.
"U-Uh yeah. I finished them just now." You smile, grabbing your water and downing it to moisten your dry throat.
"Great! Then, let's do some barbell squats! Let's work on that ass." Changbin winks. You roll your eyes, putting away your dumbbells before following him.
"Please. My ass is fine." 
Changbin hums, looking behind you and at your ass. He raises a brow as he checks it out, making you blush and slap his bicep.
"Oi! Eyes to yourself, Mr." 
"I was just looking, besides, you're right. Your ass does look fine." Changbin wiggles his brows, suggestively and playfully. 
"You're such a flirt, it's unreal! Please go get laid so I don't have to listen to any more of your cheesy flirting." You whine, kicking your head back.
"You love it doll. You even respond back so it can't be that bad." He spoke, setting up the barbell with the weights you use.
"Mhm. You're right, it's not terrible. But still, go get your dick sucked or something. I'm surprised you haven't busted a nut yet." You smirk, positioning yourself with the barbell resting on your back, just below your shoulder blades.
"Believe me doll, with you around, I have." You blink a few times, gripping onto the bar. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" You lifted the bar off its support rack, taking a few steps back and parting your legs to squat, Changbin stood behind you in case you need that extra push.
"Mhm, let's just say after we work out, I go home and do a little bit more." 
"Elaborate." You squat down, holding for a few seconds before pushing up again, counting in your head. Changbin mimicked your movements, arms extended out to your sides to support you in case you needed it.
"What I mean is, I go home and jerk off in the shower because of you." Your heart rate sped up, thumping hard against your chest. You stumble, almost losing your grip on the bar. Changbin was quick to catch it, helping you rest it against the support frame.
"B-because of me?" You whispered, looking up at him. A smirk plastered on his lips as he bent down to your height, lips inches away from yours. You swallow thickly, feeling dizzy. He moves from your lips to your ear, ghosting them across the shell.
"Because of you. Standing behind you whilst you do all these moves, gets to me y'know. Plus, your ass is always inches away from my crotch and that doesn't help me either."
"B-Binnie–" Your words are shaky. You could no longer hide the desire that has built up for him over time – not after he has just confessed to masturbating to you. 
"Sorry doll. Was that too much?" Changbin pulls away, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks to the side sheepishly. You grab his vest, a pink tint on cheeks. 
"Binnie. I want a taste." 
"Doll, are you sure?" Changbin mumbles against your lips. His back pressed against the cubicle door of the gym toilets, your body's pressed flush against each other. Changbin held your hips as your hands were traveling up and down his pecs and abs.
"I've never been so sure in my life, Binnie." Changbin groans, deepening the kiss. His tongue sliding into your mouth. You whimper softly, clinging onto his vest as your tongues meet for a battle of dominance. Changbin's hands glide down your hips to your ass, gripping and massaging it through your workout leggings.
You lost the battle which allows Changbin to freely explore the inside of your mouth. He left no space untouched as he pulled you closer to his body by your ass. The lack of oxygen plus the growing desire makes you feel dizzy. You can't believe you're making out with your best friend and it feels – natural.
"Binnie…" You shakily whisper when you finally parted for air. 
"Why does this feel so good and so natural." He mumbles before kissing your lips again, this time, in a much more passionate, yet sloppy and needy kiss. Lust pooling in the pit of your stomach, clit throbbing. You could feel your slick coating the material of your cotton panties, sticking to your lips.
Changbin moves away from your lips, ghosting them down your neck. You whimper softly, tilting your head to the side to allow him more room for him to lick and nip at your skin. The salty taste from your sweat coats his taste buds to which he hums at. His teeth sinking into your skin, not too harsh but not too soft either, just enough to leave a mark.
He starts to suck the skin, decorating your neck with purple bruises. His hands moving from your ass to your breast, cupping and squeezing them. You moan softly as you slid your hands down his body to cup his clothed boner.
You ghost your fingers up and down his length, getting a layout of his size and girth. You hum softly, many thoughts running through your mind. He felt average in size but what he lacks in size, he has in girth. He felt thick, thick to the point where you thought for a second whether he would fit.
"Binnie. Are we going to, y'know..?" You trail off, blushing softly as Changbin looks at you. He strokes your pink cheeks softly, his gaze soft.
"Only if you want to doll. I won't force you. we can happily stop here and things will be okay between us." 
"No! I want this." You spoke eagerly. Changbin smirks at your eagerness, leaning in and sucking your earlobe softly.
"Then, you know what to do, doll." 
You hum, slowly crouching down until you are eye level with Changbin's boner. You maintain eye contact with him as you palm him slowly. His head tilts to the side as he lets out soft grunts.
Grabbing the waistband of his workout shorts and underwear, you slowly pull them down his thighs. Your eyes widen a little as his cock sprung free – you were correct, he is thick.
You eye his length up and down slowly, taking in every detail. From his neatly trimmed hair to the veins protruding along the sides, you didn't think a cock could look so pretty yet here you are, face to face with one. 
"Are you just going to stare or–?" Changbin laughs softly as you blush, looking up at him.
"No, it's just… It looks so pretty." Changbin blushes softly, clearing his throat to show he didn't feel embarrassed
"U-Uh, thanks doll." You hum as a response, wrapping your fingers around the base. Your fingers could barely wrap all the way around and Changbin noticed this. You look so small and it made him excited – giddy. His cock twitching in your hand, making you giggle softly. 
"Cute." You whisper before licking your lips. You gather up some of your saliva, letting it pool on your tongue before sticking it out and spitting on Changbin's tip. He softly groans, watching your saliva drop and pool on his tip. 
You press the palm of your hand against his tip, rubbing it softly to spread your saliva before wrapping your fingers around him again, tugging at his length at a slow and steady pace.
"Mhm.. That feels good doll." Changbin softly moans.
"Yeah?" You grin, feeling a little more confident. Changbin nods slowly, his tongue darting out to moisten his dry lips. You rotate your wrists with each tug, Changbin's moans increasing in decibels. You stuck your tongue out, pressing it flat against his tip. His salty pre-cum coats your taste buds as you kitten lick.
"A-Ah, shit." Changbin pants softly. You wrap your lips around him, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. Feeling a little more confident, you stop stroking him as you flatten your tongue.
You close your eyes slowly, pushing more of his length inside your mouth. The corners of your mouth stretched, your tongue caressing the underside of his length. Changbin let out laboured breaths as he watches his cock disappearing slowly. You manage to take a little over half of his length before bobbing your head.
You wrap your tongue around his cock, hollowing out your cheeks as you suck. Changbin reaches down to hold your head gently, feeling himself getting immersed in the feeling of your warm mouth. Excess saliva started to pool in your mouth, spilling from the corners and down your chin slowly. With your free hand, you cup his balls, caressing and massaging them softly.
You pull away slowly, panting and swallowing your saliva whilst lazily tugging his length. Changbin could feel himself slowly losing his composure, the air between you both was thick with lust and need that had been building up overtime.
"C'mere doll." You giggle softly, standing up straight. "Let me take care of you." 
He grabs the waistband of your leggings, looking at you for permission to which you grant with a single nod. He pulls down your leggings to your calves, cupping your clothed pussy.
Your hips bucked in his hands, his nimble fingers stroking up and down your slit through the cotton. You swallow thickly, holding onto his biceps for stability. You part your legs as wide as you could. Changbin hummed as he felt the growing wet patch.
"Did it feel good to suck my dick, doll?" He coos. You blush, nodding slowly. He pulls down your panties slowly letting them meet with your leggings. You shiver as the cold air hits your skin, your essence coating your lips.
Changbin slowly glides two fingers up and down your slit, spreading your lips and juices. With your essence coating his fingers, he gently presses the pad of his fingers against your clit, stroking slow circles using your slick as lubricant.
You softly pant, pleasure coursing through your veins, making you feel weak and dizzy. Changbin kisses your lips softly, his skilful fingers working magic on your clit.
"B-Binnie." You splutter through laboured pants.
"S-So good." You bury your face into the crook of his neck, his free hand holding your waist gently to stabilize you. The finger he was using to rub your clit, travels down to your entrance. He slowly circles around it before inserting his finger inside. You groan at the feeling, your walls welcoming him.
He pushes his fingers in, stopping at the first knuckle. He curls it against your walls as he thrusted at a steady pace. You moan against his skin, biting it gently, unsure of what to do with yourself – it just felt too good!
Once confident enough that you were getting accustomed, Changbin adds in a second. He scissored you out, stretching and widening you for something much thicker. He pushes his fingers all the way inside, making sure to curl them against your warm and soft walls. His fingers brushing against your sweet spot, making you moan loudly.
"Shh, doll. Remember where we are." He laughed. You blush a deep red, suddenly remember that you are still in a public restroom and that anyone could walk in at any given moment.
"Sorry. It just feels too good." 
"Think you're ready for something bigger and thicker doll?" You look up at him with your glossy, doll eyes. You hum, nodding slowly before pressing your lips against his.
"I'm ready." Changbin nods, pulling his fingers out of you. 
"Then, let's switch places. Hands on the door, hips out." He instructs. You both shifted around each other awkwardly, laughing as you got into your positions.
"It's so small." Changbin chuckles, positioning himself behind you.
"Yeah, well, cubicles are not made for two people to have sex in, Binnie." You laugh.
"Fair point." He grabs the base of his cock, tugging it a few times before realizing. "Wait. I don't have anything.." 
"Oh! it's ok. You can go in raw." 
"U-Uh really?"
"I'm on birth control." You whisper, feeling shy over something that's natural to be on. Maybe it was because you're stating it to your best friend, the man centre of your many desires. You've dreamt of this for so long, wondering how he would fuck you and now, it was finally going to come true.
"O-Oh." Changbin splutters, feeling flustered.
"Just, hurry Binnie. I've wanted you for so long." You mewled, swaying your hips side to side. Changbin groans softly, gliding his tip up and down your slit before circling it around your entrance. Pre-cum and slick mixing together.
Changbin slowly pushes himself inside you, his thick cock stretching you making you whimper at the stinging sensation. He strokes your ass softly, pushing slowly to not hurt you. When half of his length was inside, he stayed still as to let you get used to his size – although keeping still became harder and harder the longer time went on.
Your warmth and wetness. How soft and squishy your walls felt. How your cunt welcomed him – it was too much for him. He had to squeeze your ass to stop himself from moving his hips involuntarily. You groan at the feeling of feeling full, your pussy feeling stretched out.
You push your hips back slowly, ultimately fucking Changbin. His eyes widen as he watched you. He leant back a little, placing a hand on your ass as he spread it. He watches his cock disappearing into your tight hole, soft moans falling past your lips.
"Damn y/n. you fuck cock really good." Changbin groans. His compliment only made you shiver and feel some sort of accomplishment. It made you feel good knowing that you were able to make him feel just as good as you were.
Changbin held onto your hips to stop your movements, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
"That was cute and all, but let me take over." He purred. A tingle ran down your spine as you mewl, slowly closing your eyes. Standing straight, Changbin started off with languid thrusts, slowly and deep. His cock stroking your walls deliciously.
He wants to take his time with you, milk out every cry and moan you have to offer. Just like you, he too, has also been dreaming of this for so long. You're both a match made in heaven. He hasn't met someone like you before, someone who is so kind and considerate and is able to take his flirtatious manor as well as reciprocate it, plus, you're the most gorgeous person he has ever laid eyes one
It's only natural for him to want you. That's probably why it feels so natural to you both. You thought it would be awkward, shy, however, once Changbin dragged you inside the cubicles, your lips were instantly on each other, the willpower snapping for you both.
"Binnie… more!" You shakily moan out. A grunt from behind was heard as Changbin picks up the pace. His hips slapping against yours, your ass cheeks rippling with each snap of his hips. Changbin couldn't pull his gaze away from the way your ass ripples with each snap. He couldn't help himself but to circle your rim with his thumb  before slowly pushing it in.
You groan at the new found feeling, feeling even fuller from Changbin's actions. You felt your essence spilling down Changbin's cock, his groans and grunts increasing in decibels.
"C-Chang.. Binnie." You cry out, his tip constantly rubbing against your g-spot. "P-Please don't s-stop!!"
"Don't worry doll, I don't plan on it. I've wanted this – want you for so long, why would I stop now?" Changbin spoke in-between his laboured breathing.
"M-Me too… fuck! Good, so fucking good!" Your lewd cries mixed in with the wet sounds and skin slapping, echoed in the public bathroom, making them sound even more lewd than what they should be.
Changbin's movements came to a standstill, your eyes widening in horror as you hear someone walk into the cubicle next to you. You swallow hard, looking over your shoulder at a flustered looking Changbin, who was struggling to steady his breathing.
His cock was still deep inside you, tip nudging against your g-spot. Your heart thumping hard against your chest as your walls involuntarily contacted around Changbin's length, keeping him still and close. He had to put a hand over his mouth to muffle his moan, his eyes pleading and brows furrowed together as he struggled to keep it together. Beads of sweat ran down his temples falling from his sharp chin.
"Doll, I can't." He softly whimpers, voice straining. He's slowly breaking. The longer he's stationary, the longer he feels your warmth and your juices dripping down his cock – the more he breaks.
"Y-You have to!" Your hands balled up into fists against the cubicle door, sweat evident on your body. Your baby hairs sticking to the back of your neck.
"Doll. I'm dead serious, I'm going to break. I can't– you feel so good!"
A desperate man willing to risk it all.
"Binnie, w-wa–" Your words cut short when Changbin resumes his thrusts, this time, they are more powerful, fueled with the thought that you could possibly get caught – all the person had to do was look down and see two pairs of shoes in a compromising position.
"Changbin, w-what are– wait, P-Please!" You cry out. Changbin's hand flew over your mouth, muffling your cries and moans. You grip onto his hand, nails digging into his skin. 
"I'm sorry doll. I can't help myself. You feel too good around me! So soft, so warm and so wet. The longer I stay, the more I thrust, you get wetter and wetter. I can feel your juices dripping down my cock – you feel heavenly around me, doll."
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jockfootstories · 1 year
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A true experience from junior high thru high school under my friends smelly feet.  Some of my best foot experiences were at the mercy of my friends, brother. They’d spend the night a lot and my friend’s brother Taylor, would constantly just tease me or push me around. Nothing mean but just try to annoy me. If I was on the floor, he’d step on me or flat out trample me. The one thing he did the most, which became kind’ve a routine whenever they’d be over, is trying to smother my face with his feet, forcing me to smell their odor,  when we’d watch movies. My parents had one of those L wrap-around couches. My friend would be at the long end, I’d be sitting or laying at the adjoining section, and Taylor at the short end. He’d eventually lay back as well and casually bring one stinky, socked foot (or both)  and rest it on top of my chest. Being a teen his feet were always smelly, like he wore the same socks for days. Anyway, his foot or feet would be resting on my chest and I would slowly just start pushing them away. I didn’t want to let on that I was into feet so I’d always pretend to hate it… although Taylor pretty much caught onto it. He’d continue placing them  on my chest and I’d soon begin kind’ve wrestling with them. The Bottom of his socked feet would brush against my face and I’d slightly groan from the smell which would always instigate him to fully push them in my face. The bottoms of his socked feet pushing against my nose and hearing him teasingly say,”You know you wanna smell ‘em.”  We’d go back and forth for about 10 or so minutes and I’d eventually yank his socks off, wrestle his bare feet for a bit longer, then ultimately give up. By then I was completely worn out from fighting his bare feet as well as the odor of them totally getting me light headed. He could see me tiring out.  I’d push his feet back onto my chest, sometimes admitting defeat or just dropping my hands down.  He’d usually still be watching the tv as he’d casually slide one barefoot blindly over, him not done torturing me, and push it up against my entire face. I’d lay there inhaling his dry, cheesy, foot odor, getting more lightheaded and rock hard below. Minutes would go by and he’d bring his other bare foot over, covering my face completely for a little bit before commencing to rub the bottoms on my nose. I’d see nothing but his soles as I laid there breathing them in. He’d bring one pair of toes down and start rubbing my nose with them. I’d end up taking deep sniffs, his foot odor much stronger, and sometimes moving my face away like I was trying to escape. He’d continue to keep my face under his feet, till I’d just lay there motionless. He’s eventually glance over at me, not struggling, and ask cockily,”You like the foot smell?” Feeling a little embarrassed, I’d move my face again, trying to get out from under them. He’d tease my nose some more then smother me in darkness under both of them, making sure I couldn’t breathe anything but the bottoms of his soles and under his toes. He’d usually add a cockily statement while keeping my face buried like,”Yah, you like that smell huh footboy. Just lay there and sniff ‘em.”  I’d lay there for awhile, breathing them in, eventually pushing them off cause I didn’t want my friend to really notice. But every time they’d be over, he’d rub his stinky feet longer and longer in my face. Always verbally teasing me with,” ”Smell my feet, sniff ‘em!”  I think he enjoyed teasing me with them or the power it gave over him. My face was his foot wipe all through high school in which his feet got to size 13’s. I’d usually be on the couch or the few occasions on the floor as his footrest but the times I’d just submit and let him overpower me with his stinky feet were the best memories. 
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wutheringskies · 9 months
Wei Wuxian's first life was doomed
I really implore people to understand absolutely nothing would've saved Wei Wuxian and the Wens in his first life; either he'd end up half a prisoner, or in a bad deal or they'll all end up dying.
The tragedy of MDZS is that a bunch of powerful people decide to snatch all resources, because nobody stood up, nobody cared, nobody dared until there was a war which killed THOUSANDS, destroyed cities, probably let an immense number of resentful spirits linger. The Wens had a literal torture chamber. Wen Chao threw Wei Wuxian into the Burial Mounds so that he can never come back for revenge - they didn't even let the dying speak.
And then the one who fought the hardest realizes that now another sect was heading into the same direction, torturing people, taking the seat of chief cultivator, delving into demonic cultivation. He stands up against it but once again the world is blind, and instead fall prey to the newest authory to fill their own wallets.
Once again, this guy stands up even as the stakes are terribly against him. People say it was his hubris at thinking he could manage it all alone but I've two statements:
1. There was no other choice; it's either surrender and hand power to that sect, have the innocents die and live with that for the rest of your life OR wait until they kill you.
2. It is true as Jin Guangyao said that even if he hadn't lost control at Qionggi Path, could he have really never lost control? But regardless, that means that the world will continue to put him into unfavourable positions instead of just leaving him alone. Imagine, they could've just not invited him; or not ambushed him; or not accused him with an ambush; just left him alone.
Regardless, the point is - he dies, falling into the numerous plans and agendas. In his first life no matter what, he would've died. If not Jin Zixun, someone else would've had something bad happen; if not, one could paint it out; the rumors could worsen; they could literally ambush him while going to the market.
It's an unfair game because if he lives, then he becomes more and more ostracized and the attempts would become all the more devious. If he dies, then it's over anyway - the Wens would die. His cultivation would fall into the wrong hands. If he backs down they will push forward. If he even kills one, that death would be used to incriminate him further. If he gets a public ally, the ally would be killed too (Think about how nobody knows LWJ saved WWX other than the Lan elders - that was the mercy they grant him. Because they were afriad he would be killed)
But it gets torturous when now the sect that rose to power, that is the Jins are revealed to be annihilating entire minor sects and clans in their backyard, building watch towers, killing important people, taking complete domination over the cultivation world - the same things he had once spoken against.
And then another major clan's head summons this guy back to life to go on a personal revenge rendezvous engineered by him, with both the Jin side and the Nie side constantly putting a bunch of kids into danger so that they could hold it over each other's head or ultimately blame it, once again, onto the same guy.
So, yeah, he goes through the entire plot, trying not to fall prey to anyone's plans and saves the children twice and everyone marches over to him to demand compensation for having their parents killed when they came to kill him or their leg broken when they tried to kill him (lmao) and get saved by this guy and the innocents they robbed of from entering the reincarnation cycle by throwing them into the blood pool (sounds familiar yet?)
and now, this guy gets to see the Jin clan fall and immediately people turn onto the Jins because now they're sure to fall, right? It's not righteous. It's not to avenge anyone who was killed. It's to fulfil their own ambitions by dragging those who are at statuses of power to gain some for themselves.
And the fact his ending narration is expectation that Nie Huaisang will perhaps show the world his edges soon is just...like he has no belief in these people anymore. At 20, he perhaps held a sliver of hope. At 35, he understands all of these people are headed for hell and wishes to take no part in it
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hydrangea-mon-amor · 1 year
Visit me, will you?
Yandere! Male OC x reader
Trigger warning! Yandere behavior, obsessive behaviors, non consensual touch, forced relationship, forced proximity, Murder (message me privately if you feel I need to add more)
Side note — if you read the trigger warning and still were triggered by the content (or any that I’ve wrote) please message me ASAP and tell me about it. This goes for all of my works, but I do not mean harm writing these stories and the content of my blog are dark and heavy. I DO NOT condone this behavior and if any of you see yourself in a situation like this I urge you to seek help.
AUTHORS NOTE: please everyone if you see yourself in a situation even slightly like this I urge you to seek help and assistance. There are actual creeps out in the world that pretend to be kind and good but really just leech off of you. And with a closing note, I do note condone any of the obsessive behavior in this fic! There is a distinct line of fantasy and reality and this work is pure FANTASY.
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Summary! Your boyfriend has a game tomorrow and coerced you agree to come. The next day at school your friends had enough of your constant absence and forces you to hang out with them. You ultimately agree because in truth: this is what you needed, a day with them and not your boyfriend. You did not expect your boyfriend to get wind of this and the fallout that ensues.
Your uncomfortable.
You try to lay steadily in your stalkers boyfriends bed, but with how tightly his hands are wrapped against you, you can’t find it in yourself to continue. It doesn’t help with the fact that he’s sloppily giving kisses to your neck.
“Hey, could we maybe switch positions?” You try to urge, but it only had the opposite effect. His hold on you tightens and he leans in closer to you.
“I like this position baby.” You adamantly cringe at the pet name.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow baby?”
You know you can’t say no, the last time you did your boyfriend got so upset he cried for two straight hours begging you on his knees to reconsider. Claiming that if you didn’t come you didn’t love him anymore.
“Sure, I’ll see if my schedule—“
He tightens his hold.
You can barely breathe.
“You will come, won’t you?” He asks in a sweet tone but you know the true meaning.
“I-yes I’ll come.” His hold loosens and he continues coddling you.
You pray that he’ll let you go in a couple of hours. Because even that is a blessing from him.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
The day of the game your at lunch at your boyfriends table. Which If your honest is just the popular kids all together. You try not to make eye contact with your boyfriends ex-girlfriend Valery. Her family is said to be really famous doctors with a hospital in your city. You don’t think she gives two fucks about you because honestly, she looked happier.
You would be too if you weren’t here.
“So Jaydee excited for the game?” Oscar, one of his best buds asks.
“Of course man, especially since I got my amazing boyfriend/girlfriend to come watch. You’ll cheer for us right honey?” You nod sheepishly. You can see his friends laugh.
“Nah, they made you their bitch man. You can’t go two seconds without talking to them.”
“Or fucking them.” Jaydee adds. You jab him at the shoulder. A silent plea to stop whatever he was doing.
“Aww look, you are embarrassed. Come on sweet cheeks, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He kisses you lightly on the head.
You want to decapitate him.
“Anyways,” Valery is the one to switch topics, and deep down your glad it’s her. “On the topic of the game, when is it going to be held?”
“8:00 pm, and our coach is deciding to be an ass about it. He’s making us practice until then. Can you believe that? Almost six hours of practicing?” Some of his teammates share in his complaint. You’re not sure what to expect when he turns to look at you. “Will you watch me at practice? I’ll make sure to put in my all if you’re there. You know how happy I get.”
“So happy your broke a kids leg from the adrenaline.” You say under your breathe. But it doesn’t go unnoticed. But you know the real reason. Jaydee, your boyfriend, decided to break his leg because he noticed him looking at you and smiling. It wasn’t even more than one glance but in your boyfriends eyes it must have been thousands. He got away with it because for 1. He’s the quarter back and 2. Everyone in his team loves him. Especially is coach. You don’t think they know that he did it on purpose, and your not sure if you do.
“Oh yeah! I remember that day, Tyler had it coming if I’m honest.” Oscar gloats.
“Tyler definitely had it coming that day.” Jaydee adds not a second later.
Tired of this you decide to make a last ditched effort to leave. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You inform.
“Okay, guys I’ll be right back I’m going to walk them off.” He gets up from his seat and readies himself to walk with you.
“That won’t be needed.” You tell him.
“Jaydee, I know where the school bathroom is, I’ll be just fine. You don’t have to loom over me like a helicopter. It’s not like I’m going to go anywhere.” You stare at him, he stares at you.
“Come on man, just let them go. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“A lot.” He says under his breath.
“What was that?” Valery questions.
“Nothing.” He looks at you again, leans into you, making it look as if he’s going to kiss your cheek. “Let me go with you baby. You know how crazy I get if I can’t have you side by side with me. You don’t want let’s say Oscar to be my next blood bag would you? Let me come with you and nothing bad will happen.” He whispers in your ear. Softly touching your cheek with his hand.
“And if I don’t?” You whisper back, curling your fists.
“You wouldn’t want to know what happens. Trust me.” He leans out, holding your hand and smiling at you. His friends look expectant of an answer.
“On second thought,” it’s torture for you to say these words, “I think I would like to have Jaydee with me.”
“Really! Thank you honey I knew you wouldn’t upset me!” He pulls you into a soul crushing embrace. Swinging you side to side, you decide to just deal with it.
His friends grimace, “okay we get it you two love and fuck each other all the time! Get a room will you, wouldn’t want to disturb your momentum.”
“Aye aye coach.” Your boyfriend replies. His voice muffled from his face being smushed into the crook of your neck. You can’t believe how you got yourself into this situation in the first place.
You can’t deal with this so you simply take the lead and start walking, your boyfriend trailing after you like a lost puppy. Once he catches up to you he snakes his hand around you waist and kisses you on the head.
“Let’s take the long way.”
“Because then I can be with you longer.”
Of course, you think.
“Jaydee, I’ll be quick.” His lips turn into a pout. “Jaydee.”
“Babyyyyy” he whines.
“Jaydee, like I said I will be quick. Stop acting like a baby and wait.” You try to pry his hands away from you but he doesn’t budge.
“I’m only a baby for you.”
“Clearly” you mutter to yourself. You try not to let his sometime cringe behavior get to you but goodness is it hard.
From the corner of the hallway two girls emerge and once they notice the lean build of your boyfriend they come rushing down. You silently thank whatever god you believe in, thinking that this is what will give you leeway to leave. You know the girls well. In the past they were known to have massive crushes on your boyfriend and you’re thankful that their obsession over him isn’t over. It gives you hope that he’d leave you for one of them which would mean that you would finally be free.
Jaydee’s hold on you tightens.
Of course with their not so secretive crush your boyfriend would surely hear wind of this. You know how many times he’s vented to you about them, the many times he complained about them to you. But you had hope. You hoped he would like them one day and stop caging you in like a bird.
“Hello ladies.” He greets. A practiced smile on his face. Then they both lean in to give him a hug, even surprising you. You assumed the gesture caught him off guard because he then lets you go. You don’t waste this opportunity and bolt to the nearest restroom. Letting him deal with the two girls.
However, when you get inside the bathroom you notice the silhouette of two familiar students. Your heart rate picks up. When was the last time you hung out with them? When was the last time you hanged out with your own friends? Your hand instinctively reaches for the doorknob but you can’t bring it in yourself to leave. You can’t bring it in yourself to leave the people that were with you since day one. And if things couldn’t get worse their gaze fallows yours. Now you all stand there, unblinking and unmoving. Unable to do anything expect just take in the others presence.
“Y/n?” One of them calls, almost like a question. Their voice soft and sweet and so completely welcoming. It takes everything in you to not cry. You can’t understand how they are still so sympathetic to you.
“Hello…guys.” You are sheepish and you wish to curl into a ball. You remember the countless times you rejected their offers to hang out in favor of Jaydee. The guilt crashes down onto you like a wave and it almost drowns you.
“It’s been a while.” Your other friend says.
“It has, hasn’t it?” You agree.
The air is still for a while, none of you say anything for a protracted moment. Until your friend can’t handle it anymore and bluntly blurts out:
“Hang out with us. Come to the movies or something, play video games with us or fuck it take a walk with us just spend some time with your friends. Ever since you got a boyfriend seven months ago you been ignoring us like the plague, rejecting invites, blowing off our calls, ditching us—“
“And it’s been torture ever since!” You blurted.
“Y/n…” you seem to realize of what you just said.
“Never mind forget I said anything.” You turn to leave when you feel a hand clasping around yours.
“Movies at 8:00pm. Take it or leave it. But please take it.” You stare at them. They just had to pick the time that syncs with your boyfriends game.
“I’ll…think about it.” Your friends shake their head.
“No Y/n, you are coming.”
“No if’s or buts you’re hanging out with us and that is final. No more screwing us off in favor for you dipshit of a boyfriend.”
“I—okay fine. I’ll come.” You turn your back with your friends smiling off their victory.
You step outside the bathroom your boyfriend waiting patiently. His feet tapping against the floor tiles, arms crossed and a ticked off expression.
“Those two bitches tried to get my number.” He states. Tugging you into his embrace. “You know how hard I had to try to get them off of me, how many time I had to remind them that I was already taken and belonged to someone else? That i belonged to you. But nooo, they wouldn’t let up and I just got so mad that I guess I kind of lost it.” He chuckles bitterly. But you start to get scared, and rightly so.
“Jaydee…what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it baby, let’s go to class yeah? The bell is going to ring in a few minutes.”
The school day ends with Jaydee walking you to your locker. His arms on your shoulder matching your pace. When you first started dating him you thought it was cute but now you’re just revolted by it. But you don’t attempt to break up with him anymore, not after what happened the last time.
“Come to my practice in preparation for the game yeah?”
“Jaydee about that, I’m actually busy. Sorry but I can’t come.” His face drops.
“But…why? Was it something I did, why won’t you come?” You scan the area, grateful no one is in the hall you two are in.
“It’s nothing you did I just have plans.” He seems to prick up from this.
“Plans? With who? Where? Why? Why are you ditching me baby? I thought you loved me, I thought you loved us!” He’s getting more desperate now. Both of his hands on your shoulders, gripping you like he’ll die if he won’t. “I-I’ll get you anything you want! N-new shoes? I’ll just get my sister to buy it for you, she’ll understand. I-I promise! Please just come! C-come cheer me on! And then when the game is over we can go back to my house and play a movie and c-cuddle! Y’know, like what we always do!”
“Jaydee we always go to your house.”
“I don’t care you like it better, and it’s bigger.”
“Never thought you were the materialistic type.”
“Course not, my type is you.” You may have fallen for that if you actually loved him.
“Jaydee, I’m not going to be able to make it.” You try to say for the last time. He looks as if he is contemplating.
“Fine.” You’re shocked.
“Really?” He nods his head.
“Consider it a reward. You’ve been good since…the last time.” He’s referring to the time you tried to break up with him and leave. Like he would let you do that twice. “But,” he moves to hold your hands “you will come to my game. Promise me you will.” You clench your fists. Damn your friends, couldn’t have they pick a different time to watch the movie?
“Jaydee I’m sorry but—“
“Promise. Say that you will. I need to hear it, I need to hear you say that you’ll come. I think I’ll die If I don’t. You don’t want me to hurt myself would you baby? Of course you won’t, you love me! You wouldn’t want to the future father of your kids hurt because of you, now would you? But even then, if I did hurt because of you, I’d still love you. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Being.“ the worst part is, you don’t doubt him one bit.
“And If I don’t?”
“Then you won’t like the aftermath of what happens.” His attention is driven elsewhere when he notices his coach waving him over. “Have to go now sweet cheeks, meet you at my game?” You shakily nod. “See? That’s the angel I know.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before jogging off.
Do you listen to him and go to his practice to then sit through his game? No, you decide to listen to your friends and hang out with them instead.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
You arrive to your house late into night, a smile widely spread across your cheeks. You’ve forgotten how fun it was to be with your own people instead of trying to fit into a friend group that you don’t belong in.
The whole time you were out not once have you used your friends. That is for two reason, 1. You didn’t want text messages disturbing your time with your friends and 2. You specifically didn’t want Jaydee’s texts filling your messages. Undoubtedly Sues that he would be inconceivably mad and irritated.
However when you decide to go to the bathroom you hear a ding on your phone. You decide that it’s time you finally check what’s been going on, but when you do you feel your heart sink.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby where are you? I don’t see you amongst the crowd.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby you said you’d come, why can’t I see you? Are you running late.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: sweet cheeks please respond I’m getting worried, I’ve asked everyone on my team if they saw you they say they haven’t.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: honey our game is going to start in a few minutes if I don’t see your face in the crowd I’m going to be upset. You don’t want me to be upset would you?
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: why won’t you answer me!
But none of these messages could amount to the absolute fear you feel from the last one.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: wow honey, I can’t believe this. Valery told me everything.
Delivered 10:17pm.
You fucked up. You know you fucked up. You look at your phone again, this time three little dots pop up making you aware that Jaydee has definitely seen that you’ve read his messages and he still has one last thing to say.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: Y/n, if you don’t want to be punished more than I intend to then I suggest you walk to my place now.
You don’t question him one bit.
When you get to his front porch you knock on Jaydee’s door five times. A few minutes later his sister opens the door, the famous model Dante.
“It’s you.”
“It’s me.” You’re sheepish. Dante looks behind her.
“You should get in before things get worse for you, Jaydee is not happy.” She leans back into her house and holds the door while you walk inside.
You forgot how mentally deranged his whole family is. You remember hearing a rumor in the news that Dante herself kidnapped someone. You don’t have the guts to ask her personally though.
“He’s in the basement.” Dante tells you, a popsicle in her mouth.
“Oh uh, thank you.”
“You won’t thank me after what you’ll see. That’s for sure.” You try not to let her words get to you but you also don’t take her lightly.
You’ve been to Jaydee’s house multiple times before, times where you were actually proud to call him yours. When this house felt like a second home, and you actually loved him.
You tiptoe until you get to the door that leads to the basement. Already you smell a metallic stench.
This isn’t good.
“Jaydee? I’m here! Please—please don’t do anything so rash.” Your voice is meek. Actually, you don’t think your voice had enough volume to it to be heard by anyone. You tiptoed quietly until you’ve reached the bottom. You wait a few minutes, and you don’t see the presence of anyone in here. But the metallic stench reeks the air and fills your nostrils. You can hardly bare it.
You whip your head around.
“J-Jaydee? Is that you?” You can’t help but stutter. Your boyfriend is covered from head to tow in blood. His face is smeared in red and his clothes drenched. There is a steel knife in his hand, that too coated in blood.
He pouts.
“What? You’re saying you don’t remember your own boyfriend? Aww baby you’re so silly. If I didn’t love you the way I did, I think I would have gotten offended. Could thing I’m not though, right?” You stare at his blood soaked body and knife.
“Jaydee I don’t think this is—“
“Come come! I have something to show you.” He doesn’t give you time to speak, already he is tugging onto your arm. You use your free hand to clog your nose. He leads you to a cleared out space in the basement. For the hundredth time in this relationship your heart drops.
“Tada! Do you like my present?” In two tied chairs sat two people bound in ropes. Their eyes are gouged out of the sockets, layers of skin skinned off and in some areas burnt. Their bones are cracked in odd angles and pieces of muscle sliced from their bodies. If it weren’t for their clothes you’re not sure you would know who they were and the significance of them.
They were you friends. And Jaydee had just killed them. Tears prick at the sides of your eyes, how can you even begin to comprehend this? And worst of all, how can Jaydee look at you like this was your fault? A smile ear to ear plastered on his face. He finally drops the knife and in its place he reaches for you. He pulls you into his embrace, the blood on him now coating onto you. “Your reaction is enough to show me this was an adequate way to punish you. It’s okay, this is all you have to go through tonight. I promise I won’t make you feel like a burden in our relationship anymore.”
You’re too caught up in your emotions that you haven’t even realized you’ve said that out loud. “That’s why you decided to not be with me today isn’t it? I give other girls and guys too much of an idea don’t I? That’s why you’ve decided to hang out with those…hindrances, because I wasn’t giving you enough attention right? Don’t you understand baby? I had to do this, I had to get rid of them. This is a testament to my love for you, don’t you get it? This was all for you.”
“But this wasn’t even about other people—“
He squeezes you tighter.
“Don’t you get it baby? I don't give a fuck about all the other girls, I've rejected them, all of them. You know why? Because I want you. The only person I need, really need is you. I love you darling.”
You cry bitterly into his shoulder.
“Oh, I almost for got to tell you. I have a final game next week, it’s supposed to close this season. Visit me, will you?”
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 4 months
Probably not what you're expecting but here it is anyway.
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Aziraphale watches them closely as a smile is on the corner of his lips but sadness in his eyes. The latter is surely not be noticed by anyone else because no one can read him so well as Crowley had always been able to.
Actually, Aziraphale should feel lonely, having no one to talk to or to see how he really feels. But for some reason, he finds comfort in knowing that there is only one living being who was ever able to truly understand him and now to be able to hide his true feelings.
That doesn't mean he isn't hurting or that the other angels wouldn't notice it. For heaven's sake, Aziraphale would not even deny it when being asked about it. But he knows that the true depth of his emotions would never really be noticed again.
Suddenly, Aziraphale feels a hand on his shoulder. As if they could read his mind but who knows, maybe they could do even that, Metatron stands behind the Archangel. "You did a good job" they said. "This surely was no easy choice." A short pause, a little breath. "I'm sorry". They mean it.
"It's okay" Aziraphale answers without lifting the gaze from the view in front of him. He doesn't want anyone to see the tear that has formed in his eyes. And it really is okay, even though it hurts.
"You're going to be okay without him?" Metatron asks.
"Have been so far, at least more or less. So I will be."
Metatron keeps their hand on Aziraphale's shoulder and watches the demon with him for just a moment longer. "He looks happy"
"He does, doesn't he?!" Aziraphale says happily and turns with a smile to look at Metatron. His eyes shining like stars. Seeing Crowley happy would always be his highlight.
Crowley would not know the sacrifice Aziraphale did out of his love for him. But when Aziraphale had seen that for the first time in months, Crowley let someone else get closer to him again, he just knew it was the right thing to do.
Aziraphale knew that there was no way of seeing Crowley happy again for as long as he could remember him. Aziraphale watched Crowley stopping by the bookshop every day and watching the night sky when being drunk, remembering how he used to create the stars. Aziraphale had shared his pain, not finding a proper way to do his duty as an Archangel and go back to the demon he loves so much. He had thought about different ways but he couldn't do good to humanity and earth if he went back to Crowley.
So Crowley would not know that one day, Aziraphale had erased all of their memories together. Now, Aziraphale is no more than a faded memory of someone Crowley used to know. Crowley now remembers Aziraphale just as someone who's been in his life, who's been meaning much to him but has also been hurting him, without ever truly getting the hang of the depth behind it. Like the feeling of a bad dream at night, somehow so real, yet not tangible.
"A wonder so strong can only work due the ultimate sacrifice, out of love. How did you know this would work?"
"I didn't" Aziraphale answers. "Well, for erasing his memories, I knew, of course. But for them, I mean for him to fall in love... I just hoped for the vavoom."
"Vavoom?" Metatron asked.
"Oh, it's nothing" Aziraphale says and shakes his head slightly. He turns back to the view of Crowley and his partner. Crowley looks happy and relaxed, comfortable in his surroundings. Done are his days partying through the night and getting drunk to forget the pain he had gone through. Somehow Crowley had managed to find someone who understood him, without knowing too much.
Metatron puts down their hand and leaves the angel alone. It is his time to say goodbye for good and they have interrupted the angel for long enough.
"Vavoom!" Aziraphale smiles at the memory of Crowley talking about his plan to make Nina and Maggie fall in love. For heaven's sake, they've both been so blind back then.
Vavoom. The moment that makes them fall in love.
Who would have known that one day, it was a rainy day that would bring Crowley his own vavoom, finding someone he could fall for again after being splashed wet by the Bentley.
Vavoom. Now that Aziraphale thinks about it, even the car seemed to make that noise that day.
"Goodbye Crowley, you deserve all the happiness in life, my dear" Aziraphale said and closed the view on Earth.
Actually, there was more but I decided this is perfect fanfiction material. I'm also gonna keep the name. So, see this as a teaser for the actual story if you like.
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deltaruminations · 5 months
rambling some more about a multi-route story structure, player’s relationship to the game, weird route, etc.
one assumption i make consistently when theorizing is that, even if the prophecy is to some degree a fabrication, there is some amount of truth to the idea that a problem exists in deltarune’s world outside of the player’s or gaster’s present meddling. maybe ralsei/the prophecy calls it “the roaring,” gaster calls it “darkness falling,” maybe the player calls it a “bad ending,” but something had already gone materially wrong in the world before the whole game project or whatever started and it doomed the world’s future. i tend to assume that it’s the reason for the project in the first place — gaster wants a NEW FUTURE because he thinks the current one sucks. deltarune has “one ending” and he hates it. he wants a different one.
at this point, i think the prophecy is less an outright lie and more of a hypothesis — there is a real problem in the universe, and the prophecy is an educated guess at a solution: close the fountains, stop “the roaring.” gaster may sincerely hope that this guess is correct, but he knows there’s a good chance it’ll fail. he may even be expecting it to fail. and when it does, what’s the next logical step but to take those findings and isolate another set of variables? just closing the fountains didn’t work, so what if you collect all of the shadow crystals too? will that change anything? and what if that still doesn’t work? what if the only option left involves hurting many people? is that really so bad if the alternative is for everyone to suffer? and if that doesn’t work… if nothing works… no, something has to work. something has to work. something has to work.
and that, i think, is where the deception lies — the player is being drawn into participating in this experiment through the promise of a good ending, without being told that this outcome isn’t actually guaranteed. the goalposts keep moving, the requirements for a good ending keep changing, because gaster doesn’t actually know what those requirements are or if the outcome is even possible at all. the only way for him to know is for him to experiment, and he can’t do that without the player’s continued participation. he puts an unwitting player into a position of responsibility for these characters and uses that sense of responsibility and attachment to the world to draw the player deep, deeper, yet deeper into a mission they may not have agreed to if they’d known upfront that it might only end in failure.
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with that in mind, if we say that the weird route will ultimately be a necessary mode of play in the context of the full game, i don’t think it’s meant to communicate a message that the violence of that route is inherently worthwhile to a broader Good. rather, the weird route may be a simulation of powerlessness and desperation, the player — like noelle, like kris — being impelled and/or coerced to Proceed in a situation where there are no good options, but they’re still unable to say “no” to whoever or whatever is limiting those options. sure, the player can turn off the game and never return, but doesn’t that mean darkness will fall on deltarune’s world anyway? there are only two options here: stop playing, and ensure calamity, or proceed and see if calamity might be prevented. again, this isn’t necessarily a lie on our facilitator’s part — it may be entirely true that darkness will fall without our help — but it doesn’t change the fact of the manipulation. the information that the player might be expected to do something like a weird route, if necessary, was withheld from them until the moment they were impelled to do it.
and i think it’s unlikely that the weird route, on its own, will end any better than a normal route. if we believe that the problem is, in fact, real, then it’s unlikely that simply ignoring the storyline altogether to violently destabilize the world even further will, in and of itself, fix whatever is causing it to end so badly. what it might do is wake up the characters and/or the player to the situation they’re in, and cause them to question the choices they’ve been given, as well as the choices they haven’t, and why they’re stuck with these choices at all. it might trigger confrontation of the power structure itself — perhaps gaster himself, and whatever secrets he may be keeping, and/or the Narrative as a force beyond even him.
if we take these things to be true -- that the problem is real, that the fate to be changed is truly a cruel one, and that the player's involvement is instrumental in that change -- then gaster in this case isn’t necessarily a control freak or cunning manipulator by nature or by preference. he, like the player, may be a well-meaning person in a desperate situation whose own choices are drastically limited by a material situation he can’t control. like a player, his position out-of-bounds gives him unique insight and knowledge, a unique ability to problem-solve and possibly save people, but it also renders him a ghost; he can’t impact the material world directly. he’s effectively helpless without the player's cooperation, like the player is without kris. the player justifies controlling kris because it’s the only option they’re given — and again, not acting through kris means the world will end and kris will suffer regardless. the manipulation isn’t morally right in itself, but it might at least be understandable. from his perspective, he needs to do everything he can to keep the player engaged and avoid alienating them, because there's no way for him to help otherwise. and doesn't he have a responsibility to help? he seems to think he does, at least. he’s a parallel to the audience, no more evil than we are, yet no less culpable for his actions in a desperate struggle for power against a narrative that doesn’t want to be changed.
anyway i don’t know how to conclude this. video jame
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petra-creat0r · 5 months
Chapter 4 Secret Boss Prediction
The chapter 4 secret boss was something I wasn't sure how to tackle. I'm fairly confident that Chapter 4 is gonna take place in the Church, and likely involve the Holidays (Noelle is listed as a main character, she's gonna show up again. Not to mention the stuff with her sister) But what in a Church would be abandoned? Cracked stained glass window? Too close to the shadow crystals. Some abandoned idol? Eh, alright but of what? A fallen angel or a false prophet? Now we're getting some where. Deltarune's religion seems very centered on Angels, and when it comes to the Dark World and Angels, there's something very VERY interesting considering stuff with the Roaring and the Angel's Heaven.
Anyways, taking that and a cool idea from @parakeetlover3 involving a crow and a broken ring, I came up with something. So without further ado, everyone meet Elymas (since that name seems to have taken the lead in the past couple hours.)
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(Once again, theme made by my lovely friend @kierangecko)
Named after Elymas Bar-Jesus, a false prophet in the Bible who was blinded by Paul. The alternative name for them however was Doven, from Devon, which can mean divine, and dove, as their pre-corruption was inspired by a small, innocent dove.
Like I mentioned with Bitsy, I know these guys aren't gonna be anywhere close to what we actually get. No one knows Toby's mind except Toby. However these are just for fun and so I can have some funny interactions with the Junior Secret Squad and Spamton and Jevil. As well, I can find some where to put them in Fool's Fate as part of the second group of Darkners Gaster the strange someone drive to insanity. Along with Dorothy and Poly (who I know I haven't talked about at all here)
Anyways, backstory time under the cut!
Elymas was once the purest and most pious little seraphim Darkner. Not often noticed too often despite their rank, yet still a beloved and loyal follower of the Bishop and their teachings.
That was until, Elymas came across someone or something who made them question their faith. They met a man. A strange someone who tempted them with knowledge and truths about their world. Knowledge that the Angel was dead and the Bishop was a liar. The truth that their existence was nothing but a game and ultimately meaningless. The strange someone offered Elymas salvation and freedom from such a fate, and they believed it completely.
They had bitten the forbidden fruit and were now tainted by its sin but they didn't care. The forbidden fruit tasted good. This knowledge, this freedom, they craved it. Worshipped it.
Elymas determined that since Bishop was a liar, that they were the only right and true prophet, and so tried to amass a cult of believers in them and freedom the strange man had told them about. Of course, no one believed them. The man only reveals himself to a cult of a small chosen few. Still, the Bishop couldn't have a fanatic seraphim spewing rhetoric which would make them look bad, and thus... Elymas was cast out. Falling from grace and into the deeper, darker, darkness.
Until a fountain is opened in the Church in Hometown...
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To everyone, do you have any favorite things to do in your free time?
Ace: "I don't care about free time." (He likes to be in his room.)
Arturo: "Why should I tell you that?" (Gets bored rather easily. He spends time in the infirmary, but often just does nothing.)
Arei: "I like spending time with Eden, I think.. I don't need to tell you anymore, actually!!" (She's not totally different to her canon self.)
???: "Since the computers are totally open, I've managed to install games on there.. I've learned valuable information. Except Whit's annoying." (Whit keeps leaving information in extra tabs about how to help trans people. He doesn't want them to feel bad about their identity.. they do anyway.)
David: "I like spending time with Xander.. I saw the answers to the question about the favourite people, by the way." (He's a bit too distracted by the fact he's not anyone's favourite..?)
Eden: "I love spending time with Arei!! There's so much stuff to do together.. but usually we're just in the living room. The playground is fun!!"
Hu: "I just like to help whoever needs it, whether that's physical help or talking about their problems."
J: "The computer lab and movie screening room are cool, I guess." (Also not very happy nobody said they were their favourite)
Levi: "I'm learning to make my own clothes.. It's fun, so far." (Not much to add to that one)
Min: "The relaxation room is nice. I want to spend time in there, but Nico is usually in there, and I want to give them space." (Hu and the uh ultimate chemist person are usually in there too.)
Nico: "....I don't know. I'm not sure.. Someone's teaching me how to paint..." (They find names difficult.)
Rose: "I've been teaching Nico how to paint, they're doing well. I'm proud of them." (Just likes to spend time with Nico, really.)
Teruko: "I don't know, but I have to do everything with Xander, for "safety" apparently." (That's not true, she just likes to spend time with him.)
Veronika: "The movie screening room, obviously!!! I always watch movies, so fun!!" (She'll spend multiple hours a day in there.)
Whit: "Whatever my friends want to do.. especially my partner. I want to support them!" (That last part means two things.)
Xander: "Whatever's free at any given time. Anything can be fun if you try." (That's a lie, he gets bored very easily.)
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youhideastar · 8 months
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes III: the Final Sex Scene
As promised, more Fit for Purpose deleted scenes! Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. Today's batch of deleted scenes are all iterations of the second-to-last scene of Fit for Purpose, in which WWX and LWJ are in bed together with (at last!) the same understanding of what they're about to do there. I hope you enjoy! Uh, hopefully this goes without saying, but: NSFW text.
“Come here, Lan Zhan.”
Step. Hesitation. “Wei Ying. I do not expect—”
“I know.”
“I know, Lan Zhan. You—you don’t want this to be for you.”
Step closer. “It’s not. It—Lan Zhan, the last time—the first time—I liked it so much, with you. More than I ever liked it with anyone else.” Beat. “It felt different, with you. After, I… I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Wanting more. I was so happy when you asked me to sleep with you, and then when you just wanted to sleep…” He laughs. “Ah, Lan Zhan, you crushed me!” Beat. “It had never been like that, before. I never cared, before, if someone didn’t want to do it again. I never…”
“It was different, with you. Because you’re different. You mean something to me. You mean everything.” Raw, hoarse. “You said you don’t want to be to me what other people have been. Well, you aren’t. You couldn’t be. Not ever. You’re… you’re Lan Zhan. I don’t know any other way to say it than that.”
You can see that this version is very heavily focused on WWX reassuring LWJ that this isn’t going to be a repeat of their first time – that this is lovemaking, not a service. Ultimately, this thread has almost disappeared by the final version. The final version’s focus is on WWX acknowledging that fact to himself. But anyway, I didn’t like this version because WWX is making a speech. People don’t talk that way. It was too much. But the “don’t want to be what others have been” line repeating does survive to the final version.
When hai shi arrives, Wei Wuxian realizes he’s… nervous. They get ready for bed; Lan Zhan doesn’t try to persuade Wei Wuxian to stay up to his usual bedtime, so… he’s expecting it, too. They’re—not just going to sleep.
In bed, in their light sleep robes, side by side, warmth builds under the quilt. Lan Zhan lies still, just watching Wei Wuxian – watching as if he’d be perfectly content to do nothing but that. He doesn’t touch Wei Wuxian, doesn’t beckon him. Wei Wuxian’s nerves are singing, rising as the seconds tick by.
“Lan Zhan,” he whispers. “Lan Zhan, don’t you want to…”
“Wei Ying knows what I want,” says Lan Zhan, low. “But I do not know what Wei Ying wants.” He hesitates. “Wei Ying is accustomed to… providing a service. I do not know if he enjoys such acts, when free of—expectation. Assumption.”
“Of—” Of course I do, Wei Wuxian starts to reply. And he thinks it’s true. He thinks it’s true. But he never had the chance, before, to find out. Still. There’s one thing he’s sure of. “I don’t know about other people,” he admits. “What I would want with them. But it doesn’t matter. You’re my mate, and I want you,” he says. “I’ll like it, with you. I know I will.” He takes a deep breath. If Wei Ying wishes to be intimate, he need only ask. “Please,” he says. “Lan Zhan. Please. I want to, with you.”
The final version begins in medias res, with them already in bed, but as you can see, this version got some mileage out of the sizzle of sexual tension beforehand. The focus of this version is again on reassuring LWJ of WWX’s sincere sexual interest in him. One thing I like about it is the surfacing of the question of whether WWX even likes sex—but LWJ should already know that WWX is attracted to him, because there’s a whole other scene about that, so ultimately this was redundant.
“Lan Zhan, aren’t you going to…”
“If Wei Ying wishes to be intimate, sexually, he need only ask.” Beat. “Wei Ying need not ever ask,” Lan Zhan says, holding eye contact. “This is enough. More than enough.”
“Oh.” Beat. “I… but isn’t that—” the point, he almost says, the point of us being mates now, but—
It’s not about what someone can do for you. You love them just because.
“Right,” he mutters. “Ah, Lan Zhan, this will take some getting used to.”
“Mn. Then we will wait.”
“No, Lan Zhan, I—I don’t want to wait.” Wei Ying need only ask. He takes a deep breath. “Lan Zhan, I… want you.”
“Wei Ying.”
“Lan Zhan, can we—ah, Lan Zhan, don’t make me say ‘be sexually intimate,’ why do you have to put things in such a formal way?”
“It is clearer,” Lan Zhan replies, with a twinkle in his eye that means and also to mess with you.
I love the final beat of this version—I feel like LWJ would get a lot of amusement out of watching WWX squirm while saying “I want to be sexually intimate”—and I also like that this version has LWJ acknowledge that he would actually be totally fine with not having a sexual aspect to their relationship at all. But this is a ton of words that don’t actually get them any closer to having sex, and it would have made the scene so long, which would have created Return of the King Multiple Ending Syndrome. 😂 It needs to be clear that we’re in the descending action and energy phase of the story.
Ask? That’s not how it works, Wei Wuxian almost says again… but he remembers what Lan Zhan said in reply to that last time.
I do not wish to do what others have done. I do not wish to be to Wei Ying what others have been.
“Lan Zhan.” A whisper. “Lan Zhan, I—I want you.”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan reaches for him, draws him close.
“I’m so—ah, Lan Zhan, I’m so nervous, it’s so stupid!”
“Not stupid.”
“I feel like I’m so experienced, but I’m as new as you are, when it comes to…” He shrugs.
“Yeah,” says Wei Wuxian, quiet. Not a service provided, or a practice session. Love.
“We will learn together.”
Wei Wuxian smiles. “Yeah.”
We’re getting closer! We’ve got the nerves, and the acknowledgment that this is a new experience for both of them, and WWX comparing and contrasting what sex has been before with what it will be now. But no way WWX just announces, “I’m as new as you are!” That whole line is so bad, I’m embarrassed. In the final version, WWX starts by denying that proposition, and only admits it after LWJ lovingly challenges that denial.
“I know you don’t expect that.”
Lan Zhan draws in a breath and holds it – tense, unsure. “Before…”
Ah. Wei Wuxian winces. Yes. Before. When Lan Zhan offered himself, body and heart, and Wei Wuxian left the bed laughing as if it were nothing. A service rendered.
But he knows better now.
He shakes his head and repeats, “I know, Lan Zhan. You—” How had he put it? “You don’t want to be to me what others have been. Right?”
Lan Zhan nods. His hands rise to splay across Wei Wuxian’s back, holding him close, blazing hot through Wei Wuxian’s thin inner robe.
“You aren’t. You couldn’t be. You weren’t, even then. You’re Lan Zhan.”  Kiss. “I didn’t understand why it was better with you than it had ever been, why I couldn’t stop thinking about it, wanting it, wanting you, but I did, and I do, more than anything—”
They get closer.
A regression to the first version, above, but WWX’s dialogue is at least shorter – I wouldn’t call it a speech anymore, thankfully. I really wanted to tie up the loose end of how hurt LWJ was by WWX’s misunderstanding of their first time together, but I already knew I was going to have the “you bit me on purpose, for real, didn’t you?” conversation later on, and that covers much the same ground. It’s still unnecessary to hash out WWX’s attraction to LWJ, because both the reader and LWJ are aware of the basic strokes there.
And then we have this lil’ baby draft, which finally put me on the right track: bringing the “Wei Ying is made to be loved” line back for this transition to the sex scene, and—this is key—realizing I wasn’t actually going to write the sex part of the sex scene. For a story that’s so much about sex, I was surprised to find that there was no need to describe the climactic (no pun intended lol) sex scene in detail.
“And I want you so much. I think I—always did.”
Wei Wuxian is used to being the teacher, in bed. Tonight, he is. And tonight, he isn’t.
He teaches Lan Zhan how to blah blah blah blah and blah blah and blah.
And Lan Zhan teaches him what it is to be made for love.
But back when I was figuring I’d give a play-by-play, I had two takes highlighting LWJ’s lack of practical experience and how it wasn’t actually a hindrance. This next bit is totally unedited, since I knew as soon as I wrote it that it was wrong.
Wei Wuxian says he wants Lan Zhan to fuck him.
Lan Zhan has salve, knows exactly what to do.
“How are you—so good at this?”
Wei Wuxian knows he has no right to be jealous, he’s the one who left and acted like he was never coming back, but—“Who were you ‘researching’ with?”
Lan Zhan looks amused. “Books.”
“O-oh.” Wei Wuxian feels silly, but also very relieved. “Sorry.”
“Do not be sorry. I like that Wei Ying is jealous.”
Now you know how bad my first drafts are. 😂 Sooo many clumsy lines there. Anyway, I then took a second crack at it, removing the jealousy aspect, which didn’t make a lot of sense to begin with, and focusing on why LWJ might undertake research in this instance.
“Wei Ying. What do you want?”
“Ah, Lan Zhan, are you really going to make me decide?”
“Ah, well, it’s…” Blushing. Quietly. “I can’t—take you inside the way an omega could, but… there’s another way…”
“I am familiar.” Then, to Wei Wuxian’s shock and delight, he reaches under the bed and pulls out—yes, a bottle of oil.
“Lan Zhan!”
Avoiding Wei Wuxian’s eyes very cutely. “I undertook research.” More somberly: “I did not wish to force Wei Ying into the role of teacher.”
Ah. Yes, Wei Wuxian has played that role many times in bed. He wouldn’t mind it at all with Lan Zhan—it would be different, better, with Lan Zhan, because everything is—but he appreciates Lan Zhan’s forethought. “Lan Zhan is so considerate of his mate.” He likes calling himself Lan Zhan’s mate because Lan Zhan’s eyes go all fiery every time he does.
I think that’s very cute, actually, if I may say so myself. I would definitely have kept it if I’d decided to describe the sex in detail.
Finally, there’s this bit, which I wrote quite early on, when the story was going to discuss WWX’s history of sex work more directly. With sex work stigma being such a powerful presence in canon, it seemed like the kind of thing WWX would fear would be a dealbreaker (although of course it wouldn’t be).
WWX can’t meet his gaze. Lan Zhan, I—I’ve been used by other alphas. Omegas, too.
Mn, LWJ says, in a tone that makes it sound like I know.
Which he does, of course.
A—a lot of others.
Beat. WWX waiting for Lan Zhan to ask how many. He doesn’t. WWX takes a deep breath.
For—for money, sometimes.
LWJ nods, and kisses him.
Against WWX’s lips, he murmurs, “Wei Ying has given much, to take care of others. I hope he will allow his mate to take care of him from now on.”
I hope you enjoyed! We’ll pick up tomorrow with a collection of more sexy deleted scenes, focusing on the question of LWJ’s rut, and we will learn that there is, in fact, such a thing as too much worldbuilding. 😂
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cru5h-cascades · 8 months
Side Order Theory #8: "We Go Way Back" (dedf1sh + Marina Theory)
"As for Marina and me, we go way back". This quote from our favorite octarian DJ dedf1sh has caused a bunch of theories online. Since we don't have much to go off of when it comes to dedf1sh and Marina's relationship (as a matter of fact we have NOTHING to go off of 'cause we're only finding out about this relationship now), I kinda want to share a theory I've had in mind.
Now, I might be drawing some inspiration from Stup Jam's animation Takostubo Heartbeat, but I have a feeling that dedf1sh and Marina might've actually been a duo before Marina went to the surface, either that or dedf1sh & Marina were really good friends (I'm going with the musician route, personally). This is really the only way I can see this dedf1sh + Marina storyline going. Some might say that the two could potentially be siblings but I doubt it but hey I'd be fine with it being revealed in Side Order.
So, as far as we know people Marina used to know, including Agent 8, Pearl (to some extent; we're not sure if Pearl herself's in this version of Inkopolis Square we just know a drone that looks like her is there), and dedf1sh got trapped in the alternate reality Side Order takes place in. Pearl most likely got captured because I mean she's Marina's bandmate and Agent 8 got captured because they kept in touch with OtH after the events of Octo Expansion. As for dedf1sh we still don't know why they're here to begin with. But I have a feeling that the Splatune 3 interview with Marie, Big Man & Marina might help figure this all out. In the interview, Marina says that her and Pearl had a "musical clash" before the formation of Damp Socks & Pearl basically ghosted Marina for a while. Considering how much Marina cares about Pearl, you'd think she'd feel absolutely horrible during that period of time. Now how does this connect to dedf1sh? Well, what if this thing about Marina feeling the worst while Pearl was ghosting her is true. There'd have to be a reason why she'd feel like this. This is where my theory comes into play.
What I think is that Marina and dedf1sh originally were a duo before the events of Splatoon 2. The two would probably do electronic music specifically. Since we know that dedf1sh also experimented with all different sorts of genres of music, dedf1sh (pre-sanitization) might've wanted to branch out to other genres of music but probably didn't want to dissapoint Marina or something like that so she kept making electronic music with Marina until eventually dedf1sh's doubts got the best of her and dedf1sh turned to sanitization. Perhaps dedf1sh left Marina without warning and caused Marina to get some trust issues, which ultimately leads to Marina getting super close to Pearl because she doesn't want to lose another friend.
But hey, that's just me thinking out loud. I might tweak this theory if we get any more info on dedf1sh's relationship with Marina before Side Order releases (might call the follow up to this theory Side Order Theory #8.5). Anyways, what do y'all think Marina & dedf1sh's relationship is supposed to be? Tell me in da reblogs/comments!
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